#Amy Bartell
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(via “Do Something”– Turns into a Charleston Dance Gathering in Syracuse)
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prettyfamous · 10 months
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Jessica Jones season 2 posters | Illustrated by Stephanie Hans, Jen Bartel, Elizabeth Torque, Kate Niemzcyk, Colleen Doran, Erica Henderson, Audrey Monk, Joyce Chin, Jenny Frison, Amy Reeder, Ema Luppacchino, June Brigman & Annie Wu | 2018
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fibula-rasa · 1 year
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Secret Cinema (1966) 
[imdb | letterboxd]
Director: Paul Bartel
Cinematographer: Fred Wellington
Performers: Amy Vane, Philip Carlson, Barry Dennen, & Connie Ellison
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dreamerwitches · 5 months
Scene Zero for Dummies
I'm going to be a martyr and list out all the important plot beats for scene zero so that no one else has to slog through it like me. Let's goooo
Scene 1
Mabayu loves movies, is bad at socialising and lying, is most likely autistic, very lazy and works at her aunt's - Sakie - cafe. She's a year above most of the girls at school, in Mami's year.
While watching a movie, time pauses because of Homura and Mabayu gets paused too. She can resume the paused TV when she touches it.
Time pauses at school for her and she uses this time to copy a students answers during a test.
Mabayu sees Kyubey outside but Sakie doesn't see them, thinking she saw Amy. A cat that visits outside the cafe regularly.
Mabayu has a soul gem ring but doesn't remember where she got it from. She has no idea she is currently a magical girl.
At the cafe Mabayu gets a sudden vision of Amy getting hit by a car. She goes outside and sees it happened and Madoka is crying over her. Madoka and Sakie go to the vet with Amy while Mabayu looks after the cafe.
Amy suddenly gets better at the vet with the vets declaring it a miracle. This was because Madoka made her wish to save Amy.
The school goes on an annual visit to an auto plant (what a lame school trip huh). Mabayu accidentally wanders into a witch's labyrinth but Mami pulls her out with her ribbons.
Meanwhile, parts of episode 10 are happening during this. Homura is in her second loop. Eg. tells Madoka in class she's a magical girl too. Homura actually tells Mami and Madoka about her wish and being from the future here but the two have a hard time believing it.
Homura struggles fighting witches so Mami actually gives her a book on how to make explosives (guess she didnt look it up online this time eh?)
Mabayu follows Mami after being curious of her being a magical girl (she still doesn't know about them) but Mami acts weirdly saying she'll kill her (I have no idea why this is so out of character). Mabayu runs away in fear into a Bartels barrier and it kills her and later Mami (sigh)
Episode 10 plays out where Madoka becomes Kriemhild and Homura finds out about witches
Film 2
Mabayu is surprised to wake up at the beginning of the loop and thinks everything was a dream.
Kyubey finally approaches Mabayu saying they've already made a contract with Mabayu.
The Amy incident happens just the same as last time as Mabayu forgets to interfere.
Meanwhile, Homura is unsure about sharing the truth with others.
Mabayu uses her magic at school. She can turn invisible in her magi form by bending light. Her magic can also let her hear conversations from a way away as well as basically zoom in in real life.
She spies on Madoka and Mami in Mami's apartment. Homura enters, telling them not to listen to Kyubey but doesn't elaborate as she doesn't think they're ready yet.
Mabayu wants to find Homura's address at school so she can meet her but cannot find it in the staff room.
At the auto plant visit, Madoka and Homura fight the witch with Homura finally explaining her past. (but not the truth about witches) Madoka is fine with this, trusting Homura. Homura isn't ready to tell Mami yet.
Kyubey makes contact with Sayaka but she is dissuaded from contracting by Homura.
Sayaka knows about Madoka being a magical girl and is a little jealous she's so amazing. The scene with Kyosuke plays out ala episode 4 and she is swayed to contract.
Homura encounters Elly similar to Madoka in episode 4 and Sayaka saves her.
Madoka, Sayaka and Homura find Anja and Kyoko interrupts like in episode 5. Sayaka is suspicious that Homura knows Kyoko's name but is hesitant about telling Sayaka the truth.
Ala episode 10, Homura meets with everyone to tell them the truth. She tells them about witches but Mami and Sayaka don't fully trust her.
