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compscigirl-blog · 8 years ago
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in the studyblr community, hermione granger (s/o to all the hp fans) is admired and seen as an inspiration. from her work ethic to her witty remarks, what’s not to love? I love hermione so much and decided to post this to help you channel your inner hermione in terms of studying, productivity, and work
you’ve got to have something that pushes you or motivates you to work so hard, or you’ll tend to find yourself asking what’s the point and giving up quite often. most people’s motivation spring from family, future aspirations, proving something, etc.
you need to achieve discipline in order to stay on track. try not to scroll through instagram or text cindy while writing your essay for world history. download apps like self control or forest to prevent you from getting too distracted. discipline comes in handy when motivation just isn’t pushing you. when you just don’t want to study, the discipline you’ve set for yourself will help you to do so. it takes a while to develop a strong sense of discipline, so start little by little! for example, set a time for you to study for twenty minutes everyday and gradually build from there!
develop a system
hermione seems to always have her shiz together, and so can you! develop a study and organization system to keep yourself together and to work efficiently. create systems for how you study math, or how you take notes in world history. how to you keep your notes together? loose leaf or notebook?
okay, this may tie in to motivation, but it still is considerably important! you have to have the passion for what motivates you to study. whether it be becoming a nurse to help ease patient’s lives or an entrepreneur to better impact this world or even to just love learning! use that to fuel your endeavors and kick butt! :)
use your time efficiently
most of us have a life outside of academics, and that sometimes leaves us in a time crunch when it comes to studying. that’s why learning to efficiently study and use your time wisely is crucial! ride the bus to school? read your textbook or go through some flashcards! siblings taking too long to get ready? get those notes out! riding back home? do that homework!
i hope this post helped you guys! reblog or follow me if you liked it/want to see more. i’m probably going to post another in a couple days since summer school is almost over.
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classof2021network · 8 years ago
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Hey hey hey class of 2021! We, and by we I mean me (@ambedostudies) and @raven-studies , are starting a class of 2021 studyblrs network, since I noticed there isn’t one for us..? I realize that some people might think its too early for us, but there’s not time like the present! So, I’m hoping to get some studyblrs as admins, anyone in the class of 2021 can join and/or apply to be an admin.
What Are We?
This is inspired by @hs2017, @co2018 , @co2020 ! I hope for this to become a place to share resources, tips, hacks, find friends, and get better academically and as people. You definitely don’t have to be co2021 to follow us, Class of 2021 Network will provide advice, master posts, printables, motivational quotes (lots of these), and many more resources.
How to join
you don’t have to be a studyblr to join co2021! It’s open to everyone, everywhere in the class of 2021
follow the blog @classof2021network
reblog this post
fill this: https://goo.gl/forms/CLpQaYav02PewLNm1  out so we can add you to the blog
Once you’re a member
we’ll start adding members periodically! make sure your inbox/messages are open so that we can add you to the network blog
an admin will message you to send you info about how the blog works
Feel free to message me if you have any ideas for the network!
I will tag some people that I know of that are class of 2021, please reblog to get out awareness!
@senestudies , @raven-studies , @compscigirl , @sailorsaturnstudies , @julstudies , @mcchi-studies , @briannatakesonuofi @inteqrals @assiqns @thestudyfeels @thepineapplestudyblr @banillastudy @kankenstudies @erasign @clevergirlstudying @studyruels @bionctes @thestudyofash @astral-aspirations @camellia-study @aceprocrastination @crimsonstudies @stitch-studies
note: even if you’re not c/o 2021,  please consider reblogging to spread the word!
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academyeah · 7 years ago
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WHAT’S IN MY PENCIL CASE ? staedler fine liners, muji highlighters + 0.7mm pens + pencil + eraser, post-it flags, and dollar store white out & ruler. yes, everything fits in that tiny lil clear pouch that’s supposed to be a makeup bag lol
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senestudies-blog · 8 years ago
hello! as requested by some of you guys, i posted a handwriting tips video along with samples of my various styles. if you’re struggling with finding a style that suits you or need tips to improve your handwriting, check out this video! :) hope you enjoy it and remember to subscribe! still working to improve it, but i promise you this video is much better! :)
reblog or send me an ask, if you’d like to, of what you want me to film next!>
also i'm going to try posting videos every day, since for the next couple of weeks i will be pretty busy!
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kay-law · 8 years ago
{BR} My favorite subjects in school are math, science, and english! (I actually have a friend interested in law and she plans to become a lawyer in the future!)
url: 8/10icon: 8/10original posts: i couldn’t find any :-(mobile theme: 8/10desktop theme: 10/10overal: 8/10following? yes!
your blog is actually so cute, i can’t believe this is the first time i’m seeing it!
want a blograte?
