#And he gets into fights with other cats and is generally pretty aggressive when it comes to his 'spots'. But like... Its clear it's hard
mrfoox · 2 years
Help, my old cat is 15 and still acting like he's like 5 😭
#miranda talking shit#Hes been outside since he was small bc its mt parents who own him and they are hardcore believers of the#'cats are wild animals they should be allowed to be outdoors' like whej im home visiting my parents i let my cats be outside for a while#But im always outside with them so they never wander off the yard and they want to come inside after like 30 min anyway#But my old cat ...oh boy...#He just gets an cat necklace on wigh a bell and then he'll go out on his own for many hours#If he gets to decide he'll be out for 10+ hours in the spring and summer ...#And he gets into fights with other cats and is generally pretty aggressive when it comes to his 'spots'. But like... Its clear it's hard#For him now. He's not stepping on thw breaks like the last 5 yrs hes come back home with many wounds most likely from fights#Nothing has been so bad that he lost anything or such but still gotten some bad scars now#Im worried about him bc its clear the younger and probably un-neutured male cats in the village is fighting him#But hes also so... Idk if wild is the right word but.. We've tried to have him inside for days but he goes apeshit#And basically refuses to use fhe litter box until he'll basically explode...#My now dead old cat would easily become an inside cat bc he was anxious and generally didnt care for the outside.#But this old man... Yeah no he seem to have inprinted in his brain he needs to be outside and keep his domain safe#Hes been like this all his life . As an baby he was even worse. We couldnt touch him or look at him without him hissing#Now hes fairly tame towards us humans but he still always has the thought of being outside and hunting or defending in his mind#Like 4 yrs ago he saw an black cat walking like 300m away from the house as he was sitting in our window with an musquito filter in it#And i kid you not he broke out he just forced his way out and jumped the 3m from the window and ran to beat the cat up 😭#Theres so much more but just damn... Im worriwd for him#Idk what i can actually do about it though. Like my parents will not just listen to what i want and change their routines for him#I wish he could be calmer and less... Well wild but it haven't calmed down much at all sincs he was young even now at 15
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smoke-and-silver · 4 months
The Ghouls + Rut Season
Headcanons of the Ghouls in rut, as requested! This is for the current + recent ghouls. Happy to do previous eras upon request.
General / All characters:
Ghouls get a shiny horn upgrade just before rut: the outer layers shed as the horns grow bigger . You'll see them rubbing against things and polishing their horns a lot during this time as the outer layers flake off to reveal new horn underneath.
The ghouls are feverish and hot their entire cycle as the rut raises their body temperature.
There's a lot of tussling as their hormones have them clacking horns and sparring like deer. Some brawls can look or sound scary to humans, but it's all in good fun to them. They're just roughhousing to show off.
That's just within the pack, though. If someone outside of the ministry makes a move on their desired mate, it can get pretty gnarly.
Ghouls under the cut. Obviously NSFW.
The most subtle. A bit flushed and clammy but otherwise you wouldn't guess anything had changed.
It's very easy for him to get distracted, though. You give him a quick hug at breakfast and his cereal bowl is abandoned as he follows after you with his tail flicking.
Quintessence ghouls have a hazy scent during rut, like dark amber. Aether is the most fond of scenting. He does it every time you're canoodling in some secluded corner of the cathedral. He's not possessive, but he likes knowing that the other ghouls smell him on you.
He does get more protective. He's territorial of the ministry, marking the outside pillars with his horns to warn other demons away. Some unfamiliar men visit on business, and he chokes back an instinctual growl that starts to rise from his throat when he sees them shaking hands with you.
He doesn't spar much. One, because he's not generally aggressive, and two, because he's very large, and the other ghouls hesitate to challenge him.
It's an evening in the main hall when he finally flexes a bit. The heat in his veins is getting to him as he watches you from across the room, and a petty spat between two other ghouls is getting loud and irritating.
The demons bump your chair roughly in their scuffle and Aether has had enough. He buts in with his horns and growls at them to "knock it off". His voice is about two octaves deeper than usual. The surprised ghouls stumble back, and then slink away sheepishly.
Well, naturally you want to show your gratitude after that very attractive display, and the room is empty now...
The MOST likely to brawl. Her claws are already rated E for Everyone and during rut it's amped up to 11. She'll tussle with anyone. Sometimes she'll sneak up to another ghoul and nip at them just to instigate it.
Remember that it's mostly just play to them. Nothing to worry about. She does LOVE to show off for you though, and is usually the one victorious.
If she were seriously fighting someone you would know, as real threats or serious challengers are quickly cowed by one of her deafening lion-like roars.
She's like a furnace during rut. You can feel the warmth coming off her. Her cheeks are constantly ruddy like she's just ran a mile.
Utterly insatiable. Most every night she's at your door tapping and scratching at it with her claws until you let her in. If she's feeling extra romantic she'll come in through the window instead.
[gore/bloody] Girl will straight up present her defeated opponents to you. The ministry has many enemies and she has much less restraint during rut. She has absolutely presented you with a severed head like a cat leaving a dead bird at its owner's feet.
You can't even help with congregation without seeing her in the pews, waiting to pounce the moment the sermon is over. She waves at you cheekily when you meet her eyes.
Don't think she's not tender! She's incredibly sweet with you every time you make love--and she insists on calling it that, "making love".
When you're not getting hot and heavy she's still locking lips with you. You've both been caught and scolded multiple times for making out when you're supposed to be working. She just needs to feel your hands on her during rut and, you're not opposed to all the extra attention.
Not interested in sparring or wrestling with anyone. Brawling doesn't interest her and if someone threatens you or the ministry she's just going for the throat. There's not much "challenge" to it.
Although... if you seem interested when the other ghouls spar, if she feels like it'll impress you or make you happy... well, she'll do it just to see you get all excited and aroused.
She kind of "takes care of" herself at first, not wanting to burden you with her heightened libido. When you assure her that you can handle it though, all bets are off. She pauses for a moment and starts stepping towards you, backing you against the wall right then and there...
She likes to mark you the most out of everyone. You are absolutely littered with hickeys and lovebites. She thinks it's so pretty to see you laid out naked in front of her with all of her marks on you. It's an added bonus if someone else gets to see it peeking out from your clothes, too.
She likes a little more ceremony to her 'mating' than most ghouls in their delirious lusty ruts, often bringing something to present you with before she drags you off for some privacy, even if it's something as simple as a rose.
But some nights, some nights it all reaches a boil--the hormones, the heat, your scent still clinging to her sheets--and she simply goes feral. She crawls into your bed and takes you wildly, no words even forming on her lips, just deep growls and broken, guttural infernal speech.
She doesn't typically initiate brawls but she's quite excited to participate in them and loves it when someone challenges her. They had better be prepared though because she is the most muscular ghoulette and knows how to use it.
She's especially excited to brawl when you're around and it gives her a chance to impress you. She'll stop mid-fight while she has her opponent pinned and gleefully wave to you, hoping that you're enjoying the show.
Yes, she flexes for you. Everything in her system right now is telling her to impress you and she takes any chance to start removing her shirt to show you the guns.
Oh man, this stage equipment is heavy and she's getting sooo hot moving it around!
Oh no, the windows needed a wash and her shirt is sooo wet! She can't possibly leave it on now.
Not very territorial or anything like some of the others, but very eager to scent you. Her smell is like a spring breeze, like clover, and she loves to rub it on you whenever she can.
She's on you constantly. Doesn't care if you're in the middle of cooking or prayer, she's pulling you flush against her and purring raunchy things in your ear, giggling and nipping at your neck until she's convinced you to have some fun.
She's not private about it. Unless you would prefer otherwise, she likes to show you off right in front of the other ghouls, placing you on the counter right there so she can please you with her strong fingers.
The poor man is downright feverish the entire cycle. He's flushed and breathing heavily and his hormones and sparring instincts make him snippy with the other males.
Oh, but he's so good for you. He melts into your touch when you hold his face in your hands as if it soothes all the fire in him.
As if he isn't lewd enough on a normal day, he's downright filthy during his rut. He has the most impure ideas for every piece of furniture in the cathedral and he relays them to you in detail.
You two are forcibly excused from mass when he starts feeling you up right in the middle of it. He'd let you have him right there in the aisle if you weren't opposed to it, onlookers be damned.
When you catch him jacking himself off he doesn't stop, he slows down a little to give you a show. He loves to do it while you're watching. You can give him a hand or just sit and watch, either way he's begging you to go further afterwards. He needs you inside of him or needs to be inside of you.
Not super territorial, but he does love sparring. Wrestling with a friend is a good way to blow off steam and he doesn't mind if he looks cool kicking someone's ass and manages to impress you.
It's really hard for him to focus on much else but you when he's flooded with hormones like this. He can't help it. All that's on his mind day and night is feeling you against him and burying himself inside of you.
But when he eats you out or sucks you off, that's when he really loses his mind. He's already so painfully horny and the scent of your sex totally overtakes him and makes his mind hazy. You're not leaving for the night.
Don't hold it against him if he's a little sappier than usual, or if his kisses are a little longer. It's not just about mating; rut makes him needy for comfort and attention too. It takes a lot of energy out of these ghouls, and often leaves them sore, so the extra comfort means a lot to him right now.
Obviously the earth ghouls rut the most. The elk of the forest are where the term comes from. He sheds velvet from his horns during the season and the look of blackened demon blood dripping from horns is pretty sick.
His rack is hands down the most impressive and lets him stand up to even Aether in a duel. He is giddy if you compliment the horns, tail flicking around happily knowing his appearance pleases you.
