#Always here for a story where Rin gets the love he deserves
Fairy Tail x Blue exorcist
After one too many times of Yukio putting a gun to his head, Rin has had enough of being treated like a monster.
In a fight with a demon opens a portal and Rin wakes up in Magnolia.
He is terrified but realises Satan doesn't exist here... No one is afraid of him.
And he's finally free.
Rin ends up becoming a wandering lone mage, helping those in danger as he travels.
Although one day he helps team Natsu on a mission and they basically take him home to master Makaraov like can we keep him???
Rin ends up staying, getting the fairytail symbol in dark blue on his arm and while still a lone mage he joins other teams when he can and if they need backup.
Rin Okumura the disgraced son of Satan is no more.
Now, Rin (no last name given) is the mysterious take-over mage with brilliant blue flames.
Everyone, especially Mirajane treats him as their younger brother and she and Natsu have helped him train his fire.
With Erza training him in sword fighting.
It's the first place he's ever belonged.
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itlogricky · 1 year
Itoshi Rin x Reader.
basically just angst.
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You spent a lot of time trying to improve yourself so that Rin would find you great, but you eventually come to the conclusion that you have been good enough.
You strive to push yourself harder for Rin's sake, thinking that you're only deserving of his undivided attention if you're at your best. But despite your efforts and accomplishments, he seems unaware of your development.
"Just let me wave to you, not wave goodbye.. Let me stay by your side.."
you silently said. He doesn't answer, hes too busy focusing on his matches. You begin to wonder if Rin is even aware of your emotions because he rarely acknowledges them until he needs something from you. As long as your fears go unrestrained, your insecurity increases.
You make an effort to approach their romantic interests, but you always feel as like you are being yanked away, and your chances of success are fading.
Your constant effort to capture his attention makes you feel helpless and as like you're constantly in danger of losing his favor. You gradually get desperate as a result of his chilly and distant demeanor.
"Don't let me go back to darkness of blue."
The amount of work required to continually prove your worth to Rin makes you feel confined and overburdened. The more you attempt to keep up with him, the more you feel alone and depressed since he never appears to notice the suffering you're through.
You put all of your heart into trying to be good enough so that Rin will like you, but it seems like your efforts are in vain. You become even more alone and estranged from him as a result of this. The blue darkness begins to gradually envelop you as you continue to fail to be noticed and valued by him.
The idea that Rin would never genuinely see and love you begins to plague you as your anxieties take over. Despite all your efforts, you don't seem to be getting any closer to earning his affection.
you want nothing more, nothing more...your just..good enough.
You can't help but feel like you'll never be enough for Rin after so many unsuccessful efforts. Despite your best efforts, you constantly seem to fall short. You question whether it is really worthwhile to try any more when he is constantly so cold and aloof. You feel worthless and alone in the face of his indifference.
as he broke up with you, leaving you to darkness of blue, it felt like the dark sea filled with sadness.
As you give in to your anguish about losing Rin, the darkness envelops you. You begin to doubt yourself more and more as a result of wondering if you really were as useless as he constantly treated you.
If you can still recall, you were shifting position while reaching for,the place Rin and you are familiar with seems so far away. Where he'll encircle my heart with his arms. Additionally, keep you warm all night.
Rin's passion with winning at all costs dominates his thoughts. He is totally committed to his game, striving to be the best and avoiding distractions. His feelings are subdued, and he is just focused on winning. He can't or doesn't care if he hurts people since he is unaware of how his cold and distant demeanor affects those around him.
His heart is focused on a single objective, and nothing, not even you, can get in the way of that.
In the face of impossibly high standards and the need to live up to the expectations of the person you love, you tried to accept yourself for who you are. one of accepting oneself and accepting one's flaws, perhaps you're simply too...𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝.
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A/N : its almost 3 am here and i'm still awake lol, this story is inspired by xdinary heroes by their song Good enough. Thank you for reading.
Tags!1!1!1! : @0rah-s
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delirious-donna · 7 months
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Series Masterlist
chapter 6: Kiss
pairing: Kakashi Hatake x female reader
warnings: angst, PTSD, anxiety, night terrors, Obito is very broken, fluff, overthinking reader, mentions of alcohol, Kakashi being a consent king at heart, SFW (for now…)
wc: 2.5k
synopsis: Kakashi Hatake, newly appointed Hokage, is struggling with transitioning from active duty to being sat behind a desk. Sure, he might not be placing his life on the line every day but perhaps now is the time he puts something else out there instead, his heart.
Meanwhile, things aren’t quite adding up. There is a discrepancy in the records that cannot be explained, and it falls to you to investigate. Never did you expect it would lead you to the door of the Hokage’s office, a man you had admired from a safe distance until now. What happens next leads you into a closely guarded secret that will change the rest of your life.
In a story where the past might be harder to let go of than usual, can two strangers find a semblance of happiness and peace?
beta reader: a huge thanks to @angelic-muse for being an amazing beta and friend! <3
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Too late. He was always too late.
What had been a source of almost playful defiance in his youth had turned into some of his greatest regrets in life. Why couldn’t he get there in time? Why did he have to watch whilst those he loved were cut down because he couldn’t reach them quickly enough? Was it fair that he finally realised he was being used by those far more evil and manipulative than he only when he was knocking on death’s door?
Regret and confusion muddied together, painting a kaleidoscope of negative emotions into a hellscape designed for his personal torment. Looking down, his hands were stained in a blood so dark it was almost black. It crusted around his fingertips and stained the sickly white pallor of the skin beneath.
It was Rin’s blood.
He knew it with certainty. Her body wasn’t here, nothing was except him and the howling wind that wrapped around his body. The cold struck him, spreading out from the centre of his chest and filling every corner it could reach. It was a poison, a sickness.
Flashes of memories obscured his vision like fireworks. Blinded by brilliant white lights that stung more than his eyes, and then he was drowning. His chest was tight–a metaphorical band of steel encased his ribcage, squeezing with any attempted inhale. Obito clawed at his throat with his sullied hand, painting the column of his throat in a liquid far more akin to inky black oil than crimson blood.
Panic gripped his heart. Yells, screams and the death rattle of his victims filled his ears. He was drowning yet there was no water. He was blood-spattered yet there was no body. It ended as suddenly as it had begun.
He could breathe, and he did, inhaling great pulls of air into his starved lungs. Obito coughed, again and again. Tears blurred his vision, streaking down his cheeks and dripping fat drops from the tip of his chin. He shut out what he could, closed his eyes to the marks covering his hands, and he felt it, a hand beneath his elbow. It was warm where everything else had been frigidly cold. Small and delicate fingers touched him without shuddering in repulsion.
“He’s moving on… why can’t you, Obito?”
It hurt. Fuck, it hurt. Obito blinked, awakening not to the hellscape he had been trapped in, but to a different type of prison. One he had willingly locked himself into. His bedroom was threadbare, but he liked it that way. Comforts were for those that deserved them, and he didn’t. He had refused every offer of a comfortable bed over the years, deciding it unnecessary. As long as he had a place to curl up and fall asleep, that was all that mattered and honestly, he had slept in worse conditions.
Carefully, he raised his arms and inspected his hands. There was no blood to be found, only the white skin of a man who had betrayed everyone in the pursuit of something futile. Did he have to be reminded of his mistakes every moment, not even safe in slumber?
Obito had long since learned that crying was a part of his penance. He was accustomed to the sensation of his throat feeling tight and rubbed raw from the thick emotions that did their best to choke him. He sat up on his thin futon, drawing his knees to his chest and resting his cheek on top.
She had come to him, and not for the first time. The message was different, and he knew it was likely born of what was currently transpiring down in Konoha between Kakashi and this woman who was digging into the strange case of a man who had seemingly died twice.
It was barely 10pm he realised, glancing at the clock on the wall. Was something wrong? He didn’t know for sure, but he would hazard a guess that whatever ridiculous sentiment bonded him to his old friend was awakened because something was indeed happening–whether it be good or bad.
“He’s moving on…” Obito nodded. Kakashi, the man who had been closely guarded with his feelings and his heart since he was a child was letting someone inside his barriers. It still sounded like a joke.
He couldn’t decide if he was happy for him or jealous. The latter would be typical of him, but of which part? That Kakashi could move on with his life or that someone had been good enough in his eyes for him to even try? What woman could possibly turn the head of the legendary copycat ninja?
Sure, it was no secret that the man in question was a romantic at heart, perhaps with a touch of perversion given his reading material over the years, but it had never translated into reality, and Obito would know. For years he had watched from afar, hidden in his various guises and wondered why Kakashi continued to resist temptation. He found out the reason not until they reunited and buried old grudges.
Kakashi couldn’t bear losing someone close to him… again.
He chewed absently on his fingernails, lost in a maelstrom of the past and present. Obito was a part of the reason that Kakashi had closed himself off, he hadn’t been the ignition, but he still held a starring role. He shouldn’t be jealous, but jealousy was not rational. It didn’t listen to logic or abide by the rules of reason.
“... why can’t you, Obito?”
The hand of friendship had been extended so many times when he didn’t understand why he was being given the opportunity, and now, he had a shot at a second chance. Why couldn’t he take it?
So many questions and he didn’t have the answer to any, or any that he would admit to. Deep down in his withered heart, there was the small boy he had once been. The boy who longed for meaningful connections and love. The boy who had dreamed that he would be Hokage one day but had fallen for the trickery of the wicked and became the furthest possible iteration of what it meant to be worthy of the title of Hokage.
Redemption. It was offered like the leafy stem of an olive branch. If only he would reach out and take it, wrap his fingers around it carefully and allow himself the chance at a moment of peace. Wouldn’t it be nice to not be endlessly pursued by his demons? Obito sobbed quietly, the sound carrying only because the night around him stood still and silent as if it was watching—waiting—for what might happen. He was in a bubble of his own despair. A prison that was locked tight, but he alone held the key.
Like Kakashi, he could choose to overcome his fears and look to a future that wasn’t purely miserable. The fear of the unknown was daunting, and he knew that not everyone would be swayed by the words of their Hokage but he could understand that. Truly, it was not the unknown that scared him the most, it was the fear of being accepted. To be accepted despite everything he had done. All the pain and suffering he had inflicted on others. The people he had killed in his pursuit to achieve the impossible, the loved ones sent to their graves before their time. How could anyone look him in the eye and shake his hand after that?
He was broken.
So why did he hope that Kakashi wouldn’t give up on trying to fix him? Obito lay his head against his thin pillow and sent a silent prayer that he didn’t believe would be heard. He prayed that his friend had more strength than he, that whatever was happening with this woman would not leave him as bitter as Obito was. He deserved happiness.
You were scared. He could see the emotion swirling in the dark hues of your eyes, it mingled with the desire that was also present but the fear was threatening to overwhelm the other. Kakashi wouldn’t take what wasn’t willingly given. He wouldn’t push, but he would question it.
“What are you thinking about?”
His voice was barely a husky whisper, warm breath fanning your face and you licked across your lips whilst your eyes rose from his mouth to his eyes. So many things. You were drowning in thoughts, and honestly, you could use a moment of silence to gather your wits. For once, you spoke without running the words through your internal monitor.
“I’m thinking that I want to kiss you and that you want to kiss me, but–”
To be damned with whatever the but was going to be, you were correct, he did want to kiss you and he was going to.
Kakashi’s thumb caught beneath your chin to tip your face up and before you could blink, he kissed you. His lips were cool–pleasantly so–and so damn soft that it almost didn’t seem fair. Your arms wound around his neck exactly as you had desired only moments before, fingers tangling in the silky silver strands at his nape. His body was warm around yours, his hands respectfully at your waist whilst he offered another taste of his lips and you accepted greedily.
Never had you shared a kiss quite like this. Your brain could not process every sensation and emotion that was lighting up your insides like fireworks. How could you ever hope to express exactly what you felt at this moment? This was the Kakashi Hatake, and you were kissing him. Your lips cushioned his. Your fingers played with his hair and scratched lightly at his neck. Your body that he gently tugged ever closer to his own.
He wanted you.
Kakashi was tender and patient, leading you through a slow dance of kisses that seemed to never end, but the need for air would soon spoil that illusion.
You broke away reluctantly, blinking rapidly and hoping that the world would stop spinning so you could orientate yourself. His expression was pure amusement, lips twitching whilst you uncoiled your arms from their perch and pressed your fingertips to your lips. You savoured the gentle numb sensation of your lips, how they had filled with blood so easily and the lingering taste he had left behind.
“I... oh. We shouldn’t have done that,” you murmured, sounding as breathless as you felt.
“Mm, and why is that?”
“You’re my boss. You’re the fucking Hokage! Shit. I am in so much trouble. Can you just fire me now and get it over with?”
Kakashi chuckled, and dammit if you didn’t want to smack him in the shoulder. Didn’t he get it? This was… the best moment of your life. The thought was inside your head before you could squash it. Burning you alive with its presence.
“I have to go. I’m sorry… you’re so handsome. Shit–I mean, forget it,” you rambled, flushing from head to toe.
Twice in as many minutes you had cursed, and it sounded so perfectly ridiculous from your lips that he couldn’t not smile wider. It was at the moment he lifted his hand to his face to stifle the laughter in his throat that you tried to make a run for it. Kakashi watched whilst your eyes darted to the doorway that led back to the front door, and no sooner than the time it took him to blink, you were moving. Damn, you were fast. But he was much faster, naturally.
Not for the first time, his fingers wrapped around your wrist, but this time he used a touch more force to bring you back to him. Your back collided into his chest with a soft thump, before you turned back to face him. Your eyes darted left and right, anywhere that wasn’t looking directly into his and he couldn’t have that.
