#Aphrodite has made Zeus fall for mortals before
miramilocamimira · 11 months
The Very Real and Accurate Tales of Ypirétes tou Zínona as Documented by Stamatia
Beryl Grace
Beryl’s story in The Skies hold secrets from long ago
Imagine gaining the attention of a king. Beryl certainly wouldn’t have been able to until now. Zeus, king of gods.
They spend the night together. It’s like a dream.
Then morning hits.
“Aphrodite.” She hears him hiss out the morning after.
She ends up pregnant. He says he will stay to help for as long as he can. Beryl can only think about how a lifetime of beauty will be worth a couple months without whiskey.
A couple months in and she’s meeting a raven-haired woman. Zeus pestered until she gave in, she wonders how why this other chick was important.
”My name is Hera.” The woman says and Beryl nearly scoffs. She tries to be as polite as she can be to the goddess but from the look in the elder’s eyes, she thinks there might be something she’s missing.
They meet twice more.
Zeus’s visits lessen.
He’s more adamant in his refusal to take her to Olympus. Sometimes she wants to ask for immortality or eternal beauty. But she has to wait.
She miscarries. She is miserable and drunk and he leaves not even a month later. Or maybe it was. It all blurs.
She’s missed her chance.
Nearly a year later, there’s a woman with electric blue eyes and black hair. Immediately, Beryl knows who it is. She’s stared into those eyes often enough. “Zeus?”
She has another chance. If she raises the child that was to be born, giving it a good life, Zeus would give her a wish. Anything within his power.
“Of course, I will stay for as long as I can.” Her now female lover says. Beryl is grinning as she agrees. A contract is written and signed. She doesn’t know who sired the kid but she does know that it’s hers now.
Hers and Zeus’s. She takes a swig of the bottle and hums. The wish is only for as long as the kid is happy.
That’s fine. The kid will be plenty happy with someone as pretty as her watching over them.
A week later, December 23rd, Zeus brings his day old baby over. Hera came with.
Thalia Grace. She smirks, finishes what was in her cup, and goes to hold her new daughter. Zeus hesitates but agrees when she insists.
It’s cute. Really! It’s just… hurts. In her chest as she thinks that this is what her twins could have looked like.
The goddess makes a comment on her home and Beryl complains to Zeus.
He doesn’t take her side but he doesn’t take his wife’s either.
She starts drinking less. Acts her best. Is always charming and gorgeous.
He still hasn’t touched her. She convinces him to go out on dates disguised as family trips.
She asks to go to Olympus. No.
She asks to remain beautiful for the rest of her life. No.
She asks for immortality. No.
Not until Thalia is ready to enter the camp.
Thalia, Thalia, Thalia. The kid always need this or that and she’s all Zeus ever talks about.
Just as the second year ends, Zeus says he has to go. That he’s stayed far too long. He picks up the toddler and places a kiss to her forehead. He starts whispering things she can’t hear.
Hera stands beside her, watching with pity. “Rarely does he stay past this point.” The queen tells her. “It hurts him more, I think.”
”Did he only come back for her?” Beryl asks. If so, why come back at all. Why not for her instead of a brat that can’t even read. Hera nods. “What about me?”
”What do you even want?” A question with a question. For a Queen, she’s rude. Whatever though. Beryl has nothing to hide.
”To be beautiful forever.”
Hera tells Zeus that they need to leave soon. Or that their brothers will get suspicious.
She loathes the fact that his eyes don’t even look away from the child as he says he knows. The warmth and sadness in his eyes aren’t aimed at her. When she’s the one who’s saddled with parenthood.
She remembers that he said he wished he could do more for his children once. When Beryl asked what he meant, the god responded that everyone has a part to play and that she shouldn’t worry.
Maybe if she had, he would have stayed.
She starts drinking again. Her ratings drop a bit and the media eats it up for a week. She rides the high for another and then she does something else to catch their attention.
And it continues like that until Thalia’s six and all she can think about is Zeus and Jupiter. And yeah, she read up on all that shit. Thalia keeps managing to look more and more like the form Zeus took to carry her.
She keeps drinking. She also dives further into Roman myths and history than she ever has of the Greek’s.
In June she runs into a pregnant woman and a familiar voice barks out that she should watch where she’s going.
Then that means…. Beryl looks up into the eyes that she’s been thinking of. “Jupiter.” She says.
Turns out that the gods have two forms besides the regular shapeshifting she’s seen.
She convinces them to let her take it in. They make changes to the contract.
On July first, Jason Grace is born. She hates the name but Jupiter won’t budge.
She cleans up her act. They play the parts of a happy family.
Thalia loves him even if she doesn’t know who he is. She can see as Jason’s first year ends that he doesn’t want to go. She has to do it now.
”Wouldn’t it be nice to be like this forever?” Beryl asks and he stiffens. “You could raise them, finally be what they want and need.” She gets up close. Is he going to cry? She thinks as she watches those blue eyes fill with pain.
He doesn’t make her immortal. Not yet at least.
It ends up being a month later that Juno shows up.
They talk separately. He leaves as she requests. The deity then looks back at her, fury transparent.
”How dare you?” Juno roars and Beryl flinches back. “You signed the contract. You made the choice! We would have found another if you weren’t willing!” Beryl tries to speak up but the Queen continues, “You should be fucking thankful that it’s that very contract that keeps us from dealing with you properly.”
The goddess leaves and she falls to the ground.
She drinks again. This time her career will never recover.
On Jason’s second summer they go on a trip. She tries to appease her lover’s wife. She has Thalia go get a basket.
When she’s done she pulls out the contract and sees it’s writing glow. The papers burn themselves, not even leaving ashes or dust behind. She falls to her knees and cries.
”Jason is as good as dead.” She tells Thalia and her daughter’s eyes flash green. Her vision must be blurry from tears though because the electric blue is all she sees when she looks again.
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hypnos333 · 9 months
Changing Fate
Eros x Goddess reader
Synopsis: Fate had it easy for you as you were a goddess of fate until you got in the away with another’s fate
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You were the daughter of Hera and Zeus, you were the third born after Ares and Hephaestus. Of course your parents adores you especially your mother. Being the goddess of Fate was easy then one, two, and three.
You were as beautiful as Aphrodite but you were no goddess of beauty.
“U-Uhm ___?” Eros called out holding your golden paged journal.
“Oh my Zeus! Thank you so much Eros” You said excitedly holding the book with delicacy. His wings flutter in shyness.
“Of course my cupid” He said back making you blush before hold the journal close to you.
“I should be calling you that Cupid” You flirted back making him blush again. He always haded feelings for you and since you lost your fate book you didn’t see that his fate now changed.
“So what should I call you? Oh! How about my love?” he asked excitedly making me agree instantly
“Whatever you like my cupid but right now I have to do my job” you said your goodbye. “Bye my love” Eros said back dreamily making you giggle as you turn back to your mansion.
You reread the journal to make sure everything was in shape in normal but it wasn’t….
See with the journal you can see everyone’s fate even gods or goddesses with Eros it holds a sparkling pink thread around his fate. It’s fading…. And not for the right reasons it should.
Eros fate is about love…
A king and queen has three daughters, all three of the girls are attractive but one of them is absolutely gorgeous- Phyche was her name. People would come all over to check out how beautiful she was. neglecting the proper worship of Aphrodite, instead prayed and made offerings to her. It was rumored that she was the second coming of Venus, or the daughter of Venus from an unseemly union between the goddess and a mortal. Venus is offended, and commissions Cupid to work her revenge. Cupid is sent to shoot Psyche with an arrow so that she may fall in love with something hideous. He instead scratches himself with his own dart, which makes any living thing fall in love with the first thing it sees. Consequently, he falls deeply in love with Psyche and disobeys his mother's order. Although her two humanly beautiful sisters have married, the idolized Psyche has yet to find love. Her father suspects that they have incurred the wrath of the gods, and consults the oracle of Apollo. The response is unsettling: the king is to expect not a human son-in-law, but rather a dragon-like creature The transported girl awakes to find herself at the edge of a cultivated grove. Exploring, she finds a marvelous house with golden columns, a carved ceiling of citrus wood and ivory, silver walls embossed with wild and domesticated animals, and jeweled mosaic floors. A disembodied voice tells her to make herself comfortable, and she is entertained at a feast that serves itself and by singing to an invisible lyre. Although fearful and without the proper experience, she allows herself to be guided to a bedroom where, in the darkness, a being she cannot see has sex with her. She gradually learns to look forward to his visits, though he always departs before sunrise and forbids her to look upon him. Soon, she becomes pregnant.
One night after Cupid falls asleep, Psyche carries out the plan her sisters devised: she brings out a dagger and a lamp she had hidden in the room, in order to see and kill the monster. But when the light instead reveals the most beautiful creature she has ever seen, she is so startled that she wounds herself on one of the arrows in Cupid's cast-aside quiver. Struck with a feverish passion, she spills hot oil from the lamp and wakes him. He flees, and though she tries to pursue, he flies away and leaves her on the bank of a river.
The rest of his fate was faded
You stood there shocked, this never happened before… this should’ve never happened. Why is it fading?
The ink was supposed to stay as it should so why is his fate changing?
You couldn’t say that you were glad his fate was changing, you were falling for the cupid after all but that did not mean he couldn’t be happy.
All she could do was watch the ink disappear like his fate was never there, and hope a new fate can appear for him. You slammed the book shut and rush to make sure Eros was safe.
When you saw him getting an apple from a tree you immediately rushed to him with a hug. Eros almost fell from the rush of someone.
“Woah My love, are you alright?” he asked gently not wanting to trigger you.
You put your hands on his cheek to make sure he has no injuries. “Of course, Are you okay?” you asked worriedly.
“Yeah? ___ we saw each other ten minutes ago, what’s wrong?” he asked making you hesitate on the question it’s self. It’s not like you can hide his dying fate from him but know something could be wrong is killing you.
“Y-Your fate changed and I couldn’t do anything about it and I thought something was wrong” You admitted making him nod.
“My fate with a human girl?” he asked making you instantly nod.
“Yeah a-and wait how did you know?” You asked making him chuckle awkwardly before clearing his throat to explain.
“W-Well I look in the journal and saw how my fate went and honestly I don’t want that to happen because ___ goddess of fate i’m in love with you” He confessed making you blush in shyness.
“W-What?” You whispered.
“I got approval from you family especially Ares and Zeus even though they’re scary as hell but I was willing to do it for you and I have been falling for you for decades but you were to busy in your work” He explained
“Well Eros of love and sex I will happily be yours” You said making him spin you around in joy.
“I’ll definitely make you the most happiest goddess in this earth my love��� he stated making you hum as you leaned in as you both kissed passionately.
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
Hey so I just came up with this new au in my head.
So basically what happens is that for whatever reason the other Olympians who have demigod children, that being Ares, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, and Hermes all somehow managed to piss off Zeus so much that he decides to send them to live and camp with their children. Just like Dionysus.
(or he was already mad at them for something and Hera put the idea in his head. Since she likes none of them.)
So one early morning Chiron calls all the camp counselors into the big house to inform them of this. Needless to say none of them are happy.
Especially not Luke who is the de facto parent of these kids.
At first all the gods kindness stay in the big house complaining about their situation to Dionysus. But they soon tired of that, so they actually turned their attention to their children.... For entertainment.
Ares keeps starting fights between the campers. Apollo forces of them to listen to his poems & concerts, even though it's already midnight. Hephaestus criticizes and disproves of any of the metal work being done especially if it's done by his own children. Aphrodite keeps causing drama with crushes that the campers have, especially of her own children for her own entertainment. Athena criticizes every little thing that they do, ect, ect.
