#And know how to actually participate in jokes and conversation etc
amerasdreams · 2 years
Like, the rhythm of conversations on here. The jokes. The memes. The "funny memes". I spose I get some of them but.
like some of the trends onhere. Ppl get on the bandwagon.. for what? Now u can join a group for fun but if you really don't care for the thing, why should you. Bond over something you really like, not something that sparks no joy.
So... but. Few things I really get into. Either!!!!
Like, I will like a lot of things, but they don't take root deeply. Most things don't. I only have a few things that will take root deep in my heart. Bc there are only a few things that reallt fit me?
Which makes bonding over anything really hard. It has to be something I'm really into otherwise it doesn't seem worth it for me to get jnvokved bc I'll get lightly interested in another thing next week. Unless it's one of my few perennial things.
So... perhaps I cannot fit in anywhere. I am this anomaly. Or freak who is too much of an outlier to get close to anyone
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thatdiabolicalfeminist · 11 months
A lot of people will be spending more time with their families of origin in the next few weeks.
And when you're with people you've spent so much time around in the past, it can be easy to fall into old habits and social role dynamics without really noticing, and without evaluating whether those patterns are reflective of the values we have now.
So with that in mind, I'd like to gently suggest taking a closer look at your family's interactions and see whether there are patterns you're part of that you don't want to be and could potentially do something to disrupt.
For example, is there anyone:
your family routinely treats as faintly ridiculous or hysterical?
or whose ideas, opinions, or interests are automatically dismissed by the group when those same things would be worthy of consideration/discussion from someone else?
or who gets teased and made fun of more than others, or past the point where they seem to be having fun?
or who is expected to do a disproportionately large amount of work that others could be helping with?
or who is consistently left out of group activities and is not asked if they'd like to join this time? (Do they think you'd be happy if they did join in?)
or who is automatically treated like "the problem" in any conflict they're in, regardless of whether they initiated the conflict or were being reasonable or not?
or who makes/has made repeated requests that some reasonable boundary be respected that is habitually ignored, belittled, or argued with?
or who habitually speaks or acts in unkind or unloving ways and gets minimal pushback, and/or minimal concern for the targets of their unkindness, because "that's just how they are"?
Or is there maybe:
a gender, racial, and/or class/income, etc., divide in who in your family does how much cooking/cleaning/kinship work?
a difference in who leads dinnertable conversations and whose input, interests, opinions, etc., are more valued/respected?
a difference in whose job or home life is worthy of being asked about?
automatic assumptions about people's interests, skills, life experiences, etc., that haven't been updated in years? Is anyone trying to build connections and find out more about who each of you are now?
Group social dynamics are always complicated, and perhaps never more so than in families. I'm not in your family, and I don't know the complicated contexts between each of the members. I also don't know how you'd like your family interactions to go, or if you're even spending time together willingly or unwillingly. Maybe this post will be helpful to you, maybe not.
But if you want your family to interact in more loving ways, sometimes as adults or even teenagers there ARE things we can do to interrupt patterns people are participating in without even noticing!
We can start helping with work we're not expected to participate in, and we can ask others who don't participate to take on part of the task. (In many families, a man standing up and starting to clear away the dishes and saying, "Brian, would you mind grabbing the green beans and the mac and cheese?" would be out of the ordinary if the women usually do that, but (in many families) people would go along with it once suggested.)
We can try to bring neglected others into conversation by asking and genuinely listening to their thoughts and opinions.
We can speak up when someone's interrupted and insist that we want to hear the rest of their thought.
We can take seriously the person treated like a joke, and show others that we're taking them seriously.
We can say "I don't think we need to discuss people's bodies here" or "not cool, dude" and redirect the conversation when someone is unkind.
Sometimes we can take people aside and ask them to ease up on a person being teased. Sometimes saying "I think it's actually hurting their feelings" or "it's not funny anymore, let up" is enough to actually make a difference.
We can ask about someone's job, interests, home life, hobbies etc., when they are usually left out of being asked.
We can try to remember that people aren't fixed in stone, and try to get to know who people are now without making too many assumptions.
Sometimes harmful patterns can be interrupted just by pointing them out and making an effort to not participate in them anymore.
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sleepingdeath-light · 5 months
how he acts when he has a crush hcs ; jax
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requested by ; discardedcarcass (29/10/23)
fandom(s) ; the amazing digital circus
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; jax
outline ; “saw you did TADC requests and read the jax relationship hcs and thought of jax having a crush hc !!”
warning(s) ; canon-typical asshole behaviour from jax
if you don’t know jax well enough, it’s very difficult to tell the difference between how he acts around his crush compared to how he acts around someone he simply doesn’t hate — this is because simply ‘liking’ someone isn’t enough to get him to stop being an asshole
as a matter of fact, it actually makes him worse
he spends more time around you than the other members of the circus, but that also means that you’re his most frequent bullying victim — and you being his crush doesn’t mean he’s going to go light on you (all it actually means is that you’re going to be the first person he looks to after messing with another member of the circus, and whose positive reactions encourage him the most whenever he pulls off a particularly funny joke or amusing prank)
he pranks you relentlessly both at the circus and during adventures: putting you in the line of fire, tripping you up when you walk, purposefully detaching any parts of your digital form that separate from your body, breaking into your room and leaving ‘gifts’ for you to find or just outright stealing things to mess with you, dragging you into the middle of his schemes while mocking you endlessly, etc.
and his teasing doesn’t just start and end at physical pranks as he makes a point to verbally bully you in just about every conversation you have — granted, it’s never completely mean spirited and if you pay close enough attention to him it’s clear that he’s just vying for your attention, but it’s certainly not nice either
he also makes a point to put down, bully, and degrade any other humans or npcs you’re around when you seem to be getting along with them more than usual
when you two are on adventures together jax’s behaviour also becomes noticeably more extreme (and, for everyone else around him, all the more frustrating) as he tries to keep your attention on him and get reactions out of you — usually this translates to more extreme acts of violence, riskier behaviour with the other humans, becoming more insulting/antagonistic towards the npcs you’re around, and being even more demanding and forceful with everyone else as he tries to get them to do what he wants
between tasks, when you’re just hanging out at the circus or when you’ve decided against participating for this particular mission, jax tends to just follow you around like a weird kind of lost puppy — constantly joking around, still being his annoying self, refusing to tell you the real reason why he’s always close by and lying about you just having funnier reactions than anyone else in the circus, but also just always being there and always trying to get you to react
it’s all very annoying at first, if a little confusing, but if you manage to put the pieces of it all together then it’s pretty easy to flip the situation on its head by making a point of blatantly ignoring jax in favour of spending time with other humans or flirting with some npcs — watch him get all huffy and annoyed until he’s finally forced to admit to his feelings (this could last a while, he’s a pretty stubborn guy, but with if you ignore him for long enough you may just force his hand)
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
Are the suffering and consequences in the room with us?
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For a place that is supposed to be Hell, there’s little to no effort into showing that these people are punished. Not necessarily by the Hellborns, I very much like the approach of “Hell is other people” but the writers failed at showing us this aspect. Vivziepop's version of Hell feels more like L.A. painted in red. And that’s disappointing.
It’s still a messed up place but outside of episode 4, there’s no real investment in making sure we understand that this is HELL. We see people do drugs yet we see nobody in a zombie-like state on the street. The closest we had was a randoe in Happy Day in Hell but it was a joke.
This is something very blatant with HH, most of the time, when something serious is presented it’s a joke (Sexual assault, drugs, etc...) It’ll depend on whether you're Viv's favorite character or not.
Sir Pentious was not.
You also see this in how they approached the crimes committed by characters, most of them did messed up things but Charlie never tries to address these despite being the one supposed to care about redemption.
Vaggie participated in genocide, she was angry but for one episode only, and her rant to Alastor was too light-hearted to be taken seriously (again a joke). Rewatch the scene, with an Alastor that doesn't give a damn, the funny music in the background, her goofy facial expression and tone, that’s not taking it seriously narratively.
Alastor was a serial killer and took pleasure in torturing his victims. Currently, he’s a cannibal and slave owner, Charlie does nothing about it. I’m not asking her to free Husk and Nifty we don’t know if she really can, but she could have had a conversation asking Al to not torture people during his stay at the hotel or treat his employees like humans and not pets.
Angel Dust was part of the mafia. From what we’ve seen he isn't against killing people, in fact, he seems to like it.
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Every time we see him fight he’s smiling and enjoying himself, it’s said in the pilot that he’ll never miss an opportunity to help Cherry fight in those turf wars of hers. But his problem is druUuUUugs (this is an issue but that’s the only thing pointed out.)
That’s even more noticeable with the cannibals… who are nice? Whoa… you’re saying that the people whose whole culture is to jump you at your most vulnerable, tear through your flesh with teeth and hands just to feast on you in the middle of the street are actually silly guys and gals who like meat a bit too much. How charming ☺️
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She was more annoyed that guts and blood went into her eye than anything.
There isn’t enough effort to showcase the horrors of living in a place where your only chance to survive is to be physically stronger and a good manipulator. When we’re shown something awful like “murders or cannibalizing someone” it’s presented as quirky, and funny, and nobody really mentions it. Aren't we supposed to believe that Hell is a bad place as a whole? Is Extermination really the only thing we have to worry about?
What’s the point of adding concepts like forced labor, addiction, and an unfair hierarchical system if you’re not going to show the viewer the horrendous reality of these things?
Vivziepop needs to pick a consistent tone for her series, there’s nothing wrong with joking about murders and EdgyyYyy humor, but that makes the audience detach from the reality of these things and they will have a hard time caring for a character the second they are portrayed as bad. Especially when the transition between funny and serious is from one episode to another.
“Angel and Husk are suffering!!!!!”
The characters that are supposed to be addicts are sober every time we see them on screen. We see Husk drink alcohol directly from the bottle and rather than showing that the toxins are affecting his body by making him sluggish and/or on the verge of vomiting he’s still able to stand still and hold a conversation perfectly. Even if Husk drank like a sailor, there’s so much alcohol your liver can take before eventually letting it affect your system.
But maybe we could use his addiction in a way to reinforce the fact that he isn't free.
Think of it like this, show a few scenes where Husk is excessively drinking experiencing bad hangovers, and not doing his job correctly as a whole. Vaggie complains about this to Alastor saying that til now he has done nothing significant to help the hotel and the employees he brought aren’t even behaving properly. She threatens him saying that he might get kicked out if this continues.
To that, Alastor could later threaten Husk saying he better fix his drinking habits or he’ll broadcast his scream or whatever. Later Husk would still be drinking but you could have little details of Alastor side-eyeing him and him just letting go of his bottles. He’ll still be sluggish but he’ll make sure he’s sober enough to keep The Radio Demon happy.
We never really felt like Husk’s movements were controlled by Alastor, he was just brought into the hotel without his concent, that sucks, but he can still converse normally with the others. In the Pilot, he insulted Deer Boe in his face with no repercussions. A few more scenes like the one in episode 5 to reinforce the power dynamics between him and Al wouldn't kill.
And Angel Dust how many scenes do we see him do drugs yet his body is able to take it all?
He’s supposed to be an addict, there are few mentions of him hiding things in his room but it's all talking! Talking is not bad, you can talk, but it’s boring and holds NO substances when there isn't SHOWING. Imagine this:
Charlie is worried because it’s been an hour and Angel hasn't come back to the Hotel, she knows his schedule as a sex worker is extremely busy but she usually knows when he comes back and he didn't respond to any of her messages.
Before she could go out to search for him, Cherry burst out into the room, a beaten and knocked out Angel on her shoulder. She was barely standing herself as she was also injured, with many cuts freshly bleeding mainly on her arms and face.
Charlie and the other help her get Angel to his room to tend to his wounds and Cherry’s. When she asks for an explanation Bomb explains that Angel couldn't buy his usual stash of drugs at the local store he went to anymore, as it got plundered right after the end of the extermination, the owner was killed and the shop was vulnerable to thieves.
Angel was looking for a very rare type of drug, made in the Gluttony ring, usually, the things made there take you quickly to cloud nine practically knocking you out in the process. The store he bought it from was the only one with prices affordable enough for him.
He eventually found a gang that was willing to give him a very small portion of drugs in exchange for money. Except that he didn't have nearly enough for what they were asking but he still went with it just after his work in one of Val’s clubs, already a shitty idea since he was exposed to many illicit substances when working with the moth so he wasn’t clean.
Obliviously the gang didn't accept a slip payment and tried to rob and take advantage of him. Cherry stepped up, fought a bit, and escaped with Angel, thanks to her smoke bombs, before things could get too serious. She goes on a small rant about how she and Angel are friends and they mutually help each other, when her wounds are patched up she leaves not before asking Angel to call her when he wakes up. Before she could go Charlie proposed to her to stay at the hotel but Cherry refused stating that there were people in the street who probably needed her help, but she might send people to Charlie’s hotel if she felt like they couldn’t survive in the street.
