bonefall · 1 year
since the cinder reincarnation plotline is gone, i have a question. in the books when leafpool realizes that cinderpelt has been reincarnated and starts to treat cinder(heart)paw differently and even starts to slack on treating her because she believes that cinderpaw can treat herself. does this get cut in your au? or does it manifest differently? thanks!
Cinderheart's entire reincarnation plotline is cut and replaced by Po3 episodes exploring her BPD and relationship to the cats and expectations around her.
She still gets injured badly but this time around, it's a catalyst for an intense feeling of overwhelming despair. She lashes out to isolate herself out of fear that everyone will abandon her. A preemptive attack.
Cinderpelt's legacy feels like a trap taking away her autonomy, like a set of expectations to be wiser and braver than other cats around her when she just feels like the same type of teenager as everyone else. A worse one, even.
I'm a lot more interested in Cinderheart herself than the old plotline, which I've always been frustrated by.
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aldercloud · 2 years
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hiiii hi hi ^-^ kills you and bites you
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starshipsofstarlord · 6 months
“thought you were mad at me.”
“it’s a hate boner, i swear.”
summary. you and daryl, despite fighting and surviving side by side for years, have always had a tendency to get on each others nerves. the one thing he hates more than your recklessness however, is seeing you hurt
warnings. boners duh, swearing, mentions of death and turning, daryl skinning an animal, feelings, daryl being a boob man, no smut, slight angst, love confessions, implied smut
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
There were many possible things that you could do to enrage Daryl Dixon; you’d been comrades for many years and it would have been suspicious if the two of you hadn’t found a way to flawlessly get on each others nerves.
Currently you were seated in your station of living, ass planted on a kitchen chair as you endured silent treatment from the archer whom was skilfully removing the outer layer of flesh and fur from a lifeless badger.
Your arms crossed upon the aged oak of the table as you silently criticised the lack of noise - the air was tense and riddled with thick annoyance, it was difficult to breathe through. To Daryl’s dismay, your fingernails danced in an attempted rhythm upon the surface of which that were layer atop of, creating a chorus of taps that were audible within the quiet room.
The sound filled his ear drums, and his attention drew away from the black and white striped creature that was in the process of having its fur stripped from its lifeless flesh upon the counter, and he irritatedly gritted his bottom row of teeth. He was becoming tired of your reckless habits, and the fact that you cared not for making one sorry mistake that would risk your life.
Despite the countless chances that he had had, he’d never told you of the feelings that he quietly harboured towards you, he kept them locked away from your knowledge, afraid that if he were to open up, he would only lose you, or that you would reject him for his deep infatuation. And that scenario was already on the verge of taking place, you’d been foolish, and luckily escaped with only scrapes and a few bruises.
But he was angry at your carelessness, it was as though you didn’t care whether you continued to live or died. His knife slipped across the badger’s skin, creating a thin red line through the mammal’s corpse as he stared down at it, hoping the morbid sight would distract him, though the sight didn’t sway him from being mildly aware of your presence.
Each fibre of his body was tense, he knew that you were hurt, somewhere on your body that he wasn’t certain of, but you hid the destination, which only brewed furthermore worry in his heart and chest. What if you were bitten? That would be something that he would never forgive himself for, that he hadn’t been there to protect you from the most gruesome process that a human could experience.
You would either turn into a cannibalistic monster that had an imperishable thirst for anything that breathed, or you would need a deadly pressure to your brain to prevent the walker transformation from completing itself in the vessel of your body.
It was an incurable disease, and you were all infected one way or another, but the bite would only enforce the burden of becoming one of them to a faster process. Daryl’s brain was haywire with emotions, his hand forced a tighter grasp around the knife, until he released it from his grip, placing it beside the spoils of his hunt.
He whipped around, glaring at you as you seemed undisturbed by the catastrophic ramblings that his brain was swirling in by its lonesome. Your brow arched in contempt, as you hid a smirk as you had seemed to make a crack in his brooding. But instead of his silence, there was a riddle of careful treading in his determined steps that slowly but intently made their route towards you.
Instead of being flabbergastered by his sudden change in exterior motives, you remained exactly where you were, fearless of the concoction of emotions that were emitting upon his face. Your hands continued their dance, precipitating farther exasperation to coil around the stealthy archer.
“Show me.” Daryl’s tone was brisk and harsh as they fell efficiently from his lips, and you ogled at them discreetly, employing the thought of them upon your own in your imagination. With a toying smile sprawled upon your lips, you cocked your head in query, stepping up onto your feet, allowing the entirety of your weight to fall upon them.
“Show you what? How to speak to a woman, because your tactics really aren’t working Dixon?” Not everything was a joke, this was a serious situation to him, yet you could not fathom that! Your words only made him enraged with your lacking will to look after yourself. It befuddled each cell in his body to think with common sense that you had managed to live this long, but he threw that building monologue away and as far as possible from flowing off his tongue.
He cared and that was all he wanted to show you, but it was impossible when you were so… impossible yourself! “The wound y/n. I swear ta god you better not be hidin’ a bite.” The hissing undertone of Daryl’s voice shocked you, whilst during past events he had made comments of his distaste for your methods of ‘getting things done’, he had never called you out so directly.
A pang in your chest told you how much you resented him using that tone to address you, but you shook it off, understanding that he presumed that you were destined sooner rather than later to meet a set fate. “Never took you for a religious man Daryl.” You gulped in your efforts to smother your blossoming timidness, hunching your shoulders as you pushed down on your confidence to make eye contact with the man. “And I’m not bitten,” you huffed, refraining from rolling your eyes, “I can prove it to you if you want.”
“Yeah, I do wan’ tha’.” He sternly replied, and all of a sudden you felt vulnerable. You rubbed your lips together anxiously, before reaching down and bringing your hands to the end of your shirt, beginning to peel it over your head, throwing the material that now hid little from sight on the table. In the moment you felt no regret for opting to wear a bra, but you still felt the need to surround your arms around your chest, which only drew more attention to your breasts.
You craned your neck, gouging his reaction as you turned to angle your ribs to his eye-line, the prominent flush of pink and purple bruising painting your side in a tie dye artwork effect. His lips parted, as his baby blues turned their focus from their rude excavation of your subtle cleavage to your side, his pupils wildly darting around the area with both relief and disdain.
“Ah, shit.” He rubbed his face with his large palm, as he realised that another part of his body continued to be distracted by his the other parts of your body that were teasing him with their supple beauty. “We should see if there’s any ice in the infirmary.” He stated, awkwardly feeling encased in the roomy kitchen. “I’m sorry, didn’ mean to make ya feel like ya had to show me.”
He felt stupid. So fucking stupid. Whilst he was never brought up in that way, he always tried to be respectful towards women, and he respected you more than most general people. If he were to voice his certain love of you now, or any when after this situation, he would look like an utter idiot.
“It’s okay.” Your voice sounded smaller now, and hated that he was the one that had burst your bubble of troublesome words. “I understand, enough of us are no longer here. You needed to make sure, and I appreciate that Dar.” You bowed your head, and luckily you were looking at your own feet, Daryl thought, as he felt compressed in his pants.
“I’ll go get ya some ice, and some pain killers.” Daryl was prepared to rush off, but as he was about to brush past you to do the errands to treat you that he had just listed, your arm swung, as your hand caught ahold of his wrist, dragging him into your personal space. On any other heart warming situation he wouldn’t have minded, you’d hugged before during hard times, but not when he had a… problem.
Instantly your y/e/c eyes shot in the direction of his face that was blooming into the shade of a beetroot. You had realised, you couldn’t not have. “Thought you were mad at me.” You teased, and Daryl felt the remainder of his body grow stiff as he released you. He would never live this down, you would never let him forget this.
“It’s a hate boner, I swear.” He attempted to save himself from your prodding smugness, however he knew all too well that was a losing battle. Your face returned to its coy assertion, aiming your mischievous smirk towards him - his erect cock was your fault, that was obvious. And you had been on a road too long without even hinting that you felt something more than seeing him as found family.
To once have thought you deserved happiness would have sounded like a sickening joke, and you would have maniacally laughed at the delirious prospect, but your hue of vibrant damage from the impact that had clashed with your side, and Daryl’s morbid assumption had reminded you that life was truly too short to waste any scrap of time.
“If you forget about the ice,” you deflected from the ache that pinched your bloodstream, “then maybe you can forget about that badger on the side too and prove that you’re not breaking a swear. What goods a ‘hate boner’ if you don’t get to prove how much you allegedly hate me?”
“Could never hate ya.” Daryl leant down and placed a peck upon your forehead, as his hand ghosted against your cheek, brushing your bottom lip with his rough padded thumb. “Now settle down, ya need some pain killers woman, I ain’t playing games no more. I ain’t lettin’ ya pretend you’re fine, can see you’re not.” He glanced down at the large bruise once again and physically winced; he knew you were in pain, anybody would be with such an infliction of harsh force.
“Then how about we stop this game for once and for all?” You weren’t sure if your words were for him or you, but nevertheless you drew your faces closer, allowing the tips of your noses to brush. “I’ve loved you since- I can’t even remember when I realised it, it just happened. And from then on, it’s something I can’t shake, and I don’t want to.” You confessed open heartedly, putting the secrecy that you had hidden for so long on the table.
Daryl felt his heart jump out of his chest, sure you’d make some infectiously teasing remarks at his expense, but he never thought that a woman like you would have the desire to be with a redneck tracker who had been born into a life that already had its share of issues. “I-“ Daryl took a deep breath that filled his wide chest, as he realised that this was the moment that he felt as though he had waited eons for. “I love ya, have done since the first time I saw ya. Couldn’ get ya outta my mind, jus’ wasn’t sure that someone like you could ever love someone like me…”
“Trust me Daryl, you can be more sure about it than your hate boner.” A laugh tumbled from your lips, and whilst Daryl adored the sound more than the tapping that your fingers had done on the table, he decided to shut you up. With his hand on finding purchase finally on your cheek, he pulled you in, meeting your lips as your mouths melted together, his opposing hand hovering over your extreme bruising as though he could protect it from the air itself.
