#Anxiety Mistrust AU
AU Idea: Pre-AA Virgil Trusts Too Soon
Just thinkin. What if pre-AA Virgil revealed, accidentally, that he's a dark Side/former dark Side before he was accepted? How would the other three react?
To me, Roman would be more determined to 'chase the villain away'. Patton may grow hesitant around him because 'what if he is bad?' doubt comes in. Logan would probably not change as much as c!Logan is towards c!Virgil. He's the one Side who's neutral and a bit supportive of the Darks anyway, so I doubt he'd be much different.
Maybe someone tells Thomas about it, and it makes it a lot harder for Thomas to accept/trust Virgil? Like, if he's 'dark' and 'bad', what does that say about him? More doubt, and shit goes downhill FAST.
Virgil doesn't reveal his name until a lot later, maybe sticks a lil closer to his fellow Darks for longer, feels isolated and alone because maybe he DOES leave the Darks but has no home with the Lights either? Like, cue major angst shift and him attempting to Duck Out/Fade, and what if, because of all the mistrust, Virgil succeeds in this AU? Now, the persona of Anxiety is gone, the Darks are more upset bc they didn't truly realize how hurt Virgil was, and now the Lights all have this horrible guilt for not giving him much of a chance (besides maybe Logan in this AU).
Keep in mind that the Lights know Virgil as 'Anxiety' pre-AA, so in this AU, he never gets to reveal his name to the Lights and show he trusts them and is healing n stuff.
Imagine how Thomas conflicted would feel if/when he learns his personified Anxiety is gone...
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the comforts of creatures (5)
creature comforts:
↳ material/bodily comforts, such as food, warmth, or special accommodations, that contribute to physical ease and well-being
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→ pairing: ot7 x fem.reader
→ genre: supernatural!au, soulmate!au, hurt + comfort + recovery, angst with a happy ending, fluff, eventual smut
→ word count: 4.8k
→ summary: you learn what you are, and your reaction is far from what they expected. as they try to help you feel safe, the boys learn about your triggers, and they try their hardest to help in any way they can.
→ trigger/content warnings: PTSD (self-loathing, mistrust, flashbacks/nightmares) effects of brainwashing, lil’ bit of lore, overt and internalized racism/species-ism (?), vomiting, anxiety, mentions of starvation/food poisoning, mentions of physical abuse, dissociation, mentions of torture, aversion to touch, mc pushes jimin but he’s okay, jimin is an angel, facial/body scars, body dysmorphia/repulsion
→ a/n: thank y’all for your patience :) here’s some more hurt before the comfort lol
past part ← series masterlist → next part
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part 5: scars and soothers
“This is you.”
The man is pointing at a detailed image drawn in faded ink. The rest of the page is filled with scripted text and anatomical diagrams.
You can’t look at first, scared of what you’ll find.
When you finally do, you don’t know what to think. There’s the thought that he’s kidding, he’s lying. He can’t be serious.
The drawing is of a creature with tawny-feathered wings extending magnificently in the air. It has the body of a powerful big cat, muscular yet elegant. Its four legs end in sharp-taloned feet. Its neck is framed by a golden mane, looking like a big frilly collar. The mane’s trail travels down the creature’s chest and back, ending in a flowing tail. It has the face of a lion, with white whiskers and deep yellow eyes, yet the regal posture of an eagle.
A diagram off to the left shows the inside of its mouth, lined with row upon row of sharp teeth and protruding fangs.
Looking back up, you search the faces of the men around you. None of them appear to be joking.
You can’t speak.
You’re one of them, one of the creatures they all despised. The creatures that roam the wild lands for easy prey, spreading carnage wherever they go.
No wonder they hated you so much. You’re not even human.
A few silent, involuntary tears fall from your eyes, which are locked back on the page. You wipe them away hastily.
The boys don’t know how to react, all looking at each other with concern.
“What...” you squeak out, voice choked. “What is it?”
“A gryffin,” Yoongi replies. “You’re a shifter.”
Something gurgles in your stomach. You clench your teeth, nails digging deep into the meat of your thighs.
You believe him. You don’t want to, but you believe him. You’ve always felt less than human, like something wasn’t right about you. Like something was just beneath the surface, clawing its way up.
Now you know why.
Jungkook, who’s sitting closest to you, slowly, cautiously puts his hand on your shoulder in an effort to comfort you.
But you flinch at his touch, jerking away.
You don’t catch the look of hurt that flits across his face. He knows you can’t help it, but it still stings to think that his touch physically repels you.
“What did they tell you about atypicals?” Namjoon presses, trying to shift your attention so you won’t look so disheartened by the reality of what you are.
From the way you look at him, he knows that you’ve never heard that word before. Or at least you don’t remember it.
“Atypicals are anything that falls out of the humanic species,” he explains patiently.
Your face scrunches in confusion.
“Humanic as in human,” he elaborates.
You don’t understand why he’s talking like that. You’ve never heard these terms before. In the place you came from, the “facility,” anything that wasn’t human was an abomination, a mistake in the eyes of nature.
Simple as that.
But here, things seem to be a bit more complicated.
Nausea is starting to bubble in your gut. You breathe carefully through your nose as you consider Namjoon’s question.
“They said...” you begin hesitantly.
They’re all on the edge of their seats, desperately wondering what those bastards brainwashed you to believe about their kind, your own kind.
“They said that they were monsters.”
Another pang of hurt thrums through their hearts.
“That...that they deserved to be hunted down like dogs.”
They can hear the pain in your own voice, either from witnessing their cruel behavior, or from realizing that you’ve been the target of it this whole time.
Your stomach churns.
“They said I wasn’t even worthy to lick the ground they walked on.”
They can all hear you choking on your tears, despite your attempts to hide it.
Jimin and Jungkook feel like their chests are going to burst from holding it in, both the sorrow they feel for you and the urge to rush forward and drown you in affection.
Jin and Namjoon have storms raging inside their heads. Namjoon is calculating, trying to decode what exactly their motive was and how to use it to track down the ones in charge of it all. Jin’s mind is reeling with ways to undo the damage they’ve done, mentally and physically.
Yoongi is swimming waist-deep in despair. He can’t help but think of what’s to come. You’ll have to relearn everything. How to shift, how to fight, how to cast. That is, if you even want to.
You feel the newly strung tension in the air, looking like you just realized you said all of those things out loud.
One look around the room, and your newly found voice retreats deep into your throat.
The man called Namjoon, his eyes have darkened, jaw clenched and ticking like he’s grinding his teeth.
The one who tended to your wounds is sitting stiffly in his chair, staring ahead with a new sharpness in his face.
The small dark-haired man has his hands clenched, prominent veins crawling up his arms.
You duck your head down, body stiff with nerves.
“You have to know,” Yoongi begins, voice calm as ever despite the rage just below the surface. “That’s not how most people think. Especially not here.”
Here in the North Regions, atypicals make up the majority of the population. Law enforcement, government, and public works are largely run by them, and prejudice is rarely an issue.
But how could you know that now?
They can all see the change. It’s almost instantaneous, the way your face shifts and loses all semblance of emotion. Just like that, the mask is back up.
Then there’s something else. A slight twitch from your nose, a well-hidden shudder. They can see your throat bobbing.
For a few seconds, it looks like you’re about to say something. Your tongue is moving inside your mouth, and you’re blinking rapidly.
Namjoon is about to utter some gentle encouragement, but a jolt racks through your body, making you hunch over.
All of a sudden you’re vomiting up everything you just ate.
Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin can’t help but jump to their feet, panicked noises filling the air.
Taehyung’s eyes widen. All his limbs go rigid, paralyzing him in his seat. He feels sick himself.
Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi all look at each other.
Yoongi thrusts into action, heading to the kitchen with Jungkook in tow since he isn’t good around pungent-smelling things.
Namjoon starts giving instructions. Jimin, paper towels. Hobi, get the mop. Said men jolt into action, scrambling to do whatever they can to help.
Jin’s eyes have been fixed on you for some time now, catching your every move, including all the suppressed flinches and tremors.
He’s at your side in an instant, on his knees to try to catch your eyes. But it’s no use, you’re squeezing your eyes shut like you’re expecting to be hit.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he mutters in his gentlest voice. “It’s no big deal. No one is upset with you.”
As much as he wants to, he refrains from touching you right away.
Eyes still tightly shut, you flinch away from the sound of his voice, twitching with anxiety.
Jin can see you start to spiral, so he does the only thing he knows will work.
“Hey,” he begins, voice firmer than it was before. “Look at me.”
Your eyes snap open, shining with moisture.
“That’s my girl,” Jin says before he can help it. “You’re going to calm down for me, yeah?”
Your eyes desperately search his face, looking for any sign of anger or deception. You find none, not even a hint of disgust, and your breathing starts to slow.