There’s probably a lot I could fix with this story but that’s just a quick example. What did I manage to convey without blatantly saying it? Angel Dust isn’t in a great financial situation, his addiction is so bad that he’s willing to put himself in danger just to get his hand on the strongest dope and Hell is a fucked up place. I didn't say it I showed it and since you’re smart you understood the subtext.
Some will say that there’s Extermination, but first, we just learned that they can fight back and they have a year to prepare themselves so the stakes are lesser.
Second, it’s surprisingly easy to get angelic weapons.
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Someone like Striker managed to get multiple angelic weapons to kill Stolas and a rope that neutralized his powers.
An imp, the cockroach of the society, either his killing business is extremely successful or Carmilla’s prices aren’t that high. And don’t go tell me “Stealaa bought it!!” that’s never implied or stated.
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Plus the angel leaves these in the open, I’d say it’s quite easy to get one of those right after an Extermination, nobody was surprised Vaggie has a spear so it feels like it’s common for someone to have them.
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hualianff · 2 years
Hua Laoshi
Thinking about Professor HC. He’s like late - 30’s, total dilf, but really well respected and liked - students really love his classes. He makes history enjoyable to learn, after all. 
He’ll go on wild yet profound tangents and has great PowerPoints. Sometimes a random gif will pop up here or there because he forgot to take them off; they were just for jokes oops but hey at least the students find them funny.
There’s a reason why HC leaves his notes to the powerpoints. Mans can barely write his name legibly, much less use the chalkboard for anything besides drawing. However, his maps are actually insane - he could actually be a map-maker. 
HC’s assignments entail lots of writing and some group work, plus participation points are a must, but it’s to be expected because his courses are usually for upperclassmen. 
The new incoming students are always blown away by the sheer amount of knowledge HC has AND that he is articulate enough to teach in a way that all his students can actually learn.
Many students see Hua laoshi in and out of the library, checking out numerous books at a time and if a student asks for help in furthering researching a topic, HC is diligent about guiding them to relevant resources or even having the university order the texts themselves.
HC is fluent in seven languages, and can understand basic conversations in even more. Thus, if some students think they can gossip in another language, HC will eventually let them know in the slyest ways that nothing gets past him.
HC’s wardrobe is refined with plenty of statement pieces and accessories. This includes the fancy pins on his suit jackets, the most commonly worn ones being a butterfly and a flower. On numerous occasions, he’s been voted as the most stylish professor on campus.
His office is also one of the best designed, with comfy chairs and lots of desk space, traditional paintings hung everywhere, a few plants lining the window sill, several mugs labeled with “student tears,” etc. On his desk sits all his devices neatly plugged in, a picture of his black cat (E’Ming), and a picture of him and his husband on their wedding day. 
Yes, even with all the rings HC wears on all his fingers, the polished silver band on his left ring-finger never goes unnoticed. 
It’s really no secret how much of a romantic sucker HC is for his husband. 
Once, on the first day of classes when HC was connecting his computer to the projector, his desktop photo was revealed on the big screen: a photo of XL mid-laugh, laying next to HC when they had one of their picnic dates. 
Or another time when HC meant to freeze the screen that had instructions for a small in-class writing assignment but didn’t, which exposed the document HC was writing on with ideas on what Christmas gifts to get for his husband.
Another year, at the start of the second semester, HC began his lecture with, “So, no one asked what I did over break but-” he makes a show of pressing the clicker, and a photo of HC ice-skating pops up. “-yes, I did ice skate for the first time, and yes, I did out-skate everyone on the rink.”
He nods with a complete deadpan. A series of chuckles ring across the room.
“Except my husband, of course.”
The slide switches to a picture of XL skating (taken by HC, obviously), the warmest smile on his face. 
“See how cool he is.” :)
HC keeps going with pictures and even videos of XL skating, the class occasionally breaking into choruses of “ooohs” and “ahhhs.” They don’t need to know that this is the part of the powerpoint HC spent the most time preparing, but with HC standing at the front with the biggest fucking grin on his face (#proudhusband), the students could probably guess that was the case.
Here Hua laoshi is, starting the semester off by showing off his husband, as he should. 
Some students have had the privilege of running into HC and XL during their date night !! As in, sitting at a table far enough away where they can see XL talking enthusiastically - waving his hands in large motions and swirling his glass - while HC listens and nods with the softest smile. 
Honestly, anyone with functioning eyes wouldn't help but be able to gush over how cute the couple looks. 
One of the students actually crosses paths with XL in the bathroom. They washed hands side-by-side and then XL used a paper towel to open and hold the door open for them! Back at the student table, the lucky soul proceeded to whisper-scream about how pretty Hua laoshi’s husband is. 
XL subbing for HC’s class once in a blue moon - basically XL going through HC’s PowerPoint and thoroughly explaining everything because HC talks about his lessons so much.
XL: “ahah I’m your sub for today, serves me right since I’m the one who got your professor sick” 😅
XL reading over HC’s notes: “hmm, ok, your professor also wrote down that-“
A random student: “wait a min, he can read hua laoshi’s handwriting?”
A second student: “hmm, makes sense, they are married after all”
A third student: “opposites do attract i guess”)
     2. Also, XL frequently uses the chalkboard and students are like 😱😱he writes beautifully!
XL messing up: “oops lemme erase this-“
The students: “NO ITS FINE”
     3. One student: “ahh, I see Xie laoshi is wearing Hua laoshi’s lucky tie today”
XL, looking down at the crimson dragon printed tie: “huh? this is mine though…San Lang wears it…?”
The students: “Oop exposed”
Which alludes to how seldom XL seems to wear ties.
(HC when XL gets home and nonchalantly begins loosening the tie: “holy shit, i married THAT”
     4. The students zero in on the red coral earring XL dangling from his right ear lobe, the match to HC’s who either wears it on his ear or attached to his braid. 
Incidentally, the first time HC hears himself being referred to as a “dilf,” he’s that meme with the lady who has the math/science equations in the air. They think he’s a WHAT? Is it the way he dresses? Or talks? Like what is it about him that makes him a “dilf?” Because HC in his life has never-
Oh wait. Hang on a second.
HC arrives home and sees XL working on the couch, glasses on, hair in a half-bun, tight-white shirt, sipping on some tea.
HC may actually be familiar with the feeling…!!
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paradoxcase · 1 year
QuCheanya post 3:
I have added an extra tense:
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"Sideways" tense is for talking about things in other timelines. What I've discovered when trying to write this story is that this tense is actually quite necessary. You know the gay fanfiction problem? Where you have two participants in the sentence, and they both use the same pronouns, and sometimes it becomes hard to figure out which pronoun refers to which person? Well, time travel stories have an even worse version of the gay fanfiction problem, which is that sometimes two participants not only have the same pronouns, but also have the same name because they are both versions of the same person from different times, or different timelines, or something. I never realized it until now, but Homestuck actually handled this so seamlessly I never realized it was an issue. We have all the pesterlogs where people are specifically labeled with whether they are from the past, or the future, or the present, and we have people talking about "past Karkat" or "future Karkat", etc. which is basically exactly what QuCheanya does with noun tenses. And then in another place, we have an alternate timeline Dave being referred to as "feltsuit Dave" (ok, I can't remember if that term actually existed in canon or only in fandom, but he was identified in canon by the outfit he was wearing), Dave who comes back from the doomed timeline becomes Davesprite, Jade's dead dreamself becomes Jadesprite, etc. I remember people joking about how Homestuck was just all about coming up with new modifiers for "self", e.g. "dreamself", "past self", "spriteself", whatever, but the thing is, it needed to do this in order for all the time travel to make sense. And then at the end, we had that conversation between Vriska and (Vriska) which had the potential to be extremely confusing, but Hussie utilized a fandom meme to make it clear who was speaking when. Anyway, I digress. The point is, the noun tenses solve this gay time travel fanfiction problem pretty well.
I now have actual interlinears explicating the tense system:
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Those are the simple past/present/future tenses. I think that use of rinu may be new content, but we'll get to that part later.
Here's an example of the time travel tenses in action:
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Imagine, you're asked to design a conlang, and the next day someone shows up with a grammar of your conlang and the example sentences are actually about YOU.
-me indicates a noun is a title, so, neaSapfita just means "priestess" with a little p, while neaSapfitame means "Priestess" with a big P that has to precede someone's name. You can also stick on the back of regular names to mean Mr. or Mrs.
Here is an example with an embedded clause with a different tense:
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And here is the "I don't like you" example spelled out in the document, complete with a sideways tense example:
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Side note at this point, that I'm now no longer using tables to make these interlinears and instead using the dedicated package for linguistics examples, expex, which is why they look so much better, and why there are more of them. It's great.
That's it for today.
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crimmson · 9 months
okay before I say what I'm about to say:
1) we believe in and actively participate in nuance on this blog, crimmson.tumblr.com
2) I am acutely aware that this is at least partially a "me" problem; I am also aware that the ratio of "me problem":"not-me problem" could very well skew heavily toward being entirely a "me problem"
3) I know I'm some flavor of neurodivergent, what flavor that is is between me and god and I'm not talking to god to find out what that combination of flavors is at this time
4) I'm human, you're probably human, and sometimes that means being nonsensical and contradictory (I do not control the brain chemistry)
okay? okay.
so now. the thing. the thing that bothers me to no end: When You're Talking About Something And Someone Is Trying To Be Relatable But They Kinda Just Make It About Them, Even If Unintentionally. i hate this. I hate it so much.*
*it is highly dependent on who is doing it, how well I know them, how it's phrased and delivered, and a dozen other factors. sometimes and with some people I'm completely fine with it.
"but crimm! isn't that a trait of some neurodivergent people?" yeah I know! and I get the reasoning behind it! I still fucking hate it! (see points 1 through 4)
I'm going to outline my thought process (also applies to when I'm listening to someone else and I can see the conversation getting away from them; if you've been in a group call with me and I bark at you to let Person continue, well, you already know).
So here's a fictional scenario and my thought process:
I am telling a story among a group of people. so it is My Turn for attention (something I generally avoid and prefer to play more of a supporting or sidekick role so if I'm going for it, it's like... meaningful for me or whatever)
Branch A: someone interjects with a reaction or a comment; this is fine and it's a clue to me that you're listening which I appreciate. however it snowballs with everyone building onto the joke or comment and becomes a whole other conversation.
Branch B: someone interjects with a "oh hey something similar happened to me," and begins telling their story instead.
I wasn't actually done with my story though
combo of feelings ensues: nobody was actually listening or cared enough about what I was saying since they don't seem to notice or care that I didn't finish, being steamrolled by someone else who usurps my Moment of Attention, feels like someone turned it into a competition or had to one-up me, couldn't let me feel Special for 5 seconds, etc etc
(also really annoys me when I'm watching this happen to someone else, I just think other people should have their Moment and get to bask in it for a minute rather than getting immediately one-upped)
((if anything it annoys me way more when it's happening to other people))
(((Once again, see points 1 through 4 at the top)))
listen. I try really hard to keep it in mind that people are doing this as a means of trying to relate and prove that they are paying attention, showing empathy, sympathy, etc, I know all this. but I'm tired of pretending that it doesn't impact me or other people. I can HEAR the upset in other people when they're getting steamrolled and the conversation is getting away from them before they've finished saying their piece, or they're constantly getting cut off, etc.
it feels....childish? to say "oh it's just a neurodivergent trait! they can't help it!" and just expect it to go unchallenged all the time? like dude 1) we aren't a monolith 2) if I had to learn how to socialize then can't someone else learn to read the fucking room and shut up for a minute? not all the time, but maybe like 50/50? please?? compromise????
(once again, reminder: points 1 through 4)
like I'll go out of my way not to change subjects too fast so that people can have their minute in the spotlight. even if there's something I was gonna post. but if someone beat me to it, that's a-ok and I'll wait a few minutes to an hour depending on context so I'm not taking attention away from them. but like it always kinda weirds me out when someone posts about their day, and then like 30 seconds later someone else starts talking about themselves or something totally unrelated to the other person's message instead.
thankfully my group is generally pretty good about things and even if we get off track for a moment we will apologize and tell the person to continue. (or I yell at everyone for a second when I sense The Upset, and then tell the person to continue, and thankfully everyone seemingly does not outright hate me for this)
So with the knowledge that I fucking hate when people do that to me, I make sure I don't fucking do that to the best of my ability. I wish I could say it was hard, or a habit I had to develop, but like... it's not. It's not hard, I didn't have to work to Not Do The Thing I Hate (or if I did have to work on it, it's been so long that I genuinely don't remember), and I have been employing this strategy below for as long as I can remember. It's not something I have to think about anymore.