This makes Luke livid especially when he sees poor annabeth crying because of how many times Athena has criticized her or disproved her on the smallest things.
He also hates Hermes as he spends his time either ignoring his kids existence or telling them to steal something from one of the other gods in order to get his favor, which given the other gods tempers, it doesn't end well. Hermes also only talks to Luke occasionally trying to pretend like he isn't a horrible father. He even tries to bring up May but Luke shuts him down almost immediately.
The misery doesn't last long thankfully as for whatever reason Zeus decided his family hadn't been punished enough, and turns them into children. Children who are younger than their camp counselors of their cabin.... You can see where I'm going with this.
Some like Charlie or Katie simply ignore Hephaestus and Demeter's existence for the most part.
Clarisse is actually too scared to do anything to her father at first, for fear of the consequences later.
But Luke, Lee, Owen (the camp counselor before annabeth I made up in my head after reading some other fanfiction), & Seilena, immediately start bullying their parents as much as possible, in a passive aggressive way.
AND IT ALSO GAVE ME THOUGHTS OF A SEPARATE AU. But first off, holy heck so many more demigods would join Luke in this AU like???? Imagine all the kids meeting their parents and realizing what sort of assholes they are. Luke's "fall" to Kronos gets sped up SO MUCH????? At the end of TLT half the camp just dips all together at once, INCLUDING Annabeth who dragged Percy along. Ngl Hermes will have the worst time, especially with how crowded cabin eleven is. Luke needing to steal supplies for Percy in TLT means the campers don't get them as handouts. So Hermes better be good at locating them yourself! Aww did Aphrodite lose something? Sorry, no one saw it. Sorry you can't borrow it either- I just it too! Camp just slowly realizing how shitty their parents are- honestly wouldn't be surprised if, depending on how long they'll stay like that, end up tragically dead during Capture the Flag. Who needs dessert anyway, right Luke?
Like- Zeus decides leaving them with their memories would only cause issues since they'd obviously want to get back to godhood. And to him that would just be a lot of trouble, so instead he just erases their memories completely and throws them into camp. Let them rot there for a while, enjoy mortal life a bit.
Since they have no idea who they are, or what even their names are when they get to Camp they are obviously brought to the big house. Dionysus knows that those are the gods turned mortal, unfortunately though he's not allowed to reveal anything by order of Zeus. Not that he really would have, this is just too good.
With no knowledge of who these kids are, Chiron sees himself forced to improvise and calls up Luke and Owen to take them to cabin eleven until they are claimed. Luke is also the one who gives them names until they figure out their identities. Despite the arrival of 7 (apparent) demigods with 0 memory ofcourse caused a ruckus. But since no one knows that they are gods stuff settles down a bit after a while, they assume it was some freak accident or a monster attack. Meanwhile Luke and Owen are having their hands full taking care of these 7 kids. At this point Luke's already the unofficial official successor for counselor after Owen so he's reasonably involved.
Sleeping arrangements, getting them supplies, activities- it all needs to be organized for them and they need to be shown the robes. Since no one knows that they are actual gods they get treated like any other normal camper. And since there are no gods to claim them (SINCE THEY ARE THOSE GODS) they stay in eleven for practically their entire stay in CHB. Imagine them bonding with the other unclaimed kids over being "unimportant" to their parents. Imagine Luke comforting them about how shitty "the gods" are. Athena getting to bond with Annabeth over battle strategy. Ares getting to be beaten up by Clarisse during Capture the Flag. Demeter getting to plant with Katie. Apollo getting to go to archery classes with Chiron. And so on and so forth.
And they end up fully integrated into camp at some point! They live and think like any other demigod and everyone treats them like that. Luke looks after them, they have friends from other cabins and they sing along at the campfire.
They play games and train and angst over their "neglectful godly parent" and "amnesia". Everything seems to be going well, they are happy. The people around them are happy. The gods are happy. And then Zeus decides the punishment is enough, gives the gods their powers back and just fucks everything up. Because that does not go well. Zeus being Zeus didn't really check of course what they were doing before deciding to end the punishment or deigned to think about hos stressful it most be to not only suddenly become a got, but also get millennia of memories back in an instant. The gods were at the sing-along having a good time. Apollo was jamming out with the Apollo cabin leading the song. Hermes was reading to drop a water balloon as a prank on Aphrodite together with the Stolls. Heaphestus was happily basking in the warmth.
The fact that no true form of the gods was shown was dumb luck. One minute everything is fine, the next they are on the ground screaming as their divinity and memories are pressed into bodies too small to fit them- being stretched and forced to become what they once were. Everyone is scarred, kids are crying, and the Stolls ran to hide behind Luke when Hermes goes down alongside Annabeth clutching his leg. Zeus wanted them with him, so they were pretty much immediately ported to Olympus as soon as they were gods again. And FUCK is shit different now, 'cause now they are attached. Yes, they remember who they are now, but the memories of camp weren't erased! They spent years there. Years of living and laughing with their children. Years of being one of them.
And stuff is just so weird now like?????? All the anger with Zeus aside- they just, can't really view them as their "kids" now???? They feel more like- equals to them now. As weird as it is. Playmates, friends. Hell they just spent years with LUKE as their main caretaker! He was a better "Dad" than Zeus ever was! They still feel like they gotta listen to him 'cause he's counselor! Someone get Hermes some therapy for that mental dissonance of seeing his son as a parental figure.
Also, someone get them help for all the guilt. Because holy SHIT do they regret everything now. All the neglect, all the hurt, all the abuse. Because the gods get it now. They understand what it is like to be a child of them and live in the system they created. They understand what being a demigod means. They're sorry.
They want to be better.
And it isn't easy- god it couldn't be easy, but they somehow, someway get Zeus to allow them to visit camp freely. To support their kids.
And the gods swear to do better on the Styx, are excited to finally be real parents even.
Only to find camp terrified of them when they appear. The same kids treating them like friends and siblings cower, hide behind older kids and avoid their gaze when looking at them. Because they are gods. And they are cruel. Their children know that better than anyone.
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transbookoftheday · 2 months
The Palace of Eros by Caro De Robertis
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Perfect for fans of Circe and Black Sun, this bold and subversive feminist retelling of the Greek myth of Psyche and Eros explores the power of queer joy and freedom.
Young, headstrong Psyche has captured the eyes of every suitor in town and far beyond with her tempestuous beauty, which has made her irresistible as a woman yet undesirable as a wife. Secretly, she longs for a life away from the expectations and demands of men. When her father realizes that the future of his family and town will be forever cursed unless he appeases an enraged Aphrodite, he follows the orders of the Oracle, tying Psyche to a rock to be ravaged by a monstrous husband. And yet a monster never arrives.
When Eros, nonbinary deity of desire, sees Psyche, she cannot fulfill her promise to her mother Aphrodite to destroy the mortal young woman. Instead, Eros devises a plan to sweep Psyche away to an idyllic palace, hidden from the prying eyes of Aphrodite, Zeus, and the outside world. There, against the dire dictates of Olympus, Eros and Psyche fall in love. Each night, Eros visits Psyche under the cover of impenetrable darkness, where they both experience untold passion and love. But each morning, Eros flies away before light comes to break the spell of the palace that keeps them safe.
Before long, Psyche’s nights spent in pleasure turn to days filled with doubts, as she grapples with the cost of secrecy and the complexities of freedom and desire. Restless and spurred by her sisters to reveal Eros’s true nature, she breaks her trust and forces a reckoning that tests them both—and transforms the very heavens.
Told in bold and sparkling prose from “a brilliant and luminous writer” (Madeline Miller, New York Times bestselling author), The Palace of Eros transports us to a magical world imbued by divine forces as well as everyday realities, where palaces glitter with magic even as ordinary people fight for freedom in a society that fears the unknown.
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You can write some headcannons of... Hephaestus! Eden x Aphrodite! Reader? (Without Ares because Eden will most likely kill him ☠️)
Hi. Hello. You. Anon. I'm pointing at you and blowing kisses.
Aight so PC is causing a big ole ruckus cause everyone wants to marry the dearly beloved god/dess of love, lust, beauty, passion, all of those wonderful things.
Naturally, to shut everyone up and keep Eden happy so that he'll continue to make weapons and armour for the gods (as well as a mark of pettiness from Quinn because how dare everyone prefer you over them/how dare you reject them) (Quinn as Zeus or Hera?)
Eden gets the love god/dess.
You're not happy. Not even remotely. He's covered in scars, drenched in sweat from his work at the forge most days. Away at the damn forge all day, so he barely pays attention to you. There's no love ballads from him, no dances dedicated to you.
He'll just come home from the forge, press your body to the marital bed, and pump you full of his seed till he's satisfied. Then he'll sleep. Or leave.
And Eden knows of your restlessness. About how you hate him, how you look down at the mortals you bring together with a wistful longing in your eyes.
Never will he let anyone else have you, though. No matter your feelings. What has life ever given him? He was discarded the moment he was born. Disfigured. Unloved.
Your dominion is love. Yet you hate him the same - if not more - than the rest of them do.
You try so hard to ignite a passion in him. Seductive words whispered in his ear, your tongue sucking every last drop from him until he hisses in overstimulation. Elaborate lap dances that lead to him lying back as you ride him to completion.
But he still won't pay more attention to you.
So you break. You seclude yourself and weep because you have lost the love of someone. That's never supposed to happen. Especially not with your husband.
It impacts the mortals, relationships falling into spirals, sex workers left without customers, renowned beauties becoming unbelievably self-conscious.
Still, Eden doesn't seem to care.
He does, though. It isn't nice for him. To see him do to another what was done to himself.
You love your doves. Would spend hours cooing over them, asking them how their clutches were coming along, how the food was here on Mount Olympus.
You love your flower garden. You'd walk it at night, appreciating the blooms that only showed under the moon; too shy for the sun's warmth.
Weapons and warfare weren't his only crafts. He could make other things. And so he did. It took months, planning the piece, finding the materials, finding cheaper, marred materials to make a mock-up, a second damn mock-up, and then the final piece. It was winter when he finished.
He presented it to you on your fifth anniversary. Funny, to have had you two wed in the season of death. Or rather, ironic.
It was worrisome, wondering if you'd come out of your chambers.
You did though. And your light looked so dim. Your beauty, while still the most resplendent he'd ever seen, shadowed by the evidence that you hadn't been sleeping and had been denying the help of the nymphs who waited on you.
Your chiton was askew, your himitation hanging loose and not guarding you from the cool mountain air.
There was no reaction to when he stepped forward, but your eyes narrowed in suspicion when he grasped at the fabric of your clothing. Did he mean to take it off? To just use you again and discard you?
How surprising to see him fix it all. To put it back together before hesitantly smoothing your loose hairs back.
"Need to keep this on," he gave a small tug to your himitation. "We can't get sick, but that doesn't make the cold anymore pleasant."
He pinned it with something, something that grabbed your immediate attention.
A brooch, a delicate-looking and intricately made brooch. Such fine details, such realistic depictions of a pair of doves settled close in a nest of your favourite flowers. You had no idea what the metal was. But it was exquisite.
Magic hummed beneath the surface.
"Whenever you ah-"
Eden coughed, choking on his words.
"Whenever you don't feel good? Just whisper my name into it. I'll know when you do. I'll come see you, even if I'm working. Saves you needing to scream at me from the balcony like many of the others around here."
He couldn't stay. Couldn't wait to see the rejection of his gift. So he turned and left to the large bathing room (which he admits he should have gone to first, there's hand-shaped soot prints on your clothes now).
There was silence as you watched him go, your mouth hanging open just a little.
Down below, somewhere in the land of the humans, a young couple fell in love. The first love for a mortal in all of those months.