All that’s there is the man who tended to your wounds, watching you with those patient eyes. His handsome face is calm, attentively anticipating whatever you need right now.
Sweat gathers on your skin. That same sensation crawls up your throat, saliva pooling in your mouth.
Jin notices the signs immediately.
“Come with me,” he orders softly, putting a light hand on your back and leading you to the nearest bathroom.
You don’t know what to do with yourself.
You remember vomiting a few times at the facility. Once from eating a rotten vegetable, the mold making it impossible to identify. And once when a handful of keepers had held you down, repeatedly punching you in the stomach, until you gave in and called yourself a mutt.
Both times you were severely punished for making a mess. You learned to hold it in your mouth and swallow it down after that.
Jin guides you to kneel over the toilet. He keeps talking to you, but you only process half of what he’s saying.
“Go ahead, let it out,”
You can feel it creeping up, burning and sour. But something deeper, something almost instinctual, tells you to keep it down.
“Stop holding it in, sweetheart,” he says, rubbing soothing circles on your back. “It’s not good for you. It’s okay to let go.”
Before you can think to suppress it, another wave of nausea surges through your body. The crescendo of it makes you wretch, emptying the last of your stomach’s contents.
“Good, good, just get it all out,” he encourages instead of beating you until you can’t breathe.
The bile is bitter in your mouth, but not more bitter than the dread clinging to your entire being.
He’s not going to punish me, you finally realize. It’s almost an impossible thought.
For a moment, you stay hunched over, frozen. Not sure what to do next.
“Here, come wash your mouth out,” Jin says, helping you stand up on shaky legs.
The sound of running water rings in your ears. You feel the coolness against your tongue, but barely register that you’re the one cupping it to your lips. Numb. You feel like you’re controlling your body from the outside rather than the inside.
“Now, let’s get you cleaned up, okay?”
You look up at him for the first time in a while. His face is as kind as it was before, with the same full-lipped smile and warm brown eyes.
The man starts to lead you out of the room, that same gentle hand resting on your back.
It isn’t until then that you realize you’re still in the grimy clothes they found you in. And now the entire front of your shirt is stained with even more filth.
You glance into the living room as you pass through the hallway.
The other men are diligently cleaning the area you just soiled. The small dark-haired man and the muscular man are missing, though you can hear rustling from the kitchen.
The one with the jet black hair and bright face catches your eye, flashing a reassuring smile. It makes you rip your eyes away.
Jin guides you into the living room, and everyone immediately looks your way.
Shrinking, you’re shrinking into yourself as much as your body will allow.
“Someone run a bath,” Jin announces. “I think it’s time our little guest got some sleep in clean clothes.”
The fair-haired one steps forward and exchanges a subtle look with Jin, who’s standing slightly behind you.
“Would you follow me?” the shorter man says, holding out his hand.
It’s the one with the silver-gray hair and warm eyes. You think his name is Jimin. His face is soft and friendly. It asks a silent question: will you trust me?
You don’t take his hand, but you do take a step up the stairs in the direction he’s leading you.
You don’t catch it, but Jimin and Jin exchange a heartfelt glance, nearly ecstatic at the fact that you’re beginning to trust them.
Jimin leads you up the stairs as the rest of them settle things downstairs.
When you reach the top, he guides you down a spacious hallway that’s filled with potted plants and window light.
Every single door, down to the very end of the hall, is open. Whether it’s open wide or just a crack, not one of them is closed or locked. You’re not used to it.
The man, Jimin, stops at a door halfway down the hall and looks back to check if you’re still following him.
You stop a few feet away from him, still keeping your distance, but your expression is open and neutral, waiting on his next move.
He gives you a calm smile, and continues into the room with you behind him.
This room is just as bright and inviting as the rest of the house. White walls and clean tile floors, but this time with a large porcelain tub and a sink with marble countertops.
The man turns to look at you with a question in his eyes.
“Shower or bath?” he asks.
It’s a harmless question, a considerate question. But your mind is yanked back to that place.
Shower. A torrent of fire raining down on you, vision blinded by steam. It comes from every angle, unrelenting no matter how much you scream.
They would strip you down and lock you in a metal stall the size of a coffin. Then the dotted ceiling would unleash a downpour of near-boiling water.
You would bang on the walls, but the water made the metal surface just as hot, the floor burning the bottom of your feet. Minutes or hours they kept you in there, not letting you out until your body was covered in burn marks.
Bath. The most intense cold you’ve ever felt. It’s everywhere, submerging you up to the neck, seeping down to your very bones.
They would chain you down in a tub full of ice, nothing but your head poking out of the frigid water. The cold chains cut into your skin the more you struggled. Your lungs would heave from the shock of it, your whole body shivering violently.
Then they would hold your head underwater until you were bucking like a stuck pig. This went on until you were utterly exhausted, falling limp against the freezing porcelain with nothing but the tight chains holding you up.
You’re snapped back to reality when the man takes a step closer. He’s watching you closely, trying to read your face.
Finally remembering that he asked you a question, you shrug your shoulders and shake your head.
You don’t want either. You don’t want to be anywhere near that tub. You want him to leave you alone.
Jimin guesses that the gesture means you don’t care which one. He figures you’re most likely still weak from malnourishment, and he doesn’t want you fainting and hitting your head.
So he opts for a bath, turning on the faucet. He sits on the edge of the tub, hand under the spout to monitor the temperature.
The sound of running water makes every muscle in your body tense up. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
It’s going to hurt, it’s going to hurt. The fire, the ice, it’s going to burn and sting and cut into your flesh. You won’t be able to escape it.
Jimin doesn’t notice it at first, too focused on adjusting the knobs to get the water not too hot and not too cold, but your breathing has picked up again.
You can already feel it filling your ears, your mouth, rushing down your throat as your head is held down. Your skin prickles from the heat, it quivers from the cold.
The water in the tub continues to rise, and you can’t move. Your body is frozen, feet rooted to the floor as the sound of sloshing roars louder and louder in your ears.
Halfway full, now. It’s coming any second. He’s going to turn on you, throw you down and hold you under.
Burning, freezing. It’ll hurt and hurt and hurt.
Jimin turns his head, and his stomach drops.
Your eyes are squeezed shut, lips pursed like you’re trying to bite back a scream. Fists clenched at your sides, shoulders trembling, as your chest heaves up and down.
Immediately, he jumps to his feet and rushes over to you.
“What is it, babe? What’s wrong?” 
Then he makes a big mistake. He puts his hands on you.
His touch is gentle, nonthreatening, nothing but two hands on your shoulders. But you don’t want it, you’re repulsed by it. Because touch always comes before the pain.
On instinct, your body jerks away, arms moving to push the unwelcome touch away, just get it away. Your hands collide against something, hard.
When you open your eyes, the man is on the floor. Sprawled on his back, looking up at you with wide, slightly watery eyes.
There’s shock plastered on both of your faces.
Jimin’s soft heart hurts a little, he can’t help it. In all the years he’s known you, loved you, you’ve never ever been repelled by him. But that hurt is soon drowned by guilt.
He scared you, he made you feel unsafe. You felt the need to protect yourself and it’s his fault.
You’re staring at your hands in horror, completely floored by what you’ve done. You’re in for it now. He tried to help you and you hurt him. Now they’re going to hurt you even more.
Several sets of pounding footsteps draw near. The others must have heard the thud from downstairs and rushed up to see what was wrong.
What they don’t expect to find is Jimin crumpled on the floor and you standing over him in a braced position, but that’s exactly what they see when they peer through the doorway.
They’re all a little astonished, Jin and Namjoon are thinking deeply, and something in Taehyung’s eyes shifts.
He isn’t proud of it, but a surge of protectiveness washes over him, for his Jimin. He knows it’s unreasonable, unfair even. But it’s still there. And he can’t snuff it out.
A new fear consumes you. You were insubordinate, you resisted. You know what comes next.
A sob gets trapped in your throat as you sink down to the floor, burying your head in-between your knees and using your arms to shield yourself.
Immediately, the same way Jimin did, they all rush forward to comfort you.
“No!” Jimin blurts out, making you flinch and shake violently. “Don’t touch, give her some space.”
They all obey, keeping their distance with concern flooding their features.
Jimin shifts onto his knees, scooting a little closer but still keeping enough away.
“I’m sorry,” he nearly whispers, like he’s talking to a wild, cornered animal. “It was my fault entirely. I shouldn’t have touched you. I’m truly sorry.”
Jimin’s voice has always been soothing, even in the darkest times, and your breathing slows a little.
Jimin realizes that the faucet is still running, and he reaches over to switch it off. Then it comes to him.
He turns back to your trembling form, still waiting for the pain to come.
“You’re scared of the water, aren’t you?” he asks gently.