The most territorial, the most willing to brawl, the most protective. Earth ghouls have the strongest rut instinct. It's hard for him to even see you talking to another ghoul without daydreaming about taking you right in front of them. The daydream gets him hard and flustered and he sheepishly approaches you to ask for some "help".
An incident occurs when a visiting diplomat kisses your hand and a hormone-fueled Mountain has him backed up to the wall in seconds, gnarly horns at the man's throat and growls rumbling from deep in the demon's chest.
You manage to soothe him by petting his chest and asking him to stand down. After a few moments he reluctantly releases the man, who scurries off.
His head clears and Mountain quickly apologizes, but honestly, it was the hottest thing ever, and you're pulling him in to make out. By the time the diplomat tattles about being "attacked by a demon" you've already backed Mountain into the nearest chair to ride him.
It's part of his mating display to show that he can provide. He'll lead you out into the woods where he's set up a spot to sit together and brought more food than you can eat, but he's eager to watch you eat it, fill up on it. He hopes if you're satisfied that you'll accept him and let him pleasure you.
Poor, poor sweet boy. It hits him the hardest. He is absolutely the most sensitive. Even feeling up his arm or kissing his cheek a few times gets him worked up. Smile at him across the room long enough and he'll get hard, honestly.
He's embarrassed to approach you about it at first, so you'll have to encourage him. He's quite enthusiastic once you reassure him that you don't mind, though.
He finds it fun to engage in some of the sparring matches, but honestly he's kind of inexperienced in fighting and gets thrown around easily. He's such a good sport about it though and he's laughing most of the time, so it puts everyone in a good mood.
His scent is very subtle and his horns pretty simple and small, so he tries to groom himself really nicely, hoping you'll still enjoy his appearance. Maybe puts a little soft perfume or cologne on hoping it will help entice you.
Your scent makes him crazy. It distracts him instantly when you step into the room. He can track you down anywhere in the ministry, every instinct in his body driving him blindly towards the sweet smell. You don't really hear him come in and so you jump a little when his arms slip around you and he buries his face in your neck to breathe you in.
Please let him have you. His voice is low and breathy as he begs you to let him breed you, or to breed him. You feel so warm against him it makes his head swim. His hands are shyly nudging under your shirt as he tells you how badly he needs it.
His libido is highest at night, when the ministry falls quiet. He feels terrible keeping you awake but you're so pretty laid out on your bed with the silver moonlight from your window illuminating your soft body, and he's so painfully hard.
[kink/somno warning] He'd never think of the idea himself, but if you offered to let him relieve his urges while you sleep, he's so grateful. He worships your body with kisses, always cleans you up perfectly, and always showers you with praise and thanks the next morning.
Pretty flushed and sensitive during his rut, though not so much as Phantom. He's very pliant when you approach him, willing to let you pull him away somewhere or climb up on his lap any time you want.
Beware that he has the most endurance and he will overstimulate and breed the fuck out of you. He's sweet and passionate but there's an unavoidable mess after your long sessions. You both need a bath afterwards and he ends up taking you in there too.
He makes a good little love nest in his room and honestly just keeps you there the whole cycle if you'll allow it. You don't have to do a thing. He'll keep you fed and groom you and all you have to do is lay there and be his good baby and let him pleasure you.
Not much for the sparring like other ghouls but he likes to egg the others on mischievously. Sometimes he'll nip at someone while they're not looking and pin it on another ghoul. Then he'll use the ensuing brawl as a distraction to drag you off somewhere.
--and, sometimes that is literal. When his hormones are really raging he'll just throw you over his shoulder, or bind your hands with the nearest thing he can find and quite literally drag you away, while telling you everything he's about to do once you're secluded.
Your excited giggles and little squeals make his heart flutter.
He is just as excited when you take him just as roughly. You can tie his hands to the headboard and he's already squirming with an eager, breathy "yes, yes!" escaping his lips before you've even climbed atop him.
He is so vocal when you do sink down on his cock and ride him. You're so warm and he's so sensitive right now. He does not care who in the ministry hears his absolutely whorish moans.
As if he wasn't already unhinged.
The way he writhes and ruts against the floor on stage? Imagine him flooded with demonic hormones and out of his mind horny.
Wait, that's still how he normally is. Imagine that doubled. Mans will literally grind against your leg like a dog.
He's dying to pleasure you, honestly. It's a common sight to see him on his knees in front of you, panting with his tongue out as he waits for you to ride his face. He wants to drown in the scent of your sex, squished between your thighs.
He is constantly hard, his cock straining against his pants almost 24/7. He'll start to calm down and then he catches your scent on the air and he's stiff again. He tries to wear looser clothes during rut.
Of course, he loves to spar. He's already rowdy on a daily basis, he loooooves when rut rolls around and he gets to roughhouse with the other ghouls. It's a very nice bonus that he gets to show off for you, naturally!
Which brings us to territorial instincts. Swiss is the farthest from aggressive usually, but his rut is strong enough that you get to see more of the truly ghoulish side of him. He's very growly with strangers coming near you. You've never seen that toothy grin twist into a snarl before, but you see it now when you're out in public and some man presses too close to you for Swiss' liking.
You don't think you've ever heard such a noise from him, such a deep and guttural growl, but it... really does something for you. You hurry him home, both for the public's safety and because you need to ride him. He is overjoyed to fulfill your request.
Cumming inside of you is already his favorite thing in the world, if and when you allow him. He will literally beg for it now, his face flushed, sweaty hair clinging to his skin, his voice hoarse. Please let him breed you.
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Am I the asshole for not letting my husband have a say for the guest list of our baby shower?
I (21 f) and my husband (25 m) moved very quickly in our relationship, much to the judgement of my sister. We moved in with each other after a month of dating and she basically told me it was a stupid idea. We also got eloped with no family or friends there four months after that. When I texted my sister we got married (yes, I texted everyone instead of called) she asked if it was a joke and when I said yes then sent a picture of marriage license as proof, she didn’t respond for days. She called me later which I sent to voicemail, which was basically her crying saying she always imagined she’d be at my wedding and was hurt. I was upset because no one was invited or even told about the engagement; that was the point of eloping. The rest of my family was pretty happy for us though and I focused on that.
We didn’t talk for months because I wanted an apology, or at least a congratulations on getting married. She texted me a few times about nothing important (she sent a few memes). An apology never happened, but I started to text her again because I found out I was pregnant and wanted her to know about it. I called her about it eventually and she was supportive.
Before the Not Talking stage happened, her and my husband didn’t get along. She has made multiple passive aggressive comments about our relationship in the past. There was one time she visited us that made my husband upset because she showed up with little notice and also insisted on visiting again when our cat gave birth to her litter of kittens. She talked about helping and I didn’t really think anything of it. My husband later said he was upset she acted like she knew our cat better than us based off a couple of other comments she made and didn’t like how she invited herself over. I don’t think she meant anything negative about it, but it was annoying she insisted on one specific cat thing we told her we had under control and didn’t stop pestering until my mom called the vet to ask for advise and the vet agreed with my husband and I about how we handled the cat situation. I’m not sure if I explained that well but I honestly don’t know how to describe it without going into too much detail. This is just background info.
My husband and I wanted to do a gender reveal for the baby. We agreed on the theme and had a general date in mind. I invited my immediate family, best friend, and his immediate family that he talked to (which only consisted of three people). He said he didn’t want my sister at the gender reveal and this caused a huge fight. He said if she was there then he wouldn’t show up and I could tell him the babies gender on the phone. I cancelled the gender reveal because I didn’t want to uninvite my sister when she hasn’t made any bad comments in months and also wasn’t about to have my husband not be there. In my mind, there’s zero point in having one if both parents aren’t there. We found out gender by having our doctor write it down on a paper and we opened it later by ourselves. We told everyone over the phone what we are having.
Now, I am pretty far along in my pregnancy and my family wanted to set up a baby shower for me. I let them and we set up a date for it. My husband and I talked about the baby shower multiple times and looked forward to it. I Facebook invited the same people I invited to the gender reveal to the baby shower and he wasn’t happy when he saw my sister was again on that list. Him and my sister has only seen each other one time during these months, which was at a funeral. My sister initiated a handshake which he accepted and asked how he was. He answered fine and that was the end of it.
The baby shower argument was the same for gender reveal. He didn’t want her there and he didn’t want to come if she was there. He said I shouldn’t want someone who has done nothing but disrespect both of us in the past year to be at this event and should get a say in who comes and who doesn’t. There’s no excuse for the things my sister has done and said but it felt wrong to exclude her. If she wasn’t going to be invited to the baby shower, then what was his opinion on our son’s birthdays and other events? We couldn’t do this forever. She hasn’t been rude in months but we never got an apology. I’m also a little bitter about it but I’m trying to not be harsh. At this point, I didn’t say much when my husband said she couldn’t be there. This is because we just got done with a different argument about something completely different and he said he was done about certain things. I said ‘like what?’ and he told me he didn’t want my sister at the baby shower.
He said he wouldn’t have invited anyone that has disrespected me and I shouldn’t either. It sounds fair but it also sounds very black and white. I get along with the family he talks to outside of family events. I don’t get along with a couple of extended family members but he doesn’t get a say in who was invited to those events and never talks to them outside of those family events even before we were together. I didn’t really say anything for my argument because I knew he wouldn’t agree with it anyway. This sounds calm but he was very angry and I was crying pretty hard. He asked over and over again if she was coming to the baby shower and I refused to respond. If I say she’s not coming then I’ll have to follow my word and uninvite her, probably causing arguments within my family. If I say she is then he won’t come. (I’m not sure if this is relevant but my husband and I are both autistic and have been known to shut down and stim when we’re upset). He said he’s tired of being disrespected when I refused to answer for 30+ minutes and wanted a divorce. He crumbled up our marriage license and took my wedding ring off my finger.