“Breathe,” he directed calmly, dropping your wrist and bringing his hand up to your cheek. His fingertips were gentle on your skin, the ghost of a caress that made his eyes darken, and your breathing spike despite his best intentions.
“I am not going to fire you. I wish…” he paused, leaning in to press a tender kiss to your forehead. “I wish you were not assigned with the task you’re working on, but actually, I think everything might work out better this way.”
Your nose scrunched in confusion, Kakashi was talking in riddles. His expression was a mask you couldn’t decipher. For as much as you longed to remain in his gentle hold, you knew that it was more crucial for you to reset your brain and that meant leaving.
You exhaled softly. “Kakashi, I’m not going to even try to understand what you mean right now. I’m too…” You wanted to admit you were falling for him, hard and far too fast, but you conceded in a small half truth for now. “... tipsy to think straight.”
His features sombred with a dip of his chin. The sudden, irrational desire to reach out and boop the little mole near his mouth was overwhelming. Your fingers twitched but you controlled the insane urge by biting the inside of your cheek.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you when you’ve been drinking, I apologise.”
Shit–no! That’s not what you had meant. Oh god, now he was regretting everything and you could feel the ground splitting beneath your feet.
“Wait, no. I swear I didn’t just kiss you because of the alcohol. You’re… well, look at you. I like you, Kakashi. Oh dear.” You really had to go before you said something else you’d regret later.
“If you put it that way…” Kakashi smirked, and you were grateful for it even if it was at your expense. “Can you be in my office at 11am tomorrow? I’ve taken up a lot of your time already and you’ve gotten nothing in return, it’s time I rectify that.”
Oh, you’d gotten plenty alright but you weren’t admitting it. Nodding enthusiastically, you moved towards the door and slipped into your shoes. “Would you like me to walk you home?” He asked, and when you glanced around his mask was back in place covering the lower half of his face. It made you pout but you understood.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t live far and I think I could use the peace, if that’s alright?”
With a final lingering exchange of looks, you bowed your head and stepped into the cool night. Away from Kakashi’s home and away from the bubble of happiness you had enjoyed for the past few hours.
You hadn’t lied, you did need solace from how maddeningly astute he was, but you missed him almost immediately and that was simply insane. It wouldn’t be for the final time this night did your fingers stray back to your lips in memory of the kiss you had shared. What any of this meant… you weren’t sure, but you needed a plan of action and thankfully, that was something you were good at.
It was time to play him at his own game and find out exactly what he wasn’t telling you.
Little did you know that your short trip home was not made alone. Two ninken trailed you discreetly, keeping to the shadows at their master’s instruction and finding your scent very appealing to their sensitive noses.
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sukirichi · 3 months
cly’s raw reactions pt 2 !!
this MIGHT be a series in ur asks 🥸🥸 I’M HAVING TOO MUCH FUN OK the adrenaline ur stories give me drive me crazy
1) I WAS SOSOSOSO HAPPY at the start i REALLY thought it was real... then YN SAYS ITS A DREAM?? SUKI 💔 it’s like a jab directly to my heart omfg i thought they were finally GONNA FUCKKKK 😞😞😞 anw the part where kiyoomi says “then you shall always have me” is my favorite part 💯💯 he’s so slick w it and everything
2) whenever rintarou js appears i feel a vein popping out my forehead like just go away pls WE DONT NEED YOU HERE ANYMORE BOOOO all that love i had for him from the previous chapters js vanished. omi >> rin ANY DAY n i pray to god that suna doesn’t go ahead and foil any of the princess’ plans bcs i will be even MORE upset at him if he does istg i don’t think my heart can take this
3) i’m on the edge of my seat to see iris’ downfall OMG i hope yn takes everything from her ESPECIALLY kiyoomi and rin! i’m really curious abt her though, like she’s such an enigma... now i’m curious if yn’s going to find anything about her when they have to hang out around each other as per the queen’s duties... 🤔🤔 but i can already FEEL the way i’ll be SEETHING whenever she makes any passive aggressive remarks omgmrbfsjs i might die
also i feel so bad for tobio, he deserves the world </3 i hope everyone in the story except for rin iris & the queen get a happy ending (ok maybe tsumu too), NONE of them deserve the pain they’re going thru rn!!
omg hello ! and HAHAHA no worries, i get so ecstatic reading through everyone’s asks and seeing their reactions so i love this 🥹
no fr i need yn to get down and get with omi already !! this isn’t even slow burn anymore. them crushing on each other and mutually thinking the other couldn’t possibly be interested makes me wanna rip my hair out. AND him saying “then you shall always have me” ugh i swear he’ll be saying the most suggestive or romantic things ever right after saying “i’m not in love with you though 🤓☝️”
not the vein popping omg 😭 iris though well . . . she can’t hide all her secrets from kuroo, especially when he was paid so handsomely. he’ll dig up everything to ruin her ;) and yes to happy endings for most of the characters !! i plan on doing one shot spin off’s for the other princes after dtd just so we can see how they’ve been doing after the dtd timeline and i’m !! excited !! and thank you so much too, this was really sweet of you and i appreciate the effort of taking the time to send me an ask 🥹💓
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
AU. What if Rin survived Kakashi's Chidori, but Obito thinks she died, and he went and became a mysterious Vigilante, hunting down evildoers, on the side of doing Madara's bidding, but Obito still retains his skepticism of the plan but still goes along with it because he's got nothing left to lose. Obito would become a ghost story to the Leaf, and Minato and Kakashi try to capture him once but fail. What would your headcanons be for this AU?
Before I can provide my thoughts here, where is Rin?? HEADCANONS BELOW!
Edit: (30/04/2023)
As you've mentioned in the replies below:
-She (Rin) is being trained by Tsunade, having survived thanks to Isobu. She has become close to Isobu in the weeks following her becoming a Jinchuriki. Isobu offers support and wisdom to her and helps her harness his power. She does go on missions with Kakashi and Minato. And she has realized that she only had a crush on Kakashi, but she started to realize that she felt something stronger for Obito.*
*My take on said feelings for Obito would be after Kakashi revealed to her in the Kannabi mission that he was going to abandon her while Obito was willing to save her. For the longest time ever since she returned and survived as a Jinchuuriki, Obito was all that she could think about as the person who cared for her the most in her life and did everything out of his love. She yearns for him, regrets her selfishness, and always goes to his "grave" to talk to him. -And by this point Obito will have killed hundreds of people, so he is no longer the same person he used to be and he's started to hate himself because of it.*
*Obito would only reluctantly go with Madara's plans because he has no other purpose, while terrorizing evil-doers at the same time as you mentioned. But the one reason that makes Madara's plans take so long to accomplish is because RIN is a Jinchuuriki, and he doesn't want to stand in the way of her living her life now that she's alive. So, every time Rin and Obito cross paths, Rin would think he's a villain and attack him, but Obito does nothing other than defend himself without landing a scratch on her. This makes Rin grow suspicious and in turn, more curious about the mysterious masked man. Ironically, Obito seems to not mind attacking Kakashi and Minato aggressively, while sparing Rin.
And since you mentioned in the replies below that Obito would be aware but is reluctant to return because he feels he doesn't deserve it at all, and Team Minato hunts him down - so here's my take on the the one way they'd find out who Obito is eventually is of the following: *Obito leaves clues about himself - the first major clue is his refusal to attack Rin and how he is quick to disappear whenever she thinks she has gotten closer to him.
*The second clue is Kakashi's dogs; Kakashi would manage to tear Obito's sleeve and obtain a piece of cloth from him, and utilize his dogs to find clues about him. Pakkun would somehow relate the scent on his cloth into an item from Obito's former house in the Uchiha District, or from the dirt in the cemetery. Why his grave soil? Because Obito tends to hang around the cemetery, listening to Rin talking to him by his grave. His shoes would leave a clue. *The next clue is when Rin is attacked by the Akatsuki; and it would be a coincidence in which Rin just happened to be in their line of sight, so the Akatsuki members would take advantage of having the 3-tails right between their palms, and Obito would then intercept secretly and save her by sucking her into his Kamui dimension, then take her to a safe place far away.
Here, Rin would demand to know who he is and why he keeps saving her, and Obito tries to get away but Rin utilizes her 3-tails chakra to injure him quickly, since Obito dropped his guard around her.
She then attacks him, and one blow from a kick infused with her bijuu chakra could break half of the mask, but this time Obito no longer defends himself and decides to throw her off and incapacitate her with his Wood Release; and threatens her menacingly to stop pursuing him or he'll kill her. He immediately knocks her out and teleports her back to where her team is. Rin then tells them everything. Team Minato realizes that the one way to grab the masked man's attention is by bait, and the best way is using a Jinchuuriki. Since Rin cannot be used as a bait, Naruto convinces his father and Kakashi to let him help them find out who the mysterious masked man is. Minato and Kushina were very reluctant, but Naruto said that nothing can hurt Kurama even if they tried, and so they've developed a team powerful enough to trap Obito.
Naruto would be the one to tear off the mask similar to how he did it in the 4th shinobi world war.
Team Minato would only fall into complete shock, especially Kakashi who gets shaken up and starts trembling and breathing heavily, and Rin, who cannot believe her eyes, fearlessly gets closer to him despite trembling. Rin would allow her anger to leak out as she screams at him, demanding answers from him, but Obito only looks at her with a solemn smile, steps closer to her, caresses her cheek, freezing her in her spot as he says, "I was there. I know everything." Then his hand would slip from her cheek and he would press his palm to her chest, where her drumming heart is, and say, "Ever since that day, the Obito that you knew all your life... died along with you."
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malicedafirenze · 11 months
I just finished re-reading Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco and I'm going to make it everyone's problem because this book is so good and so underrated
I wrote a more conventional review of this book after my first readthrough this April, so if you want more concrete info and slightly less incoherent gushing, head over here please.
What to love about it
SO many of the fantasy romance books I read end up being unsatisfying to me because they either have a main romance that feels cheap because it moves too fast, prose or writing style that grates on me, or because plot and action just take a total back seat because the MCs need to get their rocks off.
Not this one. I mainly gush about the romance (because hello it's a bisexual MMF throuple and the dynamic especially between MMC and the male love interest is deliciously hostile for much of the book) but a core reason for why the romance in this book works so fucking well for me is because there's so much quality going on all around it.
The plot is about a strange new species of vampiric creature that's attacking people and villages. In examining what's going on, main character Remy gets involved with two powerful vampire nobles and finds out disturbing things about himself and his family. (keeping that very vague for spoiler reasons)
The MC is a vampire hunter who's excellent at what he does but looked down upon by everyone for a variety of political and gossipy reasons, he's also traumatized by a shitty af father and the dangerous expectations/situations that shitty father has laid upon him.
Relationship dynamics
Remy meets the two love interests very quickly in the story, and realizes to his dismay that the two of them are engaged. He initially dislikes Malekh, king of the third court of vampires, but is infatuated with Xiaodan, his fiancee and heir to a vampire court herself. In travelling with them, his emotions grow more complicated.
Between Remy and Malekh, you have these enemies-to-lovers vibes, though they're mostly on the same side but pissed about it. There's an exchange between them later in the book that goes “It’s just that you’re always so hard to read, I never know if you want to fight me or fuck me” - “it’s both, Pendergast. It’s always been both.” and man if that's not a fucking mood, I love it.
The book isn't the spiciest thing I've ever read, but it has a handful of incredibly hot and detailed scenes, that includes some cruel teasing, some very desperate mutual blood drinking, some angry flirting while sparring and more. All in all you know what the three of them are getting up to but also I may need to write fanfic for a few 'missing' scenes.
Reach and readership
Silver Under Nightfall has a bit over 3000 ratings on goodreads. The only other bi poly vampire book I also know and love (A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson) has over 40'000.
Some of the popular queer fantasy books of recent years like The Unbroken and The Jasmine Throne have 9k and 22k respectively. I am not sure why Silver Under Nightfall has not gotten anywhere near as much love or attention as these books - it'll be a complex combo of marketing reasons and mainstream appeal I assume - but I cannot help but want to shout from the rooftops that SUN deserves so much more love and attention than it's getting.
For me, SUN sits perfectly in that sweet spot where it is more "fantasy with a romance subplot" rather than "romance" but also doesn't skimp out on the sexy bits. And I personally absolutely fucking love it for that, but
So there you go: READ THIS BOOK IT IS SO GOOD PLEASE. Is it perfect? No probably not. On my reread I noticed a few stylistic hiccups and I find the pacing works much better in the first two thirds of the book, with everything happening a bit fast in the last third or so.
Is it for everyone? No probably also not. But if well written queer poly sexy vampire romance with a mostly serious tone but dry humor appeals to you as a concept, you absolutely should read this one.
Also if there's anything like it - as mentioned, A Dowry of Blood is the only thing I know of that comes remotely close imo in terms of being a queer poly sexy dark vampire story - then please do tell me about it.
If you've read this book and want to talk about it, my DMs are always open <3
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mirobami · 2 years
So, for the event ! Can I have Spider (Arranged Marriage) with Rin Obami ? (He’s my little baby, I love him so much that it hurts)
↳ under other circumstances
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♠️ CHARACTER: r. obami
♠️ MATCH: Spider (Arranged Marriage)
♠️ NOTE: i hope you know i had many drafts about this so I'm happy with the final result
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To flourish in an economy where everything was spiraling faster that a wagon downhill, some sacrifices had to be made. But sacrifices should not have included someone's children.
"Why am I supposed to be sold off like cattle?!" You screamed at the news received from your mother. "I am not getting into an arranged marriage!"
"Dear, please-"
"No! Find someone else, but I am not getting married to someone I don't even know. And for what? Just so you can get money?"