He doesn’t expect you to reply, he just wants to let you know that he’s trying to understand you, to help you.
You nod slightly.
It shocks them all again. You’re becoming more responsive.
“I’m so, so sorry,” Jimin says with all the sincerity he can muster. “It’s not your fault. I promise I won’t do that again.”
Your shoulders gradually stop trembling, breath coming evenly now.
Jimin looks at his mates and gestures for them to give you some more space so you can calm down.
They all do as he says, except Tae. He lingers in the doorway, his piercing eyes flickering between you and Jimin, thinking.
The two men exchange a meaningful glance. Jimin gives him a reassuring smile and nods his head as if to say “There’s nothing to worry about. I got this.”
Tae gives a slight nod back and turns to leave, throwing one last look at you.
Jimin sees the hint of distrust hidden in that look. He files it away for later.
Turning his attention back to you, Jimin looks at the tub and thinks of a solution.
“You don’t have to get in the tub, okay? We can just...” Jimin opens the cupboard under the sink and takes out a handful of washcloths.
“Like this, see?” He dips one of the cloths in the water, using it to wipe down his face.
“Is that okay?” he asks.
You scan his face. Those big brown eyes are full to the brim with kindness, as if you didn’t just hurt him moments ago.
You nod.
Jimin smiles so big it almost hurts his cheeks, heart swelling as you hesitantly hold your hand open. He puts another cloth in your waiting palm.
“Okay, here’s the soap, shampoo, conditioner. You can wash your face with this. Use whatever you want, okay?”
You look at him, trying to convey with your eyes what your mouth can’t say. He stays there for a moment, sitting with you on the tile, answering your every question with just his expression.
It’s okay. You’re safe here. No one is going to hurt you. You can trust me. I understand you.
Breaking from his reverie, Jimin gets up and moves to leave.
“I’ll give you some privacy,” he says, swinging the door closed.
You shoot forward and grab the knob just before it shuts.
Jimin jumps a little, whipping back around. There’s confusion on his face, then understanding.
“Okay, we’ll leave it open just like this. I’ll be just outside if you need anything, okay?”
You feel the tension release from your chest, and nod back.
Another warm smile, and then he disappears into the next room.
He’s not going to lock you in. Another impossible realization.
Turning around, you stare at the full tub. Your heartbeat skitters a little, but you take a step towards it anyways.
When you dip your fingertips in the clear water, you expect it to be scalding, or cold enough to numb, but it’s neither. The water is warm and calm, it doesn’t burn, it doesn’t sting.
Another breath releases from your lungs.
You use the cloth and soap to wipe down your whole body, shedding your dirty clothes and tossing them aside. Soon the tub is cloudy from the dirt on the washcloth. You even dip your hair into the water and use a little shampoo to get some of the grime out.
You sit there and wash yourself until the water turns cold. Using the counter to steady yourself, you slowly come to a stand, even though your legs are aching.
The sight in front of you is enough to shock you into silence again.
You can’t remember the last time you saw your reflection. You wish you weren’t seeing it now.
The person in the mirror is ugly and pathetic. Her short hair is a mangled mess. Haphazardly cut with a pair of dull scissors, it sticks out in all different angles. Her eyes are blank and lifeless, red-rimmed and surrounded by dark circles. There’s a large, hideous scar across her left cheek, deep and forked like a flash of lightning.
Her body is weak and repulsive. Slouching forward, she’s barely able to hold herself up. She’s covered in scars and marks, all over her legs, her arms, her torso.
You know there are worse scars behind you.
Horrifically entranced, you slowly reach up to touch the scar across her face, your face. Your fingertips meet the textured tissue, and then there’s the pain.
It’s not a physical pain, it doesn’t originate from the scar itself. It’s a pain deep in your chest, spreading and infecting the rest of your body. It maims you, twists your insides, disfigures your soul.
You muffle the silent scream with a hand over your mouth. Knees buckling, you barely have any strength left to keep yourself upright.
You’re barely you. You don’t remember who you were before, but you know it wasn’t this.
A gentle knock on the door. 
You immediately stifle any signs of discomfort, snapping the mask back on with frightening accuracy.
Jimin’s arms poke through the gap in the door. He sets a bundle of clothes on the counter.
“Here you go," his pleasant voice says. “Please let me know if they’re comfortable enough.”
You wait a good twenty seconds before you reach for them. A warm green sweater and soft cotton pants.
You hurriedly slip them on to hide your disgusting body.
Leaning closer to the door, you try to hear beyond the wood. Hushed voices, muted footsteps.
“Ready, love?” a smooth voice sounds from just behind the door.
You flinch away, trying your best to make your hair look less unkempt.
It’s Jin who cautiously swings the door open, greeting you with an affectionate smile.
“Much better, hmm?” he says.
You manage a curt nod, following him with your head down to another room. 
It’s the room from earlier, the one with the massive bed. The rest of them are here waiting, muttering quiet words until you arrive. Then they go silent and set their eyes on you, asking a question you can’t understand.
Why are they all looking at you? You don’t like it, not at all. People who look like them shouldn’t look at someone like you. You’re wrong, inside and out.
They all notice the change. Now your eyes are trained on the ground, head bent and shoulders folding in on yourself like you wish you would disappear.
Jin ushers you towards the humongous bed, encouraging you to settle in under the covers. He tucks the comforter around your body, fluffing the pillows behind your head.
“There, nice and cozy,” he says, sounding satisfied for the time being. “Rest up, okay love? You’ve been through a lot.”
Why are they talking to you like that? You’re disgusting. They should be throwing you out on the streets to fend for yourself like a common rat.
The small dark-haired man kneels down next to you. He hands you a mug of steaming amber liquid, using the bed sheets to shield your hands from the hot surface.
“This should settle your stomach,” he says.
While Jimin was getting you cleaned up, Yoongi and Jungkook were hard at work cooking up a tincture for your nausea. Essence of lavender to help you sleep, peppermint to refresh your throat, a little ginger to ease your stomach, and some of Yoongi’s highest-quality potions to replenish your nutrients. And, of course, Jin stirred in a copious amount of honey to sweeten it up.
You hold the cup in your hands like it’s a ticking time bomb.
Yoongi looks at his mates in confusion and concern, not sure what to do. Jimin catches his gaze, and gestures wildly with his hands. He exaggeratedly mimics holding the cup and taking a sip, and then Yoongi understands.
He gently takes the mug from your hands and holds it up to his nose.
“Let me check if it’s too hot for you,” he says, blowing off some of the steam and taking a long sip. He makes sure to swallow with audible emphasis.
“Okay, it should be good,” he says, handing it back to you.
This time you hold it close to your chest like it’s a precious gem, slowly sipping away at the frothy liquid. 
They all look at each other with a relieved, triumphant expression.
Namjoon steps forward and leans down to level his face with yours.
“There’s water for you over there,” he gestures to a table in the corner, complete with a pitcher and cup. “And the bathroom is the next door over.”
You nod to show your appreciation, still avoiding eye contact.
Jin enters your field of vision again.
“Do you think you can hold down some meds?” he asks. It’s sincere, no seeming deception behind it.
But you still shake your head vehemently. You don’t want anymore pills. In fact, you don’t want to see another pill ever in your life.
“Okay, love,” he says, smiling again. “Just rest up for me. For us.”
You have no idea what he means by that, but you sink into the pillows anyway.
One by one they filter out of the room, casting a last look at you before they leave.
You wish they wouldn’t. Their eyes seem to leave even more marks on your skin.
The door starts to swing shut. Then someone mutters something, and it stops just before it closes completely. 
Footsteps recede, silence settles upon the room.
You manage a few more sips from the steaming mug, eventually setting it aside. The bed is soft and comfortable, but you can’t bring yourself to lie down. 
You sit there, watching shadows dart across the wall, for hours.
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a/n: thanks so much for reading!! if you enjoyed it please leave a comment on what you thought of the story/any questions it would mean the world to me!! and if you’re feeling extra generous, please reblog with tags it helps to spread the story around, thank you!! 💖
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raisin-shell · 1 year
Hey. Just wanted to say I love your blog. I’ll keep it short. What’s your take on the guys mental health?
Here we go nonnie. The good the bad and the ugly…
OCD- he keeps his things neat and tidy…. A little too tidy. He lives his life in complete order. He’s always on schedule and always on time. He has strict rules he’s set for himself and he abides by them.
PTSD- due to how close he is with his dad, seeing him die (or what would have been death from the first movie) really fucked him up. He suffers from nightmares and insomnia even though his father is still very much alive and this would also explain why he mistrusts others. EMOTIONAL DETACHMENT ABOUND.
NARCISSISTIC TENDENCIES- he thinks very highly of himself. Needs to be adored by his father. NEEDS TO BE. Lacks empathy for others and as we’ve seen in OOTS will lie and never even acknowledge it or even apologize.
