#And Fearne and FCG stayed the whole way
meanderingpenguin · 8 months
Final Ashton thought. Once again they died a painful death and survived against all odds.
But the Hells stayed. They didn't give up on their reckless self-sacrificing friend. Ashton didn't wake up abandoned.
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utilitycaster · 9 months
Talking as players outside the game is an incredibly important part of having good PC/PC D&D relationships, and obviously the characters involved in the relationship talking to each other in meaningful ways is crucial, but I think the importance of talking in-game in depth to other people is really underrated, in that it not only tells the other player what your character is feeling without having to reveal it in-game to them, but also serves to engage other characters in the story and deepen those platonic bonds to the point where they might even serve as confidants or wingmen. To give a bunch of examples and what they achieved:
Vax telling Gilmore he didn't want to string him along made it clear out of game that his feelings towards Keyleth were his priority, even though it happened where the other characters were not able to hear.
Similarly, Vex giving her blessing eventually after her initial resistance signaled to Liam that this would not be a major break between the twins.
Vax asking Vex what she intended to do about her feelings for Percy served not only as an opportunity for her to voice them to someone; it also serves as a big green light for Taliesin as Percy to kiss Vex later that episode (which he had already from Vex's resurrection ritual, but it underscores it).
Pike talking about Scanlan with Keyleth and Vex allows her to make it clear that she does ultimately like a lot of things about him despite sometimes being annoyed, and her talking to him through her earring while Scanlan is very much not there but Sam is at the table also serves as this kind of green light.
Jester asking Veth about kissing in relationship to Fjord lets Travis know where Jester is at and invests Veth in-game in the relationship.
Caleb asking Jester if she's "sweet on [Fjord]" lets her openly reassess her feelings after an intense arc and also indicates in-game that Caleb has noticed.
Beau waiting to hear the sound of thunder signals to Ashley (who was not at the table but who was presumably staying updated on events) that Beau has feelings for Yasha; it also allows those playing Yasha (often Matt for pure RP and Travis in combat) to return that flirting, since the baseline was already established.
Possibly the most obvious example, but Beau and Fjord's conversation on Rumblecusp not only clarifies to the whole table where everyone is (opening the door, for example, for the scenes in the beer garden a few episodes later of Caleb having Fjord and Jester dance together and Caduceus encouraging Yasha to pursue Beau) but very much serves as a green light to Ashley and Laura respectively. This is then mirrored by them talking after Beau has asked Yasha on a date and Fjord and Jester have kissed, and everyone involved can "debrief" with their partners not present in-game.
As mentioned, this is mostly about PC/PC relationships because PC/NPC is an inherently different dynamic mechanically though still should be a conversation, but Veth describing Yeza and Jester asking Caleb about his feelings about Essek both give Matt clues for playing these NPCs and how things might be received.
FRIDA mentioning their crush on FCG to Deanna means it's not a complete surprise to Sam, since it is a very sudden relationship, and lets him prepare and decide how FCG would feel in the moment, and also establishes how Deanna will feel about it.
Similarly in the C3 Uthodurn arc, Fearne going to Chetney about Deanna is an incredibly good move from Ashley (to the point that talking about this is what led me to write this whole post). It lets Travis play out where Chetney is. It lets Aabria therefore hear not only where Chetney is, but also know that Fearne is potentially interested. It establishes a ton of the dynamics for a relationship that out of game everyone knows will not have a full campaign to play out since one of the characters involved is a guest. And finally, it signals to Christian as FRIDA what the situation is in case Deanna confides in them.
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its-your-mind · 7 months
Some Thoughts on the importance of physical touch and connection for the Hells: A reflection on the new animated intro.
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In general, I think the Hells are a really strange and special group, especially for a dnd party. They pretty much laid all their baggage on the table within the first week of meeting each other (What the Fuck is Up With That?) almost as a litmus test: "hey, here's all the shit that comes with being me, last chance to run away if that's too much."
and none of them did. and they all kept choosing to stay, even as shit got even weirder and more and more disturbing answers came to light. I think that continued choice from all of them - to stay - is what makes the bonds between the Hells so deep and so special.
okay trauma analysis and party dynamics is a DIFFERENT POST but it was all RELEVANT INTRODUCTION bc the CHOOSING TO STAY and the KNOWING EACH OTHERS' SHIT are like. key components to understanding why I am so feral about this. okay hopefully you will understand. the body of my essay is below. it has pictures. it got... too long. so. it went under a read more. yw. anyway click below if you want a very detailed analysis of an animated intro that is literally only one minute and thirty seconds long
For the first bit, character intros for Fearne, Orym, Imogen, Ashton, there’s no physical contact.
BUT. First intro of hells as a team. Ashton Trauma Flashback interrupted by laudna approaching slowly from beside him with her hand gently in front of him to signal her presence without startling him, and THEN just talking at them. Bringing him out of those flashbacks. Reminding him where he is and who he’s with.
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And tbh? For Ashton? Touch is always iffy, so this is almost a more understanding and kind way to bring them out of the flashback. Just physical presence is good! UNLESS. (unless) first actual touch. Fearne stealing their coin purse, so gently that they don’t even notice it (FLIRTING THROUGH THEFT callowmoore my beloved)
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(also grabbed the cap that shows her with his coinpurse these fucking ANIMATORS)
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Ashton's first instinct and priority is grab laudna’s hand bc he KNOWS she is made of paper mache and he is ALWAYS watching out for her out of the corner of his eye bc she is breakable and he’s not gonna let her break bc he KNOWS what it’s like to be breakable and need someone to catch you when you’re falling but ANYWAY. he grabs her he uses his hammer as a fulcrum to throw her at Imogen
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because OF COURSE he knows that the safest and most comfortable space for laudna is in imogen’s arms. and the two of them wrap their arms around each other and hold tight Superman style bc ofc they do and once laudna is in imogen’s arms she’s absolutely delighted by this whole situation bc OFC SHE IS
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(tf do you mean I can’t add more than ten images on mobile UGH fine I’ll finish writing then draft and move to PC the images are IMPORTANT TO MY POINT anyway insert lesbians here) (note from future mind: I have decided that these pic descriptions i left for myself to grab the right images are fucking hilarious so they’re staying in yw)
Then fearne (who had been on her way in that direction already) swoops under Ashton to catch him as he flips over from the momentum so he can land on her giant bird back and she can fly him away.
(Pics: It’s fine to touch Ash if you’re saving their life)
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(also not pictured: chet staying on the ship but losing his hat, orym grabbing it out of the air, imogen casting fly on fcg right before she catches laudna, fcg flying over to grab orym) All of this happens in six seconds by the way. One round of combat. These animators are fucking incredible.
BACK TO CHARACTER INTROS laudna who is ofc alone and in the dark at the bottom of the Sun tree, reliving her past…
(Pic: sad lonely laudna)
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right up until Imogen puts her head on her shoulder, and the darkness burns away into light. She doesn’t say anything, or talk with laudna - all it takes is that physical reminder that she’s not alone anymore, that there is warmth, that she is surrounded by a family who loves her so much they chose to turn down comfortable beds in a lord’s manor so that they could join her in sleeping at the bottom of the Sun Tree. (Fav lil detail - fearne wrapped around Orym like he’s a teddy bear, and holding tight to laudna’s blanket to make sure she can’t go anywhere.)
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fcg. Fuck. Starts with their flashback, with their red eyes and their buzzsaw, but almost immediately we see Ashton reach out to grab their shoulder and Orym whip out a vine to tie up their saw.
(pics: reaching out even if it might hurt youuuuu)
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Imogen goes on her knees and wraps her arms around FCG’s other side, and the rest of them all gather around him, holding him to keep him and each other safe, but mostly just grounding him in the present by surrounding him physically until the flashback fades and he’s once more aware of his surroundings.
(Pics: what the fuck they just need to be held)
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(once shit has calmed down fearne uses this opportunity to pick Ashton’s pocket again. Flirting through theft).
(Pic: fearne is a menace to society)
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final fight scene. fuck yes.
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This is mostly just giving all of them room to be badasses (as they deserve) - but there are some things!! First!!
