#Anti-Captain Swan
scullysstrapblog · 1 year
Decided to start rewatching OUAT. I guess you could say I’m back on my bullshit.
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kyliafanfiction · 5 months
A lot of my fellow SQ shippers like to dunk on the whole 'Robin is Regina's soulmate' thing is a very cheap/lazy plot device, and honestly, I do get that. They start clicking very easily and quickly, and Regina shares things with him very easily... and then entrusts her heart to him. Very quickly.
But honestly, like... this is a fairy tale universe, soulmates being a thing *is* a whole thing that would be real, and I imagine Regina is desperate enough for happiness she grabs onto the prospect with both hands, on a certain level.
Also, like, Robin is charming, and knows how to push and how not to in just the right ways.
I ship Swan Queen, would have preferred it to being canon to Outlaw Queen (because I think the resulting story would have been better, also, fuck Captain Swan) but Robin was actually really good for Regina and they were good together.
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jiminysjournal · 1 month
Watching Hulu and OUaT’s IGs promoting the show with C$ is reawakening a rage monster inside me.
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phoenixwrites · 5 months
I hope something really bad happens to the guy you based off hook in your book😈 (If there’s one character that I loathe with a passion burning hotter than a thousand suns and brings out the entire ugly in me, it’s that d****ebag pirate😡)
Like for real Phoenix I hate him so much…
I don't remember if you read the original Hell's Heresies fanfic when it was posted, but I originally had Hook as Emma's philandering cheating boyfriend she was in a very clearly toxic relationship with. I think the original plan was for Hook to get eaten by Neal's demon father, who haunted the local library (shoutout to @thestraggletag).
In this book, however, I didn't want my main to be in a toxic relationship, I wanted her in a STALE relationship, a relationship that both parties should've gotten out of a long time ago, but are so used to each other that they haven't.
Thus Dylan was born, who looks a great deal like Hook (I used the exact same description), but his main flaw is being a clueless and inconsiderate boyfriend who hasn't realized that his college relationship has expired.
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boosyboo9206 · 4 months
The one thing that I will never forgive Once Upon a Time for is killing off Neal.
Not because I'm a swanthief/swanfire shipper and wanted them together so bad. But because killing him off was complete and total fan service to pave the way for captain swan.
I'm not the biggest fan of captain swan because, honestly, they're a little toxic for each other. But, also, because Hook's only purpose after a season or two was only Emma.
At least, for Neal, he had other purposes. Henry's Dad. Rumple's son - literally his humanity and the whole reason Rumple did everything he did. He was friends with Belle. And Wendy. He had reasons to exist outside of Emma and could have completely moved on from her in time and find someone else.
They could have had a healthy co-parenting relationship and been friends. And, while it would have been nice to, at least, see them try a romantic relationship again, the time had totally passed. There's too much history and pain and things that happened for them to work. So her not wanting to try again with him and be with Hook could have still happened.
Killing off Neal was a copout and fan service and a terrible choice. They also totally ruined Hook by not giving him a purpose outside of Emma after/around, like, season 3.
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Baelfire was an incredible character, with compelling motives and great potential, but his character was doomed the moment they revealed he was Henry's father, not only because they'd already painted Henry's dad in such a negative light, but also because this pitted him directly against Killian Jones, whom the writers claimed to have wanted to end up with Emma "since the beginning."
This is nothing against Killian; Killian Jones is my favorite character, Captain Swan is my OTP, and I'm certainly not bothered in the slightest that Emma ended up with Killian.
However, I was also such a huge fan of Baelfire for the first season or two. He was an artist, he never gave up, he made lots of pasta, he was clever and resourceful, and he always saw the good in people. I would've loved to see him grow and develop as a character.
He always wanted a family, but he kept losing them. His mom left. His dad let him go. He sacrificed himself for the Darlings. He left Killian's crew. He didn't even become one of the lost boys- he spent centuries without hope of a family and never got one.
He also always wanted to be a hero, but he lost all chance of that when they made him Henry's father and set him up to fail.
It's hard to put it all into proper words- I'm not a huge fan of Neal Cassidy, but man, did I love Baelfire.
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Emma entering the room: Oh good your not busy.
Hook applying his guy liner: Actually Swan i am busy.
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withgirl-sq · 10 months
Currently thinking how badly I want to watch a version of OUAT without Hook in it :'(
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hitchell-mope · 6 months
Emma: Oh, by the way, if you ever speak disrespectfully again about my husband, I’ll kill you. Sorry, that sounded like a joke. I will ACTUALLY kill you.
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camelotroses · 2 years
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I could watch this all day.
