#Also tallest sib
flwrcrxwnlyon · 4 months
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teatitty · 2 months
Sand sib heights should def be Temari and Gaara taller than Kankuro. He used to be the tallest but he hasn't gotten any taller since he was 14 in the chuunin exams [stuck at 5'5 rip] meanwhile Temari is like 5'11 and Gaara is 5'9
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starsfic · 7 months
Random Bishop HCs:
Shamura is the oldest sibling and the shortest sibling, as mentioned before, due to a hard childhood and stressful life. Leshy is the tallest.
Shamura and Narinder are the closest- both due to war and death being close and Nari being found first- and, when Narinder was a teenager, they were mistaken a few times to be twins due to similar heights.
Hand-me-downs were common until Leshy grew too big, an engrained habit from the early days. (Narinder's TOWW's robes were made of a cloak Shamura used to wear.)
They all never say the name of a thing, just calling something "the thing", "the thingy" "the thingamabob", etc and only the other sibs understand. They all trained themselves to not do this, like a lot of other things, when the Old Faith grew so big, but since being pressganged into the cult, they've started doing it again, and Lamb is so confused, especially when they're talking about an event without context.
Shamura, Kallamar, Heket, and Leshy are versed in sign- had to with Kallamar's ears and Heket's throat- and end up teaching the cult.
Shamura and Narinder are introverts. Kallamar and Heket are extroverts. Leshy is a secret third thing.
Shamura despises cannibalism.
Shamura, as well as Kallamar, also despises all of their parents. Nari and Heket are too young to remember their parents, but know that Shamura killed them. (They don't know about the sacrifice part.)
(The parent that Shamura hates the least is Narinder's father.)
The Fox was kept alive by Shamura to make a point.
Kallamar was extremely annoyed when Shamura asked him to take care of Forneus during her pregnancy. Still, they bonded a little bit (Kallamar assumes it's because he smells of fish) although Forneus liked Shamura more... before they sacrificed Aym and Baal.
Inspired by a comic by @bamsara- Narinder, in the Old Faith, was worshipped as a protector of children. This started a few weeks after Leshy was adopted when he suddenly got sick. This was a few decades after the rest of them had made their deals and became full gods- meaning they didn't get sick anymore- so Shamura had no idea how to help and was terrified about what might happen if Leshy made a deal while so sick. Would the sickness stay? Narinder overheard them crying about it and ended up sitting by Leshy's bedside for several nights until Shamura caught him. This did help Leshy and Nari bond.
All four siblings took care of Narinder's temple and left offerings without telling each other.
Leshy, Heket, and Kallamar all tried to keep Narilamb a secret from Shamura for the longest time.
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000marie198 · 7 months
Despite making himself some robo-tails/octopus leg things, Nine is destined to be the smallest of the Tails squad. Either Sails or Mangey will be the tallest, and most people are betting on Mangey.
Nine might also be the smallest because of the metal tails made to make him the tallest of them. It probably severely stunted his growth in the long run
You're so right Anon
Mangey will definitely grow to be the tallest brother. Youngest sibs are usually always tallest :D
And yes to the second one as well. He kept using those tails to be taller so much that they ironically become the reason he shall remain shorter
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mythos321 · 3 months
The First Character Description for that WoF x Persona AU
Clay of The Diamond Spray Delta
Codename: Joker
Arcana:The Fool
Birth Date: 5005 AS on the Brightest Night
Persona:Possesses The Wild Card ability, which allows him the ability to use multiple different personas. His first Persona however is The Infamous Thief Black Bart(also known by the name C.E.)
Backstory:A kindhearted Mudwing who until recent events lived in The Diamond Spray Delta taking care of his 6 sibs. However, due to recent events, he has been forced to lose everything after a false assault charge issued by some high society skywing.
With assistance from Queen Moorhen he managed to not be given to harsh a sentence and ended up with a one year probation, in which he must also attend a seawing school as part of something called the “Destiny Program” which was created by Queen Coral for currently unknown reasons. His residence is in Cavern Tavern, and is under the guardianship of a Skywing named Kestrel.
On his first day to the school however he discovers an app with a strange symbol upon it, and through it met a strange dragon shrouded in darkness(from what Clay could tell, they seemed to have been a Nightwing hybrid of sorts), who soon “helped” him discover a vast world he never could’ve expected…
Physical Description:though overall physically similar to his non au counterpart, Clay has a slightly more bulky build due to a more stable diet that fit his Mudwing body, apart from that he also wears non prescription glasses in a failed attempt to blend in with the school easier, he also has a slight slouch(he jokingly blames his smaller sibs Umber, Sora, and Marsh for it due to having to always look after them) in spite of that he still is the tallest of his friends
Personality:Although a very different upbringing, Clay is still the same sweetie pie we all know and love, though he has a slightly easier time with academics, it isn’t by much, only really able to handily recall random trivia, and if not quickly reminded can forget strengths and weaknesses of enemies(luckily he has his trusted ca-er, trusted friend Turtle to help him with that!) He however has a slightly more debilitating sense of trust in others, though it usually works out for him still
Goals: To change the hearts of as many people as he possibly can for the betterment of both their victims and themselves with his newfound power. His other goal is to make it through his probation so he can also reunite with his family, though this becomes slightly more difficult for him overtime, he still holds to wanting to be with his family, and clear his name!