BIPOLAR- he builds up walls to keep others out and to keep from being hurt. He goes from being enthusiastic and gung-ho to being uninterested and reclusive. (Manic-depressive). MOOD SWINGS good lord. He obsesses over things like lifting weights or working out. Also hates to shower.
SEXUAL ADDICTION- in my AU, I write Raph with a sexual addiction. Mainly because he’s got a lot of testosterone pumping through those veins but also because of his manic episodes. A lot of bipolar people also struggle with sexual addiction and I believe Raph with all his rage issues definitely needs a way to cool off steam and sex is his go to.
ANXIETY- poor Donnie boy is riddled with it. Having to be the brains of every operation is extremely nerve racking and his coffee consumption does not help.
ADHD- he is a people pleaser, a perfectionist and a jack of all trades. As we see when he is attempting to drive the garbage truck for the first time, he has difficulty focusing and concentrating on the task at hand. However we also see how Donnie can handle himself under extreme amounts of pressure. “It’s all you Donnie… no pressure no pressure.” As we see when he’s locating the beacon on Krang’s ship.
ADHD the other side of the spectrum- he’s unable to sit still in calm or quiet surroundings. Constantly fidgeting. Unable to concentrate on tasks as we’ve seen in the plane scene in Brazil. Excessive physical movement. Excessive talking. Unable to wait his turn while talking. He has little to no sense of danger at all, constantly cracking jokes at the most inappropriate of times.
Im sure there’s more that can be added to these so you guys feel free to open a discussion! Special thanks to @rebel-hamato and @turtle-babe83 for helping me out with research! Love you guys to the moon and back!
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
Thoughts on Sammy x Norman?
It’s a good ship! I confess I like it best when it’s Weird. Norman’s strange and insensitive, Sammy’s weird and rude; it just feels like it should be built on something like, mutual roasting and an unspoken understanding that neither of them really fit in the world or trust it, and they like it that way.
As far as canon goes, I’ve talked about this before, but until I read DCTL myself I’d always assumed Norman “crazy weird” Polk would be pretty flippant about Sammy’s losing his mind – but… he isn’t? And not only that, he’s THE ONLY CHARACTER (other than Joey) that isn’t; as Sammy becomes more and more irrational and volatile, everyone in the story just chalks it up to Sammy having a few screws loose… except for Norman. His comment that “Sammy isn’t Sammy anymore” is the closest thing in maybe the entire franchise to an acknowledgement of loss when Sammy’s completely unravelled by the ink in his brain. It’s not much, but surrounded by people who either don’t care or notice what’s happening to Sammy, it feels significant.
But even then, in my own headcanons at least, there’s an inherent conflict between Sammy and Norman that I find interesting and important to preserve;
it’s the big thing I wanted to explore with Escape AU Norman and Sammy in Heart to Heart – the idea that the two of them have a very fundamental incompatibility where, under pressure, Norman makes light (ha) while Sammy becomes more intense as he swaps between defensive and deferent, and it’s so easy for the two to misunderstand each other’s intentions. Norman tries to keep things from getting too heavy, and Sammy sees someone trying to poke fun at his weak spots. Sammy lets himself be open and genuine with Norman, and Norman is immediately uncomfortable with a care that feels patronising and smothering. Sammy’s snarling is all defensive, a protective front that’s angry at his own anxiety; Norman isn’t nervous, he simply keeps the world at arm’s length because it’s more comfy there. It’s a significant gap that they have to figure out how to cross if they want to be close on more than a surface level. Because, like, it’s super easy to imagine them getting along great as coworkers until things actually start going supernaturally wrong, and the projectionist’s mistrust of Joey Drew and morbid fascination with this disaster is no longer endearing to the stressed musician who desperately needs to believe his whole world isn’t falling apart – while Norman is of course going to detach and quietly watch from a distance the more volatile and insecure Sammy becomes.
Anyway I think it’s a good ship. There’s a lot of complexity between them and I like the idea that in order for them to really make it work, they have to learn to understand each other, to trust someone who has a very different outlook. I love the “had a fondness for each other >> it all goes wrong during Joey’s mishandling of the studio and manipulation of his employees >> try to figure it all out again in the aftermath” narrative for batim ships, and this is one that could fit really nicely in that.
Also I feel like these two might ping each other’s gaydar INSTANTLY.
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crimeronan · 10 months
In Princess Luz Au: So Luz can get Vee to trust her, but how can Camila convince Hunter and Amity she can be trusted around Luz? Hunter's baseline for "Luz's Parent' being Belos, and Amity's baseline for "Motherly Figure" being Odalia means they can finally agree on something!
GOD. this question immediately spawned a million potential interactions and made me feel so soft. you're right hunter and amity WOULD distrust her. i can Just See hunter tensely being like "just because she's blood doesn't mean she has to be family, i would know-" and luz being like "hunter relax. it's not like i'm letting her take over the kingdom" and amity butting in like "no he's right. I Would Also Know-"
like thank you both for the vote of confidence. really making luz feel more confident about an already awkward and fraught situation I'm Sure !
if we're working with a timeline where camila has known vee for two years, though, then she has several major advantages. she knows more about what to expect from the isles than her canon self (even if some of the world's Creatures still take her by surprise). she's spent time studying magic and theory to try to find a way into the isles. and she's emotionally braced herself for the worst. whatever the worst may be.
i think that the main way camila would convince hunter and amity that she's trustworthy is by simply..... not trying to convince them. she remembers a lot of this from getting to know vee. all the mistrust and anxiety and occasional aggression.
like. she'd treat hunter and amity (and honestly, also luz) like stray cats. hi, i'm warm, i'm affectionate, i probably have food, i am Not going to try to pet you or scoop you up or get in your space. te lo prometo!
i think amity would spend a really long time trying to figure out camila's Secret Agenda. and come up with completely inaccurate and completely insane conspiracy theories. the trust comes slowly, frog-in-boiling-water style. it's not all that dissimilar from how she eventually starts trusting that luz is a kind person.
and i think hunter would be combative from the get-go. and that camila would IMMEDIATELY clock at least Some of the reason for this. and that it would be hard for her not to go into mama bear mode.
like, hunter's eighteen or nineteen here, he's Technically An Adult (TM), but he So Clearly has been doing this for Such A Long Time. camila just wants to be like. no baby it's Okay. i won't let anything happen to either of you i Promise. you don't need to take the world on your shoulders
but she can't!
because she is the thing that hunter's worried is going to happen to them!
so like. it's just. showing a stray cat that you're a safe person. hunter is extremely transparently terrified of leaving luz and camila alone together, so camila never suggests it. hunter tenses up when camila gets too physically close to him or luz, so she's careful with her movements and body language. hunter always positions himself in a way where he can easily get between camila and luz, no matter where they are or what they're doing, and camila doesn't say anything about it.
amity and hunter are clearly luz's People, whatever words luz uses to describe it, it's probably a long while before camila feels familiar enough to ask. she and luz have the same approach to people, in just. Relentless Kindness. Forever
i'm overtired so i haven't reread or edited this stream of consciousness, i just. waugh.
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overlyimmersed · 26 days
Reborn Fairy AU(SDS-RBF-215*) Character Overview: Maranwe
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💖Maranwe✨ - Bard to Fairy King Harlequin. Partner of Fairy Knight Helbram. Mother to Tilly and Rowan. Maranwe is introspective, curious, stubborn and prone to laughter, even when things aren't really funny. As Fairy Bards always are, Maranwe is consistently anxious, she's also burdened with a lot of trauma, having to carry the memories of every tragic event that's occurred in the history of the Fairy Clan in flawless detail.
On many occasions she's proven to be extremely stubborn, even openly refusing to take orders she doesn't agree with even from the Fairy King. She's strong willed and persistent, but wears her heart on her sleeve. She cries easily and tends to take perceived slights to heart. Though she's slow to anger on her own account, tending to assume she deserves whatever is done to her, she'll immediately and viciously jump to the defense of those she cares about. She'll hold grudges against anyone who has harmed or disrespected her loved ones. That being said, her anger seems to cool a little quicker then other Fairies, as she loathes the feeling of being angry and is more interested in understanding others, than in blind obstinance.
She's empathetic and likely to give someone more chances than she probably should. She's also very faithful, often to her own annoyance, as despite her mistrust of humans and bleak outlook on humanity as a whole, she's constantly searching for ways for the two clans to coexist in peace. Her loyalty, once earned, is near absolute and once you've had it it's fairly easy to win back if broken.