My Strategy For Conversation And Making Sure The Person Knows I Am Engaged And Interested And They Feel Valued:
I ask questions. it seems to keep the conversation going and they get to expand on details and stuff. it seems especially nice if it feels like they were trying to avoid taking too much time but now they feel like you do actually want to hear what they're saying and they can relax. at least that's the vibe I get. I can hear when their voice changes and they relax or get excited or whatever.
If I interject with a comment or joke, I will make sure I end it with like a "but keep going" to encourage them to keep talking (sometimes a little apology just to politely signal that I acknowledge my interruption)
if I interject with a comment, it's about THEIR story, not a "oh that reminds me of the time I..." so like, if someone is telling a story about... Idk, John From Work Said Something Fucking Stupid, then my comment might be something like postulating about what the fuck John's thought process was to get to that point of Saying Something Fucking Stupid. but it's something that THEY can build off of to continue THEIR story.
idk man. I just. I watch it happen in chat sometimes and I bite my tongue because I'm trying to be considerate and I don't even know if it bothers the other people who, in my mind, are getting interrupted or not getting a minute to soak in their moment of attention. like I could very well just be getting pissed off on behalf of other people who didn't even think twice about it. so like yeah, could 10000% be a me problem!
but I'm a big fan of the concept that an explanation is not an excuse! yes I am glad I understand these traits and tendencies and it does help me be tolerant of them to a degree when I know the intent is good. but it feels like I have to be tolerant of it all the time, otherwise I risk being anti-neurodivergent or something. which is very funny because I have ADHD, I've had anxiety, I've had depression and (this is the only time I'm going to acknowledge this) there's a pretty solid chance I'm autistic to some degree (we will never speak of this again).
I am okay with the knowledge that I'm just gonna be socially incompatible with some people but idk man. I know it probably comes down to like Clear Communication because obviously how will people know it annoys you and work toward a potential compromise if you don't say anything!
but if you think I'm gonna go "hey, half of the friend group, I fucking hate this thing you do sometimes because I'm mentally ill 12 ways to Sunday" then you are out of your fucking mind, I would rather wear cinderblock shoes and swandive into the Mariana trench
(also one last time, Points 1 through 4)
((and no this isn't about anyone in particular and wasn't even triggered by any specific event, I am literally just laying in bed eating chips and watching YouTube videos and decided to be a bitch on a whim))
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nora-durst · 1 year
re: my last reblog/barbie, the fact that the barbie movie exists is whatever. it’s an eye roll emoji. this is the world we live in and people can enjoy things that are fluff etc etc. it’s the larger conversation around it that drives me insane. this isn’t pointed at anyone in particular (nor at any of my mutuals who have expressed excitement towards barbie because i know you are media literate and have taste lol) but just at like the general populace. sorry i just have to be a hater for minute. scroll now if you don’t want to hear this akdkfjdk but:
idk why we as a society are not only uncritically accepting a multimillion dollar toy commercial in cinemas but actively embracing it!!! i see red whenever i see people make jokes like “barbie is going to save cinema” like i’m fully aware such statements are just for laughs but consider the fact that movies like this are killing cinema, actually! why is everyone so excited for this movie??? why is it so hyped up??? why have so many of the people i know bought into this hype hook line and sinker??? “well it’ll be good and not like a lame superhero movie because greta gerwig is directing it and noah baumbach wrote it” have you considered the fact that this probably took up at least a year of the lives of two acclaimed independent filmmakers when they could have been making idk something that wasn’t a toy commercial?? literally anything else?? sure get that paycheck whatever but it’s so sad that filmmakers have to do shit like this if they want to really make money. and the thing is i understand the desire to see it because it probably will be good, or at least entertaining — the production value is clearly quite high, there’s a large cast of very popular actors, etc. — but it’s frustrating to see the same people i know irl who complain about all the dumb formulaic mcu bullshit and the horrible disney live action remakes suddenly turn around and uncritically and unironically be so excited for this movie, and participate in the hype train that mattel is counting on to market the movie. (and okay yes the memes are funny and yes i have enjoyed them. i am not immune to a good meme. but STILL) like barbie is not only part of the problem it’s making the problem worse!! how do you not realize this is one of the same bullshit IP-driven marketing vehicles that we’ve been subjected to for years now?? or if you do realize it, why am i not hearing anyone acknowledge that?? “let people enjoy things” sure go for it im not saying you can’t!! but at least be honest about what you’re enjoying!!!! i think that’s the crux of the issue for me tbh. i dont care that barbie exists (even if it annoys me) or that people are enjoying it but it makes me crazy that i’m seeing almost nothing even remotely critical of it or acknowledging the larger and very harmful phenomenon that this movie is absolutely undeniably a part of. and maybe i’m overreacting a little and maybe there actually is a huge critical discussion of the movie occurring in spaces i’m not aware of, but i think my point still stands
(and i’m aware im being a snob but i think this current cultural moment might need more snobs actually. sorry)
okay rant over i am exiting hater mode peace and love on planet earth
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nightcall99 · 2 months
Dreams from 20.8.24
Dream 1: I was with some people. I didn't really care for the conversation. One of the girls was listing all the people they knew, which I found cringe like they were showing off how popular they were. I wanted her to shut up so I talked to the other chick, AV. We were talking about going to a party and AV said, I didn't want to go before because I didn't have a dress to wear (suggesting she has a dress now)
Dream 2: I showed up to work. It was a weekend shift, a Saturday. It didn't look like how work usually looks, the store was bigger and seemed to be in a different location. I was working with a bunch of people I didn't know and there seemed to be more people than necessary. They were all assistants and most of them were women. I kind of dreaded it a bit because I kinda figured it’d be stressful managing all these people but I decided to let it go. Then EE showed up and I was relieved knowing that there would be two pharmacists on duty, especially someone who know is efficient and knows what they're doing. The sense of burden was lifted.
Then SM showed up. My heart skipped a beat. I hadn’t expected him to be there and I dunno why he was. He put on his uniform like he was about to work but I thought he was scheduled to work somewhere else. We barely acknowledged each other but felt each other. We didn’t need to say hi. There was a shyness and an intensity as always. I felt him keenly. I felt very magnetised toward him and attracted to his energy but we both kept a distance. There was a longing pull coming from each of us. He was kneeling by the shelves doing something. I think he was only there to collect something that he'd forgot like his name tag. It felt like he was making an excuse to be here, to see me. I realised that he was only here for me. It seemed like he was making shit up to do, in fact I think he was doing something stupid like pulling the sticky residue off his name tag. We kept looking over at each other. Nothing really needed to be said. I think he did end up staying for the shift. There was this one scene where I tried to reach for something and SM picked up and pulled me away. It was a joke I think. Our love for each other was there, in the back burner.
Then MD shows up. A guy I used to work with ages ago at the sister shop. He looked older, like maybe he was in his 40's now. He was still so handsome and charismatic. I squinted my eyes at him in shock because I couldn't believe it. Was it really him? Was he still working for the company after all these years? It was busy at that moment and I had so many things to keep track of that I didn’t have time to go up and actually ask if it was him. I had no idea if he even recognised me. Then it got crazy busy, there were so many baskets piled up at unprecedented levels. It was like covid times all over again. I felt a rising panic but stamped it out. Somehow it all kinda just worked out. A customer asked me about a product and I had lost any memory of it. I had vague idea that we probably did stock it but the knowledge felt so far away. I ended up asking the student, C, about it and she showed me where we kept it, in the miscellaneous section. It wasn’t exactly what the guy asked for but we compared the packaging and it was the same.
It continued being so busy. I tried to fill up the baskets with medicines but it’s like I couldn’t read the prescriptions or couldn’t be bothered. There was no sense of urgency in the air. The staff girls all seemed so calm and unbothered by everything. The baskets just disappeared without my doing anything. Like I would look back at the pile and it was slowly but surely shrinking as if things were being dealt with and handed out to customers etc. I tried not to question it, I was just like whatever. It just felt like I didn’t have to worry about anything, I could just continue standing there and things would just get sorted out without my active participation. Then it quietened down a bit and one of the girls asked if she could leave her station at the scripts-in counter and do something else. She was so polite and nice. I said, Of course.
Then it was break time and we all took our break together. We were all at a random cafe, sitting and chilling as a group. I asked, That guy from before (MD), does he work here? They said, Yes. I asked, What’s his name and the girl said something unintelligible. I said, Is his name Michael? She said, Yes, confirming it was who I thought it was. I burst into tears, overcome with emotion. I was so happy. I couldn’t believe it was him. I was so glad to have laid eyes on him again. SM was watching me from his chair and seemed a bit concerned but just let me be. Then MD walked into the cafe to join us for the break and I raced up to him. I wanted to ask him how his acting career was going. I tried to remember his small role in some film and I wanted to make a joke about it as he walked in but none of that seemed to matter anymore. As we looked at each other, there was nothing that needed to be said. We did an enthusiastic hi 5 in recognition of each other and did it a bunch more times and each time I felt a rush of energy. I felt connected to him.
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list ☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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After the heartache of the Volume 8 finale, I would like to return to a happier point in the show and suggest some memes/jokes that I like to think the students at Beacon would have had. More closely inline with the RWBY Chibi-verse, than the actual show - where Nothing Bad Ever Happened.
"Who's child is this?" being used to refer to Ruby - the youngest student at Beacon - when she's left unsupervised and/or doing something odd.
"I'd let Glynda punish/whip me for one corn chip."
Every now and again "Missing - Have you seen this person?" posters for Professor Peach will pop up around campus. No one knows who it is that keeps making them.
Vomit Boy candids being taken and shared any time Jaune is Suffering™️ on some form of transport.
The Great One plush of Pyrrha exists in-universe... and becomes the go-to prize for any stupid competition between the students. There's at least a dozen of these dolls on campus now, owned by various people and won as "spoils of war."
There's a dedicated chalkboard in the combat room for tallying how many times Nora has launched someone into the stratosphere. Notable mentions are listed on the board alongside her of other people who have achieved this feat - including Yang, Yatsuhashi, and Glynda.
(She launched both Port and Oobleck one day when they kept annoying her. Sometimes, their screams can still be heard if you listen closely enough.)
"There's that old guy again..." "Oh, shopkeep? Yea, he's everywhere. Don't think too much about it."
This leads to "Don't think too much about it." becoming something of a slogan for every time anything unusual happens.
"Candy canes, kids! One for Sun Wukong, one for Yang Xiao-Long, ooh four for Coco Adel, you go Coco!"
Team STRQ having something akin to legend status at Beacon, whispered in hushed voices for fear and reverence of their names. There's a war between the students regarding team JNPR as their successors vs. the students who insist JNPR are not anywhere near worthy of such a title.
"How many team CRDLs does it take to beat Pyrrha?"
Blurry fancam-style videos of the Qrow vs. Winter fight out in the courtyard being traded around like baseball cards with other students. Some try and manufacture a "rematch" of this with the materials they've got - trying to get Ruby and Weiss to fight each other. 
That weird sing-song "HellOooOo~" that Yang sometimes does being mimicked by everyone. And I mean everyone.
Any time there's a significant lull in conversations or classes, someone often asks "Why are we here?" which never fails to make everyone in the vicinity groan.
"Ozpin is compensating for something" jokes about his office chair - including at least one popular response being "it's the war crimes", without them knowing just how accurate they actually are.
"On a scale of Ren-Nora, how excited do you want me to be?"
"Ladies Love Lavender" referring to Lisa Lavender having her own in-universe fandom mostly comprised of women. (Lavender being associated with lesbians irl, and I just think this would be funny.)
The sight of Ren just picking up and carrying Nora away from something is so commonplace that other people start doing it to their friends when they Need To Stop.
"Why is Blake's bow so big?" "Because it's full of secrets."
Blake being a closet faunus being such a poorly hidden secret that by the time she finally takes off the bow no one actually even notices. 
The betting pool surrounding exactly what it is in Ozpin's cup - coffee being one of the least popular options, and souls being the top choice.
Using Yatsuhasi as a unit of measurement. 
Photoshopping adorable images of Velvet onto various "cute" animal memes.
Everyone wanting to be spanked by Coco Adel. 
"I'd let Fox blow me up too."
"Why is Weiss' hair so long?" "To reflect the length of her father's crimes."
Everyone mimicking Pyrrha's memetic "I'm sorry!" anytime they apologise for anything. Even going as far to do it while apologising to things that don't require apologies - like inanimate objects.
"Are Port and Oobleck, you know... 💅?"
