#And then see her do a Kique
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assmundr · 14 days ago
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More disappearing comments. This time it's one of mine!
Great job, Sleepy! You're really showing everyone how mature and collected you are about facing backlash when you silence anyone who dares to tell you they think your poorly written sexist horse comic is implying inappropriate things about a child's name. What a role model you are!
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zombiee-reviews · 5 months ago
The one character in Home that deserved the spotlight.
Ladies and gentlemen.. Akleja
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Not many really touch on Akleja, but thinking about it now, Kique should have given her the spotlight and given us more with her.
Think about it, she is the first female of the Meteor Tribe era that is born, literally free.
Akleja is the result of a new era of the ( at the time ) Meteor Tribe. She doesn’t have to live the horrid experience her mother and other female tribe mates had to endure. A good writer would have taken this opportunity for us to follow her along, on her journey.
Hell, Kique could have written some female tribe mates to even be jealous of Akleja, because of her born freedom. But sadly, we do not get much about her. Kique literally does not give a single damn so much so of Akleja, that she is pretty much an adult by the time you really get to see her. Bit upsetting right?
Kique could have really made a nice, flowing side plot line following Akleja, instead of a fat majority of the characters we’re forced to follow now.
Akleja could have been shown struggling in the tribe, over the jealous females; or even males! Or, if you’d like to follow a more positive side, you could have her living a fruitful life with the females and have some underlying hatred for the males.
Unfortunately though, Akleja is victim of Kiques one personality fits all characters. Aside from this, Kique missed a huge opportunity with her. It’s quite sad to see her brushed under the rug, even though she is a first generation FREED MT female.
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gleefultogo · 2 months ago
page 893 & 894
Alright. so can't ignore the elephant in the room. but what the actual fuck where these two latest pages? First of all the most down played and terrible explanation on why your quote on quote father is "damaged" like i'm sorry but ronja's daughters are gonna be young adults very soon at some point and she had't told them about ranach yet? like girl what were you waiting on. this entire convo was long overdue and kique rushed it so fast and swept it under the rug to get it over with, it's so poorly executed. fucking vandi, kargo and ferah could 100% vouch for her explanation on why he's so terrible. cause no rogio doesn't count, he enabled his actions and did stuff for him. he's just as bad and their relationship wasn't toxic unless proved. I wouldn't trust rogio as my damn uncle as far as I can throw him. again fuck that guy lol. but anyways, vandi is technically their grandmother now, this entire convo should of at least been a decent amount of pages maybe 4 at most instead of just saying "oh he killed people" like he did way more then "kill" he raped and should have an eye awakening of the past tribe living and how he manipulated their own mother. naeva's reaction is bit bratty when I first read this page, and honestly I thought she was stupid. as she rather listen to her own morals then her mothers over a father she never met, it doesn't matter as he has never been around in their lives for her to give a shit about him. also how is naeva gonna know its her father? does her mother have a fucking picture of him somewhere? she never stated his color or anything specific about his character appearance. since these dogs are apparently clearly aware of color and markings. though in a small degree, i kinda agree how she is reacting? she's still being a bit of a bitch honestly. but because her own mother refused to give her a detailed explanation and have her daughters truly understand why he's a "big threat". i feel like she could of easily said their father died or something if it mattered that much to her that she doesn't want her daughters to truly end up seeking him. I just feel, now that we might have this anti child turning evil motive that doesn't really make sense? there's really no real reason for them to switch sides and betray their mother if that's a possibility other than to just appease ranach since he can manipulate thats about it. it'll just be for dramatic useless tension. anyways... so instead of ronja being a parent and not going after her own daughter to try and talk some sense into her as this is a vulnerable topic for both of them now. instead we get the worst and dumbest transition in the next page. its night time now and what does ronja do? well instead of again reaching out to her daughter. deer dog pops up into her tent and well they basically have sex. we are once given the cycle that sex cures everything and holy shit i don't know how she can be in the mood for that. like omg just talk about your problems for once without fucking each other. also idk what deer dog means by "tender soul" my dude you barely been around her kids, every-time you were on screen you were either by ronja or standing in the background. I doubt you know what her daughter is like and just exactly know how she'd react. but honestly if naeva sneaks off or goes searching for her father. gotta say it's ronja's fault at that point cause she didn't give a care enough about her own daughters safety and rather get bonded. also off topic kinda, but I keep seeing people claim that naeva as the "black pup" is it just me? I don't see her as black in color, unless my eye sight is really bad and I dont know it. but I honestly have been confused by it. I'd consider her dark toned comapared to her sisters. but not black color wise.
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saltysplayt00ns · 6 months ago
Tearing Page 733 hind
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Tch MAAAAAAAANNNN!!!  I’ve been waiting for this page to come up, cause this is just blatant kique misogyny and sexist of making females complacent of something as serious as a scratch of the muzzle from a short fuss - right here and insulting of the characters who are in Asmundr Comic. It's like the movie: thing of a clone of the person.
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Page 93, 94 & 104
Lifa is just acting way too submissive on this when Lifa, who would never put up with this, Lifa of all dogs who know the red-flags of manipulative and threats of harm from unbalanced power dynamic,
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Page 143 & 265
LIFA who has told and taught the family to stick together and work as a team in a no mercy environment, protect your own and think with a clear mind -  is blatantly letting family abuse slide by. And immediately go to the next Subject cause showing how evil Marduck is then Lifa’s family basically falling apart is far more important. If it was Ronja, Jahla or a female family member - bet they would be ridiculed, belittled, practically coerced to apologize. While If it was Rogio or Ranach or Roamer getting hurt or pitied or had been killing people ( which they did ) , they would be coddled and sympathized - which is what’s happening here, Rohgir being sympathized for basically wounding his sister and daughter of Lifa and it's not bluntly told but implies for Jahla to be “ understanding “ so they can move on and be a happy family again. Ignoring/brushing the problem off doesn’t fix it.
Heck THIS IS NOT HOW ROHGIR ACTED EITHER, this is like a 180 of Rohgir’s personality.
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pages 263, 265 & 297
yes, he is blunt and crass and yes secretive, and would take risky decisions that would protect his family to live another day, but in any way shape or form would never raise a paw to another because his eugenic uprising would have him be Marduck 2.0 AND RANULFR .
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Kaine and Lifa should be shocked/horrified since this is The one who Rohgir's family + pack fought in a war against his father's ideology of being the superior species ( that he disowned as a a father ) , that also tried to also non-consensually mate with Niita; his aunt and Lifa's sister . Stressed or not you should never resort to hurting your siblings unpurposely.  Why are the Akiulfrs even under him as subordinates? at this point if he is willing to attack the triad  leaders who’re equal to him as family . That implies he's willing to hurt his own members who HAVE no equal power over him that are no blood related members. It would be a full on rebellion.
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Page 389 & 656
Roughhousing is okay, but everything is not fun and games when someone literally gets hurt. Most would even ask if it’s ok to do certain things or if a simple “ ow “ or “ stop, that hurt “ would immediately be apologized/stop all together. At least sensible people. Intentionally hurting someone needs to be stopped because you'll enable it and once enabled,  it will lead to toxic to dangerous behaviors, interactions or/and abuse. You see it all the time and you see it now.
The author really doesn’t know what he wants to do with the majority of the characters, cause literally everyone is a villan who is misunderstood or the moment he makes them a villain and then changes his mind and back peddles to make them not a villain but a misunderstood, sympathizing character. I rather suck a gallon of pure lemons before I sympathize with Ranach and Rogio.
Lifa like...this is your son, siblings or not you shouldn't be hurting each other nonetheless intent on killing. the fact Jahla doesn't even mention her biting Rohgirs neck that can kill or paralyze his spine is already a reflag of their own. why you hiding that fact saber teeth can puncture and do damage, they obviously don't break.
Lifa could have said: Lifa: “ This is not like him to… “ // ( To keep secrets yeah but not to twist the truth. )
Jahla: " he clawed my muzzle off …before banning me from the Island."
Lifa: " What...??!!”
Kainen: " He may be dealing a lot with a large pack..,"
Lifa cutting Kainen off: " It does not excuse my son to resort to retaliation. Threats, but not of family and certainly NOT of his own." 
Jahla: "we talk to him as a family then? Perhaps if he sees us be fine..."
Lifa looks off in frustration and disgruntlement: "We would, but Marduck would not approve. We would already be off to find the others if we did." // ( discard the page of that Marduck introduction and he is shown later after Jahla found him by the family describing him. )
Kainen, licking lips nervously, looks over to the Beacon and where Marduck went: " He's one of Father's own and makes it clear every chance he gets." // ( In a better scene Kainen indicating Marduck attacking the Rabishu and I Kainen to prove a point when he tried to leave. )
Jahla In deep thought, scrunching eyebrows: "Perhaps, I can talk to him. I am familiar with Father just as much as he is, just tell me what I need to know about him." // ( cause the old Jahla would be gun-ho excited of learning more about Father, after all she broke with Rhovanion, monologue a poor excuse with Rome, studied the hidden languages, taken in Father's creation; Avanti - is now acting hostile of a dog she barely even given a chance. )
And that would lead to the next Page Jahla encountering Marduck NOT CRAMMING IT IN ONE PAGE. it's like the dumbest thing to state an “ oh” .
Plus it's the same pose of 3 dogs sitting overhead/bird eye view and discussing. Plus Lifa’s face is Rogio like a copy + paste of Rogio.
We got now mothers enabling their kids to stay with strangers ( Feomeh with Diarko ) , Mothers letting their son do all the talking and leading ( Liari & Ralei  ) , mothers letting male family members keep their rank after disobeying a command from the leader ( Ronja and Roamer ) ,  and now excuse sibling physical assault (Lifa and Jahla ) ps. Forgot about the Nubia situation and Feaf of disregarding a non-consensual agreement to bearing a Hybrid child from the quote ' golden ' in quote lioness a few pages ago. Thanks to the commenter for jogging my memories ♥
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thewramblingwebcomicreview · 6 months ago
Wow, for whatever reason Kique decided to put the entirety of Asmundr on ComicFury. I enjoyed this comic when it was active, and it was one of the fateful reasons why I decided to give Home a chance. Pushing that enjoyment aside, Asmundr is an a average story at best. That still puts it heads and shoulders above what its sequel would become. The irony in Kique's disclaimer for the comic is something else, as he's become worse as a storyteller.
That said, yes Asmundr is heavily traced. The story was ripped off from 2008's Outlander, and there are swaths of the story that were never explained or ended on a confusing note.
Yet, when I go back I still find myself enjoying the story. And I'm marveling at how Kique is now so lazy with Home when he actually put effort into his first comic despite its flaws.
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Characters that can actually be friends. Better yet, Niita asks Kainan to clarify his feelings for her, and comes out and says they're just friends. No weird sexual undertones. Just two dogs being friends.
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A man stepping down from a position of power to make room for women leaders? It's more likely than you think in Asmundr! In theory this doesn't work out for Niita and Lifa, but I can't see this happening in Home. Plus, some of the women in this comic actually have agency and don't seem lost without a man telling them what to do. Mind-blowing given how the sequel would treat its female cast.
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Remember when speech bubbles actually indicated if a character was shouting? Yeah, I miss those days too.
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We actually had characters who weren't bland doing interesting things. Poor Vilda, she never got to say a single word in Home. Given how everyone's character has been ruined, that's probably for the best.
It's kind of a shame that given the last time I read Asmundr, that it's surprising to see common practices that Kique used to do in his older comic, but stopped doing for his current comic. I wonder how many Home fans who never read the original will go back to it, and see how much Kique enjoyed Asmundr, versus the lack of care or interest that plagues Home. It's telling that comments have been turned off for his OG comic.
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shadowlink06 · 3 months ago
Script: Home Deep Dive - Who is the Antagonist of the Story?
Hello darlings, I’m back with a mini critique of Home. For now there is a pressing issue that I want to ask readers of the comic. Who is the villain in this story? I’m not trying to be funny or anything, but I genuinely want to know. There are rumors that there are only 4 more chapters left within home. Trying to use the excuse “Just be patient” has long run its course and has been the same thing Kique has been saying for the past 5 years. We are at page 743 at the time I’m writing this script and the villain, and more importantly the plot of the story should have been addressed at the midway point if not one quarter in of the story. Unfortunately because Kique is ghost writing, he lost the plot to his own story. 
For some context, and for those that are unaware I have been writing for a long time. My background is heavily into the role playing genre of OCs for over 15 years and recently I've gotten back into fanfiction writing. I'm shamelessly pro-villain. What I mean by this, is when I pick up a story, whether that be a video game, a book, a role play or anything in between, I'm going to look at how the villain is presented in the story. Not going to say that I will fall in love with them, but I do gauge villains a lot harsher than I do the hero in the story. You might have heard of the adage of the “hero is only as good as the villain” and there is truth to that statement. The more that a villain pushes the hero, seeing how the hero responds from the emotional and physical standpoint. It moves the story, it gets readers emotionally invested. I write about the same subject matter as Kique, maybe you can argue worse because I have little hesitation on truly fucking up a character. The only difference between us is the genre. I don't write about feral or even furry stories, I'm just not interested in them and you know, gotta write what you are comfortable with.  
Still, there is a lot you can glean which is why I wanted to tackle this subject. I have a hard time believing that there is a true villain within Home. Sure there are pseudo-villains and just awful characters presented in the story, but not one of these characters stick out to me and makes me root for what they are trying to accomplish when we look at the story as a whole. I will present the villains or ‘could be’ villains and give examples of what is wrong within the story in regards to them. I’ll be saving Ranach for last because there is so much wrong if he turns out to be the true villain of this story. 
The Night Beasts:
One of the more prevalent problems is how the night beasts come and go by the whim of the author. In early Home, they were crawling all over the place the moment night settled over Aedra. They were painted out to be a huge issue to the dogs on Aedra and took the lives of many innocents since no one could figure out how to deal with them short of keeping them away with fire. In later Home, Kique just drops these guys from his story. Notice that when night scenes happen, ghouls are nowhere to be found. 
We learn later that the nightbeasts are being facilitated by the actions of the past MT Jarls, but Aira seems to be the only cognizant individual in this entire fucking story that knows how to break the curse of the nightbeasts. Notice that no one gives her credit for this discovery or is this plot point ever brought up again. 
The only time when the Nightbeasts come up is when it is convenient to the plot. The last major instance of them being mentioned was at the Tinget, and none of the dogs there wanted to try to fix the nightbeast problem which shows how self centered these assholes really are. I have zero pity for the plight of these dogs after the way they acted like burning a body was the ultimate sin, yet those fuckers have to USE fire to keep the night beasts away. 
There is also an inconsistency whether they have a real body or not. Fjordor’s implied that when Vaja lost her life to the beasts, she peeled her own skin off and became the black ghouls that we have seen in the beginning in the comic. However, after Zilas was killed and was ‘haunting’ Keirr, we see that he seemed to turn into smoke when Aira fended him off. Yet for some reason, Zilas’s ‘real’ body was able to be burned and his soul was released into the beyond or something stupid like that. This is actually an oversight that leads one to a lot of confusion but I guess Kique doesn’t believe his readers are aware of this notable error. 
 Either way, the ghouls in the comic are an afterthought these days and they have no purpose within the comic. Think about how the wall for MT was damaged. Notice that there is no danger or mention of the night beasts getting into the territory despite this safety issue. Despite being in open territory, Southspear and even Asmundr don’t interact with the night beasts. No one is concerned because god forbid we take away screentime from Roamer, Rogio, and Ranach. 
Meteor Tribe (Pre-Ronja): 
I’ll be mostly speaking about the MT under Arenak since that seems to be a long established tribe with their particular… traditions. Ranach briefly had a stint with being the Jarl, but I’ll bring this up in his topic later. For now let us dissect why Kique seems to be ghostwriting when we examine the MT. 
The first time we see an MT dog is when Ferah kills one that recently downed a rabbit for food. She wastes no time disposing of him to the horror of Zilas and Ronja. The next instance is Kargo meets a scout that was following the Asmundr pack. Kargo and the scout get into a flight, and it's shown that there is bad blood between Kargo/Ferah and the MT. 