(pics: THESE WITCHES BE BITCHES minus fearne sry fearne we miss u but you are on fire and laudna is made of wood currently)
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Imogen and laudna casting spells back to back, trusting each other to take care of what’s on their side. Inseparable, even in a battle where their party has scattered to fight other enemies.
BUT. The BIG thing though in this sequence. Maybe my favorite part? Idk I don’t have a favorite. But!! Orym. taking out four of Otohan’s shadow knights. then facing off against her personally!! And it’s one-on-one, because this was Orym’s task alone - to find the person who attacked his leader and killed his family. He’s angry, but mostly he’s honed-in and focused and determined. This is his mission.
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But then, when Otohan pushes him back…
(Pic: fuck. shit. fuck. im. fine. anYway. them.)
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FCG and Ashton are there right behind him, and they put their arms out and catch him so he doesn’t fly back any farther. And there’s this look of surprise on his face, because once he lost Will, he never expected there to be anyone else standing behind him, ready to catch him. And yet, here they are.
(Pics: fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes GOOOO ORYM!!!)
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They give Orym a push forward and follow behind him, and he walks back towards Otohan with confidence. Lil grin on his face, brisk walking pace - he even does a little fancy sword swoosh! Because maybe he’s not strong enough to take out Otohan on his own. But the thing is, he’s not alone anymore.
(Pic: THEY.)
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None of them are alone. And whenever any of them forget, or slip into old habits and memories, the rest are right there to reach out a hand to remind them.
Building a family out of broken pieces is difficult even without an apocalypse. But the Hells have shown each other, over and over and over, often with their actions even more than their words, that they really are dedicated to this family that they've built together. This intro fucking slaps so hard and the animators deserve so much praise for how incredible this intro is
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 3 months
DnD Combat and Critiques
Hey, so I have thoughts. I know! How unfortunate.
Combat in DnD is not always going to translate nicely into a narrative that follows storybeats. Like in a good fight, there's a plan - the plan fucks up - then there's a callback to some earlier themes that gets implemented into the finishing blow.
FCG did the last part.
It's the before that's the problem.
BH don't have a lot of synergy. Let's go back to the whole Dungeons and Dragons for all the roleplay - it's still a fighting game. And fighting games require some strategy.
BH does have a strategy. Hit the thing until it stops moving. And they usually do this through raw, brute strength. But when you're facing a high-level, Smart character, it's going to take more than bruteforce
I'm gonna out myself as a LoL player here. I know! It's really quite tragic.
But in teamfights, you do need some characters - like the tank or the support - who can pin down those highly mobile characters so they can just start hitting.
Yes. She had legendary resistances. But her resistances are limited. They had to burn those. Ideally, FCG or Fearne would have done that. Hell, maybe Ashton could have picked her up and squeezed - or tried to. Likewise, Laudna could have cast darkness and it would have crippled everyone but it would be some advantage.
This team desperately needed some way to limit her movement or ability to target them. But without that, FCG had no choice but to remain on healing duty and unable to chance spells like Banishment or fucking Plane Shift. Fearne needed to stay away from damage - let those better at it try - and focus on running utility. Aura of Life came way too late - not that it mattered bc again Otohan's hyper mobility.
I think it wasn't Otohan that was the problem. A lot of babies are kicking and crying that she was too hard. And yeah. She was. And arguably she wasn't the best villain for the audience bc yeah we know fuck all about her. Here's something to consider: Otohan was for the players, not the audience. At most, the audience gets a kick out of BH's reactions whenever she comes up. But her main job was to freak out the players - and she does.
Because BH is not prepared for high level combat. There. That's my critique.
When your healer goes into a rage if he heals too much, that's a liability in a fight. When neither of your tank-utility players have any reliable capture and crowd control capabilities, that's a problem. The most they had was Ashton's gravity well but she could clear that 10 ft difference with ease. They didn't need a fucking slow - they needed a stun.
This team is not equipped for a fight beyond brute force. They don't have a toolkit that lends itself well to tactics.
Otohan was absolutely beatable and I will die on that hill. They just didn't know how to fight her with the weapons they have. Outside of character growth, they really might need a good old fashioned shounen training arc.
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lizablee · 2 months
Done Enough (Critical Role Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Ashton found Fresh Cut Grass gazing thoughtfully at the stream. The little Aeormaton shone in the dappled sunlight, their chassis as pristine as ever—a bit battered here and there, but whole. There was no trace of their final, violent confrontation with Otohan.
FCG noticed his approach and their lights brightened, a warm glow of recognition. Ashton had always been amused by how much emotion FCG could convey with their metallic face. He tried to match FCG's enthusiasm with a smile, but what emerged was more of a grimace. His heart was heavy, still weighed down by grief even as he looked at FCG’s intact form.
"Pretty. Not a bad place to escape," Ashton remarked stiffly, his eyes following a leaf floating down the sparkling stream. FCG's expression suddenly shifted to one of concern.
"Oh no, should I have stayed back? I can return to the others if they need me."
Ashton placed a heavy hand on FCG’s shoulder. "Sit. Stay."
"Alright," FCG replied, a hint of relief in their tone. They must have felt the exhaustion from everything that had transpired; Ashton felt it too, and he hadn't even died. He watched the leaf drift away over a small waterfall, letting out a deep sigh.
“That was truly the worst fucking day of my life,” Ashton muttered hoarsely, his gaze fixed stubbornly on the water. He knew FCG was observing him, probably contemplating how to help—as they always did. The memory of FCG’s shattered lenses and dangling jaw flashed through his mind, and he glanced over to ensure they were indeed intact. To his surprise, FCG was also staring intently at the stream.
“It was the only way, Ashton. The only way to save everyone,” FCG stated quietly.
Ashton struggled to hold back his frustration. “But it didn’t save everyone, did it? It killed you. You killed yourself .”
The Aeormaton shifted, discomfort apparent even in their mechanical demeanor. “It wasn’t like that. I didn’t want to die.”
“I thought we were past this... I thought you were okay.”
“I was—I am okay. This wasn’t about self-worth. It was about saving you.”
Ashton’s anger flared. “I’m still angry with you.”
“I know. That’s okay too. I’d rather have your anger directed at me than—”
“Oh, I’m angry with myself too. I’m so damn angry.” Ashton’s voice grew harsher. FCG looked at him with sadness in their lenses.
“You did everything you could.”
“I could have been faster. Smarter. I could have hit her harder. Hitting hard—that’s all I can fucking do. But I failed, and you ended up dead. I’m not fucking okay with that.”
“We all nearly didn’t make it, Ashton. Not just me. I was losing myself; gods, I might have killed everyone if I had survived...” Ashton remembers Fearne’s numb recollection of FCG’s lights turning red in their final moments.
“Am I supposed to forgive myself just because everyone else failed too?” Ashton's voice was bitter, his heartache palpable.
FCG remained silent, giving him space. “I could use some damn therapy right now, Grass.”
“You’re right. You should talk to someone,” FCG suggested gently.
“Great. We’ll find someone in Jrusar.” Ashton stood abruptly and kicked at the stream, sending droplets flying into the air. The sediment swirled where his boot had disturbed the water.
“Jrusar?” FCG echoed.
“We’re leaving. You and I. The others can come if they want. We’ve done what we needed to here.”
“What about Predathos? Shouldn’t we—”
“Predathos is too much for us. We barely survived one of Ludinus’s lieutenants. Let the Tempest and her army handle it. They have the experience and strength. We’ve done enough.”
“What will you do?”
“What will we do,” Ashton corrected. “We’ll figure it out. Maybe take some jobs. There’s probably something left in the hole we could sell.”
“What about Aeor?”
“What ABOUT Aeor? It’ll still be there after the pros handle Ludinus. Maybe we’ll take a holiday there later.”
“I meant, what about the others. They’re planning to go to Aeor. Aren’t you going with them?”
“Hell no. You’ve already sacrificed enough for this cause. It’s time to let it go. If they want to come with us, fine. If it’s just you and me, that’s fine too.”
“Ashton, I can’t go with you.”
“Why not?!” Ashton’s voice cracked with frustration. “Why the FUCK not, FCG? Is this because of the Changebringer? She’ll use you until there’s nothing left! Forget about saving her!”
