#And then meets this very feral 11 year old who is on a hunt to fight her shitty ass dead beat dad=>
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 2 years ago
Like just single dad space cowboy Lance au, that keeps rotating in my head, absolute bullshit but just know it is inspired by Smokin Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy
#It is such a funny au (to me) nothing makes sense#Basically it starts with s2 Shiro survives Zarkon dies but Black Lion is also VERY damaged=>#This leads to the war to be in bit of a standstill for few years=>#Keith still does his whole went with BoM missions thing =>#At some point with more years later there is a major fight that breaks up the team =>#Lance runs away and gets stuck in what is essentially the Mid Western Cowboy theme part of the universe =>#(It is a very big part of the universe btw) =>#He lives a few more years as an outlaw travelling from one yeehaw planet to another yeehaw planet =>#And then meets this very feral 11 year old who is on a hunt to fight her shitty ass dead beat dad=>#Lance who hasnt seen any of his friends or family in years is like 'is anyone gonna adopt this child?' and didnt wait for an answer =>#But yeah this girl is familiar and Hang On!! =>#Yeah so her dead beat dad turns out to be Keith. Now she cld be a clone (makes more sense) or result of a one night stand (funnier) =>#But point is she really wants to fucking fight him and Lance is like 'ok how about you just tell him to fuck off instead?' =>#Also Kuron is there. Lance found him and Kuron was like 'Lance you found me! It has been years dont you remember i am Shiro!!'#And Lance who has been ghosting Shiro for years is like 'no you are not?' clone revealations. Not fun. Anyway the au isnt even about that#It is about Keith's pre teen daughter who wants to kick his ass and Lance who is like please calm down kid and Kuron who is just so confuse#and they are all cowboys#lance mcclain#lance voltron#lance serrano#takashi shirogane#keith kogane#keith voltron#kuron#voltron kuron#voltron#voltron legendary defender#empty thoughts
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To summarise:
-Jughead -the writers’ self-insert- is tripping balls in this episode. Make of that what you will. 
-Glen is justifiably suspicious when Betty mentions another man just after their romp. He immediately pulls rank and declares “No Jugheads allowed”. It’s the war of the moustaches in Riverdale and we all know who’ll be winning. Did you unironically wear your suspenders down for 3 whole years, Glen? I didn’t think so.
-It’s Parent-Teacher Night at Riverdale. Only 11 parents are present, which makes sense, as only the Drama Teacher and the Football Coach are there.
-Veronica’s “For God’s sake, Chad, stop wasting my time!” should be a tag.
-Same goes for Nana Rose’s “We must pray for deliverance!”
-Literary agent Sam and his hot dog stand make an appearance.
-Smithers also makes an appearance. He’s still working towards that pension.
-Jughead has been doing Maple Mushrooms for inspo. He orders some from his New York dealer aptly named Speedy. I am outraged on Cheryl’s behalf that the Blossoms are not involved in this maple mushroom story line.
-You won’t believe it, but Polyporus or Cerioporus squamosus aka the maple mushroom aka the Dryad’s saddle (which is a very cool name) is actually not a hallucinogenic.
-Why, Reggie, you smooth old-ladykiller, bringing Nana Rose roses!
-Riverdale acknowledges the ridiculousness of who has and who hasn’t the serial killer genes. And by acknowledges, I mean: mentions.
-The F.B.I. according to Riverdale consists of: Charles the serial killer, Betty the almost serial killer and Glen the serial killer fanboy.
-A reporter from the New York Times informs Archie that General Taylor and one of his missions are under investigation. Once it is pointed out to him, Archie immediately suspects that he might have been part of something shady. 
-It turns out that Veronica thought that her husband might have crashed the helicopter she was in on purpose, but that, somehow, hasn’t been an issue for her before? If only she had a friend in the F.B.I. to help her investigate Chad’s shady business ...
-No one comes at Juniper and Dagwood’s Birthday Party, which is suspicious: was Jerry the only classmate they pushed down the stairs??
-Riverdale has only one prison and it belongs to Hiram, who sets all the prisoners free so that they can trash the town. The prisoners attack Riverdale High instead of taking the money and running, because they might be convicted murderers but they’re not thieves, dammit!
-Archie opts for an atmospherical mortal combat under the dusky emergency lights of RHS, instead of fixing the fuse box and then hunting down the escaped prisoners. Jughead’s artistic vein must be rubbing off on him. Jarchie foreshadowing for sure.
-All prisoners attack RHS? No! Charles and Chick visit the Coopers to get married with their family in the most extra wedding ever! Chick has even let his hair grow especially for the occasion. #relationshipgoals
-Glen, who turns out to be Charles’ nemesis from the Academy, shows up uninvited. If it’s one thing the Coopers cannot abide, it’s lack of manners.
-Mr Smith (that’s the one without the serial killer genes) provides Betty (who has the serial killer genes) with a deadly weapon. Betty sees her chance to stab Glen without ramifications and goes for it. She then stubs Chick. Nature vs Nurture: 1-0.
-Penelope delivers the most epic line ever uttered in Riverdale:
“Nightmare child, I have escaped that hideous prison and praise God that I did. Flames are encroaching upon Thornhill.”
-There’s not enough time for the Blossoms to both chase Minerva (and sacrifice her) and set up a satanic altar. They chose the latter.
-A crazy windstorm saves Thornhill but most of the grove has perished. Is it time for Cheryl to turn to the maple mushroom business?
-It’s too soon for a proper bughead reunion, so the writers have Jughead hallucinating sex with Betty. Her presence is enough for him to write the new chapter of his new book. It’s called The Transubstantiation. He promptly transubstantiates himself into thin air.
-Uncle Frank’s tostitos can’t hold a candle to Hiram Lodge’s doritos. Fact.
-By this time Toffee has probably gone feral in the woods. Odds are she’ll be the first to find Jughead. All hope for Toffee finally meeting Jughead is not lost!
One down. Nine more opportunities for the writers to hallucinate the next episode.
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in-tua-deep · 4 years ago
Going through ur master list of AUs and celebi incident? For gym leader AU? Please tell me more
okay i definitely tried to asnwer this the day it was asked and then my response was lost in a tragic incident and i lost all motivation but TAKE TWO
so what happened was this: the Umbrella Academy lived pretty isolated in the pokemon au. Like think big spooky manor on the edge of a smallish town, not far away from some really deep and fairly spooky woods populated by all sorts of pokemon. 
Anyway, when the kids were 10 they obviously were like “fucking finally, we can leave and go on our pokemon journey and escape” or at least were prepared to Go Forth and Make Father Proud or whatever. Except Reggie was like “yeah, no y’all aren’t leaving just yet”
To which Five, of course, rebelled pretty spectacularly and threatened to run away
“You’ll come crawling back within a day.” Reginald dismisses, because Five doesn’t have a pokemon and you pretty much have to travel through woods crawling with pokemon and trainers in order to get out of town.
Five says “oh? bet” and runs away anyway, deep into the woods
Does Five run into pokemon? Yeah, of course he does. However, he can also teleport and is a feral child who is ABSOLUTELY willing to wrestle a zigzagoon with his bare hands
and Five camps out in the woods with 0 supplies and 0 preparation and look, pokemon are pretty intelligent, right? They can usually tell the difference between a Child and an Adult of a species. Five is also intelligent, and so he absolutely follows the poochyena to the berry bushes which are edible, and gets himself a good meal out of it. 
Five is stubborn, and determined, and furious, and he’s going to live in the fucking woods if that’s what it takes because to go back is to admit defeat and that is not an option
So he does live in the woods. The pokemon adapt to him being around. He bunks down with bidoof or sleeps in the trees in nests of taillow and has an ongoing rivalry with the family or purrloin over who can find the best berry bushes
and then he meets celebi
Five is smart, but he’s young and he hasn’t exactly been deep diving into myths and legends in what little spare time he has. He doesn’t know about the mythos surrounding celebi, all he knows is this weird little onion fairy is friendly and lives to play tag - so they do. Five teleports around the woods and hides and jumps out and laughs when he manages to tag the little creature
and one day Five and Celebi are playing, and they get ‘home’ and find... nothing. The family of purrloin are gone, the pikipek who plucked twigs out of Five’s hair in the evening has vanished, the pidgey nest is in pieces
and then they hear voices, and Celebi looks at Five and grabs his hand right before they could be discovered and -
They’re in the woods again. Well, they is a strong word. Five opens his eyes, and Celebi is gone. It’s just the woods. Curious and wary faces poke out of the trees and the bushes, but none that he recognizes. A family of ratata are in the hollow that serve as the purrloin’s home. The trees aren’t arranged right. The paths aren’t the same. The woods look different and Five... panicks just a little bit okay
So he runs through the woods and everything looks familiar and also different, he can spot the craggy rocks where the pidove like the make their nests, but the berry bushes aren’t where they should be. The canyon is only half as deep as it should be, and the graveyard of bikes stolen from various trainers is absent
Five does the only thing he thinks he can do: he goes home
Which would be much more significant if there was a home to go to. Five gets to where he’s absolutely sure his village should be, where the manor should be, where his siblings live, and just. Keep finding more woods. He figured he must have taken a wrong turn at the caves, but when he backtracks it’s where it’s supposed to be. He’s in the right location, but the wrong... time
Celebi did this, he is sure of it, and so that’s who he has to find
Except Celebi is nowhere to be found, and Five looks. He trecks through the forest for miles every day, plucking berries from bushes with nimble fingers and curling up in nests of moss at night. The pokemon of this time aren’t especially wary of him and indeed often come chittering up to sniff him and ask him to play. Five wonders if they’ve ever even seen a human before.
(Honestly it seems half the pokemon have decided he’s a weird variation of abra or ralts? demonstrating his teleportation makes one concerned ursaring scoop him up and leave him at the feet of a gardevoir with grunts of diapproval but Five is a strong independent young human who doesn’t need pokemon parents)
Years pass, and Five learns the ebb and flow of the woods even more in depth than he did before. He makes friends, the various pokemon running around and helping him look for Celebi but who also tempt him into playing with them and helping them and just living
(sometimes, Five wonders why he’s even trying to get back. he wonders why when he’s curled up and soft and safe, when he knows in the morning that he’s going to go to the river to play. then he remembers his siblings, who are still stuck with Reggie as far as he knows)
He grows up in the woods with pokemon as parents and siblings, grows taller and older and is very good at mimicry. He hoots softly to the pidgey and barks with the growlithe and dances with the hoppip, learning a million different languages as he runs recklessly between the trees racing electrike to the lake with laughter on his lips
and then he finds Celebi again, on an unremarkable day when he’s challenged quilava to a game of hide and seek tag
and Celebi extends their hands to him
“I haven’t said goodbye.” Five protests, but Celebi extends they hands again and Five knows that if he leaves now he might not ever find the little creature again
(He thinks of his siblings and takes a deep breath and reaches out and -)
He’s back in the woods again. Alone again.
(He looks down at his hands, and startles, because they aren’t his hands. They’re too young, caked in dirt but without the calluses he’s gained over the years.)
He runs, he runs back to his village and almost bowls over a drainer on his desparate sprint. Even the sight of a person is so strange that it almost halts Five in his tracks, but instead he sprint until he’s standing in front of a sight he hasn’t seen in years
He’s at the manor. But it’s different still. The lawn is in minor disrepair, which isn’t that much but it’s still wildly different from Reginald’s exacting standards of perfection. Maybe the old man let things go looking for Five? Did Five’s absence affect things so much?
He hears arguing, and without even thinking about it he jumps and suddenly he’s in front of - a bunch of strangers?
“Five?” One of them says with a voice that wobbles, and Five immediately backs up.
“Who are you?” Five asks, but he’s pretty sure he already knows. There are six people here, after all, all who look hauntingly like the siblings he left behind if they’d been allowed to grow up in his memory.
“Five, Five it’s us. What happened to you?”
“No.” Five denies, “No. I’m back. This isn’t right. This is wrong.”
That’s how the siblings end up having to deal with a physically eleven year old Five crashing Reginald’s funeral or whatever looking like he’s been living in the woods for months or maybe years? Five tells them he’s older than 11, that he lived in the woods for years but doesn’t know what Celebi did to him. At first he wants to go hunt Celebi down again and demand he be taken back to where he should be, but Vanya stops him stating that they lost him years ago and they need him to stay now
So they get the fun honor of having to raise a half-feral pre-teen who hasn’t really had human contact since he was 10 and who seems more comfortable with pokemon than he does with people. Most of the fam are well on their way to setting up gyms/already being gym leaders/working their way up and so Five ends up as the dragon gym leader when he’s physically 13-years-old
His siblings are all like “haha yeah we’re all the same age I think? unclear” and when people point at five they’re just like “haha yeah celebi time travel bullshit is the worst amiright” and no one has the balls to challenge them on it
(Five didn’t become a gym leader at physically 11 because he had to be taught to reintegrate into society. He still naps in piles with his pokemon and has to be bribed into using a bed/sleeping indoors but he actually speaks to trainers instead of dropping from the ceiling and ambushing them for gym battles so improvement)
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 4 years ago
Do the same thing for Heaven Official's Blessing (use Maas characters to tell the story)!
Heaven Official’s Blessing // TGCF told using ACOTAR characters (Obviously there will be spoilers, read at your own risk)
TGCF is told in a non-linear form, with Books 1, 3, and 5 taking place in the present, and Books 2 and 4 acting as flashbacks. I will be telling the story in a pure linear format.
** I’m going to have to ask people to ignore shipping stuff for the sake of this. I matched characters based on their personalities, so things became kind of scrambled.
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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Crown Princess named Elain. She was completely beloved by her people not only for her looks, but for her kindness, warmth, and incredible talents. Whatever she put her mind to, Princess Elain would easily accomplish, and those who read fortunes often said she was born on an auspicious day and was blessed with unparalleled good fortune. 
Princess Elain’s father was fairly elitest and tended to ignore the common folk, but Princess Elain made it her mission in life to protect them and ease everyone’s burdens.
When Princess Elain was 17, the royal capitol held a parade to the king of the heavens, Helion. In this parade, an elite warrior dressed as the Divine Hero would actually spar with another elite warrior dressed as a Demonic Beast. The parade would circle the capitol as the two warriors fought, only ending when their stamina ran out and they were too tired to carry on. The more laps the procession completed before this happened, the more good fortune it would invite and the more honor to the god Helion. Generally the goal was around 15-20 laps.
On the third lap, as people clamored to see clearly the Hero and Beast battle, there was a horrible accident. A deformed child in the crowd, barely 8 years old at MOST, was knocked from his perch on a high wall and fell to his death.
As he fell, the Divine Hero abandoned their battle and leapt high into the air to  catch the poor child. Picture like wire work when I say “leapt high”, it counts more as minor flight.
In the rescue, the Divine Hero’s mask comes off and it is revealed to be none other than Princess Elain herself! The Divine Beast was Elain’s bodyguard, Cassian.
While the common people go FERAL for this beautiful Princess who saved a wretched orphan’s life, the royal priests are angered. They warn Elain that her actions are an insult to Helion, and she must repent to avoid his wrath.
Elain famously and simply replies that if a god would begrudge her saving a child’s life, then they are not worthy of becoming a god.
And in spite of the priest’s words, the heavens agree with Princess Elain.
The child Elain saved has half his head heavily wrapped in bandages, but Elain is not afraid of him. She cradles him in her arms and he is mesmerized by her face. Still, after someone tries to move the bandage to see his face, the child runs away and vanishes.
This child was Azriel.
Tamlin is Elain’s cousin. His mother was a royal lady who had a baby with an abusive brute, and she ended up dying in disgrace after being abandoned by him. Tamlin was therefore raised by Elain’s mother, and he is disturbingly obsessed with the glory of his Princess Cousin. He is also dangerously unhinged and violent.
Just a few days after the ruined parade, Tamlin is racing through the city streets in his carriage, whipping his horses raw and yelling that if he runs over anyone it is their own fault. He has no cares for anyones lives, and Princess Elain considers him a thorn in her side.
Princess Elain is out with her bodyguard, Cassian, and her personal servant, Lucien. They see Tamlin coming and no only is he driving dangerously, there is a bloody sack tied to the back of the chariot.
Elain and Cassian leap onto the carriage to stop Tamlin, while Lucien breaks the rope on the sack. Elain and Cassian take Tamlin into custody, knocking him out, and Elain is ready for Tamlin to be thrown into prison for his behavior.
She opens the bloody sack, and inside finds Azriel. Tamlin was so incensed that the royal priests were angry with Princess Elain that he decided to kill Azriel to “avenge” his cousin!
Elain brings Azriel to the royal palace to be healed by the physicians within. He has broken bones and cuts all over his body, but again he strikes out if someone tries to move the bandages on his face. For his part- Tamlin is locked in his rooms and his carriage is destroyed, he is banned from leaving the palace.
But once again, Azriel slips out and runs away.
A few months later, black clouds swirl over the Royal Palace, and in a massive thunderclap, Elain ascends to the heavens as a newborn Warrior Goddess. Though by the laws of the heavens she cannot enter her kingdom for one thousand generations (to make sure she doesn’t give favors to the families of old friends), her father and his people build 10,000 temples in her name, several with massive statues of pure gold.
Goddess Elain brings Lucien and Cassian to the heavens with her, to help her in her duties as a god. She must intercede when appropriate (if there are demons or ghosts attacking people) and answer prayers. Despite the ban, she likes to sit on the altars of her temples, invisible, and listen to the prayers of her followers.
Elain doesn’t like the wealth and splendor of her temples, she wishes people would not bow, and just wants things to be simpler. 
After a few years as a goddess, while wandering her city, she notices a crummy old shrine tucked into a forgotten alley. It is roughly made, with only a flower and a bun on the offerings table.
She watches this little but clearly loved shrine for a long time, and notices that it is tended by an 11 year old boy. He is homeless, cold, malnourished, and had bandages wrapped around half his face. Rather than eat what food he manages to get, he puts it on the offerings table to Elain, only taking a few rotten fruits or moldy buns for himself.
Elain hates to see this- the boy is so desperately starving and yet he leaves food for a goddess who has no need for it. Bullies come and destroy the boy’s shrine. He is beaten by them, but when it is over he only fixes her shrine back up, and curls in a ball beneath it to sleep.
Elain feels that this boy is more sincere in his devotion than those who leave gaudy offerings at her temples, so she leaves the boy some food, a blanket, a straw mat, and some food. When he wakes he knows it was the goddess who heard his prayers, and he is delighted.
She does not realize that this boy is Azriel.
Elain’s country becomes embroiled in a civil war. Elain breaks the rules of the heavens outright and tries to end it before it begins by helping refugees of a horrible drought. She is kind to one refugee, taking on mortal form and helping him bury his son’s body, which he brought to the capitol to show the king of how severe the people’s suffering is. Her father didn’t care, and would not see the poor man.
Elain’s attempts to stop the refugee situation from becoming a civil war as the capitol refuses to send aid go nowhere, and in the end the war begins. She feels she has no choice but to openly step out as a Goddess of War and take the side of the capitol, where her parents still rule. Her heart aches at fighting the common folk, and she is still trying to end the drought in their homeland, but war is inevitable.
During the war, Elain meets a young soldier of only around 15. He is brave and good with a sword- though she advises a saber would suit him better. Though he is too young to really fight, she keeps him by her side. Together they witness the desperation of the refugees, whose leader- the man who she helped bury his son- summons a horrible demon.
Amarantha- a monster who always wears a mask that is half crying, half laughing.
Amarantha calls forth a plague that rips through the capitol. Elain realizes that the only ones who aren’t becoming infected with this plague are the soldiers and criminals- anyone who has taken a life. She realizes if others figure it out, the whole world will be consumed in blood as everyone tries to kill one another for immunity.
Elain’s favorite soldier is removed from the army by Lucien’s command, outing the boy as too young. Azriel is once again thrown aside- not that Elain realized it was him.
Meanwhile Elain, heartbroken at the suffering of her people, makes the ultimate decision: she saves her parents, but leaves the capitol to die and fall. If the refugees- now rebel army- kill everyone inside the capitol then the disease won’t spread (since soldiers would do the killing), and no one would ever know what the cure was. One city to save the world.
Helion knows the Goddess Elain’s heart was in the right place, but her intercession not only failed to stop the war, she made it worse. He is forced to put a Cursed Collar on her, stripping her of all her powers as a goddess. However, instead of her becoming mortal again, Helion gives her an immortal body.
Elain, after all, was only seventeen when she ascended and now could be counted in her twenties. Young by any standard. She is a good person, so Helion grants her the immortal body believing that some experience in the world will help her learn. With time and dedication, she can ascend once again to be a goddess, and he will remove the Cursed Collar.
