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studyingfairy · 6 years ago
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Happy New Year everyone! May 2019 be filled with love, light, and laughter. Here’s my January monthly bujo spread, I decided to ignore all the logical themes for this month and go with a space theme!
Hope you all have a lovely and productive day!
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indolentstudying · 7 years ago
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August 14, 2018 // 22 Days till School Starts
- listened to the Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again soundtrack for the millionth time
- met my neighbors newborn
- tried to pick up math summer homework, put it down in disgust
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patchworkstudies · 7 years ago
study moods: episode four
odd one out: ugly af fuzzy sweaters and cool socks + pumpkin spice instant coffee + a folk punk playlist + bags under your eyes + scribbling down homework + bullshitting an essay + neglecting your studies in order to do extensive research on legal policies about the rights of transgender students because if your administration won’t treat you right you’re sure as hell gonna fight back + who needs sleep? certainly not you
sweet cream: a cute, comfy, and warm outfit + sitting at the end of your dining room table because the rest of your house is too messy and you don’t want to be stressed out by clutter right now + it’s been a rough day + or week + or month + or few months + but you aren’t going to give up + you just need to be a bit easier on yourself + things will be better soon + eating oatmeal and bananas + it’s the first real thing you’ve eaten all day but it’s a good and healthy meal + and you should be proud you made it + listening to a calm, happy, french playlist + it reminds you of your favorite bookstore + hot tea or coffee + or maybe hot chocolate + whatever makes you happiest + reading your english book + you’re a few chapters behind the rest of the class + but you’re doing a great job annotating it + and you know the next week is going to be hard + but your teachers are being so kind and so willing to help you in any way that they can + and you’re a little bit scared because you don’t want to let them down but you won’t + you’re doing so good + and i’m proud of you
summer nights: cuffed jeans + doc martens + a ratty old yellow t-shirt to match + sitting in the middle of your living room + surrounded by empty cans of sparkling water + a thermos of hot coffee + that you walked a mile to get in the sweltering heat + eating ice cream out of the container + jamming out to anarcho punk + and 80s classic rock + researching all kinds of shit + like southern balkan mythology and folklore + or memorizing ciphers + chatting with friends on discord + you’re sweaty and disheveled + and your sleep schedule is going to be so messed up when school starts + but at least you’re having fun
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coffeebeansandlatenights · 7 years ago
studyblr introduction!
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Hey, I’m Lilli! I’ve been active on studyblr for a few days now but have yet to make a proper introduction, so here we go!
A bit about me:
◦ I live in South England
◦ I’m currently in Year 11
◦ As exams are soon I’m getting back on track and making up for lost time
◦ I used to take Photography but got kicked off because I literally did no work
◦ My best subjects are Maths and Physics despite hating them the most and me wanting to work in the film industry (oh the cruel irony)
Stuff I like:
◦ Film! I adore movies and television and would like to go into the Film Industry. My favourite directors have to be Wes Anderson and Francis Ford Coppola.
◦ Photography! I used to be so passionate about photos and aesthetics until I took the GCSE, it really kinda killed my creativity
◦ Books! I read so much as a child, like literally 3 books a day. I had no friends so I brought books to school and sat in the toilet at lunchtime reading lmao. Right now I prefer to read non-fiction educational books, especially political and geographical ones.
◦ Travel! So far I’ve visited Iceland, Poland, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Ireland and Belgium. This summer I’m going to Dubai and next year I’m spending a month in Peru.
◦ Makeup and Fashion! I have so much makeup it’s unreal. But yeah I just adore it because it’s kinda like art but on your face.
◦ Art! I’m not very good at it but I like to look at other people’s! I might post some of my coursework on here if anyone would find it interesting.
Classes I’m taking:
◦ GCSE English Language and Literature (AQA)
◦ GCSE Mathematics (edexcel)
◦ GCSE Trilogy Science (AQA)
◦ GCSE History (AQA)
◦ GCSE Business Studies (AQA)
◦ GCSE Art, Craft and Design (edexcel)
◦ GCSE Religious Studies (eduqas)
◦ GCSE German (AQA)
(I also took two weeks of Music and 1 ¼ of Photography but apparently you can’t put that on your CV)
◦ To not fail all my GCSEs
◦ To not disappoint my parents lol
◦ To go on and become a cinematographer and make amazing films
My Future:
◦ I’ve currently accepted a place at my secondary school’s Sixth Form but am considering taking a different route
◦ I’ve also applied for an apprenticeship working in media at the BBC and for a vocational college in my city
◦ If possible, I’d like to study Film Production and Studies at Queens University Belfast, as they have to best film department in the UK
◦ After that, who know!
Please reblog/like if you’re a studyblr so I can follow!