He didn’t say anything about the baby shower and started asking questions about the divorce. ‘How much do you want in child support? When do you want to do visitation? Etc.’ I refused to answer for a while but he kept asking and I mostly gave vague answers like ‘whatever you want’ all while still crying. I didn’t say much except to say he was staying and we weren’t getting a divorce.
I don’t remember what happened next and what I said, but he eventually said that I had one more chance to choose him because he’s always chosen me. This is true because he has put me first. He works a lot while I’m not working this pregnancy and always makes sure I eat and everything. I’m not sure what’s going on with baby shower. I think he said that she can come if I put up boundaries about being nice otherwise she can’t come. I think this will start an unnecessary fight because she hasn’t done anything in many months so it seems insulting. I didn’t say anything though. We fell asleep and cuddled and he apologized the next morning before he left for work. He said he was more mad that I refused to talk. I, personally, was more upset about the marriage license he crumpled up. I still didn’t say anything but ok. He still hates my sister and expects me to tell her to be respectful.
I don’t know what to think really. I sound like a jerk for not letting him have a say for baby shower. It is his kid too. I also don’t want to divide my family by not inviting my sister, but he’s also my family. I know he acted like a jerk for the argument but that doesn’t necessarily means he’s wrong about the guest list and having a say. So would I be TA?
What are these acronyms?
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bonefall · 22 days
Is a cat transitioning to being a gib social or do they take steps to display some physical traits associated with meewa-ness (like dying xeir fur grey)? Are there cases where there's hostility to it because other cats think xey aren't wise enough to fit that role?
Most transition between the genders is social, but yes, overall there's more pressure for transitioning into a gib. In comparison, going from molly to tom or tom to molly is much easier.
For one it's a lot MORE social than the other two genders. It's a little hard to explain, but meewa-gender is associated with a sort of charisma which is difficult to "learn" if you don't already have it. It's the aura of drawing people to you, having a tone, posture, and inflection like your words have weight or come from beyond you.
So when you don't have this arbitrary "energy," other cats in the Clan can become pretty hostile towards the idea of a trans-meewa cat in a way they usually aren't with someone who's trans to one of the other genders. It's that same feeling you get when someone's being smug, or some idiot is acting like a know-it-all and you want to see them get humbled and corrected.
This flavor of transphobia is more passive-aggressive than outright aggressive, though.
I feel like Berrynose actually vibes with being meewa, but knows very well that he's not seen as wise and magnanimous in the way a meewa should be. So he gave up the idea a long time back.
BB!Finleap also got some tweaks, and xey're multigender now. Fin also has issues with other cats feeling like xey don't fit what's commonly expected of a meewa, but Fin simply doesn't care. Berrynose probably massively resents this, I can see the two of them fighting a lot.
So because being meewa has more pressure than the other two genders, there's also more of an incentive to physically transition as well. Rosemary is used for cats with estrogen-heavy systems, and Lycopus is used for cats with testosterone-heavy systems. Generally a meewa-cat is trying to do these things with their transition;
Suppress their scent Some "perfumes" can help, but the goal is to reduce smell, not cover it. Smelling like herbs is associated with ShadowClan, the only Clan that takes baths. (yes i will cover shadowclan baths soon)
Reduce secondary sexual characteristics Such as stud jowls in toms, having a higher voice in mollies.
Changing body function patterns There's no eloquent way to put this. Toms and mollies have different scent-marking behaviors, which is actually caused by their hormones. Molly-to-Meewa cats are trying to go on long border patrols more often, Tom-to-Meewa cats are trying to do it less. (This CAN be done without the need of HRT, but HRT will make their body do it naturally instead of timing their drinking schedules or anything else)
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kxizoku-ou · 4 months
Have you had any thoughts on hybrid versions of the one piece characters? I love seeing what animals people associate with the characters 😅. Also ears and tails are cute
Hybrid Au, my beloved!!! owo I tend to go heavier with the animal research/xeno than just "ears and tails", but yes, I absolutely have thoughts— here's a handful of my favorites/who comes to mind!
. . .
Kaidou — Auroch bull: The now-extinct relative of modern cattle, closely related to Spanish fighting bulls. Bull feels fitting for Kaidou, I think— they're huge, potentially dangerous animals that get screwed over in blood sports or as slaughterhouse bait, and near-universally seen as aggressive because of instincts that are based in self-preservation or protecting a herd. And of course, ending up as a bull hybrid is just what happens to my favs, by now... (@senjuushi)
Judge — Tawny eagle: His "Garuda" theme implies a bird of prey from the start, so it's an easy pick! Described as "opportunistic", with a habit of feeding on carrion (and stealing other animals' prey), yet still "a bold and active predator", tawny eagles fit well with Judge's vibe of regal, pompous, and trying way too hard. They also tend to mate for life... and male birds are known for flashy courtship habits. Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji would be the same species for this Au.
Sanji — Mourning dove: Keeping with the bird theme of his family, but a far less bloodthirsty species. Mourning doves are fluffy, vocal birds that are known for being "prolific breeders". They can be territorial between males, but are also social pair-bonders. Sora would have been a dove too, and Sanji sharing her species is just one more sign that the modifications failed. There's also something very fitting about a "caged bird" theme for his experiences with Germa.
Spandam — Giant panda: Useless animal that would be extinct by now without human intervention. Clumsy, pathetic, and admittedly pretty cute, but not good for much other than existing under careful supervision in a zoo. Of course, Spandam's terrible personality ruins most of the cuteness effect his hybrid species might have— ultimately, he's a needy, spoiled idiot who's eternally dependent on the care of others. And personally, I think he should have a cute, sensitive little stubby tail, perfect to yank on when he's being a brat.
Katakuri — Grizzly bear: Linlin is a grizzly hybrid as well, and the shared species adds to Katakuri's reputation as her "perfect" son. He's huge, powerful, and highly threatening... but would be just as content to gorge himself on snacks and all but hibernate afterward. If it wasn't for his self-imposed standard of perfection, that is. His fucked-up mouth seems even worse on a large predator species, too, which definitely adds to his complex/self-consciousness over it.
Perospero — Red fox: I saw a fanart of him as a fox hybrid on Pixiv, and it convinced me. A smug, sneaky bastard who takes after his mother's carnivore tendencies, but with far less of an intimidation factor to back it up. Annoyingly talkative and far more socially oriented than he wants to admit, as well as capable of being an absolute nuisance when he wants to— all of that sounds very fitting for Peros, I think. And fox whining noises fit his crybaby side.
Cracker — Bushy-tailed woodrat: Prey animals that are described as "vocal and boisterous", and nuisances for "creating general noisy havoc"— seems appropriate for Cracker, an overconfident brat who's far less tough than he acts. Packrats (the overall category) are nest-builders, too, which fits with how he spends so much time hiding in his biscuit soldiers to avoid direct combat. Woodrats also apparently have a foot-thumping tendency; a good match for his clapping!
Pudding — British longhair cat: Babygirl-looking murder machine seems highly appropriate. British longhairs have the sweetest little faces and soft coats, but cats are nature's finest serial killers at their core. Pudding would be perfect as a needy, jealousy-prone kitty who's way too good at playing up the cutesy kitten act to get on people's good sides— right up until a tsundere moment kicks in. Then, she's all puffed-up, twitching tail and poorly stifled purring.
Caesar — Axolotl: Like his pet poison slime thing! Axolotls are apparently "used extensively in scientific research due to their ability to regenerate limbs, gills, and parts of their eyes and brains", which feels fitting for Caesar, as does the fact that they're tricky to take care of as pets (and keep getting put in cages by people who don't treat them well, at that). Also, those feathery external gills are cute!!
Queen — American alligator: Lethal fat fuck of a reptile, exactly how Queen should be! Alligators can be lazy and kind of goofy-looking, but they're still dangerous and very strong. The huge, thick tail is also an obvious plus (the "Brachio-Snakeus" trick haunts me). And really, can't you see him sprawled out all lazy, for gator-style sunbathing?
Drake — Rottweiler/Border Collie mix: A strong, intelligent, capable, and work-oriented animal, that would (as a dog-experienced friend put it), "tear a house down to the foundation" if left without enough to occupy it. Drake gives me "beaten dog" vibes, in general, and it feels fitting that his hybrid species could easily have been sweet, if not for the trauma and DEEP psychological issues.
Law — Shorthaired silver tabby: Law is so very catboy-coded. He's a grumpy, fussy kitty who will both claw your arm open if you try to touch him, and could just as easily be reduced to a purring puddle if his guard gets torn down enough to allow it. Cats are highly effective agents of violence (and can be total bastards, when they want to), but also absolute babies. And imagine tiny, angry catboy Law getting scruffed by Rocinante to prevent the aforementioned clawing.
