#Another random headcanon to think
himeofshyness · 25 days
Here's a random headcanon for my future character in Fields of Mistria
It has been mentioned in the game that before your farmer moved to Mistria, they were also a member of the Adventurer's Guild. (I believe) Then what if, your main character in Fields of Mistria used to live in Stardew Valley until something significant occurred that took a toll on them.
One day, Marlon received news from one of his old adventurer friends in the Capital about a request for help from Mistria. Recognizing that his comrade and student needed a change of scenery, he informed your MC about the opportunity of a new farmland in exchange to assist the town. After a lot of thinking, the MC (soon-to-be mc in FOM) decided to start anew, bidding farewell to their cousin, the MC of Stardew Valley, before relocating to Mistria.
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gossippool · 3 days
i was gonna make a personal poolverine headcanons list because other people were doing it too but i realised my fics already have most of them so. here are some of my headcanons in fic snippet form. some contradict with others and some i don't even think are necessarily true but it's fun to experiment
people have said this before but logan fights wade because he sees himself in him (or because he realises that he actually doesn't and he hates that)
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wade knows about and feels the (emotional and psychological) effects of all his other variant selves (and everything else if he tries)
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logan's heightened senses gives him synethesia
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logan doesn't actually like violence/fighting/blood during sex or like ever. it's just an unhealthy addiction that started from him killing all those people that he snuffed with alcohol but revived with wade, and a way to take his anger out on (someone like) himself
with regard to wade's chronic pain slight p pressure on his skin hurts more and in a worse way than sharp pains like getting stabbed
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honeycreammilkshake · 1 month
sukuita omegaverse where fated pairs must mate or die... but sukuna is actually a beta - the most underrated abo out there - and that's one of the reasons for his villain arc?? like society said he could never have love or know true closeness bc only omegas/alphas traditionally pair and betas are far too common for anything deeper or more important, so sukuna forsakes any and all concept of love as nothing but chemical and weak. but yuji - who is another beta too - ends up fated with sukuna in like... the world's longest-lasting, most powerful bond ever that could potentially be their end... or their salvation.
yuji can choose to either accept the bond and teach sukuna how to love - if he can - or he could sacrifice himself and reject the bond so that they both die. either way they are eternally bound together, and it's all up to yuji what happens next.
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kaeyachi · 1 year
Kaeya would just have a shelf full of jars of homemade jam, and most of them are for Klee, so she would have bread with jam as a snack when she goes on adventures
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lesbicosmos · 11 months
doctor who needs to have a companion who's already an astronomy nerd
bc it'd be really funny and the doctor would get pissy that they can't show off as much as they usually do bc it would just go like
the doctor (expecting the usual "i don't know" "somewhere awesome" responses): where do you wanna start?
companion: the eagle nebula. i really want to see if it's as beautiful up close as it is in the photos, it's my favourite nebula (*rambles for like five minutes about the eagle nebula*)
the doctor: oh...right okay
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rhysiana · 2 years
Last night, for whatever reason, I started thinking about the printmaking class I took in high school *cough* years ago, and I realized: Nie Huaisang is absolutely that student who took an F just so he could continue working on his technically very proficient pin-up riding a hotdog in peace.
(And from the oils & acrylics class I took, Wei Wuxian is the student the teacher made take off his shirt to serve as a back anatomy reference for someone else. A few tables over, Lan Wangji has horny gripped his paintbrush right in half.)
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laugtherhyena · 7 months
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@thehybridgryph I'm putting this in its own post since it got too long to fit in a single reply.
You see Akane is a character i find funny to think back on because when i was younger and had first gotten into the another series i had a really weird relationship with her character; i hated her for being the mastermind and dismissed her entire other self as a nothing but a lie/trick, but at the same time her Ch6 self was the one i liked the most out of the two akanes, sort to speak.
This was partially my fault since when I don't like or care much for a character i tend to not look much into them and partially the fact that Dra didn't had a full translation back in the day.
So what I'm trying to say here is that i didn't understand her character at all and it's only now that I'm looking back into this game as an older person that i see just how fascinating she is, this girl went through hell in that orphanage at such a young age that it makes perfect sense why she would cling to the guy who saved her that badly, especially after all the trauma she had gone through at that point.