The beginning of chapter 3, we are introduced to the character Ranach and we see him and a member sweet talking Galti and Alva to join them so they can help them and their pack. It turns out they have woken up on this planet and have been here aimlessly for a month. Given that Ranach also sweet talks Ronja, it is apparent that this character has a habit of luring unknowing dogs into his tribe. 
Later when Roamer wanders off with Kargo, they meet yet another MT dog Savas. This is Ranach's brother and after making rather lewd remarks to taking Ferah for himself, Kargo in a fit of rage kills him. We then get a small blurb of the way that those in the MT tend to get brainwashed and conditioned to serve the tribe when it is revealed that Kargo killed his own brother Ralek for trying to take Ferah back to the tribe. It is further elaborated that MT is a brutal society that work their members hard. Females in particular are used as no more than breeding stock that are the property of the Jarl. The males undergo rigorous training and Kargo was taken away. After two years, Kargo resisted the brainwashing tactics and decided to lead a rebellion against the MT and their ways. The end result is that Kargo, Ferah and a few members escaped, but the ones that were trapped ended up being killed. 
Ranach takes Ronja into the MT territory. Unknown to anyone though, Ranach ordered Rogio to poison the Jarl Arenak's meal. As the last living member of his bloodline, Ranach is named the new Jarl. And well… that's pretty much the end of MT as was presented in the story. I'll hit on what happens with Ranach is in charge in his topic, but for the most part that's the end of the MT before it changes in the hands to Ronja. 
To sum up, MT was a well rounded antagonistic tribe of the story. Filled with all of the negative traits and tropes that one would expect out of a villain in a story. For now, let's move on. 
This was such a confusing plot point. In the beginning, Jalha hinted that she had a feeling that Rohgir was hiding something from her. After Jalha and Rhovanian had their little fight, she stumbled on a portal that leads her into the sanctuary of Akiulfrs. There she finds out that Father created different bloodlines and this is the second generation of Akis. According to Rohgir, they are staying on the island to grow in population before they can venture to other parts of Aedra. I’m rather confused about where this “mission” that Rohgir states comes from. As far as the readers know, Father is interested in keeping the Asmundr pack safe and has never mentioned the Akis. Also I find it odd that Rohgir is interested in low key eugenics when Akis were made as a result of dogs mating with a Liulfr. It really doesn’t make much sense. Regardless, the next scene we see with the Akis is the group hunt where Jahla meets Thakir. It turns out while Jahla was with the Aki’s the Asmundr pack was relocated and Rohgir was aware of it happening. He justifies his actions by telling Jahla that he only did it to convince her to stay with the Aki tribe. 
When Jahla speaks to Thakir again, he brings to light the problems that come with Aki island. Mostly that there are many Akis that feel “trapped”, unable to view other places around Aedra. They also didn't grow up with parents leaving them with an identity crisis that can't be filled. Each of the Akis needs room to explore who they are and their purpose and it is stifling to be kept on the island long term. Thakir further states that the mental health of the tribe has diminished and eventually his words will not reach them as they lanish in despair. Jahla confides to Thakir that Rohgir has been lying to her and she can't understand why he is insistent on being here not knowing the culture or the Akis in it. 
Things come to a head when Jahla is taken to the ceremony called the Path of the Chosen. It is there that she learns Rohgir has rewritten the history of what happened in the events of Asmundr. This enrages Jahla and she demands to know why he did that which he replies it was to give them a sense of purpose. Jahla notes that it only boosts their ego and Roghir slaps her, setting off a brief skirmish. 
When Thakir tries to get Roghir to see reason, he points out that the dogs are well aware of their existence and do not approve of them. He notes that they plunder, raid, discriminate, and abuse each other and don't believe in the gods - which is the damn truth I might add. Roghir goes on explaining he wants to retain a pure species again and Jalha and Thakir gets banished from the tribe. 
It isn’t until chapter 12 that we see Aegier be rescued from the dogs and he comments that Roghir has changed. Notice that how he is changed is not expanded on, nor do we get any further information about this matter. And so far, that’s the only mention of Roghir that we’ve gotten in the entire story. I never thought that he was an enemy to anyone. He just wants to chill with his pack and be left alone so it’s rather odd that Kique keeps trying to give him this edgy personality. Sure he might be going about looking after the pack wrong, but if anything, that makes him nothing more than a cult leader, not a villain in this story. 
I have to include her since she has killed dogs within the comic. She was a summoned beast that was under the control of Ranach. She has the distinction of having hands like a human and ironically enough the comic would have been coherent if -all- of the characters looked like her. Regardless, she killed Jonna, Fuss, and Ulfir under the orders of Ranach. When Ranach assaulted MT after Ronja took over, she fought Rogio who broke the curse upon her by smashing the necklace that bound her to Ranach. After apologizing to Rogio in an odd language, she disappeared.
My issue with Avanti isn’t that she knows another language, but how come none of the dogs (that are supposedly intelligent) not know the language of the aliens? One of the things that bothered me about Avanti was when she was speaking to Rogio she was using the alien language. Did Rogio understand her? It's not really clear. 
While we are on that subject, what are the chances about Avanti or Walrus Jesus not passing on the Alien language to the locals? Even if they didn’t, wouldn’t they be smart enough to write it down or have dogs to translate the works? They have scrolls therefore the act of writing and reading is established in this world. The fact no one knows the alien language is a cop out and a poor world building choice. How does Avanti know the common (English) tongue? When did she learn it? From Ranach? No information or explanation.  
The Lone Wolf: 
Look, Kique can have 100 dogs say how terrified or hurt they have been with the lone wolf attacks, but it means nothing as Kique refuses to show any foreshadowing or even show that this character actually exists within this comic. We’ve only had 3 mentions of it throughout the 750 pages so far. Notice that we never see the dogs that were supposedly injured by this character, it’s all done off screen. I am convinced that this mcguffin exists just to give credence to the racism that Kique does in this comic which is kinda disgusting when you think about it. Wolves and dogs descended from each other, that’s just a fact, so why dogs show such fear towards wolves is odd. I’ve said this before, but a Southern Jaro can be mistaken for a wolf rather easily. I’m sorry but the dog tribes in this comic aren’t exactly painted as just and understanding, so of course I’m going to assume it’s one of them that did the attacks. Kique honestly should have done this, but because he is not using foresight in this comic, it’s a missed opportunity.
I had to wind back the pages to when Southspear was first introduced in the comic. It was actually when Jalha met an injured son and his family in their territory. Notice that the tone that was set for Southspear was one of danger. If you didn’t tow the line, you would be attacked and forced out of the tribe or killed. The mother states that Southspear’s way of life is killing them. 
Fast forward to after Ranach killed Kargo. He willingly goes to seek out the Matriarch of Southspear. Instead of being greeted by sword and shield, we get two guards that seem to be friendly and even escort Ranach to their leader. So already we have a potential contradiction here as the dogs can at least be reasonable and won’t attack out of the blue. Notice that they also let the courier from Solarstag into the tribe for the Tinget and he went unmolested. Hell, even when they have sex with each other, everyone consents to it. So from a moral standpoint, Southspear is actually better than Pre-Ronja MT.  Also notice when Lycenia meets Ranach, she greets him in the same way a Meteor Tribe member would do to a female so they know full well what MT is like. Sadly like all women in this comic, Lycenia softens her tone towards Ranach even calling him a runt and agrees with Ranach’s idea to remove the Solarstag by launching an insurrection against them. 
Another issue is the way that it was purposely shown not to kill their ‘prey’ they were stealing from. This only made me more confused since the mom at Havenreach painted it out like Southspear were savages. Which is it Kique? Are they savages? Or should they be pitied? Pick a fucking lane dude and STAY there. Now with the introduction of them becoming rebels to the capital, their original purpose has lost meaning and this is another tribe that can’t be considered an exclusive villain when it had all of the workings as one. 
The Forngryms: 
I don’t know why Forngryms were added into this story as they make the capital by extension look like dumbasses in the grand scheme of things. For some reason, the capital viewed Forngryms as savages and Taiga lions not. While I get that the Forngryms are much more intimidating out of the two (technically 3 large cats) featured in the story it brings forth a lot of questions. For instance: 
On what basis did the matriarch choose to mark Forngryms as dangerous/savage? 
You are talking about a full blown genocide of a species. This would require the cooperation of all of the dogs on Aedra. This seems to go against the world building aspects because these dogs are presented as being selfish little assholes when it comes to implementing group/world policy. See the Tinget mess for more information.  
Why did the Taiga lions think that this couldn't happen to them? Why didn't they fight FOR the Forngryms? They are cousins at best and more aligned than the dogs. One thing that is constantly frustrating is that these characters have no concept of self preservation. There should have ALWAYS been suspicious of the Matriarch after this stunt and never trusted her. This is a normal reaction and a logical one that a character with a brain would have. In the later pages when Ranach and Solar Stag visit them, there is a noticeable tonal shift the way that the lions view the capital. This was hamfisted out of the blue and it only begs the question, why didn't they feel this way before? Again, this is a storyboard issue. 
So… ignoring the continuity problems. We are introduced to the Forngryms when Rogio goes to see the Sapphire Elk. He frees Kargo from the world in between and the two are trying to warm up in a cave before they are ambushed. The two are taken prisoner and they meet the Chieftain. He blames the dogs for wiping their species, bears, and the sabred wolves to near extinction. It is clear that there is a lot of rage within him and he is very antagonistic towards Rogio and Kargo. They end up speaking to the mother Feomeh, that explains that the reason why most of the Forngryms are half blind is because they give their sight to their god Kannaug in exchange for health and prosperity. Her son Diarko hasn't performed the rites yet and that is why he appears healthy.  
You know, it's weird. The gods and spirits on Aedra work on monkey's paw logic. Basically what I mean, for every blessing that is bestowed upon a victim, they have a negative connotation associated with them in the process. I don't have a problem with this because it does add depth to the universe, but one thing that seems to get overlooked is it is presented as just… not a big deal? Eigfeigr for instance an unborn sole when he went to Ranach, Sterkr when it affected Aira took away her humanity. I have to give it to Kargo that he pointed out the hypocrisy, noting that the Chieftain looks pretty damn healthy while the other members of the pride are abused. Rogio convinces the mom and cub that they could have a better life and they flee. The mother gets a spear thrown in her shoulder and seems to drown, and Rogio, Kargo and Diarko manage to make it back to MT/Nordgarde. It comes out when the Guild visits Whispervale, that Feomeh managed to live and was found by the tribe. Axilyah knowing the danger a Forngrym poses decided to report it to the capital much to the protest of Feaf who wants to take Feomeh back to the Shiverfall tribe. 
I'll come back to this later when the public pages get caught up with what I already am aware of, but one of the reasons I believe that Feomeh was not killed off was for a hamfisted plot point. Make no mistake, I do not believe that Kique actually cares about Feomeh in the slightest because of his track record with disabled characters but let's move on for now. 
The Capital/Matriarch:
The issue with the Capital that I’ve always had is that nothing ever makes sense in terms of the rules that they set in Aedra. I don’t even think it is proper to call them ‘rules’ as it seems that no dog has to follow them. As it is stated on the wiki, these are guidelines and there appears to be no punishment when someone doesn’t adhere to the rules minus attacking a member with a seal, but that presents a whole other host of problems I’ll try to touch on. 
When we are introduced to the capital, it is by ways of the Guild and the leader Axilyah. She exposits the purpose of the guild and how they serve under the capital. Through her explaining to Ronja, we learn that the Matriarch is a mysterious figure that guides the tribes on Aedra. The way that she is described, they are supposed to be fair, just, and understanding. They offer humanitarian aid to tribes that need it. No one has to follow her, but many see her as a grand leader. So… that is what the reader is presented with at first. Seems like a good start for a powerful being in this universe. 
Next time we have a hint about the power of the Matriarch is when we see the Bounty Hunters. They were called to fetch Jalha and Thakher when they killed the Flameguard members in self defense. Here is also where we see the cracks of the capital in the way that they handle this predicament. First, we get to meet the Matriarch Ninmah, and she happens to be the last Liulfr because reasons. So it turns out in the past there was a lone wolf that attacked several dogs. This dog didn’t kill anyone, but gave scars that will live with them with the rest of their lives. As a result, many of the dogs feel that wolves are dangerous. Alright, fine, Rohgir and his wolves that don’t go anywhere are dangerous. My question has always been if these dogs are forbidden to go off the island HOW do the dogs know of the Akis? It’s been established that Rohgir doesn’t want them leaving which means the only other possible conclusion is the dogs went looking for trouble. And given the track record the wolves were within their rights to defend themselves and their territory. Someone is lying here and I don’t understand why this got glossed over.
So it turns out the big brained move Ninmah decides to do to turn this around is having Jahla create a new tribe and have the locals get to know the wolves and divert the crisis. On paper it’s fine, but as you move through the story, despite Jahla being groomed to take over the Asmundr pack, it becomes fairly obvious that she is inept for this task. The basis is to TALK to the locals. Heavenreach is situated nicely between several different tribe territories. Do you think Kique bothered to have Jahla have an interaction with them? Of course not, because that would be too hard. What he did do though is have Jahla howl for a good month (maybe more if I’m not mistaken) to acquire Rome, her new love interest that she dumps Rhov for. Now you would think that Ninmah would actually follow up, give encouragement, or try to facilitate talks with Jahla and the natives because again, according to her, Akis are about to start a war. Kique couldn’t be fucked to do this though so it shows just how little she gives a damn. 
Further proof of this is the incident with the nightbeasts. After Keirr puts Zilas to ‘rest’, off screen apparently the incident was brought to the attention of Ninmah and she initiates a Tinget meeting. Don’t get me wrong, alerting the natives of a potential ‘cure’ of the nightbeasts would be a good thing but it’s HOW it is presented that leaves a lot to be desired. Lahmina recounts how the Matriarch has been ‘testing’ the theory of ghouls being killed permanently by doing experiments herself. Which when you think about it implies that she either killed dogs or were familiar who these ghouls which is impossible. Fjordor stated that when a ghoul rises, they peel off their own skin and becoming black outlines of who they once were. So by that logic, how did Ninmah know who these poor dogs/cats were? It’s a logical inconsistency. The only thing that would make sense is for Ninmah to have killed dogs recently which…opens a whole can of yikes and tarnishes how a reader should view this character as a caring and just individual. 
Then there is the incident with the Lowglade Tribe. While I know that this particular plot point is mostly Kique throwing a tantrum, it tarnishes how a reader views the capital and Matriarch as a whole. The whole reason for showing this tribe has to deal with their bioluminescent paint that will stave off ghoul attacks. Fairly useful and easy to make and is less dangerous to use than fire. Seems like it would be a good commodity to use in Aedra. Well, when Kique had a falling out with Staz, instead of continuing to use this in the story he just removed this plot point together. This was seen with Rhov and Feaf went back to the territory and several capital members had blocked off the way to Lowglade and forbidden anyone to enter. We will likely never see this tribe again, but the damning implication is that the capital did something to these dogs which is again another… yikes. 
Then we have the issue with the Forngryms. Because there has been no foreshadowing about their existence, the explanation as to why they are limited in number was not thought out very well. Kique seems to forget that the dogs on Aedra appeared a mere 30 years ago. I get that Kique won’t grow the fuck up to know this, but this is barely two or three generations that you are looking at in terms of the time that passed by. If you want to go by dog years, then that is perhaps four or five generations which I’m being generous here, but it still isn’t a lot in the grand scheme of things. And considering that dogs are immortal, replenishing a tribe's number seems to be a low priority when you look at the births that we’ve seen within the story as well as the lack of puppies within the various tribes. 
