#logan huntzberger x reader
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moonylupinslibrary · 7 months ago
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it's always the rich blond with a sunny personality and daddy issues for me
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leaawrites · 9 months ago
Time will pass, but our love won't
Logan Huntzberger x fem!reader
Summary: When Logan asks Y/n the one question that could ruin their future together or make it last forever.
A different outcome of Logan asking Rory to marry him.
Warnings: use of Y/n, suggestive content (very little), female reader, family problems (on both ends), mention of marriage
Wordcount: 2k
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One day before her Yale graduation. He could’ve chosen the day after, when she had been blackout drunk and was now suffering from the worst hangover known to man kind. It could’ve been while they were half asleep in the middle of the night. But one day before her graduation, when everything seemed to already be too much, she couldn’t say anything but, “I need time.”
Logan was disappointed - no wonder. He knew what he wanted and he was sure that he would get it. He wanted her. Forever and always.
After Rory broke up with him, she was the one by his side. When his father had another one of his bad days and decided to let it out on Logan, she was the one who picked up the phone, knowing what happened and said to him: “Come over.” Before hanging up and setting up the living room for a late night conversation with snacks and alcohol. Whenever he had a stupid idea she would tell him which consequences he could face, though when he decided to do it anyways - so most times - she supported him no matter what. Even when it ended with him in the hospital and her cursing him out for being so stupid, saying that she would never let him leave his apartment again - which was a white lie. She was there for him; always. He wanted that to last until he died.
His father told him it was a bad idea, after he came home drunk once again, slurring his words, slamming his door shut and climbing out the window, fleeing into her arms once again. This night made him think about it more intense then ever before. In her arms he felt save. He was surprised that she still let him in after he disturbed her sleep so many times before, even when she told him it was alright because she wasn’t even asleep in the first place. Always hovering over homework she started too late since she could study better at night, with a coffee sitting next to her and a empty cup already left in the kitchen sink.
Saying that she needed time wasn’t the best answer, it was better than “no” but worse than “yes” even when it was the truth. She needed time, for everything. There had to be a list, covered in little scribbles at the edge of the paper, filled with overthinking and anxiety. Just like now.
Y/n sat on her bed, paper crumbled together, pillow stuffed between her chest and legs as she held on to it tight. tears were welling up in her eyes, which always fled back to the little blue box that held at least a million dollars in it. She hadn’t opened it since he showed it to her. Her chest was cramping together at the memory of it.
They had been on a quiet walk after leaving her parents house, filled with people none of the two knew. They stopped in the middle of the park - or rather he stopped her - and he poured his heart out to her. There had never been a moment before where she felt seen as much as right there, though the ring ruined it. It didn’t specifically ruin the moment, but it did ruin her confidence she built up in the last couple days in order to not seem to nervous when getting her certificate.
It sat there so innocently, watching her. It was almost screaming at her to open it, so she did. Her fingers were shaking as she held it between her fingers, opening it with a hammering heart. As she sat it - closely and with a still mind for the first time - there was something so calming at the thought of having a secure future. With the house and the tree and the papers that she could write for, it seemed simple. and that was what she craved. All her life, the future was always a mystery. She was never certain where she would land in the end, there was no one really securing her in that sense. It had always been all or nothing. And most time, for her at least, it had been nothing. In 8th Grade the B’s seemed to let her know that she had to work even hard for an A. In her home, the books reminded her that nothing would be enough for her to have it all. But Logan offered her everything. He offered her a hand that would take her to that All she craved.
“You look half dead, Y/n,” Rory said, half laughing at her friend and half caring.
Y/n tried to laugh with her, though the only thing leaving her mouth was a yawn, explaining her dark eyes and ever closing eye lids. Though Rory and Logan had somewhat of an relationship, that never stopped them from being close. They never became best friends, and probably never would, but they offered comfort to the other when needed.
“Had a long night,” she said, trying to ignore the raised eyebrows and fleeting glances between Lucy and Olivia.
“A long night together with Lover boy?” Lucy nudged her. As two of Rory’s friends, Lucy and Olivia quickly bonded with her too, they were bitter at the beginning after learning that their friend’s boyfriend went out with another one of their friends after breaking up, though that quickly went away when Rory also moved on, discovering an old spark with Jess. Now, all they did was tease the girl for her boyfriend’s rumored past.
“Not with him,” she defended herself, cutting off the last part of her sentence. There had never been a major conflict between the two that wasn’t solved before midnight, she was unsure how her friends would react when she told them that something happened between the two.
“Oh no, what happened?” Olivia asked, sensing the uncomfortable feeling in her friends voice.
“Nothing major, don’t worry about it,” she waved them off, crossing her arms over her chest. A forced smile covering her tired face.
“Are you sure?” Rory asked, touching her shoulder in comfort. The girl knew better than anyone how Logan can be, so a million possible answer ran through her head right now, though none of them were about what actually happened.
Just as Y/n was about to answer, someone called out for the graduates to make their way over to the event. Y/n was the first one to walk towards the stage, away from the problem. Rory’s eyes followed her, not convinced by her behavior. Lucy and Olivia only shrugged before following their friend who walked faster than ever before - which was almost impossible.
People were buzzing around her, happy families full of smiles as their children finally path their own way or crying because they went away for good now. The sun was hot on her skin under the black robe as she stared at the certificate in her hands. Finally she made it. Finally she was able to flee from her past. It was finally her time. No weekends filled with guilt because everyone else got to go home to their family. No holidays spent alone at a lake house she couldn’t associate with anything but family drama and fights. Now, every weekend, every holiday, was for her to decide how it went.
“They’re not here, are they?” A voice said, making her look up. Logan cast a shadow over her body as she sat against a tree on campus. He looked down at her, holding his hand out to help her up.
“On a business trip,” she said, while pulling herself up. Standing now face to face he saw what everyone else saw for the first time. The broken girl he only got to know behind closed doors. She wasn’t sad about her parent’s absence, it happened before. Now it didn’t face her anymore.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve made them come here for you,” Logan said, hands stuffed in his pockets. An awkward silence settled over the pair that was full of smiles and giggles most times.
“It’s not that important,” she said, smiling at him in an attempt to make it more comfortable. Both knew what caused the tension, now she only had to take the knife and decide what to do with it. “Not as important as something else.”
