#Anakin from our world that was named after Anakin from SW
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hyraeth · 2 years ago
So, in an Obikin SVSSS AU, who would make more sense to transmigrate? 🤔
On one hand, Obi-Wan(Ben maybe) transmigrating to the role of.. Obi-Wan is great.
But Anakin is would be the obsessive fan on SW forums. Maybe Anakin transmigrating to Anakin's character and doing everything the system allowed so he wouldn't fall, but instead Obi-Wan does.
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merrysithmas · 1 year ago
Why do you think so many take the stance that Leia would never forgive Anakin and essentially hate him forever when in the original EU she named her youngest son after him (Anakin Solo) and said he’d “ be a great Jedi like his grandfather.” ?
I think it's a case of exposure.
Leia, tragically, has had hardly no development in the modern on-screen pop culture. Luke has had endless comics, scenes, EU novels, but more importantly is he has had development in what is popularly consumed by the general audience - the films, and was even resurrected by CGI to continue to have development in our current time period.
Leia (and Shmi) the two female Skywalkers (no surprise) are the most ignored and underdeveloped portion of SW when it comes to on-screen appearances. Unfortunately the great Carrie passed away before we could see any narrative substance from her in the Sequels which was just such a shame. On top of that, Leia got no grand entrance and pomp/circumstance such as Luke saving the Mandalorian - capturing our hearts again. She didn't train Grogu and was mostly, yet again, sidelined in the sequels for Luke's development.
So I think it has less to do with fanon interpretation than real-life sexism and favoritism of the men / male directors making Star Wars content right now.
I think the fandom would very much get behind a Leia story and sympathize with an arc focusing on her rejection/acceptance of her heritage.
For what it's worth Leia's fear of her father/Vader who tortured her is obviously just as powerful as Luke's forgiveness of Anakin. That is a great story there.
Anakin is more like Luke - this is why he was Luke's opponent in the Force. Luke sympathizes with Anakin because he could see himself in Anakin's shoes - falling like he did.
Leia is more like Vader - this is why she was his opponent in the Senate. Leia does not sympathize with Vader because she could see herself in Vader's shoes - ruling as he did with an iron unforgiving fist, even falling as he did.
The great lost opportunity in the twin's story is seeing Leia come to understand Anakin & Luke come to understand the toxic destruction caused by Vader... through their relationship with each other.
Luke could help Leia heal and see their father through the lens of the Force - see her own goodness & not fear her dark side. Leia would help Luke see Vader's evil actions on a galactic scale and thus help him become a better and more compassionate Jedi to the galaxy by understanding why many people may mistrust or hate him despite him trying to do good.
But... pretty bluntly, I'd argue the lack of understanding of Leia's amazing character comes down to sexism in the film industry and a lack of interest by male creators in exploring her complexity.
... which then trickles into the fandom because there is really no well-established narrative for her in the GA's eyes, film-wise.
Even in the Sequels we get hints of it - Leia feared continuing her Jedi training with Luke. She foresaw the death of her son and ran away - feeling like perhaps she would take Vader's path and kill him. But in the world of Star Wars, we know all characters have predetermined destinies - Ben Solo would always die. This suggests Leia abandoned her training which could have saved him - a self-fulfilling prophecy she interpreted incorrectly until the end (when she died saving him with her last breath using her Force abilities).
It has also been suggested in numerous SW media that Leia was even stronger in the Force than Luke - unfortunately we never get to see her explore her fear or learn more on screen.
Leia's hatred of Vader and her fear of Anakin's fate boil down to her fear of the kinship she feels in the general qualities she shares with her father - unfortunately on screen we never get to see her learn the great lesson of Star Wars: that everything has two sides. The qualities of Vader that she fears- unrelenting, dogged, inescapable, great power in the Force ... could be used by someone more clear-minded for good.
That good person is Leia.
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sillyromance · 8 months ago
Good day everyone!
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I’d like to reveal some more information about the character Nyx mentioned in my story about count Dooku (which is partially different from my original headcanons) since I’m preparing some content about these two, but it won’t make any sense without proper explanation. This woman is my OC for Star Wars AU – she is Dooku’s padawan, later his wife and a queen of Serenno. Here I will talk only about the part of her life which is connected with original trilogy and the prequels, but I should assure you there is a second part which, however, will be told only if it’s needed.
Main events of the original SW story are kept as they are, though there are some important changes: the accents are made on the story of Serenno, Nyx and Dooku’s past, Obi-Wan doesn’t die in Episode IV, Anakin survives as well and his body is regenerated, after the end of the Empire Far-Far-Away Galaxy is ruled by a senate almost equal to the one described in prequels – and Luke is the leader of the senate, meanwhile his friends are in charge over the planets aka Naboo (Leia and Han), Tatooine (Anakin Skywalker), Coruscant (Obi-Wan Kenobi) and Bespin (Lando Calrissian). It’s difficult to tell everything about Nyx in one post since her story is big and complicated, but there are some main points:
In the very beginning of the story, Nyx, or Amanda Cooper (which is her real name), was a normal girl living in the same universe with Sara Branton. She had always had force abilities, but they didn’t really have any practical use in her original world (she managed to master telekinesis and telepathy by herself, though).  Her parents participated in the war as well as Sara, but never returned home. When the girl got news about their death, her dark hair immediately turned grey and stayed like that for the rest of her life. Nyx was bullied by her classmates because of the strange appearance and quiet, shy character. Due to the trauma and desocialization, she started smoking and drinking alcohol, hang out with people of questionable reputation, turned mean and aggressive. Her parents were Sara’s close friends; she tried to help Nyx, but Amanda was too mad at her: she thought it wasn’t fair that Sara returned home, and her mom and dad did not (unfortunately, sometimes hurt people tend to blame others for what they can’t control).
My AU includes a theory, that almost each movie, videogame and book actually describes a parallel universe existing aside from ours. The only people who can “sense” alternative universes are the people of art. And, when someone creates anything, a portal to the particular universe openes for a short time. Nyx lived in the 1970-80-s. And she was one of those who witnessed Episode IV release (though, she has never seen the movie). So, she accidentally went from her world to Star Wars’ world when they got connected. At that moment she was 17 yers old.
Despite the fact it was Episode IV which was created first, she ended up in pre-Clone Wars times (timelines in different universes don’t synchronize). There she found herself in count Dooku’s domain. He sensed great potential in her, so the man decided to train her to make the girl a valuable tool for himself. However, since she didn’t know practically anything about that universe (and the count knew she wasn't lying when Nyx told him that), Dooku was bound to teach Nyx not only participating in combat, but reading, writing and more. They grew attached to one another, and as the time went by, their attitude to each other turned into something much more intimate than teacher-student relationships, especially since they had much in common and saw things in similar ways. They had gone though a lot together; there was even an incident when during a fight with some Jedies Nyx ran into by accident one of them blinded her – and Dooku refused to kill Nyx, though she thought he would do exactly that as a Sith. Instead, he taught her how to fight without her eyes and, when he got an opportunity, paid for the implants which would return the girl an ability to see. After the surgery, Nyx could fight in any situation and sometimes preferred doing it with her eyes closed because it was more efficient. This feature had given her a nick name “The Blind Warrior”.
Dooku was murdered when Nyx was 25. After his death, fate of Serenno happened to be lying on her shoulders. She took his place as a queen, but lived outside the planet since her presence there would put her and her plans at risk she couldn’t afford. Nyx convinced her people to fake their loyalty to Palpatine (who she hated as well as Anakin Skywalker), but, in reality, they would create an army under her command and destroy occupants in the future. To accomplish that, Nyx flew over the Galaxy, searching for Jedies who survived Order 66 – and tried to hire them as teachers. Also she and her agents provided Serennians with reliable information about everything that was happening in the Empire.
Twenty years had passed. While travelling, Nyx met her old rival she had never actually seen – Obi-Wan Kenobi – and Anakin’s son Luke on Tatooine (Episode IV). They worked together since then, so Nyx participated in many events of original trilogy and even made the story go differently (she saved Kenobi from Darth Vader and helped Anakin Skywalker, though it wasn’t for his sake, but for his son’s because she subconsciously treated Luke as her own child).
After that, Nyx returned home and announced her reign officially. Also she met with Dooku’s force ghost for the first time after he died. The thing was, the man was suffering on the other side without her and blaming himself for leaving her alone; he didn’t want to submit to his fate, so other spirits chained him up and held captive until his old padawan Qui-Gon helped him run away.
Dooku was determined to stay with Nyx; all that long years without one another only made their feelings stronger, and simple sympathy turned into love. Therefore, they started ruling Serenno as husband and wife.
Additional facts about Nyx and AU's lore:
Nyx is neither Jedi nor Sith. Dooku gave her a chance to choose any of the schools, but Nyx found both of them too narrow-minded. So, she just calls herself a separatist.
Nyx is a nickname Amanda came up with when she was a child after reading some Greek mythology. It referres to Nyx, the Goddes of the Night. When Amanda met Dooku, she didn't want to tell him who she really was, so she used the nickname - and didn't use her real name ever again.
As a duelist, Nyx practices Form II - Makashi.
Nyx has had heterochromia since her birth. Despite being bullied because of this in the childhood, when she was asked about the color of her eye implants, Nyx chose to keep this feature for she saw it as a part of her individuality.
Nyx’s lightsaber color is pink. It represents wisdom and balance between Light and Dark sides of the Force as well as purple color.
With her eyes closed, Nyx sees people and items as they will look like some seconds after the present moment. It gives her an advantage in battles; however, it also requires a lot of energy to stay like this for long. That puts Nyx in danger since, in such cases, she has to use her negative emotions (another words, she gives in to the Dark Side of the Force). That’s why she uses this ability only in critical situations.
Other Nyx’s Force abilities: force choke, force lightning, healing/reviving powers (in my AU they have side effects for a force user aka running out of their own life energy or even their death), future gazing, telekinesis, telepathy.
Nyx violently blames herself for her master’s death. Nyx saw a prophetic dream at the night before he left and tried to warn Dooku about Anakin, but he “didn’t listen” and went for the fight anyway (the count kept Nyx’s existence in secret from everyone, so he decided to engage in battle with Anakin because the man wanted to keep the girl safe from any danger that might occur if he didn’t answer Palpatine’s call; Dooku thought he was able to win over his less experienced opponent, furthermore, Palpatine insistet on the duel being just a test for Skywalker).
Dooku had plans about finishing the line of monarchs at his planet and creating a republic. So, as Dooku's enthusiastic follower, aside from preparing the army, Nyx secretly provided education materials for Serennian children, so they would become a generation which would be ready for such changes.
When Nyx was a padawan, she made friends with a palace gardener’s son Nicolas who was considerably younger than her. Later that boy became a capitan of her army and one of the most important people in the government. Nyx has chosen him as her heir (the ruler of the new Serennian republic). Aside from Nicolas and Dooku, Nyx is quite close with a palace butler Favian and a chef cook Penny who have been serving Serenno family for their entire lives. These two are her advisors and confidants. Also Nyx has many acquaintances among the locals; civilians of the capital know her very well.
Serenno family's crest includes a silver unicorn (reference to The Last Unicorn cartoon) surrounded by four figures: two silver swords on the left and on the right, an open book beneath and a crown above. Everything is on an azure field. Nyx often wears gloves with unicorns painted on them.
Serenno is home for many wonderful creatures which we know by fairytales: unicorns, dragons, phoenixes etc. However, there are some specific species: giant spiders, purple bears (bears with violet fur, six eyes, eight legs, and transparent blood), and leavies. The latter are half-animal and half-plant creatures looking like formless bushes of various colors. They make strange noises, move quite fast and shapeshift. Leavies are herbivore, they can be successfully tamed and taught to keep themselves in one particular form. These creatures are used by Serennians as equivalents for horses. Dooku has a cyan leavy called Blizzard and Nyx has a lavender one called Star.
Count Dooku is Serenno's national hero. When Dooku was young, he saved the planet from his evil elder brother Ramil who treated Serennians as slaves and had very low morals in general. Besides, Dooku had an elder sister Jenza who was killed by Ramil during his and Dooku's confrontation. Jenza was the only one who ever treated Dooku nicely in Serenno family, so he mourned her death more than anyone. Lady Jenza is one of Serenno's saints.
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mademoiselle-cookie · 2 years ago
I'm sorry if you feel disrespected, but it's pretty daring to talk about disrespect when I'm just proving my ideas to you with arguments, when you only have baseless points (a bit of projection?). And if you willingly came to a post tag as 'pro-jedi' and is suprised that someone is arguing with you, I have sad news for you about the world.
Honestly don't bother to respond because I only do that because I LOVE talking about SW and you won't change your mind. You're a walking red flag for what I see. I was Jedi critical before but I changed my mind after really seeing the movies and analysing them in depth. If you stay on your positions after all my proofs, it's because you have ulterior reasons, and it sucks.
You are someone who closely values George Lucas’ vision, and I am not, that’s what it boils down to. You react to the text based on how well it correlates with that initial intention, I react to it based on the context of the story itself as it has been written both by Lucas and by the various other people who have added their creative voices to the story, and my own life experience.
The problem is not how we see Lucas' intentions but canonicity. I have no problem with what Disney brings as long as it stays consistent with the original SW (I know it might sound contradictory but if a writer writes that something is blue, and their successor says it's red, it's not consistent. On the other hand, if they continues to say that it is blue, it does not matter who the original author is, it remains faithful to the spirit). The thing is, the EU was never canon.
« [Game makers and novel writers] have their own kind of world […] the movies and TV shows are all under my control and they are consistent within themselves » George Lucas, Total Film, 2008.  
« Our expanded universe books and comics were never meant to be canon. Only what George wrote was canon » Lucy Autrey Wilson (ex-director of Publishing for Lucasfilm), Star Wars Interviews, 2022.
« Our biggest problem was a guy named George Lucas. […] We wanted it to be one universe, […] but George as the filmaker didn’t want to be beholden to somebody else’s creative vision. » Howard Roffman (head of Licensing at Lucasfilm ) « Messing with a classic », 2017.
Lucas was the one to decide what is canon and what is not. So only the movies and TV series were.
You can't judge SW canon with the EU, they don't take place in the same universe. And since you came to a post talking about the canon and that never mentioned the EU, you can only use the canon in your argument.
And I agree with the 'what are the author's intentions' vs 'what they show'. I have this problem with TOTJ. The original idea already sucks but HOW Filoni shows the events doesn't even work with his intentions (he want to be Jedi critical but failed badly). But you didn't give an argument that is not 1. from the canon or 2. completely out of context (I will come back to that).
And it's not to say that Lucas writing is perfect. He thinks Anakin is fine and can be still be redeemed in ROTS when the Tusken massacre already happened, he write Anidala as a good but tragic romance when it was always extremely toxic and creepy, Anakin is supposed to be a strangely extremely excellent General when it's one of the most incompetent. And I can't get past this.
(It's still strange that you talk about the EU but that you don't take into account the works that are pro-jedi. You claim that Quilan is shunned and looked down upon as an absolute truth, especially by Obi-Wan when the two are best friends, so this idea that he's hated is just pure invention. So you demand respect for your imaginary world. You're delusional)
But there's also nothing wrong with the way I interpret the story
You're perfectly right. You can see SW the way you want, no issue with that, but you're the one imposing their view.
Given what was in some of those temples (and that's just ones we know about), I don't really care why they left. Abandoning them was a mistake. And the fact those outposts existed in the first place proves the Jedi had use for them. The fact that their purpose is lost even to the Jedi in-story is Not Good. The sheer size of the galaxy is more reason for the Jedi to be more spread out. How could having at least a few major sites across the galaxy make them less effective than having just one right in the middle?
You never moved? Whether it's because of the money, because you have to go to another city, because you don't like the neighborhood anymore, because it's dangerous…? There's many valid reasons to do that.
And again, an outposts is useless. You seem under the impression that Jedi are a military group. They're not. Jedi are diplomats, not wandering knights. They get their power and autority not from their brutal strength but from the Republic. Having vigilantes everywhere is pointless. They are far too few for a galaxy far too large. Even if there was ONE Jedi for ONE system (so including children), it won't be enough. (For comparison, there are 35,000 employees in the Red Cross and 500,000 volunteers on ONE planet where it's not even the only humanitarian organization. Are they able to help everyone just about problems in their field? No. Do they have to? No. Wouldn't it be up to the government instead to ensure that these problems do not exist? Yes)
What good is a lightsaber against a political conflict between two planets? Nothing. But the authority given by the Republic to negotiate peace between them? A lot!
We didn't have much about how the Jedi work before the war but from what we see, they act with the authorization of the Senate. Which is normal, nobody can do whatever they want, especially dangerous space wizards. So living near the center of command is logic, you can directly discuss with politicians or receiving your missions or whatever without having to space-travel.
By the way, speaking of that, did you forget hyperspace? They're no need to leave near the 'possible' zone where something 'can' happen when you can just use your ship (even if you leave nearby, you WILL use your ship anyway, you can't just walk between planets)
The purpose of this outposts (are they even outposts?) doesn't seem lost either, they just look like their former home. Nothing more.
Keeping all the kids in one place ultimately did not protect them though. Having multiple schools across the galaxy would have forced Palpatine to organize a coordinated strike on every location at once, which would have been far less effective overall.
If the Jedi were divided in different locations, then their forces would have been weaker. It's mathematic. (Divide and rule if you know what I mean) It's easier to protect a group of things/people/others if they are in the same place. Go watch again the ep "Bounty Hunters" on Felucia. That's why they want to keep the villagers and the sillim in the hangar.
Palpatine already did organized a coordinated strike. Remember all the Jedi in the battlefield? Aayla, Ki-Adi, Depa, Plo Koon, etc? They weren't in the Temple and they were killed anyway.
And don't tell me that there would have been no clones in the different "outposts". We know there were some in the Temple of Coruscant (if you need proofs, there's were clones killed during the explosion organized by Leta in the Temple).
The Jedi are in war, do you think they have the means and staff to have multiple schools? That they can easily defend (because of course the Separatists will try to target them, they already did with medical bases)?
I disagree that dividing the initiates would have decreased diversity. A large group of children growing up in one place and learning from the same group of instructors is going to end up far more homogeneous than multiple smaller groups growing up in different places, immersed in different cultures, and each learning from different instructors, no matter how many guest lecturers they have.
OK, you just don't know how mathematics work.
How having a thousand possible teachers is less diverse than a small group?
We see Ahsoka herself having several teachers in TCW, of very different gender, age, species and culture. Outside of the obvious Anakin and Obi-Wan, there's :
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And her teachers aren't limited to Jedi!
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She even became a teacher herself.
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(It's not to say I am not against there being several "sects" among the Jedi (@acewizardinspace made a very good post on this subject here) but it is necessary to explain the why and the how. And it needs to be canon)
Some of the Lurmens and the villagers on Felucia criticized the Jedi in the same way. To them, Jedi only appeared in times of violence and crisis.
Yes, ONE Lurmen critized the Jedi but not specifically because they're Jedi but because of his philosophy of "It takes two to fight".
