#Anthony Romero
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gwydionmisha · 3 months ago
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nextstopwonderland · 5 months ago
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grim-vs-lizard · 8 months ago
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yourdailyqueer · 5 months ago
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Anthony D. Romero
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 9 July 1965
Ethnicity: White - Puerto Rican 
Occupation: Lawyer, activist
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druidberries · 7 months ago
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valentine aged up and venus was born!
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duranduratulsa · 1 year ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Day Of The Dead (1985) on glorious vintage Media Home Entertainment VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #dayofthedead #nightofthelivingdead #georgeromero #ripgeorgeromero #Zombies #loricardille #JosephPilato #ripjosephpilato #anthonydileojr #tomsavini #TerryAlexander #GaryHowardKlar #ripgaryhowardklar #GregNicotero #shermanhoward #richardliberty #riprichardliberty #JarlathConroy #ralphmarrero #vintage #vhs #mediahomeentertainment #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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dsannito · 6 months ago
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The Sterek fandom is super talented, but this is Dale Cooper and Anthony Romero, who are porn stars.
Funny enough, if you search for "Dale Cooper and Anthony Romero", look who else shows up 🤣:
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How is the Sterek fandom so talented??? Like this shit looks real! IT LOOKS REAL
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nikolaraftis · 2 years ago
Which animals do you associate each of your characters with?
Love questions like these!! Because I actually put thought into animal associations when I make and write my characters, it's so fun. It not only has to do with visual traits and personality, but also plot-relevant symbolism. They're not major clues to anything, but sort of just fun add-ins? Part of the accumulative things that lay the path some characters go down? Also, not all of these of entirely significant symbolism, because some of these characters are were-creatures or half-creature or other folkloric beings and those influence associations.
Zena Moralis - bear (hint: this is why Athanasios takes the form he does when he reincarnates)
Geronimo - barn owl (note: his animal companion is Alfreda, the barn owl who just sort of hangs around)
Echo - scorpion
Florence Escoffier - fox
Kamali Wynn - cat
Esmeray Badawi - freshwater/river fish (if you had to associate her with a specific one, pick a species in Turkish waters. I don't have a set one yet, but she is from the rivers of alternate Turkey (for mermaid reasons)).
Dorian Nathair - sea serpent (...listen, it surely counts)
Siobhan Healy - swan
Bloodboot Mercer - wolf
Penelope Mercer - lynx
Sunita Vitaliya - crow
Shadow King - raven
Hektor Moralis - snake
Eamon Moralis - magpie
Hames Jespersen - gargoyle/dragon (okay, I know they don't count as animals, but they're very Him, so)
Quillon Romero - butterfly
Orna Healy - moth
Willa Healy - crocodile
Admittedly, this is a long cast, and there are yet more characters, but these are all the ones that have animal associations in my mind.
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fischerfrey · 2 years ago
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the audacity: agnes, olyvar, gabriel
white cishet🤮: roe, verna
i don't: genevieve, gael, jesper
ewww person: theo, nova, anthony, ares
new friend :): henry, vinnie, malcolm
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heartsoulrocknroll · 11 months ago
AEW Rampage 3/20/24
The Gunns promo video on the Acclaimed. They are somewhere by a pool. Here comes Jay. Jay says he saved Darby's life by breaking his foot, and Darby can do anything he wants now, except climb Everest. Jay says just ask the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass, he is bigger than Everest. Darby will not triumph over him or breathe with the Switchblade.
The Acclaimed promo on the Gunns. Caster says even when they get hurt, they show up. He offers Jay White a ticket to anywhere he wants to go and says if he is smart, he will take that offer. But Jay is not that smart. He knows Jay is stupid, because only a stupid person would piss off the Acclaimed. Bowens says there was a video highlighting the history of the AEW tag titles, and the Gunns weren't good enough to be in it. Bowens says Jay should have listened to the internet and signed some place else. He went through Continental Classic and lost. He had a title shot and lost to MJF with one leg.
Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta vs. Kyle Fletcher and Powerhouse Hobbs (AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament) -- Hobbs with a spinebuster to Orange immediately. Orange goes for a topé to the outside, but Hobbs catches him out of midair and slams him back-first on the apron repeatedly!!! Trent with a Swanton bomb off the top to the outside! Orange with an elbow suicida to Hobbs outside, then a DDT to Fletcher inside for two! Nasty strike by Hobbs rocks Orange! Hobbs with a torture rack on Orange, but Trent breaks it up. Double team by Trent and Orange, as Trent dropkicks Fletcher into a pinning combo by Orange for two. Nice, vicious kicks in the corner by Fletcher! Orange with a stunner, then Trent follows with a half and half snap suplex! Trent with a double stomp off the apron to assist a Beach Break by Orange on Hobbs on the floor!!! Damn!!! Fletcher lands a spinning, jumping Tombstone on Orange inside for two! Avalanche half and half suplex by Trent on Fletcher!!!! Then diving DDT off the ropes by Orange on Fletcher!! Trent with a spear to Hobbs outside, then Orange lands an Orange Punch on Fletcher for three!!!!