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parisgellerstudy · 8 years ago
aisha :)
hello! aisha: thick eyebrows, running your fingers through a mop of curly hair, using a stack of books as a coaster for a tea cup, brushing the top of a cat’s head as it slinks in between your ankles, waking up early and smiling at the thought of how productive you will be today. 
get a name aesthetic here
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aeyon · 8 years ago
senestudies replied to your post: I wonder if I should start watermarking my art, it...
i have a lot of friends in the studyblr and artblr community who’ve had to watermark their content! it sucks when you have to do that, but honestly it is pretty effective!
The problem is I feel it usually sticks out like a sore thumb.. but I dont really have a following anywhere other than tumblr so it can be hard to find my work if its reposted. Idk I will think about it i suppose!
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thesmartstudies · 7 years ago
2018 GOALS: A Motivation Tag
tagged by @bujo-ie! thanks bb
✓ RULES: List 5 resolutions you have for 2018 and tag any accounts to spread the motivation.
build stronger relationships with friends and family
study harder for the SAT and ACT 
learn to code
focus on managing time and balancing fun and school
maintain a gpa of 4.5 or higher for the rest of the year
@future-londoner @xanstudy @lattescholar @yogistudent @moments-and-mangoes @mewmew-studies @scinapses @thegrangersapprentice @senestudies @etudinay...and everyone else reading this!
I hope you guys have fun doing this tag and I wish you all the best in 2018!!
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fallingstarstudies · 8 years ago
I was tagged!!
I was tagged by @haleyibstudies! Thanks beb!
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better.
Name: Irene
Nickname: None, for the most part?
Zodiac sign: virgo ♍
Height: 5’2”
Orientation: Bisexual
Favorite fruit: Avocado ftw
Nationality: Colombian
Favorite season: SUMMER
Favorite scent: Vanilla Mocha
Favorite animal: golden lion tamarin
Favorite book: Oh man, oh man, this one is hard. I’m giving 3: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey, “Song of Solomon” by Toni Morrison and “The Darkest Minds” by Alexandra Bracken
Favorite flower: I like Magnolias. And bluebells
Favorite color: Blue
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: I’m especially partial to tea, although I do like coffee
Average hours of sleep: School year 5, summer 7-8
Favorite fictional character: hnggggg another hard one. I’m picking 5 this time! Gendry from “Game of Thrones,” Claire Temple from “Daredevil,” “Luke Cage,” “Jessica Jones,” etc, Castiel from “Supernatural,” Steve Rogers from the MCU and Shades from “Luke Cage” (sorry!)
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1-4, depending on the season
Dream trip: Going to a Caribbean beach!
Dogs or cats: Dogs!
Blog created: Like last month lmao
I am tagging: @camispharm, @flutiepatootie, @problematicprocrastinator, @studyingshinee, @hira-notes, @emmastudies, @booksteaandstudy, @lisle-joyeuse, @studying-g, @phctcsynthesis, @bethustles, @beanstudyin, @studentsandlattes, @stxdxnts, @passionate-studies, @affinityscience, @senestudies, @studyingboba, @getstudyblr, @studysthetically
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studyingchan · 8 years ago
twenty questions, twenty tags
thank you @studyiousblr for tagging me :) 
name: Tiffany nickname: Tiff zodiac sign: aquarius height: 173cm (5′8″ i think) orientation: straight nationality: Australian fave fruit: peaches and mandarins fave colour: white, black and pink fave animal: piglets or alpacas?? coffee, tea, hot chocolate: um coffee...but vietnamese ice coffee avg hours of sleep: 7-8.5 hours sometimes 9-10 if i’m lucky fave fictional character: Hermione Granger number of blankets you sleep with: 2 in winter dream trip: South Korea, Japan with my friends...knowing most of the language blog created: November 2016 and i became more active this year
tagging @hoshi-studies @ttstudys @study-ksj @95note @snowystudiess @senestudies yea idk any more
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compscigirl-blog · 8 years ago
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5 august 2017
currently: organizing my drawers while mentally crying bc school’s coming in 5 days!!!
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moosenotes · 8 years ago
“Hi! Answer this question with five things that make you happy, and then send it to the last 10 people in your notes! Have a great day/night! :)” thank you @missuniversity for tagging me!!!
1. cats! honestly, what did we do to deserve cats, god, i love them so much, i’m going to have a bazillion cats when i move out. my goal in life is literally to be a cool cat lady.