At the hospital, Sayaka wants to visit Kyosuke but Hitomi is already there. She overhears him saying he thinks Hitomi's visits are what cured his hand and Sayaka is very upset.
Sayaka's suffering arc plays out with it ending in Mami's breakdown.
Madoka and Homura fight Walpurgis with it ending in Homura killing Madoka before she can become Kriemhild. Mabayu resets along with Homura.
Film 3
Homura becomes coolTM
Homura shoots Kyubey outside Madoka's home, believing them to be dead now.
At home, Homura realises she can't tell the truth to anyone and will kill Walpurgis on her own. Mabayu arrives in her home, telling her Kyubey isn't dead.
The girls are two late and Madoka saves Amy, becoming a magical girl.
Homura is mad at Mabayu for spying on her and Mabayu gets nervous, running away.
Madoka is fighting the Minotaur witch at the auto plant but is struggling. Mabayu tries to help, using her weapon for the first time.
Homura stops time, stepping in. Mabayu is shocked Homura was going to abandon this Madoka just because she's contracted. Homura explains she doesn't want to connect to Madoka to feel the pain all over again because she knows she'll have to reset eventually in this loop.
Mabayu has a future vision. This shows that Homura can win but Mabayu will die. Knowing this is the best outcome, she goes along with it, dying.
Mami rushes over, upset at Mabayu's death. She later dies by Charlotte despite Madoka's warning. The two fight Walpurgis but fail.
Film 4
Mabayu visits Homura and both of them remember the last loop. She is at first rude but soon thanks Mabayu for sacrificing herself for the best outcome.
The two team up with Homura killing Kyubey outside Madoka's home again.
Kyubey visits Mabayu at home but she plays dumb, pretending to not understand them. She makes up a warning that if Kyubey tries to make Madoka contract something terrible will happen.
Meanwhile, Homura deals with Mami by making a truce. She'll tell her where witches will appear with her past knowledge so that she won't make any other girls contract.
Mabayu and Homura discover that the car that hits Amy was caused by a witch so they find the cause, defeating a familiar.
At the auto plant, Mabayu manages to stop Madoka and Sayaka from falling into the witch's barrier by helping them find the exit. Mabayu and Homura successfully fell the witch.
Unfortunately, Kyubey manages to meet Madoka and Sayaka, talking to them.
Kyubey tells Mami about these new candidates but since she made a deal with Homura she refuses.
Mabayu and Homura deal with Gertrud but Sayaka is injured in the crossfire. Homura uses this to warn Madoka from contracting as its dangerous.
Madoka approaches Homura and Mabayu, asking about magical girls. She is sad about Homura fighting alone and wants to help but Homura tells her adamantly not to.
Mabayu is worried that if Homura keeps telling Madoka about the danger of being a magical girl, she'll just want to help Homura more. Mabayu suggests they emphasise the fact she will no longer be human. Homura wonders if telling her the truth will help.
Madoka gets lost in Charlotte's labyrinth at the hospital. Homura decides to tell Madoka the truth about witches. Madoka then makes a wish to save Charlotte from despair, creating a strangely coloured Nagisa.
The girls then have to look after Nagisa who acts similarly to usual but more childishly. The group think that they can deal with Nagisa by fulfilling her wish.
Nagisa has nightmares of killing Mami as Charlotte and begins to think she's not a good person. She goes on a rampage, killing witches as well as Kyoko.
This film explains Mabayu's mother's backstory. She had a future vision that was never wrong but one day saw that she was going to die of illness and it broke her. She became a different person, begging no one to approach her in hospital.
Seeing no option to save Nagisa, Mabayu uses her magic to alter her memories. She cuts it like a film, removing her memories of killing Mami and Kyoko.
Nagisa gets a cheesecake baked by Sakie.
The girls fight Walpurgis and Nagisa is finally at peace so disappears. Homura resets
Film 5
Homura states they cannot let Madoka know about witches as they'll have another mess like Nagisa to deal with.
At the auto plant, Mabayu helps out Madoka and Sayaka again. Homura freezes time and kills Kyubey so that they cannot talk to Madoka and Sayaka.
Homura has sent Mami to another city so that she's out of their hair.