Utsuro became her savior and she made it pretty much her life goal to devote he entire self to him regardless of what this path would require he to do, if Utsuro asks, she'll do it because that's what a good servant does. Their toxic relationship where they enable eachother and get worse spreading despair around is insane and i really don't think I'm the right person to talk about it because even now I don't think i fully understand it.
And i just feel stupid for dismissing her nice self when i was younger and even just trying to separate mastermind Akane from maid Akane because they're both parts of who she is and both of them are very real! Akane genuinely liked her classmates and even had a close bond with Ayame, but ultimately couldn't bring herself to go agaisnt her master's orders and try to save them instead of betraying their class and using them in the proto killing game.
That's really fucking sad and heart wrenching to me, makes me wonder if given the opportunity to do things differently would she have changed anything? Would she have obeyed Utsuro's orders all over again? Who knows, I'm honestly not really sure myself.
Another thing about Akane that i absolutely love is in relation to the ending of Dra, because i really don't think i would like it as much if Akane had left with the survivors because to me that would feel out of character not only for the trio to save her (Tsurugi is there after all) but most importantly for Akane herself. I really don't think she would have allowed herself to escape the island and leave Utsuro to die, even after protecting the survivors effectively betrayed him in a way, if her master is going down she's gonna go down with him. It's beautiful and tragic at the same time.
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bmpmp3 · 1 month
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raycatz · 26 days
The darkening infecting the arathim hivemind (the ascendancy) and the ascendancy casting off sick arathim to keep itself alive OR they all go mad at once? Threaders can incorporate their host into the ascendancy and take control of them so, idea, Four controlled by a threader and speaking for the ascendancy like Tavra. There could be a repeat of that really great scene where an aramthim is stabbed and Tavra screams "you're killing us!" Or maybe a sick threader that's been cast off seeking out another mind to connect to to be a little less lonely as it both goes mad from the darkening and also dies from being disconnected from the hivemind. Anyways- Four or anyone being connected with this dying desperate lonely thing.
Or like, the sick arathim start to kill the rest of the hive and the acendancy knows it's killing itself and so it seeks help from the gelfling
Wars: We're not helping the giant mind-controlling spiders
Four: We have to try!!!
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ian-galagher · 2 years
Four days of nothing but blowjobs, his favorite meals for dinner, and having that tall dork walk the dog for him got Mickey suspicious.
Ian was sinking between his knees for the second time that day and it was only noon.
No really, it's no trouble at all! I'll happily do it! I don't want anything in return either, it's fine!
Mickey sighed, taking Ian's chin between his fingers and lifting his face up until he could look into his green eyes. He'd let this go on long enough, enjoying the ride while it lasted but curiosity got the better of him. "Spill. What did ya do?"
All sorts of scenarios flitted through his mind, each one worse than the last. I committed a murder and we need to flee the country. I gave all our money to charity and found out it was a scam. I cheated on you with Mandy's new boyfriend and we're running off together. I totaled your car. I drank the last of the beer and every brewery in the country was set on fire and burned down.
He should've known Ian had gotten himself all worked up over nothing.
"So I was vacuuming the other day…"
"Yeah, and?"
"And I sucked up my wedding ring."
Ian blew out his breath at the confession, a weight he'd been carrying for days finally lifted. He rubbed nervously at the impression left on his empty finger.
A crease appeared in Mickey's brow. That it? He shouldn't do it, but as his husband he'd earned the right to toy with Ian a little longer. "You did what now?"
Hunched up shoulders did nothing to hide the tall giraffe from view. "I'm sorry."
"If you don't love me you can just say so."
"You know I love you," Ian said defiantly. "For five days I've been sucking you off whenever you wanted-"
"Five. Look, the point is, I love you very much, I just…"
"You're an idiot," Mickey said warmly, his heart giving out a kick whenever Ian declared his love for him so passionately. Time to put him out of his misery. "It's cool, I'll break the bag open. Again."
"I'm really sorry."