-He makes sure to send a notecard to Reed, Crane, Pheasant, Umber, Sora, and Marsh each week, one for each of them, no matter how tired he might he that day
-His first friend when he goes to academy is Princess Tsunami, who soonafter becomes his right hand man in The Phantom Thieves
-He was given the codename Joker by Turtle due to being the trump card of their original group. Clay and Tsunami both pointed out in that case Ace would be a more fitting name, but then they learned about his wild card ability so it worked out anyway, and Turtle pretended he totally knew about that
-as acknowledged by Kestrel herself, he makes a great coffee brew
-don’t even think about trying throw chalk at him, he is disturbingly good at dodging it
-He shares the wildcard ability with not one, but TWO other characters…technically 3
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
Are Gwen's brothers younger than her? Since Gwen is taller than my normal gardevoir. What would their personalities be like? Apparently Anita is more extroverted and her brother is more... distrustful
Gwen and her sibs were born from the same clutch, so they're all the same age (though who hatched first is still up for debate lol). Gwen is in the middle, with Lionel being the tallest and Anita being the shortest.
Anita is energetic and bubbly, the type that lightens up the mood when she enters the room. While Lionel is cynical and stubborn. He can be rude and blunt, and sarcasm rolls off his tongue. But he's also very cool-headed and nonchalant. Despite his attitude, he is very down to earth.
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edai-crplpnk · 7 months
Hello there. I hope you’re having a good time.
I have a little question if you can help me with it. I was looking for official info but can’t find how tall is Kankuro in blank period/Part III. I know he’s one of the tallest, but how much? It’s driving me nuts.
Thank you (:
So this took me a little while to figure out but I got it!
The post-shippuden databooks (The Last databook and Boruto movie databook) don't contain any height data, which confused me for a while because a lot of characters have their height for one or both of these eras stated on their wiki page.
But I've finally figured it out this morning!
Those heights comes from settei, the reference sheets animators use and that are sometimes made public.
This website has a settei collection for the Bortuo movie and Naruto The Last movie: http://setteidreams.net/settei/
We have one with Borut Era Gaara and Kankurou on it:
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As adults, Gaara is 172,5cm, and Kankurou is 180cm! There's also one with Temari where she seems to be about 168cm (this feels so wrong lmao).
As far as being amongst the taller or not, Sand Sib + Konoha 13, here is the line-up:
Hinata: 163
Sakura, Ino: 165
Tenten: 166
Temari: 168
Gaara: 172,5
Kiba: 173
Sai, Shikamaru: 176
Lee: 177
Chouji: 178
Naruto, Kankurou: 180
Sasuke: 182
Shino: 186,5
Fairly in the tallest although Shino keeps flying over the competition, of course haha.
Bonus: while looking for them I found this one of the three sand siblings in the flashback at the time they play together, Gaara must be about 5:
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I did a few measurements and it would make something like
Gaara, 5yo: 113cm
Kankurou, 7yo: 135cm
Temari, 8yo: 131cm
Hope this helps!
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cometcrystal · 2 years
b/c schultz’ art style is so limited, it’s hard to put defining characteristics on the characters, but is there any specific apperance headcanons you have for the characters?
oh of COURSE
charlie brown - ik he technically has hair but i am looking away i do not see it. i think he has a LITTLE hair but its a very light blonde peach fuzz. you'd think he would style it with a dad who is a barber but no he likes to keep his hair buzzed. he's also heavyset and about average height
sally - nothing in particular but she's got the same build as her brother, just a bit shorter. always wearing colorful makeup as soon as her parents permit it
lucy - this bitch is SHORT and she is mad about it. shes the shortest one in the gang. ofc she's got the van pelt eye wrinkles but i also think a trait of theirs is a round nose.
linus - a little shorter than charlie brown but not by much
schroeder - tall string bean. terrible posture ofc. has some acne. an almost-perpetual resting bitch face
peppermint patty - she gets a mullet when she gets to high school. look into your heart. you know it to be true.
