#And..... Like 3 or 4 other animatic projects
somerandomcryptid · 10 days
I finished the new dreaming of death animatic!!! It's one of the messiest things ever, but it's done!
I didn't do an intro card but the song is 'We'll be fine' from Epic the musical
not much to say lorewise for this one, it kinda speaks for itself
It was super fun to draw so much pre-kidnapping!Cryptid though, they're so happy :DDD (I mean sometimes they're a ball of anxiety(it's like a 50/50 split) but in this instance! Happy!)
(if you're new here Dreaming of death is an au of the fic penpal by @calamari-minecraft-corner)
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halfusek · 6 months
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Hello again Bendy fans!
Wanna join an animatic collab?
Missed our previous collabatimatic? Well, there’s good news for you today!
Come join us in creating an animatic for Generation X & Billy Idol's memifiable song "Dancing with Myself" to celebrate... Um... Joeyverse :)!
Organized by @insane-control-room (who also drew the cute lil animation above!) and yours truly <3
The animatic will be a bouncy Joey centric project. Each artist will be assigned at least 3 frames for one panel. Slots are flexible, and roll call ends April 21st. The final deadline will be July 9th, with check-ins every two weeks or so! Editing skills are welcome :)
View the outlines, roadmap, and more on the Discord server here:
A more detailed roadmap looks like this: April 2: Begin Role Call April 21: End Roll call May 4: Finalize Verse Claims. All Joey References Submitted May 18: Submit Sketch June 1: Submit Progress (1/3) (the three-to-five frames of your panel should be lineworked) June 14: Submit Progress (2/3) (the three-to-five frames of your panel should be colored) June 31: Submit Progress (3/3) (final draft) July 9: All Panels Submitted, editing begins July 25: Preview/Final Edits July 30/August 1: Showtime!
Imagine Dragons’ “Sharks” is on the roster for a future animatic, so if you want to join, Sharks will require that you have worked on at least one animatic with our team previously due to an ambitious workload.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 9 months
Obligatory second 4halo angst animatic that I made in 3 hours at like 4 am 🥰
Design gushing under the cut vv
Yes those are top scars on forever, I like projecting on him as a transmasc
Yes those are titties on bbh, I like projecting on him as a genderfluid
Normally I'd draw bbh red, and during the vulture/grief arc I drew him blue! Since he's transitioning kinda between those two states I drew him purple for this, that might change to green if the radiation gets worse :333
The two middle shots of forever looking at bad and bad looking at forever are based off the skewed views of each other they had right before forever was taken over - Bad was deteriorating, and @v@ was obstructing his view of his loved ones and messing with his emotions. Forevers last convo with bbh as himself was telling him he was fine, that he was taking medication for the dark matter. Of course there's also sun and moon symbolism, but I used flower language too, which I'm super weak for!!
On forevers face are Sunflowers, which is kinda obvious based on his sun association, but I also used roses for a representation of love or affection, and finally hyacinths: which I've heard are used to symbolize rebirth, and who's origin is in Greek mythology involving Apollo and his lover Hyacinthus. He was a prince who was beautiful, and attracted the god, but in an unfortunate accident Apollo caused the death of his lover, and the god created a flower dedicated to him to mark the place of his passing and to create a rebirth for him. It's one of my favs :3
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whoovesnassistant · 9 months
Tips for making a radio play
We've had a lot of experience making this show, and we've seen a lot of series come and go or even crash and burn before they begin. So we're going to give some tips to hopefully help people avoid the crashing and burning.
1: Start Small
A lot of people make the mistake of starting with a grand idea in mind, like "We're going to do an epic with 3 seasons that comes with animatics, original music, and a large cast of characters and-" Slow down. You don't even know what you're capable of yet, so it's a really bad idea to plan so far ahead without knowing what you can do and how much effort it takes to do it. Before you decide to dedicate yourself to something on a grand scale, start with something small to test the waters. A pilot is a good way to really understand the process and give an audience a chance to get interested. This pilot should not be as long as a full episode unless you plan for your episodes to be relatively short anyways. There should be a small cast, 2-5 characters at most generally. You don't need to go all-in with the pilot, just use what you have to do it and hopefully it should garner enough attention to get more people on board in your project team. Even after your pilot, make small goals. Plan for say, 5 episodes at first, and plan for more once you've gotten a flow and idea of production time and how long you want to be working on this project. Radio plays take a lot of time and effort, they aren't as easy as they seem.
2: Don't Cast Too Early
This is a big one that a lot of people tend to do that's a huge mistake to be making. Do not cast your characters way ahead of when you're going to need them. Generally, you should have your next script done FIRST before you cast the characters for it, and even if you have scripts done for multiple episodes ahead of time, do not cast unless you plan to get the lines done ASAP. You do not want to have idle voice actors waiting a really long time before they can even record lines, because this is a good way to lose voice actors or have people feel you don't really know what you are doing or how to organize a project. The exception to this rule is if you know someone really well and you know they want the role and they will stick around for it. It's good to cast people you are closer with as long term characters than expecting strangers to volunteer all their time, which leads into our next tip...