And back up on the mountain, you carefully laid your brooch and himitation down on your bed before following your husband to the bath.
Olympus heard screaming that night, afterall.
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kotamagic · 8 months
Another loaded episode of Lore Olympus, so let's dive in...
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Let's start with Aphrodite. Understandably, she's upset that Eros and Psyche are missing. Obviously, wannabe-king Apollo isn't going to broadcast that, but that doesn't mean folks aren't going to notice that three gods are now missing after Zeus went into a coma.
(Is that the Horrible Goose running amok in the background?)
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Why the fuck do you want Eros' arrows, SPECIFICALLY the ones for true love? They don't work the way that you think that they do!
Look at what happened with the truth arrow. Anyone looking at Apollo when that thing hit saw the truth... the horrible, nasty truth about what he did. (I believe it was Daphne? That was what led to her getting "treed.")
If Apollo thinks a true love arrow is going to make Persephone fall in love with him (and thus, give him access to her fertility goddess powers) then he's in for a rude surprise. If anything, she'll lend her powers to Hades so that they can kick Apollo's ass together like a power couple!
Or, maybe he has something worse in mind? Let's hope not.
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Shit is still going down in the Mortal Realm. Apollo doesn't waste a moment blaming Persephone for it on TV.
Hey fucknugget, unless I'm mistaken, sun gods/goddesses were banned from the Underworld LONG before Hades and Persephone were even a thing. And Persephone made the right decision escaping to the Underworld to get away from your r*pey ass. Choke on a long, splintery battering ram!
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Even in the physical safety of the Underworld, Apollo still has the power to harm with his words. It's bad enough that Persephone is guilt-wracked by her rearranged powers causing havoc, but hearing Apollo's gaslighting on the TV is only making it worse
The title of this chapter is "Wheat", and we sure are seeing a lot of it here with Persephone. That mural on the wall seems to be watching her.
We're pretty certain that Persephone was originally supposed to take over for Demeter at some point. Well, that's not happening. The wheat imagery here seems to represent what was planned to happen. As it closes in more and more around her, there's the sense of Persephone being smothered by the old plans for her.
On the other hand, I can't help but wonder if, in some way, the mural is trying to point her in a particular direction. Wheat can be grown, harvested, and stored; this is what the mortals need to know and learn to survive the (now) long winters.
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We've been watching Persephone progressively sweating more and more throughout this chapter. While she's talking to this nymph, her vision gets blurry until she passes out.
She's running a fever and is put on bed rest immediately. There could be so many things causing this that it's hard to nail it down to just one.
The situation with the Mortal Realm
Her wonky powers
Apollo gaslighting her on tv
Maybe it's Kronos
Whatever the case, she is not doing well at the moment.
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While she's in bed, Demeter comes to see her. Persephone voices her worries to her mother, and Demeter seems to actively listen.
"I barely know anything about myself..."
The cliffhanger is Demeter saying "Wait..."
Will this turn into an honest heart-to-heart conversation? Will important secrets get revealed? Will Apollo get shot in the ass with a truth arrow on live TV? (GAWD, I hope so!)
Anyway, thanks for coming to my LO post!
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apollomes-supremacy · 2 years
LO Dionysus design 🍇🎭
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| Apollo | Persephone | Hermes | Ares | Artemis | Ganymede | Aphrodite | Eros | Zeus |
This will be a long post since Dionysus isn’t a character yet so I had to create him from 0.
The beginning of Dionysus’ introduction started on EP 93 (with Semele, Dionysus’ mother), but it has been more than 100 episodes and we got absolutely nothing from that plot, which is bad considering that other gods get involved in the og myth (Zeus, Hera and Hermes, mainly), but none of them (before and after the time skip) display any knowledge or memory of the event, especially Zeus, who is the one who accidentally kills Semele in the first place.
I already talked about it here, but im 100% sure that the child mentioned in episode 218 is Dionysus. He should be 10 yo right now and he’s the only character (vaguely) introduced who is around that age. Not to mention, Dionysus does have some connections with the Underworld. My main theory is that he will be adopted by HxP and will remain a child for the rest of the series (probably skipping the majority of Dionysus’ myths). And that’s honestly such a waste of potential. So I decided to give my take on him if he was in LO, like the redesigns I did with many other characters.
My main inspo was 60′s and 70′s Hippie fashion, with a lot of patterns, accessories (crystals, evil eyes, beads, rings, etc), loose clothes and a more lazy/cozy look. He’s two shades of purple that split his face, which is meant to represent his duality as the god of parties and joy & god of wrathful madness. Hermes gave him nymph ears to use as a disguise when he was young, but he doesnt want to change them back because he grew up and feels comfortable with them. He has a very androgynous/feminine look, which leads to a lot of people thinking he’s an actual nymph.
In his true form (which can come out voluntarily, but usually happens when the god gets so mad that they are unable to control themselves) he can get really big. Leafs and grapes sprout everywhere, he gets another pair of arms made of plants’ stems and his eyes go full neon green.
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His story is very similar to the og myths, with just some small differences. He is born from Zeus’ thighs and goes to live with Demeter and Persephone as one of their nymphs to escape Hera’s wrath. There he starts to question a lot about himself, like his gender and his origins (he doesn’t know he is not an actual nymph), and when puberty hits, his body and his powers go crazy. Its also around that time when he meets and falls in love with Ampelos (and you know how that story ends).
When the wine he creates starts growing in popularity and Dionysus starts getting worshipped by some cities, Zeus decides that there’s no reason to hide him from Hera anymore, so he brings Dionysus to Olympus and reveals the truth, inviting him to become an Olympian. Dionysus says yes without thinking twice, so he moves in and starts to get prepared for his ceremony and his new life.
But there’s a problem. The Olympus lifestyle is way too different from Dionysus’. People are sophisticated, modern and even mean-spirited, while he is the complete opposite. It’s hard for him to fit in and he just wants to go home with the nymphs and satyrs, and he eventually does... illegally.
Personality & relationships
Dionysus is very outgoing and funny. He’s kind to everyone around him (not discriminating against nymphs, satyrs or mortals), but he can get very emotional very fast. He gets easily annoyed, which will prob just result in some unwanted vines around the house and a grumpy look, but the moment he gets mad is when everything falls apart (wrath form). Anger issues + no control over powers = no good.
He sees Demeter as a mother and Persephone and the nymphs as older sisters, while Silenus and the other satyrs served as fathers. His favorite brother is Hermes who kept an eye on him during his entire childhood and still cares deeply for him. He also has an interesting relationship with Apollo, he is very scared and intimidated by him (I understand why lol) but wants to start a friendship. Except for the fact that Apollo already has a soft spot for him, Dionysus is just oblivious to it. Ares is also scary and kinda mean, but he likes Dionysus and cares for him. He’s very indifferent towards Zeus, Hera hates him (he hates her too) and everyone else is pretty neutral, considering he doesnt know a lot of people outside of the nymphs and satyrs.
Dionysus is a fertility god (which in this universe doesnt mean that much), this means he has powers over vegetation (like Demeter) and mortals’ desires (like Aphrodite). Being the god of madness also means that he can make people so mad to the point of committing atrocities and completely losing their minds. In his true form, simply looking at him can lower your sanity. He also has the powers all the other gods have, like changing forms, cursing and blessing people, being summoned by mortals, etc. 
That’s all I have the energy to write rn. I tried to replicate the LO art style, and honestly I really liked the result! Hope you guys liked it too <3
(Also, Dionysus would be around his 20′s when the story takes place. He is Pansexual and is still confused about his gender but he’s fine with any pronouns).
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miraculous-pyromaniac · 4 months
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This wonderful artwork was done by @justanotherpersonsuniverse they're a wonderful artist and writer whose works I enjoy a ton. If you're into miraculous ladybug, Splatoon, or good art and vibes in general I would guide you towards their blogs.
This is Bellerophon Heimbald, sometimes called Camp Half-Blood's Benchwarmer Hero, but most of their friends just call them Bell
A strong wielder of They/Them pronouns, Bell is a child of Euphrosyne, goddess of mirth, merriment, and joy.
Alright, this post is a little long, so ima make a break here. Bellow this is more stuff about the OC and some semi-relevant rants on greek myth lore
They changed their name to Bellerophon because they were Bell before but wanted a less gender specific full name. Also, Bellerophon is Bell's favorite Greek hero because they really love horses and pegasi, and dream of one day riding on Pegasus, the majestic flying god-horse.
Bell gets super fucking jealous of Reyna.
Bell made the unique decision to declare themselves as a Champion of Hestia, a title and role that notably doesn't exist. Despite this, Bell stubbornly insists on their role as a protector of homes and families. They will insist on being sent on, or sometimes sneak out to go on, quests relating to saving the families of her friends and fellow campers. Such endeavors include, but are not limited to, 'my godly step mom kidnapped my Mom for having too many kids with her husband', 'My Dad keeps sending me bloodstained notes and his fiancé says he hasn't left the house since I left for camp', or 'the Titan Army kidnapped my mortal siblings because I'd been feeding them false info while pretending to spy for them'. Bell will also eventually be accepted as Hestia's Champion and will be sent on quests to solve squabbles between the gods that have really been killing the vibe on Olympus. Things such as 'My husband thinks I'll fall for this shit again so I made a doll to replace him', 'That bitch banged my daughter and I might start a war over it', or 'oh fuck I lost the moon'.
The PJO storyline spans many years and this is only a screenshot of time for Bell's character. They're about 16 in this art, at around the time of The Battle of the Labyrinth book.
Bell's godly parent is not a well known goddess, Euphrosyne is one of the Charities, a trio of goddess siblings who serve as Aphrodite's attendants. The best way I can relate who she is is that she's the daughter of the Titaness of water-meadows, Eurynome, who raised Hephaestus after he was baby-tossed off Olympus by Hera. Her father is of course Zeus, though it might not have been adultery. Hesiod claimed that Eurynome was Zeus's third wife after Metis, who he absorbed, and Themis, who Zeus divorced after birthing at least 2 (possibly 3) sets of triplet goddesses. One set of those triplets was the wrinkly goddesses now known as the fates, who scared their parents so much that Zeus got a divorce and Themis stopped having kids and went to law school or something or other.
In any case, my point is that Bell's demigod powers aren't flashy or destructive like the show's main cast. Bell can innately sense when those around them feel positive emotions, a kind of joy empathy radar. They can also induce and amplify positive feelings in others, though its not effective most of the time. Their only other powers include a slightly dulled sense of pain and a resistance to poisons.
A few years into their story, Bell will end up gaining the blessing of Hestia's hearth fire. This blessing grants Bell several powers that are all defensive due to the nature of Hestia and her flames. Bell's wounds will instantly cauterize in battle and heal faster after the battle is done. Poison has way less effect on Bell, combines with their poison resistance from their demigod powers this essentially makes them immune to all non-divine poisons. Their regular body temp is also increased to around 107°F, making them very popular with the Hypnos kids during winter months. This obviously grants an aspect of fire resistance to Bell, but not immune like Leo, at about the same level as Hephaestus kids.
That spear is their primary weapon, a cross shaped Japanese style spear that Bell found wrapped up in the camp armory. It also happens to have been cursed by the man who forged it and is a very dangerous object.
That leather bracelet is actually a size changing celestial bronze shield in it's smallest size, a small disk of metal attached to the leather arm strap. It was gifted to Bell by their mother Euphrosyne. It was forged by Hephaestus, who was convinced to make the shield by his wife, Aglaia, who is also one of the Charities. Aglaia didn't just do that as a favor for her sister though, but that's not super important.
Yes, Hephaestus got remarried canonically, in both mythology and described in Percy Jackson's Greek Gods.