rerun - the tallest of the van pelt sibs. ALSO he wears glasses. im giving him that because linus had them at one point but then never wore them again, and rerun sometimes needs something to distinguish him from his brother
violet - the only thing i have for her is that she has green eyes. idk why but i want her eyes to be green
if someone's not listed it bc i dont have a specific image set in my head for them other than what we're given in canon. i also don't have any race headcanons for anyone and am open to all interpretations as far as that goes
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seirclys · 3 years
Eckhart Cat Café AU
*claps hands* OK SO
The duke and duchess(Evelyn) run a cat café together
All of their children are cats
The duke is a cat person and responsible for like 99% of the strays that end up at the café no that is nonnegotiable
Penelope was a kitten on the streets whose mother was sick and died of starvation as well
The duke found her bc Yvonne scampered out and they have a tracker on the pink-haired sibs bc they are escape artists
So the duke with his bleeding cat lover heart brings kittylope back, with kittylope snuggling up and being all cute
She is a prolific mewer- uses that and kitty eyes to beg for food
Fights with Reynold a lot
likes to bap his nose and patpatpat away
Also hisses and acts feral with him
In retaliation, he kicks her out of the tallest part of the MEGA CAT TREE(the equivalent of the attic)
Reynold was scolded after he shoved her out and she went smack onto the floor
Kittylope can and will nom at Derrick's tail- she likes to grab at it
He's like "no" and pushes her face down with his front paw
He'll let her and Yvonne clamber all over him and he sits there like "this is fine"
Derrick is an Ojos Azules breed, known for their distinctive blue eyes, and he has dark fur
Ivonne and Reynold are both Ragdolls
Kittylope. SCREECHES- she is a babie munchkin, looks white but a closer look reveals she has very faint ginger patches, like the Ragdoll sibs
Derrick has a dark blue collar with a green diamond-shaped resin charm
Penelope and Reynold have collars with teal-blue charms, Penelope's collar being deep purple while Reynold's is orange
Yvonne has a light blue collar with a yellow bow
Evelyn does the thing where if you watch Jun'sKitchen he's cooking and he lets his cats smell the ingredients
The duke is soft. yes. he knits. this is my headcanon rn babyyyy
he knits little sweaters and hats for the kittens and Evelyn posts them on Instagram and Twitter smth
they all have little cat socks- Reynold has to be wrestled into wearing them
Yvonne can be found just sleeping in the duke's basket of yarn when she finds it, bc its warm!! and yarn!!
Derrick though hates the sweaters as much as he hates getting dirty
cant do anything abt that
Derrick likes to scamper to the duke's old friends when they visit bc they give good scritches
Penelope is mostly in a cat sling in Evelyn's chest at the beginning
Bc she kept running around and skidding everywhere and trying to escape
There are videos of Kittylope kneading that have gone viral
Especially since the duke knitted pillows that looked like bread where she was like "hm yes mine now" and yoinked them to her bed
She has a tiny outfit a fan sent: a little apron attached to the collar, with the tiniest embroidery reading "#1 cat baker", and a baker hat
Yvonne also has her own spotlight of fame- there is a picture of her holding down the duke's hand when he's about to stop patting her
it got turned into a popular meme template
"When happy chemical is leaving"
Reynold is this universe's version of CatJAM, he got turned into a twitch emote
Derrick was a show cat- he has awards but is retired
Derrick and Penelope are the only ones who are allowed to get basket rides with Evelyn when she does small grocery runs or visits her friends at the local university on her bicycle
The other two love escaping too much
Emily is studying to be a veterinarian, she's the assistant of the vet they take the cats to
Winter is one of the duke's friends through his father, pretty young and all the kitties love him
Yvonne and Penelope like him bc he gives treaties
I love this au sm
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littlesmartart · 4 years
I feel like JZX is the guy who goes to Pride events to be supportive? He's not especially awkward (for him) but he's a little ???? about the whole thing. All of the Jiang sibs + MY are some flavor of not straight so he's trying to be a Good Brother/Significant Other by going. Also he can find good causes to throw money at.
yeeeeeah, Zixuan is.............. outnumbered
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Xuanyu: so Zixuan-ge, how does it feel to be the Token Straight of Koi Tower? 
Mianmian: don’t worry Zixuan... Zixun is hetero too! 
Zixuan: ...is that supposed to make me feel better????
I just find it hilarious that Zixuan winds up being pretty much the ONLY straight person in his entire fucking generation (well. almost) because apparently this batch of kids just wound up being a bunch of gay disasters, and he particularly notices how outnumbered he is when he takes stock of his family around him. it’s okay Zixuan - with the amount of kids you have STATISTICALLY one of them is likely to be straight. probably.
l2r we have Yanli - bi, Meng Yao - bi, Xuanyu - gay, Qin Su - ace/pan, and Mianmian - lesbian
and yes, once puberty hits Xuanyu does wind up being the second tallest of his siblings. Qin Su thinks it’s hilarious. Meng Yao is... perturbed. more modern AU here.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Sibling AU—Height
Obake is the tallest of the sibs, he takes after their dad who was also Tol and slender
He’s also taller than Kaijo Hamada, so he was real comfortable in his role as top-shelf retriever
And then Tadashi started getting his growth spurts and threatening to also inherit that Aken height
Obake and Tadashi were both really invested in finding out who would end up the tallest and when Tadashi started getting close Obake started investing in wingtips with heels
Cass finds this hilarious and teases him to no end about it
We’re still not sure who’s the tallest of the two since Obake refuses to find out, you can take his height superiority from his cold dead fingers
(most likely they’re the same height, it’s just Tadashi also has a bit more muscle by dint of actually being physical and thus looks bigger)
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
“I can’t do this on my own.” Yakko
The royal family had been on the edge of their seats in anxiety ever since the day Angelina I locked Wakko up in the tower. 