Lucien and Cassian descend with her.
But her confidence has been shattered. To keep the royal family hidden, they are forced to perform tricks on the streets for meager coins, do manual labor (including on monuments insulting and demeaning the Goddess Elain), and are constantly on the run from members of the new government’s army who are hunting the King and Queen mercilessly.
Eventually, Lucien tells Elain and Cassian that it is simply too much, he’s sick the struggles, and leaves to take care of his own mother. Cassian and Lucien always hated one another and bickered nonstop, but this is the ultimate betrayal. If Cassian could kill Lucien with his bare hands, he would.
Elain becomes paranoid and terrified that Cassian will leave her too. She has no possessions of worth- they’ve all been pawned- but she has a single golden belt left. The mark of a heavenly official. A reminder of what she was and what she must work towards becoming again. She gives it to Cassian, for its value is very high, as a way to beg him to stay.
Soon after, Elain finds a shady merchant selling lanterns she realizes are lit not by fire, but by little flame spirits- remnants of souls that should have been allowed to rest in peace. These spirits were taken from the battlefields around the royal capitol, her soldiers. Elain manages to use a few meager coins to buy them, and goes about releasing the spirits.
One small flame spirit will not leave. It tells Elain that it cannot move on, because its beloved is suffering and it must watch over them always so they will not be alone. Idealistic and lovely, but Elain is too disheartened to feel anything by cynicism towards such words. 
She leaves the little spirit- Azriel, who had snuck back onto the battlefields after being removed from the army and was cut down.
And then the king falls ill.
Elain is desperate for coin to help make things easier for Cassian (who is earning most of the money now) and to buy medicine for her father. Everything she tries fails, and, utterly at her wits end, she is forced to try her hand at robbing.
Though Elain is too horrified to actually rob a man, she chases after him and runs afoul of several junior heavenly officials who recognize her. She begs them not to tell anyone, and flees. They swear they won’t say a word. 
Elain returns home, and she’s terrified of what she almost did for money. She decides to leave, going to find a mountain with good spiritual energy to meditate and hopefully make progress back towards gaining the merits to become a goddess again.
As soon as she arrives thirty-three heavenly officials come to train on the mountain, as such a thing can even help gods advance among their own ranks. They bully Elain, and eventually mock her for trying to rob the man (those junior gods were assholes and didn’t keep their word). 
What’s worse- Lucien is among them. He didn’t go back to care for his mother, he abandoned Elain to become a god once again, a junior in the service of another (not a path Elain can take since she was once a full goddess). He helps chase Elain away.
That little flame spirit- Azriel- is there to witness the humiliation.
Elain flees in tears, running down the mountain until she collapses, sobbing. When she is left staring at the ground, a hand appears to help her up- Lucien. Elain slaps his hand away and screams at him, and leaves.
When she arrives home, Lucien is there with sacks of food and medicine for the King. He tries to explain that he only left to return to the heavens- betraying one master to go to a new one- because he knew he could use the position to get food and such for Elain, Cassian, and the King and Queen. 
Elain screams at Lucien to go, throwing the sacks of food at him. Cassian takes Elain’s side, and Lucien lets slip that Elain tried to rob for money. He doesn’t know Cassian didn’t know, and Elain is thrown even further into despair.
More time passes, once again the money and food and medicine run out. Elain starts seeing figures around her where there is nothing- the figure of Amarantha all in white with that horrible mask. Her own robes are sometimes replaced with Amarantha’s, and she is slowly driven mad.
At the absolute edge of sanity, Elain feels a summons drawing her into the woods. She follows it, even when ghostly flames try to block her path and stop her from advancing, and ends up in a ruined temple. A ruined temple that was once hers. The divine statue has been destroyed.
Elain sits on the altar and waits, knowing Amarantha will show up to claim her.
Over hours, people trickle into the temple, and lured by a mysterious summons even they don’t consciously remember following. When there are 100 people inside, wild howls come from around them and crazed figures appear, all infected with the plague that destroyed Elain’s kingdom.
They fall back into the temple and Elain seals the door. She is grabbed by Amarantha, bound, and Amarantha holds her up on the altar by her skull. Amarantha tells the people what Elain was so scared of anyone finding out:: that the plague can be cured if the person is a murderer. Amarantha helpfully explains that Elain cannot die, but if they land a blow on her that would be fatal on another, it counts. To demonstrate, Elain is run through.
The pain is horrible, and when the next person picks up the sword and stabs her, she screams. A white flame spirit enters the building, the one who tried to stop Elain from coming in the first place. Amarantha captures it to play with (torment) as the villagers line up.
No matter how much Elain screams, they stab her. Some slash her throat, so that she can no longer make a sound. She is trapped in her body as it is mutilated and wrecked, staring up at that flame spirit and imagining she can hear it screaming at what is being done to her.
People stab her two or three times, just to be sure they landed a would-be-fatal hit and unable to tell what they are stabbing as she ceases to look even human anymore. Just a pile of ruined flesh spilled across her own altar. Even her face is destroyed.
That flame spirit- Azriel- screams out with every stab, until he can’t take it anymore and loses his sanity. He explodes in a wall of flame that turns all the humans inside the temple- and the infected outside- into ash. Above the skies roil, marking the birth of a particularly dangerous spirit.
Elain lays in agony as her body slowly knits back together. She is dazed as she stumbles away from the ruined temple. Traumatized beyond the brink of insanity. What was done to her horrifies her, and she feels only rage and grief. She was a Goddess, and now not only is she living in squalor and humiliation and degradation, she was attacked by humans for no reason other than personal gain. Not an ounce of kindness shown to her as they hacked at her body.
Elain sees Amarantha, who wants to take her as a disciple and raise her to wreak vengeance against the world. Elain flees.
When she gets home, two weeks (or months, the translation is inconsistent) have passed. Cassian has kept the king alive and the queen has been beside herself. She swears she will never chide Elain again, just please don’t leave.
None of them know what happened to her body. None of them can understand. Elain is sick and tired and broken. And she knows the worst will pass sooner or later- Cassian will abandon her just like Lucien did. Leave her in disgust. She can’t bear thinking about his friendship turning to hate, so she attacks him. She rips him apart with the worst words she can muster, until he leaves in disgust.
You can’t fear something that already happened.
Elain locks herself in her rooms and ignores even her mother’s pleading to come out.
When she wakes, she bathes. She has to go and try to find coin again, but cannot find the bandage she uses to cover half her face and hide her identity (since, you know, as a disgraced goddess her face is everywhere). The house is too quiet, and when Elain opens the doors to her parents room, she finds out why:
With the king’s health failing, and the humiliation of being deposed and on the run, living in squalor, he has lost all hope. Her mother won’t be left behind, and she knows her life is a burden on Elain’s as the fallen goddess tries to care for them.
So the king and queen have hung themselves. Elain carefully takes down their bodies and tries to hang too, but of course this immortal body- a gift from Helion himself- cannot die.
The hangman’s noose has absorbed two lives, and was used in incredible grief by a goddess herself. It is imbued with the love Elain’s parents felt for her and their tragic desire to die as a way to help them. The cloth comes to life, sort of like a snake meets a puppy, but when not in use, it wraps around Elain’s wrist as if her arm were injured.
At the king and queen’s deaths, whatever is left of Elain shatters.
She goes to the battlefields outside the dead royal capitol, her home, and wakes the souls of her people. Millions, all killed in battle or in the plague. She screams to them all, demanding to know if they hate. On her face is the white mask of Amarantha- half crying, half smiling.
And thus, the White Clothed Calamity is born. A twin to the White No-Faced demon (Amarantha).
The souls appear as black smoke that floods into Elain’s blade- the one that was used to mutilate her body. All that hatred condensing.
And in front of Elain appears the form of a soldier. Also wearing a mask. A particularly powerful resentful spirit on his way to becoming a demon.
Not that Elain would recognize Azriel even if she could see, so consumed is she by her hatred and wrath.
Elain takes those souls to the new royal capitol to kill the leader of the rebellion- that man whose child she helped bury. The man who rained hell down on all.
But he’s dead. Killed by the plague. She can’t even take her revenge right.
So Elain goes next to the lands ravaged by that drought, the whole reason for the civil war in the first place. The very city she tried to save as a goddess to stop the war from starting. She drops from the sky, impaled by the black sword. She has given herself three days.
Three days for a single soul to show her an ounce of kindness. If none do, she will unleash those souls and the plague will begin again as the hateful spirits infect body after body until the world runs red with blood.
No one helps her. Not until the third day, when a man trips over her body, cusses her out, and then feels bad for losing his temper. Right as the sun sets on the third day, he takes off his bamboo hat and offers it to her, to protect her from the rain.
A single act of kindness.
But it’s too late. The souls trapped in the sword explode into the sky.
Elain tries to tell the gathering crowd to pick up her sword and just stab her. She’s resigned to being hacked to death again and again if it will save even a single person from what she unleashed in her wrath and grief.
But no one is willing to hurt her. Not even to save themselves, and not even when she is begging them to. Unlike the group in the temple, who attacked her for themselves even when she begged them to stop.
So Elain does something painful and horrible- she raises the sword and draws all those hate-filled spirits into herself. It could very well destroy her, and the pain is worse even than being stabbed, but she will do it. If she can even save one person to undo her own mistake, she’ll do it.
But that second soldier appears again, the one who stood across from her on the battlefield.
He takes the souls into himself. Elain absorbs 300. He takes a million. It destroys him utterly- that kind brave man giving his soul, extinguishing himself forever- just to help her right a wrong.
But Azriel didn’t die. He was blown apart by the power, and re-formed bit by bit later on to become a Wrath-level (tier 3) ghost.
Helion descends from the heavens to meet Elain. Yes, she nearly did something unforgivable, but she was willing to destroy herself to right the wrong. For this- and all her suffering- Helion wishes to bring Elain up to the heavens once again as a goddess.
Her wrath extinguished, her spirit broken, Elain refuses his offer. That poor man’s soul was destroyed (seemingly) because of her. Someone suffered for what she did. She wants to atone, and atone for those one million souls she roused rather than helping them lay at rest in peace.
Elain asks Helion to put a new Cursed Shackle on her. This time not one that banishes her spiritual powers. Once upon a time she met a small boy she saved from falling. She was told she had infinite fortune, well above a normal person’s, but that child’s fate was endlessly dark and wretched.
Elain asks for a shackle that destroys her luck. That takes all of her good fortune and shatters it. Fortune is something that ebbs and flows through the world, by removing all of hers, that luck will be redistributed, and could bring good to the lives of others.
But an offer to return to heaven was granted, so Helion and Elain come up with a little show to explain away the new curse shackle without Helion appearing to punish a goddess who has done no wrong:
Elain ascends, as offered, and storms through heaven, hacking at the bodies of gods and challenging Helion himself. It becomes known famously as her Second Ascension, which lasts all of 10 minutes before she is fitted with a new cursed shackle and hurled form the heavens.
Elain’s life will be wretched, luck-less, and full of strife. Nothing she ever tries will go right. it is a life that would shatter the spirit of anyone. But for Elain, every misfortune means someone else has better luck than they should have. Every harm she suffers means someone else is blessed. She is atoning for what she did, and that makes her happy. She still mourns the soul of that boy who was destroyed, still lives in repentance of that, but she is atoning for her crimes.
During this time, that boy- now a Wrath Level Demon- finds he cannot loose. All the good fortune lost by Elain is funneled into him, and it is impossible for him to not get what he wants. He enters the Demonic Kiln and is re-forged as a Supreme (highest level) Demonic King. His weapons are the Silver Wrath Butterflies- a form he grants to those million souls he swallowed to help Elain.
He wears around his finger a red string, one of the ones that had bound him to that ghost lantern as a little flame spirit, a red string of fate that promises he will find his way back to Elain one day.
Azriel walks into the heavens and challenges thirty-five gods-- those who humiliated Elain on the mountaintop plus Cassian and Lucien, her hateful servants who abandoned her.
Cassian and Lucien refuse the challenge, but thirty-three gods take Azriel’s challenge--- 
He kills them all.
Not only does he humiliate them in front of their worshippers, he destroys 10,000 of their temples in a single night. One temple for every one of Elain’s that was destroyed when she fell as a goddess. Without worshippers or temples, the gods fade from existence.
Until, 800 years later, the heavens explode. Godly palaces are destroyed (including those of Cassian and Lucien, who are now full gods), the infrastructure shatters, and when the smoke clears there is Elain. A goddess once again. Except instead of being a goddess of war, she is a goddess of misfortune and junk.
To atone for accidentally ruining so many palaces (though she had no power over the size of the boom when she ascended, it corresponds with power), she goes to the mortal realm to solve a mysterious haunting.
The moment she arrives, she finds a silver butterfly following her and is enchanted by it. The butterfly vanishes, and as soon as she steps into the haunted forest a man in red appears, takes her hand, and gently leads her through a blood-rain, destroys barriers that would have kept her contained, and delivers her safely to the lair of the creature she is hunting.
From then on, Azriel is never far from her side. He has hunted for Elain for 800 years. The beautiful princess he fell in love with as a child, and met time and time again without her realizing it. After their second adventure together, Azriel gives Elain a diamond ring to wear around her neck.
If a ghost’s ashes are destroyed or scattered, they die. Elain doesn’t want this to happen to Azriel, who has made himself an enemy of heaven. Azriel only tells her that his ashes are safe, and if their hiding place is ever destroyed or if they are cast away, he has no will to exist any more anyways.
His ashes are contained within that diamond ring, imbued in the stone itself. 
Elain doesn’t know why the gods hate Azriel so much, he is warm and kind to her (though admittedly cold to others). Azriel accompanies Elain obediently on many adventures, though every mystery they solve they run afoul of one heavenly official after another.
Elain starts to realize there is a rot in the heavens. So many gods with so many horrible secrets. 
Elain and Azriel invade the home of a particularly evil ghost- the Green Demon. Tamlin. After Elain’s fall from grace he went mad, his obsessive feelings towards her turning from admiration to hatred. It was Tamlin who commissioned all those statues of Elain in humiliating and degrading positions. Tamlin is a cannibalistic evil ghost, though lower than Azriel in power.
He quickly takes possession of the body of a man with a small child and refuses to leave, so Azriel cannot even kill him without Elain being angry. 
Realizing something is rotten in the heavens, Elain makes her base a rundown cabin barely standing. She lives there with Tamlin as her prisoner and Azriel as her constant companion. That child becomes a noose around Tamlin’s throat- endlessly obedient and loving towards his “father” (whose body Tamlin cannot leave or else Az will kill him). Bit by bit, Tamlin’s cruelty starts to fade (though he’s never really nice per-se, it’s just that he likes the kid).
On her journey she is joined by Nuala and Cerridwen- two low level gods in the service of Lucien and Cassian, who hate one another as much as their masters do. Their masters also hate Elain with a burning passion, so Nuala and Cerridwen help her in secret.
Out of courtesy, Elain pretends that she doesn’t know Nuala and Cerridwen are only Cassian and Lucien in another form, trying to atone themselves for abandoning her so long ago.
As Elain, Azriel, Cassian, and Lucien go on adventure after adventure the crimes of the heavens are unearthed one after another- from a god who killed humans to hide his own crimes to another who worked black magics to steal the good fortune of a man about to ascend to a god and attached it to his unwitting brother, leaving the man’s family to be raped and murdered while his brother enjoyed the divinity that should never have been his, to another god who tortured a mortal to death just for fun.
They start to realize too that Amarantha- who vanished from the world when Elain refused to release her curse- has been close by all along. 
For the Demonic Kiln that forges Ghost Kings- that imbued Azriel with so much power- was born of a horrific tragedy 2,000 years ago in which Amarantha’s entire kingdom fell around her.
A tragedy which Amarantha turned into an opportunity- she raided the heavens, slaughtered all of her fellow gods and changed her form.
And as new gods rose, she placed herself upon the throne with this new face--
as Helion.
Elain, Azriel, Cassian, Lucien, and all of their new friends must work together to destroy Helion, find the true King of Heaven, and restore balance to the world before Amarantha plunges it all into chaos and destroys everything Elain loves.
The only one powerful enough to stop Amarantha is Elain, but with her luck sealed away and her powers still stifled by the Cursed Collar, it is up to the Demonic Realm to save the Heavens above before the mortal world is destroyed.
Azriel already died for Elain once. To see her smile freely once again, he’d die a million deaths more. No matter the hardships, this boy who has followed his princess for 800 years will follow her to the ends of the earth and beyond.
And their growing love might just be enough to tip the tides of war in their favor. King Azriel will always find a way to his Elain. Not even a two thousand year old Demonic-King of Heaven can stand in their way.
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idk-my-aesthetic · 5 years ago
Phoenix Prince /// Dragon Princess AU
Aka a healthy (ish) fire siblings au (thats still super angsty im so sorry) where Zuko and Azula love/take care of eachother and earn the love of their people
Ursa dies in child birth, though thankfully Azula survives. Zuko’s only three at the time but he’s devastated by the loss of his mother, and vows to protect his baby sister at all costs
He’s super super involved with Azula growing up, and does everything in his power to protect her from Ozai. Bc when she’s little Ozai’s very bitter bc she “killed” Ursa, plus he already hated zuko for being too weak, plus there’s no Ursa to challenge him. so he can basically do whatever tf he wants to them and be an abusive fucking dick
But then, Azula starts fire bending and is clearly a prodigy. Ozai suddenly takes an interest in her. She’s terrified of her dad so she does w/e tf he wants to keep him happy.
Except she refuses to hurt zuko. he’s her big brother and she loves him. She (secretly) stays really close with him, though is skilled enough at manipulation that Ozai thinks she’s basically cut herself off from zuko/hate him. Which zuko is fine with, he wants Azula to be safe from Ozai and if that means she needs to pretend to hate him when their dad is in the room? He doesn’t care, he knows his baby sister and knows she loves him
Anyway yeah Ozai starts to like her better and treats her.... “better”. (Note the quotations.) but she still feels guilty that Zuko’s getting the brunt of ozai’s wrath, so she does her best to keep Ozai’s attention on how good she is instead of how much of a failure zuko is.
Quick side note: if Azula seems ooc that’s on purpose. We know her toxcicity is a result of Ozai’s influence. But here he has way less control over her. Bc Ozai mainly controls her by using fear. And while she is afraid of him, she’s not nearly as afraid in this AU. a) bc Azula has her over protective big brother being over protective and b) Ursa’s dead so there’s no mother who is supposed to protect her failing to protect her and making Azula feel unsafe
So in this she’s much closer personality wise to like a “season 1 zuko” version of herself. She’s in general cool but tends to loose control of herself. Though she also has a lot more self confidence than zuko did, and maybe a bit too much pride. She’d never hit someone who was already down and cares for ppl, but pretends that she cares for no one
So yeah. The two are just kinda surviving living in the castle and love eacother a lot
Until they hear about the whole kill ur first born thing....... (which happens about 2 yrs after cannon bc Iroh came home when he heard his sister in law died and the whole siege of ba sing se was postponed)
Instead of like. Waiting for her brother to get murdered tiny 9 yr old Azula packs up their shit and gets ready to go on the run
Unfortunately she’s (almost) too late. While she’s getting ready to leave Zuko is trying to cover for her (Ozai would be murderus if he knew Azula was gonna betrey him by leaving) and somehow manages to insult Ozai while trying to protect Azula from being found out
Ozai gets big mad, and in a fit of rage tries to kill zuko by burning half his face off.
Azula runs in at the sound of her brother’s screams, at the exact same time two gaurd rush into the royal chambers. The guards are frozen in shock, but Azula is pissed
Azula attacks her dad. At first she has the upper hand/element of surprise but... she’s 9.
she starts loosing. Her forearm gets really badly burned in a suspiciously hand-shaped pattern.
During the fight Zuko’s struggling to lift himself from the ground and help. He manages to save Azula from a killing blow by throwing some fire at Ozai, but collapses immediately after. Azula barely has a second to breathe before Ozai starts attacking again.
For a moment it legitimately looks like Ozai is going to murder his two young children in cold blood
Until one of the guards snaps.
