#Also hope u have good health and a great day as well anon
rosedere · 3 months
Hi!! Can i request yan azul forcing you to have relationship with him. And the darling is yuu in twisted wonderland world while she's already can't leave to her world. She's sad that she can't go to her world anymore. But still trying to survive there, but she's just not want to be in the relationship with someone.
Anyway, thank you so much if you read and make this request. I really really love your works on ao3 and really happy you active on tumblr too. Have a nice day and keep healthy 🫶
👀👀👀 ooh that’s a juicy request anon! (esp since I just finished book 3 on my main acct im rolling on the floor the yan potential Azol has <3)
Azul was tending to the monstro lounge reports when he felt something... off.
Dropping the intricate fishbone pen, he listened to the normally bustling hallway full of chatter and dishes clanking.
"(Name) darling," he called, still looking down at the current equation for calculating how much inventory he'd need for the upcoming month.
He peeked up to see no one in the VIP room.
You left.
You left him.
He quickly strided out of the lounge towards the kitchen.
The servers and cooks, enslaved by golden contracts, were still diligently working, stressed out, trying to fulfill the orders as they should.
But you weren't there.
His mind was racing as he began his journey to the lounge, where the loud sounds of customers chatting were heard.
The dim, soft, deep violet lights shone down on him as he scanned the restaurant.
But searching amongst the different dorm uniforms and students, you weren't there. His pearl.
But his red herring was seen when he saw the ramshackle prefects annoying talking beast sitting at the bar across from Floyd, who had an extremely annoyed expression as the small gluttonous vermit shoveled desert after desert into his small mouth.
That thing never came to the lounge.
A few seconds later, he saw your other annoying friend with his red hair bouncing up and down as he shook hands with Floyd, having an unheard discussion away from Earshot.
His competition.
He scowled, but he did notice your friend seemed extremely nervous, fidgeting, looking around the packed lounge.
Azul's eyes met your red-haired friend's, causing him to freeze in place.
He only shifted before looking uncomfortablely towards a corner of the room.
Azul followed where he was looking but could only see your hair swaying as you ran on shaky legs towards the exit to the lounge.
Your friend, realizing what he had done, only looked in worry as he ran towards the exit after you, grabbing your direbeast by the neck to its annoyance.
Azul only ran like his life depended on it as he tried to dodge the busy lounge goers in the way.
A few looked up in confusion as Azul passed by.
He suddenly ran into the chest of your tall beastman friend.
"Watch where you're going," Azul spat before trying to bypass him.
He only felt the rough hands of the beastman grab the back of his neck, slightly lifting him up.
"You watch where you're going," he growled before tossing him back towards the floor.
"Get out of my way, or I'll have you escorted out of my establishment," Azul pointed with his cane at the beastman. "I don't allow dogs in this establishment anyway," he sneered.
"Eh might as well; she should be in the mirror by now." Jack smiled down at Azul.
With anger, Azul only pushed past the beastman, causing him to growl as Azul ran down to the hallway of Octavinelle.
It felt like the hallways took forever as he finally reached the exit to Octavinelle.
You weren't anywhere near the exit, causing Azul's heart to sink. You had somehow gotten further than the last time you ran, he recalls, when he caught you late at night trying to use the exit mirror in the hall of mirrors.
He remembered grabbing your seaweed binds and taking you back to the empty dorm room you were being held in.
You were heartbroken as he led you back to your room. He knew it wasn't ideal, but he knew if he left you in his room every day, you'd be found immediately by the nosy friends you had.
It was already hard trying to get you to sign the contract to bind yourself to him; he didn't need anymore problems.
Stepping out of the mirror, he was still met with no sign of you or your annoying friends waiting outside the mirror.
Azul's ears perked up at the sound of your wounded voice.
"Ah, just as I suspected, someone's been lying."
Jade approached from the heartslabyul mirror a few meters away. You dangled defeated in his arms with torn and tattered clothes, your knees, hands, and wrists with small cerated cuts on you.
Your head dangled down in defeat as Jade held your body in his arms.
"What the hell happened to her?" Azul scolded Jade.
"She's not mute; she can tell you herself what she did." Jade smiled, holding you up to present to Azul.
You only quivered, shaking in Jade's grasp, looking down pathetically.
"Where were you (name)?" Azul snarled, hitting you in the ribs with his cane.
You whimpered, only curling yourself into a ball.
"Let me guess you were going to run away with your friends away from me?" He sarcastically joked, "I thought you cried about hating them and wanting to go home."
Still looking down, you only stayed silent as he decided to harshly poke into your sides.
"Answer me (name)"
"I DONT WANT TO BE STUCK WITH YOU" you shouted, pointing at Azul.
"Im sick of being your toy; you just take me out whenever you remember I exist," you sobbed. "Just let me go; I won't tell anyone about what you did to me or be around Octavinelle anymore."
Azul only looked in disbelief, as if you had grown three heads.
"Im serious, you can have Ramshackle; I'll go live in another dorm if I have to," you cried loudly in the echoing hall.
Azul was quiet for a moment; it seemed that he was thinking of your offer.
Even Jade seemed alarmed at your sudden outburst as you cried with tears running down your scratched-up face and the scent of roses coming from your matted hair.
But Azul was only thinking of how sorry he was for not hiding you better.
"Jade, I can take her back." Azul sighed in defeat. "It seems I might need to use my other plan."
You thrashed in Azul's hold as he held you to his chest in a bridal style.
"I'll take you a warm bath and give you some of this," he cooed as he pulled a vial from his breast pocket.
Your eyes widen in horror when you realize what he was threatening you with.
"I just can't have those pesky friends of yours finding you once more, my pearl," he combed his fingers in your hair as he began to walk towards the octavinelle mirror.
"I know you'd be a beautiful attraction to the Monstro Lounge Aquarium."
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ryuichirou · 4 months
But also some news!
First of all, I wanted to remind you that my pricelist will be updated by the end of the week, so please feel free to message me if you want to take a slot to commission me with my current prices!
Second of all, we got our twitter account back! We ended up deleting that one post that twitter didn’t like (yes, the one that doesn’t have anything explicit or any nudity on it), which obviously sucks, but at least now we can jump back to posting more or less regularly.
And now that this situation is over, I can say about the thing that honestly tickled me: the last person who wrote a callout post on me right before our acc got locked (=the person who very likely caused the massreporting in the first place) got accused of grooming a 13 y.o. and had their account terminated the very next day. What a great illustration of how the fandom climate works, right? Hilarious.
Alright, replies replies. Some about Fellow and Gidel, some about Rook, Idia, a little bit of Lilia and some miscellaneous asks.
Anonymous asked:
wait, Fellow is it a good idea for Gidel to write?? Isn't he illiterate?? (I might be wrong on the writing part, but I'm pretty sure Gidel is said to be unable to speak because he didn't get an education :(, r.i.p to the poor boy)
But look at it, Anon! He clearly writes, and like a typical doctor as well! A highly educated man!
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(Yeah, Gidel doesn’t know how to write lol I am not sure if Fellow is super literate either… just like the characters they are inspired by lol)
Anonymous asked:
I want to bite Idia’s thighs but I also want to nibble Lilia’s legs courtesy of your pic of him in those delicious Playful Land tights 😩
(this is about a sketch from ko-fi)
They really are nibbleable… nibbable… one would want to nib on them. And Lilia knows that :(
Thank you <3
irregardlessly-tish asked:
Since you started posting Fellow art I said to myself "I guess I'm watching that event now so I can look at the art and think yeah, he would totally get gang banged by them" lol
Tish! You’re great as always lol I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Fellow is so breedable it’s insane. I can’t help it.
unofficialwheatdog asked:
I'm gonna snatch Fellow away from everyone
Like that my husband, he fluffiness mine and mine alone
Mwah mwah to Fellow I wove him and the way you draw him
he's too good for them but ruined enough for me(lol me in my possessive era)
Omg real possessive era lol I get it, he really is fluffy to the point of leaving one speechless. But please understand, these boys can’t hold back at all… :( Be kinder them, they can’t help it!
I’m glad you love how I draw him <3
Anonymous asked:
Curious, u do non con/ rape art?
Pls tag if yes, I wanna see
I do, but I also don’t remember any recent noncon piece to tag anything lol I am definitely not opposed to it, and a lot of our nsfw pieces have at least dub-con vibes. I guess that one general!Lilia/Idia piece comes to mind first! And octopus!Azul/Idia that I drew for the same zine…
Maybe it would be easier to look through my pixiv logs; all the nsfw pieces are usually closer to the end of the log.
Anonymous asked:
You know I never had interest in drawing nsfw, I started a fanart blog with the intent of just making cute/cool sfw pieces maybe some ship stuff. However I am sick and tired of watching the twst fandom affect the mental health of my friends. And I know at least one of my ships will be threatened even if they just hold hands.
So here’s my plan: if I start receiving hate I will make an announcement: if I reach a particular milestone of hate I will learn to draw nsfw. I will make them kiss harder. Harass me and I will become worse.
Fr tho I want to be the brave idiot in the hope that others won’t feel alone.
Sorry for the late reply! Anon, you are already brave lol I like your plan. Become worse to spite them! And to support everyone who is harassed. And to have fun of course.
I wish you and your friends and anyone else didn’t have to worry about being harassed because of your ships. So please, take care of yourself, but also? Fuck them; draw and post whatever you want to make yourself and your friends happier and enjoy the fandom experience that you and your friends create.
Anonymous asked:
"something's missing..." might be your shirt rook, idk tho 🤔
(this is about this drawing)
Oh no, he forgot his shirt again. And no one at Savanaclaw is brave enough to tell him.
Anonymous asked:
 I remember that Savannaclaw Rook only cut his hair with a knife, soooo, yeah. How do you think first year Rook would respond to first year Idia and vice versa?
Honestly it looks like it lol He and Lilia have something in common…
We love first year Rook with first year Idia so much, Anon, you have no idea! And Rook/Idia in general, this is one of the things that I really want to draw properly at least once. For now we only have sketches…
But to answer your question! I like to think that Rook was very intrigued by Idia right away; of course Idia isn’t a beastman, but he is not only super bright and shiny-looking (unusual! Interesting!), but also is a very rare pokemon to see. It’s very easy to picture Rook getting excited and charmed by him, maybe he even had a period of a little obsession~ But of course none of this is in any way returned by Idia; to him being suddenly surrounded by so many loud and annoying people his age is already stressful enough, but Rook is somehow worse than all of them combined. He hates everyone from Savanaclaw, but they’re usually just rude jerks, but Rook? If only he was a rude jerk…
Anonymous asked:
Chen’ya, are you flashing people on purpose? What are you gonna do if someone likes it?