Wow, this rocked!!! What a great match!!!!! Orange and Trent had some great double team stuff here, and man, Fletcher and Hobbs make an awesome team. Rating: 3.75
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Kevin Matthews --Shibata with vicious elbows in the corner and a running dropkick!! Matthews gets a little bit in before Shibata locks in a sleeper and hits the PK for three!!!! Go off, Shibata!!! That is how you do a squash!!! Rating: AWESOME SQUASH
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Rocky Romero -- Strikes by Takeshita, but Rocky gets a big shot of his own in!! Rocky with clotheslines in the corner. Takeshita muscles Rocky up effortlessly onto his shoulders lands a neckbreaker!!! Takeshita with a huge elbow outside, then just absolutely lays Rocky out with another elbow inside, then lands a back suplex for two!!! Geez!!!! Rocky lands Sliced Bread off the top! Rocky lands two topés and goes for a third, but Taskeshita CATCHES HIM OUT OF MIDAIR IN SUPLEX POSITION, but Rocky escapes!!!!! Takeshita goes for an elbow, but Rocky moves and he elbows the ring post!! Rocky lands another topé, then Sliced Bread inside for two!!! Rocky snaps back the injured arm and locks in an arm bar!! Callis with the distraction to break the hold. Takeshita lands a Helluva kick! Rocky avoids the power drive knee and lands an uppercut! Takeshita blocks a Sliced Bread attempt off the corner and lands the double leg-trap piledriver, then DEADLIFTS ROCKY BACK UP INTO A BEAUTIFUL BLUE THUNDER BOMB FOR TWO!!!! Holy shit, I'm crying!!!!! Rocky lands a jumping knee, then an enziguri! Takeshita lands a huge lariat!!!!!!!! Then a beautiful rolling elbow!!!!! Then a spinning falcon arrow for three!!!!!!
That slaaaapped wtf!!!!!!!!! Takeshita is a machine, and Rocky looked great here. Just an awesome match. It was short, and you can say I am overrating it, but I do not caaaaare!!!!!! Rating: 4
Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale vs. Julia Hart and Skye Blue Street Fight -- Statlander with a drop toe hold, sending Julia face-first onto a chair, then lands a backbreaker by trapping Julia in the chair and slamming the chair down on the mat!!!! Willow dropkicks Julia as she is still trapped in the chair! Julia gets her spike and swings at Statlander, but Statlander moves and Julia hits Skye instead. Statlander has Julia on her back, runs, and drives her into a table in the corner! Willow with chair shots to Skye and lands a cannonball in the corner for two! Julia and Skye with chair shots to their opponents inside!! Statlander suplexes Julia onto the set up chair!! Damn!! Willow body slams Skye on the floor!! Geez!! Willow goes for something on top of the announce table, but Skye reverses and lands Code Blue on the table!! The table does not budge and it looks nasty!! Holy shit!!! Skye pours out a bag of tacks in the ring. Statlander comes in with a bag of her own and dumps out more tacks!!! Great moment, I popped for that!!! Statlander goes to the top, but Skye traps her head and lands a kick to the face with tacks in her boot!!!! Skye picks Statlander up off the middle rope and lands a powerbomb onto the tacks!!!! Skye pours tacks in Statlander's mouth and superkicks her in the face!!!! Willow is back up!!! Willow lands a DVD on Skye off the apron through two tables set up on the floor!!! Aaaahhh!!!! Statlander backdrops Julia onto a pile of chairs inside!! Statlander goes for a 450 off the top, but Julia moves, and Statlander's legs hit the chairs! Julia locks in Hartless, and Statlander taps!!!!
Wow, what a match!!! Why tf didn't they give that more time???? Awesome, nasty-looking spots. Great execution. I loved every second of it. Rating: 4
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perfettamentechic · 1 year ago
1 gennaio … ricordiamo …
1 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2018: Fernando Cerulli. È stato un attore caratterista Italiano. (n. 1926) 2015: Donna Douglas, nome di nascita Doris Ione Smith, attrice e cantante statunitense. (n. 1932) 2014: Juanita Moore, è stata un’attrice cinematografica, televisiva e teatrale americana.  (n. 1914) 2009: Edmund Purdom, Edmund Anthony Cutlar Purdom, attore britannico attivo per buona parte della sua carriera in Italia. Una…
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hardtickettohomevideo · 1 year ago
Schlocktoberfest XIII - Day 21: Forest Of Fear
Forest Of Fear (1980) Trailer: *Spoilers Throughout* What’s This About: What if Romero wrote and directed Reefer Madness. Here are some of my observations as I watched the film: All right, my copy of this is going by one of its many aka’s – Bloodeaters. That’s kooky. I’m not at all being sarcastic when I say that I love it when remastered 1080p Blu Rays show the beat up film and dirty camera…
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hotvintagepoll · 1 year ago
Congrats to the ultimate winner of the Hot & Vintage Movie Men Tournament, Mr. Toshiro Mifune! May he live happily and well where the sun always shines, enjoying the glories of a battle hard fought.