Your mother sighed, shaking her head. She knew that you were a fighter and wouldn't lie down to see this happen. But the contract was done: you were to be married within a month to their heir of the Obami family. You didn't even know who the heir was, all you were angry about was that you were to be married to him without knowing him.
"You will meet with him soon. But in the meantime, please prepare for dinner."
You scoffed, flopping down on your bed and curling into your side. Your actions spoke louder than your words and no one bothered you for the rest of the night.
The idea of arranged marriage had always been floating around in your family. You had several cousins who had arranged marriages, yet most of them had horror stories. Some of their significant others had hearts of stone, with no care for them, and others were not at all what was expected. There was always a lingering fear that your cousins may have gone missing, but they always came back, yet somehow spouseless. They never said anything about their spouses, only cried crocodile tears and gained a vast amount of wealth. You always thought that those were the cousins who married for wealth and killed off their spouses.
And now it was your turn. The month should've gone by slower, but it did not. You never met with the person. You did, however, end up talking to your closest friend about this. Rin Obami, who you considered your best friend, listened patiently. You had a massive crush on him but you would never trll him. It was too late now anyways. He knew you were to get married to someone else; however, he would not be the person to bust in for your wedding. His own marriage was on the same day as yours. He didn't know who his spouse was, only that they refused to see him.
On the day of your wedding, you were the one that had to walk down the aisle. Already dressed up and your stylists out of the room, you didn't recognize the person in the mirror. Should the person in the mirror not be more scared? All you could see was numbness. There was no way out of this. Unless...
"Your turn." A crew member mumbled to you, causing you to stumble out and appear in the center of the aisle. The day was here, your marriage was here. The music picked was your selection, but it should've been saved for a happier moment. It should've been the music for the wedding with your lover and not the one chosen by your parents. They were the reason you refused to let either of them walk you down.
It was as though the world blurred around you and your body was keeping you upright. It was your brain that was desperately searching for a way out. This was a jail sentence and you were innocent. With no way to escape, your eyes finally focused to see your groom at the altar and your jaw dropped, mirroring your groom's exact expression.
Great. How were you supposed to get out of this now?
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An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Update 2: My laptop restarted when I was in the middle of writing this, and trust me when I say it, I am positively pissed off, and I want to end my days, that's how bad of a day this was.
And I didn't leave the house.
That says a lot about today...
Update 1: But, without further ado, I was half-way writing this story, and I received this ask, and let me tell you...
helloooo, i absolutely adored the fanfics you wrote about kazan and danny🥺 could i request one where pyramid head is just really whipped for and in love with the survivor! reader but he doesnt know how to announce it to them so he brings her random ,,gifts" in and outside the trials and protecting her bc well, im pretty sure he cant speak so he doesnt really have any other options on how to express his feelings??
I live for it.
Bless you for sending me this, it's the reason I'm still sane right now.
I love you, baby-cakes.
Update 3: I want to kill myself so bad. Just smash my head on a wall until it explodes or sth. I was so happy with how this imagine turned out, only fuck fucking tumblr to just fucking delete EVERYTHING just as I was about to put the last gif and hit POST NOW.
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For the 5th time writing this :
Hell - What was that place, anyway?
Some would describe it as an infinite ocean of flames and lava, where it's eternally melting-hot, and a bunch of hooved, horned, tailed red demons torture you with acid, with their red pitch forks, or boil you alive in their cauldron for soup. Or maybe you just get tortured by Stalin, who knows?
But never would have anyone thought that 'Hell' could look so...Normal. Well, normal in a very demolished, desolate, ravished way, but still...Normal, by human standards. Albeit, the never-ending loop of madness, anguish, agony and desperation of getting killed in different gruesome ways or fleeing for their lives and feeling a myriad of emotions pumping adrenaline through their veins so badly that their anxiety-meter skyrocketed to abnormal levels.
All this darkness, this hatred, this...Everything...It changed all the survivors. They became selfish, stubborn, rude, some even went as far as to sacrifice their fellow survivors in trials, just so they could survive. It was a complete mayhem that defied all kinds of reason, normality, morality or even ethics. Everyone became devoid of any laws that used to bind them to their humane sides, and now, you weren't sure if the killers were saner than the survivors or not.
But even in this abyss where you couldn't even see your hand in front of your very eyes, there was a little star - A beautiful angel radiating brightness and warmth, someone who was somehow able to guide everyone's straying souls with her benevolence.
In reality, she was merely a survivor, not the little lantern from an angler fish's head, but she treated everyone with such an untainted kindness...It was beautiful, and yet, unrequited for most parts. Everyone was still putting their own lives above all - And who could condemn them? - Perhaps their cowardice, for the girl preferred to save her fellow survivors as much as possible, even if that oftentimes assured her place on the hook, to be a sacrificial lamb for the Entity.
On the other hand, she rarely ended up on the hook - Most killers prefer to kill her themselves, instead of letting her become pray for the horrible Entity who tortured so many of them for refusing to cooperate - The Trapper, Evan MacMillan - He knew the best, with those hooks digging into his flesh, impossible to extract. He was the first to protect this girl. It wasn't much, but if he had to, he'd rather give her a swift, painless death, than seeing her without that serene, angelic smile on her face, as the Entity feeds on the last bits of her soul's beauty, the last parts of her humanity.
The other Killers were confused at the Trapper's actions, but little by little, they began to understand why this girl was so precious and special - And this domino effect hit Rin Yamaoka next, with Y/N stopping in the middle of a chase and taking off her jacket, just as Rin was about to butcher her with her katana, and she smiled, extending it to her. 'You must be cold' she said, realising that the Spirit was merely wearing a few bandages, not even her school uniform, or her kimono.
The ghost girl was shaken up by this, and told the others at the killer camp, but they just shrugged it off - Rin was a little girl who faced close to no kindness, they weren't surprised she was so taken aback by such a feat. That is, until Adiris, in a particularly terrible day, when everyone at the camp was staying away from her, as her profane censer wasn't able to cover the stench of rotting flesh - Y/N came over, taking out a small yet elegant glass bottle with pink liquid on it, spraying some on her - And now, The Plague smelled of roses and vanilla - 'You can come to me for perfume whenever you want, I always carry some with me!' she grinned at the Babylonian High Priestess, before leaving back to the survivor's camp site, leaving the ancient God symbol to stare with her mouth agape at the girl.
These words began to spread, and it was no surprise when the killers saw Susie clinging and begging her Legion friends to spare Y/N, for she was there to hug away her worries more than once, to tell her sweet words, to play with her hair and play the guitar whatever songs she wanted to hear, to get reminded of her home - She was so home sick that she freaked out, but now she was better, thanks to Y/N - 'I know you miss home, but sometimes, home is where your best friends are, and all three of them are here!' she tried to encourage the cute pink-haired girl who could only squeal and hug her new friend.
Even Ghostface wasn't exempt from falling to her charms, and they would often take silly selfies and mess around, making fun of the old horror movie tropes and doing lots of puns and pranks - So much that she even got his trust to be told about the Danny/Jed thing, and how he began his killer profession - 'You're a very talented photographer, Danny! You deserved all that recognition you got, both as a journalist, and as a killer!'
And very soon, Y/N found herself in the crushing arms of an overprotective Anna, humming her mother's lullaby together with walking through the forest, Y/N making flower crows for all the female killers at the camp site, and little by little, she somehow managed to worm her way under everyone's skins.
Y/N was the survivor with the highest survivability percentage, and maybe the Entity sometimes got pissed off, but at least she still got killed sometimes, so who cares? Well, that was soon to change as soon as a new Killer was added to this sick game - Pyramid Head, the terror of Silent Hill, as Cheryl, the new Survivor, called him - or The Executioner, as he was known now. He was ruthless, merciless, grotesque - He had his own criteria of killing, his own moral compass, ethics, conscience and understanding of the concept of life and death. Nothing that could compare to the visions of humans, clearly - Everything was gravitating around Divine Retribution and Justice, but the from the outside, he was nothing but a killing machine.
He would kill everyone and anyone that crosses his path, without fail.
Y/N felt like her fortune ended completely the second she found herself in the new, overly cramped map, with Pyramid Head as the killer - She couldn't help but run around like a spazzic meerkat, trying to find and fix as many generators as possible, without having to get face to face with the walking hazard...
Only to run past a stuck Pyramid Head.
Slowly backtracing her steps, she saw the mountain of a man with his metal pyramid stuck in the frames a low window which he tried to walk over. He was trashing like a raged bull trying to attack a matador, but it was clear he was getting nowhere with this.
"H-Hey, u-uhm...Need some help?" she asked in a soft, careful voice, almost like a meek cat trying to test the waters, but in return, he started groaning even louder from the wrath he wanted to unleash upon the whole world. "Okay, uhm...I think I saw a can of vaseline in one of the chests around. I'll go fetch it and I'll come back for you. Don't move." she said, only to then realise how horrible that sounded, considering the situation, and it only seemed to anger the killer. "...I'm sorry, ignore me, I'm an idiot." she slapped herself pretty harshly before bolting out of there trying to find the chest.
However, Y/N cursed herself for not having perfectly memorised the whole map by heart already, since she found the vaseline can after the 3rd chest, and then, it took quite a while to find the bloody window that got the killer stuck - And by the time she got there, she was dead tired. "Okay, I'm here, I found the vaseline! Let's try to get you out of here." Y/N muttered as she put her feet on the low window pane to get to his level. "If it's not too much trouble, could you please hold onto me? I can't balance myself with both hands occupied, and I'd rather not fall." she explained as she opened the vaseline can, only to shiver as she felt two big, strong hands getting a firm grip on her hips. It was almost...Endearing, were she not too busy trying to get the killer unstuck. She kept massaging the metal edge, trying to push and pull, also praying to whatever deity that existed in her human world that she had her tetanus shot done on time - Until finally, she was able to get hear a loud screech, like a pop, and the killer got unstuck, and in the process, he stumbled backwards, while Y/N fell down on her butt.
"Ouchie..." she muttered, rubbing her back and sides to take away the pain surging through her body. "Are you okay?" she asked, almost intuitively, without realising it at first, until she heart a low grunt that brought her back to reality. "O-Oh...! You have glass shards stuck in your side! And you're bleeding too! Hold up, let me help." she hurried to his side, while the killer merely stiffened, feeling her delicate, slender fingers tracing his body, while he heaved and slouched his shoulders from the repressed wrath. "It may sting a bit, and I'm really sorry, but I promise it will be better soon." her voice was so motherly and warm, which also resonated in her actions, as she gingerly took a water bottle and imbued some tissues with it, to wipe away the blood smearing down his skin as she extracted the glass shards, and then..."This is grandma's marigold ointment. It's really good, and it smells nice." she explained as she carefully smeared a thick layer of the yellow ointment on the biggest wounds, while the little ones were covered by smiley-flower patterned plasters. They were cute, and colourful, and they never failed to make her smile. "Okay, there we go, all better! I hope you'll feel better very soon!" her voice got a tiny bit more cheerful and upbeat.
It made the Killer think about a trillion things, as he stepped in front of her, towering over her like the Empire states building next to a smiling pomeranian. What was with this girl? Why did she help a killer? And why did he feel so...Warm inside? He could sense a foreign kind of luminosity, a naivite and innocence that he only witnessed in children and animals. This woman in front of him was untainted by the darkness and evil of the world.
It didn't matter how many hardships she's been through, or how much sadness she had to endure - Her soul remained as pure as any snowdrop, as the first snow of winter, as the fleece of a baby lamb who let out its first 'meeeeh' to its mamma sheep.
He couldn't allow this human to be maimed in any way - Not by the world, not by the Entity, and certainly not by him. - Screw the Entity, Pyramind Head kills by his own rules, and now, he was blessed to be faced with a human who bore no real hatred for her peers, or for the world, despite the horrible situation she was thrown into.
He didn't understand, obviously, especially as he remembered the myriad of abominations that lurked through Silent Hill, all of them created by the torment of humans - The very torment that distorted their own reality, which resulted in him needing to solve the purpose as The Executioner - Eradicating the world of all evil.
"Th-This sword is so heavy...H-How can you carry this around like that...?! Your muscles must be so strained and sore...Y-You really need a massage, I'm sure." she stuttered as she tried to lift the much taller and heavier sword from the ground, only for the brute to simply bend and pick it up with extreme ease, putting the girl to shame with her complete lack of strength. "Hehe...You're really strong. I'm embarrassed now." she chuckled softly, scratching the back of her neck.
Before she could leave or do anything else, Pyramid Head picked her up by the throat, careful not to hurt her or restrict her air intake - I mean, how else was he supposed to carry her so he wouldn't hurt her with his metal head or sword? - and it was pretty clear she didn't feel any malevolence from him, as she clinged on his forearm, trying to keep herself up, only to be dumped on top of the hatch, as the killer pointed towards it, so she would leave.
"O-Oh...! Thank you so much! You're really kind! I really appreciate this...I-I know it probably doesn't matter much to you, since you'll be doing this over and over again with all the survivors...But I really appreciate you for your kind gesture, and I appreciate you for being so nice with me. Thank you. Take care!" her dazzling smile lit the whole place up, but he couldn't talk, nor could he tell her how he should be the one thanking her for showing him that, despite the hundreds and thousands of years he had to roam the 'Earth' and execute the injust, miracles still existed.
As soon as she reached the survivor's camp, everyone cheered for her, asking how in the world could she have escaped the wrath of the butcher. "Oh, but he wasn't that bad. In fact, he's much more humane than I anticipated! I think he has a beautiful, blooming heart!" okay, she's lost it - the other survivors thought - but even so, she's always been a bit...Out of it, so who cares?