The kiss was filled with each memory he held of you, each flashed like a tribute in his mind behind his closed eyes, as he finally felt shockwaves of passion flow between you. It was the best thing that he had experienced since the outbreak had began, and each moment of turmoil and agitation was worth it. He was finally home, with you, the person who accepted him wholeheartedly.
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kaciebello · 8 months
🫰🏻Masterlist 🫰🏻
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Hello! Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy some of my writing! I will update when I have something written so I can promise no consistency. My main motto is to have fun so here I am to do so! Tada ~ Have fun! ♡(◕ᗜ◕✿)
Hogwarts AU
Social media ✂
Social media au ☀ Prompt list ☾
Series ✂
Delivery Express ✿ Badger express ★ Money mail ☼
George Weasley ✂
ღ Love accusations Summary: 3 instances where you deny dating George, and the one where you don’t. Much to Fred's dismay.
Ominis Gaunt ✂
ღ Trouble of three heads Summary: Sebastian sneaks something into the castle and the tiro tries to figure out what to do with it.
Sebastian Sallow ✂
ღ Trouble of three heads Summary: Sebastian sneaks something into the castle and the tiro tries to figure out what to do with it.
Draco Malfoy ✂
ღ Drunken confessions Summary: Draco has a crush, and as a typical teenage boy, he has no idea how to deal with it.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Luke Castelan ✂
ღ Band-aids of death Summary: Percy meets the band-aid dealer who has his friend so smitten ღ Bring a scythe to a sword fight Summary: The reader is gradually suspicious, not believing Clarisse is the lightning thief  ღ Strawberries with too many seeds Summary: Percy might feel like he is messing up the whole demigod thing, but he sure feels like he has friends here. ღ Offspring garden Summary: Luke and the reader are the unofficial parents of the camp, whether they like it or not. ღ Us before you and me Summary: Luke and the readers’ relationship before they became a couple. Luke is an absolute loser when it comes to crushes. ღ King of thieves Summary: Luke is naturally borrowing things without asking. He is rather shocked when someone beats him at his own game ღ Mission love Summary: Chris cannot stay still and tries to get his two besties together.
Clarisse La Rue ✂
ღ And they were girls together Summary: News gets to the reader about someone's crush., Clarisse wants to hear none of it.
Chris Rodriguez ✂
ღ One egg as the other Summary: Chris visits one of his favourite campers, purely just to annoy them. ღ Mission love Summary: Chris cannot stay still and tries to get his two besties together.
Nico Di Angelo ✂
ღ Sibling rivals, sibling allies Summary: Nico was aware his sibling loved him, to the point that lectures were inevitable.
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A DC X DP #33
InDependent Together
Imagine dis…
I’ve seen the interactions between Danny and the Batfam. I have seen him have either good or bad interactions with different DC characters, whether he is in his ghost form or not. I’ve seen how Danny is either angry at the world or angry at his brother aka Damian for killing him all for the title of the heir, and how happy and relieved he is to find his brother outside of the reach of the demon head.
But I haven’t seen much of Danny and a semi-redempted Vlad in a toxic relationship.
Gotham, a place where the worst of the worst came to live. Where gunshots and screams of murder are something out of the norm. A group of vigilantes made their way to the heart of the city, where despite all of its dirt and grimness, they still tried and loved this city.
Here comes Danny Fenton and Vlad Masters, who moved in the same neighborhood as the Wayne’s. Now Danny is under the guardianship of Vlad, why you ask? It's because a different tragedy occurred. If the explosion at the Nasty Burger was caused by his cheating on a test, now it was something so mundane that Danny didn’t know if Clockwork didn’t see the event due to it. His aunt also died in another freak accident and he sometimes wondered if he tempted faith too much ever since his accident.
 Having no choice he was placed with Vlad as his legal guardian, he wasn’t too keen on the idea but he saw Vlad slowly trying to redeem himself so instead of running away he chose to stay.
Vlad is both ecstatic and still in grief at what happened in a month. He was trying to be better, he was making progress to be able to go back to their dynamic when they were still in college. Just maybe this time it will include Danny and Jazz, but tragedy stuck, after months of hard work and compromises it all went down the drain. He was in the middle of his grief when a social worker knocked on his door to inquire about Daniel’s guardianship, which stunned Vlad because he would have thought that the boy had already run away or told the social worker himself that he didn’t want to be placed with him.
The social worker informed Vlad that Danny’s aunt had met her demise as a form of house invasion gone wrong. With no one else to care for the teen, the social worker went to the godfather of the child seeing that the teen that they are in charge with seems to be still dissociating ever since they looked for his aunt. Poor kid, the social worker thought, losing all of your family and friends in a single day. They just hoped that the kid would be taken care of and slowly heal with his godfather.
They moved across states to heal, to get far away from the town that seemingly only did was to take and take from the two. Vlad is gripping the steering wheel till his knuckles turn white, his obsession, the one he is too afraid of, and his primary. It kept yelling at him at the back of his head. Maddie Fenton, Power & wealth, and lastly Daniel Fenton are the secondary obsessions that he often shows, but he has another obsession a primary one that is something he kept hidden out of fear of being shattered, family, something he thought to create with Maddie back when they were in college. Vlad can feel it, the way his mind and instincts are all yelling, screaming at him to protect the last thread of his sanity and existence who is watching idly at the trees as they drive by.
By all that's left of my sanity, I swear to protect you, Daniel my Little Badger, at any cost. Nothing will stand in the way of keeping you safe.
Danny is also recalling past events, despite having protection as his secondary obsession a part of him broke, and he tried to prevent this event in his life. He thought the ghost of time that he saw as a grandfather would have helped him to avoid it. Didn’t he already avoid such tragedy, fight his future self and win? But in the end, it was still meant to be.
So now, his young core latched onto the last remaining member of his known family. If his past self could see him now, he would call him fraternizing with the fruit loop. He didn’t care, just the thought of Vlad just having a mere paper cut made him go near the edge or even turning feral.
With everyone gone, you're all I have left, Vlad. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, no matter how desperate things get, even if I have to turn into something more than Dan.
Both Vlad and Danny’s eyes began to glow an eery shade of blue and red as they both silently swore to themselves to protect the other no matter the cost. Both fell into a deep pit of promises and oaths.
The moment they settle down in Gotham Vlad, Vlad controls Daniel’s every movement, constantly controls Danny's life, deciding who he can befriend despite going to Gotham Academy Vlad begins insisting that the kids that attend the school are suddenly not good enough for Danny, something past him would like to have. Where Danny can go, and what Vlad can do to protect Danny from phantom threats emphasizing they now live in Gotham where every step they take is another crime on the tally. As a result, Danny becomes overly reliant on Vlad's advice and is concerned about making decisions without his approval. He puts himself in perilous circumstances to protect Danny, which causes shame and guilt-tripping.
Especially the last time they went out, they were held hostage by the Joker. Thinking that Danny was a Wayne. Vlad immediately went feral, without outing himself, and killed the men who held him down and brutally filled the clown with lead as he dared to hold Danny in such a way that might trigger his past trauma.
But Vlad isn't the only one who uses such tactics, Danny also starts to use underhand methods to gain Vlad’s attention and care for himself. Danny manipulates Vlad by stressing his vulnerabilities and emphasizing the necessity for protection. Danny with tears in his eyes recounts Vlad’s past schemes as a means to exploit Vlad's guilt and pity, forcing him to give in to Danny’s demands for attention. Danny instigates crisis circumstances, falsely promises transformation, and presents himself as a victim. Danny began to expect continual attention and validation, leaving Vlad increasingly reliant on being the only one to praise Danny. Finally, Danny dupes Vlad into offering financial assistance by inflating his demands or creating expenses associated with his human activities within their home.
Danny was relieved when he was chosen to be the main hostage instead of Vlad, but the moment Vlad began to go on feral just to save him. Danny’s little heart began to break, is he not strong enough to protect Vlad? What if he broke something… what if he suffered a heart attack?
Thoughts kept spiraling in Danny’s head as he had that vacant look ever since he saw Vlad throw the first punch to the nearest goon.
The Wayne manor began the morning with a buzzing of news that a new family is moving into the same street at Wayne’s Outsiders if you must. At first, they didn’t mind their new neighbors' quietness but something felt wrong every time they went for a walk or near that house, unfortunately, some cases needed their full attention than a quiet family that seemed to keep it to themselves.
It all came crashing down when The Joker, The prince of crime, met Danny, whom he held hostage thinking that he was a new Wayne. Vlad, the defender, and godfather, who was also there, witnessed his only and last godchild being held hostage by something/ someone he has a traumatic response and history. Brutally killed the Joker out of rage, startling even the most sinister corners of Gotham. The Batfamily confronted Vlad at his mansion and began interrogating him that he was dangerous and that Danny could not stay with him.
Danny stood between Vlad and the Batfamily, his ghostly aura radiating protecting energy. Danny, observing this, asked that they stay away from Vlad. The Batclan continued their efforts to reach Danny, bringing in various people to tell him what normal dynamics should be. Alfred, Barbara, Tim, and Jason attempted to relate to him, but Danny rejected them, his ghostly core erupting with intense protectiveness.
Vlad watched with triumph and dread, already knowing that Danny's loyalty would lead to a cycle of dependency on him. However, he didn't want to stop, as Danny was with HIM, and he was HIS.