3: Don't Expect Too Much From People
Unless you plan on paying people, don't expect too much hard work from others. Don't expect voice actors to stay on for years and years and years. Don't expect a musician to volunteer original music for free. Don't expect artists to draw a bunch of scenes or animatics. Expect to start with basic resources, like stock music and one piece of cover art. If people want to volunteer more, they will come in time once you've shown your project is legitimately producing content. People are generally not going to just hop on board when you have no credentials and no examples of what you're capable of.
4: Quality Control
You need to have certain standards of quality, and you need to understand what that means. For example, no matter how much you might like someone's voice, if they have a bad microphone there is no fixing that audio, it will be unpleasant to edit and even more unpleasant for an audience to listen to. You can't just chuck together whatever audio you get or have, you need to research how to clean up noise, how to master vocals, how to level volumes, how to make sure your sound effects are good quality and not distractedly bad. Thankfully, Audacity which is a free program can handle most of your audio editing needs and there are plenty of tutorials for it on youtube so there's no reason not to study this stuff before you dive in.
5: Organization
This one's important. You need an organized system for getting everything done. Have checklists, organized folders, a proper place for crew to communicate. Discord is excellent for organizing a project because you can make different channels for different purposes within one server, such as a place for auditions, a place to submit lines, a place to post art, a place to give instructions, and you can make certain channels accessible to only specific people so spoilers aren't getting out to the wrong people. The more organized your project is, the smoother things will run.
6: Don't Overwork Yourself
It's very tempting to just do all the hard work on your own, like doing all the vocal editing, all the SFX, placing all the music, doing all the scripting. And at first, you'll probably have no choice but to do this. But as your project gets bigger, you should start to divide out the roles for other people to do, otherwise you risk burnout. It might feel fun to get all these things done on your own, but after a while it's going to feel tedious and it's often going to take more time to do. It's okay to have people you trust work on scripts, you would still be the director of what that script is about but you might be surprised what other people can come up with. It might be difficult to find a good audio editing crew but it's worth it if you do.
7: Be Willing to Take Criticism
Nobody's perfect, and sometimes people will have constructive criticism about your project. Don't see criticism as failure, see it as an opportunity to improve. For example, if you're having a hard time casting a character and you hear a lot of people saying they don't want to audition for the character because they don't like the character, don't sit there insisting your writing is gold and everyone else is just rude. Examine why people don't like the character, and adjust. If you notice people aren't really jumping on board with your project, swallow your pride and ask why. Try to figure out what it is that needs improvement, and then move forward with it.
8: Have Voice Actors Record Multiple Takes
Be sure that you're not just getting one take of lines, because you never know when a line might not sound right, or if a different delivery would sound better. Have at least 3 takes of every line recorded, and encourage your voice actors to try different kinds of deliveries. This way you have a much bigger chance of getting quality lines and the best takes!
9: Don't Rely on Artwork
This is an AUDIO drama, you CAN NOT expect everyone to be watching the video if you release a video with it. Some people just play these in the background, or download them to listen while they drive. If you're expecting people to understand what's going on from the artwork alone, you're doing something wrong. Imagine your script not having any images to go with it, and try to imagine what people are going to get out of purely listening. There are a lot of clever ways to help people visualize things without an actual visual. Artwork should be a bonus, not a requirement.
9B: Don't Script Visual Only Cues
Speaking of not relying on art, this goes with the above and is an issue a lot of beginners have. Scripting things like "the character smiles", "character waves", "character stands up" is not helpful for sound design. You need to figure out how those would be conveyed if they are important, like for smiling have the prompt for the actor you can have [Said happily] for a tone, a [shuffle] for standing up, a [whooshing] for waving with a character saying something like 'I'm waving as hard as I can!'. Sound effects and exposition are your friends in radio plays, soundless actions are not.
10: Be Careful About Vocal Effects
Vocal effects can be really cool! You can make someone sound like a demon, or a ghost, or some kind of magical creature. But you also need to be really careful about using those effects, because they can very easily make a person's voice hard to understand. This tip doesn't always work, but sometimes you can have the original voice line overlay the effect and make the effect quieter to keep the voice more clear. Run the effects voices by other people to make sure they can understand them.
11: Organization and Communication is Important
Radio plays have a lot of stuff that goes into them. There's a lot of files, often a lot of people, and a lot of tasks and instructions that need to be made. Discord is an excellent messenger to organize a radio play in, where you can organize things by topic in channels and assign roles to people to make sure they have special access to specific channels so other people don't get content they're not supposed to. You also need to make sure you are communicating with everyone and make sure everyone is on the same page. A discord server can help with this by having things like an announcement channel, an auditions channel, a channel to submit lines, etc. Google docs is also a great resource to keep everyone updated, where you can make things like art claims, and progress checklists, and share scripts. You can change permissions on the documents to let people comment or edit, either anyone viewing it or specific people who can be given access. The more organized you are, the faster things will get done and the more your team will respect the project.