The most negative parts of her personality are mostly directed at herself. She can be very self-deprecating and tends to feel like the love she gets from others is ingenuine, highly conditional or temporary and blames herself for these factors. Everyone's too kind to tell her how annoying she is, or she simple hasn't pushed their limit yet. She truly feels that everyone will get sick of her eventually, no matter what she does, and so can accidently self-sabotage.
After she and her friends were captured by humans and Maranwe was sold while her friends were killed, her quiet mistrust of humanity turned to full-blown misanthropy. Along with disdain for humans her disposition became a little more serious as the bravery she showed prompted her wings to sprout.
✨ Maranwe is a reincarnation soul from another universe. This gives her some degree of foreknowledge about humanity's future, or at least what she assume humanity will accomplish based on what she experienced in her previous life. This adds to her anxiety substantially as she works to try and change this outcome.
✨ Like all Fairy Bards she has a perfect memory.
✨ Though Fairy Bards are proficient at all art forms, Maranwe is primarily known for her lyre playing. Though her favorite is actually drawing.
✨ She's known as "Scardy Cat" by other fairies as everything seems to make her nervous.
✨ Her magical ability is "Starlight" which allows her to generate and manipulate glittering silver light. This can be used offensively, but it's primary function is to project images. She can project memories as a recording of events or create images of her own to tell stories. She also has the ability "Unique Perception" which lets her feel other people's emotions with the technique "Empathy", perceive souls and other life energies with "Soul Recognition" and see the threads that connect the fates of others, and the paths other people walk with the technique "Fate Sight".
✨ Maranwe smells like Vanilla
(Note: Flower/Plant symbolism Scent: Vanilla - comfort, peace, and solace, intuition and inner wisdom, [1]. Visual: Moonflower - A flower of duality, meaning either love or mortality [1]. Affection [2]. Mystery, and Devotion [3]) Violets - Watchfulness, Loyalty, Faithfulness [1]. Faithfulness, Modesty, Watchfulness, "I'll always be true", "Let's take a chance" [2]. Innocence, Modesty, True everlasting love, Faith, Spirituality, Mysticism and Remembrance [3].
Authors Note: There is more than one flower called "Moonflower", the one referenced above is Ipomoea alba, which is actually a kind of Morning Glory. Therefore any symbolism attributed to Morning Glories applies to Moonflowers as well. Though Moonflowers do have some unique symbolism of their own thanks to their unusual behavior.
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devilcatdarling · 2 years
So idk who wants to hear about my canon x OC stuff but I'm posting a bit for it anyway. I'm sorry I wanna talk about them and the braincell has no restraint atm
I love the headcanon that Hollow has extreme trust issues with getting close to other people and it takes them a long time to let their guard down for fear of getting hurt/rejected/abandoned. Nobody loves a failed worthless construct anyway right? 🥲
That they also have a deep mistrust of moths in general after the whole Radiance shit so why should they ever want to be around moths again
So it takes them a long time to actually form a bond with Night in my AU. That, coupled with my headcanon for both of them being very much demiromantic, and there was a long period of time where she was just working on getting them to let her bandage them up without them flinching away and trying to melt into the floor to get away from her
Aka lots of sweet sweet painful emotional angst and slow burn. Hollow goes through the whole arc of omg don't hurt me please just leave me alone -> I tolerate you -> acquaintances -> I have a single friend..?? -> oh shit I think I'm falling in love with you but you MUST think I'm a worthless monster -> internal screaming and crisis -> screaming intensifies -> bonks them over the head with the "people enjoy your touch" stick
Night's over here having an entire internal meltdown about "they hate me they hate me they hate me they-" and trying to keep her distance (which is hard bc she's a medic and this is a patient to take care of. Her feelings totally aren't hurting and in shambles because yay they seem disgusted by her mere presence). And she also doesn't try to get close to people because anxiety and trust issues go brrrr. And then when Hollow's actually in love with her she doesn't have experience in recognizing or comprehending it so she doesn't get it and is just like "omg I broke them now I'm a horrible person and everything is going up in flames" because she's super smart and well adjusted like that okay
They share a single sad little braincell and they both keep dropping it on the dirty ass floor so they barely even have that. They are my poor little scrunkly idiots
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Spamton's New Leaf Au (ACNL x Deltarune)
So I saw the idea for this from a different post: Here; and as it is now living in my brain I offer up this very short fic/summary to all of you:
We begin with Spamton digging through the trash and finding an oddly large file; recently thrown away and in good condition. Possibly porn or possibly something he could sell.
He will take those chances.
So he slips inside, bypassing the normal opening sequence (doesn't want to set off any security this thing might have) and finds himself in... a train station. Goes outside and get ambushed- Greeted!- by fun-sized, [[Market-Able Plushies!]]-looking-animal-people.
This is the warmest welcome he's had in years. Also nerve wracking. It's too friendly, have they realized he's here to steal their data and decided to play the long con? WELL [[F1]] YOU TOO YOU [[Carebears]] HE CAN PLAY THIS [[Games half off!]] TOO!
This is the mindset behind most of his interactions early on.
Also he is the Mayor now??? WHAT! WHY? SURE! His anxiety is climbing as Spamton slowly becomes certain that these suckers have mistaken him for someone else but by [[G-O-D]] he is going to milk this for as much as its worth. Isabelle gives him his map, leads him to town hall (he's disappointed its not a mansion/palace), and introduces herself as his new secretary here to help him be the best mayor he can be etc...
Yeah okay. Goldilocks may look like a golden retriever but Spamton smells a rat. (Poor Isabelle notices his mistrust and doesn't know what she did wrong). Pushing her way through all that Isabelle gives him an overview of his job (calls him, SPAM- SPAMTON G. SPAMTON, a breath of fresh air. He can't decide if its flattery or really passive aggressive ). He then proceeds to have a the-jig-is-up moment as he needs housing to register (and needs registration to be mayor), but then Isabelle follows up with "We can build you a house!" and sends him on his way.
Spamton decidedly does not go to Nook's but does head to main-street in search for [[Luxury penthouse]] dumpsters. 'Build him a house'? HAHAHA, he's here to make money not [[invest in property]]. In no real hurry he can take his time to explore the file he's entered. There is a [whole sale] TOWN in here. Small, barely respectable by Cybercity standards but its... kinda beautiful. For just [[a second of your time!]] he thinks he's in the light world. But he's not. Its not quite the [[burning!!]] image he remembers, but so so close. The bright blue sky, fluffy clouds, green grass. Flowers, Sea shells, trees, etc.. He tries to play it off as a knock-off version that he's not impressed by but can't quite manage.
He ends up running into Nook on Main-street anyways and is told to pick a spot for construction to begin. He is not normally able to be talked over like this (not anymore) but everyone's genuine cheer at making his acquaintance is throwing him off his rhythm. While initially he doesn't want this, about halfway through his attitude becomes, '[[F]]-UCK IT. LETS GET A HOUSE!' When, when not if, shit hits the fan Spamton G. Spamton can run back to Cybercity. While he is doubtful of Isabelle, he Does Not trust Nook at all and in his mind he has two very good reasons.
1). Nook is a businessman/salesman. Spamton knows the type and they (even him) can never be trusted.
2). He does not give Spamton an estimate or bill for the house right away. Spamton is a Salesman[[Scam artist]] of the highest [[-rated 1997!]] caliber. He knows how this works.
The plot is marked, the tent is placed, and for the first time in however many years Spamton is sleeping inside his own place. Isabelle stops by to assure him that the tent is temporary. "BEATS A GODDAMNED GARBAGE CAN!!" Now Isabelle is worried about not doing her job correctly and her new Mayor Mr. Spamton, who seems to have... faced issues in their last residency. But now Isabelle is here and she's gonna do her best to make this town wonderful for everyone! Nothing will go wrong! (This is what folks in the literature business call foreshadowing.)
Spamton is given an ID and loses it just as quickly.
She also gives him a lantern so his tent won't be so dark at night. It's surprisingly thoughtful for some someone who probably wants his [fraudulent] job. [[OF C0URS3 SHE DOES! WHAT KINDA [SLIME] IS [Content Warning!] WITH HER [$4.99 Life] WHEN SHE COULD BE A BIG SHOT!]] Spamton is very aware that he is flying by the seat of his pants in a position Isabelle has, seemingly, shadowed for years.
When he eventually realizes that Isabelle has little ambition beyond being the best assistant she can be, he's going to think she's the biggest sucker he's ever met.
When he eventually realizes that Isabelle's kindness is genuine, he's going to think that she's the best goddamn employee he could ever have.
Now we are going with an unopened 3DS ROM of Animal Crossing: New Leaf and whoever firsts opens that game becomes Mayor. Which is Spamton. Isabelle and the others have never seen a lightner, and they'd use an in-game avatar anyways. A man-shaped being suddenly appears in game; what else can he be but the Mayor? So suddenly Mayor Spamton is introduced to the town, given a job, and given a house all in the span of day.
