#Apple iPhone medical apps
trexalicious · 4 months
Random possible cost savings AKA Did you know: Please check with your Doctor and insurance plan first, but two of my doctors accept/use Apple iPhones for specific scans. My primary care physician (PCP) allows people with iPhones to use them for EKGs instead to save money as they give very accurate readings. Additionally my podiatrist uses his to scan veins in the legs and feet also saving on certain ultrasound expenses. If you have an iPhone be sure to check out what medical tests you might be able to take advantage of to save some money...
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delgado-master · 1 year
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Yeah, after kokobot (which put pedophiles in contact with someone claiming to be a high school student to test it out, and that also used mentally ill teens as test subjects) I’m not trusting an app with “AI advice” not to tell a bunch of queer people to kill themselves
Update: when you look up Voda, you get, in order
Notice that none of these options are about this mental health service.
So, yeah, this is very sketchy. I may end up downloading it myself so you don’t have to, but I will end this post by looking at the Google play store
First off, it’s rated everyone on Google play but 17+ on Apple Store (or 12+ in certain countries). I think this warrants future investigation on queerphobic App Store policies. I’ll look at why it’s rated 17+ later.
Additional features it advertises: Cognitive Journaling Exercises, so Journal Prompts? And “Support for Trans and LGBTQ+ Individuals” which is really weird to put at the end of the features for a queer mental health app
Also “Developed by Leading LGBTQIA+ Psychotherapists” is listed as “something you have access to?
Also enjoy this:
Unlock the power of self-guided therapy with evidence-backed therapy approaches, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and mindfulness.
If you really had lgbtq+ people working on the app you think one of them would know of the other meaning of “CBT”.
At least they supposedly don’t collect data, and the permissions look normal.
it does disclose it collects more data on iPhone, but the data is entirely related to the app’s functions, and I think it’s 17+ I think because it’s a medical app.
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miggylol · 4 months
Life organization tip for anyone on Mac OS:
A lot of people don't know about the built-in Reminders software on Mac OS (and iOS). It's sitting in your Applications folder / on your iPhone with this icon:
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While you can use it to remind yourself of upcoming one-off responsibilities, what I use it for most frequently is daily stuff. Because you can set it to repeat as frequently as you want to!
After you make a reminder, you can click on the little info circle that the pink arrow is pointing to:
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and see the interface below pop up. Notice where the blue arrow's pointing to? That's where you can make the reminder repeat as frequently as you want to.
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You can set it to repeat daily, or every 12 hours, or every 3 days, or... you get the idea.
The really nifty thing about this is that, when a reminder pops up, it does so on every linked device. (You can adjust exactly how it appears in your system settings.) For me, I get an obnoxious notification banner appear on my home computer, my work computer, and my phone. It pops up in the corner of my screen even if I have a full-screen app covering everything. I can dismiss the reminder, but until I actually click the little button indicating that I've done the task, it keeps coming back.
That means that you basically can't forget to do something. It also means that if the banner's gone, you have done the task. Which is really good for, say... medications!
I have medicated eyedrops that I need to apply twice daily, and if I question myself about that an hour later, there is zero visible indicator of whether I've actually used up two (2) more drops out of that whole bottle. But since the reminder banner is gone, I'm sure that yes, I actually used it this morning! And if I know that I'm going to be out this evening, I can take the bottle with me, apply it away from home, and dismiss the evening reminder via my phone. It still "counts," since things are linked.
I've found this an invaluable way to make sure I confidently get daily/weekly/monthly/whatever things done, like:
Using medications
Cleaning the catbox
Watering plants
Check in on work tasks
And I never have to double-guess myself about whether I've actually done a task!
This is obviously an Apple-specific life tip, but there's surely some equivalent for other platforms. But anyway, yeah! The Reminders application! It's on your desktop/laptop/phone/watch/etc. right this second, waiting to be used.
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hackeocafe · 2 months
Don’t Let Your Smartphone Keep You Up at Night
These features to let you wind down for bed, mute notifications and stay on a regular sleep schedule may help you get more rest.
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The sleep-monitoring feature of smartwatches and other wearable gadgets can track how much shut-eye you’re getting — but what if you have trouble just falling asleep in the first place? While not meant to replace medical guidance, current smartphones come with tools intended to gently ease you into slumberland by putting you in the right frame of mind. Here’s a short guide.
Set a Schedule
Along with encouraging watching what you eat and drink before bed, many doctors advise turning in and waking up at regular times each day. But you don’t have to remember to set reminders or a nightly alarm, since most smartphones let you set up a routine sleep schedule for the week. The schedules can vary — if you like to grab an extra hour on the weekends, you can have different bedtimes and wake-up alarms for specific days.
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In Apple's iOS Health app, you can set up a daily sleep schedule to help keep regular bedtime hours.Credit...Apple
On an iPhone, open the iOS Health app, tap Browse at the bottom of the screen and, in the Health Categories menu, select Sleep. On the Sleep screen, you can set up regular bed and wake times for your week, and choose an alarm type.
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To set a week’s worth of bedtime reminders and alarms at once, open the Android Clock app and tap the Bedtime icon.Credit...Google
On many Android phones, open the Clock app and tap the Bedtime icon at the bottom of the screen to set up a simple daily sleep schedule with an alarm type. You can also add a local weather forecast to greet you when you wake.
On Samsung’s Galaxy phones, the Modes and Routines feature in the Settings menu can be used to set up a sleep schedule.
Minimize Distractions
Preventing your phone from keeping you too awake as you scroll before bed (or waking you up later with alerts) is another challenge.
In the iPhone’s Health app, go back to the Sleep settings and tap Full Schedule & Options to choose when you want “wind down” reminders, to set sleep goals and to track how often you reach for your phone in bed. You can connect your schedule to Apple’s Sleep Focus tool here, too.
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Apple’s iOS software includes a Focus menu, which allows you to temporarily block certain people and apps from disturbing you. In the Sleep Focus mode, you can also give your phone’s screen a calmer, simpler look so it’s less visually stimulating when you’re in bed.Credit...Apple
If you haven’t used the Focus tools, open the iPhone’s main Settings, select Focus from the menu and choose Sleep mode. Based on your sleep schedule, Sleep Focus mutes all (or specific) notifications, including calls and other alerts, during your designated slumber hours. You can also choose a simplified set of lock and home screens to reduce visual stimulation.
Other items in the Settings menu will make your screen temporarily dimmer for reading in bed, like the Display & Brightness controls that make Dark Mode switch screen menus from white to black and the Night Shift setting that nudges the screen colors to warmer tones. (These may be set to turn on automatically, but you can adjust the hours.)
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The Bedtime Mode option in Android’s Digital Wellbeing settings lets you block potential disruptions that may interfere with your designated sleep schedule.Credit...Google
On Android phones, the Digital Wellbeing controls have their own sleep-friendly adjustments. Open Settings and tap the Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls option. Choose Bedtime Mode on the next screen. At the bottom of the screen, tap the Customize option to get to controls for automatically enabling your Do Not Disturb settings (which are in the Digital Wellbeing menu as well) and more.
