#And there are a ton of posts here already that include him acting in that manner
14dayswithyou · 2 months
Please give Ren a kiss for me! 🩷
How would Ren/REDACTED react to MC falling in love with someone else and chosing to date them?
Would he get jealous but eventually accept it and let us go or would he ruin MC's relationship with that person or even kill them?
If you could go into detail about Ren's reaction and what he would do, that would be nice 👉🏻👈🏻 (No pressure ofc)
(Please remember to take breaks, eat well and hydrate!🫶🏻)
✦゜ANSWERED: Since Ren is a yandere, I think his reactions would be what most people expect ;v; He would definitely get envious over the fact that someone managed to capture Angel's attention before him, and I'm sure he'd purposefully find a way to remove their partner and get Angel to prioritise him instead.
He'd certainly get jealous as well since that person is still currently in a relationship with Angel (as opposed to them breaking up and leaving Ren with a chance), but I don't really want to go into detail about this as it's bound to happen in the game at some point and I wouldn't want to spoil anything ^^;
But you can always reference the current behaviour he displays in the demo (or some of the other posts on this blog)!!
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bluegiragi · 2 years
I really enjoyed your response and explaining your thought process for the monster!au, but I am curious as to why you didn’t lean as much into the cultural aspects for characters like Soap and König? There are a ton of cool Austrian and Scottish mythological creatures! Did you already have these particular monsters in mind for them or was it more of nothing you found really fit their personalities or something else?
For Soap, I went into the Monster AU knowing I wanted him as a werewolf (it just seemed so perfect in my head) and I actually did research Austrian culture with König! The only reason I didn't include him in the collective explanation post is because he wasn't brought up as a problem by the initial blog but I can explain it here :)
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He's a percht/perchten in the Monster AU, which are the beings that make up an entourage around Perchta, a goddess in Upper German and Austrian culture. Perchta is an 'upholder of taboos' and a particularly intense one, as she'll apparently slit your belly if she finds you've behaved inappropriately in the period of time between Christmas and Epiphany. People sometimes draw comparisons between her and Krampus, although there's differing opinions on whether the comparison is valid or not.
Perchten can come in two forms, one of which is 'bright' and beautiful, and the other that is masked, horned, fanged and have horse tails. The mask thing is probably the biggest part of why I chose this for Konig.
I also do want to highlight the 'mutant' part of this profile for Konig, since I think it's clear that I've taken a lot of liberties with the depiction of a perchten.
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I don't really have much by way to say here other than...I kinda like the idea of a feral Konig, and I wanted to be able to play with that idea without acting like it was 100% accurate to the folklore.
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cobwebcorner · 1 year
Hey there, are you new to the Resident Evil fandom and want to know more about this weird blond guy with the sunglasses? Maybe you only play Dead by Daylight and want to know what his deal is without having to comb through a 20+ game series for his appearances? Are you trying to write a fanfic and can't think of anything for him to say, outside of constantly proclaiming his right to godhood?
Then have I got the resources for you!
(don't trust the fan wikis. They do things like claim that a man with one of the most Irish surnames in the world is Italian, just because his parents have some implied organized crime connections)
Ok now that you're in here I will reveal that the real purpose of this post is to spread the good word of original flavor Wesker, who I think is a really interesting villain with more complexity than people might expect. It doesn't look like Capcom is ever going to remake code veronica, which has a significant portion of his story, and there's a ton of his lore locked in a rail shooter most people never played, so I'm here to help fill in some knowledge gaps.
To start off, here is Wesker's Report 1. This is Wesker himself summing up the first 3 games for you, with glorious footage of the original playstation graphics:
Don't panic it's actually only 22 minutes long, the rest is an untranslated interview with the game directors.
Bam boom, you know what Wesker was doing from 1998 through 2000. Now let's step back in time a little and talk RE 0, the prequel game that explains how the outbreak that started it all happened in the first place. This is the story of Wesker and his buddy Birkin's past mistakes coming back to haunt them with a zombie-leech army (the past mistake in this case is disposing of your mentor's body improperly):
Stepping even further back in time we have Wesker's Report 2, which talks about his early years at Umbrella. This was only ever released in Japan, but fans have done a translation and gotten it voice-acted. This video has both the report and a compilation of all Wesker's scenarios in Umbrella Chronicles (the rail shooter this-is-the-story-so-far game):
It's long because it includes the gameplay footage. If you just want to read the report instead, google project umbrella Wesker's Report 2. You can also find UC's cutscenes separately on youtube. Wesker's scenarios are Beginnings, Rebirth, and Dark Legacy. UC condensed a lot of stuff and made some…odd story changes (especially to RE 3. Poor, poor RE 3), but it also added fun new stuff for Wesker to do, like beating up his creepy masochistic ex-boss. Godspeed, Wesker.
Now rumor has it that we are going to get Ada's campaign added to RE 4 remake eventually, but we don't have it yet, so until then here's their interactions from the original (lovingly updated to HD by fans):
RE 5 was Wesker's last (chronologically) and probably most significant appearance in the series, not to mention the version of him that's been everywhere since, but I'm not actually going to talk about him. To my eyes, RE 5 Wesker is a fun villain in his own right, he just isn't Wesker. He feels like a completely different character to me. If you've watched these videos you might have noticed this already.
RE 5, if you wish to give the writers the benefit of the doubt, is a story of Wesker having a complete mental breakdown after finding out certain retcons truths about his past. He's not usually like that. For one thing, count how many times he mentions being a god in any of this footage. Go on. I'll wait.
Classic flavor Wesker is calm, cold, and calculating. He loves pitting enemies against each other and then running off with the spoils. He does very little grandstanding and he's not all that hammy (campy? definitely, but not hammy. there's a difference). He's pragmatic to a fault, and a master at shifting his plans around to work on the fly. He also doesn't give a flying fuck about eugenics, or "saving the world", he's in it for power and money and building better monsters just because he can. There. I said it. I feel better for it.
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iridescentoracle · 3 months
okay so. potentially controversial opinion i guess but apollo justice (the game, though actually also the character) was kind of a mess. i wanted to like it, there was a ton of potential, but the execution just did not work for me at all. but it’s been haunting me for weeks and (unlike dual destinies, which also didn’t really work for me but i cannot for the life of me figure out why) i know exactly what i didn’t like about apollo justice and how i would fix it if capcom decided remake AA4–AA6 and inexplicably put me in charge. fair warning this is at least 80% complaining by volume about what they didn’t do/what they did do that i hated though.
like, okay, here’s the thing. it’s a new story. phoenix has had his arc, we’re moving on to a new main character, he isn’t the protagonist anymore. it makes sense to move him into a mentor/boss role while our new protagonist takes over as the plucky young newbie who doesn’t really know what he’s doing. the problem is that everything about how the game does that kind of sucks.
like. AJ phoenix gets totally shafted for the sake of not letting him be a good mentor, so that apollo has to figure things out on his own, but apollo isn’t really treated right by the narrative either, because the plot is so much about phoenix that apollo is like. weirdly peripheral to the whole thing even though he’s nominally the protagonist. like it’s super obvious that the whole reason phoenix isn’t an attorney anymore and is all ✨ mysterious✨ and ✨secretive✨ is literally just so that apollo doesn’t actually like. have a good mentor who can teach him things? like the entire plot/backstory is just a post-hoc excuse bc the starting point of the game was clearly someone going “well we’re not allowed to not have phoenix in the game, but we can’t let him be someone apollo can actually rely on, so we have to find some excuse to make him weird and mysterious and uncommunicative and also not a lawyer just for good measure bc otherwise he wouldn’t leave a kid hanging like that” and everything else was built up to justify that.
but as if it’s not bad enough that it all requires shattering phoenix’s perfectly good reasonably-happy-ending from the previous game, by extension everyone else gets screwed over too?? like, maya was very explicitly traumatized by the kurain channeling legacy to the point of briefly not wanting to identify herself as a spirit medium. pearl was sheltered from some of the worst of it but was aware of enough to blame herself for bad things happening to the point of trying to run away. the credits definitely made it seem like they both bounced right back after all but frankly i was not convinced they weren’t going to both collapse as soon as the figurative camera looked away again and the most plausible short-term outcome to me was that they would wind up both moving in with phoenix for a while in the near future like maya all but said she wanted to do!! she called herself “the assistant manager at Wright & Co. Law Offices” and said she “[didn’t] want any more to do with [the Fey clan],” that is IN the TEXT i am not reading too much into things here those are her words! i’m fine with her potentially changing her mind again and resuming her training again and moving back to kurain after all when she’s had some time to recover from everything but like. when she’s had some time. she deserved more than two months and i hate so much that she didn’t get it.
on the flip side, again, i get the choice to deliberately not-include edgeworth in this one but i swear to god it should have taken him and phoenix like. maybe four months to finish getting their act together and that’s being generous and counting the month it takes him to wrap things up in europe and move back to japanifornia. i’m pretty sure edgeworth figured out how he felt when he got the phone call from larry about the bridge if he hadn’t already by then and i think phoenix simultaneously realized and refused to realize how he felt during the year he thought edgeworth is dead, bc neither of them can just be normal about feeling things ever, so give them a second for phoenix to stop repressing shit and also mention that he’s absolutely not going to get back together with iris when she gets out of jail and they Will sort themselves out and they Will kiss and i give it like a year tops before they get married. they have a courthouse wedding obviously and get the judge to officiate. 50/50 chance they wind up proposing in the middle of a trial and get married during the next recess.
