Explore tagged Tumblr posts
dungeonstudy · 4 years ago
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Slowly getting over my chronic sickness and I’m extravagantly happy 💐
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lastbenchpapers · 4 years ago
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[March 17, 2021]
Day 17 of Zoomester Studyblr Challenge: Share your feel-good playlist with us
Mm, idk, I don't really listen to music in playlist form because my preferences are weirdly narrow + I end up spending more time skipping songs than listening. A playlist I do consistently enjoy, tho, is this Classical Essentials one. I also like Classical Miniatures, which tends to have more energetic pieces.
I'm changing my tracking tag bc tumblr just refuses to show me posts: I'm now tracking #heyojyo ! Please [puh LeAsE] tag me if you wanna show me your posts, especially if it's stem or engineering related !! I check my tags often + I love looking at everyone's posts on here and love learning more about y'all so... hmu...let's be friends... let's share posts...!! 💫
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legallychic · 5 years ago
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finally finding time to read again 💕✨
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shlrleystudies · 5 years ago
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Sunday, September 15, 2019
Gonna try a few new things this year - they include going to more cafés and keeping a positive outlook on everything.  I already know the second thing is going to be tough... 
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ohinis · 5 years ago
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photos from the main library on campus.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020, • 30/100.
I'm feeling more relaxed even tho I'm still struggling with the keto diet, but I'm feeling way better.
In the project I'm at grade 12 now, mixed feelings, I'm working to accept what I lost from that time, that I don't have any data or records of what I was doing and no matter how much I try to dig for something I won't find anything because I THROW IT ALL AWAY IN ONE OF MY PANIC ATTACK OR SM, so yea I hope I can move on from that.
They told us today that we will go back to university in September, well please don't overthrow our current government cuz it started to become overused ;_;., i wanna graduate (it been 2 years now!)
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jordans-studyblr · 5 years ago
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02/100 days of productivity. 09.18.2019
studyblrs🥰 im currently studying in the philly airport because im on my way home from a 2 week long vacation. my other textbooks won’t load, so ive just been studying for my music appreciation class. i hope you all have a great day!
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etudiea · 6 years ago
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February 22nd,2019
Currently procrastinating on studying at a library instead of procrastinating at home like I usually do :)
I got a 98 on my latest American history assignment! Yay!!! I hope I can keep that up lol - to celebrate, here's some notes on American independence
🎶Current song: Animal by AURORA🔊🎶
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lostlxmb · 6 years ago
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( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) ig: lostlxmb
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getshitdonetbh · 7 years ago
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it took me a while to find how i was going to phrase this masterpost. truth is, we all started in the studyblr community at some point and we’ve all known the struggle to get reblogs or to even find friends. unfortunately, this shouldn’t be the issue, the purpose of this, is to improve your grade, show your work, give tips and make friends with people all around the world sharing your passion. i guess this masterpost applies to new studyblrs or just studyblrs that sometimes struggle to find a spot in this huge community.
○ followers don’t matter, friends do.
at the beginning, it might seem impossible to find followers, even more friends. i can talk for myself because i know that i used to get so upset when i’d see people unfollowing me. i didn’t know how to fit in even if i tried my hardest. if you’ve ever been in this case, what i’d recommend, is to send “ask” to your favourite accounts, even in anons. send them ask or even message them if you’re not too shy. it would at least give you someone to talk to and you could ask questions on how to improve your studyblr, and maybe even make friends. one thing that also works is tags if you struggle to get reblogs. for example, mine is #heyaly but basically every studyblr has one and that’s one way to show your posts to the world. once you’ve done that, i’m pretty sure you would at least have found a friend. and that’s what matter in this community. followers are just a number, what you need is supportive friends!! (and my door is always open if you want one)
○ it’s okay if you can’t afford stationery. 
this is so important, to everyone out here, cute stationery is cool but that’s not everything, it doesn’t define who you are. to be a studyblr, you have to share your passion, it should never be a race to see who can get the brand new notebooks or liners. you’re beautiful and perfect with just a pencil and a sheet of paper as long as it brings you happiness.
○ you don’t have to work all the time.
big cliché. as if, we studyblrs, were working all day, all night. it might seem to be the truth because we’re all from different part of the world. but learn to treat yourself. watch a programme, relax, go outside, do something else that you enjoy. you don’t live to work!
○ give tips you follow.
writing this sounds stupid but i know for a fact that you always want to give the best to impress people. but masterposts are important because you make it out of your own experience. what the internet says does not matter, what we want is to know how you do things. that’s what make a masterpost so special. it’s okay not to drink ten gallons of water per day (please don’t do that) or to sleep twelve hours per night, we’re all different and that’s what makes us perfect in our own ways.