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heavytextbooks · 7 years ago
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some of my favorite quotes! pt. 1
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read” - Groucho Marx
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” - Bernard Baruch
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” - Dr. Seuss
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” - Oscar Wilde
“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” - Haruki Murakami
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay it’s not the end.” - John Lennon
“Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That’s who you really are, let go of any part of you that doesn’t believe it.” - C. Assaad
“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.” - Will Smith
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compscigirl-blog · 8 years ago
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in the studyblr community, hermione granger (s/o to all the hp fans) is admired and seen as an inspiration. from her work ethic to her witty remarks, what’s not to love? I love hermione so much and decided to post this to help you channel your inner hermione in terms of studying, productivity, and work
you’ve got to have something that pushes you or motivates you to work so hard, or you’ll tend to find yourself asking what’s the point and giving up quite often. most people’s motivation spring from family, future aspirations, proving something, etc.
you need to achieve discipline in order to stay on track. try not to scroll through instagram or text cindy while writing your essay for world history. download apps like self control or forest to prevent you from getting too distracted. discipline comes in handy when motivation just isn’t pushing you. when you just don’t want to study, the discipline you’ve set for yourself will help you to do so. it takes a while to develop a strong sense of discipline, so start little by little! for example, set a time for you to study for twenty minutes everyday and gradually build from there!
develop a system
hermione seems to always have her shiz together, and so can you! develop a study and organization system to keep yourself together and to work efficiently. create systems for how you study math, or how you take notes in world history. how to you keep your notes together? loose leaf or notebook?
okay, this may tie in to motivation, but it still is considerably important! you have to have the passion for what motivates you to study. whether it be becoming a nurse to help ease patient’s lives or an entrepreneur to better impact this world or even to just love learning! use that to fuel your endeavors and kick butt! :)
use your time efficiently
most of us have a life outside of academics, and that sometimes leaves us in a time crunch when it comes to studying. that’s why learning to efficiently study and use your time wisely is crucial! ride the bus to school? read your textbook or go through some flashcards! siblings taking too long to get ready? get those notes out! riding back home? do that homework!
i hope this post helped you guys! reblog or follow me if you liked it/want to see more. i’m probably going to post another in a couple days since summer school is almost over.
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fragmentstudies · 7 years ago
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
@thewritersblock707 @architstudy @caffeineandaccounting @acchanstudy @academicsapphic @dusknotes @edcaticn @fragmentstudies @the-prudent-student
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: · I am 5'7" or taller · I wear glasses · I have at least one tattoo · I have at least one piercing · I have blonde hair · I have brown eyes · I have short hair · My abs are at least somewhat defined · I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: · I love meeting new people · People tell me that I’m funny · Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me · I enjoy physical challenges · I enjoy mental challenges · I’m playfully rude with people I know well · I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it · There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: · I can sing well · I can play an instrument · I can do over 30 pushups without stopping · I’m a fast runner · I can draw well · I have a good memory · I’m good at doing math in my head · I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute · I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling · I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: · I enjoy playing sports · I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else · I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else · I have learned a new song in the past week · I work out at least once a week · I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months · I have drawn something in the past month · I enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion · I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: · I have had my first kiss · I have had alcohol · I have scored the winning goal in a sports game · I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting · I have been at an overnight event · I have been in a taxi · I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year · I have beaten a video game in one day · I have visited another country · I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: · I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” · I live close to my school · My parents are still together · I have at least one sibling · I live in the United States · There is snow right now where I live · I have hung out with a friend in the past month · I have a smartphone · I have at least 15 CDs · I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: · I’m in a relationship · I have a crush on a celebrity · I have a crush on someone I know · I have been in at least 3 relationships · I have never been in a relationship · I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · I get crushes easily · I had a crush on someone for over a year · I have been in a relationship for at least a year · I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM SHIT: · I have breakdanced · I know a person named Jamie · I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce · I have dyed my hair · I’m listening to one song on repeat right now · I have punched someone in the past week · I know someone who has gone to jail · I have broken a bone · I have eaten a waffle today · I know what I want to do with my life · I speak at least 2 languages · I have made a new friend in the past year
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sweetsandstudies · 7 years ago
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Notes I made for honors global issues!
I’m super excited because my mom might get tickets to see Lindsey Stirling!!! I love her music and have always wanted to see her in concert.
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studytune · 8 years ago
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06.24.17 // ahhh i really like this spread! i started an instagram! you can find me @studytuneblr on instagram.  i’m also starting to edit my first youtube videos, which will be me creating a daily bujo spread and also my weekend morning routine! also working on some music stuff, since this is study tune after all, i’d like to reccommend more music for you all! (also, thanks for 1.5k! so much is happening!)
tag me in your posts at #studytune!