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gr1an · 4 months
someoje said to come to you over this so. CANNOT get over gemtho. they're literally so cute wtf
its so stupid because like there are a billion reasons why this doesn't work relating to their compatibility and personality and all that shit but at the same time like
???? Im just saying they'd be cute kissing each other in that tunnel and cuddling and etho is so laid back and serene and its the exact opposite of gems frantic energy and they kinda rub off on each other (figuratively) as in etho makes gem more chill when they're both just going about their day or exploring and when gem wants to Commit various felonies and crimes and end up in jail etho will go along with it because he will forever deny it but he imagines a life with her every night when he goes to sleep in his house and in bed in the dark apart they feel a part of them missing so they do their best to walk together in the light
ive just realised this is hardly a question. my interminable yapping will not cease but I do still want to get the point across so.... what makes u ship it :3333
i would actually really disagree with the lack of compatibility thing?
i think that gem is outgoing but still introverted, and she really loves talking to people and making a lot of friends, as well as helping out those friends! we see this with skizz’s terraforming, building the pathing infrastructure near cherry mountain, and with her letting etho take whatever he wants from her base! but at the same time that she is helpful, she is not a people pleaser. she’s assertive and funny. she goes up to her friends chests and takes stuff out bc “these are mine now actually” but she has the ability to do that bc she’s so charismatic and easy to love!
and this plays very well with etho’s general awkwardness to the point of nigh agoraphobia at some points. (i hc c!etho as selectively mute bc he just. doesn’t/can’t talk if he feels socially anxious. he accidentally built up a persona of cool and aloof despite being the wettest cat alive.) i am very new here but i think the first time they spoke to each other for an extended period of time was while gem was teaching him how to fight. and bc gem’s charisma comes from being adaptable to situations but still maintaining her personality, she was able to teach etho a lot (counter-critting, stopping sprinting in order to crit, crit combos) and they both very clearly enjoyed it a lot! etho and gem were laughing and talking basically the whole time, and i think that’s where their dynamic of mutually teasing each other as a way to show affection started. gem didn’t treat etho like someone on a pedestal they could never reach, and she also didn’t expect him to be amazing right away. she let him be fallible and we know that all of the ppl etho is close to do the same things. every duo etho is a part of has a strong dynamic of mutual teasing. him and bdubs, him and cleo, him and joel, and more recently him and tango. with tango though that relationship is pretty new and so a lot of their interactions are just focused on redstone.
and i don’t think gem is that feral or frantic? she gets very absorbed into her projects and she likes being silly with it. she also Commits to the Bit. but i don’t think, at least this season, she’s very off-the-wall. again, i’m new here, and i’ve only seen gem’s perspective of her s10 videos and the hide and seek one, so i am still new to her character/persona.
i think one reason ppl may think of her as feral is because of the way she interacts with specifically etho. and also the “geminislay” nickname. but she’s more than that nickname. in all of the clips of them in decked out, she is at max energy and is constantly punching/fighting etho, but they’re both giggling like schoolgirls the entire time. she doesn’t do that to other ppl though, so it’s not just her general personality. it’s her cute aggression instinct. she’s infatuated with etho so naturally her reactions to anything he does are going to be exaggerated and over the top. but she’s not always seized by that cute aggression instinct, she’s absolutely able to hang out with etho while at a lower level of intensity. etho though does sometimes instigate bc he also thinks she’s adorable. he hit her like 6 times as they dug the tunnel, i’m not convinced that all of those were accidental.
and etho isn’t laid back and serene, he’s earnest and silly and intelligent but also very uncomfortable in most social situations. the recent clip of him literally being a wet cat while asking beef for shulkers (he wants them nyeow!!) is a bit of an insight into how he is actually very silly! his little “oh schnappers” is also a good example. he just doesn’t always show it or show that he cares bc he doesn’t know how to do it in a way that isn’t awkward, and the feeling of awkwardness is like his least favorite feeling in the entire world.
sorry all that to say: they are incredibly compatible and i’m making them kiss. sillies.
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
How sadistic is each proxy? On a scale of 1-10 and what kind of targets do they like getting?
Oooh!!! This was so much fun to write about!!!! 
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
Hmm, I wouldn’t say he’s actively sadistic, but he’s certainly no saint
For the most part, he views his work as just that; a job he needs to get done
On a scale of 1-10, he’s around a 6
He’s honestly too tired to bother relishing in his victims’ agony 
If hurting them means he needs to put more effort in, he won’t bother
~But~ he does enjoy taking his anger out on them
So overall, he doesn’t hurt his victims for sadistic enjoyment, but more so as a means to release his pent-up frustrations 
Which is why his favorite targets are definitely the ones who fight back
He doesn’t enjoy chasing them—he likes the ones that are slow, and he loves the stronger, feistier ones too
There’s nothing better than repeatedly beating someone down until they’re nice & broken beneath his fists :)
The sturdier they are, the better, because he doesn’t have to worry about killing them if he’s only trying to knock them out :))
If he gets too into it, Hoodie has to interfere because he does tend to lose himself in his rage
Though it’s not as fun for him, his victims are way better off obeying his orders—for their own sake :”)
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More sadistic than Masky, but follows a similar line of reasoning
As in, at the end of the day, his job‘s just work he has to get through
He’s probably roughly an 8 on the scale
Because he can’t deny the way he savors hurting his victims; watching the fear in their eyes, the way they tremble at the sight of him—it’s borderline intoxicating
It makes him feel so, so wonderfully powerful
I think I’ve mentioned this before, but he especially enjoys cunning victims
Loves cat-and-mouse games—psychological torture is definitely ones of his faves
His favorite part is when he’s finally cornered his target, and they know they‘re screwed, and he gets to enjoy the horror & realization dawn in their eyes
He also enjoys physically hurting them as well
And when he makes them cry? It’s *chef’s kiss*
But it’s really only special when he sees his victim as an equal—a worthy opponent, if you will
Otherwise, they’re just some random person, and he won’t bother putting the extra effort in
His targets better pray he doesn’t find an interest in them
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Ticci Toby
As per usual, he’s the wild card
Depending on the day, he can be between a 2 or a full-on 10
On most days, he’s pretty indifferent, so more often than not, he tends to be a 5
But if he’s feeling generous, or if he recognizes a softness, a vulnerability in his victim, it’ll pain him to hurt them
It’s especially bad if they remind him of his mom or sister
On the other hand, if he’s feeling particularly vengeful, or if he notices his victim’s an asshole, he’ll torture them to hell & back as he kills them
This often leads to him either sparing people he shouldn’t, or killing people he should keep alive
Hence the whole wildcard disposition
He doesn’t necessarily have a favorite type of target
He likes victims that make his work easy, but he also enjoys a good chase & a good fight—they let him release some of that pent-up energy as well
And while he doesn’t feel pain, he still doesn’t like getting injured, mostly cause it’s such a pain to get patched up again
If a victim hurts his body, he’s likely to be more aggressive, but he isn’t necessarily the type to enjoy hurting others
It’s truly hit or miss with Toby :/
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Without a doubt, the most sadistic
Like, a solid 11 on the scale
He hasn’t been in the line of work as long as the others, so he’s still young & fresh & more than eager to test his boundaries & limits
Will dedicate extra time & effort into hurting victims because, although he does get a sick enjoyment out of it, he’s also just cruelly curious about the human body
He tortures them a lot—even to the point where even the others find it excessive
Isolation, extreme temperature changes, drugs & needles, psychological trauma—he’s into all of it :))
He does lean more into physical torture however, mostly because of his fascination with pain & biology
His favorite victims are assholes who lowkey deserve it tbh
Bullies, bigots & pieces of shit of all variety—he can’t get enough of making them regret their dumbass life decisions :)
It’s pretty rare that it happens, but rarely, especially if they seem like a good person, he’ll hold himself back from experimenting on them
And he’ll give them the mercy of death instead
Still, this mans is not one to fuck with
Might as well find a way to off yourself before he gets you, if you’re ever lucky enough to get the chance :”)
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sweet-star-cookie · 4 months
heyooo tell me about the chamaeleon three!
Gladly! Luckily I've updated their designs already too ^_^
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The Chamaeleon Three are a group of “teenage hoodlum” types to challenge Cassie’s quest to restore order between Earth and the Astral Plane. As the story progresses, the imbalance of the spirit world gets stronger as Cassie’s powers do, so the spirits that appear on Earth become more tangible, meaning that more people other than Cassie can see and interact with them over time. The trade-off is they then pose a larger threat to regular people, and that’s where these three come in!
It occurred to me that some of the more troublesome spirits would relish the opportunity to mess with the living world, even withstanding corruption by Void magic, especially after hearing that the Starglass is Cassie, not some kind of iron-clad warrior or another type of powerful figure like they expected. They quickly start wreaking havoc on the town and frame her for it whenever they can. Circumstances aren't exactly great on the Astral Plane as it is, so many also see it as a manner of escape from it, no matter how temporary.
Though they didn't initially choose to be corrupted by Void magic (it happened accidentally for them), they quickly made the most of their situation with anarchy and mischief once they did arrive on Earth. These three learn pretty quickly not to underestimate our little star hero, but still pose a threat that Cassie can’t face on her own, at least not initially.
So in order to catch these three and return them home, Cassie and her friends/family have to get creative to outsmart them or otherwise confront them in different ways, and I think this’ll be a good way to showcase the Earth squad’s differences in personality and resourcefulness, as well as spice up the spirit encounters in general. Here are descriptions for each of them :)
Lynx The tough guy of the three, with an equally brash personality to match. Despite the group's name, he thinks of himself as the leader and is imposing like one. He is never the one actually calling the shots though, as he lacks the brains for strategy. He greatly prefers brute forcing a problem or charging head-first into anything that's in his way.
Lynx is frequently a bully to Lepus for a predator-prey sort of dynamic, though he is easily shut down by Chamaeleon whenever he goes too far or loses focus. He’s usually the one to get caught the most when plans go awry, as he lacks Lepus’s agility and Chamaeleon's camouflage when escaping, but he’s the most capable fighter of the three simply by virtue of being a massive wild cat. You don’t want to mess with those teeth and claws!