It is... a lot. He spends the next day scurrying around picking up everything he can fit in his pockets and then some, and tries to scam the Nook brothers by selling them shells he found on the shore. Which is just How the Economy Works so it goes through without a hitch. Hallelujah. Then there are the other villagers. Now unlike the Nook brothers they aren't going to give him [[DELICIS KROMER]] which at first puts Spamton off. His is not a bartering system. Until he realizes that he can give them shells and fruit for Clothes and Furniture so maybe they're OK. Also whenever they ask him if he'd like a nickname, he replies [BIG SHOT!!!], and then they actually call him Big Shot. Maybe not with the exuberance he'd prefer but never mockingly and that's more than [ALL WE DO IS ADVERTISE!!] ever did.
Other fun hijinks and tidbits include:
Using the memo board to post actual spam emails and scams.
Due to skipping the intro train ride Spamton never meets Rover nor names the town. What was it's name? Only Isabelle knows.
Meets Pete the mail man- What a loser! Who wants to be the E-mail guy? (Spamton tries to convince them to do something else with their life; they can't really be happy? Pete is, and of that self assurance Spamton is jealous. They have a complicated relationship).
Once he learns you can get KROMER and [free] furniture from trees he will shake everyone everyday. Wasps? Who minds those little pinches compared to getting free stuff?! (The villagers are concerned and bring him medicine (initially he just sells that also, but later on as he gets more secure he starts to actually use it)).
The villagers also keep giving him living advice- thanks? "Catch bugs with a net!" "[BUgS? WHAT BUGS I D0N"T HAVE BUGS]"
Goes to town hall for "work" bright and early. Just stands there. not knowing what to do. Until Isabelle tells him to sit down in his chair. He really likes the chair. Really disappointed when he learns there is no need for cars or building a [[community-driven]] BIG SHOT AUTOS!!
Goes to Nookling Junction to spy in the sales-man competition. Spamton does not care Timmy and Tommy are kids. Kids are cruel. (They grow on him eventually)
Ignores re-Tail at first, not realizing they are a shop due to the outwards decor. By the time he does notice it he isn't too bothered by a pawn shop. Uses it (trying) to sell random furniture at exorbitant prices.
The villagers just give him gifts sometimes?? Without being a bribe?? Mostly clothing- which while somewhat insulting, is kind of nice to have. He sleeps in a gifted sweater otherwise never changes outfit.
Avoids going back to Nook's to disclose house payments for as long as he can; eventually a villager pushes him back to Nooks. Its 10,000 bells to no longer live in a tent. He has been hoarding bells and can... Actually afford it. Huh. He greatly underestimated the value of bells. He has a house, Isabelle gives him wall paper to decorate and stops by to congratulate him.
Never expands his house again.
Never donates anything to the museum, doesn't even visit until people explain fossils to him and then its just to get them examined so he can sell them for a higher price. Blathers is losing his mind.
Spamton does a public works project and REFUSES to let the villagers get by with their paltry donation. Everyday during the fundraiser every villagers gets mail written by Mayor Spamton telling them to donate to this [AMAZING OPPORTUNITY OR ELSE!!!]. Sometimes they get multiple copies of the letter throughout the day and no one knows how. (Its Minitons)
I may put out a part 2 with Potential Plot and ANGST
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
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(Shipping meme template from here; OC image made using this picrew)
ForageShipping meme with (Warden)Ingo and my OC Kana Kageyama.
As with her younger sister, Reina, there will be a full introductory post for Kana in the near future~ Until then...
(More info under the cut.)
Normal Verse (”Courier”)
Kana and Warden Ingo meet in the Highlands of Hisui, about a year or so after his arrival.
While making his rounds, Ingo finds a strange (non-Hisuian) young snealsle, wearing a collar engraved with the name “Scamp.” Upon eventually visiting Melli to see if the other warden knows who the sneasle belongs to, Ingo is introduced to a young Diamond Clan woman named Kana - who, as it turns out, is both a forager and a courier for the clan, and makes frequent trips across the region.
She is overjoyed to be reunited with Scamp and thanks Ingo profusely. Kana holds none of the animosity or mistrust for Pearl Clan that the rest of Diamond Clan does, and so, much to Melli’s chagrin, offers to extend her services to Ingo as well whenever she passes through the Highlands. Ingo, secretly starved for human interaction, readily accepts.
Kana and Ingo strike up a friendship over time, and begin spending at least one evening a week visiting one another for dinner. Eventually, Kana and Ingo grow close enough that Kana confesses that she, too, is a skyfaller.
Fifteen years before, while traveling between mondern-day Sinnoh and Kanto, Kana had the great misfortune to run into the mythical pokemon Hoopa  - who decided it would be funny to send a human back in time.
She landed in Hisui and was helped by the Diamond Clan, eventually marrying into it and settling down with her husband as foragers and couriers between the clan settlement and the wardens. Despite this, she never once lost the feeling of being wholly out of place, and desperately missed the two younger sisters (Reina and Hina) she’d left behind in modern day Kanto.
So, after her husband’s death six years prior, Kana moved further away from the settlement to live alone with her pokemon, though she also deliberately settled slightly closer to Melli, whom she has formed an almost sibling-like friendship with.
The events of PLA continue as usual, with Kana helping Akari/Rei where she can alongside Ingo. Eventually, once Arceus has been defeated, Kana finally returns to the future with Ingo and Akari/Rei. (...And maybe Melli, too.)
Other Verses
There really aren’t any full AUs for Kana, other than possible non-PLA versions where she and Subway Master Ingo meet in Unova somehow.
For the Age Gap/Gear Station/SilverFox!Emmet Au mentioned in Reina and Emmet’s ship meme, the only thing different is that Ingo is now a few years older than Kana rather than the other way around.
General Relationship Stuff
Clingy: Kana has a mix of separation anxiety and a fear of letting anyone too close - lest she then lose them. She genuinely cares about those around her, but she tends to hold them at arm’s length unless they really worm their way into her heart, like Ingo (or Melli.) She tries not to get too clingy with Ingo, but the both of them are desperate for any kind of meaningful connection, so the ensuing clinging is mutual.
Horny: Kana very much enjoys sex and the intimacy it offers. She isn’t interested in casual lovers, but she had a healthy sexual relationship with her husband while he was alive. After entering into a relationship with Ingo, the two of them find as many opportunities as they can to take comfort in one another - physically, as well as emotionally. (Kana is the one to make the first move.)
Trust/Jealousy: Kana isn’t really a jealous person. She can get frustrated at times, especially when Ingo is being utterly oblivious, and there have also been a few occasions where Ingo being too polite to tell someone no has rubbed her the wrong way, but she knows he’s an honorable man and so trusts him completely. (Not always so much other people.) Ingo, on the other hand, does sometimes get jealous of other people taking up Kana’s time. He’s finally found someone that makes him feel less lonely (other than his adopted daughter/son) and having to share Kana’s attention irritates him every now and then. He trusts her, he’s just gone so long without consistent human interaction that he’s loath to give it up again. (He hates that he feels this way, but it still happens.)
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
thoughts on older au squared baby? without josephine in her life, do her interests develop differently? her relationship with her native culture? since she hasn’t had the specific traumatic experience of finding her mom dead, does that affect her perception of j’s epilepsy? how does jesse’s status as a more concrete father figure/someone she’s known since birth affect their relationship?
anon whoever u are, im sorry i let this ask sit in my inbox but i was just so overwhelmed by the time u took to even think abt my au and formulate these questions. its so fucking sweet, i genuinely cant even fathom someone caring enough about this silly world to ask all these interesting questions about it
older au squared baby would definitely be a little different from regular baby!! having always had her dad around makes her more secure and therefore a little more confident and outgoing. she would probably still be a bookish kid even without josephine there to teach her and demi would still try to impart as much knowledge about their native culture as possible, but she probably wouldn't start really connecting with her heritage until she was older and could appreciate living in alaska where her people come from and still live. she would be more interested in video games and comics and other media per jesse's earlier influence on her—probably still an ocean kid since they're going to end up in alaska where sea life is huge, but it wouldn't be her dominant special interest.
lacking that core memory of finding her mom might also reduce the anxiety and mistrust that colors so much of her life and would definitely make her a little less frightened of his epilepsy. it's obviously still scary for her, especially when she's younger, but there isn't the same baggage attached that violently terrifies her and it isnt a horrible shock since she's somewhat used to it. but yeah, baby would be even more attached to jesse (if thats even possible) and the six months they spent apart while he was in captivity just makes her even more attached to the point of having separation anxiety. he's super overprotective of her and she's super devoted to him, and it takes a long while for them to stop being so dependent on each other and embrace having lives of their own
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Creepsters AU - Important Students Part 2
Lila: The daughter of Satan, among Lila’s many demonic powers is a knack for making people believe every word she says. A dedicated ally of the creepsters, she is in a loving relationship with the Maestro. Lila also has a talent for manipulation, which she uses to procure valuable assets for her friends.