She uses the whole fucked up situation to knock Ozai out, though she doesn’t kill him. The other gaurd is just standing there, and she has no clue who he’s gonna help so she just knocks him out
Then the gaurd grabs zuko and Azula, and fucking BOOKS IT from the castle. She does a blue spirit type thing to escape (threatening to kill either Azula or zuko) and eventually gets them somewhere safe where she can get their wounds treated
The next day the fire lord puts out this whole sob story about how an assassin pretended to be a gaurd, killed his father, then kiddnapped his children. And how he’s sending out a whole manhunt for his lost children yada yada yada
The other gaurd that was there mysteriously disappears a few days later, but not before he can spread some “rumors” about the prince and princess’s disappearance. Ozai ascends to the throne and publicly offers an enormous reward for the return of his children,,,,,, while secretly sending assassins after them. (Like.... Azula attacked him and he already tried to kill zuko he don’t give a fuck)
Iroh is obviously devestated when he finds out. and while he thinks the whole thing is a bit suspicious he starts on a journey desperately looking for his lost niece and nephew
While all this BS is happening this poor gaurd suddenly has 2 damaged af kids to take care of and a bunch of assassins to run from
So once zuko and Azula are healed enough to travel and they know zuko won’t die, they go on the run. They can’t stay in one place bc of all the assassins after them and end up going all over the world
They don’t spend a lot of time in the fire nation (for obvious reasons) but they do spend bits and pieces there. Connecting with their people, meeting freinds of the gaurd who saved them that can help (like Lt Jee who ran Zuko’s ship in cannon) and spreading the truth of what happened.
Stories about the damaged prince and princess who were so hurt by their father begin to spread. But even more stories about how the prince and princess care for their people spread ten times faster. Stories they take time to rebuild small fire nation villages damaged by floods, or how corrupt military commanders suspicious disappear after they come to town start to spread.
Ppl start calling them the dragon princess and pheonix prince. Because the princess protects her people like a dragon protects it’s hoard, by killing everyone who dares to endanger it. And the prince has risin from the ashes (you can see the burn clear as day on his face), to heal the land and his people
(Though really..... the prince and princess are both dragons and pheonixes. Because even if she seems invincible and more ruthless than her brother, the princess has been hurt deeply. Though her wound is more easily covered. And she aches for the pain of her nation, the nation she feels she wasn’t strong enough to protect. She just hides her emotions better than her brother....)
(As for the prince, yes he shows more kindness than his sister seems too. But he is just as ruthless as her if someone threatens their hoard. He’s just a bit calmer.... less trigger happy than his twin. It was his idea to take out the corrupt commandor stealing a small town’s livelihoods, after all)
They call the gaurd who saved them “the Kitsune”. They say she is a flame wielding spirit, sent by Agni himself to protect the true leaders of the fire nation
Iroh overhears bits and pieces about them. He starts to get an idea of what’s happening, but for the most part he really struggles to track them. Ppl can recognize him, and they won’t sell out their prince and princess to someone who might take them away
So yeah. The three of them are on the run together for a long time. They can never spend long in one place (assassins never stop coming after them) and dart all over the earth kingdom and fire nation, seeing first hand the effects of the war. And gaining a positive reputation both for caring about their people in a way no one since before Sozin has, as well as shaming dishonorable fire nation soldiers who mistreat those in the earth kingdom
(They almost never hurt foot soldiers who are just following orders, but any one (especially upper command) who take clear pleasure in other’s suffering are often challenged to Agni kai’s in exchange for said soldiers leaving.
Though usually just being publicly knocked on their asses by a couple of scarred kids who turn out to literally be the lost prince and princess holy shit, is enough to put them in their place)
So yeah. They travel together earning a good reputation from as soon as they’re healed until zuko and azula are 14 and 11 respectively
At that point they get separated from the gaurd.... (she doesn’t die, either captured or separated for some other reason)
So now.... all they have is eachother
The two spend the next two years on their own. They still try to do the same types of stuff they did before but now they’re in a lot more danger w/o an adult to help them. They’re basically just.... 2 increasingly ferel children struggling to survive. They live mostly off of like foraged stuff and whatever money they can make/steal from rich assholes
They continue to dodge Iroh as well bc they have no clue if he’s gonna return them to their father or kill them or w/e. Which is wayyyy harder than it would seem, the only reason he hasn’t caught them yet is that they have an alliance with June the bounty hunter who keeps sending Iroh on wild goose chases bc she has a soft spot for the weird ferel kids. (And a huge crush on the gaurd who was basically their mom/older sister for a while. But we don’t need to talk about that)
so zuko and Azula are just these absolutely feral kids being hunted by 12 dozen bounty hunters from their father, plus the “dragon princess and pheonix prince” have officially been declared “traitors to the nation that are impersonating the late children of Firelord Ozai” so there’s a good amount of the actual military after them, and they’re trying to keep away from their uncle and all his fucking white lotus freinds
They’re a little bit stressed ok??? And like super protective of eachother by this point
And then who joins the fucking search??? The goddam avatar
Bc he heard these stories about these good firebenders who protect everyone no matter what side of the war they’re on. And ofc Aang wants one or both of them to teach him
So Aang like the lovable idiot he is, is just trying so hard to adopt these crazy feral firebenders.
And ik I keep saying feral but like. I need to emphasize this bc these two spent 2 years on the run + 2 more years on the run while basically living in fucking forests cus they’re out of money, connections, and the gaurd was the only one out of the three of them with social skills. They’re a little stressed okay???
And idk I just love the idea of Aang trying to befriend these crazy feral firebenders acting like they’re just like. Wild animals or smthn. Like cornering them in a clearing and trying to offer them jerky as if they were wolves and the two giving him the blankest fucking expression
Anyway this post is about 200x longer than I meant it to be and I am so so sorry. (Especially since I can’t put in a read more on mobile)
Anyway bc it’s so long i’m just gonna do the last bit in bullet form and try to finish as quickly as humanly possible
- obvi they join the avatar and stuff
- the gaurd (who ima call kit/kitsune cus I don’t have a name for her) eventually meets/joins with Iroh. June later joins them as well as they try to find the idiot fire children
- Sokka has a big gay crush on the feral firebening guy
- Katara has a very tiny crush she refuses to admit too on Azula
- there’s also a lot of drama between her and Azula at first bc Azula is brash and Katara kinda gets annoyed at a mix of that/the lingering bias she has against fire nation ppl but they get past it
- also Azula has ~issues~ where she blames herself for their mom’s death/ is sure their mom hates them but asp their mom comes to her in spirit form and says she loves her (no fucking clue when that would happen but I love that idea)
- instead of having zuko/Azula chasing them they have a really fun variety of different random bounty hunters. Obvi including sparky sparky boom man
- the siege of the north.... happens. Though Zhao doesn’t kill the moon spirit so yue lives, and Azula and zuko manage to make a huge speech and get many of the soldiers to defect to their side instead so it ends with minimal bloodshed
- when Toph joins the group she and Azula are chaos incarnate
-mai and ty lee hear rumors and stuff and join team avatar eventually
- when they find out about the day of black sun they just. Skip trying to talk to the earth king. Cus they can just stage a cou lol they have the people on their side?? Forces from both water tribes, random earth kingdom ppl they’ve managed to befriend,,,,
- though they have to find uncle first bc he could challenge zuko for the throne. Obvi they think they’ll need to get rid of him bc they don’t really know him and think he wants to hurt them but all of a sudden??? 
- so they kinda have a few side quests as they’re preparing and gathering everyone but then it’s the day of black sun!!! And it works and shit and I actually have some other ideas too but FUCK this is SO LONG i am so sorry and will shut up now
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moriphyte · 4 years ago
What are your personal head canons for the sleepy bois inc. family?
i have a lot of thoughts on them so im just gonna put it under a readmore cause it got long, this is just my view of it.
phil, as part angel of death, is essentially immortal. he spends hundreds of years traveling the mc world and along the way picks up a maybe not so bad habit of taking in stray kids that need a home.
the first and oldest is techno, who phil meets in one of the many illegal fighting rings he competes in to make money. phil is very surprised when he’s partnered with a half piglin child. he’s even more surprised when he sees the kid fight. technoblade is only 8 but he fights better than most adults phil knows. they become fast friends, and very quickly phil puts the pieces of techno’s situation together. he’s a street kid, long ago tossed aside for being a hybrid, that had joined an underground fight ring in order to survive. the ring runners only gave him enough of his earnings to survive, leaving techno to live on the streets and taking the rest for themselves. if he lost a fight he was severely punished. phil confronts techno but he denies the abuse and refuses help outright. still, phil refuses to let it continue and steps in to defend techno from the ring runners. after escaping the ring runners and with nowhere else to go but back on the streets, techno accepts phil’s offer to stay with him. techno doesn’t like to define their relationship as father and son, they are just family, and they take care of and protect each other.
less than a year later phil is out hunting when he finds a 5 year old wilbur starving to death in the forest. he takes the dying boy back to their house and together he and techno struggle to keep him alive. they almost loose him multiple times over the first week, but eventually he pulls through (though he does grow up a rather sickly, skinny child.) with very little memory of where he came from aside from the fact that he had run away from a neglectful foster home and no where else to go, wilbur accepts phil’s offer to be part of their family and it doesn’t take him long to start calling phil his dad and techno his brother. phil almost cries the first time he does it, techno only allows it because he can’t bring himself to say no to little wilbur. phil has to leave sometimes for long travels to build sites, which is the only way to keep them all fed, leaving techno (9) and wilbur (6) to care for each other and the house.
when wilbur is 11, he is taking out the trash one night only to find a feral child eating out of their garbage can. the kid is dirty, and skinny, and scared but all wilbur can see is himself starved half to death in that forest where phil found him and he just knows he needs to help him. the kid scratches the shit out of him and bites him multiple times but wil manages to calm him down and get him inside the house for some food. wilbur asks the boys name but all he says is “what’s a name?” so wilbur decides to name him tommy. when phil and techno get back from hunting they find wilbur struggling to stay awake with a small blond child curled up against him, fast asleep. wilbur tells them he found the boy eating out of their trash, and that he’s named him tommy. and that was that. soon after phil was forced to go abroad more often for his building jobs, bringing techno with him and leaving wilbur to care for and raise tommy. about a year later wilbur and tommy find tubbo in a box on the side of the road and take him in.
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thepeanutbutterwizard · 5 years ago
Ninjago / Avatar au Part 5
On to Book two! (I have more concrete ideas on this than Book 1, so I might have to put Book two things on more than one post)
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
Also, if you like this au, check out this awesome art by @spirit-elementmaster!
Team Avatar is looking for an earthbending teacher for Lloyd. Wu and Morro are on the run in the Earth Kingdom. And Harumi is on the hunt, but she’s gonna need some help...
Enter Skylor, the laconic, acrobatic, chi-blocking daughter of a Fire Nation high-up, and Akita, the borderline feral knife-wielding niece of Vex, the warden of the Boiling Rock, who ran off to join a circus. Harumi ‘recruits’ the two girls, who she had ‘befriended’ years ago when she was first brought to the Firelords palace, to help her track down the Avatar. They were also sort of friends with Morro when they were kids too (there will be no ships between these four. They might be shipped with other people, but not with each other.) Also, Akita is a little younger than the other three, but won her right to hang with the ‘big kids’ by being able to pin a fly to the wall with a toothpick at thirty feet when she was 8 and the others were 10-11.
Wu and Morro are working their way to Ba Sing Se, under the guise of being refugees. There are shenanigans. (Wu 100% makes tea out of the poison bush thing. Morro almost broke his neck rolling his eyes at that) There are stupid fake names. There is bonding. They don’t end up splitting up like Zuko and Iroh do, but they do get unintentionaly separated at one point (more on that later).
Also, Kai’s acting a tad more overprotective than normal bc of what happened with Zane. And he’s acting that way toward everyone, including Maya and Garm. That will be addressed later.
Team Avatar is heading to the city of Omashu to try and find an earthbender they had meet there before, a guy who was actually a friend of Koko’s from her travels before she settled down in the South Pole. I have no idea who this character will be yet and am open to suggestions (mb one of the Serpentine Generals? Or one of the Elemental Masters? They’re some of the side characters I like, so they might work but idk). They stop briefly at an Earth Kingdom base, where they meet one General Kozu, who has the brilliant idea to try and weaponize a thirteen-year-old boy.
This does not go well. Garm, Maya, and Nya are staunchly against this, Kai thinks if they had a sure-fire way to get it to work without hurting Lloyd they should go for it, but if he thinks Lloyd is in danger he will step in, and Lloyd is scared, but thinks that if they can get this Avatar State plan to work and end the war now, long before the comet arrives, then it’s worth the risk. Kozu does the thing where he makes it look like he’s trapped Garm underground to suffocate (what happened to Katara)(also, there will be no ships between Lloyd and any of the ninja or Morro). Kozu gets his butt whooped and his base trashed.
And now we get to the next ninja to join the plot! In a second. Maya, Nya, and Lloyd are practicing waterbending, Garm and Kai had been doing a little firebending practice but had started chilling. And then they meet the nomad musician stoners, who are a few of the Elemental Masters. Jacob (Sound) is definitely one of them, a couple I haven’t decided on, and Jay! Jay’s a nonbender (I couldn’t for the life of me come up with a way to make him a firebender so he can use lightning) and an inventor who is following these weird flower hippies around bc they said they could get him to a city where he could try and sell his inventions. That was months ago. He has not seen a city. He has not been able to properly bathe. He is regretting several life choices.
Jay is instantly enamored with Nya (sorry if you hardcore ship Jaya, but that ship aint gonna happen here. I don’t like, hate the ship, but it’s really not my favorite), the strong waterbender who was instantly intrigued by his inventions (I think a character in Legend of Korra has some kind of lightning glove thing. One of Jays inventions is something like that) and was able to understand and keep up with his technobabble. He thinks he’s found his dream girl, and an excuse to get away from the smelly flower people! Jay begs Team Avatar if he can come with them. They say yes.
They can’t make it over the mountain, so they have their adventure in the Cave of Two Lovers. They get separated into three groups, Ultra, Garm and Maya, Kai and the musicians, and Jay and Nya. Jay keeps trying to awkwardly flirt with Nya, who actually doesn’t realize that he’s flirting bc she’s worried about her family and focused on getting out of the caves. They find the crystal path thing when their last torch either burns out or gets dropped and snuffed out. Kai and the hippies befriend the badgermoles. Garm and Maya, who were thoroughly done with this whole lovers cave adventure, used their bending and Ultras help to brute-force their way out (the badgermoles fix the cave later).
They get to Omashu, but it’s been taken over by the Fire Nation and the earthbender they were there to find was taken captive by the Fire Nation and sent to an earthbender prison. They have their first run-in with Harumi, Skylor, and Akita.
They have their little swamp adventure, they have some not-fun visions. Garm sees his dad (which scares the crap out of him), Maya sees her dead mother, Kai sees Zane, idk who Nya sees (mb Ray I guess? She misses him but he isn’t like, dead or anything so it might work?), or who Jay sees either (his birth parents I guess? That could be part of a character arc) and Lloyd gets a vision of his earthbending teacher. Y’all can probably guess who it’s gonna be, but I don’t wanna spoil it right now. And you know that one swampbender who bent the water in the vines to make a big plant monster? That’s Bolobo, the EM of Nature.
That Avatar Day adventure happens. Lloyd tries out that free lesson at the earthbending school, and they go to Earth Rumble 6. Kai gets way too invested in this underground fight club. Karloff is The Boulder, nuff said. And the reigning champion, whose stage name I haven’t decided on is Cole. Now, here’s the thing: I don’t want to make Cole blind just bc Toph was, but I do love the whole ‘listening to the earth’s vibrations to become a powerful earthbending master’ thing. So here’s Coles deal. His father is a rich and famous performer, and his mother was killed in an accident (possibly Fire Nation related, possibly not) that lead to Cole losing his legs (below the knees). He was just learning how to earthbend when it happened.
Something I’ve noticed in A:TLA is that earthbenders seem to use their legs and feet much more than other benders, with strong stances and stomping moves to connect to the earth. So to an earthbender losing their legs, losing their way to connect to the earth, would probably be one hell of an obstacle to work around. Cole’s father used his wealth to get Cole some nice prosthetics (Sparky Sparky Boom Man had two prosthetics, so I know they exist in the avatar world. Coles aren’t intimidating metal ones with some kind of mechanism to move like a real foot) but they don’t allow him to feel the earth like he needs to. So he painstakingly makes himself some new prosthetics. It looks like he’s just got bulky boots made out of stone, but Cole spent years working to be able to feel the earth’s vibrations through these prosthetics, to the point that he could be blindfolded and still be able to ‘see’ and earthbend fairly well. He can even get them to move like their his real limbs a little bit.
He can’t move with as much speed and agility, but he makes up for that by being a freaking powerhouse. But Cole can’t wear his earth prosthetics for super long periods of time bc he had no idea how to actually make them comfortable and make it so they don’t damage his stumps after long periods (after he joins Team Avatar Jay and Nya help him combine his professionally made prosthetics with his earthbending ones so he can wear them full time). Lou had become very protective of Cole after the accident, which is why Cole started participating in Earth Rumble 6.
Things go similarly to cannon, Cole shows his dad how powerful he is as an earthbender, and while Lou does ban Cole from going with Team Avatar at first, he actually does change his mind and let Cole go with them. He even sees them off. It’s a sweet moment.
So what have Wu and Morro been doing? Traveling, dealing with the occasional rude fellow traveler, and getting seperated in a storm turned flash flood. Team Avatar also get split up in this storm turned flash flood, Garm, Cole, and Jay get separated from everyone, including each other. This leads to Maya, Kai, Nya and Lloyd flying Ultra around in a small area to search for them, and makes it really easy for a tank occupied by three dangerous girls to track them for a good two days, leading to some mild sleep deprivation. (Dragons don’t shed fur, so that’s my fix for that bc I really like “The Chase” and wanted to include it)
Morro was looking for Wu, but finds Harumi and starts following her (he’s hoping that she might lead him to Wu, or that Wu might start following Harumi and they’ll run into each other, or smthn. And if he’s able to catch the Avatar there’s a chance that he and Wu will be forgiven by the Firelord. He’s not banking on it, but it might work). Jay and Cole find each other, and then run into Wu, who was looking for Morro. Maya and the kids split up to cover more ground and to try and to try and lose the tank and the girls. Lloyd goes one way, Kai and Nya go in another, and Maya takes Ultra to find a place for him to nap.
Harumi follows Lloyd’s trail, and Skylor and Akita go after Kai and Nya. Meanwhile, Cole and Jay have some tea and conversation with Wu. No idea what the conversation is about, but it gets cut short when Garm finds them and tells Jay and Cole to get away from Wu. There’s a bit of a stand-off, since Garm doesn’t trust Wu and hasn’t read his letter yet, and Wu is getting a little frustrated at his brothers stubbornness, (and is wondering how he keeps collecting children) even though he does understand why Garm would be cautious around him.
They work together to find a trail, have some awkward small talk, the brothers start to reconnect a little bit, meet up with Kai and Nya (who fought off Skylor and Akita), and they all go after Lloyd and Harumi. They find them in a three-way fight with Harumi, and Morro is going all out with his airbending for the first time in his life. Everyone gangs up on Harumi and corner her, and when she notices Garm is a bit distracted trying to subtly check on Lloyd, she tries to fire an attack at him-
-only for Wu to push him out of the way and take the hit. Wu goes down, hard, and everyone attacks Harumi, but she gets away. Morro blows Garm away away when he tries to get to Wu, calling Wu his father for the first time, and he kicks up a wind storm to keep them away. Maya shows up on Ultra, who got enough of a nap to fly for a few hours and let everyone get some much needed rest. Everyone that is, except Garm, who finally sits down to read his brothers letter...
15 notes · View notes
bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years ago
BakuDeku: Supernatural Elements
A lengthy one this will be, all the goods in one list for your viewing pleasure!
These supernatural elements are all fantasy related works such as werewolves, vampires, demons, and more. Here is the list in order:
120 Works.
- Werewolves: 18 Works. - Vampires: 13 Works. - Mers/sirens/selkies: 13 Works. - Ghosts: 17 Works. - Witches & Fairies: 6 Works. - Angels & Demons: 21 Works. - Zombies: 4 Works. - Youkai/spirits/Kitsune: 1 Work. - Naga/monsters: 7 Works. - Mixed Elements: 20 Works.
~Eve ❣
Werewolves and were-creatures
[Discontinued] a boy and his dog: a wolf's tail by Ramabear (RyMagnatar), TheatricalPlacenta ( E | 102,947+ | 6/? )
In a world of supernatural beings, one young man is doing his best to get by.
Izuku’s a simple human and a college student, curious and cautious with a generosity and kindness that can be killer. But when a chance encounter with the Big Bad Wolf of campus breaks him out of his shell, will Izuku succumb to the flames of his new desire, or will he rise above it all?
But this bad boy Katsuki isn’t all that he appears to be. Behind that prickly exterior is a heart of gold and beneath that lies a hunger that Izuku can’t yet fathom.
Even if Izuku can manage to tame the wolf on his tail, what will he do with the beast inside of himself when it comes calling?
