#And 03!Don Donny
deadtiredghost · 5 months
a donnie appreciation post cause I haven't posted much about them yet
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I didn't realise I made 30.... I was just focused I guess hehe
Guess imma have to do this for all of them now- oh well
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mubbyjo · 1 year
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im getting to that point where i can sorta kinda just sit down n start drawing them with whatever comes to mind, which is nice! doesn't mean im going to be consistent about how they look but i think it's the thought that counts, right
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cherrytraveller · 1 year
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TMNT03′s defining moment that immediately made me fall in love with it
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asxhse · 1 year
Rise and 03 don!
You guys really liked the Rise and 03 raf so here’s the Donatello version that I made so long ago haha
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aealzx · 1 year
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Don’s voice sounded borderline frantic as soon as the communication cut off. But it was also smothered by an undertone of something Raph couldn’t identify. There were definitely at least two other people that had gotten roped into their mess via mistaken identity. Which meant something else rather obvious yet critically important. “I know genius. More mutant turtles,” Raph responded, already trying to figure out how to get all of them back, not just their brother.
“No-” Don corrected, then broke off partially to correct himself. “I mean yes, they are, but- nevermind. Raph, they’re kids.” Don’s emphasis was accompanied by raised hands as though he wanted to shake Raph, who was mildly surprised at what had actually caught his science nerd brother’s attention this time
“........... Okay normally I’m the one getting attached to kids on first sight,” Raph teased with a slight grin. “Don’t worry, I definitely noticed that too. We’ll get them back. But first let’s make sure Mikey didn’t get snatched as well. Why don’t you start tracking Augustine down while I call him?”
“Got it,” Don nodded, rushing off to half leap into his well cushioned chair by the computer.
So this sequence of pics actually smacked me in the brain in the middle of drawing my better genes comic way back in february. And getting around to drawing Rise Mikey on Raph's lap motivated me to go back and finish this one as a sprinkle of context X'D
8 | I was reading too many Rise + 2012 crossovers, but I don't know 2012 at all, so eventually brain decided to smack the 2003 boys in there instead.
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kesoyotes · 5 months
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@tmaynt Challenge: Day 22 - Favorite Turtle Duo(s)
Donnie must have an emotional support turtle sibling with him at all times. I don't make the rules
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yellowhollyhock · 4 months
Rise Angelo: Everyone can be an artist! You already have a lot of creative spirit, once we teach you some useful skills you'll be like a renaissance turtle! You've got the greatest teachers in the multiverse teaching the most receptive student. I don't see a way this can be anything but great!
03 Don: I don't know, guys. The last person who tried to help me learn to draw ended up trapped in a pocket dimension.
Angelo: Well then it's a good thing we have an interdimensional transporter that some certain creative turtle helped make 😉
2012 Raph: Look, relax okay? It's not that big a deal, nobody's fate is hanging in the balance, this is just art class.
Don: Okay 🙂
Raph: Did you bring us a sample so we can figure out what to teach?
Don slides over a piece of paper
Raph: What is it?
Don: I think it's a dog
Raph: Wh. You're not sure?
Angelo: Teacher huddle! Raph. Which one of us is gonna lie and say he has potential?
Raph: We're not good cop bad copping this, it's art class!
Angelo: So you'll be good cop?
Raph: No way! Aren't you supposed to be the nice one?
Angelo: You're right. I'll be Dr. Delicate--
Raph: NO! No. You can be bad cop, I'll handle the lying. Just find some tutorial videos or something about straight and curved lines.
Angelo: I'll bring a ruler and some cups to trace.
Raph, approaching Don, holding the paper
Don: It's bad, huh?
Raph: It's...
Raph: Not a dog what the shell is wrong with you
Angelo, arriving with supplies: Aw I thought you said I could be the bad cop
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20s-turtle-posting · 2 years
2003 Donatello meeting the other various TMNT iterations and they all think he's just a level-headed Smart Guy with a quiet disposition and a tendency to snark from the sidelines, but then he pulls off some Fuckshit at random and scares the bejeezus out of everyone else and they're like "ah yes, that's the true Donatello Spirit, sorry for assuming otherwise"
He also tells his Raph to shut the hell up for some reason or other and gets absolutely 0 reaction, which also gets the other turtles like ???