(related to this post)
Knowing Che’nya, he’ll probably disappear lol Never let them guess your next move. They liked it? Too bad. They didn’t like it? Oh too bad… >:3
Sometimes he is in a flirty mood though~
Anonymous asked:
I’m surprised Lilia doesn’t also spank Idia to punish him
He really should, and his spanks wouldn’t be as murderous as Azul’s! Idia is going to receive punishment AND survive!
I can picture Lilia stopping mid-spank with the realisation though: oh right, this isn’t his kid, this is Idia…
Anonymous asked:
(tw: self-harm)
this might be a bit dark but i’m curious: do you think idia self-harms? every now and then, i see ppl draw him with SH scars. i’ve never been able to decide if it feels like him or not. punishing himself, hating himself, wanting to control this one aspect of his life bc he can’t control anything else sound like idia, but also, being too resigned, lazy, or phobic of pain also sound like idia… little nutjob he is 😒 thoughts?
This is such a good question, Anon. It’s honestly still kind of easy to imagine him doing that. He punishes himself constantly, and while I don’t think this is necessarily about control, this absolutely could be about wanting to make himself feel even worse or to distract himself from the other kind of deep pain he’s feeling. Since we’re talking about a character here, as an artist I can also add that seeing him this way could be aesthetically pleasing, there are some very good artworks with this theme.
That being said, we usually tend to think that Idia wouldn’t do that. I agree that Idia being phobic of pain sounds very like him, but also? He is very detached from the physical side of things in general, I think. He would rather torment himself mentally.
Another reason for Idia and selfharm not really working in our heads is that I don’t think Ortho would let him. He is very sensitive to changes in his health condition after all.
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fa-by · 4 months
Hiiii babies and dear Anons 👋🏼🤗. I'm back with a new Q&A post. And I know, I know, I've been gone for a few months and I'm sorry 😭. My life is a mess between work and my health especially. I haven't been well for 3 years in a row now and I haven't had peace since then 🥺. I'm sorry to disappear like this but you must also understand that answering your asks takes time which unfortunately I don't always have.
Before starting I'd like to add that I haven't answered all the asks. I don't think there's any need to post the various  “I miss you” (I missed you guys too btw❤️), “come back”, or questions with the same type of topic such as Camila's coming out. In that case, I chose just one ask to answer the many. A special virtual hug 🤗🤗 to the purple heart 💜 Anon: Thank you as always for your understanding and all your kind words, my dear. The answer to your ask about my thoughts on I LUV IT can be found in the last ask.
Having said that, now let's move on directly to the answers. Enjoy 🙃.
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Hello to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Yeah, sadly. Unfortunately, there are so many who believe in the narratives because they don't really know how things work behind the scenes.
The link in the ask for those who want to see it: https://x.com/iblf1317/status/1775326171971862734?s=46&t=4knNAwPkOIO0jCg9CscblA.
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Anon, have a good day too 😄.
No, it wasn't real. I think I've talked about this before, but anyway. They've spread that rumor for years and on different occasions, but it's never been true. It was, and probably still is, just the fantasy/hope taken from the fanfictions of some fans who tried in every way to pass it off as reality.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄.
That's what I've been saying for years... People like those who put out and spread this bullshit are the shame of this ship.
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Hiiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Yeeep. They were as subtle as an elephant in a glass store 🤣.
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Hello to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄.
1) [Do u believe personally that Camren are still together?]
Yeah, I do 😉. Even though they had and still have their ups and downs with periods of breaks.
2) [If so why do u think they have stopped giving us hints like they used to?]
They haven't 🤣. They never stopped 😜. The hints are no longer daily as they were years ago, but they're still there.
3) [Unless I’ve missed them-] Lots apparently 🤣.
[-in which case do u have an example?] A recent one: boobs 🤭. *if you understand, you understand*.
I saw what you did there 😍 my favorite CC1 song 🥰 Have a great day too 🙃.
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Leasing Tumblr forever to whom? And of course not 🤣. Unless you meant leaving and not leasing? I know it was a typo, don't worry I'm just joking 😜. Anyway, yes, I've thought about it many times due to my unwanted long absences, but I don't want to 🤷🏻‍♀️. I in fact come back every time I have a little freer time to write 💪🏼.
Thank you for your nice thoughts about my health, dear 🤗.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄.
Brazil has no comparison with any other for Camren 🤣🤣🤣. Naah, they've never been super popular here in Italy. Both Camren and 5H unfortunately.
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Hiiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
I did in 2018 if I'm not mistaken. It's a great one-shot! And I remember having teary eyes in some parts. I recommend everyone who hasn't yet to go and read it 🙃.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Yep, it was Laur. I have no idea why they thought that 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe they thought so because of their especially at the beginning stereotypical images as Mila “the innocent doll” and Laur “the intimidating badass” 🙄🙄. If that's why, a lot of people portrayed Lo as the top 🤣. I don't know what to tell you, dear. They're still fanfics so Camren's perspectives from their fantasies or maybe they simply perceived them in that way in reality as well. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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Hi to you too, dear German Anon 👋🏼😄.
I must admit that with “texts”, for a second, just a tiny lil second, you had me worried there 🤣. You know, because texts is mainly used to refer to phone text messages 🤣. I understood immediately that you were referring to my posts, don't worry, dear 🙃. I just wanted to point that out to make you laugh 😉.
Thank you for your kind words 😊. I really appreciate it 🥰. I'm here if you have any questions for me, although there's a possibility that you'll get the answer late 😅. And don't worry about your English. I'm Italian and therefore it's not my mother tongue for me either.
Have a nice day, and stay safe and healthy too 🤗.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
I do actually. Just mobile games. I have a few but I'm obsessed with one in particular called Hustle Castle (you have to have loooooots of patience for this type of game).
I used to play a lot more when I was younger and had a lot freer time. I've had the Game Boy Color, two PlayStations (1&3; the latter still in my room gathering dust for I don't know how many years 😅), the PSP (like the PS3, still in my room in some drawer gathering dust for I don't know how many years 😅), and I've played a few PC games.
What about you?
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Hi to you too, my dear K 👋🏼😄.
[Hi faby sorry to hear ur still not been good health wise but glad ur feeling better.]
[hoping there not gonna pull some shit for the talentless boy]
They won't, don't worry.
[Can’t remember if u have been asked this b4 but what’s been ur fave collab C’s done? There’s a few I like but god have they made her do some awful once’s where is obviously totally for the guys benefit. Think my fav would be bad things I can’t say I like the guy but love the song.]
Even though I love Bad Things and I absolutely love all the collaborations she's done on her albums, movies, and outside of her albums like Hey Ma, Find U Again, and KU LO SA, I think it's a tie between Beautiful with Bazzi and South of The Border with Ed Sheeran and Cardi B.
[Also don’t know about u or anyone else but I miss her posting about thunder he seems like a complete handful and I still piss my self laughing when I think of that pr vid walking all her dogs 🤣🤣]
Same 🤣. It's a forever meme 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
[I’m curious if that training camp thing they did with thunder if it worked but feel like we need more content with him after that stunt particularly think the whole fandom fell in love with thunder 🤣 I’ve always loved to have a German shepherd. What dog breed is urs?]
My baby girl is a Yorkie and Jack Russell crossbreed 😍.
[Maybe u could share a pic of him? U totally don’t have to but as I’m sure ur aware by now I love animals 😂]
Part of me would love to with all my heart believe me, especially to proudly show you how beautiful she is 😍😍😍, but I don't wanna show my private life here. Maybe in the future, who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️. Thanks for your understanding and don't worry, I love animals too 🥰.
By the way, to give you an idea of what she looks like, she's similar to this awesome young man: https://images.app.goo.gl/GibAuesAin3X2PkV8
[Btw do u know why D and C haven’t shared any pics etc with each other hanging out or when/if they ever will?]
They finally have the freedom of likes and comments, so I think we'll have pics in the future but only if they're gonna see each other at public events. Not private meetings' pics. Too soon for that 🙄.
[I really miss them together for me it was always them and L I didn’t like N and A sorry I know ppl won’t be happy but we all individuals with our own likes and dislike 🤷🏻‍♀️ at the end of the day]
I understand, don't worry. As a lover of all 5H, however, I'm sorry you don't like Normally 🥺.
[Sending u a virtual hug 🤗 and well wishes and look forward to ur reply in a few months time 😏😂 I’m kidding 😘]
No joke there 😅. It really was like that. Sorry 😅. A virtual hug and well wishes to you too, my dear K 😘.
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Heyyy to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I'm still fighting to get healthy again, what about you?
You mean this?
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Link: https://twitter.com/Camila_Cabello/status/662777249486237697.
@ alrenajou is private now and that's why the comment “I’ts camren yo” is no longer visible, but as you can see, Mila's response is still there.
Anyway, what do I think about it? I think that as I already explained in my Inauguration post (penultimate question), the sun and the moon have and have always had a special place in their hearts regardless of Camren and that therefore Mila simply explained this with that answer 🤷🏻‍♀️.
May 2024 bring a lot of happiness to you too, dear 🙃.
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Hiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you? Aww, I'm here, don't be sad 🥺. I missed you guys too 🥺.
I did and I was/am in love 😍. Tell your friend the snippet goes: “Can’t stop looking at her. Caught up in every curve. She knows she’s divine. I can’t take my eyes off her”. 😉
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Can I say it's both? 🤣 I'll explain myself better.
My story is based on true events that occurred from July 2016 onwards. It's based on the real them. Like, if I say that Camila likes a certain song, or that Lauren likes a specific food, or that they were wearing that dress, or that they did something specific during that day it's because it's true. It really happened and it's proven and “documented”. But it's obviously a fanfic, so I included things that didn't actually happen and fictional people that serve the purpose of the story. This is the AU part (for those who don't know what AU means: alternate universe/alternate timeline/alternative reality).
So, it's both? 🤣
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Taylor Swift is waaay more popular than either of them. Taylor Swift is pretty much the music industry, and yet, do you see her out and proud?
Some artists can come out, some can't. Many artists want to and can't for a million reasons which you can also go read in my PR stunt relationships - ɟ post. And then there are those who don't even want to do it and are super okay with that. Have you ever thought about that?
An advice, dear? Don't be so pressed about it. This is something that has been going on for years. If it happens, it will happen at the appropriate time for their careers and especially by choice in the case of those who don't wanna do it yet 💁🏻‍♀️.