He’s a cocky spitfire, known for constantly picking fights and riling things up, often to an extreme degree and at the detriment of himself and/or his group members. He's the type who would mock you for refusing to fight, and then call you a hypocrite for getting angry at him for mocking you. But, his overconfidence speaks to an underlying insecurity, which makes him prone to emotional vulnerability. He will aggressively defend himself should he ever be questioned, which usually leads him to picking fights that he can't win, and he switches between his confident and cowardly sides quite frequently.
While he’s already got a pretty stocky build and his stature isn't just for show, his cape and jacket are meant to make him look even bigger and more important, so you know he’s compensating for something, even if he’d never admit it. Being the (almost) leader of the group gives him a sense of power over others, whether it is warranted or not.
Lepus Probably best described as the cowardly lackey of the group, though not by his own choice. He hates being viewed with a bunny’s inherent cuteness, seeing it as a sign of weakness instead. This can sometimes give him an impulsive need to prove himself, and it typically ends poorly. He has, however, adapted to use it to his advantage.
He’s the type of character who will play to your sympathy and beg you to help him when he’s cornered, only to turn on you as soon as he’s in the clear. That said, he'd be the least likely of the three to become a villain under normal circumstances, if he felt he had a choice in the matter. But alas, history has taught him that he has to be this way to survive at all. He sees this group as all he has, believing that no one would befriend him otherwise, even if they don’t really act much like friends outside of their shared love for mischief and chaos. Though it angers and upsets him, he's used to staying quiet about things that truly bother him to keep the peace or avoid getting yelled at.
As you might expect from a rabbit, he’s got big jumps and swift kicks, and makes up for his lack of physical strength with agility. He’s based on a black-tailed jackrabbit specifically for the long, spindly legs and large ear-to-head ratio. His big ears make him the recon/lookout of the group most of the time, and is the quickest to flee when a plan goes pear-shaped, making it difficult to catch all three of them at once.
If given the choice, Lepus would much rather be an explorer or spelunker, using his quick feet and keen hearing for something more productive. His love of chaos is actually more of a love for adventure and spontaneity, but he found the wrong outlet for it.
Chamaeleon The true leader of the group, hence the name. She goes by Mae for short, but only to those she allows to call her that. Despite her aloof and quiet nature overall, Chamaeleon is the sharpest of the three, and can shut down Lynx’s boisterous attitude or Lepus's shaking cowardice with only a stern look or a blunt word. She’s the brains of the operation, keeps a cool head, and is difficult to outsmart.
She’s even harder to catch with her camouflage, though you’ll know where she’s been with her tags. Being a graffiti artist, she has her spray gun and cans to quickly paint anything she desires, or spray someone else if she's really desperate. Similar to the paint itself, I'd imagine her markings could glow in the dark when she’s not hiding, though she can negate this glow to hide completely when necessary.
Though she’d never show it, Chamaeleon is actually the one who relies on the group dynamic the most. She doesn’t like being apart from them, even if she bullies them when they’re together, and usually favours plans that don’t involve splitting up. In better circumstances she’d probably be the “older sister” type to the other two, looking out for them and making sure they don’t get hurt, but her short fuse and lack of patience doesn't currently lend itself to that kind of dynamic. She is actively mean to them most of the time, though that is often eclipsed by Lynx's louder and more outward type of aggression.
------ So you may be wondering, why did I choose these three to form a group when their constellations normally have nothing to do with each other? Well, that's sort of the point! As you may have noticed, these three don't really get along with each other very well and are dysfunctional as a group, and this is what ultimately leads to their downfall. Their dynamic is meant to be an opposite to the one Cassie has with Demitri, Ellie, and Leena, who are able to work together well despite their individual differences.
After the Chamaeleon Three are returned to the Astral Plane, I plan to explore what happens to them afterwards in a side story that shows the core problems with their group and what they each do about it, but the first part of their arc will be shown in the main story at least.
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neriyon · 1 year
WoLs and FFXIV OCs
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Hawu'li Puu • Keeper • 23 • he/him • WHM/SMN “Prelude in Violet” • Beloved main blorbo and the Warrior of Light. Cheerful, talkative catboy healer who loves food and the world. Wants to help everyone. Goodhearted but rather naiive. Bad with money. Will try to eat things not meant as food. Separation anxiety, cannot be left alone for too long. Part of a trio of co-WoLs who he met when first leaving Gridania. Gay and poly, usually shipped with various npcs. Server: Lich
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Maito Tee • Raen • 19 • she/her • BLM “Of Stranger Shadow” • Oldest alt, originally made to be another WoL. Currently reclassified as a semi-retired Scion (she might be young but she’s way too tired of all this shit). Moody, introverted lizard girl who’s bad at expressing her emotions. Often comes across as rude or angry. Quick to resort to violence (“fire IV your way out of troubles”). Likes fancy desserts and soaking in hot springs. Currently taking time off to relax and spend time with family. Lesbian, not really shipped with anyone rn. Server: none
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Yusui Kuura • Raen • 26 • he/him • AST “Finder of False Gods” • Maito’s older half-brother. Smug and provocative lizard with questionable morals who’s favorite way to pass time is to annoy others. Working in Glass Camellia - shop that’s antique store on paper but in reality sells various merc services for clients willing to spend the gil. Likes quality tea, peaches and strong reactions to his provocations. Rarely knows when to stop on time and ends up injured. Insomniac. Bi, possibly demiromantic - only shown romantic interest to his 2 childhood friends. Server: none
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N'jinh Tia • Seeker • 27 • he/him • DRG/NIN “Imperial Nuisance” • Selfish, lazy cat who’s main talents are flirting and sweet talking. Prefers getting others to do things for him while napping in a nice spot, surrounded by expensive stuff given as gifts. Can’t swim, hates moogles. Mostly grew up in Garlemald. Worked as an imperial palace servant, sold bunch of secret info over to Eorzeans, got caught and had to run. Bi, no fixed ships currently. Server: Spriggan
Currently being reworked!
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Naho Mewrilah • Keeper • 23 • she/her • DNC/BLM “Flamelady” • Selectively mute catgirl who likes dancing and performing. Bright, energetic and very free spirited. Grew up on a pirate ship, is currently travelling the land to see other cultures like her adventurer mother did before her. Great with animals. Scared of bugs. Friends with Maito. Bi, her relationship status is honestly a mystery. Server: Phoenix
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Chiluku “Chili” Gharl • Xaela • ??? • he/him • DRK “Shadow of the Other” • Shy, anxious and clumsy max height au ra. Strong enough to carry huge sword around all day, but will accidentally knock over your flowerpot with his tail and then cry while repetedly saying sorry. Born as Kagon. Got kidnapped by garleans as a kid for having echo, devoleped “Sen” (Esteem) as a young adult and managed to fight his way out. Currently working as a bodyguard-for-hire in Glass Camellia. Bi, currently not dating anyone. Server: Moogle
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Einn • Rava/Veena mix • ??? • he/him • RPR “Gatekeeper” • Viera who appeared from the forest during the events of Endwalker. Generally polite and princelike, but clearly avoids talking too much about his past. Sometimes gets strong personality shifts based on moon phase - he’ll get more aggressive, before dissapearing into the woods for a few days. During this time he’s known to cause trouble to anyone who dares enter “his” forest. Possibly tempered. Works as a gleaner post-EW. Gay, sometimes shipped with Erenville. Server: Twintania
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Momoka “Momo” Komori • Raen(?) • ??? • they/them • SAM/NIN “Lullaby of a Departed Soul” • Mysterious nonbinary auri who pretty much counts as a cryptid. Appears randomly and leaves just as quick. Seems to have no loyalties towards any living being, though them appearing usually means there’s some ghost or demon involved. Part demon themself, often seen with huge white snake called “Emi”. Sexuality and relationship status are a mystery. Server: Twintania
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Yulan Castalia • Veena • ??? • he/him • crafter/pictomancer "At Art's Horizon" • Introverted and a bit shy viera lad with a fondness for flowers, mammets and creating things. Mainly working as a goldsmith, but can do most crafting jobs - just don't ask him to cook. Likes to paint. Can't swim. Often hides when forced to talk to unfamiliar people. Temperamental and a bit of a tsundere. Gay, not shipped with anyone yet. Server: Zalera
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Firn • Rava • few thousand years • he/him • Sword mage (pld x rdm) "Of Unbreakable Oath" • Cold, knightly viera with demeanor almost as icy as his namesake. Originally hailing from the Sixth, one of the rejoined shards, he is taken in to work with the ascians after the destruction of his home. Generally very aloof towards others, but for some reason seems to attract small animals. Fiercely loyal with a strong sense of personal moral code, he seems to now wander Eorzea in search of the reincarnation of a mysterious past charge, whom he seems to barely even remember. Server: Alpha
Edited 24/1: Added Firn and Yulan and marked N'jinh as under rework.
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batmanschmatman · 1 year
Snafu Shelton - Fisher Cat
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“Snafu is feral. That’s it, that’s the daemon.” - @heystovepipeboys​, my wife and the biggest Snaf fan
Fishers are not cats. They’re large mustelids that are pretty renowned for being aggressive, territorial, and loud. Like most mustelids, they’re loose bonding creatures. A fisher soul might have an intense connection with a friend or romantic partner (cough eugene cough), but they can drop it or any other relationship pretty easily. It takes effort to work your way into their circle, and you need to go into it knowing this might not be a life long friendship without a lot of legwork and effort on your part, because the fisher kind of wants to just be left alone. Fishers are fiercely independent and expect other people around them to pull their own weight. They will not waste time correcting behavior or creating teachable moments, especially if you’ve already proven yourself to be dead weight.