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sabrondabrainrot · 5 months
🐢🤬‼️Day 10 Favorite Turtle Curseword ‼️🤬🐢
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"Dum Dums"
"Sewer Apples..."
Close ups!
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hermit-searching · 10 months
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honestly I think this is exactly how it would go
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delicatechildwitch · 10 months
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03 Don enjoying some hot chocolate. (Hasn't had any sleep.) Decided to try lineless, a choice inspired by @zeawesomeness who made a lineless art picture in a discord server we share. Probably not good. First time trying lineless.
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mubbyjo · 1 year
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silly 03 doodles, some redraws, and mine and my gf's ( @usbarkservice ) little tmnt verse featuring her tomoe ame :))
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misiahasahardname · 7 months
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school is my number 1 top priority
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vickorydickorydock · 2 years
Off the top of my head, here’s (an incomplete) list of the things Don stole over the course of tmnt 2003:
An armored car
Shredder’s helicopter
Stockman’s suped up robo arm
A spaceship
A train car with alien tech
Another helicopter (Bishop’s this time)
03 Donatello likes to steal the big toys, lol.
Bonus: things his brothers have stolen in his honor
The space cruiser they used to sneak into Triceratons homeworld and rescue him
That deleted scene where Raph stole a mech bot thing expressly “for Donny”
The mystic gem amulet from Karai in Good Genes
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aealzx · 1 year
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With Mom April’s guidance through the headsets the group was able to quickly make their way through the winding halls towards the exit. Mikey had taken point, with Don in the back, and the other four in the middle. There weren’t many soldiers left to oppose them, and those who were in their route were quickly taken out by Mikey alone. He may have been the least serious of them, but they all still knew he was the most skilled out of all of them. Which was easy to see from the way he would sprint forward before the others knew an enemy was there, leaping into the soldiers and taking at least two out before they realized he was on them. “You alright?” Raphael asked, looking to Leo after Mikey bounced lightly on his feet, four more soldiers on the ground. Despite carrying someone, Raphael knew Leo was still breathing heavier than he normally would have been in that situation.
Looking over to Raphel in very mild surprise, Leo eventually just nodded. “I’ll be fine,” he assured. It wasn’t a lie, and that was enough for Raphael. For now at least.
“We should be coming up on the exit on the next turn,” Don announced, ushering them on from their momentary pause.
It was the last stretch, and while they remained tense in anticipation they could feel the bubble of relief starting to build. At least until a flicker of purple light caught Raphael’s eyes, drawing his attention to Donnie’s hand as the teen willed it over to the side to hang limply from Leo’s hold. A small cube of transparent energy dropped from his hand to the floor, crashing into a puddle that rippled energy through the structure, much like it had earlier when the EMP charge had been set off. But the lights remained on this time, which caused them to paused warily.
Looking around, Leo didn’t immediately notice anything different. “...What did you-”
[S’self des- stru- stuct seq-q-q-q- ence initiiiiiiiated. You have f-f-f-f-ive minutes to evvvvvvvacuate.]
The warning announcement blared over the intercom, accompanied by more intense red lights flashing instead of holding a consistent glow.
“SH- WHAT?” Raphael hissed, taking half a breath before shifting to nudge his shoulder into Leo’s back and start shoving him along. “MOVE IT!”
“I didn’t know blowing the place up was part of the plan!” Mikey protested, waiting just a moment to make sure the rest could keep up with him before he turned to start running.
“Not our plan!” Don confirmed, hands reaching forward to rest on Leo’s and Raphael’s backs both so they would know he was there and to help support them if they fell back. “The other Donatello apparently decided to add it.”
“WHY?” Mikey blurted, raising his hands in exasperation. “Now we have to run like crazy men.”
“That’s nothing new for you,” Raphael quipped, grinning when Mikey squawked a protesting noise in return.
“The plane is over that hill. Mikey, you pilot this time,” Don directed, keeping them on track despite the mutual bullying. He was too used to it by now, it didn’t matter.