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sapling-girls · 7 years ago
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20.10.17 | day 20 of the october study challenge: time management! keeping a schedule in pen that i can modify every week in pencil is one of the biggest ways i keep track of time tbh
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eclipsestudies-blog · 7 years ago
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hello! i’m emily and this is my second attempt to join the studyblr community! (i previously had a side blog, but decided to become more focused on it on another separate account).
get to know me!
i’m 18
gryffindor and infp
i’m a fifth-year senior in high school (”super senior”) but also a sophomore in community college? yeah i know its confusing 
but im graduating in may with my diploma and 3 associates degrees!!
i live in the southern united states
i’m currently applying to colleges with hopes of attending uni in the fall
i’m planned to be an engineer as my “plan b” but my dream is to be a film director :)
classes i’m taking this year
fall semester: (all college courses) - calculus 2 - calc based physics 1 - general chemistry 1 - principles of macroeconomics
spring semester: (all college courses) - calculus 3 - calc based physics 2 - general chemistry 2 - introduction to engineering
president of national honor society 
student government association
phi theta kappa
clubs including film, STEM, natural disaster relief, weather balloon challenge and more
i love cheer!! i cheered for three years in middle school and this is my fifth year coaching
film and photography and basically anything involving a camera
music keeps me sane
i also love journaling!! 
why studyblr?
this is definitely the hardest year i have had academically and most involved extracurricularly and i need this to keep me organized and motivated
i also hope to contribute content to the community to try and help others!
i’ll be tracking #eclipsestudies so i can reblog things that i love! and please don’t hesitate to message me, i would love some studyblr friends (: if you’re a studyblr, please give this a reblog/like so i can follow you and get your gorgeous posts on my dash!!
thank you so so so much!! ♥♥♥
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patchworkstudies · 7 years ago
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[ 5/1/18 || 9:25 am ]
it’s been so long, i don’t know if i even know how to be productive anymore.
got a lecture last night because my mom doesn’t understand that recovery takes time and energy out of my every day, especially after what she put me through. i miss my friends.
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studying-frenzy · 7 years ago
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June 3rd, 2018 (yesterday): A flow chart for the first two chapters of A History of the World in 6 Glasses.
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classof2021network · 8 years ago
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Hey hey hey class of 2021! We, and by we I mean me (@ambedostudies) and @raven-studies , are starting a class of 2021 studyblrs network, since I noticed there isn’t one for us..? I realize that some people might think its too early for us, but there’s not time like the present! So, I’m hoping to get some studyblrs as admins, anyone in the class of 2021 can join and/or apply to be an admin.
What Are We?
This is inspired by @hs2017, @co2018 , @co2020 ! I hope for this to become a place to share resources, tips, hacks, find friends, and get better academically and as people. You definitely don’t have to be co2021 to follow us, Class of 2021 Network will provide advice, master posts, printables, motivational quotes (lots of these), and many more resources.
How to join
you don’t have to be a studyblr to join co2021! It’s open to everyone, everywhere in the class of 2021
follow the blog @classof2021network
reblog this post
fill this: https://goo.gl/forms/CLpQaYav02PewLNm1  out so we can add you to the blog
Once you’re a member
we’ll start adding members periodically! make sure your inbox/messages are open so that we can add you to the network blog
an admin will message you to send you info about how the blog works
Feel free to message me if you have any ideas for the network!
I will tag some people that I know of that are class of 2021, please reblog to get out awareness!
@senestudies , @raven-studies , @compscigirl , @sailorsaturnstudies , @julstudies , @mcchi-studies , @briannatakesonuofi @inteqrals @assiqns @thestudyfeels @thepineapplestudyblr @banillastudy @kankenstudies @erasign @clevergirlstudying @studyruels @bionctes @thestudyofash @astral-aspirations @camellia-study @aceprocrastination @crimsonstudies @stitch-studies
note: even if you’re not c/o 2021,  please consider reblogging to spread the word!
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semperdiscens · 8 years ago
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This is a list of important dates to write in your planner, whether you are an incoming freshman or a senior.
One rule of thumb is to write the date down as soon as you know about it.
Starting dates and deadlines for the FAFSA. See their Announcements page.
Deadlines for scholarships.
Deadlines for internships.
Class registration period for next semester.
Last day to add a class.
Last day to drop a class.
Club meetings.
Appointments with your professors.
Appointments with your advisor(s).
All other appointments (orthodontist, doctor, haircut, etc.).
Holidays (according to your school’s calendar).
Cancelled classes.
Your family’s birthdays.
Your friends’ birthdays.
Exam days.
Final exam dates/locations.
Homework due dates.
Project due dates.
Extra credit work due dates.
The day final grades are posted.
Of course, feel free to add other dates that I did not include!
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athenus · 8 years ago
Hey, I was looking through your feed and I am in awe, I wanted to ask you what supplies you use for your bullet journal.
ahhh, thank you so much! (◠﹏◠✿) 
travel journal - goodwill
zebra mildliners -  amazon
pigma micron pens - AC Moore
midori A5 notebook - amazon
washi tapes - office depot, AC Moore, michael’s, walmart
sticky notes - target, dollar tree
markers - barnes and noble
crayola supertips - AC Moore
tombow dual brush markers - jetpens
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