Bell is the main character of a PJO fanfic story I've been creating with my best friend. Though, while Bell may be the main character of their story, they are ultimately a side character in the PJO/HOO stories. My goal for Bell's story is that that it's written into the sidelines of the story the book tells, this story is the one that happens when Percy is off on his quests, or during the non-summer months when most characters are with their families, or in the gaps of time between books. I'm having a ton of fun developing a story like this, filling in the background of an already great story.
I've been writing and developing Bell's story, as well as a couple other OCs of mine, for about the past 6 months or so and this is the first time its being seen publicly. I've been trying to write a whole book/questline of story before releasing as my current fanfics update one every blue moon and I feel bad about it.
This is only 1 of the 4 Camp Half-blood OCs i have for this story and, even further, only 1 of the 10 OCs I plan to put story focus on throughout my whole plotline. Hyperfixation went crazy.
Alright I think that's enough random powers, no-context plot points, and Greek myth lore rants for one post. Ima hit the post button now but again go check out @justanotherpersonsuniverse their stuff is amazing
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jetwhenitsmidnight · 1 month
The Palace of Eros by Caro De Robertis
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Release date: 15 August 2024
Genre: adult romance fantasy retelling
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Young, headstrong Psyche has captured the eyes of every suitor in town and far beyond with her tempestuous beauty, which has made her irresistible as a woman yet undesirable as a wife. Secretly, she longs for a life away from the expectations and demands of men. When her father realizes that the future of his family and town will be forever cursed unless he appeases an enraged Aphrodite, he follows the orders of the Oracle, tying Psyche to a rock to be ravaged by a monstrous husband. And yet a monster never arrives.
When Eros, nonbinary deity of desire, sees Psyche, she cannot fulfill her promise to her mother Aphrodite to destroy the mortal young woman. Instead, Eros devises a plan to sweep Psyche away to an idyllic palace, hidden from the prying eyes of Aphrodite, Zeus, and the outside world. There, against the dire dictates of Olympus, Eros and Psyche fall in love. Each night, Eros visits Psyche under the cover of impenetrable darkness, where they both experience untold passion and love. But each morning, Eros flies away before light comes to break the spell of the palace that keeps them safe.
Before long, Psyche’s nights spent in pleasure turn to days filled with doubts, as she grapples with the cost of secrecy and the complexities of freedom and desire. Restless and spurred by her sisters to reveal Eros’s true nature, she breaks her trust and forces a reckoning that tests them both—and transforms the very heavens.
Content warnings
Sexual content
Misogyny, sexual harassment
Mentioned sexual assault
Mentioned domestic abuse
Familial abuse/toxic family dynamics
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC!
From the start, this book does not flinch away from depicting the brutal misogyny of the time period. Psyche's throngs of suitors are cast into a new light, as this book shows the horrors of being desired by men, as well as the way marriage was viewed during this time.
Plot-wise this book follows pretty closely with the plot of the original myth, although a lot more time is spent exploring Psych's stay in the titular Palace of Eros. This was definitely the right choice to make as it gives the romance time to blossom, as well as allows time to develop Psyche's character. Psyche comes into her own during this time, as Psyche and Eros explore the meaning of womanhood and queerness (among other things😏).
I think the author does a good job of exploring the power imbalance between Psyche and Eros, although it's hard to not be aware that whatever agency Psyche has is only because a goddess allows her that. While their relationship isn't perfect, they do work on it and (mostly) resolve all of their problems by the end of the book.
Eros doesn't get as much character development as Psyche. This is fine, because I think this is much more Psyche's story than Eros'. But there are still certain elements I wish had been explored, mainly Eros' use of her powers. Throughout this book, Eros is kind of flippant about the way to uses her arrows to make people fall in love. Although she expresses regret about how she inadvertently ruined Daphne's life, she doesn't show much remorse or contemplation about any other people's lives she affected. The web of power is something Eros contemplates quite a lot, but she seems to cast herself in the role of being powerless to the whims of Zeus, while failing to recognise or address her own power.
I know I said earlier that the story focusing on Psyche living in the palace was a good choice, but it also results in less time spent on depicting Psyche's trials. I stand by this opinion, but this sort of results in the trials being kind of... boring. The original myth focuses much more on the events of the trials as Psyche proving her love for Eros, but in this book Psyche chooses to undergo the trials as a way to forge peace with Aphrodite. This was an interesting choice to make narratively, but ultimately lowers the stakes, especially since Aphrodite isn't even actively bothered with Psyche anymore.
Speaking of Aphrodite, I feel like her depiction was kind of shallow. She's not portrayed as a very complex character, aside from being a jealous goddess. I appreciate that the author shows how much she loves and cares for Eros, but I feel like she could have been explored a lot more.
I have always appreciated how special the myth of Psyche and Eros is, in the way that Psyche is one of few female Greek heroes, and also one of few Greek heroes who gets a happy ending. I think this novel captures the essence of the original myth, as well as expands on it in new and interesting ways.
Ultimately, while there are certain aspects of this book that I wish there could have been more of, the themes that the author chooses to explore, they do an excellent job of.
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eanul-rmbl · 5 months
hhhhh I have so many hypnos fic ideas but no time to write it and when I do start, I hear metaphorical and symbolic crying of the poltergeist of a crocodile ghost and it spoils my mood and I can't write anymore.....
Prince Zagreus/Nobility Hypnos
Hypnos/Endymion kind of reader. Basically Hypnos is Hypnos but he actually goes outside. Reader (I will refer to here as "Endymion" but I'll avoid using names in the fic) is the adoptive child of a nomadic shepherd who spends a lot of the time staring at stars and, mainly, the moon. One constant in Endymion's life is the Moon and Hypnos, who he sees every so while at night before he goes to bed when his adoptive father is asleep. His father is like. I dunno. He's YOUNG. like. His parents died early and he inherited no land and everything. So he became a shepherd. And saw this abandoned baby child who is Endymion the reader!! (All of this is made up, the Greek mythos of Endymion is either a Shepherd (most common) or an astronomer and Shepherds are cooler without magic. Most shepherds are sons who didn't inherit land from their farmer parents. Shepherds are also nomadic commonly, because of that). Anyways. Back to the fic. Hypnos sort of subconsciously ages at a similar pace to Endymion. They talk often at night. Hypnos rrrreally likes his eyes btw. Endymion likes Hypnos' eyes, but like Hypnos rrreally like Endymion's eyes. It progresses from 7 years to pre-teen to teenage to young adult I think. 7 years describes everything before that, and all action that happens during that year. Pre-teen you sort of get a feel of them having crushes on each other. Endymion doesn't have a crush because he has a crush on this girl he sees every full moon (Selene). Teen years describes early and late teen years. Endymion and Selene had a falling out (yes it will be in depth) romantically in early teens (say they break up at like 14ish). He then starts to want to know the truth of what they (Hypnos and Selene) are at around mid teens (15-16). Endymion's dad dies shortly after Enymion reaches the age when his dad adopted him (early to mid 20s) a little older than Endymions grandparents. And some contention grows between Hypnos and Endymion. Because Hypnos and his family are immortal and whatnot. At one point I want hypnos and/or selene to allude to making Endymion fall asleep forever (this happens in the actual myth) but I only want fluff in my fic so I don't want it to actually happen. How to tackle the entire Mortal/Immortal thing going on? Maybe, uhh.. I could make him do something like Psyche, power of love motivates him to do something big and gain immortality and whatnot but that might be boring. I could also just make him a shade and die early. That works too. But that's be abandoning the sheep. I haven't figured it out yet.
Hypnos/Pasithea type reader
Once again, I'll refer to the reader as Pasithea but I'll avoid using names in the actual fic. Also this is a fic idea based off of Pasithea Hypnos mini Iliad moment so like, not much as for accuracy. Hypnos and Pasithea meet at a party methinks. A party on Olympus. He doesn't rly wanna attend but here he is. I don't know if I want to make Zeus her dad or Dionysus (she's one of the graces (which are Zeus' daughters) but one Dionysus fan boy decided to make her Dionysus' daughter in his retelling/Dionysus fanfic)). He meets Pasithea, is smitten, etc. Maybe note how Hera wants Hypnos to fall asleep during Herakles moments. Then Iliad happens and Hera wants Hypnos to fall asleep again. This time she's like "hehe pasithea wify wify" and Hypnos is all "omg wify wify" and they arrange a marriage. And Pasithea's viewpoint on it. With Aphrodite. Aphrodite mad. They have another party (THIS PARTY NEVER HAPPENS IN GREEK MYTHOS BTW) and hypnos and pasithea meet properly and they hit it off (pasithea doesn't know it's hypnos and they forget to exchange names). Later on, Hypnos goes to hang out with Pasithea (based off one except that says "Hypnos went to Pasithea's couch and woke everyone up, hehe" (I always saw that as "he went to play video games w her like the loser teenage Romeo and juliet they are but it's prolly intercourse or smth now that I think abt it idk, but no explicit stuff in my fic!!). Pasithea later is like "omg I have a fiancee" and distances herself and eventually she sort of chases him away. But yall he doesn't know he never introduced himself so he's mad lost and considers calling off the wedding. But pasithea in hermes letter is all "nah its fine whatev" and they get married and pasithea is SHOOKETH. She's a bit upset that Hypnos didn't tell the truth but anyways. I don't have much else.
Yall I hafta study for my last test during test week (its biology!!) So I'll return to this later
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Forged in Love
Hephaestus x Aphrodite!reader
Page break credits @firefly-graphics
Master list
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Part 3
taglist: @streets-in-paradise @floraroselaughter
taglist open :)
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     There you are!  Athena greeted you as you walked up to her.  “Artemis and I were just discussing her latest hun.t”
“Hello Aphrodite”  She greeted you kindly.  You knew she was Zeus’ favorite and for good reason. She was kind and uncomplicated.  All she wanted was to hunt with her ladies, and who could blame her?  She was free from the politics that threatened to drown you on Olympus.  If you were being honest, you envied her freedom.
“Hello Artemis, how was your hunt?”  You asked.
“Very interesting, I- oh I see father signaling me I cannot keep him waiting much longer he has been anxious to talk, excuse me.”  You smiled at each other and as she walked away,
“Athena you will never believe what happened.”  She looked unsurprised.
“Did another god try to get under your dress again?”  She took a sip from her glass smirking.
“Ugh thankfully not yet but Hera talked to me” That got her attention and you proceeded to tell her about it all.
“Are you serious?  That is surprising.  She tolerates me at best, we just avoid each other.”  Athena said.  “But maybe she means it, after all, you are alike”  You proceeded to talk about it until the trumpets finally sounded signaling the beginning of the evening.
“Here we go, Zeus will have a speech let’s go.”  Athena grabbed your hand and led you into the main area where all the gods were gathering.
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     Once gathered in the main area, you and Athena settled into what would be an interesting speech.
“Welcome, gods, goddesses, and anyone in between”  A few nymphs were around, but most were glorified help, as some went around filling drinks with more ambrosia.
“As we all are well aware, this is a special night to honor the fall harvest, which is the handiwork of Demeter.  We have no need of this, but the mortals do and when it is plentiful, we all are honored”  How like Zeus, to try to insult while praising, as he cannot stand not being the center of attention even for a moment.  You and Athena made quick side eyes at each other as many others did as well.  You couldn’t see Demeter but only assumed she was tight lipped.  She always seemed to be put out about something, but you never saw her in a setting where Zeus wasn’t around so maybe that had something to do with it.
“Now, as talented as Demeter is, she had some help”  The crowd murmured a bit knowing what he was alluding to.  “Please come up here Demeter”  She walked up the steps to him with the poise she always possessed but you could tell from her stiff body language she did not want to be up there.