P.S. Don't be so pressured about it especially because I know the truth, you know the truth, we know the truth, AND SHE KNOWS AND SAYS THE TRUTH: https://x.com/ijustshippeople/status/1793806403720618264?s=09&prefetchTimestamp=1716859323652 🎤🎶 This is for the gays and the girls and I'm both, thanks 🎶🎤
Alexa please play the post-chorus of We Know by Fifth Harmony 🤣.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. Thanks 🥰 and please don't be sad 🥺 I'm here and I missed you guys too.
Well, considering that queerbaiting is a marketing technique and strategy, literally a bait, the answer is yes, my dear. But it's movies (like in Pitch Perfect), TV shows (like in Supergirl), and the media in general that do it, not celebrities. It's the people behind the scenes like celebrity teams that do it, and it has existed for years. An example? When Madonna kissed Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at the 2003 MTV VMAs (Madonna is queer but Britney and Christina are not). Do you really think it wasn't premeditated by their teams? It's been 20 years and it's still a “scandal” today. The term queerbaiting didn't even exist at the time, yet that's exactly what happened 💁🏻‍♀️.
As for Mila, why is this so upsetting to you? Aren't there those out there who believe that she's really been with all the PRs? Aren't there those who believe that she's gay but that Camren never existed? Or those who, as you also said, believe that she's straight? Or those who don't even like Camila in the first place? And who cares? Let people think what they want, dear Anon. We don't all think the same way. Everyone has an opinion, and it's also right that it is like that. There's no need to be upset or sad or angry about it. The important thing is what you think and what you believe. Fuck the rest.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Let's put it this way. Has it ever happened to you that someone, like your mom, or a friend, or a sibling if you have one, was angry with you but wouldn't tell you why? I can picture a mom saying “you know what you did”, but you have absolutely no idea 🤣. And what did you do in those cases? You were trying to remember and understand what you did, right? What if you couldn't? You had to get them to tell you why otherwise you would've continued to rack your brain and they would've continued to be angry.
Another example. Four people, four friends. Person number one tells a funny secret of theirs to two of them but not to the third one. The two who know the secret are chatting and laughing among themselves when the third one arrives, who curious about their laughter, asks what they're talking about. The two tell the third that they can't tell because it's person number one's secret. How do you think person number three feels about this? Left out, hurt, angry, and can't do anything but fantasize about this secret because, literally, they don't know what it is.
Babies don't talk, but moms try to understand their needs through their sounds, facial expressions, and body gestures/movements. My dog doesn't talk, but she sure as hell barks, growls, howls, groans, and whines. Those besides her tail, ears, eyes, her facial expressions, and her body posture are all nonverbal ways to communicate with her hooman mom 😍.
Communicating is the most important way for human beings to express and exchange ideas and thoughts. Without it, misunderstandings, disagreements, fights, and so on arise. You can apply this to all kinds of relationships, not just romantic ones. So, what I'm trying to say with all this, is that no one can read minds. Camren are no different.
Ego, fears, insecurities, anxieties, constantly hurting one another, and other factors led to their closing up. But the problem wasn't only that they didn't open up to each other, but that they didn't talk at all. They didn't talk about their problems. And if they weren't talking, how could they understand what they were feeling or what they were thinking or what they needed or what was truly going on? It's normal that the not communicating has led them to close up and automatic to distancing. As they say, communication is the key.
I hope it makes sense now, my dear 😄, and to understand even better, you can go and read these analyses: Let Me Know (penultimate ask) -  Always Love & This Love (the last two asks) - Consequences (penultimate ask).
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Hii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
No bother, dear, don’t worry I’m happy to help 😉. Let's start by explaining the fake relationship in detail. And sorry for all the links, but since Tumblr has limited the possibility of posting more than 30 pics, I have to adapt 😤.
So. The “story” with Austin Kevitch (July 5, 1991,*same year I was born* 30 years old when they started “dating”) lasted only 8 months. It was born thanks to Nicholas Galitzine (Cinderella) because “Austin asked him to set him up with Camila”, and this not-at-all organized introduction because her team wasn't also there no 🤨🤣, took place at Mila's 25th birthday party (https://images.app.goo.gl/SWii7EJAgrX4dJuAA he has the same outfit https://twitter.com/justmyneverland/status/1717430804861858155).
First spotting and first speculations on June 15, 2022, in LA (https://images.app.goo.gl/6XVQsBaHbvo8rV3N8).
As I explained in my PR stunt relationships - ɟ https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/648193061847023616/pr-stunt-relationships-%C9%9F post: “To give the couple more credibility, also friends, family, and artists friends of the couple get involved many times”. Indeed, on July 3, 2022, they were on the beach in Miami with a bunch of their friends. The press however already tried to create a scandal with articles about “a mysterious man” (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10978909/Camila-Cabello-goes-swim-hunky-mystery-man-beach-Coral-Gables.html). That was just a friend and Austin was there (she has the same swimsuit and earrings https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJHkKms_--/?igsh=MWlmcm1jM2pndGhsYg==). Just an excuse to get people talking more about her 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Usual mistakes that are made during PRs: on July 16, 2022, Austin was at a concert with his friends and a girl in particular (perhaps his real girlfriend) who he kissed during the evening (https://www.tiktok.com/@isleywalker23/video/7128998171874807045  &  https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgo6sMxAeiM/?igsh=bmJqbmI5YmxkdjRi).
On July 27, 2022, they were together at the after-party of the third season premiere of  HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: THE MUSICAL (https://www.tiktok.com/@ccromancemusic/video/7125646229312244998).
On August 6, 2022, in San Diego with his friends (https://www.tiktok.com/@ccromancemusic/video/7129091570619403525?lang=it-IT).
On August 7, 2022, in LA. Actual official confirmation of their ‘story’ from the press (https://images.app.goo.gl/LyvKAcnbbAeXfhEc6)
On September 17, 2022, at the Coldplay concert (she was the opening act) in Bogota, Colombia (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VYgsBRt4Lro). They weren't alone tho. In the video you can also very well see Sandra and Marielle (her friends who, like her parents, were with her for the whole tour and who saw the concert with them and whom she introduced to Dua Lipa), Patrick (makeup artist), and Gian Mitchell (her manager).
On September 20, 2022, arrived in Santiago, Chile, for the tour with the Coldplay (still cause she was the opening act) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0cBtgzYzak). And on the afternoon of the 22nd at the Mall Casa Costanera Center (https://www.fmdos.cl/musica/camila-cabello-en-chile-va-a-un-reconocido-mall-y-regala-entradas/).
On November 19, 2022, via Austin's sister's instastory: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKHhXmM0J0/?igsh=cDlwM2JrMDh3ajJq.
On November 21, 2022, in LA when Mila duetted Liar with BLACKPINK's Jisoo (https://www.koreaboo.com/news/blackpink-jisoo-rose-jennie-lisa-camila-cabello-liar-born-pink-world-tour-unseen-footage-interaction-collaboration/), and in addition to some members of Mila's team, his friend and Lox Club co-founder Alec Lorraine was also there with them (https://www.instagram.com/jisooyaachu/reel/ClLLkhlgCT_/).
On November 17, 2022, out for dinner in LA (https://www.justjared.com/2022/11/18/camila-cabello-boyfriend-austin-kevitch-spotted-on-rare-outing-they-could-barely-control-their-laughter-photos/).
And lastly, during the trip to Africa with her family in early January 2023 (https://twitter.com/WWCamilaCabello/status/1611479321251663880). Last time seen together before the breakup.
End announced on February 15, 2023, via the newsletter of the Lox Club itself, which he owns:
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Ended because “they couldn't balance their relationship with their schedules”.
Now, you said [I know you will say it’s PR but I don’t understand how…from what I have seen it was pretty low-key compared to Shawn’s and Matthew’s.]
Yes, it was PR, you can already tell by the fact that their pics are marked with Backgrid, and yes, it was pretty low-key because it had to be. The one with Matryoshka was pushed a bit more than this one, first of all, because it was her first one as an adult outside of 5H, and second of all, because it was supposed to represent her “first love” and her “first relationship”. The one with Shrimp, well 🤣, the friends-to-lovers crap. It's not comparable with anything because it's and will be for quite some time “her most important love story”. In Snape's voice (in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix during the legilimens spell): “I may vomit” 🙄.
The PR with Austin, again, was pretty low-key because it had to be. It had to be out there to get people talking just enough (I indeed don't think you knew all those details), but not completely in our faces. Something else had to continue to be in our faces. One of two reasons for this PR: Shawn Mendes Shall Menstruated.
Every headline or directly in the articles, every news always included his name: …before her relationship with Shawn Mendes – Shawn Mendes who? – …she moved on from her ex-Shawn Mendes – Shawn, are you okay? – …following her breakup from longtime boyfriend Shawn Mendes – What will Shawn Mendes think about… – Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn FOR FUCK’S SAKE!! 🤨😑😒🙄
And indeed, what happened to the breakup with Austin? More news bombardments. And right after that? Coachella 🤢🤮 arm-in-arm with ‘June Gloom’.
ShitMila was all over our faces again on April 14, 2023 (until June 7, 2023, official news released by The Sun; luckily only 1 month and 24 days). On April 12, 2023, Mila recorded a snippet titled ‘CC JUNE GLOOM 041223b’ which she later posted on IG on April 19, 2023, and deleted a few hours later. The caption itself said 4.12, meaning April 12th when she recorded it as I just said. Of course that was the BIG confirmation that she was referring to Shitto. And then, among other things, where’s the logic of June Gloom in April? Does it even have any logic? Like their entire PR, nope.
Anyway, I told you the first reason for the PR with Austin. Now I'll explain the second one: attention and publicity. Again, as I explained in my PR stunt relationships - ɟ post: “A PR stunt relationship is nothing more than a PUBLICITY STUNT, as the word itself implies, aimed to get people and media attention”.
Imagine the various news as accessories to staying relevant. I can give you lots of examples, even quite recent ones:
Camila Cabello debuts red hair for the KU LO SA remix. Camila Cabello was seen stepping into sex shop Adam & Eve in West Hollywood. Camila Cabello and Drake papped together. Camila Cabello shared a new Instagram video showing off her new unrecognizable platinum blonde hair. Camila Cabello tried multiple hair colors and wigs before she settled on blonde. While walking the Met Gala red carpet, Camila Cabello shared her $22.5K handcrafted ice block purse and her gown, which Vogue reports weighed 15 pounds and was encrusted with 250,000 Swarovski crystals. Camila Cabello & Lil Nas X throw condoms at a gay bar to promote their new collaboration.
All that, all of it, is an ‘accessory’ to get people talking about her. To publicize HER first and foremost and to promote something else at the same time. Like, the sex toy shop example was an example to publicize only her as a person in general. A silly scoop to get the public talking about her. Why? Because it happened in January 2022 and she wasn't promoting anything at that time.