In the Screen Options at Bedtime, you can turn your color screen to grayscale, keep the background dimmed and put the phone in dark mode. After you adjust your settings, your phone will revert to Bedtime Mode on your sleep schedule, but you can manually enable it, too.
Some Samsung phones may label similar settings Sleep in the Modes & Routines menu.
Fade Out
Your phone can provide soothing music or other audio to help you relax and drift off. Third-party subscription apps like Calm and Aura include a sonic library designed to help you unwind, but you have other options, too.
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In the iOS Clock app, you can command the Timer feature to stop playing music when your specified time period runs out. You can also label and reuse timers.Credit...Apple
A short playlist or podcast episode can run itself out, but what if you’d like to fall asleep to your favorite audio stream on an iPhone and don’t want the device to play all night? Open the Clock app and select Timers. In the menu under When Timer Ends, choose Stop Playing. Set the amount of time you’d like the stream to play and tap the Start button on the timer. Next, hit Play in the Music app (or on the widget in the iPhone’s Standby mode) and listen until the timer runs out.
You can also tell Siri to start playing Apple Music — and for how long. And Spotify’s app for Android and iOS has its own sleep timer.
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Android’s Clock app includes the option to select your own “sleep sounds” — which can be just about anything you record or add to the app — and set a timer for playback.Credit...Google
On most Android phones, you can choose a soothing background sound (like ocean waves) or another audio on the same Clock screen where you set up your sleep schedule. YouTube Music Premium subscribers can fade out to their favorite tunes.
Keep in mind that these tools are meant to help, but if you’re having really serious sleep issues, please use the phone to contact a doctor.
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On my morning walk of 2.5 miles five days a week I saw this sunrise, beautiful! I use Apps on my iPhone and Apple Watch to record a lot of information. The Apps are Apple Fitness, Pedometer ++, and Workout, Outdoor Walking on my watch. I am a 78 year old male in pretty good condition with a few medical conditions that I am dealing with, my goal is to live at least to 100 years old, in about 14 months I will be an octogenarian, so I’m closing in on my goal / bucket list.
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This day in history
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There are only THREE MORE DAYS left in my Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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#20yrsago First corporate sponsorship for an MMORPG guild https://web.archive.org/web/20040426073811/https://www.warcry.com/scripts/columns/view_sectionalt.phtml?site=15&id=108&colid=1675
#20yrsago More non-evil social network ideas https://web.archive.org/web/20040217043710/http://www.ambiguous.org/archive.php3/2004/01/30#quinn2004130.1
#20yrsago When spam-filters attack https://web.archive.org/web/20040529003653/https://www.oblomovka.com/entries/2004/01/30#1075490400
#20yrsago Mobile interface myths https://web.archive.org/web/20040205050015/https://www.acm.org/chapters/chi-sqrd/meetings/20040310.html
#20yrsago Totalitarian trusted computing https://web.archive.org/web/20040205084716/http://costik.com/weblog/2004_01_01_blogchive.html#107547544736650899
#10yrsago Rob Ford sued for jailhouse beating of his ex-brother-in-law https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/brother-in-law-abused-in-jail-to-keep-quiet-about-rob-fords-drug-use-lawsuit-alleges/article16590910/
#10yrsago Finally, a legal challenge to US warrantless wiretapping that beats the Catch-22 https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/01/in-rare-move-terrorism-suspect-challenges-core-of-warrentless-snooping-law/
#10yrsago Detailed timeline of the Bletchley Park mess https://freelance.halfacree.co.uk/2014/01/disharmony-at-bletchley-park/
#10yrsago Key 3D printing patent expired yesterday https://3dprint.com/387/laser-sintering-3d-printing-may-now-take-off-with-a-very-important-patent-expiring-today/
#10yrsago NSA phone-records spying is totally, utterly illegal https://www.techdirt.com/2014/01/28/almost-everything-about-bulk-collection-phone-data-is-illegal/
#10yrsago North Carolina’s Lake Norman Regional Medical Center charges patient $81,000 for $750 worth of snakebite medicine https://www.christianpost.com/news/hospital-charges-snake-bitten-man-81k-for-anti-venom-available-online-for-750-after-18-hour-stay.html
#5yrsago American prisoners coerced or tricked into providing voice-prints for use in eternal, secret, unchecked surveillance https://theintercept.com/2019/01/30/prison-voice-prints-databases-securus/
#5yrsago After $4.1 billion subsidy, Foxconn cancels plan to build Wisconsin “factory,” now proposing a small R&D facility https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/30/18203442/foxconn-wisconsin-lcd-factory-over-jobs-louis-woo
#5yrsago Facebook cancels its all-spying, secret “research” program, Apple cancels Facebook’s developer account https://www.theverge.com/facebook/2019/1/30/18203349/facebook-research-app-apple-shutdown
#5yrsago Blackmailers use false copyright claims to shut down victims’ Youtube accounts, offer to lift them in exchange for Bitcoin https://torrentfreak.com/youtube-strikes-now-being-used-as-scammers-extortion-tool/
#5yrsago Conducting “evil” computer research, in the name of good https://chi4evil.wordpress.com
#5yrsago Discarded smart lightbulbs reveal your wifi passwords, stored in the clear https://limitedresults.com/2019/01/pwn-the-lifx-mini-white/
#5yrsago Project Atlas: Facebook has been secretly paying Iphone users to install an all-surveilling “VPN” app https://techcrunch.com/2019/01/29/facebook-project-atlas/
#1yrago The real scandal is overclassification https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/30/i-come-to-a-land-downunder/#but-id-have-to-kill-you
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28 - TONIGHT) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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Back the Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle here!
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annie-is-growing · 1 year
12 July 2023
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(made a new wallpaper for my laptop and i just had to show it off <3)
today, i started a new workout pattern which i shall (hopefully) continue. i am trying to update my skincare app and add in my skin care routine so that i can keep track of it. i ordered a tote bag for college and i'm in love with it. i was reading through the visa paperwork before my appointment tomorrow since i'll be going there alone, for the first time.
i got an iphone and i decided to decorate it with this really cute tie-dye style cat shaped phone grip holder. i watched a few episodes of modern family and restarted my spanish lessons on duolingo (that owl will be the death of me, i swear). i need to finish annotating 'today, tonight, tomorrow' by rachel lynn solomon for my best friend. i also need to dust and clean my room and pick up my violin again (its rotting in the corner).
i've been listening to newjeans on repeat, i am OBSESSED with their pre-release tracks. later today, i'll have to do one hour of my medical imaging course. i have to go pick up my watches from the repair shop soon. i'm listing down some apps that have helped me with being productive and performing self-care :
seven (7-minute daily workout app, simple and doable exercises)
dermi (skin care journal + tracking food habits)
apple health (all-round healthcare app with facilities such as cycle tracking + can be connected to the 'seven' app)
simplenote (keeps all my notes in one place, available for mobile and desktop as an app/online)
flipd (focus and study timer + live study groups and progress tracker)
duolingo (an animated green owl with serial killer tendencies as a language tutor)
that's all for now!