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And the double episode are there to prove him wrong. He refused to fight or use any form of violence against the Separatists, despite the Separatists ransacking his village, or promising they will conduct other "searches for Republic contraband" in the future, and he stated that there was no reason to believe that the Separatists would attack them with their defoliator specifically made to target organic beings (to his son's frustration). Because other Lurmens didn't share his opinions.
Wag Too: "We're going to help." Tee Watt Kaa: "I forbid this!" Wag Too: "What more would you have them do before we are allowed to defend ourselves?" Tee Watt Kaa: "But…" Wag Too: "We have to do this!"
Tee Watt Kaa was ready to have his village killed for the sake of not fighting! ("If it is our destiny to be destroyed in your war, so be it.") He wrongly believe that being pacifist would be a sufficient protection against violence. And if the Jedi had not been there, the village would have been destroyed.
So, to prove the Jedi were wrong, you used an episode made to show they were right. CLAP CLAP CLAP
The villagers of Felucia didn't criticized the Jedi. On the contrary, they were happy they were there (Cassis : "Can't you see these are Jedi? We are saved!"). The only things I can recall that match your description is the one who complained because he didn't want to fight himself, and one of the bounty hunters, Sugi, who said the Jedi failed as peacekeepers because they're in war (a war they didn't create, from which they were drafted and if they didn't fight, people will die horribly). She's immediately contradicted by Obi-Wan, one of TCW’s most reliable narrators. (And, well, she's a bounty hunter, she fight for money. She only care about her business, so the viewers are not supposed to care about her opinion.)
And in the end, what's the problem if the Jedi only appear during time of crisis? It's their job to resolve conflicts, of course they appear when there's conflicts.
Same for Trace and Rafa. They didn't dislike Jedi solely because of Palpatine's propaganda, they disliked them because the Jedi were seen as high-and-mighty agents of the Republic, not servants of the people, as they should have been.
How do you know its not solely because of Palpatine? Did you knew the sisters before the war? They were introduced to show the efficiency of anti-jedi propaganda. That's they're role in the narrative.
They're not accurate reliable narrator. Again, the sisters are people who think they can escape the war by going where the real war is. They think the Jedi started the war when we know that's not true, they thinks Jedi must take care of every individual civilian when that's the role of the Republic and the Jedi are in the middle of a war. If they had misinformations about the Jedi, if they had expectations of them - that they could not possibly realistically meet - it's because of the political set-up, because of Palpatine. They doesn't realize the Jedi are fighting on their behalf. And how bad the sisters would have been if they knew they were dying for people like them, and still criticize them for- what, not doing enough?
The ONLY thing that makes a little sense is when they think Luminara was cold with them.
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(keep in mind we only have THEIR side of the story, the pov of two hurt young women who lost their parents. We don't know how Luminara really reacted)
This is not Luminara being cold. It's Luminara using the most meaningful words she can to reassure people who lost someone important.
Does that means Trace and Rafa must accept them? No, of course not. They don't feel the Force, this blessing doesn't have the same meaning for them, so it's normal if they don't take comfort from it. To the Jedi, it means everything, but to someone who doesn’t understand, it can sound pointless and unhelpful.
But we, spectators, know it's incredibly important for the Jedi. It's said in basicaly every movie, it's said during all Luke journey with the Force, it's the last thing Obi-Wan has recorded in the Jedi beacon in ROTS. It's even become a cliché in the real world.
And even if we didn't have this context, what Luminara says is like a religious person telling "My thoughts and prayers be with you" to an atheist. As an atheist, I'm happy when someone use the most powerful words to make me feel better, even if it's through their religion. You don't need to understand the religion to understand the good intentions.
I believe they should have been a more community-oriented presence rather than acting mostly on behalf of the Senate.
And firefighters should have been more community-oriented to instead of listening their orders. That way, fewer people would want to throw stones at their trucks.
Jedi shouldn't care about their reputation. They should act according to what they can do and whether it is right or not. Being worried about what the public will think and act accordingly will be a disaster.
Their job is more important than a community-oriented presence. They can do so much more. They can stop war or save planets.
What tell you don't already have a community-oriented presence? Maybe it's the hobby of some Jedi, maybe it's part of younglings/Padawan training.
What use would that be? Regardless of their reputation (which was already extremely good before the war) and the public's knowledge of the Jedi, the propaganda and predicament created by the war would still have made civilians credulous.
Yes, the Jedi were naive to think their actions will speak for them and to do not pay special attention to their reputation, but they have good reasons to not care about it, and it wouldn't have saved them anyway.
Don't accuse me of victim blaming and then turn around and blame the Republic's citizens for "accepting" the Empire. That's not classy.
Projection is really something, isn't it?
So saying that a Republic which elects its Supreme Chancellor as Emperor and applauds when he annonces the genocide of a whole community without trial is victim blaming but saying that said community should have divide their numbers, changed their view on their own philosophy, had a better public image, been less arrogant, more flexible, more kind with the one who will lead their genocide, etc, etc, etc. is not? Gotcha!
It's not at all as if it was one of the themes of the prequels and that it was said several times
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Oh, it is.
But it wasn't like George Lucas said that himself:
"How do democraties end? And mostly they end because the Senate or the people bring in a dictator." Starlog #337, 2005
"[...] it got me thinking about how democraties turn into dictatorships. Not how they're taken over, or how there's a coup or anything like that, but how the democracy turns itself over to a tyrant." Revenge of the Sith, Director's Commentary, 2005
"How does a democracy crumble? How does it die? [...] Would the people vot for it? And yes, they do vote for it, that's the whole point. [...] And the populace gives up the democratic powers and this guy is suddenly running the show. You end up with the Empire." An Oral History of star Wars: Episode I, 2019
"The story is ultimately a discussion about how fragile democracy is and how democracies sometimes get turned over to tyrants with applause" (as reported in Secrets of the Force), 2021
Oh, he did.
I know perfectly well what attachment means in Star Wars. I just happen to think "attachment" was an awful word to use to describe it and that it has lead to a murky portrayal of the concept with excellent highs (Anakin understanding the theory but being unable to separate his love for Padme from his attachment to her in practice) but equally devastating lows (Ahsoka and Luke's tonal whiplash as they went from very loving people to distant masters who preached the no attachment rule without explaining what it actually meant, thus muddying their characters and the intended moral lesson in the process).
That's your opinion and it's valid but keep in mind that a word in a specific context is not the same in another. Like, if a mechanic or a Doctor Who fan hears the word "screwdriver", they won't think the same.
Or simply, homonyms. Words can be spelled the same way and not have the same meaning at all.
About the term attachment in particular, it has a different meaning in the context of parenting and in the context of Buddhist teachings. Yes, the English term is much more neutral when in Sanskrit, it's closer to 'thirst' or'clinging'. But it's the term that's been used in English even before Lucas decides to use it. So he used it.
I won't defend TBOBF further, I didn't even care about the show. You can hate that however you want.
Yoda was obviously calling out Obi-Wan (who missed it entirely, poor dear) but that doesn't mean what he said wasn't also true in the broader context.
If you want. To each his own interpretation of the scene.
But it would have been better if Lucas shows them being arrogant, except for that ONE scene with Jocasta (which was perfectly understable because the Jedi archives had Kamino in their files, they just couldn't guess one of their own will erase it).
I said Anakin's attitude caused ripples, not that he was hated. Don't put a whole paragraph of words in my mouth.
Then what's the problem? He was never punished and was even complimented for his behavior. The "ripples" Anakin's attitude caused was because a high ranking officier disobeyed orders. It's normal, there's nothing shameful about Jedi raising an eyebrow at that (because that's litteraly the extent of Anakin's punishment).
Once again, I have never said nor insinuated that the genocide of the Jedi was their own fault, despite how determined you are to claim I have.
You are. By saying they could have done more, by doing such and such a thing, which would have been the logical thing to do if they weren't arrogant or too rigid, you insinuate that they could have reduce the horror of their tragedy, that more would have survived if they were better. Victim blaming is more than that.
If you said to a woman who was raped that even if she wasn't responsible of her attack, if she had a knife, it would have never happened, or it would have not been 'this bad', it's still awful. (Yes the example of rape is easy, but it's a horrible crime and unfortunately the comparison works)
And for the record, the extermination of a fictional, powerful, government sanctioned religious order of warrior-monks is very different from the genocide of a real-world marginalized religious minority
Yes, the Jedi genocide is fictional. But genocides aren't. The "it's just fiction" is an excuse, its only usefulness is that it's less sad than real deaths. That's it. It does not mean that you can say that the victims of the said genocide are responsible for it, could have prevented it or done better. It doesn't work like that.
If the author uses it as a parallel for the real world, you use real world logic to understand it. If Lucas represents a genocide, it's to see how horrible the persons who committed it are, not to criticize their victims.
Fiction as an excuse is just like anonymity on Internet, they offer the opportunity to freely express their real opinion on a subject, no matter how horrible it is.
No, the fact that the Jedi were warriors does not make it less impactful or sad or undeserved than if they had been mere monks. Nor the fact they were a government sanctioned religious order BEFORE their genocide. Genocide is genocide, period.
Palpatine used the Jedi's wishy-washy stance on politics to maneuver them into a no-win scenario
You don't want powerful wizard who can strangle you with their mind or manipulate yours in politics. Believe me.
"How? Give examples and screenshots." "Proof of his closed-mindness?" ahem no (:
Nice to show you didn't have any proof (:
I do not owe you my time or effort, nor do I need to justify myself to you because you don't like my opinion. You're lucky I've given you this. Don't push it.
Then why do you respond? Even better, why did you reblog a pro-jedi post?
Luke throwing away his lightsaber was him choosing the Jedi way of compassion and non-violence, rejecting the cycle of hatred and killing that Palpatine began. Attachment would not become a talking point until the prequel trilogy.
Just because it's not explicitly presented doesn't mean it's not there, George just didn't use the word 'attachment'.
Non-attachment is not something obscur, even we, westerner, have it in our culture. What do you think it is when Hiccup chooses to part with the dragons for their own good in 'How to Train Your Dragon'?
Anyway, that's it from me. I'm going to choose the Jedi way of peace and go do something else now.
Stick to your words, sweetie
Darth Maul on Obi-Wan Kenobi +
Perception of the Jedi by their Enemies
Darth Maul has a very consistent strategy when trying to bring down Obi-Wan. Which is attack somewhere, put innocent people in danger. Kenobi being the annoying knight he is will come running to save them. Than kill him when he is busy being a good person.
1-Raydonia 2-Satine 3-Mandalore 4-Luke
(He didn't personally go in the third one but he sent Ahsoka. And he put himself in great risk by authorizing the Siege. This action was illegal.)
The best part is Maul is completely aware what he is doing. He acknowledges this many times.
Your noble flaw is a weakness shared by you and your duchess.
I was expecting Kenobi. Why are you here?
I am lost... And yet, I-I can feel his presence, so close. So close! I can... see him... in my mind's eye. Kenobi. KENOBIIIII!... Will it end here, like this? No. NO! I must draw kenobi out, tempt his noble heart. But how, how?... I know... I know.
His plans literally revolves around Obi-Wan having a noble heart. Which is one of the reasons Maul sees it as a flaw. Because it leaves someone vulnerable to wicked people like Maul.
This isn't even a specific Maul & Obi-Wan thing. We can find many examples of people trying to use Jedi's virtue against them. The Jedi seem to have a reputation in the galaxy as highly virtuous people.
Admiral Trench specifically bombarding Senator Organa's refugee camps because he believes this will force Republic Army to engage him. (Tell me again how Republic was as bad as the CIS)
Zygerrian slavers method of enslaving and attempting to control Jedi was hurting innocents every time they showed defiance.
Admiral Trench makes this gamble again in the last season but with the worst person he could choose.
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This is a good reference to other scenes and quotes. Reusing the word "nobility" was definitely trying to make a contrast between Trench & Anakin with Maul & Obi-Wan.
It really shows how much Anakin has diverted from what a Jedi should be. He even calls nobility a flaw like Maul does.
Inspiration for this post came when after seeing some bewildering takes on Obi-Wan, my first thought was:
"Man, even Maul would find these claims ridiculous. No one in star wars has any delusions of Kenobi being evil or corrupt to the degree they imagine."
Things spiraled from there. I ended up finding many evidences of this in canon. Like this quote ⬇️
Why come to this place, not simply to hide?... Oh, you have a purpose here.
I love this one. Maul knows Kenobi is not one to abandon his duty or ideals. Which means if he is on Tatooine he must have some some kind of mission here.
All of this resulted in creating a hilarious picture because,
I can't believe Admiral Trench and Zygerrians have a more positive perception of the Jedi than many fans of Star Wars.
And people are really out there making Darth freaking MAUL look like a fan. You know it has gone too far when even Maul (the og hater) can't agree with such horrible takes.
I must draw Kenobi out, tempt his noble heart.
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gffa · 4 years ago
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     Hi! Oh, there are so many good Obikin fics and it can be a little overwhelming to know where to start, so this is a list that I’m aiming at someone who’s just getting started in the fandom. There are many fics not on this list that I would consider some of my favorites, but wouldn’t necessarily recommend to someone who is just getting their feet wet with the pairing, no matter how good they are.      Instead, as I’ve just gotten into a new-to-me fandom recently, I’ve tailored this more towards, “What’s something that feels like an extension of the canon, as that’s what I’m most interested in right now?” or “What’s a fic that’s in the ~20k range, because that’s what I want to get a feel for things, before diving into the novel length ones?” as those tend to be better barometers for figuring out what you like and what you want.      Then, once you’re hooked (one hopes–if not, it’s no biggie, there’s plenty of other SW fic to read, too!) then we’ll start shoving the novels and the pwps at you. ^_~ OBIKIN RECS - SOME STRAIGHTFORWARD FAVES: ✦ starbird by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin, 8.8k    Anakin thinks he knows everything about Obi-Wan but doesn’t. Anakin thinks a lot of things, actually, and he’s wrong about most of them. Anakin’s whole world view is turned upside down. Obi-Wan is having the time of his life. ✦ Invictus by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 40.3k    The one where the force ships it and to get Anakin and Obi-Wan together, it must lead them through several orchestrated tropes in the name of kiss already to save the galaxy. ✦ One touch and I ignite by Paper_cut, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka & cast, NSFW, 59k    Anakin makes a bit different choices, and learns better communication. So does Obi-Wan. Eventually. ✦ Seed by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin & background anakin/padme, NSFW, 44k    When Anakin falls prey to a lethal poison, Obi-Wan has no choice but use all his resources to heal him– no matter how reluctant he is in administering the antidote. ✦ Sear me by liv_k, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 9.9k    “So here we are, a failed Jedi, a Sith, and our imminent deaths. I leave it to you to choose how we will meet our demise, whether fighting or doing something else entirely.” ✦ Symposium by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 16.9k    Obi-Wan attends a very fancy party, is dosed with an aphrodisiac, unwillingly participates in a discussion about Desire, and has some revelations about his relationship with his Padawan, much to Anakin’s surprise (and delight). ✦ After the Pillars Come Down by Virgo827, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, 19.7k    Anakin, Obi-Wan, & Ahsoka investigate the death of a Senator, and an accusation against the Jedi Order. ✦ Across the Darkness by xpityx, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, NSFW, 20.6k    Obi-Wan knew they had hit the temple’s inner security measures when Anakin went from calm to clutching both Obi-Wan and his lightsaber between one step and the next. ✦ the sound of your voice (helps me find peace) by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 28.7k wip    Five times Anakin had to ask for a story. And one time Obi-Wan offered it freely. ✦ aliens (almost) made them do it by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 9.1k    Anakin thought it was going to be just another boring mission. He was wrong. ✦ Eternally Beloved by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 12l    Anakin is fourteen when he gives the pendant to Obi-Wan. ✦ all spaces are liminal by Kierkegarden, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 35.9k    Three years after the fall of the Republic, Obi-Wan Kenobi hasn’t come any closer to making peace with his new life. Three years after the fall of the Republic, Vader wants the gratification of forgiveness. Three years after the fall of the Republic, time doesn’t bend or break or alter. It simply rushes past those who cannot learn to embrace it. ✦ more than a candle by jenmishe, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme (& pre-obi-wan/anakin/padme), 50.3k    Anakin discovers a few things about himself, Obi Wan only seemingly has his shit together, and Padmé has the best time of her life. OBIKIN RECS - A FEW NOVEL LENGTH FICS ANYWAY: → wicked thing by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 92.3k wip    There are rumours of yet another Sith Lord hiding among the Separatists. The Council sends Anakin to investigate. Anakin has a bad feeling about this. or, the story of how Anakin exists in a perpetual state of intense embarrassment, Obi-Wan is enjoying it a little too much, and everything is, generally speaking, a gigantic mess. ✦ Alignment by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 136k    Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are not prepared for what they find on a lonely planet: two Sith that are powerful, mysterious, and perfect twins of Anakin and Obi-Wan. Can the Jedi face the truth of their own darkness? Can the Sith be brought to the light? ✦ Conceal Me What I Am by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka & palpatine & cast, NSFW, omegaverse, senator!obi-wan, 93.1k wip    Separatist Propaganda is turning the Republic against the Jedi Order and the Senate sees no choice but to join in a political alliance to fight dissent on a unified front.An alliance is proposed through an arranged marriage,between a Jedi Knight and Republican Senator. ✦ The World Undone by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & maul & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 143.3k    Anakin Skywalker, proud symbol of the strength and purity of the Jedi Order, is the target of a strange and handsome Sith named Obi-Wan, whose only goal seems to be pulling Skywalker down into the dark with him. ✦ Into the Archives by skygawker, obi-wan & anakin (& some anakin/padme) & palpatine & cast, 104.9k wip    After hearing the legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise from Palpatine, Anakin decides that his best chance to save Padme is to break into the restricted Holocron Vault of the Temple Archives to search for information about Plagueis. Predictably, all does not go according to plan. Revenge of the Sith AU. OBIKIN RECS - SOMETIMES YOU JUST WANT THEM TO FUCK RIGHT NOW ALREADY BUT ALSO HAVE GOOD CHARACTER INSIGHT: ✦ This Was Obi-Wan by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 5.3k    With how proper and refined his master is,Anakin just can’t figure why he sits like that, all spread-legged and obscene.But after a mission goes awry and he sees Obi-Wan naked for the first time,the question isn’t why,but more like how he’s possibly going to survive with the knowledge. ✦ Home Again by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 1.7k    When Anakin’s emotions overwhelm him, Obi-Wan is always there with a firm hand and clear eye to help him find his way back from the dark. ✦ Swear On It by dirkygoodness, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.5k    Anakin lets his feet take him a good ways from camp before he actually stops, breathing fast from the memory of his dream. He squeezes his eyes shut tight against it and holds his breath for a moment, trying to get himself under control. Tonight it doesn’t seem to be working, though, because the images of people he knows and loves hurt and bloody and dead just won’t get out of his mind. ✦ Walking the Fine Line by cupiscent, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 9.4k    Anakin gets captured, Obi-Wan rescues him, and the aftermath would be ridiculous if it weren’t so troubling. ✦ bound up with you by DreamingMoonlight, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s, mild bondage, 7.4k    Anakin has a lot of secret wants and desires that he thinks he shouldn’t. And sometimes it takes a little extra work to drag them out of him. ✦ at ease by luckee, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, some d/s, 7.2k    Obi-Wan gives Anakin the guiding hand he so desperately needs. ✦ hilt by luckee, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, object insertion, 5.5k    Anakin can’t have Obi-Wan’s cock to help him explore his sexuality. So he borrows his lightsaber. ✦ Collar by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, sex pollen (of a sort), 9.4k    “You have to be sure, Anakin. Once we’re in, we’re in.” “I think I can handle being your sub, Obi-Wan.“ ✦ Five Hundred by HandsAcrossTheSea, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 8.6k    Obi-Wan stops him with a finger to the lips. “Do try to remember where we are – and there is a time and place for… misuse… and it’s not here.” ✦ Home Again by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, mild bondage, 1.7k    When Anakin’s emotions overwhelm him, Obi-Wan is always there with a firm hand and clear eye to help him find his way back from the dark. OBIKIN RECS – OKAY MAYBE ONE OR TWO AUS: ✦ On Whose Authority by Mithrigil, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 33.1k    After seven years training as Qui-Gon’s Padawan, Anakin finally has questions that his Master can’t answer. A specialist in force-user initiation and the erotic mysteries might be just what Anakin needs–but Kenobi is almost too good at his job. ✦ Prompted by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, various aus (see author notes), 45.7k    A collection of short smutty oneshots written in response to prompts :) ✦ Parrots, Parkour, Pirates, Punk, and Perfect Strangers by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan/anakin & cast, modern au, 12.4k    In which Anakin is having a rough day, Obi Wan just wanted to help out the cute stranger and also maybe impress him, someone films their encounter and it goes viral on Twitter. Now the entire internet wants these two to get married. Too bad neither got the other’s name… ✦ Shaak Herding for the Troubled and Lonely by protos_metazu_ison, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & ahsoka & plo & cast, 41.1k wip    While reluctant to re-enter society, Obi-Wan’s always wanted to meet Anakin Skywalker, the most powerful Force-user in the galaxy. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE
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morganas-pendragons · 4 years ago
No Body, No Crime | a.s.