and in canon there’s not time for all that to have happened bc the next game requires phoenix to have promptly turned into an arrogant asshole and then gotten royally fucked over by the universe and become a totally different person (again, at that, because he’s already a completely different person in the flashback to his last case, why does he act like the paynes that whole time i hate it), but like. this is what i’m saying. phoenix getting screwed over by the universe/writing also screws all his friends over too.
so i just. this game does such a disservice to phoenix’s entire character, and all of his friends, and also the entire first three games and anyone who loved them. it’s not all bad and the person phoenix has been turned into—“has been turned into,” not “has turned into,” because the hand of the writers is so visible, i can’t engage with this game on a fully watsonian level for the life of me because phoenix’s hoodie might as well say DOYLE CHOSE TO DO THIS TO ME. this is a fictional character being written by real people and the real people wrote him in a manner entirely incompatible with his original characterization and i cannot get past it—is fascinating but it isn’t phoenix. i love the plot but i hate the execution. i like the ingredients but the recipe sucks.
but it could have been so good. and at this point i’ve mostly worked out how.
you have the exact same scenario with the gramarye trial, is the thing, up through the point where phoenix wins the poker game and shadi enigmar/zak gramarye asks him to be his lawyer, and phoenix accepts—and then phoenix, like, gets a phone call from maya or pearl bc it turns out one of them just got hurt, or they’ve both come down with some kind of stomach bug or food poisoning or something, some temporary emergency that’s just severe enough that they need more help/care for a day or two than phoenix could give while also handling a case, but that won’t actually last all that long.
so he turns down the case apologetically bc oh my god i’m so sorry actually, family emergency, i gotta go right now, best of luck, and shadi/zak moves on to defense attorney number three: a different, brand new character, another rising star defense attorney around the same point in their career as phoenix, and that’s who winds up using the forged diary page and getting disbarred and turning into the bitter jaded inscrutable asshole mentor who years later will manipulate apollo into exposing his own boss as a murderer, and then technically hire apollo but not actually, like, teach him anything or help out in any meaningful way, etc.
but meanwhile, three facts about this series of events:
8yo trucy is still the unwitting catalyst for the lawyer defending her father using forged evidence that destroys his career, and her father still vanishes and leaves her behind
within a couple days, pearl and maya are basically fine
phoenix wright’s best friend was once a kid barely older than trucy is now who suddenly found himself with no family, and as a result was taken in by someone who had a deep and abiding grudge against both him and his father because of what they did, through no real fault of their own, to him/his career.
and since phoenix did meet shadi/zak and turned his case down, he has every reason to be curious about how the trial went, and to pick up either from the general news coverage (which, considering what a big deal phoenix’s disbarment in canon was, i assume there is A Lot Of,) or to realize bc his personal curiosity/almost-connection means he actively looks into things, that there is a kid who has been left behind and who currently has no one to take care of her. and you cannot tell me that phoenix would look at this kid whose best-case scenario is currently getting swept into the foster care system bc god forbid she actually winds up getting taken in by the only adult even vaguely associated with her at this point, bc phoenix has seen that story before, and not decide on the spot to adopt her himself
and so just like that, we have
phoenix accidentally escaping the whole gramarye trial entirely unscathed
but still adopting trucy
pearl and maya still living with phoenix a couple months post-T&T instead of immediately getting packed off back to kurain
no changes that actually significantly impact apollo for most of the game bc all that’s really different for him is the name of his inscrutable jerk mentor and the fact that he’s gotta wind up meeting/being-befriended-by trucy a little differently
so by the time the actual present-day plot of the game kicks off, phoenix and company are still out there doing their thing with phoenix getting to be his best self and living his best life. he still gets his adorable adopted daughter who he loves dearly. we still don’t actually see maya or edgeworth or pearl in this version of the game but there’s allusions to them all being very present in his-and-trucy’s lives—trucy brings us over to their apartment at some point and we see a stack of steel samurai dvds in the corner and a laundry basket with unidentifiable clothes in suspiciously familiar shades of purple/pink/magenta, details like that. we only see phoenix himself for like, maybe five minutes total over the course of the first three and a half cases and it’s a little tantalizing but he gets to be the one who bursts into the courthouse with the decisive evidence that lets our protagonist win the last case.
and meanwhile, apollo’s current boss is shady and inscrutable and used to be a lawyer and can even be involved in some ✨ secret mission ✨ that he won’t talk about that turns out to be the jurist system, so we can hypothetically keep whatever the intended message of that whole thing was (which, argh, what do you DO with the jurist system. what is the intended message. i get that it’s satire of a then-contemporary development in japan’s legal system but i can’t figure out for the life of me what the satire is actually meant to say), and then at the end of the game Apollo’s Shitty Mentor is proven to have been innocent and will be allowed to take the bar again if he wants to but he’s not entirely sure bc at this point it’s been so long that he might just prefer to move on entirely now that his actual disbarment/disgrace isn’t hanging over his head bc he honestly did used to be a pretty stand-up guy but the last seven years have been rough and he doesn’t really like the person he’s turned into and maybe it would be healthier to treat this as a fresh start and try something entirely new so he’s going to take some time away from the whole legal system first to clear his head before he figures out whether or not he actually wants to dive back in.
and apollo’s like “well that’s totally understandable and sounds great for you but goddammit do i really have to go back to the endless nightmare that is job applications, i hate this actually” and phoenix (who is also in the defense lobby where this whole conversation is taking place) is like “why don’t you come work for me?”
you could even have it end on a joke where apollo is shocked about the offer bc he applied to work for phoenix six months ago and phoenix is like ???? i never saw that?? and it turns out apollo applied via email but phoenix still sucks at computers and only checks his work email like once a year.
seriously though i do not understand what we’re supposed to think about the jurist system. is it supposed to be that fucked up? i’m not actually sure how we’re supposed to feel abt that tbh but it sounds like maybe it’s not supposed to seem like an actually better alternative? like it felt to me like it was being framed as a triumph for our belovèd hero, isn’t this great that he was able to arrange things so everything would turn out all right after all etc, but it was so obviously fucked up and unethical—like, oh, yeah, having one guy in charge of assigning the defense attorney, the judge, and the jury sounds totally fine and like it’s actually going to be more reliably ethical than the system that’s already in place, for sure, not to mention the possibility that edgeworth was pulling strings to help phoenix make it happen and be involved, because nepotism and people in law enforcement/the justice system pulling strings to put people they like in positions of authority that they probably shouldn’t have specifically so that they can do things like “rig a jury,” on purpose, is fine bc i like these guys who are doing/benefiting from the nepotism so therefore it’s not wildly unethical and an obviously terrible idea, oh my god—that it feels like it has to be on purpose?
and like in practice it just… the jurist system as it’s actually implemented is worse actually. it’s genuinely worse and less ethical than the established system where the judge was about to let kristoph gavin off scot-free for the crimes he wasn’t already convicted of.
that said it’s like. very funny on a conceptual level. yet another thing that makes sense if the games are set in japan bc sure of course fictional kinda goofy japan has a more ridiculous version of the thing that’s being implemented in real-life japan right now, but when localized the implications are buck-fucking-wild
because. okay. japanifornia exclusively has bench trials or whatever they’re called for some reason. i have questions about why that’s legal given the existence of the sixth amendment but sure fine the japanifornian legal system is deeply fucked up in many new and interesting ways and that is clearly just one of them. but you’re telling me that the entire concept of trial by jury is strange and new to a lawyer? like. did the entire country just. ditch the sixth amendment before apollo was born? why is this a brand new concept instead of, you know, how things work in every other state. i have so many questions that do not need answers. thank god these games are old enough to have gotten localized it’s so much funnier this way.
ANYWAY. SO. yeah. make apollo’s inscrutable asshole so-called mentor someone other than phoenix wright, have way less of phoenix in the game actually bc he’s off living his best life and having a thriving career with very little reason to think about how kristoph gavin exists, and meanwhile write apollo with All That Backstory in mind from the start though 95% of the actual info should still be saved for game 6, we’re just trying to write apollo so he’s not completely flat and frankly pretty forgettable at times and also including foreshadowing so the khura’in thing isn’t a very obvious retcon when we get there, and turn klavier into an actual person, and that’s like. 95% of my frustrations with the game fixed right there (the other 5% is “i still can’t tell what we’re actually supposed to think/feel about the jurist system” but like. i can’t tell what we’re supposed to think/feel so i don’t know how to fix it).
well okay also the like, pacing and focus would need to be fixed so apollo’s incrutable jerk mentor isn’t the protagonist for half the last case to the point i forgot apollo existed, etc, but like. that’s the next level down of problems you know?