It took quite a while for the other three survivors to reach the camp, all bloody, in fact, like the new killer, who dragged himself with the same menace to the Killers' camp. "How the hell did you manage to survive?!" they yelled at her in utter shock, seeing that she got out of there unscratched. "Oh, you see...I found the hatch." she shrugged simply, not wanting to give away that the person who massacred those three was a soft one and he basically threw her down the hatch to her safety.
As she took a twig to roast a marshmallows, she noticed how Pyramid Head was standing much farther away from the rest of the killers - She knew that silent killers were bound to stay away from the more obnoxious one, remembering how Michael Myers almost killed Ghostface and The Legion at least a dozen times - But this time...He seemed kinda...Lonely? So Y/N took the matters into her own hands, roasted another marshmallow in another twig, and when it was done, she went to the killer's camp, calling out the lonely one's name - She has no idea why, but he actually followed her, pushing her further deep into the forest, until he was sure nobody was going to hear, see or interrupt them...
"Hey. You seemed pretty lonely out there...I thought you could use a friend. Thank you again for what you did at the trial...Here, this is a marshmallow. I don't think you've had many before...Cheryl told me of that horrible place you had to live in...So I hope this will make your day a bit better!" Y/N extended one of her hands towards him, so he could take the marshmallow - And a long, black tongue erupted from underneath the pyramid, snatching away the fluffy marshmallow and gulping it in one go.
What the hell was he turning into?
A towering man built of pure muscle, wrath and divine justice, with a pyramid representing the evil of humanity burdening his body, and a sword taller and heavier than the average human being constantly dragged in one of his hand...He now was a slave to a cute, innocent girl who was putting flower plasters on his minuscule wounds that would heal in a heartbeat regardless - He saved this girl who was now offering his these soft, squishy things that tasted overly sugarly, just like her upbeat and cheerful personality - If he could eat her, he was sure she would taste even sweeter than this - A sickish kind of sweet, that is.
She was indeed a beautiful angel in this tragic hell. But he didn't wait to snatch the second marshmallow either.
"Ah...! You liked it, didn't you? Well...Next time, I promise I'll give you more!" she grinned at him the same way a princess would to her chivalrous knight who saved her. The since he couldn't talk, silence took over them - It wasn't an uncomfortable one, per se, but it made it feel as if the conversation was over. "W-Well...I'll guess I'll see you around! Take care and I hope to see you again soon!" she waved cutely, trying to turn around back to her camp, only to feel a rough hand on her shoulder, turning her around and urging her to stop and wait for him and he went deep into the forest, leaving her alone and undefended by the potential malevolent forces of the forest.
When he returned, however, he stepped right in front of her, creating the perfect shade as he towered over her - Then he kneeled in front of her, so he would reach her eye sight, then he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and put a beautiful pink flower - As pink as the blush that started creeping on her face - He wanted to see her luminous face better, to highlight her dazzling smile and her glimmering eyes as the warm, silver light of the mother moon caressed her face.
Y/N felt her heart picking up the pace - It was beating so much faster than ever before - But this time, it wasn't out of fear or anything negative...It was something good. Something she never felt in her life, especially with her human acquaintances from back home. None was as chivalrous and gentle with her as this butcher of tormented souls - The bringer of justice, the merciless Executioner who was supposed to end the life of every living being that would cross his path.
It was insane how every Yin finds its Yang, even if that comes in the form of a little lamb of a small, frail girl, and a huge abomination of a brute man who knows nothing but death, bloodshed and carnage. It was truly crazy how opposites attract, and here she was, holding the killers large hands and gingerly putting them on her face, leaning into his touch - She felt safer now than ever in her life - Now, in the arms of an ancient killer.
An Angel and A Demon brought together in a perfect union.
As she leaned down, she touched the metal of the pyramid where she anticipated his forehead would be with her own forehead, and closing her eyes, she finally felt herself calming down. There was no need for words, actions spoke louder than anything, and she appreciated it...She appreciated him.
"Thank you." she whispered to him, knowing that yes, even though nobody else would hear it anyway, it was much more intimate than anything she ever experienced.
She was hooked.
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Hope you liked my completely shameless pun, I couldn't stop it, especially after the pain I went through trying to write this...3 freaking times.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Hi! I just saw your request where Nozel comforts the reader after a break-up and I really loved it! Can I request a similar scenario with William? Thanks so much 🥰
Ahh, I remember this request! Requested by my bby Rin. You guys can read it HERE
William Vangeance x f! reader
TW: profanities,
h/n: Her name
"Tell me!" you raised your voice at the man in front of you, "there's nothing between you and her!?"
"There's really nothing between us," your boyfriend of 2 years pleaded.
"You know how she treated me in the past, and now you're staying over at her place?!"
"She said she needed help, she was injured and when I went over, she was in pain so I stayed to make sure she was okay."
"What the fuck," you rolled your eyes at the story you heard, "and you just left me at home? Thinking you were at some business meeting? huh?"
"I was at the meeting until she called for an emergency"
"How about the other times huh?" you glared at him, "when you said you were working, or at dinner with Jimmy and the other guys!?"
"Stop shouting and swearing at me, y/n." he looked at you with steel cold eyes.
"You absolutely deserved it, cheater. That vixen has the audacity to to tell me she just wants everything I have,"
"Stop it y/n, h/n is not like that, she's really nice. She even told me she didn't want you to misunderstand..."
"Get out!" you were quiet all of a sudden, "this is it. We're over."
"Babe, don't do this,"
"The two of you really belong together, trash and a bin." you rolled your eyes at him.
"Enough of your nonsense, y/n." he scowled, "h/n is always understanding but here you are, always misunderstanding me and not trusting me."
"You won't shut your mouth and leave will you? I will." you grabbed your bag and left.
You found yourself at a bar that you flew far enough away from home. You got yourself a seat and ordered a jug of beer for yourself.
After 1 hours, you were already buzzed, you drank almost 2 jugs, your vision was already blurry and you couldn't walk straight. You tried to head to the washroom.
"Y/n!" someone caught you as you staggered to the toilet.
You looked up and tried to focus. It was William Vangeance from the Golden Dawn. You both were good friends, and often went on co-missions together.
"Hey Wil! Whatcha doing here?" you asked.
"Just here with Yami and Fuegoleon," he held on you, "What are you doing here alone?"
"I need to pee!" You tried to talk over the loud music, you weren't really sure of what he just said.
He wanted for you right outside the toilet and he helped you outside for some fresh air.
You both sat at some bench outside.
"Wait, I haven't paid!" you exclaimed and wanted to go back, but William stopped you.
"I already paid, y/n." he made you sit down again, and opened a fresh bottle of water for you to drink, "Here, drink some water."
As you gulped down the water, William asked again, "so what are you doing here all alone y/n?"
"I..." you paused for awhile before looking up at the skies, "I broke up with my boyfriend. I had enough of him always running to h/n."
"h/n? your cousin?"
"yeah, she's a vixen that wants everything I have. She's even jealous of my position as a magic knights and tried to sabotage me many times,"
"Which was why you were promoted after taking that long and dangerous mission last year?" William recalled.
"yeah, she complained to Captain Kaiser and made a big hooha about it." You rolled your eyes at the thought of her, "Captain Kaiser didn't have a choice.. He told me he had to hold back my promotion."
"But why does your boyfriend always go over to her?"
You sighed, "They met at a family gathering and she kept trying to get close to him. She kept calling him her brother, and subsequently they contacted privately and he meets her privately. I don't mind him having female friends, but yesterday, he stayed the night over at her place."
You sighed again, thinking about the whole ordeal again.
"That's.. not very nice.." William tried to find the right words to say.
"that's disgusting," you corrected him. "And he said she was very understanding while I'm unreasonable. Good lord!"
Your nose felt a little pinch and you found your eyes clouded with tears again.
William handed you a handkerchief.
"Who brings around a handkerchief these days Wil!" you took it from him and wiped your tears, "chivalry is dead nowadays."
"Not to me," William said with a gentle smile.
"Anyway, I'm done with that man."
"Okay y/n, but I'll send you home.
"No.. I don't want to go home.." You felt so sleepy even though you didn't want to head home, you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Morning came and the first thing that woke you up was a loud boom. It was the slam of your bedroom door against the walls, your boyfriend had just came home and flung open the door.
"How dare you bring another man home?!" he shouted.
"What the fuck are you talking about early in the morning?"
"William Vangeance was sleeping on the living room sofa when I got home! You little wench, don't try to act all innocent and accuse me of cheating with h/n when you're just the same."
"I believe there's a misunderstanding here," William calmly walked into the room, his purple orbs were now a shade darker than it's usual, "I sent y/n home because she was a little tipsy and I crashed on your sofa because it was too late. y/n is still in her clothes from yesterday."
"Who knows what the fuck you both did before I came back!" your ex boyfriend shouted.
"Oh? So where did you go last night, huh?" you questioned, "I may reek of alcohol, but you reek of another woman's perfume."
"I-I tried looking for you last night, and went over to h/n's place because she could lend me a listening ear." he explained.
"oh? And as she listened, she had to throw herself all over you? Are you two drunk like me?"
"Listen bitch, you're the one at fault here," he pointed a finger at you, "how dare you bring another man home! And you," he turned to William, "how dare you touch another man's woman?"
Your ex pulled at William's collar and punched Willam in the face.
Vine wrapped around your ex in an instant and he was lifted off the ground. He tried to should for help but branches were also covered his mouth.
"Are you okay Will?" you went over to check on him, "I'm very sorry to pull you into our affairs.."
Wiliam hung your ex out of the window, leaving him 5 storeys off the ground. Your ex was so scared he peed his pants.
William stood at the window, facing him, "Leave y/n alone from now onwards. You both have broken up, you don't deserve her."
He run away the moment he was let down the ground.
You sat no the bed with your hands in your head, "I'm so sorry Will. Why did everything turn out this way?"
You felt the bed sink down beside you as a hand patted your head gently.
"y/n," William's voice echoed the room, "if that man cannot appreciate you, then I will. If he can't take care of you, then I will."
"what are you saying William..." you understood but you just couldn't believe your ears.
"I like you y/n. It pains me to see you crying over someone that's not worth. Nobody should make you feel like secondary.."
"Will, that's enough," you stopped him from confessing further, "I-I don't think I can start another relationship right now, I just ended my relationship less than 24 hours ago.."
"I've never said to start anything right now, but now that you're single, I will do everything in my power to pursue you."
You remained silent.
"You have a good rest, I'll leave you alone for now." he patted your head again as he left.
He didn't go home though. The captain of the Golden dawn went out to the market to get some ingredients to cook for you for lunch and dinner.
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tonguetiedraven · 3 years
I can't believe you support Yukio! He's an abusive asshole that has hurt Rin multiple times and should be hated!
I've gotten like four Yukio based questions and I am now making this my official and long response.
Actually, I suppose the simple answer is quick and easy. Yes, I support Yukio. No, he shouldn't be hated. I don't really think anyone in AoEx should be 'hated' even if there are characters I dislike. I will gladly proclaim that and stick my name on it. Yukio = tonguetiedraven supported.
The long answer is below. I'm putting a break here because I got a bit wordy. I also didn't proofread and do not care at all about any mistakes.
If you're an anime only fan, please invest the time in reading the manga. All the best bits of the anime are from it, and the story has so many incredible things that you miss if you've only seen the anime.
Now, what did Yukio do in that season to deserve hate? As far as I can remember, there were roughly... three? moments where Yukio treated Rin poorly.
First: the moment with the temp-taints when he turned the gun on Rin. From Rin's pov, this seems unfair and cruel, and strange, and since we're watching most of the show through his pov, that's our initial takeaway. That Yukio is being a jerk. From Yukio's pov though, the scene's very different. Yukio has known about demons his entire life and he has known Rin's full story since he was at least seven. He knows his twin has Satan's powers and that it is vital those powers don't awaken. The last time Satan's powers were loose in Assiah they destroyed countless lives.
Then his adoptive father and mentor is violently murdered by Satan and found in the middle of a broken Gehenna gate with a now awakened Rin in the middle of it.
Yukio, now in charge of protecting and monitoring his brother, is then confronted with his demonic half and has no real reason to believe the Rin he'd grown up with and loved all his life was still in there. For all he knew Satan's power and rage had taken over. He doesn't see Rin controlling his flames, but he does see that Rin is still at least Rin enough to want to keep him safe.
At that point you don't seem him threaten Rin again until much later on in the season. He orders him around, and he should because Rin is always reckless and there is the constant and very real threat that the Grigori will kill Rin if he reveals himself or steps out of line. (And in all honesty, they'd probably hurt Yukio too.)
The next occasion of 'abuse' would be Yukio shooting Rin in the episode with Michelle in her possessed spider demon form. They were tranquilizer darts because Rin was not paying attention and Yukio was terrified that his brother was going to get himself hurt/killed. It was arguably not the wisest choice, but I see no reason for it to earn Yukio hate. People are allowed to make hasty decisions, and his goal was to keep Rin out of harms way and take the danger of defeating the demoness on himself.
The third and final reason is the entire debacle of the paladin arc and the fact that Rin essentially got gutted for his blood.
- Yukio was lied to and manipulated by his grandfather. He was a victim in that situation. His own desire for order and protecting Rin made it easier to manipulate him, but he was still tricked and made to believe that Egin's goals were to stop the threat of Satan and get rid of the danger Rin was always in.
- Yukio took Rin's place as soon as the full reality of the situation was known to him. He sacrificed himself to keep Rin safe and when he was possessed by Satan, it was his love of Rin that drew him back out. He then teamed up with his brother and saved the world.