“Now sister, I know how hard you work and no one wants to diminish that”  You fought hard to stay expressionless knowing that it was very important to do so, but knowing he probably had no idea how much work her job was.  “But before we toast her good fortune, we must acknowledge another pivotal person to this good fortune.  Persephone, please join us”  Everyone strained their heads to get a better look at the new goddess walking up the stage.  More than likely only Hermes had seen her before because he delivers messages to Demeter’s realm.  Some even went as far as growing a bit to see over heads.  You tried to look as well, but it was useless so you watched the crowd and noticed a strange look on the god of the underworld’s face.  Was it fondness?  You hadn’t seen him look so kind towards someone before, he always seemed uncomfortable to be in the public eye.  Zeus resuming his speech made you focus again.
“Persephone, you grow more beautiful every day”  He smiled, putting his hand on her back.  She smiled in return but you could tell she wasn’t overly excited to be up there.  But who could blame her?  She must know she was just a pawn in the feud between the other two on the stairs.  But she held herself well and you respected her for it.
“Thank you for your contribution to your mother’s work.  Now everyone, raise a glass for the two goddesses we honor tonight”  Everyone did so.
“To Demeter and Persephone, the goddesses who make the mortal world continue”  He raised his glass.
“To Demeter and Persephone”  Everyone responded.  
“Now before I let you enjoy your evening,” Zeus continued after everyone took a sip from their nectar, “I have something to honor you with.  Hephaestus, if you please.”
Now this grabbed your attention.  Hephaestus was a god who never came to any events which added to his allusion.  You heard the rumors of him, son of Hera who was completely mutilated and deformed, ugly, doing everyone a favor staying out of sight etc.  You knew rumors were based on some truth but knew there had to be more to it.  So like the other drama consumers, you strained to catch a glimpse.  The little that you saw was a solidly built man, who hid under a long cloak, and longer black hair that fell around his face, hiding it.  He walked up the steps, and pulled out a long wrapped object from his cloak.  He bowed to Zeus, nodded to the goddesses and walked back down.  In doing so, you caught a glimpse of his face.  Strong, chiseled jaw, hardened expression and the most beautiful brown eyes you had ever seen.  And you would know beauty.  You swore you made eye contact and your breath hitched.  That was weird, the last time that had happened was eons ago when you were a young goddess and had just met and been flirted with by Ares; when you didn’t know he had one line he still uses to this day.
“Thank you”  Zeus acknowledged the retreating figure.  “If you will,”  He handed the wrapped object to Demeter who began to unwrap it.  The crowd oohed and ahhed when they saw a beautifully ornate cornucopia, made out of a metal you couldn’t identify.  You noticed that when she touched it a certain way, it would fill with wheat and empty again.  Only one god could have made such a beautiful gift.
“You must thank Hephaestus for the beautiful gift Zeus”  She said in a way that somehow still gave Zeus the honor he was due, but without actually honoring him.  If anyone was paying attention they would be able to tell that was her intention and Zeus didn’t seem unhappy about it.
“Of course.  Everyone, enjoy the rest of the party!” And with that, everyone was dismissed.
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littlesparklight · 2 years
Been thinking about Zeus' feelings/motivations in regards to Troy and its fall, and what other people say it must be.
Both real world-wise in ancient Greece and story-wise you have people claiming Zeus will see/wants to/must see Troy fall because he is Zeus Xenios - it's natural, certainly! Myth/story-wise, in the Iliad Menelaos is one of the ones who repeatedly asserts this claim, and while Poseidon doesn't make any such direct claim (maybe because they're both gods) he does say Zeus "no longer favours Priam and his people".
Well and good.
But myth-wise, what we actually have of Zeus' stated desires and intentions regarding Troy [in the material that has survived] is... nothing to do with Paris' violating xenia.
You have him repeatedly saying he doesn't want Troy and Priam's family to fall/be destroyed, or not wanting particular members of the family to die, on the one hand.
On the other, you have the train of reasoning that appears in other parts of the Epic Cycle (whether this idea is younger than the specific text(s) of the Iliad we have or belonging to the same general mythic idea tradition the Trojan War generally comes from is probably anyone's guess). That is, that the Trojan War was planned before even the Judgement (the Judgement, in fact, is included in the planning), the purpose being to lighten earth/Gaia's load of humanity. In such a case Paris is practically set up not just to make a choice to enrage the goddesses, but one that will cause the necessary damage/spark to set this chain of events moving on the mortal end(*).
On a third, you have the similar idea that is (most probably, since the text is massively fragmentary at the relevant point(s) expressed in the Catalogue of Women, that the war was started to end the Age of Heroes. Again, Paris and the Judgement is a necessary step, provoked into being.
On the fourth, the version that has Zeus starting the war to aggrandize Helen, a mortal daughter who cannot herself participate in war and gain heroic kleos by any manner other than in proxy.
If we allow that there was only one outcome that was acceptable/necessary for the stated end(s) of the war, that is, Paris choosing Aphrodite, he is, again, set up to "failing", because there is really no way he can "get" Helen without committing some crime, but Helen in Troy is what is necessary.
It just is kind of amusing, in a terrible way? That there are others who insist that Zeus ought to, must, and does, care about the violation of mortal xenia that has happened, but from what we have, if it ever was something he cared about, the whole of Troy/the Trojan royal family doesn't seem to be the something he'd want punished for it. But I don't think he cares as such about that; his aims are entirely different. (Look, he even expiates Ixion of both a family-blood crime and one of xenia, after Ixion killed his father in law who he had invited into his home under the pretence of paying the bride price he'd avoided paying up to that point!)
(*Not to say Paris isn't guilty of violating xenia, because he is, and it still is his responsibility what he does even if he can't actually change his mind and refuse Aphrodite's gift. But given that he will always anger goddesses with any choice he makes, and that, if taking Helen is hubris (and violating xenia) then his accepting the other two offered gifts would be as well. There's no way he can avoid it, and he neither chose to be in the position to make the choice nor asks for gifts/bribes to be made. He is absolutely responsible for what choices he does make, but that responsibility comes under provocation and extremely forced circumstances.)
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fanficlibraryposts · 3 years
Percy Jackson Fic Recs
 who even cares about reputation? by rubiesanddiamonds
She decides she really likes his laugh. And his voice. And his general aura. A lot. 
*punk!percy and girly!annabeth*
what’s a god to a nonbeliever? by Almas
It’s not that he’s “hung up on The Menace” as Dionysus so delicately put it. It’s just that it’s a bad idea. Awful, really. Percy Jackson’s got off-limits stamped across his pretty little forehead. If Zeus had sent Dionysus to that demigod camp over a nymph, then Poseidon would certainly toss him into Tartarus if he went near his son. 
*on hiatus*
To Make a Legend by WardofWinters (QoLife)
Percy was having a normal day at the beach, until he decided to try to waterbend like Katara from his favorite show.Problem is, he succeeds. Now he has to figure out how to waterbend, and keep the normal people from finding out they have a waterbender in their midst.Finding out he's actually a child of Poseidon will probably explain a few things. (Used to be named Avatar: The Legend of Percy)
*Is a series, should have at least have basic Avatar: The Last Airbender knowledge*
Silver Screen by herecomesthepun
in which Annabeth is a YouTuber with a penchant for Harry Potter sweaters and Percy is a rockstar who falls in love with the clumsy web star presenting his award. Percabeth, AU.
Of Gods and Men by plottingalong
The order of things are changing. Old rules are shifting, old gods awakening. Percy Jackson must come to terms with his own mortality, or rather, the lack of it. 
And I will swallow my pride (In hopes of a final goodbye) by IzzyMRDB
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost
Rhea thought the fight was over when she handed Luke that blade. The war she fought for others was over. She was wrong. Now a thousand miles and a thousand years from home, all alone with just the ghost of a curse to accompany her in her travels, she will only fight for the wars she chooses.
"I promise." It tastes like a lie, but I know I’ll do my best to fulfill it. How am I to make the gods listen when they don’t even know who I am?
Hold Tight and Pretend It’s a Plan by Rynna_Aurelia
Olympus has fallen. The second Gigantomachy has ended far differently than the first, and in Gaea's triumph, the world has been torn apart. But the Fates have seen what ends their failed meddling brought Western Civilization, look on at the dead—and undo what should never have happened the only way they possibly can. Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, is returned to his twelve-year-old self, memories intact and determined to save everyone he can. But he is not alone. The Moirai underestimated the strength of the Lord of Time when stealing his power, and there is something about this particular demigod brat that intrigues him. . .
 Perseus Jackson came roaring to life with a violent gasp, green eyes wild. After a moment of panicked flailing and struggling to breathe, his fear-filled gaze settled upon a girl with blonde hair and stormy grey eyes, her face stern and unimpressed.
 "You drool in your sleep."
Trading Tomorrow by Darkmagyk, loosingletters
Percy Jackson arrives at Camp Half-Blood bruised and bleeding, with the knowledge that he's the son of a god and his mother is dead. His little display with the Minotaur has caught the attention of the camp. But he’s not sure it is good attention, yet. Only the Hermes Cabin's not-quite Co-counselor Theseus, ‘call me Theo,’ doesn't treat him like a fascinating zoo exhibit. Which would be a relief, except he looks exactly like Percy: same green eyes, same trouble making smile, same black hair. The only differences are the fact that Theo is six years older, covered in battle scars, and the black tattoo on his arm. A trident and the letters SPQR.
Theo is eighteen, powerful, and unclaimed. And his resemblance to Percy could set a dangerous precedent.
*pretty much everything by Darkmagyk is amazing*
i could be your hero by sundaysabotage
“I just don’t get it,” he huffs to Will as they put up holiday decorations in the unusually quiet infirmary, “they talk to me like I’m supposed to know stuff. Like I’m the new Percy or something.” Nico expects Will to laugh at this, shrug off his concerns as unfounded and tell him he’s being over-dramatic like usual. He is wrong.
“Okay, babe, don’t take this the wrong way. But, you kind of are the new Percy.”
___ Based on a tumblr post I made about Nico being the obvious choice as Camp Half-Blood's unofficial leader when Percy leaves for college. (only no one bothers to tell Nico that)
*some solangelo and Nico being Tired(TM) for you*
Were I That Burning Star by californianNostalgia
 An old panic gripped me—the breathless fear of being forgotten, being lost. Would anyone remember me when I was gone? Would someone think to lay a flower down on my grave and say some fond nothings like, “Was a pretty cool guy, that Lester,” while wiping off a single dramatic tear rolling down their cheek? Oh, who was I kidding. So what if no one remembered? There wasn’t much I was proud to be remembered by anyway.
After defeating Python and bringing down Nero, Phoebus Apollo reclaims his godhood. He is glorious once more. But for some reason, he can't quite make himself go back to how things were before.
(A Character Study of Various Gods, including but not limited to: Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and maybe Zeus)
* absolutely beautiful, very philosophical, made me see the gods in a completely different way*
PJO Fic Rec Part 2
Disclaimer: The fanfiction above were not written by me for I am not nearly as creative. However, I am an avid reader and movie buff so these are some of my favorite fanfiction within the fandom. I politely ask that you read the tags attached the fanfiction beforehand so that you know what you are getting yourself into, there may be crossovers. If you don’t like it then don’t read it. In addition, I ask that there be no bashing, the fics are based on my preferences and what I like. Lastly, if there are any specific genre or fandom of fics you want me to get into let me know through my ask box.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
Greek Myth AU: Eros and Psyche Part Two
Eret x afab!reader
trigger warnings: general death/death mentions, Aphrodite being a bit of a bitch, reader is pregnant for the sake of the original myth, but its not mentioned that much
premise: again, this explains the original myth, this part is the second half/the challenge thingys.