AND bonus points: splitting “phoenix” and “apollo’s inscrutable jerk mentor” into two separate characters automatically fixes yet another of the worst He Would Not Fucking Do Thats of the game, i.e. phoenix just. not telling trucy and apollo that they’re siblings and their mom is alive. bc apollo’s shitty mentor is the one who actually interacts with lamiroir offscreen, this phoenix never does, so apollo’s mentor is the one who has the opportunity to figure out who she is and that trucy and apollo are half-siblings, and they’re not his kids, apollo doesn’t even work for him anymore by the end of the game so what does he care whether she tells them, and meanwhile phoenix isn’t inexplicably hiding that information because he also doesn’t know. still relies on her continuing to hide her face professionally in the meantime (instead of being deeply stupid about the fact that she is super famous, twice, and if she goes around being Very Famous And Popular Singer Lamiroir someone will notice that she is very much also Very Famous And Popular Believed-Dead Magician Thalassa Gramarye and between the existence of the news and the existence of the internet her kids will inevitably find out, jesus CHRIST parts of this game are so badly written), but that’s a given
i have a whole bunch of other thoughts—mostly about klavier gavin bc he should be such a good character but he just doesn’t work, but also i think the structure of the last case would have to be pretty significantly modified to fix the pacing/structural/focus issues where our nominal protagonist is basically irrelevant for the bulk of the case, even while the plot would remain basically the same, but i haven’t figured out how the structure would be different bc that requires figuring out how to handle the whole jurist system thing—but that’s like. the coherent parts/the bulk of it, you know?
i think (really this is just a detail, not a major plot point, but it would have a pretty major impact thematically so it feels bigger than it is? so) the other main thing i would change—and this part isn’t actually real criticism bc it’s not, like, bad that they didn’t do this, and if they were going to make any changes there are a lot of things that should be higher on the list, but listen. zak and valant should’ve been brothers.
because like, first of all, the extra complexity of the relationship if they’re not just two random guys who met bc they were functionally coworkers/fellow students, and instead you have these two brothers with the same mentor and who are both in love with the same woman, and they both know that one of them is better at magic and their mentor’s favorite, and he’s also the one who the woman they’re both in love with loves back and has a kid with, etc? a favorite/least favorite child dynamic occurring spontaneously, presumably in adulthood, in their professional lives? like. it makes everything about their relationship with each other, and with magnifi, and zak’s relationship with thalassa, and valant’s relationship with trucy, way more complex and interesting without actually having to change anything else.
but then secondly, on top of all that, suddenly this is a game about siblings. zak & valant, apollo & trucy, and kristoph & klavier. suddenly you have these three different sibling relationships that are all very different but two of them actually get to be siblings but are super fucked up, and the last pair meet entirely by chance without any idea who the other person is or should be to them but wind up with the healthiest happiest relationship of the three? like, the tragedy of it, that apollo and trucy were separated by fate and literally no one knew they both existed except their own mother, who thought apollo was dead before trucy was ever born, and if not for whatever series of coincidences resulted in apollo happening to work for the man who ruined trucy’s father’s life and getting roped into that whole mess they might never have met at all, and as it was they lost however many years they could’ve had each other, etc etc, and yet despite it all they’re the ones who actually manage to be happy and, like, unconditionally positive presences in each other’s lives, while valant spends however long resenting zak for being magnifi-and-thalassa’s favorite and more talented and all that which presumably put a strain on their relationship bc being resented that deeply by someone that close to you for things that you don’t even actually control can’t feel good, and kristoph and klavier… [gestures vaguely] idk whatever they would feel about each other if the writers remembered klavier was supposed to be a person. and aside from the klavier bits all of that is in the game already, implicitly or explicitly, just waiting for someone to rewrite like three lines of dialogue so zak and valant aren’t Just Some Guys to each other.
anyway a lot of the other thoughts i have are like. details. it probably never gets established explicitly but phoenix probably never gets to know kristoph gavin that well, and conversely kristoph doesn’t care about phoenix bc he might not even know he would’ve been passed over for phoenix before the other guy. ema is friendlier bc even though she is still upset about being a detective and does still think klavier’s annoying, she doesn’t actively resent him for getting phoenix disbarred. also she’s already good friends with trucy. the biggest plot-difference that isn’t just a natural result of phoenix not getting disbarred is that i think phoenix has to be the one who gets hit by the car in 4-2 instead of that happening to apollo’s jerk mentor bc no other human being on the planet could get thrown thirty feet by a car and hit a telephone pole with his head and still only wind up with a sprained ankle out of the deal.
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addledmongoose · 4 months
Good Omens Fanfic Friday (7 Jun 2024)
My internet was out for nearly a week, so I missed posting last week, and I had a whole lot of free time to read fanfiction, so this week is a long list, because I refuse to cut anything out.
Too Hot for Heavenly Handling(2.4K; Rated E)
Aziraphale and Crowley have only been back in Heaven for three weeks when they get called before the Council to answer for some (ahem) indiscretions. Very, very funny short. I've already read it twice, and I'll just be walking around and suddenly smile in remembrance of some of the dialogue.
Put A Little English on It (5K; Rated T)
Aziraphale and Crowley hustle humans in pool.
An Ineffable Arrangement (10K; Rated G)
Lots of S2 cameos in this amusing story. There are no indicators as to what happened post-S2 or how they got back together. They're together; they're happy; they're annoying their neighbors.
Maggie and Nina have a plan to get those two troublesome supernaturals to give the street a little peace and quiet for a while. If they can only get the two immortals to cooperate. Nina's stuck wrangling a demon who loves to complain, while Maggie gets the full force of Aziraphale's bastardry here.
The Second Coming has been averted. Crowley and Aziraphale are finally together and on the same side. And the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Traders Association thinks they could take their bliss somewhere else. Or at least the storms associated with it.
That Gay Pirate Show (29K; Rated E)
Actor AU. Crowley has a crush on his costar and best friend, but Aziraphale is in a relationship with a mysterious, in-the-closet man (Gabriel), and he assumes his crush will remain unrequited. As the show's romantic storyline between its two leads heats up, he finds it more and more difficult to shield his heart.
This isn't an OFMD crossover, really. There aren't a ton of details about the show they're in, but it sounds more serious and plot-based than OFMD. (BTW, while the relationship tags include a Crowley/Newt relationship, that was decades ago, and now they're just friends).
Pride Month and Prejudice (30K; Rated E)
Human AU/Enemies-to-lovers. Crowley takes an immediate dislike to the famous and seemingly-stuck-up famous actor, Aziraphale Fell, but he can't seem to keep his mind off the man, either.
They say that you should never meet your celebrity crush. Especially when you know what an absolute bastard he is. So, of course, Anthony J. Crowley's participation in a queer adaptation of Pride and Prejudice for Pride Month has nothing to do with the involvement of A-lister A.Z. Fell. Crowley is only doing it so he has some gossip for his column. He didn't mean to get cast as Lizzy Bennet, he certainly didn't mean to be acting opposite Fell's Mr Darcy. And to make matters worse, Fell keeps staring at him...
The Trojan Horse Virus (36K; Rated T)
Human AU. Enemies-to-lovers (briefly) plus fake relationship. Crowley asks his best frenemy next door, bookseller Aziraphale, to be his fake fiance in order to gain access to his inheritance. He needs to convince his cousins, Shax and Ferdinand (Furfur) that the relationship is legitimate to get them to sign off.
Of course, since the two have been secretly pining for each other for years, this goes about as well as can be expected with any fake relationship story.
For His Eyes Only (69K; Rated M) by @afrenchwriter
James Bond AU/Crowley POV. Crowley has been an MI6 agent for ten years. He's been secretly in love with his quartermaster, Aziraphale, for almost as long. When Crowley's past catches up to him, he's determined to keep Aziraphale safe, even if it costs him everything. This is quite a plot-heavy story, not to mention it has a lot of pining and angst, but there is a happy ending. It's a very light M-rating.
Faster Than a Speeding Bentley (76K; Rated M)
Superhero AU. I put out a call asking for plot-heavy (but not S2-related) stories, and people came through with some suggestions I hadn't heard of before, including two different—and equally amazing—superhero AUs.
Crowley, a journalist by day, is The Serpent, a mysterious superhero with snakelike powers. He has an impenetrable disguise (dark sunglasses) and a serious crush on (read: he's madly in love with) fellow journalist and best friend, Aziraphale. When Aziraphale keeps getting kidnapped, The Serpent keeps having to rescue him. Is it weird to be jealous that the love of his life seems to be falling in love with his alter ego? There's plenty of humor, action, and pining in this one.
Hereditary Enemies (153K; Rated T)
Superhero AU. Aziraphale is tired of being a superhero. Tired of working for The Host. And tired of trying to stop The Serpent. He wants to retire. Run a bookshop. Enjoy a quiet life. And maybe, just maybe, find a life with the attractive ginger who runs the flowershop down the road.
The author lists this as a crossover with a show/movie called Megamind, which I don't know anything about, so I'm positive you don't need to know anything about that show to enjoy it. I do, however, know The Boys and Gen V, and there are similarities with those shows (but this is a whole lot less dark and violent). Getting hired by The Host is considered an honor. There's merchandising. Branding deals. Comics. Fame. Fortune. And of course, stopping the evil villains who occasionally rampage through the city. (Canon angels are the superheroes; canon demons are the supervillains). Crowley's villain self, much like his demon self, is not really all that villainous. He's a bit of a troublemaker, and it's impossible to keep him imprisoned, but he never causes any real harm.
A sequel has just begun to be published, so maybe subscribe to the series if you're interested.