Regardless, we have Axi who upon discovering that a blind and clearly scared Forngrym exists decides that she wants to hand her over to the capital because past laws stated that they are considered too dangerous. And I want you to think about that. Feomah is blind, she is half starving with a cub in toe. Only a dumbass would think that she’s a danger to anyone. Sure it is possible she could reproduce and build up a population that MAY cause issues, but I doubt this is what is going through their mind. They see someone different than them, they have to destroy it. Eugenics at its finest. It is not surprising that Feaf and her mother take issue with this and appeal to their Viscountess Eopei. This creates friction between Solar Stag and Shiverfall and well… lets just put a pin in this issue because if you didn’t hate the characters in the Solar Stag now, oh boy… 
From chapter 13, Marduk is shaping up to be a villain but not one that was made naturally by the events within the comic. For those unaware, this character was created by Kique’s former co writer. See Val’s video if you would like to know what went on. I’ll link it in my description. Because Kique didn’t create this character, I do feel Marduk is being dragged in the mud so to speak out of spite. In the earlier chapter of Home, he had one of the more memorable scenes when Raimo attacked him after Zilas died. Marduk expressed remorse and had a range of emotion within him showing that he wasn’t one dimensional and acknowledged the limitations of being a god. He does express a certain jealousy towards Father, but at no point is it indicated in the few times we’ve seen the Asmundr pack that he wants Kainan and the others to look at HIM as their god. 
When the Rabisu attack Asmundr, it turns out they are really after Marduk. He activates the obelisk which causes pain in all of the Rabisu members. We see blood leaking from their noses and eyes and it looks like this type of torture is painful. Kanien stops what Marduk is doing and tells him that the gods bowed before THEM rather than Marduk implying that they should all bow before him. This seems just… so out of place. If Marduk truly thought this, it would have made his intentions clear from the start. When we first saw him, he just wanted to be a part of the pack, maybe get to know them, he looked at Kanien and the others with a certain admiration and acknowledged his limitations as a god. This is again Kique self sabotaging his own story. It also doesn’t help that we get very little details as to what actually has been going on in Asmundr because the newest generation is the focus of Home. He might as well just killed Asmundr off like Zlias because they aren’t contributing anything and we have this hamfisted villain that is so goddamn cartoonish. 
We briefly saw Marduk showing an interest in Feaf’s pregnancy, and he does seem to want to have an understanding with Jalah, and while I find it odd, it’s not evil. If anything, it shows an interest in species manipulation and as a god, okay it might be a hobby. Being a god of creation leaves a lot of wiggle room. 
This is such an ill conceived plot point and from viewing the upcoming pages, Kique just ran with this with absolutely disastrous results. Just to avoid drama I'll not spoil pages that aren't being posted publicly but I'll likely do a blurb on Marduk when we get caught up to a particular section. 
The Aliens/Father:
Although Father has only been seen at the beginning of home, there is a lot to be desired by the way he treats the Asmundr pack. One of the more pressing matters is that Father expects someone else to do his dirty work for him. This was seen in Asmunder by the way that he treated the Shield Wolves and the Red Eye Disease. As advanced as the aliens are, you would think that they would be able to think of a way to contain it, they are Gods after all. 
This is the issue with including Sci-fi elements (and I suppose fantastical theology) in a story. As an author, the genre gives you the advantage of creating things out of thin air (literally). Because it is advanced and futuristic, you aren't held under scrutiny as hard as someone making a historically accurate piece of fiction. It is hard to conceptualize that “Father” could create a generation of Akis out of thin yet, not have the means to stop primitive humans for causing destruction on Earth. 
While we are on that subject, Father put the hero of Earth on Aedra. He didn't tell them of the dangers of the nightbeasts, he didn't let them know that several dogs had already been moved to this location for several generations! Either he didn't know of the dangers which is just a ridiculous take, or he knew of it and put the Hero of Earth and his pack in danger. What a fucking asshole. 
It is rare to think that the author of their own story as the villain, but for this particular story I’ll make an exception. This story doesn’t need to be as long as it has been because simply put, nothing is happening. This is a circle jerk of the author getting off on his own Gary Stus. He has made no show that making fun of Roamer, Rogio, and Rome will get you on his shit list. Despite how much this is an issue, Kique hasn't grown out of this rather juvenile tantrum. Kique, you present yourself as a man, fucking act like one. 
Case in point, the way Marduk is handled. I do not believe - nor will I ever believe that he had any intention to make this character a villain. However, because of the fall out with his co writer, he is fucking over this character for no other reason than spite. It doesn't matter what Marduk’s relationship/characterization was prior to this happening, Kique is pushing this narrative. And please, I do understand that shit happens, but there is a right way, and a wrong way to do a pivotal shift if you change your mind about a character. This is also seen the way that he is floating the idea of killing off Kargo again because again, God forbid a character is more popular than his fucking Gary Stus. 
While I’m half kidding here, he honestly would make a compelling villain within the story with how much destruction he has caused to the dogs he has come in contact with. He is responsible for enabling Jarl Arenek’s practices of kidnaping dogs and raping females. Though I have noticed that Kique has been rather careful to not mention Rogio mounting one before. If you take into consideration he is a fuckboy with no boundaries that went after Roamer, would have gone after Rhov, and is making it seem like fucking Kargo as of chapter 13 is appropriate this character has serious issues with using sex as a tool. Yes, Roamer does to an extent, but he has nothing on this asshole. 
So in the beginning when we are introduced to Rogio, he appears to be a stoic, loyal member of the MT. It is revealed early on that he is willing to comfort Ranach when he reveals that Silas has been killed. In fact, he is so devoted to Ranach that he kills Arenek on Ranach’s command. What is interesting to note here is that he didn’t do it to improve the female’s condition or to give them a better life, he did it because his lover requested it of him. So Ranach takes over MT, Rogio is made Baron, but then we have this little back and forth of Rogio upset that Ranach takes an interest in Ronja when the implication was that he and Ranach were supposed to be the ones to rule the tribe together. So this characters perfect little world was thrown into disarray because Ranach broke a promise and tossed him into the wind. 
Even after this, Ranach still wants to fuck him and explains that the only reason that he said those things is because he was scared and blah blah blah. Point being is that Rogio, despite everything that has happened chooses to forgive him and they fuck. Then we get to Kargo being captured, Rogio comes in to clean his wounds and here Kargo calls Rogio out on his cowardice. Rogio admits that Ferah is alive and for some reason decides to betray Ranach by freeing Kargo and Ferah. This of course goes against what we are shown on screen because he has no valid reason to betray Ranach. Remember, he loves Ranach, Ranach is his partner, he would do anything on Ranach’s command even if that means killing his own father. So I don’t understand why even use Rogio for this plot point. Rogio finds Roamer, the two hatch a plan to help Kargo and Ferah escape. 
And again, we see Rogio using his body to entice Ranach to sleep with him. He ties up Ranach and frees Kargo and Ferah and they along with Roamer try to escape. Rogio is caught and Ranach marches him to the outskirts to be killed. Before they part ways, Rogio emplores Ranach to let him help him because he knows that there is good inside him and he loves him, and all of this other bullshit that I can’t take seriously because again the fucker betrayed him for NO FUCKING REASON. And you know the story would have honestly benefited if he died here, but Kique seemed to have fallen in love with this character and scrapped his script to make sure he stayed alive. Kargo, Ferah, and Roamer save Rogio and this sets off a chain of events that I can only describe as cringe bullshit. 
The first thing that happens is that we see that Rogio keeps having nightmares. He takes the form of a ghoul-like entity that is supposed to be terrifying. It is presented as a consistent issue and we see bags being put under Rogios eyes to reflect this. Rogio shares a moment with Rhovanian and I didn’t notice this before, but Rogio actually asks of Rhov will join Roamer. It’s just… weird because why ask for Roamer specifically? Why not Kargo? 
We then get to where Rogio overhears Kargo and Roamer arguing when it comes out that they kept the fact that Ronja was in MT a secret. While Kargo offers to go back with him, Roamer refuses and tells Kargo to stay away. And just for clarification Rogio eavesdropping on other characters is a constant thing with this character, especially when it comes to Kargo and Roamer. Rogio follows after Roamer and laments that he didn’t know what Ronja met to Roamer which is a fucking LIE. When Ranach told her the bullshit story about Kargo and Ferah and how they are outlaws, Ronja was concerned because she knew that Roamer was with them. The whole reason why Zilas died was because Ronja sent the MT out to LOOK FOR ROAMER. This is such a fucking red flag with this character and shows just how deceptive and manipulative he is. The two start the journey back to MT and Rogio passes out because of the effects from the bad dream I guess. Here Rogio confides in Roamer that the MT has a hold on him and it affected how he sees himself. Then we have a small blurb about Rogio trying to justify why Kargo wouldn’t want to go back to the MT because you know the rapes and mental chains that you just admitted to having. Because no one else can have that but you, you rapist piece of shit douchebag. Then we get into the heart as to why Ronja would go to the MT. While Rogio is quick to point out that Ranach lured her there, he is oddly muted as to why she wasn’t used for breeding purposes. In fact not only does he minimize the fact, it points that Oreo Twatwaffle went to someone else which is not… good? I mean if you lure someone with the thought of being in love with them and go to someone else, what does that say about Rogio? He knew that Ronja loved Ranach with all of her heart. How do you qualify that by choosing to STILL sleep with Ranach? See what I mean, this guy is a slimeball and not once is Kique willing to call him out for the horrible things that he’s done. 
In the interim, they walk back to the Lonely Village were Zilas was killed, and Rogio is surprised to learn that Roamer didn’t get the full details of what happened. He assures Roamer that if he was the one that was sent to find Zilas, he would have NEVER let that happen because you know, mental chains am-I-right? Rogio is quick to point out that he was not born in the MT but forced to be there which again his bullshit. He had a chance to disappear after he was nursed back to health, but he stayed because he fell in love with Ranach. There was a side that only he saw that no one else did, and yet, he didn’t try to manipulate Ranach to improve the female’s condition, he didn’t try to seek help, hell he could have ran away with Ranach if he felt that strongly about it. He sat back on his laurels and let those in lower positions suffer. THEN he has the audacity to say that Ranach tossed him out the moment that he got an excuse. Motherfucker are you for real? You BETRAYED him. You let the rebels go when it was clear that Ranach hated Kargo and Ferah. He is so self absorbed and Roamer just takes him at his word and never questions him in the slightest. And even after knowing that Zlias died, knowing that Kargo likes Roamer, knowing that he was the cause of suffering, he fucks Roamer. Perfect stand up guy ladies and gentleman. 
The pair make it back to MT, and despite Rogio being branded a traitor, he is greeted with smiles and cheers. Roamer also sees Ronja and it seems that Rogio is taken aback watching Roamer wanting to be with Ronja. He comes up to Roamer later and notes that he doesn’t want what happened between them the night before to be a one time thing. In fact, he presses that Roamer despite being inexperienced, new to relationships, and only having one previous lover that he CERTAINLY wants it to. Roamer leaves to say his goodbyes to Ferah and Kargo and Rogio is left with Ronja. Now what is interesting in this dialogue is that it is Ronja that is the one to apologize first to Rogio. She didn’t do anything to this asshole, but unprompted, it’s just an apology out of her mouth. Also, not only does Rogio lament that she was scared and confused, he remarks that he was also jealous of her. Meaning that this fucker sleeping behind his back was less about loving Ranach, but how dare his lover want someone else besides him! And because Rogio is oh so special and everyone was overjoyed to see him, Ronja offers him a position back in the tribe. No questions asked. And despite how Roamer is conflicted when he gets back after making peace with Kargo, he is assured that he is meant to be with Rogio and they have sex. 
We meet later and there is an issue with the dwindling food supply. Normally the herd is relocated elsewhere for feeding, but because of Ranach’s threat after he was kicked out of the tribe, Ronja decides that enough is enough and they need to hunt down Ranach. Why they are so bothered by the Twatwaffle is a mystery, but let’s just go with it. Ronja asks for a group of volunteers to scout for Ranach. Roamer goes, Fuss, and Fremja but you know who doesn’t bother? You guessed it, Rogio. Despite him being offered a position in the tribe, despite knowing that Ranch would likely freeze up, despite knowing that females who have been abused for YEARS are willing to risk their lives on the line this pile of horse shit can’t bother to face his tormentor because of mental chains. 
During the scouting mission, they stumble upon the shrine that was erected for Avanti. Fuss notes that the beast was likely summoned by Ranach. You know, a supernatural creature. That alone should have made them fall back and not too surprisingly they get attacked. Roamer gets a knife in the leg trying to protect Fremja and just as the creature is going to kill Roamer, Fuss burns the shrine and saves them all. They retreat back to the tribe. Rogio, horrified gets over emotional and they publicly shows affection to one another. Vigr sees this and lets Rogio know that Ranach went mad after he thought he killed Rogio, he points out that because Rogio IS alive they can use it to their advantage and again, despite this douchebag being the second in command, despite the trauma of others, despite him swearing up and down how he wants to fix mistakes in the past, despite fucking protecting someone other than himself he shows how much of a selfish coward he is. No one calls him out for this. No one tells this bastard to be a man and do what needs to be done. 
The next day, Ronja sends out another party out to deal with this using Rogio’s scent supposedly. This detail never gets brought up, nor is Ranach shown to react to it at all. Jonna and Fuss are killed as a result of this. Roamer puts it together that the person that Rogio fell in love with was Ranach and despite everything, he points out that while Ranach is a monster, he acknowledges that softer side that Ranach showed Rogio was valid and just a bunch of stupid self verification that makes me want to vomit. Rogio once again isn’t called out for his shitty behavior and never will be in this story. Kique tries so hard to make him appear likable but the source material proves just the opposite. Fuss and Jonna are given a funeral and Rogio remarks that burning the bodies is unnatural and… and this just is so out of place. Instead of lamenting that this dogs died BECAUSE OF YOU you make a show of how they are sent off. Fucking hell. 
After Kargo kills the two Solar Stag merchants, Kargo decides that the best course of action is to take Ferah back to the MT. They have no idea about Ranach or Aventi but given the circumstances this is the best that they can do. It is no surprise that Kargo is still sore about what happened between Roamer and Rogio and he attacks Rogio in a fit of rage. Rogio says that NEITHER he or Roamer expected this to happen and BOTH of them were broken and hurt and I just… want to punch him in the face so bad. YOU were not hurt, you were given a choice SEVERAL TIMES and you didn’t take it. YOU decided you wanted to be a horses ass and not do shit. YOU SLEPT WITH ROAMER a fucking DAY after he and Kargo broke up. That is malicious as shit and no I don’t believe him when he says that he didn’t plan it. He uses his body to get what he wants, he is a whore. Regardless how angry Kargo is, he’s fucking right here. No lies detected. Again Rogio insists that he was abused by Ranach which is a lie and he should have been a better friend to Kargo which he never has been. Basically this is trying to paint Rogio out to be this magnanimous character and stick it to anyone that has anything negative to say about him. 
Despite everything, the only ‘point’ Rogio makes is that Kargo left Roamer alone with the ghouls. And I just want to say that this is a stupid hill to die on. First, Roamer knows that darkness means the ghouls come out at night. He was told that, he knows that lore. Kargo was understandably upset that Ferah appeared to have died when he asked Roamer to save her. I’m not trying to excuse Kargo here, but Ferah is his best friend in the whole world. It would be out of character if he didn’t lose his shit. Vandi reveals later that both Kargo and Ferah’s mother prayed to the spirits to help their children. That Kargo’s rage and anger are likely the result of this and that their mothers died knowing they would protect each other. This revelation doesn’t do anything for me. It explains why Kargo has rage issues, but it doesn’t add to his character in the grand scheme of things. Regardless, Kargo decides to seek out Rogio and ask him pointley does he love Roamer? He doesn’t say yes, but admits they are taking it slow and don’t want to hurt each other. Kargo says that if he breaks Roamer’s heart, he’ll kill them and well that’s just the end of this relationship that Kargo and Rogio have. Apparently this is Kargo coming to terms with the fact that his ex moved on. I don’t agree with this but Kique refused to properly address this because he doesn’t know how to deal with conflict so he lobotomized Kargo’s method of thinking. And if you think I’m being hyperbolic we’ll see this play out later in the story. 