The family of vigilantes, aware of the slow and painful process of breaking the toxic bond with Vlad, continued to reach out, hoping that one day Danny would understand that true family is about love and support.
For the time being, Danny, now Masters, stayed in the shadows of Gotham, imprisoned in his mind and house, both his mind and heart torn between desperate need for Vlad.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
PPS: Here’s another long one… And I got impatient in posting this one, so enjoy!
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cheemscakecat · 3 months
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I can’t help but wonder if Fritz was angrily thinking about BLU’s negligence for a moment. He had to collect himself before responding to Scout. It makes enough sense, if Scout just had a respawn failure that caused seizures.
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Clearly he’s not doing well, even this early in the movie. We don’t know how many Mercenaries had life altering, scarring respawn failures that left them unable to work, but it surely happened. Fritz is really struggling to talk about it, even with Scout being a friend and a patient who needs to know. You can tell he hates to dwell on it.
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The silent personality makes sense as a natural progression of that. Being stuck living with the memories and burden of Mercenaries getting mutilated despite your best efforts, being stuck reporting to people who don’t care like you.
Why not go silent and stare at the useless men to make them uneasy? To make them stop badgering you with ceaseless questions, to give yourself relief from having to revisit the trauma. Trauma that they didn’t care about or share, being the middlemen.
He was already fed up and angry, but not ready to lash out at the idiots “fixing” the respawn crisis.
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He was capable of fighting well, but didn’t want to be violent. Not unless he had to be. So the injustice grew, and the anger and disgust simmered.
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This was the only time Archibald and Ludwig were in the same room. He’s arguably the only merc on Blue who would have known Jules in real life, considering the respawn crisis. Soldier and Spy may have gotten their perception of Jules from what little they knew about the respawn crisis through their Medic’s words. Fritz looked at him with revulsion.
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Soldier imagined Archibald as a calculating, greedy monster who let good people die, using them as pawns. Conspiring under the mask of being a good person, using that to fill his pockets with blood money. Conspiring with Redmond and Blutarch, the old fools.
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Spy imagined Archibald as a simpering coward who made other people get their hands bloody while refusing to lift a finger. Someone who doesn’t care if his own men put themselves on the line, lying to them indiscriminately. Someone with cruel, evil men in his employ and those that were innocently getting used.
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Fritz might not even believe that Jules is dead, considering the fact that Spy was talking/acting crazy and lying about how Scout died. That, and his quiet personality is the one who heard the funeral speech, not him. So that could mean that his natural response to a living, breathing Archibald is revulsion.
Can’t say I blame him. Jules Archibald was an awful man, and the Administrator probably had him killed like the director when he stopped making himself useful.
That still left the injustice of being used, and the rage that comes along with it. Whether Fritz preferred to be peaceful or not, those lingering emotions needed an outlet. And as RED mercenaries continued to target the healer with childish mockery and attacks; and Admin continued to be indifferent and cruel, that outlet emerged.
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The personality that doesn’t hold back when it comes to a fight. The skill was there before, and so was the anger. But Fritz didn’t have a personality that was ready and willing to lash out at Users and Abusers. The vengeful one.
I think I know exactly what name he’d go by.
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illubean · 4 months
srry I keep doing super long requests so I'll try to make this one shorter.
Illumi, Chrollo, Feitan, and Leorio's reaction gn!s/o or crush who fights by shredding mfs with tooth and claw like some kind of feral animal
they see a cowardly enemy try to run, turn to him and go "hey babe, do me a solid and throw me." so they can drill down onto the mf and maul the shit out of 'em coming back just absolutely soaked in blood.
for bonus comedy maybe they say somethin like "that felt sexy. we should do that more often." or "lmao we should name that move..."
HXH With an S/o W/ Sharp Teeth/Claws
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Characters: Leorio Paladaknight, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!Reader
up to you if nen makes ur teeth/nails grow or if ur just freaky all the time
Warnings: violence
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Leorio Paladaknight
this man is HORRIFIED
forget him throwing you in battle bro he is RUNNING FOR COVER
the first time he ever saw you maul something like an animal was those damn pigs at the hunter exam
fuck a weak spot you just bit a chunk out of it and it died 😭
he is so scared
do not put your mouth anywhere near him he will run away screaming
he shivers every time your hand brushes up against him
poor guy
Illumi Zoldyck
you're like a personal guard dog, forget mike
he lets you take care of whatever business he doesn't have time for
and if he's going on a mission where he has multiple targets he'd bring you just for funsies
its almost like he's walking around with a chain chop at all times
if you asked him to throw you he'd be like ??? ok then CHUCK YOU LIKE A JAVELIN
he thinks it's kinda gross how messy you get especially since it like...gets in your mouth
he's already iffy about physical affection but this man will not touch you until you have been thoroughly sanitized afterwards
he won't even let you step foot inside the house
he WILL hose you down like a dog he don't play
"y'know you should throw me more often!" "only if you're clean before I touch you."
Chrollo Lucilfer
you know when dads grab their kids by the back of their shirts and swing them?
yeah that's how he's going to throw you
at some point it just becomes routine for him to quite literally throw you into battle since you enjoy it so much
why? he has no clue but he will indulge you
and every time its like fnaf jumpscare for your opponent
Chrollo is another one who doesn't like the mess and he rather you stay a safe distance until you clean yourself
the amount of hydrogen peroxide he has to get is insane
bro refuses to let there be bloodstains on ANYTHING and he will do all your laundry too
with gloves on of course
one day you came up to him and were like "maybe we should call that the flying squirrel"
Feitan Portor
he likes your style
you're straight to the point no bs and get shit done
sometimes this little sadist sits back and lets you do all the dirty work because he likes watching you
you guys were occupied with some lowly enemies and you noticed one trying to run off
and when you tell Feitan to throw you he does it with no hesitation (even though I imagine its kind of awko cus yk...hes a small man)
and when you rip this guy apart like some sort of rabid honey badger he's like
heh nice
and when you come back covered in blood and looking like a golden retriever wagging it's tail he is a #proud bf
"we should totally name that move :3"
he doesn't say much but he'll grab your hand and lead you away from the scene
you can't tell but he has a lil proud smile behind his cloak mask thingy
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tr4gictea · 1 month
how about reader who is a honeybadger human x house of hearth (platonic)
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Honeybadger!Human!Teen!Reader w/House of the Hearth
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Tags: child homelessness, orphan reader, fighting, jumping a man, illegal activity, fighting, curse words, oc orphans
Including: Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, and other house of hearth children
word count: 3,729 words
A/n: Hi! Thank you for the request! So sorry this took so long to come out. I got lazy and accidentally deleted half of my work while writting. But this was a fun request! I got to look into honey badgers, who are such interesting animals, and (Y/n)'s personality is based on a honey badger!
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Living on the streets of Fontaine isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Sure you have to scavenge for food people have already eaten, fight other kids ten times your size, and be ridiculed out in public by people for your ears and tail but you hide them under a coat so it's no problem.
Your days are usually slow with you getting out of bed at whatever time. You then head to Café Lutece in the morning you swipe food off empty tables, which are pretty tasty, sometimes. You then go down to Fleuve Cendre and see if there are any jobs that can earn you a few mora. These jobs usually require you to deliver illegal luggage somewhere, slip something in someone's drink, or whatever the commissioner wants. These jobs are usually highly illegal but they pay so well that you don't complain. Not to brag but you were pretty good at it. After that, you get lunch depending on how much you earn from the commission. Once nightfall comes you have to go and find a place to sleep. There's one spot on the roof of the court that every street kid in the city fights over and you are always the one to take the spot. No kids in Fontaine have weapons that they can fight you with, but you have your claws. These can rip and shred any kid who tries to take your night spot. These street kids know to leave you and your spot alone for the most part.
But today when you got to your spot you found three young adults sitting in your night spot. Two boys and one girl. The first boy was wearing a top hat with clean-looking clothes. The second boy was wearing some kind of sailor hat. The girl was some sort of hybrid with a cat because she had cat ears and a tail, her outfit was similar to the first boy's outfit but blue. These were definitely not street kids and you had no idea how they got here.
"AY!" You yelled the three turned around in surprise. "Get out of my night spot unless you wanna pay for hospital bills tomorrow."
The first boy stood up "So sorry about this, we will be finished in a min-,"
"No." You snap at him "You'll finish now or I kick your asses all the way to Sumeru and back."
"You know you shouldn't be talking like that to people who are much stronger than you." He flashed his pyro vision to you and the girl and the other boy does so too. He gave you a threatening smile. "Give us a minute."
Fun Fact about honey badger: It is said to be the most unbothered animal as stated in the Guinness Book of World Records. So unbothered in fact that they go up against lions and venom snakes.
So when the man threatened you, the words went in one ear and came out the other.
"So? You got a rock that glows. You're still in my spot."
"You're quite the feisty one aren't ya?"
The girl sighed and got up. "It's not worth it Lyney. Let's go," And with that, they stood up and left your spot. They only moved across the roof away from you but it was enough away where you could sleep without hitting them.
As you lay down you could feel those people's eyes on you. You supposed they were still mad at you for making them move but you didn't care as long as they didn't bother you.
The next morning you wake up, expecting all three people to be gone, instead, you find the cat girl and the quiet boy gone. But the giant top hat man is still there. He was sat, just staring at you.