Although occasionally preyed on by other, bigger carnivores, fishers generally don’t have to worry about predators besides humans going after them for their fur, or cutting down their forests for logging or development. A fisher soul is tough and aggressive. They’re quick to make sure that other people know they’re not someone to mess with. They’re also fiercely territorial - don’t mess with their space, their things, or their people. Some fishers have successfully killed bigger predators like lynxes and have an unsettling screech to warn off potential threats. Snafu isn’t easily intimidated and is very, very willing to fight back or scare other folks off.
Fishers are hardy. They can survive in a variety of different North American forests. While they’re mostly carnivorous, they will eat nuts, berries and mushrooms, or scavenge carrion. A fisher soul isn’t afraid of a challenge - they’re one of the few predators of the porcupine. They don’t hibernate and are active during day or night. Snafu doesn’t require much to keep going and can adapt to a variety of different scenarios that would drive a more fussy person absolutely insane. He makes the best of it and even seems to relish it, mostly to continue intimidating and antagonizing other people.
Despite his bluster and colorful personality, Snafu is an extremely difficult person to get to know. He holds people at arm’s length and isn’t really willing to get vulnerable with 99% of the people he interacts with. Fishers are elusive and have a reputation as scary, aggressive predators, when in reality they mostly just want to be left alone to do their own thing.
Snafu’s daemon is named Eulalie, called Lal. She has huge paws and likes cronching on bacon and other tasty treats she can steal off Snaf’s plate.
( HBO War Daemon AU Masterlist )
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helenapsent · 1 year
Re-watched episode 5 of season 3 of The Adventures of Cat in Boots, and I want to point out something interesting:
1) The musical themes of Thriffith and El Moco are identical to each other. But it's important to keep in mind that the rhythm in the music probably applies more to Scimitar, since it is his theme that features heavy drum beats and a sound reminiscent of the clanging or clanking of steel. After all, they both share the same weapons, with which they both had no problem (logically).
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Certainly El Moco has his own theme, and we've heard it throughout the seasons (it features an electric guitar, and a combination of Mexican and wild west motifs), but as for Thriffith it's… it's weird enough. Weird in the sense that it's often intertwined with the Scimitar theme, which makes it hard to know which sound relates to which. If you leave out the evil sword theme (hello synonyms), Thriffith's theme sounds a little ominous, tense, and it's basically uncomfortable in itself. When he appears you can hear echoes of drums, a battle cry, and you can also hear brass instruments well, and the music itself is similar to those variations of villainous themes when the hero wanders into the lair of the enemy, or the enemy on the contrary surrounds the hero with minions (for example, you can listen to the soundtracks to the movie "Ultraviolet", as they just use something similar (especially "Chapel fight", "700 men" and "Unarmed")). During the story of Goodsword, about how he and Thriffith discovered the old temple of Scimitar, you can hear multivoiced choral singing in the background. It is also present in the background during the fight with the cats. When he repented and told what was really going on, the music was quite gentle and quieter. In general, the music in his presence depends on the situation, his interlocutor, and the place in which he is present. The rest of the time he has no definite theme. It's silence (there was also an isolated case when music denoted emotion, and specifically aggression and resentment, and this also contained the echoes of the trumpet). In other words, Thriffith's theme has the sound of wind instruments or polyphonic choral singing, and it can be said that his musical theme combines several themes, as it is ambiguous and influenced by circumstances.
Anyway, I already told you that El Moco and Thriffith have one weapon in common.
2) Thriffith and El Moco appear in the same series, only in the same season.
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It’s a pretty amazing phenomenon, bc, look, Thriffith is just as much a "villain of one series" as most other villain characters and its appearance in three seasons is justified as follows: in the first season - he’s the villain of the day; in the second season - he is included in the story, which can be considered a "record of the victories" of Puss in Boots (all the villains in it united in one mince, if I may say so); and the third season - he was supposed to be a warrior in the team of Puss, but, lmao, he is not really going to participate in all this, he’s tired of everything, just leave him alone, he’s been through an abuse and he needs a break, not all of this :D
El Moco, unlike Thriffith, appears in all seasons (not even because of his cameo Danny Trejo), and is a key figure as he is primarily the Bandit King and has a very complex story arc. However, the fact that he appears ONCE in the entire third season is strange, as he is usually given 2-4 episodes. When he appears only once during the whole season, it is something like a rare phenomenon (at least it happened in seasons 1, 3 and 5), something that is not typical for his figure.
However, this is a very interesting detail.
3) Thriffit is "creepy". (who in this series is not creepy? : DD)
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Okay, okay, let’s get serious. Thriffith is called weird for the third time. Or rather, the Duchess confirms that he is, to put it mildly, "out of his mind", or rather, she said that he is "a creepy weirdo". Judging by what the Duchess learned from thieves ("villainy party" at which all villains must hang, including thieves), this confirms the fact that: thieves love to gossip and also contribute to spreading rumors, and besides, they discuss everything within their evil-thieving circle.
The fact that Thriffith is "creepy" and "weird" is his trait. It is known, perhaps he always was. As early as season one, he said that Goodsword selects those who have "no killer instinct". Which means that Thriffith himself has a killer instinct, and he deliberately left Goodsword on his own. This man can actually slaughter anyone, and it’s just been a stretch. He’ll either apologize for committing the murder or not, and it all depends on his personal relationship to his opponent. So he may have chosen to kill for himself because it’s more interesting to live like this (perhaps) because murderers and villains have more authority in society than heroes who risk their position every day.
And we know that in the end he decided to retire because he was tired. However, this does not mean that he disowned his nature. He can still calmly discuss the murders or what he did while he owned Scimitar. It is an interesting and mysterious character, in the end he is funny and he can win the audience.
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mud-castle · 1 year
'#I kind of wish there'd been a massive time gap with a mostly different cast.'
Oh god me too. Its something I wish for every day, especially as the poor New Generation cats can't just rest and keep getting screwed over by the writers again and again and again!
Mph, can't give an opinion on the new generation cats themselves, but yeah you get it. it was also Brambeclaw being there and being leader for me. Omg he was so annoying.
Tbh though, I think an all new cast might encourage me to try and pick up Warriors again, but also the lack of culture and worldbuilding still give the series a flat feeling. It was fine in the beginning, I mean everything was new, but as it goes on you just keep asking why the clans are even separate when the most difference they have between themselves is what prey they hunt.
In any other series, their absurd levels of aggression towards each other would be regarded as silly, with the protag, Firepaw, remarking something like: Ya'll are basically the same with a different coat of paint. This fighting is stupid.
But literally in the first book it's:
Firepaw: Why can't we all just work together?
Thunderclan: *offended gasp* We can't do that!
Firepaw: Why?
Thunderclan: Ugh a kittypet wouldn't understand!
There is no actual reason given, they just call him stupid for thinking that and that's that. If the clans had actual cultural differences and practices, I'd understand. But they don't. When Hollypaw is in Riverclan briefly she remarks on how it's pretty much like Thunderclan. Bestie, no.
All of that and the series' absolute obsession with maintaining the status quo no matter how harmful it is repeatedly shown to be.
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guiltycorp · 2 years
Been liking your thoughts on kaeya and diluc so far. What’re your other thoughts re: diluc & Kaeya’s relationship and how it was affected by Kaeya’s confession of being a spy? I also agree that it feels a little petty. With all their snipes in game since the beginning, like everyone else I thought there was still bad blood between them. But the letters imply goodwill even when diluc seems weirdly standoffish. Especially considering the implication that they were joined by the hip and kaeya was his shadow. I feel like diluc must have a more understandable reason
Oh actually I was going to make a post about this!
In general I always felt like Kaeya was trying to get Diluc's attention in the comic and the game, always looking for ways to be involved in Diluc's business or to involve Diluc in his, sometimes getting frustrated about the lack of reciprocation but overall clearly still clinging to the past relationship that they had.
But Diluc's carefully neutral stance is always sooo hard to read. Evidence that he still cares about Kaeya is all circumstantial but pretty solid now - (1) Leaving Mond alone for years with Kaeya in it, (2) not objecting to Kaeya's stay at the winery during his absence, (3) fully going along with Kaeya's plans in the comic, (4) keeping and displaying the gifted vase, (5) keeping Kaeya's letters, (6) replying to two of them and telling Kaeya to take better care of himself, (7) not giving out Kaeya's secret to anyone in mond, (8) getting rid of the Abyss Mage in the opening animatic, (9) sitting down with Kaeya outside the tavern to keep him company, (10) confessing on Cat's Tail message board that he misses the past with his father & knights & 'friends', (11) maintaining proper forms of address in public and calling Kaeya just by his first name in private company, (12) telling the Traveler that Kaeya always loved summer implying more nostalgic feelings.
However at best this is proof that Diluc cares at least a little bit, and only that. We still have to guess what his exact feelings are, whether he's still conflicted and angry, or entirely accepting and only a little bit annoyed at some of Kaeya's antics. Or even actively suppressing his love and adoration for some reason.
Maybe he doesn't return Kaeya's wish to be closer because he doesn't realize that Kaeya still wants that (highly probable tbh because so far he's been pretty dense about Kaeya's motivations), maybe he thinks they're better off without each other, or maybe he just doesn't care quite enough.
So when it comes to their fight, I also really had mostly assumed that it wasn't just about Kaeya being a pawn of Khaenri'ah (he isn't even a spy or an agent in the original chinese although he does have a 'mission' of some sort), that he must have also been confrontational or gave some additional information that we're not privy to yet. It also depends a lot on future reveals about Khaenri'ah's legacy and whether it's such a bad thing for Kaeya to be an Alberich (like, he's implying that it is, but he's a depressed thrice-abandoned kid so can we really trust him).