I genuinely see no reason to demonize Yukio for anything in that season. You can be annoyed by him, you can not click with him as a character, but insisting others hate him or that he is evil is something that is ridiculous. It's a refusal to consider his point of view as valid or even having the potential of being valid, and it's a refusal to acknowledge that people can make mistakes and have good intentions. It also tends to put Rin on a pedestal he shouldn't be on, and couldn't possibly live up to. The characters in AoEx are appealing because they have flaws and make mistakes and they're human.
Again, please read the manga as it has so much more than you get in the anime. I love both animes, but you're missing some fantastic parts and there is so much more to the story!
Okay, I haven't watched the beginning of this season of the anime in a while because I like the second half best, but if I recall:
First 'annoying' bit with Yukio: He tells Rin to stay away from the fight. Rin, as always, doesn't listen to him. Rin is a liability and they lose Toudou and because Rin is there, Toudou now knowns that Rin is a weakness to Yukio.
Yukio then gets to Kyoto, and like everyone in Kyoto but Rin, he is very busy with all the drama going down over there and the attempt to keep the remaining eye safe while also struggling with the fact that Rin is now probably going to die if he puts a toe out of line. (And remember, Rin just proved he was happy to put that toe out of line because he didn't listen to Yukio when Yukio told him to stay out of the fight. Yukio is too realistic to think his twin isn't going to fuck it all up before they get out of Kyoto. He's just trying to lock all his emotions down until they're through with it all.)
Rin socks Ryuuji in the face, bursts into flames, and basically waves a big flag that says "I am a volatile halfling!" to the general public right in the middle of a huge gathering of True Cross members and seals his fate while Yukio is elsewhere trying to keep some semblance of order. He then has to deal with the fact that Rin got a death sentence all while still trying to stop Toudou's plans and put some kind of defense up. He gets the letter which tells Rin to be reckless once again, and tries to put his foot down. He wants Rin to stay safe and locked away so they can fight for his freedom later without risking pissing the Grigori off more.
Unsurprisingly, Rin doesn't listen. Then Yukio and Rin don't see each other for the rest of the fight, but wow, does Toudou use the Rin weakness against Yukio in that long, wet, horrible fight. He tries to rile up the hate of Rin in Yukio, tries to twist his emotions, tries to manipulate him, and tries to make him act recklessly or join his side. If he won't join the dark side, then just dying is what Toudou wants.
Yukio admits that he loathes himself and loathes the things Rin has become (a halfling and that's understandable because Rin beinging a halfling is a constant reminder that Shirou is dead, their plan failed, they're both the sons of Satan, and they're at the whims of the Grigori constantly.)
Then he has the horrible trauma of almost dying, and having his eye taken over as the flames of Satan flare all around him.
Having made it out of that fight alive, but not defeating Toudou, he then finds out that Rin had not listened to him and run head first into to danger and broken the rules of the Grigori. He punches him because they're brothers and he's angry and tired, and in need of some time to work through the whirlwind of emotions that long ass day had been.
Rin tells him after the day of fun that he can tell him anything, but Yukio has spent his entire life not telling Rin things. He has been made to keep secrets since he could speak so that Rin would keep safe, and it's just not something he can break at that point. In his mind Rin is someone to protect, and someone who is more important than him.
That's what a lot of Yukio haters miss, that Yukio values Rin more than himself. Rin, the twin he grew up with and loved, is more important than anything, and Yukio will do whatever it takes for him. He hates himself, and he hates parts of Rin, but I would argue that at the end of the day he loves Rin more than he has ever loved himself.
Again, I see reasons to not click with Yukio as a character, but I can't see a reason to think he deserves hate from everyone. Not in the animes.
I'm not really going to cover anything specific in this because, a) because this has already taken me like a half hour and this stupid comment didn't even deserve that. (Yukio absolutely deserves a half hour of my time and I'm happy to give it to him.) and b) Kato already defended/redeemed his actions in the manga that I think most people had a problem with. (His dramatic 'shooting' of Rin and his 'joining' of the Illuminati.')
What I have not mentioned about Yukio so far is that Yukio is depressed. Severely depressed. And, as far as I can tell, has been for a very long time. I don't think I've ever read a manga that has a better written character with mental health problems. It's been something that she's shown from the beginning, and that she's built incredibly well to the current arc in the manga.
I can honestly not even begin to explain this as eloquently as owlcheese did here: https://tonguetiedraven.tumblr.com/post/669753611846287360
If you hate him because he 'shot' Rin, then honestly, go ahead. I don't care who you like or dislike. Stop telling me I can't like him because of this. He shot Rin with nonlethal bullets and he did it to get away from Rin who has proven on so many occasions that he's not going to listen to Yukio.
The sword breaking wasn't his fault, nor was the seal on Rin's heart breaking his fault.
Yukio and Renzou joined the Illuminati. Why does everyone who uses that as a reason to hate Yukio seem to forget the fact that after five days there he set it on fire and set two enormous demons loose on it to destroy it? I'm pretty sure Lucifer would rebuke his membership after that, lol.
At the point of the reunion with Rin -- who he didn't know had been on a long ass journey to learn about the past and who he didn't know had lost the seal on his heart -- he wanted to die so that the Illuminati and Satan couldn't use him for their plans. He already hated himself so he saw no point in continuing.
God, this has gotten silly long, hasn't it?
Yukio makes mistakes, messy and sometimes far reaching mistakes. Yukio is complicated and occasionally irrational and self-destructive. He's calculating and tries to be emotionless because his mental illnesses have him feeling numb most of the time and self-loathing the rest of the time.
He loves his brother and doesn't show it in the best ways most of the time. He's young and traumatized, and trying to learn to trust. He's a child soldier and a teenager responsible for the lives of his friends and countless others. He's seen demons since he was a baby, and he hates the weak parts of himself, but he's reaching for his brother now instead of shoving him away. He's a well written character, even if you don't like him. He's a realistic character, and extremely important representation in a genre that rarely if ever depicts mental illness, and certainly not in such a realistic light.
You don't have to like Yukio, but you certainly don't get to tell me to hate him and you won't convince me he deserves even a fraction of the hate he gets.
This is my final response on this subject. I support Yukio. I will go to bat for him and I will continue to enjoy him and the story Kato's weaving with him and Rin. I'm so excited to see him start to heal, and I hope one day he learns to love himself because he deserves it.
I'm going to continue writing him and reblogging stuff with him. Feel free to just block his tag. It'll make everyone's life easier :)
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sukirichi · 3 months
hiii suki, sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but i wanted to know if you’d ever consider writing a spin off for the other princes who aren’t really mentioned much, like keiji or tobio. i think it’s just the keiji fan in me bc he isn’t really mentioned in dtd much :((
p.s. between sakusa and suna, i’m a big sakusa x princess endgame truther. i hope they get the happy ending they deserve
hi anon, not a stupid question at all, dw 💫 and yes i do want to write a spin off for them! just one shots though, or maybe even a two-shot in case it gets too long. i already have keiji’s story in mind and long before dtd was written, his love story was already happening in my mind 🌷
i’m sorry he didn’t show up much in this series though! i really wanted him to be more mysterious here so he can shine in his own story. as for the other princes... i have some plans in mind for their own story but i won’t write separate pieces for ushijima, rin, and tooru anymore since they have partners in the original story. and if (if!) kiyoomi was the dtd endgame, he’d be out, as well. BUT YES TOBIO. i want to write something for him!
hngrr yes sakusa x yn endgame ✊🏻 i’m all for that too. their pairing just makes the most sense and they’d be the healthiest couple ever. a marriage with zero arguments (because omi would always let her win) and where the princess can do whatever she likes <3
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caffernnn · 3 years
Let me just add something my makoto-rin ask.
A similar trend actually appears in fics where if rin seems to be in awe of makoto's mind-bending abilities, sousuke almost always notices makoto's physical prowess and unpleasant??? emotions. This is usually present in old soumako fics, where sousuke is almost always the target of makoto's contempt, disdain, or anger; or is always subjected to makoto's accidental physical attacks, like a punch here, or a kick there, or an elbow. It is also usually sousuke who seems to discover makoto's competitiveness, particularly in video games, or stubbornness, when they bicker whether to adapt a dog or a cat. I think this is what soumako fans see about the appeal of the ship- aside from their similarity as the caring and nurturing friend, they also get to showcase a different personality towards each other from the one they show to their other friends, namely makoto abandoning his levelheaded nature and sousuke his stoic, grumpy nature, since they have no established role yet in each other's life. Also, i like how this is an extension of the idea that no one can resist tachibana makoto when he puts his foot down, that event the yamazaki sousuke relents to his wishes. Also, sousuke seems to compliment makoto's physical strength, such as when he refuted rei's claim that makoto is gentle, and sousuke says that a makoto seems more power-hungry (or smth like that), or when he commended makoto's wrestling, or even when he complimented makoto's marksmanship in the ova, along with his hidden personality in rw. He even expressed shock that makoto could crush napa cabbage with his bare hands (or was that rin? I'm not sure). It's fun to see how makoto and sousuke are presented as a challenge to each other's physical strength, and how in fics they are portrayed to be roughhousing each other without anyone complaining about their ridiculous strength, as described by haru.
Which, as much as i don't want to, opens to another discussion. How strong is makoto??? if he can crush vegetables just by handling them. I mean, he threw an experienced sumo wrestler who seems more heavily built than him down to the floor. So yeah...how much raw strength is tachibana makoto possessing???
Makoto getting hit by a car in Final Stroke: “call an ambulance!! but not for me 😈”
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Jokes aside, that’s one of the cool things about seeing Makoto and Sousuke interact, especially in fics. Both of them are used to being the biggest ones in the room, drawing attention to themselves without meaning to, and have subtly found ways to minimize themselves for their own comfort (Makoto tries to soften his edges; Sousuke is often aloof). I don’t usually read romantic soumako content, but one of the things I enjoy about their dynamic (familiar, platonic, otherwise) is that Makoto gets a unique opportunity around Sousuke to lean into his stubbornness, competitive nature, or physical strength with less restraint because he knows Sousuke 1) is strong enough to deal with it, and 2) can understand the complicated relationship Makoto has with those parts of himself. It’s cool to hear that that’s further explored in soumako stories: the mutual understanding that they both are more complex than the gruff expectations forced onto them, being larger men, and that remains true even when they have parts of them that do lean into those expectations. I’m excited to see more of their friendship bloom in the movies now that it sounds like they’re spending more time together, because it’s a unique avenue of mutual understanding we haven’t seen fully explored.
I’d love if we could see more interactions between Makoto, Sousuke, Hiyori, and Nao, for similar reasons. I wouldn’t play into the whole “Makoto and inferior copies of Makoto” generalizations I’ve seen circulate in the past, but they do all share similar motivations and character traits that make their interactions hold more weight and potential for character growth. Like, there’s a reason that Nao can cut straight into Makoto’s repressed internal conflicts at a moment’s notice. They’re all people-watchers who put all of their energy into analyzing and reacting to their environments, so one of the only ways you’ll get them to slow down and lend some time/effort to their own issues is to throw a mirror character in their way that’s just a little too much like them.
Aaanyways, I love strong Makoto and want to see him become more comfortable with that side of himself. He’s jacked and underestimates his physical strength on so many occasions (leading to those conversations about him having clumsy/careless/ridiculous strength), but he deserves to celebrate it more?? He can be a force that demands attention in the water, powerful, but he can also throw around his siblings or carry extra bags or give the biggest all-encompassing hugs -- just as powerful.
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Emotional abuse is NOT to be normalized.
Hello everyone! Anon from the “
I’m a victim of emotional abuse
” post. And today I’m going to explain my story of the emotional abuse I went through. 
My story begins as a lot do, online. I was about 10 years old so I didn’t know what were red flags, and what relationships I should avoid. I had a very toxic friend group back then that enjoyed self deprecation and honestly bullying each other, me included. We used to do the cringe roleplays children do and making cringe oc’s. I met someone we’ll call Rin. 
Rin didn’t bully me like the others in the friend group and very often came to me for opinions, and over all talking without making me feel like utter garbage. I ate up all the praise, all the love and support Rin gave me. However, even as early as friendship, they would get angry at me if I did stuff they didn’t like and would sometimes ignore me, sometimes verbally assault me into apologizing for things I really shouldn’t have. 
For context, Back then I was both unmedicated for anxiety and I was going through a harsh time with my aunt and cousins living with us. When I was 6, my drug addict uncle committed suicide and I’d been living with them for about 4 years by that time. (No, my parents nor aunt told us he committed suicide. at the time, don’t worry) They made my life HELL, constantly getting me in trouble and generally putting me down. 
Context: Rin was 16 when i was 10. 
One day I was doing our daily playing games with the friend group and Rin when one of our friends, Rose, Told us we’d make a *great* couple. By that time I had some feelings for Rin, we’d voice call occasionally, to me they weren’t a stranger. Rin had agreed and in hind sight I was kind of pressured into the relationship. 
All of the behavior I mentioned before, where they would get pissy whenever I did something they didn’t like or get nice when I did something they *did* like got WORSE. It’s nothing like what media presents, because when people wish to manipulate you they will without hesitation. 
Rin began threatening bodily harm, showing me cuts if I did something vaguely wrong. They would tell me I was worthless without them. That if I’d “Only just listen to me I could make you the best girl ever!" 
They found it funny when I’d get squeamish over topics, continuing the conversations and saying that if I’d just tell them that I’d like it then they’d stop. 
One day when I was 11, it just got too much for me so I said we needed to break up. You wanna know what Rin did? 
They threatened suicide. They told me if I left them they’d kill themselves. That I was all they were living for. That I was the love of their life and if I left them it’d be my fault if they killed themselves. 