You thought of saying something to him, but you didn't care all that much. If he was gonna be a creep let him. As long as it didn't impede on your day. You continued with your day as usual. The first thing you needed to do was get some breakfast. There was a nearby cafe, Café Lutece, where you could wait for people to finish eating and then take their leftover food. Their outside seating made it easier for you to grab food
As you got up from your "bed" the boy also got up at the same time. He had an unmoving smile on his face. It unsettled you to your core. But you carried on with your day thinking he would leave. But no instead he followed you to the cafe. You couldn't help but sneer in disgust at the people there they were all dressed in the finest clothes and eating the most expensive food and they paid no mind to the suffering population of Fontaine. You staked out in the bushes. Your unusually thick skin helped you not feel the branches poking you.
As you stalked and waited for someone to leave, the top hat guy sat down at the shop. A few people leave but the waiters are quick to take the extra food before you can grab it. It looked like you're gonna have to skip breakfast for today until the top-hat guy left his table. You race to his table and find that most of if not all the food has remained untouched. There was a chocolate croissant, grapes, and bread with a side of jam. You stuff your mouth with food immediately for some reason it tastes better than usual.
Now with your stomach full you headed down to Fleuve Cendre to see if there were any jobs. For some reason, the man in the top hat is still following you. He seems harmless enough and you don't care enough to ask him what he's doing.
When you get down to Fleuve Cendre you are lucky enough to find someone who will pay you 5,000 mora to jump some rich asshole, you take to job without a second thought. That amount of mora could pay for a whole week of lunches! The commissioner hands you a picture of the guy with his name on the back and a letter. He gives you his instructions and sends you off to complete the commission.
You were about to head off to beat up the victim when you realized that the top-hat guy was still following you. He kept a good distance from you but you could still tell he was following you. You had to find a way to lose him.
The commissioner said the guy worked on the northside of the court so if I get this top hat guy lost on the west side of the court you can hope that you'll never have to see him again. Right next to the entrance of Fleuve Cendre, there was an ally that had pipes that were easy enough to climb up to the roof.
You put your plan into motion and quickly ran to the ally as soon as you were out of the sewers. You looked behind yourself to see if he was chasing after you but to your surprise, he was slowly walking towards you. Once you got to the ally you jumped from wall to wall, latching onto the piping as you scaled the wall. When you got atop the roof you wasted no time a sprit off to the location the commissioner gave you.
Arriving at the meet point you saw that the man in the picture was already there. The man's name was Louis and he had scammed some big gang out of the mora he promised them. All you had to do was to give him some lame excuse to get him to a secluded spot where you could beat the guy up.
Jumping down from the roof you ran up to the guy in a hurry. "Sir! Please! I need your help!" You exclaim while tugging on the man's sleeve.
"What?! Don't touch me! Gods, you street rats are filthy!" So he's a man who only cares about himself? You were originally gonna say that your friend got injured and you needed to help carry her to a hospital, but you have another idea now.
You release your hands from the man's clothes and bow to him. "I'm so sorry sir, but my master has injured himself. Please I need help carrying him to a hospital,"
The man looks hesitant "Who is your master anyway?"
Oh shit. I didn't think about that. I just need the name of a rich person. "U-uh, his name is uh, Abreo! Sir Abreo!" You heard it from a girl while she was having her breakfast this morning.
"S-sir Abreo!" That name seemed to do the trick as his demeanor immediately changed. "Well, why didn't you say so! Lead the way!"
Perfect everything was going to plan. Once he was cornered in the ally you sprinted forward and ran Louis straight into the wall. It was a blur after that. When you came to Louis' body was full of bruises, long claw marks, and blood dripping down his nose. The commissioner said to leave the letter they handed you in his hand and to take a picture of the guy beat up. Once you did that you left the scene without a second look back. If you did look back, you would have found top hat guy admiring your work.
Once you got back to the commissioner you showed him the picture that you got at the job. He gave you a pat on the back and handed you your sack of mora. You decided to get yourself a little treat and went to a nearby vending machine that sold Fonta. This would have been the plan if you had not been stopped in your tracks by that guy in the top hat blocking the exit of Fleuve Cendre.
He was leaning against the wall facing you while playing with a deck of cards. "You know, I haven't seen someone with features like you before." the strange man lifted himself off the wall and started taking slow steps toward you. "Nor, have I seen someone who can take on a full-grown man at your age with only raw skill. And from the looks of it, not strength from how weak you look"
Wait, how did he know you did that? Had he still been following you? And did he just call you weak?!
"I've been following you around for the day and I have to say you would make a perfect addition to the house!"
"Hm? What are you even talking about stalker?" You quirked your eyebrow still wondering what he was talking about.
"The house of the hearth of course!" He said, "We take in orphans, such as yourself, who we see have the potential to thrive in the house! And you have earned yourself an invite with that show of talent today!"
"Nah, I don't do orphanages they'r-,"
"We offer three meals daily and a warm place to sleep."
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The house wasn't what you expected. You learned that the boy who recruited you was named Lyney. He directed you to a shared room where you slept with ten other kids about your age, you each had your own bed so you didn't have to fight each other for one. And it was apparently a rule not to fight each other?! It was a strange house for sure.
You met with some of the younger kids. They poked and pulled at your tail and ears. They asked so many questions like:
"Why do you have ears and a tail?"
"Because I'm a hybrid."
"Of what animal?"
"I don't know."
"Why not?"
"Why doesd your hair have two strips and not three?"
"I like the number three better than two so you should have two strips!"
"Okay, guys let's leave (Y/n) alone and stop asking them so many questions." An older girl said as a younger boy pulled you away from the children. These two were the others on the roof that night. You learned that the girl's name was Lynette and the boy's name was Freminet. They were both the quiet type and didn't speak that much, you didn't know if it was because they were shy or introverted. But something was telling you that it was both.
"Sorry about that," The girl spoke, "They get rowdy when they meet new people who look different."
"It's fine,"
An awkward silence falls around you three until Freminet speaks up "So, um how are you adjusting?"
"I'm alright, it's weird switching from the streets to a warm house."
"Tell me about it," Lynette said, "When Lyney and I moved from streets to here we were having trouble sleeping a full 8 hours."
"You lived on the streets?" You're surprised considering how well they've adjusted to high society, being famous magicians and all.
"Yeah, the spot where we met you was actually where we used to sleep. We went back there to show Freminet where we used to live,"
"And he was appalled by the condition we had to go through!" A voice behind them said over dramatically. You pecked over the siblings' shoulders to see Lyney with his hand over his heart like he was wounded.
Lynette rolled her eyes at Lyney and Freminet began to defend himself.
"I-i did not! When did I say this to you?!"
"I heard it at every place we showed you 'Oh poor Lyney and Lynette!' 'They went through such hardship!' "
Lynette scoffs at this "Lyney, stop that,"
He sighed and relaxed his body "I'm only teasing dear sister! I just like teasing our little Freminet." The magician says while pinching the younger boy's cheeks.
"I'm not that much younger than you you know?" He says swatting his brothers hand from his cheek
"Yes, but you'll still be shorter than me," Lyney says with a wink. "Anyways, I came here to grab (Y/n)!"
"Hm? What for?" you ask curiously.
"I am going to assess your fighting skills." You say goodbye to Lynette and Freminet for now and Lyney walks you to the training grounds. This place is filled with all types of weaponry from swords to crossbows. You're sure that this one room would be enough weapons for an army.
"Here," Lyney snaps you out of your trance and hands you a wooden sword. "The first person to step out of the circle loses."
"Hm? What's this for?"
"For your fighting assessment,"
"Nah, I don't need it," You say as you toss the sword to the side. You honestly have no idea how to use it. "I just need nothin' but my bare hand and 2 minutes. I can push you out of the circle."
"Oh my, confident are we? Why? You think I'll get scared?"
"You said it, not me. If it makes you feel safer, you can use a real sword if you want." Even if the sword hits you it not like it would cut you, you have incredibly thick skin that can't be pierced by just any blade. But you weren't gonna tell him that.
"Hehe, the fight begins when I say 'go'." He says ignoring your last statement.
"Three," He gets into a fighting stance.
"Two," You do the same and you bring your fist up.
"One." You take a breath from your mouth.
Lyney rushes fast at you with his sword ready to hit your face. You block with your arm and Lyney's sword lands on your forearm. He attempts to use the sword to push you backward and out of the circle. But you manage to stay in place by grounding your feet.
You lean your arms back and push Lyney away from you. "Impressive I didn't expect this much strength from you." You ignore his comment and decide to attack first this time. You speed towards Lyney he raises his sword expecting you to go for the face but instead at the last second you drop down on your knees and chop the inside of his knees causing him to fall on his knees.
"HA! Got you!" You say as you grab Lyney by his shoulder and walk him out of the circle.
"Impressive!" He said with a smirk.
"I won! That's one point for me!" You say proudly.
"Actually, I won."
"What?! No! I won fair and square I got you to leave the circle."
"Uh-uh," He said shaking his finger at you. "I said the first person to leave the circle loses. And when you decided to drag me out of the circle you also stepped outside of it first. So I won that round!"
"W-what?! That's not fair!"
"It's perfectly fair! Come on let us go again and I won't go as easy on you this time." He said with a wink. "And this time try not to lose unknowingly
"That was a one-time thing!" You bark back at him.
After a bit of Lyney's training assessment, he excused you to go have some lunch. He said he had to practice a magic performance with his twin Lynette and his brother Freminet. The lunch for today was a beat salad, creamy pasta, and a warm slice of bread on the side. But your favorite was the honey packet. And good archons you LOVED this damn packet!
The first day you were here you were sat down in a fancy room with a lady discussing what would happen when you entered the hearth and the rules you would have to follow. Bored by her incessant yapping you looked around the room for entertainment. Your eyes landed on a small pack that came with your tea you had been served. It had words written in yellow lettering on it. You couldn't read so you had no idea what it said. You ripped the thing open and watched as a golden substance leaked out of it. You sniffed it first, it had a sweet and kinda fruity smell to it. You then licked it. The golden substance coated your tongue in a sweet thick coat. You were entranced by the taste.