For now, Ranach decides that now is the right time to attack the MT. He sets the walls on fire and he and Avanti jump the barrier. Interestingly enough Avanti is the one that senses Rogio. She disobeys Ranach to look for Rogio. And I need to stress that. This creature, that is summoned, that is duty bound to Ranach defies an order.  There is no on screen explanation given, and while I’m pretty sure Kique gave a reason in the comments section that I’m too lazy to find, he just fucked off on his own worldbuilding for the sake of keeping this fucker alive. So Kargo and Ferah face off against Ranach, Avanti hunts down Rogio because… reasons. With how easily Avanti shredded Fuss and Jonna, a logical person would conclude that Rogio would get his ass handed to him. Notice the way that the fight plays out. In Joanna's case, she was grabbed by the scruff of the neck and based on the amount of blood, likely got deep lacerations before bleeding out. Same thing with Fuss. While Avanti does go for the scruff at first, then she hovers over Rogio instead of just grabbing him again. Avanti gets distracted by Akleja, Rogio manages to get his mouth around the necklace that she is wearing and it shatters. Again, there is no in universe explanation for what this does and the significance of it. For reasons only in Kique's head though, this stops this dead set mode to kill Rogio. Avanti says sorry in her alien language and she just leaves. 
In the aftermath, Kargo is killed by Ranach and we see a very emotional Roamer saying that he is hungry to kill. Which… okay? I don't understand this change of character. It was pretty much painted out that Kargo was a hard friendzone and I have a hard time believing that suddenly he cares so much about Kargo. This is the same dumbass that was willing to go back to MT knowing of the emotional trauma that happened to Kargo and Ferah. The two friends that he was willing to travel Aedra together and then suddenly decided that staying with Ronja was more important even though the whole reason Ronja got involved with MT was BECAUSE he wanted to explore Aedra with his two friends. It's tonal whiplash. 
We fast-forward to after Ronja has her puppies and Roamer comes into the hut and discovers that Rogio has stepped down. And while I agree this is needed, he should have done this when he got Fuss and Jonna killed. His sudden need to step down now is hollow at best and I don't find it sincere in the least bit. Again we have Roamer saying that Avanti looked death in the eye and saved Vandi and Akleja and I almost want to ask him what does that make Kargo who was willing to look Ranach in the eye, saved Ferah and likely everyone else in the MT because you know… mother fucker was trying to kill them all! Rogio leaves Roamer and when we see them again, Rogio's nightmares apparently came back. Notice that this wasn't an issue when he was fucking Roamer before Kargo and Ferah arrived on MT lands. Roamer tries to initiate sex and Rogio rebuffs him. 
Next day Ronja notes that Roamer and Rogio seem more distant since Kargo died and I'm sitting here rolling my eyes. I don't feel sorry for either of them. Their entire relationship was built on sex, the emotional needs were barely factored into the equation. Supposedly Roamer cares so deeply about Kargo and I haven't seen anything that hinted he wanted to mend the relationship. Sure, they hugged each other after Kargo went ballistic on Rogio, but even during the dance before the attack, Roamer was spending time with Rogio and didn't try to check on his ex. Anyway, a courier informs Ronja that a Tinget was called and like usual only Rogio seems to know where it is or what to expect even though MT doesn't go to Tingets. It's all so fucking frustrating. It's very simple. Ronja just needed to ask the courier to make a map, give directions, or something in between. But no, Rogio has to save the day AGAIN. It is decided that he will take Ronja to it. On the way there, we see Rogio's ghoul apparently still bothering him. He tells Ronja that he's fine and they go to sleep. After the Tinget, Rogio and Fjordor meet and for some reason Rogio opens up to him. Now keep this in mind. Rogio hasn't spoken to his lover, his leader, but the old gimpy man he met once? Oh he'll spill his soul out to him. Rogio confides that he thinks he will hurt someone and Gimpy asks what he believes he needs to do. Rogio replies he needs to leave and Gimpy responds to do so and win this fight. Whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. This is the same idiot that that indirectly caused Kargo's death. The same one that despite knowing that Kargo had trauma reported him to Solar Stag, the double standards that the characters in this comic displays is disgusting. 
When Rogio and Ronja go back home we see this rather confusing scene of Rogio charging a random dog near their camp. Rogio is aggressive and it almost is like he doesn't want to listen to Ronja's command to let him go. Then he goes on this paranoid tirad that the dog is likely not from the tribe he claimed and they are looking for weakness which… okay. Where was this demeanor when it actually mattered? This paranoia and untrusting of others? By this point the MT walls have not been repaired, if they were concerned about being overtaken by other tribes, they have not DONE anything to address it. It's artificial and frankly, a bit too late. Now, as the two make their way to MT the next morning, Rogio tries to ditch Ronja but fails. Makes an excuse and shows again how uncommitted he is to his convictions. 
It's been fifteen days after Rogio returns and he still is having nightmares about his ghoul. He wakes up abruptly, Roamer tries to talk to him, wants him to open up and Rogio just glosses over it and tells him he's fine. Then Roamer confides that a part of him died with Kargo and he can't smile and laugh like he used to anymore. He implores Rogio to let him know if they are over. Here is where it should end, Rogio has been giving Roamer the cold shoulder for ages, he doesn't talk to him, he doesn't emotionally trust him, and by his own admission he is a danger to others until he can get his ghoul under control. Does Rogio have a moment of honesty? Of course he doesn't because that would mean that Kique would admit that Rogio is a shit character. Instead we have Rogio selfishly sahing that he doesn't want their relationship to end and then Roamer, the dumbass that he is asks not for Rogio to open up to him but to touch him. Like… seriously think about that. Roamer is saying I want to Have SEX with you, not that I want you to be open to me, not that I want you to stop avoiding me, I want physical sex like we used to, and damn you and your feelings. Fucking hell. Now to Rogio's credit, he doesn't do what Roamer wants and walks out of their hut. 
Oh don't worry children, because we have yet another night where Roamer sees Rogio packing to leave. And while Rogio states that he doesn't want to drag Roamer down, notice that he doesn't try to cut their relationship. Roamer pleads with Rogio to talk to him which he finally admits to killing and or hurting Ronja and Roamer. Roamer uses the power of “I love you no matter what” and again we meet this tonal whiplash again where suddenly everything that Rogio has done up to this point is excused and they have sex because of course they do. 
After Roamer tells Rogio to seek out the Spirit of Serenity that he learned from Kargo and this is another issue I have because early on, Rogio stated that the spirits are not to be trusted. They promise everything and take everything. Hell, his home tribe was attacked by a spirit,but I suppose because his boyfriend said it, it suddenly is okay. You do you Kique. So we have this whole arc of Rogio going to silence the demon inside of him. 
The next time we see Rogio, he's on the summit. He recites the words on the stone which tell him to lay down his armor and be exposed and vulnerable. The Elk spirit states that they have been waiting for Rogio and notes that great sadness has been inflicted on his heart. And… I want ask this spirit what fucking sadness are they talking about. Just about all of the problems that Rogio has ARE caused by Rogio. This isn't some 4-D chess move from all of the proof that is provided in the story. Part of Kique's problem is that if he thinks that he says something, it becomes true. That's not how storytelling works. Rogio is a selfish, horny asshole. There isn't a lot more to his character than that. Regardless to what the reader thinks though Rogio says that he is willing to put his life on the line. Wouldn't you know it the moment he gets thrown into this world, he pulls out a knife when the fucker was supposed to put everything down for his trial! This fucker failed the trial the second he took it! I don't fucking get it. He should have had his soul ripped asunder and had the ghoul devour him but again, because Kique refuses to let this fucker die he fights and defeats his ghoul. Somehow Kargo his in the space in between and gets saved by Rogio. The two are thrust back into the world of the living and we have this neutered version of Kargo. 
Kargo who barely tolerated Rogio suddenly is more subdued. One of the notable exchanges is how Kargo says that he is in Rogio's debt and I'm going to pause the story and explain this because the implication is insidious. Kique didn't like Kargo, this was clear how he split Kargo and Roamer up, this was obvious how the break up went, obvious when Kargo went berserk and attacked the Solar Stag merchants, how quickly Roamer moved to Rogio. He had no intention on keeping Kargo around which is why he was killed off in the stupidest way imaginable. What Kique didn't count on was that Kargo turned out to be one of the best written characters in his comic. Despite his issues, he was relatable and had a lot of fans. Given the backlash, I do believe that he was bothered by it, and perhaps he learned to like the character again which is why he came back. However the issue was, he couldn't have Kargo come back how he was because many preferred Kargo and Roamer versus the Roamer and Rogio pairing. In order to self sabotage this from happening, he had to alter the dynamics of the characters. 
Allow me to explain further. In order to avoid a situation where Roamer might fall in love with Kargo again, Kique had to make Kargo subservient to Rogio. This puts Kargo in a position where he is forced to remember what Rogio did with him IE save his life. Because of this, it is doubtful that he will do anything to upset Rogio or sabotage his relationship no matter what his feelings about Roamer are. It's emotional blackmail and for someone that used the term ‘bound in mental chains’ which this character specifically, Kique is an asshole for doing this. This is part of the reason why I believe that Kargo speaks so strangely to Rogio in this chapter specifically. Yes, I realize that he's hurt and in shock, but it's more than that. 
Anyway back to this mess. The Forngryms find Kargo and Rogio and they are captured. They are supposed to be sacrificed for a feeding ritual even though starving them on a pole for a few days would make them loose fat and therefore be more undesirable but just continued to consume product without thinking and then we meet Feomeh and Diarko who take pity on the pair and decide to believe the dogs and free him, they escape, Feomeh seems to drown and Kargo, Rogio, and Diarko make it back to MT. 
Again, there is still more of this odd exchange with a sub Kargo and Rogio. The more that I see these two interact the more I feel that this is Kique more than the characters themselves. Kargo for instance says that while believe alive again is not a burden he is tired. Rogio suggests that he could travel elsewhere or join Ferah if he wants but he can make his choice later. Over a fire, Kargo makes the decision to fight Ranach since he is a threat to those he loves. That's fine and all, but one of the things that has bothered me is why let one dog dictate your life. They act like Ranach is a god, he's a fucking twink who has plot armor. After MT lose a few members it is decided that the tribe relocate and start over. This is something that should have been done with Ranach left but whatever. Better late than never. While Kargo and Roamer are visiting Ferah, MT get attacked by a nearby tribe with the warning that they disband or die on the land. This is again a hamfisted plot point because there has never been anything stopping MT from getting attacked but okay. I also don't understand why now when many at the Tinget know that MT is ran by Ronja unless they just think that she was lying or have selfish motives but whatever. 
Roamer speaks with Kargo a little with Diarko and once again we have Rogio eavesdropping on the pair. When Roamer joins Rogio back in the hut, that's when Rogio suggests that they include Kargo in their relationship which again, based on the dynamics I mentioned earlier, doesn't seem like he's being sincere about it. I don't doubt Kargo loves Roamer here, but what I do question what Rogio gets out of it. It's not like Kargo and he have any dynamics other than ‘I saved your life’ and this weirdness with Kargo's personality change make it very, very superficial.  
As of 884, that's all that I really can report on Rogio at the moment. As you see, Rogio is very manipulative, maybe just as much as Ranach in some cases. If he was unironically written, he'd be a damn fine villain how he uses trauma to use other people to his whims. 
Ranach: Goddamn Oreo Twatwaffle 
God, I’m going to need ten minutes to explain this bastard - and not in a good way. I’ll just go ahead and say if anyone likes Ranach unironically, I question your tastes in villains. He is generic at best and highly offensive at the worst within this story. 
Lets go over how he was portrayed prior to chapter 6 since there is a noticeable change that occurs within the comic in regards to this character. 
He’s manipulative, this became obvious when he lured Galti and Alva into the tribe. I do believe that his reasoning for taking interest in Ronja had everything to do with kidnapping her and the Asmundr pack too but that's neither here nor there. After he had his father killed, he took over the pack, named Ronja his Viscountess, Rogio his Baron, and decides that MT cannot move forward until they deal with the rebels Kargo and Ferah. Despite how he has used Rogio for pleasure, when he questions why Ranach is showing interest in Ronja, he tells Rogio that their time spent together meant nothing and as his Jarl, Rogio is no longer his secret lover anymore. 
Ranach sends a group to the Lonely Village and orders Zilas killed offscreen. While that happens, he tells Ronja that they are close to finding Roamer thanks to her ‘friends’. The group tracks down Ferah's hut while Kargo is desperately searching for Ferah who fell off the waterfall because of Aira. Kargo gets captured and is taken to MT. While that is going on, Ranach tries to make a move on Rogio and he rebuffs his advances based on what was said earlier. Ranach puts on puppy eyes tells him he made a mistake. Rogio walks away and Kargo is taken before Ranach. Ranach is convinced that Kargo made a pact with a spirit and tells him he won't let him go free from the world until he spills his secrets. Roamer asks Kainen for help and the two of them confront Ranach which he tells them to fuck off and note that tribe matters are not the business of outlanders. 
Ranach is seduced by Rogio later. This is done, not because Rogio had a change of heart, minda you, but just because he wants to free Kargo and Ferah. They manage to get away with Roamer, but Rogio is captured and is taken to the outskirts to be sacrificed. Knowing that Rogio makes him weak, he leave Rogio and sentences his lover to death. After this happens, Ranach withdrawals from the tribe, let's Ronja lead it and eventually goes mad. He finally leaves the tribe without a word, determined to get Rogio back by asking the help of a spirit. When he meets the Keeper of the Undead, it informs Ranach that he has to offer his unborn to get Rogio back. Realizing that Ronja is pregnant he goes back and finds that the gate is blocked and the MT members are not too happy with Ranach abandoning the tribe. It comes out that Ranach had Zilas killed and in a fit of rage, Ronja tells Ranach to never return or he'll be killed. Somewhere off screen, he and Ulfr meet and decide that they will take revenge on the MT. This leads to Ranach summoning Avanti with a shrine. This creature does what Ranach commands without fail and they are ‘lovers’ from the spell that is used. After the second attempt, Avanti kills Fuss and Jonna and this is were we get a scene where Ulfr nearly gets raped by Ranach. While Ranach says that he would never lay with him before, the implication is still there. When Ulfr rebuks his advance, Ranach uses Avanti to kill him. While MT is under siege, Kargo and Ferah make their way back to MT after Kargo killed the Solar Stag merchants. Interesting enough this is one of the few times that Ranach can use his nose to smell the pair (but for some reason can't smell Rogio even though he's been there much, much longer) and it inspires a fit of rage. When we see Ranach again, he's have a nightmare where it seems he was a pup that is separated from his mother. His father tells him to stop calling out to her and it ends with him waking up abruptly and going to set fire to the MT and start his assault. 
After Avanti leaves Ranach, he faces off with Ferah and Kargo. Ranach is giving the advantage because he is the only one with the knife (omg plot armor!) and he manages to overpower a supernatural dog that has bear power. It's the dumbest fight sequence I've ever seen in my life. Kargo is an experienced fighter even without a knife but he doesn't land a killing or maiming blow on Ranach at all. Instead, he manages to kill Kargo, and slips away without anyone able to chase after him. 
It isn't until later that we find that Ranach ran far, far away in the Southspear territory. When we see him again, he's talking to himself. This is something that he hasn't done before, or since actually. I don't even get why this was done other to hint that he's crazy? But even then, this isn't something that happens again, so I'm confused why Kique did it. Two Southspear guards see Ranach and when he says he's here to see the Matriarch, they take Ranach to meet her. On the way, Ranach sees a knock off Rogio that he is clearly taken aback by. When he is taken before Lykenia, he asks to join her tribe. Given what we know about Ranach, this is not something that I would expect for him. He is a leader, not a doer, and I do believe that this is more manipulation for an end game he is working on. Lykenia accepts him and he is part of Southspear. 
When we see him later, he's obviously having a hard time adjusting to the high heat. Iberon recruits Ranach and a few others to join them with hunting down a wagon. We see Ranach struggling to keep up, but Iberon is willing to slow down his pace knowing that Ranach won't make it. They catch up to the wagon and Iberon tells Ranach to not kill who they are robbing. They manage to secure the goods and that's pretty much the end of the scene. Next time we see Ranach and Southspear again, a courier brings new of the Tinget, Lykenia has no interest in joining but Ranach wants to capture and question someone going to it. Lykenia puts him in his place and later Ranach realizes that Iberon came from the north and starts to piece together that he might be related to Rogio. He is propositioned by one of the Southspear guards Koegos but turns down his advances. 