2. music!! i couldn’t live without music, i listen to it most of the day! i have such a wide taste in it, too... i’d been a metalhead for years and a couple years ago i started listening to pop and rap.... i don’t think there are many genres that i don’t like at this point, haha
3. plants!!! i recently got a couple of succulents and named them Midori and Ki (which translates as Green and Tree from japanese, me and my friends laugh about it all the time, it’s like naming your cat Cat), and i’m going to get more plants soon! i feel the addiction starting
4. walks!!!! i even tend to get off buses a few stops earlier to get a little walk... it’s nice to just listen to music and walk from time to time
5. my friends!!!!! does this even need an explanation, haha, idek where i’d be without them
tagging @laur-writes @alittle-studyblr @compscigirl @senestudies @studuology @studyquarius @peachnotebook @mindful-study @bio-shmio @reneistrying
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hermionesquared-blog · 8 years ago
question of the day
what classes have you guys signed up for the school year and what grade level are you?
*send your answer to us in our ask and we’ll reply!
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senestudies-blog · 8 years ago
planning on posting a study w/ me video soon on my youtube channel @senestudies I figured out I can stabilize my videos more so, since i'll be walking around holding my camera in portions of the video and also how to control lighting! get ready for some gucci good quality content ;)
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compscigirl-blog · 8 years ago
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summer is a great time to catch up on all those books you wanted to read over the school year but didn't have the time to do so. I personally am catching up on the trials of apollo book one, the kane series, and some of dan brown's books (one of my favorite authors!) (he's written the da vinci code, deception point, and something like angels and demons, but i read that years ago!) not only can you read books for fun, you can do summer readings to prep for your upcoming classes!
knowing that schools has probably deprived you of so much sleep, try to catch up on it over the summer! sleep in to your heart's content (unless you have other responsiblities!) and enjoy three months (maybe less or more depending where you live) of no all-nighters, dreaded alarms, and the agony of pushing yourself out of bed!
enjoy your summer
hang out with friends, go shopping, check out places to eat! go out there and have fun. treat yourself, whether it be going to a spa, buying an ice cream, or going out for a run. make sure you actually have fun and enjoy yourself too in order to avoid burnout!
prep for upcoming classes
go to the library and check out some textbooks pertaining to your upcoming classes. read them, take notes, and make revisions. you can also watch videos based on the topic you're learning from crashcourse, khanacademy, amebosisters, etc.
pursue your interests
summer's the time to actively engage in what you're interested in! take a course at a university, apply for a job, intern for a position, compete (whether it be in academics, athletics, etc)! the opportunities are endless.
i hope you guys enjoyed this post and found it helpful! feel free to send me an ask @compscigirl or @senestudies telling me what you'd like to see next. i've got some compsci based posts coming soon over the school year to all my peeps out there ;).
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compscigirl-blog · 8 years ago
introductory post
hello, fellow beings! welcome to my side blog/studyblr! I’ve made this blog based on my love of studying and gaining knowledge + computer science and all aspects related to it! check out the rest below to learn more about me :)
about me
name: aisha
age: 14 (turning 15 this summer and still haven’t studied for my drivers permit haha)
race/ethnic background: african-american; senegalese-american (senegalese represent!)
grade: 10 (upcoming sophomore in hs)
favorite books/series: harry potter series, heroes of olympus (ahhh i love percy jackson so much!), nancy drew (read ALL her books through elementary school lol), the hardy boys (was equally obsessed w/ them), etc
favorite colors: muted blues, white, grey, muted browns, black, and forest greens (but darker)
currently learning/studying: for my classes next year, summer school, and programming languages (more on that soon :) )
country: united states of america
favorite studyblrs: @senestudies (aka my primary blog as of now haha), @emmastudies, @rhubarbstudies, @science-is-golden (ahhh i love her blog so much, and that url is on point, girl), @howtohighschool, @hufflepuffscholar, @studyquill, @lmaostudying, @tbhstudying, @strive-for-da-best, @kickasstudies, @kay-law, @studypetals, @studyneurons, @pencyls, @aescademic, @artstdy (aesthetic on point!), @scholarly, @dartmvthensis, @smallmitgirl (rona’s the best! :) ), @lahkeikei, @lycheestudy, and much more!
and i think that’s about it right now! shoot a message at my inbox or send an ask and I’ll answer any more questions haha
also, my blog is currently under construction in terms of the theme shown on the website since i’m writing the code myself haha so it’s about to receive a glow up. stay tuned, folks ;)
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