Saltwater on Skin (186K; Rated E)
Ezra Fell, an award-winning novelist, has just sold the one millionth copy of his newest book. While celebrating with friends and family on a rented yacht, Ezra falls overboard and is washed ashore on an uncharted island. Ever the optimist, he keeps his spirits up while he awaits rescue. That is, until he gets the distinct feeling that he isn't ALONE on this island; that there's SOMETHING else out there. Watching him.
Human(ish) AU. Ezra washes up on the shore of an island and finds himself in the company of a naga, Crowley, a creature that shouldn't even exist. While trying to figure out how to get home, he finds himself falling in love with the kind, loving creature until he eventually decides he'd much rather stay on the island with his new love.
I simply can not say enough good things about this story. It's magnificent, beautiful. It sucked me in and didn't let me go. Even days after I finished it I wanted to still be reading it. I love every character here, from Ezra's baby brother, Gabriel, to Crowley's four sisters and everyone in between. It's one of the best stories I've read this year. There's surprisingly little angst for a story of this size, and most of what there is gets resolved fairly quickly. There are no villains, not even Gabriel, an adorable himbo.
There is, however, monsterfuckery. Crowley's not a shapeshifter; he's a naga: human top/snake bottom. The author does tell you where the smut starts and ends, but there aren't anchor tags to make it easy to skip.
I wrote a longer review here, if you're interested in more details.
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tigreblvnc · 1 month
BLUE LOCK MATCHUP — @modern-day-corpse-bride
Your match is...
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— Charles Chevalier
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✦ How happy I am to finally be able to match this little French imp with someone.
✦ Actually, Charles came to mind very clearly when I read your bio, mainly because I think you two share a few similarities.
✦ And you both give off a similar energy.
✦ 'I’m a veryyy talkative person' There's something special about Charles—he can be very talkative, and I can totally see him chatting with someone on the field in a random way while the match is still going on...
✦ ...and also, there are chapters where we almost forget about him?
✦ Especially because when the match loses its excitement, Charles stops investing in it. We see this when he literally asks Julian if he can leave the game because it's getting boring.
✦ 'A lot of people think I’m mean but I'm not!!!' Clearly, with Charles, there's an insolence that reflects his young age and the fact that he's so good on the field that there's not much that unsettles him. He easily teases people and likes to do the opposite of what he's told. In jargon, we call that a troll.
✦ 'I’m really big on complimenting and boosting other people’s confidence' I like to think that you met during one of his training sessions at the stadium. You found something a bit funny and unusual about him, and your eyes followed his run on the field. At first, he might not have noticed you, but eventually, he realized that someone was regularly commenting on his crazy passes and turned towards you.
✦ He froze for ten seconds before signaling you with both arms raised as if you were someone he had known for ten years.
✦ I think that normally, encouragements leave him quite indifferent, but coming from someone he doesn't know at all, it might amuse him and even make him laugh a bit.
✦ At the end of his session, he turns to you and, quite unexpectedly, throws the ball at you from a distance. Just to see how you’ll handle it.
✦ Maybe you dodge the ball, maybe not, but either way, it makes him smile. He strides over to ask, "T'es qui ? Tu fais quoi là ?" – 'Who are you? What are you doing here?'
✦ You’re not sure if he’s really listening even though he’s the one who asked the questions, but he’s smiling at you widely, with his shark-like tooth showing.
✦ 'I think that the notion that I’m “mean” comes from the fact that I’m very honest.' Well, you see, I think this amuses him because he likes controversial opinions and people who aren’t afraid to say what they think. Charles finds conventional and controlled people boring. You can see it on the field—he prefers to get along with Shidou, someone more original and aligned with his philosophy of play, rather than Rin, who is very structured and strategic.
✦ 'My main love languages are physical touch and gift giving' I can’t see Charles being into giving long speeches or spending time listening to others; I think his love languages would be more like yours, maybe with acts of service included. I imagine he’s the type to rush and jump on the people he likes, climbing on them without shame (like he does with Shidou when they score together).
✦ The cool kid you never get bored with. He prefers outdoor activities over indoor ones, and he takes you to see the cool spots in Paris. The amusement park is his favorite place.
✦ A bit uncontrollable, he’s all over the place and wants to try everything with you. He pulls you by the sleeve: "Allez ! Ça a l'air trop bien !!!" – 'Come on! This looks awesome!!!'
✦ He enjoys teaching you curse words in French.
✦ Buys you ridiculous trinkets from attraction stands.
✦ Tons of selfies that he posts on Instagram, tagging you every time, even though it’s his face in 80% of the photo.
✦ Emoji abuser. His messages are unreadable, and he sends forty of them in a row.
✦ Sends voice messages too, many of which cut off prematurely (the worst kind). He records them again right after but never finishes them; he’s already moved on to something else.
✦ 'I like to collect vintage items like dolls or photos which kind of creeps a lot of people out, and I also like to hand-build with clay from time to time.' Honestly, that intrigues him. He finds it weird and judges it out loud, but it doesn’t scare him.
✦ He tries to make a clay sculpture of you and totally messes it up.
✦ He gives it to you on some random day with no particular significance.
✦ The sculpture’s aesthetic is questionable, and you can barely recognize yourself...
✦ ...But you keep it anyway, because a gift from Charles is worth gold.
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A word about your match: You’re kind of the partner-in-crime duo that everyone dreads, that people secretly like a little, but that no one will admit to liking.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
hi. tried to reblog and leave a bunch of tags but made a mistake and tumblr wouldn't let me edit the post SO i took a screenshot because I WILL NOT REWRITE ALL OF THAT BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY TERRIBLE TO TRY AND GO BACK TO MY NOTES TO INCLUDE THEM INTO THE TAGS BECAUSE THE APP WOULD ERASE EVERYTHING so here you have a long ass pic with a ton of tags. love u u fucking mastermind 💋
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I'm so glad you think it could standalone and make sense because I went into posting this like "so many people are not gonna be able to keep up with the tense changing and the time skipping, i'm being incoherent" thank you all for proving me wrong. My writing profs taught me to believe everyone does not have reading comprehension. Perhaps we should be giving more credit to readers, me thinks.
Man, I wish Carmen in The Bear canon aligned with CK not particularly because I wish he was better but because watching S3 I was like oh,,,, did I get all that wrong? Because to me, yeah does Carmen run away from things? 1 fucking million percent. At the same time, however, Carmen is an artist and I think like,,,, he's taught, yknow? He takes direction and critique, is always how I took him-- And so like, he just compartmentalizes criticism of his character the same way he would his craft; and he fucking likes making shit better, so he transfers it to life.
I considered massively pivoting from this choice for him to accept that he needs to be better, and instead like, Bojacks it, basically, but like, I'd already done this in CK canon:
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Did I emulate my own previous scene to call back to the beginning of their relationship in chapter 13? Yeah 100% I did but back on topic--
I'd already decided that this was how Carmen went about things, and to be fair, I think honestly if everyone had just let each other finish sentences in S3EP01, that entire season I think would've gone an entirely different route, but c'est la vie, that's the tragic comedy of it all.
NOW ONTO MIKEY! I think some have said they prefer this Jimmy negotiation to canon-- And to be fair, though the sobriety aspect may not have been a part of it, Mikey did say he wanted to franchise with Carmen, and that's what the money was for. Or at least that's what Carmen affirms:
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god fucking jesus christ he was so much more charming in S2 what the FUCK moving ON
But anyways, I think the 10k/week thing honestly is something Uncle would do, and I guess this is me staking my bet on it. I'd like to believe Mikey was climbing his way out-- Or maybe that's more tragic? I dunno. Regardless, I adore him, so, yknow. he's the guy!
regardless, thank you for enjoying i'm so glad that my interpretation of Mikey was enjoyed. I tried to be as like,,, accurate as possible to what I feel he'd act like out of the small scenes we've seen of him, but I also absolutely had to pull from my own oldest brother. so. i don't have issues idk what all of you are talking about.
also, I will put this in a master post of like, bits I was doing, later, because there's a fucking lot, but this is the last post I'm making before bed and I wanna get yelled at about this in my inbox in the morning nothing makes me happier:
Chapter 1! Tony Terry Tommy!
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Chapter 13! Two Steps Back.
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I know I'm a bitch, aren't I? I'm sure rereaders noticed this but I wanted the whole class to know.
While I'm at it, Chapter 12! Hit em with it!
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YEAH BABY SHE'D BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT THE WHOOOOLLLEEE TIMMEEEEE YEEEEAAAHHHHHHHH I'm fucked up for this one. I had the Cold thing planned since chapter 1 I'm so SICK with it. Yell at me in my inbox I do love to make everyone mad ngl call me Carmen cause I'm a fucking shit starter baby
thank you for your thoughts and thank you for giving me a place to yap for WAY too fucking long GOOD NIGHT OR GOOD MORNING PENDING WHERE YOU ARE!!