Mabayu is tasked with stalling Madoka and Sayaka from running into a witch at the mall but she's nervous about talking to them. Mabayu decides to ask Sayaka if she wants to work at her aunt's cafe.
Sayaka asks Mabayu why she wanted to hire her for work. Mabayu states she knows she collects DVDs but Sayaka is suspicious of how she knows so. Mabayu tries to lie but Sayaka sees right through her.
Kyubey tries to contact Sayaka to contract but she doesn't understand what they're saying.
Homura defeats Charlotte in the hospital. Kyubey appears and Mabayu uses a borrowed gun to kill them, masking it in the public space as a fire extinguisher going off.
Mabayu discovers that Madoka and Sayaka visited the hospital to see Kyosuke. Both Mabayu and Homura were unaware of him before now.
Homura asks Mabayu to see into the future but in it Sayaka has contracted. Homura realised she overlooked Sayaka while focusing on Madoka.
Homura is mad at Sayaka so prepares to fight her however Mabayu butts in. She doesn't want Sayaka to get hurt so asks Homura to let her deal with Sayaka instead. She plans on becoming her friend so she won't turn into a witch or have a bad effect on Madoka.
Kyoko doesn't interfere with Sayaka as she doesn't visit Mitakihara in this timeline.
Mabayu continues to fail at becoming closer friends with Sayaka as she's too bad at conversations. She's also put off by the fact she thinks of herself more as a senpai (an older classmate) than a friend.
Sayaka later fights Elsa Maria with Homura aiding. She is mad at Homura and an incident makes Mabayu appear where she was previously invisible. Sayaka is mad that Mabayu was working with Homura all along. The three tussle but oh what a surprise, Madoka contracts to make Sayaka no depress any more wow
Madoka and Sayaka fight Walpurgisnacht but fail, Homura resetting time.
Film 6
Mabayu apologises for messing up but Homura is fine with it since they learnt a lot. She honestly doesn't want to kill Sayaka at the end of the day.
Mabayu hires Sayaka again but this time knows her better, pointing out her love of classical music.
Sayaka discovers Mabayu is a magical girl but the two seem on good terms about it. Mabayu explains what she can remember of her wish (as it is still unknown to her) and that it was a wish for another person.
Kyosuke's tantrum from episode 4 plays out as Mabayu watches in hiding.
Sayaka is about to make her wish but Mabayu intervenes. She tries to dissuade her but fails.
Mabayu and Sayaka go witch hunting together. Mabayu chooses a song for Sayaka to fight to which apparently improves her strength.
Mabayu spies on Hitomi and Sayaka having their conversation like in episode 7. Mabayu is unsure how to cheer Sayaka up from this.
Sayaka asks Mabayu if she can see into the future about Hitomi's confession but backpedals, losing confidence. Mabayu hopes Sayaka will confess instead.
Sayaka seemingly decides to confess but Kyubey tells her she's no longer human and loses her resolve.
Sayaka faces Elsa Maria like usual.
Sayaka skips school the next day and later is found on the Soul-gem-throwing-bridge and does the deed herself. Unfortunately, this hustle makes Madoka contract whoops (she's really an idiot in scene zero huh)
Reset time whee
Film 7
Mabayu decides against letting Sayaka contract this time.
Mabayu pretends she has fortune telling abilities, trying to dissuade Sayaka from thinking about a contract and suggests maybe raising money for surgery for him instead.
Mabayu fucks up and Sayaka contracts anyway wow
Homura realises that Sayaka absolutely can't contract because clearly she's a fucking idiot
Madoka becomes a magical girl for Sayaka NEXT
Film 8
After Sayaka has the Kyosuke incident of 2011, Mabayu decides to cut her memories of it. She reveals that the target has to be thinking of the memories in order for her to cut them (great writing there…)
Walpurgisnacht comes and Madoka contracts, becoming Kriemhild.
Film 9
Mabayu practices fighting witches alone
Wow nothing really happens in this one huh. But it seems like the loops are finally getting to Mabayu mentally
Film 10
Homura and Mabayu leave town to stock up on grief seeds but Mabayu is killed by Kyoko
Kyoko kills Mami too wow thats so out of character…
Film 11
Mabayu realises that she continues fighting because of her admiration for Homura.
