#Amalia day
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foxesscramble · 4 months ago
in honor of the holidays here's some foxes and co going home for the holidays (set sometime in the future)
Somewhere in Wisconsin:
Matt Boyd just won his last game before their winter break officially started.
Dan and Matt make their rounds to say goodbye to everyone as the team dispersed to various cities.
They head out and grab a taxi, making a quick stop by their house to grab their luggage.
They’re headed home for the holidays.
Back to where their family was gathering.
Back to South Carolina.
They were unbelievably excited to see everyone.
They had a secret that they were finally telling the foxes when they got them all together.
Dan cradled her growing belly
Somewhere in Colorado:
Renee compiled a list of care advice for her neighbor who is petsitting for her while she’s in South Carolina.
It’s a hefty list and Renee is once again grateful for her kind, elderly neighbor who had volunteered herself immediately after hearing Renee was going to be traveling.
She made her rounds saying goodbye to all her pets before grabbing her suitcase and keys and heading to the door.
She sent a text to Allison to let her know she was about to hit the road.
Text sent she said one last goodbye at the door before locking up behind her.
South Carolina, here we come.
Somewhere in New York:
Allison carefully packed her clothes into her bag.
Had she possibly packed too much for her two-week trip? Probably, but she hasn’t seen anyone in a while, and she likes to look good.
Allison checked her phone for the time before grabbing her suitcases and putting them by the door.
She did one last walk-through to make sure she didn’t forget anything before turning all her lights off and grabbing her luggage.
She closed the door and locked it before making her way out of her apartment. 
She sent a text to Renee to let her know she was leaving and got in her car.
Somewhere in Germany:
“Nicky, Liebling, if you don’t get your ass down here we’re going to miss our flight!” 
Nicky swears as he collects his bags in a hurry, his feet pounding down the stairs of his and Erik’s apartment.
Germany had done Nicky a lot of good but he was undeniably excited to head back to the States.
Back to his family.
“I’m ready! I swear!” 
Erik laughed and herded him out the door.
They made it through the security check with 15 minutes to get to their boarding area.
They laughed as they ran through the airport, their luggage flipping and bumping into the back of their legs.
They were the last people on the plane, but they made it.
Nicky was going home.
Somewhere in California:
Kevin lugs both suitcases into the trunk of his car before he helps Amalia into the back seat and gets her buckled into her car seat.
They were driving all the way to South Carolina because Amalia had recently become deathly afraid of planes.
Settling in for the two-day drive, they'd barely made it 30 minutes into the trip before Amalia determined it had been a long time and it was time for snacks.
With a deep breath and a silent prayer to all things holy, Kevin pulled into a gas station to get snacks and have a bathroom break.
He knew the drive would be rough but 'Grandpa Coach' and 'Gran Abby', as Amalia had taken to calling her grandparents (maybe Kevin should have stopped calling them by name), would be more than willing to take Amalia when they got home.
Amalia spent the rest of the 36 hour drive rotating between excitably talking about seeing her aunts and uncles, singing the entire Frozen soundtrack at the top of her little 4 year old lungs, and sleeping.
Somewhere between Kansas and South Carolina:
"If you touch the stereo one more time, Josten, you're losing your hand."
Hands held over the console.
Hand kisses.
Smoke breaks.
Lots of snack breaks.
Neil gets fruit cups and Andrew gets candy.
Their cats joined them for the trip.
Sir sits in Neil's lap the entire ride but King gets the zoomies every 30 miles.
Andrew has to repeatedly remove him from his feet so he stops getting close to the pedals.
They call Bee halfway through the drive to make sure she’ll be there when they get there. She and Andrew chat while Neil takes a bathroom break.
When Neil comes back Andrew’s frame has relaxed a bit further. 
They were both excited to see everyone but that didn’t take away the anxiety of having that big of a group together again.
But the foxes were family and they couldn’t wait to see their family.
Somewhere in North Carolina:
"Okay, and you packed the girls' blankets?"
Katelyn and Aaron may resemble headless chickens trying to get their 13 month old twins together and ready.
Katelyn has been tasked with the girls' things and Aaron has been tasked with actually getting the girls in the car.
One of the twins is passed out in their car seat and the other is sobbing and throwing a fit.
Aaron is trying to calm her down and Katelyn is driving.
It took about an hour to get her to stop crying and when she did Aaron took a deep breath and fell back in his seat.
He rested his head back and closed his eyes, letting the quiet sounds of the road soothe him.
That calmness lasts for a good minute before Katelyn lets out a loud, FUCK!
"I forgot our suitcase!"
Somewhere in South Carolina:
Abby fluffs the decorative pillow for the hundredth time in the past ten minutes. 
She’s already vacuumed and swept every room in their house. She’s gotten all the spare bedrooms ready and taken out all of the blowup mattresses. Most of the kids were staying with them with the exception of those that had kids.
They hadn’t all been together in so long and it felt imperative that the house looked good for everyone.
Wymack came up behind her and gently took the pillow from her hands before setting it back on the couch.
“The place looks amazing, Abby.” 
Abby turned around and shot him a doubtful look.
Wymack laughed roughly and leaned forward to place a careful kiss to her forehead. 
“They’re just going to be happy to be here. I don’t think they’d care if it looked like a pigsty in here. Everything is okay, and you know why?” 
Abby leaned her weight against Wymack’s chest. “Why?”
Wymack pulled back slightly so he could send her a fond smile.
“Our kids are coming home."