“I remember when I graduated,” Logan said, trying to make their conversation last a little longer in case it was their last. “I was a little tipsy - that’s a big surprise, huh? - And I did trip, and I reached out and grabbed the robe of Marcia Hadley, who was so not the person to grab.”
“Logan,” Y/n said, making him stop talking. She always had been the one who was rational enough to start a conversation when it was needed, even when it might hurt.
“I love you,” he said, taking her hands in his. “If this is the last time I tell you that, I want you to know that I mean. There is no one I’ve ever loved or cared about as much as I do with you.”
“Logan,” she tried again to stop his rambling, though he wouldn’t shut up.
“I have everything planned out, everything. There is nothing you need to worry about. You want to never work again? It’s alright, I won’t be happy about it, but if you want to, do it. You want to have a Porsche that I can’t even pay? I will work extra.”
“I made a list,” she cut him off. “And I have thought about it a lot, as you can probably see,” she moved her hand towards her face, making both laugh, “and that ‘All or nothing’ motto that you have, I’m unsure about that.”
“Y/n,” Logan sighed, almost pleading for her to stop talking words he didn’t want to hear.
“Let me finish, please,” she said.
“I always do,” he joked, raising his eyebrows.
Y/n ignore his comment, though her checks warmed up a bit. “As I already said, I’ve made a list and I came to a conclusion, because - if I’m being honest - I only had one thing staying on there.” Slowly she lost her hands from his, pulling the little blue box out of her pocket.
“Y/n, don’t do this to me,” he begged, the color leaving his face.
“Ask me again,” she said, putting the box in his direction.
Logan looked up at her in surprised, his eyes filled with a mix of confusion and hope. “What?” he asked, hoping he didn’t misunderstand her.
“Ask me again,” she urged him.
“Y/n L/n, do you wanna marry me?” He asked again, opening the box only to find it empty. He looked at it confused, fear threatening on his face as he feared he lost it.
“I will,” she said, left hand lifting up to meet his face. Logan’s face lit up, the heat of the sun finally filling his veins. As he was about to close the gap between his lover and him, she stopped him, hand placed on his cheek to push him back a bit. “Under one condition.”
“What now?” He sounded almost desperate to finally kiss her.
“We’re not gonna marry in the next year, only figuring our new life out with new jobs and a new home. When we have that all figured out, you can finally make me Mrs. Huntzberger officially,” she told him.
His stance fell for a second before he straightened his back again and nod his head. “Alright. One year and not longer.”
“You’re a desperate man, Huntzberger,” Y/n said, smirking as she came closer to his face.
“Only for you, Mrs Huntzberger,” he said, laughing at her. Closing the distance felt like a vow already. They knew that it wasn’t gonna be a long year, not if they spent it together at least.
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ddejavvu · 3 months ago
i would be so good at being logan huntzberger’s controversially young gf…like imagine him picking you up from college and driving you around and going shopping and he just lets you swipe his card wherever
Ohhhhohoho him taking after his dad 😈 him rolling up to your college campus in a sexy car and getting out to help you into the passenger’s seat. Him letting you play your music and turning up the volume with his thick fingers curled around the dial, his watch hefty and glinting on his wrist. Him giving you a copy of his card so that you can use it whenever you want but when you’re together he always makes you use his copy instead, just so that he can hand it over to you in front of any onlookers. He loves watching your face morph into a giddy, sheepish little grin, and he loves the thank you sex he gets later even if he’s doing most of the work and you’re whimpering underneath him trying not to cum too fast around his cock
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inej-ruination-ghafa · 1 year ago
maroon - l.h
midnights masterlist | lavender haze | anti-hero
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summary: the three times you said no to his marriage proposal and the one time you didn't
warnings: alcohol
wordcount: 2.4k
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You were in your second year at college. Yale had been your dream school for as long as you could remember and the first year had been a dream and now you had the second year to get ready for.
You were at a party when you stumbled into some guy and he spilled a glass of alcohol all over your shirt.
You looked at him in shock, staring down at the way that the red of the alcohol had splashed all over your little white dress.
There was a moment of silence as you both looked at one another. The stain was splashed all over your abdomen and he felt awful for it.
Some other boy walked over, gasping at the mess that had been made as he stood next to the blonde boy.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said, grabbing a stack of tissues and placing the red wine down.
You scoffed. You recognised Logan Huntzberger instantly and you could not believe that this had just happened to you.
“Wow Logan, that’s a mess,” his friend said, “Not you sweetheart, you’re gorgeous,” he teased and you just shook your head.
You tried to dab at the stain with the tissues he had handed you but it wasn't working so you abandoned the idea, instead looking at him annoyed.
”How can I make it up to you?” He asked and his friend leaned on his shoulder, looking at the mess.
“You can buy me a new dress,” you said, trying to ignore the maroon stain that was growing against your stomach, the fabric sticking to your stomach.
His friend that leaned against his shoulder smiled, “He could offer his hand in marriage, that normally does it for me,” he joked.
“Ignore Colin,” Logan said with a smile before he looked at you, “Do you wanna marry me?”
You could feel your face heating up at the proposition but you had to hide your embarrassment and act as nonchalant as possible.
“No way Huntzberger,” you said before looking at his friend, “Does that actually work for you?”
he shrugged, “Ask the missus,”
“He’s kidding,” Logan said with a smile, “Send me the dress,” he pulled out a pen before grabbing your hand and writing his address onto the back of your hand, “And then I'll try to clean it, if not, I'll buy you a new one,”
“Thank you,” you said before walking to the door.
Colin looked at his friend and he realised that he had never seen that look on his face before. His friend had just fallen head over heels with some mystery girl.
“You’re gonna marry her mate,” he said.
Logan turned to him, eyes slightly wide, “you’re crazy,” he said, turning back to watch you leave because it hid the blush on his cheeks.
You turned back as you opened the door and he realised just how red your white dress had been stained. You waved at him, shooting him a smile and he waved back a little too enthusiastically.
Little did you know that tonight was going to be the start of a crazy relationship for you.
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You could feel your knee shaking up and down, your hand pressing against your thigh to get it to stop. You were so worried about Logan that you couldn't even function right.
He had been on the trip with Colin and Finn when their stunt had gone wrong and now you were sitting here in a hospital waiting room, hoping that he would be okay but there was no news.
“Mrs Huntzberger?” A voice called out.