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strapstylehub · 10 months
The Best Apple Watch Features for Staying Safe
SEO Meta Description:
Enhance your safety with the best Apple Watch features for staying safe. Discover how these features can provide security in various situations, offering peace of mind and convenience.
In an era where technology seamlessly integrates into our daily lives, the Apple Watch stands out as a beacon of safety and wellness. This article explores the myriad features that make the Apple Watch a robust companion for personal safety. From emergency SOS capabilities to health tracking, this wearable device goes beyond telling time. Let's delve into the details of the best Apple Watch features for staying safe.
The best Apple Watch features for staying safe: A Comprehensive Guide
Emergency SOS: Your Instant Lifesaver
Imagine a scenario where every second counts. The Emergency SOS feature on the Apple Watch ensures help is just a tap away. Whether it's a medical emergency or feeling unsafe, a prolonged press on the side button initiates a call to emergency services. This feature also alerts your emergency contacts, providing them with your location in real-time.
Fall Detection: Guardian Angel on Your Wrist
Accidents happen, and the Apple Watch acknowledges this reality with its Fall Detection feature. Tailored for the elderly or those prone to falls, the watch can detect a hard fall and automatically place an emergency call if you're unresponsive. It's like having a guardian angel on your wrist, ready to intervene when needed.
Walkie-Talkie: Seamless Communication
Staying connected is vital for personal safety. The Walkie-Talkie feature on the Apple Watch allows instant communication with other Apple Watch users. This quick and efficient communication channel ensures you're never far from help or reassurance.
Noise Monitoring: Protecting Your Hearing
Your safety extends to your well-being, and the Apple Watch recognizes the importance of protecting your hearing. The Noise app monitors ambient sound levels, alerting you when exposure could impact your hearing health. It's a small yet significant feature that contributes to your overall safety.
Always-On Display: Vigilance at a Glance
The Always-On Display isn't just a convenience; it's a safety feature too. In situations where checking the time discreetly matters, a glance at your watch provides the information you need without drawing unnecessary attention.
Water Resistance: Safety Beyond the Shore
For the adventure seekers or those who simply enjoy aquatic activities, the Apple Watch's water resistance adds an extra layer of safety. Whether it's a sudden rainstorm or a swim in the pool, your watch remains fully functional and protected.
International Emergency Calling: Safety Knows No Borders
Travel with confidence knowing that your Apple Watch supports international emergency calling. No matter where you are globally, access emergency services swiftly by holding down the side button.
Health Tracking: Proactive Safety Measures
Beyond emergencies, the Apple Watch is a proactive guardian of your health. Heart rate monitoring, ECG capabilities, and sleep tracking contribute to a comprehensive overview of your well-being. Detect potential health issues early, allowing for timely intervention.
Fitness Tracking: Safety Through Wellness
Physical activity is a key component of staying safe and healthy. The Apple Watch's fitness tracking features encourage an active lifestyle, promoting overall well-being and reducing the risk of health-related issues.
Compass App: Navigate Safely
Lost in unfamiliar terrain? The Compass app on the Apple Watch ensures you find your way back safely. Accurate directional guidance is just a tap away, enhancing your navigation capabilities.
Cellular Connectivity: Independence and Safety
Leave your phone behind without compromising safety. With cellular connectivity, your Apple Watch remains connected even when separated from your iPhone, ensuring you can make calls and access safety features independently.
Secure Apple Pay: Safety in Transactions
In an increasingly digital world, securing your transactions is paramount. Apple Pay on the Apple Watch adds an extra layer of safety, allowing you to make secure payments without reaching for your wallet.
Guided Breathing: Calm for Your Well-being
Staying safe involves managing stress. The Apple Watch's Guided Breathing feature offers moments of calm, reducing stress and promoting overall mental well-being.
High and Low Heart Rate Notifications: Early Warnings
Receive alerts for abnormal heart rates, whether too high or too low. The Apple Watch provides early warnings, prompting you to seek medical advice when needed.
Family Setup: Safety for Everyone
Extend the safety net to your family with Family Setup. This feature allows you to set up Apple Watches for your children or elderly family members, ensuring everyone stays connected and protected.
The Best Apple Watch Features for Staying Safe
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I use Emergency SOS in another country? Yes, Emergency SOS works internationally, ensuring you can access emergency services wherever you are.
Q: How does Fall Detection work? Fall Detection uses sensors to identify a hard fall. If you're unresponsive after a fall, the watch initiates an emergency call.
Q: Is the Apple Watch suitable for swimming? Absolutely! The Apple Watch is water-resistant and suitable for swimming, providing safety beyond land activities.
Q: Can I customize the notifications for high and low heart rates? Yes, you can customize the thresholds for high and low heart rate notifications based on your preferences and health conditions.
Q: How does the Walkie-Talkie feature work? The Walkie-Talkie feature allows you to communicate with other Apple Watch users instantly. It's a convenient and quick way to stay connected.
Q: Can I track my child's location with Family Setup? Yes, Family Setup allows you to set up Apple Watches for your children, including location tracking for added safety.
Shop Now for Watch Accessories
Explore our collection of premium watch straps at WristWatchStraps. Elevate your Apple Watch experience with stylish and functional accessories.
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In a world where safety is paramount, the Apple Watch emerges as a versatile companion, seamlessly integrating safety features into your daily life. From emergency situations to proactive health monitoring, each feature plays a crucial role in ensuring your well-being. Embrace the future of personal safety with the best Apple Watch features, where technology meets peace of mind.
Contact Us Connect with us on social media:
Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/wristwatchstraps.co/]
Facebook: [https://m.facebook.com/p/Wristwatchstrapsco/]
YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/@wristwatchstrapsco]
TikTok: [https://www.tiktok.com/@wristwatchstraps]
For inquiries and assistance, feel free to reach out to us through the provided links. Your journey to the perfect Apple Watch band starts with WristWatchStraps.co.
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Wearable Health Technology: A New Era in Monitoring Wellness
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Did you know that more than 22.5% of internet users worldwide now own a smartwatch?
In a world where technology constantly evolves, wearable health technology has become a pivotal part of daily life, enhancing how individuals monitor and manage their health. Imagine a scenario where a person’s life is saved because their smartwatch detected an irregular heartbeat and prompted them to seek medical attention. Such real-life examples highlight the transformative potential of wearable health devices.
What is Wearable Health Technology?
Wearable health technology refers to electronic devices designed to be worn on the body to collect and analyze health data. From simple pedometers to modern smartwatches and other sophisticated devices, this field has experienced significant growth. The journey began with the history of pedometers, which were basic devices that tracked steps. Over time, advancements led to the development of modern smartwatches, which offer a wide range of health monitoring features. Today, wearable digital health technology includes various devices that seamlessly integrate into our lives, providing comprehensive health insights.