Well- that wasn’t entirely correct. Dot seemed blissfully unaware of the tension surrounding her, and Wakko was trying his best to just enjoy the fact he didn’t have to stay in that tower any longer than he already had anymore. His and Dot’s spirits were admirable, but the rest of the family simply couldn’t share the same feelings. 
Lena had been practically pacing 24/7 ever since her conversation with her mother, of which she refused to give the kids details about, but from how easily her worry spread to their father, and the massive bruise on her face she tried so very very hard to cover with makeup, it was safe to say it went very poorly. She was constantly checking up them, making sure to keep a special eye out for Wakko, of whom Yakko was pretty sure she never let out of her sight anymore. 
William had been nervous too. He was off at the training stations at night far more often than he used to, practicing his sword fighting. This effort failed him, however, when he sprained his arm from overworking it. Without his main source of stress relief, it became very clear something was eating him alive, and Yakko wished his parents trusted him enough to tell so he could help. He was the eldest brother, after all, he was supposed to help watch over his sibs too. 
 Yakko was anxious because of his parent’s anxieties, the fact they wouldn’t tell him what was going on, and a mysterious letter he had caught a glimpse of at his last lesson. 
He had arrived early to his grandmother’s study, and she must’ve been writing to someone right before he came because she left a letter to dry there. Yakko only caught a glimpse, but he recalled it saying:
“...they are the priority. However, if the younger were to be lost in the chaos, I wouldn’t mind in the slightest-” and his grandmother snatched it from his hands before he could read further. 
Yakko wished he hadn’t started reading it from the middle, because he simply couldn’t make sense of it. It sounded ominous, but not wanting to stress out his parents any more than they clearly were, he kept it to himself, figuring he was smart enough that he’d decode it eventually. 
He was pretty sure his parents could tell how tense he was, because they kept patting and rubbing his back and assuring him things would be fine, but the bruise on his mother’s face refused to let him believe that. 
“Alright you two, it’s well past bedtime now, clean up the toys,” Lena chuckled softly as Dot and Wakko pouted in the playroom. 
“C’mon, you heard her you two,” Yakko rolled his eyes and assisted his younger siblings in cleaning up. Slowly but surely the warner siblings successfully cleaned up and put everything back in it’s place, before tiredly dragging themselves to their bedroom. 
Wakko went straight to his and Yakko’s room, and Yakko was pretty sure he was out cold once he hit his bed. 
Yakko however, lingered by Dot’s bedroom, cracking open the door just a little so he could listen in on the conversation the two were having. 
“Mommy, are you okay?” Dot asked. 
“Of course, dear, whatever would make you think that,” his mother said as she tucked in his little sister. Dot reached up, and her hand hovered over her bruise. 
“I’m fine, Dottie, it’s okay. You don’t need to worry about me, you need to get to bed,” Lena booped her nose. 
“I want a lullaby,” Dot said, sitting upright in the bed. 
“Ah ah, what do we say?” Lena scolded lightly. 
“May I have a lullaby... please?” Dot said. Lena nodded. 
“Let’s see now...” His mother thought to herself, tapping a finger on her chin.
“When I look into your eyes,” She began, slowly tucking Dot back in again. “It’s like watching the night sky.”
“Or a beautiful sunrise. There’s so much they hold,” She sang softly, and for a moment, Yakko thought she saw him, but she didn’t stop singing. 
“And just like the old stars,” she continued. “I see that you’ve come far, to be where you are. 
“How old is your soul?” she sang that line softer, and Yakko felt a chill go down his spine. 
“Well, I won’t give up, on us. Even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love. I’m still looking up,” Lena put a soft hand on Dot’s cheek, and she smiled.
“And even you’re needing your space, to do some navigating, I’ll be here patiently waiting, to see what you’ll find,” Dot was practically asleep at that point, but neither Yakko nor his mother moved from where they were. 
“Cause even the star, they burn. Some even fall to the earth. You’ve got a lot to learn. God knows you’re worth it.” She then kissed Dot on the forehead, slowly standing up.  
“No, I won’t give up,” Lena said, more than sang. She paused a moment. 
“Goodnight, Dot. I love you very much,” She said, pausing for a response, but Dot was fast asleep, as was the plan. Lena smiled softly before taking her candle and heading toward the door. Yakko panicked and started to run back to his room. 