12: Format Your Scripts to be Reader Friendly
We had some fairly messy looking scripts in the past, where there was nothing really making the character names stand out from the rest. Lines weren't spaced properly, names weren't bolded, and as a result voice actors would often miss lines on accident or not realize where a line ended or began. Now, you don't have to format it like we do, but you at least need to make it clear when a new line is being spoken and by who. Space new lines apart. What we do is we bold all the character names at the start of the lines and change the paragraph settings to adding a space after each paragraph. This makes it so when a character has a longer line, the spacing remains close together, but a new line from a new character will be spaced away from the previous line. As a bonus, we highlight all the character names in specific colors for specific characters (Not too bright colors!) and this has majorly solved the issue of people missing their lines and we have gotten many compliments for this formatting.
13: Be Kind and Respectful to Your Crew
I really shouldn't have to say this, but it is incredibly important that you respect the people you're working with. More than likely, they are volunteering their time to you, and you have no right to disrespect them by pushing them, tossing them to the side, being picky with them, getting into arguments, rejecting their feedback, etc. You shouldn't even be treating them like this if you were paying them. If you want people to stay and to provide quality content, they will be at their best when you treat them well
14: Listen a Few Times Before Release
So the audio is done, time to make a video and release it! Right? Wrong! You still need to do more quality control! This time you should listen through a few times and pay close attention to any issues that may occur, such as odd pauses, misplaced sound effects, or accidentally repeated lines. This can be easy to miss if you're not paying attention, and once it's out, your mistakes will be out there for everyone to hear.
15: Don't Get a Big Head
On the one hand, it's good to be proud of your work... but on the other, there's such a thing as being too confident and too prideful, especially if you haven't made a reputation for yourself yet. No matter how good you think your ideas might be, you yourself are not going to be the true judge of that. It's up to other people if they like what you have to give, and if they don't like it, there's probably a good reason for it and you may need to take a big bite of humble pie. This is where you need to be open to feedback and realize no one is perfect, no one has the most amazing idea with no flaws. Even we have made a lot of mistakes and will continue to do so, and we know we are always learning. And because of that, we try to listen to constructive feedback. Sure, we can't do everything people want, but we can try to at least improve. Basically, don't boast without knowing what people actually think of your work, and if they don't like it, don't blame them; be ready to look at yourself.
Also, don't put down other creators' work in order to boast about how much better you could or did do it. We're not here to fight, we're not here to compete, we're all just here making something we're supposed to love and be passionate about. It doesn't matter if you honestly think your work is better, having a nasty attitude about it is not going to make people confident in your work. They're just going to see you as someone with no respect for the craft and therefor probably not having the talent you claim you have.
16: Be Able and Willing to Contribute
So you have this idea, and you want to make it happen. What are YOU going to do to do that? The thing is, if you're going to be the one in charge of this project, you're going to need to pick up a lot of skills of your own to do whatever you can for it. You can't always rely on having other writers, or other voice actors, or other editors, etc. The more tasks you can make yourself available for, the better. I'm not saying you have to do everything or even do a whole lot, but the more you are at least able to do if need be, the more you can overcome hurdles such as losing an editor for whatever reason. I think, at the very least, when you're making a radio play you should be able to manage the writing and audio/video editing. Managing the writing shouldn't just be 'here's a small summary of what i want, write it for me', it should involve at least an outline or a collection of notes for what you had in mind, or you should work with people on the writing process by tossing around ideas. If you're just going to be an ideas person who has everyone else perform the creative tasks to make it real, you're going to have a lot of hang ups and you're not going to understand or value the work people put in nearly as much as you would if you learned the process yourself. Your crew might start feeling like you're not actually contributing much and that you're depending on them for everything to happen.
That's all we could think of for now, but if we think of more tips we'll add them to this post and reblog it to show the new ones. We hope this helps!
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nullbutler · 1 year
Masterpost of Projects
Hi! I'm Null! I make way too much stuff !! Here's a comprehensive list of everything I'm proud enough of to advertise on the front of my blog! It's a lot of kuro stuff!
A literal season 2 MOVIE. That's right i fucking COMPILED SEASON 2 INTO A FUCKING MOVIE it's a TWO AND A HALF HOUR LONG FUCKING MOVIE. I am in no way an editing professional, but the filler is cut, the gratuitously vile scenes are either done differently or also cut, and Alois and Hannah are portrayed in a kinder light, especially with Alois's backstory being handled a lot more carefully. No original footage is added - it is merely camera tricks and framing.
"You got rid of that Ciel screaming scene and that's like 5 stars for me." -- @warmmilk-n-honey
"Truly proves that less is more." -- @pain-in-the-butler
"An actual digestible version of Season 2." - @mantomhive
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2. My Webcomic: The Dead The Damned & The Devil (Read here)
What if Vincent Phantomhive came back from the dead just before his sons were sacrificed? This is a fix-it AU...kind of. Many side characters are integral to this story, like Francis and Madam Red. It's got 8+ chapters, and if you like to watch scared parents protect sad little kids, its a good read. likewise, if you already want to hug vincent, its a good read. likewise, if you want to punch vincnet in the face, it's a good...