"Guess if you're really sorry," Mickey said, grinning filthily while parting his legs a little wider. "You could do something to make it up to me."
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yaoiadderall · 9 months
some sterek girlies are privileged and by that i mean they don’t have any takes that would get them torn to absolute shreds by the rest of the fandom
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surpriserose · 5 months
Sorry to report ive turned around on the fallout show i still think episode 1 was really rough especially for lucy and im sure once i finish it ill have more criticisms but its really solid and Lucy has grown on me im not immune to women and her character works way better when shes away from the rest of her vault and maximus is carrying the show
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no-mercy-bby · 1 year
What about Chrissy lives au where she helps the party defeat Vecna, Eddie tries to defeat the demobats on his own, Chrissy hauls his ass back to the right-side up with her cheerleader strength™️
They get Eddie to the emergency room to get stitched up from the many bites. Unfortunately, his hair was so matted with blood, the doctor decides it's best for it to be buzzed down so the wounds can be properly attended to and sutured closed.
Chrissy waits outside the room, clutching his electric guitar, which is what she had used to defend him against the bats. She shivers. It was the first thing that caught her eye, and although she wasn't sure if it was the real or upside-down version, no one had told her to leave it behind. Chrissy had tried to clean it of bat remains and such with her torn white cheer jacket, yet there were some smudges that wouldn't get off. Hopefully, Eddie wouldn't be too mad about it.
Chrissy sits beside his bed while he rests. They had given him some painkillers and antibiotics to help with the "rabid bites" so he would sleep for the next couple hours. When he wakes up, she'll apologize for everything, for dragging him into all this, for... for his hair. It wasn't an even cut either. If they buzzed too much, it would irritate the wounds and then the stitches, but if too little, they couldn't get to the wounds. So she sat, feeling exposed in her cheer outfit without her jacket, watching over him.
Eddie's face seemed more angular without his all his curls framing his face, Chrissy noticed. He seemed so much younger, too. Ironically, Chrissy felt like she recognized him better like this.
Steve checks in on her, passing her a thin scratchy hospital blanket. He asks if she wants anything from the vending machines, but she just shrugs. Steve returns with two bottles of water and a few different granola bars. He leaves to wait outside for Max's surgery to be successful.
Although Chrissy's stomach growls, she only eats half a granola bar while sipping at her water. Some time later on, she dozes off with her head propped on her arm.
"Chrissy!" Eddie gasps aloud with a start, which causes Chrissy to jump up from her chair. He was breathing hard and sitting up while clutching at his sides; it was just a nightmare.
"Eddie? Are you okay?" Chrissy asks softly, putting her hands on his shoulders. This catches Eddie's attention, and he stares at her wide-eyed.
"Holy shit," Eddie's voice was low and hoarse," Chris, I had the worst dream. You started floating and I-"
"It's all over now," Chrissy assures him quietly before apologizing," I'm sorry I dragged you into all this, and I'm sorry-"
"-You have nothing to be sorry for," Eddie clears his throat, shaking his head," I wanted to help you, Cunningham."
"I'm still sorry-"
"-what happened to my hair?..." Eddie shakes his head again, and a short wavy lock rustles by his temple. His hair stopped above his ears, although some areas were more buzzed down than others. It was messy, but it could be worse.
"It doesn't look bad," Chrissy blurts out, letting go of his shoulders to cross her arms over her chest as she shivers.
"Always with the flattery, Cunningham." Eddie smiles, which reaches his eyes although he's tired. Shit, right, he needed to rest.
"You need to rest and take it easy, Eddie," Chrissy recites what the nurse had told her to say perfectly.
"What about you?" Eddie asks, his fingers carefully brushing over his head.
"I'm fine, really, you don't need to worry..." Chrissy starts, but the look Eddie gives her makes her feel like he can see right through her flesh and into her soul. Her lip wobbles involuntarily before tears start racing down her cheeks.
Eddie pulls her toward him by her elbows, but she doesn't hesitate to curl up beside him in the small hospital bed. Her knees that were pulled up to her chest brush against his ribs. Although she tries to give him more space, his arm cradles her to his shoulder, Eddie's warm hand draping across her back.