Some time later Ranach is asked to go with Iberon to hunt. Ranach as it turns out, is horrible at it and by the time they get back, Ranach changes his mind and decides to have sex with Koegos. Later Iberon asks Ranach once again to join him on a raid. This one however his a trap set up by the bounty hunters. One of their members is killed, and Iberon is nearly killed himself until Ranach saves him. When they get back, Ranach laments that they should do something about the bounty hunters which Iberon explains nothing can be done. Ranach presses the matter saying that the capital shouldn't be able to do what they want and not look down on them as beasts, but the problem here is that they… are thieves? It's like getting mad at a prostitute that says she will not love you, but have sex with you. It's kinda… their job?  You chose to live this way, of course the capital isn't going to like you. I don't get this train of thought at all. 
Ranach seems to spend his day sleeping with other members of the tribe after that. It's pretty clear he wants to bed Iberon because of the Rogio link but is too much of a pussy to ask. Iberon seems to be keeping a close eye on Ranach too which I'm not sure I understand but I guess Kique subtly shipping them is a thing. When we see Ranach later he pleas to Lykenia to make a move on the capital. He proposes that they find like minded tribes to overthrow the capital and live how they please. She asks for time to think about his proposal. 
A very angry Iberon walks into Ranach's hut and is not too happy that Lykenia approved of his suggestion. Iberon, Ranach, and a few others are supposed to look for tribes. Iberon tells Ranach that he doesn't give a damn about his intentions and has no intention on dying for a cause like this. Lykenia makes a plea to her people that they have all been treated unfairly and intend to spark a rebellion against the capital. Iberon is still sour and Ranach tries to appeal to him. Iberon points out that he knows Ranach has bedded all of the males in the tribe and leaves them the next morning. Ranach then says that he doesn't want them, but Iberon and throughout this annoying dialogue Iberon presses Ranach against the wall and fucks him. 
They wake up the next morning and Iberon asks Ranach about the scar on his face. It comes out that his father didn't allow same sex bonds and punished Ranach for being caught by giving him it. The thing is… unless Arenek was a complete moron, there is no way he wasn't bound to notice that his son was still have sexual relations with Rogio. According to Jonna, Ranach wasn't seen with females often and I'm sure many saw the way that he was spending time with Rogio. This is another ill conceived plot point that you aren't supposed to think about. The two tend to their affairs before setting off to the Shiverfall Tribe. 
On the way there, Siqhaala remarks to Iberon that they are surprised Iberon is attached to Ranach. Iberon further clarifies that he isn't with him, but just is allowing Ranach closer to him because he appears to be more honest. Siqhaala tells him to be careful and notes that they can feel that Ranach has done bad things which Iberon says he'll never let Ranach hurt anyone. Ranach makes an appeal to Shiverfall saying that they are in chains and not truly free from the capital because if they step out of line, they will be killed. Flamegarde also joins them, noting the incident with the Red Wolf Jahla. 
And so far, that's all I have for Ranach and his bullshit arch. While I agree that this character shows signs of a villain from a pragmatic point of view, I'm not convinced he will turn out to be one in the end. Part of it is due how the capital and Marduk is being presented, but then we have Ranach having this Jekyll and Hyde type of writing. I do attribute this to how Kique personally feels about the character which is why I'm convinced Kique will try to redeem him despite all of the horrible shit he has done in the comic. 
My own thoughts: 
Because this comic is beyond help, I’ll just say this. All characters in a story need motives and have a set of principles, yes even a villain. For a villain, you might not agree or approve with their actions, but their manner of thinking or characterization should be constant or have a REASON for an abrupt change if one occurs within the narrative in the story. One of the pitfalls that I see for a lot of writers is believing that villains need to be sympathetic or have a redemption arc going for them (Disney is especially bad with this). I am pretty old school, not every villain can be set up to be like Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender. Hell, I'll even take it a step further and say that not all villains need a REASON for the actions that they do. They are called villains for a reason.  
A constant and consistent problem that this story has is there is no overarching plot. Instead, characters just move around because Kique wants them to. There is no rhyme or reason for it, but it’s for the sake of dragging out this story as long as he possibly can. Home shows why it is important you plan out your story with an outline to keep the characters true to their nature. As it stands, there are too many contradictions with the bloated cast of characters in Home. Something that a character did in one chapter is forgotten in the next. There are so many plotlines that are not tied up that it just creates confusion within the story. What happened to the nightbeasts? What happened to Southspear being labeled as dangerous? Why did Ninmah decide that Forngryms were dangerous but Taiga lions aren’t? It’s all so messy and it could have been fixed if Kique gave a damn about his writing. 
Ranach is supposed to be a main character in this story but the later chapters show him being sympathetic AKA redeemable to the audience. Honestly, after the actions that he has done, the last thing any competent writer should be doing with this character is trying to explain his backstory this late. It would have been a far different case if we knew this information from the start, but it makes it seem as though this was thought of later which is more than likely the main reason as Kique is having a change of heart about this character. I do not genuinely think that Ranach will die by the time the comic ends. There is way too much exposition done to show that he is the ‘good guy’ within Home and that is fucking disgusting.
If this was my project, I would make Ninmah the overarching villain with Rogio as a secondary one. I don’t like her for reasons that I’ve stated in my Solar Stag video, but she has the making of a true villain by manipulating all of the dogs to do her bidding. It would have been easy to make her the Lone Wolf and make her responsible for the phobic tendencies displayed by the dogs. It divides them and keeps them under her control and they are easier to manipulate. The issue with Solarstag is that they want everyone to respect them but give nothing back in return. They MUST be respected because they are the self proclaimed capital. If you don’t believe me, look at how they are treating Kargo who had a PTSD attack and killed the merchants. There was no trying to figure out what happened, no asking his side of things, he was just sentenced to death. Meanwhile Jahla killed two Flameguard members and she was pardoned for her crime as it was declared in self defense.  The implication is that mental illness and past trauma should not be taken into consideration when looking at a person. Do not get me wrong, if you do something bad, yes you should be punished, but to just sentence someone to death shows just how little Kique thinks about this. 
For anyone that writes a villain, have them commit to being one. Not everyone can and is meant to be a Zuko. If they do unspeakable actions such as what was seen in the Meteor Tribe, those characters are not worth redeeming or being sympathetic to. Murder, rape and kidnapping should not be taken lightly and Ranach has committed all three without any self reflection or remorse - yes even with Rogio here. Kique is flat out refusing to lean into the serious crimes this character has committed. You should be asking yourself why the author is doing everything he can to redeem this bastard, but that’s a topic for another day. For now, I’ll just end it here letting you ponder on what I’ve mentioned. Even after breaking down all of the potential villains, there is none which makes you wonder what the fuck have you been spending over 800 pages reading? Asher out. 
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alrightbuckaroo · 2 years ago
thanks for the tag @jesuisici33! this came out much sappier and longer than expected but oh well. Rules: Everyone uses the same word prompt. Write as much or as little as you want for any fandom. Tag at least 5 peopleThere’s NO time limit! Just have fun! Reblog or post separately
"Carlos would kill me if he knew I was showing you this." Andrea flips through the photo album, the plastic pages crinkling against each other as she turns the through it. "This is was the first time we took him to see the Easter Bunny."
Andrea shows TK a photo of a five year old Carlos who's teary eyed and red faced. "It was also the last time we took him to see the Easter Bunny."
Andrea points at a photo of a nine year old Carlos in wide-brimmed black cowboy hat, black button down, a denim jacket and denim jeans. "He wanted to be Cordell Walker from Walker, Texas Ranger for character day at school. He said he wanted to be just like his dad."
Next to it is another photo of Carlos is the same outfit, but Gabriel is kneeling down to be level with his son. They're both wearing cowboy hats that are battling for the focus of the photo. Carlos is smiling TK's favorite kind of smile. He remembers seeing the same smile when he asked Carlos to marry him. Carlos is smiling like he's unapologetically happy.
"Who's this?" TK reaches for an amalgamation of fuzz that's sitting in the box. After pulling it out, he sees that's it a stuffed Koala that's a little weathered, faded grey and missing a blue button eye.
"Kique." Andrea says the name fondly, like she's being reunited with an old friend. "Most kids had a safety blanket, but my Carlitos." Andrea reaches out and gently rubs on one of Kique's ears, feeling the soft fur against the pads of her finger. "He had Kique."
Andrea tilts her head and takes in Kique's missing eye. "If only we knew where that eye went, though." Andrea sighs, then shrugs. "I don't know, part of me wonders if he still needs Kique, maybe even now more than ever." Andrea looks at TK and smiles. "Then again, now he has you."
TK grins at the statement, flattered that Andrea thinks so much of him. That said, TK looks at Kique and can't help but think, maybe having a couple of reinforcements isn't a bad thing. And he is pretty sure he has a couple of buttons lying around the apartment looking for a new home.
"Andrea," TK begins, hoping the answer to the question yet to be asked will be yes. "Do you have a sewing kit?"
Andrea smiles and TK feels hopeful. "I sure do."
"Hey baby," Carlos announces when he walks through the front door. "I stopped by the pharmacy and got band-aids, like you asked. Are you finally going to tell me, oh my god." Carlos eyes widen when he sees TK's red stained fingers. "What did you do to yourself?"
"I thought I knew how to sew." TK says while looking at the tips of his fingers. "Turns out, I do not know how to sew."
TK watches as Carlos frantically opens the box of band-aids. "I promise, it looks worse than it is."
"Well it looks pretty damn bad." Carlos had already unwrapped a band-aid and is working to take off the pieces of paper on the back of it. "Why were you sewing in the first place?" He wraps the bandage around TK's right index finger. He doesn't need to, TK could do it himself, but Carlos wants to. He looks up at TK. "TK?"
"I was trying to surprise you." TK comically frowns as Carlos wraps another bandage around TK's left ring finger.
Carlos raises his eyebrows. "I'm surprised all right. What was the actual surprise?"
TK holds up a band-aid clad finger and walks into the bedroom before walking out with a stuffed koala one with a blue eye and a red eye. "Your mom took me down memory lane."
"Of course she did." Carlos mutters under his breath.
"And in doing so, introduced me to Kique, the one eyed protector." TK wipes at the red button eye. "Figured I would take matters into my own hands to make sure he has a second eye. Better to see any oncoming monsters with."
He passes the koala to Carlos, and Carlos smiles TK's favorite kind of smile. "TK, you didn't have to do that." Though, based on Carlos' reaction, and the way he instinctually grabs on to Kique like he never wants to let him go, TK think he had no choice but to do just that.
"I know, but I wanted to." TK tries to respond casually, but his grin gives him away.
"I can't believe I have Kique the Koala back in my arms again." Carlos smiles down at the mismatched eyes. "I'm going to cherish this like it's what I love most in the world. Well second most, I suppose."
"What's the first?" TK asks, eyes bright with knowing.
Carlos reaches over and pulls TK into a kiss. "You, and I think you know that."
TK smiles and it's Carlos' favorite type of smile. "I did, I just wanted to hear you say it."
no pressure tagging: @heartstringsduet, @carlos-in-glasses, @catanisspicy, @rosedavid, @strandnreyes, @reyesstrand, @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @bonheur-cafe and @sanjuwrites :)
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emsprovisions · 2 months ago
Hello! Last week I asked if you'd be interested in some scrapped Carlos drabbles from a fic I don't think I will ever finish. They're a bit heavy/angsty because I wrote them to explore different stages in Carlos's life. So here is the first one, about a ten year old Carlos. Enjoy! 💕
The Right Instincts
Word count: 722
Divider can be found here
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Carlos scrambled to his room, trying hard not to let the tears break until he made it to privacy. He knew he wasn’t allowed to slam his door, so he settled for leaving it ajar behind him, before grabbing his worn and beloved Kique the Koala from his bed and crawling beneath his desk. He clutched Kique close and began to hiccup, tears already streaming down his red-cheeked face. 
Bonnie nosed her way in, trailing after Carlos and curling up beside him to offer her comfort. Bonnie was technically Ana’s dog—a bribe for no longer being the baby of the family—but she’d grown up with Carlos, as she came into the family not too long before Carlos was born. They were both ten now, but for a miniature poodle, that meant she was toeing her way into old age. She always liked Carlos, because he didn’t try to force her into dresses or chonguitas like his sisters did. She curled up and slept in his bed beside him most nights. And he always gave her his table scraps when Papá wasn’t looking. 
Carlos petted her, clammy hands roaming through her white curls, trying to calm his tears and stay quiet so his dad wouldn’t come in here and yell at him some more. 
“Hi, Chica,” he whispered. “Thanks for coming to check on me.”
“Carlitos?” The door was pushed open, and all Carlos could see were his dad’s heavy boots trudging forward. 
He watched his dad’s legs bring him closer to Carlos, heard the groaning of the mattress as he sank onto the edge of Carlos’s bed. “Come here, son.” 
Carlos looked down at Bonnie, who looked up at him with her big, brown eyes. She licked his arm as he crawled past her, out from beneath his desk, Kique regretfully left behind on the floor. He didn’t want to get yelled at for being a baby, too. 
“Stand up,” his father commanded, and Carlos stood, refusing to look anywhere but his dad’s eyes. “Mírame, son.”
Carlos bit his lip and met his father’s eyes.
“I didn’t teach you self defense so you can go around punching your classmates.”
Carlos bit his lip harder, so it wouldn’t quiver. “He was a bully, daddy,” he mumbled.
“Speak up.” 
Carlos swallowed. “He was a bully.”
Gabriel sighed. “I understand that, son, I do, but you still can't go around hitting people.”
“He was making fun of my friend, Papá! I was defending my friend, like you taught me!”
“No, Carlos,” Gabriel shook his head. “Words don’t hurt people. Your actions do. You can’t hit someone just because they said something mean to you.”
Carlos’s balled-up fists shook at his sides. He knew he was the one being punished, sent home early from school, his dad’s disappointment like gasoline he felt being poured over his veins, but he knew he wasn’t wrong for defending someone else. His dad had taught him that too, after all. He was used to being the kid that got picked on in class, so when Ricky Hernandez turned on Jake, Carlos knew he couldn’t let anyone else be treated the way he was. 
“You’re no troublemaker, Carlos,” Gabriel said, and Carlos always knew he wasn’t. That wasn’t what this was. He just didn’t know how to make his dad see it like he did. 
“I’m sorry,” Carlos whispered, just wishing to placate his father so he would go away.
“You’re damn right you’re sorry, mijo. You are going to sit at this desk and write an apology letter to Ricky Hernandez, to your teacher, to your principal, and to your mamá, because you will be telling her what you did when she gets home.”
Carlos tried not to shake. His mom being mad at him would be ten million times worse, he hadn’t even considered her reaction yet. He felt more tears prickle behind his eyes and he dug his short fingernails further into his palms, trying hard to steel himself. He wouldn’t cry in front of his dad, that was a punishable weakness he couldn’t afford at this point. Not when his tears were brought on by his own actions. He wasn’t sorry for hitting Ricky, but he was sorry to be in this mess now. He was sorry for himself, and maybe that was the worst punishment of all.
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zombieekittens · 2 years ago
So my main questions from the new page dumps from Kique..
WHERE THE FUCK WAS JAVO ALL THIS TIME?? I almost didn’t recognize him. Needless to say, he seemed really close with Vigr in the beginning of the comic, what happened to their friendship?
And the reindeer miraculously surviving all this time? Why didn’t father relocate the reindeer with the asmundr pack? And speaking of them, HOLY SHIT KIQUE FINALLY PUT THEM IN THE COMIC AGAIN. Back onto the reindeer, it would have been more satisfying to say that the reindeer evolved to glow than just saying they were blessed by a god.
When the guild is spying on Skullcrest and Dragonsfall, why are they wearing their bright ass necklaces in the dark? Anyone could see them coming a mile away, especially thru thin bushes.
Also, with the wall down, how come the Meteor tribe hasn’t been attacked by night beasts? Or even mentioned a sighting of them in the territory? ( oh that’s right, they don’t exist anymore lol )
Alsothe creepy ass anthro poses from Rogio and Kargo when they’re in the baths, which how the hell did they make those? Lol
There’s not even a hint of excitement from Ronja in her facial expression when she sees Rhov. Sure, he’s giving her clues to not say anything, but she can at least not look like someone killed her puppies lmfao.