Why would something like that be used to publicize her, you may be wondering? Because a silly scoop like that, or another one like the platinum blond reveal she did before she even started the promo for I LUV IT, makes her stay relevant. Those types of publicity are purposely made to get the public to talk about celebrities and stay in their mouths even when they're not doing anything inherent in their careers. A way that seems stupid but that is actually very effective in ensuring that people don't ‘forget’ about them but keep up with them and their lives. Different, on the other hand, from the examples that serve to publicize her and something else at the same time, that is those for the songs KU LO SA and HE KNOWS in those examples. Those are more targeted.
Her PR with Austin was nothing more than another accessory like these. Again, low-key because it had to be, and because it was a light PR that was meant to contribute to the ‘love’ visibility and the promotion of some projects. I'll explain better.
[Also why she was in a relationship with him right after like with Shawn.] She didn't indeed. Almost 7 months passed.
Mila and Shapeless Mentality officially broke up on November 17, 2021. Since then, in addition to small projects, collaborations, brand promotion, events, and other non-major things, Mila was busy with the promotion of Familia (April 8, 2022) for pretty much the entire 2022. In between the continuation of the promotion of Familia and the start of the filming of The Voice, bam, Austin entered the scene. Precisely in the middle of these events: Wango Tango 2022, June 4, 2022 – Austin, June 15, 2022 – The Voice, start of filming on June 23, 2022.
Austin was the accessory she needed to get people talking about her love life in the midst of promoting all the other projects Mila had throughout the year. A small push in promoting Familia, The Voice, collaborations, and other small projects with brands aside, but above all, a way to create yet another fake narrative ‘she's moving on with someone else’ by always keeping Sandalwood in the mind of the public. Same thing with him in reverse btw: Shon Mentos with his cult Jocelyne Miranda, 51-year-old chiropractor to the stars, and with singer and actress Sabrina Carpenter.
They were basically making preparations for their return. These little side PRs of theirs, served their own PR (ShitMila). The fucked-up bullshit of the bullshit: “they realized how special their love story was and wanted to try again”. A reminder for the public to remember that they did try with other people, but no one else was comparable. Excuses and justifications for the narrative of their ‘story’ and their future songs to hide their real private lives.
I hope I've helped you understand how now, my dear Anon 🙃.
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The link in the ask for those who want to see it: https://indepreneur.io/articles/5-reasons-never-sign-record-deal/
Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄.
I can help you with 2 posts I wrote about the topic (read them in order): How the music world works and this one.
After reading the second post (come back here and read this 😄), I can add that:
X-Factor contracts usually have a duration ranging from 6-7 years minimum, to 9-10 years maximum. Through the individual contracts signed in the semi-final week (December 12/13, 2012), Syco obtained the exclusive right to sign a recording contract with Fifth Harmony. Connecting to those signed contracts, on January 17, 2013, 5H officially signed the contract as group members with Syco in collaboration with Epic (both Sony), to which Simco Ltd. gave the exclusive licensing rights for 5 albums that they should've completed in the duration of those 10 years (2012-2022). A 5-album deal is a 4+1. This means that a label has the ability to collect 4 studio albums (LPs), and the +1 could also be considered an EP.
Due to the 5-album agreement that 5H should’ve completed in the duration of what we fans initially hoped would be either 6 or 7 years (2012-2018 or 2019), it was believed that, initially the years would be 6 and therefore Better Together, Reflection, 7/27, Fifth Harmony (self-titled), and Camila (self-titled) were the end of that deal, and that the release of Camila (self-titled) completed the 4 contracted LPs. This meant that the girls were free from their group obligations with Epic/Syco and could either disband or go on hiatus, and pursue their personal options with other labels. But despite this being the case because on March 19, 2018, the group decided to take an indefinite hiatus to pursue solo projects, none of the 4 girls (LAND) released an LP.
Fast forward to a year later, we saw the first LAND member release something other than a single and a collaboration: an EP. The release of Dinah Jane 1 released on April 19, 2019, made people believe that the years of that agreement were actually 7 also because Romance was published the same year. It was therefore believed that Reflection, 7/27, Fifth Harmony (self-titled), Camila (self-titled), and Romance were the end of that deal and that Romance had completed the 5 contracted LPs because Better Together wasn't considered the +1 by the labels.
Fast forward again to 5H's 10th anniversary and therefore the 10-year (2012-2022) X-Factor contract, and none of LAND released an LP yet. But, Mila released Familia and left Epic Records that same year, which makes me think that that deal didn't even count Fifth Harmony (self-titled) as an LP when they renegotiated the terms for Camila's exit from 5H.
For those who don't know, among the various renegotiations made in March 2015 after Mila turned 18 there were:
1) the designation of Roger Gold as her manager and also as her attorney,
2) the abandonment of the FIFTH HARMONY PARTNERSHIP brand (explained in the second link),
3) the renegotiation of her original contract by signing a solo deal for music, distribution, and management also with Sony. The contract basically implied the same things as the one she signed with Syco Entertainment in 2013 (which I remind you that only she and Lauren signed – they could make music both individually and together with the group). Since then, Mila was under Syco Entertainment and Sony Music Entertainment, and Syco Music and Epic Records with Fifth Harmony, which were all owned by Sony in the first place anyway.
So this means that that new contract, not only stipulated that Mila would’ve stayed only one more year in the group as we already know, but that it was a 3-album solo contract that would’ve completed 5H's original deal for the 5 X-Factor contract's LPs. As a result of all this, 5H's original contract of 5-album (4+1) considered these as the 5 LPs: Reflection and 7/27 as a group, and Camila (self-titled), Romance, and Familia on Camila's part. Fifth Harmony (self-titled) was basically just an exit deal for LAND in the contract they re-signed as a quartet in 2017 with Sony Music.
In 2023 and therefore 10 years after the signing on January 17, 2013, none of LAND released an LP yet, but since after Familia and Camila's public exit from Epic in September 2022, all 5 of them are presumably free from any contractual restrictions they had with X-Factor and Epic musically speaking. Even though we had no LPs, we were still fed and the girls were all on the move: 1) Mila with Trolls 3, Rob Peace, and the album recording, 2) Laur with her second EP and the album recording, 3) Dinah with 3 songs (one of which with Ally) and the album recording, 4) Mani with Freaky Tales' end of shooting  (in January 2023) and the album recording (she was also far too busy, rightly so, taking care of her parents who both had cancer), 5) Ally with a single, the Christmas EP, and the album recording despite having a complete and ready Spanish one but which is now in the vault.
Fast forward again to the present, 2024. Surprise-surprise, Laur, Dinah, and Ally are completing their LPs, Mani's ready to release Dopamine, her first LP, and Mila's ready to release C, XOXO, her fourth LP.
2023 basically served all 5 of them as a reorganization and a planning for their future, but LAND were already free to release LPs. They're ready now.
I hope I've helped you, my dear, and I hope you are well too 🙃.
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Hiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I hope you're good too and about your ask, sure 😉.
So. I LUV IT ft. Playboi Carti released on March 27, 2024, is the first single for her fourth LP: C, XOXO. It's a hyperpop/experimental pop song and it samples Lemonade by Gucci Mane and interpolates Cockiness (Love It) by my queen RiRi (Rihanna). The studio recording with Carti was completed on Dec 17, 2023: (Carti's instastory)
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Let me tell you something, this song was meant to shock. She pulled a Yes, and? and it worked 😎. For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to by that, I meant that Yes, and? was Ariana Grande's single for her album Eternal Sunshine and it's a diva house/dance-pop song, which was a different and unexpected genre especially then comparing it to the rest of the songs in the album when it was later released. It's a great song, but if it weren't for the concept that connects to two other songs, it would have nothing to do with the rest of the album musically and sonically speaking. It was a calculated idea to make it different from the rest. It's very smart and it's a good strategy for both a comeback and an album. I feel like I LUV IT is exactly the same thing. An impactful comeback was needed and this, together with the platinum blonde and the new era in general, served the purpose. The song was meant to be talked about for better or for worse. And guess what? Mission accomplished 😜.
This song is not for everyone. There are those who loved it right away, those who hated it and still do, and there are those who hated it and then slowly loved it. In reality, most people hated it and then loved it 🤣. I personally didn't hate it but I didn't love it right from the start either, not gonna lie. I just liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️. But after the third listen? Bouncing ass, tongue out, aaaand I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it 🤣!! This song is definitely a grower! The more you listen to it, the more you become addicted to it 😍.
But anyway. Unlike the video, the lyrics talk about sex. So let's get started. Oh and, of course, I won't include Carti's mumbled Atlanta rap or as his fans say, the Cartinese, simply because he wrote his part.
***Btw, I can no longer listen to Carti’s “Oh, you on the road now? - Oh, you grown now? - Oh, you too grown now” without bursting out laughing 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣. I can't help but hear Nas' imitation of Carti's voice in the HE KNOWS music video🤣🤣🤣. For me, those three sentences have now become just one repeated X3: “Oh, you on the floor now” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣***
Oh oh oh, last thing before starting. If you're a prude, LEAVE NOW. Skip the whole lyric analysis and go straight to the music video analysis. The song is about sex like I just said and I therefore won't hold back from explaining certain things, okay? I warned you 🙋🏻‍♀️. I don't wanna see complaints in the comments as happened years ago. Thank you.
Verse 1:
“Supersonic, in your orbit”
So, supersonic. One word from which two derive: super and sonic. Super: above the rest, better than the rest. Sonic: derived from the Latin ‘sonus’ which means sound. Super-sound. Basically a loud noise, a sound/sonic boom that (the actual meaning of supersonic:) breaks the acoustic barrier by traveling at a speed faster than the one of sound. A flight can be supersonic. As well as a missile and even a gun bullet.
An orbit is an ever-changing path one object in space takes around another. An unscientific example? A dog with its favorite toy often orbits their owner insistently because they want to play with them. Speaking from personal experience here 🤣.
***Oh and, lil fun fact. In prostitution specifically, orbit was, and perhaps still is, a code word for oral sex***
Ultimately, “Supersonic, in your orbit” means that Mila is this supersonic boom, this let's even say supersonic shock that orbits around her prey. As I've said many other times in my analysis, Mila likes to use wordplay in her songs and this is basically her artistic way of explaining sexual provocation. She's provoking her target.
“And I’m bad, diabolic”
It's giving intense energy and mischief out of the ordinary 😜. She knows she's good at it (provocation). She has a goal (to sleep with her) and succeeds because we have the aftermath of her intent in the next sentence.