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As soon as I heard No Body, No Crime from Evermore, I had to write this with him. This is my first test of writing for Anakin - please be gentle. If you enjoy, let me know! I intend to make most of Evermore into a growing series for different SW characters! The first of them is below!
i may have played with the lyrics for a bit 
long story short, i survived - din 
He did it. 
He did it. 
Your eyes flicker out to the awning in which Padmé Amidala stands. The cool air of Coruscant is tinged with something out of place tonight, something that makes the hairs on your nape stand to attention, and your watchful gaze flickers out to the skyline where you can usually spot the Jedi Temple in all its majesty. 
The image of the skyline is tainted by the sound of screaming and the sight of fire encompassing the spires that usually stand so proud against the Coruscanti sky. 
From where she stands beside you, Padmé Amidala bursts into tears and wraps her arms around the growing swell of her stomach. Part of you wants to say you aren’t jealous, that you don’t wish that was you carrying the child of Anakin Skywalker, but the part of you which desires - Jedi don’t desire, they don’t have wants or needs, they simply ARE - buries that feeling deep down and dredges the rage back up to the surface. 
It’s so hard to believe that the same man who left you in charge of his pregnant wife, who was not so defenseless as he thought her to be, to return to the Temple - the same place you were both raised, the same place that saw the way you looked at him when he wasn’t paying attention - and inevitably be the reason it is now on fire. 
Or so you think. 
Padmé’s a friend of mine 
We meet up every Tuesday night for dinner and a glass of wine 
Before the war, you were a Jedi Knight who had great influence with many of the Senators in the Senate. It had been how you’d met Padmé Amidala to begin with - at the tender age of fourteen when you had not been much older then she was - and had orchestrated the protection she’d received from Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. 
Known for your sharp tongue and even more clever mind. Maybe that’s why Anakin took an interest in you. 
Padmé’s been losing sleep 
Her husband’s acting different 
And it smells like infidelity 
Anakin Skywalker had not been much younger then you when you met. Still a Padawan himself, he only had the eyes for Amidala and often reminded his Master of that. You’d spent many a nights with Obi-Wan Kenobi on the terraces of the Temple in deep conversation about his struggles training such a head-strong Padawan. 
Then the war had come, and so had Anakin’s padawan. Starry eyed Ahsoka Tano who was barely thirteen years old and having a difficult time believing she was the apprentice to the Chosen One. 
You’d never called him that. It made him too prideful, too arrogant. It was unfortunate that he was so often the topic of your dreams when it was clearly obvious he was tightly wound around Padmé Amidala. 
To you, he was the same boy you’d met all those years ago before a woman and the war had changed him beyond repair. 
Still, you never spoke of it. Never spoke of the way you’d watch him train his padawan in the salles, never about the way he commanded an entire army with just his fierce devotion and loyalty to the clones, never about the way you felt when he made you laugh, never about how he made such a reputation for himself that the galaxy began calling him The Hero With No Fear. 
And here you were, having been one of the people who made him, just another Jedi General fighting on the front lines of a war that seemed to be going on forever. 
  “Master? Can I ask you something?” It had been Ahsoka to bring it up one day late on the fronts of Felucia, a mission that you’d been assigned to accompany Anakin and the 501st to with your own battalion of clones. You were among the best Jedi General with the lowest casualty rates besides Anakin and Obi-Wan and he’d advocated specifically for you to join him and the rest of the 501st. 
The real reason why you’d said yes was because he said he missed you. 
  “Absolutely, Ahsoka.” 
  “You know... The Jedi has taught me my entire life that we’re not supposed to have attachments. We’re not supposed to love. I’m not sure how to do that.” Ahsoka wrung her hands in her lap and lifted her eyes to where Anakin sat on the opposite side of the fire with Fives and Hardcase, mouth stuffed with ration bars and fingers pointed at you. He was probably telling some confounded story about the three missions the two of you had taken together. One of them had ended up with you nearly stuck with a Gundark and her mate, but that’s a story for another time. “How long have you?” 
You still marvel at the fact that she was that intuitive. 
  “Have I what?” 
  ‘’Been attached to Master Skywalker?” 
That question had struck you so hard that you hadn’t quite been able to answer her the way she’d wanted. When had you accepted the fact that you were just a leech on Anakin Skywalker’s back - someone who he’d never see because his gaze was always on Padmé - desperate for his affection that he was never going to return? What the point of running after someone who’d never chase you just as recklessly? 
  “I guess I always run to the people who aren’t willing to run back to me.” 
From that point onward, you’d vowed to bury your feelings for Anakin Skywalker as deep as they could possibly go. There was no point in entertaining a fantasy. That’s all it was. A fantasy. 
This moment, however, is anything but. 
When Anakin comes back to the apartment at 500 Republica, Padmé rushes out to meet him. You’re perched in the sitting room that is swathed with shadow as you keenly watch their short lived reunion. The Force is ringing with alarm. Like it’s trying to tell you something. 
  “Are you alright?” Padmé asks, concern laced in her tone as she grasps his arms like her life depends on it, gaze sweeping across his face as she scans him for any injury he may have obtained. “I heard there was an attack on the Jedi Temple, you can see the smoke from here!” 
I think he did it 
But I just can’t prove it 
I think he did it but I just can’t prove it 
You’ve never had a hard time being able to read Anakin. He was always so bright and receptive to both the Force and other Force sensitive people, always tuned into the feelings of people he cared about most - and victim to the destruction of his own heart that so often got him into trouble - and now as he stands mere feet in front of you, you find it akin to staring at a wall. 
It’s blank. All of him is blank. All those micro-details that had fabricated the very existence known as Anakin Skywalker is as bare as the skies above Coruscant, now filled with smoke and screams. 
No, no body no crime 
But I aint letting up until the day I die 
  “What’s happening?” 
  “The Jedi have tried to overthrow The Republic.” Your breath catches in your throat at what is so very obviously a lie, and your heart immediately reaches out for the presence of dear Obi-Wan Kenobi who happened to be off-world in the midst of the destruction. 
The Force had spared him. You.. however... you remain unaware on whether or not it’ll spare you from what inevitably comes next. 
I think he did it 
People who aren’t quite sure of who they’re supposed to be are so very easily manipulated. 
  “I can’t believe that-” Padmé argues, ever the intelligent, and shook her head at her husband’s accusation. 
  “I saw Master Windu try to assassinate the Chancellor myself,” Anakin replies. Blue eyes swept into the sitting room undoubtedly in search of your form to ensure someone he trusted was still looking out for his beloved. “Are they still here?” 
Padmé nods. Your devotion and loyalty to both the safety of her and her child reminded her so fondly of Sabé - her Queen’s Shadow from her time sitting on the throne on Naboo - and she desperately hoped that would not end with either of you in a grave. 
  “You trusted the right person with our secret, Anakin.” Padmé murmured. It was rather unfortunate that he happened to choose the same person who was trying to fight the way they felt about him. Padmé ached for you. She’d been in that very same position once. “But what are you going to do?” 
  “I will not betray The Republic. My loyalties lie with The Chancellor, with the Senate, and with you.” The lack of your name should alarm you. It doesn’t. Given what’s currently occurring at the Jedi Temple, which is where you should be, you are not surprised that he’s forgotten your presence. Forgotten you. 
Anakin’s eyes fall on the sitting room. Just as he tells Padmé of the next phase of his plan, the darkness he is growing so accustomed to feeling is lit with the sight of a glaring emerald lightsaber. 
  “What about them?” 
You emerge from the room to stand upon the landing platform. Padmé’s lips are poised to call out your name, to beg you not to hurt him, but the very fact remains: This thing standing in front of you is not The Hero With No Fear. He’s something else entirely. Something dark, something fake. 
And darkness goes against everything you have ever stood for. 
  “I don’t know who you think you are.” Your voice is laced with anger as you move forward, not a drop of fear in your aspect, all while keeping your blade trained at Anakin’s chest. Your mind is screaming at you - this is anakin, he’s been broken, stop stop stop stop stop you LOVE him! - but you’re too concerned about the darkness that curls around his bones and makes its home within him to listen to your heart. “But if the Jedi who are currently screaming right now are dead at your hands, I will come back and find you. I will be your end.” 
You press your hand against Padmé’s. Her eyes widen at the feel of a blaster against her palm, nearly the same as the one Saché had hidden within the throne during her first year as Queen. She hears your voice clear in your mind, be careful. 
Anakin has one last thing to say to you before you depart. “If you return to the Temple to save the Jedi,” He calls out, voice monotone and lacking any of the depth and warmth he so often reserved for you and Padmé and Ahsoka. “You will be marked a traitor, and I will find you.” 
Your fingers curl so tightly around your lightsaber that your knuckles turn white. Your stomach threatens to drop as reality finally catches up with you: This thing currently inhabiting the body of Anakin Skywalker is far from the same boy you’d harbored feelings for. Far from the man you’d wished he could’ve become. 
  “I’d like to see you try.” 
The last time Padmé Amidala-Skywalker sees you is the night of Operation Knightfall. She’s more then aware of the way you look at her husband, but your love for Anakin is not her concern. It’s how he could never love you back. 
The last time Anakin Skywalker sees you is before he loses himself to the Dark, gives into his thirst for power, and becomes Darth Vader. 
I think he did it. 
Padmé wasn’t there 
Tuesday night at her apartment 
At her job 
Or anywhere 
Somehow, someway, Sabé contacts you. She seems to be aware of your relationship with Padmé prior to the fall of The Republic and so presses you on the details she has been deprived of - seeing as how she’s been with Tanaka for months by that point - and how she had just... died. With no warning, no logical reason, the woman she had dedicated her life to serving was dead. 
Your memory still haunts you with the sights that you’d been greeted with upon landing on Mustafar. Her half-dead body carelessly tossed on the landing platform, head lolling on her shoulder, eyes fluttering as she fought consciousness. 
It had been you who had given her solace aboard her starship, and it had been you to hold her daughter. 
  “You were the closest to my Lady and Skywalker!” Sabé snaps over the holo, and you wince at the bite in her voice. It’s been weeks of sleepless nights and living nightmares. You’re not sure you aren’t hallucinating this entire conversation anyway. “You are truly telling me you are unaware of how she died?” 
She thinks I did but I just can’t prove it 
You have theories. Theories with no evidence to make them facts. 
No... no body no crime
  “I don’t know how she died, but she did.” Your hardened gaze lands on the former handmaiden. “And now it’s up to you to protect her legacy, Sabé.” 
   “Amidalans.” Sabé nods gravely at the moniker and hangs her head. “That is what we will call those who guard our Lady’s tomb. Amidalans.” 
  “She told me about you all the time. We are brave, your Highness.” You feign a warm smile as she meets your eyes. “There’s never been a better time to be brave for your Lady then now, Sabé.” 
That is the last the former Handmaiden of Amidala hears from you. She will go on to form the Amidalans, the guardians of Padmé Amidala’s tomb upon Naboo, and will even live to survive Darth Vader. 
The Force had spared you. Until today. Today you stand on the ground of a planet you never thought you’d find yourself apart of, today you stand in the ruins of a Sith Temple with two survivors of Order 66 and the youngest Force sensitive you have seen since the genocide of the Jedi. 
Today, your soul knows what is coming. The inevitable. 
I wasn’t letting up until the day he... 
The name you had given Kanan and Ezra was not your real one, even despite what Ahsoka had claimed about knowing you. She knew you well. After the brief argument that had occurred in light of that news, you’d taken her aside to disclose that you’d briefly joined the Empire and had been an Inquisitor under their ranks after you had been found. Among the best of them. 
You don’t tell her about how they broke you. About how he broke you with the way he towered over you, the way his fingers danced across your cheek and the way his lightsaber had burned itself into your arm. His kyber crystals had called out to you. Had weeped for reprieve. 
Neither of you found it. In front of you, The Sith Temple is alight with emerald and white light. 
No, no body no crime 
I wasn’t letting up until the day he... 
We are brave, Your Highness. 
No, no body no crime 
  “I always said I would be the one to end you.” You call out. Planted in place by Ahsoka, you disengage your saber in favor of both you and his former Padawan using your words to beckon to the person who laid within the suit. “I still fully intend to keep that promise. You’re not-” Tears prick your eyes as you turn your head away from Vader. “You are not the man I would’ve ripped the galaxy apart for.” 
  “Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him.” Vader tilts his head. He’s clearly proud of himself for something. “And I destroyed you as well. What a shame. You were among the Empire’s best.” 
I wasn’t letting up until the day he...
  “Yeah, you did destroy me.” Ezra watches in awe as both you and Ahsoka engage your sabers, a blinding flurry of green and white light, and take your defensive stances against the Sith Lord. “And now we will destroy you, in honor of him. In honor of Anakin.” 
You launch yourself right at the ghost of Anakin Skywalker. He is a mirage, a fake, a shell of darkness that once housed a being you could have sworn was made of pure starlight. Of love. 
So much for fantasies. 
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sheepfulsheepyardinspace · 5 years ago
Do you have any Star Wars fanfic recommendations, or have a link to someone else's list? I really wanna veg out.
oh my god, DO I. this may have been the best ask in the world. i’m not really sure what u want a feel for, so i threw together some of my favorite longfics for maximum veg time from the ot/pt and links for swr and swtcw recs. they’re pretty much all luke-anakin/vader centric, since that’s kinda my bread and butter.
let’s start with frodogenic, who wrote the first longfic i ever read in sw and might be one of the funniest authors ever. they once reviewed my fanfic & i nearly cried from joy. anyway. 
The Father, 284k+, complete. “Ten years after ROTS, tormenting nightmares of his unborn child drive Darth Vader to extraordinary measures with unexpectedly drastic consequences. Clearly, experience has taught Darth Vader nothing...” 
this is my og star wars fic and boy oh boy is it amazing. i will never get over this. i don’t want to spoil anything but when i say the final chapters are great? i mean they’re legendary. sometimes i still think about them & wish upon a star that i could be such a great writer. vader’s amazing, han is spectacular, and the ocs are fantastic.
Far More Than Rubies, 70k+, complete. “Nine years after AOTC, tragedy revisits the Lars Homestead. Little Luke Skywalker is suddenly plunged into chaos as the rebel movements discover a secret military project that may make a crucial difference in the war with the Empire.”
the spiritual twin of The Father, FMTR takes a look at padmé’s character and relationship with both luke and anakin/vader that’s hard to beat. it’s darker and heavier than The Father, but it hits those same sweet, sweet emotional beats while raising the age-old question: if padmé had lived, what would she have done?
The Family Tree, 12k, complete. “In which Luke Skywalker is stranded in a tree waiting for a flash flood to recede. Too bad he's got company...”
okay, i admit, this isn’t a longfic, but it is a longshot, and it’s amazing. the imagery and description always blow me away, and the interaction (canon-compliant) between luke and vader just [chef’s kiss] get me. vader’s in full, glorious form, and it makes it all the harder when luke wrestles with the knowledge that vader is his father.
Sibling Revelry, 25k, complete. “After Bespin and before Endor, Darth Vader is shocked to discover that Luke and Leia are twins. He's even more shocked when Imperial Intelligence reports that Organa and Skywalker are, erm, a tad closer than previously suspected.”
this is complete crack and humor in the best way possible. it’s crack treated entirely seriously, and you will be in stitches, i promise. no matter how many times i’ve read this i break down.
KittandChips (@kittandchips) writes what i can only describe as food for the soul. the luke-vader interaction is insanely amazing, the world building of daily imperial life and imperial governance is amazing, and vader just has a special je ne sais quoi that u must read to understand––tragic, funny, and so, so fatherly. they’re currently rewriting the Force Bond Series to fit in with newer canon, so i will joyously binge reread the entire again (including the new Force Bond: Mustafar Weekend).
Force Bond 1: Orphan, 47k, complete. “After Owen and Beru are killed by a mysterious stranger, young Luke ends up as an orphan on Coruscant. It's a race against time as Obi-Wan struggles to find Luke before Vader realizes the boy is his son.”
Orphan kicks off the series, which tracks vader and luke’s relationship through the perils of luke’s teenagerhood while growing up under the eye of the emperor and imperial court. it’s filled with slow growth, struggle and misunderstandings as darth vader tries to single parent, and pay off in every installment. the entire series clocks in around 777k+ and is the most joyful, fulfilling reading you’ll ever have. promise.
darth-nickels (@darth--nickels) writes darker, twistier, and terribly, terribly heartwrenching aus. they’ve got a whole host, but let me introduce to my two favorites. also, check out their faux-academia on vader. it’s amazing and i love it, but i admit i am an academia hoe.
Dooku Captured, Pt 2, 16k, complete. “Dooku is taken alive onboard the Invisible Hand, and Sidious' web is torn. The Sith Lord wonders if death might have been preferable to clumsy interrogation by Anakin Skywalker.”