In fact, just that 💅 being used to refer to a large number of people at Beacon. Actual LGBT students picking this up and using it towards grimm when they're attacked to question the sexuality/homophobia of the grimm targeting them over their peers.
Threatening Neptune with water anytime he flirts with a girl who is clearly Not Interested in him.
No one knowing who, exactly, the other two members of team SSSN are - with wild theories abounding about who they may be. Popular choices include Shopkeep, Zwei, and Professor Peach.
This persists even after their tournament fights where they're shown. Scarlet and Sage are perfectly content with this, and participate.
"Arslan's/Pyrrha's back must be aching from constantly carrying her entire team."
And the respective responses of, "Reese/Nora are alright."
Similar jokes about Glynda also carrying the entire faculty/academy on her back.
The war between the "Irondaddy" fanbase, and his haters - who refer to him with various derogatory versions of his name. "Metalpenis", "Coppercock", "Chromeshaft", etc.
Anytime someone is doing something ~questionable~ donning a pair of glasses and/or imitating Oz or Oobleck pushing them back up their nose with accompanying menacing body language. (Kubrick Stare optional.)
Mercury having a foot fetish, courtesy of the people who caught him sniffing shoes at the festival.
"Did <character> just die?" "You know, it was really unclear." any time someone takes some insane damage in a fight and isn't seen for some time afterwards.
Everyone trying to locate and get a pic of the ~mysterious~ fourth member of team CMSN, who has only ever been spotted once - her tournament fight in the first round. Beacon's version of "Where's Wally?"
The Sympathy Fund for Emerald and her one-sided crush on Cinder. "She could honestly do so much better."
People offering themselves up as tribute to spar with Pyrrha/Yang/Coco/Sun just so they can be beaten up by the hottest people on campus.
"I drink milk!" being used as a defensive argument in wildly inappropriate contexts.
Naming grimm really boring names and attempting to keep them as pets. 
The innumerous times Port has allowed a "zoo-break" to happen under his watch and everyone having to assist in recovering his prized subjects.
"Where the fuck are all the fourth years?" "Ozpin's soul collection."
Candid shots of Glynda Suffering™️ being shared similarly to the ones of Vomit Boy.
Ranking people based on their Patience Levels - Pyrrha, Ren, Glynda, Emerald, and Fox being frequent top markers based on the bullshit they put up with from their respective teams.
"Saint Pyrrha" being a common nickname for her, and her neverending niceness towards people who absolutely do not not deserve it.
Weiss' "Hey!" being replicated amongst the student body and slowly growing more and more high-pitched in its replication until it eventually just becomes a shrill noise. Even so, everyone still knows what it means - and Weiss is absolutely unamused by all of this.
In fact, a lot of early!Weiss' comments being mercilessly mocked by everyone - "I'm a victim!" being one of them.
Renowned fear permitting amongst the student body regarding Yang's red eyes meaning Serious Business. Morphs into references of "going full Yang" to mean having rage-fuelled temper tantrums.
"Never miss a beat, never miss a beat" becoming a mantra for focusing on a task. This inspires several remixes of Neon saying it, and again with no one knowing who it is making them.
By all means, feel free to add any more that you all think of! I could use a laugh!
Also, check the notes for additions!
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theepisceswriter · 4 years
Jealous!Reader with AOT characters (Erwin, Reiner, Connie, Levi)
A/N: it’s always ‘Jealous AOT characters this’ and ‘AOT characters reacting to someone flirting with you’ but almost never the reader being the jealous one or reacting to someone flirting with their boo !
TW: none really apply, sort of suggestive themes (with Erwin), GN!reader, Modern AU
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No matter what AU setting Erwin is thrown in he still possesses those qualities that make him a great leader and figure for people to look up to. People adore him and so do you because he truly is an admirable person, but sometimes other people get a little too carried away with it.
Suddenly every dad joke he makes is 100x funnier to them, they just have to comment and compliment him on everything he does, and they don’t mind pushing you to the side or ignoring your presence completely to talk to Erwin. It’s in professional settings like work banquets, fundraiser events, etc that it usually happens so he has no choice but to be cordial and pursue a conversation with them or reply to their sly comments.
This puts you in an awkward position; you don’t want to say anything and ruin the whole night for everyone and make the atmosphere awkward, but you also don’t want to watch the whole night while people come and flirt with your man right in front of you. So, you awkwardly just stand off to the side with your arms crossed over your chest, champagne in hand, and a slight frown on your forehead even when you’re trying to do something like watch the entertainment to clear your mind.
At one point Erwin comes over to checkup on you and even tries to kiss you on the cheek before heading off, but all you give him is attitude. You scoff at his questions and when he tries to kiss you on the cheek you move away from him. “Shouldn’t you be giving kisses to your coworker instead? They seem to be riding your dick more than me.”
Erwin the brat tamer is in shock !! One, he has no idea if he should pull you into the nearest storage closet and teach you a lesson for talking to him like that, but his shock at you feeling that way and concern for your jealous feelings take over.
He didn’t know you were affected by it that bad. It was just for work and he thought you understood that, but it was his fault for not making that clear with you and he does apologize to you for that like the try gentleman he is; bringing your hand up to his mouth and trailing kisses from your hand, up your arm, and eventually to your mouth.
He evens forces you to follow him around the whole night, his arm never leaving your waist and holding you close to him so everyone knows that you’re with him. The next time someone tries to flirt with him in front of you he’s quick to hit them with that, “Don’t you see my gorgeous partner right here next to me? Do you think that was appropriate to say knowing I’m a taken man? You should be ashamed of yourself.” Now that he knows it affected you that much.
Reiner is so oblivious when people are trying to flirt with him. It’s the reason why your relationship had such a slow burn to it at first because it’s so hard for his brain to comprehend that someone is genuinely being nice to him and interested in him for once.
That’s why when two girls came up to him commenting on how big his muscles were and sneakily stealing skin on skin contact with him, he was completely oblivious; just kept chatting on and on about his workout routine and what he eats on the daily like they were genuinely interested in that. At one point he was even about to trade numbers with them before you stepped in, wrapped your arms around his torso, and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck placing kisses on his sweet spot that left him red and stuttering out sentences.
The girls eventually got the hint and left abruptly with quick goodbyes, just as you had planned out in your head. You remove your head from his neck and look up at him with those puppy dog eyes, “I don’t like how they were feeling all up on you like that. You know these pecks are meant to be squished by me and only me 🥺”
Leading them on or flirting with them whether he knew it or not was never his intention and he lets you know that right off the bat, telling you how he wasn’t even thinking about them in that light, but of course you already knew that. Which is why you can’t be mad at him at all in the first place.
He simply just makes up for it with a kiss and you go on with your day.
Connie is a naturally funny guy. He doesn’t even have to be trying and he still cracks you up, it’s one of the reasons you were so drawn to him and became a couple in the first place. It’s also almost mainly part of the reason you end up getting jealous.
You see how people cling to him when he’s cracking his jokes. How they like to playfully hit his chest for skin to skin contact or how they sit underneath him complimenting him all night making him feel like he’s on top of the world. He’s so clouded by the praises people throw at him that, like Reiner, he’s so oblivious to the flirtatious undertone of them. Only focusing on the high he feels in the moment.
It’s not until he glances over at where you’re sitting, noticeably distanced away from everyone else with a scowl on your face as you looked off into the distance, that he becomes concerned. He tells the group of people surrounding him that he’ll be back and he’s at your side in an instant. “Is everything okay? Don’t you want to be in the conversation with all of us? You don’t have to sit here alone.”
You try to brush him off, tell him everything’s okay and to go back with his group, but that’s not working with Connie! He’s poking and prodding at your side and cracking corny jokes until he sees a smile on your lips and has you cracking up. It’s after his threats of tickling you that you finally spill the beans about how you’re sorta kinda jealous that his attention was on everyone else but you and how they were practically flirting with him.
And what does he do? He starts bursting out laughing! Of course, that takes you by surprise but you know he’s not laughing at you but the situation at hand instead. It has your cheeks getting warm and you desperately trying to hide your face away from him in your hands, but he doesn’t allow you do to that. He’s peppering your face with kisses in between his giggles and assuring you that, “You’ve been on the back of my mind all night long. I don’t even know what half of those people’s faces look like because I haven’t been paying attention to anything but their laughs.”
He forces you to come sit with him and continues on with his jokes and participation in the conversation, but now with you snuggled into his side with his arm draped over your shoulders.
Levi isn’t stupid, he knows when people come up to him trying to flirt or fake interest in him with ulterior motives in their mind. He simply just doesn’t care. He’s as nonchalant as nonchalant gets; never flirting back with them and sometimes he doesn’t even reply to them at all but just stares until they get the hint that he doesn’t want to be bothered.
He expects you to be the same way, not care at all since he doesn’t entertain their silly games at all, but that’s not the case and he realizes that one day when notices the change in your demeanor and the sulking expression that suddenly comes over features after he tells you a story about a customer at his tea shop today trying so hard to flirt with him.
“Are you seriously jealous right now?” Yeah, he’s a little meanie about it at first because he’s Levi and he has no idea if you’re actually jealous or just toying with him.
But that just makes you feel worse because now you feel like you’re reacting over nothing and oops—here comes the waterworks as if this wasn’t already awkward enough for him. We all know Levi is the worst at reassurance, but he cares for you a lot so he’s going to take an attempt at it for you. Plus, he feels terrible for making you cry.
All he has to do is grab you by the chin, wipe your tears away with his thumbs, and assure you in a stern voice, “You know I would never give into their pitiful attempts at swooning me. You’re the only one I’ve had my eyes on for a while and that’s not going to change just because someone is trying to smooch me out of a free tea.” It works perfectly.
He even offers to take a day off of work to spend exclusively with you.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
I saw your recent response to an anon where you mentioned the drama that occurred the other day based around bookprofessor’s post. Obviously you don’t have to respond to this or publish it if you do not wish but I just wanted to bring up that while it is important to focus on the real life issues at hand, the OP was hypocritical in her post which is why people were getting upset. She was preaching against ableism while simultaneously flaunting her IQ and degree which is a form of ableism. She was speaking out against racism while ending her post using the racial slur “cracker” when talking about the possibly Caucasian Twitter elriels.
Obviously she had some important points but it was completely overshadowed by her participation in the hate speech and prejudice that she was speaking out against.
This does not in any way justify the nasty messages she received but on the same hand, I do not blame anyone that called her out for her hypocrisy. I hope you can understand why her post was so negatively received and how flawed it was. My hope is that one day everyone can just ignore the negativity, report those who are being racist/prejudiced in any way, and block those who are just being loud and who you don’t wish to see content from. But unfortunately I do not see that happening any time soon.
There are a few things I want to address in this because I think it's a good moment for the fandom to step back and reflect on how we treat one another, how we react to such issues, and how we behave moving forward.
First off, thanks for explaining your point of view without being antagonistic. I do think that everyone's emotional reactions to the post were valid. I do NOT think their responses, in terms of words and actions, were valid. Now before I move forward, I want to clarify that when I use the word "you", I am referring to anyone who may have had the response I am describing - not you personally, anon. Also please don’t freak out about how long this is, as a majority of it is a response to the fandom in general, not you in particular.
What was - and wasn’t - said in the original post
In this post, there were completely valid criticisms of the way that people in this fandom behave, and it wasn’t “generalizing” a certain group, it was literal, actual proof of things that had been said, by multiple people. I’m not going to get too into what Alyssa argued because her critiques of those tweets was flawless. The original post had very valid criticisms of what was happening on Twitter. Alyssa exposed the actually racist, homophobic, and imperialistic underpinnings of those tweets.
However, a lot of people are stuck on the bits before and after those critiques. @bookprofessor apologized for different aspects of her post in a few different asks. There were perhaps better ways that some of those things could have been phrased, some things that could have been left out. And she apologized. People can accept that apology or not but we can’t act like it didn’t happen. Like she didn’t reflect and learn to do better.
However, the people she was calling out have not done the same thing, and if anything, comments that focus more on Alyssa’s tone than why she wrote the post in the first place lets those people off the hook.
On cracker - Using the word "cracker" is not racist in the same way that using racial slurs against POC is. Is it prejudiced? Yes. But you cannot say that it is the same thing when that is demonstrably untrue, given centuries of oppressive history. No one has been oppressed for being white. Those are not the same. Reverse racism is not a thing because a white person punching down on POC is NOT AT ALL the same thing as a POC punching up at white people. The actions look the same, but the impact is so unequal it’s not even funny.
Racism is a systemic, institutionalized problem. It is not defined by individual actions, though those actions can either support or challenge racism. When someone calls a white person a cracker, there isn’t centuries of oppression giving power to and reinforcing that statement. That is not a “gotcha” moment.
