#And the MUSIC!
spiltsoup · 7 months
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Lucy Liu in Flypaper (1999)
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Im here to ask the real questions. The one EVERYONE needs to know,
First note of love.
Will you be watching it normal speed with the sound on? 👀
Before I get to your burning question, I want everyone to know that the Executive Producer of First Note of Love, Jay Lin, is the FOUNDER of Gagaoolala, which is why the show is a Gaga exclusive. According to his bio, "gaga" means gay and "lala" means lesbian. Also, he served in various positions in the Taiwan Marriage Equality Coalition, which was instrumental in bringing marriage equality to Taiwan in 2019, so he greatly impacted my choice on how to watch the first few episodes. This is him pictured with his kids.
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Also, the first episode is free to watch on Gaga's YouTube channel.
But to your ask - Always assume I'm watching a show on double speed and muted. ALWAYS! It's my default. Also, I hate singing in BLs, but because First Note of Love is a Taiwanese BL (which I LOVE) and the product of Jay Lin, I was willing to give it a chance more than I do for other series, even though I was ready to mute it simply based on the premise alone. Yet it stayed unmuted AND regular speed the entire time.
Yes, I watched both episodes normally.
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The only other show that I'm watching normally out of the 22 QLs I'm currently watching is The Trainee because I really like the accordion that shows up every now and then.
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I watch most of the Japanese QLs with the sound on, but they still get sped up, but there have been a few Thai QLs this year that I wish triple speed was an option. I like the way Bible Wichapas sounds (and looks), but even 4 Minutes is muted because of the music, and I'm watching it at 1.25 speed.
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But remember that how I watch a show isn't about how much I dislike a show, but rather helps me enjoy the show more. I already liked the way Charles Tu and Michael Chang sound from their previous shows, so with minimal background music, it helps me hear more of them and enjoy the show more. If the background music distracted me, muting the show would help me enjoy the show more. If I thought the show was too slow, speeding it up would help me enjoy it more. Since I can control those elements, I change them so I can enjoy a show more. However, right now, I like the show at the speed it is going and with the sound on, so I think I'll continue to enjoy it this way.
Because I was always going to like the visuals.
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randomenglishmajor · 6 months
My sister is watching "The Rescuers" from 1977. There's just something about the art style that I've always loved. It's dark and gloomy without going into creepy. It's got the less polished kind of sketch-like quality, so different from the more polished and clean look of Disney movies outside this period. One of my childhood favorites.
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happywitch416 · 10 months
You may have a good best friend but I have the very best friend @kaleidoscopegirl who enabled me getting Baldurs Gate 3.
Which means I'll see y'all some day, bye lol
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thesoftestcowboy · 1 year
So my boyfriend convinced me to play umineko a while ago and literally im clueless about this entire genre of game and idk the ending (so dont @ me if it has deeper meaning or whatever) but its so. I do wanna know how the story continues and some of the character interaction is so interesting but i cant stop randomly laughing in ~serious~ scenes because of the anime-ness of it all. Its like "ohh now that the cruel demon girl was defeated i will summon an even mightier, crueler megademon to kill u!!" and its immediately revealed that this demon is a cutesy pink haired anime girl. Literally. Makes the emotional impact a bit less harsh tho which is cool
Then i ALSO gave in to my adventure game nostalgia and got the first gabriel knight (which i never played before and only learned about via youtube) and its. Im having mixed feelings but it's so fun to play something like this again. But u can tell it's from the 90s and im not talking about the graphics
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sniperct · 1 year
people are absolutely sleeping on star trek prodigy
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asgardian--angels · 2 years
I never saw the original movie and I know fuck all about Anne Rice but damn if the Interview with the Vampire series isn’t phenomenal so far
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wackom · 5 months
The Beast that Bothers
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chilewithcarnage · 6 months
'you still listen to music from 10 years ago 🤨?' bitch if prehistoric humans had audio recording technology id be sat up here listening to grog and unga bunga's greatest hits don't play with me
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everoutoftouch · 5 months
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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possessable · 4 months
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eargoat · 3 months
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georgedontdothat · 5 months
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To-cat-ata in B by sympawnies
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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timotey · 2 months
A chance meeting between Julien Cohen and the 10-year-old prodigy Yeonah Kim at an airport. Magic happens.
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