“It’s not about the Changebringer.”
“Then what? You want to sacrifice yourself again? I can’t—I can’t go through that again.” Ashton’s voice broke, a mix of anger and sorrow.
“I’m sorry, Ashton. I’m so, so sorry.”
“Let me save you this time. Please. You’ve done enough.”
“You know why I can’t do that.”
Ashton stared at FCG, noticing their lenses glowing brighter, glowing white . FCG reached out, pointing behind him. A sense of dread filled him.
“What is it?”
FCG remained silent, and Ashton grabbed their shoulders. “Tell me what’s happening. What’s happening to you?”
A divine light burst forth behind Ashton. He gasped and turned, instinctively reaching for his hammer, only to see dark, ruddy stone and a glimmering coin wedged next to an entryway. A sinking feeling overwhelmed him.
All he could hear was his own heartbeat and ragged breathing. Darkness closed in, leaving only a sliver of vision. He knew what he would see if he turned around.
He turned.
Gasping, Ashton woke from the dream, his body covered in sweat. Only the embers of a dying fire and the stars cast light around him. He spun, counting the bedrolls of his companions with a trembling hand.
Chetney. Fearne. Imogen and Laudna. Orym, perched in the tree.
No gleam of metal or glass. No soft glow of a gemstone or lens.
They were gone.
Ashton lay back down, buried his face in his hands, and wept.
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
i've only seen the scene once, so maybe i misread it, but... i saw imogen being kinda distant and stoic? detached hyper-rational? in her talk with laudna at the end. like, i saw more emotion in the whole fcg/fearne parents doll therapy. i'm not sure what i expected in this first "now laudna is scared and needs a friend" scenario, but i wasnt satisfied with the whole "she's evil, don't believe her. lets go we gotta solve our problems in order, there are bigger ones". again, maybe i misread it.
tl;dr: i think imogen approaches problems by just Feeling Minimal Emotions (sans rage), and Laudna and Imogen both have very distinct (and understandable) comfort/reassurance methods.
Hmmm. So, I don't really agree with this interpretation, although I can see where it comes from. Sure, Imogen was being very very- level, and matter of fact, and her tone very, very low and steady. You could make an argument for the detatched-hyper-rational tone, but I think equating it to a lack of care or even bad care really doesn't jibe for me.
A lot of this probably hinges on my personal reading of Imogen, but knowing that Imogen is the kind of person to sort of Shove All Her Emotions Way Down Deep And Do What's Necessary when things get dicey sets the stage here for me. Its been a rough morning. And after all that hubbub, after F.C.G is getting healed up- this is Laudna, normally her rock (ha), shaken and wavering and none of her usual stability in sight, Delilah threatening more and more, and Laudna is- rattled.
It makes a lot of sense to me that Imogen is trying to stay as steady, as calm, as level and logical and rational as possible, and trying to provide that to Laudna too.
I also think that Laudna and Imogen approach comfort and reassurance in radically different ways- and both ways that make a lot of sense for their characters.
Laudna comfort tends to be about- affirmations, and validations, and compliments. Its very positivity oriented. Its about 30 years alone, about isolation and a horrific death and people recoiling in horror from what you are, and town after town of hostility. Its about finding small good things and positives in an ocean of awful to hold onto and showering compliments and little gestures of support. Cups of water in a hand. Sometimes the logistics of things are bleak and tragic and the facts don't change when you look at them, but you can find the good in them if you keep looking.
Imogen comfort, on the other hand, has a lot to do with breaking things down until you can breathe right again, until you can corral the panic and the whirlwind and spiralling into order again. Its about- a brain overwhelmed with thoughts, your own and others, about fear that grips you by the throat and leaves you sleepless. Its about spirals of anxiety/thoughts/feelings that paralyze you if you try to indulge them. Its about- crushing the emotions down, the good, and the bad, before they can overwhelm you. Give your hands and your self something to do. Breaking down those insurmountable problems into bits and pieces, truths you know. Things you are sure of. Things you have to be sure of, so you don't get ripped into howling winds.
Or to put it another way- i think the surety, the facts, are meant as a comforting gesture from Imogen the same way a cup of water in the hand is for Laudna.
And. I think the more terrified she is, the more angry, the more there is on the line- the more still and sharp Imogen goes. ( 👀👀👀 )
(None of the above directly dictates how helpful it was for Laudna, but the intent? I think the intent was there.)
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 years
I never stay up for the whole ep any more, so I am so tired, but my heart is so full of love and pain and it was very worth it.
Ugh the fact that it was Laudna, who walks so close to death, who is Imogen's first and most beloved, who's dead now. That Orym and Fearne both survived (and I'm so so glad and relieved to have them back! But Laudnaaaaaaaaaa), but Laudna who was still hanging on by a thread at the end of last week who's gone now.
My heart for the misery and desperation and horrible choice of who to rez, but also for the complete lack of recrimination afterwards. It would have been so easy to bite at each other, to turn on each other, but they have been so so firm and stubborn. (And there's this pervasive awareness throughout the entire group that we're treating Imogen like a grieving widow, that Laudna was her person. Laudna belonged to the Hells in the way all the Hells belong to one another, but she was Imogen's person, and everybody there knows it, and every single soul in that group would go down on their knees on broken glass rather than utter a single syllable to suggest this is Imogen's fault. That it's anybody's fault.)
Ashton, so goddamn dead-set on fixing this. Looking for a thing to do. Ashton who spent all of last episode from the edge of stress to the edge of panic, because chaos was unleashing around him and there was nothing he could do. (And we get that backstory story NOW, after all that, the story of a small, soft-bodied child surrounded by primeval chaos and horror that tore through everybody they knew and loved, that's the story we get after last episode. But Ashton's not even thinking about their own issues right now. Just living in them. Just steeping in those issues, determined to find control, to take control, to make things right by force, to not be held helpless to the murder done by an uncaring universe.)
Fearne, Fearne who broke my goddamned heart, because Fearne is always, always, always okay! Even when her parents show up out of nowhere and her whole backstory comes crashing in, she has a smile! It's a smile of murderous frustration, but it's still a sweet little smile and an unpredictable Fearne who nobody knows what she'll do next. Fearne who is not smiling, Fearne who is on her knees, who's shocked, who's sad, who's scared. Who's panicking on her knees, "I don't know what to do, Imogen, I don't know what to do." Fearne loves Orym so, so, so much. She loves this group, collectively, even more. She loves so easily and with such genial gaiety but it goes so, so, so deep and she was so scared and over her head.
I am thinking about Orym's survivor's guilt and I am thinking about Orym wanting to be done but having more work to do and more love to give, and I am thinking about Orym stabbing the point of his sword through a man's foot and saying, "I'm the nonviolent solutions guy". Thinking about a 26 intimidation check and a very tired, very very unhappy halfling, who could definitely be a powderkeg if he wants to be.
(Orym saying, the de Rolos. Keyleth. Orym who is the only person in this group who's gotten the story of the Sun Tree on camera, the only person who could possibly have the context for just what reparations, exactly, Vox Machina might feel they owe this woman. Imogen thought Delilah Briarwood was a minor evil deity. FCG seems to vaguely think she's still ruling Whitestone. But Orym knows, as much as anyone who wasn't there. Orym's seen the Sun Tree. He's heard the stories. His father-in-law was there, the last time Delilah Briarwood died.
In conclusion:
I think I'd love to see Keyleth being the one to rez Laudna. Becaue of poetry, yes, but also because of the spell. Druids don't get Raise Dead. Druids get reincarnate.
I want to see what becomes of Laudna, when her age and species and body's history unfolds itself into a new shape. All those things she thought could never change again, even if she wanted them to. Does Delilah back off, if Laudna's new body is not undead? Does she get worse?
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sbrn10 · 8 months
Look, I apologize for being the hyperfixate on Laudna and Imogen all the time person (actually, I don't, sorry not sorry, this is my whole personality now) but:
Marisha has fucking weaponized the phrase "I like/love children" and I want her to stab me with it 37 more times. It's the most fucked up, precisely because her (Before Imogen state) idea of appealing to children is so horrifying, of course they run from her.