“Righto!” Mikey chirped, rushing forward and pausing for only a moment to jog in place until the stairs Don had remotely triggered extended enough for him to reach. Swinging onto them, Mikey skipped stairs on the way to the door, leaving it open as he dashed to the pilot’s chair and began flipping switches. “Boys and Gents, this is your captain speaking. Please make sure to buckle in and store any loose items in the compartments provided. This may be a bumpy take off.”
Taking the stairs two at a time to get in and out of the way, Raphael noticed Lil Mikey had been roused from his mild daze by the commotion. Or at least enough to be semi responsive. Looking up with a slow gaze, registering where they were, Lil Mikey gave a soft giggle. “You have a plane? That’s so cool…. I’ve never been on a plane before.”
Raphael could only chuckle at the semi slurred comment from the small teen, hoping he was just exhausted and not actually in that bad of a state. “Thanks to Don,” he responded, allowing the mentioned brother to squeeze past him to start pulling the backs of seats down and snapping latches into place to create beds they could get the two teens secured into. They were all reluctant to separate them, but it would be better to have everyone belted in when the plane took off.
“It’s good to see you’re hanging in there. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll give you some first aid once we’re in the air,” Don spoke white kneeling down between the two beds, half distracted pulling the seatbelt across Lil Mikey’s hips after Raphael set him carefully on the bed. After Lil Mikey nodded, Don twisted to get Donnie secured in, shooing Leo to take his seat across from Raphael.
“Ready for take off?” Mikey called back
“Go for it, I’ll hold on,” Don called back, figuring his place wedged down between the two occupied beds was secure enough, and glaring back at Leo when he made a point to gesture to the fact both he and Raphael were buckled properly into their own seats at the head of each bed. “Not now, Leo,” Don snapped lightly, turning back to check on Donnie as the plane lurched forward to begin lift off. Donnie hadn’t responded at all to being set down and otherwise jostled around, so Don rested a hand against his cheek and checked his pulse once more. There wasn’t any perceptible change from earlier, so Don breathed a small sigh of gratitude. “Looks like he just passed out. Must be exhausted…” he commented softly, knowing that at least Leo was listening closely. There wasn’t a lot he could do for either of the brothers with what supplies he had on the plane, but he could at least get everyone’s lungs fairing better and detoxed from the poison gas. Twisting back to face Lil Mikey, who was also starting to look incredibly sleepy, Don kept his voice low while addressing him again. “Can you tell me how you feel?”
Having been carefully watching Donnie, it took Lil Mikey a moment to bring himself to answer. “I’m……….. Ow,” he responded honestly, giving a pathetic chuckle. It wasn’t the worst thing he’d ever felt, but his arm burned and throbbed horribly, and his lungs felt like a wire brush had been taken to them. “Cold,” he also admitted, realizing ‘ow’ wasn’t that helpful. “Lungs burn. I can feel my heartbeat in my arm.”
“I’ll get you a blanket,” Raphael spoke up abruptly, latching on to the part of conversation that he could do something about and reaching over his own head to the compartment above to pull out one of their blessedly soft, thick, and warm blankets. If Lil Mikey was cold, Raphael guessed it would probably be good to get Donnie covered as well, so tossed the first blanket over to Leo’s lap. “Better get the other kid covered too. I dunno if he’s supposed to be that color, but he looks pale to me,” Raphael huffed, gesturing his head towards Donnie before pulling another blanket from overhead and awkwardly trying to toss it over Lil Mikey. Thankfully Don helped pull the blanket over both of them Lil Mikey, tucking it around the small forms as best he could. When Lil Mikey gave a happy hum at the added warmth Raphael and Don grinned. After that Don was on his feet, popping open other compartments to gather supplies.
“Is there anything I can help with?” Leo asked, unbuckling his seatbelt so he could stand up and be of assistance.They were at a steady altitude now, and while they were on their way home it would still be at least two hours before they got there. He needed something to keep occupied.
“You can stay in your seat and take it easy,” Don commanded bluntly, not looking at Leo while he dug through their supplies, lightly dropping certain items onto the bed next to Lil Mikey.
“Don, you have two patients, I can-” Leo started to try again, but cut off when Don whipped around to look pointedly at him.