So you’re going to tell me that the bounty hunters within a six month+ range spent all that time in the south, when they literally made ONE appearance in Southspear? And they didn’t even bother to approach the Meteors at all? I mean, if the crime that Kargo committed was so “high priority” ( yknow since he killed a capitals merchant.. ) to them, they would have had at least figured out what to do by now. I mean they found Jahla pretty damn quick, within like two days from her crime it felt like. But it takes 6 or more months for you to finally bring up Kargos crime??
In conclusion, I love that Kique tries to cover up plot holes hundreds of pages later. I would rather him just drop them than try to cover them up with the most confusing bullshit.
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shadeakala-blog · 3 years ago
Hi everyone, i hope you are doing okay and that you are safe. Especially the ones from Ukraine and near them (me included).
Today i wanna talk to you about page 695 and how Kique and his friends force people to like Rogio instead of Kargo.
Here we have Kargo finally asking the most important questions:
1. Ranach
2. Roamer
3. Ferah.
Questions who needed to be asked in the first place not small chat with Rogio. The most annoying things is that when Kargo asked about Roamer, Rogio had the nerves to act like he owns Roamer and even claim that Kargo was given a second chance to better himself. Lets all remember that Kargo had done small, understandable wounds on Roamer while Rogio wounded him heavily in the last couple months (i mean, if my bf would give me the cold shoulder treatment for 4 months i would just break up with him and go alone).
Kique tries so hard to make Rogio loved by the fans that he actually makes him look like a clown.
Rogio used Roamer bcz he kept his nightmares away, now i wonder what will he do with him, he no longer has an inner demon so no need of Roamer.
Also, Kique censors the comment section so bad...why is it even there if you don't care about the hones opinion of your fans. He allows asskissers/asslickers to comment but not us the ones who are truly dedicated to his work, who really just want him to improve.
Let's remember Kique was my idol before he and St4z showed their's true colors. I even liked St4z but she turned out to be who she is, a lier, abuser, bully (no wonder she likes Ranach so much and thinks he is redeemable, i really wonder why she choose Kainan instead of Ranach on her NSFW piece, oh yeah i know, bcz she knew people would hate her and call her names and that Kainan was seen as a hero in Asmundr, so for views and fans you do what you need to do :)))
Back to our sheeps. In the second screenshot you can see an asskisser of Kique, he even invents things about Kargo to make Rogio look better. Invets things like:
1. Kargo guilt tripping Roamer (the only time when Kargo snapped at Roamer and snarled at him was when Ferah disappeared into the waterfall. Kargo's anger was justified, a random dog (outlander) caused the disappearance of his long life friend, Ferah.
2. That Kargo abused, manipulated, forced himseslf on Roamer. The only time when Kargo really hit Roamer was when he snick behind him and surprised Kargo asking about Ferah's condition. KARGO NEVER FORCED HIMSELF ON ROAMER, when Roamer said things are too fast he changed the rhythm to a slower one. He was caring and gentle with him.
That was all for today, i look forward for your opinion about this subject and hope you are doing well. See you next time!
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assmundr · 29 days ago
"Because we all know that a woman is not a woman until pregnancy/childbirth/motherhood/rape/infertility/other uterus related topics, is an integral part of her story" lol preach
If I had a penny for every time I encountered this in a story, I would have enough money to be able to quit my job and fully focus on the second part of the Asmundr/Home review lmao
Little tangent under the cut
I am honestly so tired of this still being an issue in the year of our Lord, 2025. It's even worse then the writer/artist are attempting to portray something "progressive" through their writing, but still somehow end up doing this.
Like, Andy Weird for an example. I loved The Martian and Project Hail Mary is honestly one of my the most favourite books I have ever read (read Project Hail Mary PLEASE I'm begging you I AM BEGGING ON MY KNEES-) but his second released book, Artemis? Atrocious. I have no idea what possessed him after he wrote the deliciousness that is The Martian to then spit out the kind of lukewarm mess Artemis was. I couldn't get past 60 pages, and I only got that far because I loved his two other books and wanted to push through. But I couldn't.
It absolutely is because of the main character, who is a woman (unlike the main characters in The Martian and PHM) and just kinda written as if an alien once did a Google search on what a woman was, spent 20 minutes reading about them on Reddit, then wrote a book about one. Nearly on every page, the reader gets reminded that the main character has boobs and has sex, because it's the most progressive thing ever to say women fuck!!! The MC has "not like other girls" vibe that obnoxiously overtakes over everything else happening in the book itself.
One of the worst books I have ever read, The Spectres, has many issues, but the biggest one gotta be how Every. Single. Female. Character. in it's story is defined by what male character they're currently attracted to. Every. Single. One. No matter who's POV it is, if it's a woman, her internal monologue and their actions will always circle back to the man she's into, completely defining her by her attraction to them instead of, you know, defining her by her personality like a regular person should be. And yes, this book was written by a man, if you were wondering.
It's even funnier when other people call this shit out, but then write it into their stories themselves, either being completely oblivious to it or bending back over backwards to excuse why it's okay if they do it. I once knew a person who heavilly criticised the badly handled sexual assault/rape in Home but then they had their own character raped/taken advantage of MULTIPLE TIMES for the sake of cheaply written drama and also have them have like seventeen miscarriages, too, because we all know the story of a person with a uterus isn't compelling until something like that happens to them. They also had a character they used as a clown and a comic relief in their writing that they were weirdly attracted to, while they were also a rapist (who assaulted several characters. Yes, it includes the previously mentioned one as well) All of this while they called out Home and Kique for misusing these topics for cheap drama/trauma/shock value.
I'm just. I'm so tired of this. I'm tired of seeing women and female presenting characters in media that's not even of this niche be written this way. Have rape, assault, pregnancy/birth related trauma thrown in left and right as if those are the traits that define women. I am tired of having to research the media I wanna engage with, whether it's a movie, a game or a book, to figure out if something like this will be a part of it's story. I don't mind at all reading about this, mind you. What I do mind, however, is when it's cheaply used as a sterotypical "female" trauma authors throw into stories so they can then label them as dark or provoking or some other shit. A woman is more than her uterus, a woman is more than a vessle for some cheap drama, and I am getting really tired of seeing this writing so often.
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zombiee-reviews · 5 months ago
Ronja Character Discussion / Breakdown
• The Damsel • The Unfit Leader • The Clueless
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- What we will be going over
• Her early history.
• Read along breakdown / discussion of her character in the comic.
• Why she is clearly unfit / clueless af running MT.
• Early History
From what we know about Ronja, she was born in Kiques first comic, Asmundr. She was born around the time Kainan finally rescued Lifa and returned to Asmundr, only to find out the territory has been claimed by strangers. A pack, sort of similar to MT in their way of thinking and beliefs.
Ronja is born to an old female named Zita, presumably the result of a possible unwilling pregnancy, but who knows. Ronja is also the niece of Raela.
It is also interesting how Ronja looks nothing like she does in Home, picture(s) for examples:
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Even though Ronja now has an interesting coat color, she did look better in Asmundr. Only reason I say this is because, judging from how Raela looks, I’m sure her brother ( Ronja’s father ) looked the same. Kique seemed to have a better understanding on how genes worked, back then at least lol. Otherwise, can someone explain to me how you get a rip off ridgeback dog from a dark wolf ( Zita ) and a dog similar to Raela?
Continuing.. Kainan managed to kill the leader of the pack and free Ronja and her mother. Zita died shortly after their rescue and Johaan ended up adopting Ronja as his own.
In Asmundr, Ronja is shown as a childish pup, of course. She is still rather young and learning her environment, under Johaan. In my opinion, Ronja seemed more promising in Asmundr and had more personality than the yes man she is now. She was even more willing to hunt for christs sake, instead of hide behind walls and feed off a dying herd.
Then came the time the war of the shield wolf broke out, I wouldn’t say Ronja was useless, but more young and inexperienced when it came to dealing with Ranulfr and trying to cut his ankles. I mean hell, it was pretty brave of her to offer herself to help out with Ranulfr and the shield wolves.
Unfortunately Ronja stumbled on cutting Ranulfrs ankles and managed to get grabbed by Ranulfr. In early home, the scar was still seen on Ronja, but eventually Kique got lazy with details and removed everyone’s scars they once had.
Then Ronja was tasked with watching Raela and staying behind with her, while everyone else went out to fight. Eventually, a shield wolf spots Ronja and Raela and Ronja quickly reaches for her weapon. And in a very non-dramatic, rushed as hell fight scene, Ronja managed to kill the shield wolf.
And that about sums up all I have to say about “Asmundr” Ronja! Imo Ronja was very promising in the first book, but in Home she has unfortunately become a slave / yes man to the god awful RxR couple…
• Read along breakdown
So now we will continue with “Home” Ronja.
Ahem, we’re not even through the first chapter and already Kique is trying to throw a potential ship in our direction. It’s obvious that Ronja has a fling for Roamer, considering he’s the only one that she is not related too. Still, Kique sums it up to Ronja not having enough “options”. Okay, weird. Roamer should have been treated like a cousin, not a suitor for Ronja. ( Page 8)
Skipping ahead, I would just like to note.. It is nice to see Ronja retain some of her personality that is established in the beginning. When Ronja watches Ferah murder an MT dog right in front of her, she is bewildered that someone would do this over a hare. ( Page 34 - 35 )
Again, suddenly Ronja is a love sick teenager over Roamer. When Roamer decides he wants to stay with Kargo and Ferah she suddenly turns into this jealous fool, that immediately goes on the defense, throwing out her last words and then walking away. ( Page 55 )
Now, here comes the part where Ronja becomes full fledged idiot! She runs into Ranach, while crying her eyes out over someone that should have been treated like a cousin? She literally helped RAISE Roamer? I also don’t know why she feels the need to approach a stranger like that and not be the least bit of cautious? Or scope him out before making an appearance.. But anyway. Ranach works his charm on her, course it works. Ranach offers to meet up with her again and she’s already giving him a time and date! Damn girl you move fast! You didn’t even stop and ask yourself if this dude was truly safe to be around lmao. ( Page 58 - 61 )
I think about 2 days after Ronja and Ranach met, she’s already horn dogging with Ranach. Talk about rebounding, am I right lol. ( thankfully she does admit to this later, but still, ew lol. ) Ranach then gives her an ultimatum, to join his tribe - or never see him again. Back then, one would think she would deny this, because she doesn’t know who tf he is buuut… ( Page 83 )
Without any hesitation, Ronja it seems like agrees to join MT, hell we’re not even given a scene where she talks to her family about it. We’re just shot over to a scene of her and Ranach standing outside the walls. I guess we’re forced to assume she wanted to join MT? It would have been nice to see her speak to her family and the Asmundr pack fighting her on it, or even a lick of hesitation on Ronjas part. Ronja just mindlessly joins a tribe with a male she hardly knows, which is incredibly idiotic, considering she’s in a world she knows NOTHING about. She should have also paid attention to that “Unfortunately” Ranach said, when she asked if something was wrong. Why would nothing being wrong be unfortunate? Hm.. But I guess d*ck was the only thing on her mind. SIGH. Anyway, Ranach manipulates her and tells her that he fears she’ll find someone better. Ok buddy, you know that’s BS. Ronja doesnt have the slightest clue she’s being used and is being too overly trusting. Of course she ends up mating with Ranach, cause fuck Roamer right? THAT’LL SHOW HIM lmao. ( Page 88 - 89 )
Of course, Ronja waltzed right into the trap, immediately breaking her trust in Ranach right? WRONG! Then she is dragged to the Jarls den, basically preparing to get r*ped without her knowledge on it. God this story arc is already going to hell.. ANYWAY. Thankfully, she is saved in the nick of time because Arenak was poisoned by Rogio, at Ranach’s request. Then somehow, without asking ANY questions, or fighting Ranach on what tf just happened, she goes in for a comforting hug because she’s “confused and scared” ok, but why aren’t you more irate? Why aren’t you questioning Ranach on where he brought you?? Why are you HUGGING HIM? ( Page 99 - 102 )
Adding on to the next page, why is Ronja still sticking around? What she just endured and witnessed I would think be traumatic AF to her. And yet, she’s sitting there like NOTHING just happened. ( Page 103 )
Then she is seen later that night sleeping in Ranachs bed, still not making a peep about what she just endured. Granted, it could be argued that she is traumatized beyond belief, but nothing shows this. She hasn’t questioned anything yet, she hasn’t even tried to put a fight / argument about anything. Ranach then tried to consult her, but she just ends up walking away and sleeping in a corner. GIRL LEAVE? It is obvious she is UNCOMFORTABLE! ( Page 107 )
Ranach then bestows the title of Viscountess to Ronja.. Again, nothing from Ronja. She didn’t even question Ranach on how much responsibility is on her shoulders or what the actual hell is going on.. She still hasn’t shown any emotion / trauma from anything she has just endured with MT. Hell she hardly knows ANYTHING about MT why is she just accepting this? Why would she want to lead in a place that confused and scared her? DUNNO MAN. Poor thing is a plot slave at the moment to Kique. ( Page 110 )
I am unsure why Ronja is waiting to get the word about Roamer, for her to be able to leave MT. She tells Jonna that she was too embarrassed to leave, but considering how much she saw and went through, one would think she would high tail outta there at a moments notice. It’s not like Ranach is really holding her down, like Arenak would have. Then she says she really wants this to work. GIRL WHAT. What exactly do you want to work? Did Ronja really not factor in what happened to her upon her arrival to MT, STILL? ( Page 133 )
Even though Jonna was a decent character by Home standards, her behavior is a strange one to endure for Ronja. Ronja talks about leaving, but for some damn reason hasn’t yet and Jonna basically tells her she isn’t going anywhere. ( Page 153 )
All of a sudden, Ronja grew some big ol golf balls when she confronts Ferah. Ronja went from hating MT, wanting to leave it, to suddenly puffing out her chest and telling Ferah she rules the tribe together with Ranach. But I thought you wanted to leave? You are also extremely uncomfortable in MT, so why are you acting all high and mighty here? Now I’m confused. Anyway, Ronja doesn’t seem to ask a whole lot of questions about Roamer, aside from asking if Ferah killed him. And that was about it. So I guess Ronja actually doesn’t give a shit about Roamer, cause she sure doesn’t seem like she does in this scene lol. Also Ronja is still clueless AF, saying that Ranach cares about her. Girl, if he cared he wouldn’t have brought you there in the first place. She never even factors that clue in! But honestly, this whole time Ronja has been ignoring every red flag that is MT, so not surprised really. Also, why isn’t Ronja looking further into why Ferah is being held hostage in a cave? ( Page 156 - 158 )
Looking deeper into the beginning times of Ronja’s “leadership” it really confuses me. Because how is it she goes from being traumatized, not questioning anything, just accepting whatever Ranach says, even talking about leaving to suddenly acting like a mini Ranach, when it comes to the second rebellion. Why is Ronja not asking ANY QUESTIONS in this point of time? She just suddenly took on the role of viscountess ( which she wanted to be short lived apparently ) and is suddenly against Kargo and Ferah and not asking why Ranach is hunting them down? She wanted to leave MT herself, so why is she alerting the guards? Hell, she could have joined them? Maybe even ASK QUESTIONS to Ferah and Kargo where Roamer is / was? It’s kind of funny how she’s trying to kill the only two dogs that know where Roamer is lol. ( Page 173 )
Quickly we are blessed with a scene where Ronja ALL OF A SUDDEN wants to know everything about MT. Well that was a quick 180 and I’m not even sure what changed her mind from leaving there. ( Page 183 )
Right here, Ranach pretty much opened the door for Ronja to leave, but yet she decides to stay anyway. Again, this whole plot line to this point, is very poorly written. Ronja was thrown into MT’s arms and not in a very good way.. She just basically accepted whatever was thrown at her, with no reaction / questions to anything. She is brainless to Kiques decision making with the plot. ( Page 193 )
Little bit of world building as we get a grand poetry about the Matriach from Axi. Ronja handles herself well and is at least honest from the get go of where she comes from. It’s also interesting that Ronja doesn’t ask if she has potentially seen a dog named Roamer, since that’s pretty much the only dog that’s had her attention this whole time. ( Page 194 - 196 )
Going forwards, we see Ronja sitting upon a rock, gathering the tribe around. She announces the game changing rules for the Tribe, under her reign. Unavoidably, some members are opposed to her rules, but she sets some ground work and goes from that point. Axi was kind enough to attend, casting Ronja a smile before leaving. Ronja shares the smile, but quickly retracts it when Axi is no longer looking. Assuming that maybe Ronja isn’t so confident for this after all. ( Page 233 - 234 )
It’s kind of weird how Fuss jumps around a lot, at first. Why didn’t he confront Ulfr before Ronja came up to him, to talk to him? He was obviously against everything Ulfr stood for. Idk just weird. I don’t really have much to say about this scene, minus that Ronja is obviously too timid and naive to deal with the tribe as a LEADER at this time, nonetheless. I mean hell, she’s basically giving females their freedom / rights around a bunch of unwilling to change rapists lol. There is going to be a lot of drama involved. ( Page 263 - 267 )
I suppose this scene shows that Ronja can in fact handle MT. Though, prior, she didn’t really have a reason or drive to stay and change sh*t around in MT, until Ranach basically passed off leadership. I mean hell, she DESPISED MT. Anyway. Ranach reveals to Ronja that she is pregnant and then Vigr suddenly decides AFTER KNOWING THIS WHOLE TIME, to spill the beans to Ronja about Zilas. Although tbh, I don’t know how Vigr even got that information, or even put two and two together that Zilas and Ronja were even “friends.” Ahem. Ronja suddenly grows baseballs and threatens Ranach, even though later comic she is a hopeless push over that wishes no harm on anyone! ( I suppose this was an out of character thing of her to say to Ranach. ) Of course, Ronja never asks anyone why they kept that info about Zilas away from her. ( Page 295 - 297 )
All of a sudden, freaking Ronja wants to see her family, though she had many chances before to LEAVE. Well guess what! Ya can’t do that now because you decided you wanted to help lead a tribe that wasn’t even your responsibility to begin with! So! Planning family trips won’t be so easy! Aside from that, Ulfr and Ranach are basically waiting for her to come out anyway. ( Page 309 )
Here we have Jonna asking Ronja a very solid question. Why in the hell DID she mate with Ranach? Ronja’s answer is that she was basically acting like a jealous fool over Roamer, even though she basically helped raise Roamer and turned into a cougar over him. F*cking weird, but anyway- This gives her the justification as to why she did what she did. She just brainlessly left with Ranach without questioning anything. And this is how women in real life die :). ( Page 318 - 319 )
Finally Roamer and jackass Rogio arrive in MT. Roamer is worried that Ronja wouldn’t want to see him, but Ronja quickly rushes to Roamer and hugs him. Roamer then discovers that Ronja is pregnant, his facial expression here looks more disgusted than surprised / shocked, not quite sure why? Ronja then asks Roamer to stay with her and here is where the clown show begins!