“Bottle rocket, on the carpet”
Her favorite lyrics because many people didn't grasp the meaning 🤣. Definition of bottle rocket: a firework typically consisting of a cylindrical case that is partly filled with combustible material and fastened to a guiding stick which may be placed in a bottle to control the direction of the rocket's launch.
In this case, in sex, bottle rocket is the representation of cuming hard in an explosive way.
Rockets have a phallic shape, so the first thing that's assumed here is that it's the sperm that's on the carpet, also because the song acts as straight 🙄, but where's the deception? Even girls can give someone a bottle rocket. How? By being an explosion and not a normal female cum orgasm, with female ejaculation also known as squirting.
Ergo, she's talking about herself. This song is not about sex with a guy and I can even prove that with the next sentence.
“Threw it back and he caught it”
Round two, doggy-style position. Movements: “Threw it back” her ass “and she caught it” with the hands by placing it directly back on the face aka mouth-tongue (clue about the lil fun fact I mentioned earlier) or by directing the entrance of the cave of wonders on the dildo (since Camren loves toys so much 😜🤣🤭). But, given the “he” because, again, the song acts as straight 🙄, the meaning should make you think of the guiding on the dick. But no. As I said before, I can prove it.
When guys cum, it literally takes them a while before they can go again. Some need 10/15 minutes, others hours or directly the next day because they literally physically can't. It's rare anyway that they manage to go beyond the second round (unless they're in the midst of adolescence and are like 14/15 years old 🤣), and those who miraculously can make it, also last very little and their cum is also very little. And mind you, I'm not saying these things to belittle men. I'm not making anything up. It's the pure truth. Not only have I experienced it myself (cause yes, hi 👋🏼, I've been with my gf for 3 years but I'm bisexual and I've had relationships before her), but these are facts that you can even look up if you don't believe me.
It's obviously not the same for all guys and they're all different, but us girls literally need 5 seconds or nothing at all to recover, and we don't have limits like they do. Unlike males, we females can have multiple orgasms. Sexual arousal and orgasm are possible again right away. So no. It's impossible she was talking about a guy.
If she was really talking about a guy, it's impossible that immediately after his Bottle rocket, on the carpet (yet another proof that Mila was talking about her cuming, her squirting) he didn't need some enough available time for round two (Threw it back and he caught it). Let’s move on 💪🏼.
“I go soprano, baby, go down low”
Soprano in music is the highest note, so in this case, going soprano means she's screaming with pleasure. And in her euphoric state, she guides her partner back down there into her buried treasure.
“And when he leads, I gotta follow”
The movements. Like in dance. In partner dancing, there are those who lead and those who follow. They're designed roles to facilitate the movements. The one who leads manages the body of the one who follows and decides the dance steps and direction of travel from time to time.
The thing that makes me laugh about this part is the “when he leads”. “When” 🤣🤣🤣. Because she's the top and she's the one who leads most of the time because Laur's the bottom (even though they're both also switch) so when Lo leads, when, sometimes, occasionally, I gotta follow 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Oh Mila 🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🤣.
“I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral”
She feels out of control (spiral) because the ending is so beautiful that it almost makes her lose consciousness (blackin’ out).
“I need you now and tomorrow”
And forever.
I’d also like to add a deeper meaning of sex to I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral – I need you now and tomorrow. Although she said the song is about sex, she also said:
“Part of that cocktail is also the emotional drama between you and that person, and the chaos and butterflies and nerves and passion. It’s unsustainable and not peaceful and exhausting, but also, I LUV IT.” – “Now I feel kind of lonely and small and weird, but at the same time, I’m an adult and I feel so strong in other areas of my life, but not this one. There’s just the wrestling of those feelings without it being kind of neat or in a box. You can’t really say that it’s a sad song, you can’t really pin it down. It’s just kind of me wrestling with these feelings and me kind of being really present on a particular feeling and exploring it. I feel like a lot of songs on the album are that”.
So going deeper, “I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral” indicate her anxiety. Being on a spiral or simply spiraling, is an emotional state that rapidly worsens in a way that becomes increasingly difficult to control and often leads to short-term periods of anxiety or depression. Aka her OCD gets triggered. Which by the way, I remind you that for her leads to obsessions and repetitive thoughts. And in a certain way, we can also see it in the repetition of the same phrase in the chorus.
So here she's saying: 1) I’m blackin’ out, aka I'm going crazy, I'm freaking out (connection/thing that reminds me a lot of “Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind?” Bad Things [analysis here (eleventh ask)]) 2) I’m on a spiral, aka I'm anxious, distressed, worried, fearful. Why? Because I don't wanna lose you aka 3): I need you now and tomorrow. This alludes to the desire for connection and intimacy that goes beyond sex.
Both meanings (sexual and deeper) however indicate the intensity of her uncontrollable and erratic emotions towards as she said “that person” Lauren. But she doesn't care. “It’s unsustainable and not peaceful and exhausting, but also, I…?” She…? She what? Sing it all together🎤🎵🎶👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼:
“I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, ooh
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it”
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…...
27.   27……
27 times, huh? 😜 What a wonderful coincidence! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 of all the numbers, precisely the 27. Would you look at that 🤣🤣.
No seriously tho. The words have to fit and respect the tempo of the song, but coincidence or not it's still funny for me 🤭.
Post-Chorus 1:
“Lemons on the chain with the V-cuts (X2)
Lemons in their face, watch ’em freeze up (x2)”
This part was sampled from the song Lemonade by Gucci Mane. Lemons are basically yellow diamonds (known as Canary Diamonds) cut/engraved in the shape of the letter V (an expensive method of cutting diamonds).
The meaning behind that would be that people would “freeze up” in shock at seeing this display of wealth and success, these lemons/diamonds, “in their face”s. They're oh so surprised and intimidated that they even freeze up for this luxury lifestyle thrown in their faces.
Umm………. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Do we really care? Of that? Okay 🤣. About something she didn't even write? Something that she literally took copied and pasted into the song? Pfft, okay. Can we move on? Thank you 🤣.
Verse 2:
“Super twisted, sick addicted”
Twisted: someone who's mentally or emotionally unhealthy or disturbed: sick. -> Sick addicted: someone who's unable to stop doing something as a habit. Ergo, she's saying that she likes/enjoys it a lot and wants to spend as much time as possible doing what they're doing: sex.
Nonsexual meaning: She's using strong words to describe not only herself but also what their relationship is like. They may be twisted, and addicted, and toxic, and all the other things we've seen in their songs, but no matter what, she/they LUV IT, cause they luuuv each other.
“Kiss me hard, someday you’ll miss this”
A dig for all those times they break up or take breaks.
“Meteor shower, in your power”
What's a meteor shower?
The meteor shower is nothing other than what we commonly call shooting stars. These are obviously not stars, but meteors. Meteors are the aftermath of asteroids and comets that ORBITATED the SUN.
Asteroids (celestial bodies composed of rocky bodies) and comets (celestial bodies composed of frozen gases) become meteoroids when they fragment. In turn, meteoroids ignite and disintegrate when they enter our solar system, becoming meteors, ergo shooting stars. Those that don't disintegrate and manage to touch the earth's ground instead become meteorites.
How does a meteor shower happen?
The meteor shower happens when the earth, in its ORBIT around the SUN, crosses an area in which fragments of rock and dust (meteoroids) lost from a comet or an asteroid (celestial bodies made of rock, dust, and ice coming from the outermost areas of the solar system) are concentrated. When an asteroid and a comet heat up as they pass close to the sun, they reach such temperatures that they fragment even more (meteoroids) and when these very tiny fragments enter our atmosphere, they ignite and burn due to friction by generally developing tails, luminous trails (shooting stars) until they vaporize or leave debris (meteorites) behind.
Lil fun fact: some meteorites found on earth come from the MOON 🤭🤣. Most come from destroyed comets and asteroids, but some come from Mars or the moon.
So, after this compelling little science lesson, I can explain what Mila means by “Meteor shower, in your power”.
It's very simple actually. A meteor shower is a celestial event. She's comparing their sex to this astronomical phenomenon, the “Meteor shower”. The “in your power” is due to the fact that Lo’s the one who’s leading as we saw in “And when he leads, I gotta follow” in the first verse.
“Seein’ stars, oh my God”
The retina sends light signals to the brain by making sparks, stars, or flashes of light appear in the visual field. When does this happen? It usually has to do with the head. You've made a movement too fast, like standing up suddenly, or you've been hit on the head, or you're about to lose consciousness, etc. These are all negative aspects, but we're talking about something positive here. Sex.
This amazing sex (Meteor shower), this second round (Threw it back and she caught it), brings her to another orgasm (maybe even another Bottle rocket 🤷🏻‍♀️😏) during which she feels so bewildered, so dizzy, and she experiences this very surreal feeling that overwhelmed her by even Seein’ stars during it. Seein’ stars: to climax, to achieve orgasm.
This can very well be connected with ““I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral” She feels out of control (spiral) because the ending is so beautiful that it almost makes her lose consciousness (blackin’ out)” that I explained earlier.
Oh and, the “oh my God” was her, um 🤣, comment, to express that ending if it wasn't already obvious enough 🤣.
“Slow down, baby”
All of Playboi Carti's “Uh, uh, uh, uh” before Mila's “Slow down, baby”, at least to me, indicate the thrust of the act. Again, he “sings” them to prove the song is straight 🙄, but we know the truth. Anyway. The “Slow down, baby” means exactly that. Either Mila's settling down from the end of round two and needs a tiny bit more time to go as fast as they were going before, or she simply wants this third round to go at a slower pace than the previous one, or better yet, Slow down, baby like in ‘stop, it's my turn now’ (to lead).
Another proof that this doesn't talk about sex with a guy. As I said before, it's rare for guys to get beyond 2 rounds, so let alone a third one 🤣. Sorry, not sorry, but it's literally the truth 🤣.
And that's it. I luv the fact that Camila's lyrics in this song talk about sex but she uses words that still perfectly capture the magnetic attraction between the two of them. I luv how she's quite unapologetic about it. And I LUUUV how she also used these cosmic references in general, but above all, how they anyway hide in a certain way the two important celestial bodies in our sky and solar system: their representation, aka the moon and the sun.
Now let's move on to the music video where everything that could go wrong happens 👍🏼🤣. What is she trying to convey here? Let's find out.
Music video
Opening scene. A Robin Hood wannabe who takes coins from his pocket.
Three empty stationary police cars in a driveway while an aspiring lumberjack cop is, for what initially appears to be, cutting down a tree to prepare for winter.
KhaleesiMila enters the scene 5 seconds before she starts singing. She looks like she just came back home from the night before given her outfit and her slightly messy hair. But not her makeup. The makeup is perfect of course because it's still a music video 😉.