Kyubey suggests Mabayu replaces Madoka as the big entropy ending power source
Film 12
Mabayu suggests they get Mami to help them but Homura is against it
Homura instead recruits Kyoko, swaying her with the promise of plenty of grief seeds
Homura and Mabayu grow a little closer with Homura allowing her to call her by her first name. This makes Mabayu upset I think because she’s worried about getting too close with Homura
Kyoko tells Mami the truth about witches. Mabayu decides to cut Mami’s memories but sees herself in them, leading toooo
Film Mami Tomoe
Wow Mami is finally important thank fucking god! This is set before everything btw
Mabayu meets Mami with Kyubey and decides on a wish quickly. To remove her mother’s future sight so she no longer knows about her predicted death.
Mami and Mabayu work together by Mabayu holding back but using her future sight and Mami fighting for her, sharing the grief seed.
After an incident with a rookie magical girl, Mabayu learns she can cut memories. The girl seems to go missing and the two are worried, Mami thinking it's her fault
This bit is weird, it seems to play out like film 1 but from Mami's point of view. Mabayu suddenly seems to not know her. (Kyubey is affected too)
Homura is coolTM so its not film 1 I guess. Homura tells Mami not to talk with Mabayu.
Mami thinks Mabayu erased her memories of their time together.
Kyoko tells Mami the truth about witches.
Mabayu meets up with Mami and sees her memories which brings her old ones back. She realises Mami is guilty about leading other girls to their deaths by making them contract. Mabayu thinks she's a coward for cutting her own memories but leaving Mami with the burden.
It is revealed Homura was trying to keep Mami and Mabayu apart so that Mabayu wouldn't regain her memories of Mami and the time they spent together. (I dont really know why...)
Mabayu uses future sight for Homura, saying they'll win and fix everything, but this is a lie. She actually saw herself becoming a witch.
As Mabayu is close to falling into despair, Madoka wishes to save her.
Then we go to film 0, I dont know why this is getting so hard to follow...
It seems like this is the first timeline, the start of episode 10.
Madoka makes a contract to save Amy.
Mabayu is friends with Mami here.
Meanwhile Mabayu meets Ultimate Madoka??? It seems she is showing Mabayu these events.
Mabayu helps Madoka with the minotaur witch.
Mabayu sees Walpurgisnacht while future-visioning for the minotaur witch and tells Mami and Madoka.
Episode 10 plays out
The girls defeat Charlotte with Mami surviving.
Walpurgisnacht comes and Mabayu uses her future vision but sees they will fail and both Mabayu and Mami will become witches.
Mabayu lies, saying they'll defeat the witch.
At Walpurgisnacht, Mabayu confesses she lied before and she suddenly sees numerous films of the anime.
Mabayu says something dumb and cuts her own memories "Her future vision shows her a film with a future in which her vision of the future is already woven in. So if she erases her memories of despair, then the future will turn into hope!" like what the fuck does that mean? But Mami knew she was lying anyway cause she's a terrible liar so Mabayu you fucking solved nothing
Mami and Mabayu both die by Walpurgisnacht and Homura contracts.
Mabayu awakes in a new timeline and goes to cut Kyubey and Mami's memories of her.
And now we're FINALLY back to the main story
Mabayu cuts the film of her fate(?) I guess making it so she forgets about witches.
Madoka, Homura, Kyoko and Mabayu go to find Mami in the school where she's laid out a trap. She wants to 'free Mabayu of Homura's brainwashing' and wants to run away with her.
Mami doesn't want her memories to be cut because she doesn't want to stop being Mabayu's friend but in the end she accepts it, Mabayu cutting her memories.
They fight Walpurgis but fail, reset!
Film 13
Mami no longer comes up to Mabayu in the morning, she no longer remembers her as a friend.
Mabayu decides to cut Homura's memories of her and then from the entire film(?) I guess from everyone else.
At the cafe, Mami visits to buy cake and gets along with Mabayu.
The anime then plays out like usual.
And well that's it :T what a lame ending huh. Can you tell I was super fed up at the end? But... the story is here... sorry if things don't make sense in places, they don't make sense just as much in the story...
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wellesleybooks · 8 days
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Ria, our part time bookseller and full time student at Wellesley College made a book display. She calls it “Anything You Can Write We Can Write Better- Works by alumnae of historically women’s colleges.” It’s full of some fantastic books.