Can you BELIEVE that the primary thing standing between Laudna and Delilah's manipulation is Laudna's extremely low sense of self-worth? The fact that Delilah tries to tell Laudna "you deserve it, take what's rightfully yours" and Laudna refuses because it's not meant for her -- nothing is meant for her. Even Imogen isn't meant for her -- after all, she's a dead end, and Imogen should be able to live. The fact that Delilah still doesn't know any other way to entice someone than offering power because it's the only thing she understands -- and Laudna doesn't want it.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make everybody worry. *weak laugh* This is the second time you all have trotted through these woods to save me." vs. "the crippling obligation that [I] feel to everybody for risking themselves to save [me] ... still haunts me." (From fucking e49 when Laudna and Ashton were having one of their "Ashton is projecting their experience onto Laudna super hard" conversations, fucking christ) Excuse me, I'm going to go scream into the night.
"What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Did he manipulate you?" Laudna's immediate assumption that Ashton somehow coerced Fearne in order to take power meant for her, because she's lived with a voice in her head doing nothing but that for 30 years. I am lying dead in a ditch.
Look, I know everyone has already said it. I know. I know. But. Laudna: Will you hold me? Delilah: Always. "You swear you feel the shadows around you in this corner grow a little thicker, like a cloak of darkness that wraps itself around you." "You wake up cold and alone." Laudna: I miss Imogen. Laudna: Love is pain. But it is also warmth. I was so cold last night. Imogen: I go hug her again. Marisha. Girl. What the FUCK.
Laudna: You can give [the doll] whatever voice you want. Ashton: I'm not good at voices. Laudna: You can find a voice. What if I just died. Right here. What if, Marisha.
Can we talk about Imogen going through Laudna asking her to move on if something happens to her, like she's readying herself to leave, and then she left for real and didn't come back. Can we talk about how fucked up that was for her. Can we talk about how she didn't even get to be angry at Laudna for it because Laudna was visibly fucked up so bad it was something she'd never seen before. Somebody please give that girl a hug, like so many hugs, also my kingdom for Imogen getting to be angry at Laudna at some point (please also read Time Running Out).
Ashton: I thought it would make me better, and I thought a better me would-- [help you]. Imogen: You don't need power to be better, Ashton. Imogen is just so fucking tired, my god. Imogen is the Ben Affleck smoking meme about the people she loves being stupid.
Okay, a few not Imogen or Laudna things: - My god, Travis, what an episode for Chetney. "Plus, if you need it, just say you need it." / "Okay, I kind of need it." That is my emotional support old man and I just want to give Chetney and Fearne so many hugs. - Percy and Ashton being mirrors for each other across 30 years and 3 campaigns: truly the most Taliesin of all time. - FCG was so good at talking Ashton through his decisions and pushing back on the surface-level excuses to dig deeper but also staying open and trying hard to allow Ashton some grace despite it all. Growth dot gif. - FCG as a counselor at Wildemount Wildlings when.
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blazingstar24 · 2 years
Now that we know how deadly Otohan is, this brings into question the suspicious nature of the attack on Zephrah. Is that their only failed assassination?
Keyleth is a badass bitch and is on a whole other level than all of the Bell’s Hells. But still. We have never heard of these attacks failing to kill their targets. Sure there were survivors like the Anger and Orym, but the targets? They were killed. But this didn’t happen in Zephrah.
If Keyleth was the target, she fucking curbstomped Otohan’s rep. Because she lived and is doing pretty well. So of course our questions have always been if Keyleth was the target. It really doesn’t seem like it. And considering how we just saw how efficient Otohan is at what she does, there’s no way she would have backed away from killing Kiki for six years if she couldn’t finish it then.
So then what was the true nature of the attack on Zephrah. And it’s clear that Otohan remembers it well. She full on recognizes Orym. So it’s not like Zephrah was just a dime a dozen assassination attacks. It’s not a “I’ve slain thousands, you have to be more specific” type of deal. Not to mention that Orym would have been a no name guard. Why even remember him? Sure it could be that she just recognized that he was Air Ashari, but she made sure to call it out that they had met before killing him.
Zephrah is something Otohan remembers. And thus this brings anew the questions of who was the real target? Or was it even a person? Was something being stolen? Was the massacre a distraction? There’s still something to be solved from this attack. More than just justice for the death. The truth of why and what happened is still unsolved.
If I was to pose a total shot in the dark theory, perhaps Will was Ruidusborn and these attacks aren’t just on people looking into Ruidus but like what Otohan did to Imogen here. She’s trying to see if the people with “the seed” are strong enough or worthy to join her. So she’s been seeking out Ruidusborn, possibly some are like Fearne who wasn’t as powerfully connected like Imogen and had no idea. So she kills them. But they still carried the seed, so perhaps those that have been killed join the storm. Hence Imogen’s mother telling her to run. To not let Otohan find her, to not get sucked into the storm.
So what if when Orym dies and he has this choice between staying and going back (if they get to revivify him), he’s expecting Will. But it’s only Derrig. And he goes back because something is wrong if Will’s not in whatever afterlife they have. And Fearne tells him that she saw Will before FCG brought her back. She saw him in the storm that was going to take her if FCG didn’t pull her back.
There’s more going on here than we know. And the attack on Zephrah is a key clue in all of this.
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samuraiko · 2 years
A bit more on C3E31 <SPOILERS AHOY>
(This is because previews tend to show what’s beneath a ‘Keep Reading’ cut.)
Liam-as-Orym broke my heart again tonight.
FCG might be the Hells’ therapist, but Orym is their confidant. Even Ashton points out that of all the Hells, Orym is the only one who isn’t a Fluffernutter waiting to happen. BTW, good on Ashton for still watching out for FCG, and good on Ashton for pointing out that Orym is better than he gives himself credit for.
<side note>
Seriously, Orym? IMOGEN as the leader?! Oh hells fucking no - you don’t put the woman with the impulse control problem in charge. And I don’t fucking care, *HE* is more of a leader than any of the rest. (For real, it’s almost a tie between Imogen and Fearne as to which one is more likely to act first, think later.)
<end side note>
Orym spends SO much of his time trying to do right by the Hells - he listens, he encourages, he protects, he supports, and only TWICE, *TWICE* in 31 FUCKING EPISODES, has ANYONE asked him if *HE’S* okay. (And that was Chetney and Dusk, and we saw how fucking well THOSE both worked out.)
And strangely enough, I DON’T want FCG to be the one to step up - he thinks it’s his job to “fix” everyone. No. You can’t fix people - you can help them find the ways and the resolve to fix themselves, but you can’t do it for them. And what Orym needs is a confidant of his own... personally, I think Ashton would be a great ear for him.
The loneliness is wearing on him more and more -- he even admits that he WANTS to go home, but he can’t. He has to stay the course, he has to see this through, and I think on some level, he DOES want that because noble or not, he wants REVENGE for Will.
And GODS, Liam, that whole ‘The Reason You Suck’ speech -- YOU BROKE MY FUCKING HEART AGAIN. Gods, I love watching him so much at that table... the sincerity, the resolve, the... HEART that he brings as Orym is spellbindingly compelling and sad all at once.
<other side note>
I don’t know about anyone else, but I was fucking DREADING what cruel thing FCG was going to shout at Orym. I was actually silently begging, “Please, gods, someone knock out FCG before he says something to Orym. Please don’t let him say something so utterly cruel.” Because when Sam revealed some of the things he’d written down about each of the other characters, the one he mentions for Orym is Orym talking about Will and how “the time we had was real good.”
And if FCG had said something along the lines of, “He never loved you,” it would have been unforgivable.