These wearable health devices come in many forms, each with unique capabilities and benefits. Prominent wearable technology brands like Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple have become well-known names in this space. The types of wearable technology include fitness trackers such as the Fitbit, which monitors activity levels, sleep patterns, and heart rate; smartwatches for health, like the Apple Watch, known for features including heart rate monitoring, ECG, and blood oxygen level measurement.
The Apple Watch includes several capabilities, such as notifying users if their heart rate is above 120 bpm or below 40 bpm while inactive for 10 minutes, with all notifications viewable in the Health app on iPhone. Additional features of the Apple Watch include ECG, blood oxygen level measurement, sleep tracking, activity rings, mindfulness tools, fall detection, emergency SOS, medication management, temperature sensing, and crash detection.
Impact of Wearable Health Technology on Healthcare
This technology has brought about substantial changes in healthcare, introducing several key benefits and innovations. These devices have now become integral in promoting preventive health by monitoring physical activity, sleep patterns, and diet. They offer valuable feedback that encourages users to adopt healthier habits. Moreover, by enabling early detection of potential health issues, wearables play a significant role in preventing serious conditions from developing.
The real-time data collected by wearables facilitates personalized healthcare for users. This continuous data stream allows healthcare providers to develop customized health plans and implement precision medicine, leading to more effective treatment strategies and improved health outcomes.
Additionally, wearables are increasingly being integrated into clinical settings, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. Hospitals use these devices to monitor patients’ vital signs remotely, reducing the need for frequent in-person visits. Corporate wellness programs also leverage wearables to encourage employees to stay active and healthy, often offering incentives for meeting health goals. Athletes benefit from wearables, as these devices track metrics such as heart rate, oxygen levels, and physical activity, providing insights that help optimize training and performance.
Addressing Challenges in Wearable Health Technology
Despite the many benefits, there are challenges associated with wearable health technology that must be addressed to ensure its continued effectiveness and user satisfaction.
Concern Regarding Data Reliability: Inaccurate data may lead to incorrect conclusions and inappropriate actions. To mitigate this issue, continuous improvement in sensor technology and data analytics is essential.
Maintaining User Engagement: Over time, many users lose interest in their devices after the initial novelty wears off. Hence, to ensure long-term success, it is crucial to develop features that continuously engage users and provide ongoing value.
Technical Challenges: Battery life and device durability can hinder the effectiveness of wearables. By improving battery technology and building more durable devices, these obstacles can be addressed, ensuring that wearables remain useful and effective tools for health monitoring.
Future Trends in Wearable Health Technology
Sensor technology is evolving, with new sensors being developed to monitor hydration levels, stress, and other critical health metrics. These innovations aim to provide users with more comprehensive health insights and enhance the functionality of wearables. Devices specifically designed for stress monitoring and hydration tracking are among the latest market additions.
Another significant trend is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into wearable health devices. AI can analyze large volumes of data collected by wearables, enabling the provision of personalized recommendations and early warnings about potential health issues. This integration seeks to make wearable devices more effective tools for health management by utilizing data analytics.
The market for wearable health technology continues to grow, with new startups and products frequently entering the scene. The development of smart health devices and advanced medical wearables is expected to expand the capabilities of wearable technology, offering new opportunities for health monitoring and management.
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, as of 2020, approximately 84 million people in the United States used apps with health-related content. It is estimated that there are more than 200 million smartwatches globally providing health information, with 45% of Americans wearing some form of smartwatch as of April 2022. Additionally, 92% of smartwatch users reported using these devices to maintain and manage their health. Sales of other wearables, including smart rings and continuous glucose monitors, are also increasing, with projections indicating significant market growth for wearable medical devices, potentially reaching $76 billion by 2028.
Concluding Perspectives on Wearable Health Technology Advancements
Wearable health technology has come a long way, evolving from simple step counters to advanced devices capable of monitoring a wide range of health metrics. These innovations have the potential to transform healthcare by promoting preventive health, enabling personalized treatment plans, and integrating with healthcare systems. However, challenges such as data reliability, user engagement, and technical issues need to be addressed.
Looking ahead, advancements in sensor technology and AI integration will drive the future of wearable health technology, making it an even more integral part of daily life and healthcare. As new devices and innovations continue to emerge, the impact of wearable health technology on health and wellness is set to grow, offering exciting possibilities for the future.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
How to optimize your sleep with your Apple Watch
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/how-to-optimize-your-sleep-with-your-apple-watch/
How to optimize your sleep with your Apple Watch
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Feeling groggy in the morning? Wondering if you’re getting enough shut-eye? Your Apple Watch might have the answers you’re looking for. With the built-in sleep app, you can easily track your sleep patterns right from your wrist. It’s a great way to get insights into how much rest you’re actually getting and the quality of your sleep.Here’s why you might want to give it a try.GET SECURITY ALERTS, EXPERT TIPS – SIGN UP FOR KURT’S NEWSLETTER – THE CYBERGUY REPORT HERE1. Effortless tracking: Just wear your watch to bed, and it’ll do the rest. No need to fiddle with buttons or apps before dozing off.2. Detailed sleep stages: The app can estimate how much time you spend in Awake, REM, Core and Deep sleep, giving you a clearer picture of your sleep quality. While we sleep, our brains and bodies restore themselves. Each sleep stage plays a different role, but they’re all essential to waking up refreshed.3. Sleep goals and schedules: Set up sleep goals and create schedules to help you maintain a consistent sleep routine.4. Wake-up alarms: Use gentle, customizable alarms to wake up at the optimal time in your sleep cycle.5. Sleep Focus mode: Limit distractions before bedtime and during sleep to help you wind down and rest better.HOW TO REMOVE YOUR PRIVATE DATA FROM THE INTERNET TOP SLEEP ACCESSORIES 2024To use the built-in Sleep app on your Apple Watch, ensure your device is running watchOS 7 or later and paired with an iPhone 6s or later running iOS 14 or higher. Also, be sure to update your software by opening the Watch app on your iPhone, navigating to General > Software Update and installing any available updates. Now, here’s how to set up sleep tracking:SLEEP SOUNDLY WITH THESE TOP 5 SOUND MACHINES FOR BETTER RESCreating a sleep schedule helps you meet your sleep goals. You can set your sleep schedule from the Health app. Follow these steps to set it up:WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)?APPLE WATCH SERIES 9 VS ULTRA 2: WHICH ONE SHOULD YOU BUY?You can also set up Focus filters to determine how your device behaves when you’re asleep.GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HEREIn the morning, you can check your sleep data on both your Apple Watch and iPhone:On Your iPhone:On Your Apple Watch:While the built-in Apple Watch Sleep app is effective, you might want more detailed insights. Several third-party apps offer advanced features. Click this link to check out our article on how to “Sleep better tonight with these top-rated apps.”Tracking your sleep with an Apple Watch can provide valuable insights into your sleep patterns and help you improve your overall sleep quality. Whether you use the built-in Sleep app or a third-party app, the data collected can guide you toward better sleep habits. While these features can help improve your sleep habits, they’re not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have serious sleep concerns, it’s always best to consult a healthcare provider.How do you think tracking your sleep with an Apple Watch could impact your daily life and overall well-being? … .