Ria's List
Wellesley College Madam Secretary - Madeleine Albright Mr. Churchill's Secretary - Susan Elia MacNeal Last Night at the Telegraph Club- Malinda Lo The Sweet Spot - Amy Poeppel Heartburn- Nora Ephron Dear Wendy- Ann Zhao Pieces of Blue- Holly Goldberg Sloan Barbara the Slut- Lauren Holmes Good Grief - E.B. Bartels We Have Always Been Who We Are- Sofia Romero Nancy Drew- Carolyn Keene (aka Harriet Stratemeyer)
Barnard College Eileen - Ottessa Moshfegh The Vulnerables - Sigrid Nunez The Death of a Jaybird- Jodi M. Savage Making It in America- Rachel Slade
Smith College The Feminine Mystique- Betty Friedan The Cliffs- J. Courtney Sullivan A Tale for the Time Being- Ruth Ozeki A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara Ariel- Sylvia Plath Mastering the Art of French Cooking- Julia Child The Starless Sea-Erin Morgenstern The Babysitters Club- Ann M. Martin
Bryn Mawr Crying in H Mart- Michelle Zauner The Trouble with You- Ellen Feldman The Brightwood Code- Monica Hesse Necessary Trouble- Drew Gilpin Faust
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through the “Survival of the Fittest” guest cast
Pamela Reed as Roberta Deeks Natalia Del Riego as Rosa Reyes Both are back from “Flesh & Blood” week before last.
Dominic Burgess as Herman Cooper Was Jerry Summers in Dr. Death, Uncle Eddy in Better Things and was John Wayne Gacy in Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story.  
Appeared in episodes of Doctor Who, Leverage, Rules of Engagement, 90210, Maron, Family Tools, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Raising Hope, Dads, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Leftovers, We Need to Talk, 2 Broke Girls, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, Feud, The Night Shift, Teen Wolf, The Flash, Supernatural, Queen of the South, The Good Place, American Horror Story, The Rookie, Santa Clarita Diet, Perfect Harmony, Modern Family, The Magicians, Star Trek: Picard, Fantasy Island, Our Flag Means Death and 9-1-1: Lone Star.
Piper Curda as Lisa Cho Was Casey in Rule the Mix, Kennedy Van Buren in A.N.T. Farm and Jasmine King in I Didn’t Do It.
Guest roles include Law & Order: SVU, Malibu Country, Body of Proof, Live and Maddie, The Rookie, Legacies and Raven’s Home.
Bobby Hogan as Marine Private First Class James Williams Appeared in an episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star and American Horror Stories.
Cyrus Hobbi as Marine Staff Sergeant Pierce Plays Yuri on General Hospital.
Also appeared in episodes of Ballers, Betrayed, Liza on Demand, Young Rock and The Family Business.
Jesse Boone as Nicholas "Nick" Embry Was in episodes of The Heights and Betrayed.
Susan Slome as Jordana Hanson Guest starred in episodes of High Incident, Ned and Stacey, Married with Children, Just Shoot Me, Party of Five, Malcolm & Eddie, Payne, Judging Amy, Good vs. Evil, The X Files, It’s Like You Know, The District, Without a Trace, Friends, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, George Lopez, Angel, Miss Match, Scrubs, Jake in Progress, House, Kitchen Confidential, Everybody Hates Chris, Crossing Jordan, Grey’s Anatomy, The Mentalist, The Mindy Project, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Criminal Minds, Silicon Valley and Shooter.
Marcus Antony Brunner as Marine Private First Class Edward Hanson New.
Written by:  Andrew Bartels wrote or co-wrote "Allegiance", "Zero Days", "The Grey Man", "Humbug", "Fighting Shadows", "Driving Miss Diaz", "Angels & Daemons", "Where There’s Smoke…", "Glasnost", "Old Tricks" "Battle Scars", "Fool Me Twice", "Warrior of Peace", "Reentry", "The Prince", "Smokescreen", "The One That Got Away"/"No More Secrets" two-parter, "Yellow Jacket", "Missing Time", "If the Fates Allow", "Red Rover, Red Rover", "Divided We Fall" and “Genesis”.