Saying “I have x IQ” or “I have X degrees” is not ableist. I’m sorry to whoever told you it was ableist (again, not you specifically anon but people who had read the “aw shucks guys” vagueblogs about it), but it’s not. Those are facts. I have no idea what my IQ is, but I have five degrees from institutions of higher education. Me saying that is in no way ableist. 
Often, people mention those things to be elitist, yes. Sometimes, they can be used to say “hey I know more about this than you”. They can be used in a way that tries to make themselves feel superior. I suspect that this is the impression that a lot of people got of the post. However, there is a fine line between saying “hey that’s elitist” and professing anti intellectualism. Which is perhaps a side issue so I’ll let that go for now.
Another reason that people mention their degrees or qualifications is to establish their background knowledge and credibility. If I were to say “hey y’all I have two MA degrees” (which is true) I am not being ableist! It is a fact! It is factual! And I worked my ass off for those, I will be in student loan debt until I die for those, I have every right to mention them if I want to, and often I do so in order to establish my credibility, to explain the position I am coming from. And my prior knowledge of these topics is relevant when we are talking about literature since that’s what my degrees were on - literature and linguistics. That is why Alyssa mentioned her background, though she did pair it with comments about other people, for which she has apologized.
My final point about this is that I 1000% understand feeling insecure or less than because of educational attainment. I dropped out of high school. I had a complex about that for a long, long time. But I also know that if I took offense at someone else saying they had a PhD, then that offense is about me, not them. Someone else’s inferiority complex is not reason for people to pretend to be less than they are.
If those two comments are what overshadowed the bigger, more important issue for a lot of the readers of that post, then y’all allowed them to overshadow those more important issues. I am 99% sure that someone right now is reading this and thinking “but Leslie, it was the way that she said it!” Boy have I got some news for you!
How we react
This next section is not specific to this ask; instead, it is a discussion of how the fandom responded. If it were only one person who had said “but her tone” then I wouldn’t need to make this point. The fact that multiple people are exhibiting the behavior explained below is what makes this a cultural problem within the acotar fandom.
The main argument I saw on the post itself, and indeed any time I see people bring up how nasty Twitter can be, is that “it was a joke” and “that’s how stan Twitter works”.
Those responses were quite useful for this post, though! So buckle up everyone, because I am going to talk about gaslighting, racism, respectability politics, and tone policing. While I understand that some people might have taken personal offense to what was said, there is a much bigger issue at stake that has nothing to do with individual feelings, and everything to do with ensuring that POC stay silenced and white supremacy is upheld. 
Back to the “but it’s a joke” thing. Thanks for gaslighting! Great example of that, person I’m not going to tag! Gaslighting is when you make someone question their experiences, when you try to make them think “wait, did I really feel that way? Is my feeling about that valid? Do I need to re-evaluate my response to this?? Am I blowing this out of proportion???” And saying “it’s just a joke” is a perfect way to do that. Did I say something accidentally sexist? It’s just a joke, nbd! Now you’re the problem, because you didn’t understand my joke and laugh!!! 
Saying “it’s a joke” or “oh they are old/young/ignorant, they will learn” is not a good response to... anything. It takes the responsibility off the people who are doing the harm, and putting it onto the people who were hurt. And in this case, anyone who read those tweets and found them harmful (which should be everyone?) is completely valid. You aren’t lesser for being angry or emotional or for seeing a problem where other people saw a joke. The people who see those things as acceptable jokes are the ones in the wrong.
This is a tactic that is used against women all the time. Any time a woman is sexually harassed at work or online, for example, and she gets upset about it, and someone chimes in with “oh they weren’t serious, can’t you take a joke?” So you can imagine what this is like for women of color.
It is a very, very common tactic for people of color to be silenced via tone policing and respectability politics. Tone policing and respectability politics are very closely related, especially in this context. The idea is that if Alyssa had just written that post in just the right way, it would have been more palatable to white people, and therefore okay to write. The idea that if she had tried to be “understanding” or “see it from their perspective” or understand that it’s “just a joke” are all ways to silence and de-legitimize any accurate, valid criticisms that were made of those tweets. It effectively re-routes the conversation away from the real issues, and to the person trying to bring them up. It’s essentially an ad hominem attack in disguise. 
We see respectability politics in media when people of color who act or dress or speak like white people are afforded more respect. Or any time that a person of color is pulled over and people say, “well if they had just done what the police officer asked...” There is a pervasive idea that if people just “act” properly, aka if you act white, then the police won’t feel antagonized and try to kill arrest you. If we are nice enough, meek enough, smile enough, etc. then we will be accepted.
When we tone police, we refuse to allow marginalized people the right to be angry. We say that "hey, we can only have this discussion if you leave emotion, which you rightfully feel, at the door, and we can only continue this discussion if you behave in a way that makes me feel comfortable." But guess what? It isn’t about you! These discussions are often highly uncomfortable. There is no nice way to tell someone they are being racist. And yet somehow, that is the ever-moving goalpost. It seems reasonable, right? “Just be civil, be nice, don’t insult each other!” And there is that. But those criteria change constantly, to the point where anyone (white) at any time can say “WHOA WHOA THIS IS MAKE ME UNCOMFORTABLE???” Then we find ourselves at zero, and suddenly the focus of attention has shifted away from the actual problem.
Before we go further, I want to say this: people have a right to be angry. They do not need to make their anger palatable or tasteful for the consumption of others (read: white people). 
We saw this last summer, and I’m not sure how the message didn’t get across. But people are rightfully angry about racism. They are angry about the murder of people of color by police, they are angry about lack of quality education, or clean water, of centuries of oppression that have led to this very moment when all of that ceases to matter because a white woman’s feelings got hurt one time. 
And that is what pisses me off so much. There is no way in this world that we could criticize tweets like those that everyone would agree with, and that everyone would “approve” of, that would be “nice” enough and yet still be impactful and make the authors of those tweets understand the gravity of what they have done. 
The least we can do is allow one another to express our anger, our outrage, because it’s highly likely that those people know exactly what the fuck they are doing, and they do not fucking care. By criticizing a woman of color for the way in which she chose to engage with this topic, we are avoiding the issue and letting the people in those tweets off the hook. 
There were many responses to that post that were positive, that agreed with Alyssa. There are a ton of people who disagree with those tweets, who find them disgusting, who understand exactly how and why they are problematic. That should be what we are talking about. Getting to the core of the argument, on that post or any about racism or other problematic behavior in fandom, requires getting past our own egos. It requires us to be able to step back, say “hm this thing is frustrating but there is a bigger picture here”. It’s not easy, and I recognize that. 
The fact that it is a common tactic though? To say “hey this hurt me personally and so I’m going to ignore any valid points you made?” That feeds directly into centuries of white supremacy because it, once again, silences POC and makes them try to play a losing game. And they will always lose, because no matter how hard they try to play the white game, the goalposts are constantly shifting. So you know what? Fuck the game, and fuck respectability politics, and fuck tone policing and “uwu be nice guys” because when it comes to things like racism and sexism, I don’t expect the people who deserve to be criticized to be nice. In fact, trying to be nice only serves to fuck POC over in the end.
Indeed, in response to that post, certain blogs have taken the opportunity to position themselves as “the nice ones” or “the ones who would never” or “uwu let’s be nice guys” while completely ignoring the fact that a woman of color was attacked for calling out racism. And yes - that was the point of her post. People getting hung up on mentions of her degree are (intentionally or not, it doesn’t matter) completely obfuscating the fact that that is not what her post was about, which was to call out disgusting behavior. idk how many words the post actually was, but essentially, people are focusing on 5% of it to the detriment of the 95% that was actually really important shit. These types of vagueblog posts about the issue fall into exactly what I am talking about - these are people who have decided to look at this issue, see how Alyssa (and anyone else who dares speak up) has approached it, and intentionally try to act like they are “better” because they can be “rational” and “kind”. Newsflash, if you don’t have something to be angry about, then being “nice” about racism isn’t that much of a flex. If it didn’t bother you, then congratulations. That doesn’t make you better than people it did bother. You just got lucky this time, and decided to use that to your advantage to look like the good guy.
I am not saying that all calls for peace are doing this. Obviously it’s what we all want. This is the worst I have seen this fandom in the 4+ years I’ve been here. But we cannot have that by ignoring the real problems and pretending that if we are all just nice to each other, then we will solve racism and sexism and all bullying in the fandom will stop. 
So combining all of this - the gaslighting, the tone policing, and what do you get? You get a fandom that refuses to actually engage critically with its own problems and take accountability for them. You get a fandom that decides that it’s easier to be distracted by this one mean comment over here than it is to engage in the fact that you know what, the culture in this fandom has actually turned incredibly disgusting and a lot of people are just okay with it. You’ve got a fandom that is using the tools of white supremacy to avoid the discussions that should actually be taking place. Maybe people don’t realize that that’s what they are doing. But if someone still thinks that after reading this post, then godspeed my friend, I hope you enjoy Twitter.
Okay so my last thing I want to say is that I didn’t come to all of this knowledge fresh from the womb. I do a lot of work, in my personal life and my professional life, to be better. So here is a list of books that I have found particularly helpful:
How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America also by Ibram X. Kendi
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo (side note, I was kinda meh about this one but the chapter “White Women’s Tears” is particularly helpful)
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment by Patricia Hill Collins
I’m not going to talk specifically about Alyssa’s post anymore, but if anyone wants to continue talking about these broader issues going on in the fandom, I am game. (I really should be grading papers though, so it might take a bit.)
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hello, so i'm here to take part in the open ships. My personasility is that of an introvert, where i prefer to be by myself instead of around others although when i'm with my friends, i can be a little bit of a chaotic mess and am usually full of so many dirty jokes its unhealthy. my sexuality is bisexual and some of my hobbies include reading, drawing(although I'm not very good) and baking. the three fandoms i would like to have this done for are peaky blinders, stranger things and harry potter
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋
Thank you for participating my love!
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Open-minded ⋆ Quirky ⋆ Loyal ⋆ Free-spirited ⋆ Introverted
𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬
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I ship you with Esme! I think you would fit well since you said you prefer to be alone rather than with people. Esme’s culture is very similar; they like to seclude themselves from the outside world. 
・You would be an odd couple, but that isn’t in a rude way at all, you’re just not the stereotypical couple. 
・Sometimes people would listen to your conversations and literally not understand, not because you’re speaking a different language, but because you don’t always need to talk to understand each other.
・You believe she knows about the supernatural and paranormal. You might be interested in learning it as well (???) 
・Deep talks, hand holding; oh my god, I so see you guys rubbing noses or pressing your foreheads together. So cuTE
・Feeling safe enough to talk about your opinions and how you feel. During these times it was unsafe to be so outspoken and opinionated, but Esme ALWAYS makes you feel safe.
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Jonathan Byers! I think you guys would connect over your sensitive sides. Jonathan isn’t like the average teenage boy, who is emotionally stunted and doesn’t care about anyone but themself. He actually thinks about others, he’s responsible and always puts Will first. You appreciate that. 
・You guys would see eye to eye. Both preferring to spend time in each other’s rooms, than the outside world. I mean if you do go outside, it’s usually in a secluded area. 
・Will feeling super safe with you. He tells you about his life, about the upside down and everything before, after and in between. You feel honoured to be involved even though Jonathan doesn’t want you near Hawkins. 
・I think you would like staying at the Byers’ house. It’s quiet, everything is tidy and there’s a good vibe. I can totally see an old record playing while Will draws, Jonathan reads and you drifting off to sleep. 
・Joyce really likes you and thinks you’re great for her son
・You would sleep on Jonathan’s chest, listening to his heartbeat while playing with his hands. It’s really tender.
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Luna Lovegood! She’s creativee, open-minded, and eccentric. I think you have similar qualities but are more down to earth. Luna would definitely brighten up your life without causing chaos. 
・You always make sure to find any lost objects, help her when she forgets appointments etc,. I think she would lose her head if it wasn’t attached to her neck. 
・Both love to sit and read next to each other. No need for talking, no need to be anywhere else. It’s knowing that you enjoy each other’s company that makes this relationship work.
・I think you guys would be absolute best friends before anything romantic would occur. 
・After you’ve been together for a while, you would move in with each other. In a weirdly shaped cottage that is magically infused. 
“Luna, I don’t think this will work. Structurally I mean...” 
    “Don’t worry Darling,” she said in her usual dreamy voice, “Magic will fix it.” 
・Your lifestyle is like one big sleepover - randomly doing each others nails, braiding one another’s hair, face masks, massages, giggling. 
・You invite Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Ginny over whenever. You feel good with them; although your social battery does drain. Luna understands that and will come up with excuses when she realises that you want to leave/want them to leave. 