She enters the kitchen with a chocolate cake in one hand while with the other she nonchalantly tosses her heels in a spot where it's very usual for us girls to leave them 🤣: at the doorway or in the bedroom on the kitchen counter. She starts singing and eating a piece of chocolate cake at the same time.
At the same moment as the first bite of the cake, we have a really well-done perfect transition of her spitting her mouthguard out in a somewhat snobbish but challenging and provocative way because she's ready to fight against a professional female wrestler.
Soon after we have a 3-second split shot of her chewing the cake in the kitchen again and her and Carti in the gas station, before cutting to a long one where we have the reappearance of the archer from the opening scene.
From this moment on, all the small shots, the little introductions that we initially had, are explained a little bit more extensively with longer scenes and shots. Still messy 🤣, but longer.
Hospital part 1
Now that we see the surroundings, we notice how Legolas wannabe is in the corridor of a hospital and that the coins he took from his pocket in the opening scene, he needed them to get something like a chocolate bar from the vending machine. After taking it, he walks back to a white-dressed Mila who's sitting with an arrow in her heart.
A flash passed before my eyes and for a moment I was back in 2019. Why? Liar. The cover art picture of the song portrays her as an angel with wings. Camila explained that Cupid strikes her with his bow to make her fall from heaven and unmask her, by making her not so angelic anymore because she's actually a liar who's hiding something, that is a secret [hmm, I wonder which one 😏😎🤫🤐🤣]. This whole story created for the song inspired the visual for the entire album Romance (whole album inspired by the surrealism of a museum of love stories in heaven).
So I asked myself, what is this? A connection to Romance but direct to Liar? No. I'd say more that she paid homage to it since even though the lyrics are about sex, the ideology of the video is about their toxic relationship and how she knows it's toxic but she LUVs IT anyway.
Anyhow, I guess that at the arrow in the heart scene, you all thought that the Green Arrow wannabe was Cupid. Same thing here, mostly because of the connection with Liar. I initially thought: “Oooh, it's Cupid! Cupid shot her with his arrow, ergo she's in love. But she's lovesick, and because of this the hospital: love - sick”. Then I saw the whole scene (plus the ending which I'll explain, well, at the end 🤣) and I realized: “Nope. Not Cupid. Not Cupid at all. Hi, Lauren 👋🏼”.
***Let's be clear. This is a music video. A creative and imaginative way of portraying objects, people, and scenarios in general. Yes, it's Camila's POV, but Lauren isn't that bitchy and dickish in real life. Okay? Every artist does it. It's art. Literally, as the word implies.***
So, back to the scene. Rewind. Lauren Hawkeye wannabe takes the candy bar from the vending machine and goes back to Mila. *This is the point where I got to before.* He doesn't even look at her. He just sits. Contrary to her who follows him with her gaze as he sits down and she also turns her head to look at him one more time before looking straight ahead.
That chocolate bar or whatever the fuck it is, it's not even for her. He took it for himself without even having the thought of taking it for her or taking something for her as well. I mean he's like, he's there for her. He went with her and he accompanied her also because he hit her with an arrow. Like yeah, we know that. We can see that. But even though he's there for her, he at the same time doesn't acknowledge or address her at all. He's just there. Present and not. Waiting for her turn.
While she, even smiles with her mouth closed as he's returning to her, but it's a smile I'd say forced. A kind of smile that masks how uncomfortable she feels. It's a wan smile that shows no energy or enthusiasm. It's a stoical ‘grin-and-bear-it because you're used to it after all’ kind of expression. That smile alone makes you understand how ‘normal’ this situation is for her. She's so used to it that it's a standard routine for her. It doesn't come as a surprise.
In a situation like this one, in a hospital, with an arrow in the chest/heart, anger or pain or both reactions are what you expect to be shown by her. But no. She's just there. Waiting for her turn.
Meaning behind this? The arrow in the heart represents a metaphorical way to express the idea that love can be both powerful and overwhelming, capable of causing joy and pain in equal measure. In this case however, the arrow in the heart doesn't represent a tender sweet and romantic symbol of Cupid and Valentine's Day. It represents a heart-piercing emotional pain. In this case, that arrow is nothing more than a heart-stopping arrow through the heart.
Fight & Dogs
In the next scene we have the professional female wrestler again. Like when she spat her mouthguard out in the opening brief shot, Mila continues to have this defiant attitude *she’s so hot there btw 🤤🥵*. She shows herself as very self-confident with this superior aura and this cockiness that gives off an ‘I can kick your ass’ vibe. All of this flies out the window the moment the wrestler makes her move against her and Mila shits in her pants and starts running away 🤣.
At the same time that she starts running, we have another perfect transition of a running dog. Then we have another very brief shot of her continuing to eat the cake in the kitchen, before alternating the fight with the wrestler and not just one dog running randomly, but her being chased by no less than three dogs 🤣.
These two scenes are connected on the part of running for your life. Literally as far as the dogs are concerned 🤣. And speaking of the dogs, the scene represents the danger and risks of being in love with someone. It represents all the feelings of chaos that go along with it. It represents feeling afraid and helpless with a constant internal battle of anxiety and fear. Being chased by dogs is stressful, scary, and unpleasant, BUT, it's even adrenaline-pumping and the depiction of it, is basically like an excited nightmare that represents not knowing where things are leading. Running into the unknown. She's scared but she does it anyway because the journey is electrifying.
Going back and talking about the scene with the wrestler, the running scared to avoid the actual physical fight is the representation of avoiding the confrontation. And that's something we know Mila does thanks to both her and Lauren. We also know this because in 2016 she herself said that she avoids conflicts with people. It's a vice/bad habit that she's always had.
BUT, no matter how much she tries to run away and avoid this confrontation, it always happens. Sooner or later, she eventually always finds herself having to face the problem unwillingly or not. The representation of this in the video is when she's captured. We actually see this section almost at the end of the video after Carti’s “🎵tursin-eh-oh-and-halloh-eh-halloh-eh-halloh-I'm out o-controool🎵” 🤣🤣🤣. We see the wrestler chasing and catching Mila, which leads to the headlock wrestling move.
Now let's talk about this section with the headlock that we see both at the end and currently in the first chorus of the part of the video where we are. Specifically this one here. We see several headlocks in sequence, but the one I want to focus on is the second one, where the wrestler is enacting the chokehold with only one arm.
Like, umm… 🤭 The way you caress her arm and look at her, and the way you sing “I luv it” with your tongue sticking out in that seductive way 🔥 I mean... Mila, honey…😏 I see you! 🤣
No wonder in the BTS of the video she said: “I've been the most excited for this scene all day”. Hmm 🤔, I wonder why is that 🤣🤣🤣. Just as I'm not surprised by the other clue she gave in the interview with Bru On The Radio when talking about the scene: “It's like a little homoerotic. It's cool! But um- * she bursts out laughing by looking to the side* -yeah”.
Homoerotic: 1) (especially of art, literature, drama, or the like) using symbolism, allusions, situations, etc., that invoke sexual attraction or activity between people of the same gender. Example: There's definitely some homoerotic subtext in that book. 2) having sexual attraction to people of one's own sex or gender, especially when that attraction is repressed. Example: To say a man has a “streak of lavender” means that he has homoerotic desires. 3) relating or involving sexual activity between people of the same sex. Specifically: marked by, revealing, or portraying sexual desire between people of the same sex.
I have nothing else to add, Your Honor. I have nothing else to add 😎🤣.
No but seriously now. She doesn't act that way during the other headlocks. In those, she tries to fight back and somehow defend herself by trying to free herself. We see her react in a rather normal way to that type of situation. But in that particular hold? Nope 🤣. We can see how much she likes it. How attracted and aroused she is. The reactions she has during the other headlocks represent her external side, what really happens and what she lets see. While in that particular one, we see the toxicity of what happens in her inner part. The “I luv it” to the choking which on a larger scale, represents her toxicity in loving the pain. Even though they're fighting and she hates the confrontation and is in pain, she LUVs IT anyway because she luvs HER.
***Mind you that this is only an additional representation and seen in a more generic way. I don't see it as fitting to the theme of the music video as much as the one I've already explained to you now.*** A broader meaning could also be the representation of how the love for Lauren is so strong that she can't fight it. We've seen this other times in the lyrics of songs like This Love [analysis here (the penultimate ask)] and Señorita [analysis here (the last ask)] where Mila was having an inner struggle because, on the one hand, she wanted to protect her feelings, and on the other, she couldn't resist her. Ergo, the scene where she tries to fight this love, the professional wrestler, but she loses and thus is ultimately defeated.
Next scene we have her continuing to eat the chocolate cake plus this guy who comes in and rides around her house on his motorcycle and she does nothing.
Let's dwell for a moment on her eating.
Where have we seen something like this before (besides the reality of everyday life)? In every damn movie and TV show since forever 🤣. Someone is sad for some X reason like they had a fight with someone, or they're going through a breakup, and what do they do? They eat either something chocolate or ice cream. 90% of the time it's something chocolate related. Why? Because when consumed, it releases endorphins in the brain that produce a mild feeling of euphoria by mimicking the feeling of being in love. This is why chocolate is called the love drug. It gives comfort and joy and when we're down, we emotionally crave chocolate because we're unsatisfied with something.
Her eating chocolate cake in this case is an indication of unsatisfied desires and emotional needs.
Now let's go back to the guy with the motorcycle. He's destroying everything in his path and she's simply there, munching on her cake unbothered. He's causing a mess but she doesn't even try to stop him. She doesn't get angry, she doesn't scream, nothing. And why? Because as I said before by talking about that type of smile in the hospital, this situation is ‘normal’ for her. She doesn't react simply because she's used to it. The chaos of their relationship doesn't surprise her also because, I mean, it's been years and years.
The house depicts her head and what happens in it. Him destroying the house is a representation of how she sees his bringing chaos into her life and their relationship. On a deeper level, her not reacting to the destruction of the house represents the fact that she's so in love that she ignores bad and toxic behaviors. The whole scene represents the toxicity and destruction that a relationship can bring into your life but you keep trying because you LUV IT. Lauren brings love, happiness, passion, euphoria, but she also brings chaos which also encompasses mess, confusion, disarray, whether all good or bad. We also saw this type of example in the lyrics of Consequences [analysis here (penultimate ask)].
Successively we have a mix of scenes, among which are the cop one of the opening scene, the car one, and the bathroom one.
Palm tree
We can finally see that this aspiring lumberjack cop is chopping this palm tree because Camila is on top of it.
Now, I have two interpretations for this. The palm tree represents Lauren/their toxic love in both interpretations.