"Mx. (L/n)?" The woman across from spoke up. "Are you alright?"
You jump up from your seat launching yourself from your seat to the lady across from you. "WHAT IS THIS SUBSTANCE?!" You shove the pocket in her face while the golden syrup drips onto your hand.
The lady jumped back in surprise, "M-mx. (L/n), please calm yourself!"
"I have never tasted anything so amazing in my life." You stared at the small packet as if it hypnotized you.
"It is called honey..."
"Honey..." You sit back down while you keep staring at the golden liquid.
"Yes, can we get back to the matter at hand please? Now, other operatives will..." After that, she talked about some other thing but you could not think about anything else but the honey packet in front of you and took small licks so you could savor the flavor of the packet.
After the meeting, you specifically asked the person serving food every day if they could give you honey packets.
Back at the present time you were enjoying your lunch when other orphans from the hearth entered the cafeteria. To your surprise, they made it a point to sit next to you every day. Specifically Celine and Adrien, (They are not cannon in the games they are oc) Celine is close to you in age while Adrien is one of the adults that have aged out of the orphanage but still works for the fatui.
"Hey, little critter." You feel a hand come down on your head and ruffle your ears. You grumble at the gesture. You look behind you to see Adrien, he's the only one in this place who dose that to you and it annoys you so much.
"Adrien, stop doing that too (Y/n)." You turn back around to see Celine sitting across from you. She also places a book next to her and opens it.
"I would but I how can I leave these cute ears alone without any love." He says as he grabs your ears and shifts them back and forth on your head.
"Hey! Stop that dude!" You finally speak up and swat away his hands from your head.
He sighs dramatically and flops into the seat next to you. "Fine, I'll stop... But just for today." He says with a wink.
A different voice appears across from you "Maybe they'd let you touch them more if you just asked first." Freminet speaks as he places his plate on the table next to Celine.
"Nah, this is more fun." Adrien chuckles.
"Even if you did ask I still wouldn't let you touch them."
"Oh hi, Freminet," Celine greets the boy, "Are Lyney and Lynette on a mission right now?"
"Oh, no I just wanted to sit here today." He said sheepishly. You all continue to eat your lunch with light conversation when you turn to your side to see Lyney looking over the cafeteria when his eyes land on your table. He starts rushing towards the table.
"Shit!" Freminet ducks under the table in a rush.
"Hm? Frem what are you doing?" Celine looks down on him with her mouth full of food.
"Just ignore me! Pretend I'm not here!" He says in a hushed tone.
Just as he says that Lyney appears behind you with Lynette close behind him. "My dear siblings! Have you seen Freminet we need him to serve as a part of our show! And I believe I just saw him over here for a second."
You give him a questioning look and, unintentionally, your eyes go from Lyney's eyes to the ground under the table.
"Thank you (Y/n)!" Lyney says still with his creepy smile on his face.
"Wait what?" You say confused about what you did but then Lyney crouches down and yanks a pair of legs from under the table. He drags Freminet from under the table and hoists him on his shoulders.
"(Y/n) how could you!" He says as he reaches out for you. You watch as Lyney and Lynette exit the room with an unwilling Freminet on his shoulders.
Man, this is a weird ass family.
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More Genshin Impact Stories *ੈ✩‧₊˚
More Lyney Stories ₊˚.༄
More Lynette Stories ₊˚.༄
More Freminet Stories ₊˚.༄
Sorry I took a small break because I had an exzama break out and couldn't move my arm for 5 days because of the pain. But here is an extra long one for you all! Thanks for reading <3
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ambrosiagourmet · 7 months
Dunmeshi Daemon AU thoughts BECAUSE I CAN
Laios: She isn’t actually settled, though they both pretend that she is. They never stopped enjoying the flexibility of her being able to change, but during Laios’ time in the military it became clear that it just gave people another excuse to bully him, so she “settled” as a white wolf.
Before the events of the story, only Falin knows that she still changes. Kabru, however, suspects. The rest of the party finds out not long after they set out to save Falin.
After Laios becomes king, she mainly stays in the form of either a lion, a hawk, or the white wolf.
Marcille: Neither Marcille nor her parents had any idea when he would settle, which was frustrating for her, and especially hard when her dad died before it happened.
He eventually settled into a nightingale, not long after she finished Ambrosia, much to her delight. She thought it was all very romantic and grand, even if he does like to mess up her hair.
He doesn’t sing much after the events of the story, but she still tells him he is quite noble and lovely.
Mithrun: Absolutely does not have one. They got ate. Before the dungeon, they were a dove.
Thistle: He took the form of a colorful songbird once Thistle started learning to play music, and would often accompany him. Sometime during Thistle’s thousand years as lord of the dungeon, he separated from Thistle. He wandered the dungeon, spending a lot of time around the town where the people of the Golden Kingdom live. They recognized him, even long after Thistle stopped visiting.
Sometimes he would report to Thistle. Sometimes they would go years without seeing each other.
He wasn’t there for the fight with Laios’ party. Yaad thinks he saw him briefly when Thistle woke up on the surface, but he’s not sure.
Kabru: He desperately wanted her to settle as a bird (which are quite popular with elves and also good at eavesdropping) (yes, the bird imagery of the canaries is very much Part Of Elf Culture in this AU). However, she is a bengal fox. Ah, well. It’s nice to have a piece of his home stuff with him. And she does give very good snuggles.
Falin: FALIN’S IS HARD… I think she might change after the chimera.
I like a beetle for her pre-resurrection. Maybe a ladybug? Or a jewel beetle, if a ladybug is too small.
After the story, she changes to a dragonfly. Everyone (expect Chilchuck) tries very hard not to make the obvious joke there. Chilchuck just makes the joke.
Chilchuck: With his canon weight management, Chilchuck is practical-minded enough to have his job influence his daemon’s form. I think she would be a rat or mouse - something small that can help him with traps, and can fit places where he can’t.
A lot of half-foot adventurers end up with rodent daemons, actually, due to the nature of their usual work. This can be the subject of mockery from the same kinds of people who are happy to use a half-foot as monster bait (or worse). Because of this, Chilchuck doesn’t mind disparaging comments about her - they help him know who is and isn’t trustworthy. However, privately, he’s quite defensive of her.
Senshi: Though she wasn’t technically settled when he went into the dungeon with his mining group, she spent most of her time as something nocturnal and practical for their work. Maybe a badger.
By the time he finally made his way out, she had settled as a tortoise. Though he loves her, the tortoise form is harder to work around sometimes - she’s slow and she takes up a lot of space, and caring for a cold-blooded creature in the dungeon isn’t always easy.
It’s not until after he meets the party, when Laios remarks offhandedly that some tortoises can survive for months without food, that Senshi fully understands why she settled on that form.
Izutsumi: she doesn’t have a daemon. Throughout childhood, this only added to her fears about not being ‘really human,’ and exacerbated her feeling separate and Wrong.
During the encounter with the succubi, she realizes the truth - she is bound to her daemon. That’s where her beast form comes from.
Due to being bound together at a young age, they are unable to change form, and stuck as their favorite form to take at the time - a cat.
[metaphor for trauma forcing children to grow up far before they should too on the nose? No? Cool]
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months
PROMPT: Whumpee (Nico) Drugged for His Own Good part 1
TW: tortured, recovery, escape/rescue, drugged
PROMPT: a whumpee being drugged for their own good, looking up at their friends with fear/anger/betrayal in their eyes.
Nico was safe at last, surrounded by friends after months of brutal torture. He'd almost died in that wretched place so many times he'd lost count. But now he was at a familiar building, laying on a bed with his closest friend Marcus watching over him.
Nico had argued that he was fine, but the dozens of viciously-inflicted wounds across his body suggested otherwise. But he didn't want to be a burden. He didn't like to talk about what he went through in those months, but the memories haunted him every second of every day.
He put up a strong facade for his friends, mirroring his once tough-as-nails personality, trying to act normal again, but inside he was broken and afraid. He was afraid to sleep, for the nightmares. Afraid to eat, for the spoiled food he'd had to consume that made him deathly sick. Afraid to bathe, for fear of being drowned.
He was once the strongest member of his team as their leader -- unphasable, the most confident and level-headed of them all... but now... he was a hollow shell of who he once was. He wasn't the great and noble leader he used to be, but he desperately didn't want to let his team down.
He'd already done that once, the moment he'd made the heroic choice to sacrifice his life in place of Marcus's, given himself up to Villain to save his friend's life. That's how it had all happened. All the agony he'd endured... the days of endless suffering... it was supposed to be Marcus. Villain had tortured him for endless hours just to spite him for that sacrifice. Mock him for it. And it had taken months for Nico's friends to track down Villain's hidden hideout and rescue him. He'd been half-dead when they found him, barely clinging to consciousness.
And now here he was, trying to fit back into an old life with new limitations. His left leg had been shredded to bloody ribbons during captivity, so bad that it was hard to even walk a few steps. He'd probably never be able to fight again, lead his friends into battles.
Marcus sat on the edge of the bed he was laying on, gently rubbing his shoulder reassuringly, one of the few places Nico wasn't injured.
Nico had been hit with shrapnel from an explosion when he was at Villain's hideout, when his friends had blown in a metal wall to rescue him. The sharp shrapnel was buried in his abdomen, and his friends insisted he let them do surgery to remove the pieces that were dangerously close to vital organs, but every time he'd refused. He was terrified of the thought of being knocked out, an unreasonable fear because it reminded him of all the times he'd passed out from the agony during torture after screaming his throat raw and bloody, ruining his voice. He hated the thought of being that vulnerable, that exposed again.