Thorne: A girl who’s had a VERY rough go in life, Thorne is GhostRose’s twin sister and the object of her obsession. She despises anything and everything to do with her sister, and wishes nothing more than to see her taken down. A bit of a pessimist, she isn’t quick to trust people, but is very clever and a skilled fighter, making her a valuable ally.
Aurore: A kooky witch with a caring streak, Aurore wields power over the weather, not unlike her girlfriend Mireille. A close friend of Mylene, she often helps her with spells for the heroes. As strange as she can be, including a bizarre tendency to address herself in the third person, Aurore is a loyal friend and a force to be reckoned with against the creepsters.
Mireille: A cool and zen-like witch, Mireille is not one to show much emotion. Some exceptions to this are her girlfriend, Aurore, who they share their power over the weather with and their best friend Mylene. Mireille loves to make mischief with her magic, but is firmly on the hero’s side, helping Mylene in assisting the trio with their potions.
Jean: A dedicated drama student with a love for modern musicals, Jean has a strong mistrust for ghosts and spirits. It stems from the shame that his ancestor is the Phantom. He loves to sing, especially with his beloved boyfriend, Austin T. They prefer to stay out of the monster-fighting business, as it's not really their scene.
Austin T: Jean’s boyfriend, Austin T is a shy boy with a passion for theater. Suffering from anxiety, he often finds himself in fits of worry, especially now that his wicked ancestor has entered the picture. An introvert, it takes him a while to make friends, and those he does have, his fellow Austins, often assist him with bold romantic gestures.
Zoe: The half sister to Chloé, Zoé has to put up with a lot of crap, which can cause her to unleash her snarky side. She’s not afraid to put Chloe in her place when she has to, especially when she’s messing with her partner, Cosette. Zoe also has a love for listening to and singing rock music, which she shares with Cosette.
Ismael: The defacto leader of the Buster Squad, Ismael is quick on his feet and quick at thinking on them as well. Typically wrangling his more eccentric teammates when they get out of hand, Ismael also has a snarky side, which shows when he gets into it with Simon!
Denise: The biggest and strongest of the buster crew, Denise is also the least afraid of ghosts! Always ready to charge into battle, they’ll do what they have to to protect their friends. Especially their boyfriend, Simon, a fellow ghost buster who they like to lovingly tease.
Simon: The Buster Squad’s resident gadget genius, Simon is a logic-minded boy with a bit of a sarcastic streak. His tendency to plan every little detail contests with his partner Denise’s tendency to charge in headfirst, though he still adores them. He serves as a kind of apprentice to Mendeliev, who he assists with proton packs and other tech.
Cosette: The most energetic and enthusiastic of the Buster crew, Cosette has a deep fascination with spirits that prevents her from fearing them. They serve as Bustier’s apprentice, often accompanying her on ghost observations. It is very loving and protective of their girlfriend Zoé.
Reshma: Nearly as wealthy as Chloe, but ten times as nice, Reshma serves as the big sister figure for her class. She keeps an eye on all her classmates and helps to preserve calm when the creepsters cause trouble. At times, the pressure of needing to uphold her perfect image can be too much, but her friends are there to keep her grounded.
Lacey: A girl from East London, Lacey is a hot-blooded girl who’ll mouth off at any of the creepsters if she gets the chance! She’s like an aloof big sister to her class, teasing them good-naturedly but looking out for them all the same.
And there’s the last group of important students for this AU! Me and Weeby had a great time making the summaries, and we hope you enjoy. As always, please reblog, reply, post and ask to share the content. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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BOLD   =   applies   to   your   muse (canon-compliant) italics   =   sometimes   applies (AUs or Verses)
EYES   :   blue   |   green   |   brown   |   hazel   |   gray   |   gray-blue   |   other(indigo)
HAIR   :   blond  |   sandy   |   brown   |   black   |   auburn   |   ginger   |   grey   /   white   |   multi-color   |   other(indigo)
BODY      TYPE   :   skinny   |   slender   |   slim   |   built   |   curvy   |   athletic   |   average   |   muscular   |   pudgy   |   overweight
SKIN   :   pale   |   light  |   fair   |   freckled   |   tan   |   olive   |   medium   |   dark   |   discolored
GENDER   :   male   |   female   |   trans   |   cis   |   agender   |   demigender   |   genderfluid   |   other   |   doesn’t   like   labels
SEXUALITY   :   heterosexual   |   homosexual   |   bisexual  |   pansexual   |   asexual   |   demisexual   |   other    |   unsure   |   doesn’t   like   labels
ROMANTIC      ORIENTATION   :   homoromantic   |   heteroromantic   |   biromantic   |   panromantic   |   aromantic   |   demiromantic   |   unsure   |   doesn’t   like   labels
EDUCATION   :   high   school  |   college   |   university  |   master’s   degree   |   PhD   |   other  
I’VE   BEEN   :   in   love   |   hurt   |   ill  |   mentally   abused   |   bullied   |   physically   abused   |   tortured  |   brainwashed   |   shot
POSITIVE      TRAITS   :   affectionate   |   adventurous   |   athletic   |   brave   |   careful   |   charming   |   confident   |   creative   |   cunning   |   determined   |   forgiving   |   generous  |   honest   |   humorous   |   intelligent   |   loyal  |   modest  |   patient  |   selfless   |   polite  |   down-to-earth   |   diligent  |   romantic   |   moral   |   fun-loving  |   charismatic   |   calm  
NEGATIVE      TRAITS   :   aggressive  |   bossy   |   cynical   |   envious   |   shy   |   fearful  |   greedy   |   gullible  |   jealous   |   impatient |   impulsive   |   cocky   |   reckless   |   insecure   |   irresponsible   |   mistrustful  |   paranoid   |   possessive  |   sarcastic   |   self-conscious   |   selfish   |   swears  |   unstable   |   clumsy   |   rebellious   |   emotional  |   vengeful   |   anxious   |   self-sabotaging   |   moody   |   peevish   |   angry   |   pessimistic   |   slacker   |   thin   skinned   |   overly   dramatic   |   argumentative
LIVING      SITUATION   :   lives   alone   |   lives   with   parent(s)   /   guardian   |   lives   with   significant   other   |   lives   with   a   friend   |   drifter   |   homeless   |   lives   with   children   |   other
PARENTS      /      GUARDIANS   :   mother  |   father   |   adoptive   |   foster   |   grandmother   |   grandfather | lost
SIBLING(S)   :   sisters(does the shogun puppet count as a sister?)   |   brothers   |   none      |   other
RELATIONSHIP   :   single(default)   |   crushing   |   dating   |   engaged   |   married   |   separated  |   it’s   complicated   | Verse-dependent
I      HAVE      A(N)   :   learning   disorder   |   personality   disorder   |   mental   /   mood   disorder (adhd)  |   anxiety   disorder   |   sleep   disorder   |   eating   disorder   |   behavioral   disorder   |   substance-related   disorder   |   PTSD   |   mental   disability   |   physical   disability
THINGS      I’VE      DONE      BEFORE   :   had   alcohol   |   smoked  |   stolen    |   done   drugs   |   self-harmed  |   had   sex   |   had   a   threesome  |   had   a   one-night   stand   |   gotten   into   a   fist   fight  |   gone   to   hospital(Dottore’s lab is as close to a hospital as he’ll get)   |   gone   to   jail(probably got bailed out by the Fatui)    |   used   a   fake   ID   |   played   hooky  |   gone   to   a   rave   |   killed   someone   |   had   someone   try   to   kill   them
Tagged By - Stole it~ :)
Tagging - STEAL IT
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anemofavored · 2 years
bold = applies to your muse, italics = sometimes applies
EYES:   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (indigo) 
HAIR:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other (indigo)  
BODY TYPE:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight 
SKIN:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored 
GENDER:   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way 
SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels 
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic |aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels 
EDUCATION:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD| other 
BEEN:   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot 
POSITIVE  TRAITS:   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm 
NEGATIVE  TRAITS:   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative 
LIVING  SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian (in modern au) | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other 
PARENTS  /  GUARDIANS:   mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather 
SIBLING(S):   sisters | brothers | none | other 
RELATIONSHIP:  single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated (messy au) 
HAS HAD  A(N):   learning disorder | personality disorder (BPD) | mental / mood disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD  | mental disability | physical disability 
THINGS DONE BEFORE:   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
TAGGED BY: @fatuispolaris
TAGGING: whoever wants to do it
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kirinda-ondo · 2 years
I watched sonic prime
I'm not really sure how I feel about it
Rambling disjointed thoughts below
Like it's well animated and there are some good concepts in there but something just feels... off.