Regina had no right. Killian knew that. Killian stopped her cruelty against Emma.
He'd been against using the dagger to control her from the start. He believed in her enough to help her without using force.
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"Are you all right?"
I love that Killian puts the dagger down before asking. He's been in a hurry to get rid of the darkness but since they got there he's been all about "Emma's choice". He's livid at Regina & he knows being controlled by the dagger hurts Emma.
That is true love.
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Look at my poor baby. Look at what neverland did to MY BABY. My poor girl could never catch a break. First her son. Second her past demons. Pan. NEAL BEING BACK IN HER LIFE. Her love for hook growing but being conflicted due to her walls (for good reason). Just EVERYTHING. MY BABY MY POOR BABY WAS HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN THE WHOLE SEASON I….I C A NT.
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a-heart-of-kyber · 9 months
Someone: "Captain Swan vs. Swanfire was a love triangle!"
Me: *looking around*
Me: "Is...is the triangle in the room with us right now?!"
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youarejustintime · 10 months
Emma’s wardrobe changing to be more white and floral after Hook moves in and everyone constantly regarding her masculine style as a “wall” is one of the most blatantly misogynistic tropes I’ve ever witnessed and it is WILD to me that people still can’t see that.
Emma: *dresses masculine for most of her life, only dresses hyper feminine when actively playing a character*
Emma as soon as she gets with H00k: *begins to dress more feminine, regularly wearing flowy blouses and trading in her classic red leather jacket with a red blazer*
Y’all: Ah yes, the pinnacle of character development, good for her
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mariaalrox-blog · 14 days
In my opinion, Hook never changes. Storybrooke accepted and gives a second opportunity to him just because of Emma. He is always an arrogant pirate who only cares about himself. He pretends to care about Emma but he isn't.
I mean, Neal just died in s3. And it was clear that he and Emma were still in love. In the series, they have said many times that they still loved each other. But Hook was already insisting on Emma to be with him. He could think that she maybe needs a little space. Their relationship happens so fast, in my opinion. It's as if he forced her to be with him.
And, he is always lying to Emma, or hiding her something. And when she asks him a favor, like when she asks him to take Elsa to a safe place, no, he has to do whatever he wants, no matter if he's wrong.
I think the character of Hook was much better as a villain in the flashbacks and in season two.
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naiariddle · 2 years
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5x01-5x08: Killian defending Emma’s right to choose
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pirateswhore · 1 year
Emma constantly running away from Hook showed he was abusive and she wanted to get away. He's always literally holding her back and stopping her from running
hmm. interesting take ! but I disagree.
what we see from Emma is that she runs when she's scared - she runs when life gets hard, or relationships get hard, or when she feels she's going to get hurt. growing up, she never had anyone who cared for her or be there to miss her. so she would always run. she never had anyone to run after her, no one had ever cared enough. she said it herself - she will continue to run until she misses a place. Emma also guards her heart carefully. After what she went through, especially in regards to Neal, she holds her cards close and neverletss anyone in. the last time she opened up to someone - he left her in jail and never came back.
this culminates in the end of season 3 - she wants to run again. she has a family and friends in storybrooke, and that scares her. having people she cares about means having people who can hurt her. so she wanted to run away again. would a life alone, away from her family, had been better ? I'd say not.
but running away is all Emma knows, all she has ever known. a life of loneliness, shutting people off before they can get close and have a chance to hurt her. if anyone gets to break her heart, it's going to be her.
now hook. hook came into her life, and he was a constant from the start. even when she pushed him away, he wouldn't budge, wouldn't leave her. he stayed by her side, showed her that he wasn't going to leave like everyone else. Emma needed that - needed someone to show her they cared enough to ignore her attempts at distance.
why did she need this ? because she used the distance as a safety mechanism. she would push people away to see if they care enough to pull her back in. no one ever did. not before she met hook.
he was by her side through it all - although he was vocal and open about his intentions of winning her heart, he never pushed her. he gave her space, let her come to him at her own pace. even after their adventure to the past, and after she agreed to stay in storybrooke, he sat in front of the dinner waiting for her to come to him.
ultimately, killian wasn't holding Emma back. he was keeping her anchored to her home. yes, he was stopping her from running away, but I ask again - is that a bad thing ? that he wanted her to stay in storybrooke and be with her family. (its important to note that he only mentioned her family, never himself. it was Emma that always read between his lines and included him in that family).
so yes, in a sense - killian is keeping her from running. but that isn't a bad thing, nor does it make him abusive. she was never running away from him - season 4 and onward shows her cling onto him (even in death). she was running away from being hurt, and he showed her she doesn't have to do that anymore.
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