“Yakko, I know you were listening,” Lena said as she closed the door to Dot’s room. 
“Sorry- I’ll go to bed now,” He apologized and continued on his way. 
“Stop right there mister,” Lena ordered, and Yakko stopped dead in his tracks. his mother approached him slowly. 
“You’ve been so anxious as of late, Yakko. I’m worried about you,” she put a hand on his shoulder. 
“Well- so have you,” Yakko shrugged. 
“Yakko, you’re so much younger than you realize... you’re twelve, for crying out loud. Our burdens should not be your burdens as well,” she stroked his cheek. 
“But I wanna help,” he frowned. 
“You help out in many meaningful ways, Yakko, but worrying yourself to death isn’t going to do any of us any good,” Lena said. “We need you to take care of yourself, alright?” 
Yakko thought long and hard about that. 
“But I want to help,” he said. Lena sighed softly. 
“I know honey... but for now, the best way to help is to take care of yourself. Try to get some sleep, alright?” She gave him a weak smile. Yakko bit his lip. 
“I can try,” was all he promised, which was good enough for the tired princess. Lena gave Yakko a soft kiss on the head. 
“Goodnight honey,” She said. 
“Goodnight, mom,” He replied, and before he knew it, she was gone. 
Yakko frowned at his bedroom door. He knew for a fact he was likely to be unable to sleep, so instead, he headed to the family study, which was quite a bit away from him and his sibs room, or any of the bedrooms really, but he didn’t mind the walk. Once there, he pulled out one of his favorite books, lit a few of the candles, and got to reading. 
However, as his eyes scanned the pages, the words from the letter rang in his mind over and over again. 
The younger of who? A priority of what? Why wouldn’t she mind? What ‘chaos’? There were simply too many questions in his head. 
Perhaps he should have shared them with his mom... that might’ve helped. 
Then again, it could also just make her more nervous, which was the last thing he wanted. 
He made the right decision, of that he was sure. 
Yakko wasn’t sure how long he was reading or attempting to do so, but somehow he had managed to fall asleep against the table. However, a loud crash, sent him straight up, as his mind scrambled to wake up with his body. 
What was that? Where did it come from? 
Another crashing noise. 
It came from the opposite direction of him and his sibs rooms, which meant-
His parent’s room. 
Yakko heard shouting, swearing, and fighting of all sorts. He ran to the door to open it, but realized that might not be the best of ideas. To both his panic and relief, the voices seemed to continue going away from his and his sibs rooms, but that meant they were going for his parents. 
Once the voices got far enough away, Yakko didn’t hesitate to swing the door open and run. He had to find his mom and dad- he had to make sure they were okay. 
It wasn’t hard to follow the mob, as they left a path of destruction behind. Shattered glass, torn down curtains, mud, and other filth on the carpets. Yakko tried not to dwell, as he instead took a short cut to his parent’s room. 
Yakko dashed around corners, around furniture, and under a few tables when he thought he might be caught. 
However, he was moving so fast, he could hardly stop himself when he dashed around a corner and one of the men saw him, and grabbed him before Yakko could even think to turn around. 
“You the little princey we’re lookin’ for?” He laughed, spitting in his face. 
“Let me go!” Yakko demanded, but the man didn’t. Instead, he kicked him down, and dragged him down to the end of the hall where he saw-
“Mom!” Yakko gasped. 
He honestly hadn’t thought much time had passed, but his mother looked like 50 brutal years had passed on her. Her hair and fur were disheveled, her nightgown was torn. She had more bruises on her face and a gash in her shoulder that was bleeding. Her wrists were tied in rope. . Her face grew mortified when she saw him. 
“Let him go! It’s me you want, not him,” Lena pleaded, not looking at Yakko.
“H-huh?” Yakko sniffled. 
“Not so fast, your highness,” one said in a mocking tone. “We were told one of ‘em could be collected as a bonus.” 
“Please. I’ll do anything- just let him go,” she pleaded. 
“No, mom! I wanna stay with you!” Yakko began to cry. 
“No Yakko, your siblings need you,” Lena looked at him. 
“I need you,” Yakko pleaded.
“Yakko? Aren’t we supposed to be lookin’ for a Wakko?” One man said. Yakko’s eyes widened. 
The younger. Priority. Chaos. 
They were going to come for Wakko. 
“We were told to leave the crown prince alone, and get the middle one,” The tallest one smacked the one holding Yakko over the head. The man holding Yakko let him go, and he ran to his mother. 
“Other way, stupid,” One of the men snarled at him. 
“Mom, I-i’m not leaving you,” Yakko said. 
“You have to. You have to protect Wakko,” Lena put her forehead against his and whispered. 
“I-i can’t...” He cried. 