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fry-house · 3 months
Fucked up that for a lot of medical devices, if you want to download the app that tracks the information and changes the settings, you have to have an iPhone or other Apple device. A lot of them either aren't available or just won't function with an android.
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yourmoneywise6 · 3 months
The Best Stocks to Buy on Cash App: Maximizing Your Investment Potential
Investing in stocks has become more accessible than ever, thanks to platforms like Cash App. Known primarily for its peer-to-peer payment capabilities, Cash App has expanded its features to include stock trading, making it a convenient choice for new and experienced investors alike. Here, we explore some of the best stocks to buy on Cash App, considering factors like market performance, growth potential, and stability.
1. Apple Inc. (AAPL)
Apple is a tech giant that needs no introduction. Known for its innovative products and strong brand loyalty, Apple continues to perform well in the stock market. With a robust product lineup including iPhones, MacBooks, and services like Apple Music and Apple TV+, the company shows no signs of slowing down. Investing in Apple is considered a relatively safe bet due to its consistent performance and significant cash reserves.
2. Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)
Microsoft is another tech behemoth that has consistently delivered strong financial results. With its diversified portfolio that includes software, hardware, cloud computing, and gaming, Microsoft offers multiple revenue streams. The company's Azure cloud platform has been a major growth driver, making Microsoft a solid choice for investors seeking stability and growth.
3. Tesla Inc. (TSLA)
Tesla has revolutionized the automotive industry with its electric vehicles and renewable energy solutions. Despite its volatility, Tesla's stock has seen tremendous growth, making it a popular choice among investors. The company's continued innovation and expansion into new markets, such as energy storage and solar power, present significant long-term growth potential.
4. Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN)
Amazon is a leader in e-commerce and cloud computing. The company's diverse operations, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), retail, and entertainment, provide multiple growth avenues. Amazon's ability to adapt and innovate in various sectors has made it a staple in many investment portfolios. Its dominance in e-commerce and the growing cloud business make it a compelling stock to consider.
5. Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL)
Alphabet, the parent company of Google, is a tech giant with a strong presence in digital advertising, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. Google's dominance in the search engine market and its expanding portfolio of services, such as YouTube and Google Cloud, contribute to its strong financial performance. Alphabet's commitment to innovation makes it a promising investment.
6. NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA)
NVIDIA is a leading player in the graphics processing unit (GPU) market, catering to gaming, professional visualization, data centers, and automotive markets. The company's GPUs are essential for high-performance computing, AI, and machine learning applications, positioning NVIDIA at the forefront of technological advancements. The growing demand for GPUs in various industries makes NVIDIA a compelling choice for investors.
7. Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
For those seeking stability and dividends, Johnson & Johnson is a reliable option. As a diversified healthcare giant, J&J operates in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer health products. The company's strong pipeline of drugs and consistent dividend payments make it an attractive stock for conservative investors.
8. Visa Inc. (V)
Visa is a global leader in digital payments, benefiting from the ongoing shift towards a cashless society. The company's extensive network and innovative payment solutions ensure its continued growth and profitability. Visa's strong market position and consistent revenue growth make it a solid investment choice.
9. Procter & Gamble Co. (PG)
Procter & Gamble is a consumer goods giant with a portfolio of well-known brands such as Tide, Pampers, and Gillette. The company's focus on innovation, brand strength, and global reach has ensured its steady performance over the years. P&G's consistent dividend payments and defensive nature make it a reliable choice for investors seeking stability.
10. Square Inc. (SQ)
Square, the parent company of Cash App, is a financial services and digital payments company that has seen significant growth. The company's innovative solutions for merchants and consumers have made it a leader in the fintech space. With the continued rise of digital payments, Square presents a strong growth opportunity.
Investing in stocks on Cash App is a convenient way to build and diversify your investment portfolio. The stocks listed above offer a mix of stability, growth potential, and innovation, catering to various investment strategies and risk appetites. As always, it's important to conduct your own research and consider your financial goals and risk tolerance before making any investment decisions. For more insights on investing and personal finance, visit YourMoneyWise Blog.
For more:
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best stocks to buy on cash app
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atreef · 3 months
How to be Productive with the Apple Reminders and Boost Focus
In the digital age, utilizing a good app for our productivity is a great way for us to better manage tasks and achieve productivity while helping you boot your focus. As an Apple user I love the integration of Apple Reminders, a built-in app on all Apple devices, a powerful tool to help you achieve maximum productivity while giving you time to be the best that you can be no matter how you look at it.
Apple reminder will allow you to create, organize, and schedule reminders for all your daily tasks especially now that we are getting the new IOS 18 2024 update by @apple the integration will rock all that we do make it truly unique and amazing. But how can we leverage this tool to boost our productivity and focus?
In this article, I will work with you to explore how to effectively use the Apple Reminders for task management. I will delve into its features, customization options, and integration with other apps that you can use to better understand the power that you have in your fingertips.
I will also help you understand and discuss the impact of organized reminders on mental health and self-development.
Doing this together we can start creating new way of exploration for you and by the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use Apple Reminders to better enhance your productivity and focus.
Understanding Apple Reminders and Its Impact on Productivity
Step one is to recognize that your Apple Reminders is more than just a simple to-do list app that can use on a daily base. This app is truly a comprehensive task management tool that can significantly enhance all your productivity.
Apple reminder allows you to create more than a simple reminders for your daily tasks this app can help you to set deadlines, even prioritize tasks based on their importance create shopping list medication management, time boxing, and even goal setting. Simply put this app can help you stay on top of your tasks and ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.
Here are some key features of Apple Reminders that boost productivity:
Customizable reminder lists
Siri integration for efficient task addition
Priority setting for tasks
Location-based reminders
Sharing lists for collaborative productivity
With the iOS 18 update you can expect to have even more futures that can truly make other apps just a toy.
Effectively using these features can streamline task management not only boosting productivity but also reduces stress and improves mental health.
In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these features and how to use them effectively.
How to ACTUALLY Use Apple Reminders
Set up iCloud for Reminders on all your devices
It is also good to know that you can also use your iCloud with your Reminders app on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac, and on iCloud.com. For an overview of what you can do with iCloud, see Keep your reminder lists up to date and share them with iCloud.
iPhone User Guide: Share lists and collaborate in Reminders on iPhone
iPad User Guide: Share lists and collaborate in Reminders on iPad
iPod touch User Guide (iOS 15 or earlier): Share and assign reminders on iPod touch
Apple's core Calendar and Reminders apps can finally talk to each other with iOS 18
With Apple's latest operating systems iOS 18 that will be out soon on your iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, It's now possible to create and manage Reminders directly from the built-in Calendar app.