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timetobeaghost · 9 months
i’m seeing so little nuance when it comes to this whole noah schnapp thing. i know everyone gets mad when you say you are in the middle but i just genuinely don’t understand what’s going on. i’m opposed to any and all violence and disgusted by the acts committed by israel and hamas. i know i’m not fully aware but it’s genuinely so confusing idk how people expect everyone to know.
i think what noah did is gross still. it’s not just because of his views, but the fact he was making a joke about it when it’s a horrific and serious tragedy. but people see it so black and white? if you read noah’s posts it’s clear he is opposed to violence in general, and to me the whole ‘zionism is sexy’ thing is an example of him being misinformed and incredibly insensitive.
but then people are calling him murderous and claiming he and others support actual genocide? they say ‘oh he’s old enough to understand’ but genuinely i think he just doesn’t understand the full extent of the situation, like many others. to imply that someone like noah genuinely wants tons of people to die is just a bit absurd to me. i’m no mind reader but to me he just seems to not understand the situation, and is just defending what he thinks is right because of his religion and probably family. i don’t think he supports genocide, i don’t think he understands that what he is supporting is genocide and is misinformed that it’s some kind of just response.
Not going crazy and being hesitent is a good first response. As is admitting when you don't know everything. You are not motivated by hate, that is obvious and great! But
Noah did not make any insensitive jokes. At all. He did literally nothing. Being in the same room as a "Zionism is sexy" sticker is not an action to take nor a joke to make. Him and people like Brett Gelman and other visible jews being attacked is pure antisemitism, which is a ridiculously widespread sentiment, as I was forced to discover.
Zionism is genuinely sexy. I mean it is completely inoffensive. What is evil is trying to frame zionism as an evil conspiracy. It's s Jew hating conspiracy theory. Zionism means support of Israel's existence.
No one should eDUcaTe theMseLvEs by consuming and parroting jew hating conspiracy theories. It is quite easy to do so these days, but it is not right. Noah already understands the situation better.
Israel was attacked and is the victim first. It deserves solidarity.
Israel destroying Hamas is a just response. And frankly their duty. As the terrorists attacked their citizens and haven't stopped and promised to do it again and again. Promised genocide.
Israel is not committing a genocide. It is winning a war of self defence, thank god.
War sucks, though. The reality of it is always horrible to behold.
Hamas is doing their absolute worst as always and absolute best to get as many Palestinians killed as possible, including straight up shooting them themselves if they are "stealing" "their" food or trying to get to safety thereby not working as human shields. They are fucking evil, the scum of the earth.
There is no question who a well-meaning person should support here.
PS: Netanjahu is not a great guy, but Israel is a great country and in the right here. Let Bibi win the war, then I hope for a new Israeli government and lasting peace!
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guckies · 7 months
about people being upset about how Bad gives a ton of stuff and never gives anything in return, it’s definitely something you’d only really pick up on and be upset about if you watched his pov a lot. Yeah people are being kind of dramatic about it, but a lot of people in the server (in rp of course) seem to only seem to think of him as the guy who gives them things or the guy that was awful in purgatory (when in reality he genuinely wasnt much worse than a lot of other players)
I think it’s similar to how foolish fans constantly talk about how people (again only in rp) call him a bad father, when in reality it really doesn’t happen that often, and as far as I know it’s always just been jokes. Like of course fans are gonna be dramatic about the things their fav streamer goes through, even if those things aren’t super evident to someone who doesn’t watch them often.
it’s really just a difference in perspective, but if people talking about how they’re happy Bad isn’t giving things away for free as much anymore is bothering you that much, you can always block them
I genuinely don’t mean to come across as aggressive or hating on you or anything, I just saw your post about it earlier and wanted to talk about my perspective 👍
It wasn’t that they were upset, rather they were using it as justification for Bad to have a villain arc (which imo is lazy and there are way better reasons or ways for Bad to have a villain arc).
As well this “struggle” is not exclusive to Bad. Like during the cookie quests arc, Morning crew were the ones that put most of the extra items or mobs there for everyone. Especially Phil who had a lot of ingredients and stuff they needed that he did gave even on days he didn't stream. But there are so many instances in which people give for free and don't recieve acknowledgement.
I totally get being happy that Bad isn’t giving everything away for free, been the same with the ccs I watch too. But calling Bad the only good guy for doing that and saying he needs a villain arc over something so stupid that no one asked him to is questionable. Especially when it was/is not exclusive to him and their are so many cooler ways for him to have that villain arc.
But also I'm not saying y'all shouldn't be happy about Bad not giving stuff because I also am happy he's not giving stuff away for free(personally love watching the struggle people go through looking for things). Rather just not give him this massive praise for it when it is universal experience they all face. Cause my increased annoyance is with some fans more specifically ghosties who act as if their cc is the only one that experiences these "problems" or just don't watch anyother pov so instead amplify the "problems" that don't exist or affect everyone.
And I get what you’re trying to say with fans being dramatic because some of them really are. However, it’s definitely not similar to Foolish getting called a bad father at all. Since doozers had to make a whole thread that we still refer to now to infrom people that have never watched Foolish & Leo clips ever and just hate Foolish and believe that Foolish is a bad parent over the jokes Bad or Fit have made. (Which we are so sick of because how is it 9 months in and we’re still discussing Foolish’s parenting which has been nothing but good)
Also not going to talk about purgatory because to me he was a bad guy and should have faced lore consequences for some of the stuff he did but that is neither here nor there so ✋🫥🤚
But yeah I already do block people for things I just don't agree with but also I like talking about things that include criticism so if people don't agree with me then I encourage them to block me too. Also thanks for being nice about it, cause this isn't really the biggest deal for me but I do like the discussion of these things sometimes :]
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buffyfan145 · 9 months
Fellowship of Fans delivered today with them saying they had their biggest spoiler scoop so far this year for season 2 of "Rings of Power" and why they saved it for a Christmas gift!!! 😀 I'm a little late posting it since I was at my family's Christmas Eve dinner but I'm excited for this!!!
April 2024 Update: This spoiler has now been confirmed false and part of a plan from Amazon to catch a leaker from the crew.
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They finally revealed the new actor playing the "original version" of Sauron (possibly Mairon) and it's Gavi Singh Chera!!! 😀 He was announced earlier this year as part of the recurring actors they added to the show and there had been speculation for a while that he was another form of Sauron and likely the Adar knew. I can actually see it too, especially if you see clips of his other acting roles. I'm guessing he and Charlie Vickers have worked together too so we the audience will be able to tell it's him, plus thanks to Charlie's interviews we know the audience will know everything Sauron is up to in season 2.
Again Charlie's not going anywhere and he's still a series regular. We've also had a ton of spoilers about Halbrand and what he's doing in season 2. This is for the flashbacks and shapeshifting that will be happening especially with Sauron going back to Eregion as he can't go back as Halbrand so it's the Annatar storyline. That being said though FOF posted other scoops today that they're not sure which form is working with Celebrimbor and it's led to some speculating including me that maybe Annatar (or whatever name they use as FOF still doesn't know if they have the rights) switches back to Halbrand in front of Celebrimbor and that they work on the rings together.
They also said almost all the rings will be made this season. They're not sure which form distributes them but leaning towards Halbrand as they already got spoilers Halbrand is the one that recruits the men and dwarves so it would make sense that form gives them out. Still no word about the One Ring so not sure if that will happen in the season finale or if they'll save it for season 3.
So it's already getting a bit confusing for some fans online as we had to explain again about the shapeshifting and that Charlie's still there so to make things earlier I'll be saying when talking about them as Charlie's Halbrand and Gavi's Annatar, but they are both Sauron. LOL
Also, being a Haladriel shipper, that fits here too as FOF confirmed Gavi and Morfydd didn't have a chemistry test like Morfydd and Charlie did. So even though Gavi's Annatar has scenes with Galadriel I doubt I'll be shipping them but we'll see. So Haladriel for me is Charlie's Halbrand form and who I'm referring to for now. Also same with my fics as I always wrote Mairon looking like Halbrand. Again this could change if it turns out this form also has something with Galadriel too. LOL
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mellicindi · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering, how do you plan fics? I remember reading Life is Not a Hallmark Movie and thought the storyline was amazing. So I was wondering if you could explain your process for outlining?
Hi! Thanks for the ask~
I wish I had a more helpful answer, but the truth is that I didn't have an outline for Hallmark fic. I published each chapter as I wrote it, without really knowing what would be coming in the later chapters. (There were a few notable exceptions that I could talk about in more detail in another post, if you're curious.) I've tried tons of methods of outlining before for other stories, and would consistently find that even if I was really excited about the outline, the characters just wouldn't behave according to my plans. If I forced them to, the writing fell dead in the water. Hallmark was sort of an experiment for me, to see what would happen if I tried flying blind. I was honestly shocked at how much easier it was for me to write when I didn't plan ahead. That said, I think there were a couple factors that helped me actually finish it:
I had a very clear intention of the feelings I wanted to evoke. That being, a story about two people who are very lonely in different ways, overcoming their hangups and falling in love. Bittersweet, but ultimately heartwarming.
I was already familiar with the structure of romance novels. So, though I didn't outline, I knew that the general shape of the story would be: meet cute --> characters grow closer --> point of crisis forcing the protagonist to acknowledge his feelings --> getting together --> some sort of betrayal/crisis that tears them apart --> reconciliation and true happy ending.
I had a lot of tropes to work with. Because it was a parody of a Hallmark movie, there were a few scenes I knew I wanted to include, even if I didn't know the details of how/why they would unfold. (ie, a fancy Christmas party, an airport reunion scene, etc.)