I had lots of headcanons for it, like maybe Kaeya said something about Diluc not being able to tell the truth because he never knew to pay real attention to his loved ones, since he also never realized that his father would stoop so low as to use a Delusion...
Or something about how he was content with Kaeya being his younger sworn brother as long as Kaeya parroted back his words about honor and goodness, which Diluc himself simply repeated after his own father, shadow of a shadow of a shadow.
There is a lot of potential for good old twisting the knife in the wound, and since Kaeya was clearly under the influence of severe guilt and some grief it would entirely fit his character.
If Kaeya was being an asshole in a specific and personal way, then I can imagine Diluc reacting so impulsively and aggressively for sure.
And it is also still fully possible that Kaeya IS connected to the Fatui through Pierro, and that was the trigger for Diluc to attack him? Like hey Diluc, first of all I come from a line of Khaenri'ah's regents who are looking to restore our long-destroyed kingdom, I was placed here on purpose, and we might come into conflict with your beloved Mondstadt later, and also your father might have died from the meddling of the Fatui, who are actually led by another Khaenriahn, so yeah maybe father's death was ordered by my side oops?
I think that the first half alone shouldn't be enough for a fight, but some relevance to Crepus's death might have sealed the deal.
OR perhaps Diluc misunderstood something that Kaeya was saying, which would be the most in-character lol. After all, it would be just like Kaeya to say that he was relieved about Crepus's death (...because he no longer had to angst over choosing to betray him or not) and Diluc only hearing that Kaeya was happy about this tragedy.
Yeah, still, I feel like Crepus has to be somehow involved in their talk.
Next would be the section where I express my concerns over this event's changes to that story but you know what? Unsurprisingly, this turned out to be eng translation trickery yet again. Literally I should have just checked the original chinese right away, I kind of feel naive for believing that it was strange characterization and not mistranslated as usual.
I probably got distracted by 'adopted father', but it's a given that they always mistranslate familial terms - this time it's something else, too. 
So, in Kaeya's profile he 'anticipated Diluc's anger' and the next sentence is them both drawing blades, so it feels more like an equal duel that finished with him receiving his Vision. Like he was fully prepared for the duel and maybe even welcomed it as a way to show his 'true' self. He was no longer Diluc's shadow, and they could now fight not as a younger sidekick and his absolute superior in both title and rank (older sworn brother + cavalry captain), but as equals.
There are still notes of angst such as that he felt that the fight was punishment for lying and that the Vision was a reminder that he'd better keep lying to others, but overall it doesn't feel too unbalanced. This was part of the reason why I grew to like them so much, I felt that the continuous change in their power dynamics was super interesting. From Diluc being his superior in everything (and super close) to them being on more equal footing (but very much apart) to a more ambiguous situation in current canon.  
But in this event eng team chose to translate Kaeya's short personal note in the most uncomfortable way possible... Okay, so this is the first time we learn that Diluc left a scar over his eye and Kaeya's thoughts on this are that he 'supposes he was asking for it'. Extremely pitiful and implying that he didn't expect Diluc to outright physically attack him.
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This feels less like a duel of equals and more like 'i was overwhelmed with guilt and told my bff that i was abandoned in this foreign country for political reasons and so he kinda attacked me and slashed my eye with a flaming claymore haha good thing i received a vision and managed to survive am i right?? well i was asking for it so i dont blame him haha i should have realized that i deserved it......' 
But the original would be more correctly translated as -
"I never meant to blame Diluc. I chose to reveal the truth on the day sworn father died, so it was only natural for a conflict to arise. All of this I brought on myself."
It's wayyyy more straightforward and affirming that Kaeya fully expected the consequences to be what they are, pretty much a rehash of his story profile. Without the sudden meekness.
The last sentence still carries a touch of his usual self-loathing, but overall it's not as pitiable and it shows that Kaeya is a strong character who always knew Diluc best, predicting and expecting his every move.
Eng translators are victimizing him for no reason at aaaall. Honestly it’s making me paranoid how many other details like this we regularly miss when it comes to genshin. Anyway, so far it's difficult to tell whether Diluc even regrets fighting Kaeya in this way or not. I'd say that he does, since yeah, he totally ignored Kaeya's letters until he mentioned his eye, at which point Diluc answered that he knew it was fine (so he made sure to find out somehow), ignoring the topic of Eroch but showing that he was concerned about the injury he inflicted. Which is a low bar ngl, but still something. 
I would really prefer them to be on more equal footing in general such as Diluc maybe also showing signs of guilt, caring for Kaeya if not openly then at least in a 'hidden diary only visible to the player' way, him also having some sort of scars from the duel (maybe Kaeya poked him with his sword a little bit, maybe the Cryo Vision stabbed him with ice knives when it appeared, something), and most crucially him having a 100% believable reason to fight Kaeya in the first place. So far we don't have much, but idk, I guess at the very least it's fertile ground for different versions of events.
Thank you for this ask since i probably wouldn't know to check the translation on my own and would continue to have this misinterpretation stuck in my head.
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triviamurderparty2 · 2 years
please tell me bout your Wakfu ocs!!
I have quite a few that are still being developed so I won't cover them (unless asked after this post LOL)
Elias I'll start with Elias! Elias, full name Elias Creed, is a Sacrier who lives in Bonta and runs a shop with Liam there until he ends up taking leave and becoming an adventurer. He has an interest in birds and collecting animal teeth. He has a hobby of creating bird treats and making animal teeth displays. He's not as aggressive as other Sacriers, and takes time to think things out. He likes talking more than listening, though he's got open ears for anyone who needs to talk!! He hates dungeons and being underground. He doesn't like bugs, but he's willing to mess with them if they're to feed a bird. Random but he doesn't like chocolate because he's allergic! He's been following Cooper's modelling career since he first started, he collects the magazines he's in and has a few posters!! Elias also just likes to get magazines in general, he likes to stay up to date with pop culture. I should mention Elias and Liam are like. Besssst friends since childhood!!
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Liam Liam is more aggressive and wreckless than Elias, he doesn't think things through as much. He has a passive interest in dangerous and medicinal plants, he has a venus fly trap and an aloe plant. Liam and Elias run a shop in Bonta- it works like this ..!! Liam's parents run a shop in Brakmar, and they trade inventory- so Liam and Elias sell Brakmarian wares in Bonta, and Liam's parents sell Bontarian wares in Brakmar. Both Elias and Liam are originally from Brakmar btw!! Liam keeps the skulls that Elias takes the teeth out of just for the interesting display. Liam also has a fondness of knives, particularly throwing knives- wherever he goes he always leaves some kind of damage from knife throwing practice. Liam also really likes bow meows!!! His biggest weakness, he'll drop everything if he sees a cute cat! A fun fact is that whenever the shop gets shipments of magazines (specifically those with Cooper in them) he always saves a copy for Elias.
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Cooper Cooper is a male Iop model!! He started modeling in his late teens, and his own manager. He's smarter than most Iops- but he still gets confused really easily and IS a Iop, so it's very surprising that he's able to manage it all himself! He models because he enjoys it, and it pays quite well. He's actually quite outgoing and doesn't get into many fights. He doesn't read social cues too well, so he can't really tell when people are picking fights with him, anyways. Cooper is originally from a smaller town somewhere near Bonta, not that it's important- just something I have written. Due to the money he gets from modeling, he's decently wealthy- but prefers to send money to his family rather than keep a ton of kamas on his person, even so he has enough on him to treat himself and friends regularly. Cooper really likes Gobbowl, so he's often attending the games in Bonta- however, he's terrible at the sport himself. Around the time Elias and Liam become adventurers, Cooper also goes on temporary leave because he's a bit bored with his life, and decides to become an adventurer for a bit as well. Cooper runs into Elias and Liam by chance- Elias is totally flustered so Liam ends up being the one to talk to Cooper into traveling with the two of them since they're a bit more experienced in the adventuring department. Cooper is surprisingly polite for a Iop, but is still pretty aloof and oblivious. He doesn't like card or board games because he has a hard time telling what his opponent's up to, and because of it, just generally avoids gambling altogether. Because of THAT he's generally a buzzkill for greedy ecaflips when he goes to taverns- OH speaking of taverns he has an incredibly low alcohol tolerance lol.
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Lova Nor Lova!!! I love herrr, she was the first Wakfu oc I actually made a proper reference image for. She's incredibly kind and has cute sneezes. She's a good friend of Elias' who was asked to take over the shop while Elias and Liam were on leave. While they were gone, she ended up taking over the shop and making it a lot more homey, bringing in more customers. She starts selling her homemade items (clothes, plushies, etc) and plants for a wider demographic in the shop, and it actually works very well! Her creations are beloved by people who stop by the shop, so she ended up starting to send some of those items to Liam's parents for their stock as well. She loves sewing and caretaking, overall helping in general. I guess, it could also be bad, as she is a major people pleaser. She's more in touch with her Sadida roots (see what I did there..heh) than her Eniripsa roots, and thus..isn't very good at healing. She's always trying very hard to get better at healing and potions. She tries to heal with unconventional methods as well- so far her most effective method is that of baking. Lova has a real sweet tooth, she loooves cakes and pastries. She doesn't take things very seriously, and is very relaxed all the time. Lova also really likes fluffy and soft things, and loveees animals!! She actually doesn't eat meat at all, but does use eggs and milk etc, so she's vegetarian and not vegan.
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thank u for reading all that omgg ;;
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vancilocs · 1 year
Can i get uuuu 1-15 with max and heather aaaand carmina and ivana
What do they think of each other's family? And how does the family feel?