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Noncon groping ]
K-9 by warschach  ( E | 18,304 | 1/1 )
Izuku takes in a stray on one rainy night, except it's not a dog, it's a dog shifter who goes by the name, Katsuki. After the initial wave of panic and embarrassment, Izuku thinks his new pet/roommate is pretty cute.
You. Me. The Moon. by Copkilla1990  ( E | 67,555+ | 17/? )
it started with katsuki's uncontrollable werewolf wet dreams.
or something like that
[hiatus] i will not be tamed by the dark by wonduhhwoman  ( M | 10,530+ | 2/? )
Katsuki is looking to tie himself to the wielder of the Great Spirit of Harmony's power through a blood bond. Aizawa has other plans for the famed King of Beasts.
Izuku saves a wolf and earns a guard dog. It's begrudging on both sides.
Dear Fellow Traveler by Morpheel  ( E | 19,863+ | 4/? )
On the verge of completing a cure that would see to the end of many common ailments, Alchemist Izuku Midoriya grows desperate at the realization that he is missing a key ingredient to his brew.
However the blanket of night looms overhead, promising trouble to any who would dare venture out into the deadened woods at these hours. Many travelers have lost their lives braving the dangers of the forest, but it's a risk that Izuku must take, as the concoction would be unusable by the crack of dawn.
Yet the forest was never supposed to hold Werewolves.
Sorely unprepared for a run-in with the Alpha of a desperate pack, Izuku is captured, and held hostage within their ranks. In the midst of a clan afflicted with illness and death, Midoriya must survive the temperament of clan leader Bakugo Katuski, while attempting to find a cure for their affliction.
Easier said than done.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Child Death ]
You're Everything A Big Bad Wolf Could Want by ElopeToTheSea  ( T | 23,959 | 5/5 )
Little red riding hood
I don't think little big boys should
Go walking in these spooky old woods alone...
In which Izuku saves a wounded dog, and ends up with a mate for life.
crescent fever by umbrage  ( E | 4,116 | 1/1 )
The night before a full moon, a werewolf’s inhibitions are at an all-time low.
Juggernaut by warschach  ( E | 19,357+ | 4/? )
What had four legs, a tail, fur all over, and went 'woof woof' in the dead of night?
Katsuki's soulmate, Izuku Midoriya, the werewolf.
Which is funny-if you're fucked up in the head and you're going to get real fast why Katsuki was a special Frosted Flakes brand of 'fucked'- because Katsuki's profession clocked out monsters' time card early.
It should be fine.
Narrator: It was, in fact, not fine.
(or Katsuki meets his soulmate at the worst time and under the worst circumstances, tries to deny his feelings while battling monsters, attending class-yea,no-, and trying to piece together the giant gaps in his past. so adulthood except everything does want to kill him.)
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Underage ]
Friction by warschach  ( M | 20,057 | 3/5 )
Izuku's getting married today.
To an alpha he hasn't met and doesn't know beyond his name and the kind of strain he was born with; lion if anyone was curious. And it wouldn't be that bad of a situation but Izuku's an alpha too with a tiger strain, and you know the spiel about alpha-alpha unions more fighting than loving in those bedsheets.
So there's a high probability this whole sham marriage might go up in flames if they're not careful; and when was the last you heard about alphas being careful, huh?
(or Izuku makes the right dumb decision to marry the right alpha under the wrong conditions)
Through Lies and Deceit by Shadowolven ( E | 15,351+ | 2/? )
Supernatural beings, termed occults, haunt the land in search for human victims for their consumption. The surviving human race, having splintered into numerous settlements across the land, struggle in a never-ending war to keep the occults at bay and to ultimately eradicate the fiends.
Izuku and Katsuki are such habitants, training to become professional hunters like their ancestors before them, aiming to become vigilant protectors of humanity. They've spent many years together in training and off, and tonight, on an evening full of celebration, they were given one last opportunity to relax and be the youth the town expected them to be.
But, things go terribly wrong when the truth becomes discovered: Katsuki Bakugou is not a human.
[ Homophobia | Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
He Who Catches by TouchofFever (UntappedChaos) ( M | 5,281+ | 2/3 )
Fantasy/Werewolf AU Izuku only survived the winter of his fourth year because a tribe of werewolves took him in. He became one of theirs, a son of wolves. Guilt made his wolven mother return him to humans once the seasonal melt arrived, but that didn't stop him from making a promise with someone... a someone who, however precious, he forgot in order to live.
Call of the Moon by SurelyHeavenWaits ( E | 44,662 | 11/11 )
Bakugou is a werewolf and his wolf hungers for one thing- well, one person. His childhood best friend. And he refuses to let his wolf hurt him.
[ Mildly Dubious Consent | Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Izuku & Wan-chan by errant_rivalry ( G | 2,120 | 1/1 )
A unusual dog visits a boy so he doesn't spend Halloween alone.
Mine by bkdkwritingsdump ( M | 2,505 | 1/1 )
Izuku’s just a humble alchemist who lives in a cottage in the woods… with his werewolf boyfriend, Katsuki. Every month, when he can no longer control his wolf instincts, he gets particularly possessive, maybe even too possessive. (He’s still a sweet little sap under it all, though.)
Let Me In, Let Me In by osakakitty ( E | 3,131 | 1/1 )
Izuku finally has a day off from vampire hunting, and decides to spend it binging candy and television. His werewolf boyfriend has other ideas.
Halloween Exchange gift for Bubblyn!
Wolf’s Bane by tenneiah ( E | 24,041+ | 5/? )
It’s a world ruled by the humans.
It’s been 30 years of wolves getting hunted and killed by them. 30 years of prejudice, taboos and discrimination between both species. 30 years since the leader of the werewolves was murdered, trying to achieve peace.
Still after 30 years, a nerd named Izuku finds himself assisting an injured wolf in the middle of the night, in the heart of Tokyo.
[ Genocide References | Graphic Depictions Of Violence ]
The Hunting Party by MarionetteFtHJM ( E | 50,488+ | 12/? )
Izuku had gotten himself into many messes over the years. He’d once got stuck in the back of a restaurant after hours because he’d been too shy to ask someone to let him out of the staff bathroom he’d locked himself into. Or that time he got stuck on a roof of a house saving a random cat for some little girl’s sake. Or when his mom left him home alone for the first time and he invited four neighborhood stray dogs into the house and they’d made a mess out of everything. Come to think of it, most of his messes involved animals. Comically he thinks, this is no different.
(Alternatively: Izuku and Katsuki get caught in the crossfire, fake date and then solve some problems for some dangerous beings)
The Reason It's Wrong by Merrywetherweather ( T | 10,247+ | 4/? )
Izuku Midoriya is a Were species, a type of creature that has the ability to shift into a specific animal. As a rabbit Were, his mother had always taught him that
1) Weres had to keep themselves hidden, even from other Were species
2) He had to keep his identity a secret to protect himself from humans
3) He would most assuredly be hunted and killed if a predator Were found him out.
Bakugou Katsuki is such a predator Were. But his head's a mess, his primal wolf instincts conflicted about the newest hunt he's taken up.
An animal Wereau.
red like wine by wbtrashking (fan_nerd) ( M | 12,593 | 1/1 )
Katsuki stops, startled by something crashing through the bushes. He hopes it's just an animal knocking into a tree, but his instincts have prepared him for the worst. He comes face to face with a deeply-wounded man, his eyes feral and dark. Blood drips from his clothes when the man falls to his knees.
Anybody with a wound that large has to be up to no good. Katsuki knows that fact very well
vigilance by wbtrashking (fan_nerd) ( M | 8,190 | 1/1 )
“I understand if it’s too much to deal with right now,” Izuku softly starts, “but I’d appreciate it if you two could tell me what's going on.”
One youth with silver hair offers him a wary look. “You with those creeps who have scales?”
Izuku shakes his head.
Then, the red-haired young man looks Izuku up and down, staring into his green eyes for a long moment before he speaks again. “There are rumors, right―about people that aren’t one hundred percent human.”
“I’m one of them.”
Izuku and Katsuki are well-known vigilantes in Japan. Rumors about them spread far and wide, occasionally making their jobs more difficult. When they catch word of a syndicate doing awful experiments on children, the two of them chase down those responsible and make them pay.
Vampire Deku by Betery ( M | 7,453+ | 4/? )
Being quirkless doesn't mean you can't be a hero. Being at the right place at the right time and the gumption to DO something makes you a hero. Sometimes this can have fatal results; luckily fate was smiling was looking down on Izuku and he did in fact not die. However, something else DID happen to him that will affect him for the rest of his life.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
A Drop of You by felicitous ( E | 7,920+ | 2/? )
When Izuku is out celebrating with friends, he notices a familiar face in the crowd and learns that his childhood friend has changed in ways he never imagined possible.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
your kiss tastes so red by kewltie ( T | +4,057 | 1/? )
A wolf and a lamb falls in love. It's the perfect fucked up fairy tale.
[ Obsessive Behavior ]
Lovebites by mynameis152 ( E | 128,941+ | 39/? )
Katsuki Bakugou was going to hate this summer.
He thought he'd hate it because he was being forced to leave home and work for his mother's friend in a small, seaside town. He thought he'd hate it cause he was being punished for burning his room to a crisp. He thought he'd hate it because he hated change.
But it turns out, he hated the Supernatural Turfwar between four species that shouldn't exist but do a whole lot more....
The one where Katsuki is forced to move in with Inko for the summer and finds himself falling for a particular bloodsucker....
[ Suicide Attempt | Graphic Depictions Of Violence ]
Bad Days by GreyDayMoon ( M | 11921+ | 6/? )
Izuku was having a pretty bad day.
Someone else was also having a shitty day too and ended up bleeding out in the alley Izuku was walking through.
Izuku in his bleeding heart nature decided to help him.
The day got worse for Izuku.
[ Graphic Depictions Of Violence ]
Don't Play With Your Food by bkdkwritingsdump ( T | 1,067 | 1/1 )
Katsuki feels apprehensive about the arrangement he's made with Izuku; he knows a vampire and a human shouldn't be in love. (But, here they are anyway.)
War of Hearts by Simplyfx ( T | +13,022 | 4/? )
Bakugo Katsuki hates vampires from the bottom of his heart, reason why he had promised himself to exterminate all of them from the face of the earth. His resolve falters when he meets Midoriya Izuku, a vampire who claims to hate him to death.
Ivory by Dark_Mage_Ayumu ( E | 3,566 | 1/1 )
When he looked up, Izuku was sitting in his lap. His mouth hung open as he panted harshly, messy hair even messier as it clung to his forehead. Katsuki could clearly see his top row of teeth, and how massive and sharp his canines were.
“Kacchan… Please… Just a little… I promise…”
[ Underage ]
Don't want the world to see me by undertake_r ( M | +4,167 | 2/? )
Katsuki doesn’t really think of himself as a good person. He never has, he knows he isn’t.
He supposes this was just karma coming back to bite him in the ass.
His dull red eyes stare up at the grey sky, blurry with the rain falling from the clouds above as it mingles with the blood from his weeping shoulder and probably broken nose.
The dull throb from the slice in his arm felt warm as his natural healing closed the wound slower than normal.
He’s going to have to use his last packet of blood on this bullshit. Fuck.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
you said you'd keep me honest (but i won't call you on it) by arifail ( T | 10,738 | 1/1 )
Deku wasn't Katsuki's problem so there really wasn't any good reason for him to be standing outside the nerd's door, hollering loud enough to wake the dead.
Or for Deku to be opening the door looking like the dead Katsuki had woken up.
Crimson Concrete by pearliegrimm ( M | 29,817+ | 16/? )
Bakugou Katsuki was pretty sure he had this vampire shit down to a tee. All he had to do was stay away from the sunlight, avoid churches and not have any attachments to humans? That was literally how Katsuki had lived his life up until now- it was the exact same, except, he supposed, with higher stakes (ha, get it?)
“Hey dude, does this mean you can’t eat garlic bread anymore?”
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Merpeople, sirens, selkies
[Abandoned] Green Sea by HG_Wells ( M | 7,263+ | 1/? )
KatsuDeku Mermaid!AU (I haven't seen very many of them around and at this point it's just plain annoying)
Izuku Midoriya is Prince of the Sea, a young Merman who was next in line for the throne. He has everything a Merman could ask for, except for one thing; Freedom. He wants to see what the surface is like, but it's against every law in all Seven Sea's to breath air. But what Izuku thinks is a small trip turns into a live or die situation, and he finds himself placing all of his trust into a talented Biologist to get home.
Sugared Saltwater by halcyonwhispers ( T | 6,956+ | 2/? )
As a high class model for most of his life, Katsuki knows the ins and outs of any gig. He’s worked with Oscar-winning actor “All Might”, had his face plastered on magazine covers, and modeled Gucci and Prada for fashion week in Milan with that asshat Todoroki, so shooting a fucking perfume ad shouldn’t be hard.
Not even with the overgrown fish in the tank.
that one au where katsuki’s a super model and risks his ass to save a merman (and vice versa)
Songling by Seatrix ( Not rated | 2,471 | 1/1 )
A long time ago the sirens, who had ruled the seas for eons, decided they wanted to go onto land, and so they brought their songs and shared it with the civilizations on land.
Centuries later, all that remains of a siren is but a small scale set at the base of the siren’s throat, these creatures called themselves Songlings, and lived next to their original home-the sea.
There are many ways a scale could break.
For Midoriya Izuku, heartbreak broke his.
Fish Eye by sweetautumnwine ( T | 7,707 | 1/1 )
Izuku, a solitary merman, finds himself captured by aquarium staff and imprisoned in one of their laboratories; the man assigned to observe him, Katsuki, was on the boat when he was ensnared in the nets. As they grow to know each other more, Katsuki must decide where his duty lies, and Izuku must learn what his heart desires.
Fishy by warschach ( E | 19,417 | 1/1 )
Izuku’s convinced his hot co-worker/neighbor, Katsuki, is a mermaid-or merman- you gotta consider genders even with mythical creatures- and plans to prove it.
(or this is kinda like the show ‘Monster Quest’, except Izuku actually finds said monster, falls in love, and have sexy times.)
The sea, it calls me by MochiUs ( E | 17,860+ | 3/? )
One was searching for what was lost. One was looking for what was rightfully his. They were creatures of the sea, and this was their tale. This was the story of how a selkie and a merman fell in love.
[ Suicidal Thoughts ]
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by kewltie ( M | 1,834+ | 1/? )
Even the devil got nothing on Bakugou Katsuki, but it may have hand him something else. Something otherworldly, something scaly and with a tail.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
green around the gills by umbrage ( M | 9054+ | 3/10 )
In a world where mythical mer are born and bred for entertainment, Bakugou abruptly finds himself charged with the care of a battle-scarred betta.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | PTSD | Mentions of Abuse ]
shipwreck on the red sea by flowercafe ( M | 12,036+ | 3/? )
Izuku’s always been wary of sharks, but he never expected to come face to face with one like this.
Midoriya Izuku is a village fisherman who embarks on a dangerous quest to save his small mangrove village from starvation. When he accidentally stumbles into the treacherous waters of an apex predator, Izuku must figure out a way to endure the cold fury of one deadly and very volatile shark mer.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Lifesaving Kiss by Paper_Wings ( E | 14,840+ | 4/? )
When a terrible storm sets in without warning, and Izuku is thrown overboard, he finds himself face to face with a living creature of legend. Stranded on a rock in the siren's den, the young sailor has seven days to convince the beautiful, but deadly siren to spare him.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Dubcon | Panic Attacks ]
The Secret of the Sea by Trinatee_the_Manatee ( Not rated | 4,372+ | 2/? )
When he was young, Katsuki was very close to an omega merboy named Izuku. One day, a band of pirates came and stole Izuku from him. Now Katsuki is setting sail with a rowdy band of privateers, and he swears on the sea that he will get his Deku back.
What Am I? by FadedNobody ( T | 6,959+ | 1/? )
After crawling onto land over five years ago Katsuki discovered that life as a human could be pretty damn great. So when he finds himself training some nerdy green eyed loser at the surf shop why does his world suddenly stand still?
Izuku's stuck in life and as door after door of opportunity closes before him he turns to the only thing he has left. Surfing the blue waves of his home town. So where did this blonde asshole come from and why does he insist he's a local?
for whatever we lose by kindaopps ( Not Rated | 4,553 | 1/1 )
He locks the pelt up in a chest, and keeps the key hanging from his neck.
The boy's face was devastated, but Katsuki found even that quite beautiful.
[ Dub-Con ]
[Discontinued] Casper Ain't Shit by CaridwenAngetueur1 ( M | 16,328 | 12/12 )
In which Izuku and his mother are murdered and become ghosts.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
The Dust We Have To Breathe by Tyranno ( T | 11,861 | 8/8 )
Bakugo made a big mistake--a huge one--years ago that he never stopped regretting, and now there's only one student from his highschool getting into UA.
Well, 1½.
help our souls by writedeku ( T | 13,773+ | 3/6 )
Yagi Izuku died at the relatively young age of twenty one, and maybe he might've been content with that - except for the fact that he just can't seem to find the afterlife. Enter Bakugou Katsuki - the Police Academy's finest detective, angry at the world, conspiracy theorist, who quite literally walks into him one early evening on a late October's day. Katsuki hates him, or at least, for the first twelve hours.
I'll haunt the shit out of you by SlytherinsInSpace ( T | +13,258 | 8/? )
First of all- ghosts shouldn’t have anxiety.
Of all the fucking things that could have followed him into death- it had to be an ever-impending sense of doom and discomfort? Hadn’t he already reached his doom? Was death and doom not enough?
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Handkerchief Dude by zubateatscakes ( M | 10,631 | 1/1 )
Mr. Anger Issues might be an alien, Izuku thought. He couldn’t explain his apparently unlimited voice volume otherwise.
“What have you just called me?” The guy cracked his knuckles and, face twisted in an evil smirk, stepped forwards into his personal space.
Izuku became very pale and then turned as red as a tomato. He flinched and moved backwards, but the man kept approaching. “Did I say it aloud?”
“You fucking did.”
“Oh crap. Sorry?”
“Take your fucking lame excuse for an apology and stick it up your ass,” Mr. Anger Issues spat out, nails digging into his palms.
Ghost hunter Izuku travels between the world of the dead and that of the living. Katsuki is troublesome and likes to brawl.
One day, Izuku finds Katsuki in a dark alley, and their lives entangle together.
Deal with the Devil by stars_go_dim ( T | 9,596+ | 3/? ) 
“So... I’m in hell?”
“Yeah, basically.”
Katsuki paused for a moment and looked Satan in the eyes with an unreadable expression.
In which Katsuki makes a deal with the devil and is forced to spend the rest of his time on earth with Izuku until the deal has been successfully completed. However, not everything goes according to plan as Katsuki faces many problems along the way, as he slowly but surely begins to develop intense emotions for the boy - more intense than he had originally planned.
[ Major Character Death ]
Daffodils by magnificent_catastrophe ( T | 5,305 | 1/1 )
Bakugo's been running from his past, a past that holds feelings he's wanted nothing but to bury inside of him. Then one day, a fragment of his past comes to life. Now Bakugo has to deal with his 3rd Year at UA on top of a beast from his past. The road ahead is filled with tears and heartache, and quite frankly, Bakugo's not up for the challenge.
[ PTSD | Mental Illness and Instability ]
Yūrei by EclecticIsMyMiddleName ( E | 53,804+ | 4/6 )
Izuku's apartment is haunted by none other than Bakugo Katsuki's ghost. Imagine his surprise when he finds out why Katsuki's ghost can't rest in peace.
[ Major Character Death ]
Mizpah by SchnellerTod ( M | 6,086+ | 3/? )
The one in which Izuku gets a new life and Katsuki gets pain in the ass.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Yūrei no Eiyū by FandomManiac22 ( T | 42,281+ | 16/? )
"If you wanna be a hero that badly, there’s a quick way to do it. Believe that you’ll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof!”
When Katsuki’s comment comes at just the wrong time, Izuku takes his advice. But it is not the end.
In another world where Izuku is attacked by the sludge villain on the way to school instead of after it, his dreams get crushed too soon. With nothing to save him and Katsuki’s words ringing in his ears, Izuku decides to end it all by jumping off his school’s roof. As his body cracks on the ground, Izuku does not pass on to the next world. Instead, he is left as a ghost among many others. When the slime villain escapes from jail and attacks the person Izuku can’t help but care for, he learns that there may be more to his afterlife than he thought.
