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licastudies · 5 years ago
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🗓  march 7th 2020
throwback post of my old trigonometry notes! i’m planning to post my current uni notes, hopefully i’ll get around to doing that soon.
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95etoile · 5 years ago
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someone teach me how to properly draw faces
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advpstudies · 6 years ago
If you have a cat in your picture there’s a 100% chance I’ll reblog
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martiestudies · 7 years ago
What to do when you feel like you just can't keep studying
Maybe I'm not the best at this kind of advice, but my friend was struggling and I just had to help her. Thought I would share the advices I gave her:
Take a break!!
Calm down. Push you notes aside and breathe deeply. Breathe a few times. All this worring is not going to take you anywhere. Close your eyes and breathe.  
Write down what you feel 
Take all those things the voices in your head are telling you and lay them all on the paper. Everything. Trust me, you'll feel better once you've drained all that. 
 Take a shower 
Keeping to try to study isn't going to take you anywhere if you're still in the same state. Go and take a shower, a bath. Treat yourself with it. Relax. Let the water wash all that negativity. 
 Prepare a cup of your comfort drink 
Can be tea (like me), can be coffee, can be chocolate, can be even soup. Whatever. Whatever drink makes you feel warm inside, just make a cup of it and drink it slowly. 
 Sit down and set your mind 
Doing all that would be useless if you sit with your notes and start worrying again. Don't think you have too little time to study. Don't think you're not going to make it. Don't think you can't. If you set your mind like that, it would happen. Instead, think you will. You will learn that. You will remember it. You will succeed. Take it easy at first, set your goals and start again. 
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evergrace · 7 years ago
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iv/? french vocab
so i used to volunteer at my local boys and girls club and part of what i did was teach kids about developing a healthy lifestyle and we used this model: choosemyplate. and so i thought i would do sort of a ‘food pyramid’ themed vocab list for french. warning: this list is slightly extensive so i included the rest under the cut ;)
apple - une pomme
apricot - un abricot
banana - une banane
blackberry - une mûre
blueberry - un bleuet
cantaloupe - un cantaloup
cherry - une cerise
cranberry - une canneberge
grapefruit - un pamplemousse
grape - un raisin
honeydew - un melon miel
kiwi - un kiwi
lemon - un citron
lime - une lime / un citron vert
mango - une mangue
papaya - une papaye
peach - une pêche
pear - une poire
pineapple - un ananas
plum - une prune
pomegranate - une grenade
raspberry - une framboise
star fruit - une carambole
strawberry - une fraise
watermelon - une pastèque
arugula - la roquette
artichoke - un artichaut
asparagus - l’asperge (f)
avocado - un avocat
beet - une betterave
bok choy - le bok choi
broccoli - le brocoli
brussel sprouts - les choux de Bruxelles (mpl)
cabbage - le chou
carrot - une carotte
cauliflower - un chou-fleur
celery - le céleri
corn - le maïs
cucumber - un concombre
eggplant - une aubergine
garlic - l’ail (m)
green beans - les haricots verts (mpl)
kale - le chou kale
leek - un poireau
lettuce - la laitue
mushroom - un champignon
onion - l’oignon (m)
radish - un radis
squash - une courge
zucchini - une courgette
bagel - le bagel
bread - le pain
cake - un gâteau
cookie - un petit gâteau
cornbread - le pain de maïs
cracker - un craquelin
noodles - les nouilles (fpl)
oatmeal - le porridge
pancake - le pancake / la crêpe
pasta - les pâtes (fpl)
popcorn - le maïs soufflé
pretzel - un bretzel
rice - le riz
waffle - une gaufre
almond - l’amande (f)
beef - le bœuf
black beans - les haricots noirs (m)
cashew - la noix de cajou
chicken - le poulet
egg - un œuf
ham - le jambon
kidney beans - les haricots rouges (mpl)
lamb - l’agneau (m)
meat - la viande
peanut - la cacahuète
pork - le porc
salmon - le saumon
seafood - les fruits de mer (mpl)
shrimp - la crevette
tuna - le thon
walnut - la noix
almond milk - le lait d’amande
cheese - le fromage
coconut milk - le lait de coco
cream - la crème
cream cheese - le fromage frais à tartiner
frozen yoghurt - le yaourt gelé
ice cream - la glace
milk - le lait
soy milk - le lait de soja
yoghurt - le yaourt
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goldenotes · 7 years ago
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december 1st, 2017 - cleaned up around my desk today, what a miracle! I wish winter here looked and felt more festive, but it's still as hot and humid as ever :( at least my wallpaper helps me feel more festive (from @emmastudies )
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studyelysian · 7 years ago
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11/10/2017 so sorry for being a little mia, school has been quite hectic lately… but here is my fall themed october spread that I did a couple of days ago 🌙 🍂
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studysocial · 7 years ago
My name is Arina, and I love the studyblr community! I’ve had a couple blogs before, but now that I’m becoming more serious about my education, I should introduce myself!