I was 11, I didn’t know any better about the situation but I knew I didn’t want them to die so I stayed. I stayed in the relationship. I tried 3 more times to break up with the same result. the same threat of Suicide. Sometimes with photos. 
After that original threat they began getting s*xual. They began mentioning we should meet up IRL, despite us being several states apart. They began describing what they’d do to my body s*xually when we met IRL. They told me that if I didn’t want to fulfill their fantasy’s I was a bad SO. That I should only exist to fulfill their wants and *their* needs. It didn’t matter what I wanted.
when I was 12, I finally had an out. They had been stabbed and sent to the hospital. They weren’t online so I took the chance and broke up with them when they couldn’t do anything about it. They tried when they got back but I was long gone. 
Now normally Media presents this as when a trauma victim starts healing and returns to perfect normalcy. That isn’t the case. Its been at least 4 years since I left them, since I got out of that situation, but I still have the fears. Have the insecurities. I still hear their voice telling me I’m worthless, That I’d be better off a trophy on their wall. That since I’m not their perfect ideal woman I should just shut up and be the best wife to the next man that decides I’m worth their time.
my anxiety’s voice, once a always changing one *became* their voice. I’ve healed, I’ve moved on from the abuse but their voice haunts me. Their Abuse has left mental scars that will NEVER heal. 
This is why having Mental Abuse of any form be normalized is horrible. because it means more people like me will go through situations like these. and not be allowed to escape because we’re "over reacting”. Because we’re “just in hysterics. it’s perfectly normal!" 
this is a serious issue that shouldn’t be brushed under the rug. Miraculous Ladybug is the WORST offender of normalizing Mental Abuse I have ever seen. because I KNOW the red flags. I have trained myself to see them. To protect myself. 
Normalizing normal little issues is fine. But mental abuse? never. NEVER should ANY form of abuse be normalized because it means more victims will appear. This shouldn’t even be a thing but here I am. Having to fight for people to realize this isn’t a thing that should be just accepted. 
TL;DR: My first ex threatened to cause bodily harm when i was 10, and when i was 11 threatened suicide for me daring to try and break up with them. I escaped when i was 12, only barely. Now my anxiety has taken their voice and haunts me to this day.
If you’ve read this long, thank you! and have some
for what I just made you read. Thank you for your time. 
First of all, I want to thank you for your bravery in coming forward to share your experience. I am so sorry you had to go through this. Nobody deserves to be treated this way.
Second, you still raise a valid point. 
Media in general tends to downplay emotional abuse and parental neglect, a good example being Monica Geller’s relationship with her parents from Friends. Almost every episode featuring Monica’s mom showed her being insensitive to her daughter and constantly belittled her while undermining her achievements like prioritizing Ross’ new girlfriend over Monica’s weight loss in a flashback. Even if it was unintentional on her part, it still damaged Monica’s psyche, and this kind of treatment was always played for laughs.
The fact that even shows today tend to downplay mental trauma shows that people don’t really understand the kind of damage it can cause.
The way Chloe’s relationship with her mother is portrayed is a good example. At least Friends is targeted towards an older audience so it could be enjoyed in a morbid way by laughing at Monica’s misery, but at its core, Miraculous Ladybug is aimed at children. Children will see Chloe bonding with her neglectful mother and see it as normal, as a good thing.
The fact that Astruc still doesn’t get how bad Chloe’s upbringing was shows he doesn’t get mental abuse either.
You need to better understand mental trauma before actually trying to write it. Otherwise, you end up depicting mental abuse in the wrong way and give viewers the wrong impression of it.
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amindofstone · 3 years
when the heart speaks
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a/n: Watching Naruto I always had a huge interest in Hatake Kakashi's character and story. He is such an amazing creation. He´s simply a masterpiece! His story is such a sad story I couldn´t help bad feel bad. I felt horrible and the fact that he never showed any of that pain and sorrow broke my heart. This man needs to be loved! Anyways, since I never wrote anything with any character of Naruto, although I love this anime to damn much (like to the moon and back), I thought I should start doing that with Kakashi being my first try. If it ends up being good and if some people end up liking it, I might also write for Naruto next to One Piece. Other than that happy reading!
Genre: anime imagine? Naruto imagine?
Character(s): Hatake Kakashi x Nami (reader)
Spoilder(s):mainly Naruto Shippuden Spoilers like about: the fourth ninja war, Obito being Tobi, the fight against Tobi, Kakashi becoming the Hokage
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 2605
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are Kakashi´s train of thoughts. And just so you know the reader in here is just a supportive character while for Kakashi it´s the main character. (Does that even make sense?! Never mind. Hopefully you get what I mean. This was supposed to sound beautiful... but well... never mind)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to: @Nebula517 (Twitter) !!!
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A month flew by and the people of Konoha were living their lives as if nothing happened. They go to work, open their stores, spend time with their beloved ones and enjoy the gift called life.
A month passed since the fourth ninja war ended. The fourth war that cost so many lives. Lives of so many people that were dear to him. Lives of parents, friends, siblings, students and teachers. People he used to have around him. People he used to greet on a daily basis. People that used to greet him on a daily basis.
A month passed and Konoha is still busy trying to rebuild it´s broken homes and streets. A month passed and more parents let their children play outside. A month passed and slowly more people are seen happy and with smile upon their lips. Well, at least they tried to.
A lot of buildings, streets and homes were destroyed. People looked for shelter in the houses of their neighbors or tents the hokage provided. Some families were in a miserable state but still managed to smile and have a good time. No matter where one looked there were ninjas helping out here and there. Going from one mission to another to help rebuilding the village to its old beauty. The civilians suffered a lot but the shinobi were the ones that went through hell and back. One of those ninjas was the famous and well known jonin Hatake Kakashi.
He saw so many of his friends in pain. He saw people die and people scream in agony. He saw people stand back up after they saw their beloved ones die just to keep up with the fight in the name of peace. Peace, a word that described a world and a living of a existence that could only exist in a fantasy novel or a dream. It seems like Madara wasn´t wrong when he said that - The longer you live, the more you realize that reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness. -
“Thank you so much for helping us out. We will soon be able to stay in our own home again.”, said a little boy to the quiet man. Kakashi squatted down so he could look the little guy into his eyes. Something his father did when he was a child himself. “There is no need to thank me. I´m glad I could help. Now go and help your mother carrying the groceries. I´m sure she needs your help.”, the little guy nodded and bowed as a farewell and made his way towards his mother who was on her way to go shopping. Kakashi had an eye on the child until he was next to his mother before he stood up again to get back on his way to his new destination. His destination a place he visited already three times just today. With his newly appearance it would be the fourth time but he didn´t mind at all because that was his job after all. This is what he got trained for and lived for. Right?
No matter where one looked of went in the village. There were ninjas everywhere. Going to on mission to another or fulfilling a mission at good as they could. Missions that were all about helping the civilians or helping rebuilding the villiage to its old beauty and peace.
With hands in his pockets he made his way back to the office of Lady Tsunade not caring at all if he came late. A trait he developed years ago. But he didn´t mind at all because he didn´t care what people thought of him and his bad habit. He didn´t care a bit. He didn´t and never will. He didn´t, right?
After a pleasant walk the young man knocked at the door of the hokages office right after a tired sigh left him. A soft come in could be heard before he stepped inside. “You wanted to talk?”, said the jonin and closed the door behind him. The blond woman nodded and leaned back in her chair. She was nervous and Kakashi could see that. She bit on her lower lip and sighed before she cleared her throat. “Kakashi. I know that the past circumstances left you in a state of confusion, sadness and pain. And I surely am sorry for everything that happened to you but I hope that you know that the life of a shinobi is exactly that. Saying this is actually absurd because it’s something you already know and can understand the best out of all the others. I am aware of you many losses and the pain you went through in the cause of your life for the sake of our village. You did a lot for Konoha but also the world. Me and every other person alive appreciate that and thank you for everything you have every done and will be doing in the future. You are indeed and great shinobi.”, visibly confused over the words of the woman in front of him his head slightly tilted. “Tsunade what are you implying on? I´m sure you didn´t call me over just to praise me so I´m honestly kind of confused.”, the Hokage smiled at him and nodded. “You´re right. I didn´t called you over just for the praise when I already know that you´re not the type of a person that likes being praised openly over his work and duties. To put it short I´d like you to know that I told the elders about my decision of retirement as the hokage. But next to that I also suggested you to be the next hokage.”
The man was surprised. How could someone like him become the hokge? “Who else is suggested beside me?”, wondered Kakashi although he knew who that might be. But he needed to hear it from her. “Naruto.”, hearing his name put a smile on his lips “I´m glad that he was suggested.”, but the mere thought of Naruto as the hokage sadden him for some reason. “I´m really glad that he was suggested but don´t you think that he is too young for that? I mean I´m not saying that he isn´t capable of taking the position, because he indeed is and always proved that. It´s just that he´s just 17 and should be allowed to live. He´s just a child on who´s fate was put a huge amount of burden.”, he added to emphasize his thoughts about her decision. “And this is why I want you to be hokage. You are the only one who is strong and intelligent enough to take this position and lead the villiag.”, a short chuckle could be heard from the man before he put both of his hands back into his pockets. “Intelligence? Really? Talking about intelligence I think Nara Shikamaru would be a better choice. Don´t you think?”, “And this is why I ordered him to be your chief aide and he agreed. So what do you think? If they choose you would you accept the position?”, with a hesitate nod he agreed and caused Tsunade to smile in relief. “Thank you. I´m sure you will do a great job.”
With slow steps he walked out of the office and the building when his attention was drawn to the now pinkish sky above him. The color of the sky that told him that another day of his life was slowly coming to an end made his heart ache. The thought of him being able to life when others who deserved it more couldn´t, always managed to get him fall back into the sadness that lay in his heart. Where do I go know? Right, I need to go to the grocery store. On his way to buy what he wrote down this morning he walked past a flower shop with his gaze falling on white roses. His eyes were fixed on the bouquet of flowers until the owner approached him and asked if she could help. He was quite and actually didn´t knew why he starred at them but he ended up buying them. With an empty head but a heavy heart he let his body lead him, not realizing that after a walk of 20 minutes he ended up standing in front of the grave of his friend. Obito. He didn´t knew what to do. He didn´t knew what neither to do nor to say, so he simply stood there waiting for his mind to make something up. But absolutely nothing happened until his heart spoke up. “I´ll be hokage Obito. This is what you wanted to be right? I remember hearing you say this over and over again every day. But never did Sensei Minato or Rin get sick of it. Honestly I also had cero problems hearing that. I can´t remember what I thought in those moments but one thing´s for sure. Sensei liked it and it always managed to make him smile.”
Kakashi sat down while carefully placing some of the flowers on his grave. “I used to come and see you not knowing that you were alive. I used to come and talk to you sometimes without knowing that you were alive and I could have been able to see and talk to you in person. But even if I knew that you were alive I don´t think I would have been able to face you. I messed up in so many aspects. I can´t help but see me as the reason on why it came to a war.”, while sitting in front of Obitos grave the jonins head hang low. He might be sitting just in front of a grave but somehow he does not have the courage to look up. He was ashamed. “I´m sorry for breaking the promise. I´m sorry for being a horrible friend to you Obito. I messed up miserably. Those minutes in front of you, with you were everything but pleasant since I had to fight what I called a friend all my life. But still I am happy that I could see you. I wish it would have been on different circumstances but life and fate always hated me so I´m not expecting anything else than pain.”, with every word leaving his lips slowly and bit by bit tears filled his eyes he did not allow to fall. “I´m sorry I couldn’t be the friend you or Rin deserved but I promise that I will be exactly that friend you wanted to the whole village. I will be leading the villiage with the love and attitude you had when we were one.”, with tears that threatened to fall he stood up again and cleared his throat. “Thank you for the live lesson Uchia Obito. I´ll never forget it.”
With the remaining white roses he made his way to Rins grave and placed it neatly on top of it. “Thank you for always trying to keep us together. Please make sure to take care of Obito. He deserves to be happy and loved. And… Rin… I´m sorry… I´m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I´m sorry.”, with heavy steps and an aching heart he walked down to another grave. A grave he once used to avoid but by now found peace in. “Seems like my legs lead me to you and the others like so many other days, father. I wonder when the time will come in which I won´t be approaching any of you with sorrow and sadness. Althought I wish this day to come soon I know that it will never happen.”
Kakashis vision was blurry. He wanted to cry but didn´t shed any tears. He stopped himself from doing so and tried his best to hold them back. With his last prayers he left the graveyard behind and took care of his groceries. He had no energy to cook but he also was not in the mood to go eat out and get confronted with any person. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to be left alone because he wanted to and not because he was used to the silence in his life. Again bit by bit sorrow took over his mind and heart. Again he was drowning in pain and memories. Again he was left alone with his never ending pain. A wave of darkness overcame him making him wonder how he ended up like that again. He didn´t greeted the employee at the store or waved back when someone called or greeted him. With a low hanging head he walked back home, while a comforting warm rain fell upon Konoha.
He was standing in front of his apartment he recently moved in. With one hand holding the bag with the groceries he took out his keys with the other one. A scattered mind and a broken soul accompanied him when he entered his apartment. “Kakashi? Are you alright? I was worried? Oh no you’re wet to the bone! Give me the bags and go change. You´ll get sick otherwise and we can´t have that.”
What was going on? He was confused and his mind went blank. A woman with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes came approaching him when reality hit him. “Kashi is everything fine? Did something happen?”, the woman placed the bags on the kitchen counter and looked at him out of worried eyes. She took of her black glasses and took the confused man’s hand to lead him to the bedroom. She let go of his hand again and went to close the window that let in the cold wind. She fixed the curtains and went back to face the silver haired man who still wasn´t moving an inch. She smiled upon his behavior and slowly took off his headband, his vest and his gloves. “It´s okay if you don´t wanna talk about please don´t forget that I am here when you need me. I won´t judge, just please talk to me whenever you fell like it. I love you after all.”