And maybe he can be a hero after all.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death | Suicide | Depression ]
Amateur Ghost Hunters by bkdkwritingsdump ( T | 19,768 | 15/15 )
Izuku, aspiring film producer and fanatic of the paranormal, somehow convinces Katsuki, a staunch skeptic, to start an internet series with him where they investigate supposedly haunted sites. And with both boys attempting to hide their feelings for each other, one has to wonder if it's true what they say about horror and romance…
Hearse by Yousayhun ( M | 4,694 | 1/1 )
I will never go backwards I will never be free I will never run faster Will you sink down to me? I will never go backwards I will never be seen In the wake of disaster, will you sink down to me?
Or the one where Bakugo-kun is seriously sad and Izuku is a ghost.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
EVP Sessions by autochorystalize ( T | 9,682 | 2/2 )
Izuku had been interested in the paranormal for years now, spending many weekends exploring haunted locations and trying to document proof of spirits. Tonight was the start of his next big project: creating a documentary series about paranormal investigation.
Katsuki thought Izuku was full of shit, but he always showed up anyway.
[ Mentions of Suicide ]
Unseen by Catching_Wildfires ( Not rated | +2,864 | 1/? )
If Izuku knew anything about himself, it would be that he was dead.
He didn't remember how it had happened, but here he was, sitting right on top of his school rooftop, gazing into the sunset, with no one else to see him-
"What the fuck are you muttering about, shithead?"
-until now
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
The Witching Hours by bkdkwritingsdump ( G | 2,622 | 1/1 )
Katsuki’s apartment is definitely haunted, but the ghost actually seems to like him, maybe even love him. Can he date a ghost? Is that okay!? Izuku thinks yes, but then again, he’s the ghost ;)
Pit Stop by bishounen_curious ( E | 2,821 | 1/1 )
Izuku's best college memory is definitely when he fucked a ghost on a weekend hiking trip during his junior year.
Written for Scarlotis Luna for a Halloween Exchange!
Quietus by Kovhha ( T | 12,936+ | 3/? )
Green eyes struck his and pinned him in place. Bakugou froze, and his knees felt weak. Big green smiling eyes looked back at his. Freckles wrinkled in a grin, curled hair cupping his cheeks. It had been the happiest damn picture of Izuku Bakugou had even seen. It was so alive, Bakugou almost thought he saw movement from it. But it had just been a picture. A worn picture now that he was looking. It was yellowed and curling at the edges, a stray water stain rolling over one cheek. It was nothing but a cheap imitation of the real thing, nothing but a lingering memory, quickly being forgotten by the passing people. There was a stand holding equally wilted flowers and long burned out candles. It was very far from the rest of the bodies, Bakugou knew the site well.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Witches & Fairies
That One Time Bakugou Blew a Fairy by CaridwenAngetueur1 ( E | 962 | 1/1 )
Bakugou meets a stranger in a club and decides to give him a blowjob.
Unfortunately, the stranger is a fairy.
a deal of a lifetime by needsmoresleep ( T | 3,903+ | 2/? )
Izuku had been told many times not to wander outside of the woods or too close to human civilizations.
Your Darkness is My Light by Pikachuscribbles ( G | 1,177 | 1/1 )
Bakugou Katsuki is a new era Umbra Witch; something he found out was part of his lineage at age four. However, a certain green haired boy -his best friend since childhood- always had a knack for attracting trouble. And now, here they are, with his Deku somehow trapped in Paradiso, covered in scratches and bruises. And it’s up to Bakugou to take him back home.
A World of Enchantment by NightshadeDawn ( G | 721 | 1/1 )
Izuku's been dreaming of a song for many years. He never imagined where it would lead him.
Burn the Witch by sundaechii ( T | 2,233 | 1/1 )
A week after the start of summer break, the Bakugou’s got a new neighbor.
Dreaming Awake by butterfly78 ( T | 1,970+ | 1/? )
Bakugou Katsuki is just an arrogant witch trying his best. Dorms aren't conductive to secrecy, but by god he's gonna try. Canon compliant until I stop caring.
Angels and demons
Stick The Landing. by theweakestthing ( T | 7,609 | 2/2 )
Bakugou stared at the now gaping hole in his ceiling, blinked several times before his eyes trailed down to the pile of debris in the middle of the room.
"What the fuck?" Bakugou whispered, brows knitted, "what the fuck!" He yelled, shaking vigorously with rage.
The pile of debris shifted and moved, giving way to something that looked suspiciously like a body. Fluffy green hair appeared from the rubble along with the rest of a very naked man that didn't have a single scratch on their body apart from something on the man's back, it was completely absurd, utterly absolutely completely absurd. The man turned toward him, smiled wide and moved slowly from the debris, ceiling tiles and splintered wood moving around the man's legs and feet.
"Kacchan," the man said, smile wide and kinda scary.
"What?" Bakugou barked, taking a step back, really though what the hell was happening.
I Summoned a Demon 101: an In-comprehensive guide to Corporeal Demon Do's and Don'ts by EAter ( E | 96,150+ | 36/? )
Midoriya Izuku was born with a quirk: the ability to summon and bind demons from an alternate plane to do his bidding. With only a few days left until the UA entrance exam and still no offensive-type demons in his arsenal, Izuku makes a desperate venture at summoning one corporeal, a feat he had never before attempted. He'd say it was a success- but he doesn't actually know if it'll be more a help or a hindrance. Especially since Bakugou Katsuki is, well, kind of a shit.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Underage | Panic Attacks | Dissociation | Mentions of Rape | Mentions of Child Abuse ]
One of You by LucianPrompto ( T | 2,658+ | 3/? )
When you hear the word “special” or “unique” what is the first thing you think of?
Some might say themselves, the place they live or the people around them, or even something like the weather that day.
In another world, Midoriya Izuku desired to be this above all else. To be able to be a well-loved hero with a cool quirk to protect everyone with. But in this world, he wished nothing but to be like the other, hidden, unknown, quirkless.
In this world, Midoriya Izuku is what many people would consider “Unique”. You see Izuku had a secret. While he had the power to protect, he would not have anyone to protect being the monster he is.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Bound to You by Magefeathers“ ( T | 5,751 | 1/1 )
There were a few moments of nothing but the static, and Izuku feared that maybe the demon had disconnected after all. But then the voice spoke again, and this time it was flat, listless, without any of the anger and fire Izuku had come to expect from it.
I exist to destroy you, Midoriya Izuku,” he repeated. When he continued his voice was bitter, and almost sad. “I’m bound to you. I am going to steal your breath from you, because that’s the only way for me to be free. Sooner or later, one way or another, I will destroy you.”
[hiatus] 7 Sins by kacchansass ( E | 5,704+ | 1/7 )
Izuku gets invited to a party where he knows his childhood crush and on-again off-again friend would be. He wants to repair their friendship—but before he can get anywhere with Katsuki, some kids from a rival school crash the party. Katsuki, being the leader he is, confronts them outside.
Hours pass, and Katsuki still hasn't returned.
AKA the Jennifer's Body AU nobody asked for.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Icarus by BrightEyesEren ( M | 44,694+ | 5/9 )
“Young man, let me tell you the story of an angel born without wings.”
What's the difference between an angel with wings and an angel without them? Between sin and enjoyment? Between living a life of purity and a life of freedom?
Izuku summons a demon by the name of Katsuki to find out.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Vertigo by warschach ( M | 34,142+ | 5/11 )
“Guardian—you’re an angel? My angel?”
That was offensive as hell coming from a unicorn working an afternoon shift at a coffee shop. At least he didn’t have a damn horn protruding out from his damn skull. Not that Katsuki judged supes on their appearance—magic could do only so much and it took a once massive creature and condensed it into a human suit so some things were bound to be uneven—but this guy, his guard until someone or something decided to do Katsuki a solid and off Izuku, called him out.
(or Katsuki is an unwilling guardian angel, Izuku is his unwilling guard, trouble happens, and maybe they fall in love)
Fight for the fall by Ereri_Garbage ( T | 1,205 | 1/1 )
Angels probably had a worse fate than demons. When an angel aged 16 years they were returned to the heavens to be tested by god and to see if they were fit to live amongst the clouds with the strongest warriors or doomed to live a life on earth, fallen.
The World Is Silent (we are loud) by RedHeadsRock1010 ( T | 77150+ | 17/? )
There is only one Angel and one Demon at a time – born each generation after the previous one dies and destined to keep the balance of the world in a vicious battle of good verses evil until the end of existence.
The current Demon stared at the Angel humming and weaving pink flowers into his own bright green curls. A crown of red roses already sat on the Demon's head.
Yeah, fuck that bullshit.
love black as sin by clairesail ( E | 7,394 | 1/1 )
Kacchan has always been something ethereal to him. Magnificent, beautiful. Someone Midoriya's own mortal hands were not worthy of touching. Little did he know how right that feeling had been.
Only, not in the way he expected.
Fuel for the Fire by EclecticIsMyMiddleName ( E | 12,630+ | 1/13 )
Hell is full of demons, and Bakugo Katsuki is one the most infamous (or should we say, "popular"?). His job is to give the demon fuckers what they want in exchange for their souls. Sure, he enjoys the "perks" of his job as an incubus, but he's never felt anything for his victims.
Until now.
Alternatively Titled: "Izuku Accidentally Summons an Incubus and Learns About Demon Anatomy"
[ Major Character Death ]
Lucky for Me by Daiako (Achrya) ( E | 4,837 | 2/2 )
Izuku, Katsuki's summoned succubus, takes an attack meant for him. Katsuki decides to deal with an unwanted rush of emotion in the only way that makes sense between them.
Kinktober, prompts are wings and rimming.
Broken Horns & Fragile Wings by zuccin ( G | 1,682 | 1/1 )
When Izuku was a child, he met an angel. An adorable angel that lived next door, Bakugou Katsuki. Years passed and Midoriya (or Deku) is sure his angel got even cuter by the time; he's glad they are together.
// In an universe where Angels and Demons live peacefully together, a green haired demon falls in love with an angel.
Broken Angel by Atinyhamster ( M | 56,549| 24/24 )
With his mentor sick and dying, Izuku is left with no choice but to make a deal with a demon. Unknowingly he sets off a chain reaction, starting with a price far greater than he ever imagined. But hell is nothing like he thought and he is left questioning everything he has ever learned before.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Implied/Reference Self-Harm ]
Soft Wings by actualdevil ( T | 1,533 | 1/1 )
As someone already prone to accidents, it was no surprise when Deku took a bad fall during track practice.
(Or, a quirkless AU where everyone has wings for no reason)
"Small, but Pretty and Shit" by SugarRose22 ( G | 3,179 | 1/1 )
Izuku's quite insecure about his wings, but someone he knows actually thinks very differently about them than you would have guessed.
Katsuki is up front with his feelings, as he always is.
The wingfic no one asked for but I'm writing it anyways.
Angel and Stranger by ColourlessZero ( E | 6,478 | 1/1 )
The warrior angel, Bakugou Katsuki, is sent to the mortal realm to slay the demon prince. His travels lead him to ancient ruins in a barren desert and the bright-eyed mortal named Izuku. Desparate to rid himself of the emobodiment of annoyance, Bakugou agrees to teach Izuku a song. The only problem, Izuku is a terrible singer and Bakugou is losing patience fast.
Will he be able to get Izuku to leave before the demon prince's arrival?
Saving You by TarynToffee ( M | 13,089+ | 3/? )
Angels weren't supposed to exist, so what does it mean when Izuku meets a crimson-eyed angel with an explosive personality in his bedroom who says he's there to save him and his life suddenly shifts and not for the better?
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Saudade by zuccin ( G | 1,972 | 1/1 )
When a plague that only affects demons reaches the north, Katsuki is called to help control it with his healing abilities. The demon Midoriya can understand why, but still, he still misses his angel.
Just three weeks, just three weeks and he'll see his angel, Katsuki, again.
'Twas You Who Wounded the Pure by WhenJoshIsJoseph ( T | 1,381 | 1/? )
When Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku, two firefighters, die saving people in a fire, they arrive in the afterlife and are assigned to Heaven and Hell - but it doesn't work the way everyone expects it to. A mix up in the records proclaims Bakugou an angel and Midoriya demon...
...Only, it was meant to be the other way around.
Now, Bakugou must race against time and prevent Midoriya from becoming a full fledged demon if he's ever to save him, and in order to that, he needs to find out what Midoriya held against him when he was alive.
Feelings were never meant to come into it.
Or, Bakugou is the awkward angel, and Midoriya is surprisngly good at being demonic.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Tainted Love by FireFoxFireFlies ( E | 2,416 | 1/1 )
Izuku falls for a fellow angel and is cast out of heaven for this crime. He soon finds himself in the arms of a demon who "consoles" him.
[ Major Character Death | Implied/Referenced Suicide ]
365 Days Without Incident by The Emerald Eyed Boy (MissingOneEye) ( Not Rated | 18,703+ | 18/? )
On October 29th, last year, Izuku Midoriya was killed in a car accident.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Love That's Left Behind by ploThief ( T | 1,439 | 1/1 )
The trio flinch when they hear the tale-tell guttural moan of hungry zombies. Two new zombies have heard the commotion. One looks savage, face twisted forever in an angry scowl. The other is plainer, moving with a slight limp. The two are bloodied and dirty, but in much better condition than most zombies they cross. Newly turned, Ochaco’s mind supplies. It leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.
[ Major Character Death ]
Footprints in a Reddened Sky by Hollowed_Soul ( T | 6,577+ | 4/? )
Izuku Midoriya is quirkless, he moved towns due to excessive bullying at previous schools. Izuku has never met Bakugou nor All Might and Bakugou is in UA along with the others. It seems pretty normal. Except it's a zombie apocalypse and Midoriya has been turned to one of them.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
breathe ( E | 2,336 | 1/3 )
For most, the zombie apocalypse was something they had started out with. For others, they were born in it. Izuku Midoriya was the unlucky one out of many to be born inside of one.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Hearts of Men and Yokai by GreyDayMoon ( M | 53,598 | 27/? )
Katsuki was relaxing in the forest simply enjoying his peaceful world when a small six year old green haired incarnation of trouble came across him. Even worse, the kid seemed to be able to see yokai. Now fully annoyed but also intrigued, watch Katsuki interact with the child.
OR: An AU inspired by Natsume and the Book of Friends and Kamisama Kiss
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
In the Eye of the Storm by CheshireButton ( M | 122,611+ | 13/? )
Izuku Midoriya is a scientific prodigy seeking a cure for a rapidly spreading neurodegenerative disease. A potential clue in his research points to a fabled island, guarded by an eternal storm from which no travelers have ever returned. He navigates through the hurricane and discovers an island that is anything but uninhabited. He must adapt to survive against the natives who place intruders in three categories: warriors, mates, or meat.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
The Offering by Bakuholic ( T | 7,032+ | 4/? )
Every year, an offering is given to the dragon race as a trade off for the dragons' protection. This year, Izuku Midoriya is the human offering.
He trembles at the very thought of his death being by the claws of a dragon. However, his expectations of his future seem to turn when an ash blonde alpha dragon begins to grow fond of him and adds him to his hoard of treasure.
(I"m not good at summaries it seems)
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Deku's Dumb Dragon by Lochan10 ( M | 9056+ | 4/? )
Midoriya meets a dragon at the age of 4, and ends of being best friends with the dragon for years. But one day Midoriyas Royal friend, Prince Todorki, Uraraka, and Knight Iida come across Midoriya and the dragon they have heard about but never met per Midoriyas request only to realize it was the Barbarian Dragon King their friend had been friends with for years.
And Midoriya didn't even know himself that he's best friend with a king. The Barbarian Dragon King himself no less. So what happens when he realizes the truth?
A fluffy story of Bakugou secretly pinning after Midoriya for years only to finally do something about it when his identity is revealed by the half and half bastard.
This is Yuuei by Logsnake ( T | 24,509 | 13/13 )
This is Yuuei. We have hunting, fishing, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problem are the pests. You see, while most places have mice or mosquitos, we have… dragons.
(Or the first How to Train Your Dragon but with Izuku as Hiccup and Katsuki as Toothless)
Hoarding Treasure by Swifty_Heart ( M | 10,234+ | 2/? )
Humans are becoming extinct, plan and simple, no one knows why but fifty years ago the sky and earth suddenly opened and dragons appeared soaring the sky and climbing out of the ground, they will come in a scoop up a single random human and then take off, they won't destroy anything or take anything else just one single human and leave...its lead to a strange sort of peace.
Strange Encounters by kacchansass ( E | 3,273 | 1/1 )
Midoriya Izuku is the General of his people, the dragon shifters known as the Ryuujin. His main task as an alpha warrior is to safeguard his people. Bakugou Katsuki is an explorer set out with the great task of gathering knowledge about people that are scorned from the rest of the mainland.
Two worlds collide, for better or worse.
[ Rape/Non-Con ]
Walking in the night sky by Daiako (Achrya) ( M | 5,414+ | 3/? )
Bakugou is your typical mildmannered dragon shifter and biker, turned out from his own world and forced to live in the human one. Nothing special about him at all. He's content to move from backwater town to backwater town, keeping to himself, and making no attachments. At least, he was until he met Izuku, a waiter too cute for his own good, in a strange town that refuses to let him leave...
Mixed Supernatural Elements
Hard to Say by halcyonwhispers ( T | 8,390+ | 2/? )
Izuku is a Halfling, born after his faerie father spirited away his mom and then left her behind. Never quite fitting in with the humans or any of the supernatural beings in his small town, Izuku hoped that going to a diverse college in the big city will help him finally make friends.
Katsuki’s family has been powerful witches for generations, and he’s no different. Talented and a proclaimed genius to boot, he knew he shouldn’t waste his time on this dumbass (disgustingly cute) half-blood.
two idiots fall in love and don’t get that the other’s awkward cues are just a result of romantic tension.
Sick Like Animals by osakakitty ( E | 3,848 | 1/1 )
Whenever Katsuki Bakugo is struck by his seasonal heat, Izuku Midoriya agrees to help him until it ends. He takes Bakugo into his care, providing him with the stimulation he needs. One morning, after a night of light sex, Bakugounfortunately finds his heat unquenched.
Fantasy AU in which Katsuki Bakugo is half-beast, and Izuku Midoriya is an alchemist in-training. They both have a mutual understanding and need and for each other. Sex ensues.
Lucky for you by Daiako (Achrya) ( E | 3,603 | 1/1 )
Katsuki is a summoner, a damn good one. Which makes accidently calling forth a timid Incubus and ending up bonded to him all the more infuriating. It only gets worse when he realizes he can feel the demons emotions and that it's is very very hungry. The only way to quiet the bond is satisfy the demon’s needs and complete the spell.
For Kinktober, prompts are incubus and bonds
The Bonds that Bind Us by DMMegsie ( E | 44,568+ | 7/? )
Travelling with his trading caravan, Izuku is on his way home when they stumble across an already heated battle in the middle of an open field in the dead of night. Being mistaken as part of attacking party, Izuku finds himself fighting off the fabled Demon King of the Mountains of Fire.
However, during the battle, Izuku breaks a necklace on the Demon King that held an unspoken promise from his mother from long ago, which changes everything.
Nothing ever as it seems, nor is it simple. As an omega of elven descent, Izuku has a lot to learn about the greater world and himself. The same could be said of the half dragon lord of the mountain.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Rape/Non-Con ]
all gifted by fitzefitcher ( T | 9,129+ |  4/?)
The thing about gifts is that they're meant to be given, they're meant to be shared; so Izuku will take his gifts, so freely given to him, and share them with all he holds dear.
Izuku is born without any gifts, as his kind often are, to a witch mother and salamander father, on one sweltering night in July.
[ Abuse | Bullying | Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
The Arsonist vs The Tree by Annoying_Tourist ( M | 2,979+ | 1/? )
The great dragon Katsuki had spent the past few centuries cultivating his reputation as the fearless ‘Beast of the Western Lands’. Everywhere he goes, he leaves a trail of fire and ash in his wake. But soon his life of treasure hoarding and raiding villages doesn’t seem as fulfilling as it used to be. Was it time for him to settle down, make himself a permanent home and start living a more peaceful and humble life?
Naturally, Katsuki decided that the ‘next step’ in his life was to build himself a grand temple next to Musutafu, the biggest village in the Western Lands. The humans would learn to worship him eventually.
The tree spirit Izuku- an actual deity and self-proclaimed protector of Musutafu- takes issue with this.
Reparations by Merrywetherweather ( M | 37,459+ | 15/? )
When Izuku was a child, he was told to never enter the woods. But being in possession of the shortest attention span a four year old is capable of, he ignores his mother's warnings and stumbles after a very pretty butterfly. What he finds, instead, is a friend. His first and only friend.