N° 1, she's stuck on the tree. Being stuck represents her way of saying that there's no way out of their toxic relationship even though someone (represented by the cop) or more than someone (since there are 3 police cars even though we only see one cop) tries to get her out of this situation.
N° 2, the one I see as the most truthful, the most right one. She's not stuck on the tree. Mila is Walzing it 🤣🤣🤣 (for those who don't know, Dinah used to call Mila ‘Walz’ and here you can find the reason why the nickname was born). Her koalaing the tree also represents her co-dependence. She's clinging to it and doesn't want to let go.
She's on the very high point of the tree; visual meaning: danger. If she were to fall, she would die or be seriously injured. But she doesn't care. She's ready to risk her life. Deeper for the representation: her love is so strong, that she's ready to risk it (“I'll risk it all”, as we've already seen in Used to This [part of the interpretation that you can find in the analysis of Only Told the Moon here]). She's ready to risk everything/risk it all even if she were to lose her heart and if it were to affect even her mental and physical health as we've already seen in the lyrics of Consequences.
Even in this case, the cop represents someone or more than someone in her life who tries to get her out of this situation. They use extreme ways to do this, representative of getting her down: cutting down the tree. Why? Why doesn't this cop who clearly knows that this person is experiencing some kind of problem call the fire truck to bring a ladder to save her since that's what's normally done in these situations? Or he doesn't go directly and find one himself? Why doesn't he talk to her and try to reason with her to get her down?
Because it's not the first time this has happened. The cop (her family, her friends) is so used to and tired of seeing their on-again, off-again/cycle/loop/circle, that he decides to help her in a more brutal way in this case. Representation: chopping down the tree. It doesn't matter tho. It doesn't matter that other people try to help her in hard ways. She doesn't wanna lose her, and therefore she depicts how even though she knows it's a toxic relationship, she's clinging (codependent) to it and continues to love her because she doesn't want to depart/separate herself no matter what. Reason why we even see her singing “I luv it” while she’s glued to the tree.
Speaking of falling (and how these two scenes are connected). Instead of that tree, here we see her having fallen over a car. Part of the car is destroyed, as is she. It's a representation of being in love and how it can sometimes destroy you. But again, we even see her singing “I luv it” because she doesn't care. She doesn't care about falling and being crushed by/for her. They've taken a lot of risks over the years. They've suffered, they've hurt each other, and they've fallen down and gotten up every single time. And those wounds, in the video are represented as real wounds with cuts, bruises, gashes, and all that jazz.
She doesn't even care when we, the public and the fans, see her destroyed like that. We've seen it many times, especially after years and years spent growing up in the public eye. By this, I'm obviously referring to the woman who's immortalizing the scene with her phone. Although that, it's also a representation of what would actually happen in today's world: instead of helping or calling an ambulance, the woman is filming or taking pics.
Bathroom & Bedroom
Contrary to the connection that the tree and the car scenes have, this one is connected to the ones of the dogs and the professional female wrestler.
We first see her in the bathroom. She looks in the mirror and even lifts her shirt up to look at her belly. Let's say normal things that we all do, and so far, nothing strange. Then we also see her perplexed and undecided tho (when she sighs with her finger in her mouth). And we see her rehearsing. We see her change her expression to a determined one and make the gun gesture with the fingers of her hand.
***Sorry but I have to tell you guys 🤣🤣🤣. I found it extremely funny how she made the gun gesture with her fingers precisely at “someday you’ll miss this”. THIS and bam: fingers out 😏😎🤣. I'm sorry, I'm sorry 🤣🤣 one day she'll miss, what, Mila? Your gay fingers?🤣🤣🤣 Oooooookay 😉🤣***
Back to normal. All that represents her mentally preparing herself, and for what? For what we then see in the bedroom. Before heading there, we can see her expression of determination but more importantly, we can see her pissed-off expression.
She walks into the bedroom with this imaginary automatic machine gun that she uses to shoot and destroy the bed. As she does that, the footage also shows us the rest of the room, and what do I spy with my little eye 🧐? A frame hanging on the wall. And what's in that frame? Five boys with the word ‘sorry’ written on their backs. Wait a second, wait a second… FIVE???? 😲 Five as a reference to Fifth Harmony? 😱 Five as in 5H because it's a hidden clue to confirm that she's talking about Lauren? 🤯 WHAAAAAT??? 😵
Yes, guys, yes. For those who haven't noticed, the answer is yes. Camila doesn't do things shittily. There's always meaning in the things she does, whether it's hidden or not. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise or something different about that clue, don't be fooled. Why 5? Explain the 5 otherwise? They could've used a thousand different things like, for example, an apology/sorry note left on the bedside table, or even just one guy with sorry on his back in that frame since all of this is supposed to be straight and about a guy 🙄. But no. They used FIVE of them specifically.
Moving on.
The rehearsals she was doing in the bathroom that we later saw lead to the destruction of the bed with the imaginary automatic machine gun, were all due to Mila being pissed off about something Laur had done. Something we know thanks to the not-so-hidden apology message in the frame. Now I don't know about you 🎤🎶but I'm feeling 22 🎶🎤 sorry but I had to 🤣 but I know that even though Camila is magical, she doesn't really have powers 🤣. So even though this is the representation of her being pissed at Lo, she didn't actually shoot the bed. It was all in her head. She was just imagining doing it. Yeah, she was angry, but we also know that she'd run away in reality to try to avoid conflicts as we saw in the scene with the dogs and in the scene with the wrestler (aka Laur herself), during which, however, we also saw that the wrestler captures her and that therefore Mila was then forced to face.
Hospital part 2
During the mix of these three scenes (Palm Tree - Car - Bathroom & Bedroom) just discussed, we have two small shots of Mila in the hospital. The first during “oh my God” and the second during “I luv it”.
We see her looking in one direction before saying “oh my God”. It's an exasperated “oh my God” because no one's assisting her yet.
She sings “I luv it” by tapping her finger to her temple in rhythm but we can see how impatient she's starting to get for the wait. Yeah, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, but she's irritated and frustrated.
Gas station
Mila and her friends pull over into this gas station. A guy with long hair immediately approaches to serve them, but instead of refueling the car as we normally expected, he does it to them. He takes the pump and fills their glasses with gasoline, even though we know very well that it was actually nothing more than “some disgusting water-down apple juice”, according to Mila herself.
All this during “Lemons on the chain with the V-cuts (X4) - Lemons in their face, watch ’em freeze up (x4)” Oh well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade Camila Cabello drinks gasoline 🤣. Sorry, sorry 🤣. Joking aside now.
Drinking alcohol produces euphoria. It's stimulating, exciting, and lowers inhibitions and control. It's intoxicating, and although this word usually indicates something positive, it can also represent something negative especially when associated with alcohol. Drinking alcohol is intoxicating in a good way, but if done too much, it's intoxicating in a harmful way. In this case, alcohol is the representation of another hyperbolic metaphor. It's yet another concept represented in an exaggerated way. Gasoline, fuel, or whatever the hell it was, is obviously toxic. Ingesting it is dangerous. It's yet another representation of their toxic relationship and tendencies and how she doesn't care going against all common sense because she LUVs IT.
There would also be another possible meaning behind this scene due to Playboi Carti's verse. He talks about drugs (Novocaine and Mary Jane), luxury cars (Lamborghini Aventador SVJ), and rebellious life in general.
Novocaine is a drug used as a local anesthetic normally by dentists. Mary Jane is the literal English translation of the name Marijuana. Spanish: Maria/Mari. English translation: Mary. Spanish: Juana. English translation: Jane. Ergo, Marijuana: Mary Jane. In the past when drug users talked about marijuana, they called it Mary Jane so as not to arouse police suspicion.
I explained all this because specifically his talk about drugs made me think of a different possible meaning behind this scene. You see in the US, many drug dealers operate out of gas stations. Mila and her friends are getting gas at the gas station. In slang, ‘gas’ is a noun made popular by rappers to refer to weed/marijuana.
It might be that the scene has both meanings. Alcohol for her and drugs for him. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe we would've seen it for real if Carti hadn't arrived late for the video shoot. But anyway.
Right after that, we have the dance scene. I have two interpretations for that even here. Both true.
The first one: Don't expect me to say sweet and predictable things like that she's dancing hypnotized because she's drunk on love 🤣. Nope. The blindfold is supposed to represent how blinded she is by love and shit, right? The typical phrase ‘love is blind’ that makes someone unable to see the flaws of the person they love. True, but at the same time in her case, bullshit tho. Buuuullshit! Because we saw throughout the video how she's aware of everything.
She chose to put the blindfold on and dance freely whether it's just for fun or distraction or to literally dance the pain away. She chose to put it on to ‘not see’ the flaws, the toxicity, and all the negative things. She knows. She knows they're there. It's just her choice to ignore them because, once again, she doesn't care because she luvs it and her.
The second one: Based on the getting gas in the previous shot, whether it's just alcohol or whether it's also marijuana, that's why right after that scene we see Carti with his hoodie backwards before he starts singing and Mila and the girls dancing together blindfolded with X’s over their eyes. It represents the beginning of the effect. 😵: literally the dizziness of drunkenness and/or stonedness. In a deeper way, it represents love being a drug/addiction to live to the fullest (dancing).
Again whether it's just alcohol or weed, that's also the reason why at the end of the video they're both comfortable and relaxed in eating calmly as if they don't have a care in the world (despite the video being completely the opposite). Both alcohol and weed increase hunger and appetite, sometimes leading to strange and uncontrollable cravings. That represents half to almost the end of the effect.
Hospital part 3
She's still waiting. She's still waiting for someone to help her remove that fucking arrow from her chest. The whole reason she's been there waiting for probably hours. Nurses even walk past in front of her but still no one assists her. As before, she's still annoyed, but now she's also discouraged and sad. Not only that, but the male version of a Katniss Everdeen wannabe is also gone. Representation of a breakup or one of their breaks. Mila's alone, and suddenly, the wound begins to bleed.
In this case, the arrow through her heart symbolizes feeling emotionally hurt. Since loving someone is not always a walk in dreamland, but it also consists of twists and turns and can really fucking hurt you, here we see how her heart starts dripping blood. The bleeding can also represent how toxic relationships leave you in the end. Again, love is pain but she LUVs IT.
Thing more important, the wound begins to bleed because she's no longer with her. It didn't do it the entire time Laur was with her, but her heart started to bleed in pain only after she left. Representation of how her heart, although already wounded (arrow) by her/for her, cannot bear to be without her (bleeding). As I also explained in my This Love’s interpretation, the choice over the years has often been between having her and suffering, or not having her at all, and as we know, she always chose her.