Directed by: Eric A. Pot directed “Resurrection”, “Windfall”, “Traitor”, “Internal Affairs”, “Home is Where the Heart Is”, “Forasteira”, “Reentry”, “Hit List”, “The One Who Got Away”, “Kill Beale Vol 1”, “Fortune Favors the Bold”, “A Fait Accompli”, “Imposter Syndrome”, “Indentured” and “Sorry for Your Loss”.
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trailerparty · 7 years
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"THE SECRET CINEMA [is] the 29-minute short that launched Eating Raoul director [Paul] Bartel’s career and [like The Truman Show] features a character whose life is one big Candid Camera episode. Made for $5,000 on weekends, Cinema stars Amy Vane as an oblivious plain Jane who suffers indignities staged and filmed by her boyfriend, colleagues, and shrink.
Bartel, who also made the cult fave Death Race 2000, says he’s flattered by the imitation (if that’s what it was; Truman director Peter Weir was unavailable for comment). 'I hope that my film inspired their film. That’s how art works.' Nevertheless, Bartel isn’t shy about saying he finds Cinema’s premise more compelling than its modern-day equivalent: 'In my film, the people making the secret film are trying to drive Jane insane, which is more interesting to me. As I was watching Truman, I thought, Why would anyone tune in to watch a normal, middle-class life?'" --Entertainment Weekly, 1998
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korrektheiten · 1 year
Bartels Schmäh _ Ein Herz für KinderCOMPACT+ 
Compact:»Irgendwann in den 70ern meldete die Deutsche­ Presse-Agentur, dass wieder 1.350 Kinder auf Deutschlands Straßen tot gefahren worden waren. In einem einzigen Jahr. «Weltrekord!» In Amerika starben «nur» 450, obwohl es damals fünf Mal so viele Amis gab wie Germans. Axel Springer las das und rief Bild-Chefredakteur Günter Prinz an: Die Aktion Ein Herz für [...] Der Beitrag Bartels Schmäh _ Ein Herz für KinderCOMPACT+  erschien zuerst auf COMPACT. http://dlvr.it/Sp6jSv «
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Local folk-pop duo Fionn took over the stage at Vancouver’s beloved Fox Cabaret last Friday. Supported by openers Anton Seth and audalei, this show pushed the boundaries of genre, blending heartfelt lyrics with catchy melodies and energetic riffs. All three artists commanded the stage, captivating the audience from the very first song with the candor and verve of their storytelling.
Anton Seth kicked off the show with expert stage presence, using the entire available space to stroll and dance around in punk-business-casual attire. He connected with the crowd from the first moment and embodied the lyrics, immediately drawing us in to the dynamic energy on stage. Ian Perry rocked playful riffs and energetic solos on a snazzy blue guitar, underscored by Skylar Bartel’s sleek black bass, with Josh Ertman on the drums keeping everyone dancing. Anton’s vocal prowess supported the emotionality of his lyrics through sustained notes and catchy choruses alike. Their music is a blend of playfulness and angst, with Anton describing some songs as being trauma dumps and others as being more upbeat. Their setlist included “As Is,” a brand new song released that day; “Selfish,” described as being about a selfish asshole after a breakup; “Space Girl,” for which they invoked audience participation; an Allen Stone cover to close, which they characterized as bringing the classy vibes for the Fox Cabaret. After seven years in his previous band, Anton Seth has launched an extremely promising solo career and is more than capable of taking larger venues by storm.
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audalei took the stage next, sparking interest right away with an eclectic mix of styles: vocalist audalei in a fishnet top and baggy ripped jeans, a laptop operated by a mysterious Mr. Gorilla in a head-to-toe gorilla suit, and guitarist Lucas in a classy button-up. audalei’s charisma and confidence on stage strikes a balance with the heartwrenching vulnerability of her lyrics, e.g. “you only love me when you’re wasted.” Bouncing around on stage, her light and playful energy felt comforting while her lyrics wove stories universally relatable and sometimes painful. Her earnest and passionate energy held our attention for every word. Between songs, when she wasn’t singing directly to our hearts, she told us she was trying her hand at stand-up. She filled the room with laughter, cracking jokes and giving wry shoutouts to alcohol and narcissists before launching into “sour candy jesus christ.” Other songs performed included “I don’t care,” which audalei described as less heartbreaking; “atleast my therapist thinks im cool,” which blew up on TikTok; “20 SOMETHiNG,” for which she encouraged audience participation; an ambitious cover of Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie,” a perfect fit for audalei’s smooth and vulnerable voice. In sum, watching audalei perform feels like a cathartic dance party in your living room with your best friends.