“Scram or we’ll make you regret it!” The tallest shouted at him. Yakko gave his mother one last look, before running back with all his might, before he felt something hit him against the back of his head, hard and everything went black. 
When Yakko finally opened his eyes again, it was morning. He was surrounded by shattered glass, mud, the smell of torches and firewood, and a throbbing headache in the back of his head. 
His parents. 
Where were they???
Yakko shot up, ignoring the increase in the throb, and immediately began his search, checking every room he went by.
No, not their bedroom... not the bathroom... not the parlor... not the painting room, not the dining hall, not the kitchen, not the lounge room, not the playroom, not the nursery, not the family study, not this bedroom, not the next, not the next, not the-
“Yakko?” Wakko groggily rubbed his eyes. 
“Wakko, you’re okay,” Yakko sighed a breath of relief to find out his brother was still in his bed. 
“What’s matter?” he asked, sitting up. 
Yakko didn’t have it in him to tell him, so he just turned and left. 
“Hey-! Wait! I wanna help!” Wakko protested his leave, and followed him. Yakko still didn’t say anything, checking Dot’s room quietly. 
She was still there too. 
“What’s the matter Yakko? I wanna help,” Wakko said just a tad too loudly, and Dot was awoken. 
“Yakko?” She asked, rubbing her eyes too. Yakko still couldn’t get himself to speak, so he continued his search. Wakko shrugged at his little sister, and Dot decided to join her brother in following Yakko. 
Yakko didn’t care that they were following, or that they were confused or worried by his silence. He didn’t care they were asking question after question about the state of the castle, and why so many things were destroyed. He needed to find them. His parents had to be okay. They had to be. 
Not in his room, not in Dot’s room, not in the laundry room, not in the tailoring room, not in the dressmaker room, not in the storage room, not in the supply room, not in this bedroom, not-
Angelina I’s private study. 
Maybe she’d have some answers. 
Yakko didn’t even knock before bursting in. 
The queen was already wearing all black, her face covered by a thick veil, though it hardly mattered because she wasn’t facing them anyway, staring out into the window instead. 
“Where are they?!” Yakko demanded. 
“They’re long gone, Yakko,” she didn’t even turn to look at him. 
“Y-y... you’re lying!” He couldn’t accept that. Not now. 
“Believe what you will, but you won’t find them here,” She said coldly, clutching her handkerchief tightly. 
“C’mon, let’s go,” Yakko commanded his younger siblings as he went out of the room. 
“Yakko, who are you talking about? Who are we looking for?” Wakko wasn’t understanding the situation. 
Yakko still couldn’t answer. 
not in the meeting room, not in the food storage, not in the tower, not in the ballroom, not in the dance lesson room, not in the theater room, not in the foyer-
Yakko saw something shining on the floor. Quickly he bolted down the stairs as fast as he could before he realized-
It was his mother’s crown. It would never just be lying on the ground like this. They had to be close. Yakko looked around desperately. 
They had to be here. 
“Mommy’s crown...” Dot frowned and went to it, but Yakko held his arm out, not daring to disturb it. 
“Yakko, why is mum’s crown here? Where is she?” Wakko asked him. 
“Yeah, where’s mommy and daddy? I’m scared...” Dot looked up at him.
“they have to be here,” Yakko whispered to himself. 
“I can’t do this alone.”
He looked around the room, but his eyes were becoming clouded by tears rapidly filling his eyes. He called out for his parents again, but only a painful echo replied. A sharp wave of pain and numbness washed over him. 
Yakko collapsed onto his knees and sobbed. 
His parents were gone. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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ozbian · 5 years
... I don't know if Caduceus can run.
He had his leg broken when he was a kid.
The adults were often away from home, if it was a bad break and his parents and aunt weren't there, it probably healed all wrong even with his sibs trying their best. It's really hard to fix a bone that's healed wrong, and even with magical healing you have to straighten out the limb first.
His family left him home alone. They must have thought he was safer in the wood then travelling with them. Firbolgs seem like they would be fast runners, they couldn't risk him falling behind or keeping to his pace and risking the whole group and the quest. At least in the wood Caduceus had a defensible home and the dangers were known.
He wears sturdy thigh-length boots and carries a large staff, both of which could assist with a weak leg.
He's giant-kin, firbolg are usually stronger than he is, with a weak leg he'd have difficulty carrying heavy things and wouldn't be able to brace himself very well which could be reflected in his relatively poor strength stat.
He was worried about more than was obvious when they took the Balleater. Caduceus never panicked that hard before or since. Something pushed him hard and it was a lot of things at once but it was also worrying he would drown himself trying to swim out to that ship if his leg cramped up or gave out on him.
He can keep up with the M9 on foot, he is the tallest and has longer legs than anyone else, and the party usually have to keep to the pace of the shortest members, Nott and Jester. They usually make sure to get mounts when travelling long distances anyway.