Both were welcomed into each others's families well, Heather's mom likes Max a lot and Max's parents like Heather, though they didn't expect someone like her when Max said she got a girlfriend. Bailey thought Max was a bit intimidating at first (he's already intimidated by Javier, goths scare him), but she's so nice he calmed quickly
Carmina was very scared of Ivana's dad at first, still thinks he's very intimidating but trusts when Ivana says she doesn't have to worry. She thinks its nice that they're close. Ivana understandably doesn't like Carmina's family apart from Elvira. Elvira however really likes Ivana and her dad, she's happy Mina's happy.
Do they like each other's friends? Do their friends like them?
Max and Javier have a playful rivalry, Heather was welcomed into Max's friend group quick and easy.
They have nothing against each other, at least. Carmina doesn't have too many friends, but I think she's in a book club she goes to once a week or so. Relationships aren't a thing discussed there
What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
Height, Heather will call Max short all the time. Also gently pokes fun at her taking too long doing her makeup. Max teases her about the amount of flannel shirts she has and the cowboy boots/hats
They don't really poke fun about each other, the cats however...
How do they compare to each other's exes? Are they the same "type" or an upgrade/something different?
Heather is also strong and a bit blunt, but she's nice unlike Nevan. In the same butch vein but still plenty different. Heather had an annoying boyfriend before meeting Max, he was just generally boring and lacking in personality, polar opposite of Max
Carmina is nothing like Hecca except both are kinda tall and have pretty big boobies. Carmina's exes tended to also be kinda quiet and serious like herself, none as tough as Ivana though
How do they sleep?
Heather's the big spoon or then they're separate
Separate, cats here and there
Do they have pet names for each other? Do they like them?
Babe, hun, babygirl, after having kids mama. Love them.
I don't think so, apart from Mina and Vana/Vanya
What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
Max likes how Heather cares so much for the people around her, didn't like the explosive arguments they had before they went to couples therapy. Heather likes her honesty and how she shows love, doesn't like how petty and passive-aggressive she can get
Both like that the other is very clear and matter-of-fact about things, no need to circle around topics or questions or try to decipher hints or sarcasm. Carmina doesn't think too highly about the bounty hunters in general, I think that's it
What do they find physically sexiest about each other?
Max likes to be picked up and held by a tall strong woman with a beautiful smile, Heather likes Max's body in general, mainly her hips and legs
Carmina likes Ivana's shoulders and back, just her silhouette in general.
Are they a "we" couple?
Sometimes, especially when they talk about their kids it's a lot of we think this and we do that. In time even more
What was their last big fight? What did they learn from it?
They had a big one pretty early on in their relationship and then both went like whoa holy shit and went to therapy and it didn't happen again
They haven't had fights, not to mention big ones
What good do they bring out in each other?
Laughs and caring sides, responsibility and being able to lean on one another
Both have someone to be gentle and loving with, Carmina definitely lights up somewhat if she has a stress-relieving weighted girlfriend when she's feeling overwhelmed and anxious
What struggle have they seen each other through?
Past relationship baggage, Heather's thoughts about her dad, pregnancy stuff and child raising
Carmina does get a bit upset around Christmas because of her brother-in-law, especially when Elvira says they're again asking if she's ready to apologize. It'll happen at least once or twice before she fully lets Ivana know what happened but comfort is always a good thing
How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
Touch and talk is a big thing, but also acts of service, let your babe sleep in while you fix the kids to school or something. They work very well together
Carmina does mainly quality time and some physical affection and then handmade little gifts, sometimes cooks. Ivana does the quality time and acts of service, also lets Carmina infodump at times
What little things remind them of each other?
Large colourful flowers make Max think of Heather, and gothic stuff makes Heather think of Max
If Carmina finds a long black feather somewhere she thinks of Ivana. Also her black cat's tail reminds her of her ponytail. Bugs are probably a thing that remind Ivana of Mina
What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
Words and some speech patterns forsure, how they make their coffee
Ivana is welcome to try any of Carmina's stim toys except her very favorite ones nobody else can touch so if she likes one she can have it
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about the other Terry - McCain. What do you think he’d be like nowadays? Do you think he’s mellowed out a little or is still fierce and hot-tempered and practicing his kicks and punches? Does he still play piano? Have a new cat? Still have that earring, still wear his hair in that mullet style or has he updated his look? Just curious about your thoughts cuz I never see people talking about him outside of the movie.
What was Terry McCain up to after the 90's and into the present day?
Well, here's what I headcanon:
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― He is still a cat man and has always remained a cat man, and cats have been his persistent and devoted companions for years, mostly various strays he picked up and adopted off of the streets of Chicago ever since his and Anna's relationship broke off even after they had a time of renewed happiness together. She moved back to England to pursue her modelling career, finding that their lifestyles differ too much for anything more lasting than fond feelings and goodbyes and Terry remained behind, something of a bachelor that lives alone with his pets (which include the occasional dog he feeds too) and frequents local clubs. They actually parted on good terms. Or at least intended to for the second break-up in a row before Terry nearly ran after airplane taking off and Anna was re-reminded that, my god, this guy is pretty damn possessive and maybe this distance will do everyone so good, won't it?
― Terry McCain either got a seriously big promotion in the police force...or a seriously big demotion. Or both at one time in his life. He might've passed through several stages of grief after losing so many of his colleagues and indulging in some vigilantism of his own and he might've contradictively had an invigorated sense of spite and pride in his work precisely because so many of his work friends died and he felt he should be the one to carry their torch. Then, for a short while, he took to drinking. Thing is, Terry McCain, while passionate and something of a firecracker is also a good man and a good cop, and fact is, a good cop doesn't excel too far career wise, so if he was ever due for a promotion, it never happened in decades, and his position stuck due to a corrupt system. He was always Detective McCain. Might've gotten demoted to Sargent at one point, just to curb his attitude.
― It did't curb his attitude. No. Terry McCain could've channeled a lot of his justice-loving, righteous, fiery ways into helping people freelance, just because, outside the vestiges of his badge, becoming known over the years as something of an smaller urban tale around Chicago. Might've even gotten a little segment on the news about it. Stopped a burglary? Prevent a fire in an apartment? Neighbours need help moving boxes up to their apartment on the fifth floor? Mr. zealous McCain to the rescue! This good reputation isn't anything colossal, to be understood, but being this local sensation earns him a favourable place at any pub, club, musical bistro, with ordinary people in general in almost any corner of the city. He is just a very well liked man, thing is, because even though he is occasional difficult, temperamental, aggressive and fierce, loving to get into a fight or ten, Terry is far from a bad person.
― He also never abandoned music. Quite the contrary, except maybe only when he is hit by the recollection of all the various taskforce friends he's lost on the job and the subsequent depression that follows it. The one thing he saved up after years and years of scrounging together money was in order to have an instrument all of his own. Naturally, he loved playing in bars for an audience and sometimes, he'd even sing during open mic nights, with people in equal measure loving to hear him (could've gone viral once the Internet became a thing) but for the most part, buying a piano all of his own was a special type of joy. Now, whenever he plays, he has a cat or two napping atop of it, as his prime audience. If he ever had any concrete plans what he might when he retires from being Detective McCain, it is more or less this manner of leisure time.
― His luscious curls changed with the time, namely, the mullet went out of fashion and clearly, he styled it a bit differently (perhaps, putting it up in a bun when training and exercising), but the fundamental essence remained as he went grayer and grayer. Might've removed the earring, possibly exchanging it for a small, discreet cross necklace instead (brought it back from a trip to say, Ireland, which he undoubtedly visited somewhere along the way) --- the one timeless constant, perhaps, were the long coats. I think Terry McCain likes things that are slightly old timey and don't go out of style. Case and point, he undoubtedly kept his body prim, but he never did it at some newly opened glossy downtown gym. He did it at some old watering hole boxing ring that's been open since 1955 or something --- same goes for the type of bars he goes to. He feels better there.
― I don't figure Terry McCain dated or slept around really, not since Anna, or even before, in general, even though he was a looker and warranted many a sigh of admiration from people in general and could, validly, score his share of one night stands, if he wanted to. He simply never did. He really is a 'big love, all out romance, possessive and overattachment' type of guy and the added bonus of his occasional run-ins with the mob through the years wanting revenge for their Boss DeMarco and other lower street-crooks Terry put behind bars, outside of so many of Terry's own friends dying or being seriously injured left him unwilling to embroider innocent people he sees into this. He was actually a bachelor by choice, always thinking he'd die rather young but it never really happening. He worries enough for his cats. Who on earth will feed those guys if he gets shot somewhere?
― Might've actually found a beloved only when he was retired (or rather, forced into retirement by his superiors, because he was too stubborn to do so himself), deciding to move out of Chicago for his pension and back into his countryside family home that was empty for ages, preferring how slowly time moves there compared to a city that irrevocably changed since the 90's when he was young, distancing himself from all the bustle, the risk, the danger, the fear of retaliation; a family man at heart, he brought along his cats, his dogs, his piano, his guns, training equipment, his many memories and all that fire cracking attitude still in place. If he ever had children, he could've named each after a deceased partner or friend he might've had. Maybe Dylan. Maybe Frankie. Maybe Jake, after the the Deja Vu club owner he was close with and whose piano he utilized for performances. Either ways, his life has had its ups and downs. He got demoted. Criticized at work. Maybe even shot a couple of times. Nearly risked being fired. Nearly quit himself. Then, he got promoted. He was a willing loner. He was a neighbourhood sweetheart. His attitude got him into trouble a million times. But, I don't see Terry McCain's life being fundamentally all that bad.
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