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paper-chase · 7 years ago
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8/100 Days 
Working on a game plan for next week, i’m so glad i bought that Monet washi tape keke
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ohwowvxlerie · 6 years ago
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Me in a suit? Sounds perfect.
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dungeonstudy · 4 years ago
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Getting into the habit of walking up early
Going to spend all of this catching up things that I have severely been procrastinating on
Over My Head by Echosmith
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appalachianstudyblr · 6 years ago
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10 November 2018
Working on an essay that links a current event or issue to a topic covered in class 
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belezaesperta · 7 years ago
🌸10 study tips that have helped me a lot 🌸
1. Give teachers a chance. Maybe two or three chances. Even if their subject or the way they talk etc. is boring. Most times, it’s worth it - it will make you more interested in their class and you’ll learn things better. 
2. If I’m ever stressed and need to chill, usually the things that work for me are: 
taking a nap
talking to a friend about it 
taking a hot shower 
watching a funny/silly/cute tv show (my favorites are friends, brooklyn 99, steven universe or some slice of life/shoujo anime/k-drama). 
3. always make sure you’re comfortable while you’re studying! I can never get through a long study session without having showered and changed into comfy clothes before starting it. Some people also like lighting candles and having nice snacks around, which are also always a plus! Just don’t put a lot of stuff into your ‘pre-study session’ routine; you’ll end up taking a lot of time to get ready and that can simply turn into procrastination and distraction. Just make sure you feel good enough to start and don’t forget to drink water! 
4. I’m even gonna make this a single topic cause!! water is so important and useful!! Not only it helps keeping you fresh (specially if you add some cucumber or strawberries in it!) and focused, it’s also great to keep you awake if you’re feeling a bit sleepy. The effect doesn’t hit you as fast as coffee, for example, but it lasts much longer. Also caffeine is bad for you!! Make sure to not over drink it. 
5. Always study keeping in mind how things are gonna fall on your test/exam. Make sure to write down the questions that your teacher asks while giving a class (and their answers, obviously) - these are quite often the things that will fall on your test and the teacher rarely ever writes it down on the board, so it might seem like it isn’t relevant, but it really helps you understand the thought process of the subject better. 
6. Speaking of writing down questions, the Cornell Method has always worked really well to me, specially in History classes. It’s also great for memorization and revising! 
7. This is something I’m still learning to do, but make sure to revise as much as you can! Doesn’t have to be a big revision; just looking through your notes at the end of the day/week (or even just after taking them!) helps a lot!
8. Please, please, always prioritize your mental health and sleep. You need energy and mental stability to study things properly. If you don’t, your brain won’t be able to select and properly learn all the things you’ve studied that day, you’ll feel super tired and dead inside and you will crash. It’s just not healthy. Don’t listen to the whole ‘you can go out/rest after you’ve passed your exams, it will be worth it’ or ‘my dreams are worth more than my sleep’ trend. Don’t do it!! It’s a trap. I know school usually makes you think you need to give your best at all times, but a) you really don’t; give yourself some slack once in a while, you need it, and b) your best doesn’t have to be working your as* off ‘til 3am everyday. It might just be studying for 4-6 hours everyday. Or eating ice cream and watching tv shows all day at least for one day. Your body decides. Let it be. 
9. Use actual flashcards when it’s a very difficult/new subject, not just online ones like quizlet!! (this is a tip I learned from this post)
10. eat well! also maybe try taking vitamins - especially if you’re a useless blob like me and you don’t play any sports! I’ve been taking goji berry capsules and they help me a whole lot, specially if I’m feeling sleepy. Actually any type of berry is great for boosting up your energy! 
🍒some rly good posts I recommend:
‘study smarter’ by @sleeptalkz
‘how I increased my productivity by 3x’ by @brbimstudying​ 
‘conquering math’ by @thestudyfeels​
‘bujo trackers for getting your sh*t together’ by @etudiaire​
‘types of breaks for every situation’ by @samsstudygram
🍒productivity/study life youtubers I like:
rowena tsai (love her, rly good tips on organization and just nice overall aesthetic)
ana mascara (I always watch her videos when I feel like I’m lacking motivation. Her videos talk a lot about that and discipline, and how you should always ‘be comfortable with the uncomfortable’; just 10/10 rly good motivational and actually useful videos overall).
That’s it! sorry if this was too long. I still have some tips left that I didn’t include in this post so let me know if you want me to do another one of these!
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shlrleystudies · 6 years ago
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Beginning of April spread
Layout inspired by this post (go check her out)
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cl-2the-tm · 6 years ago
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Hey! Sugar, have you ever met a Water Scorpio so aquadiq you question everything you've ever known about mermaids?¿ 🔱♏
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