<end other side note>
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thewickedkat · 2 years
the last thing the internet needs is another asshole with an opinion, but i have a tiny corner of the fandom swamp and it's mine, so i can sound off if i wanna. you don't have to continue if you don't wish to; i'm not your dad.
seen some opinions about the possibility of Laudna staying dead, and how that would apparently do everything from be narratively compelling and interesting to sucking hyena dick. i think both points are valid, honestly. would it be sad if she stayed dead? yeah, i'd miss her; i quite enjoy the unhinged humour juxtaposed with the whole 'i was a casualty of someone's beef with a band of heroes' darkness that Marisha is bringing to the table. but would i lose sleep over it? mmm, probably not.
see, i too think that it would be interesting if the Bells found no way to properly rez her, or if something went wrong due to her Hollow nature, something the Bells weren't expecting. how, then, would the characters adapt in the aftermath? how would Imogen cope with more noise in her head without Laudna's music? would FCG adjust their therapy toolset to help Imogen? would Fearne feel a sense of guilt out of revivifying Orym as opposed to Laudna? would Ashton be able to handle losing another friend, or would they get angrier as a defence mechanism? would Orym's sense of survivor's guilt deepen? would Chetney maintain and do upkeep on the little house he made for Pate and Sashimi as an homage to Laudna? how would Delilah (disrespect upon her name) adjust and adapt without a vessel?
these are all things that are interesting to me, the bones upon i like to cronch as i'm falling asleep.
'but Kat!' i hear you say, 'would you be saying this if it were Fearne or Orym who lay wrapped up in that carpet like so much baggage?!'
i'm delighted you asked! why, yes! yes, i would! because if it were Orym who were still and dead, then how do the Bells even carry on his investigation into what happened in Zephrah, if they even choose to? do they relay their findings to his boss? do they contact Dorian and tell him (and how would he react?) do they go to Yios in an attempt to find more information? do they send Orym home like they sent Bertrand to Whitestone, or do they accompany him for a proper memorial? how does Fearne specifically cope in Orym's absence, as she was closest to him for longer (and quite possibly viewed him as 'hers' because of her fey selfishness)?
or take Fearne: how would Orym do? would Ashton miss the little theft battle he had going with Fearne? would Chet mourn one who got away? how do the Bells tell Birdie and Ollie about their daughter's death? does Morrigan find out, and if so, what's her reaction?
see, the thing about death is that it leaves ripples, even if a person is brought back. it's about picking up the pieces in the nightmare wake of it, about finding the capacity to hold on to one breath to the next without losing your ever-loving mind. 'oh, but Laudna's arc isn't done; she didn't have a proper 'chance'--' no, she didn't. and neither would Orym have done, or Fearne. 'their stories aren't finished--' again, no! they're not! but that's why death is called Death and not A Rest-Stop On A Turnpike.
Molly's death in C2 was abrupt and unexpected and his arc wasn't done. neither was Vax's, really, in C1. why do you think VM kept saying 'i do not accept this' when it was his time? because death robs everyone, to some extent. even if one comes back.
if a person is so concerned about Laudna's arc being 'unfinished' or 'how she never got a chance to be herself,' then answer me this: are you just as concerned about the other six bodies that were hung on the Sun Tree? two of which, i remind you, were children. were their arcs not cut short? were they not robbed? were their deaths not just as monstrous and needless? or is it just because Laudna happens to be a PC? i am asking this sincerely.
i've done a lot of thinking since ep33 when all this shit started to kick off, and i still don't know where i come down 100%, but that's fine. i don't need to. i am just watching a game that i am not participating in directly, and i realise that my opinion matters less than a fart in a hurricane to the players. i'm just saying that i am interested in the next storytelling beats. because if death in D&D is just a stumbling block, the way some people seem to think it is, then i also ask: why are the players so visibly worked up about it when a party member falls? they know it isn't cheap, and they don't treat it flippantly. they know that even with all the right planning and all the diamonds and spell slots, sometimes things just don't work. and they adapt.
we should, as well. we can hope and pray, and in worst cases, mourn, but above all we adjust. we have to.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
as someone who gave up on c3 I stayed in the fandom mostly for lvom and now waiting for animated nein. I remember you having a lot of doubts about c3. did they get resolved? or did you find other things to appreciate? I would be interested to see your perspective since I tended to agree with a lot of your opinions when I was more active on tumblr.
Hi anon!
Good question. I feel the best answer is that some things have gotten much better, and some things have not been resolved but I am somewhat resigned. I'm putting the rest of my response below a cut because it may get long (might not! I don't plan out responses like this usually) and because some of this gets fairly speculative.
Let's start with the unresolved:
While I'm hopeful that the visit to Whitestone quenched the need for extensive Vox Machina appearances, I still maintain this campaign would have been stronger had the connections been more distant. I actually like Orym as a character, but I think the Keyleth connection does neither him nor Keyleth any favors (not because Matt's depiction is bad, simply because Orym feels overshadowed to me and because it means the party can always consider asking a L20 Druid to help them, even if the end result is a no). I also still don't like how few characters are of Marquet or have significant reason to be there, even as I enjoy the characters.
The plot is still heavily centered around Imogen's powers and her connection to Ruidus. I'll talk more about this below, but I think this could have been handled well, and I place the blame squarely on Matt here, but it's not and as a result Imogen gets little room to breathe or develop. I like her as a character, but she's perpetually overwhelmed; her best moments have been, for me, in the episodes before the main character status was more solidified, or in episodes centering other characters (some of the Bassuras episodes; Chetney's time with the Gorgynei).
Related to the above, this is a heavily railroaded campaign. That is not bad. EXU Calamity was pretty railroaded, as are many Dimension 20 shows. I think the problem is that this didn't have the needs of railroading met. The best way to think about it is that Matt is basically running a looser-than-usual but still extant custom module. There are specific beats to be hit. When you run a module, as a DM, one generally tells people you're doing it and to build characters surrounding it. I still don't feel that was done. I think that had Matt said "hey, this is going to be a Ruidus-centric, lore-heavy campaign; build characters who have reason to be interested or who'd go along" then yes, he'd have spoiled the surprise, but not by much, and I think the characters would be much more suited to the plot (higher int, more tied to institutions in Marquet, etc) and the pacing issues wouldn't exist because it feels like Matt has been trying to obscure the railroading; things have gotten much better following recent episodes because we got the full lore dump and now have an actual task. Some slightly different expectation-setting would have been transformative with not a whole lot of effort.
The good
The characters and their relationships have gotten much better. Getting rid of Delilah has resolved most of my issues with Laudna though I'm unimpressed with her build; Chetney, Ashton, and Fearne were always great; my issues with Imogen stem only from her being Designated Main Character which wasn't an issue with Laura's concept; I discussed Orym above; and FCG in particular has been totally changed. Giving FCG a deity and having them start to question their purpose following a meeting with Dancer fixed most of my issues. They are still pushy, but in a way that feels much more friendly than the initial intrusive way; Sam is finally settling into playing a cleric more capably; and I love every part of the Changebringer arc. I also am a sucker for the Chef feat. As a recent poll on this website indicated, I can put up with a meandering plot if the characters are compelling (*cough* this is why early Mighty Nein, or Vox Machina pre-Briarwoods, are still largely good) so now that the group has meshed it's much more enjoyable. It still took longer than I wish it had, I still would like further deepening of relationships, and I completely respect that people lost patience, but we got to a much better place.
The pacing isn't perfect - we're getting shunted from place to place in a way that feels like late campaign, and giving this group so much power and connections has meant we don't get to see a ton of the continent - but it's much better. The Yios casino episode was a highlight, as were Chetney's episodes, and I'm hoping the upcoming skyship episodes will have some opportunities for conversations. I am not terribly optimistic that we'll get tons of downtime before the apogee solstice, but I am hoping that the plot is this: Bells Hells and their allies thwart the plans of the solstice, everyone has to regroup, and there is time to cover characters other than Imogen in depth for a length of time before we return back. I still suspect this will be a campaign closer to VM's in length than the Nein's, but that's still like 100 episodes so I'm hoping it's like, solstice in the 50s, 30-40 episodes of other stuff, moon plot returneth.
The NPCs and worldbuilding are consistently great; I just wish we could spend more time with them. As I say above, I hope that we put the moon plot on hold after the solstice and can deal with everyone else's stuff. I in particular am fascinated by Ashton and Chetney's stuff; I also think Laudna's hiding a lot that would make her more interesting, and I would love to know the full history of FCG even if he's not terribly curious.
The speculative
I have said this is speculative a few times and I'm saying it once more. I don't know if this is true, but like. This is essentially what I would say to Matt if somehow we crossed paths and he said "hey, as a fan, I was wondering why the response to Campaign 3 seems comparably muted from your perspective."