When he does have to move fast, he can probably get by with calm emotions and teas for pain management, and overflow from healing spells or leftover spell slots for any damage he does to himself.
And you know he wouldn't tell any of the others about it. There's nothing they can do. They'd just feel bad if they end up having to move fast.
He doesn't want to be a burden. He doesn't want to be left behind.
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ulec-elec · 3 years
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The von Horrificus siblings (they are one generation above Alerich)
Anyway 2/3 of them are definitely dead so...
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ALSO here the one sib I designed
Gerhard von den Hunnen, the tallest and twinkiest dancing queen out there.
He has the same gen-defect as Alerich (but somehow less bad) so that's why he lives in the human world (the air doesn't trigger the gen defect). Gerhard lives in the Castle (together with his boyfriend "vLADDYYY~" )that will later become Alerichs in the Future.
»After the death of my super sexy husband my nephew Alerich shall inherit this castle, and my favorite pj's«
Rebrov's Design and Mariella belong to @nanukanal (her designs are so poggers 😔👌)
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petrosoletsky · 3 years
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&&. is that ( Garrett Hedlund )?? no, it’s just ( Petro Maksimyak Soletsky ). he is a ( Prince ) of ( Ukraine ). He is ( 36 ) years old and his birthday is the ( 29 ) of ( May ) which makes him a ( Gemini ).  He is ( vibrant & observant ) and ( resourceful & self-confident ) but, unfortunately, also ( deceitful & vain ). those traits just make himm a ( Slytherin ) and in scientific terms an ( intj ). he is ( Bisexual ) and the plaza’s ( Dirtbag ).  his theme song is ( from eden ) by ( Hozier ). his  interests include ( baking & trying to fix motorcycles ). he practices ( Ortodox Christianism ) and is a supporter of ( Servant of the People ). his quirk is ( being very invested in physical touch. If you’re close he’s going to be hugging you 24/7 ) and favourite quote is (“Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.” ) by ( C.S.Lewis ) because ( he believes a problem is only a problem if it can be solved, and if it can be solved he will solve it. ). last but not least he ( does ) believe in true love.
third born of the Soletsky sibs
100% the little shit of the sibs. His solution to ‘wow Leon looks stressed’ is to annoy him until he takes a break to fight him.
His quote was almost a Cassandra Clare quote and the fact that I considered it doesn’t make him look good.
He’s the tallest sibling you know he uses that to be annoying.
He kinda always assumed that since Leon was the heir and Karyna was the spare he wasn’t really necessary so he regularly sacrifices himself for their/ukraines profit
the “problem solver” of the family has he's often dubbed if you want to be nicer
All the sibs are a lot more careful than him, specially Inna with all her brilliant plans, but if you want fast results he can get them.
They work pretty well together tho cause he would 100% jump off a bridge if she said so and she knows he’s a good last resort if nothing else works.
He has a pretty bad reputation in the media because of this 
It was never good because in his head he’s more useful if people underestimate him so he purposely makes himself look ditsy and unbothered with the political climate but really he’s just absorbing all info at all times to then tell his sibs/fiancé
shit eating smirk, i’m arm candy and i know it type of person
The turning point where his reputation went to complete shit was when he was 19 and he made sure to be caught having an affair with a man more than twice his age, who was also married, because he was becoming a problem at cort and the scandal robbed him of all social power ~oops
this was a big scandal at the time because the prince was not only kissing a man but a married man and his reputation never really recovered. 
His image in the media is of a dumb, materialistic, alchoolic, womanizer (+men?) rich boy with no cares in the world and only cares about himself.
the serial dater part is kinda true - while he has dated a lot it’s 100% because he falls in love with everyone in like 3 seconds.
Truly he’s the type of person to fall in love after one conversation but also get over it kinda quickly.
But he is also very “romantic” about it. He  sees people and their connections to him as the only important thing in life. So even if you hate him now if you were close in the past he would die for you. 
He, in general, is a very loving person, he gives out his heart easily and he thrives on physical touch. If you’re close expect hugs 24/7, but even beyond that he likes being close to people. arms over shoulders, around waists, ect. Family and friends beware.
Longest relationship is Fiancé hands down. And it’s probably only because Fiancé was his best friend first and also gives into his demands too easily. Rip Fiancé deserves better.
He met his best friend and now Fiancé when he was 15 because they went to school together. Fiancé was in love with him since then but despite living his whole life on the assumption he’s good at reading people (normally he’s right) he didn’t notice this until they were 29! RIP Fiancé.