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3. My Season 2 Video Essay (black butler season 2 is laughing at you)
watch me scream about the meta of season 2 as an exhausted season 2 fan for about two hours...it's got some original animatics, too!
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4. My Youtube + some highlights such as
The Black Butler Actors OVA Abridged
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exactly what it says on the tin! a 22 minute long black butler parody following what the hellish production of season 2 was actually like (and also. uh. character trauma??? somehow???)
"Cinder Soul" the angsty End-of-Contract visual novel
Sebastian and Ciel angst hours, in an AU where Ciel has quite literally lost everything. Ominous. Sad.
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Season 2 Reanimation project
on indefinite hiatus -- but its still 14 minutes of technically an episode, and the ending is more 'open' than 'cliffhanger.' what if Alois and Ciel got to talk it out when they were trapped in the same body, back in episode 11? Fully originally animated (thsi is probably the largest thing I've ever made hghdfhs)
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Collabs w Mel ( @weeb-cheese )
This list will probably get longer but aaa they're so cool!
Pluto video essay!
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Drossel video essay!
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NOT-KURO VIsual Novel
A light-hearted (?) sapphic visual novel about some ladies who LARP at garden club. On hiatus
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5. Ego Te Absolvo
So what if Alois Trancy teamed up with Ash Landers and became an exorcist who killed demons? Would he be happy? Would he be free? This is a really fun fic, i've been co-writing it with @eemoo1o and its aaa!! very cool!! do be warned, it gets...darker...the longer you read it. it is an alois trancy fic after all, even if the initial concept might seem a bit silly
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6. RIan Stoker Ask Blog
Don't ask me why i wanted to make this. but he's always open!
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I have a number of other smaller projects that you can find by hunting through my youtube and stalking my ao3. I don't mind!! tho some of the older stuff is definitely not as good lmao thanks for reading!!
I also run @blackbutler-heritage-posts and hosted @dadbastianweek2023 !!!
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eilyca · 5 months
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Credits to @evignonita for the lovely art
Little time ago, I came up with the idea of making a Collab animatic to the song from the sims 2 Chocolate, so I contacted nonita and now we are working together with a lot of other wonderful artists to make it come to life!
If you are an artist who wants to be part of this animatic, join our discord server that was created for this purpose
Link: https://discord.com/invite/9t4rsrpR
If you are familiar with meme animations, you will remember that there are MAP, which are videos where different artists and animators participated to make a single video, well, this is the same! But in this case it would be an animatic with color
In case you are not an artist or cannot get involved in projects like this right now, you would do us a great favor by reblogging so that this reaches more people <3
Take the following into consideration:
1. The animatic will be based on the households of Strangetown, La Fiesta Tech, and the Sims 2 PSP version. Neighborhoods such as Veronaville or Pleasantview will not be used.
2. There are no defined slots yet because we still don't know how many people will join, that is why we are sharing the server right now ;^)
3. You have creative freedom to make the animatic, that is, you can add your hcs and other ideas if you wish. Please share your ideas so that we can follow a chronological line based on mutual collaboration yey
4. There are no tight deadlines! So, unless everyone's already finished except for 2-3 people, we would then say we estimate to upload the finished version in (for example) a month or two. This way, people can be more flexible with their schedules and don't feel pressured into finishing as soon as possible and deliver a project they don't remember as a negative memory!
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acaciapines · 2 months
for the ask game, answer whichever of these speak to you the most: 4, 5, 11, 14 :D
oh they ALWAYS speak to me. i answer All. i will not be contained.
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
actually shockingly few! ever since i finished my big owl house editing pass back in june i've not done a whole lot in terms of projects...and recently i've been playing rain world so instead of writing im playing rain world like 24/7. currently my only main project is the dess raises kris au, and in that 'verse the only thing i'm writing right now is a dess/chara relationship study. i WOULD finish it, but, uh. rain world. (<- guy who is trying so hard not to write rain world fic. i probably wont but also i am always tormented by ideas. but consider i have to tell the story of my slugpup scooter SCOOTER I WONT EVER FORGET YOU--)
5. What's a fic idea you've had that you will never write?
probably countless that i do not remember right now! but digging around through my drafts, i've got a few deltarune daemon aus that won't ever see the light of day...one of them was a fangame where the player played as one of kris's two daemons, and the other was a fic where ralsei was kris's daemon. the ideas from there have basically been repurposed elsewhere--a lot of my kris&ralsei stuff went into various works, and the fangame stuff is being reworked into the dess raises kris au.
beyond that, in terms of things that are actually abandoned and won't be used elsewhere, there are so many daemon aus that i've left behind for one reason or another, though the gravity falls transcendence au is the one that i think was the best...that one postcanon his dark materials fic i was gonna write where lyra and pan return to will's world and cause general shenanigans there with him and kirjava...a vera-centric son of sea foam wings of fire au because vera is the love of my life and i was rereading wings of fire bc i felt nostalgic....oh my god fantasy high SOPHOMORE YEAR FIC, which i tried to start TWICE, once from fig's pov and once from ayda's that was their road trip back home and i have some very funny snippets from...MY INFINITY TRAIN DAEMON AU WAIT THAT ONE STILL GOES SO HARD ACTUALLY. okay drop everything ive ever said the fact that i never wrote my infinity train book two daemon au is a travesty. i was cooking with that one.