Dooku Captured is a longshot au told from Dooku’s pov which takes the beginning of ROTS and throws it on its head. it’s a fascinating outside perspective of anakin and obi-wan’s relationship and such and interesting examination of dooku’s psyche and especially his complex relationship with the jedi order, qui-gon, yoda, and palpatine. i cannot rec this one enough.
Black Mirror, 90k, incomplete. “The Ghost crew returns to the Lothal when they hear the Empire is investigating the Jedi Temple there. They learn Vader is alone and decide to take him out-- but what they find could change the course of Galactic history.”
Black Mirror diverges into swr territory, but make no mistake: this is entirely an examination of vader and, later, obi-wan as well as ahsoka. luke makes his appearance later in the game, and boy oh boy will you love luke’s portrayal is a microcosm of luke and vader’s relationship within canon. heed the tags, though.
jerseydevious ( @jerseydevious ) is, first and foremost, one of my favorite people on earth. secondly, though, she’s an amazing writer with a deep understanding of vader’s character and psyche, a flair for beautiful depictions, and the true ability to wring every emotion out of your body.
Two and a Half Men (with a baby), 13k, incomplete. “After a long day of bargaining with Hutts and attempting to ignore his past, Darth Vader is nearing the end of his rope. When he discovers his two-year-old son, it's the straw that breaks the semi-rational Sith Lord's back; in a rash act worthy of the Skywalker name, he scoops his son into his arms, steals a shuttle from his own fleet, and punches in random hyperspace coordinates to a destination on the other side of the galaxy. Unfortunately, father and son are not the only ones on the ship.”
Two and a Half Men will stick with you, dude. like no other. i promise. it’s a whirlwind ride with obi-wan, vader, and piett and as funny as it is heartbreaking. it touches on some heavy issues and doesn’t shy away from looking at the damage done to vader––again, heed the tags.
Helioseismology, 4k, complete. “Luke gets shot down on a supply run and caught in an ice storm. It's extremely lucky that his father followed him there.“
i’ll admit. im completely biased about this one because it was a birthday gift to me and i am sucker for litcherally anything when jd puts pen to paper, but believe me when i say you will be awed by the depth and tangled relationships between these luke and vader that jersey can illustrate in a stroke of the paintbrush. im love. always.
izzythehutt ( @izzythehutt ) i am blown away by the intricate dialogue and characterization, always. and the latin puns? im sold. im also a sucker for latin puns, but that’s a story for a different time.
In Loco Pirates, 34k, complete. “A down-on-his-luck Hondo Ohnaka manages to capture the unicorn of all bounties--Luke Skywalker, which sends Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, on a painfully familiar trip to the planet Florrum to collect his prize. The failed negotiations leave Vader in the awkward position of being stuck in a besieged pirate bunker, trying to balance keeping his wayward child safe (and in his custody) with controlling the tongue of a loose-lipped pirate who--to the surprise of no one--has a bad habit of telling 'amusing' anecdotes from the Clone Wars.”
hondo, aka the best character of swtcw, is brought to life just as vividly on paper as on screen. his entire personality brings luke and vader’s difficulties in a sort of incredulous light, which makes it as funny as it is vulnerable and tragic. the sequel, Palpatine Ad Portas, brings piett into the spotlight, and oh man do his interactions with palpatine and vader bring u all the uncomfortable vibes. relish in it.
sparklight ( @littlesparklight ) man. lemme introduce u to an amazing prolific and detailed writer. i will never get over the series they’ve written & neither will u.
Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn’t Get Away, 122k, incomplete. “One-shots surrounding either AU situations of canon/legends works where Luke would normally have gotten away (or Vader is simply inserted into the action to come pick his child up) but in these instances doesn't, or completely new scenarios of the same. There are no deep ruminations on consequences of the situations here, just our awful Sith dad picking his son up when he'd rather not be.”
exactly what it says on the tin. u know those glorious moments of fanfic where luke’s gotten captured and ur on pins and needles, waiting for vader to show up in a moment of dark glory? here’s the moment. here’s all the moments.
Space Race, 122k, incomplete. “Owen gives in to Luke's wish to attend the Imperial Academy and Obi-Wan is too late to avert it, though he's not too late to make sure Luke leaves Arkanis before Vader can gets his hands on him. Luke spends over a month running around the galaxy before his father gets him, and from there...”
this story relishes in chase and boy is it fun. it will keep you on the edge of your seat and it’s an amazing ride.
The Suns of Tatooine, 85k, complete. “Luke ends up on a moon swamped in dark side energy after a mission goes wrong, then his father appears... and then they go on a bit of a learning experience. This could've been the only thing that would come of getting through a Sith complex with his father, but thanks to going to free Han earlier than the gang did otherwise, more revelations are had. Will that change anything?”
this series is a thoughtful, contemplative piece examining the nature of the force and the relationship the skywalkers have with tatooine. the descriptions are beautiful, the inventiveness is amazing, and you’ll be thinking about it for long afterwards.
an additional few…
Between Flight and Longing; 34k, complete. “Luke Skywalker and Han Solo journey to the planet Balen'ar on a desperate mission and find more than they'd bargained for.”
a classic and it is for a reason. the interaction between han, luke, and vader is so spectacular and the slow trudge of going through the forest with your greatest enemy and best friend is something hilarious. the end is bittersweet and fantastic.
The Sith Who Brought Life Day, 13k, complete. “An Imperial officer loses a bet and has to get Darth Vader a present for Life Day.”
somewhere between terrifying and dull, this fic presents a canon-compliant look at the hunt for luke and the grinding wheels of the empire. the oc is amazing and it echoes in true star wars spirit: sometimes it’s just some dude who can change the galaxy.
Quintessence, 5k, complete. ‘“Well, Master, I think I’ve found the one positive aspect of this situation.” “Which is?” “The Temple won’t have to pay the costs for our funeral pyres.”’
pure hilarity and shenanigans abound in pre-aotc obi-wan and anakin hijink goodness. lemme tell u––u will deeply sympathize with mace windu afterwards. additionally, check out the rest of the author’s oneshots! they’re deeply thoughtful and the interactions the author writes between obi-wan and anakin are always gold.
some extras & shameless self-promotion
here’s a full list of recommendations for star wars rebels fanfic in case this is what you’re looking for (remember when this used to be a swr blog, lmao)
i’ve also written sw fanfic, both swr and luke-vader centric. drop by and tell me if it’s any good!
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tessiete · 4 years ago
Author Interview Game
Thank you for the tag @kckenobi - Really enjoying these!
Name: tessiete
Fandoms: Right now, we doing Star Wars. And Star Wars is the fandom I’ve been the most prolific in. In the past, though, I’ve written for Star Trek: AOS, X-Files (1 abandoned fic - don’t go there!), Teen Wolf, Kingsman, ER, The Good Wife, and The Haunting of Hill House.
Where you post: Everything is HERE on AO3, our shared home.
Most popular oneshot: A Better Grace
Okay, this surprised even me. Is The Good Wife a really popular fandom? Or am I a really unpopular writer? (It’s the latter). It’s also funny, because like so many of my fics, this is Crack on Malicious Compliance. A prompt - actually possibly @pebblysand? - made a joke about Will Gardner falling in love with himself. So I wrote him as Narcissus…
I thought it was funny XD
Most popular multichap: One Human Thought
This is a Saved From Slavery baby Obi-Wan AU. Like A Better Grace, this was ALSO Crack on Malicious Compliance. @lieutenantmittens wanted a story about Obi-Wan Kenobi as a bed slave of Qui-Gon Jinn, and like...this is what happened. Technically, that is the impression Obi-Wan’s previous captor was convinced Qui-Gon was taking him for. But Qui-Gon would never. And so instead, we have this Jedi Temple as Hogwarts, Obi-Wan “Not a Jedi” Kin’Obi, Father/Son Growing Together fic.
It got away from me...yeah.
Favorite story you’ve written: The Eternal Spring
My baby. My child. The only story for SW that I’ve ever written that I’ve taken seriously. It’s a Padme Lives AU which sees her travelling to Tatooine with a severely traumatised Obi-Wan Kenobi, and her twins. She and Obi-Wan are reeling, and unable to reconcile to the point that after they fight one night, he runs away in a misguided effort to kill the Emperor and end things, leaving her on her own. She gets her shit together, puts a bounty out on Obi-Wan to be brought in warm, hires Boil to fill it, who gets help from Rex and Bo-Katan, who assign him a guide/pilot in Korkie (MY BOY!), and together they drag Obi-Wan’s dramatic ass back to life.
It’s a reimagining of the myth of Psyche and Eros. It’s the first fic I wrote poetry for, the first fic I made con-langs for, and yeah...I just……….it’s probably the closest to how I imagine my Star Wars.
Fic you were nervous to post: A Summer Swift. It’s mine. It’s still under anonymous. But it was the first time I wrote smut (all, like, two paragraphs), and I just...rampant sex IRL is Not My Thing, and it’s not what I go looking for in fic, but I - AGAIN the malicious compliance - promised to write a “realistic coffee shop AU” and was determined to show how depressing this romanticised venue really is.
Definitely get the MOST outrage for that, but not for the reason I thought. Apparently, perpetual mediocrity and eternity in a menial service job depresses people. Who knew. The fact that it’s probably the closest reflection of my actual darkest fears maybe is what makes it...effective?
Of the fic publicly posted under my own name - Everything Grows. It’s an a/b/o QuiObi fic I did for a challenge with @lieutenantmittens because I wanted to see if I could do it. It was...a strange journey. We did a lot of research, asking people what tropes they liked, and reading as many SW a/b/o fics as possible, and by the end, honestly, we were more exhausted than Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. 10/10 Learning experience. Don’t think I personally nailed it - I would not have gotten anywhere without @lieutenantmittens who did so much of the heavy lifting - and it didn’t really sell me on the trope, but I’m glad I proved I could do it, you know?
How you choose your titles: What’s the theme? → Google “quotes about fatherhood/light/royalty/inheritance/love/hope” → Insert TITLE of ⅔ of the words from that quote.
Ex. Everything Grows (rounder and weirder) = “Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.” - Carrie Fisher
One Human Thought = “How DARE you and the rest of your barbarians set fire to my library? Play conqueror all you want, Mighty Caesar! Rape, murder, pillage thousands, even millions of human beings! But neither you nor any other barbarian has the right to destroy one human thought!” - Cleopatra (1963)
The Eternal Spring = “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” - Alexander Pope
Also poetry. Like…...99% of what I write revolves around poetry. Which is ironic bc I don’t love poetry. I’m not educated in it. But…???
Do you outline? No, not really. I usually wait to come up with the opening line in my head, and then once I have that, I just go. HOWEVER, especially with One Human Thought - since it had no concept when I first conceived it - I’ve found it SO helpful, even necessary, to talk through basic ideas in DMs with my loves. It really speeds up my writing.
Complete: 20/22 of my fics are complete. (Fffff to my X-Files fic)
In progress: One Human Thought. Only, like….three more chapters, I think? Coming down to the wire. Does the structure worry me? Yes. Why is the darkest night of the soul SO close to the climax and resolution???? I don’t know.
Padme’s Chapbook - a zine I’m doing that’s a collection of poems Padme has curated and collected from amongst her friends, with three sort of meta-narratives as well.
Coming soon/not yet started: Silent and So Near. It’s my WWI/Clone Wars fusion fic where Qui-Gon lives, Anakin is not prematurely knighted, and Obi-Wan goes to the frontlines alone. It doesn’t go well. (But it ends...happily?). 
And then an Obitine Double Date fic, with Obi-Wan and Anakin obliviously flirting their way through a Senatorial gala while Satine and Padme run interference and drink.
Prompts: I love prompts but I don’t always do them. The prompts I love are the ones I can twist - the bed slave, obi-wan dressed as padme, falling in love with yourself, sad coffee shop, etc. 
Upcoming Work You’re Most Excited About: Silent and So Near. I love WWI and I’m excited to see if there’s a way of drawing thematic parallels between the idea of the death of a Belle Epoch, of the end of gentlemanly warfare, of war by attrition, of the Industrial Age and the mechanisation of war….all that. 
No pressure tags: @tree-scapes @pebblysand @lieutenantmittens @pomiar @acatbyanothername93 talk to me! ....if you want!
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hamliet · 5 years ago
Hello! Have you seen TROS yet? [Spoiler alert] I was really devastated by the ending - coming out the theater feeling upset and disappointed. Do you have any thoughts on it? Or maybe any plan to write fix-it fic? Thank you!
I am seeing it tomorrow. That said, I’ve read the plot summary, and no good execution can save that. So I was planning on posting this after I watched it with amendments made as I hope to enjoy it, but I’ll just post it now and amend this as necessary based on the film as I see it. (I still believe I will enjoy the film, even if I don’t think it’s a good film. I do think that. I really do... I hope.)
BASED ON THE PLOT SUMMARIES ALONE (grains of salt everywhere!): 
I think it’s technically… messy writing at best and downright bad writing in other parts.* 10/10 it’s a blockuster-y, JJ Abrams-esque, (hopefully) fun, messy narrative movie that will be forgotten in 0.3 seconds.
Disclaimer before everyone comes after me: if you like it, AWESOME. If you think it’s good writing, great! Good writing and bad writing are inherently subjective; that said, there are general consensuses among literary studies about what constitutes bad and good writing. Hence, I’m relying on those consensuses when I call it messily written.
Before we get into specifics, I’ll compare it to two other major pop culture endings: Game of Thrones and Avengers: Endgame.
TROS is similar to the GoT final season in that it attempts to incorporate every aspect of fan speculation ever. However, it’s more like Endgame in that it is still somewhat true to the themes and characters—but unfortunately also like Endgame, it is not transformative or particularly interesting as a story on its own. In fact, it’s rather boring and honestly… bad storytelling. It tries to rehash Return of the Jedi but it doesn’t succeed in any way because the world and the overall story has grown since the early 1980s, and so the same story doesn’t work anymore.
Showing a cyclical story remaining cyclical with no sign of that breaking–instead, the cycles are even reinforced–does not give optimism nor does it give hope.
Redemption=death needs to die already. If we really want to reach people and tell them that the message is that you can always make a better choice (as Daisy Ridley and JJ Abrams have said about Kylo’s arc), maybe don’t send the message in each and every story that you have to die to redeem yourself. Look outside of cultural secular Calvinism, for the love of God and the betterment of the world and stories as a whole.
Now let’s talk Rey’s parentage.
We know Rey Palpatine wasn’t planned from the beginning (Trevorrow, the original write/director of IX, who was thankfully fired, said that he never planned for Palpatine to return), which means Rey’s parentage was most likely retconned from TLJ and there was no real plan for the sequel trilogy’s overall character arcs (save for Kylo’s, according to the actors and writers).
Listen to me. You don’t have to have everything planned when you start a three-film saga, but you gotta know the major beats.
This is like a sad game of movie telephone. 
Yes, I know the OT Star Wars didn’t have a plan either and it’s like one of the only examples I can think of where no plan worked out–albeit not without hiccups (Leia kissing Luke, anyone?) If you expect lightning to strike twice in the same place, I’m sorry, but you are hopelessly naive.
Having Rey decide she wants to carry on the name Skywalker at the end is lame as shit. It’s a way to appease fans while being like nah she still isn’t related. Trying to please every fan is a sure way to guarantee that you will please no one. It might make for a perfectly pleasant film experience (I really hope it does), but not good, lasting storytelling (though not like, horrific either). It’s meh. It’s like… giving someone who is starving oatmeal. It will get the job done but will it satisfy and enthrall people? Not quite.
And let’s switch gears for a minute to Finn and Rose, my first and third favorite characters in this trilogy (Kylo is second, Rey is fourth). The sidelining of Rose is nothing short of a terrible attempt to please the white-supremacist-aligned Fandom Menace. Let’s not pretend it’s anything else. JJ’s lipservice about how wonderful it was that Kelly was cast at SW Celebration is, in hindsight, absolutely nauseating.
Shame on JJ. Shame on Disney.
But the main problem I have with this film is this:
Why did it need to exist?
The answer is money. Obviously. I know, I know stories exist to make money. That doesn’t mean I can’t criticize the fact that the story was sacrificed on the unholy altar of capitalism and Disney’s desire to own our souls. (Disney–the reason I like your movies is that a lot of them are good stories. I’m not interested in pandering soooooo.)
The Rise of Skywalker does not enhance the Star Wars narrative. Nothing about this film satisfies the Skywalker Saga nor the sequel trilogy, and it kind of all comes down to Kylo Ren’s death being the nail that sunk the entire world of Star Wars.
Keep in mind Kylo is not my favorite character when I’m saying this. Finn is. But I never spoke about Finn as much because the story didn’t utilize him properly. I never had concerns about Finn getting a happy ending while I was worried for Rey and Kylo’s arcs. (Finn’s arc, however, did have a ton more potential than was capitalized on; in particular, he would have been better if he was more conflicted over say, shooting other stormtroopers. His whole character humanized the usual red shirts, which when paired with Rose’s everywoman character, had so much potential I could shriek about it all day. That he didn’t lead other brainwashed stormtroopers into rebellion and freedom saddens me. Also, his ending again seems to bring about a good victim/bad victim dichotomy when it is compared with Kylo’s. The reason these two are my faves is that they were brainwashed as kids which, well, I can kinda sorta heavily relate to.)
Kylo Ren and Rey’s relationship doesn’t really get much better than it did in The Last Jedi. It actually rehashes that arc significantly. We already knew Kylo would fight for Rey and the galaxy, so… how was this different? Now, if he had lived, it would have been different, because it was the after the fight that proved that Kylo wasn’t ready to redeem himself in The Last Jedi. It was Kylo’s choice to stay at the expense of Rey and the Resistance that was literally the set up for conflict in the next film. This… turned it into nothing? Their conflict is rehashed and then whoo-hoo! Easy way out! Kill him so that they don’t have to deal with the “after” this time! They never have to deal with the conflict literally set up in The Last Jedi.
That’s bad writing, fam.
Life is infinitely more interesting. Leaving the story open with a living Skywalker instead of killing literally everyone involved with the Skywalkers except Rey who now adopts that name is… so unsatisfying I can’t even. Even if later material shows him showing up as a Force Ghost, like: cool saw that with Vader so this… adds nothing to the existing films. It doesn’t really reconcile anything.
It also… does not help the Rey=Mary Sue argument. She is NOT a Mary Sue, and that is a sexist term itself, but in no way is it a satisfying ending to her arc, because it isn’t a well-written ending which means it isn’t a well-written arc. The problem with Rey’s ending is a mirror of my problem with Kylo’s ending: it’s the very much a combination of her ending in The Last Jedi and her life before The Force Awakens.
She and Kylo are now separated (permanently this time).
She’s has her Resistance friends.
She’s alone on a desert planet.
But wait! Now she’s now happy!