“I’m sorry- two patients?” Don repeated, raising a brow and tilting his head. “Just two, Leo? I’m pretty sure I actually have three patients, and two questions. I’m not dumb Leo. Question one: how many soldiers did you fight through on your way to us? And question two: did you happen to have run across your own gas mask specially customized for your turtle face, or did Augustine’s lackeys just happen to not have her favorite cellular corrosion gas on your end?” he half ranted, raising a finger for each question. “Do you want to answer those? Or should I?” They were rhetorical questions, and Leo knew that. Which effectively clamped his mouth shut as he inevitably relented and carefully lowered himself back into his seat. “That’s what I thought,” Don huffed, unimpressed, and Raphael’s shoulders shook in silent laughter for a moment. “How much?”
“..... About four minutes total, I guess,” Leo half mumbled.
Don sighed lightly, thankful Leo was cooperating now, and held a tiny plastic vial out to him. “One of these should do then. Do you remember how to use a nebulizer?” When Leo confirmed he remembered, Don passed him one of the travel sized devices before crouching next to Lil Mikey again.
“....You two argue like Donnie and Leo do sometimes,” Lil Mikey snickered, smiling sleepily at Don.
“He goes by Donnie?” Don asked, smiling softly and admiring how Lil Mikey was still able to laugh at the moment. When Lil Mikey hummed and nodded in confirmation Don made a note in his mind that they could at least have some sort of differentiation between them that wasn’t a full name. “That’s good to know. I’m going to give you an antidote for the gas you breathed in. It’ll help your lungs feel better. Have you ever had inhaled medicine before?” he explained, cracking open three of the same vials he’d given to Leo and emptying them into another nebulizer container. When Lil Mikey shook his head, brows furrowed in confusion at the device Don had, Don just smiled reassuringly. “It’s okay. It doesn’t hurt, but it might smell a little weird. This device is just going to turn the antidote into a mist, and all you have to do is keep the mask on over your nose and mouth, and breathe as normally as you can. Okay? Like Leo is doing.”
Don pointed to parts of the device while he explained, and then also pointed to Leo for an example. Leo just smiled and gave a small wave, this not being the first time any of them had had the same antidote before. Lil Mikey had to crane his head a little to see, but was content with the explanation and visual. “Okay,” he agreed, letting Don get the mask situated on him before turning on the machine. “Donnie too? Is he okay? Leo is usually the one that checks up on us. I don’t know as much as he does…”
“Yeah, Donnie will get some too. I just have to give him partial doses gradually since I don’t know exactly how much he was exposed to,” Don assured, grabbing the next item for Lil Mikey. “I can’t take care of your arm until we get back home. And it looks like you’re really sleepy too. Can I put this on your finger to keep track of your heart rate while you get some rest?”
“Oh- Yeah, I know what that is,” Lil Mikey confirmed, obediently raising his hand to sway in the air. He really was very tired. The headache he had because of the anti mystic machines hadn’t left either. But at least he would have someone watching over them for Leon. He hoped his other brothers were okay. And April. And their dads, and Casey. The soft hum of the plane engine and darkened sky outside was lulling him to sleep. And when Don turned back to work with Donnie, Lil Mikey found it hard to resist letting his eyes close and not open again.
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I had the day off from work on wednesday and ended up brain barfing like 10 pages for this fic X'DDDD and then I rewrote this section like 4 times.
I also had a moment of reading comments on the last one and going "shhhhhhhhoooott I forgot to add that part" and had to fenagle it in the beginning of this one X'DDD One of the reasons I love doing live first drafts XD
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
*when Angie is able to open a portal to the 03 verse so his two families can finally meet*
Raphie: "Aw yeah, more sons!"
Don: "Raph you can't just adopt them at first sight like that"
Raphie: "Watch me!"
lol definitely! Raphie spends all of five seconds with Raph (rise) and he already wants to adopt him. He might as well adopt the whole set : )
Though Don fighting Raphie over it is just like
Don: You can't adopt all four. That's selfish. What if we wanted to adopt one?
Raphie: I'll let you have adoption rights over baby Donnie if you let me keep the other three.
Don: Sold. But if anyone asks, i fought with you a lot longer than this. And i wasn't bribed.
Raphie: Sounds good to me. I'm pretty sure baby Donnie already adopted you as a secondary parental figure anyways. You were practically drowning the kid in complements.
thank you! : )
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