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
sort of! i usually always have at least one or two songs i connect to any given fic, but in terms of what i listen to when actually WRITING, it's changed over the years. i used to put on compilations of video game music--usually utdr, pmd, and then just whatever got recommended to me lol--then i did like. those character playlists people make on youtube? mostly bc they tended to pull from the same pool of songs so it became good background noise lol. now i use the youtube mix or whatever its called for a similar reason--it tends to play the same handful of songs ive listened to a lot, so they dont distract me.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
oh i LOVE this question, and it would be without a doubt my nimona daemon au oh, are you at all like me. nimona itself is obviously both a comic and a movie, and i'd say animated film since the fic follows the movie plot more--i think there'd be a LOT of really cool scenes you could get with that fic. i also think i could make killer animatics based on my fics if i could draw good enough <3 and thats not a joke i have scripts and sketch storyboards and everything. maybe one day i'll finish one of those.
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friendlies-af · 4 months
This is my 100th post! For those who are here for the first time: my name is Asyok, I am 24 years old, and I decided to make a post with navigation on my blog! ^^
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My main project here is New World!AU, but besides this there are other drawings. And this post will describe in detail what happened where and when.
1993: New hairstyle
1999: Antagonist of the story
2004: Oh no, cringe
2014: Like Anyunya More purple haired people!
2016: The 2016 incident Awaiting trial
2018: Is it easy to get into F.InnoTech? Traditions of the Communications Department First birthday at home
2020: Interview Hey Mr. Glazed! Jeremy with customers
2022: Steven at his new and old job More Phones
2023: After work Jeremy's new toy Scary doll Mike wants a hug too My PurplePhones
2024: Friday Night (commission) More characters? Jopa Sportsy, say hi to them! "F.InnoTech" today Age is a strange thing Bishop Family Legacy Something went wrong Just like him In the old pizzeria He knows… right? Let's begin ….Dave….? Don't worry (not canon) The final stage (not canon) He's bald now Alex' friends Red eyes Long-awaited praise Jeff the Phone Guy
FAQ: Vincent is not purple! Vincent's parents JereMike Chris the Janitor Wholesome JereMike drawing
Videos: Broken Piano (animatic)
Other posts: Introductory post Why is my Vincent the way he is? Was there a different design? I'm teeheehee Goodbye Sengen parody(???) Another parody "Do Nuts" uniform Welcome to "Do Nuts" I don't regret anything Five Stars logo wat Curse of the same name Jeff's eye color What have I done? Animators gang
Topics not (or less) related to the main project:
Swap!AU: Uh… swap!AU??? REDESIGN!
Broken Phone: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6.
Indukkkks' AU: Weirdos Oops Broken Phone p5.
FAQ: My artstyle DNI Rebloging fags Eaten drawing Russian fujoshi
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rumredcomic · 11 months
🏴‍☠️ahoy to everyone who follows this account!🏴‍☠️
● I put Rum Red on the shelf earlier this year for a lot of reasons, but I've never stopped working on it. I drafted a BUNCH of chapters as sketches for the comic pages, and I now have scripts for some of the (most challenging) chapters from book 3, with only 2 left to write until the draft is totally done!! I also made a whole animatic and a half! :-D
● Tumblr hasn't quite been working as a comic hosting platform, since there are just far too many changes I make on a regular basis for the quality and cohesion of the comic, and editing that here is a bit of a pain.
● so, after remastering the 4 chapters I've published here so far, and finishing ch5 to make all of book 1, I am going to be uploading them all here, on Rum Red's very own website!!! ✨✨✨
● chapter 1 and 2 are up there right now with shiny new rendering and a couple of brand new pages, too! the writing and pacing has all been tweaked so I'm hoping things read a lot smoother now. there's also a plot summary introduction and a character bio page where you can get to know the cast a little better!
● I'll be adding the rest of book 1 over the next few weeks, and then I'll... see how working on book 2 and 3 call to me, haha!! as such, this blog will be turning into more of an "updates" page similar to the one on Twitter, so if you follow here you'll be notified of chapter uploads and other progress with the project!!
● finally, there's now officially a Ko-fi account where you can support Rum Red, either through a one-time donation or by a monthly subscription. it'll take me some time to set up the rewards for doing so (which will most likely take the form of behind-the-scenes content and early access), but if you like what you read, any support you could give would really help the comic thrive!!
and if you happen to know of any pals of yours who might like it - send it their way! it'd really make my day. :-)
stay sailin'!!!