I love you, she said? I love you. How could I let the darkness take the lead again? How could I? “May I take of your mask?”, Kakashi nodded and still did not say a thing or moved. “Now please do the both of us the favor and take a shower. I´ll get you your clothes and make us some dinner. Alright?”
She smiled up at him and let go of him to do what she said when two strong arms held her back. “Huh?”, he pulled her against his chest only to take her face in hands and place a loving but rough kiss on her lips. A soft whine could be heard and a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Tears he held back and tried to not let them show any of his feelings. But for how long was he supposed to do that? Nami broke the kiss. She was worried since her lover never behaved like that. “No, please. Don´t go, stay.”, his eyes were closed and his hands were shaking when he placed his lips upon hers again. She let him be and said nothing. Nami closed her eyes and placed her hands on his chest and allowed him to do what he pleased, not caring that his wet clothes might wet hers too. She let him do what he wanted as long as he was happy. As long as she could help him get rid of the sorrow and pain in him. As long as she had him by her side.
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funtarou · 4 years
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Be Alright || Suna x f!Reader
A Suna Rintarou x Female Reader angst oneshot
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Deciding to do all or most of the song ideas commented by this lovely user
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Starting from the pair that I choose for this fic. The song and the character :v I'm choosing randomly on who I think would suit the song or what mood I am in to write
Thank you for commenting in the post!
Story Warning: Angst, Cheating, Break-up, Putting Suna in pain. Toxic or unhealthy behavior Ig? A few curse words. Also in here I don't use the headcanon that Suna smokes. I'm on the mindset that Suna avoid smokes and heavy drinking because he's serious on his pro-volleyball career.
Writing Warning: Bad English and Grammar. Possibilities of multiple miss-spelled, typo or incorectly used words in the middle of a sentence. Wacky way of tryna be dramatic smh I'm a tryhard. English is not my first language. Not fully proof-read
Song inspo: Be Alright - Dean Lewis
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Suna heard the front door of the apartment opening. His body quickly jolts up to his feet, before speed-walking from the bedroom to the source of the sound. His once tense shoulders relaxed for a second after seeing your figure safe and sound. But his eyes immidiately caught on to the way your head hangs low and your shoulders trembling. He quickly walks up to you, and pulled up his arms to wrapped your smaller figure in his warmth. Wanting to comfort you, like he'd always do.
But for the first time, you pushed his body away with both of your shaking hands on his chest. Of cource he was surprised, confuse and moreover hurt by your action.
"(Y/n)? What's wrong...?"
He carefully asked, reaching to hold one of your hands. This time you didn't push his touch away, but he was met with the chilling feeling of your hand in his. Which is odd because between you and him, you were usually the one that has a higher body temperature. Always so warm in his arms.
After a minute of tense silence with no answer or movement from you, Suna tries to ask again,
"Where have you been? I was so worried when you didn't picked up my calls or answer my texts. Is something wrong? Did someone said something to you? Or did something happened at work? With a friend? Please tell me you weren't roaming around in the night by yourself..."
He tries multiple questions this time. Yet still voiced each one of those questions slowly, giving you time gaps to answer. But you didn't answer any of them. Instead, you just turned your head to the side, preventing him from seeing your face.
"Love, please look at me. What's the matter?"
The rare but occasional pet name slipped out of his mouth naturally. Concerns and light desperation can be heard lingering in his voice. His free hand then moved to your chin, gently tugging it and persuading you to look up at his eyes.
And when you do, he could see the gathering tears forming on the corner of your eyes.
"I... I'm sorry, Rin... I-I Made a mistake..."
Your voice was shaking, lips trembling and your breathing is starting to be uneven.
He doesn't understand what's wrong yet. What he knew is that he needs to comfort you. And pulling you close to him, giving you his warmth, is the only thing he could think of in the moment. He was not one that is good with comforting words, but he always hopes that his feelings could reach you with every actions he does.
Again, it's weird, because you didn't return his hug. You were just standing there, hands limp beside your body as he wrapped his around you. And now he's starting to get paranoid.
"What happened, love?"
He asked, barely a whisper but audible enough for only you to hear.
"... I'm sorry... I-I didn't meant to... I didn't meant to but why did I do it... W-why.... I'm sorry... You don't deserve this..."
Your tears started to fall down your face, as you quietly rambles. Words occasionally getting cut off through the teary hiccups and sobs.
"Love, please tell me... What did you do?"
Suna asked, gently, yet his voice is starting to shake at the few last words of the question. Somehow, he knew where this might go despite wishing it wasn't what he was thinking.
"I'm sorry... When Osamu came over last week... W-we... I-I'm sorry...!"
You break out in tears before you could confess your actions clearly in words, but Suna understands the signs right away. The cigarettes dust on the living room table two nights a go that wasn't his, he doesn't smoke. Your absence at 8 PM when he's done with practice, meanwhile your work usually finished at 6 PM for the past few days. The amount of beer cans in the trash recently. He doesn't drink alcohol in the weekdays because he has practice. Even when he drinks, he choose the low-alcohol percentage one and he knew you prefer wine more.
"Baby... It's okay... It's okay... It's not your fault..."
Despite the sting in his chest, he still tries to comfort your small trembling figure. He's in denial, he still loves you too much. For a moment, he even though he would forgive you and continue the relationship. Because you spilled the truth of your actions to him first. He can forgive you next and everything will be alright, right?
"It's not okay, Rin! I-it's not... It's not, it is my f-fault! I was even sober at the time... I-I was sober, Rin! This is the worst thing I could've done! Don't you get it!?"
Your cries became louder, your started to grip on his hoodie as your knees feels like giving up. The guilt has been enveloping your small body, plaguing your mind for days and now you're spilling all the poison out.
"It's Okay, love... you're honest and you just told me, right... So it's okay... I forgive you..."
Suna's breath is subtly shaking, his grip on you tighten as he tries to keep you still on your feet.
"Why won't you be mad at me!? Rin, I cheated on you! Yell at me! Scream! Cry! S-something! I-is it... Such a small matter to you... That you're just shrugging it off like this?"
"No... No no baby, that's not it!--"
You're right. He does feel like he wanted to Scream, yell, punch something with the hands he uses to spike. Anything that could distract the stinging feeling of betrayal that started to take root in his heart. But he just doesn't have the strenght to do that to you. He's weak when it comes to you. He even neglects his right and worth in this matter by just saying he's okay with your affair with his ex-teammate, and said to himself that he still wants you by his side.
But on your side, you were hurt by his passive response. By his lack of frustrated reaction. You though maybe you've started to meant so little to him now, that he's willing to over-look this matter. You already prepared yourself for his razor like tongue, his palm on your body, his emotional outbursts, before confessing. But all you get right now are a tight comforting hug and reasuring words that he forgave you? It just feel so unrealistic for someone to be okay with this. And that's why your mind cant help but wander off to asume that your worth is less to him now. To you, he's showing that he doesn't mind, he's not sad or angry enough that you brought another man in your bed. The fact that Suna has been distant and your time with him oftenly interupted these days, strenghten your believes.
You understand that he's busy practicing for up-coming important matches for the season. You understand and waits patiently for a chance to be together. This is what you signed up for when dating a pro volleyball player. But you're only human, and you need attention as much as any other lovers do. In the middle of your dilemma, wanting anyone to hold you close and put their full attention at you, Osamu waltz in the scenario. He accompanied you, listened to your rambles, washed the insecurities that occasionally appeared in your head, giving you his full attention. And the way he looked at you everytime, you just felt like you were needed again, as if you are desireable. One slipped up from your side, that's all it took before everything escalated between you two. A blur between reality and desires in your head.
And of cource, like most humans would, your regret comes after the deed is done. But the fact that the deed has been done multiple times with the quiet twin, with multiple lingering regret yet pleasureable nights being experienced, Made it worst in your head. Made you think that, you're not worthy being with someone like Suna Rintarou, after the horrible things you've did.
"... Please, Rin... Break up with me-"
Suna quickly interupted you words. Pulling you lightly away to look at his widening eyes.
"I don't want to end things! I said, I forgive you, (Y/n)!"
He said again with his voice slightly higher than before. His right hand moved up to touch your cheeks, rubbing his thumb to wipe a stray tear away. While you would usually leaned in to his touch, this time you stayed still. The feeling of your stilled skin againts his, no pressure being put on his palm from your attempt on getting comfort on his touch, feels foreign. And it made a sick lump forming in his throat.
"Please, I still love you... Even after everything, I still fucking do! Please stay..."
He's practically begging you to reconsider the decision. Not wanting to let go. He doesn't care if this is unhealthy, toxic even. He doesn't care if ignoring the fact that your lover cheated on you and you still want them to stay without wanting anything to payed up what you did behind his back, is toxic.
"No... R-rin... Suna... We cant... It's for the best if we end it here..."
'I'm not worth it, after all I've done, I'm not'.
You continued in your head, loosing your voice before being able to speak it outloud.
His heart shatters hearing his last name coming out from your lips.
"No, I'm not fucking Suna! I'm Rin! I'm Rin to you! I'm love, baby, darling, all those cheesy nicknames you've said since highschool! Please don't do this to me! I love you, (y/n)! I'm sorry!"
'I should've never let you drift away, please stay.'
Despite him starting to yell desperately, he lost the Will to continue those last few words.
"Suna, you have nothing to apologize for. P-please... Please let it go... I-I cant keep going like this... It won't work..."
Even though your main reason to end things with Suna was your guilt, deep down you started to realized. You cant keep going, you need to end things here, because it's wrong now. It's wrong that you actually started loving Osamu. It's wrong to be with him, when your heart spoke up to you that it chooses another man now. And you wish feelings weren't something uncontrolable to human.
And it's all wrong.
To you, being with him now is wrong.
To him, seeing you leave is wrong.
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"Hey, man. You need to start showing up at practices more, you know. The coach and the others are starting to worry."
The familiar voice of Komori can be heard as he entered the almost empty living room of Suna's apartment. The one he used to share with you, now stripped off of every aspect of you. You moved out, started a new without him.
Suna didn't respond to Komori, instead opting to continue changing the TV channel through all the un-excited programs that are streaming at this late hour. Komori sight, putting the bottle of sake down on the table in front of the couch, Along with two glass cup. The Libero plopped down beside Suna on the couch, pouring a glass of the low-alcohol sake in the two cup. He Picked up one for himself, leaning back on the couch.
There was an awkward silence between the two for a few minutes, as Suna stopped to watch at a channel that is streaming a random movie.
Ever since the day you left, Suna hasn't been doing too good in the team and barely present in practices. Always calling an Excuse of not feeling well. It kept going for awhile now, to the point Komori starts visiting him almost on a daily basis whenever he skipped practice or went home early. He occasionally bring him snacks, light alcohol, and other things he hoped might make Suna's head drift away from his problems or feel a tas but better.
It took Komori awhile, but Suna eventually spilled out the beans one day that you broke up with him after you cheated on him. At first Komori was confused and shock at first, cuz he asumed Suna's the one initiating the break and he never though you would do something like that. But then Suna elaborated a little bit more on the situation, which didn't help on lowering Komori's confusion. Afterall, it's rare for him to hear from someone he knew that the partner whom cheated was the one wanting the break up after confessing, meanwhile the other partner wish for them to stay.
"I know you love her but it's over, mate."
Komori broke the silence first, taking a sip of his sake as his eyes continue looking at the T.V screen. His words made Suna's eyes moved to the side, glancing at him with furrowed eyebrows.
Komori's words made Suna's hand that was holding his phone twitches ever so lightly. That hand made a few motion of wanting to be raise up, so that Suna could see the screen of the device. The screen showing your contact and past texts you two once shared almost on a daily basis. The Libero somehow noticed this, and sight shortly. His long arm reached over to push Suna's phone away from him, putting it on the table in front of them.
"It doesn't matter, put the phone away."
Komori said once again, yet Suna still replies with his silence, refusing to make eye-contact with the Libero.
"It's never easy to walk away. Let her go, It'll be okay."
The lighter haired male continued, wanting to sound reasuring and supportive to his teammate, his friend. He raised the sake glass in his hand and encourages Suna to take his too. Smiling when the middle blocker did so.
"It's gonna hurt for a bit of time. So bottoms up, let's forget tonight."
Komori said, lightly bumping their glass together as a form of a silent 'kanpai'.
"You'll find another and you'll be just fine. Let her go, it'll be alright."
Suna appreciates all the things Komori did for him. Despite only knowing each other after both being accepted to EJP Raijin, Komori is such an understanding teammate, a supportive friend. Suna sometimes feels bad for putting him through the trouble of worrying over his pathetic self.
He knew that Komori's intention is good. He appreciates it. But there are just some pain that cant be healed as fast as one wish to, pain that cant be ignored and forgotten as if nothing ever happened. For him, it was the pain of betrayal and lost of the person who he has been dreaming of the rest of his life with. Yet he cant find it in him to blame things on you. He already stood himself low enough to still wanted you despite the betrayal. His heart and mind was already set on putting you on top of him. And the fact that you let go of him, something that he should've been the one doing the moment he knew you've been cheating on him for awhile, feels hurt-fully kind of you. Of cource Suna always has the though that if you'd agreed on staying with him by his pleads, he wouldn't be able to move on if it were to happen again. Suna was nowhere stupid, he knew you've fallen out of love from him the moment he touched you that night. But he was irrationally desperate as he begged you to stay, as weird as it sounds. And if you were to stay longer, it might escalated in to something more toxic for him and you. Your decision to let him go as soon as you can, is arguably right.