Uh, why? The only reason I can think of is that the narrative demands it. Because honestly, what changes? The family she chose–the Skywalkers–are just as dead as her Palpatine birth family, soooooo. I suppose she reconciled with her heritage and come to peace with it and so that’s why she’s happy now, but… I can’t lie. It’s not hopeful. It’s not optimistic. It’s not Star Wars and it isn’t consistent for the message (especially if this is supposed to be the ending to the saga!) to be both:
life sucks for the Skywalkers and then they die–seriously, look at Shmi, Anakin, Padmé, Leia, Luke, Han, Kylo–it is LITERALLY ALL OF THEM; and
deciding to be a Skywalker means you’re at peace.
I can only assume Rey’s life will suck and then she’ll die, tbh, unless of course she is better off because of her blood… which negates the point of her being a Skywalker and is a really gross idea.
Rejecting the Skywalkers would be anti-Star Wars, for sure, but marrying into them as a way of bridging the unfinished pain between Anakin and Padmé and Leia and her father? Much better. Or just leave it open. Honestly, leave it open for Kylo and Rey to both be alive and see each other again.
But you’re just upset your ship didn’t get a happy ending!
No, I’m upset about the storytelling, of which shipping is a part. A canonical part just as much as the lightsaber fights are. Anakin and Padmé. Leia and Han. Finn and Rose. Poe and Zorii. Rey and Ben.
The Force created Anakin, remember? All films–even the spin-offs–encourage our heroes to trust the force. “May the force be with us.” But the Force created an ENTIRE FAMILY THAT LIVED LIVES THAT SUCKED AND MADE LIFE SUCK FOR EVERYONE AROUND THEM AND THEN THEY DIED.
May the Force stay far the f*ck away from me, amen.
But seriously I can’t trust the world of a galaxy far far away or its narrative anymore. It’s a contradiction that causes all nine films to unravel. Why?
Again, let’s return to my earlier GoT comparison, because there is one thing TROS does that is more similar to GoT than to Endgame: Endgame drew together a bunch of unique distinctly separate stories into a crossover. TROS, just like GoT, relied on cliffhanger, incomplete endings to its films and therefore the ending matters a hell of a lot more than a stand-alone story.
I’m not dying to rewatch it like I am with stories where I realize I might learn more the second time. And by “rewatch it” I mean the entire nine-film saga. Knowing that canonically Leia, Luke, Han–they all die and their last descendent dies, the last descendent of Padmé and Anakin–for me, it’s personally gonna be hard to watch again. It’s gonna be hard to watch TROS going into it the first time.
And so the saga of bad endings continues.
Game of Thrones remains the worst at a -100 out of 10. It’s followed by Tokyo Ghoul:re which is still 2/10, and Star Wars is, on paper (meaning after I see it I am hoping it rises a few notches) now… 4/10. Endgame is a solid 6.5/10.
Banana Fish, sweetie, I’m sorry you were ranked down there. Your ending is a 7/10 but the rest of your story is like, 10/10 so you are sprung from this list.
Help me, Shingeki no Kyojin. You’re my only hope.
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twilightofthe · 5 years ago
Tell me ALL your SW faves
Aaaaaa thank you!  This took a while cuz this got long, lol sorry!  Aight, so here’s ALL my SW faves for this ask prompt list!
FAVE MOVIE: Revenge of the Sith.  10000%.  It just has everything!  You get to see the Obikin relationship in all its glory, first and foremost, how much those two loved each other more than anything and knew each other better than anyone, and just how much they genuinely got along and then we got our hearts broken watching them have to fight after Anakin made his Goof Of The Millennium and just oooooof all the feels about my boys!  Seeing Padmé and just loving her so gotdang much for being strong and wanting the best life for everyone, all while she was so scared and had so little support from anyone, and just couldn’t do it in the end.  Seeing the end of the Republic, how after a thousand years, just, *poof*, just like that in like two days (yes, I know Sidious was planning it for over a decade but still), the horrific fascination on how Sidious was able to do that.  Just the brilliance of Sheev’s character, how you despise him, but how brilliantly everything was pulled off.  The angst of Order 66, how especially after TCW you love these characters SO MUCH and then you gotta watch them DIE HORRIBLY BY THOSE THEY TRUSTED, THOSE WHO NEVER HAD A CHOICE EITHER.  Did I mention feeling so freaking bad for Obi Wan and his Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day???  Because I really do, he’s so good and kind and we see his life fall apart and ugh I love him.  And y’all, watching Anakin Skywalker fall from grace like the brightest angel he was, you hate him for what he did, but you still can’t help but love him and cry for him and his loss because he was so good, and he did not deserve all this to happen to him but he did it to HIMSELF AAAAGGHHHH.  Also, Obes and Ani were at peak prettiness this movie!!  Just asdfkjglkdskajsrlk best movie love so diggity dang much
FAVE PAIRING: Oh, how EVER will I choose– Obikin.  It’s Obikin, all the way, no contest.  I know I’ve yelled about it a million and one times so I’ll save y’all the rant on how much I adore these disasters and their relationship and how I think they’re goddamn soulmates and the most interesting dynamic in the entire Saga.  I ship them romantically and platonically and just everything, they’re so fucking important to one another and that’s why it hurts so much to watch them fall apart, and that’s why I’m so incredibly happy that they get to canONICALLY SPEND THEIR ENTIRE AFTERLIFE TOGETHER BECAUSE FORCE GHOSTS HELL YEAH.  If I had to pick just secondary fave romantic and platonic relationships, hmmmm that’s hard.  BUT, I’m gonna have to go with Kanera for romantic; SWR was what got me back into Star Wars and one of my favorite parts of it was watching Kanan and Hera, how much I loved them separately, but just how much they were a team together and I love them and I was unbelievably upset when Jedi Night happened (and I still have a rant about how animated Star Wars kills off their romantic couples in the exact same manner, pls ask me about how TCW’s The Lawless and Rebels’ Jedi Night had basically all of the same plot points that ended in killing off a romantic lead).  For other fave platonic relationship, gonna have to go with Luke/Han/Leia BROT3 (separate from Hanleia as a romance, which is probs my 3rd fave).  These disasters were the original Golden Trio, they saved the galaxy together all while yelling dramatically and having each other’s backs to the bitter end (or, at least ‘till the end of ROTJ lol) and I just love them as a team so dang much
FAVE TV SHOW EPISODE: Okay, since there are four TV shows, it’s only fair for me to pick one (or more don’t judge me) from each!  Let’s see, from The Clone Wars, my fave eps have to be the entire Mortis trilogy arc in S3 because Obes/Ani/Snips family dynamic, Force Shenanigans, BEAUTIFUL scene designs, Anakin angst, just so many good things oof, and also Dooku Captured from S1, which I just adore because Obikin snark, annoying Grandpa Dooku, Hondo Fucking Ohnaka making everyone look so bad at their jobs, I just love it agh.  Whoops that was technically four faves, so gotta do four for Rebels too!  Gonna go wiiiiith World Between Worlds from S4 for Badass Ahsoka Tano, Ezra being brave and talented, Sheev being Absolutely Ridiculous, and just the overall Force Shenanigans cuz canon time travel y’all; The Lost Commanders from S2 because Rex is awesome, Kanan angst, and really good Kanan and Ezra bonding and Jedi awesomeness, Fire Across the Galaxy from S1 because of Ghost fam dynamics, Kanan angst, more Kanan and Ezra bonding, and just good stuff, and Twilight of the Apprentice in S2 (lol what about my username?) for being creepy and cool and maKING ME CRY ANAKIN YOU STUPID THRICE COOKED TOILET SEAT LEAVE AHSOKA ALONE.  *cough*  Ok, fine, I’ll stick with only one ep for the other two series.  For Resistance, gonna have to go with the latest ep, actually!  We get to see Kaz being clever and caring about his fam on the Colossus, really cool designs for Aeos and its people, Tam angst, and just everyone shining!  For The Mandalorian, it’s gotta be the finale, Redemption, we get Din name, Armorer kicking everyones asses and me loving it, BABY YODA DOING THE HAND WAVE, Din getting over his issues with droids and connecting with IG only for IG to FUCKING DIE, DIN AND BABY YODA BEING AN OFFICIAL CLAN OF TWO, Taika just knocking this whole episode out of the park with the funny scouttroopers at the beginning who still deserved the ass-whooping they got for fucking murdering Kuiil and hiTTING BABY YODA YOU SLIMY FUCKNUGGETS–
FAVE CHARACTER: Alright, look, I can narrow it down to FIVE and that is IT.  I just love too many Star Wars characters, I can’t go lower than top five!  Ok, so my four favorites are Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Leia Organa, Kanan Jarrus, and Finn Skywalker-Dameron-Tico (i SAID what i SAID.)  AIGHT so for starters, a lot of my favorite characters in different franchises fall under various archetypes I have for faves.  Obi Wan fits one of my more popular ones: “Old, reluctant and more than slightly-questionable parental badass with a mysterious past that makes you love them all the more when you realize just how beautiful and tragic and deserving-better they were when that past is revealed”.  I latched onto this dude from the start when I just liked the OT (tho Leia was always my fave lol), and I wanted to know about him, and then when I finally started getting into the PT and TCW, it was just a steady stream of “oh no he’s hOT?” “oh no he’s sAD?” “oh no he’s nICE?!? REALLY FUCKING NICE AND A BIT OF A MESS HELP” and then I just totally latched on because he’s hypercompetent at literally everything and looks damn good doing it and boy do I have a thing for competence, charming as all hell and goes through so much and comes out strong despite the fact that fate hates his fucking guts and tries to destroy his life constantly and guys he tries so hard and he’s kind of messy sometimes and a bit of a dick and I love him all the more for it because he’s trying, none of that do-or-do-not shit, he is doing his damn best and deserves happiness and not Anakin tearing him apart.  SPEAKING OF SAND MAN.  Ugh, so I love Anakin to fucking death and that makes me REALLY MAD ABOUT IT BECAUSE HE MAKES EVERYONE ELSE I LIKE SAD.  So I love Anakin regardless because he’s not your typical protagonist.  He’s fucking brilliant, hot when he fights, is amazing at fighting and flying and building stuff and there’s that competence thing for me again, oh boy!  He’s funny and kind and he cares.  And somehow, this bitch manages to have the two most beautiful, amazing people in the galaxy in love with him and willing to do basically anything for him like the fuck?!?  Jealous much??!?!?!?!  I am!!!!  He’s so fucking bright and it’s impossible to look away.  He’s also a dorky, messy disaster who’s not good with people or feelings or emotions and he panics over stuff and doesn’t know self-control and is kinda really bad at his job a lot and pushes away the people who care about him and screws up literally all the fucking time and he always feels like he’s drowning and alone and I get to watch him crash and burn under the weight of it all.  Basically, minus the anger issues and the child murder and the murder in general, I kinda relate a lot to Anakin.  I feel like a self-hating mess who doesn’t know how to control my ow head and the world hates me a lot too.  I can project my mental issues onto him, enjoy the good parts of him, live vicariously through the things he does that I can’t like be loved by pretty people and be hot and athletic and smart, and then when he crashes I can side-eye and remember that at least someone’s doing worse than me lol.  So yea, I love this messy boi to death and he’s the one I get the best characterization reviews on, so I guess we have an understanding.  Leia I loved since as a kid.  I’d want to be her, brave, talented, smart, strong as hell and snarky to boot.  I realize that Leia fits another fave character archetype of mine: “Powerful young adult raised for greatness, did not ask for all the horrible shit that’s happened to them, highkey wants a break and for the bad guys to just roll over and die, is generally clever, hypercompetent, and 100% done with everyone else’s shit, overdramatic as all hell and enjoys insulting people”.  Her and Han were my first Star Wars ship and she just always made me happy seeing her kick names and take ass.  She’s gone through almost as much hell or maybe more so than Obi Wan, she also keeps getting back up and fighting, she deserved SO MUCH BETTER than what the Sequel Trilogy gave her and you may quote me on that.  She’s also gorgeous and I wanted to wear all of her clothes (bikini not included).  I also love her relationship with Luke and I am so goddam happy it is now canon that Leia Organa did Jedi training and can use a lightsaber!!!  She has a lightsaber!!!!!!!!!!  Ugh oof I love her.  Kanan fills the similar “mentor” archetype as Obi Wan does, but with a smidge of youth because he’s younger when he gets dropped into this role.  He’s more of a punk, more of a mess, and oof.  Basically I’ve said it a zillion times how Rebels resparked my love of Star Wars, but really, it was Kanan on the screen that did it.  It happened when the Rebels season 3 premiere eps ended up on the TV and I saw it and I thought in order 1. holy shit that Maul fucker’s actually alive? and 2. Oh no sad blind Jedi man!  He’s cool and mysterious and I want to know why he’s sad and who made him sad and also want to give him a hug!!!  He was my fave character all throughout Rebels and his training dynamic with Ezra, struggling to help this kid all while flying by the seat of his pants because he had Issues and no clue what he was doing and no support and ugh, he was smart and brave and I’m so sad he’s dead and yea.  Finn!!!!  Last but not least!!!!  He was my favorite character from The Force Awakens.  People have said it before, but he was just so new, a rebel Stormtrooper stolen and brainwashed at birth, finding the good guys and fighting to do the right thing!  Possibly Force Sensitive!  Super duper cute!!!  Funny and kind, dammit, when not many other people in the galaxy were!!!!!!!!  I was so, so sure Finn was gonna be a Jedi along with Rey at some point, that might have been my biggest letdown when I saw TLJ, but ugh I just loved his enthusiasm and his war within himself, ultimately loving his friends and trying to do what was right at the risk to his own safety, even though that was why he ran scared in the first place!!!!!  I shipped him with Rey and with Poe and now I am NOT above the post TROS Jedistormpilot shipping!!!!!  Finn was just always the most interesting part of the Sequel Trilogy for me and I personally feel like they could have done more with his character.
FAVE ACTOR/ACTRESS: Aight, so I try my best not to “stan” anyone famous because literally no one is perfect and everyone’s done something problematic at some point and if I dare say I like a famous figure, someone’s gonna find something about them and come after me all “OMG THIS PERSON DID/SAID/IS X YOU MONSTER GO DIE!!11!!1″.  In terms of performance, I think all the actors in Star Wars did a lovely job and I’m happy with all of them!  If I had to crush on any, it would probs be Ewan McGregor, John Boyega, or Diego Luna cuz, uh, they hot.  If I had to pick one I liked most, it would honestly probs be Carrie Fisher.  Maybe that’s just partially from missing her now that she’s gone, but I really admire her advocacy and transparence for mental health, and she just seemed like such a funny, kind, strong person.
FAVE PLANET: Aight, this is HARD and I refuse to only pick one planet!  Ok, gonna start off with Coruscant because an endless city planet made up of lights is amazingly gorgeous and it has a Jedi Temple stacked on top of a Sith Temple and is just so cool aaaaa.  Also love Felucia just for being so bright and colorful and pretty.  Mortis for being just as weirdly gorgeous and also Weird Force Shit.  Lothal for the beautiful mountains, the wolves, and the fucking lightspeed center of the planet passage what, Dathomir is delightfully creepy to look at, Crait is really cool with the salt and the red and the ice foxes, Kashyyyk because Wookiees and it’s pretty and I love their treehouses.  Basically if it makes me clap my dumb monkey hands and go “oooh pretty!”, I love it.  The more “not like Earth” it is, the more I love it.
FAVE SPECIES: Hmmmmm, this is a tough one…….  There’s just so many cool-looking species that we know so little about, ya know?  I wanna say either Togrutas or Wookiees.  Togrutas just because the character design is incredible and so fun to work with and also I love Ahsoka, and Wookiees because they have such an interesting culture and backstory and also I want to give Chewbacca a hug.
FAVE CONCEPT: Uhhh, not quite sure I get the question; you mean like just story concept in general?  If that’s it, I’m gonna have to go with just the whole concept of the Force and the Jedi in general.  I mean George, George my man, what the fuck?  How the hell did you come up with this?!?  Mystical psychic space wizards with magic abilities to connect with and use the sentient godlike life force that combined the entire galaxy together.  Oh and also they have COLORFUL GLOWING LASER SWORDS?!?!?  It’s honestly one of the most creative things I’ve seen in popular culture, and that makes me sad that Star Wars now seems to be trying to separate itself from what I think is its most interesting quality because “ugh not EVERYTHING should be about the Jedi guys!”, when like, y’all, without the Jedi, the entire SW universe is basically just another military scifi war story……  Just my opinion tho.
FAVE SHIP: Ok, since pairing was already up there, I assume this means actual ship?  Well, uh, gonna have to be square with y’all, I’m a bad Star Wars fan for this part; I’ve never been the one to memorize ship names and designs and know the exact make and model number of some fancy ship, I’m real bad at that lol.  I’ll say my favorite ship is the Ghost.  Hera flies it and the Rebels Fam lives on it and it’s super cool and it makes me happy!
FAVE WEAPON: LIGHTSABER.  LIGHTSABER LIGHTSABER.  LIGHTSABERLIGHTSABERLIGHTSABERLIGHTSABERLIGHTSABER.  Y’all, c’mon, what did you think I was gonna pick? xD  Lizard brain want glowy shiny colorful big stick that goes whoosh!
FAVE BACKGROUND EXTRA: Again, not entirely sure what this means, but do you mean fave background character?  If so, then it’s a tie between Wilrow Hood and his ice cream machine for the memes, that one clone in TCW who yeets a plate of toast at Cad Bane’s face, or that one background soldier who scoots between Han and Leia arguing in ESB and also Hera and Kanan arguing in Rebels (yes I do headcanon it’s the same guy lol)
FAVE MOMENT/SCENE: This one’s actually pretty easy.  Anakin dying in Luke’s arms in ROTJ, and then his ghost showing up to Luke later at the Ewok party.  I just care so ridiculously much about stupid Anakin and his stupid story and mistakes, and even before I was a prequels stan and had only seen the OT (and wasn’t a huge Vader fan, believe it or not), some part of me just felt so solemn, so fragile watching this, watching the giant monstrous machine falling apart as he fades away to reveal a weary, tired old human man, and it always made me wonder, what the hell happened to him to turn him into that thing?  Seeing that young, beautiful man, basically Luke’s age, showing up as a ghost later, just the fascination, the tender look he shared with Old Ben, just how young he was, that made it all the more mysterious and knowing what I do now, it’s just so much better because my poor, horrible Disaster Man finally did the right thing and he finally found peace and it’s just the only ending I could be happy for Anakin with,  And Luke, I always felt so bad for Luke, being so strong, so brave, finally getting his father back for like five damn minutes and then having to lose him again and just hurting for him but also knowing that it was gonna be okay because Luke had more family now, the ghosts, and Han and Leia and Chewie and R2 and 3PO and Lando and everyone.