- Fleur
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Do you have any plans to return to the Adopted Mikey AU? You don’t seem to post as much about that one compared to your other AUs, and while I genuinely like them all, Adopted Mikey AU is my favorite. If not, that’s alright! Figured I’d ask for funsies (and to show that there’s interest for that AU).
I mean, i don't have any planned projects for Adopted Mikey at this time. Its not really an au i have much will to write out (i've tried at one point, it just doesn't work for me) and a lot of the story i wanted to tell, has already been told via it's animatics.
I can't say i won't do anything else for it, b/c inspiration strikes me at random, but story wise, it's pretty finished as far as i'm concerned. so if i do anything else, it will probably just be some random doodles or silly videos. (i had a very silly video i tried to do for this au, but i got about 3/4 of the way through planning and i just couldn't finish it.)
Thank you!
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tobi-smp · 2 years
are the gorillaz those guys with the animated music videos that have lore n stuff ??
context: [Link]
yeah they are !! I've been aware of them basically since I've had an internet connection, even if I wasn't always are of it, though I've been putting off getting Into them for basically as long specifically because I Did know there was a story but didn't know how to get into it
I watched a video essay on it the other day, and Specifically on the fact that their most ambitious story telling venture nearly killed the entire band. or more accurately Did kill it until the band reformed with sort of a soft reboot. the video is Really good, you can watch it here uwu [Link]
everything about it scratched the Sorting part of my brain, the nearly lost media the websites preserved through 15 year old youtube videos and walk throughs, the ambitious plotline left hanging by canon and yet never forgotten, the Everything
so ! I've started a project, that ended up turning into Two In One
first I wanted to collect All gorillaz media and put it roughly in order. all the music, all of the shorts, all of the commercials, specials, live appearances, books, interviews, podcasts, radio dramas, Etc Etc Etc that I could physically find on youtube into One Playlist. so if someone asks "how do find out more about gorillaz" it's all there baby
my Second task, which came to me as I was sorting and came across some True masterpieces from the fandom (such as three and half hours of a fandub audio book with in character voice acting, or finishing the animation for scrapped music videos that existed in the form of canon animatics).
and that's seeing how far I could get into crafting a cohesive and satisfying narrative for "plastic beach" (the aforementioned storyline that almost killed the series but fucked big time), Including An Ending, while still keeping it roughly in line with canon. and it turns out the answer to that is Pretty Damn Far.
I'm still working on that Huge Massive playlist, which is understandable since I started three days ago. (though it can be found here for anyone that wants to poke through it while it's under renovations [Link])
But I decided to make Another playlist that's Just all of the songs and all of the shorts for phases 1-3 in one place. Because it's less intimidating for new fans (that don't hyperfix instantly like me jfkladsjklfads), for Binging Purposes (which you wanna just let all the videos autoplay without having to skip around a 5 episode pirate drama), And because it's Finished jklfdasjklfads
so ! If you wanna watch all of the first half of gorillas, including a Finished Plastic Beach, Click here [Link]
I'll probably make another playlist like that for phase 4-present once I finish the main playlist ! I like the idea of keeping them separate both because it just feels right with the sort of soft reboot that happened between them, And so that I can justify shoving the recent songs that Do reference the plastic beach story line into phase 1-3 playlist without having to break the continuity of the 4-7 playlist, Like This
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I'm Almost Certainly gonna make another, Shorter, announcement once all of the playlists are Done. but ! I'm happy to get the chance to do it now too fjksldaljkfsad
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exhaustedwriterartist · 6 months
squeezes through the mail slot and pops out
hi hi! hello moot! First thing that came to mind was, how do you usually like to write? Like- Paper, phone computer; notes app, something fancy, google docs? Do you prefer to work in silence or with mood music?
Speaking of muuusic, any favorite artists/songs and why? :O (pretty sure you have a music blog but ive already rewritten this ask twice and im not risking it disappearing again to check LOL sorry ^^;)
Lastly, is there a certain Bible verse you love? It could be a life verse, or something that just spoke to you this week but I love getting to hear what sticks out to other people ^^
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p.s. your art is so cool like auueaieuaoeae
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Hi Moot!!! (Do you have a specific name you go by? Or may I call you Ferni?)
So when I have random ideas or want to write down something fast (sometimes, or I end up writing in there for hours) I used Google Keep. The OOH notes and notes for a post-movie au idea are insanely long at this point in time. I also have tons of sticky notes and random papers for these and various other writing projects too. I also use Google Docs and Word for more structured writing for those aus and for scripts of animatics. I like using Google Keep the most though because I feel like I don't have to have things formatted correctly and I can just pour everything I'm thinking on the page without being attacked by grammar corrections. It may also just be a mental block for me to use Docs or Word willy nilly, since I've written so many papers for school on them over the years. 😅
I love to work with background noise because my thoughts are loud and I get distracted easily, but sometimes I need to work in silence also because my thoughts are loud and I get distracted easily. Most of the time I switch between my different playlists, lo-fi, r&b, or jazz, but sometimes I love having a podcast or someone streaming a game in the background too.