But his friends had continued badgering him about it, trying to convince him to let them take the shrapnel out... except for today. For some odd reason none of them had mentioned the shrapnel today, despite constantly talking about it every day prior.
Nico's head pounded with pain, his whole body a vessel of pure agony. He'd been stuck in bed for three days now, barely able to do more than sit up and lay down again.
Marcus stayed with Nico almost every hour, sleeping on the floor just to stay near him and make sure he was still breathing. The guilt must be tearing him apart, knowing that Nico suffered all the pain in his place.
"It should have been me," Marcus said quietly, voice cracking as he rubbed Nico's shoulder.
"No," Nico wheezed, "it was my choice to make. Don't blame yourself for it."
Marcus still looked heartbroken, but he shook his head, reaching to the table at his bedside to pick up a glass of milk. "At least drink something," he offered sadly. Milk and other nutrient-rich drinks had been one of the only ways to sustain Nico, seeing as he couldn't keep any food down.
Marcus helped Nico sit up, and Nico couldn't suppress the sharp cry of pain at even that simple movement, making Marcus wince sympathetically. Nico took the glass with trembling hands and forced himself to drink. He had almost finished, when the room started dimming, and he stared down at the near-empty glass with dawning realization.
"No... you wouldn’t really..." He breathed out the words, tearing his gaze from the glass to stare at Marcus in sheer disbelief, utter betrayal twisting his features at the knowing expression on his friend's solemn face.
"I'm sorry," Marcus whispered, guilt and shame filling his eyes. "But we have to get the shrapnel out before it kills you." He stood up from the bed to stand in front of Nico.
Nico's face was devastated and hurt, before helpless anger took over. With an anguished shout, he summoned what weak strength was left in his ravaged body and lurched to his feet, swinging a punch at Marcus's face. Marcus easily sidestepped the attack, and Nico stumbled, a cry of agony tearing loose from his chest as broken ribs ground together. His legs buckled, the burst of strength gone, and he crumpled. But Marcus caught him before he could hit the floor, holding him up.
"...How could you?" Nico choked out, eyes stinging. The one friend he thought he could trust with his life had betrayed him.
"Because you're not taking care of yourself," Marcus answered softly. "And someone has to keep you alive."
Like a dam that was shattered, all the agony, all the feelings and pain Nico had been suppressing surged to the surface, hitting him all at once. He tried to jerk out of Marcus's grip, but Marcus held him tightly against his chest, limiting his futile struggles.
And then Nico couldn't help it anymore. He broke down, sobbing pathetically, tears rolling down his cheeks. He didn't care anymore if he was falling apart piece by piece in front of his friend, his teammate. Didn't care if Marcus could see his weakness and pain.
Nico's whole body shook and trembled, and another anguished sob escaped him as the world around him grew fuzzy and distant, falling farther away with each passing second.
"It's going to be okay," Marcus murmured soothingly into his ear, the guilt openly edging his voice. "You can let go. Rest."
But Nico was terrified of that lingering darkness creeping over his conscience, if he closed his eyes he might never wake up again. But it was getting harder and harder to fight it. He slumped against Marcus, slowly going limp in his arms even as he cried and sobbed helplessly into his friend's shoulder, the pain overwhelming. It broke Marcus's heart to betray him like this, but it was for his own good.
"No... please don't let me... fall asleep..." Nico begged pathetically, his voice starting to slur and fade.
Marcus's face twisted with regret. "I can't do that, but I can assure you that I'll wake you up when it's over."
"...P-Promise?" Nico croaked, his voice now barely more than a raspy whisper.
"I promise," Marcus answered without a beat of hesitation.
Nico clung to consciousness with everything he had, but the sedatives were too strong, and eventually it slipped out of grasp, tossing his mind into darkness, and he gave up, letting himself go limp. He was distantly aware of his friend gently lowering him to the floor, but nothing more.
Next ⏩️
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clangenrising · 8 months
Month 12 - Leafbare
The sun was warm and strong over Smokyrose’s fur. Laid out on the stone of the warriors’ den, belly full, with her kits splayed out with their heads resting on her side, she felt like those sunbeams were filled with pure joy. It was so rare that she got to spend time with the girls like this, meaning Fogkit wasn’t running around and asking a million questions. As much as she adored her daughter’s curiosity and energy, she wasn’t a young queen anymore and she was much better suited to activities like this.
Purring, she rolled over to let her belly get some sun. Fogkit and Slatekit readjusted. Fogkit yawned and stretched her legs out, shrimp-like. Slatekit mewled softly and pulled herself closer, burrowing her face firmly into her mother’s fur. Smiling, Smokyrose reached over with a paw to help tuck Slatekit against her side. 
After a moment, Slatekit spoke. “Hey… Mama?” Smokyrose opened one eye and twisted her head enough to look at her daughter who was staring at her with big, golden eyes. 
“Yes, my darling?” she purred in reply.
“Um…” Slatekit tucked her chin shyly, hesitating on the words, then asked, “Is daddy evil?” Smokyrose’s purr died in her chest. That was not the question she had been anticipating. 
“Uh, no. No, honey, he’s not evil.” She said, voice unsteady. 
“But um,” Slatekit chewed her lip. “I heard Sparrowpaw say that he had to fight him. Don’t warriors only fight bad guys?” 
“I see,” Smokyrose said sadly. She sat up, curling her tail over Slatekit to reassure her. She supposed this conversation was inevitable, as much as she had hoped never to have it. “It’s… complicated, but I’ll try to explain it, okay?” 
Slatekit nodded mutely and Smokyrose continued. “Warriors fight to protect their Clan, right?” Slatekit nodded again. “So sometimes they fight foxes or badgers but sometimes they also fight the other Clans.” 
“Really?” asked Slatekit.
“Mhm,” Nodded Smokyrose. “And the other Clans aren’t made up of bad guys, are they?” 
“No,” Slatekit shook her head. 
“That’s right.” 
Slatekit shifted, lips pursed in confusion. “But, so… why do they fight them then? Isn’t that bad?” 
Smokyrose sighed a little, a smile on her face. “Sadly, not everything is good or bad. Sometimes it's neither or a little bit of both. Sometimes warriors fight the other Clans because they need food or because they’re scared or because they get angry.”
“But you’re not supposed to do fights when you’re angry,” Slatekit’s brows furrowed deeper. She seemed on the verge of tears. “You’re supposed to go take some breathing time and then talk about it!” 
“That’s right,” Smokyrose smiled, proud of her little girl, “but people don’t always do what they’re supposed to do. As a mediator, it’s my job to try and help them remember to talk about things instead of fighting but that doesn’t always work. Sometimes one side wants to talk but the other side is too angry and just wants to fight and so we have to fight them.” 
“Is that what happened with daddy?” 
Smokyrose swallowed and took a moment to collect her thoughts. “Not exactly. See…” She paused. How did she explain to her perfect, precious daughter that some cats didn’t care if they hurt other people? That most cruelty was born from indifference? That some of the rogues likely didn’t have a choice to fight or not?
“The city cats who are in charge don’t want to talk about things with us, but that doesn’t mean that all of the cats feel that way. The Code says that warriors have to listen to their leader, right?”
“Yeah,” said Slatekit.
“Well, it's the same for the city cats,” Smokyrose said. “Their leader wants to fight so they have to fight us. Your father is just following the rules of where he’s from. That doesn’t mean that what he does is okay, but it does explain it, just like how Fogkit being hungry doesn’t mean it's okay for her to be snippy but it explains why she feels that way. Does that make sense?” 
“I guess…” Slatekit frowned and turned her gaze into Smokyrose’s fur. 
“It’s okay if it doesn’t,” she said. “Sometimes cats do things that are confusing. Your father was really, really nice to me and then he just stopped talking to me. It made me feel really confused but he probably has reasons for why he did those things.” 
“But that’s mean,” Slatekit pouted. “Doesn’t he love you?” 
Smokyrose swallowed thickly. “I don’t know, sweetheart.” 
“Have you asked him?” Slatekit tilted her gaze up again. 
“No, I haven’t had the chance.” 
“You should ask him!” Slatekit squeaked. “You’re always saying that you have to talk about things instead of keeping them all quiet inside! Maybe if you talked to him he would come and stay with us.” 
Smokyrose felt her chest squeeze tightly. “Oh, Slatekit,” she sighed, giving her daughter a few licks over the ears. “It’s not that simple.” 
“Why not?!” Slatekit squeaked, starting to cry. 
Fogkit stirred and sat up with a worried frown. “What’s wrong?” she asked, getting up to wrap Slatekit in a hug. “Slatekit, don’t be sad!”
“It’s okay, Fogkit,” Smokyrose gave her a few licks as well. “Remember, it's okay for people to be sad. We need to respect what Slatekit is feeling and support her.” 
Slatekit was weeping openly now, her little body racked with tiny sniffles and sobs. Fogkit gave her a tighter hug but she screamed and started to struggle. 
Smokyrose leaned down and picked Fogkit up by the scruff, pulling her away. “Hey, let’s give her some space, okay?” Slatekit buried her face in Smokyrose’s side and let out a long, keening wail, the kind that you gave when you wanted everyone to hear how miserable you were. 
Fogkit pouted worriedly. “I’m just trying to help!” 
“I know,” Smokyrose said, “but she needs space right now. We have to remember to respect her boundaries.” 
“Okay,” Fogkit frowned. 
Relieved that that was settled, Smokyrose turned her attention back to Slatekit. “I’m sorry you’re feeling so sad, honey,” she said gently. “Do you want anything to make you feel better or do you just need to cry?” 
Slatekit sniffled pitifully and said, “Maybe just you to hold me gentle?” 