FAVE KISS: Luke and Leia (HANG ON LET ME SPEAK) forehead kiss in The Last Jedi.  I know (this one) isn’t meant as romantic, and I know the question is probs about a romantic one and I know that it’s not even a real mouth kiss.  But.  That Luke and Leia scene was my favorite part of the entire movie.  Again, I was missing Carrie a lot, and ugh, after all these years, after not getting to interact the entire previous movie and not at all during this movie, the ONE scene with Carrie and Mark and the pure emotion of it all just knocked me out of my fucking seat.  You could see how connected they were as siblings, how much Leia had missed Luke, how much he had missed her and how sorry he was for leaving, sorry for Ben, sorry for having to leave her again now, Leia knowing Luke was about to die, and just, acceptance.  Love and acceptance.  It was just a final, tender kiss on the forehead, and it was perfect and yeah.  If I do have to pick a romantic lip smooch, it’s probably the Hanleia classic “scoundrel” kiss in Empire Strikes Back.  I still remember watching ESB the first time as a KID and being all eeeeeeee are they gonna– YES they kissed they kissed they kissed finally! and that’s enough for me.
FAVE FIGHT: Obi Wan and Anakin on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith.  WIthout question.  It’s brilliantly and precisely choreographed to show the intricate nuances of the Obikin breakup in alllllll of its painful glory.  It breaks my heart every time I watch it because every time I watch it I still hope it’s gonna end differently.  That Anakin realizes he can’t kill Obi Wan and ditches Sidious and goes back with Obi Wan to save Padmé.  That Obi Wan realizes he can’t let Anakin die and saves him from burning and from Sidious and takes him back too.  That Obi Wan at least puts Anakin out of his misery which would be godawful painful, but would save him from the horrid life as Vader.  That while they’re fighting, a lava monster appears like in the concept art and Vader and Obi Wan have to put aside their differences and fight the thing and remember how much they mean to each other.  But ugh, this fight was beautifully choreographed and was originally supposed to be a MULTI-MINUTE SINGLE SHOT WHAT THE HELL???  Oooof Hayden and Ewan did such an amazing job and the whole thing just rips my heart out every time in the bestworst way possible
 FAVE LINE OF DIALOGUE: Now THIS is hard, I’m not the best at picking favorite lines.  Hmmm, this is HARD.  Let me think.  Gahhhh, it’s hard because I have so many lines I like and I can’t even just narrow down a couple!!!  Ultimately, it’s probably gonna be Yoda’s monologue from Empire Strikes Back: “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter…”  Just that entire line saying how basically all of us are more than the sum of our parts, that everyone is their own sparkling light made of stardust, I loved it as a kid and I love it now. 
FAVE BOOK/COMIC: Answered here
FAVE HERO: Gonna go with Obi Wan!  I already rambled about why I love him, but y’all……. I love him.
FAVE VILLAIN: Anakin Skywalker/Darth McFucking Vader.  I loved him when he was a hero and the silly poor sad boy makes me sad when I see him as a villain all while being an overdramatic asshole and it just makes me wanna hit him with a newspaper for ruining his life and everyone else’s I love him.
FAVE OUTFIT: Answered here
WHEW.  That was all of the faves, thanks so much for asking me!!!  Sorry this took so long to do, this was kinda a hell week haha!
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keensers · 5 years ago
1, 4, 15, 18, 20! for the fic writing meme
you delight me, anon! (from here) this got... hmm, pretty long, so most of it’s going under a cut!
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
back in december, after being wildly disappointed by tros, i thought to myself: none of this bullshit would have happened if they’d just let ahsoka and her irritating ghostly older brothers show up and train finn, who is in fact a [last name redacted] for reasons.
then i started actually plotting it out, realized my 50k concept (“Finn wakes up with a massive headache and, apparently, the ability to see dead people. Then the dead people in question start talking to him.”) needs approximately 300k of background to fully be what i want to be (an anthology love letter to the star wars universe, if it was nicer to my faves), opened a nice fresh word doc and started plotting the whole damn thing. it is called “ahsoka tano’s rules for rebels, rogues, and renegades.” in my head i call it atr4, and my tag for it is “death shall have no dominion” because, ghosts. it is very dear to me right now because i get to invent assorted relationships out of wholecloth between my favorite characters who never met in canon, which is my favorite thing to do.
so, i have two (2) actually in-progress WIPs in that universe:
the actual “Ahsoka trains Finn” headliner fic of this ‘verse, which is currently 6000 words of disconnected scenes i have typed in intermittent fugue states over the last six months
the “Obi-Wan is sad in the desert, but maybe not as sad as in canon, because, well, You Know” fic which is also the “wtf happened to Cody in this ‘verse” fic which is currently 1600 words of imperial!cody Suffering
and a list of ten (10) more that i swear are all connected. i swear it! (highlights from the list include “four almost-padawans of ahsoka tano + one who was” and “rex earns his jaig eyes at least twelve times over during the empire, and another five after.”)
the other (star wars) fic i have on my roster for codywan week (if i can swing it in time) is going to be shorter (why do i feel like i just cursed myself with that word) and the working summary (which has existed only in my head up until now) is: “fives, on the lam from the coruscant guard, the chancellor, and, worst of all, anakin skywalker, runs into cody and an unfamiliar trooper on his way to the meeting point. this has galactic consequences.” who is the unfamiliar trooper/Person In Clone Armor? 3 guesses and the first two don’t count. what are the consequences? well… we’ll see!
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
i first wrote this as a jocasta nu line in her cameo in hear me through the hum, but i liked it so much that i’ve incorporated it into atr4: “And besides, the Jedi are not made up of lightsabers and holocrons, are we? We are made up of the strength in our hearts, the deeds of our hands, and the Light which we follow.”
i think this is maybe the best way i've found of phrasing my own personal view of the jedi (not my own view of the jedi order, but my view of the jedi), which is that they’ve got access to this immense power but what actually makes you a jedi is what you do with it. it’s not the trinkets or the ancient wisdom or the code or whatever, it’s taking the power that lives in you and using it to do good even when the world is dark and the work is thankless. you can be a jedi without the order, but you can’t be a jedi if you aren’t striving for the light.
on a lighter (?) note, i’m also quite proud of the whole “obi-wan keeps trying to talk about the mission report while he’s slowly bleeding out. cody is losing his fucking mind” scene in there, because ah… that’s love, babe!
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
aw jeez. titles, since i'm usually picking from a list of 10 lines from songs or poems (or, veeery occasionally, making one up) and a lot of the time the line that is my working title isn’t the line that ends up being the final title!  
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
to be completely and honestly tbh, not… really? especially with characterization, i tend to write about characters who i have Very Firm ideas about who they are and how they would act in whatever given situation. this is good for writing (because i usually know exactly what a character would do, facing a particular choice) but sometimes bad for reading (because sometimes i'll read something and think, “that character would never do that!” even though, of course, that’s just like, my opinion, man).
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
a difficult question! because there’s so much. i include tons and tons of references in everything but for the sake of (relative) brevity i’ll say that especially in atr4 where i’ve got 2500 words JUST OF NOTES FOR THE ‘VERSE i am constantly thinking about the way everything is connected. for example, because of the comparisons i’m aiming to draw there, i currently have most of a duel between ahsoka, kylie renner, and finn written which is a close parallel of the qui-gon, maul, and obi-wan duel. (except, spoilers, ahsoka won’t get killed by a punk bitch like kyle, because reasons.)
part of this is that i love some aspects of the cyclical themes in star wars (“same eyes in different people,” legacy lightsabers, death-yet-the-force) and hate other aspects (i loathe that every sw movie is like “blood isn’t important, anyone can be a hero!” but then every freakin time it turns out that in fact, blood is important, and maybe the most important). so i tend to want to emphasize the ones i like and toss the ones i don’t.
plus, after years of writing, i have realized that there are a few well-worn themes i always circle back to, and one of those is the notion that family doesn’t define you, that it is more than blood, that you have agency over what you do and who you are and who you choose to surround yourself with. i believe in free will and have trouble with characters who think certain outcomes are Destined, but it’s a lot of fun to mess around with the concept of fate, especially in sw where it’s so ingrained in canon. screw destiny! write your own story! said every story i ever wrote.
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clairen45 · 6 years ago
Luke Skywalker: Biblical Hero?
While reviewing the photographs from TROS published in Vanity Fair, I stopped on the one featuring Luke with R2D2.
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At first glance, I honestly thought it was teasing about finally getting the true story behind the infamous Jedi Temple massacre, that one fatal night that tipped the scale into the birth of Kylo Ren. But as was kindly reminded to me by @tricaurelie, nope, because this is “old Luke”, the one that Rey got to meet on Ahch-To. The picture can sure be misleading as it reprises key elements from the Jedi Temple massacre, mostly R2 and fire. And the planet where Luke decided to establish his temple does exhibit some traces of vegetation, as seen here:
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But, nope, this shot is not supposed to be about a flashback that finally tells us all about what and how it all went down, something that is important about the premices of Kylo Ren. Even though, you could very well imagine Force Ghost Luke (in his old form as recorded) coming to tell the story all over again. I don’t really believe in that theory as I enounce it. It’s possible, but meh... How Luke will play out, and this particular scene, who knows, but still, I want to come back to the way Luke is portrayed here and the symbolism behind it. This is very obviously a Moses display. The bearded patriarch. The burning bush. Alright. Let’s pause. Come to think of it, there is more than one biblical figure that can be related to Luke Skywalker.
Some Luke’s superfans would vehemently argue the case for Luke as a Christ figure. Savior. Super powers. The son. The Force is with him... And maybe the EU pushed forward this notion of superhuman, godlike Luke Skywalker. Though, let’s be honest, the only one clearly designed to look like people’s most popular mental picture of what JC may look like is obviously young Obi Wan. Like come on. To the point that you find countless stories and memes of Obi Wan honestly mistaken by people for Jesus. Obi Wan, you will always be the one and only Space Jesus! For real.
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Fun fact is the same people who will shout that TLJ was #notmyLuke! should ironically rejoice in the fact that, in a way, Luke achieved some Christlike dimension by sacrificing himself to “atone” for others’ sins and redeem the lost sheep, aka Kylo. And when I say atone for others’ sins, no, this is not solely for Kylo Ren’s sake. He says it very clearly when he tells Rey about the Jedi:
the legacy of the Jedi is failure. Hypocrisy. Hubris. At the height of their power they allowed Darth Sidious to rise, create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi Master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader.
He is atoning, through his penance and death, not only for his own hubris and failures (his pride in the mighty Skywalker blood), not only for the sins of his father, but also for the sins of thousands of generations of Jedi teaching, that eventually failed. That’s a pretty big plate. Yet, I don’t think this is completely fair to see Luke as just straight Christlike figure. There are lots of other major biblical figures that ring truer to his personal arc, such as:
As in David and Goliath. Why? obviously the shepherd/farmboy that gets to be God/The Force’s agent against an enemy so massive that the fight initially seems like a joke, and who eventually delivers the lucky strike that takes the enemy down.
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Bonus point: the severed head from Goliath is evoked in ESB when Luke cuts off Vader’s head...
Also David is a key figure into the lineage that brings forth the Messiah, as exemplified through the symbolic of the tree of Jesse. Out of the house of David, a Savior is supposed to come that will usher in a new kingdom. Hence why it was paramount in the New Testament to have Jesus Christ being a descendant of David to establish his legitimacy as the Messiah.
In SW, the “mighty Skywalker blood” is also supposed to create a chosen one who will bring balance back into the Force. A prophecy that was at the core of the second draft script for ANH, in the piece that Lucas referred to as The Journal of the Whills: “ …And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as THE SON OF THE SUNS."  If Lucas had clearly originally thought that Luke could be this one (binary sunset, the son), the OT does not totally play that out. It was even totally dropped out of the storyline. Luke is not Obi Wan and Yoda’s “only hope” after all... and there was no reference whatsoever to a prophecy, or a savior, in the OT. Though, of course, Lucas decided to come back to his initial idea in the PT, with the prophecy becoming the leitmotiv of Anakin’s rise to the status of Jedi and eventual demise into Lord of the Sith. Remains in the ST the mighty Skywalker blood and lineage, with Kylo at the seeming end of the line... (seeming because, eventually, more babies will be on the way). Thus the title, The Rise of Skywalker, could not be more clear, like the tree of Jesse rising high into the sky to bring forth a savior...
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Easy one. Don’t think names have no meaning, they do. And writers pick out names for their characters for very good reasons, though not always totally conscious. Case in point, Luke. Lucas may have been drawn to the moniker for obvious homophonic reasons: Luke/Lucas. Luke means light. Sure, son/sun, binary suns, only hope, yadi yada. Comes the ST. Very clever thing happens. St Luke becomes handy. As one of the Evangelist, he is thus entrusted with “recording” precious testimonies about Jesus’s life and God’s message to mankind. Cool thing for old Luke is that he plays the same role, kind of. He is the custodian of the Jedi teaching. He is the last custodian of their legacy. He is also very literally custodian of books. And also, as I pointed out many times in my metas, like this one, the way Kylo Ren is always portrayed as a bull, well, guess what animal is symbolic of St Luke’s? Would you? Right!
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Note that Luke did not end up in an inverted scenario where he could have been Isaac to Vader’s Abraham if Satan, instead of God, had demanded the head of Abraham’s son. Palpatine did not specifically request the death of Luke. It was never expected of Vader. The Emperor wanted to have Luke and possibly turn him. No sacrifice was required. And when Luke refused to bow down, Palpatine did not ask of Vader to put him down. He just took matters into his own hand.
In the ST, though, the way we get to see Luke’s temptation to kill sleepy Kylo is very evocative of Abraham raising his knife to strike down his son.
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Debating the will of the Force over Kylo’s dreams was pretty much akin to Abraham listening to God’s voice putting him to the test... With more dramatic consequences in Luke’s case...
Ok, so that’s the first one I mentioned when bringing up that VF photoshoot. Moses is a good one for Luke. The burning bush is obviously a symbolic they had fun with on TLJ with the whole burning of the Jedi library tree, with Yoda playing the voice that talks Luke back into reason and send him onto completing his mission.
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Moses is mostly about guiding people to a better world that you will never reach. Thus, in SW lingo, balance of the Force. Peace to the galaxy. Happy end in IX, right? You betcha!
That one is a great one. St John is the famed author of the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, and thus, one could say, the last apostle (wink wink). The Book of Revelation is of course better known as the book of the Apocalypse, which is not only about the myriads of horrible things likely to shower upon mankind and the world (like, the end of the world) but also about the promise of a new world ushered in, the new coming of Christ and a new Heaven and Earth coming to replace our current ones. No more suffering and death. And no more sin. Interesting piece of information about this revelation is that it came to St John on the island of Patmos where he was sent into exile....
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Ummmm.... Exile on an island? Where have I ever seen that? I also love the way that St John is always represented with a bird...
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And that, in fine, the Luke we get at the end of TLJ, is about to deliver a prophecy of sorts: “The Rebellion is reborn today, the war is just beginning and I will not be the last Jedi.” One that is about death and destruction (war is beginning) but also mostly about hope. Luke,the prophet, is also the first voice we hear in the teaser for episode IX. One that is very much about hope. And also very much reminiscent of the tree of Jesse:
A thousand generations live in you now. But this is your fight 
Mind you then who the son of suns is at this point...
164 notes · View notes
alistairs-raven · 5 years ago
My ranking of all 11 Star Wars films in order.
Disclaimer: I actually like all the SW films in some way except my least favorite. But there are definitely some that have more that I dislike about them. Also my opinions are 100% the only opinions one can have, and if this list offends you, it was meant to offend you personally.
11: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
I have watched this movie twice, once in the theater and once during a marathon. I also have never seen this movie in it's entirety because I cannot focus on it. It bores me so much that I keep blanking out and daydreaming. I cannot tell you anyone's name except the main character and the main imperial officer. I just could not get into this movie, but I will say if nothing else, it had the best Darth Vader scene ever.
10: Star Wars 9: Rise of Skywalker
It took me days to figure out if I liked this movie or not. There are actually a lot of things that I like, but the things I didn't like I REALLY didn't like. So much so, that this movie actually really hurt me to think about. And apart from a movie being boring, it shouldn't feel like personal stab to what matters to you. I liked Palpatine (pointless as that plot was), Kylo Ren and Rey's amazing acting, and seeing old friends again. This movie also had good humor. The bad things are too many to count, but mainly this film was poorly directed, full of 3 films worth of plot that make no sense, and the worst offender is that it felt like the director (JJ Abrams) did not care about these characters at all. I had fallen so in love with pretty much everyone in the ST, and to see almost all of them sidelined, stereotyped, and departing from any previous character development just hurt. This film made me cry, and not in a good way.
9: Star Wars 1: The Phantom Menace
I don't hate this movie. In fact when it first came out, I enjoyed it. Sure I was a dumb little kid, but I rewatched it a lot. Sadly, as an adult I see now all the issues with it, none I have to really get into since everyone knows at this point. The parts I enjoy are Darth Maul (hell yea), the podrace, and this film also probably has the best score of the entire series.
8: Solo: A Star Wars story
This one was good, it just wasn't great. The actor's portrayal of Han Solo was perfect, Lando was perfect, I loved seeing places that you only hear about in passing in the films. Freakin Darth Maul (hell yea). The not so good was this movie had a very generic heist plot, it felt incomplete, and I didn't really connect with anyone besides Han and Lando.
7: Star Wars 6: Return of the Jedi
This one also falls into the 'just okay' category. There's no real plot except a recycled one from episode 4, Luke has no personality in it, Leia is sidelined. The goods are that Vader's sacrifice to save his son was so unexpected and beautifully done (at least in the original cut), the Jabba Palace scene is one of my favorite parts of the entire series, and the rebel characters in this movie are super fun (Ackbar, Lando, ect). Also the ghosts at the end was a very nice touch.
6: Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones
I HATED this movie when it first came out. I only saw it once and not again until last year when my friend insisted we marathon the SW movies. Now I love this movie, because it's the good kind of bad. The whole thing is just a meme, with some of the worst dialogue of the entire series. However, the characters are all super fun. Rewatching it years later, I was pleasantly surprised that I now love Hayden's portrayal of Anakin Skywalker. His character is by far the best part of the movie. He brought so much energy to the character, and I actually really connected and felt for him. I always loved Kamino, and I think it's very creative. The effects were also a lot better. The bad is the poor directing, horrible dialogue (sand), and that this movie killed Boba Fett for me.
5: Star Wars 4: A New Hope
These next three are hard for me to rank. Episode 4 is fun, creative, makes you feel like a kid again, has effects that were so groundbreaking that they held up for 40 years, changed filmmaking itself, introduced us all to a universe that has touched so many lives around the world. I am convinced that the Lightsaber sound is the best sound design in history. All the characters are likeable, the score is the best in all of cinema, and there is such a sense of satisfaction when this movie ends. It's hard to find faults with this movie, but of course our dear Mr. Lucas had to change this movie that was perfect, so now it's full of ugly cgi. That added Jabba scene is so dumb.
4: Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith
I loved this movie when it came out and I am still very fond of it. When it came out we all thought it was going to be the last SW (lol) and I was determined to enjoy it as much as I could. It has the best effects of the prequels, all the characters are well acted, there's so much emotion and heart in it, and it has some of the coolest planets and settings in it. I LOVE the opening scene, I still can't watch it without my jaw dropping a little. There was a lot of hype leading up to it, and I grew really fond of General Grievous and was disappointed to see him barely used. It also suffered from the bad dialogue issues that plague Lucas films. Despite the good acting, there were awkward moments that I feel were a case of bad directing. Padme dying from a 'broken heart' despite now having babies makes me feel that Lucas doesn't understand people.