The Basics:
I am a freshman in high school (14 years old)
I’m from the US
I LOVE politics so very, very much
My dream school is Georgetown University, and I hope to major in political science and minor in media studies!
Fun Facts:
I’m bilingual :D I know Russian and English, but my Russian is quite rusty! I am also a French student.
I am the brunette version of both Leslie Knope and Elle Woods
I love to volunteer!
My favorite color is yellow
My favorite book is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
Mindy Kaling is my favorite person on this planet
My motto is WWOD: What Would Obama Do? This includes Michelle ;)
Why did I make this studyblr?
I haven’t been doing so well in the motivation department recently, so I decided to log back into tumblr and remind myself of why I loved studyblr in the first place! I also want to help others with their education as well!
What kind of posts will you be making?
I will be posting photos of things I’m proud of, but also reference posts and rants about things I am passionate about. I plan on posting soon about flipped classroom, volunteering, political books, and studying for finals.
What classes are you taking this year and next year?
Freshman Year
Honors Algebra II
Honors Biology
Honors Social Science
Honors English 9
Honors Geometry
Latin I
Sophomore Year
AP World History
AP Biology
Honors Chemistry
Honors Pre-Calculus
Honors English 10
Honors Psychology
Honors French III
Favorite blogs!
@medicalena @studyign @studyquill @studytune @studyblrmasterposts @athenastudying @emmastudies @potterstudy @focusign @studilla @studyfeather @areistotle @studyplants
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chimnotes · 7 years ago
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i think this might be my best spread so far! it’s really great to see how much my bujo style has changed/improved, even over the relatively short period of time that i've had it. we had a snow day (which was very unusual for texan weather; this was probably the first snow day in like four years) so my family and i played outside and built little snowmen!! it was fun but sadly the snow all melted by 2pm :’(( rip lil frosty you will forever be missed
🎵: body by mino
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aestudyque · 7 years ago
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I’m starting my third year in 2 days and I was thinking about everything I’ve learned in those long 2 years and thought why not share some of it with you guys. Everyone’s experience is different and mine may not cover every aspect of college life, but here are some things that I’ve learned from my uni days so far.
1. College is not like high school
You must be like ‘well duh obviously it’s not’ but listen: you get much more freedom when it comes to your studies. And with that freedom comes more responsibility. You’re on your own here, you study for you and you’ll often study alone outside of class so time management is very important. There are no teachers who will go over the material again and again, you either get it or you don’t . But don’t worry,most professors are always willing to help you out if you don’t understand something.
2. Studying is beneficial for your future but sometimes so is going out
Every once in a while it’s good to take a break and hang out with your groupmates. You will get to know each other better in a more chill and relaxed atmosphere. Also, if you ever get exchange students, hang out with them as well. Believe me, you’ll learn so many interesting things about their culture and the background they come from and it’s always good to broaden your knowledge in those areas.