Part one
list of Greek Gods/characters for this work
Eros- Eret
Aphrodite- Puffy
Zephyrus- Philza
Zeus- Dream
Pan- Tubbo
Demeter- Ranboo
Hera- George
Hades- Wilbur (only mentioned)
Persephone- Niki
"No love can exist without trust."
The words echoed through (y/n)s head as they wandered through the still dark field. It seemed no use to them to even try to go back to the villa.
Slowly, they came to a stop next to the brook, laying down amongst the bank, one hand on their stomach as they watched the water pass, wondering what they would do.
How could they go on if Eret had left?
"Are you alright?"
(y/n) jumped at the sudden noise, sitting up and turning to see a saytr- no not just any Satyr, they found themself face to face with Tubbo, god of the wild.
He let his head half fall sideways to look at them closer, "You don't look alright. Have you been crying?"
They sniffed, nodding, "I suppose so, yes. I've just had... a rough day."
He nodded, "Does this have anything to do with what I heard Eret shouting earlier, cause that sounded pretty bad."
"It- was actually."
Tubbo winced, "Yikes. You know, though from what I heard, from what I can see now, you really do look like someone who is very much in love. Don't leave yourself to rot here, you must continue on, and win his affections back."
"But how can I? I've lost all of his trust." They sighed.
"You must try, you must." Tubbo insisted, he offered them a hand and helped them to stand, "There is a way, and you will be able to find it. That I am sure of."
So, (y/n) traveled on, through the lands until they at last reached their home nation. Soon, they sought out their sisters, telling them that their deception had caused them to be cast out, not by a beast, but by the god Eret, himself.
When their sisters claimed excuses, and hurried off (perhaps to try and be taken by the god), (y/n) could only sigh and move on.
As they continued the travel, searching for any signs of their husband, he was stuck in Puffy's castle, the splash of oil having done much more damage than she'd originally thought.
All too soon, Puffy had found out where Eret was, and what had happened. Furiously, she rushed into their chambers, utterly pissed that she had gone so far against her instructions as to fall in love with (y/n).
The goddess was in such a rage, that she hardly noticed the state he was in, instead yelling on about how 'that wretched mortal would need to be punished'.
"No!" Eret cried through gritted teeth, "They may have betrayed me, but this is not their fault!"
"She shall be punished!"
It was only the announcement that Ranboo and George had arrived that pulled Puffy out of her yelling.
"Puffy, what's happened?" George asked once she had returned to the main room.
"Do remember that mortal? The one everyone was infatuated with?" Puffy asked, annoyed.
Ranboo nodded, "I thought you had sent Eret to get rid of them."
"The foolish boy went against me, brought her to some place, kept her safe, and now he's been burned because of it." She sighed, "The mortal will have to be dealt with. No simply plots of a forced love. I shall send them straight down to Wilbur's domain."
George bit his lip, "Well, are you sure that he didn't hide them away for good reason?"
"He fell in love with them." Puffy scoffed.
"Oh come on Puffy, don't punish them just because she fell in love. Doesn't he deserve ore than that? They must have fallen in love for a reason? You are the goddess of love, surely you should understand." Ranboo attempted to defend Eret, only to be cut off.
"I do not care what I should or should not understand! I want this mortal punished, and punished they shall be!" Puffy roared.
Meanwhile, (y/n) still wandered the land, looking for their lover, even as their health seemed to decline.
It had been a rather nice day when they stumbled upon the abandoned temple, covered in debris, and tools left behind. Some how, despite everything, it only made sense to clean the temple. To restore, to the best of their ability, to its former glory, or at least till it didn't look a mess.
It was slow work, but soon they had cleared the weeds, moved the old offerings back to their place, and found a place for the abandoned tools.
"You, poor (y/n)!"
They looked up to find Ranboo, towering over them, "M'lord?"
"I have come with a warning. Since your betrayal of Eret, Puffy has been after you, and you have been in great danger. Still despite this, you've come to clear the temple that my followers have abandoned. Why is this?"
"No place should be abandoned as I have been." (y/n) answered softly.
He frowned, sighing, "Well, I value my alliances with Puffy to much to harbor you. But, I will not turn you in, nor alert her in anyway you were every here. Consider yourself blessed."
As he disappeared, (y/n) couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief. They hadn't been met with Puffy's wrath yet. But that did not stop their sorrow.
Wandering farther and farther away from both the valley, and their home, (y/n) came across another temple, taking a rest from the road to step inside.
At the alter, they prayed, "George, queen of Olympus, I beg of you to help me. I am but a mortal, plagued by sorrow, driven out of every place Aphrodite seeks me. I do not wish for my child to be born to this life. Oh, dear George I beg for your help!"
George, hearing these prayers, quietly appeared to them, "Poor dear. I cannot help you, no matter how much I wish too. Puffy's anger stretches far, and even I cannot shield you from it."
When he had disappeared, (y/n) was forced back out the wandering, wondering, if maybe they revealed themself to the goddess, they might receive some mercy.
After a long pondering they set out, and after journey, the found themself at the palace of Puffy. Upon turning themself into the servants, (y/n) found themself dragged before Puffy, who demanded to know what they were doing.
"So you have finally decided to pay me a visit? Or is this just a trick to see your husband, who sufferers from a wound given by your hand!"
It had been a long afternoon for (y/n), until at last the servants, and even Puffy herself, let off, and gave time for the bruises to fully form, as Puffy taunted them, "Such a plain and boring mortal, how could he have fallen for you? And even given you a child? What a pathetic thing it will be."
It didn't take much longer after that for Puffy to decide, "A challenge then, you look to be a maid, lets see how well of one you are. Then you might gain enough favor to see your husband." She called for bags of wheat, barley, beans, lentils and chickpeas to be spread and mixed on the floor, "Have all of this sorted, before the night, and you may win some favor."
And as she disappeared, (y/n) wept, it would be impossible for them to sort the pile, let alone by the time she returned. It had seemed so hopeless, until, droves of Ants, driven by pity made there way into the room.
"Fear not, we shall help you with this task."
Soon the grain was sorted, and the ants disappeared as Puffy returned, looking around incredulously, "This work mustn't be yours! Surely it isn't! You foul thing! This work is far from over!"
The next day, a new challenge was assigned.
"There is a field, a few miles from here, where golden sheep graze all day. Travel there and bring me back a tuft of wool from one by the time the sun sets, or give up on all hope of seeing your husband again." Puffy commanded.
Obediently, (y/n) set out, and as they crossed the river, a soft nymph whispered the secrets to gathering the wool from the dangeours animals.
Carefully, (y/n) waited until noon had passed, until the sheep had settled to one ide of the field, and crept out, gathering the soft tufts from the briars of the bushes.
Yet again, Puffy was surprised by their ability to comply and finish these challenges.
"Surely your husband had some hand in helping you finish this. Quickly mortal, while there is still light, take this, and fetch me the water from the upper most point of that mountain stream."
(y/n) took the pitcher, and slowly began to hike toward the mountain, dreading the dangerous climb ahead. The mountains slowly grew nearer, until (y/n) was forced to fully climb up and over rocks, and the potential fall could prove fatal.
They had paused for a rest, breathing heavy and staring up at the setting sun, there was no way they could make the trip to the top of the mountain and back before night fell.
Yet again, it all seemed helpless, until a kind eagle, indebted to Eret, swooped down, "Give me your jug child, and allow me to help."
When they returned to Puffy's castle, again they were met with surprise. No one had expected their return.
"You have done what I asked, and that makes me suspect you to be a witch. It will take a greater test to determine if you should see your husband again."
(y/n), barley held in a sigh, bowing their head.
"You will journey to the underworld, and meet Niki. She makes a beauty cream, I need you to get some for me. I've exhausted my supply."
(Y/n) began to shake, tears beginning to spill from their eyes, surely this task was impossible. No one could journey to the Underworld and make it back alive.
"Better get going." She scoffed, "And remember, not a single drop
They had no choice but to go.
It was a slow, painful journey, and it took much help, much advice to reach the underworld.
They called upon Niki, who greeted them kindly, and listened to their plight.
"I just wish to see my husband again, so I can explain myself, so I can apologize." (y/n) finished with a sigh.
Niki frowned, "That I cannot help with. But I can supply you with the beauty cream, to bring back to Puffy."
A box was filled and closed out of their view, before Niki presented it to them, with a warning, "The contents of this box, are not meant for mere mortals. It is highly dangerous for you to even look at it. You mustn't open this box, not for anything."
"I understand." They said, taking the box.
The journey back to the overworld seemed to pass quickly, but soon (y/n)s thoughts began to betray her.
Why would they carry this beauty cream if they were not able to take a drop for themself?
How were they suppose to confront their husband if they looked as ragged and hungry as they did now?
Slowly, the temptation took over, surely they would need this beauty cream more than the goddess of beauty.
As soon as the box was opened, they fell to the ground, nearly dead.
While they slept off their injuries, a great fight took place between the gods.
When they had at last awoken, they were greeted with the sight of their lovers face.
"Eret!" They gasped, "I'm sorry! I truly am! I don't know what I was thinking! Please forgive me! I love you!"
She smiled softly, "There is much we have to talk about my sweet."
It had been decided, that (y/n) would join the gods on Olympus, and remarry the god Eret.
Puffy would hurt them no more, and Eret, having heard what lengths they had gone too to get back to them, he couldn't keep them away.
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writingshae · 4 years
Bring the House Down
biker!ares x madam!aphrodite
Summary: Ares and Aphrodite’s relationship has been tumultuous for centuries. Things had become more tense when he took to the road to lead a biker club while she stayed behind is Los Angeles to open up the most exclusive sex club with Dionysus. The time apart has always strained their relationship, but what happens when they find themselves reunited?
taglist: @persephone-rps for cowriting and @just-the-hiddles for test reading
words: 3.7K 
warnings: smut, smut, smut. 18+ please
Aphrodite was livid. In the centuries that she had known Ares, she didn't believe that he still had the nerve to show such disrespect. Both her and Dionysus had been running the most successful and exclusive sex club in Los Angeles and she imagined that Ares would be present to celebrate her success, especially given that his men and women were present and in attendance. Granted, the two of them had been off and on for eons, but she felt that she deserved more respect than what was given. She managed to convince one of his gang members to disclose the God of War's location before taking her leave from the club. She barged into the motorcycle club and glared in every direction before she finally found him. "Why the fuck are you not at my club?"
For as long as Ares had been alive, he had never found somewhere he enjoyed more than the lively city of Los Angeles. The mortals living here were a bit unfriendly and rude, which made them the easiest targets for the God of War. He found pleasure in animosity and revelled in the chaos. It was only fitting that Ares started up a very notorious motorcycle gang. It gave him the opportunity to delegate a group of unruly men and women to act on his every whim. The Outlaws were highly respected and, in some aspects, held more authority than the police.
Ares was sitting at the bar in the Outlaws clubhouse, drowning his nagging thoughts about Aphrodite and her damn sex club she ran with Dionysus. There wasn’t enough whiskey in the world, though. Especially when the blonde Goddess of Love stormed in. He turned his head slowly to look at her, much too familiar with her outbursts after centuries of knowing each other.
“Why the fuck are you in my club?” He retorted with a scoff. “Tell me, gorgeous.. Why in Tartarus would I want to watch those mortals fawn over you? None of them are half the man that I am and I know you are more than aware of that.”
She rolled her eyes. Of course, the mortals of Los Angeles fawned over her, men and women alike. She was Aphrodite and she fed off of their adoration. The more they prayed and fawned over her, the more power she had. It was why it was a genius idea to set up shop with Dionysus. Everyone was looking for an escape in the alcoholic haze and the search for love. 