3: Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens
This movie is very special to me for personal reasons - I almost didn't live to see it. But it was well worth staying alive for and gave me a new reason to live. It introduced me to Rey, a nobody who has had to deal with being alone for so long. Something that I can relate to. And it also introduced me to Kylo Ren, the angry and also very alone character that quickly became my favorite character of all time. I even legally changed my name to Ren. Finn, Poe, BB-8, Hux, Phasma... so many characters that I all love and have spent hours talking about, roleplaying, reading about, drawing, and just enjoying. My complaint is the plot, which is simply a remake of episode 4. I also am not the biggest fan of JJ Abrams directing style, as I feel he can make movies very well, but he's not a very creative storyteller and is infamous for simply repolishing things other people have done. Also Rey's theme is my favorite song in the entire SW score.
2: Star Wars 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Before the ST, I had watched this one more than all the others. Hoth, the battles, Yoda, the asteroid field, cloud city, Vader, Lando, I am your father moment, Leia being force sensitive, the list goes on. Also this movie gave us the BEST bad guy theme (until dual of the fates that is). This movie felt a lot cleaner than the one before it and the one after it. It also had good dialogue, character development, and depth that's missing when Lucas is directing. It was less fanservice and more just a good film. However I never understood the tree scene (wtf was that). And it always bothered me that Lando allowed them to hurt his friend, granted it wasn't what he originally thought was going to happen.
1: Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi
I went to this movie 10 times in the theater and have seen it countless times since it came out. I LOVE everything about this movie. It's creative, full of new ideas and concepts, has so many emotions, beautiful art direction, and deepened every single character in it. Rarely does a movie come along where every character develops and is different at the end. Rarely do we get a movie in a huge series that focuses on being a good movie rather than fanservice. I could not predict this movie, and was on the edge of my seat for the whole thing wondering what in the world was going to happen next. The director, Rian, is clearly a fantastic storyteller who can also do subtlety. The first 4-5 times I saw this movie I was still seeing new things. It revived a love of Star Wars in me and I dreaded what would come after because I doubt anything will ever be this good again. I certainly hope we get something as good or maybe better one day. This movie solidified Rey as my favorite SW protagonist.
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gffa · 5 years ago
A lot of us are stuck at home and potentially bored out of our minds and/or stir crazy about all the shit that’s going on and could really use some novella & novel-length fics to distract us.  So, here, have a bunch of stellar long fic I’ve read and loved in STAR WARS fandom to help you pass the time. It should keep any SW fan busy for at least awhile!  And even if you’re not usually that into WIPs, the longer ones tend to have covered enough ground that they’re still very worth reading, but if you absolutely hate them, there’s plenty of complete works here as well!  Also, you know, this is the fandom where we go, “SOBS, THAT’S SO CRUEL TO END IT LIKE THAT, I’M GONNA WRITE A TIME TRAVEL FIC AND EITHER FIX IT OR MAKE IT WORSE, I DUNNO YET.” which is pretty fantastic! TIME TRAVEL RECS: ✦ Reprise by Elfpen, obi-wan & qui-gon & mace & yoda & vokara che & cast, time travel, 473.9k wip ✦ Atlas of Our Ruin by Ripki, obi-wan/anakin, time travel, 82k wip ✦ for those who stand long by wreckageofstars, leia & han & luke & obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 56.2k wip ✦ The Dark Path Lit by Sun and Stars by A_Delicate_Fury, obi-wan & luke & leia & han & cast, time travel, 34.3k wip ✦ A Future in Crisis by WolfMarauder, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 49.9k wip ✦ Let’s Try This Again by Nny11, obi-wan & ahsoka & anakin & cast, time travel, 43.8k wip ✦ Soldier, Poet, King by Glare, obi-wan/anakin & qui-gon & cast, NSFW, time travel, 104.6k wip ✦ Home by little_tales, obi-wan/anakin & shmi & mace & qui-gon & cast, NSFW, time travel, 48.5k ✦ Threads of the Past by Magier74, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & xanatos, 37.8k ✦ Shadows of the Future by stormqueen873, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & cast, 129.3k ✦ one door closes, another opens by isabilightwood, obi-wan & ahsoka & satine & kanan & depa & padme & rex & cast, time travel, 41k ✦ The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine, obi-wan & jedi & cast (too many to tag), time travel, 622.5k wip ✦ All That I Have Seen by Felilla, ocs & ahsoka & anakin & obi-wan & yoda & cast, time travel, 36.5k ✦ Legacy by myrlendi (thehistorygeek), luke & leia & obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 160.2k wip ✦ A New History by Annie Walker, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & dooku & cast, time travel, 533.4k wip ✦ Palimpsest by PorgParty, ben & obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 21.5k wip ✦ Old Man Luke by scarletjedi, obi-wan & anakin & luke & leia & ahsoka & asajj & cast, time travel, 62.5k wip ✦ All Over Again by tricksterity, obi-wan/anakin & qui-gon & shmi & cast, time travel, 32.8k wip ✦ Balance on the knife edge by liv_k, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 136.5k wip ✦ One Day More by CalaisKenobi, obi-wan & qui-gon & anakin & cast, 31.2k ✦ Wake the Storm by bedlamsbard, obi-wan & anakin (pre-slash) & cast, 75.4k ✦ White Rabbits by Butterfly, obi-wan/anakin & background anakin/padme & luke & leia & han & cast, NSFW, time travel, 102.5k wip ✦ Rewind, Repeat by tulomne, obi-wan/satine & qui-gon & cast, time travel, 23k ✦ Lost Reflections by esama, obi-wan & ben, 30.k wip ✦ Worldwalker by rainglazed, ezra & kanan & cast, time travel, 25.5k wip ✦ Return to the Point of No Return by cthene, obi-wan/anakin, time travel, touch starved, 26.7k ✦ The Exchange by MissLearn, obi-wan & anakin & some anakin/padme & ahsoka & qui-gon & rex & cast, time travel, 77k wip BIG ACTION, ADVENTURE AND PLOT RECS: ✦ Fire and Ice by Yesac, obi-wan & anakin & some anakin/padme & cast, 111.9k ✦ Knight-Errant by zinjadu,  obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & rex & asajj & cast, some dark themes, 315.8k ✦ hunting toward heartstill by blackkat, mace/cody & obi-wan/rex & shaak/colt & plo/wolffe & anakin & tup & fives & luminara & agen & depa & cast, 140.8k wip ✦ When Darkness Seems to Hide This Place by IllyanaA, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & kanan & ocs & cast, 110.1k CANON DIVERGENCE RECS: ✦ Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi by stonefreak, obi-wan & anakin & padme & ahsoka & palpatine & cody & cast, ~70k wip  [AO3 link] ✦ Into the Archives by skygawker, obi-wan & anakin/padme & mace & palpatine & cast, 105.3k wip ✦ The Hand Dealt by not paranoid enough, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 75.9k ✦ Cataclasm by dendral, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & waxer & cast, 63.1k wip ✦ Balance Point by Vinyarie, anakin & ahsoka, 34.3k ✦ The Finer Shades of Why by Yesac, obi-wan & anakin & dooku, 212.9k ✦ Knightrise by Deviant_Accumulation, obi-wan & ahsoka & satine & rex & cast, 30.1k wip ✦ Precipice by shadowsong26, obi-wan & anakin & padme & palpatine & bail & rex & cast, 214.5k wip ✦ Echoes of Mortis by orphan_account, obi-wan & anakin/padme & ahsoka & cast, 67.3k ✦ One touch and I ignite by Paper_cut, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & padme & cast, nsfw, 59k ✦ Lucida by markwatnae, obi-wan & oc & anakin & ahsoka & bant & feemor & satine & garen & caleb & mace & cast, 63.1k wip ✦ dead and the gold by Icarus_is_flying, obi-wan & anakin & dooku & jenza & depa & shmi & cast, 45.2k wip ✦ This time we’ll fall together by liv_k, obi-wan/anakin & padme & yoda & cast, 27.6k wip ✦ Drifting Starlight by Pandora151, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & qui-gon & cast, time travel, 60.3k ✦ A Walking Shadow by lilyconrad, obi-wan & anakin/padme & luke & leia & palpatine & ahsoka & cast, 74.6k ✦ Ensuring The Future by Shouting_at_God_in_Latin, obi-wan & anakin & mace & cody & yoda & dooku & cast, 79.1k ✦ Mutual Acquaintances by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan/anakin & obi-wan/satine & anakin/padme & padme/satine & cast, 53.9k wip ✦ Edges of the World by glompcat, leia & luke & anakin & padme & han & ahsoka & ventress & sana & bail & breha & obi-wan & cast, 228.4k wip ✦ Lineage + Legacy by ruth baulding, obi-wan & qui-gon, 927.1k       Lineage:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven       Legacy:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six ✦ Brothers (working title) by Charity_Angel, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & padme & shmi & yoda & cast, 22.7k wip ✦ Force’s Tempest by Elenothar, obi-wan & anakin + anakin/padme + han + cast, 78.1k ✦ Beloved Enemy part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 by generale-kenobi, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, dark themes, 19.1k ✦ all spaces are liminal by Kierkegarden, obi-wan/anakin & sidious, & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 35.9k ✦ Time To Go by light_mantled_albatross, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 35.2k wip ✦ Caleb the Fool by ambiguously, kanan & ahsoka & luke & leia & hera & depa & cast, 37.6k ✦ Divergences by flute25, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & dooku & qui gon, 125.6k wip ✦ Flip by Snootiegirl, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 22.7k ✦ The Nature of Fire by Phosphorescent, padme/anakin & obi-wan, 19k wip PADME LIVES RECS: ✦ Keep Breathing by Yesac, obi-wan/padme + some anakin/padme + luke & leia & oc, 45.8k ✦ Queen of Peace by Sassaphrass, obi-wan & padme & cast (background anakin/padme), 20.2k ✦ Far More Than Rubies by frodogenic, padme & luke & obi-wan & vader & cast, 71.7k PREQUELS RECS - GEN: ✦ In All The World by Fjallsarlon, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 144.4k wip ✦ Remedial Jedi Theology by MarbleGlove, obi-wan & anakin & mace & palpatine & cast, 51.3k ✦ House of Cards by Smitty, obi-wan & anakin & oc, 23.8k ✦ Coalesced Matter by Mirror and Image, obi-wan & anakin & dooku, 48.4k ✦ Life And What Comes After by Ibelin, obi-wan & anakin & cast, amnesia, 115.8k ✦ The Apprenticeship by Nny11, ahsoka & yoda & anakin & cast, 31.4k wip ✦ Master by CJinn, obi-wan & anakin, 27.5k ✦ Starrunner by rinzukodas, obi-wan & jedi & oc, 80.2k wip ✦ Rainfall on Geonosis by ealcynn, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cody & cast, 33.9k ✦ Villain of a Different Story by HiNerdsItsCat (HiLarpItsCat), obi-wan/satine & anakin & cast, 73.2k wip ✦ All But Name by Mirror and Image, obi-wan & anakin + padme & dooku & qui-gon & yoda & ocs & cast, 107.9k ✦ Collapse by Susan Zell, obi-wan & anakin/padme, 27.8k ✦ Youngling by LostintheTARDIS, obi-wan & anakin & cast, de-aged!anakin, 65.5k wip ✦ A Good Place to Die by Valairy Scot, obi-wan & anakin (pre-slash?) + some anakin/padme & yoda & bant & cast, some violence/injury, 115k ✦ What the Heart Hides by Valairy Scot, obi-wan/siri & anakin & cast, nsfw for descriptions of violence/torture, 269k ✦ Through a Mirror Darkly by dogmatix, norcumi, obi-wan & qui-gon, sith!qui-gon + sith!obi-wan, 44.9k wip ✦ Whispers of the Future by cywsaphyre, obi-wan & qui-gon & bant & garen & reeft & cast, 40.6k wip ✦ When the world gets too heavy put it on my back by nematoda, qui-gon & obi-wan + obi-wan & anakin + references to to obi-wan/anakin, 29.8k ✦ hurricane on the edge of oblivion (with nowhere to go) by Cross_d_a, obi-wan & xanatos & qui-gon & feemor & bruck & cast, 159.2k wip ✦ Don’t Look Back by Valairy Scot, obi-wan & anakin, 26.7k ✦ They Who Stay Behind by Valairy Scot, obi-wan & anakin, 20.4k ✦ Masters and Padawans: Three Generations by GirlwithCurls98, qui-gon & obi-wan + obi-wan & anakin + anakin & ahsoka, 24.6k ✦ And The Truth Shall Set Us Free by Nicole1, obi-wan & anakin, 23k ✦ From Master to Monster by LazarusII, Pandora151, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 93.4k wip ✦ Live To Fight Another Day by raemanzu, spica_tea, rex & cody & jesse & obi-wan & anakin & cast, 387.1k wip ✦ The Weeds in the Wilderness by ealcynn, obi-wan & anakin & cast, whump, 173.5k wip ✦ Survival by MirrorandImage, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 30.9k ✦ Death’s Shade by Susan Zell, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 30.9k ✦ Rainy by Charmisjess, dooku & qui-gon, 26.8k wip PREQUELS RECS - SHIPPY: ✦ Split the Night by Zinga763, obi-wan/satine & anakin/padme & ahsoka & maul & cast, 43.8k wip ✦ Anamorphosis by saltyavocado, obi-wan/padme & anakin & cast, 33.5k ✦ Distaff by shadowsong26, obi-wan & anakin/padme & palpatine & cast, fem!anakin, 19.9k wip ✦ whatever a moon has always meant by glorious_clio, bail/breha & cast, nsfw, 56.6k ✦ Anamorphosis by saltyavocado, obi-wan/padme & anakin & cast, 33.5k ✦ The Light You Leave Behind by laventadorn, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & ahsoka & bail & asajj & cast, 28.6k wip ✦ the kids aren’t all right by QueenWithABeeThrone, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & ahsoka & cast, 33.1k OBIKIN RECS: ✦ Alignment (Equinox + Solistice) by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan (sort of), 116.5k wip ✦ wicked thing by imaginarykat, obi-wan/anakin & asajj & dooku & ahsoka & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 109.1k wip ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 28.4k ✦ Golden Sunshine by dirkygoodness, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 19.5k ✦ Invictus by MI5WWII, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 22.7k wip ✦ On Whose Authority by Mithrigil, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 33.1k ✦ Shaak Herding for the Troubled and Lonely by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & ahsoka & plo & cast, au, 38.4k wip ✦ Seed by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin + anakin/padme, NSFW, 44k ✦ The Devil’s Own by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & cast, regency au, 21.2k wip ✦ Upfall by bell (belldreams), belldreams, usomitai (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin & obi-wan/satine & ahsoka & cast, NSFW, 83k wip ✦ After the Pillars Come Down by Virgo827, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, 19.7k ✦ Across the Darkness by xpityx, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, NSFW, 20.6k ✦ Ashes of the Republic by mewgirl1995, obi-wan/anakin & obi-wan/padme (& some anakin/padme) & luke & leia & ahsoka & cast, nsfw, 96.7k ✦ Miasma by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & cody & rex & & kix & cast, dark themes, 20.6k ✦ My Moon After the Tide by LemonTwister, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, some d/s, 38.8k ✦ The World Undone by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & maul, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 143.3k ✦ Just To Sleep Underneath Your Bed by LemonTwister, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, mild d/s undercurrents, some darker themes off-page, attempt at non-con, 46k ✦ Times, Measures by cthene, obi-wan/anakin + anakin/padme + obi-wan/anakin/padme + cast, 42.6k wip ✦ 36 Questions by kenobiapologist, obi-wan/anakin + background anakin/padme + implied obi-wan/anakin/padme, 30.7k ✦ Strange Developments part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 by generale-kenobi, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, pregnant!anakin, 22.2k ✦ WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE by anecdotalist, obi-wan/anakin & bail & ahsoka & cast, 40.9k ✦ Titles, Traditions, and Other Forms of Attachment by MarchofBirds, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 25.5k ✦ Open Circle by Calyss, obi-wan/anakin & cast, sith!obi-wan, 52.3k wip ✦ Finding Balance by moonstone (amythestice), obi-wan/anakin & luke & leia & han & yoda & qui-gon & cast, sith!obi-wan, 29.1k wip ✦ Broken by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & rex & padme & cast, NSFW,  sith!obi-wan (sort of), dark themes, 38.6k ✦ the kids aren’t all right by QueenWithABeeThrone, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & ahsoka & cast, 35.5k wip ✦ space dementia by wellwhiskey, eventual obi-wan/anakin/padme & dooku, sith!obi-wan, 30.7k wip ✦ The Consequences of a Crash happygiraffe, obi-wan/anakin (pre-?), injuries, 31.9k ✦ Second Chances by Driverpicksthemooseic (Ratkinzluver33), obi-wan/anakin & han/luke & leia + cast, de-aged fic, 106.3k wip ✦ Sun Kissed by Vee017, obi-wan/anakin & cast, nsfw, past sexual assault issues, 96.4k wip ✦ Within Limits by sacrilegist, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 22k ✦ Capture and Release by Rocket_Sith, obi-wan/anakin, mild bondage, 19k wip ✦ He Watched by temple_mistress, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 22.1k OBIANIDALA RECS: ✦ The Devoted by shadowsong26, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka, 35.5k ✦ Sometimes a family is a cultural anthropologist, a PoliSci PhD, a snippy sophomore, a golden cat, a Snorkie, and a guy who just wants to build a really smart robot by bessyboo, cantarina, exmanhater, forzandopod, heartequals (savvygambols), Opalsong, reena_jenkins, sophinisba, theleanansidhe, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka & quinlan & asajj, modern au, 19.4k ✦ These Three Remain by shadowsong26, obi-wan/anakin/padme, 27.5k ✦ I’ll Be There For You by SinkingLikeASunset, obi-wan/anakin/padme (eventual) & qui-gon & clones & cast, 40.7k wip ✦ Futurus (-a -um) by cadesama, anakin/padme + obi-wan/anakin/padme + luke & leia & mon mathma & ahsoka, mildly nsfw, 53.2k wip ✦ Sigh No More by edenwolfie, obi-wan/anakin/padme & luke & leia & ahsoka & qui-gon & clones & jedi & sidious & cast, NSFW, 292.2k ✦ The Reality of Change by midnight_vision, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 182.4k ✦ who cares about your lonely heart by Elenothar, anakin/padme + obi-wan/anakin/padme + cast, wingfic, ace!obi-wan, 28.2k ✦ you knock me out, i fall apart by pdotschuy, obi-wan/anakin/padme & luke & leia & ahsoka & han + some background pairings & cast, 64.8k wip ✦ Burnt Edges by cadesama, obi-wan/anakin + anakin/padme + obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka, NSFW, sex pollen, 33.3k ✦ Lights Will Guide You Home by darlingargents, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka & luke & leia & cast, 32.8k wip ✦ build a heart made of armour by darthrevaan (Burning_Nightingale), obi-wan/anakin/padme, soulmate au, 29.5k wip ALTERNATE UNIVERSES: ✦ Coda by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & padme/sabe & cast, nsfw, modern au, ballet au, 65.3k ✦ Young Lust by Writer_Markilyn, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, NSFW, modern au, 19.1k ✦ Bedroom Hymns by orphan_account, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & padme & cast, NSFW, modern au, bdsm, spanking, 26.6k wip ✦ Negotation by Glare, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, NSFW, modern au, serial killer au, 86.7k ✦ Rebel with a Cause by planetary_retrograde, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, NSFW, rebellion au, 37.7k wip ✦ Empire’s Shadow by Guybrarian (drjanetwatson), luke & ahsoka & mara & winter & cast, 44.9k wip REBELS RECS: ✦ The Starry Crown by bedlamsbard, ezra & kanan & sabine & zeb & chopper & cast, 34.7k wip ✦ On the Edge of the Devil's Backbone by bedlamsbard, kanan/hera & sabine & ezra & zeb & cham & cast, alternate universe, 361.5k ✦ The Undeserving by LessAttitudeMoreAltitude, kanan/hera & ezra & cast, alternate universe, read the warnings, 226.6k wip ✦ From One Fulcrum to Another by MirrorandImage, kallus & cast, 47.5k ✦ Collapse(s) by stardustgirl, ezra & kanan/hera & sabine & cast, alternate universe, 119.2k ✦ Abduction by Mishael, thrawn & eli, 26k ✦ Soul of the Ghost by MirrorandImage, kanan/hera & ezra & zeb & sabine, 33.7k ✦ Like Holding Broken Glass by Avali, kanan/hera & ezra & sabine & zeb & cast, 22.7k ✦ Places No One Knows by yellowcottondresses, kanan/hera & cast, 20.4k ✦ Playing Against Type by MirrorandImage, kanan/hera & cast, 30.6k ✦ Chase the Sun by Syphrosine, kanan/hera & rex & ocs, 25.4k wip ✦ Talking to Strangers by Miri1984, kana/hera & ezra & luke & han & obi-wan, 21.2k wip OTHER RECS: ✦ Whatever I Do (I Do It To Protect You) by Callioope, jyn/cassian & galen/lyra & bodhi & baze & chirrut & kes/shara & cast, 84.2k ✦ A Real Backwater Skug Hole by Thalius, din/omera & baby yoda & winta, 90.3k wip ORIGINAL TRILOGY RECS: ✦ The Tyranny of Kinship by amarielah, anakin & leia & ahsoka & cast, 33.9k wip ✦ Father’s Heart by FernWithy, anakin & leia & ocs, 38.8k ✦ In Which Vader Discovers He is a Father by glompcat, anakin & luke & leia & cast, 27.7k ✦ Limpet AU by frodogenic, anakin & luke & mara & piett & cast, 69.8k ✦ In Loco Pirates by izzythehutt, anakin & luke & cast, 34.9k ✦ The Belonging You Seek by WiliQueen, luke & leia & ahsoka & cast, 30.9k wip ✦ Island in a Sea of Sand by mybluerose, obi-wan & luke, 42.5k ✦ To Live Among Wolves by FireflyFish, obi-wan & luke & cast, 33.1k wip ✦ Identity by madame_alexandra, han/leia & cast, 353.9k ✦ A journey of a thousand miles by greyathena, han/leia & luke & cast, 149k SEQUELS RECS: ✦ And the Void Answered Back by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan & anakin & rey & finn & poe & ben & yoda & maz & han & cast, force ghosts, 110.6k ✦ Celestial Navigation by victoria_p (musesfool), anakin & finn/rey & cast, 23.3k
1K notes · View notes
darth-shafaq · 2 years ago
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I posted 21 times in 2022
That's 21 more posts than 2021!