You turned around at the sound of your boyfriend's last name and then your brain computed to what they had just said. You looked around and realised nobody knew any difference so you just walked up to the woman, accepting the responsibility, “Oh, um, yes?”
The nurse gave her a smile before she gestured to the room, “You can go in now,” she said.
You nodded and took a deep breath before opening the door. You gasped when you saw it, hand going to your mouth to quiet yourself.
He looked so broken, blood drying slightly on his hairline and he was hooked up to all of these monitors. It broke your heart to see him like this and you sat down next to his bed, unable to take your eyes off of him.
They said he would wake up soon but you didnt mind sitting with him as he slept. With shaky hands, you reached over and brushed a strand of hair out of his face, smiling at the way his head instinctively moved towards you.
You didn't know how long you had been sitting there and staring at him, just making sure that he was really there and alive and wasn't a dream before he started to stir.
His eyes fluttered open and you were met with his gorgeous eyes. You let out a sigh of relief and his lips started to curl into a smile as he looked at you.
“Morning,” he muttered and you chuckled at the words, heart pounding in his chest.
“How do you feel?” You asked, reaching for his hand.
He shrugged his shoulders as much as he could, “The way most people feel when they fall off a cliff,” he teased and you shook your head.
This was not a laughing matter to you. You had nearly lost the love of your life all because he was an idiot and wanted to go out on some dumb adventure and you were so mad at him.
You had been mad ever since you had left your apartment, furious as you drove into New York and absolutely seething as they told you that he had a collapsed lung and listed off all of his other ailments.
But now, as you looked at him, you were just grateful that you got to be mad at him. Grateful that he would stay alive long enough for you to tell him how mad you are. But not now.
”I’m glad you’re alive,” you said and he nodded.
“Me too,” he smiled at you, lips pulling into a smirk, “I’m glad I get to look at your beautiful face again,” he tilted his head to the side, “I thought you’d be more angry,”
You scoffed, “I’m furious,” you said with a small laugh before shaking your head, “No time for that now though, lets just make sure you’re better,”
He nodded, lifting his hand up slowly and touching his cheek. You laughed to yourself before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
The nurse walked in and looked at the two of you, a smile on her face.
“Mrs Huntzberger?” She asked.
Logan looked up at the nurse with wide eyes. He had not expected her to say that to you and before he could question it, he watched you stand up.
“Yes,” you replied with little hesitation, forgetting that he was in the room and that you weren’t actually married.
The nurse looked between the couple for a second, “We need to take some tests, see you in a second,”
“One second, I just need to tell my wife something,” Logan said, giving you a teasing smile. Although he was joking, he couldn't deny that the words seemed so normal as they fell off his tongue, like he was meant to say them.
The nurse nodded her head before walking out of the room and Logan looked up at you.
“Are we getting married, Mrs Huntzberger?” He questioned that signature smirk painting his lips.
You could feel your face warming up at embarrassment that he had found out what had happened. You had never meant for him to find out the ways that you had gotten into the room.
“It's the only way they'd let me in,” you tried to explain, embarrassment seeping out of your pores.
Logan did not seem fazed at the idea, his hand reaching out to grab yours, “You want to get married to me?”
“Not today,” you leaned down, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, “One day,” you stood up and walked towards the door, stopping and turning back to him with your hand on the handle, “one day,”
you repeated the sentiment under your breath before walking out. He was left in that room, cheeks hurting from how much he was smiling at the idea of one day making you his wife.
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You two were sitting on the hardwood floor, looking at one another. He was leaving for London soon and you made work of your last few days together by drinking that cheap rose that Colin had bought you a while ago.
You were both totally drunk, asking yourself how you had ended up in this position, your feet in his lap, your head tucked into his shoulder as he sucked a mark into your neck.
“Marry me,” he whispered against the skin on your neck, thumb brushing against the bruise that would blossom there soon.
You felt giddy but the words nearly made you sober up. Marriage was a big commitment and after what had happened with your parents, you didn't know if it was ever a good idea.
You leaned into him, hand on his chest as you looked up, getting lost in his eyes for a second before you remembered what you were going to say, “No,”
“I love you, I'm gonna marry you one day,” he repeated the sentiment again and you smiled to yourself.
Although you had been together for nearly two and a half years and had gone through hundreds of ordeals together, the thought of marriage still scared you.
But as you looked into his eyes, both of you a little tipsy as you cuddled on the floor of his apartment, the smell of incense burning throughout your apartment, you knew that maybe it wouldn't be too bad of an idea.
“Okay,” you muttered, not believing it to be real.
“I'm serious. I'm gonna marry you,” he held your face in his hands, not taking his eyes off of you, “I will be your husband,”
You scoffed, still not believing him, “Maybe,”
“Thanks Mrs Huntzberger,” he teased and you stood up, brushing the dust off of yourself before reaching your hand out.
He took your hand, flashing you his signature toothy grin. You could feel your cheeks heating up at the thought of walking down the aisle towards him, that smile looking back at you.
“Let's get you to bed,” you muttered, pulling him up clumsily and he collapsed into your arms and suddenly, the idea of marriage didn't seem too bad.
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Two days until graduation. The time was supposed to be relaxing but as you stood in the park where you had gone on your first date with Logan, it was anything but that.
“Excuse me?” You questioned, taking a step back as you looked at him there on one knee in front of you, the box open to reveal a gorgeous ring.
“Marry me?” He asked, not repeating his speech again.
You could feel your heart speeding up and that fear of marriage bubbled back up again and you had to take a few steps back to try and escape that feeling, he noticed that was something wrong and instantly closed the box, shoving it into his jacket pocket before rushing over to you, hands coming to your shoulders to try and smooth you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, not even asking why you were freaking out.
You shook your head, “I need some time,” you managed to stutter out and he nodded his head.
You hated how patient he was with you. It would be easier for Logan to yell at you then for you to have to see that disappointed stare.
Before you even realised what you were doing, you were running in the opposite direction and you didn't stop until you could feel your lungs begging for air.
That was two days ago.
Now you were standing alone at your graduation. You hadnt talked since that day and you didnt know what you were going to do when you saw him but now he was standing there in front of you so you had very few choices.
You gave him a half hearted smile and walked over. He was holding a bouquet of roses in his hands and you didn't know what to say.
“Yours was better than my graduation, I was slightly tipsy an-” he started to say but you could not deal with the small talk.