I JUST LOVE BINGQIU SO GODDAMN MUCH. Seriously, I just want to dissect Shen Yuan's brain, and I myself am already in love with Luo Binghe, so writing about falling in love with him was natural sldghidfgh
So, I had an emotional core, a general structure, key scenes, and characters I was madly desperately unhealthily obsessed with.
After that, I focused on storytelling principles. The first is always following a chain of causation. Another is the +/- method. These are useful for pacing, and keeping even simple scenes engaging. I love rambling about storytelling principles, so hmu if you're interested in a write up about anything!
I also had a document called 'vague future ideas' that was just that: either potential plot points or snippets of dialogue that were floating in my head. Some made it in, some didn't. I tried to keep it to short bullet points as much as possible, just a collection of vague things that could happen, but not getting too deep into any of them. This was mostly helpful in figuring out which things should not happen, tbh XD Like, at one point, I was thinking LBH would actually succeed at getting on the airplane, and there would be some sort of time gap, and rather than LMY explaining about LBH's past, SY would have to like, go on a sleuthing spree and figure out where LBH ran off to, and... uh, yeah, glad I dropped that in the brainstorming phase lol!
So yeah, sorry if that wasn't super helpful for the question you actually asked. But, as for outlining methods I used in the past, here are a few that helped me the most (keeping in mind that I tend to prefer looser methods, which certainly won't be the case for everyone!):
One Page Plotting, which is quite similar to the Story Circle
Both of these break down the story into 8 major beats. I find thinking about stories in quarters more intuitive than in thirds or fifths, so I prefer these over the 3-act or 5-act structure.
Flashlight Method
A nice middle ground between plotting and discovery writing. Probably best used if you're familiar with the conventions of the genre you're writing in to use as a mental map.
I also want to shout out Ellen Brock's youtube channel. It's a treasure trove of useful writing advice from an editor's perspective. If you're into really intensive outlining, I'd recommend her videos for methodological plotters. Her ongoing series on story structure is also wonderful.
Thanks again for the ask! LMK if there's anything you'd be interested in seeing me go more in-depth about. I'm just a big 'ol storytelling nerd lmaooo
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Sound Bites Presents: The Best of Hardly Strictly Bluegrass 2023
Editor’s Note: the 2023 edition of Hardly Strictly Bluegrass ended one week ago today. Having returned to backward Oiho after a glorious three days in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, the blog recounts his favorite sets of the festival. Read Sound Bites’ full coverage here, here and here; and see more photos here, here and here.
Rickie Lee Jones - Horseshoe Hill stage, Sept. 29; Banjo stage, Sept. 30: Given 45 minutes for her festival-opening reading from “Last Chance Texaco” and another hour for music the following day, when she played the titular song from her 2021 memoir, Jones got more stage time than any other performer. And she put it to good use. After sound-checking with a snippet of “The Horses,” a high-spirited Jones read excerpts about her time as a 14-year-old hitchhiker in California and how her admiration of the hippie ideal eventually turned into contempt. She closed the session by playing a solo-acoustic version of “The Moon is Made of Gold,” a song written by her father.
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The following afternoon, Jones and her band played to a ginormous crowd - “I haven’t seen so many people in front of me for so long,” she said, clearly enjoying the moment. Crooning at the mic on “One More for the Road;” playing guitar on a New Orleanian rearrangement of “Danny’s All Star Joint;” sitting at the piano for “We Belong Together;” and playing banjo on an untitled work-in-progress she had unveiled two nights earlier on guitar at the benefit for Camp Winnarainbow, Jones was effervescent and as appreciative of her audience as they were of her. Sound Bites obviously doesn’t know Jones, yet it made him so happy to see her so happy over the three days of performances he and Mrs. Sound Bites witnessed. Rickie Lee, gold.
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Tommy Emmanuel - Arrow stage, Oct. 1 - Allotted a criminally stingy 50 minutes, Emmanuel was the only solo-acoustic act to make an audience stop talking and simply gasp at what they were hearing and seeing. That’s because he is a band unto himself and he introduced his phantom accompanists while playing bassline, percussion, rhythm and lead simultaneously on his acoustic guitar. “Sixteen Tons” and “Nine-Pound Hammer” found Emmanuel singing; “Imagine” was instrumental save for the audience and the guitarist’s famous, inhuman “Beatles Medley” closed the set, which should’ve run an hour.
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Eilen Jewell - Rooster stage, Oct. 1 - Playing songs from her pre- and post-pandemic albums, Gypsy and Get Behind the Wheel, respectively, Jewell was positively enthralling during her 45-minute midday set, which wrapped with a near carbon-copy of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Green River,” allowing secret-sauce guitarist Jerry Miller to shine.
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Christone “Kingfish” Ingram - Towers of Gold stage, Sept. 29 - At 24, Ingram sounds like he’s been playing guitar for 50 years already. This up-and-coming bluesman is going to be a huge star and he spent his 50 minutes demonstrating why he may very well be thought of in 2073 in the same way Buddy Guy is today.
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The Travelin’ McCourys - Banjo stage, Oct. 1 - With Punch Brother Noam Pikelny filling in for Rob McCoury on banjo, the sons of Del played some of the least-Hardly Strictly music of the entire festival, as a large swath of the audience bounced along in unison while the band smoked a bluegrass “Scarlet Begonias” in the park the Grateful Dead filled with music so many times in the days of yore. “Seems appropriate,” Ronnie McCoury said.
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Doc Watson Tribute - Horseshoe Hill stage, Oct. 1 - Joined at various points by Andrew Marlin, Valerie June and Jon Langford, Mitch Greenhill, Nora Brown and Stephanie Coleman offered an intimate set that included “Summertime,” “Handsome Molly” and “Tom Dooley” among others. It all ended with the life-affirming experience of a couple of hundred people singing “Keep on the Sunny Side” under a canopy of trees in a light afternoon fog.
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Bettye LaVette - Rooster stage, Sept. 30 - At 77, LaVette remains a powerful performer, stalking the stage and employing her raspy voice to great effect. Bob Dylan may have written “Things Have Changed,” but LaVette owns it.
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Irma Thomas - Rooster stage, Sept. 30 - Thomas, 82, played HSB’s most-rambunctious set, closing Saturday with a barnburner that reached its apex with “I Done Got Over It” -> “Iko Iko” -> “Hey Pocky Way” -> “I Done Got Over It.”
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Honorable mention: The McCrary Sisters - Rooster stage, Sept. 30 - Rather than a full performance, which they merited, the McCrarys played a handful of five- to 15-minute spots that included uplifting renditions of Stevie Wonder’s “Higher Ground” and “Amazing Grace.”
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The Little Things I Love About ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE
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Just like the one I did for PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH, and just like the one I did for STRANGE WORLD, here's a little list of particular little details I loved in a detail-packed... Like, literally jampacked movie... SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE:
So far, I have only seen this movie once all the way through in theaters, caught multiple sections over and over at my movie theater job, and again in full on Blu-ray once. I've watched and rewatched sections since, always finding cool stuff. I may revisit the post and update it, too, like I did w/ the previous ones.
Also, MASSIVE SPOILERS ahead... Just in case you still haven't seen this months-old movie...
Much like the first SPIDER-VERSE... Tons of stuff to catch in the glitching opening logos. Logo/design p0rn aaaaall around.
There's already a lot to love in the opening Medieval Vulture attack set-piece, but my favorite detail? As an Italian-American? "Ciao, ragazza!" Complete with the parchment paper script "Bye, girl!" accompanying it. Any elementary school-age kid watching this now knows a little Italian, that's cool!
Lyla's first scene in the movie. Whichever version, too, whether it's the fist-bump or the selfie... I love how she just glitches and zips in and out, while Miguel keeps asking her in vain to call for back-up. Just an out-of-nowhere display of what kind of quirky relationship these two have...
Many have written about the scenes of Gwen and her father, Captain George Stacy, and how they hit very close to home. In that, they perfectly mirror some folks' experiences with coming out. Myself included, whether it's Miles or Gwen... It's even more effective with Gwen, because there are a lot of not-so-subtle hints that she could be a trans girl. (i.e. the dad having a trans flag on his uniform, Gwen having a "protect trans kid" flag, her room turning into trans flag pastel colors when she reconnects with her father at the end of the movie, etc.) I feel it's twice as hard-hitting in the opening action sequence because Captain Stacy has no idea the white-and-pink Spider-Woman is his daughter, loathes Spider-Woman for not-unfounded reasons (he's rightfully upset that Peter Parker is dead) but is taking it way too far (revenge territory), and he's also a cop. Here's this girl trying to reason with a hardened gun-wielding tough guy, who even fires the gun, prompting Gwen to remove the mask... And all the little complexities in the animated acting on George's face, the shock of his daughter being Spider-Woman, mixed with his grief over Parker's death and his sheer anger... It's maybe a minute or two, but goddamn did these animators go off. That's what anchors these movies amidst all the nerd/reference-stuff, spectacle, and dynamic changing art styles.