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allfortheslay25 · 26 days ago
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The foxes kids wip
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simonsrosebud · 6 months ago
next gen foxes social media au pt. 21
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feelingthedisaster · 5 days ago
when i was two weeks old, my dad watched wimbledon with me in hopes to get me as obssesed with tennis as he is and i just know kevin day did the same thing to his daughter about exy
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andrewmsaidso · 9 months ago
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me when nora said kevin and thea raise their daughter to be as exy obsessed as them…
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yes-i-exist-shutup · 2 months ago
In my head Amalia grows up to a lesbian
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kevindavidday · 6 months ago
can't believe kevin is canonically a girl dad. he deserves a teenager making his life hell. get his ass amalia.
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inadvisablebutinevitable · 7 months ago
I cannot express how much I want Amalia day to just be a little girl. Like yes she’s going to be that annoying overly-competitive kid who throws fits if she thinks a rule is unfair and judges kids who don’t play sports but also let her chew on her hair elastics!! Let her make friendship bracelets and steal her mom’s makeup and beg her parents for sleepovers!! Let Amalia Day get weird and loud when she’s with her close friends and let her sob for hours when they fight over the most trivial things! She quotes memes and begs for more YouTube time and drags her parents to the new despicable me movie. She uses her father like a jungle gym and climbs in her mom’s lap when she’s tired!! When Wymack picks her up from summer camp she runs towards him in excitement and jumps in his arms!! She blabbers nonstop about every single exy practice to her parents as soon as she gets in the car and gets more excited as she keeps taking!! She’s a baby!!!
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tu-vieja-steve · 1 year ago
I find thea and kevin's relationship really weird and I also think kevin and allison would be so hot together, so my headcanon is that allison and kev were friends with benefits and ended up having a daughter by accident, but they love her so much. allison starts dating renee and kev finds his first friend not associated with exy, he meets him in kindergarten, he is the father of one of amalia's schoolmates and he also hates the moms and dads in the whatsapp group and maybe he falls in love with the guy
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the-fandom-queen · 7 months ago
Kevin day being a girl dad is so important to me bcs he's not just a girl dad, he's a weird girl dad. When Amalia randomly starts making weird noises at 2 am bcs she nor Kevin can sleep and they're up watching exy, Kevin makes the noises back. When she starts collecting rocks and giving them intricate backgrounds, Kevin memorizes all their stories. When her teacher tells Kevin that during recess Amalia has the kids playing zombie apocalypse army, he sees it as her being a leader and says she gets it after her uncle Andrew.
Amalia Day is the weirdest little girl ever and Kevin wouldn't trade her in for the world
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tragicblondie · 6 months ago
thinking about the ending of dragon age 2 as a mage hawke who sided with the mages at the end of the fifth blight, the warden defeats the archdemon and saves ferelden. they are paraded through denerim to the sounds of cheering crowds. if they don't survive, their memory lives on in a tale of great heroism and sacrifice for years to come. the inquisitor celebrates at skyhold with the rest of their companions after they beat corypheus, the threat finally ended, the inquisition a success.
but not hawke. you can fight with everything you have to support the mages, but there is no grand fanfare when it is over. the villain succumbs to corruption and dies unceremoniously - you don’t even get the satisfaction of striking the killing blow. you can’t get a round at the hanged man to celebrate. it’s time to go. you and your friends can never sit around your table at the hanged man again. you can’t be seen here when the templars come to clean up the mess. nothing will be the same. you have given seven years of your life trying to hold kirkwall together, accepted your accolades and played the part of champion, and you watch it fall apart anyway. and how much of that is your fault? this city has been stained in your blood since before you could remember, since before the blood was your own.
you lost your sister when you lost your first home. even so, you tried to live by the advice you gave fenris - when you stop running, you build a life. the estate that you clawed your family back into stands looming and empty. it is the last place you saw your mother alive, and you still can't bear to touch her things, and you will never even see her room again. bodahn and sandal are making preparations to leave for orlais, orana will find other work with the skills she's learned, and the house will remain, a hollow testament to your family's legacy. gamlen will hear only the stories. your brother fought by your side when it mattered, despite everything. even so, he will stay behind, and you might never see him again.
no, there is no time for a celebration. instead you get a cautious acknowledgement from the templars, a tense goodbye, and then you can never go home again. for the second time. you thought you could build a life, and you tried. you held on as long as you could, you made friends, you fell in love, you clung to the last vestiges of your family, but most of them will be forced to leave your side anyway. you won, but even that wasn't enough.
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doesephs · 2 months ago
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coping after the events of frybread face&me through kevin day exposure therapy, bedtime sketch
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allfortheslay25 · 2 years ago
The Monsters’ Little Monsters
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The Princess
Amalia Theadosia Day
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The Demon of Exy
Emilio Isaiah Minyard-Josten
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The Cutest
April Brianna McKenzie-Minyard
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The Overachiever
Anais Margot McKenzie-Minyard
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simonsrosebud · 8 months ago
next gen foxes social media au pt. 12
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feelingthedisaster · 16 days ago
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andrewmsaidso · 7 months ago
hc that wymack is there the night amalia is born. and when kevin goes to deliver the good news—it’s a girl—he sees wymack’s eyes fill with so much gratitude and joy, and he’s suddenly hit with the realisation of just what kayleigh took from him.
so he collapses into wymack’s arms and apologises profusely, even though it wasn’t his fault. it’s more on behalf of his mother. but he doesn’t have to say as much. just “i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry.” and thankfully, wymack understands what’s happening and he just pulls him into a fierce hug, assuring him that “it’s okay.”
it’s totally not ok. but he can pretend for kevin.
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