I think it's mostly in the way the characters are handled? Like it just sort of feels like they made sonic into a jerkass to justify the plot, hinging on him learning to be a better friend when like, friendship is already his thing??? Like yes, he can be impulsive and cocky, and a series where he has to cope with the consequences of a reckless decision is interesting, but I don't like it when shows warp characters to fit a moral, instead of building the moral around the characters.
And like even when he is out here trying to be a good friend, circumstances outside of his control make it hard and then everybody gets mad at him for that no matter what he does, and it starts as early as the first episode. It feels like one of those anxiety dreams I have where no matter what I do or how justified I am, the universe tells me I'm wrong.
That said, I do enjoy the relationships between sonic and the new yoke city characters, sonic and nine are really sweet and I know that boy is peobably teetering toward a villain arc but I wanna see good things happen for him. All versions of tails are so valid. And like, on paper, I sort of like that each main character of a shatterverse sort of reflects sonic's own flaws back at him, but I wish they didn't dial up the jerkassery and mistrust to make it happen.
The action is also really good, so fucking well animated and choreographed, but like I do feel like it drags on a bit, and between that and the flashbacks, it feels like they just were trying to pad the episodes. It would've worked better as 11-15 minute episodes, I think.
I also like the idea of a bad future where Eggman won and sonic doesn't exist! It's a neat concept, and I kind of which we stuck with that, rather than going between there and all these other AUs, it kind of drags out the pacing of what should be our main story. All the AUs, even this apparent main one, feel a bit gimmicky, but at least that one is the most interesting, at least to me who likes dystopian settings. Then again, it is a fun kids show, so I know I shouldn't be expecting anything too deep lol
I know it sounds like I really disliked this show, but I am invested in the characters and concepts they're presenting and hope that some of my complaints about these first 8 episodes get addressed to some degree. If not, it's going to be a really frustrating watch
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wondrous-stargazer · 1 year
Saran Solstice
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Race: Xaela Au Ra
Age: 23
Height: 5' (with heels)
Occupation: Fortune Teller / Owner of a small library cafe
Residence: Lives in the Lavender Beds with their partner
Pronouns: She/They
Saran is a Xaela of short stature and narrow hourglass frame, its not uncommon for her to be mistaken for the forest creatures she spent most of her childhood around by the way they quietly move around the deep shadowed woods. Atop Saran's head sits a mop of messy once black now bled white hair obviously cut short with a blunt blade. Her uneven fringe sits in a way that obscures her left eye just out of vision. Underneath Saran's eyes are a piercing white nearly as pale as her ivory skin, their limbal rings almost glowing as bright as the moonlight itself. Saran paints a dark pattern around their eyes and blackens her lips in order to accentuate these features and contrast with the unnatural paleness of her skin.
You will be hard pressed to find Saran wearing anything other than her signature soot black clothing. She is quite fond of her signature Quaintrelle's Hat which she styles which a large variety of outfits. Saran isn't opposed to showing a decent amount of skin as they find breathability an important factor in comfort. Many of her outfits involve thigh high boots and form fitting robes often adorned with a variety of trinkets and accessories. Her expression can range from feminine to more androgynous.
A sweet natural floral scent with hints of burned grass and wood lingers in the air around Saran giving the impression of a campfire in the middle of a forest under the moonlight in the minds of those who come close enough.
Saran is inquisitive with a thirst to learn but is also a being of few words as they tend to space out and let her mind wander. They have a extremely vivid imagination, often dreaming about past, present, and potential future events and possibilities, this often leads to an increase of anxiety that comes with overthinking. She cares a great amount about others, albeit sometimes to a fault not letting herself take "I'm okay" as an answer always needing to find a solution to every problem. Her voice is very soft spoken and sometimes "sing songy" in tone. Saran struggles to express her thoughts and thus doesn't tend to speak up in conversation. Due to this sometimes she can seem awkward in a way that can even come across as comedic even if that wasn't the intention. This lack of words often causes her to draw her emotions inward which negatively affects her mental health. She deals with feelings of inadequacy and always wanting to feel needed by others, not truly wanting to be alone but still preferring to stand in proximity rather than the center of a group. In group dynamics she takes on a nearly parental type role making sure everyone everyone is well looked after, particularly those younger than her. She struggles a great deal with authority and chooses to do things her own way rather than accepting being told what to do. Due to this she also has a deep mistrust of law enforcement as she feels they only serve to control others and protect oppressors.
When overwhelmed or stressed Saran falls into an empty thousand yard stare almost as if they're in a trance. When in this state Saran is almost completely silent and any actions are done in autopilot. In order to relax from this dissociative state Saran will retreat to her comfort zone which is usually in nature as she finds it calm, relaxing and nostalgic to where she grew up. She often sits in forest clearings staring at the sky and letting her mind wander.
Saran dealt with a lot of dysmorphia due to not meeting another Au Ra until well into adulthood.
Saran is quite unorganized, frequently leaving their home scattered with books.
Saran has small collection of trinkets and magic artifacts.
In terms of fears Saran has a deep phobia of mold. The mere sight of it makes her extremely nauseous, Aside from this phobia she is mortified of losing those close to her and not being to save them. She's terrified that one day she'll go to heal someone and it just wont work. Saran always feels like she needs to help everyone and fix everything and she fears that she isn't enough. Usually her normal relaxation techniques help but the fear of failure will always run deep.
Important Possessions:
Eternity Ring from their Eternal Bonding with their partner Tsuta Satori. She always carries it with her but doesn't always wear it in order to keep it safe and protected.
Her magic flying carpet. it was given to her as payment for a reading and wherever she goes she takes it with her.
Her Quaintrelle's Hat. Ever since she purchased this little hat in Ishgard it rarely leaves her head. Saran herself doesn't even know why she's so connected to it, just that she feels naked without it.
Her first deck of tarot cards given to her by her mentor. This is the only memento she still has left of her mentor.
Likes & Dislikes:
Her wife Tsuta
Reading. History and tales of fiction are her favourites.
Stargazing and Astrology
Quite good at card games, but awful at games like chess.
Her favourite food is curry. She will usually go for the spiciest one she can get.
Likes to nap on a nice warm rock
Allagan Technology
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
🔫 Nari and Vali
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Okay, much like this is four questions, this answer has gotta be in four parts.
In the Main Timeline and related AUs, Nari the Elder has some serious trust issues. The only people he trusts readily are his family and their Variants. The only reason he trusts Mobius is because Sigyn trusts Mobius. Obviously, he can't trust every Variant of his family, as there are those that could wish him ill, but he'd have a hard time not trusting a Vali. That's his sister. However, once his trust is earned, he doesn't rescind it easily. While he considers Sigyn placing him in the Time Cell as a betrayal, he forgave her easily because of his trust and love for her. In terms of an ultimatum, I can foresee something like that happening in Loki Season 2, but I don't want to bind myself to it in case there's no real opportunity to have it happen within the narrative.
For Main Timeline Sylvie and related AUs, she has an even harder time trusting anyone that isn't a Nari Variant, and even more specifically her Nari Variant. She is quick to mistrust and use other people for her own gain, and she will not feel bad if she leaves someone behind, unless it's Nari. She has been betrayed, many times, and bears the scars of that, and she considers Sigyn and Loki trying to convince her not to kill Kang as a major betrayal, compounded by the fact that they took Nari from her. Sylvie is more likely to be the one giving ultimatums than receiving them, and she doesn't hesitate to follow through on her threats.
To contrast, Disaster Averted Vali (and related AUs) is very trusting, and trusts deeply. Vali is not just a warrior, she's a soldier, and she has to trust her blood-sisters in the field or else how they operate doesn't work. She is hard-pressed to betray the people she cares about, and much of her anxiety is centered around the fact that she is prophesied to betray and kill her twin brother. She's also never been meaningfully been betrayed by anyone, so she's not entirely familiar with how it feels. While this Vali also generally makes good on her threats, she doesn't make threats to leave people behind or turn on them. She wouldn't even know what would make her do that.
Disaster Averted Nari (and related AUs) is more reserved with his trust. While his sense of duty is unimpeachable, his loyalty is hard won and his status in Thor's court is as often opposed to his uncle as it is in concordance with him. But he trusts implicitly, and he has no fear of his sister's prophesied betrayal. His role in the court is to mistrust, much like his father, and so if he doesn't know someone, it is not unlikely that he will not in their interests unless he has given his word that he will advocate for them. Like Vali, he has not been meaningfully betrayed, though he has been disappointed in his expectations of other people. Nari can and has given threats of betrayal, but he's never been forced to follow through on those threats.
Thank you for the ask!
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