"I'm in your club because you're being a giant asshole by not coming to see me," Aphrodite retorted with a pout, trailing her fingers down his muscular arm. "Because they fawn over me but they can never have me. They can't handle me. As if I would bring myself down to their level and consort with them. Please. I'm not Zeus. But you... I was waiting for you. You insult me by not joining me in my temple."
It had been centuries of this little back and forth with Aphrodite. Just like the mortals, he was captivated by her beauty and he just had to have her, no matter what; however, unlike the mortals, he was a god who was able to somewhat resist that charm of hers. At least that’s what he constantly told himself. In all honesty, that was only true when she wasn’t around him because right now, he began to feel an overwhelming desire for Aphrodite. He turned in his stool quickly, grabbing ahold of the blonde’s wrist that was ghosting over his arm, his eyes moving up and down her body. She was always dressed to impressed and tonight was no exception. 
“Oh, my goddess,” he smirked softly, standing up. He gently but forcefully pushed her up against the bar counter, one of his hand resting on her hips. “I have a feeling I could make it up to you one way or another...” Ares’ smirk grew as his other hand moved up, tilting her head back as his mouth found its way to her neck.
Aphrodite was high maintenance. She could admit to that, but as a result, she demanded to be woo'd, which was not exactly the war god's style. He was rough and hard and their lovemaking always resulted in bruises. She enjoyed the rough sex, but she wanted more than that. Ares was just never one to commit, rather staying on the war path and building up his army. She leaned her head back, looking bored already with his antics. "You have a feeling? I have a feeling that you are all talk and no action," she prodded, poking holes at his ego. She knew that he would delight in her image. Who wouldn't? She was the most beautiful goddess and she had dressed in his favorite color lingerie and a skin-tight dress with a high slit.
Ares couldn’t help but to groan against her smooth skin. She always knew exactly how and when to push his buttons and tonight was no exception. Part of him wanted to push her away, tell her to go back to her precious sex club and Dionysus; however, he felt his desire for her increasing by the second. He wondered if she was using some of her powers on him and the thought angered him. Though, he figured he would channel that anger in a way that benefited them both. “What is it that you want, Goddess?” He inquired with a raise of his brow, eyes scanning up and down her perfect body donned in a tight little dress. “Do you want me to tell you how beautiful you are? How no mortal or goddess in Olympus could ever amount to your beauty? Hm?” His hands smoothed up and down her sides. “Do you not hear that enough from your followers? Or will you finally admit that my attention is what you desire most in the world?”
She could have easily used her powers on him; however, it took out the fun from their back and forth. Aphrodite enjoyed the games and enjoyed the wrath that she could draw from him just from making him second guess himself. She felt herself get wet just from hearing him sing her praises and her skin glowed from the power it gave her. “My followers, they see me and my beauty, but not like you can,” Aphrodite purred as she pressed her pelvis against his. “Your undivided attention is what I desire most in the world and I am no fool. I know that is one desire that will never be fulfilled.”
Ares couldn’t help but to smirk at the way her skin glowed from his compliments and he truly meant every word of it. Even after centuries and even after having different lovers, there was always something that drew the two of them towards one another. Take Los Angeles for example; Ares would never admit to it, but Aphrodite was part of the reason he went there. The warfare was just an added bonus. “That is very true,” his voice was deep with desire for the goddess. “Oh my gorgeous, breathtaking, absolutely radiant goddess... You have my undivided attention right now, don’t you?”
Aphrodite hummed with happiness as her fingers danced over the skin that she had access to. She loved seeing him after a war, all built up and strong. It made her even more proud when she could bring him to his knees and see how weak she could make him. "I do... but I always want more," she leaned in, lips barely grazing the stubble on his cheek. "Are you god enough to give me more?"
It was almost as if Ares was a completely different being when he was around Aphrodite. The affect she had on him without even using her powers was mind blowing and it didn’t take the war god to be reduced down to a man who was putty in her hands. His hands couldn’t help the way they explored her body until they slipped past the slit of her dress to grab her backside. Her words started a fire inside him and he let out a dry chuckle before smacking her bottom. “I think we both know that I am, Aphrodite,” he smirked widely, his hand soothing over her probably slightly sore ass cheek. “Tell me what it is you want me to do to you. And I will gladly oblige.”
She withdrew her hands from him, slowly unzipping the side of her dress until she could peel the dress off of her body, allowing the material to fall to the floor and reveal the blood red lingerie beneath. Only he was allowed to lay hands on her like he had. No one else was allowed to treat her quite as roughly, the action sending lightning through her. "Worship me..." she said, hoisting herself onto the bar counter and spreading her legs open for her. "Show me how much of a true god you are."
The corners of his lips curled up into his signature smirk and he reached a hand up to run it through his hair. Worshipping her would be easy. It was already something he consistently did, just not quite as openly or vocally as her followers. He licked at his lips as the dress fell to the floor of the clubhouse and he had to take a deep breath. The lingerie left little to the imagination and he was sure she coordinated the colors purposely. Ares stood in front of her, his large hands gripping at her porcelain thighs, spreading them a little more. “Your wish is my command, my beautiful goddess,” his smirk grew as he dipped his head down, peppering kissing up her legs teasingly, wanting to hear her beg for him.
Aphrodite spread her legs wider, loving that they had the motorcycle club all to themselves. Granted, she didn't mind having an audience, but she knew that since it was Ares, they would probably cause plenty of wreckage that evening. She ran her fingers through his hair, yanking on it when she began to grow impatient with him. After centuries of their lovemaking, he knew everything that drove her crazy. Yet they still had ways to keep things steamy between them. "What are you doing?" she groaned as she tugged on his hair again. "You're taking too long."
Ares knew that the rest of his gang were going to be out all night. They had an exceptionally satisfying run-in with a rival gang and needless to say, the men had a great time satisfying their urge for violence. Brought to them by the God of War himself. Ares felt more powerful today because of this feat as well. And he looked forward to wrecking the clubhouse with the goddess. He smirked against her thighs, letting out a chuckle. “Oh? I thought you enjoyed the foreplay, beautiful?” He raised a brow at her, “Whatever then. You asked for it.” Ares tore off her lacy underwear, discarding them quickly. The god wasted no time in swirling his tongue around her sensitive nun of nerves, lapping at it quickly.
As expensive as the underwear was, she would be fine with how he discarded her underwear. During all of their trysts, there was always some sort of casualty in her wardrobe. That was no matter. She had centuries' worth of wealth and the club had been more successful than she could have ever predicted. She could always buy more. Aphrodite pulled at his hair and moaned as he paid the most attention to her pearl. Mortals were selfish and cared only for their pleasure, but not Ares. While he certainly got his, he made sure that she was fully satisfied. "I enjoy foreplay, not teasing..." she murmured through her moans.
Ares didn’t think twice about the lingerie. He was sure he could make it up to her by a shopping trip if she were upset about it. The war god gripped at Aphrodite’s thighs as his tongue made expert work on her clit. With other lovers, Ares wasn’t nearly as attentive; however, this goddess brought out a side of him no one else had ever witnessed. “Fine, fine. No more teasing..” He hummed against her core, moving a hand up to press two fingers against her entrance and sliding them in easily. He began pumping them in and out, curling them up inside of her skillfully.
Aphrodite let out a purr of satisfaction as he filled her with rough fingers, her hips shifting to allow his fingers fill her to the hilt. She had missed this confidence and desire that no other mortal or even god could satisfy. Ares was hers no matter what they said about their relationship. They always came back to each other in spite of their wandering. “Yes, Ares.... so strong. I can feel your victory flow through you,” she moaned as she sensed the aura of a battle waged and won.
The sounds emitting from the goddess’ lips was like music to Ares’ ears. He couldn’t help but to smirk against her core, swirling his tongue around her pearl a few more times before his free hand moved up, tearing away her bra. “Mine. You’re all mine,” Ares grunted as he moved up, attaching his mouth to her breast now. He wasn’t a possessive god unless it came to Aphrodite. She was his one weakness and she absolutely knew it. His fingers continued pumping in and out of her, his speed increasing to help coax her first orgasm.
She was now completely naked on the bar counter while he was still dressed. It wasn't fair, but before she could say anything, Aphrodite could feel her orgasm wash over her. She threw her head back, a strong aura radiating out from the two of them as she hit her high. "My love, you are far too dressed for this occasion," she cooed, brushing her fingers through his hair and trailing them down his shoulders and arms.
Ares felt a strong sense of victory when he coaxed the goddess to her first release, a smirk playing upon his lips knowing that was just the first of many for the night. He pulled away from her core and licked at his lips and fingers, savoring the taste of Aphrodite. He hummed in approval, his smirk growing at her words. “Undress me then, my ethereal goddess,” he muttered as his lips found their way back to her skin. He couldn’t help himself when he was around her and it absolutely showed.
Aphrodite slid off the bar and stood in front of him, pushing his leather jacket off of his large shoulders. There were so many layers to deal with, but she took care removing each one, not removing her gaze from his even as she undressed him. It dragged on but finally, he was as bare as she was. Her slender fingers wrapped around his shaft, tugging on it lightly. “Have you been saving all of this for me?”
Ares couldn’t help but to smirk as the goddess removed his clothing one by one. It was painstakingly slow, but he knew if he had patience, it would certainly be worth it in the end. The god let out a groan as her fingers wrapped around his thick shaft and he couldn’t help but to buck his hips into her hand. “Of course I have.. No mortal woman is even worth a second glance. None of them are as gorgeous as you, my love.” he smirked, watching her aura grow at his words.
She was practically glowing from the love and attention and compliments that she was receiving from Ares. He was a smart god, knowing all the right things to say to make her happy. Now whether or not it was true had yet to be seen, but she didn’t care in the moment. Aphrodite continued to pump him despite the fact that he probably couldn’t get any harder. “Mine... all mine...” she purred, repeating the same words that he had used when he brought her to the edge the first time.
Ares was filled to the brim with desire and he was sure the Goddess of Love was more than aware of that. Despite having this little back and forth for centuries, he never found himself bored with Aphrodite. In fact, he was certain he had developed somewhat of a soft spot for her. Would he ever tell her that, though? Absolutely not. Not in a million years. Ares had a reputation to uphold. He licked at his lips harshly before picking the blonde up by her thighs, laying her down on a nearby table and spreading her legs. “Tell me how badly it is that you want me,” he smirked, rubbing the tip of his member up and down her wet folds.
Aphrodite and Ares were soulmates. That much was certain. In spite of the nature of their relationship, they always kept coming back together. No one could satisfy her the way that Ares could. But their respective life missions were the only things that kept them apart. "I want you and only you. See how I shine for you?" she teased, pulling her legs apart wider for him. Her hand snaked down the valley of her breasts over her pearl, teasing herself as he teased her.
Ares couldn’t help but to groan and lick his lips as he looked down at her. Aphrodite was truly a sight to be seen and the war god was grateful that he was the only one who got to see this side of her. Even if she had other lovers, Ares knew she didn’t put on quite a show for them like she did for him. “That’s what I like to hear,” her murmured before sliding inside of her without warning until he bottomed out, inhaling sharply at the feeling it provided him. He let her get used to his thickness before thrusting in and out of her relentlessly.
She couldn’t help herself when it came to Ares. Aphrodite moaned as soon as he filled her, wrapping her legs around his torso. As experienced as she was, his size still kept the feeling tight and full. She gripped at the table below her, knowing that they were going at it with their pace that the table would break below them. “Ares... yes, my love....”