“Stop,” you said.
He went silent instantly and you could see that similar look of disappointment in his eyes.
Logan reached his hand out, taking yours in his and holding it tight, “Please don't say no,” he begged.
You could feel tears pricking in your eyes, “Logan,” you muttered but he just shook your head before you could say anything.
He knew that he could convince you. You two were perfect together and he didnt know what he would do if he were to lose you.
“You said no when I asked you when I was drunk, you said no last night, you said n-” he started to say and you cut him off.
“Yes,” you stated.
His mouth clamped shut. He looked at you with those big wide eyes. Logan had believed that it would take longer to convince you but clearly this had been your answer the whole time.
“I wanna marry you,” you said, just to reinforce your promise.
He chuckled, that big pearly white grin that you loved appearing, “Serious?” He questioned.
“I want that avocado tree and I want that house and I've applied for some jobs I'm teaching in the Silicon Valley area,” you explained.
He didn't even hesitate to kiss you, dipping you slightly as he revelled in the amazing moment that was occurring. This was all he had ever wanted.
When you both pulled away from the kiss, smiling against each other's lips, he pulled the ring out from his pocket with shaky hands.
You grinned at him as he slipped the ring onto your finger, both of you taking a second to admire the look of it
You kissed him again, unable to stay away from him, “We're getting married,” you muttered against his lips.
“We are-” he kissed you again before pulling away, a smirk on his face, “-Mrs Huntzberger,”
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magewritesstories · 2 years ago
[ ɢɪʟᴍᴏʀᴇ ɢɪʀʟꜱ ] ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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ᴊᴇꜱꜱ ᴍᴀʀɪᴀɴᴏ — ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴄᴀᴛ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
♠  Jess is the black cat boyfriend no debate
♠  his favourite activities are browsing bookstores in New York to find the most ridiculous books and having movie nights at with home-made pizza
♠  his gifts are usually consist of annotated books and/or CD’s he’s burned for you
♠  so touch starved, like so touch starved, his love language is definitely physical touch
♠  would do just about anything if you just bat your eyelashes at him
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ᴘᴀʀɪꜱ ɢᴇʟʟᴇʀ — ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪᴇʀᴄᴇ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
♦  study dates, study dates, study dates
♦  probably mistook your flirting for picking a fight until Rory told her that you were flirting with her or you just straight up told her you wanted to kiss
♦  loves to do things for you just because, carrying your bags, making you coffee/tea when you working, because you deserve to be pampered, her love language is acts of service no doubt in my mind
♦  when it comes to gift giving it’s usually offhanded like, “Yeah I saw it in the store and bought it, no big deal.”
♦  she’s pretty stubborn so getting her to do things is hard but she ends up doing them because it’s you, and she would do anything for even if she complains 70% of the time
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ʟᴏɢᴀɴ ʜᴜɴᴛᴢʙᴇʀɢᴇʀ — ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴏᴜꜱ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
♣  he takes you to so many places, sometimes it’s places he’s been other times he spotted a new restaurant on his way and he decides to take you there next time the two of you go out.
♣  his favourite thing to do is go shopping for you, particularly enjoys buying you clothes and accessories and then seeing you wear them
♣  Logan’s love language is definitely gif giving, and more often than not the gift are expensive (read: birkin bag.)
♣  whenever he plans dates it’s the out there stuff he thinks you’ll enjoy doing, but he doesn’t mind having dinner at home with a good movie or some music either
♣ he would also do anything for you, even the things you ask him to do halfheartedly or jokingly
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ʀᴏʀʏ ɢɪʟᴍᴏʀᴇ — ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
♥  her favourite kinds of dates are the calm ones, like browsing bookstores and going to museums
♥  she loves to sit with you on the couch until ungodly hours just talking about random things or having deep conversations, although the ones about the future are her favourites
♥  love language is words of affirmation, mainly because growing up Lorelai thought her how important communication is in all her relationships
♥   Rory doesn’t really like dates in crowded places, she enjoys the occasional concert or outing to a busy place, but low-key dates will always be superior in her opinion
♥ getting her to do something she doesn’t want to is impossible, she’s very stubborn and when she doesn’t want to do something it’s very hard to convince her to do it
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fbfh · 10 months ago
hi babes! could you pretty please write some logan huntzberger smut?? however your most comfortable with is fine!
This man def has a daddy kink imo
okay so OBVIOUSLY we know that Logan Huntzberger fucks. He fucks enough for the girls he fucks to deal with the fact that he's kind of a massive whore /affectionate. When Logan finally gets you under him (which in all honesty doesn't take long) you SWEAR he has to be an incubus or something. he just has a way of practically hypnotizing you with his charming flirtatious energy. cause the thing with Logan is that even when he's flirting you know it's all true. he doesn't have like... a set of lines that he goes through to try and get into girls pants. I think Logan actually does just get so infatuated with all these girls, but jesus fucking christ it can't even begin to compare to how he feels about you. Logan literally loses his mind with you. He fucks you with so much passion, with such raw primal feeling that no one will ever be better. he's just literally and figuratively exploding with overwhelming love for you. he has no idea what to do with all the feelings you give him except make you feel as good as he possibly can, really show you how good you make him feel and how he's fully planning on making sure you experience every pleasure possible for a human to feel.
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fandoms--fluff · 5 months ago
Hello :)
I’m not sure if a polly relationship would be something you’d write but I was wondering of possible and your happy to write it if you could please write something fluff with Logan Huntzberger x Reader x Jess Mariano?
Reader is dating both Jess and Logan but Logan and Jess are not dating each other. Reader is a soft dom to both of them I guess and had that slight vibe. Jess and Logan both come home to readers house & so exited to spend the evening with their girlfriend and they both love sucking on Readers boobs and she’s at home ready with pj bottoms on, snacks and nothing on her top half, boobs ready to go while laying on her bed doing whatever (you can choose :) ) and they just barge in and are like 👀 titties.
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Flufftober, October 3rd
Female reader x Jess Mariano x Logan Huntzberger
Warnings: Things to do with boobs?,
You walk down the hallway to your bedroom with a bowl of strawberries in your hand, munching on one of them. You're wearing a pair of small pajama shorts with a star pattern on them and no top or bra. You don't like to wear anything on your top half, you feel it's too constricting and you're in the comfort of your own home anyways.