My guess is that this is the last long-form campaign Critical Role will do. It's understandable; if this runs 100-ish episodes that puts us at the 9-10 year mark of almost-weekly episodes, not counting the covid hiatus, and that is a LOT for a busy group of people working on concurrent animated series and sustaining outside acting careers. This isn't a podcast; it's filmed on a full set and takes a lot of time. I suspect - and hope! - that there will be plenty more content, in the form of EXU seasons, one-shots, and even shorter campaigns with the main cast (a la D20). And if I'm proven wrong and a full-length Campaign 4 is announced in the future, I will be ecstatic to eat my words. I cannot stress how happy I would be if I'm wrong here. But that is my guess.
So what I think has happened is this:
Matt has lore he really wants to reveal and has been seeding through the past two campaigns
Matt does not want to tell the cast not to play a character they've been thinking of, because this is the last time they'll get to do it for 100+ episodes.
And I think those two things together explain everything we're seeing. The Ruidus plot has to happen...but he didn't tell the cast.
Anyway hope this helps! I really appreciate you saying you like what I've had to say in the past, and see you for the Nein series and any future one-shots!
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willowbirds · 2 years
✨I’m gonna make this and no one can stop me!!✨
I decided to listen to the first episode of campaign 3 again because I had nothing else to do and I realized that Bell’s Hells are actually a bit different from where they first started.
It’s of course character development and the players getting comfortable playing their new characters, but I thought about how much the characters have changed from episode 1 all the way to now.
Obviously not every character has been through the same amount of growth throughout to campaign so far, but these are some of the things I personally noticed.
(Feel free to add in case I missed something. This is just what my brain has observed)
- Was distrustful
- Only did things for money
- Wasn’t sure how to feel about FCG
- Would murder anyone for FCG
- Greatly cares for their friends
- Is willing to give people a chance (but if you fuck it up you are not getting a second one)
- Most likely has abandonment issues
- Living life to fullest and having fun
- Is not actually as scary as she seems
- Probably alright being a little off putting
- Is dealing with so much trauma and is trying to cope with it
- Doesn’t want anything to happen to the first person that actually gave her a chance in years
- Is actually really scary and maybe doesn’t want to be?
- Little ball of sunshine
- No thoughts, head empty
- Wants to help anyway they can
- Is having an existential crisis because their whole life was a lie
- Is now slowly dealing with burnout, but doesn’t know how to handle it
- Is not only dealing with his trauma, but his friends trauma as well (It’s taking a number on him)
- Is still coming to terms with the fact that he might actually be sentient and a living creature
- Is more shy and tries to hide herself
- Soft spoken
- Doesn’t like swearing
- Doesn’t know how to feel about all the new voices in her head now that she’s traveling with more people
- Is more assertive (with a soft voice still)
- More confident and vibrant, but still stays quiet when need be
- Literally swears every other sentence
- Is a badass and also terrifying
- Does things because she feels like it
- Is here for the chaos
- Is full of love and support
- Is still very similar, but she’s trying to figure things out
- Parent of the group
- There to protect others (He’s a guard so it makes sense)
- Seems well put together
- Is dealing with the grief of loosing his husband
- Is paranoid that something could happen to the group
- Is starting to lean back and be an older sibling rather then a parent
- Crazy old gnome man
- Silly goofy werewolf (Recognize the Alpha)
- Is a bit lonely
- Is still a silly old gnome werewolf
- Genuinely cares about his friends even though he may seem cruel
- Cheerful bard having a good time
- Cares deeply for his friends
- Is a dork
- Is a runaway prince
- Just wants to be free
- Doesn’t want to be something he’s not
Traumatized and neglected people from across Exandria felt lost and alone, but found a group of weirdos like them. Now they can all grow and learn to be themselves without fear.
(The fact that so much development has already happened in less then 30 episodes is amazing. They all bring out the best in each other.
And because Bell’s Hells are so genuine and caring towards weirdos and others who don’t fit in, it lead them to being manipulated by someone who used them for their own personal gain without a care for the Hells’ wellbeing.)
They’re just a bunch of weirdos, and weirdos have to stick together.
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elliesgaymachete · 2 years
Quick analysis about the likelihood of each character making it out alive. Feel free to ignore or not read, it’s just ideas that have been kicking around in my head since Thursday.
The facts are these:
FCG has one (1) spell slot left for Revivify
Fearne and Orym I think have only been dead for one round? Maybe fearne 1 and Orym 2. I’m not sure exactly but basically it hasn’t been long at all
Laudna is down 2 death saving throws BUT she has a 25% chance of coming back up at 1 hp
Fearne has multiple 3rd level slots left (someone else on here did an analysis of the exact number) and as a wildfire druid she always has Revivify prepared
They have multiple diamonds. I don’t know exactly How many but I want to say at least 2-3
Also the cast has had a whole week to talk and strategize and figure out who has what resources and what they need to do
Based on all of this there are A LOT of likely outcomes, a lot of which have multiple people surviving.
One character at a time, let’s start with Fearne. Fearne has a pretty good chance of making it out alive because, if they’re banking on her to revive any other players, it makes the most strategic sense. She hasn’t been down very long and it shouldn’t take more than two or three rounds to get to her (she was a little off the map but not too far). And her coming back will either depend on the dice roll, or maybe Matt will forgo that rule like he did on occasion in c2, we’ll see. But basically, Fearne will probably be the first Revivify target and everyone else’s odds of surviving are dependent on that.
Next, Laudna. Girl has a 25% chance of popping back up at 1 HP again and when you’re counting on Delilah Briarwood and the lengths people will go for the ones they love, those are some pretty good odds. She also has a 25% chance of not dying but just staying unconscious. If that happens, I believe Laudna is between FCG and Fearne, so they could pop a quick spare the dying into her while he’s on the way and she will be fine. If that doesn’t work and she does die before anything else can help or stabilize her, then she’s pretty dependent on both Fearne coming back to life AND them having at least 3 diamonds (my guess is that Fearne would try to save Orym first because she’s known him longer and he’s been dead longer and he’s physically closer to her). Still, despite all that, there’s a lot gunning for Laudna so I think she might have the highest chance of survival of the three of them
Lastly, my boy Orym. Sadly, I think he may have the lowest chance of survival just because he has been dead the longest. Let’s overestimate just in case, but if he’s been dead 2 rounds, and it takes 3 rounds for FCG to get to Fearne, and Fearne 3 rounds to get to Orym (she would have to get up from prone so half movement one round), then she would get to him about round 8 of him being dead, cutting it pretty close. Again, I am overestimating, so hopefully in game it would be a lot quicker than that, or Matt will be a little more loosey goosey with the rules. But Orym’s survival is entirely dependent on both a successful revivify for both Fearne AND himself. Still good odds, just lower than the others
Finally, Matt said he always talks to the players to see what they want. Based on the last 4 sided dive where Ashley said there’s still so much left to explore, it doesn’t feel like she’s ready to let go of Fearne yet. Plus the fact that she was in and out for both campaigns 1 and 2, Fearne was her first chance to fully explore a character for the entirety of a campaign, I don’t know if she would want to let that go.
I feel like Marisha is invested in Delilah’s game and wants to see where that goes, but also since Laudna’s life was so filled with tragedy and she still thinks her life is over and her only purpose is to help Imogen have the life she never could, it would be such a tragic story for her to die now. But I could also see her be like “let’s let the fates decide and put it in Delilah’s hands I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”. She’s really kind of a wildcard
Liam might be the most ok with letting go of his character. His last words felt very final, and he did take Matt up on the offer and cheat death quite a bit as Vax so he also might be curious what it’s like to start anew. He’ll probably wait for the dice to decide but accept whatever happens
Anyway I’m not trying to assume what the cast wants or thinks this is just my own personal speculation of what could happen! It’s my way of coping with not knowing the outcome until Thursday lol
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redjennies · 2 years
I’m not sure how well the hells are gonna take in the worse case scenario. Like if everything goes wrong and no one can be saved: laudna dies,fearne and orym stay dead, Chet and fcg get there shit wrecked by the storm, ashton manages to hightail it, and imogen fuck knows.
the real way to salvage all the problems with this campaign is by having Ashton needing to assemble a whole new party to avenge the Bell's Hells only for Travis' geriatric character to unceremoniously trip on a rock and die an hour in but then he returns three episodes later as Chetney Pock O'Pea wearing or carrying something belonging to all his former companions FCG-style. ("it's gonna take a LOT MORE than a CRAZY lady and A SANDstorm to kill ME, bitch.")