My favorite music artists? Ohhh I have many favorites. 😅
My favorite band currently is Tally Hall. They are so weird and I love them. Though a close second and third are the Crane Wives and the Beach Boys. Some individual singers I love are Vance Joy, Michael Bublé, Laufey, Bing Crosby, and Nat King Cole. And my favorite soundtrack composers are James Newton Howard (my all time favorite), Joe Hisaishi, Hans Zimmer, and Michael Giacchino.
My music taste is all over the place though. (This is partly why I have the music blog, so I can share the different genres I love.)
Currently one of my favorite songs is this one:
(I have a soft spot for this genre of music, along with jazz).
And my favorite Bible verses are Psalm 23:4 and Isaiah 41:13. Both scriptures are a source of comfort, reminding me that God is always by my side. :)
Apologies, this is a bit longer that I thought. 😅 I had fun answering these though!!!
Thank you so much for the ask!!! And thank you for the kind art remarks, I really appreciate it!! <3 ☺️
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edotfightme · 7 months
I hate this
It's a uniquely awful circumstance to be building a comparative list of your Ao3 fics for a uni project, only to find out that the ones you are proud of aren't even your top-rated fics.
If I have to see this data table, then so do you.
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It's good enough quality that you can see it. For a bit of context, the higher up the story is on the list, the more recent and more proud of it I am. The greener the stat, the better it is concerning other fics. On the flip side, the redder the stat, the worse it is.
Now I would like to draw attention to these few works.
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See that book whose stats are all in green? "I'm not a fucking nurse"?
I wrote that 3 YEARS AGO! Before I got good at writing. I wrote it during my dream smp phase where I was (in my opinion) almost peak cringe! Nothing will beat my year 7 Wattpad phase but my DreamSMP phase came close.
That book is my peak. I have not topped its stats since.
Then there is "How to Train Your Hoglin". I didn't even come up with the idea. I saw some animatics on it (I credited the animatics) and wrote a few chapters and then threw in the towel. IT IS MY SECOND MOST LIKED BOOK.
Now you may ask, "But Dot, what about the other minecraft one?" well the funny thing about that one, the 10,000 word one...
I don't fucking remember writing it.
I don't remember having anything to do with that book. I can't even remember what it is about. I look at the tags and I go "what the fuck is this?" That book has completely deleted itself from my memory. I wrote 10,000 words and I cannot remember a single one.
Then there is the book third to the top. I posted it on Tumblr as well a while ago. That book is my pride and joy, I am in love with that book. It was an original work that I wrote based on my nightmare and it is my child.
It is also second place for the least-liked book on my account.
And about the book at the top of the list? The one I posted here about a week ago? Well, I cross-posted it to Ao3 as well...
3 days ago.
At least that book I am somewhat proud of. A sequel in the works btw.
TL,DR: Don't put your AO3 works into a spreadsheet to compare them. You'll get depression and probably stage 4 cancer as well. Istg I'm gonna bleach my eyes after this.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
If you don't mind asking, what was the longest time you ever spend in a drawing? -🦂
Oh jeez, I think it must be this one commission I did for a friend that took me like 19-20 hours (painted background, detailed shading, all that jazz). But it's very possible that it's actually a different commission for the same friend that was all painting, but unfortunately, I don't have the raw file anymore to check the time. But I think it'd also be around 20 hours
These are the extremes though, most of my fully finished artworks take around 3-7 hours to complete, depending on the polish and the detail. The longest I took on a non-painting drawing is 9 hours, and it's this one
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Didn't even do the background, lol, it's just an edited photo I took. I fully blame the jacket for that time
If we're counting other art projects, my Brutus animatic, Poplar St MAP part, She Wants Me (To Be Loved) MAP part and Spiral of Ants MAP part 22 triumph over anything else. I can't give you the exact numbers but I can make an estimate
Brutus I made in 3 days, barely sleeping and just chugging through that bad boy like my life depended on it. It was fully made in FlipaClip so I'm not sure about the exact time but excluding the time I slept, rested and ate, it probably took like around 12-18 hours. Which is insane considering how unfinished it is compared to the other projects on this list LMAO. I just remember it took a long time and I was exhausted by the end.
She Wants Me (To Be Loved) took me around 6 hours and 35 minutes to draw character references, then 15 hours and 35 minutes on all the frames, then putting it all together in FlipaClip and tweening it probably took me like another hour? So around 23 hours total.
Poplar ST was my first fully lines and coloured frame by frame animation. The references for the characters took me 4 hours and 15 seconds, and all of the scenes combined took me 26 hours and 12 minutes, then I had to put it all into FlipaClip and animate it which I'd again estimate to around an hour of work, makes it an around 31 hours long project.