Izuku is in his twenties now and he no longer runs to meet with the childhood friend who pushed him away so long ago. His mother and their village are on edge because he's way past his presenting years and he still hasn't had his first heat. He's defective. An omega who can't present can't find a mate or have kids, not like he's ever been inclined to find someone or have children. After leaving the confines of his small minded human village and wandering out into the woods once again, in search of a better life, that all changes when he runs into the one person he hoped to meet but never thought he'd see again.
Bonds Don't Break by DeKatsu ( T | 1,360 | 1/1 )
Katsuki catches an unfamiliar scent in his territory and decides to hunt it down. He doesn't expect to find Deku at the end of the trail.
You, who didn't listen by Preintice  ( E | 7,601+ | 1/4 )
Time always was a blurry conception made by humans. It implied a race against time. It implied choices and pressure. However for those whose Time had no impact on, it felt like languorous torture. Where you try to find an objective of your own, either be it dying or playing, but grow quickly bored from it.
Katsuki (to become Bakugo) was in search for recognition, power and chaos.
Deku (to become Izuku Midoriya) was in search for redemption, acceptance and comprehension.
And together, they fell.
[ Graphic depictions of violence | Major Character Death ]
Belonging by MochiUs ( M | 2,525+ | 1/3 )
A ghost and a werewolf. An unlikely pair. They were on the search for the answer to their problems, but they gained something more along the way.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
An Old Church Ground by KingHugin ( Not rated | 6,526 | 1/1)
Ever heard the legend of the Grim?
They say it’s a large black dog, an omen of death. That if you’re unfortunate enough to ever catch a glimpse of one. Then well… you never really live to tell the tale.
That’s only one of the legends and not the one of this story, though I guess it still ends in death.
 Or a story where Katsuki is the Grim of an old church ground, and Izuku is… well he’s something else.
[ Major Character Death ]
An Unlikely Pair by bkdkwritingsdump ( T | 1,751 | 1/1 )
Katsuki is a fire wizard stuck with a life-magic familiar whom he thinks is utterly useless to him. During a battle with a particularly nasty demon, though, Izuku might just prove his worth.
The Monster That Stole My Heart by Merrywetherweather ( T | 4,855 | 1/1 )
Katsuki's been stalking this specter for the past week as it's been infringing on his territory. After finally engaging with it, he learns that Deku's been squatting in the graveyard for almost a month.
Katsuki makes it his business to help this ghost move on and get gone. Deku and him will need the help of Uraraka, the witch, and the vampire, Todoroki, if they want to try and fix whatever made Deku a mostly incorporeal spirit.
A little oneshot I thought up and wrote for Halloween.
Werewolf in The Witch's Forest by Unoutan ( T | 6,035 | 1/1 )
The sky is blue, the air is chilly and the leaves are falling all around the forest, but a wolf with pale fur is close to death at Izuku's feet...and the witch-in-training, collecting his herbs alone amongst the trees, is the only one who can help.
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
Day of the Dead by JunNoAce ( E | 10,676 | 1/1 )
There was no worse feeling than believing that you were to weak to protect the person you held most precious to you and living out your life without them.
Imagine Bakugou Katsuki's shock when he finds his Deku again half a century after his murder jumping into his arms.
.... It's a romantic tragedy with porn. Lol!
[ Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death ]
Puppy Love by kacchansass ( G | 3,286 | 1/1 )
Bakugou Katsuki has a crush on the idiot spirit Midoriya Izuku he's soulbound to protect. He thought that his trial to become a full fledged Guardian Werewolf was the hardest thing he'd ever faced, but he may have spoken too soon.
Series Part 2 of Bound Together
Heart Keeper by Quirkyasfok ( Not Rated | 1,078 | 1/1 )
Katsuki had never considered being a Heart Keeper as part of his future, but then again, he also never thought Izuku Midoriya of all people would kill himself.
[ Implied/Referenced Suicide ]
Kaleidoscope by Disney_Princess_Izuku ( T | 5,141 | 1/1 )
Izuku is a witch. He just needs to find his familiar. Enter a boy that is a wolf, and a wolf that is a boy - with wild red eyes and sharp smiles.
And Izuku thinks:
"Oh, it's him."
Smoke and Mirrors by Daiako (Achrya) ( M | 5,160+ | 2/? )
Hundreds of years ago All Might, the last of the once great Celestial race, used his divine sword and all his power to seal the necromancer known as Father, and all his undead minions, in Unchanging Deadlands. Peace followed and All Might, and his broken sword, faded into legend.
But all peace eventually ends and, as undead hoards and monsters of nightmare crawl forth from the barren islands to the south, a group sets out from the north in search of the broken sword to once again seal the threats away. Lead by Demon Prince Todoroki and Dragon Prince Bakugou they’re the best their people have to offer, ready to lay down their lives to stem the tide of darkness.
And then there is Izuku, a mild mannered apothecary, devoid of magic, who has never learned not to touch whispering objects of power.
[ Major Character Death | Graphic Depictions of Violence ]
torn fur, blunt teeth by SageMasterofSass ( E | 29,816 | 11/15 )
After eight months of being collared, Izuku is finally free. But a dark, stormy city is no place for a lonely shapeshifter on the run.
[ Past Rape/Noncon ]
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xenomorphics · 5 years ago
How did Hector and Oleander meet??💞
alright so that actually means delving into Oleander’s, Caldera’s background and talking about a rat named Cyril so buckle up cause im gonna rambleCyril is an Aurelian which is basically a craphole of a kingdom that hates all Calderi people like Oleander. Way back in history, Caldera use to be a nice little kingdom until a large group of bandits and thieves(who would later be the Aurelians) came in and ruined everything and gave the Calderi people an ultimatum that their either 1)bend to their will and listen to their rule or 2) leave.they leftSo then the new aristocracy selected certain families to be witch huntersCyril’s ancestors were among these jerks.
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SO basically, Oleander’s family were traveling magic users and merchants, one day they run off cause they wanted to stay at the town/village/whatever they were at and his parents wanted to move on.
Oleander stumbles upon Cyril and his father’s campOleander runs back to their parentsOleander gets followedBoth Oleander’s parents and Cyril’s dad dieCyril’s dad’s final words arent affirmation or love, theyre basically telling his 15 yr old son to finish off this child.
SO since Oleander was like 11/12 they’ve been hunted down by basard man above for literal years and have been running for a while, occasionally helped by Selise(@the-real-slim-strider)
Eventually they reach the Forest of No Return and they're like “yeah this seems like a pretty chill place” and they set up camp in an abandoned cottage near the great tree which obviously attracts the attention of a certain feral man.Hector comes stomping in after a while when the cottage is halfway decent and the bearcats start knocking stuff over and generally being the curious animals they are and Oleander, in a very rare moment of bravery yells at him that hes gonna have to pay for all the stuff they broke.
PS, the two scarves cyril has belonged to oleander’s parents and the pelt he wears is one of his parent’s familars
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iamdeltas · 5 years ago
1, 9, 29, 4?
1. Top 3 Doctors?Hmm... I think my top 3 Doctors would be 10, 13, and 12. Which, yeah, I know, how basic of me to have 10 as my favorite. But it is what it is. I mean, my second favorite Disney revival movie is Frozen so. I’m basic as hell.9. NOTP?Hmm. I mean, I don’t do shipping in general but I don’t know what ships I’d actively call a NOTP? There are definitely ships I don’t like, but IDK if they’re NOTP level. I guess a NOTP might be Donna x Ten in a romantic way? I really really like them as a platonic relationship. The Doctor x Amy or Rory is right out, obviously. (I mean, I could ignore the fact that they’re canonically his parents-in-law but why would I? It’s hilarious!) In general I don’t really love companion x Doctor romantic relationships? I just feel like the power balance doesn’t work, the Doctor is literally thousands of years old, it’s weird. Though there are fics I’ve read that do have Doctor x companion romantic pairings, so again, no idea if they are quite NOTP level. 
29. Thoughts on the current Doctor?Oh gosh. Where do I begin? I adore her so much! In s11, I did still like her, and it was fun reading into the little hints we got past her cheery persona, but I was never certain if I was reading too much into it. And then s12 came along and validated basically everything I read into, and deepened my love for her. 
I once saw a description of Trish Walker from Jessica Jones as something along the lines of, a very nice looking house but if you go inside, you’ll see a whole bunch of feral and rabid cats fighting each other. Or maybe I’m misremembering what the description was. But that general vibe is how I’d describe 13 in s11, and then in s12, the cats start tearing down the house and you get to see all the ferality that was locked inside. So that’s been fun to watch.
I think one thing I really like is the fact that she puts up a nice cheerful persona in what seems to be an attempt to live up to the promise they made to themself as 12, to always be kind and try to be nice. It is very much a front and not how she Truly Is, but what I find fascinating is that this isn’t malicious on her behalf. This isn’t a Bitch In Sheep’s Clothing situation, she’s not secretly evil. She’s just secretly more complicated than the image she tried to project of herself to the fam in s11. I get the feeling she wants to be that happy, dorky, gregarious space tour guide that she attempted to be in s11 and nothing more, but she isn’t that. Not that the dorky childishness is completely fake or anything, it’s just not the full story. She wanted to ignore all her unresolved past traumas so that she can pretend she’s just the fam’s friendly neighborhood alien, she doesn’t want to be the angry and traumatized eldritch and ancient being that she actually is. Also, the Doctor is always, at their core, an asshole, but she wanted to try to not be that, for once, and so hid all her asshole-ishness away from the fam, which is a decision that probably screwed the fam over for how to deal with her this season. Because while part of the danger of being the Doctor’s companions is the adventures, part of it is also the mercurial nature of alien taking you on these adventures. The alien is wonderful and kind, but they’re also very fae-like and so are dangerous and, well, a dick. Every companion has had to know how to stand up for themselves whenever the Doctor is being an asshole to them, and they know that’s what they’re getting into when they start travelling with the Doctor. I mean, think about it. 9 was initially quite icy to Rose, 10 was a dick to Martha, 10 also literally burned the Racnoss in front of Donna, 11 ditched Amy for 15 years (on accident, but still) and yelled at her and threatened to take her back home immediately because of a decision she made on her first trip with him that she doesn’t even remember, and 11 was a creep to Clara. But the fam was exposed to what’s basically a fake persona by 13. She hid away all of her jerkishness and tried to go out of her way to be as nice as possible. So when s12 comes around, and 13 is hit with a big Trauma Conga Line, and is not able to hold onto her performative personality, the fam are unexpectedly hit with the spiky asshole-ish sides of her personality and they’re not prepared for dealing with it at all! Which is part of why I kind of forgive them for being more passive than most companions when it comes to dealing with the Doctor being a jerk.
Anyway. Kinda veered off-topic there slightly. But yeah, I love that, even though her performative niceness is, well, performative, and she was sort of trying to trick the fam into thinking she’s nicer and sweeter than she actually is, I really dig that it’s not from a malicious place, it’s just from a very misguided attempt at trying to fulfill the promise she made to herself. It’s not something I’ve seen before in a character, because, like I said, most characters who aren’t actually as nice/sweet as they appear are generally Actually Evil, or Secretly A Bitch. Which isn’t the case with 13 at all. She’s an angry traumatized mess, but she’s not straightforwardly Evil.
Which brings me to my next point, I love how much of an angry traumatized mess she is! And I love how much s12 is showing that side of her! She’s trying her best, but her best involves possibly the worst coping mechanisms I’ve ever seen, she is such a disaster! And this is such a relief to see because I was so worried last season that the writers would cop out because she’s a Girl Doctor so clearly she has to be Emotionally Healthy Now. And I saw so many people surmising similarly, because of that and also because of the fact that 12 had so much Character Development, that she’d be the Doctor Who Is Completely Healed. Which I hated the notion of. I recall seeing a fic that had her be the one to bring her older selves together to force them to talk about their issues, which is absolutely hilarious to think about now, considering literally everything about her this season. (Though tbh, it still wouldn’t be out of character for her to do that, purely because she’s a little... lacking in self-awareness.) I also recall seeing a fic last season having 13 meet Clara and one of the things she mentioned was that as a man it was harder for her to talk about her emotions or whatever but she’s finding it much better to talk about them now, which, a) blegh, gender essentialist, much? and b) *starts laughing outrageously because I’m thinking about how goddamn emotionally constipated she actually is*. 
I dig how much fun she has when dealing with a villain that is on her level. One of the fun things about how she takes joy in everything is the fact that this translates to maniacal glee when confronting villains. She has a thrill of the hunt that I don’t think other NuWho Doctors have had, and the smiles she gives to bad guys are deliciously creepy. She’s also just so feral. She made some pretty unhinged smiles when confronting the Master, which was so fun to watch. And of course, her crazed smiles when absorbing the Cyberium were *chef’s kiss.* They felt similar to the expressions 11 had in Nightmare in Silver, and that was because he was being possessed! 13 was simply acting that unhinged and arrogant solely because of her own pure ego!
I also super cannot wait to see what goes down in the finale because I get the feeling that she is absolutely going to lose it. There’s no way she’s gonna start developing better coping mechanisms within one episode, and it’s gotta get worse before it gets better, so I look forward to seeing her at her absolute worst.
Phew, wow did I go on for a while there! Sorry for the ramble! I just love 13 a lot.
4.  Favorite Dalek story?It’s gotta be “Dalek.” That’s the gold standard for me. I love how well it established what a threat a single Dalek can be, which I think later Dalek episodes failed to do as good a job with partially because they used huge armies of Daleks. With a single Dalek, you end up leaving what an army of Daleks can do to the imagination. And also, this was just a great Nine episode. It showed such a vicious and unhinged side of the Doctor, which is always fun to see. Nine is normally icy on the outside, but he’s usually pretty chill most of the time, so seeing such an angry hateful side to him was absolutely fascinating, character-wise. 
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aneilert · 5 years ago
The One With Everything [MAG158: Panopticon]
This episode was delayed almost 20 hours, sending the whole early-access-community into a gradually deafening frenzy even before it launched. And then it took off for real. 
The rest of the day has been a bit of a blur, to be honest, and if I’ve done anything not connected to relistening and speculating, then at least I can guarantee that neither my brain nor my heart was involved in it.
It’s hard to be eloquent when faced with this much content. I have raved elsewhere about the quality as well as the sheer quantity of content this episode can boast, but I’d like at least to post my List of Things We Had Expected, Hoped For and/or Dreaded and that happened, were confirmed or who returned in this episode:
1. Tim mention and grief
The fandom has never stopped grieving Tim Stoker, and every once in a while, someone will sigh about how they miss him and how much they wish his death would be at least mentioned on the show. Did he have no impact? Have they forgotten him? Well, canon has spoken: They have not. 
2. Not!Sasha coming back
I can honestly say I never spent much time on the theories that muttered about how she had been enclosed in the tunnels and probably still was there. My bad. I will certainly never again forget the old rule that if someone (or something) doesn’t die on camera (as it were), they’re not dead. (And fuck were those amazing voice distortions!)
3. Leitner’s book coming back
Don’t forget where you put your evil book. It might not be there anymore when you come back for it a year or two later. (The blood on it, btw? Also Leitner. That bit was hilarious. I despise Peter, but he has brought some of the funniest lines this season; «In my defence, it’s still quite funny» is my personal favourite.)
4. Elias escaping prison
We didn’t think anything was keeping him there longer than he wanted to, and we were right; it was just a matter of timing. He would never want to come sneaking back if he could be making an Entrance.
5. Jonah!Elias
Probably the most popular fan theory (apart from those concerning various ships) is canon. And what a deliciously disturbing visual it is; Jonah Magnus’ eyeless body aging in the Panopticon while his eyes do what they have always done: watch over his Institute. Never has Elias sounded more smug and delighted with himself than in this episode, and you know what? Much as I hate him, I’d say he’s earned it.
6. Elias/Peter meeting
Trust fandoms to make feverish ships built out of characters who have never interacted in canon. And boy, do the LonelyEyes shippers feel vindicated today! Not only did the two horrible old men finally interact, but their dynamic was revealed to be exactly that of an old, dysfunctional and probably multiple times divorced couple. Even Jonny said so. 
7. Martin having A Plan / having played Peter
We love Martin and worry about Martin, and we have been extremely worried about his latest signs of being fully on board (sic) with Peter’s nebulous plan. Is he that naïve? Is he that far gone? Or … is he playing Peter? Is he weaving his own little web, like in the previous season, when he managed to play Elias?
The truth, as so often, is a place in between. He has been playing Peter (and God was that an amazing reveal and a heart-rending speech! And Christ was Elias gleeful when he reminded Peter that he had been warned not to underestimate Martin, but that he still did it!), but he has also been joining the Lonely. There is something to be said for being able to keep distance, I guess. Even though it makes me heartsick.
8. Tape with Gertrude’s death and last confrontation with Elias
This is something I have been wanted for some time now. Gertrude is awesome and marvellous and badass and truly scary, and I have been wondering: did her hubris kill her? How did Elias take her down? What happened? 
Well, now we know. Or … we know part of it. Gertrude’s body had three shots fired in it, but the tape only contained one. And the tape was numbered #0182509-A, hinting at possibly a B existing somewhere. Maybe we haven’t heard the last from Gertrude yet?
Also: How very satisfying it was to see that Gertrude had basically the same plan as Martin: Burn some Institute stuff to keep Elias from seeing the real threat! I love what this says about Elias’ complacency and underestimation when it comes to Martin (but I worry what yet another parallel with Gertrude might bode for his future …).
9. Peter taking Martin into the Lonely
The premise of a lot of fics. Can’t wait to see how it plays out in canon.
10. Hunters returning at an inopportune moment
We all, including Jon and the gang, knew they were out there and that it was just a matter of time. Still fun! (Particularly Trevor yelling JONNY BOY!)
11. Daisy going feral
Oh, this is hard; she wanted so much to be free of the Hunt. But honestly: this is why she was brought back, whether she (or Jon) knew it or not: To reconnect with her humanity, and then to give it up willingly to save her friends. And, why not, to have the savage joy of ripping out a few more throats while she’s at it. 
Will Basira honour their promise? Well, that’s a tale for another day, as the story says. For now, let’s just enjoy the amazing sound distortion on Daisy’s breath, her voice and finally her growl. Daisy scared fucking Julia Montouk, and not many can boast that.
12. Jon and Elias talk
It’s been a long time coming. It was not at all what I had expected in any way, but it was amazing. And Jon hardly even noted what Elias was saying or how he gloated, because he was 100 % focused on …
13. Jon following Martin into the Lonely
Of course he did. Of course. He went into the Buried to get Daisy, and he didn’t even like Daisy, and she tried to kill him. Of course there’s no limit anymore to how much he will risk himself for a tiny sliver of hope that he might save Martin.
I worry so for them, though. Martin has refused Peter’s plans, true enough, but he has not refused the Lonely. He has been sliding into Forsaken for Jon’s sake, but he has still been sliding into Forsaken! And Jon’s journey into monsterdom is if anything even more worrying and harder to reverse.They have both been trying desperately and without any real clue as to how to save the world for each other’s sake, but what have they given up along the way? 
Still. Jon clawed his way out of the Buried fuelled by Martin and by the signal from his rib. Who’s to say it might not work a second time?
Also: the one person we didn’t meet who I almost had expected, was Annabelle. Someone must have put this last tape on Jon’s desk – and someone must also, long ago, have given him that lighter that he never can focus on long enough to remember he has. Is there a silvery Web thread connected to it, where it lies in his pocket? Could he be able to follow that thread out again?
I have no idea. I also have no idea how I am supposed to wait for the next two episodes. Or how my head felt before this podcast ate my entire brain. 
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thewritewolf · 6 years ago
Rekindle Chapter 30: Prey/Hunt
Marinette, worried for Chat Noir, heads out into the city to find him. What she doesn't count on is something finding her...
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Read on Ao3
The call ended and Marinette carefully set her phone on the couch beside her. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and tried to make herself relax. The conversation with Alya had gone on for much longer than she had intended it to and all she wanted was to lay down with Adrien and pretend everything was normal for a little while. He still wasn’t back though which was weird since he’d been gone for… she cracked open an eye to peer at the clock, only for her eyes to fly open when she noticed it was two hours into the new day.
Had she really been on the phone for that long? Or had the rest of the night simply dragged out for that long? Just earlier that night, they’d been preparing to go to a banquet in their honor. Now that felt like a lifetime ago. It was strange how quickly things change.
“Tikki?” Her kwami emerged from where she had cocooned herself in blankets. “He’s been gone way too long. I think it’s time we looked for Chat Noir.”
She nodded. “I’m behind you one hundred percent!” Her enthusiasm waned a little as she added, “I have a bad feeling and I’d feel better if you two were together, just in case.”
Sounds ominous, but how much worse could things get? “Tikki, spots on!”
Almost immediately, she collapsed to the ground from the weight of voices and visions. “Spots off, spots off!”