They started dating at 29, got engaged about 3 years ago.They were really happy at first - and they’re happy right now but there’s some communication issues coming from years of the Fiancé feelings being hidden and his insecurities about Petro’s feelings, especially due to his flirty personality. 
like this post and i’ll bother you for plots tomorrow <3
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shiftywing · 4 years
Pyrrhian Tribe Headcanons (reposted from Devientart)
Basically, I remembered I posted these on Devientart a WHILE ago. So, I decided, heck, why not repost them? Be warned I was really fucking cringy writing these. 😬
-Their wings are fReAkiNg HuGe
-There are more red SkyWings than orange ones
-Out of all the tribes, they have the worst hoarding habits (they love their gems)
-Despite having such huge wings, they're not very agile in close combat, their wings get in the way
-Large wings are a sign of beauty I guess
-They're the tallest tribes, because they have reaaaally long necks
-Only SkyWing mothers raise their dragonets
-SkyWings LOVE battle, they spend a lot of free time training for one, even if they're not actually in a war
-They're grumpy dragons who hate the world, though they have been known to lighten up
-They really don't like IceWings all that much, even though the two tribes hardly see each other
-Fire-scales' twins are fire-proof
-They maaay not look the most advanced, but are actually pretty smart
-I always thought that all MudWings were aromantic, but maybe demiromantic? Idk
-They're big! Not the tallest, but definitely the broadest tribe
-Sib groups often have rivalry with other groups, and MudWings don't really get along with each other that well except with their own siblings
-MudWings that leave their sib group or live by themselves are looked down upon by other MudWings
-Young MudWings like to paint. With mud. Idk
-Dreadful fliers, tbh
-Really good fighters, though
-They have webbed claws, though it's less noticeable than SeaWing webs
-The blood-red egg thing came from a fire-scales' twin having eggs with a MudWing
-They're some SeaWings who have lived underwater their entire lives, and can't actually speak Dragon
-They're sHort--like second-smallest tribe short
-I always thought they wouldn't be great fighters, they have their t h i c c tail, and that's about it?
-Hybrid SeaWings that have gills often have trouble breathing underwater because of scales that grow over the gills
-Horrible with their animuses, SeaWings are known for abusing theirs
-Stocky--they're stocky
-They make really good great sushi--
-Short wings, help them navigate the ocean
-I like to think they can have spikes on their head, jaw, and sometimes the underside of their neck
-Spike styles are hereditary, if two IceWings with swoopy upward spikes have eggs, the dragonets with probably have have swoopy upward spikes as well
-Full IceWing "beards" are rare, but known to happen
-Smooth, clean scales are considered beautiful to IceWings, patterns on your scales (ex. spots) downgrade your beauty in IceWings' eyes
-IceWings are a tall, lean tribe, and their tails are among the longer types
-Honestly, yes, the royals are INSANE, but lower-class IceWings aren't actually all that bad (though they still think they're better than everyone)
-IceWings practice for battle as much as SkyWings do, they hate not being prepared
-They're secretly jealous of other tribes' fire, but will insist their frostbreath is so much better
-IceWings hAte NightWings, but they hate SandWings as well, because they're too rowdy and undignified, and hate SkyWings because they're just so extra (go figure)
-They very carefully organize their jewelry when they wear some
-SkyWings have the best long-distance flight, but IceWings are close behind! They have large wings to fly over the tundra, and are a bit better at close combat in the air since they have smaller wings
-Large talons? Well, IceWings have them...their feet especially stick out since the rest of them are so thin, and they use these talons for walking around in the snow
-They love makeup, especially long eyeliner, and it's worn by both boys and girls because I need an excuse to draw them with long eyelashes OK--
-They have the least organized kingdom--it's kinda a mess
-SandWings are a generally poor tribe, so it raises a few brows when you realize they had such a huge treasury
-It's uncommon to find SandWings without any sort of marking on them, especially spots
-They have a similar height and wingspan to IceWings
-The cactus juice that heals SandWing venom was enchanted by Jerboa 1
-There's a lot of bars in the Sand Kingdom. Just is
-SandWings first came up with "The Dragonets are Coming!" song
-SkyWings may be the biggest hoarders, but SandWings are the most kleptomaniac
-They have a really rough singing voice that no one really likes except other SandWings
-They're the shortest tribe
-They also have the shortest wingspan out of any of the tribes
-No, I don't think they have a "default color" they go back to when they don't feel strongly one way or another
-Back when they were cool and stuff they were actually quite rich from trading with other tribes for brightly colored feathers and furs
-Their fangs grow longer with age, and sharper
-Their tongues flick in and out when they're thinking, this trait is shared with SandWings
-A pretty chunky, short tribe (basically the opposite of IceWings)
-They're really skinny now though because...yeah
-Glossy scales are bootiful to NightWings
-Their fire is mostly just smoke
-I really don't think mind-reading and prophecy would help with close combat...When someone's trying to rip out your throat, do you really have time to read their mind/tell the future?
-Nowadays, NightWings are pretty heat resistant, from living in a freaking volcano for so long
-Average size wings...just...eh
My Headcanon for Shortest to Tallest Tribe:
My Headcanon for Smallest to Longest Wingspan:
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