Marko Zivkovic
Setting Up Apple Reminders for Success
Setting up Apple Reminders is a straightforward process. However, the way you set it up can significantly impact your productivity.
Firstly, you need to create different lists for different areas of your life. For instance, you can have separate lists for work, personal tasks, health goals, and so on. This helps in keeping your tasks organized and prevents any mix-up.
Here are some steps to set up Apple Reminders:
Open the Reminders app on your Apple device.
Tap on "Add List" at the bottom.
Name the list according to the category of tasks it will contain.
Choose a color and an icon for the list for easy identification.
Repeat the process to create more lists as needed.
Remember, the key to effective task management is organization. By categorizing your tasks into different lists, you can focus on one area of your life at a time. This not only boosts your productivity but also reduces the chances of missing out on any task.
In the next section, we will discuss how to customize your reminders for enhanced task management.
Customizing Your Reminders for Enhanced Task Management
Customizing your reminders can significantly enhance your task management. It allows you to tailor your reminders according to your needs and preferences.
Here are some ways to customize your reminders:
Set specific deadlines and due dates for tasks.
Use tags and flags to categorize and prioritize tasks.
Use the Notes field for additional task details.
Set up recurring reminders for routine tasks.
Use smart lists to automatically organize tasks.
By setting specific deadlines, you can ensure that each task is completed on time. Tags and flags can help you prioritize your tasks and keep track of them. The Notes field can be used to add any additional details related to the task.
Recurring reminders can be helpful for tasks that need to be done regularly. Lastly, smart lists automatically organize your tasks based on parameters like due date, priority, etc.
In the next section, we will discuss how to integrate Siri for efficient task addition.
Integrating Siri for Efficient Task Addition
Siri, Apple's voice assistant, can be a game-changer for adding tasks to your reminders. It allows you to add tasks without even touching your device.
Just say "Hey Siri, remind me to..." followed by your task. Siri will automatically add it to your reminders. This feature is especially useful when you're on the go or your hands are full.
In the next section, we will delve into prioritizing tasks and managing deadlines with Apple Reminders.
Prioritizing Tasks and Managing Deadlines
Apple Reminders allows you to prioritize tasks and manage deadlines effectively. This feature helps you focus on what's important and ensures you never miss a deadline.
You can assign priority levels to your tasks - low, medium, high, or none. To do this, simply tap on the "i" icon next to the task and select your desired priority level.
Here are some tips for managing deadlines with Apple Reminders:
Set specific due dates for each task.
Use the "Remind me on a day" feature to get a notification on the due date.
For tasks with a time constraint, use the "Remind me at a time" feature.
In the next section, we will explore the benefits of location-based reminders.
Location-Based Reminders: A Tool for Contextual Productivity
Location-based reminders are a unique feature of Apple Reminders. They trigger notifications based on your geographical location.
For instance, you can set a reminder to pick up groceries when you leave work. Or, remind yourself to call a friend when you get home. This feature is particularly useful for tasks that are tied to specific locations.
In the next section, we will discuss how organized reminders can boost your mental health.
How To Use The Location-Based Reminders in you iOS
Use your Reminders app to send an alert when you have reach or leave a certain location.
Apple Reminders (iPad): COMPLETE course for beginners | FREE course
Boosting Mental Health Through Organized Reminders
A cluttered mind can lead to stress and anxiety. Organized reminders can help alleviate these issues by keeping your tasks and responsibilities in check.
Here are a few ways Apple Reminders can contribute to better mental health:
Reduced Stress: By keeping track of tasks, you can avoid the stress of forgetting important duties.
Improved Focus: With a clear list of tasks, you can focus on one thing at a time, reducing mental clutter.
Sense of Accomplishment: Checking off completed tasks can provide a sense of achievement, boosting your mood and motivation.
In the next section, we will explore how sharing lists in Apple Reminders can enhance collaborative productivity.
Sharing Lists for Collaborative Productivity
Apple Reminders isn't just for personal use. It can also be a powerful tool for collaborative productivity.
By sharing your reminder lists with others, you can coordinate tasks and responsibilities more effectively. This is particularly useful for team projects, family chores, or any situation where multiple people need to stay on the same page.
In the next section, we'll discuss how syncing your reminders across all your Apple devices can create a unified task management experience.
Syncing Across Devices for a Unified Task Management Experience
Set up iCloud for Reminders on all your devices - Apple Support
One of the key advantages of Apple Reminders is its seamless integration across all Apple devices. This means you can access and manage your reminders whether you're on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
This cross-device syncing provides a unified task management experience. You can add a reminder on your Mac during work, and later check it off from your iPhone on the go. This flexibility ensures that your tasks and reminders are always at your fingertips, no matter where you are.
In the next section, we'll explore how to use scheduled lists to plan your day effectively.
Using Scheduled Lists to Plan Your Day
Apple Reminders allows you to schedule your tasks and reminders for specific times. This feature can be a game-changer for planning your day effectively.
You can view your scheduled tasks in a dedicated list, giving you a clear overview of your day. This way, you can ensure that you're focusing on the right tasks at the right times. In the next section, we'll delve into the psychological benefits of completing tasks and how it can boost your productivity.
The Psychological Benefits of Completing Tasks
The best way to remind yourself that you are in charge is to give yourself the power to be in charge and that all starts with you recognizing that everything that you do in life is all in your hand. You truly have the power to plan build and achieve anything and everything. You just have to remind yourself that you can. Therefore, when you have and give yourself the right mindset you can expect the right behavior to follow you.
One step that you can start practicing is to start checking off tasks from your list that you have created for yourself. Doing this can provide a sense of accomplishment in your day and help you be more in charge of your life. This feeling can motivate you to continue working on your tasks and boost your productivity.
"The sun may not be visible for now but trust me, it’s on its way to bring you the brightest morning"  -- Simply Love
Moreover, it can also reduce stress and anxiety. When you see tasks piling up, it can be overwhelming. But as you start completing them, you'll feel more in control. In the next section, we'll discuss how to maintain focus by decluttering your reminders list.
Maintaining Focus: Decluttering Your Reminders List
A cluttered reminders list can be counterproductive. It can lead to confusion and make it difficult to prioritize tasks. Therefore, it's essential to declutter your list regularly.
Start by removing completed tasks and outdated reminders. Then, categorize the remaining tasks based on their importance and urgency. This will help you focus on what's important and avoid getting overwhelmed by a long list of tasks. In the next section, we'll discuss how to review and adjust reminders for continuous improvement.
Continuous Improvement: Reviewing and Adjusting Reminders
Just like any other productivity tool, Apple Reminders requires regular reviews and adjustments. This ensures that your reminders stay relevant and effective.
Take some time each week to review your reminders. Check if they are still aligned with your goals and priorities. Adjust due dates, priorities, and descriptions as needed. This continuous improvement process will help you stay on top of your tasks and maintain productivity. In the next section, we'll wrap up with some final thoughts on using Apple Reminders for a productive lifestyle.