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grigori77 · 2 years
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 40
Got him again, clearly. Wow, he looks ESPECIALLY frustrated with this time's intro.
Sam's new skit being styled like THE WORST RADIO PRESENTATION EVER is absolutely priceless. Letting Sam loose on the sampling board was a trip, the others are dying of laughter. Marisha in particular is just paralytic ... I love it.
Ugly Christmas sweater! Matt: "That us delightfully ugly!" And A CHETNEY HAT!!! I WANT ONE!!!
Love them geeking on the action figures too. So adorable!
Sam us clearly getting too enamoured of that soundboard, by the way ...
Ah ... AAAAAAAAAH!!! That's right! Imogen's mum's alive! Okay! Here we go!
Yes! Talk to her again! Come on, girl! No time to waste! Yes, I know it's a lot but SERIOUSLY, this us a big deal! And Laudna's just being SO SWEET about it ...
She's being so evasive ... I mean loving and concerned but also really evasive ... one more chance at a message ... yes, force the point!
She "couldn't stay without knowing what she is" ... that is LOADED. She sends too ... yeah, I thought so, she's trying to keep Imogen safe by staying incognito. Yeah, she ain't budging on this, but then neither is Imogen. Wow, she really is her mother's daughter.
Come on Laudna, cheer our girl up! That's it! Yes! God this undead lady's just so lovable. :3
Stop sleeping in the supply closet you two!
So they go up on deck and walk STRAIGHT INTO the aftermath of that crazy Chetney scrap ... Imogen's reaction I'd priceless and totally understandable.
Boy is this a night for EXTREME REVELATIONS or what?
Oh yeah, Orym and Fearne still need healing too. Like all this heart to heart is goi g on and they're just stood there bleeding on the deck.
Fearne STILL likes the idea of becoming a werewolf faun, that's so wild ...
Orym continues to be the warm calm centre to this whole thing snd I love it.
Chetney's like FALLING DOWN exhausted on his feet ... oof ... they wake FCG and Ashton up znd Ashton's just ANNOYED he missed it all! XD FCG heals Chet and he wakes up SO HIGH ...
Ashton: "Raise your hand if you think you might turn on all of us." Fearne insists she wouldn't. NOBODY believes her. No, I don't either. She's like a TOTAL chaos gremlin, that's only gonna get MORE dangerous ...
Pate! Okay ... the now living Pate is giving FCG a massive existential crisis. XD "Am I just THAT but with a wheel?"
The group wonder who's gonna be next to glair up ... once again votes are cast for Fearne. No surprise there ...
Orym sends a message to Dorian through the Stone ... oh man ... come on Liam, don't do this to us right now.
Ashton and Orym have a heart to heart ... angry rock man trying to be sweet snd supportive is weird but also surprisingly effective. And it's kind of working too, Orym is OPENING UP to him! Oh man ... little man SEEMS LIKE he has it so together and yet ...
Ashton really just hopes he gets to punch a werewolf sometime. Yes, mate. We hope you will too.
And Orym hugs Ashton. :3
Matt's gonna have Robbie record a message back to Orym ... that's so cute, I can't wait ...
Next day ... Laura rolls 7 ... mild turbulence but otherwise all us well. Phew ...
Oooh ... beautiful scary country ...
Day 5 and Liam rolls the Ruidus dice to get them bad times ... but he rolls WELL. Smooth sailing.
Next day ... Bassuras again ... familiar ground ... Taliesin rolls a 3 ... Matt has him roll again ... 2. OOF!!! Bad wind! Not good!
Okay, they are now in A FLAT SPIN!!! But they get out of it ... once again still no MAJOR problems ...
Desk comes and Chetney wants somebody to TIE HIM UP!!! XD He gets some manacles ... here we go. Oh boy, this us getting all kinds of kinky all of a sudden ...
New day ... 3 ... okay ...
Dog sized bird creatures ... hmmm ... not good. A dozen or so ... Laura: "Sam doesn't know what a dozen is." Sam: "So that's like twenty?"
FCG attempts to communicate with them to ward them off znd they don't respond, instead attacking ... argh, 3 points of piercing damage! AND HE'S POISONED?!!! Shit!
Okay, COMBAT!!! Here comes OH MY GOD THAT IS ANOTHER AWESOME BATTLE MAP!!! Matt's craft powers have done him proud this time!
Roll initiative!
Top of the round and it's Orym! Yes, DASH MAN!!! DASH!!! Bait and Switch! Action Surge! Goading attack, and the creature fails to resist znd he DECAPITATES IT!!! Nice!
Fearne summons Mister and conjures her Flame Blade, then holds action. One of them moves into range and she ATTACKS ... ooop, rule check ... roll a D8 ... Ashley: "Oh, that's so terrible!" Still does dome damage, though ...
Oh shit ... Fearne is hit and POISONED!!! AAAAAH!!!
Orym takes a hit but gives as good as he gets ... and he manages to NOT get poisoned? Sweet!
Ashton swings and HITS!!! Holy fuck, he just PUNTED that fucker into oblivion! And ANOTHER HIT! He Gallaghers it's head!
Imogen uses a Sorcery point so she can Witchbolt TWO AT ONCE!!! But misses one ... bugger ... inflicts 21 points of damage on the other one, though!
Oh fuck ... turns out these things AREN'T attacking the ship, they're just RUNNING AWAY from something? Oh gods ...
Wait ... RONIN chose the monster? Really, Matt?
Chetney and Laudna are now SERIOUSLY messed up ALREADY!!! Oh gods ... and Imogen takes 9 points of slashing damage! Nooooo ...
Oh nice, FCG halves her damage ...
Laudna goes STRAIGHT into her Form of Dread! Crazy scary tree Form again, nice, she's totally adopting a holdover from Whitestone! Spiderclimb! AND Bane! Sweet!
Aha! Chetney unleashes the Scythe! Nice! Blood Curse of Bloated Agony? Holy fuck that sounds CRAZY ... and then he goes invisible! Nice, and no attack of opportunity cuz it can't see him!
FCG uses their sawblade on one of the creatures ... wait how does he get an advantage when his OPPONENT rolls a Nat 20? Hmmm ... clerics, man! Attack of opportunity ... MISS!!! Healing Word on Laudna for 13 points! Nice!
Whoa, do because she's within 100 feet of Pate due gets FULL HEALTH POINTS BACK?!!! Nice.
Okay, so he's no longer restrained ... but still messed up ...
Orym fucks ip another creature then makes a pushing attack so he PUNTS IT over the side ... doesn't kill it but it's MESSED UP.
Ah, so Fearne has magical resistance ... Nice, straight 20 means she shrugs off the effect! Goody ... THREE HITS on the Chimera! Okay, ANOTHER rule check ... Ashley's getting SO POWERFUL she doesn't know what she's capable of now! I love that ...
66 POINTS of fire damage! Sweet!
Mister gets to use his crazy little Percy pistol! Yay!
Now the Chimera's distracted the other beasties are BOOKING!!! That's helpful at least ...
Ashton slides in and rages as he tries to smash it in the leg ... 13 points of damage! And another 15! Nice one! Chimera is trashed but still kicking ...
Imogen ... whoa, super red glowy craziness? Whoa ... WHAT DID SHE JUST SUMMON?!!! SERIOUSLY, that thing is TERRIFYING!!!
Laura is doing some crazy scary stuff that we can't fathom while still wearing THAT HAT!!! It's so surreal ... 0.0
Chimera tries to attack the Shade (so THAT'S what it is) and fails ... but HITS on Imogen! Ooof ... but Laudna uses Silvery Babs and reduces the attack roll and it MISSES Imogen after all! Beautiful!
Laudna rolls a NAT 20 and FUCKS UP the goat head! Nice one! She dispatches Pate to deliver Shocking Grasp on it! Ooooooh! But rolls 12 ... miss! Bollocks ...