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A loving farewell to all of our previous contestants, who are now banished to the shadow realm and all its dark joys and whispered horrors—I hear there's a picnic on the village green today. If you want to remember the fallen heroes, you can find them all beneath the cut.
What happens next? I'll be taking a break of two weeks to rest from this and prep for the Hot & Vintage Ladies Tournament. I'll still be around but only minimally, posting a few last odes to the hot men before transitioning into a little early ladies content, just like I did with this last tournament. The submission form for the Hot & Vintage Ladies tournament will remain up for one more week (closing February 21st), so get your submissions in for that asap! Once the form closes, there will be one more week of break. The first round of the Hot & Vintage Ladies Tournament will be posted on February 29th, as Leap Year Day seems like a fitting allusion to leaping into these ladies' arms.
Thanks for being here! Enjoy the two weeks off, and send me some great propaganda.
In order of the last round they survived—
Richard Burton
Tony Curtis
Red Skelton
Keir Dullea
Jack Lemmon
Kirk Douglas
Marcello Mastroianni
Jean-Pierre Cassel
Robert Wagner
James Garner
James Coburn
Rex Harrison
George Chakiris
Dean Martin
Sean Connery
Tab Hunter
Howard Keel
James Mason
Steve McQueen
George Peppard
Elvis Presley
Rudolph Valentino
Joseph Schildkraut
Ray Milland
Claude Rains
John Wayne
William Holden
Douglas Fairbanks Sr.
Harold Lloyd
Charlie Chaplin
John Gilbert
Ramon Novarro
Slim Thompson
John Barrymore
Edward G. Robinson
William Powell
Leslie Howard
Peter Lawford
Mel Ferrer
Joseph Cotten
Keye Luke
Ivan Mosjoukine
Spencer Tracy
Felix Bressart
Ronald Reagan (here to be dunked on)
Peter Lorre
Bob Hope
Paul Muni
Cornel Wilde
John Garfield
Henry Fonda
Robert Mitchum
Van Johnson
José Ferrer
Robert Preston
Jack Benny
Fredric March
Gene Autry
Alec Guinness
Fayard Nicholas
Ray Bolger
Orson Welles
Mickey Rooney
Glenn Ford
James Cagney
Dick Van Dyke
James Edwards
Sammy Davis Jr.
Alain Delon
Peter O'Toole
Robert Redford
Charlton Heston
Cesar Romero
Noble Johnson
Lex Barker
David Niven
Robert Earl Jones
Turhan Bey
Bela Lugosi
Donald O'Connor
Carman Newsome
Oscar Micheaux
Benson Fong
Clint Eastwood
Sabu Dastagir
Rex Ingram
Burt Lancaster
Paul Newman
Montgomery Clift
Fred Astaire
Boris Karloff
Gilbert Roland
Peter Cushing
Frank Sinatra
Harold Nicholas
Guy Madison
Danny Kaye
John Carradine
Ricardo Montalbán
Bing Crosby
Marlon Brando
Anthony Perkins
Michael Redgrave
Gary Cooper
Conrad Veidt
Ronald Colman
Rock Hudson
Basil Rathbone
Laurence Olivier
Christopher Plummer
Johnny Weismuller
Clark Gable
Fernando Lamas
Errol Flynn
Tyrone Power
Humphrey Bogart
James Dean
Cary Grant
Gregory Peck
Sessue Hayakawa
Harry Belafonte
James Stewart
Gene Kelly
Peter Falk
Jeremy Brett
Vincent Price
James Shigeta
Buster Keaton
Omar Sharif
Paul Robeson
Sidney Poitier
Toshiro Mifune
and ok, sure, here's the shadow-bracket-style winner's portrait of Toshiro Mifune.
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movie-titlecards · 2 years ago
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City Beneath the Sea (1953)
My rating: 4/10
Once the plot gets started and the two uncharismatic slabs of beef that serve as our protagonists in this joint have something other to do than lumber around the place being assholes, this at least becomes a bit less of a chore to watch - though it is still profoundly racist and rather sexist, because it's a 50s movie set in the Caribbean.
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