Conclusion: Apple Reminders for a Productive Lifestyle
Your Apple Reminders is more than just a simple to-do list appication. It's a powerful tool that can help you manage your tasks, boost your focus, and improve your mental health.
By integrating Apple Reminders into your daily routine, you can take control of your time and productivity. It's all about finding the right strategies and making the most of the app's features. So, embrace Apple Reminders and start your journey towards a more productive lifestyle today.
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beautyproducts-posts · 5 months
Apple Watch Series 9
Caption: "Unveiling the Apple Watch: A Fusion of Innovation and Utility"
In the realm of wearable technology, the Apple Watch stands as a testament to the marriage of style and functionality. Packed with a plethora of features, each meticulously crafted to enhance the user experience, it has become an indispensable companion for millions worldwide. Let us delve into the intricacies of its features, unravelling the magic behind this iconic timepiece.
1. Retina Display: The Apple Watch boasts a stunning Retina display, delivering crisp visuals with vibrant colours. Its OLED technology ensures deep blacks and high contrast, creating an immersive viewing experience on a compact screen. Whether glancing at notifications or tracking fitness metrics, every detail springs to life with exceptional clarity.
2. Customisable Watch Faces: Personalisation takes centre stage with customisable watch faces. Users can choose from a variety of designs, from classic analogue faces to dynamic digital displays. With the ability to add complications like weather updates or activity rings, each watch face becomes a reflection of individual style and preferences.
3. Health and Fitness Tracking: Embedded sensors continuously monitor various health metrics, empowering users to lead healthier lifestyles. From heart rate monitoring to tracking workouts across different activities, the Apple Watch serves as a comprehensive fitness companion. It provides insights into activity trends, encouraging users to stay active and achieve their fitness goals.
4. ECG and Blood Oxygen Monitoring: The Apple Watch goes beyond basic fitness tracking with advanced health monitoring features. With built-in ECG and blood oxygen sensors, it can detect irregular heart rhythms and measure blood oxygen levels. This functionality enables users to monitor their cardiovascular health and seek medical attention if necessary, promoting early detection and intervention.
5. Fall Detection and Emergency SOS: Safety is paramount, and the Apple Watch incorporates features to provide peace of mind. Its fall detection system can automatically alert emergency services if it detects a hard fall followed by immobility. Additionally, users can initiate an Emergency SOS call by pressing and holding the side button, summoning help swiftly when it's needed most.
6. Apple Pay: Leave your wallet at home and embrace the convenience of Apple Pay on your wrist. The Apple Watch facilitates contactless payments with a simple flick of the wrist, eliminating the need to fumble for cards or cash. Whether grabbing a coffee or boarding public transport, seamless transactions make everyday tasks effortless.
7. Notifications and Connectivity: Stay connected without constantly reaching for your phone, thanks to seamless integration with notifications. Receive alerts for messages, calls, and app updates directly on your wrist, keeping you informed and engaged throughout the day. With optional cellular connectivity, the Apple Watch ensures uninterrupted access to essential information, even when away from your iPhone.
8. Siri Integration: Voice commands take on a new dimension with Siri integration on the Apple Watch. Users can interact with Siri using voice or text input, leveraging its intelligence to perform tasks and retrieve information hands-free. From setting reminders to sending messages, Siri becomes a reliable assistant, enhancing productivity on the go.
9. Music and Podcasts: Elevate your workouts and daily routines with seamless access to music and podcasts. The Apple Watch syncs with your music library, allowing you to stream or download your favourite tracks directly to your wrist. Pair it with wireless headphones for a truly immersive audio experience, whether hitting the gym or embarking on a morning run.
10. GPS and Navigation: Explore with confidence, knowing that the Apple Watch is equipped with GPS and navigation features. Whether navigating city streets or hiking rugged trails, it provides real-time location tracking and turn-by-turn directions. With maps displayed on the vibrant screen, finding your way becomes effortless, opening up new horizons for adventure.
11. Water Resistance: Dive into your day without fear, as the Apple Watch boasts impressive water resistance capabilities. Whether sweating it out in the gym or taking a refreshing swim, it can withstand water immersion up to a certain depth, ensuring durability in various environments. Swim tracking features further enhance the experience for water enthusiasts, recording metrics with precision.
12. Sleep Tracking: Optimise your sleep habits and overall well-being with built-in sleep tracking functionality. The Apple Watch monitors your sleep patterns, providing insights into duration and quality of sleep each night. With this data at your fingertips, you can make informed adjustments to improve sleep hygiene and wake up feeling refreshed.
13. Breathe App: In a world filled with distractions, the Breathe app offers a moment of mindfulness and relaxation. Guided breathing exercises help users unwind and alleviate stress, promoting a sense of calm amidst the chaos of daily life. With gentle reminders throughout the day, it encourages regular moments of self-care and rejuvenation.
14. Family Setup: Extend the benefits of the Apple Watch to the entire family with Family Setup. Parents can pair additional watches for their children or elderly relatives, ensuring connectivity and safety for loved ones. Features like location sharing and activity tracking foster communication and peace of mind, keeping everyone connected and supported.
In conclusion, the Apple Watch transcends the boundaries of a conventional timepiece, evolving into a multifaceted companion that seamlessly integrates into every aspect of modern life. Its array of features, from health monitoring to productivity tools, enriches daily experiences and empowers users to lead healthier, more connected lifestyles. With innovation at its core, the Apple Watch continues to redefine the possibilities of wearable technology, inspiring millions to embrace the future of smart living.
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daveg65 · 5 months
304 - GM is Doomed Without CarPlay - With Guest Marty Jencius, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Marty Jencius,, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethg. It seems GM may Regret Kicking Apple CarPlay off the Dashboard we discuss. The Let Loose May 7th Event is next week we give our predictions. Apple Q2 2024 earnings report and we review all the numbers. Beta this week. iOS 17.5 Beta 4 was released. It seems we are nearing final release soon. .Siri on HomePod Seems to Have Forgotten How to Give the Time and triggers Jeff. Plus much more. 
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Our friends Marty Jencius and Eric Bolden started a Vision Pro podcast.  "Vision ProFiles." It is a weekly prosumer podcast on the Apple Vision Pro. I have connected with some 'visioneers' whom we hope to start bringing to the show to discuss news, new apps, and applications. VisionProFiles.info
Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
About our Guest
Marty Jencius, Ph.D., is a professor of counselor education at Kent State University, where he researches, writes, and trains about using technology in teaching and mental health practice. His podcasts include The Tech Savvy Professor , Circular Firing Squad Podcast. and VisionProFiles.info Find him at [email protected]
Here is our latest Episode!