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literaticat · 3 years
I read on one popular agent's site that their new strategy when considering picking up clients is to weed out any that don't have a social media presence. This scares me ... I mean, I am perfectly happy to set one up once I have a book out there etc. but now are we expected to subject ourselves to the pit of dismay for no other reason other than "I need this to get an agent"? I avoid SM, I am so much happier. I'd use it to market and engage, sure, but not to try impress an agent.
That sounds like one person's m.o., not a "rule of thumb" that other agents follow. I really wouldn't freak out about it.
Suzanne Collins is not on twitter. Stephenie Meyer is not on twitter. Somehow they manage to muddle through. Would this agent have turned down THE HUNGER GAMES because the author doesn't tweet? Uh... ok. Sounds short-sighted but what do I know.
Like, is having a robust social media presence nice? Sure. Is it imperative? Not really. At the getting-an-agent stage, it should be all about the book. If you write an amazing, sellable book, and an agent doesn't want to rep it because you don't have a ginormous social media presence, that's their problem. Once you HAVE an agent and a book, you can figure out what "marketing and engaging" means to you.
I'm posting all this here so it can be in the FAQ so when somebody says "but HOW DO I START" they can just read this post. :-) Skip it if you are truly not interested.
You expressed your willingness to help promote your book when the time comes. And now (before you even have an agent) might be a good time to learn about how social media works if that is something you are willing to do in the future. Because after you already have a book deal, you will be a little too busy to be learning this stuff on the fly. And creating an account randomly and bleating news about your book to an empty social media feed will not actually help you.
So... if you wanted to dip your toes in -- this might be a good time to start. Lots of writers do feel that friends they make on social media become a valuable support system and, bonus, will HELP you promote your book when the time comes - soooo, maybe there is a way to approach this in a positive manner and make social media something you actually enjoy and get use out of. Maybe!
DON'T try and do it all - bite off more than you can chew and you'll choke and never use any of it. Pick a platform and see if it can possibly suit you. Like, if you enjoy taking pictures of your pets or books or sunsets - - get an instagram account! If you like quips and short and to-the-point conversations, get a Twitter account!
DO Consider it a form of networking and part of your job, the "water cooler" at the office, if that will help. Connecting with other authors and book people and librarians and booksellers should, hopefully, be interesting and fun -- but it's also, potentially, IMPORTANT. That educator you crack jokes with today might be the person getting you in on school visits when your book comes out. The bookseller whose recommendations you love might be the person who invites you to a book signing at their store when the time comes. That writer whose book you admire today might be the person who invites you to participate in an anthology next year. I'm not saying you should think of every interaction as something you might "get something out of" -- that's mercenary and gross -- but generally -- being friendly and supportive and interesting toward people makes them want to be friendly and supportive and interesting toward you, you know?
DON'T try and "read everything you missed" -- this is the classic mistake, where you make an account, follow some folks, go away for a day or two - -and when you come back, you feel like you need to "catch up" on your entire news feed. Five hours later you are exhausted and bleary-eyed and you declare that you will never log into this thing again! YOU DON'T NEED TO CATCH UP. Truly. This isn't homework. You pop in - like some posts, interact with people that are there *at the time that you are there* -- and then pop out again. Think of it like a cocktail party - you are talking to the people immediately around you and drifting a bit from group to group and having fun while you are there - but you can't talk to everyone, and there isn't any need to record everyone's conversations and try and watch them all the next day to "catch up". You got what you got out of it, the end.
DO start by spending time when you are new boosting other authors. You like books, right? You like authors? Find some of your faves and follow them. See what they are talking about, see who THEY engage with and follow that seems interesting, and before long you will probably have found a bunch of cool folks. Be nice! Congratulate or RT them if they have great news or a new book out that looks interesting! Spend 15 minutes a day doing this - then dip out, and remember, you don't have to catch up on everything you missed when you come back.
Now spread your wings a bit and create some content of your own. IF there's a book you read and love, post a picture of it and why you loved it. IF you are trying a new recipe and it comes out Amazing or you go to a new bookstore and it's beautiful or you had an interaction with a kind barista that made your day, or you saw an ultra-cute dog and gave it a pet -- share it! mention it! It shouldn't take you more than a couple of minutes to do so -- People love recommendations and fun stories, and the two minutes you spent on that friendly post just might make somebody ELSE'S day a little brighter.
(If there's a book you hated, or a barista that was rude to you - no need to post lol - we are being a force for POSITIVITY here!).
DO talk about your book. When you actually have something to promote - DO IT! Talk about your book! Your followers WILL be interested. However, nobody likes to feel like they are being "marketed to"; if all you do is self-promote, you will seem out-of-touch and boring at best. So spend more time talking about OTHER people's books than your own. If 15% of your time is spent "self-promoting" and the rest of the time is you just being interesting and cool and supporting others -- nobody will begrudge you the self-promo time or think it is too much.
DO NOT follow news, politicians, etc, if you want to stay sane. Look, I fully think it's important to know about the world, and that's great -- but if you are a social media neophyte, and you don't want to get sucked in to negativity -- consider NOT getting into the mix on divisive / anger-inducing topics. It can become a major-league time suck and derail your whole day. Don't look for fights, don't SEEK OUT negativity, don't "hate follow" people (like, "I just have to see what this bonkers politician is saying so I can be aware!" -- uh, don't do it! You are a social media baby, your skin is too thin! Nooo!)
DO Also follow people or organizations that are doing things that you are interested in -- crochet, or puppy rescue, or whatever -- so that your news feed is what? FULL OF INTERESTING AND POSITIVE THINGS! Maybe it will become a place you actually enjoy visiting for those 15 minutes a day. :-)
26 notes · View notes
Extra Credit
based on this cause @avhrodite and I were texting, and she told me to write it! so this is for you miss bailey <3
also feedback is always appreciated! literally rb, comment, or an anon ask means the world to fanfic writers, now that tumblr’s algorithm is messed up.
enjoy 7.6k of professor!harry lovelies!
also the intimidating as fuck photo that inspired this, and will be used in the story!
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Sexuality Studies. Room 3017.
You had stalled from walking into class with a nervous gut feeling in your stomach with a heavy textbook in your arms, too big to be put in your backpack, but it felt like your book was weighing you down. People were walking around each other to find a vacant seat as you stood there next to the door as you waited till the last minute to walk in and take your seat.
There were a few reasons why you were nervous to walk in. One, it was basically sex class. Your friend had taken the class a few semesters ago, and had told you the basics of it and the rundown. There was a lot of sex talking towards the end.
And although, you’ve had had sex before, you still felt like you were inexperienced. Your sex life was boring, and nonexistent as of a month ago when you broke it off with your, now ex, friends with benefits. He just wasn’t doing the job, like at all. He never made sure you were having a good time or getting off. And that’s just one of the reasons why you broke it off with him. Luckily, he wasn’t mad and didn’t ask questions. Just said ‘oh, okay’ and bid his goodbye. That had made you a bit sad, knowing he didn’t care whatsoever. You two had only been fucking for a month, and the excitement had left your body the first night you slept with him.
The second reason goes along well with the first, and that’s because you aren’t that comfortable. Again, you’ve sex, but you weren’t comfortable in yourself--your sexuality. You never really had time or experience to explore your body or others because you’ve only slept with two people. In that sense, you didn’t know what you liked sexually and what your partner liked, other than blowjobs, handjobs, and being able to cum while fucking you. But there was more to it; you wanted the details, the ticks, sensitive spots, everything. But you’ve slept with lousy frat boys who didn’t care enough to ask if you had finished.
You checked your phone for the time, seeing that you have about two minutes before you have to go in. You take a deep breath, walking over to the opposite side of the wall, preparing yourself to walk in. You don’t know why it was so hard for you to just walk in and sit down. The thought of having to sit through an hour and a half class that is mainly about sex isn’t that hard to deal with either, but your insecurities and anxiety is getting the better of you. With a couple of neck rolls and inhales to deep exhales, you were ready before you heard a voice next to you.
“Nervous about the first day?” You look up to find an incredibly attractive man smiling down at you. His smile had made you blush and his intent eye contact had made you nervous. The way he just looks insanely sexy, and you think his hair is better than yours. He wears a simple button down shirt with two birds next to the collar, along with black jeans and boots. And you think, he’s so good looking and dresses well too. For a student, you don’t see anyone dress or look like him at all.
“Uh, kinda? I don’t know,” you say as you are not quite sure what to answer, so you said the easiest thing that didn’t have to do with how you’re feeling right now.
“No need to be nervous. This semester will go by quickly and I heard the professor is really cool too,” the man says with a reassuring smile, and you felt a bit better because he was right. This class would be a breeze and then you wouldn’t have to retake it, unless you fail.
“Yeah, you’re right. Thank you. Uh, do you want to sit next to me?” You made the bold move to ask him, and it had shocked you. You never made the first move, but you figured that you needed more friends anyways.
“Oh, thank you, but can’t do that. Let’s go in, shall we?” He waves his hand out, leading you to go first.
You cheeks were filled with embarrassment, thinking that your bold move was a stupid move. Of course, he didn’t want to sit next to you. He barely knows you. You roll your eyes at yourself, making your way to the first row as all the seats behind the front row were taken, and you didn’t want to take the time to look around. You take a seat as your head sank lower from awkwardness you had felt, and you set your book down on the desk and heard your professor speak.
“Hello, class. Welcome to ‘Sexuality Studies.’ I’m Professor Styles. Shall we get started?” Your mouth had been open the entire time he was introducing himself. Shocked was an understatement as you didn’t realize you were talking to your professor outside of the class, but that hadn’t made your embarrassing moment less worse.
How did you not realize that? You should’ve seen it coming because you were thinking about how no student on campus dresses or looks the way he does, and you didn’t think to put the pieces together.
But, fuck.
He was sexy as a ‘student’, but as the professor, that was a different story. You had felt the weird feeling in your stomach, triggering your arousal as you watched him talk to the entirety of the class about what’s to be expected. You turned around slightly and observed the room; noticing that most of the class were girls and there were a few guys, but the female population dominated the class. All the girls had hearts in their eyes, twirling, and biting their lip as they stared at their new professor; probably hoping they would get some extra credit in the middle of the semester to raise their grade or purposefully failing their test so he can call them into his office and they can have classic office sex.
The thought had made your eyes roll. Not at the thought of office sex because everyone knows that’s hot, but the thought of purposefully doing horrible in the class to fuck the professor is beyond you.
The class had gone by rather quickly, Professor Styles only talking about the basics of what everyone is going to learn such as culture, biological, health, anatomy, art, etc.
You walked out of the class in a hurry, not looking at your new professor and anticipated the next time you’ll meet.
The month had gone by rather smoothly, only taking two classes for the semester, so your workload isn’t too bad. The occasional thought about thinking your professor was a student had haunted you, and you think about it a bit more than you would like; feeling quite embarrassed and you’d hope that he had forgotten all about it.
You were sat at the coffee shop, head in your laptop and notes that you had taken during lecture as you were starting on your paper that is due in a little over two weeks. You were so into your introduction that your fingers were typing away on their own, that you didn't feel the presence of someone beside you.
“Hi. You’re in my sexuality class, right?” A voice from your right becomes present, and you look up, seeing your incredibly attractive professor looking down at you with a smile. There was no way in getting out of this one.
“Yes. Mr. Styles, hi,” you say nervously, but trying your best to hide it with your smile.
“Thought I recognized ya. How are you?”
“I’m doing well. I’m actually working on your paper right now,” you chuckle a bit.
“Are ya? What are you writing it on?” You get a bit sidetracked, realizing that he’s still standing and all of your stuff sits on the opposite side of the table. You reach over to move it onto your lap.
“You can sit if you’d like,” you offer. Harry debates for a second, and sees that there’s no harm in sitting with your student, so he gladly takes the seat across from you. “But I’m writing it on the fine line between masculinity and femininity.”
“Ahh, yes. That’s one of my favorite topics that we discussed,” he says.
“Yeah, me too. Pretty important for this day in age.”
“I’m right there with ya,” he agrees.
For the next 20 minutes, you and Harry talk about some main points. Discussing and going over what ideas you had in mind as Harry listens while nodding his head. He notices how passionate you are with the topic of your paper, and he appreciates the passion. Students will lazily write this paper, and it really shows in their work that makes him a bit disappointed because he had thought that he made the class fun; adding a few jokes and having the student participate with the lecture.
But listening to you talk about all the ideas that you wrote down; so far from the earth as you keep talking as he listens intently to you. You’re a sweet person, he’s noticed. You don’t participate all that much in class, but he figured that’s because you’re just a tad bit shy. And he’s still amused at the fact that you thought he was a student, which flattered him. But in all honesty, he can pass as one, and it wasn’t the first time someone mistaken him for a student.