4 posts created (19%)
17 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 17 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#layla jasrella - 11 posts
#darth shafaq - 10 posts
#star wars rp - 6 posts
#star wars oc - 6 posts
#layla x anakin - 6 posts
#darth-shafaq - 4 posts
#canon divergent rp - 4 posts
#star wars roleplay - 3 posts
#sw rp - 3 posts
#starwarsrp - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 22 characters
#// this should be fun!
My Top Posts in 2022:
"She's a ten but she turned to the dark side and inadvertently killed her husband."
I plead the fifth.
0 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Grim had been wandering around aimlessly. She had gotten lost, but didn't want to admit it. Although everything was the same she couldn't shake this feeling she had that the Force felt just slightly different. But only slightly. To the point she didn't even notice. It was just an echoing thought in the back of her head.
It was as she was wandering, losing herself in her thoughts, and trying to shake the echoing whispers that she bumped into the other woman. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "I'm sorry I didn't see you there!"
- @lostwcrlds
Layla Jasrella had also been wandering aimlessly. The Force around Grim had experienced an abrupt shift thanks to Layla's swirl of emotions. Layla was so caught up in her own emotions that she did not notice the girl until she bumped into her.
She did not flinch. In fact, she hardly even blinked. She registered the fact that there was someone before her and then managed a half-smile. "It's all right," she said softly. She continued on her way.
1 note - Posted August 31, 2022
🌙 to plot a first meeting between our muses. - @lostwcrlds
(I would love to! You may DM me. I'm new to this, haha!)
1 note - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
COPYRIGHT CLAIM: This fan-made character belongs to me @arabianflowers and any attempt to plagiarize will be met with consequences!
DISCLAIMER: I only own my characters. Any other characters mentioned as well as certain pre-existing Star Wars lore belong to Disney and Lucasflim.
FULL BIRTH NAME: Layla Jasrella
TITLE: Darth Shafaq
CURRENT AGE: 33 years
GENDER: Cisgender Female
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: The Valley of the Dark World, Moraband
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good (formerly), Chaotic Evil (currently)
OCCUPATION: Jedi Knight (formerly), Sith Apprentice (currently)
PORTRAYER: Yasmine Sabiri
CHARACTER ARC SUMMARY: Layla Jastrella lost both her parents when she was eight years old at her own hands. Her mother and father were persuaded by Darth Sidious to leave her on the safest planet for her own protection because she was too powerful. Believing it to be the only way to protect their child, Layla’s parents left her on the planet Naboo. Layla, who was highly force-sensitive, unbeknownst to herself and to her parents, became overcome by her emotions and begged her parents to come back. She accidentally crashed the spaceship that her mother and father were leaving in because she was unable to control her abilities, which resulted in her parents’ tragic deaths. This tragedy left her so traumatized that she subconsciously blocked out the memory of the incident shortly after it occurred, convincing herself that she would one day be reunited with their parents. She grew up with Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine and fell in love with him when they were young adults.
When they were both nineteen years old, they had a secret marriage, which resulted in Layla's pregnancy, which tragically failed.
PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER ANALYSIS: Layla Jastrella is a tortured soul with a blurred view of good and evil. From a young age, she suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and panic attacks, all of which she never received any professional help for. Her idealistic views of the world and her inner turmoil are what contributed to her tragic fall to the dark side. Before she fell to the dark side, Layla was compassionate and cared for other people’s well-being. She was also very attuned to the light side of the Force, responsible when it came to fulfilling her duties as a Jedi Knight, and a very mature person overall. However, she was insecure and did not communicate well even though she was often very bold. She always spoke up for what she believed was right but her intense emotions were partly what contributed to her fall to the dark side. After Layla lost her child, she spiraled into a deep depression and developed Major Depressive Disorder which shifted her view of the world and made her question her morality. She allowed herself to be manipulated by a Sith Lord with the false promise that she would gain back the child that she lost. Before Layla became a Sith Lord, she was a successful merchant and she was also raised by the senator of Naboo who had perfect social skills, which is why she used to be so good with people, despite the fact that she was not a good communicator. Before turning dark, Layla was fiercely loyal to the important people in her life, especially her foster mother, her husband, and her child. Even after she turned evil, her loyalty to them did not falter and everything that she did was for them and the idea that she was avenging them. She treats the younglings that she kidnapped from the Jedi Temple as her own children and believes that training them in the dark side of the Force is what will save them from the Jedi.
Poster made by me!
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2 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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swfanficbyjz · 7 years ago
SW AU - Ahsoka Stays in the Order - Ch. 3
<- Chapter 1
<- Chapter 2
She kept walking all the way outside, she didn’t really know where she was going but she had to get away from there. She thought about going to the shipyard to see Rex but decided against it. She wandered the lower city for awhile and finally found a bench at a park and sat down. She could see the temple from where she rested, but it seemed so different from here. It loomed over the area around it, no longer welcoming or even pleasing to the eye. It felt like a juggernaut of darkness. Maybe Bariss had been right. Maybe all the Jedi cared about anymore was violence. Not inside the temple obviously, but out here in the world. For peacekeepers, everything they did centered around fighting. Was it the war that darkened the building, or something else? Were they losing their way? Or their hold on the light? 
“Hey, are you alright?” She turned at the unfamiliar voice. A boy was walking towards her. Well maybe he wasn’t a boy, he looked closer to her age, maybe a little older. He had brownish-black hair that fell loosely around his face, and brown eyes full of concern. She also noticed he had a black eye like he’d been fighting with someone. She glanced around to see if he was talking to someone else, but there was no one else around. He stopped a few feet away.
“I’m fine,” she said, leaning back against the bench again hoping he’d take a hint that she didn’t want to talk right now.
“You don’t look fine,” he started and then blushed looking down at his feet. “I mean, you do look fine as in you’re cute and all, but you don’t look like you’re okay.”
She raised a brow at him. Really? He was flirting with her? “That’s a pick-up-line I’ve never heard before.” She rolled her eyes.
“It wasn’t meant to be a pick-up… let me start over. My name is Nyx.” He reached out a hand for her to shake. She stared at it a moment. “And no, I don’t go around accosting people on the street and trying to pick them up. I just saw you sitting here looking like you’d been crying, so I thought maybe you needed someone to talk to.” Boy, did she. But she didn’t even know this guy, the last thing she was going to do was spill her guts to him.
She finally shook his hand. “Ahsoka.”
“Nice to meet you, Ahsoka,” he said and sat down on the other end of the bench. She chewed her lip as she studied him out of the corner of her eye.
“How’d you get the black eye?” she asked. 
“Oh, it was a lovely parting gift from someone who thinks I owe them money,” he murmured, playing with his fingers. “Why were you crying?”
“Have you got a few hours?” she smirked, crossing her arms back in front of her.
“I have nowhere else to be for awhile,” he said, scooting a little closer.
She blew air out the side of her mouth. She doubted Nyx would know anything about what’s on her mind, so maybe he was the perfect outsider perspective she needed. But if she couldn’t trust people she’d known her entire life anymore, how could she trust someone she just met? “How do you feel about the Jedi?” she asked, staring straight ahead.
“The Jedi?” he asked in surprise. “They’re a pain in the neck.”
It was her turn to look surprised. “Why do you say that?”
“Well they’re always so full of themselves, like they’re holier than thou. They run around sticking their noses in business they don’t need to. And come on, have you seen the aftermath of their war? They lay waste to every planet they go to and claim they’re freeing the people. But like all we know of them is that they’re these mystical space monks with magical powers.”
“It’s not their war, and they are freeing the people!”
“Oh please, don’t tell me you admire them. I travel all over the galaxy, many of the places I go are planets where the Jedi have been. Tell me, have you been to Ryloth lately? What about Bothuwai? Or Christophsis? Or Rhodia? They’re practically ruins now. People are starving. The Jedi came in with their clone army, fought their battles against the Separatists and then left. So what if they destroyed thousands of droids? They still left it all there for the people to have to clean up behind them. They repelled the ‘invasion,’ but left the people without any kind of aide or relief or help. Have you noticed that it’s only Republic affiliated worlds that are getting destroyed? How come the Jedi don’t go fight on Raxus or something? If they’re so intent on bringing down the Separatists, wouldn’t it be better strategy to hit their capitol city? Besides, what did the Seps actually do that makes the Republic so intent on fighting them? So what if a few planets want to secede? Is that really worth killing them over?” He waved his hand nonchalantly and she studied his face. Now that she thought about it, she really had no idea why they were fighting the Separatists.
Is that really how the rest of the galaxy viewed what was going on? Of course, she’d seen all of those planets. They’d been in ruins, just like Nyx said… she’d thought they were freeing those planets, but he was right. Once the droids were destroyed and the Separatists driven away, they would pack up and leave. Onto the next mission. It had never occurred to her that no help or aide was never sent there afterwards. And much to her chagrin, she’d just as easily forgotten about them the moment they were onto something new. No wonder Bariss had believed all the Jedi cared about anymore was violence. They were acting only as a military now. Hundreds of thousands of people watch them come in, fight and disappear. From her perspective, or rather, from the Jedi’s perspective, they were fighting for freedom; to protect and uphold the Republic values. So, is that what the Republic valued now? Violence? Victory? Sacrifice? Death?
She stared blankly at a lamp post across the way. This wasn’t making her feel any better. In fact, it was making her wonder why she’d stayed in the order. She just kept thinking something Anakin had said back when her and Padme had gone to Raxus; the Separatists believe the Republic is corrupt, but they’re wrong. And we have to restore order. How many people had they gone up against since the beginning of this war that kept telling them the Republic was the one that was wrong? Had it ever occurred to any of them that maybe the Separatists had a fair point?
Nina Bonteri had truly believed in the things the Confederacy stood for. And she hadn’t been the kind of crackpot she was made to believe the Separatists were. She was educated and intelligent. She’d seen the proceedings of their democracy and it was nothing at all like the fights over money and troops and banking deregulations that the Republic Senate fought over.
“I’m sorry,” Nyx said suddenly, and she glanced back up at him. “Sometimes I speak without thinking. What’s your problem with the Jedi?”
“You’re not one, are you?” He smacked himself on the head. “Of course you are, what was I thinking?”
“No, I’m not,” she said quickly. She cringed, not liking the taste of the lie in her mouth. She was one, by title. But she didn’t feel like one anymore. She didn’t know what she was. That was the problem.
“Oh, that’s a relief,” he said, dropping his shoulders in a sigh. “I was afraid you were going to try to arrest me and then, unfortunately, I’d have to defend myself.” He patted his blaster that was holstered to his hip. She curled her lips, so she didn’t smile. Was this the part where she told him that his puny blaster would be flying across the park before he could react, and that she’d give him a matching pair of black eyes if he attempted to shoot her? If she had her lightsabers with her, it would be even less of a fair fight.
“Well then, today’s your lucky day. No one is arresting anyone.”
“I’m glad about that, it would really put a damper on our friendship,” he chuckled.
“You consider us friends?” she started in surprise.
“Sure. We’ve been talking for what? Ten minutes. Best friends forever!” She looked down to hide her smile. At least his attitude was refreshing. Though she wasn’t real sure how they could be friends anyways. He didn’t like Jedi, so he could never know she was one. And she’d already lied to him. What a great start to a friendship. "Come on, I know where to get the best jogun fruit smoothie. You can lay your woes on me there. My treat." He jumped to his feet and offered his hand. 
She looked dubious but then decided why not? Maybe he'd be a good distraction. He was easy to talk to even if she didn't feel like she could tell him everything. And to be honest, after everything that had happened lately, she was actually glad to have an excuse to stay away from the temple for awhile longer. "Are you sure you should be treating girls you just met, to smoothies when you owe people money?"
"First of all, I don't owe them money. They just think I do. Second of all, I may have just met you, but you're worth a jogun smoothie any day." He flashed a big grin and then bowed to her, putting out his hand for her to take again. 
She blushed and took it. The walked down the street, him still holding her hand. It felt weird. Relationships weren't allowed for Jedi so the last thing you see them doing is holding hands. But admittedly, she kind of liked it. She didn't normally like being touched unless she initiated it. Anakin and Rex were really the only ones she didn't get uncomfortable about touching her. Every once in awhile Obi wan would put a hand on her shoulder or something and she didn't mind that, at least she hadn't before. Master Plo was probably the only other one that could touch her and she didn't freak out. So, it was strange that she could feel comfortable holding hands with someone she just met. 
He talked enthusiastically about all sorts of things, from his travels to people he's met and the type of work he did. He said he owned a repair shop, it wasn't much but for as young as he was, he thought he was doing pretty well for himself. It sounded a little like bragging, but she didn't mind. His face lit up when she started talking about fixing machines, all things she'd learned from Anakin. He was impressed by what she considered mediocre knowledge. Though she supposed, considering how much Anakin knew, she probably knew quite a bit more than most. He told her about the latest projects he'd been working on, trying to talk her into coming by sometime so he could show them off. She didn't make any promises, but it sounded fun. 
By the time they got to the smoothie stand, she'd forgotten much of what was bothering her. Nyx was good company and an excellent distraction. She had no idea how much time they spent talking. The jogun fruit smoothie was as delicious as he claimed. In fact, it was the best thing she'd ever tasted. And she told him so. To which she got a puzzling response. He invited her out to dinner the following night, promising her a meal ten times more delicious than the smoothie. 
She was so tempted to accept his offer, but that was when reality kicked in again. "I can't," she said sadly. "I have to get going."
"But…" he started, and she shook her head. 
"I like you, but I can't... we can't..."
"Why not?" he pouted just a little. "What do you have, some overbearing dad that won't let you date?"
She almost laughed picturing Anakin tapping his foot wondering where she'd been, but her eyes widened. "Date?" He wasn’t her dad and she didn’t think of him like one, but he could be a bit too overprotective sometimes.
"You know, like two people go out and do something fun together because they like each other."
"Is that what you call what we've been doing?" She shifted nervously.
"Well, yeah," he started.
"I can't... I have to go..."
"Wait!" he called after her. She wasn't sure why she stopped, but she did. "We don't have to call it dating if that's what you're worried about. It's just friends being friends. That's allowed right?"
She studied his face. He looked so earnest, she wished maybe things were different. Then maybe they could, date... "I'm not allowed to have attachments."
"Attachments? Like relationships? What a weird rule. I mean, it's impossible not to have attachments. If you have siblings, you're attached to them. You're attached to your parents, or in my case, your guardians because I don't know my parents. Pretty much anybody that you meet, is an attachment of sorts." He waved his hands around like he was trying to gesture to the world around them. "People need attachments and relationships to survive. To not allow them... that's insanity. Where are you from anyways?"
"I can't tell you that..." she shifted uncomfortably. She suddenly needed to go. Oh man, she was going to get in so much trouble. 
"I don't know anything about you, it feels like. But I think we're kindred spirits in a way. Like we're one and the same. I don't mean to come on so strong, but if you ever need a place to go or someone to listen... my shop is on level 1313." He reached out to take her hand and it took all her self-control not to jerk it away. "I hope I'll see you again, Ahsoka."
She didn't know what to say. She hardly knew him at all, but that was the kindest offer she'd ever gotten in her life. "I'm sorry," she said at last and took off running in the opposite direction. She probably should have thanked him for the smoothie. For being good company. For distracting her. But it was too late now, she was already several streets away.
Chapter 4 ->
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