You climb into the middle of your bed and rest your back against the headboard. You place the bowl of strawberries on your nightstand and grab the Pride and Prejudice book.
As you're reading the book, you hear the fumble of two guys outside your apartment. Very sneaky, you think and roll your eyes playfully.
You continue to read your book as you hear your two boyfriends, Jess and Logan, enter your apartment. Thankfully you hear them lock the door behind them before they stumble into your room side by side.
"You two getting along?" You place the book against your chest, covering just enough of your breasts to make it seem 'presentable'.
"Yes, of course" Logan answers. "Why wouldn't we?" Jess adds on, his head tilting to the side as if trying to see through the book. "Hmm, just a small feeling" You shrug, a smile lighting your face.
"Oh, come over here. You two look like sad puppies" You toss your book to the side table next to the bowl of strawberries.
As they climb into the bed, both of their gazes are glued to your naked chest. Your nipples are perked and hard from the cool air. Each of the guys are on one side of you.
You lift your arms to the sides, inviting the boys in. They both move faster than you could imagine and latch onto a nipple each. As they suckle on your perked nipples, their hands grope onto you, massaging your chest.
You let out a small moan of pleasure. This is one of the many reasons why you don't wear a shirt or a bra around your apartment. There's no point and need to when your boyfriends are always there and ready to lay on your chest and cuddle, or suckle and cuddle. Basically a lot of cuddling. And then some steamy moments of course.
While they suck on your breasts, you tangle your hands in their hair and play with it.
"You both are so good to me" You praise them. Jess looks up at you with your nipple still latched in his mouth and you smile down at him. Bending down, you place a kiss on his forehead.
Logan grunts and you turn to him, rolling your eyes playfully. You place a kiss on his forehead as well.
Jess and Logan may get at each others throats most of the time. But when you guys have this comfort time, they get so soft and gentle.
You reach over and pick up one of the strawberries and bite into it. As you chew the sweet fruit, you look down and your boyfriends with love and adoration in your eyes.
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cwritesforfun · 6 months ago
Logan Huntzberger x Fem!Reader: Love Languages (Request)
Y/N = Your First Name & L/N = Your Last Name ** I do not own any Gilmore Girls characters or plot or lines** one line from show is used below using bold and italics
I wrote little stories for each of the 5 love languages, but also tried to incorporate all 5 into each one lol ... so yeah enjoy! Let me know any other characters I should do this with.
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Gifts - You're engaged!!!
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You wake up to the smell of cinnamon and warmth. It's the smell of the holidays. You don't feel Logan's arms wrapped around you and you frown. He promised he would be here when you woke up. You get up, throw on your matching holiday pajamas, and leave your room. You see Logan standing in the kitchen with your mom helping her with breakfast. He's so cute. You love how close he is to your mom. You enter the kitchen and exclaim, "Good morning, my favorite people." Your dog nudges your leg and you say, "Oh right favorite dog too. Hello baby." You pet your dog and scratch her head. Your mom says, "Hi sweetheart. Sorry I stole your fiancé, but he has been a huge help with breakfast." You hug your mom, and then you hug Logan, who kisses your forehead. After breakfast, your brother and his family show up. You all sit around and exchange gifts. Logan gives you a matching necklace, earrings, and bracelet set to your engagement ring. Your mom fawns over them and commends Logan for his amazing taste in jewelry. He gives her a necklace that matches yours and he gives your brother cufflinks.
Logan gave you a Birkin bag after you were together for 6 months claiming that he knew you were the one. You were. You give everyone presents too. You love to give gifts and see people light up when you give them something they didn't know they wanted but are happy to have. You also just love seeing your family happy. You love your family and Logan who is pretty much family. You only have 6 months until the wedding. Logan whispers in your ear, "I have more gifts for you, but they're in the bedroom. I didn't want to show your family how much I got you." You reply, "I don't need any more other gifts, baby. I'm already feeling quite spoiled. Plus, we have to save for our wedding." He smiles and says, "Our wedding. I like the sound of that. It really never gets old to hear the words - our wedding." Later, you and Logan are sitting in the bedroom. He gives you a folder with pictures of houses and you ask, "What is this?" He rambles, "I just thought... I just thought we should have a place to build our family once we get married and it would be nice coming home from our honeymoon to a house that we own. We don't have to start a family right away either, but I just want to have the space for when we do." You reply, "You're so cute, Logan. I do think having a home that's ours would be nice rather than staying at that penthouse. I wouldn't mind going on house tours with you." He replies, "Ok that's great. I want a pool." You laugh and say, "Ok, I eventually want a dog." He smiles and replies, "Great, so we need a pool and a big enough yard for a dog. That sounds good. I know you love to bake and cook, so we can make sure to get a big kitchen too. We'll also need a nice living room for our families to all hang out together although I doubt my dad will even show up." You kiss him on the forehead and reply, "Oh baby, I love you. And your dad is stupid not to want to be in your life." He smiles and he says, "Yeah I'll be a better dad than him. I promise." You reply, "I know you will, my love. I know."
Words of Affirmation - 6 months into dating!!!
You wake up on your period and are angry at the world. You don't even want to go on a date with your boyfriend right now. Logan is going to be so jolly and you don't want to hear it. You do have to go to class, so you throw on something presentable and head out to class. You see a text from Logan: Morning my beautiful angel! See you tonight at 7pm for our date. The rest of the day ticks you off with everyone tapping their pencils, people talking when the teacher is talking, and just slow walkers.
You see another text from Logan: Leaving my house now! On my way to you baby! You look beautiful in everything so wear anything!
You lay down on your bed in your apartment after your day and grab your chocolate bar. You hear a knock on your door, groan, and walk to answer it. It's Logan standing there with your favorite flower and a smile.