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The show concluded with headliner Fionn. Sisters Alanna and Brianne filled the venue with powerful vocals, sometimes playing bass and guitar respectively and other times using a backing track. Cole supported on the drums with an energetic momentum. Though the sisters’ clothing styles contrasted, platform shoes matched their heights. Their voices melted together seamlessly into beautifully dynamic melodies. Neither commanded more presence than the other, but rather they highlighted each other, occupying the center of focus as a unit. They shifted between movement and stillness, reflecting the balance their music strikes between fierce power, playful celebration, and tender softness. Both have strong and versatile ranges, giving them the ability to adapt and support each other’s vocal parts.
Their performance was expressive, never shying away from embodying the honesty in their songwriting. At one point, during “Goldfish,” Alanna broke a guitar pick and regretted not having extras (her outfit had no pockets) – but Anton Seth came to the rescue and provided a spare. Other songs they played included “18,” about having a crush; “All Good,” which Alanna said was because it’s always all good, as she donned retro sunglasses; a cover of Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” which they styled with gorgeous harmonies and got the crowd almost moshing; “Take Me Out,” with personal lyrics based on a diary entry; “Leo,” with its catchy pop chorus, and before which they mentioned they’re both Leo risings; “Dirty Dancing,” for which they told us we must dance, because this is the song where they lose it.
This show was a journey through three distinct songwriting styles with vastly different backgrounds and personalities – all of which share the common ground of expert storytelling with heartfelt sincerity, wrapped up in melodic verve and passion. These are three artists who each have something important to say, and exceptional voices with which to share it.
Written by: Jules Photographed by: Josh Papalia  
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Título Original: National Lampoon's European Vacation
Año: 1985
Duración: 95 min
País:  Estados Unidos  
Dirección: Amy Heckerling
Guion: John Hughes, Robert Klane
Música: Charles Fox
Fotografía: Robert Paynter
Reparto: Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo, Dana Hill, Jason Lively, Eric Idle, Robbie Coltrane, John Astin, Sheila Kennedy, Paul Bartel, Cynthia Szigeti, Malcom Danare, Kevi Kendall
Productora:  Warner Bros.  
Género: Adventure; Comedy
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sesiondemadrugada · 3 years
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The Secret Cinema (Paul Bartel, 1968).
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lowcountry-gothic · 3 years
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Sailor Moon Princesses, by Jen Bartel.
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fibula-rasa · 1 year
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Parallels between
The Secret Cinema (1966) & Amazing Stories 1.20: Secret Cinema (1986) 
[Part One]
The Secret Cinema (1966)  [imdb | letterboxd]
Director: Paul Bartel
Cinematographer: Fred Wellington
Performers: Philip Carlson, Amy Vane, Mimi Randolph, Estelle Omens, & Connie Ellison
Amazing Stories 1.20: Secret Cinema (1986) [imdb]
Director: Paul Bartel
Cinematographer: Robert Stevens
Performers: Griffin Dunne, Gary Goodrow, Eve Arden, Mary Woronov, & Penny Peyser
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ozu-teapot · 3 years
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The Secret Cinema | Paul Bartel | 1968
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ultrameganicolaokay · 3 years
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Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary 100-page Super Spectacular by Becky Cloonan, Jordie Bellaire, Steve Orlando, G. Willow Wilson and various. Cover by Yanick Paquette. Variant covers by Amy Reeder, Bruce Timm, Cat Staggs, Cliff Chiang, Will Murai and Jen Bartel. Out in October.
“Put on your tiaras and prepare your indestructible bracelets! DC is inviting you to join us for a one-of-a-kind special showcasing Wonder Woman’s past, present, and future to celebrate the legacy she has created and those she will continue to inspire with her adventures for years to come. This oversize super spectacular features work from some of the very best in the comic industry along with bright young stars ready to share the spotlight with Diana. You won’t want to miss these new stories that capture timeless messages of hope and empowerment presented together in this gorgeous keepsake issue!”
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The Secret Cinema (Paul Bartel, 1968)
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