The feeling he got with Aphrodite was similar to the one he got when he was at war. He feels powerful and in control - like the entire world was at his beck and call. His aura radiated around him in red hues and he pushed her slender legs back, his thrusts hitting her at a different angle now. His thrusts remained unrelenting as he bent down, his mouth attaching to her breasts, paying each of them equal attention.
The auras of the power that they drew from their coming together filled the entire room. Aphrodite didn't hold back the moans of pleasure as her nails raked back down his shoulders. She felt her body quickly build up to her next peak as he continued to rail into her. The newer angle was unrelenting and she couldn't hold back for anything.
Ares was a generous man when it came to pleasuring Aphrodite. Mostly because he found pleasure in it himself. He could tell she was about to reach her next orgasm. After centuries of being intimate with the goddess, he knew her body almost better than his own. “Don’t hold back, gorgeous...” The war god peppered his kisses up her neck, nibbling at her ear lobe. “Come for me... Show me who you belong to..”
Each touch of his was electric and she couldn't have enough of him. If they didn't have their own missions to accomplish, they could probably spend the rest of their lives tangled in each other. "You... I'm yours..." she moaned as she was pushed off to yet another orgasm. "Ares!"
There were no words to describe the amount of pride he felt as he coaxed Aphrodite to her next orgasm. It was a feeling similar to winning a war and perhaps that was what drew him to the goddess in the first place. She made him feel things that he otherwise would have never felt before. He loved hearing her scream his name in pleasure and he made sure to rub her pearl as she rode out her orgasm. He was getting close himself, but he wanted to ensure his goddess was completely satisfied.
Aphrodite wrapped her legs around him as he pushed her over the edge, another burst of energy released throughout the room, rattling the walls. The two of them drew immense power every time they came together and this was no exception. Her hands clung to him as though he would fall out of existence if she let go, her walls clenching around his hardness with each ripple.
The smirk that played on Ares’ lips was not one that Aphrodite was unfamiliar with. Throughout their relationship, they had gotten to know every nook and cranny of each other’s bodies and how they react to certain things. The god of war was overflowing with his crimson aura and he felt as if he could take on every god in all three kingdoms. This was a feeling only elicited from making love with the goddess of love herself. His thrusts were getting more and more reckless and soon he was withdrawing from her warm ness and finishing on her stomach.
Aphrodite felt his seed, warm on her stomach. He was playing it safe, which she couldn’t blame him for. They didn’t need to deal with another god in the world to compete with, even if it was their own child. She swiped a finger across her stomach and sucked on her finger. She savored his taste, knowing that this would not be the end of their love making for the evening. They would have plenty of time to rest and recover. Aphrodite sat up, kissing his neck. “Aren’t you glad I got angry and came all the way over here to chew your ass out?” She purred.
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iamshwee · 4 years
Hellenism and the Journey of the Afterlife
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In the original mythology of Hellenism, the Greek Underworld was considered another world or realm where our souls, known as our Shade, is taken after death. In the original Greek afterlife, at the moment of our death the shade is separated from the corpse when Death (Thanatos) reaches out to cut a lock of hair from the corpses head (often referred to as a ‘lifeline’) where it then takes the now unphysical shape of that former person. The Messenger God (Hermes) then transports the shade across the River Styx (the river of hatred) to the entrance of the Underworld. The Underworld is sometimes simply known by the name of its patron god, Hades, and is treated as a resting place for the soul before it drinks from the River Lethe (waters of forgetfulness) and is reincarnated into a new life. Many within Hellenism believe in form of reincarnation and this was a subject broached by many philosophers of the ancient world. However, the journey of the afterlife is the more commonly resonating belief. The Underworld itself is described as either ‘the outer bounds of the deepest ocean’ or ‘darkness hidden beneath the depths of the end of the earth,’ and thus is considered the darkest counterpart to the brightness of Mount Olympus. This realm itself is invisible to the living and made solely for the dead to be used as almost a type of bypass station.
Once Hermes delivers the shades to the entrance of the Underworld, good people and bad people would then be separated. Infront and directly across from the entrance of the Underworld lives the personifications of Grief (Penthos), Anxiety (Curae), Diseases (Nosoi), Old Age (Geras), Fear (Phobos), Hunger (Limos), Need (Aporia), Death (Thanatos), Agony (Algae), Sleep (Hypnos), and Guilty Joys (Gaudia). On the opposite side of the entrance holds War (Polemos), Discord (Eris), and the Furies (Erinyes). Many beasts lay waiting before the entrance of the Underworld, including Centaurs, Gorgons, a Hydra, the giant Geryon, the Chimera, and screaming Harpies. In the center of all this lies an Elm tree, where False and Broken Dreams (Oneiroi) hang from the branches like dead leaves.
Shades that enter the Underworld carry a coin under their tongues to pay the ferryman, known as a Charon, to take them across the River Acheron (river of pain) safely. Within Hellenism, the dead are properly buried with a coin under their tongue as an offering, or like the Trojan hero, Aeneas, who delivered a rare tree branch called a Golden Bough to the Charon. The Charon is permitted to turn shades away, often the shades of the unburied, which cannot be taken from bank to bank without payment, often due to a lack of proper burial. The physical description of the Charon has changed over the years but is often portrayed to be a barren, filthy, hollow-looking human-shaped creature with fire red eyes, a long unkempt beard, and a dirty dark ash cloak.
Once the Charon carries a shade across the river, there lies the mighty three-headed hound of Hades, Cerberus, guarding the gates as well as the Three Judges of the Underworld. These minor demigods are known as King Aeacus; the guardian of the keys to the gate of the Underworld, King Rhadamanthus; the lord of Elysium, and King Minos; the judge with the final vote. It is up to these judges to outline the deeds of the deceased, and they create the laws that govern the Underworld. Most of the laws of the Underworld assured that there was no true justice waiting for the shades of the dead and that they wouldn’t necessarily receive ‘awards’ for how they lived their physical mortal lives.
However, the overall voted outcome for any shade can be changed by Hade's command, if and when he pleased. When the Earth was divided between Chronos and Rheas' three sons; Zeus received Mount Olympus, Poseidon the vast seas, and Hades the Underworld. Hades is rarely seen outside his own realm, regardless of his co-ownership of the Earth, and most punishments shades received were often demanded by other gods seeking eternal vengeance. He was not a tormenter of the dead and sometimes had even been considered the ‘Zeus of the dead’ due to his being so hospitable to them. He did not run his realm on his own, however.
Persephone (Kore), daughter of the harvest Goddess Demeter and Zeus, is often considered a fitting other half to Hades, though their origin story changes depending on point of view. Once, when Persephone was alone gathering wildflowers, she came across a beautiful narcissus flower that was planted specifically for her by Gaia as a favor to Hades, who had fallen in love with Persephone and desired her as his wife. It is said that Hades believed Persephone to be ‘more beautiful than the Goddess Aphrodite’ and would settle for nothing less than her love. The moment Persephone picked the narcissus flower, Hades appeared from a fresh crack in the Earth, riding a golden chariot and carrying the torches of Hekate, on his mission to seduce Persephone into the Underworld. Demeter searched for her daughter relentlessly, begging that the other deities help her do the same. Learning of this abduction infuriated Demeter, leading her to neglect the Earth and forbidding harvest, freezing the grounds until her daughter was returned to her. Zeus, annoyed by the cries of starving mortals, and badgered by fellow deities who heard of Demeter's anguish, forced Hades to return Persephone to Mount Olympus.
Hades complies with the request, but not before offering Persephone six pomegranate seeds for her journey home. It was explained to Demeter that she would be released so long as she had not tasted the ‘food of the dead.’ Unaware of Hade's trickery, Hermes was sent to retrieve Persephone but was informed she had tasted the food of the Underworld and was now bound to its realm. Instead, Hades offered a deal to Demeter; that Persephone may stay in the Underworld for half the year (the winter/fall months) and come back to Earth the other half (the spring/summer months) to be with her mother. Thus, every half-year, when Demeter and her daughter were reunited, the Earth flourished with vegetation and color. But for the latter months each year when Persephone returned to the Underworld, the Earth would once again become cold and barren. This is essentially Hellenism’s explanation for the seasons and in this way, Hades was able to gift Persephone, Goddess of spring and fertility, with being the Queen of the Underworld and his wife, thus ruling over their realm side by side. Persephone helped to give death a more merciful face, regardless of Hades' bouts of kindness toward shades. While Hades was known for being immovable, Persephone even assists several heroes and grieving lovers who stumble down lost into the Underworld. But beyond their realm, and Hades beloved Cerberus, holds the final resting places for all shades; the Isles of the Blessed called Elysium, the Asphodel Meadows, the Mourning Fields, and the Dungeon of Torment called Tartarus.
Elysium, also known as the Elysian Fields, is one concept of the afterlife, described as the place for exceptional beings, often ‘Heroes,’ to eternally reside. As this concept modernized, Elysium was later expanded to include those righteously chosen mortals who are pure of heart. This makes Elysium essentially the Hellenic Paradise, where they may live a blessed, happy afterlife, with grand feasts, and the ability to indulge in whatever their deepest desires may entail. It is said that the philosopher Socrates, and the Hero Achilles, were two of the few who were permitted into this glorious afterlife.
We do not know much about the Asphodel Meadows, other than that it is a section of the Ancient Greek Underworld where the shades of ordinary people are sent to after death. Those who have never committed a significant crime or had not achieved any level of greatness or recognition, reside here. Those who were not permitted into Elysium, and had nowhere else they belonged, spent their afterlife among the Asphodel Meadows realms. Essentially, this is where every day people’s shades settle within the afterlife. Similarly, the Mourning Fields were a concept from the Latin Epic Poem ‘Aeneid’ written by Virgil between 29 BC and 19 BC. This was a section of the Underworld that was reserved for shades who wasted their lives on unrequited love or died of a broken heart.
Tartarus is said to be as far beneath the Underworld as the Earth is beneath the sky. This essentially means that Tartarus was so dark that ‘the night is poured around it in three rows like a collar around the neck, while above it grows the roots of the Earth and the unharvested sea.’ This is where Zeus originally cast the Titans, along with his father, Cronus. It is said that Homer believed Cronus to be the King of Tartarus and that Odysseus mentions some of the people within the Underworld who are experiencing ‘punishment’ were found here. This is the deepest abyss of the Underworld and is used as a dungeon to torment and influence suffering for those who lived a particularly wicked life.
The Greeks believed that there was a great journey into the afterlife, but that the afterlife held no purpose. The souls of the dead still existed, but that they were insubstantial and often too weak and therefore unable to make influences on the living. The shades in the Underworld were now essentially neutral, and that no one was able to use their previous lives to their advantage after death. They believed that death was not a complete end to life, or human existence, but accepted that not unlike life, the afterlife was relatively meaningless. It is said that you are in the afterlife who you are in the moment of your death; meaning someone who died in battle would be covered in blood in entering the Underworld, and those who died in their sleep remained peaceful. The Greeks considered their dead to be irritable and unpleasant on occasion, but they are not necessarily dangerous or malevolent. The souls can grow angry and hostile, and often the Greek's response to this would be a drink offering, or even blood sacrifices to initiate communication.
Unlike its Catholic counterpart, the afterlife in Hellenism does not necessarily revolve around divine punishment. Those who are punished in Tartarus deserved the same level of punishment while living, thus assuring the ordinary and mundane shades an afterlife of equality and simplicity. While some believed in reincarnation and thus the recycling of our shades, it is widely acknowledged that all of our shade's journeys will eventually end. The likely hood of an everyday person passing on and ending up in a sort of ‘hell’ type afterlife is relatively slim in the eyes of Hellenism, and it gives the Greeks a sense of relief in death instead of an intensely instilled fear.
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