Logan exclaims, "As much as you look gorgeous like this babe, uh are you going to change for dinner?" You answer, "I can be ready in 10 minutes. I'm sorry. I started my period and today has sucked. Please come in." Logan slides past you, presses a kiss to your cheek, and follows you to your bedroom. You look at your closet, try on a few outfits, give up, then you lay on your floor. Logan sits on the floor next to you and asks, "So, what's wrong? Don't say that nothing is wrong. You just tried on several different outfits that you looked amazing in and you're wearing pajamas right now." You answer, "Because I look so ugly right now and I just look so gross in everything I tried on. I really need to work out more." He says, "Babe, look at me." You look at him and he says, "I think you are the most beautiful person ever. You can wear anything and you're gorgeous. Wear a trash bag if you want. I bet you can pull it off. You're the most amazing person who I love. It's not really how I wanted to tell you, but I do. I do love you. I love your smile and how happy you make me. I love how safe I am around you and how understood you make me feel. I love you, baby." You reply, "I love you too." He smiles and you say, "You have a beautiful smile, you should smile more." He leans down close to your lips and says, "You should smile more too. May I kiss you?" You answer, "Yes." And he does ;)
Logan ended up picking out your outfit and hyped you up as you got ready for the date. You just went to a dinner then he got you ice cream so you could watch some TV back at your place after together.
Quality Time - 3 months into dating!!!
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Logan constantly pushed you out of your comfort zone. Joining the Life & Death Brigade was step one of getting you out of your comfort zone. Staying in the same tent as him was step two.
You & Logan run through the field to where the rest of the Life & Death Brigade is standing holding champagne. Colin hands you both some. You cheer and drink it.
You see people start to climb this big metal structure and Logan says, "Come on, let's go up. It'll be fun, it'll be a thrill. Something stupid, something bad for you. Just something different." You reply, "You should go with someone else. I'm not the biggest fan of heights." He replies, "Then it's more of a reason to go up! You can face your fear. I won't let you fall or get hurt. I promise." You see Rory about to pounce on Logan so you say, "Fine, I'll do it." You shoot daggers with your eyes at Rory then climb the ladder. You try not to shake too much. You make it to the top and are immediately hooked up to some kind of machine. Then some guy is telling you logistics and you realize you are really doing this.
You & Logan hold an umbrella then everyone screams, "In Omnia Paratus!" before all jumping.
When you make it to the bottom, your heart nearly jumps out of your chest and you immediately get out of the harness before running into the field away from everyone. You hear Logan asking, "Y/N! Where are you going? What are you doing?" You say, "Step back," before throwing up in the field. Logan says, "Sh** okay come on, let's go to the medical tent." Logan picks you up bridal style and takes you to the medical tent. Some girl in a nurse outfit starts talking to Logan as the guy nurse asks, "Ok, how do you feel?" You answer, "Horrible. But I know I threw up from anxiety and the heights. So if I just avoid tall things, I should be fine." The nurse replies, "Yeah you should be. I'll give you some pain meds for your stomach and a sports drink to rehydrate you." The nurse hands you stuff, you thank him, and you leave the tent. You didn't even bother to tell Logan that you were leaving. He seemed cozy with that nurse. You knew he was a player and yet here you are in some random field with him. And you have to share the bed tonight! God this sucks.
You find a random chair that you sit in to drink your drink and relax for a minute. Finn runs over and asks, "Hey love, where's your boyfriend?" You answer, "Flirting with some nurse in the medical tent." He smirks and says, "Logan likes you, trust me. He's just being dumb right now. I'll go get him." You reply, "No really, leave him. He seemed happier there." Finn says, "I like you for Logan. I'm going to stop it." He then runs off and you laugh. Logan will do whatever he wants, but glad Finn thinks he can change him.
Finn returns a few minutes later with Logan in tow. Finn says, "I'm going to shoot a bow. Logan, apologize." Finn then leaves. Logan sits next to you and says, "Sorry about Finn." You reply, "It's okay. Finn is funny. I like him." Logan asks, "More than me?" You answer, "Right now, yeah." Logan winces and says, "Right yeah, I deserve that. Sorry, but Amanda was just talking about the weekend and then about our parents... I should have just pushed her away and been by your side. I'm sorry. Are you okay now?" You reply, "It's fine. The other nurse helped me. I told you that I hated heights... well I puked from anxiety and from facing that fear of heights. My body couldn't take all of it." He replies, "You should've told me that it was going to make you feel that bad. I wouldn't have demanded you go with me." You reply, "Yeah well Rory, your stupid ex was behind you about to ask you to go with her. She looked ready to pounce when she thought you would be alone. I don't even know why I came this weekend. Everywhere we go, some girl is throwing herself at you." He replies, "You're the only girl I want throwing herself at me. Are you feeling any better?" You answer, "You just asked me that, but I am." He replies, "Perfect, then come with me." He holds out his hand, which you begrudgingly take.
You go to shoot the bow and arrow with Finn. Logan seems a little jealous when you laugh with Finn and for the rest of the day, Logan makes sure some part of him is touching you at all times. His hand is in yours, his arm is around your waist, his lips are touching you... something is touching you.
When you crawl into the bed in the tent that night, Logan wraps his arm around you and exclaims, "I really do like you a lot." You reply, "Ok Logan. No more flirting with other women then." He replies, "No flirting with Finn then." You gasp and playfully hit him in the arm before replying, "I like you a lot too." He laughs and kisses you.
Acts of Service - 8 months into dating & YOU LIVE TOGETHER
You slump on the couch and sigh. It has been a long day. Logan walks in and says, "Babe, you look exhausted. Why didn't you text me when you were leaving. I would've picked you up." You reply, "Oh oops." He asks, "Let's eat. What's for dinner?" You sigh and answer, "Something I have to cook. I'll get up." He quickly says, "No, I can make something. I promise. You go shower and I'll make something to eat." You reply, "Ok... I've never seen you cook before, but I'm tired and fine with it." You leave the room and shower.
After your shower, you walk into the kitchen feeling better and see Logan frantically running around the kitchen. You notice two smoothies and he appears to be making pancakes. You sit on the counter next to him and say, "It's looking good, babe." He replies, "Thanks, do you feel better after your shower?" You answer, "Yeah I do. Thanks for making dinner." He replies, "I doubt it will be as good as what you would've made, but it's food." You reply, "Yes it is and it can't be too bad." He laughs and keeps cooking.
You eat what he prepared and it's not bad.
As you watch TV, Logan says, "Pass me your feet. I'll give you a foot massage." You reply, "Kinky." He sighs and replies, "Babe, I'm just trying to do something nice for you."
Physical Touch - 8 months into dating & YOU LIVE TOGETHER!!!
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You invited some of your friends to your apartment with Logan to have a small party. Unfortunately, Logan saw how many people you invited and invited more.