Chetney licks Turmoil's blade ... okay ... but now the blade's ON FIRE!!! Double hit! 23 points of damage? Ooof ... and TWELVE POINTS OF THUNDER DAMAGE!!! Holy shit ...
But Chetney's within range if the Shade, is he affected by its range effect? Oh thank the gods, he saves ...
More Spiritual Weapon badassery from FCG!
Stay Puft flaming hand escape! I love it!
Orym gets 14 points if slashing damage and one of the heads is just HANGING OFF right now! Sweet.
Fearnd gets a POING BLANK shot on the Chimera with the ballista ... 19 points of damage ... Matt: "How do you wanna do this?"
She KEBABS IT. Fearne: "Get off my airship."
Chetney tries to touch the Shade and takes 2 D6 of psychic damage! Oops ...
Imogen doesn't know how to get rid of the Shade ... so she just asks it to go away AND IT WORKS!!! Okay ... they're all concerned and I can't blame them. Although Ashton thinks it's cool, so ...
Ashton asks what it felt like to Chetney and he says it was like all the children jn the world were giving him their toy orders at the same time. "As if one mind could handle that all at once ..."
Another day down and they get a long rest do they're healed up again ... phew ...
Weird coloured jungle ahead ... oh, so THIS is the Gloomed Jungle? Okay ... creepy.
Matt: "And that's where we're gonna take a break!"
Laura was trying to draw it and it ended up just looking like a mouth with loads of pubes ... hmmm ...
Wait ... I don't think I've seen that Matt Mercer figurine before ... that's a new bit, I swear! Ashley: "Loot his corpse and take his vest!" XD
Back to the game ... and Matt is once again having to deal with their unruliness. "Look, I'm hollow inside."
Shit roll ... okay, this should be fun ...
Ooooh ... it's getting all dark and moody ... this is not a good sign, is it?
Chetney needs some new clothes, it seems ...
Lightning? Eep! Not good ... the rain's making the deck all slick, too. They lose half a day's travel because of this. Nuts.
So just ... "land in the jungle and howl?" That's it? Seriously? Oh, at dusk. Okay ...
Wow ... Chetney's getting SO EXCITED about this, it's kind of adorable but also a little disturbing at the same time. Hmmm ... Travis coming up with all this poetic stuff for how they all smell to Chetney. I love that.
This is a moody place, but also kind of beautiful. I might actually start liking this place.
Fearne just looks over Chetney's head and spots EXACT signs of civilisation ... or maybe not. Hmm ...
Oh, so they're landing at the ruins. Okay ...
Wait ... so this might not actually go how they want? I mean these guys are WEREWOLVES, people! Are you still set on this plan of action?
Whoa, so Chetney KILLED the werewolf that turned him ... crazy backstory goodness! XD
Hahaha ... Chetney clearly has NO IDEA how old he is. Did Travis just ROLL to see how old Chetney is? Ah ... apparently he is 700 YEARS OLD now ...
The return of Recognise The Alpha ...
I love how Fearne is just humouring Chetney on his building himself up, it's really quite cute.
Matt says the top of the tower FEELS STABLE ... oh, he's making THAT FACE again, what are you planning, Matthew?
FCG still has no sense of smell, of course ...
Ashton casts Pass Without A Trace and then they make a shit load of noise climbing down so it's kind of negated ...
Oh, so this is a FUNGAL jungle, then ... ba-dum-tish! XD
Chetney: "Okay, we're gonna light this candle." He tears off his skin at his Adam's apple and FCG casts Eagle's Splendour on him ... yeah, that is a MAGNIFICENT howl.
Okay, this is taking a little while, clearly ... AN HOUR?!!! Really? This is NOT looking good.
Fearne transforms into a wolf to help him. Fearne: "Okay ... I'm a wolf." Everybody cracks up. XD
They ALL howl ... and NOW they get a response. Okay, they're A LONG WAY off fight now. They're gonna wait, it seems.
Night falls but the shitty weather continues. Laudna says a fire. Orym sits with Wolf Fearne to keep an eye out ... and Imogen uses Mage Hand to keep the rain off them! :3
Oh, okay ... somebody's coming. Something, anyway ... hmm ... is it stalking Laudna? Oh dear ...
Laudna asks Pate to do an interpretative dance ... oh my gods Marisha is beatboxing and Matt is dancing like a lunatic. That's love, baybee! XD
Okay, now there's TWO of them ... fuck, this guy is BIG. Ooh ... okay, he's definitely got a big barbarian thing going on ... WERETIGER?!!! Holy fuck ...
Divasheela ... cool name. Wow, she's pretty awesome ... oh, now there's a PANTHER one too! And another werewolf. A WEREBOAR!!! AND A WEREBEAR!!! Fuck, this is so cool ...
Chetney does a Magic Mike and wolfs out! XD
Divasheela is ... less than impressed, it seems. Hmmm ... that said, they seem receptive enough.
Whoa ... did Chetney really just almost make them all attack the airship? Oops, I guess?
Okay, so they're going into the woods, then ...
Now Imogen is RIDING THE WEREBOAR. Okay ...
"The Zigzag Return?"
Awwwww ... Orym is riding Fearne. :3 and Laudna is riding the panther. Okay ... is he FLIRTING WITH HER?!!! Laudna turns herself into crazy creepy bark armour on him and he finds it scary but he's also into it. XD
Aaaaaaaand now they're lost. Or maybe not ...
Okay, normal forms! Here we go ... yeah, they seem like a nice, likeable bunch now, actually. Oh, so here we are. Barinak. It's pretty cool here, actually.
Yeah, from the look of it this is just PEOPLE. Like a regular community, really. I can see why they're so dead set on keeping it secret, then.
Ah, so Divasheela was originally Annaline. Okay.
Oh boy ... so Chetney's not the only one who's having problems with Ruidus of late. Hmmm ...
She recognises Chetney as another Blood Hunter. Cool. Oh, so this training is gonna take WEEKS?!!! Yeah, that's not gonna work ...
Okay ... so Chetney losing his cool is Zbigniew deal ... but NOT a deal breaker, at least. That's good, I guess. FCG suggests they leave him here for a few weeks ... ummm ... okay, is that an option right now?
Court of the Lambent Path? Okay ... sounds fancy ...
Oooh, statue symbolism ... hmm ... is this a major clue? Sayhaadon? Okay ...
Orym is currently just sizing everybody up - Know Your Enemy - as potential opponents, and some of them look pretty dangerous ...
Ah, so Sayhaadon is an aspect of the Wildmother. Cool. I wonder if FCG can do something with that, then.
Tiny Steve Brule gnome ... okay ... is this someone I should know about? ^^; What do you want? I'm not the most well informed person ever, guys ... oh, Tarad. Okay.
Ah ... yeah, so Imogen's like YUCK over this food, then. Backstory ...
Not three heads but three SNOUTS ... well that's just even weirder, then.
Ashton wants a drink. They offer him water ... oh, is he going to kick off about that? Oh, so they have wine? Yeah, all right. That'll do.
So if someone completely loses it the Gorgynei are charged with making sure they don't become a danger to others. Yeah, kind of figured as much. And chains! Yeah. Also makes sense.
Chetney is really making out that he's more confident than he is. "Willpower is 10 out of 10!" Yeah ...
Divasheela asks if they're willing to take Chetney out if he becomes a threat ... oh boy, this doesn't bode well. Oh, so they're gonna stick around for him to do the training after all? 2 and half weeks ... oh yeah, that could work, actually.
Ashley rolls high for insight and gets whispers! Sam has a plug prepared for once! Much better!
Yeah, it's getting LATE. Find somewhere to sleep. They call for Tarad ... FCG, what the hell was THAT noise?
Treehouse guest houses? Sweet! Oooh, and furs! Cool.
Okay, I really don't know if I KNOW that particular quote actually ...
Bedtime, then. Tree cave Tweecave? Cue Matt pretending to have a speech impediment.
Matt: "And THAT'S where we're gonna call it a night."
So what IS Tarad's were form? Damn it, now I'm curious. Votes are being cast for weresquirrel, apparently ...
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