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Real quick though, wtf is that anatomy?? I pulled every disk in my lower back just looking at Ronja here lmfao. ( Page 349 - 351 )
One thing that bothered me about Meteor was how different the territory became. When we are first shown what Meteor tribe looked like, the tribe was in an actual crater. Here, we can kinda see that idea was scrapped and now it’s just a regular area that has a fence around it. But anyway.. ( Page 353 )
Why tf is Rogio asking Ronja this question? “Ronja is the leader of this ever expanding group, correct?” No shit idiot, you were there when she got coronated??? Don’t you remember casting a jealous gaze over to her and bitching at Ranach about it? Oh! Guess not. ( Page 353 - 354 )
Anyway, here comes the part where Ronja suddenly shows favoritism / friendship for Rogio. I mean hell, I understand her being grateful for Rogio helping Roamer, but to literally let him basically do whatever he wants when no other tribe member is looking is KINDA overstepping the grateful-ness?? Then without Ronja fully assessing Rogio, she decides to brainlessly offer him the Baron rank. She should have taken into consideration how he took over the Baron rank previously. Obviously Rogio just wants power, he doesn’t care to actually do the work with that power. Not only this, but Ronja needs to think about her tribe and who should be her second hand. This rank should take some time to THINK about, not just throwing it at the first body she sees. ( Page 363 - 365 )
I know that I’ve said this before in Rogio’s breakdown, but it still annoys me that Ronja says “And Rogio deserves someone like you, after everything he’s been through.” GIRL you don’t know shit about him! Just because someone apologizes to you on how they acted before, doesn’t just magically fix everything. I get why Ronja would want to give Roamer the Baron rank, but you ever heard the saying you don’t mix your family with business? Well clearly she didn’t get the memo lol. Roamer is not qualified for the Baron rank either and plus, none of the tribe members know him nor even got to know him yet and they’re suddenly suppose to listen to what Roamer says? ( Page 393 - 394 )
I also don’t know why nobody told Ronja that the Novas needed to be moved pastures, I know that at least SOMEONE knows, why does it wait until Rogio says something? So sure, all the blame can’t really be put on Ronja because she didn’t know that the Novas needed to be moved and she is still fairly new on how things run in MT. ( Page 403 - 404 )
So Ronja gave this prodigal speech a few pages back, where she would sit on the back of her nova and lead them into battle. Sure this isn’t a battle, but why isn’t Ronja being that “strong, brave, courageous leader” that we’re SUPPOSE to see? She should definitely go into the woods with her tribe members and help sort the mess out that SHE created with Ranach and Ulfr, but no, she won’t do that. ( Page 406 )
Then comes Rogio’s fake ass panic attack and Ronja asks him what happened. Rogio tells her and she ends up agreeing with them, that she won’t use Rogio as bait for Ranach. Then she chases down Vigr, then agreeing with HIS plan, suggesting they use Rogio’s scent instead. ( funny, because this was never done. ) I’m going to assume that Kique wanted Ranach to find out about Rogio at this point in time, but decided nah, imma drag this story out further. ( Page 416 - 417 )
Again, Ronja decides to sit on her ass and let her tribe deal with the mess SHE caused. ( Page 421 )
I also don’t know why Ronja is letting her two barons borderline f*ck in front of everyone. That would be high key embarrassing lol. ( Page 495 )
I also think it’s funny how Ronja can thank Rogio for helping Roamer, but screw Ferah and Kargo! Not a single thank you, or any other question for them! ( Page 498 - 499 )
Idk why Kique always makes his characters hide / lie about shit, Ronja included. Sure it’s hard for her to throw Ferah and Kargo out, because of what they have done for Roamer. But she needs to put her tribe first, knowing that Kargo is a wanted man will put her tribe first on the chopping block, with SolarStag. All SolarStag knows is that MT is harboring a fugitive, so that gives them validation to break down the walls and kill if they wanted. But as usual, Ronja has to talk to someone about her decisions, because god forbid she makes one on her own lol. ( Page 507 )
Okay so why the hell is Ronja not doing anything? Kargo just went ape shit and beat the hell out of Rogio, though it was highly justified lol. Ronja doesn’t ask anyone what happened, she just stares at Roamer and Kargo and then turns around and leaves two panels later. NOTHING! You’d think as a LEADER she would be wanting to know why the hell Kargo just attacked her tribe member? Especially after given the reason why he returned?! Gonna assume that she thought Roamer could handle it, but still, you have drama going on in your tribe that you’re aware of. Why not at least ASK what’s going on? Do your own investigation?? At this rate, Ronja is just dumb as bricks. She never asks or questions anything. ( Page 524 )
So instead of putting responsibilities first, Ronja thinks it’s a great idea to throw a party, instead of figuring out why they may starve soon, or keep eyes outside the walls for Ranach. Basically what I got from this scene was, hey guys! Let’s celebrate starving to death with a maniac outside the walls! Idiotic! And look where that got her! Ranach ends up attacking the walls! Then Ronja spews out the most idiotic sentence in this entire comic. “Rogio you are the strongest here next to Kargo, go protect the cave entrance!” GIRL WHAT?? If you feel that Rogio is the strongest alongside Kargo, why aren’t you sending his dusty, crusty self out there with them to attack Ranach?? I STILL can’t get over that line lol. ( Page 539 - 542 )
Ronja then has her pups and we all already know who is Kiques favorite lol. Anyway, I hate that Ronja acts like she gives a shit about Zilas, mentioning how Naeva reminds her of Zilas, girl shut up lol. And another thing, she gives them nicknames but I have never once heard her use them. And why isn’t she keeping the pups close to her body? Already she’s a clueless af mother lol. It’s also kind of funny how we get this random af time skip and Ronja is like OK! GET OUTTA MY HOUSE! She doesn’t even bother to go show them HERSELF the rest of the territory lol. Or seizing the opportunity to spend quality time with her kids. ( Page 557 - 559 )
One thing that bothers me, is Ronja hardly knows Rogio on screen. She DOES know that he was part of MT’s rapist days, so what makes her think he’s changed and won’t try to go after her while they’re alone? Nah buddy, it’s cool, take me to the meeting spot ALONE. Besides, Rogio has shown how unwell he is, is it really a great idea to take an unwell member with you? Hell if I know anymore. ( Page 571 )
Skipping ahead to Tinget, I don’t know how Ronja managed to be late for the meeting here. I would say that this goes in her “unfit leader” folder, tbh. Even though Ronja is shown to be nervous and timid, she does actually end up standing up for herself in the meeting, after everyone throws what they can at her. I have to say, she handled this pretty well, under Kiques writing, lol. Cant forget, that she also got to re-unite with Jahla and her new lover boy. But first, she is able to hold a conversation with Fraujar. Fraujar is understandably concerned, since he lives so close to MT. Ronja is able to shake some doubts. After this, she then meets Fjordor, telling him that Kargo died. Fjordor then extends an alliance deal to Ronja and she accepts it. Jahla then re-unites with Rome and they share a boring conversation. ( Page 617 - 630 )
Skipping ahead to another judicial moment, where Fraujar brings Keirr back to MT. This was Ronja’s face exactly:
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So they’ve been apart, at least 100 or so days, not even knowing whether Keirr was alive or not. And her face is so expression-less and bland, it’s super hard to enjoy or even put yourself into the scene. Probably the WORST reunion known to comic history, here. ( Page 645 )
Skipping ahead, because I might as well crush all the previous Ronja scenes into this one paragraph. We’ve obviously been thrusted into a Ronja x Fraujar ship and I must say, the build up was lame. Even though.. In Kique standards, it was better laid out than how he handled RxR. But really dude? ANOTHER relationship? It’s only a matter of time before he figures out what he wants to do with Keirr, what, with him being the only single one now. I mean hell, he even tried to push Raun onto him at one point. It’s sickening really, not everyone needs someone. Kique could have made Ronja an epic, independent, single mother character and I personally would have killed for that. But no, instead we get a frail, can’t make any decisions, co-depending character like Ronja. Ahem, anyway. Fraujar here states he wants to get to know Ronja more, if Ronja was actually the badass I WISH she was, she would have told Fraujar no. Simply because her tribe comes first, she doesn’t have time for a relationship. Especially considering the fact that she put MT on a hot list, during Tinget. But what do I know about story telling?! Might as well hurry up and merge Whispervale with Meteor and just save us the next 200 pages that are coming about that! ( Page 735 - 737 )
Ok, I get it, Kargo was resurrected. But I feel that Ronja shouldn’t seem so… Happy? Maybe shocked? She should say something else like, “Roamer.. You won’t believe this..” instead of just “Roamer!” With her stupid looking face LMAO. And then the introduction of Diarko? This is another mouth she has to feed? Which speaking of, whatever happened to her issue with the herd? What even HAPPENED to her herd? I know that Fraujar brings them food and what not, but what is she now? A moocher? Is she even giving Fraujar anything in return that’s not booty? IDK. Feels a bit unfair to have an entire other tribe take care of yours and you AS THE LEADER don’t try to help them back out, or find differing ways to help your situation. ( Page 740 - 742 )
Even though Ronja is suspicious, she just willingly said she’ll put her tribe / pups at risk for protecting Kargo FROM THE CAPITAL. Then of course she just trusts whatever Rogio says, again not making a self coherent thought / decision for herself. ( Page 747 - 748 )
Now this whole scene was just dumb. Why does Ronja have to approach Roamer, like he is the leader and announce that some members are leaving? It would have been better for Kargo and Roamer to stumble across them as Ronja tries to sort things out. But as a leader, why tf are you going outta your way to cut the conversation you’re having, sprint away and tell your SECOND IN COMMAND, that tribe members are leaving? God she is so helpless. And honestly I’m surprised Vigr is still in existence here, this is the same dog that literally held her down to be r*ped. Adding to this, Ronja hasn’t done shit, aside from rely on Fraujar to feed her tribe. ( 762 - 763 )
I think my biggest gripe about this scene, is how Axi is acting. One thing I have noticed about how Kique writes her, is she is always extremely suspicious and like she subtly knows what’s going on. Why is that? Why is she looking around all suspiciously, like she KNOWS Kargo is around. Is she a damn mind reader? I understand writing a suspicious character to be.. Well, suspicious, but she acts like she knows what’s going on, but is playing dumb. But, adding to Ronja’s case, here she is actively lying about Kargo and further digging her tribe into a hole. ( Page 769 - 770 )
Here we have a crucial role in Ronja’s leadership but in typical fashion Ronja doesn’t do SHIT. Her Tribe is under attack and she gives a direct order to Roamer to NOT hurt anyone, but make them leave. So what does Roamer do? Goes against her word and KILL the dog he was ordered to not kill! And what does Ronja do about it? NOTHING! That’s right! Still to this day, Roamer does not suffer any consequences from this! So now Ronja has an unhinged as hell Baron and she doesn’t do anything about it! ( Page 802 - 805 )
Another crucial part, where she renames and relocates her tribe. Guess what happens! She doesn’t decide either of these! Yup! She doesn’t come up with the name, or where the new territory is! Kargo, Roamer and Rogio all make that decision! This is just proof that that Rogio and Roamer run the joint, Ronja is a measly side kick at this point, even though she is the leader. ( Page 831 - 832 )
In conclusion
I’ve decided to cut off to this point, because I feel like I have stated enough about Ronja.
Ronja is a simple minded, unfit leader with unused potential. Kique missed a mega fat opportunity with Ronja. He could have shut us all up by making her a head strong, single mother that leads her tribe with pride and confidence. Instead, she is a watered down pathetic, plot slave to Rogio and Roamer.
She is extremely unfit because she relies on everyone to do her decision making. Hell, she has another tribe feeding her! I haven’t once seen a confirmation that they’re using their own herd yet!
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gleefultogo · 3 months ago
page 885 & 886
*sigh* soooo, was anyone surprised that yes man (Rome) and Jahla would sleep together? because I certainly was not. to be fair his character in my eyes came off wayy to strong in admitting he had feelings for a stranger he barely knew. and still doesn't. he just came off as some random character put into the comic for NSFW purposes. cause well if you've seen those concerning bonus pages with fucked up anatomy then yeahh. he's the definition of someone wanting to get into someones else's pants desperately. now i'm gonna go off track a bit in regards of the recent pages and rant. I read a comicfury comment cause well i'm always interested what the public says. we'll just say most are suck ups for what happens in the pages. but one comment paragraph stuck out to me like a sore thumb.  ""I'm glad he's becoming a bigger part of the comic"" now I will not be hating on this person and their take on the matter as well as their own opinions. But i'm allowed to have my own. and just.. how? Rome has done absolutely nothing in the comic to be deemed important. he's like a NPC in a game that happens to be one of those story love interests where you make your own choices from. for example. life is strange. he just exists? heck Thakir is a minor character did all the heavy work building the tribe and rome just I don't know was kissing jahla's ass the whole time? what has he been doing that's important? if we'd actually see him do things that drove the story further or Jahla as a character I guess. but he doesn't, he appears when jahla is another female character playing damsel in distress cause kique deemed it that way. Also I honestly hold no pity for Jahla in this page, she hasn't done anything either and try and be a good representative for her tribe being a group of misfits. she hasn't earned the right to be moping cause she hasn't done anything. and I think thakir had every right to ask her question that are deemed important. yes his character came off as asking probably too many at once, but also having a brain and asking things that the entirety of public readers with a brain ask still because nothing has yet to be answered. I'll never ship Jahla and rome together personally as their is zero chemistry compared to when are and Rhov first met. yet they were together for a much longer time and from what I know. it was confirmed that they never even slept together yet. and honestly it was nice change of pace to know that. plus Rhov challenged her and that what jahla needs. them breaking up over something so minuscule was very disappointing. I miss them compared to what we have now. their relationship felt a bit more realistic. but now we just have this constant cycle that sleeping with others and pushing yourself into relationships apparently is magical and makes your problems go away :/ it's not a healthy coping mechanism and sends a bad message to people. R.I.P Jahla X Rhov you'll always be a superior relationship compared to this clusterfuck of forced bullshit we get.