You finish putting on your little black dress and you walk out to where Logan is standing. You twirl and ask, "How do I look?" Logan's jaw is still dropped and he says, "F**k you are so beautiful and perfect, angel. I think we should cancel the party and stay in tonight. I really love this dress." You reply, "Don't be silly. You've been talking about how excited you are this whole week." Logan wraps his arms around you and says, "It's so thin and you look beautiful. People won't be able to take their eyes off of you. Let me make sure they know you're mine." Before you ask him what he means, he's biting and sucking on your neck. Every time you get a hickey, it reminds you of a vampire. Edward Cullen, where are you??? Better not say that to Logan or he will be jealous you're thinking of another man right now.
People start arriving and so does the booze.
You make your way to the bar and Finn runs up. He says, "Lady Y/N, we must take shots." You laugh and pour 4 shots. You give him two and you say, "To drinking!" He laughs and you both shoot them back. You feel your boyfriend's arms around your waist and you feel his lips touch your neck. You say, "Logan, we were just taking shots, chill." Finn says, "Yeah man, I don't want your girl. She's hot, but she's yours. I also have my eye on a nice young thing that just walked in. You'll have to excuse me." Finn walks off and Logan says, "I don't want anyone thinking that you're up for grabs. Stay by my side tonight, please." You agree and follow him the whole night. His arms are usually on your waist the whole time and if they're not, he's pulling you into another kiss. You swear this boy is going to give you at least 100 kisses by the time the night is over.
You tell him you have to use the bathroom and he lets you go.
As you walk back to Logan, a guy steps in front of you and almost spills his drink on you. He then says, "Whoa sorry there... oh hello sweet thing. What must your name be?" You sass, "Y/N and I have a boyfriend." He asks, "Where is he?" You answer, "It's Logan Huntzberger." The guy jumps and says, "Oh sh**!" You feel arms wrap around your waist and you hear Logan say, "Hey babe, is this guy giving you any trouble?" You answer, "He almost spilled a drink on me and tried to hit on me." Logan looks at the guy and says, "Don't even think about touching or talking to my girl. In fact, I think you should leave the party." Logan calls Finn and Colin over and then asks them to escort the guy out of the party. OMG!!!
Logan keeps his arm tight on your waist the rest of the night until everyone leaves.
When Logan pulls you into the bedroom at the end of the night, he exclaims, "Finally we're alone. That little black dress is coming right off."
@cinderellasmissingshoes - enjoy & sorry it took me forever!
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wordsarelife · 8 months ago
WHO I WRITE FOR... *:・゚✧*:・゚
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open (X) closed ()
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: ̗̀➛ i only write fem!reader
: ̗̀➛ please don't put too little information in your request
: ̗̀➛ i don't write smut, but i do write suggestive content
: ̗̀➛ after requesting it usually takes 2-3 days for an ask to appear on my waiting list, you can check if your message was received that way
: ̗̀➛ i do write song requests, but only taylor swift ones. please make sure to check if i have already written a song on my song list before you request
: ̗̀➛ i don’t write about eating disorders or anything that tends to include that due to personal reasons
: ̗̀➛ i won’t write incest, stepcest
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: ̗̀➛ mattheo riddle
: ̗̀➛ theodore nott
: ̗̀➛ draco malfoy
: ̗̀➛ pairings: theoxbelle, theoxpixie
: ̗̀➛ isaac lahey
: ̗̀➛ stiles stilinski
: ̗̀➛ jj maybank
: ̗̀➛ rafe cameron
: ̗̀➛ jess mariano
: ̗̀➛ mcu!peter parker
: ̗̀➛ luke castellan
: ̗̀➛ charlie dalton
: ̗̀➛ knox overstreet
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a/n: yay, another surprise!! i don’t think i ever had that many people on a request list before, but i’m willing to try it out!!
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saltnsugarbear · 5 months ago
Gilmore Girls masterlist!
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Luke Danes
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Logan Huntzberger
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Jess Marino
all these kids have got affluenza
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I'm glad that you're still here, won't you hold up a candle? 🦇
he might not look like he gets bitches (18+)
stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love
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fragileruns · 2 years ago
hi, my loves!! this is a few days late, but in honor of speak now (taylor’s version) coming out, i want to open up my requests to fics/blurbs based on each song!! so just send me a character (ones i write for are listed on my page), a plot description, and what song it should be based off of! also, please clarify if you’d like it to be platonic or romantic & what genre you’d like (fluff, angst, smut, etc)!
all of the songs from the tracklist are listed below, and i will be adding the linked fic next to it as i finish it - if a spot ends up being taken, please request a different song as i would prefer not to write two fics for the same song : )
all fics will be underneath the tag ‘speak now (mia’s version)’ once i make them!
mine (taylor’s version) (james’ version)
sparks fly (taylor’s version) (remus’ version)
back to december (taylor’s version)
speak now (taylor’s version)
dear john (taylor’s version)
mean (taylor’s version)
the story of us (taylor’s version) (hotch’s version)
never grow up (taylor’s version) (spencer’s version)
enchanted (taylor’s version) (jj’s version) (rooster’s version)
better than revenge (taylor’s version) (peter’s version)
innocent (taylor’s version)
haunted (taylor’s version) (rooster’s version)
last kiss (taylor’s version) (sirius’ version)
long live (taylor’s version)
ours (taylor’s version) (sirius’ version)
superman (taylor’s version) (hotch’s version)
electric touch (from the vault)
when emma falls in love (from the vault) (james’ version)
i can see you (from the vault) (spence’s version)
castles crumbling (from the vault)
foolish one (from the vault)
timeless (from the vault) (peter’s version)
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eclairoo · 1 year ago
Ive been wanting to write for quite some time now but I've been too afraid to post lol. should i?
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leaawrites · 4 months ago
hii I saw your post about the short n sweet writing n I was wondering if you could do Logan huntzberger with one of them you can pick which one side I haven’t listened to the album yet x
Sharpest Tool
Logan Huntzberger x fem!reader
Summary: in which, the smart yale boy isn't the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to relationships.
Warnings: sexual references, rory is kind of a villian (but so is Logan), angst,
Wordcount: 0.7k
Masterlist, Short n'Sweet Series
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She had been warned, by almost everyone. She should’ve known.