“I can do that, sweetheart,” Smokyrose said, curling into a ball around her daughter with a comforting purr. Fogkit nuzzled into her mother’s side so that she could watch Slatekit’s face, tail twitching anxiously. Smokyrose sighed and closed her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to put Slatekit at ease, to bring Ghost back and have him be a model father to her girls. She wished that things were simple. 
But I haven’t talked to him about it at all, she thought. What if there’s something I don’t understand? If he’s as important as they say, maybe I could get him to listen! Maybe we could put an end to the fighting!
A tenuous strand of hope started to tug at her excitedly. With the kits, she had been out of work during the critical start of their interactions with the city cats. Would things have been different if she had put her mediator skills to the test? Could an open conversation possibly resolve the conflict without further bloodshed? A kittypet was dead. That definitely made her job more difficult, but at the very least, maybe they could agree on terms for the fighting to cease. 
She turned the thoughts over in her mind, tried to remember everything she could about the conflict’s details, and tried to make a plan for negotiations as she held her daughter close until she had cried all of her tears.
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bonefall · 7 months
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Cat? Gray. Eyes? Blue. Hotel? Trevago.
Design babble stuff below
Good god it's been over a year since I last drew her. I can do so much better now
I give her a wolf motif for BB, because in my mind it's about the myth of the lone wolf. Lone wolves aren't normal, they're pack animals. At first, Firestar sees her as this ideal, strong leader who stands independently of everything... but he's wrong!
She's NEVER acted fully alone! She's always been devoted to her family, even as it dwindled. Her ruling style is to protect other Clans, unlike any leader who's come before her. In BB, she even had a mixed-Clan friendgroup called the Forget-Me-Nots.
She helped to depose ShadowClan's tyrant. She sent Firestar to fetch WindClan, even against the wishes of the other two. She even fought Nightstar and Crookedstar when they tried to drive them out again.
She even takes the code SO seriously that she refused to kill Brokentail, extending a mercy that ended up backfiring.
And Firestar learns everything about leadership from her. Grace, diplomacy, fairness... and she was fair to a fault.
Both her and her apprentice would eventually face down Tigerkin, Bluestar during the coup and Firestar even lost a life after defending Hawkfrost for several books.
The only time Bluestar ever became a "lone wolf" was in her cruelty arc, when she was dragging everything she ever stood for down with her.
Her wolf motif shows up in her entire family, to connect them. It's in her nephew Whitestorm, her uncle Goosefeather, her daughter Mistystar, even all the way down into Curlfeather and Frostpaw who are descended from Reedwhisker in BB.
The scar comes from her fighting a badger to rescue Darkstripe and his sister, Cricketclaw, when they wandered off as kittens.
He's a mix of spiky and swirly, as a cross between his dad Deadfoot and his mother Ashfoot.
He's older in BB to change that he was an apprentice on the Great Journey, and also to fix an inconsistency where his dad would be dead when he was conceived.
I think it was a huge missed opportunity that Crowfeather's bond to his mentor, Mudclaw, is barely mentioned in-canon. In BB they were VERY close and Mudclaw was incredibly influential to his personality.
Deadfoot is dead-- Mudclaw was like a father to him.
Crowfeather is torn between the influence of his mother, who was a Forget-Me-Not in her youth, and the hard ideology of his mentor. All the while, the ego boost he got from being selected to go on the Great Journey massively affected him, in a bad way.
He ended up taking Mudclaw's side in the rebellion-- not because he believed that ThunderClan had told a lie (in fact he defends his friend's honor) but because he believed Mudclaw would be a better leader.
But eventually, he found himself surrounded by cats he didn't want anywhere near WindClan. Good intentions or not, Mudclaw was willing to work with cats like Blackclaw and Hawkfrost-- people who want a second TigerClan.
Crowfeather betrayed the rebellion, running to fetch Brambleclaw and ThunderClan reinforcements. In the fight, his nose was scratched in a chevron, the shape of Mudclaw's stripes.
I like the idea that he carries it with him, but always tries to put it off his mind. He mistreats and misuses other people, ignoring the reminder that he is a fallible person that's carved onto his nose.
died of infection. Sad!
All of his kits resemble him in some way. Lionblaze inherited his tail, Hollyleaf has the spikes, Breezepelt has the build, Jayfeather is a miserable git has the ear swirls
He was head of Kitchen Patrol until BB!OotS, but I'm actually planning for him to NOT be deputy in BB. His character growth feels a lot more satisfying in realizing he really doesn't handle power very well, and should stay away from it.
He has old relationships and burned bridges to mend, and staying part of Kitchen Patrol seems like the way he should plan to do that.
I talked about him a lot in Nightcloud's summary and he's going to be coming up in the outline of Nightcloud's Pannage a lot. Much as I love taking potshots at him, he's got a very kind arc laid out.
She is the daughter of LIONHEART whY don't you people give her A MANEEEE
let her be THICK
In BB, the Frostfour are actually from two different litters. Cinderpelt and Brackenfur were in the older one.
Frostfur was head of Kitchen Patrol at the time, and very overworked lmao
So Cinder and Bracken both have an "older sibling" energy. Their mom was usually involving them in every little activity to get some help. Brackenfur is over-responsible, and Cinderpelt was always trying to help out other people and prove herself.
Of course, it also lead to her running right into Tigerclaw's trap which was set for Bluestar-- she wanted to be helpful.
The injury didn't heal right and she has chronic pain. She has severe mobility issues in the hip, and usually keeps the leg bound to her body so it doesn't drag or hurt.
She could have still been a warrior if she wanted to, but discovered while healing that she loved working with Yellowfang. I also interpret it this way in canon, to be fair, but TNP decided to remember it completely differently.
After saving Littlecloud's life they became absolute best friends. They worked on a mobility device for Wildfur together.
They style their manes in a similar way, pushing it up into that "spike" on their heads and out of their faces.
Moonkitti's blonde Ashfur remains iconic, I fear
I draw him like a cheetah so he has the funky cheetah cub hair
I'm a HUGE fan of what the Erins did with the direction of Ashfur's story, with him being an obsessive spurned lover, but that's not really the sort of story I tell in BB!
So I approach his obsession on Squirrelflight as being very... Judge Frollo-esque.
Frollo's ultimate goal isn't to possess Esmerelda. He wants her, but it's a wrench in his plans to commit ethnic cleansing using his religious justifications. Hellfire is about how he finds a way to shift the blame for his own lust onto her, and offers an ultimatum; "She will be mine or she will burn (along with everyone else I plan to slaughter)"
In Frollo's mind, he "forgives" her for what she's "done to him." For what she is. He sees what he's doing as giving her an "escape."
It's not for her benefit. It's for HIS. By giving her this "escape," if she takes it, he gets to think of her as redeeming herself (and thus being worthy of him).
If she does not... then it's no skin off his back. He's Done His Part. Everything was always her fault. He is blameless.
Either way he gets to walk away feeling justified.
All that to say-- that's how I approach BB!Ashfur.
He wants to punish codebreakers. He wants the Clans to suffer for how far they've fallen from where they should be. They've become vulgar, ungrateful, unworthy of StarClan's grace.
He tried to kill The Three because he'd learned of the Fire and Tiger prophecy, and was only trying to protect the Clan. If Squirrelflight had CHOSEN HIM, then none of this would have happened.
He was righting a wrong, you see, and StarClan understood, in his eyes.
When Hollyleaf slaughtered him, violating the Code, it only confirmed he had been right all along.
And again and again and again, he offers Squirrelflight what she needs to redeem herself. He wants her. He wants her to "be better."
When she lets him down... then it's not his fault. She's forced his paw.
SO the blonde hair isn't totally just a fun reference, I also find it fitting because aside from the cheetah motif, he sees himself as angelic.
It's also why I don't portray him as "grubby" like some folks do, BB!Ashfur is much more vain than Canon!Ashfur, caring immensely about his appearance. Thinking about it, he probably won't even let his Bramblefake vessel fall into disrepair, he'd feel more grossed out than usual.
He also gets a very cool boss fight form at the end of BB!TBC which I still need to design lmao.
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cptapathy · 4 months
hey! what are you favorite ttrpgs?
Dice tumble
Pen scratch
A held breath
A promised climax
We sit around our table/
At our desk/in a circle on the floor
And together we laugh
And smile and more
We love these creations in our heads
As they dance and fight and flee
And as the night draws close to us
We hold them warm and tightly
These people we conjure are dear to me
For they are the crystal through which I look
To see the life I share with you
And the love we have for each other
Okay so my favourite ttrpg changes as I play them but right now it's A.N.I.M's EURKEA!
I have always been a fan of murder mysteries from Agatha Christie, to pie in the sky, Midsomer Murders, Rosemary and Thyme and everything in between.
I had run several murder mysteries in different ttrpgs and even a couple of murder mystery larps (including a spectacular zombie one) but I'd never found a system that truely captured what murder mysteries feel like.
Then I discovered Eureka and the Eureka mechanic and it all clicked. You could say it was a eureka moment.
I'm going to discuss in some detail the mechanic and give an example but before that everyone should go and
a. Follow A.N.I.M. on tumblr
b. Join their patreon so we can get the gorgan playable investigator. Go look at all the cool stuff!
Essentially A.N.I.M have separated dice rolls into two categories
1. Investigation rolls
2. Non-investigation rolls
Investigation rolls are when an investigator is trying to uncover information or clues to progress the investigation. (Pretty clear definition) non-investigation rolls are all other rolls (combat, hiding secrets, getting out of dodge etc.)
Whenever an investigator makes an investigation roll there are 3 possible outcomes
1 Failure - they do not success and/or complications arise - they gain 3 Eureka points
2 partial success/mixed success - they get part of a clue or a clue and a complication - they gain 2 Eureka points
3 full success - they gain the clue without issue - they gain one Eureka point
When the investigators have a full eureka bar they can use a EUREKA!