And to elaborate on this... This is basically a movie about a queer kid running off, without a home, while another one tries to find their people and be with them... Not prepared for the gatekeeping that's ahead... and some of us queers either experience something like those specific things or have a feeling of not belonging. (I also really dig how Jessica Drew is almost like a surrogate mother for Gwen, a parent of sorts who takes her in after showing her father who she is. Almost, as her protectiveness soon starts to wear off and gives way to sarcastic coldness after Gwen pays Miles a visit.) And the little nuances of both of their struggles trying to make it in this truly "elite" Spider-Society. It works perfectly through either Miles' lens or Gwen's.
Lots of graphic design and logos in that short convenience store scene, too. Lots for someone like me to look for.
The Spot seems to have linework going on inside him, of his anatomy and structure... Not dissimilar to the Xerography process used by Disney for animated productions from 1960 to 1985, and how the process overriding the clean-up animation process meant that you saw lots of rough linework, sketches, and planning inside of the characters. Like the rawness of the drawings preserved in the finished films. That technique is often paid homage to in other animated works, such as Tomm Moore's Irish triptych films that he did for Cartoon Saloon.
Much was written about, especially because one of the trailers showed this gag, Rio Morales snapping her finger upon hearing that Miles got a lower grade in Spanish class. A little after that, while Jeff is speaking, the look on her face. How utterly INSULTED she is- Again, just, ooh, great animated acting all around.
"Maybe get off the kid's a-
The first universe Spot visits, love that it's very 2D-looking and very, *very* comic book, a hint of pulp and Art Deco and '60s modern rolled into one... before giving us Venomverse (oh I'm sorry, SUMC) and LEGO.
Much of the Morales' rooftop party scene is just jam-packed to the moon and back with all these little writing nuances, tying in all this stuff about being a teen who is hiding something, reasoning with one's well-meaning but very controlling parents, all the humor and drama that stems from that. All that awkwardness, the embarrassment, how the guests play off of all of that, etc.
Miles pursuing The Spot whilst trying to talk to him... I mean, the entire Mumbattan sequence alone mops the floor w/ maybe 95% of superhero movies made in the last 5 years, but... This scene in particular, where the two are flying through a bunch of intricately-designed and planned buildings full of people with all these swooping camera angles- GO HARD they did.
Hobie's universe particularly referencing the ransom note letterforms that made up the cover of the iconic Sex Pistols album NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS, HERE'S THE SEX PISTOLS. They leaned *hard* on early punk from the '70s, more so than any other era, and that's so damn cool.
The subtle animated acting from Gwen during Miguel's warning to Miles about disrupting canon. All the inner-conflict over believing in it or not. And even before that, too, particularly in the aftermath of the Mumbattan Alchemax building collapsing onto the bridge.
And during that whole scene, as the different Spiders start to surround Miles, I like how Hobie is more turned to the side than facing Miles directly, unlike the other Spiders. That's just seconds before it's made clear that Hobie is on Miles' side.
The super-widescreen, Panavision-esque aspect ratio change when - during the whole Spider Society chase - Miles lands on Widow and is confronted by Web-Slinger. Really channeling the spaghetti Westerns, even if that bit has been done before, its use here - very clever.
Miles' smirk when he begins to use his electric charge power to knock Miguel off of him, right before he's about to tell him - and by extension everyone who ever doubted him or told him he can't do what's right or what he desires - off.
The "Go Home Machine" literally being an elaborate spider, itself, inside a nest. Everything, right down to the machinery, all spider-themed. Simply going ALL OUT. Also that scanner that Miguel angrily rips out of the console... What a hilariously excessive work of art that thing is, and we only really see it for like 5 seconds.
Like I said, will likely add more, and this probably read more like yet another review of this film that I really, really love. I apologize for that, lol.
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arlecchno · 2 years
lmao the blonde parts are supposed to be teal but i havent had a chance to redye them in foreverr … also yes ! my xiao jacket ! its not the only one out there though LOL
the wall youre seeing is actually my best friend roofs long lost sibling , wall /j
BEFORE 6 !? i could never i always go to bed at like 12am …. im so sleep deprived on school days lol
ME AND THAT FRIEND DID SO MANY SILLY THINGS IN OUR MATH/STEM CLASS LMAO we used to play genshin wish sim (im very young T_T) and say weird things to summon characters (i told the computer id help make kaeya dilucs brother again to get diluc , and BOTH OF THEM CAME HOME IN THE SAME PULL) tbh ive always complained ab stairs so ,,, i cant even take the stairs in my building anymore bc i live on the 9th floor itd take way too long 😭
we have a lot of the same top 5s , kaeya , diluc , and scara share #1 because … yes . my favorite gal is fischl i love her sm -
i have 11 5*s (not including aloy) , and im currently pulling for sir acting grand scribe himself ! im at around late 30 pity , if he does / doesnt come home i will make self ship art because i dont think he would like that >:)
GOOD TO KNOW ITS GOING WELL im actually making notes for a fic i wanna write on call w my previously mentioned friend roof LOL ive had the idea ever since the nilotpala cup event , i really wanted to make like an actual fic based off of it bc that girl from the yae publishing house was supposed to or wtv HAHAH but im procrastinating on a title so im just . UGH - yk ?
i did have a good day both the day you replied and today ! i am injured but its not bad (only hurts when i move certain ways) , i went on a field trip for school today and got to go in a ✨stream✨ and pick up a little crawfish >:D i hope youre doing good as well !! its so nice talking to you lmao youre so cool
i might start sending doodles every ask , so heres a sketch of my genshin oc !!
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my “question” issss guess what region theyre from ! or who they live with LOL the hint is that there are already playables from their region , and there are technically two regions theyre from ?? you can guess just one though ill give you the answer next ask :P
- jellyfish
i think it's because i'm already used to waking up early... even tho i'm a very sleep deprived student that sleeps at 12-1 and wakes up at 5 😔 i'm fairly a light sleeper so no matter what time i sleep, whenever my alarm goes off i'm always up by the second 🥲
and LMAOO i've played a ton of those wish sims to prevent myself from rolling whenever i'm saving up for a character, it works wonders
i didn't really expect you to like fischl!!! i like using her in events where we have her as a trial character lol using oz in her burst and flying around is so silly but i always have fun with it!
seems like we're both on the run for alhaitham :D currently have 72 pity and he still has yet to arrive... i do not have a guarantee whatsoever so the next time i pull i'm gonna be praying for him to come home 😔 i've already explored most of the new area for him
and that fic idea sounds interesting! i briefly forgot about that event so when you mentioned it i'm suddenly reminded of how fun playing with the fungi was!! hope you'll find many inspiration for your supposed title, and who knows, next thing you know you're hitting the post button for your fic 🤭
hope you're healing well from your injury also!! have lots of rest and don't overexert yourself too much, resting is very important hehe
it's nice to know that you went on a field trip :O i haven't been to one in a while so hearing it from you reminded me how fun it always is to go on one and escape school (tbf i think we can agree at least half of the students that volunteer on field trips only do it to skip classes LMAO #guilty)
i think if i had to guess, it's a mix between mondstadt and sumeru, maybe? i'm either really wrong or really right since my basic skills of knowledge on each regions' outfits are very minimal 😵‍💫
a question for you; how was your week? tell me all about it!! hehe i honestly like hearing people talk about their day and week because it's undeniably so interesting to know what others have been up to and how different some people's lives can be from ours! hope i'm not rambling too much... i just really like listening to people talk and talk about their life
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your-dietician · 2 years
Well Intentioned: Seth Rogen Talks Handmade by Seth, Balancing Hollywood With Hobbies, and Why for Him, Weed Is Wellness
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/well-intentioned-seth-rogen-talks-handmade-by-seth-balancing-hollywood-with-hobbies-and-why-for-him-weed-is-wellness/
Well Intentioned: Seth Rogen Talks Handmade by Seth, Balancing Hollywood With Hobbies, and Why for Him, Weed Is Wellness
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From mantras to meditation, mindfulness to manifestation, Well Intentioned offers an intimate look at how to make space for self-care in meaningful ways, big and small.
Seth Rogen is very blonde at the moment. “It’s for a TV show,” he reveals over Zoom from his home in Los Angeles, running his hand over a short crop with visible dark roots. “On the show, I play a guy having a midlife crisis, so, sure,” Rogen laughs, spinning a just-rolled joint through his fingers. At 40, the actor, director, writer and producer is approaching middle-age himself, but there doesn’t seem to be any imminent crises on the horizon; if anything, Rogen appears to be thriving. In addition to a number of forthcoming acting projects, including Steven Spielberg’s TIFF-favorite, The Fabelmans—for which the Freaks and Geeks alum is receiving early praise— Rogen became a brand founder last year with the launch of Houseplant, a curated collection of cannabis and cannabis-adjacent homewares and accessories, which has also provided a platform for his ceramics passion heard ’round the Internet.
“My journey with pottery and with Houseplant were kind of parallel in a very nice way,” Rogen explains of how the search for nice ashtrays for his own home led to a realization: “It seemed like no one had made a new one in the last 30 years.” As he became more serious about pottery, a pastime his wife, Lauren Miller Rogen, put him onto, Rogen started experimenting with ashtray designs and then rolling trays, many of the prototypes of which have become some of Houseplant’s bestsellers. “I couldn’t be happier because the brand was truly born out of what I was already doing.” During the pandemic, a home studio allowed Rogen to hone his throwing and molding skills even further. “Having my own kiln is like a real revelatory thing in terms of learning and experimenting,” he explains of the design freedom that has led to advancements like his “gloopy” glaze technique, which recently beget one of Houseplant’s newest ashtrays (as well as an unexpected viral manicure moment). It has also allowed him to start stockpiling his own work.