The power of Ladybug left her and everything slowly faded away, like a scream turning to an echo. She blinked rapidly to clear her vision and focused, using the same techniques she’d gained that night. It was faint - probably because of distance - but there was no question the same sort of dark energy she’d felt before. She groaned. Was it too much to ask for this night to just end already?
Belatedly, she realized Tikki had been talking. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“I said, what are you going to do now? I don’t think we can be Ladybug for very long, and Chat Noir probably isn’t aware of the danger.”
“Then we’ll have to find him the old fashioned way.” Marinette threw off her pajamas and rushed to put on street clothes. One purse filled with cookies later and she was out in the Parisian streets.
Adrien rubbed at his eyes as he took a rare break. The confrontation with his father had been deeply satisfying, but for some reason the anger he felt hadn’t gone away yet. Knowing he wouldn’t be any help to Marinette in this state of mind kept him from going home, but he was starting to get too tired to keep running. No doubt Plagg was getting exhausted too. Despite their frequent training over the years, Plagg was at his heart a lazy glutton. He wasn’t well suited for these extended periods of transformations.
All other thoughts were put aside when he heard a scream in the night. He was on the move immediately, searching for where it had come from. The scene he came upon sent a bolt of panic through his heart.
In a dead end alley, Marinette was desperately tossing whatever she could get her hands on at a creature that looked like a feline version of a werewolf. It’s fur was a stark white, and Adrien could see the scratches its claws left in the stone of the alley floor as it dragged its long arms along. In the small space, the feral growling echoed and overlapped with itself. It raised one arm with a snarl, galvanizing Adrien into action.
It began to turn around, but Adrien was already swinging his baton. Emerald green eyes set against the monstrous visage of the beast shook him to his core, but he got his bearings quickly. They began a dance of Adrien avoiding a swipe and his baton connecting against it. Unfortunately, the werecat’s fury only seemed to grow with every hit that Adrien landed against it and before long, it was on the offensive. One backhanded strike slammed Adrien against the wall and pinned him there while the other claw was raised to rake him.
Before the beast could deliver the blow, a trash can was slammed onto its head. When the beast dropped him, Adrien beat against it with his baton, stunning it. Marinette, who had positioned herself behind the monster, motioned wildly at Adrien to get away from it. Taking her cue, he scooped her up onto his back and began running once she had a hold on him.
“My lady! What are you doing out this late?”
“Looking for you,” she spoke into his ear over the wind. “Another shard got corrupted, I think. We need to purify it before we can stop Chat Blanc.”
He blinked in confusion. “Chat Blanc…? Wait, you don’t think I made that thing, do you?”
He could feel the sarcasm in her voice as she replied, “No, of course not. I mean, it’s only a cat-themed rage monster that got more powerful the more fiercely you fought it. Just a coincidence, right?”
Despite the circumstances, he chuckled. “Okay, okay, fair enough. Any idea where it might be?”
“Yeah,” she replied and something in her voice wiped the smile from her face. “I’m pretty sure I do. Just do what I say and I’ll get us there. Can you do that for me, kitty?”
“For my favorite civilian? Always.”
If it were any other situation, Marinette might have taken a moment to pause or acknowledge the tumultuous emotions that were stirred up at being in the same place that Hawkmoth had taken her months ago. The place that had put her life on a wildly different course - the reveal, the defeat of her arch enemy, the breaking of the peacock miraculous. But with the physical embodiment of Adrien’s anger no doubt bearing down on the both of them, she didn’t have the luxury of reflection right now.
She leapt off of Chat Noir’s back, ignoring the brief moment of vertigo from all the negative energy. “Come on! We need to find it before Chat Blanc shows up!”
“You don’t need to tell me twice.”
Chat Noir bolted off to the opposite end of the storage building. Since they’d been here last, crates and barrels and various tools had started to fill the still mostly empty space. While there was still plenty of room to move around in, there was also plenty of places to hide small magical objects in. As she violently tossed things around, she couldn’t help but wonder how they had gotten spread out like this. Was it simply random chance that the shard ended up in a place that was steeped in negative emotions? Had Nathalie placed it here, knowing it could cause more harm to them? Or did the shard seek out these sorts of places, drawn to power it could work with?
There was so much she didn’t understand about the miraculous, even after using the most powerful one for a decade.
The door came down with a crash and a blood curdling roar. As her head whipped in that direction, she saw Chat Noir rush up to meet Chat Blanc. He shouted over his shoulder.
“Keep looking! Finding the shard is the only way we’re going to beat this thing!”
Her searching became more frantic as the sounds of battle echoed strangely in the large space. Roars and battle cries and puns and cries of pain blended around her as she fought to maintain clarity in this storm. Through it all, she didn’t dare look behind her, terrified of what she might see. After what felt like an eternity, she found it - a blackened shard that practically warped and darkened the air around it, as if it were a weight upon the fabric of reality.
She took a deep breath. “Tikki, spots on!”
Once again, the visions came back in full force and for a brief moment she was nearly swept aside by the tidal wave that slammed into her senses. But she stayed standing, an inner fire burning bright against the encroaching darkness. Removing her yoyo from her side, she went through the process of cleansing the corrupt shard.
“I release you from evil!” She captured the shard in her yoyo, the energy evaporating before the power of the ladybug miraculous. The warehouse was silent as she caught the shard before it hit the ground. It was back to its usual teal color, but she didn’t inspect it for long before she ran over to Chat Noir’s side.
He seemed bruised and his breathing wasn’t coming as easy as she would like, but he was standing and smiling at her. Unable to contain herself, she ran up and threw her arms around him.
“Good job, lovebug.”
“You too, kitty.” She settled her chin on his chest as she looked up at him with all the love in the world. “Almost ready to go home?”
“Yeah. Do your thing and we can head out.”
After calling for the lucky charm and miraculous cure, Chat Noir was looking better - not at his best, but definitely better. His arm rested over her shoulders and she leaned into the embrace as they walked out of the building.
“So I suppose this is our life now?”
Marinette giggled. “I guess so. Never a dull moment, huh?”
“No, never.” He gave her a squeeze. “But there is no one I’d rather have by my side.”
“You’re not half bad yourself.” She yawned and noticed the skies that were already beginning to lighten up ever so slightly. “Let’s go home. I feel like I could sleep for years.”
Chat Noir grinned. “You always have the best plans.”
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thewookieruns · 6 years ago
OC Interview - Erich Richardson
1. Choose an OC
2. Answer them as that OC
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
I was tagged by @tarberrymentats! I’m for sure tagging @purple-martin111, @mars-colony, and @worthlesssix, but I’m leaving this open for anyone else who see this! Consider yourself tagged! Interview under the break!
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1. What is your name?
Captain Erich Richardson, United States Army, 13th Mechanized Calvary Regiment.
2. Any idea why you’re named that?
(shrugs) Not really. I guess mom and dad really liked the name.
3. Single or taken?
In which era of time? (chuckles) Yes. I was married to my high school sweetheart Nora Spencer before... (clears throat) She’s... passed on. I’m now married to a one Ms. Piper Wright.
4. Any abilities or powers?
Um... no. Unless you count being able to sleep anywhere or being able to run long distances.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue
Um... okay? Don’t know why you’d say that, but okay.
6. What color are your eyes?
Brown~ish amber? I’m not sure. I’ve been told both.
7. What about your hair color?
I’d say it’s brown. Piper, on the other hand, would say that there’s a trace of red in there.
8. Do you have any family members?
(shifts uncomfortably in seat) Uh... that’s complicated. I have a son and my wife, but beyond that, no. Unless you count my friends, then yes. Most of my biological family either died before the Great War or very soon after.
9. Oh... What about pets?
Oh yeah hahaha. Dogmeat is my dog. Smartest pup you’ll meet in the Commonwealth, and the best dog to boot.
10. Ain’t that the truth. Now what is something that you don’t like?
I’d have to say that I’m not a fan of having to raising my son in the post-apocalypse, but that’s a little out of my hands.
11. What is your favorite hobby?
This might sound weird, but I enjoy running. We had to run in the army for PT, but I also ran competitively while I was in school. I love getting my laps in around the Island, and to run down the streets of downtown. If the place wasn’t crawling with things that would love to kill me, I’d love to run the old Boston Marathon route. I also really like tinkering with my power armor, making sure it’s the best in the Commonwealth.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
Define “hurt”... either way, I’m pretty sure I have.
13. I guess a good follow-up question would be have you killed anyone?
(shifts awkwardly in seat again and stare at the floor. silence for a few moments before he responds) Yeah. More than my fair share.
14. What are some of your worst habits?
Wow, hitting with the hard questions? Um... I swear too much, sleep too little or sleep too much, and I can be really rude to everyone.
15. Who would you say are your role models?
Oh boy... Before the war, it was my dad. He’s the one who was always strong, always shouldered the burdens that were put on his shoulders. I wanted to be like him when I grew up. I’ve been pretty lucky to meet some people out here who inspire me to be better, particularly Nick Valentine. Nick really took me under his wing when I first stumbled into Diamond City, and I try every day to live in a way that would make him and dad proud.
16. Do you go to school?
The only school I go to right now is the school of wasteland survival. Before the war, I went to Utah Institute of Technology and Agriculture, as well as The United States Military Academy. I studied general engineering at both, which I can tell you has come in handy in so many ways out here in the Commonwealth.
17. Do you ever want to get married and have kids?
Come on, man, I told you I’m already married and have a kid hahaha. Now... having more kids? I dunno man. Piper and I have kinda talked about it ever since Shaun joined our family. It’s just... The world now is so different, and I don’t know if I could bring another kid into the world like this one.
18. Any fangirls/boys?
Um... I mean, I think Curie might be a little sweet on me, but she feels like she owes me a lot for what I’ve helped her through. Paladin Danse and Hancock, maybe. Both have a hard time admitting I’m a better shot haha.
19. What are you most afraid of?
Deathclaw packs. There was a dinosaur movie that came out a few years before the Great War called Triassic Sanctuary. In the movie, a certain type of dinosaur hunted in packs, and were hyper-intelligent. Deathclaws are like that, but ten times worse. Other than that, I hate how ferals seem to pop out of nowhere.
20. What do you normally wear?
Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m here in the Commonwealth, it’s my Vault 111 jumpsuit with my armor. If I’m back on the homestead on Spectacle Island, generally a t-shirt and jeans.
21. What is your favorite food?
Pre-war? Mom’s funeral potatoes. Now? Preston and I have got a pretty good deathclaw steak recipe figured out. Do NOT ask how long it took us to get it figured out. Or how many fusion cells we used in the process.
22. In what economic class would you put yourself?
Seriously dude? Pre-war, Nora and I were comfortably middle class. Now? I’m no Upper-Standser, but I make enough to get by well enough.
23. Do you have many friends?
Yeah, I’ve got people that I consider friends. But I’ve got more that I consider my family.
24. What is your favorite drink?
I’m a fan of cherry vanilla Nuka-cola, but it is a little scarce here in the Commonwealth these days. It was everywhere out west in the Four States Commonwealth pre-war.
25. What are your thoughts on pie?
That I haven had a legit banana creme pie in over two centuries...
26. What is your favorite place?
I love Spectacle Island. I love how it’s removed from everything, and it’s peaceful. Sanctuary has a special place in my heart, too, but it’s really difficult to stay there without Nora...
27. That makes me wonder; what was Nora like?
Oh man, where to start... The first thing I noticed when I first saw her was her smile, and how it just lit up a room. She had this infectious laugh that made me feel like I was flying. But she was tough. She was the captain of our high school’s women’s track team her junior and senior years. She was a fast, tough, and gutsy runner, which translated into how tough she was in general. But she was smart, a whole lot smarter than me. To be honest, she knew just as much about engineering from helping me get through classes on top of her law classes.
28. So is it safe to say that Piper is a lot like Nora? Do you have a type?
If by type you mean tough, compassionate women who push me to be better than I would be on my own, then yes; yes I do.
29. Where would you rather swim, the ocean or a lake?
Nothing can beat swimming in the Bear Lake on the Utah-Idaho border, especially during raspberry season. I never learned how bad it is back west...
30. Any last thoughts?
Nope, not that I can think of.
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mylife-foryours · 5 years ago
gratuitous screencaps & questions for an’dante
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1. What is their gender? ... woman-ish?
2. What is their sexuality? Ace-ish, bi-ish. Complicated by a combination of trauma & who she is as a person.
3. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with? No siblings; when she was 3-4 she was... fostered? by her grandparents, and there were a few cousins who lived in the same apartment complex, but she was a very solitary child.
4. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives? Her memories of her parents are vague and patchy - her father’s callused hands, her mother’s deep voice singing a Zabraki lullaby. On the other hand, she remembers her grandparents very well. She understands them well enough to know why they left her on the streets of Sobrik, and on good days she can even sort of sympathize - starvation is a hideous way to die. So she isn’t going to, like, hunt them down and murder them, but she has no interest in ever seeing them again, either.
6. What would they give their life for? Orro.
7. Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet? She’s in something with Orro. When they first met, Orro had been cornered by a group of offworld thugs, and An’Dante went after them like a feral alley cat. She won more through the element of surprise and nascent Force abilities than anything else, but it was still enough to begin a fast friendship with Orro.
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? Either she’ll stop existing entirely, or she’ll become a Force ghost. As appealing as it might be to continue to influence the galaxy even after she’s dead, the fact that ghosts can be bound & their entire self made into a battery for someone to tap makes that prospect singularly terrifying. Even when she was a slave, it was only ever her body that could be broken and fucked and drained of blood. Death wasn’t an ideal escape, but it was always there. No such luxury if her ghost is bound. Nonexistence isn’t ideal, but it’s preferable to that.
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal? Her favorite color is sunset red, and her favorite animal is a tooka cat, but the one that I associate with her is a snake, both for the obvious reasons and because of the death/rebirth symbolism.
10. What are some of their talents/skills? Rhetoric, blackmail, politics in general. On a more benign note, unearthing/handling delicate artifacts and translating ancient texts in a way that’s both faithful and aesthetically pleasant.
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be? Empress of the Sith Empire, Conqueror of the Republic, the Great Liberator of Korriban. (Practically, she understands that she’d be better off as a combination shadow hand & eminence grise, but she’s not above the appeal of shiny titles).
12. How old are they? When is their birthday? She’s nineteen during the Sith Inquisitor prologue, but not exactly sure when her birthday is.
13. What do they do for fun? Watch drama-heavy serial shows (ideally w/ Fene or, later on, Talik’ime) and snark at them.
14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it? She’ll eat pretty much anything and enjoy it, but she really loves seafood and rare meat.
15. What was something their parents taught them? Not to get too ANGST-HEAVY, but by omission, probably “you’re an unwanted burden, and will be left behind as soon as it’s physically possible”.
16. Are they religious? Sort of - she’s Sith, and takes the code seriously, but her own interpretation of it is pretty heretical.
17. Where were they born? Small farming village on the outskirts of Sobrik.
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages? She’s a native speaker of Basic & Zabraki, picked up Huttese and snippets of Mando’a in her early-mid adolescence, and learned Old Sith during her apprenticeship to Lord Volcari. Later on she tries to pick up Chenuch as part of her bid to insinuate her power base into Imperial Intelligence, and expands her knowledge of Mando’a with Fene’s help.
19. What is their occupation? Dark Council member.
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them? She blackmailed Darth Vox into promoting her to Dark Lord of the Sith before murdering her and abandoning what was left of her corpse in a decaying orbit around Korriban’s sun. Approximately two years later, she escaped Jedi custody with a fair number of stolen relics and detailed knowledge of Tython’s defenses, earning the name Darth Moriah. She became the leader of the Assassin’s Pyramid after defeating Darth Rictus in a Kaggath, and operated as Empress Acina’s unofficial Hand between the destruction of Ziost and the end of KOTET.
21. What is their favorite thing about their personality? Her wit.
22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality? Her sensitivity.
23. Do they get lonely easily? Yes, but she’s relatively good at dealing with it.
24. Do you know their MBTI type? INTJ
25. What is their biggest flaw? God, so many. But probably the worst, ethically and in terms of her relationships, is that she’s cruel.
26. Are they aware of their flaws? Sort of. She knows that she’s cruel, but she thinks that her greatest flaw is that she’s weak-willed and dithers over Doing What Needs To Be Done.
27. What is their biggest strength? Her adaptability.
28. Are they aware of their strengths? Yes - some of her arrogance is bravado, but not all of it.
29. How would they describe their own personality? That would depend entirely on who was asking.
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”? http://pete-walker.com/codependencyFawnResponse.htm
31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this? She’d do just about anything for Orro, including framing & executing her own apprentice for treason, but she’d put a lot on the line for Fene, too. She tries to be sparing with displays like that, though - it’s an expenditure of resources, emotional and otherwise. Cryptarch’s qualm and all that.
32. What is their self esteem like? Not great.
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it? Being enslaved again - no surprises there. She’d go nuclear if faced with that - no concern for collateral damage or her own survival, just fighting her way out with claws and lightning and teeth, or, failing that, putting her own lightsaber to her heart.
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their life? An’Dante’s secrets stay under lock and fucking key.
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them? In terms of annoyance (rather than blind rage), probably telling her that she’s overreacting to something. 
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous. Dark & ironic, with a particular fondness for wordplay and last-minute twists. Pretty much any of these would have her howling.
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it? Very difficult. She’s said it to.... maybe two people in her life, probably?
38. What do others admire most about their personality? Either her intelligence or her tenacity.
39. What does their happily ever after look like? After winning Orro over to her cause, crushing the Republic hypocrites and their Jedi lackeys, uniting a reformed empire under her rule (with someone else as a figurehead, naturally), freeing the slaves and hanging the masters by their own intestines, I imagine that she’d like to spend her time researching poetry fragments and teaching freed slave children to read.
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual? She trusts Orro & Orro doesn’t trust her, but Orro is quite trustworthy (& predictable) while she’s decidedly neither.
Physical Profile:
41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh? Quiet and spiteful; if she laughs, it tends to be at people, not with them.
42. What is their favorite thing about their physical appearance? Thanks to her Zabrak mother, she has very sharp, prominent canine teeth, which make her sneer look much more intimidating.
43. What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance? Probably the brands on her face. But for the same reasons that she doesn’t have any tattoos, she’s not going to get any kind of surgery to remove/cover them up. They’re a reminder.
44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars? Per her in-game appearance, she has brands/burn scars on the left side of her face. She also has heavy whip scars on her upper back, a fractal lightning scar that wraps around her torso (result of the one (1) time she mouthed off to Overseer Harkun), and some minor chemical burns from her experiments with poisons and forbidden artifacts.
45. How would they describe their own appearance? She probably wouldn’t, honestly.
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions? Hiding her feelings is pretty much second nature. She can express Sith-standard emotions quite well, and quite genuinely - she’s got a lot of anger and fury bottled up, even if it isn’t really directed at heretics - but sadness, fear, and the rest are more difficult.
47.  What’s their pain tolerance like? High.
48. Do they have any tattoos? What are the stories behind those tattoos? No tattoos, and no plans to get any - she’s  played with the idea of getting Sith tattoos to deflect from criticisms of, ahem, heterodoxy, but that would require allowing someone very very close to her face with very very sharp objects, and that’s a hard nope.
49. Do they have any piercings? Nope.
50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing? Semi-ceremonial light armor with flowy bits & a pronounced inclination towards the dramatic vs. “Robes befitting my station”.
51. What is their height? Weight? 5′3, 210 pounds.
52. What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc? Fat, with some core muscle strength.
53. What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone? She has warm brown skin and black hair. Her eyes are naturally brown, but intense dark side use shifted them to a molten gold color by the end of Act I. Faded back to brown while she was on Tython (Light Side-suffused environment + force-nullifying cuffs), then went orange/gold again after she escaped. At this point she’s had enough corruption/redemption whiplash that they’re kind of eerie pale grey with red limbal rings.
54. What is their current hairstyle? What have been some of their past hairstyles? Which was their favorite hairstyle? For the first sixteen years of her life, she kept her hair short, both for practicality - she couldn’t wash often, and didn’t want it getting caught in anything - but also so that no one could grab it. Upon being taken as Lord Volcari’s apprentice, she began growing it out. Mostly she left it down, but Fene would sometimes put it up in braids, which was her favorite. After being held captive on Tython, she chopped her hair off to about chin-length, and kept it there until she made Darth. It started coming in white after Ziost, but that was largely a moot point, since by then she had signed on as Acina’s left hand & was wearing a mask and hood. After her final break with the empire, she cut off the few inches that were still dark brown/black, so her endgame haircut is a blunt, chin-length bob.