Spiral of Ants part 22 was a massive beast, but not even because of the finished product but mostly because I almost finished a different version of that part before losing momentum and deciding on something else entirely. The three frames (one of which is lost to time) of this original concept took 12 hours and 27 minutes to make. Unfortunately, the reference sheets were on my old phone so I don't know how long they took, but seeing how long the other references took me and considering the amount of characters in this, I'd say 4-5 hours is a fair estimate. Then after that didn't pan out, I made two storyboards for my ideas for this part, which took me 3 hours and 54 minutes. Then the references for that took me 4 hours and 51 minutes. Then making the frames for that took me 11 hours and 30 minutes, and tweening I'd say took me around 2 hours in total. In total, that's roughly 40 hours of work for one MAP part.
But these are all animations, so it's a given that they'll take way longer than a singular artwork
As a bonus, have these frames for the original Spiral of Ants concept that never was and some of the refs that survived Nuking (phone change)
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(that fire frame alone took me 6 hours)
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mirrorshards · 2 years
4, 8? I’m a little shy, uh, 11? <:3
4. Favourite things to draw?
the expected answer: little gay scenarios or gestures. BL or GL, sometimes even het. I love dealing with intimacy and relationship dynamic even if that intimacy is just about eyes following or physical proximity
the unexpected answer: when i'm out of ideas my go-to is always girls. love drawing girls. happy or sad or somewhere in between.. girls are the best
8. What do you like most about your own work?
I've been pretty proud of my character-analysis abilities, and recently I've gotten more self confident seeing I can carry little self "projects" to the end- which were animatics or my roommate stenny comic, a short original comic I just did and a few years ago also my webtoon contest entry. with every little project I finish I feel more "invincible" with regards to my art and my abilities and it gives me confidence and pride!
11. Favorite comment you’ve ever recieved on your work?
okay not to be gay but my absolute favorite commentator is @basu-shokikita. whenever I show her one of my comics and it moves her I'm satisfied my point had gotten across and managed to touch something and I wasn't just my inner-brain cringe. or when she gives me feedback it always serves to make my comics/drawings better so I love those too.
other than that, I love when people tell me in their comments what they loved about it, or get into the story of what I drew and maybe ask questions or wonder where it might go etc. I'm always so happy to get positive comments (even the crying tags on my sadder things make me smile), but my favorite is when someone makes me talk with them somehow, if that makes sense? I want my art to be engaging and i want people to have something to say about it, that makes me feel that it was a success
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lonely--seeker · 8 months
I know this is kind of late but I'm making a list of all the things/projects I'd like to work on this year and their level of difficulty.
Y'all can peep on this because I have no other place to post it. And I hope I get a tasty social-pressure boost lol.
• Finish some multichaptered fanfics.
1) Top priority. "Something good in all seeming failures" (<-Should be medium to hard. I'm not sure how many chapters this one will take and I feel it needs a good level of writting, I don't want to half ass it)
2) "Like cats and dogs" (<- Medium. Not too interested in finishing unless I have a good wrapping for it)
3) "The day the pirates came to town" (<- Unlikely. But I still don't wanna give up on the idea of a choose your adventure kind of One Piece fanfic. But I think I should re do the whole thing.)
•Write/Post Fanfics.
These don't have names yet, bear with it.
1) Finish writing that Truth or dare Serirei fanfic. (<- Likelyyy! 1,4K words already on it boss 🫡. But get my ass to write it, AUGH!! I have brainworms. Yk what would maybe be a good name for this? Dared to truth or something like that am I right? No? No? Okay.)
2)The birthdaytm Fanfic (<-Less likely. Already started, besides I could write this one in a fucked up night.)
3)Oh also the teddy bear fanfic. (<-Least priority right now)
4) I should just write more fanfics. At least. LEAST 3 more. Idk.
5) pick up all the fanfics I have scrambled
And he hates it (Reigen. 800.)
The mom fic. (1.7K)
Like like like (Serizawa / To be fair I forgot abt this one. I'm dying to read it again. 1K)
You are the only reason (was this Sanji? Was this zosan? I forgot/ 5... 5K words of the best things ever written, too bad they're not in a way it'll ever make sense )
This is a bad Idea (EkuSeriRei?? In my Google docs?? 1.2K)
How... Do we start a story like this? (Not even started lmao.)
• Finally finish some Animation memes.
1) Coffee! (<- Hard. Not even finished sketching but I should be okay I'm a grown up.)
2)Wheat (<- Medium. It's considerably shorter I think? Besides it's funnier to work on.)
3) Private Life (<- Probably easy. It's a full song BUT I don't plan on making it special.)
4)Honey Pie (<- Unlikely. But I've been wanting to work on this forever.)
I'm not even going into details for these ones.
1)El hijo de Hernández/Sanji (<-Hard.)
2)Lo malo de ser bueno/Serizawa. (<- Medium)
3)Sea of dreams/Sanji (Unlikely)
•I don't know what to name these.
1) Start working on some scrips for the Runaway kids/ The liminal space.
2) Redesing the whole cast for Spacing out. (Actually Majö is perfect) (<- This should be easy)
3) Complete the Music sonas designs/ Bunnycat's alternative designs.
4)Holy shit. I should make references for Art fight!
5) I dunno. Keep Paws and Such Petting Office active.
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