“I have a closet full of shit,” Rogen reveals, and while he has spent the last few years gifting these pieces to friends or donating them to charity auctions, he has decided to give the Seth stans what they want: Today, Rogen is dropping Handmade by Seth, four original vases that will be given away to four lucky winners via a raffle on houseplant.com. “I have no desire to hoard these things for myself,” Rogen says of the colorful pieces named for characters from Point Break and Demolition Man (the smallest of the bunch, “Johnny Utah” is a sweet 3” x 2.5” vessel with plenty of versatility). Adds Rogen, “This just seemed like a fun way to get them into people’s hands.” Here, the multi-hyphenate talks about his creative process, vintage-hunting in Palm Springs, and why for him, weed is wellness.
1. Keep Your Brain Busy
I’ve always had a lot of hobbies. Like, I’ve always looked for new creative outlets. I’m someone who had to acknowledge that I do like hanging out and doing nothing and watching television and movies and shit, but I also really like having creative things to engage me. And I like having a lot of different things to engage me when I’m working in the film or television world. I actually enjoy working on a ton of different things at once—it’s helpful to bounce around. I was very into photography for a long time— I think every actor kind of goes through that at some point or another; then I was very into gardening and I started making my own bonsais; I painted for a little while. I always wanted to create tactile art, but really was not that good at it. I am not a good painter, like in a traditional, figurative sense, you know what I mean? It’s like when you’re in art class, you can quickly see the kids who are good and the kids who aren’t, and I was like, not. But my wife had done pottery in high school and every once in a while she would join a studio, and she would be like, “We should go take a class together. I think you would like it.” Then we did, and I loved it and that was really it. We were off to the races. It’s become something that’s really great that we can do together.
2. Make Pottery
Almost all ceramics have some hand-touch to them. They are organic—made of dirt and covered in sand that is heated to turn into glass, essentially. I mean, there’s other things in there, but that’s the core of it. It’s something that’s been around for tens of thousands of years, which is very comforting— and also very singular, which my other jobs are the complete opposite of. I love making movies and television shows, but with that stuff you’ll have this creative thing in your head that you wanna express and you literally need, like, 250 people to do it. Otherwise, you just can’t do it. And that’s really hard! And by nature of that, it’s incredibly expensive, it’s insane and it’s complicated. So it’s nice to do something that is expressive and that seems to get a good response from people. And I can literally do it alone and I don’t need the finances of, like, a major media conglomerate to help execute my vision. The scale is much different as a result but there is something very nice about how simple it is.
Houseplant ashtray set by Seth in moss
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3. Surround Yourself With Beautiful Things
I kind of fell into design and art through the comic book world and through a bunch of my friends who did graffiti in high school. So I would read, like, Juxtapose magazine and that kind of thing in the nineties and that became a weird backdoor route into high-end art and design in some ways, because a lot of those artists that I started to follow—Faile and Shepard Fairey, and Kaws—kind of then transitioned into that world. So I followed my interest through that and then when we made This Is the End, what was funny is that we built a house—like the whole thing was in this house, and me and my writing and directing partner, Evan [Goldberg] got really into the furniture, and the furniture design, and the fixtures, and the lighting and the materials, and all of a sudden, that was kind of the first time I unabashedly gave myself permission to really like this stuff in a lot of ways. That movie really was actually the thing that led me to indulge in it. But I’ve always collected stuff. I think it’s probably a Jewish trauma that I’ve inherited. We probably have the instinct to keep as many things as possible, because…you never know! So, when I like a thing, it is my instinct to get as much of it as I can. Collecting comic books kind of transitioned to these Japanese vinyl toys, and then I was trying to get nice ashtrays for my own home and I started going online and buying vintage ashtrays. Smoking cigarettes has gone out of fashion, but when something is popular, it draws creative minds, and in the ’60s and ’50s and before that, all of these great creative minds and architects and designers were designing ashtrays. That’s definitely one of the thought processes that inspired what we are doing with Houseplant. I’m not above any second-hand ashtray reseller. I’ve gone to all of them online and I physically go to vintage and antique stores. I’ve found some great ones in Palm Springs. I think I have over 600 now.
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Juxtapoz Magazine 1996 Vol. 2 #3
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Super7 Japanese vinyl Mummy Boy
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Just Vintage La Solana ashtray
4. Smoke Weed
Smoking weed is so culturally acceptable now, thank God, in most of the country, not enough of it, but most of it. I’m from Vancouver where it’s very, very acceptable. Everyone smoked weed when I was growing up and I’ve been smoking since I was 13 years old, which is not necessarily something I recommend! [Laughs.] But it’s been well documented for me. Now, I just smoke weed all day, every day and I love it. And thank God it’s out there because it seems to be what I need. I know weed works for me. You’ll have a very hard time getting me to go somewhere I can’t smoke weed at this point in my life because it doesn’t seem reasonable to me [laughs]. I’ve equated it to, like, wearing glasses or shoes. It is just a thing I do to make my journey through the day more navigable. Could I go through my day without glasses or shoes? Yeah. Would it be much worse? For sure. That’s really how I view it.
5. Keep Family Close
My wife is incredibly influential on any creative thing I’m ever doing because I just talk to her about all of it, all the time, and she has great taste and opinions. I would actually like to find a way to maybe convince her to let [Houseplant] make a version of these really cool vases she does! There are some things we’ve kind of made together where it’s like, she threw it and I trimmed it or something like that, or I glazed it and she designed it. But we haven’t done anything “official” together. We talk about it, though, and we should do it. We’re open to a collab, sure. We work well together—and with our dog. She’s a Cavalier King Charles spaniel and she just turned 13 the other day. She’s so grumpy and slow now, but it’s wonderful. We actually molded a lighter off of her. She’s a real inspiration to all of us. [Laughs.]
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Houseplant Zelda lighter caddy
Read full article here
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
This is a particular type of kit and has a classification it's called a level 3 wide body and our son says you should do a rating system for it and you could work a deal with Wikipedia where you have a blog attached to it and it would be one that checks to make sure the person's real and then you can vote with a comment on how much faster it made the car go and a lot of people will vote and you can put the number in there and the computer can recognize the higher numbers automatically and you just put the number you can comment later and people think it's great they heard the idea go out to see raise an eyebrow
This first kit and we didn't count five by the way I think there's three the first one makes it go faster and it's all on the Volkswagen golf GTI performance vehicle and it's the V4 and it's all the same year I think it's 2014 and it goes from 0 to 60 in about 4.8 seconds to 0 to 60 and 3.9 seconds and the quarter mile from about 11 and then down to 9:00 and top speed from about 180 believe it or not up to 2:20 and people like it and the rating system would help it'll make it really famous these kits work and we want to do plants on kits on the Camaro and firebird they'd make it go from 250 to about 480 and if you modify the exhaust and top in it goes about 600 but really these numbers are real this Kit's real is looking at it and he's thinking about how cool it would be to get some speed off of the car and you guys think if he had a limiter if he'd be in trouble and you like that kind of stuff and we frankly do not like here attitude and style and he's not really trying to sell that anymore there's too much of it it's all over the place then again he's saying it but then you're saying it and you're saying he's a hot head and driving around he would get in fights and stuff and we really don't need that stuff I don't need a lot of this crap that you shovel everyday and you go after each other so often that the whole world thinks that you just sick people and you've already said enough basically oops and they just don't want to hear anymore so what we're saying is you should take a hike with all your extra crap but....
If your son gets this car the car will become famous with just a class 3 wide body kit and it gains 40 miles an hour and that doesn't include high performance stuff the motor you're probably end up going 250 or 260 and it can handle it with tires and rims and the exhaust and sound cool not too cool and you have to put coolant in but really it's not much work it's all topical and people love it okay they are getting in the mood it's going to be a hell of a day today it really is there's a lot of people interested in this kind of stuff and helpful there's a lot of foreigners who love it a lot of Asians love it and a lot of people who are acting like them in California they need to go faster this is already built it's a sturdy car they make them new and you can outfit new ones and the motors are better for all of these actually all the years and they hold stuff too the top speed we have 260 with the engine modifications with an extra 500 lb to go to 220 we were harder to handle but it stiff suspension
We like his idea of posting this it's a good idea they saw how well it handled and looked at it but they don't get it it's also front wheel drive so it works in all sorts of weather it has a lot of room in it so you can open the window and close it and get air if you have a problem with snowed in and things like that that you can sleep in it by putting the back down and there's tons of room and put their luggage in the seats front seats people like it I mean it's really a utility vehicle but it's small fast and consume around town
They're actually thinking about getting it down here and he said if I don't have any money I need to tell you to hang on to it until I get money cuz I don't want to spend it all just driving around and it makes sense there's nowhere for him to drive to so that's what he's going to say and that's the plan and he says what planet
Thor Freya
So out of my husband's mouth and his innocent boy still mind you he said they're going to give me a job they're going to take me to planet a****** and of course he means these people
Now wait a minute okay it's probably true but we're focusing on him cooking what looks like some plastic on the tray even though he's scraped It off and heard him say it it's pretty much gone
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