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saltysplayt00ns · 1 year ago
Home. PG 820 - Oh boy here we go
I don't think audience realize how serious the latest page is of Home comic without the dopamine clouding them about more puppies/kittens. I will update on this when this now added plot if shown more through the public viewing. So we got a " golden lioness" WRONG despite the Wiki stating the lion was actually golden we have instead ANOTHER black colored character with Pixie dust. No it's not speculated or perceived, it is stated that the Lioness IS golden. So either Kique forgot, wanted to do an april fools joke in the middle of October or he really is just lazy that he can't even look up a simple Google search of " Golden Lions/Lionesses"
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So We got an entity that only aids the Feline kind and not Canids, This means the deity will not associate with other dogs' prayers of any kind but will for the Felidae kind. It is the reason why they’ve received the bow & arrows. To protect their people from said canines, and from the track record I would not be surprised if she is vengeful and possibly judgmental of them.
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This character already is an OP character ( OP = overpowering ), one with no flaws or buffers to compete with her powers except she will ghost canids. She can easily destroy the canines by giving the cats the upper and, and be the top of the food chain, she can easily kill a canine if a feline prays for it, cause havoc and whatnot...you see what I am getting here?? heck she can do it without the people's prayers cause she literally just did it twice. The reason why I stated this?? This is because, on the Latest Home page, Feaf is now bearing a Hybrid from fornicating with Rhovanion instead of aiding Ronja and the tribe. Her having kids isn’t wrong?? But it is unnecessary and irrelevant to the story ( I will get to that in a bit ), it's the fact the Deity did it WITHOUT CONSENT. 
Everyone with a brain knows what consent is, even kids, elders, writers, etc. learned to ask something for permission of approval or business with contracts,  which is a form of consent. An agreement upon something to happen or commence, The lioness is already trying to ‘ bless’ the pregnancy without even talking to them in a dream or privately to the Taiga.
We have seen Horror media content and writing of this trope and people forcing others to child bear without their knowledge or even up to know about it. That is nightmare fuel. Whose to say The lioness just gives other inter-species couples children without their whereabouts, and not solely on a Male dog with a female cat but a MALE cat and female dog can end up in the same fate cause there is a cat in the mix to bless their spouse to bear. Like seriously people instead of them working their differences and hurdles, they easily got the situation handled in under 1-3 pages like every conflict kique tries to put in his comic. -----
Now on the pregnancy aspect, Feaf becoming pregnant is very irrelevant to the plot of Home. Now Home doesn’t really have a plot after Rogio was saved, it's just broken pieces stitched together and being overinflated with unfinished, reoccurring, and new plot lines. Feaf should NOT be having children for;
1. Feaf and Rhov are two different species.
2. Feaf and Rhovanion barely got the time to get to know each other and grow but now we have this osmosis litter on the way.
3. Rhov and Feaf have not shown them to be good parents to rear as we didn’t have screen time for them to show it. At least Kainen and Raela from Asmundr proved to be good parental figures and individuals. Rhovanion so far had lied, stayed complacent despite having free reign to search for his family, and tried to get one of the guild members in trouble and/or fired for sneaking off and is very inconsiderate more so forgotten what his tasks were. Feaf has so far been gaslighted 3 times when Rhov stated time and time again that he was leaving to find his family and mate, is also forgetful and inconsiderate of her tasks and if given is willing to do anything Rhovanion asks or initiates to her.
4. There are 4 wars happening in Home so far; Southspear x The Capitol, Ranach x Meteor, Ranach x The Capitol, and Rohgir.
5.  The deity is being rather inconsiderate and unfair, since Raimo and Zaharia were already an interspecies couple who lost their Son. If the golden lioness was that powerful they should have revived Zilas or led to a spirit that can do it. Rogio did it for Kargo despite his body being burned…. Why not Zilas???
6.  Kique is only doing this to have a reason for  Rhovanion and Feaf to stay in one spot instead of going to Ronja or Jahla. It's also obviouse he doesn't know what to do with Feaf or Rhov except be parents, when they could...oh - I don't know, GO AND SAVE RONJA FROM THE RAID WITH ASMUNDR!!!!
7. The author is out of ideas and boredom while also trying to bring more audiences. ------
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If you stated “ WelL FEaf GrAB tHe FeATher sO ShE CoNSenTEd “ if that’s the case it is STILL wrong for the spirit basically deceive Feaf to grab the feather and not know the consequences, again they did not disclose that to Feaf. Rhov and Feaf probably didn’t even know what it meant and Rhovanion is not one to dabble on cultural deity knowledge.
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If Feaf did know about it, then it’s scummy on her cause she just hid something important that Rhov should definitely know about. Kids and pregnancy should not be a tool/leverage to keep someone from leaving you. " MaYbE thEy WAntEd iT” WHERE IS IT!!!, WHERE’S THE PROOF!?. You can’t have this left field and expect people to accept it and not be confused. No where has Feaf nor Rhov had discussed nor thought about having kids. THEY BOTH AGREED TO JOIN THE GUILD. which states they can not have mates nor children ( although the guild rules are just bluntly stupid ) so they already knew from start of that and didn't express concerns...especially Rhov who is the one to question stuff. At this point the deities and spirits in Home are a parody and NOT taking seriously of moral, consequences and the dangers. The characters are literally heavily plot armored and the beings are second thought of a joke in worldbuilding.
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vallany-was-here · 5 years ago
Ugh I really do have to start to work quicker on the next video.
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Oh my gawd look at Evil Kargo McEvil attacking poow Wogipoo oh lawd he so baaaad and evuuul hublebugkrjej oh nooooo what ever will Roamiboy do wooooow Spicyyyy.
Jesus Christ I swear the next couple of pages will kill so many of my braincells I'll be about as intelligent as a dishwasher.
What Kique is doing here is trying to show Rogio as a poor broken individual who is riddled with guilt that goes with the fake "I deserve this" guilt tripping. Hey guys look! Kargo evil! Poor Rogipoo broken! He sad! Kargo bad!
But the thing is that Rogio really DOES deserve this. He backstabbed Kargo multiple times, he refused to help the rape victims when he had the chance, seduced his lover, caused the death of Fuss and Jonna because he's a selfish coward and stayed with and abusive rapist because "he was nice to me." Rogio deserves nothing more but this. He deserves to be dragged through the mud, he deserves to face the consequences of his evil actions and it's nice to see Kargo, who's been fucked over again and again by this diarrhea coloured bag of dicks to be the one who does it.
Just imagine what happens next. Ferah runs for help and brings half the tribe to save poow Wogipoo from evil Kargo's gaping jaws. The tribe tells Kargo to stop because you know, even tho Rogio does deserve this it's still an assault without trial. Roamer gives him one of those gross dog kisses and panders about how Kargo's baaaaad, that he's EVIL, that he forced him into all that sexy stuff they did even tho he was totally gine with it then. But instead of agreement and backup from the tribe, they stand there in silence.
Then Vigr, the impulsive voice of reason stands up and tells Roamer that yeah, what Kargo did was kind of uncalled for because Rogio didn't have a trial or something but he deserves this non the less cuz he's a shit person. Then all the others stand up.
Ronja tells him he has cheating on her with Ranach and wanted her dead out of the tribe because he was jealous of her.
Vandi, the grieving wife tells him how it's Rogio's fault her mate is dead, because Rogio was too cowardly to go and face Ranach.
Fremja joins them and says that Jonna's death is on his shoulders too and that even tho she was repeatedly raped and abused for years by Ranach and Ulfr she STILL went to face them.
And finally, Ferah. She steps forward and tells them that Rogio didn't help her and the other rape victims during the first rebellion because he liked to be treated nicely by Ranach and that he only left him because he turned his back on him. Also that Rogio seduced Roamer who was Kargo's love interest and finally steps up and defends her so called best friend.
Then, silence falls. Everyone knows Rogio is a shitbag at this point and now someone finally said it. Roamer of course rushes to his defence. He was abused! He didn't know what he was doing! Are you so sure Roamer? The tribe quickly reminds him that Rogio wasn't and that he was fine in his little privileged bubble. And if he oh so regrets his actions, why isn't he trying to better himself? Ever since he returned to the tribe all he did was cause the death of two dogs, slack around and butfuck Roamer. Just saying he regrets it isn't doing it. Rogio NEEDS to act better is he is to be forgiven.
Roamer loves Rogio of course so he would still violently defend him. And now the tension arises. Kargo is still told of for his attack because Rogio wasn't sentenced then and it still counts as an assault. Now what do they do with Rogio? Well for a start they take his rank. Roamer is angered by this, but hotheded Vigr reminds him that Rogio never embraced his rank, Roamer does his chores anyway and the one time the tribe needed him he stayed inside the walls like a little coward. The question of throwing him out rises, but for now he stays. His privileges are taken from him, he is to eat as the last while he awaits the tribes trial.
All of this would create some wonderful tension and conflict this comic so desperately needs. Roamer is angry and everyone because his poor Rogipoo did nothing wrong, the tribe is angry/frustrated at Roamer for not seeing his evil actions, Kargo is angry at Roamer and the tribe, because Roamer still defends him and the tribe didn't kick him out immediately. Ronja is left torn between doing what the tribe wants and what Roamer wants and suffers under the pressure.
I'd kill to see something like this. The wonderful discord between several sides in an already divided tribe. Then the issues about Ranach rise again and the food is running low oh lord I'd live to see this unfold.
Well at least it would be nice if this wasn't fucking Home written by Kique.
Instead what we'll get is Kargo being scolded for attacking poor Rogipoo. Everyone is gonna turn their back on him in favour of this oh so pure soul, Roamer will have a speech about how Kargo is rotten inside and that he's glad he left him, Ferah will join in about her runined "relationship" with Jarl Frodo and Kargo will either be kicked out or severely punished while Rogio will receive all the attention and will be told what a good humble dog he is, that his past doesn't define him, that he doesn't deserve this yada yada you know how it goes.
I really REALLY need to start working on the vid again. This comic updates faster then I write the script and I can't afford to rewrite half of it just because Kique decided to fuck up the comic some more. I'm thinking that I'll set a date for the content I'll talk about and everything that is past it won't be in the video. Or does any of you have a better idea?
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muffinwalloper · 5 years ago
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Why General Cortez from Queen of the South is a tragic character
First of all I've got to say that I love this series! The story is interesting, the character development is amazing, the cast is great and I've picked up some useful Spanish vocabulary. ;-)
As for character development, I think that General Cortez was one of the most complicated characters I've ever seen. At the beginning when he works for Epifanio you only get to see this vile side of him which consists of cruelty and hunger for power. Soon, it gets evident that Cortez has his own plans and is far more than just his governor's lap dog. During his hunt for Camila he reminded me of a blood hound, not backing down until he'd finally got his prey. However, for a soldier, he shows very little obedience towards Epifanio as he asks him repeatedly not to harm Camila. This disobedience quickly makes us realise that he's killing for sport and that he's taking pleasure from hurting others. When Epifanio tries to have him killed by Badman, he retaliates by killing Badman and serving his cooked flesh to Epifanio in a taco in his own house. This is not only an act of cannibalism but it also makes clear how depraved the general's hunger for power and control really is. He takes total control with this, showing us that he knows no mercy and no morals at all. It's at this point when even the last of us realises that Cortez is a psychopath. He manipulates people, feels no remorse and wants nothing more than control.
When he survives Epifanio's second attack on him it gets clear that this one is not easy to kill. Cortez has, in spite for his unhappiness which shows more and more towards his end an incredible will to live, literally walking out of a fire.
I must admit though that it came as a surprise to me when he offered his service to Camila after Epifanio's death. For one, he's mentioned more than once before that he doesn't believe in female leadership. He makes a few hateful comments about women in general throughout the series but it wasn't until he tried to become more than an employee to Camila that I realised that Cortez was in fact desperate for affection.
It seems to me that he must've been hurt deeply by women in the past (perhaps by his own mother who he only ever brings up once, saying that he'd never dared to raise his voice against her as his father would have punished him for it) which led to a bitter antipathy towards women in general. However, the more time he spends around Camila and Isabela the more affectionate he becomes. He smiles at them, tries to step into the role of a father for Isabela more than once, even though Camila keeps shutting him out and even sleeps with someone else right under his nose, or more like in front of his camera. The fact that he films his bosses sexual activities with the DEA officer as well as the fact that he tries to separate them through manipulation shows that he's very controlling of things and people he considers to be his.
When Isabela's fiancee Kique tells him to his face that he's making a fool out of himself for believing he will ever be more to Camila than “a puppet” Cortez reacts by killing him violently, once again going specifically against his bosses wishes. At this point, it seemed to me that a part of Cortez knew that Camila would never return his affections but was not ready to admit it to himself. We could see a huge part of him that was nearly begging for love, doing anything he could to please Camila by taking her orders and do her dirty work which seems to be the only way he knows how to show his devotion.
After he fails to kill Teresa he apologizes for his failure and for the first time ever he looks really devastated which shifts quickly when Camila invites him into the kitchen, feeds him and implies vaguely that they could become “family”. When he hears this Cortez is truly delighted; he thanks Camila and tells her to take all the time she needs as she's still grieving her husband's death. This is the first of only two times when the General behaves almost lovingly towards someone.
However, when Camila tries to get rid off him he doesn't hesitate to give her up and use her own daughter against her, making her believe that Camila ordered him to kill Kique. When he shows Kique's body to Isabela he's caught by surprise when she hugs him out of sheer desperation. He doesn't know any gentle touches or has been refused any for so long that he hardly remembers how it feels. Still, he craves it as he tries hard (through manipulation) to keep Isabela on his side as he claims one night that she's the only person he trusts. Isabela seems to answer his prayers by telling him that he's her family now and again, just like with Camila his whole demeanor seems to soften for a brief moment. Whenever he feels like he's got the chance to have a family he's truly happy.
Another defining moment for his character was him questioning Camila's staff after one of them tried to poison him. Camila's maid confesses the deed but not without telling him to his face that he's weak for he is defined by cruelty, yearning for “empty affection” and has a rotten soul. Just like with Kique, Cortez reacts with deadly violence hammering home that he's not ready to face his own motives and demons. Whenever he's forced to face the truth about himself he lashes out in a desperate attempt to make it go away.
All these scenes indicate that all Cortez ever wanted was a family, a place to call home.
It makes sense that a man like him would join the military, finding comrades and moving up the ranks until everyone had to respect him, filling the huge hole inside of him. At some point however, he must have realised that in spite of all the power he gained there was still something missing. It seems that he believed that Camila and Isabela were his last chance to gain what he truly wanted. In the end when even Isabela betrays him he's not only hurt but there's also a shadow of hopelessness crossing his features. Isabela had been his last hope and after that has been taken from him he runs into battle, determined to win but not as hard as before. At this point a part of him has given up. True to his character, he's not afraid to die. Cortez keeps his mental strength until his very end, fearing neither death nor horrible pain.
In fact, throughout the series he never seemed to mind physical pain too much which seems funny when being hurt emotionally affects him so much more.
I do not deny that the general's character was vile, cruel and simply despicable. However, I can't help but feel sorry for him. Even though we've seen the story of the unloved child turning into a monster more than once before Cortez' story really got me. The more layers that were peeled back, revealing his soul the sadder I felt for him. Here's what I mean when I say that this series has great characters: everyone of them has something more deep going on inside and it's slowly but surely revealed and I love the show for that!
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