Just as you were finished talking, a hint of pink made your cheeks flushed as you realized you were talking quite a bit, and keeping him from doing whatever he was supposed to. “I’m sorry. I tend to talk a lot when I get into things.”
“Hey, no need to apologize. I’m glad you told me your ideas because I think they’re great.” He checks the time on his phone and sees that he should get going, and his coffee cup is empty already. “But I should get going. Don’t hesitate to ask me about anything for the paper. I’ll see you in class.”
“Thank you, Mr. Styles. Have a great rest of your day,” you bid him goodbye as he softly says ‘you too.’
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Although you had been comfortable talking to him, you have never actually had a close conversation with any of your professors, really. Especially not outside of campus. But you really did feel comfortable. You figured that it’s because Harry is in a way, younger than most professors—at least he looks young.
The rest of your time at the coffee shop was spent finishing up the second paragraph and your coffee before you head back to your apartment.
The paper was due in a week, and you felt confident about turning it in on time and doing a great job on it. But that did not stop you from going into Mr. Styles’ office during his office hours, and he did say not to hesitate to ask if you had any questions, so you were using that to your advantage to make your paper even better.
He was surprised to see you just after two days of seeing him at the coffee shop that happened the week prior; asking him how to rephrase some things and seeing where some ideas fit into the paragraphs that are already written. And Harry happily helped you. Although he thinks you don’t need help at all, seeing as you’re right on track on the topic.
But you had felt a sudden surge of confidence that has never hit you before. And you can tell yourself that you’re comfortable enough to ask him questions all you want, but in reality, you wanted to keep talking to him and most importantly, keep seeing him.
He had this sense of comfort to him that made you feel safe. You never felt the awkward tension that there is in when talking to other professors, and you were glad for it. Mr. Styles had made it a safe space for his students to talk to him. And aside from asking him about school related things, you two had gotten to know each other after the important questions were asked. The conversations were harmless, and you looked forward to them everytime.
A knock was heard on his office door and he told whoever was behind it to come in. You walked in with a smile, laptop and notebook held to your chest, walking in slowly as you closed the door behind you.
“Hi, Mr. Styles. Are you busy?”
He shakes his head, “no, no. How can I help you?” Harry had—and was still trying—to keep it professional between you two. And although nothing had happened, he can’t help but stop the flutter of his heart when you would walk in his class or his office as you gave him a small that he adored. He also noticed how concentrated you are during class; making sure to take every single note and word that he says, making him smile at the thought.
“Uh, I was kind of stuck on something that I could definitely use your help with.” 
“Sure thing. That’s what I’m here for,” he gives you a smile, and you open your notebook, showing him the many marks and scribbles that you had planted out when brainstorming.
“So I came up with this idea because I thought it would be important to talk about the history of masculinity and femininity. I didn’t want to just talk about the modern times as of now. But maybe research how it affected people back in the day when they weren’t acting as their…assigned sexuality, as you could say.”
“That sounds great. You can talk about that and during the times of the first pride march. That would definitely be interesting. But I would say not to go too into it, it’s a pretty straightforward topic, and there’s just a lot that is covered during those times. Just so you don’t get too ahead of yourself,” he gives his opinion. You listen carefully and take in his words as if you’re making a mental list of things you should and shouldn’t write about.
“Sounds good. Thank you.”
“Is that all?”
“Yeah, I think so. Just wanted to ask you that,” you say as you close your notebook, but not getting up to leave yet.
“Okay, can I ask you something this time?”
“Uh, sure,” you respond nervously.
“I see that you’re pretty much on track of the paper, like you know what you’re talking about. And you seem really confident in what you want to say, which is good. And I’m all ears when it comes to students wanting feedback, but I just have to ask….” anxiety boils through your throat. “Is coming to see me practically 2 or 3 times a week have to do with your paper?” You take a deep inhale, but don’t let your breath loose. He read you extremely well, you have to say. And it was a bold move on Harry’s part to ask that because if you say the opposite, then he assumed pretty hard.
You finally let go of the breath you were holding in and answered, “no.”
“No. It doesn’t have to do with your paper?” You shake your head in confirmation. “Then what does it have to do with?” He asks, and you think he definitely already knows what’s going on, but needs you to say the words.
“I just…wanted to see you,” you say softly.
“And why is that?” At this point, he’s teasing you already. Probably wanting to make a fool out of yourself so he could go home and laugh about it to his girlfriend or boyfriend, which you assume he has. And the bold assumption that you had thought he felt that pull towards you was enough to make you feel embarrassed for the second time in front of him.
But the remains of the confidence were still pooling in your head, and you figured you had nothing to lose.
“I wanted to see you because… I can’t deny this attraction I feel towards you. And it’s not based solely on your looks either because no can hide the fact that you’re insanely attractive, but I’ve gotten to know you for who you are this past week and we had some good talks, which was nice because no one has ever gotten to know me well enough for me to fall for them within a week.”
You finish your confession with a straight face, but there was still a hint of hope that he would tell you he felt the same way.
“And on the topic of no one getting to know me, and this is a sexuality class and you’ve recently started talking about sex; I’ve never truly had the chance to explore with partners sexually and explore my sexuality more in depth than just someone sticking their dick inside me, and calling it good sex. So, you talking to me and getting to know me means a lot because no one wants to waste their time on what I like and what I’m into.”
You had said a mouthful, and it can be heard as inappropriate to say that to your professor, but again, why would a sexuality teacher judge you based on your past sex life?
A minute had passed that immediately felt like an hour. The only thing that was heard was the ticking of the wall clock, and that made the tension even more unbearable.
You get up from out of the chair, “I’m gonna go. Thanks for the help, Mr Styles.” 
Before you reach for the door, he finally decides to speak, “Wait.” You turn around slowly and watch him get up from his chair, and walk towards you. His eyes are dark, and they don’t leave yours as he reaches you.
The proximity is close enough that you could lean forward and be pressed up against his chest, but you’re afraid that you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself if you do that.
“You’ve fallen for me?” Is the thing that he could respond with after all that you’ve said.
“Yes. I’ve developed a crush on you, well, more than a crush because I do like you,” you say as you look up at him. He looks down at you intently, lips rolled into his mouth. He smells amazing from how close you are, that it’s like a potion that keeps luring you in, wanting more.
“Do ya?”
“I think I make myself pretty clear on that,” you respond with a bit of sass.
“Don’t give me attitude,” his tone changed to dominant, and a pool in your panties made itself present.
“What are you gonna do about it, Mr Styles?” You test, and move closer to him, lips almost touching. You can possibly reach up and your lips will be in sync. A smirk comes to play on his face as if you’ve made the wrong move, but you’re so ready for what’s to come.
And for a split second, it looked like he was leaning in a tad bit to go in for a kiss, but retracts back. “I’ll see you in my next class.” With that, he pulls back and walks back to his chair.
You’re left stunned, mouth slightly open, surprised he didn’t make a move. He didn’t even tell you if he felt the same way, and if it were any other day, you would’ve felt extremely sad, but there was so much tension in the room you needed to go home and take care of yourself.
And that’s what you did.
Once you got back home, you ran a bath for yourself and sat in it as you ran over your skin, leading to where you ached the most. Many thoughts of Mr. Styles doing this to you as he sat behind you in the bath, knowing that you would make a mess on his long fingers and pretty hands. And that definitely helped you reach our orgasm as you moan out his name, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly odd about it.
You finally turned in your paper on the last day it was due, and you were extremely happy with it. You added the history of not acting like your original self, taking Mr. Styles’ advice and not going too in depth with it. This has marked as a halfway point to graduating with your bachelors, and you were ecstatic.
It had also been a week since the tension filled scene that had happened in your professor’s office, and you haven’t been back since. Seeming as you didn’t need to since there were no needed assignments, but you had thought you would visit him in his office everyday after what you had confessed.
It didn’t get easier sitting in his class as he stood up in front of everyone looking so hot as he wore a crisp blue button down with a polka dot tie, and a pink blazer over it. He knew your secret. He knew that you had the hots for him. And he knew that he didn’t say anything to reciprocate those feelings. And you tried very hard not to let it get to you.
The lecture had ted to your paper topic: masculinity and femininity. But this time, it was open for class discussion. You weren’t big on talking in class; just preferred listening to everyone’s opinions and making your own in your head, but the ignorance that someone had made you argue with him.
“I personally feel like men should stay on the masculinity side, and women on the femininity side.” You had turned around to see the guy who had said that. He was wearing a football jersey of the university, laughing with his two friends.
“And why do you think that?” Mr Styles follows up.
“It’s simple. You shouldn’t act as if you’re someone you’re not-”
“That makes a good point in your argument though,” you interrupt, turning in your seat to look at the jock at the top. “You shouldn’t act like someone you’re not, so why would you act like someone you don’t want to be?” The guy had shut up, making you smirk. “I just think that being masculine and feminine as your biological gender is a social construct. It just takes away the substance of that person when people look down on them for being true to themselves. So, why does masculinity only apply to men, and femininity only apply to women?”
Harry smirks at your discussion. It had surprised him that you spoke up in his class, but it didn’t surprise him when you spoke up about this topic. You had definitely shut down his other student, and he was proud of you for that.
The class was dismissed and as you were making your way towards the door, someone stopped you.
“Hey, really great argument back there.” It was the ignorant jock.
“Thanks.” You walked out of the class to get out of everyone’s way, stopping at the wall across from the class.
“I didn’t mean to sound so douchey back there, but what you said really got me thinking, and I see where you’re coming from.”
“I’m glad. You learn something new everyday…”
Harry was watching you the entire time you left your seat to when his student stopped you to have a chat. He had thought you were going to shut him down for being ignorant, but he saw you smile and laugh a little, making him breath deeply as he glared at you, brows furrowed, and coffee cup in his hand. Harry then sees him take out his phone, obvious that he’s asking for his number and he sees you blush as you talk.
Harry tries to control his breathing, and in another world, steam would be coming out of his ears. He walks towards the door, thinking that he was going to call you into his class, but decides against it and shuts the door.
It was already nearing the end of the semester, and you have yet to talk to him.
If it wasn’t for the fact that you had slightly gotten over his unreciprocated feelings, you would have probably dropped out of the class and waited another semester to finish. But you couldn’t let him do that to you; you were way too close to the finish line.
Mr. Styles was in his final topic of speaking about the fun part of sex, and how it could be pleasurable. He talked about the anatomy of it at first, moving onto the techniques. And the techniques he used on how to pleasure a woman and man had you hot in your seat. He demonstrated using his finger, showing the class the way to finger someone, and you couldn’t help but cross your legs. And you were sure everyone was doing so as well.
The simple demonstration of his fingers making a curling motion as if he’s fingering someone made you clench. You had been right about his fingers bringing you to pleasure, and all you wanted to do was rush home and imagine it again since you have a full visual.
“Okay, class. I have an extra credit opportunity for you.” The class perks up at that. You had a low A in the class, and although you were confident about the final, you didn’t want to risk it, so you listened.
“Since this is a sexuality class, I hoped I didn’t make anyone uncomfortable on what I just did,” the class laughed a bit, and you smiled. “For this extra credit, I want you to go to a sex store and buy a toy that can be pretty much anything. Come back and show me, and I will mark you down for points. I don’t require a paper on this, so it is fairly easy, but this is to show that you should be comfortable in your sexuality, and walking into a sex store should be easy for you because there’s nothing wrong with that whatsoever because everyone has needs and if someone judges you, then they’re not getting laid.” The class laughs again. “You can return it if you want after I mark you down or you can keep it. A win win for everyone! Okay, class dismissed.”
You walked out of class with a smile on your face as Mr Styles lightened up everyone’s mood as everyone was stressing for finals. You were glad for it; the weight on your shoulders were still heavy, but a good laugh was needed.
You had two weeks to buy and show him the extra credit, and two weeks until you graduated. The days were counting down at this point, and before you knew it, it was the final week.
You had passed both of your finals with flying colors, and you had the rest of the week to finally relax as you were graduating at the end of the week. The apartment was a mess, and you finally had time to tidy it up a bit; fix the mess of papers on your kitchen table and put your laundry away. You also used that time to finally go out and get your extra credit.
It would be a lie if you had told yourself that you were too lazy to go out and actually buy your extra credit assignment, but that was far from the truth. If you had energy to get up and clean around your home, then you could have easily gotten up and buy a sex toy.
But it was the anxious feeling that you had that you were going to see him so up close, and actually get to talk to him again that stopped you.
The crush on your professor hadn’t died done any less, but it hadn’t increased either. You were stuck in a plateau of not getting over him and not falling for him more. You figured it’s because you see him every week, so you were hoping by this time, you were on your way to getting over him.