Chrissy hides her face in his neck, ashamed and imagining how improper her mother would find this current situation. Eddie's thumb smoothes her waist repeatedly, a soothing action for both of them.
They just stay like that for a little while, enjoying the closeness of one another. Eventually, Chrissy asks why he turned back instead of leaving with them.
"It was for you, Chrissy." Eddie answers her quietly, his cheek smushed to the crown of her head.
At a loss for words, Chrissy sits up to look at him. Eddie's eyes were soft and warm as he gazed back at her. Chrissy doesn't hesitate to kiss him soundly then.
"You could've killed yourself," Chrissy scolds him, and Eddie tries to playfully pout at her through his smile. His eyes were still on her lips.
"Kiss me better?" Eddie teases, dipping his chin down, and if his hair had still been long, it would have hidden his face more. Similar to their little middle school reunion at the picnic table days ago.
Chrissy kisses him again then, just to feel his smile on her lips.
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evl-qn · 3 months
no because regina had eighteen years in a time frozen town without henry to keep her occupied. what do you think she did during that time? my girl learned so many things out of pure boredom. she’s probably got a doctorate or two ( that she doesn’t use ) just ‘cause. bet she learned how to fix up cars, just ‘cause. two brand new languages added to her repertoire? bet, hello french and italian. just ‘cause. she already knew how to play the piano but she definitely learned to play the violin at some point. just ‘cause. and cooking! baking, cooking, etc etc. she’s a michelin level chef by the late 90s. just ‘cause. so many random things for her to do and entertain herself with because lord knows mayoral duties wouldn’t have sufficed for very long.
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cessmaga · 1 year
dc x marvel au
peter parker is a halbarry kid, no I refuse to elaborate
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turtlespancake · 1 year
i cant believe fontaine finally cleaned up its archon quest writing and learned to Actually Proper Balance its npc screentime with its playable character screentime. and yet. AND YET!!! THIS is the nation where i end up hyperfixating on the historical figures with no official designs.
#rambling#genshin#i am DANGEROUSLY close to speedrunning the “hyperfixated on a blorbo > loosely based in canon headcanons > 'thats just your oc'” pipeline#with the narzissenkreuz institute kids#im dying so much to see what happens next that im just making up shit in my mind functionally 😭#if they wont give me more quest for like another month then i will do it myself 💥💥#but actually they should take their time with the quests. my impatience is my own fault and should not be the basis for a rushed story#anyways. i cant believe they finally got solid playable character writing in the archon quests#and instead of hyperfixating on lyney who checks like. almost EVERY blorbo preference box of mine.#im obsessed with an oceanid world quest 😭 and some random journals#something something tragedy something something#i think i just really loved the intrigue and mystery of it all. slowly finding all the notebooks and piecing together#who did what and wtf went down#was SO satisfying. it was so cool to figure out#i was live reacting to the oceanid quest in a discord channel with some friends and you could literally SEE my thought process go from#“this quest boring as shit idc about oceanid roleplay” to “oh wait they're actually commenting on the nostalgia themes now” to#“HEY WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE THE NAMES CONNECT?!?!”#especially since when i started doing all that the wiki didn't have character pages for most of the narzissenkreus institute kids#beyond like one to two sentences#and so the moment i saw that rene's page was like an actual paragraph and mentioned the kvarnah quest i was like HOLY FUCK#anyways!!!! genshin's writing has been surprisingly good recently#but still. i cant believe they finally managed to get me attached to a random npc! a random HISTORICAL npc for that matter!!!!#inazuma and sumeru wishes they had that#i think another part of it is that fontaine has been good about giving its historical figures consistent personality and character voices#and also character drama! like there's a LOT to latch onto here especially since they're letting you see it firsthand instead of only notes#and since they've tied it back to the present in a couple of very obvious ways it makes the connections easier to latch onto#and also since there's less people to worry about#i still don't understand inazuma history tbh. there were too many damn people and they all blended together in my mind...#they all had like overlapping jobs too ueghhjk#“this guy was a master of [weapon] and died in the catacylsm” describes like at least 3 people who are only ever mentioned in artifact sets
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