This allows them to roll a check with 3d6 and take the highest instead of 2d6 or (my favourite option) gain clues from previous failed rolls.
So to take the most iconic episode of Midsomer Murders as an example - "The Killings At Badgers Drift"
Spoilers and CW for references to incest.
DCI Barnerby arrests the foppish artist on suspicion of murder, during the arrest the artist's sister arrives and the artist crys out "I've been framed" and makes a sign of a square with his fingers.
The DCI Makes an investigation roll but biffs it, snake eyes, complete failure, no hope of discovering that clue.
Later on The DCI is talking to a woman at a call centre who was the last known person to speak to the victim. Apparently the victim said "just like poor annabella" before hanging up. Again the DCI makes an investigation roll this time getting a partial success, there is someone related who has a name similar to annabella who died from an "accident" and the DCI decides to investigate this accident as well now, thinking (correctly) that it might not be so accidental.
But now the DCI has a full eureka bar and so the player shouts out eureka to gain the clue from the failed check earlier. And so, that night, the DCI has a dream of all the relevant clues and realises the clue missed when the artist made the symbol and said "I've been framed" it was a code, to tell his sister that the evidence of their affair (the nude painting he did of her) was in the attic and could prove that they were working together to keep their affair secret. This new vital clue allows the DCI to search for, and find, the painting helping to solve the mystery.
And so that is one reason I love eureka, along with the approach to disability and monster characters. It's currently got a free demo and stuff, go support them they're great.
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pinklybleu · 8 months
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Summary: With Pietro gone and no place to call home, Wanda is now living with the Avengers. If only Natasha would look at her.
Words: 1391 words
A/N: Thanks to @badingsm for helping me, because this probably wouldn't have any title at all which means I probably would just leave it again in my drafts. :)
It has been more than a month since the event of Sokovia and Natasha still wouldn’t look her in the eyes, she won’t even acknowledge her existence at all. Wanda couldn’t even blame the older woman for any of this, it was her fault after all.
The other Avengers would try to talk to Natasha about her behavior when in the vicinity of the witch, which the spy will only respond with a sharp glare that always shuts them up and then walk away.
“Why can’t she just forgive you?” Wanda looked up from her breakfast to Steve who was cooking at the stove then to the remaining Avengers, bar Natasha, sitting on the dining table with her who nodded in response to the blonde.
Wanda frowned, she was about to speak up but stopped when she noticed the redhead entering the kitchen and sitting down at the table to eat, and just went back to her food.
The Avengers have been relatively nice to her even after what she did to them, they even took her in after Pietro died and she has nowhere else to go home to.
The men badgering the spy was slowly getting into the brunette’s nerves. It was something Wanda noticed about them, they tend to push their opinions towards others and contradicting thoughts often leads to a shouting match (mostly Tony and Steve) but not Natasha, she either calmly explain her side or just plainly went silent. On this case she tends to do the latter. Staying silent whenever the others would ask why she wouldn’t give the witch the time of day or even try to talk to her, not even a single word.
“Are you going to continue like this, Nat?”
Steve’s voice broke her out of her thoughts. She looked back up to the others and noticed that once again Natasha was glaring at Steve, silently urging the blonde to go on.
“At the very least acknowledge her when she’s sitting at the table you are in.” Natasha frowned after a few seconds before standing up and walking away without a word.
Wanda would be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed or even a little hurt. With her being new to America, and technically still not a citizen, she doesn’t know anyone else besides the Avengers and Natasha is the only other woman she knows. She would also be lying if she said she doesn’t see the older woman as a figure head, despite the spy being only five years older than her, especially after what she saw in the redhead’s mind.
“Please stop forcing her.” Her voice was soft and almost silent that they wouldn’t even hear it if they weren’t sitting a few feet from each other.
“I messed with her mind. It’s my fault.”
“Just as you did us, I don’t see how it’s any different.” Tony shrugged with a mouthful of food while pointing a fork in her direction.
“Yeah, but you helped us in the fight. We managed to get over that.” Steve commented pointing at himself and the others.
“You don’t understand.” She shakes her head. “What I did to her is not the same as what I did to any of you. I showed all of you what you fear, I couldn’t find anything within the depths of her mind.” Clint dropped his fork at his plate, making a crisp sound resounding in the silence of the kitchen.
“You… Tell me you didn’t.” he was looking at her as if pleading. She looked down at her plate, her hands holding onto the utensils tightly, as she felt tears welling up in her eyes.
“I… No matter how much I tried I couldn’t find her fears, so I showed her the worst memories she had.” Everyone but Clint was looking at her, confused. Clint felt himself in the brink of tears. He, being the first person that Natasha trusted after the Red Room, was told by her, trusted even, of what she experienced in that place. The very first time she told him; she was very detached to it as if she was merely talking about the weather. It took him months of convincing along with therapy (required, specifically asked by Fury) for her to understand that what happened to her is extremely traumatizing and not at all normal. Now, after knowing that what little progress he had on the redhead, whom he sees as a little sister, could’ve been obliterated made him a little mad at the witch. He immediately took a deep breath to calm himself down, he couldn’t blame her, she was manipulated by HYDRA and then Ultron.
“That’s why I understand why she would blame me, and I’m really sorry about what I did so please don’t push her anymore. She also deserves her space.” She left the kitchen, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore leaving the remaining Avengers to contemplate her words.
Maybe some air would do her good.
Wanda walked to the elevator with the rooftop as her destination.
The moment she took a step in the rooftop after the elevator door opened, she stopped. She saw Natasha sitting in the stone bench with her back to her, the wind gently blowing on her curls. The witch was about to go back to the elevator when she heard a voice.
“I know you’re there.”
Wanda stood frozen. This is the first time that the older woman has directly acknowledged her.
“Don’t just stand there.”
She walked slowly towards the redhead as though if she went any faster, she would receive the wrath of the other woman.
“You know I’m not mad at you, right?” this stopped the brunette in her tracks, slow as they may be. If she wasn’t mad at her, why does the redhead kept ignoring her?
Natasha tilted her head while patting on the space beside her, indicating the witch to sit beside her on the bench.
Wanda sat down while looking at Natasha who was still staring ahead, gazing at the view.
“I’m sorry.” Wanda blurted out; she couldn’t take the silence anymore. Natasha turned to look at her, brows furrowed slightly.
“I messed with your mind, so I understand why you wouldn’t want to interact with me but I want you to know that I am sorry and that you don’t have to forgive me.”
“Oh, honey. Is that what you think?” Natasha was looking at her softly, her voice sounding so gentle despite its raspy tone.
“I never blamed you for anything. The reason why I couldn’t look at you is because you remind me of someone.” She smiled as if remembering a beautiful memory.
“She’s my sister, both of you are the same age you know. No one knows about her other than Clint. She was only six the last time I saw her. I can’t look at you because I remember how much of a failure I am at being a sister. I remember how I failed to save her from the hell that I was raised in.” Natasha frowned.
“They took her from me. Ripped her out of my grasp before shoving her into a different cargo container. That was the last time I saw her. I should’ve fought more, maybe I could’ve taken her with me.”
“Or you could’ve gotten yourself killed.” Wanda said softly.
“Probably, but at least I tried.” The redhead tried to smile but ended more with a grimace.
Natasha sighed.
“Don’t blame yourself, alright? I never once blamed you for anything.” The older woman looked at her with sincerity in her eyes. She doesn’t know why but she felt her eyes stinging with tears as she felt the weight on her shoulders, she didn’t know she had, disappear.
“Come here.” Natasha smiled, opening her arms. Wanda leaned towards her, wrapping her arms around the older woman while sobbing.
“Shh. It’s okay, darling. You’re okay now.” Natasha pressed a kiss in her hair.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
gossip ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member!ofc)
“ sip the gossip, drink ‘til you choke ”
summary: everyone thinks that lorelei hester ‘lester’ alessandro's character isn’t good for an image of an f1 driver. all because she's more confident in her own body and her trusting relationship with danny ricciardo. she fights her own battles while her boyfriend acts as her moral support idiot. OR lester shows a way to handle the hatred shown to her while danny cheers her up with his typical off-track tomfoolery.
content warning: slutshaming (it's 2023 guys, know better), a whole lot of original characters' interaction w/ other ocs, shitty grammar, brief fandom crossovers (through original characters), explicit language, allusion to smut, supportive and slightly unhinged!danny ric, danny who doesn't like getting called a friend by his own girlfriend, one criminal minds reference, and two haters but let’s multiply them into 100 because I don’t have enough space for new accounts at my app :(
note: i also got some toto wolff content hidden too lol but the characters in that one are connected in some ways. lester is also connected to the characters in my toto series but uh... yeah! enjoy! let me know what you think!
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loressandro tweeted !
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loressandro tweeted !
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bonus tweets !
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brief translations from the messages:
tasso di miele = my honey badger
ti amo, il mio tasso = i love you, my badger
mandami dei nudi dopo = send some nudes later?
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I wonder what this people must be smoking.
I first watched atla on a nickelodeon marathon in 2009 and the moment where it was clear for me how much aang meant to katara was "i know the world needs him but doesn't he know how much that we need him to" and started comparing aamg leaving her to her father leaving her. How at this point can people deny she has feelings for him.
Or in the storm when said " aang is the bravest person i know", although her father is on the frontline, her mother died for her or her brother wanted to fight a navy ship alone just a few weeks prior.
This rabid zk shippers must rly have trauma. It is incredible that they are so butthurt more than 15 years after this show is over
I don't think they have trauma, they're just entitled and in denial.
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