55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers? It’s not so much
56. What do they smell like? Why do they smell like this? (Is it the things they’re around or a perfume they wear?) If she smells like anything, it’s mostly old books and tomb-dust. Doesn’t actually smell like blood as often as you would think - she usually kills people via some sort of proxy, and even if she's in a straight-up duel, lightsaber wounds tend to cauterize quickly.
57. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin? Doesn’t like sex, not a virgin, the specifics are predictably related.
58. What is their most noticeable physical attribute? Probably her nose; it’s not very noticeable on her in-game model, but I always draw her with a big beaky nose.
59. What does their resting face look like? Do they have RBF? Carefully blank.
60. Describe the way they sleep. Deeply and overlong, now that she doesn’t have to wake at dawn or earlier. It’s one of the few luxuries she can partake of without any guilt.
61. Which season is their favorite season? Obligatory “seasons work differently on other planets” stipulation aside, probably autumn.
62. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others? She was baited into an “escape attempt” by one of the overseer’s quislings when she was about thirteen, and never made that mistake again.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile? Ironic reversals of fortune.
64. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily? Gets overheated more easily than she gets cold.
65. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick? Since she’s half-Zabrak, her immune system is hella weak. She hates the vulnerability that comes with being sick, and tends to shut herself up in her compound with enough reading material for several weeks and enough painkillers to wipe out a small army.
66. Where do they live? Do they like it there? She has a compound on Korriban with one of the larger collections of Old Sith epic poetry in Imperial space.
67. Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room? Probably her quarters as a whole have a comfortable level of clutter - there’s some automated cleaning, but she refuses to use cleaning droids, and doesn’t have much time to clean on her own.
68. How did their environment growing up affect their personality? Significantly, but not indelibly.
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality? The fact that her grandparents wanted nothing to do with her and regarded her as a burden, and
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets? She likes them well enough, but feels uncomfortable with the idea of owning a living creature - she has some friends among the desert cats around her compound, though.
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any? She’s okay with children, if a bit overprotective, but she’s never had any, and even if she physically could (like most half-Zabraks, she’s infertile) pregnancy is a terrifying idea for her. She’d even feel guilty about adopting a kid, since being associated with her would be Absurdly Dangerous - almost none of her rivals would hesitate to go after a child.
72.  Would they rather have stability or comfort? Comfort, largely because she doesn’t really believe that stability exists.
73. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors? Indoors.
74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms? Her favorite weather is dry and slightly chilly, with a bit of a breeze. Enjoys thunderstorms as long as they’re not on Dromund Kaas.
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen? She’d practice her Old Sith calligraphy.
76. How organized are they? She’s a wee bit paranoid about committing things to paper, so her things are as organized as she can keep them in her head. When she’s doing well, it works fine. When she’s not...
77. What is their most prized possession? Either her saberstaff or the holocron that houses her ghost friend. Probably the saberstaff, since thinking about what’s essentially someone’s phylactery as her possession would probably make her queasy.
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend? Fene.
79. What is their economic situation? Probably pretty good - I imagine that Dark Council members get a hefty salary.
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl? Night owl.
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood? Sort of, but she’s had lots of time to get used to it.
82. What is their handwriting like? Neat & cursive-adjacent, but she writes with a very heavy hand, since she was almost twenty when she learned how.
83. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim? She can Sort Of stay afloat, and enjoys swimming so long as she can keep doing that. Deeper water makes her nervous, though, mostly because she’s spent so much time on Dromund Kaas: deep water is where the fish made entirely of teeth and pincers live.
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best? Fucking hell. Gonna say it’s a three-way tie between Pride, Envy, and Wrath.
85. Do they believe in ghosts? She literally keeps one in her pocket, so yeah.
86. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays? Hmmm... as a member of the Dark Council, there are probably certain state holidays that she’s expected to publicly celebrate, but on her own time I imagine that she keeps things low-key.
87. What is something they regret? Stabbing Orro in the back, physically and metaphorically. It’s worth nothing that this is at least partially because she didn’t actually get anything out of it - Jorgan recaptured her in fairly short order. (Part of her hadn’t really... adjusted to the fact that there were other people in Orro’s life by that point)
88. Do they have an accent? Xanthe Elbrick’s performance has grown on me a lot in my billion-odd playthroughs of a female Sith Inquisitor, but in my heart of hearts, An’Dante has a Slavic accent.
89. What is their D&D alignment? Neutral Evil.
90. Are they right or left handed? Left, but she’s trained herself to be ambidextrous.
91. If they were a tweet, what tweet would they be?
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92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
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0 notes
tweedpawn · 8 years ago
Chapter 1: The Papers
Spring’s End, 15th day, 11,920th year
 The rain had been falling for days during the beginnings of a hot summer on a tiny planet so far away. This little home of many creatures that rose and fell in its rhythm drifted as a gentle little pebble in a vast ocean it did not know or understand. It was a blue planet, with a great Pangaea across her side and smaller freckles of land on her back.
The oceans were wild and already turned from their welcoming blue, to a cold rough green glass that shifted and churned under the heavy winds. The great coastal capital, Skagrit, illuminated the dark waves, inviting last minute fishermen to hurry home.
She was a great city. Echoes of the ocean’s bounty and color were built into her skyscrapers and art. The city of Blue Glass. The finest capital on the planet of I’na. Her people were the most brilliant, and each shined their own glittering scattered light. The great economic powerhouses resided there, and their darker “patrons of the underworld” made their fortunes.
Thousands of polished glass medallions decorated the sides of her buildings. They looked like great sunken structures with magical fish that stayed warm and dry inside. Their interiors cutting through the night with gold. Lights dusted the outside streets like seafoam.
A lamp shined through a tinted window, granting a green halo in the glass. Shimmery
letters flickered like fish scales:
                                      Sansarc Private Investigation
                                           Independently Owned
                                           1977 N. Reynolds St.
The tenant of the business, and its loft, was Minisala Sansarc. He preferred to be addressed by his last name. Sansarc felt that his first name was ominous. He lived an easy life, he overworked himself out of passion. At his temples, one could see spreading wings of silver. His hair was always tidy, though his clothes were often wrinkled with a tiny stain spot either on the sleeve or collar. Like the rest of his kind, He had lovely, sable colored, rabbit ears.
Tonight, the particular combination of a warm radiator, soft lighting, and melodic rain had caused Detective Sansarc to drift asleep over the work on his desk. His face balanced on his wrist, his mouth hung open. Brief lucid moments danced in his fluttering dreams, before they shattered by the sound of a door opening and closing.
Sansarc saw a young boy enter into his office freely, and then drop off a paper. The child was in a great hurry. The more papers he delivered, the better he got paid. Sansarc cursed the hour, wishing that he would have just gone to bed.  He thought nothing of the newspaper, for until that day there had been very little that he desired to know about immediately. 
The Papers had a very different opinion on the matter. They had found an unprecedented story with stereotype, secret, and possibly murder. The reptilian minds of those who profited from the stories hoped it was murder.
  Because near trees very much like the ones that now bled ink and letter, there had been a great tragedy in the western settlements of I’na. Those were feral places. Death happened, frequently from farming machinery and swift animals. The settlers had to be paid to move out there.
It was a land of open spaces, cozy burrows, and “quaint” matters. They had large families out there. Homes were spaced out. But there wasn’t exactly an effort to push for innovation or commerce. The only ones who did were the Iron Chiefs who took great pride in their “company towns”. 
Now, the communities were five fewer. Five youngsters, between the ages of 11 to 15 vanished in the night like from a folk story. There had been a few other vanishings up until that point, but Sansarc would be unaware of them until a month from today. For this particular case, there had been witnesses: 
13 year old Claude Chatan, 16 Year old Tadoka Grey Ears, Fern only 8, and finally the fortunate son of the local bank owner, Bipkin Red barely past the age of 11. 
They recalled seeing three men in the fields that evening, according to the papers.  Those men had come with glaring eyes, strange weapons, and black cloaks. The children were mostly unreliable, as they were the ones who escaped had fled to the river or the nearby forest. 
At first, there was barely a whisper about it in the presses. Then a few juicy details came up that the reporters just could not resist biting into:
Arn Chatan, age 13, cousin of Claude Chatan. Head of the Engineering Club in Skagrit’s Prepatory Academy of the Arts and Sciences. A True Son of the Capital. Now Gone.
Della Frey, age 15, broke speed records for her age group in 100 meter, 200 meter, and 400 meter dashes. Set to compete in the international games as the first athlete from the settlement of River’s Bend. Was her disappearance related to the Mob?
The other three had been farmhands, barely important in the eyes of Skagrit, but that did not stop the papers from wailing and moaning about their innocent lives suddenly in jeopardy and won’t someone please step forward with any information on their whereabouts? There was blood in the water, and the sharks were already making calls for their portions. 
Indeed, had Detective Sansarc, independently owned and operated, known what would happen later in the day, he would have not glossed over the details and then tossed the paper into his kindling pile to fuel the oven for his morning tea. He would have given the writing a more discerning gaze. 
It was hard to feel connected to strangers, even little ones. Sansarc thought little more about the news of the day, going back to analyzing the books of a local textile factory that was suspected of money laundering and the recently divorced wife of the owner wanted to know if the bills went to that little hussy that wrecked her home. 
The rains never let up for that day. Leaving papers soaked and damaged from the damp. This fueled more sales, and the ink jockeys just could not keep up with the demand. The paper boys were going to be sick for days from this one. A new boy stepped in, carrying his bag full of papers. 
“Ya got ya pape’ today, Sir?” He asked, a gangly lad of barely eleven. He looked the type who bullied a kid or two for his “cut” of the sales. Sansarc waved the kid out, surprised when the lad insisted that the Detective had not gotten his paper and that he’d better buy one. 
Sansarc did not like the way this was going to spill into his day. Breaking News usually affected his clients somehow. Someone sees a new article about some murder, robbery, or jealous lover and they start jumping to wild conclusions. 
Like Aliens. Boy, I bet a silver I’ll hear that one today. Aliens, Star Children, the luck-damned badger-man were going to show up by the end of it. Grieved patrons usually went after the most exotic solution, especially if it was easier to accept than the fact that personal negligence was the reason Aunt Sally took a tumble grabbing her can of peas. 
The phone rang, it was an Editor from StarBurst News asking if he was busy for the afternoon and if he would be interested in being hired in an investigation of sorts. All Expenses Paid. 
Sansarc set up an appointment, he always preferred meeting clients in person first. And it took only an hour before a suited up, sharp-faced, broad with in a pair of pants that looked like a dress and a soaked blouse that had the pungent burnt scent of hot ink came through his door. Her ears were stained black, possibly permanently, and flecks of black splatters danced across her face like - blood? No, they were clearly more like stars. 
“Detective Sansarc, I assume? Senior Editor, Mason Antho, from the StarBurst News. I had one of my editors contact you.” her rich voice was like an expensive tonic sweetened with honey, but heavy on the oak. It spoke with authority and confidence.   
“ Are you the one who is officially hiring me?” asked Sansarc, his dark eyebrows pressed together. Please not another runaround with too many hands in the case. 
“I am. I heard you were the best at traveling for the job.” Mason strutted to one of the chairs, but did not sit. She moved like one of those long legged hunting dogs the rich kept on leashes made of gemstones. Her face even had a graceful longness to it, and the way her ears held made her look like one of the stylized print ads for the latest in dresswear. She looked like a living sales pitch for glamor. 
“This must be quite the job if the Senior Editor of a paper is asking me to travel on an expense paid gig.” Sansarc said carefully. He did not want to seem like he was officially committing. Jobs that involved the higher ups on the social ladder usually were death traps filled with pissed off mob bosses and rampaging husbands. 
“You better believe it, Champ. I heard you can travel anywhere, faster than anyone else. Hell, you can get visas to White Stone. And they never let anyone in.” replied Mason. 
More like they don’t want anyone out. Sansarc thought grimly. Fast travel? Oh please don’t this be what he thought it was going to be. 
“Now here’s the deal, I want an exclusive on the story out in the papers. I want interviews, some dirt dug up, maybe find a body if you can manage it.” Mason started speaking quickly and aggressively.
“So, send your reporters.” Sansarc frowned at the job description. 
“My reporters are idiots. They throw the cameras in everyone’s face and then they trample the flowerbeds while they’re at. We got a bunch of grieving mothers out there and the last thing I need is one of my people making everyone clam up. I want those people talking out there. Only to us, of course.” replied Mason. 
“Vulture.” Sansarc felt a horrible taste in his mouth. It was like the acid from his stomach was creeping up to have its share of insults to hurl at this woman. 
“Takes one to know one.” Mason said cooly with a smirk. Classy.
“I ain’t doing it.” said Sansarc. He started to get a pounding headache from this woman. He got up to grab a decanter of firebreather, a drink made from the fire-hot fermented roots of the Firra plant. He poured himself a drink and began to chew on the side of his mouth. 
“$300.” barked Mason. 
“I’m busy.” replied Sansarc. 
“ Yeah? Who you working far? I’ll double them.”
“You already have.”
“ $500, or I’ll bury you in the papers.” 
“You gotta be kidding.” Sansarc balked. He nearly dropped his shot glass. What could they dig up on him? He had no spouses or lovers. He lived alone. Oh, there was that incident that got him kicked out of law enforcement. Sansarc never took care to conceal the matter. 
“I’ll figure you out and rip you to pieces. You think I’m gonna be the only one calling you? When those morons at the Bugle get the idea in their heads , they’ll be all over your ears like flies on haraka.” Mason was growling now. Her nose twitched like a hound’s. She was now merely inches from Sansarc face, possessing the greater height on the man. 
“Well, maybe I’ll work for them!” Sansarc bared his teeth at Mason. The woman scoffed. 
“They won’t pay you.” She grinned a predatory smile. She had him by the throat now. No wonder she was the senior editor. Working for this lady must be like working under a knife chandelier. “Fine. $500. All Expense Paid. I’ll be there when I can” he replied, his dark eyes shooting daggers at the broad.   “You’ll be there tomorrow.” She said.
Sansarc was glad that he had yet to burn the paper he had placed into the kindling. He stuffed the print into a weatherproof bag, fuming to himself about how much he wished he could have shoved that damn woman into the mud. He could have at least thrown his drink at her and ruined that expensive outfit she had. 
He was able to secure a ticket easily. No visa needed. The frontier was considered “Skagrit operated”, but not necessarily its responsibility. The government gave out a hundred dollar stipend to head out and “reclaim your heritage”. The Banks took about 25 and that was the way of progress. 
Sansarc hailed a taxi to the train station. It was going to be a long ride, 27 hours to be exact. No wonder Mason wanted him out by tomorrow. One less opportunity for the rivals to pick him up him for their research. Sansarc hated that woman, but had to admit that she knew how to keep herself ahead of the pack.
Lights shined through evening fog.  They were golden halos guiding late-night wanderers. There was a slow rhythm to the town tonight. Sansarc could feel it in the meandering shuffling of passengers as they said farewells and brought their luggage to the platform. 
It was romantic, in that silver screen sort of way. The rehearsed entrances and scripted farewells going for their final takes. Dames getting reassured that their bucks weren’t going to get too lonely out there in them company towns. Bucks telling the does that things were gonna get better real soon. 
Sansarc hoped that at this hour, the lounge car would be open. He boarded the train early and sought out his cabin. The bright side about working for the wealthy was an upgrade or two. If he was going to have to suffer a red eye train ride through the boonies, he was going to do it in comfort. 
The lounge car was not taking drink orders just yet, but already it was filled to the brim with tobacco smoke and chatter. Not much raucous. It was dusk, after all, and there was a little bit of respect given for the twilight. Sansarc took an early spot on a barstool. 
He brought out a notepad and started to write down a few things to keep in mind. Don’t allow broads from the paper into your office for starters. Sansarc smirked to himself. He thought about what sort of men would be wandering out in the wilds snatching little ones like a nightmare.
The tobacco was spiced and smoky. Intoxicating. Sansarc was writing into a flow of thoughts when a bar keep walked up.
“May I interest you in a pack?” he asked. Sansarc scarcely looked up, only to avoid being called arrogant. He barely saw above the barkeep’s name tag. 
“I don’t smoke.” he replied. 
“No? But it’s traditional to have a little tobacco before the start of a journey. To insure a safe trip?” the bar keep replied. It was a voice with a bit of a haze to it. An accent that couldn’t entirely be placed. The inflections purely intentional and less of habit. 
“ I’m not into that kind of thing.” Sansarc frowned. His head was starting to feel fuzzy in an odd way. Was it the booze from earlier? He had a drink before heading out to the station. 
“What a shame. Safe journey, I look forward to seeing you at the end of it.” the bar keep stepped away. Sansarc grimaced. He hoped that he wouldn’t regret coming to the lounge car. He felt a chilled draft. I didn’t know an air-cooling system was installed. 
The final announcement for boarding was made. More long goodbyes. Sansarc thought on his last relationship. A pretty little dame who loved lilac perfume and ruby lipstick. She always carried a black lacquer mirror, and enough money to pay for her lunch. Sansarc had just started his business. So worked up in his first case, he barely missed her when she walked out. 
   It’s better if they don’t cry. Anything, but the crying. Sansarc looked at the windows as the train began to leave the station. The wrought iron and steam gave way to distant lights of homes and advertisements. The booze came heavy as the last of sunlight faded and all that could be seen was the black outlines of houses, trees, and telegraph poles against a navy sky. 
The city left a fading red haze on the horizon, and Sansarc pretended that it was the sun being stopped by the cops for packing heat. They’d get their money from anything. When he was younger, the haze on the skyline used to mean that the sun never set. Now, it seemed to never rise. 
There was a lingering feeling in the air. It felt like the mad buzzing of insects. Sansarc looked around him. He took a moment to observe the patrons. They felted staged and artificial. The first barkeep had been replaced by another fellow who lacked that complex quality the first one possessed effortlessly. 
They all moved back and forth between stations. Tick-tock. Sansarc had thrown away the belief of spirits and sentient lands long ago. Still, the habit of assuming their permanence lingered. He would occasionally have a moment of icy clarity to the world around him and it would terrify him. Because in those moments, came the doubt.
Disembark at Sandhill, Came the call. He originally had no intention of doing so. It was the largest city in the frontier. It made its fortune by centralizing the routes and shipping everything by ferry or rail. Home of the original Stock Market. 
But why there? It then dawned on Sansarc. Of course, they actually have a police presence. Yes! That was something he hadn’t considered before. He was finally smiling to himself.
The frontier towns were known for loose laws and lackluster enforcement of proper order. Their idea of order came from the nomadic rangers that were loosely organized to make sure the people stayed safe from wandering predators, and to help lost travelers. The story was that they lived the “old fashioned” way of bison-skin tents, and were considered the first on the scene if there was a risk to a town. A risk like kidnapping.
Sansarc thought the idea of a random bumpkin roaming at night on horseback, with no proper management, was the type of hare-brained, olde-timeyism, that allowed five children to go missing in the first place. 
And all it takes is one sick bastard to...No, it was three, according to the witnesses. And who else goes wandering the fields at night? 
Sansarc gritted his teeth. He was now glad he was going to a proper town to get started on this. Mason had wanted him in that tiny little frontier community. But if Sansarc was going to uncover some secrets, he would need a trail. There might be a connecting disappearance. 
“Hey mista’, wou’ ya moind lightin’ me? I wanna have a last leaf before I go in.” asked a pretty little thing. She had a fashionable little black bob of hair. Her face was adorned with far too much blush. Her ears, however, were dyed a particular shade of red, almost the same color as her lipstick. 
Sansarc grabbed a box of matches from the counter and obliged. Right when the flame kissed his fingertips, he killed the little flicker and pressed its charcoal stub into a glass dish. 
“Thanks guy. So, you going out to the iron towns? Me? I’m gonna see my mama. You know, you never know who ya gonna miss…” the girl started to ramble. Sansarc wanted to slink into his stool and escape this cockleburr of a conversationalist.  In thirty minutes, Jane Winterstaff revealed her entire family history, the latest in telecommunications, and exactly what brand of chartreuse contained arsenic.   
There were times when Sansarc cursed his particular brand of introversion.
The Daily Sandhill Fall Harvest, 10th day, 11919 Boy Missing in Silver Lake Local authorities have reported that Sandusky Martin, Age 8, is missing. His parents called the local sheriff after the boy did not return home from corn shucking. He is described as short-eared, at 3’4, with 46 lbs to him. Sandusky Martin has 2 siblings of similar appearance, and was last seen wearing his brother’s blue coat, a pair of loose brown pants, penny loafers, and carrying a locket with his grandparents’ hair in it. Police do not believe that the disappearance is related to incidents in Sandhill. No signs of predators were found in the area.    
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