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govindhtech · 6 months
A Look at Apple iPadOS 17 Strengths and Weaknesses
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Apple iPadOS 17 Features The latest iPadOS is iPadOS 17. The iPad has most of iOS 17’s new features, and the two operating systems are identical. iPad users can receive all FaceTime and Messages upgrades, enhanced self-correction, interactive components, support for password sharing and AirTags, AirPod updates, and more.
The iOS features that are unique to the larger screen are covered below, but for a thorough rundown of everything new in Apple iPadOS 17, check out their dedicated summary of the latest updates.
A new Lock Screen interface is included in Apple iPadOS 17, which is similar to the redesigned Lock Screen that Apple introduced to the iPhone in iOS 16. Users may choose different backgrounds, colours, and fonts for the Lock Screen, which has been upgraded, to personalise it. To capitalise on the larger screen size of the iPad, Apple produced Weather and Astronomy-specific wallpapers. Similar to the iPhone, you may use your own images (with motion effects for Live Photos), create wallpaper using emoji, or choose an Apple-designed wallpaper.
The Lock Screen may have widgets added to it. In portrait mode, the widgets are shown underneath the time, however in landscape mode, there is a widget bar on the left side of the screen. The iPad has all of the widgets that are accessible on the iPhone, including Wallet, Weather, Notes, News, Sleep, Health, Clock, and more. Larger widgets than those on the iPhone can be used on the iPad because of its larger display. In order to avoid becoming distracting, iPad widgets are made to blend in with the background.
You may flip among various choices by supporting several Lock Screens. Additionally, Lock Screens can be connected with a Focus mode, allowing you to have Lock Screens activate Focus modes or vice versa. With Apple iPadOS 17, the iPad can follow live activities like as sports results, restaurant delivery, and more, all of which appear on the Lock Screen.
Apple also updated and added interactivity to the widgets on the Today Centre and Home Screen. You may use widgets to do tasks like playing music, setting a reminder, or turning on lights without opening an app. Additionally, widgets from third-party applications may include interaction. You may add interactive widgets to your home screen and lock screen.
With Apple iPadOS 17, editing PDFs is faster because the system uses machine learning to recognise fields in a PDF and automatically fills in names, addresses, and email addresses from the Contacts app. PDFs open in the Notes app full width, making it simpler to read and annotate with an Apple Pencil. Additionally, you may annotate PDFs and scanned documents right in the note. If you use live collaboration, revisions to shared notes happen instantly.
Apple iPad 17 inch Users now have the opportunity to see their statistics on a bigger display by using the Health app on both the iPad and iPhone thanks to Apple iPadOS 17. Favourites now have a new appearance as a result of the design’s optimisation for the iPad’s bigger screen. The iPad has an easy-to-find sidebar, and health data may be connected to the device via the iCloud, allowing for the availability of prescriptions, medical records, trends, and highlights. The iPad is also a device that offers new capabilities related to mental health, such as mood monitoring.
In order to enhance multitasking, Apple redesigned Stage Manager for iPad, giving users additional choices for the size and placement of Stage Manager windows. Built-in cameras on an external display are also supported by Stage Manager.
iPadOS 17 Apple Pencil Along with support for tilt and hover on the Apple Pencil, snap to shape, connecting lines and forms for objects, and a Follow Along guide for collaborators, the Freeform app now comes with additional sketching tools.
Additionally, Apple iPadOS 17 offers other innovations that are detailed in their summary of iOS 17, such as improvements to Spotlight, AirPlay, Siri, Privacy, and Security.
The Most Recent Version iPadOS 17.4.1, published March 21, is the latest version. Security and bug updates were included to iPadOS 17.4.1. Additionally, Apple has made the first beta of the next iPadOS 17.5 upgrade available to public beta testers and developers.
Customisation of the Lock Screen and Widgets Customisation of the Lock Screen
Apple iPadOS 17 brings the Lock Screen customisation features found on the iPhone to the iPad. Users can now stylize photos, shuffle through a dynamic set of photos throughout the day, create unique designs using emojis and colour combinations, and more. A selection of font styles and colours are available for customisation.
Apple now offers a variety of optimised wallpapers, such as Astronomy or Kaleidoscope, to make the most of the bigger screen. Moreover, Live Photos now have a brand-new motion effect that animates as your iPad wakes up and slides into your Home Screen when it opens.
To see information at a glance, like as the weather, time, date, battery level, or forthcoming events, users may now add a whole column of widgets to the iPad’s Lock Screen. Adaptive tinting is a feature of lock screen widgets that helps them blend nicely with the background without losing readability.
With Apple iPadOS 17, users may now monitor real-time events such as sports scores, flights, restaurant orders, and timers straight from the iPad’s Lock Screen with Live Activities.
Enhancements to the Home Screen Widget Similar to iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma, Apple iPadOS 17‘s Home Screen widgets are interactive. Users may touch to activate lighting, play music, mark a reminder as completed, and more without having to launch the app.
Developers may use WidgetKit to add interactivity to their pre-existing widgets. In order to further customise the Home Screen, widgets may now be placed anywhere on the screen.
Manager of the Stage and Assistance for External Cameras With Apple iPadOS 17, users can now flexibly resize, move, and position windows precisely where they want them thanks to increased freedom in Stage Manager.
Moreover, webcams and the built-in camera in external displays like Apple’s Studio Display may now be used with FaceTime and conference calls on the iPad when an external camera is used. This comes in especially handy when utilising an iPad for video chats and connecting it via Stage Manager to an external monitor.
App Updates Wellness
The Health app makes its iPad debut with Apple iPadOS 17, offering users additional methods to see their health data in depth. The new Favourites view and insights into health data with Trends, Highlights, and intricate interactive charts are features of the iPad-optimized app design.
The iPhone Health app offers the same capabilities to users, including cycle tracking, daily mood monitoring, health information, and more. Developers who create apps for fitness and health may now utilise HealthKit on the iPad.
Downloads and Notes In order to enable users to rapidly enter data, such names, addresses, and email addresses straight from contact cards, iPadOS 17’s Enhanced AutoFill feature employs machine learning to recognise fields in a PDF or scanned document.
Now, while sharing a note with others, users may work together on PDFs and get real-time changes. The modifications you make show up instantly on your collaborator’s device when you annotate a document, sketch a diagram, or apply stickers.
There are new methods to collaborate, read, annotate, and organise PDFs using the Notes app. When a PDF is shown in its full width, it is simple to quickly annotate, scan between pages, and draw right in the document with an Apple Pencil. While users are sharing a note with others, updates show up instantly with live collaboration.
Moreover, it is now feasible to rapidly make inline linkages between notes, giving users a means to link research notes, cite recipes, or build wikis.
Form Freeform A watercolour brush, calligraphy pen, highlighter, variable-width pen, and ruler are among the new sketching tools available in the Freeform app. Similar to the Notes app, users can now hand-draw shapes like squares with the Apple Pencil and witness an exact replica of the design snap into place thanks to design Recognition.
Using Follow Along, users may view what other people are working on during live collaboration. As they navigate the endless canvas, what they see is shown on your screen.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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