3. Don’t drink with people you don’t trust
((that is of course if you’re old enough to drink:)) There are some genuinely nice people out there who will hold your hair while you’re throwing up, pay for the cab and make sure you get home safe (or walk you to your dorm room), but there are also those who will not hesitate to take advantage of you, so please be careful about who you’re drinking with (it’s always good to have a trusting friend who you know will take care of you in case you take too many shots).
4. That being said, if you see someone who’s had too much to drink and doesn’t seem to have anyone they know wherever it is that you’re drinking at, take care of them
This is pretty self explanatory, and I know you may think it’s not your duty to take care of this person (especially if it’s someone you’ve never met before) but please don’t just leave them at the party/club/whaever, you will not forgive yourself if anything happens to them.
5. Hangover is a bitch
I’m realizing now that three out of five tips so far have been about drinking but oh well. If you have never (or you think you have never) had a hangover in high school, welcome to college. Keep sipping on that water cause it’s going to be a long, long day.
6. Never take a class you’re not interested in just because your friend is taking it
This one can be tricky if you (like me) suffer from anxiety. But if there’s a class you really want to take that none of your friends are interested in, do it! The best course I’ve taken in uni so far was the one my friends didn’t even consider and it was an amazing one. Yet at the end of last year, when I was signing up for classes for the first semester of year three, I decided to take a course I didn’t like just because my uni best friend had signed up for it, and now said friend is dropping out and I will be stuck with the course I couldn’t care less about for an entire semester, so that’s a cautionary tale right there.
7. Participate in optional work
If you have any debates, film/book discussion and things of that nature, take part in them. It’s yet another chance to meet new people, and you often get extra credit for them which is never a bad thing (that’s how I aced one of my classes in year one)
8. All-nighters aren’t cool
They’re not healthy and often do more damage than good. Only pull one if you absolutely need it (e.g if it’s already past midnight, the deadline is in 9 hours and you haven’t even started writing that 15 page essay)
9. Don’t start working unless you really need the money
Combining study and a full-time or even a part-time job is extremely hard. Think about it this way: there’s sleeping, studying and working; you can only have two. You will be either working and sleeping, studying and sleeping or studying and working, none of those options are good for you and your mental and physical health. And hey, once you graduate you’ll have to get a job either way, so if your parents are still willing to support you or you have another way of supporting yourself financially, it’s best to just not rush it and focus on getting that diploma instead.
10. Dropping out isn’t the end of the world
If at some point you decide to drop out, give yourself some time to think it through; a week, a month, a semester. College is not for everyone, and there are different life situations and if you end up dropping out, know that you are NOT a failure. Several of my friends dropped out over these two years and they’re living their best lives right now. You’re going to figure it out and you’re going to be okay, I’m rooting for you lil bean.
And some additional tips:
- Have a bottle of water on you at all times. Hydration is key, remember?
- Libraries and reading rooms are the best. They’re pretty, quiet and often have wifi. Just don’t skip classes too often there.
- Don’t compare your success with others’. 
- Sometimes eating dried tea leaves during a lecture is the best way to connect with people. Please don’t ask me why I know this.
Hope you guys found this helpful and hope you all are having a great beginning of your school year!
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licastudies · 7 years ago
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🗓  december 2nd 2017 pre-calculus 2: trigonometry notes 🌺
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95etoile · 7 years ago
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aug 21 2017 - gen chem notes
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toherlover · 7 years ago
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- october 20 - song of the day: gorgeous - @taylorswift
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stvdybuddies · 7 years ago
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10.06.17 || 100 Days of Productivity (6/100) - Some math review notes that I took in preparation for my Calculus semester exam! 
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goldenotes · 7 years ago
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→ gigi's bujo - weekly spread || november 6th - 12th
for some reason i've really been feeling the orange and yellow together lately 👀
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sun-flower-studies · 7 years ago
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🌻 day 7/100 || studied matrices this morning, thermodynamics in the afternoon, and will write an essay later tonight.
sun-flower-studies || 08-20-2017
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