It was obvious, that somewhere in between promises and heartfelt laughter, somewhat a little less than something, but a little more than nothing was hidden. It was obvious, that whatever he said was nothing more than a line he said more than once that night. It was obvious, that the missed calls and lonely nights were signs enough. But they never talked about it, so she never understood what they were.
“You know, that Rory’s been over at his more often lately, right?” Paris asked, as both girls were occupied with the last papers for the Yale Daily News. The last story being put into it’s right place.
“It’s not like that,” she defended herself more than him. If Paris knew, that she wasn’t even aware of what they were, or that she knew that she wasn’t the only one, she wouldn’t gear the end of it. And she would never talk to Rory again, probably be kicked out of the Paper as well. “They are friends, that’s all.”
“They went out to dinner and Rory didn’t come back home that night,” Paris kept on pushing her closer to the edge.
“It’s nothing.”
“What is?” The brunette in the doorway asked, walking into the room as it feel deadly silent. “What were you talking about?”
God, why couldn’t she take a hint that she wasn’t appreciated here?
“Nothing,” Y/n answered once more, shooting a dirty look in Paris’ way to tell her to keep her mouth shut. “I need to go, I’m meeting Logan.”
“He’s out with the guys, he probably won’t be home,” Rory answered nonchalant, helping Paris with the Paper now.
The girl stopped dead in her tracks, leaving little space between her tears and skin, tearing one off with every blink of her eye. She couldn’t be serious, could she?
“I’ll find him,” she answered, before walking out and leaving Rory dumbfounded as to what she did wrong.
She should’ve known.
Of course, someone like Logan would never settle solely for her. Of course, she wouldn’t be the only one he whispered to in between his sheets.
She should’ve known.
Logan was busy talking to his friends to notice her walk near him, until her hand found his and he almost jumped back at the contact. Until his eyes met hers and he pulled her into a hug, kissing her head in greeting, instead of using his mouth and the words in his head. He was good at talking until it came to her - to them. Then he didn’t seem to know the definition of commitment or anything serious relationship related. It were always just kisses and smiles and hugs and flowers and chocolates and sex and whispers and moans and giggles, but never actual words.
“You’ve met Colin and Finn already, right?” Logan asked, keeping his hand on her waist as she shook both boys hands.
“Yes, we met at that one party. You introduced us,” she answered as if it was nothing. As if she was the only one he should remember, because there were no others.
“Oh, right. I forgot, sorry. The one at Halloween, right?”
No, one on a random Tuesday, where he seemed surprised to see her out of her dorm for once. Like she wasn’t supposed to be there.
“Yeah,” she answered with a smile. “I’m gonna go now, just wanted to say hi. The day was really long and tiresome, but I’ll see you tomorrow?” She asked, turning to Logan to see the wheels turning in his head, searching in his brain for a free time for her.
“Yes, of course,” he answered, not turning around once as she walked away.
She wouldn’t see him tomorrow, she saw him and Rory, yes. But not him. The boy she started to love two weeks after meeting him because he gave her hope for meaning something. And when she was too eager for more than he was willing to give, he couldn’t understand why she stopped calling.
He really wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
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iwritefandomimagines · 1 year ago
would you ever write for logan huntzberger!!<3
absolutely 100% !!! <3
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nowimyurdaisy · 2 years ago
I keep meaning to write and then forgetting 😃😭
please send requests
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magewritesstories · 11 months ago
obsessed w ur gilmore girls EVERYTHING, would love some more logan whenever ur feeling up to it 💖 (even tho im a jess girlie at heart)
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[ ʟᴏɢᴀɴ ʜᴜɴᴛᴢʙᴇʀɢᴇʀ ] ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱ ᴀꜱꜱɪɢɴᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ
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summary: logan is in your business economics class and he absolutly does not work in class—except when you're involved of course ;) TW: none note: i'm also a jess girlie at heart, but im definitly team logan when it comes to rory lol, also i dont know what this is but i hope you enjoy it anyway.
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♣ you're pretty much the only reason he even attends this class ♣ he just sits in the back and watches with interest as you participate in class discussions. ♣ if Finn and Colin notice how his seat keeps getting closer to yours every lecture they dont comment on it ♣ speaking of Finn and Colin—they're both little shits (affectionate) ♣ the kind of guys to ask you the most stupid questions, and when you ask them why they even took this class they just shrug and reply, "it sounded fun." ♣ like what about business ec sounded fun to you?? ♣ (in reality they just followed logan)
♣ when the blessed day finally arrives and you ask him if he wants to work on the group assignment together he's over the moon ♣ (he has selective observation skill and ignores the fact that the only reason you asked him was because him, colin and finn basically had you surrounded in terms of seats) ♣ he obviously agrees and you exchange numbers to meet up and work on the project
♣ now, lets get one thing straight, logan does not work ♣ if there is anyway this man can slack off and get a passing grade without doing anything he will do it ♣ but now its you and there's no way he's making a bad impression by makign you do all the work (he will tell colin and finn to make up some stupid excuse to not be there (they have an entire book on them))
♣ you get a consecutive one hour of working in before he suggests that the two of you go get coffee (more than you expected honstly) ♣ he lets you order, pretends to point to something very interesting outside and pays for the food ♣ he also has the most satisfied smirk on his face as you tell him you're gonna pay him back ♣ "suureeee~" ♣ he also memorizes the drink you'd ordered and shows up to the lecture ten mintues before time just to give it to you and make small talk before the professor starts droning on about whatever's on the agenda that day
♣ once the assignement is finished (you and logan did most of the work) you expect to go back to sitting next to him in class for half the lecture and him leaving once he's bored ♣ like it was before ♣ and that does happen. sort of. ♣ except now everytime he leaves, logan sends you a message that afternoon asking for the notes on the lectures (he just wants an excuse to draw you out of your dorm to the nearby coffee stand)
♣ eventually, after he's spent an entire month making up the most ridiculous excuses for meeting up with you ♣ claimed he didn't understand a paragraph once—he was talking about a paragraph of his human recources class (this boy has no clue which book belongs to which subject) ♣ anyway, after a month of ridiculoussness that kinda makes you smile he's succesfully become a part of your everyday life. one day he's bringing you coffee, another he's asking you to meet up with him in the library to study ♣ so now that that part of his plan is successfull he finally asks you out.
♣ when you just smile and say yes, rolling you eyes as you tell him 'it was about damn time' he thinks he's fallen in love with you just a little more.
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