You made your way into the sex shop with nerves as you haven’t been into one before, and it was a very relaxed set up. Various of sex toys used for both genders were set against the wall, and a red curtain that led to something in the back that, you assumed, was the more extreme items.
You scanned the toys, figuring that it would be easy to just get a vibrator. Your hands shook as you went to grab the boxed toy, and you remembered Mr Styles’ words; there’s no reason to be ashamed in buying any of these, and that relaxed you.
The employee who rang you up was the sweetest. She greeted you with a bubbly smile, and told you that you had made a great choice because she has the same one. You didn’t tell her that it was for a school thing, because that would sound really weird, and you didn’t tell her that you were planning on returning it later on.
You drove to campus, hoping that Mr Styles was in his office. The drive was a 30 minute drive as you lived a bit far from the school, but you didn’t mind the drive.
Harry heard a knock on his office door, telling them to enter. His eyes perked up as you made yourself present as you opened the door. His heart was beating in his chest as he saw you; remembering the last time you were in his office and missing the presence of you being close again.
“Hi. How are you?” He pointed to the chair, and you sat down. Your heart was pounding as well, feeling nervous about being in his office again.
“I’m doing good. How are you?”
“I’m well, thanks. What can I do for you?” He asks politely. You reach into your bag and grab the box to show him your extra credit assignment. “Ahh,” he lets out as he sees the box. “Perfect. Let me mark you down for that.”
“Thank you,” you say as you put the toy back inside your bag. “Can I ask how I did on the final? If you’ve already finished grading it.”
“Yes. You did really well, actually,” he says as he shuffles through his papers, looking for the grade book. “Ah, here. You got a 95.” That made you smile. You were quite confident for the final, but hearing that you did well brightened up your day. “And that boosted up your grade to a 94, plus the extra credit, that will go up to a 97.”
Your eyes widened; you had passed both classes with an A, and you were extremely excited about that; and it takes everything in you to not jump up and scream. “Wow, thank you.”
“No need to thank me. You deserve it. I’m proud of you,” he smiles at you, and your heart swoons, telling him a thank you. “You graduate at the end of the week right?” You nod. “Excited?”
“Very. I really only needed to take this class, but I was putting it off because my friend took this course and said it was pretty sexual, and that made me a bit uncomfortable if I’m being honest. But I really enjoyed this class…you made it bearable.” Harry blushes, thinking how happy he is that you took the class with him.
“Well, I’m happy you enjoyed it,” he says .
There was silence that washed over you two with the slightest bit of tension; debating if either one should bring up what happened the last time you were in his office. You were feeling so many things at the moment, and he was too, but you were sure it was inappropriate to talk about it when technically, nothing even happened.
“I should get going,” you say instead.
“Sure thing. I’ll see you…uh, around,” he says hesitantly. You tell him goodbye and walk out of his office, probably the last time you would ever see him.
You had finally graduated, and you couldn’t be more happy and proud for yourself. A relieved feeling ran through you when you had put on your cap and gown, and the thought made you tear up. You were done, for now, before you had to go to grad school and get your masters degree. But either way, you were ecstatic.
Now a week has gone by since graduation, and you decided to do some errands. You also needed to make your way to the sex shop and return your item.
As you entered the door you had walked through once before, your eyes immediately spotted the familiar man who had made your heart flutter by the simple act of eye contact. And if it was by instincts, Harry turns his head towards the door and sees you standing at the entrance. He hadn’t seen you since the time in his office and he saw you walk for graduation, if that counts.
There was no way of avoiding him, so you walked over to him. “Hi, Mr Styles.”
“You know you don’t have to call me that anymore. You graduated already,” he smirks, and you chuckle.
“Then what should I call you?”
Yours. “Harry.”
You tilt your head to the side, seeing how fitting his name is on him. “Okay, Harry. What are you doing here anyways?” The question had slipped out of your mouth, but you think that there’s nothing awkward with it.
“Oh, uh, just looking for a cock ring,” he says honestly. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m actually returning my extra credit purchase,” you chuckle.
“Are ya? Why don't you keep it?”
“I don’t know…I actually never used a toy before, and I got a bit intimidated by it.” Harry nods understandingly.
“See, a win win for everyone. You either get your money back or you get a nice orgasm out of it,” he laughs, and you agree with him.“I think you should keep it. This is the time you get to explore your sexuality.” You debate a bit. He was right, and you did have some spare time as of now, so you decided to keep it; see what this thing can really do.
“If you’d like…would you like to get some lunch with me?” He asks, taking you out of your thoughts.
Your eyes brighten. “Of course.”
It was like you were waiting for this moment to come. You had waited for him to ask you out and properly get to know each other outside of school. Harry had taken you to a small shop that sold burgers and fries, and you two sat in the patio of the shop; talking, eating, and laughing at stories you told each other.
“Can I ask you something?” He nods, nervously. “When I told you I liked you in your office that one time, why didn’t you say anything back?”
“To be honest, I was nervous. You’re 22 and I’m six years older than you, and although that didn’t matter much to me, you were on the edge of graduating. I couldn’t risk that, even with how much I like you. The thought of getting caught and losing your chance to graduate, and possibly your acceptance for your masters, would just be selfish on my part because I couldn’t keep it in my pants… So I waited until you graduated; didn’t even know if I was going to see you again if I’m honest.”
You understood well on why he didn’t do anything to reciprocate his feelings, and you were grateful he didn’t until now.
By the end of it, you didn’t want the day to end so you invited him to your apartment.
You two sat on your couch, which thankfully you cleaned the place before, and talked some more and put on a movie. You two were inching closer to one another until you both were cuddling. You had rested your legs on his as he runs his fingers over your ankles, scratching your skin lightly.
You were breathing heavily, wanting to just make more than just innocent touches. As if Harry read your mind, he turned his head to look at you; a striking look in his eyes as you both look at each other. The air was heavy, sexual tension coming in hot.
“Yes, love?”
“Kiss me.”
Harry wastes no time in connecting his lips with yours. The softness of your lips meeting his is enough to drive him crazy. The pull you have on his hair makes him let out a moan into your mouth as you whimper into his. Chests are pulled close together, but not close enough as the hold on each other is tight; afraid one might let go.
Harry found himself in your bedroom, and it seemed like he blanked out during that time. Your kisses probably just pulled him into another world, where he debated if this was real life or if he was dreaming it. It was all real, but it was lovely to dream about.
You sat on the bed as you continued to kiss while Harry was standing above you; him leaning down and you reaching up. You were close to his hard on, and it took everything in him not to drop his pants and have you taste him, but it wasn’t going to be about him.
This is going to be about you.
You’d managed to get both of your shirts off, wanting yourself bare and to see his chest. You were surprised with the amount of tattoos that littered his skin. It was beautiful and raw, and him. You went to press a kiss to the butterfly on his stomach; the only one you can reach, and trailing down to the vines on his hips. Harry throws his head back, loving the feeling of your lips on his. You reach for his pants and before you can fully unbutton, he stops you.
“No, no. Tonight’s about you, baby,” he says as his face is close to yours and he kisses the tip of your nose. You nod slightly, feeling yourself blush; and he pushes your shoulder back so you’re fully laying down on your bed. “You want this, right?” Your head nods quickly, enough to make yourself dizzy. “Need words, love.”
“Yes. I want this so bad.” The words come out quickly, eagerly. Harry smirks at your response, and kisses down your stomach towards the hem of your pants.
He fully removes your bottoms, only leaving your panties, and Harry thinks that you’re just a sight. “God, baby, you’re so beautiful,” he says smiling. His words made you blush, shying away from him by turning your head. “Nuh uh, don’t get shy on me now, my love. It’s just me. You’re comfortable with me, right?”
“Of course,” you respond, remembering that he prefers words rather than gestures.
“I’m glad.”
He continues kissing along the hem of your panties, teasing you slightly by dragging his tongue along your skin. The feeling makes you whimper and buck your hips slightly; wanting more than his kisses.
The fast motion of your panties swiftly being removed catches you off guard as you look down and see Harry looking at your bare pussy with hungry eyes. “Look at you. Fuck.” It takes everything in him to not devour you right then and there, but he wanted this moment to last and for you to enjoy yourself. He has been waiting for this moment the first time you walked into his office, and he couldn’t wait to get a taste of you.
“Harry…” you whimper.
“Please just lick me already.”
Harry kneels on the floor, kissing your inner thighs before taking one long lick up your pussy. The feeling of his tongue makes you moan out loud from the built up tension that you’ve been filled up with since the beginning of the semester.
“Fuck, so good,” he says, going in for another lick, but doesn’t stop this time. He takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on it as well as giving it kitten licks. Your hands fall to his hair as you tug, and your face falls to the side as you try and drown your moans against the mattress.
You continue moaning, but they’re muffled and Harry looks up at you. “No, none of that. Don’t hide away your moans. Wanna hear ya, baby. Let me know I’m licking you up just right--just how you like it,” he says and gets back to eating you out. You give him an ‘okay’ before wailing out in pleasure.
The thought had surprised you as you’ve never been with anyone who made sure you were feeling good and alright. And you absolutely loved it.
Harry’s fingers enter you, pumping and curling and finding your g spot. “Fuck, you’re so wet. Who got you this wet?” He teases.
“I did?”
“Yes. You, Mr Styles.” Although you have been calling that more than you called him Harry, his name coming out of your mouth as you’re a moaning mess makes his cock even harder. He stares at you above him with dark eyes and nibbles on the skin of your inner thighs.
“You say you wanna explore? That no one has ever taken the time to make you feel good? Is that right, baby?” He says as he continues fucking you with his fingers.
“Mhm. No one has ever fucked me good enough for me to stay,” you say in an innocent and teasing tone, knowing that Harry will be the exact person that will do that for you.
“How about we have a little fun? With a certain vibrator of yours that you decided not to return? Do ya want that?”
“God, yes please.” Harry kisses your stomach, up to your chest, and then your lips before his fingers slip out and he walks over to unbox the new vibrator. It was a vibrator that you were able to put inside you as it stimulated your clit, and Harry has been dying to use one on you the second you showed it to him for extra credit. You heard the toy turn on as Harry played with the settings.
“Yes, I’m ready.”
Harry sets the vibrations to the lowest setting as he starts to tease your clit with it; slowly circling around it as you moan out from the new sensation. “Does that feel good? Do you want more?”
“Please. Give me more,” you say as you palm him over his underwear, but he pushes you away. “Baby, you’re hard. Let me touch you, please,” you plead.
“This is all about you, so be a good girl and just enjoy this,” he says and you close your eyes, waiting for what’s to come. Harry sets the setting a bit higher. The setting is on a medium level, more stimulations to your clit as Harry moves the toy around. “Holy shit, that feels so good,” you throw your head back onto the bed.
“Yeah? Good thing I told you to keep it. You can use this when I’m not here to fuck you, unless I tell you not to touch yourself and have you wait until I stuff myself in your tight pussy.” The dirty talk is driving you wild along with the vibrator. “Gonna put it higher,” he says and doesn’t wait for you to answer.
“Oh my...fuck!” The setting is at its highest along with the part of the toy that is inside you; Harry moving the toy around a bit so it can thrust inside of you. You’re completely thrashing around on the sheets, and Harry has to physically spread your legs apart as you keep trying to close them.
Harry lays beside you, kissing your chest and taking your pebbled nipple into his mouth and sucking on it. Your hand naturally finds his hair and pulls on it as you bring his face to yours, and he gives you a solid kiss. You hold him against you as there were no movements of your lips with his; just the touch of your lips together as you try to control your moans.
As you two part, you scream out, “I’m gonna fucking cum!”
“C’mon, let go for me, baby. Cum for me,” Harry encourages you.
After a few more thrusts and vibrations to your clit, your orgasm washes over you and hits you hard. Your back arched, and you turned, still feeling the stimulation from the toy.
“There ya go. That’s it,” Harry says as he slowly pulls the toy out and replacing it with his hand, gently cupping over you and feeling your wetness as you come down from your high. Your moans have been controlled, and you started whimpering from how powerful your peak was. “You’re okay. Shh. You’re okay, baby.”
You buried your face into Harry’s neck, and he scratches your back, calming you down. After a moment, you lift your head up and lazily smile at Harry, causing him to giggle a bit and kiss you. The kiss didn’t last long nor was it deepened; it was a sweet and loving kiss, and a thank you to him.
“Was that okay?” He asks.
“That was fucking amazing. Never came like that before,” you tell him honestly.
“Well, I’m glad,” he kisses your lips briefly as he couldn’t get enough of them.
“So…” you trail off.
“So…” he repeats.
“Do I get my extra credit?” You ask in a playful manner, and he laughs loud making your heart flutter over the beautiful sound of his laugh.
“Oh, baby. You get more than extra credit.”
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