Emotions are weird. It feels weird.
The fact that only time could tell if he'll fully let you go, is probably not the most convincing thing he could tell his teammates, friends and couch. Heck, it's probably not convincing himself either. People told things like that all the time, but when someone they knew say those kinds of things the obvious worries and concerns are clearly seen in their expression. Suna doesn't want that. He doesn't need useless Pity. Lucky for him, Komori, whom the only friend he has that knew about his problem at the moment, never looked at him that way.
With shaky hands, Suna pulled the cup to his lips, drinking the liquid empty with two big gulps. Komori's statement of "forget the night" was just in the moment, no way they could be wasted over this low-alcohol drink. But to him, it still tastes better than cheap beer.
"... Thanks, Komori."
Suna mumbled lowly, barely a whisper but the silence of the whole place Made it audible enough for the ginger haired male.
"Anytime, bro."
For now, acting like the unbothered person he is again is what he could do. He's not one who likes to trouble the people around him.
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A/N: I feel like I fail to make people cry everytime I try too hard to describe the emotions and logic behind the feelings and mindset the characters are having. Until I realized that I'm not a physocologic major lol
Cover edit are by me, image used is from the Haikyuu anime
Also Tumblr app is failing on me and keep kicking me out from the app. Idk if it's my phone or the app.
Hope someone would enjoy this
I rarely see much xreader cheating fic where the reader is the one that Made the mistake and the character is the one hurting. So I acted in advance
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
So does Kishi officially hate NH and SS? Because I can't help but think like that when I see them in Boruto. Like no way he wants them to be seen as happy or content. Also, it seems like he still hates Sakura because just just look at her, she hasn't really changed. Her dynamic with Sasuke hasn't really changed. She gives chase, Sasuke ignores. Except Sasuke looks more depressed.
Hey, after fifteen years of us chasing after the story and characters we invested in so much, at least give us some indication that they are least happy after sooo many sacrifices, like they deserve that happiness.
But no, if anything, they seem totally miserable. What made Kishi do that? Yes, he can't show them ooc, but Sasuke marrying Sakura is already ooc. Naruto being a bad father is already ooc. Like why go to the extent of showing Sasuke trying not to touch Sakura and pointedly showing that they never kissed? That's just like a determined effort on Kishi's part to show that their marriage is not working. Naruto works way more than any of his predecessors and sleeps in the office or couch so as not to disturb Hinata, when Hinata is specifically designed to accommodate anything that Naruto might require.
Don't get me wrong, I think Boruto is trash. But I am still in interested in SNS in Boruto because that's still canon. Just makes me wonder how Kishi will finally conclude SNS, because their bond still shows clearly in Boruto. Do you think he will kill them any time soon?
Good ask, Anon☺️☺️❤️❤️
Before answering this, I am going to tell you that I don’t watch Boruto. But I know what happened so far, vaguely. Like, Gaiden arc, Karma seal, Kawaki adoption, Kurama’s death, loss of Rinnegan, Time travel arc. Anyways, I might have missed many interactions between Sasuke & Sakura in the filler episodes or other canonical episodes. I would be happy If you send me an episode list or timestamps in where they interact, so that it saves my time instead of me, watching that entire shit show. 
So does Kishi officially hate NH and SS?
In this post, I dissected SS from a non-SNS perspective. It seems Kishi went all out of his way to make their interactions too insincere, blunt and toxic. I mean Sasuke’s absolute lack of interest in her was very evident even until chapter 693. That is right before, their final VoTE fight. And even after Sakura comes to heal their injuries, he just said ‘Ummmm..... I guess Sorry’... 
Kishi could have made Sasuke say some corny shit to Sakura like how he felt bad inside for hurting her, how he missed her, wiping her tears or whatever (Puke!!!! 🤮🤮🤮). Because in the previous chapter, Sasuke basically confessed to Naruto internally about how he felt about Naruto when he was a child. Kishi could have done the same for Sakura in just 4, 5 panels. But anyways, my point is, Kishi’s moment to salvage that ship is chapter 699. 
But he didn’t.
Did Kishi tried to build their bond after marriage?
He definitely could’ve. But he didn’t. 
This shows his clear distaste in SS.
As for NH, Kishi is indifferent. He neither hates them nor loves them. Kishi created Hinata as a pairing fodder and she still is. 
Also, it seems like he still hates Sakura because just just look at her, she hasn't really changed. Her dynamic with Sasuke hasn't really changed. She gives chase, Sasuke ignores. Except Sasuke looks more depressed.
Hmmm, I don’t know whether Sasuke hates her, anon. Again, maybe I’ve missed those parts. But when he looks at her, it’s always filled with regrets and an urge to avoid her (like Itachi avoided Sasuke, but for totally sad and genuine reasons). 
But this again begs the question, ‘Why feeling regret or hesitant even after 12 years?’. 
Believe me anon, Love/Bonds/Understanding can happen at anytime of your life. From where I come from, not everyone marries out of love. Arranged marriages are common. But still, many couples make effort and work out their difference, and find love. Kishi could’ve done the same for SS too. 
Is Sasuke that heartless? No.
He was once a boy who bear hugged his brother every time Itachi comes back from the Academy. Itachi’s presence itself made Sasuke so happy. 
Did he become heartless after the massacre? Also no.
Even after the trauma, Sasuke just became aloof and cold. But he always becomes a child who can pout, be silly, becomes animated, bicker around Naruto. So, he can be lovely, but only around the people he choose by himself. 
Still, Sakura is not that person. So, he looks like he is depressed and wants to escape from her at any given chance because of a certain guilt. 
What made Kishi do that? Yes, he can't show them ooc, but Sasuke marrying Sakura is already ooc. Naruto being a bad father is already ooc. Like why go to the extent of showing Sasuke trying not to touch Sakura and pointedly showing that they never kissed? That's just like a determined effort on Kishi's part to show that their marriage is not working.
To answer, this goes way back, anon. 
Kishi is a person who prefers to write love through intense friendship, sensei-student dynamics and brotherhood. He can occasionally write cute and sweet romance but it can only be short like 2 or 3 pages... or a chapter, max. He can’t go on doing it for 70 chapters for romance. Which was evident from Minato & Kushina, Dan & Tsunade, Obito & Rin. 
But the real deal of Naruto manga is the bond between Naruto and Sasuke. The bond between Itachi and Sasuke also played a huge role in this series. And then comes Hashirama and Madara, Jiraiya and Naruto, Kakshi and Obito, Kakashi and Naruto and many more. So, Kishi pretty much gave an ending he wanted for a long time in chapter 699. He successively pulled off a great manga without corny and shitty romance but with just friendship and brotherhood alone. He didn’t give two shits about NH or SS before chapter 700.
Naruto series’ another success lies on it’s characters tragic backstories. I simply loved them all and most of them made me cry. 
Kishi wanted to move on from Naruto.
But then Money played a big part. Naruto series can be milked in a lot of ways. Editors wanted all the characters to become some baby making dolls. So you have to create pairings. Based on the popularity polls, they decided NH and SS.
In my opinion, Sasuke is a goal-oriented person. He is a wanderer who works on his own accords. Ever since he left Konoha when he was 13, that was his path, so you can’t make him stay in one place. At every stage of his life, he had different goals.
At age 8-15, he had one goal. To kill Itachi. Can he have a romance here? Nope.
At age 16, his goal is to destroy Konoha. No chance of romance in that dark path.
At age 17, he wanted to Revolutionize the shinobi system. Since he wanted to be alone for that goal, no possibility of romance.
At age 18, he adopted Naruto’s dream as his own. To make all shinobi cooperate and look out for Kaguya remains. Romance cannot happen here as he was constantly wandering around and he prefers to work alone.
This is how Kishi designed Sasuke’s character throughout.
Now all of a sudden, if you ask Kishi to go OOC by asking him to write corny romance for his favorite character Sasuke just for the sake of making him relevant to Boruto series, what will he do? 
Since Boruto is a series which is a sequel to Naruto, you pretty much know everyone’s backstory. Those 12 year old New Gen kids possibly can’t have tragic stories like Naruto or Sasuke. 
Kishi being a troller, used this opportunity to create a piss poor sob story for Sarada by making Sasuke as an absentee father and an unloving husband.
He created a sad story for Sarada and he gets to shit on SS ship. Two birds, One stone!!!! 
Now, Sasuke being an unloving husband is OOC ? Nope. He was never a marriage material in the first place. So he is perfectly in-character.
Sasuke being an absentee father is OOC? No and Yes. No, because it’s the effect of the cause I mentioned above. Yes, because unlike Naruto, Sasuke once had a father. He can try to reach her out now and often. but he prefers not to do instead he cares more about Boruto. LOL.
Sasuke being not family oriented is OOC? Nope. He is a goal oriented person. His goal is same as Naruto’s dream. He will go to any extent to fulfill it, even at the expense of his family’s happiness. Because that’s what he learnt from Itachi. What Itachi taught him was, even at the expense of his own happiness and Sasuke’s trauma, he preferred Konoha and Shinobi World’s peace. That’s what Sasuke is doing now. 
Naruto works way more than any of his predecessors and sleeps in the office or couch so as not to disturb Hinata, when Hinata is specifically designed to accommodate anything that Naruto might require.
As for Naruto, 
I think it’s very funny. And I guess, I know why.
Just like Sasuke, Naruto is also a goal oriented person. 
Remember, in that Boruto movie, Sasuke knocks Naruto’s door at the midnight?
Imagine if Naruto opened the door. 
Sasuke will be like, ‘Alright mothafucka!!! I wanted to die in the VoTE itself. You wanted me in your dream world. Am working my ass off for your stupid dreams and trying to reach you without even meeting my own family. And yet here you are, sleeping well and sound. Am just gonna Chidori you!!!’ LOL.
I think you get my point. 
If you make Sasuke to be an hardworker, then Naruto must work even hard to fulfill his dream. So you possibly can’t have Naruto playing duet with Himata or whatever trash. 
So kishi pulled his Two birds, One Stone for NH here!!!
In short, Kishi gets to make his New generation shine through this pathetic sob stories and at the same time, kept his favorite characters without going OOC. 
So, it’s a polite way of Kishi showing middlefinger to SS and NH for making him do this. He is saying, ‘Alright folks, you wanted this all along. But this is what you will get!!!’.
Just makes me wonder how Kishi will finally conclude SNS, because their bond still shows clearly in Boruto. Do you think he will kill them any time soon?
I think about this all the time. How will they end?? How will they die??
Now, don’t think I am some sadist for wanting them to die. I am just being practical and honest here. This is a new generation series. Of course, at some point, Naruto and Sasuke has to die for the sake of character development. And I will be happy if they die because I don’t like their miserable portrayal in Boruto at all. 
Naruto series has a pattern when it comes to death portrayal. Meaningful characters (except Neji) always die protecting someone/something they cherish. Jiraiya died for Naruto, Yahiko died for Konan & Nagato, Itachi died for Sasuke & Konoha, Haku died for Zabuza, Obito (younger) died for Kakashi & Rin and so on.
Ever since Naruto became Hokage, his death is pretty much plastered on his head. He will die protecting Konoha just like all the Hokages from First to Fourth who sacrificed their life for Konoha. 
But Sasuke??? 
I am going to say he will die protecting Naruto or the village. But for Naruto mostly. Either way, Sasuke will die first. 
Dying for Naruto, the reasons are crystal clear. He already died protecting Naruto once in the Zabuza arc. He will never hesitate to do it again. Which was evident from the way he told Naruto in the Boruto movie while giving his Susanoo, ‘If they capture the real you, then everything is gone’. Somewhere in Boruto Manga chapter 38 (I don’t remember properly), Sasuke was yelling at Naruto, ‘If you are gone, it’s pretty hopeless’ and was praying ‘Naruto, don’t you die’. 
So it’s pretty much Sasuke saying to Naruto, ‘I’ll protect you, You protect everyone’
But why the village?? Why will Sasuke die for Konoha which caused him so much pain?? I know anti-konoha stans wont like this, but that’s the reality.
It seems many Sasuke fans never paid attention to his character. After hearing the story from all the Hokages, Sasuke said, ‘I will not let Itachi’s life and this village into nothing’. He really meant it. Because for Sasuke, Itachi was more precious. Itachi died saying, ‘I’ll have protected my village as Uchiha Itachi of Konoha once again. I have no more regrets’. Sasuke wanted to respect his brother’s wish finally and that’s why he openly claimed in the battlefield, ‘I am going to protect Konoha and become it’s Hokage’. Sasuke’s another precious person is Naruto. He is the Hokage now. 
Don’t you think Sasuke will die protecting something Itachi and Naruto values so much??
He even claimed it openly in Boruto Manga. ‘I would die anytime for Konoha, as has your dad (Naruto)’
Sasuke even said to Boruto, “I will stop you even if I have to kill you”. And do you think Sasuke is just pouring out some empty words??? Sasuke will not let Boruto to turn into an Otsutsuki monster and destroy the village.
Like I said, Sasuke will go out first. And eventually Naruto will follow him. Or they both die protecting the village together. I don’t see them dying for their wives or children. Because, their relationship with their family is not too strong and their ambitions are far beyond their own families.
Maybe for this reason, Kishi is trolling NH and SS in Boruto. LOL.
Naruto’s bond with Sasuke was formed even before his birth, when Kushina asked the 3 month old Baby Sasuke to be friends with Naruto.
However, One thing is for sure. One will not live very long without the Other or Both will die together. That’s how their bond should end. 
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