The end
So, that was the music video. It gave me Miami and Florida. It gave me GTA and crack house feelings 🤣. It gave me wildness and adrenaline. It gave me roller coaster. It gave me college students traveling for the holidays/Spring Breakers movie. *For those who don't know what I'm talking about 👇🏼*
Tumblr media
Especially here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C59su9PJ7f2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== with this promo.
*Last minute edit: she just said Spring Breakers is one of the inspired aesthetics for the new era*
She in specific, gave me addicted to pain. She gave me impulsiveness. She gave me a fast-paced lifestyle, full of passion, desire, and disregard for consequences. She gave me vibe. She gave me boujee. She gave me dance. She gave me actress and humor as has also happened in other videos in the past (although less than those ones) such as for example Havana, Liar, My Oh My, Bam Bam, Don’t Go Yet, etc. (it's not the first time Camila's been in ridiculous situations in her videos). She gave me chaos begets chaos, and in order to maintain sanity, one must embrace the insanity. Or in her case, a palm tree 🤣🤣🤣.
I mean, all in all and in its complexity, I really enjoyed it. She said the theme of the video is chaos and danger, and we saw that. In the interview with Bru On The Radio, still talking about the video, she said: “This complex feeling of loving the pain of something, or loving the messiness of something, or loving the chaos of something, really kind of like finding the beauty in that part of our humanity”. And we saw that too.
And as if it wasn't clear enough already, the video is an artistic representation of the toxic tendencies and behaviors of their toxic relationship in general throughout all these years. And yes, their as in both of them, not just her as in Lauren's. I told you guys in the beginning that it's Camila's POV and I explained that Lauren isn't that bitchy and dickish in real life, but we don't just see Laur's toxic tendencies and behaviors from Mila's POV in the video. We actually see Mila's a lot more. Let me explain.
We saw how Laur brings chaos into Mila's life and their relationship (house scene). She's hurt her (shot her with an arrow through the heart), she doesn't acknowledge her in the hospital, and she also leaves at the end. The leaving her there (breakup or break) in those conditions as well as not taking something for her too from the vending machine is a neglect; another trait of a toxic relationship. That's all. That's what we see as far as Lauren is concerned. Mila on the other hand…
She's the one who's unbothered, especially in the beginning, in having an arrow in her heart, aka being hurt. She's the one who doesn't react when Lo destroys the house, aka when Laur has toxic behavior towards her. Still her the one who runs away from her problems so as not to face them and avoids conflicts (dogs and wrestler). In fact, if that's why, I wanna put in a good word for Laur in this case since she fights her by forcing her to confront her, aka talk about their problems. Still Mila the one who uses an imaginary automatic machine gun to shoot and destroy the bed symbolically in her head just because she’s angry with her. She's the one who crashes herself on top of a car and risks her life on other occasions with the dogs, the palm tree, and by drinking gasoline. I mean, see what I mean?
Who's the most toxic one we see here? And again, this is just a video. Not the reality. I feel like I always have to specify these things with you guys because one never knows you misinterpreted it 🤣. But anyway. I'm happy Mila did it. I'm happy that Mila represented even her toxicity since for many years due to her songs people only and always blamed Lauren. It's something I've been saying for years 💁🏻‍♀️. They both have their faults. There are two people in the couple and there are always two sides to a story. Not just one.
In any case, that's it, dear Anon. I hope you enjoyed both analysis 🙃.
Aaand I'm done 👅. Thank you all for your asks and I hope I've been helpful this time too 🙃. As usual, I'm always available for those who have questions, so ask away 😄.
Remember to be nice. Always. Both with others and with yourselves. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. Don't let our ship sink. Keep shipping them, but please respectfully 🙏🏼. Sending you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗. I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️.
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samioli · 4 months
I think i first found your fics because i was veryyyy into the “masturbation interrupted” scenario for a while, and in flagrante delicto was EVERYTHING i needed ab that trope. First of all, I love seeing how people imagine edgeworth to approach sex and masturbation, and when you pair it with his intense pining for phoenix, it’s just sooo perfect. You write porn with feelings so so well.
Like a warm embrace is along the same lines, but i loved the way you wrote about phoenix giving miles his hoodie, and the hoodie becoming a physical stand-on for phoenix. Like the passages about Miles imagining phoenix being wrapped around him, phoenix fucking him. UGH SO GOOD.
Wait (they don’t love you like i love you) is the perfect jealous edgeworth fic. It also includes a slightly slutty phoenix which I am obsessed with, but i love the way you explored how miles and phoenix wanting to fuck each other bad but worrying about their feelings not being returned, and how they dealt with that in different way. Love love love
A way with words was too cute. I love the idea of miles dealing with his feelings through poetry, as a lover of poetry myself i think it suits him so well. And the fact that it is just WAYY too much flowery language for phoenix was such a funny and interesting way to approach that. I think you handled them getting together in that fic so well, because it easily could have strayed from the characterizations you set in place, and it didn’t, so having phoenix still not understand but trying so hard for miles made it all the more satisfying. And then we got GREAT porn with feelings to top it off.
I wanna be yours is done so well. I love pairing edgeworth with slightly depraved or humiliating ? kinks. Underwear sniffing is so far from his refined, distinguished persona, and that’s why i LOVE it, because phoenix makes him so insane, he is so in love and obsessed that he can be reduced from a chief prosecutor to a man who gets off by having his face dry humped while grinding on a shoe. So hot.
I honestly could go forever. You write praise kinks and face fucking and everything so well. You always strike the perfect balance of porn and feelings. And your understanding of Phoenix’s and Edgeworth’s characters and motivations is like none other. I’m glad your health issues are beginning to improve, but i’m sorry your stomach is stilll hurting you. I hope this message can at least provide something to you, and hopefully repay a fraction of the great time and effort you’ve spent on this fandom. Your time and talent is very much seen and very much appreciated
this is so so so so sweet??? exactly what i needed to get me through the Hurty????? i don't even know what to say????
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^ literally me rn
I'm so pleased you first brought up in flagrante delicto because i feel like people don't talk about that fic as much as some of my other ones??? but i do really like that fic, i just love crashing into miles edgeworth's head. he has fantasies! he has kinks!!!!! he has desires!!!!
VERY PLEASED you brought up i wanna be yours too, literally went a lil crazy writing that (had the idea, immediately wrote it and it only took a day, thanks to @sapphire-wine as well, she was cheering me on and having brainrot with me) and i think like. some people were very prepared to kinda turn their nose up at it because like, "oh, Edgeworth would NEVER do that!" well what if he did! what if he's a lil freaky! (affectionate) i think like you said, its about how his love for phoenix is so VAST and powerful and consuming for him, making him do things that my seem out of place for him.
thank you SO SO SO MUCH for your kind words. i hope you have the best day ever and I'm giving you some of my falafel that i had for lunch. i love u
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weaselle · 1 year
“i wish i got abused by my parents instead of them wanting the best for me. then i could blame THEM for all my issues TO THEIR FACES MWAHAHAHA instead of just behind their backs on tumblr :( sighh i wish i could say I HATE U GRRRR outloud instead of in my heart :( nooo i wish i had endured violence instead ahrrrgg“
this is a great time to talk about how i handle hate messages
the first thing i want to do here, is i want to extend some sympathy and understanding, and really assume the best about this person, after all, who among us hasn't needed that
so maybe this person was actually physically abused by their parents, and that would be a reason to have a strong reaction to my post, strong enough to make it hard to see what i was trying to communicate, strong enough to be mad at me. And maybe this person is young or has their own mental health issues, which could be a reason they would attack a stranger on the internet like this. Maybe they are simply having the worst day, and this is not an example of their best selves.
So let us assume this human being is lashing out for easy to understand reasons, like from their own pain. An abused person skimming through my post might understandably write this message in response. A young, or incredibly angry, or socially impaired person might hit send on it.
Maybe they were orphaned also, and think i should feel lucky i had real family to adopt me -- they would be right. And i do feel lucky. I have been extraordinarily lucky in that regard.
perhaps they feel wishing that i had been physically abused is an incredibly bad take -- which is very understandable! i would generally agree that as a hot take, that's not great, though wishing emotional damage was physical damage is a fairly normal response to a lot of kinds of emotional trauma actually. Sometimes people even get a disorder that makes them try to transmute their emotional pain to physical pain by hurting themselves. But, yes, saying "i wish i was physically abused by my parents" is insensitive and maybe even antagonistic to say, when one by no means wishes to trivialize the very serious damage physical abuse incurs, both to a person's body and their inner personhood.
Which is why wishing i was physically abused is something i absolutely did not say, because i do not wish that.
What i said was, my adoptive parents messed me up despite being good people who were trying their best, and i sometimes wish my parents' mistreatment of me was purposeful and over-the-top like a fairy-tale, so that i might feel clear anger instead of confused pain. I cited two examples, Matilda and Cinderella, neither of which feature physical abuse.
See, every time i try to undo the knots they tied me up with inside, i can't get around feeling a huge amount of guilt about admitting they damaged me when i know they never meant to and i know how lucky i am, and facing how fucked i am from my childhood feels like being a horrible ungrateful person, but the fact remains that my childhood did fuck me up, and it's confusing and difficult to process.
but there is no point discussing these things with the person who sent this message, because there is no possible purpose in this message beyond causing me pain for their own catharsis. See? There is no call to action, no hanging question, no attempt to recognize the depth of another person's experience, no good faith interaction. It is exactly the same as if they yelled "fuck you!" and left. There is no engagement, this is entirely about them and not me.
Therefore i am not responding to it directly in any particular fashion, merely using it to demonstrate one way to mentally handle receiving this kind of hateful, hurtful message.
I hope this person is well. I hope this person is not deeply haunted by sending this message the way i get when i grow enough as a person to realize my mistakes
i note that they say "TO THEIR FACES MWAHAHAHA instead of just behind their backs on tumblr" while on tumblr using the anon feature, and that strikes me as ironic and humorous.
Humor is a great way to distance yourself from painful emotional reactions to mean messages.
i resist the urge to yell in detail about the real trauma i've suffered in my life, because, again, they don't care about my experiences, they aren't trying to open any kind of dialogue. And i already over-share on here, i don't need to do it angrily!
They are simply lashing out, probably because they are in some kind of pain, past or present. And in many many ways i have, in fact, been very fortunate, and perhaps they have been much less so.
i wish them a better future, full of growth and healing.
because I am also trying to grow and heal. And even if you feel things you are not proud of, it is important to admit to feeling them, and to work on that.
For example, when my mother sent me away to live with her sister, and then was killed a couple years later, I resolved that i would "never let her death be an excuse or a reason for anything negative in my life" because i felt it would make me a worse person to do that, and it would tarnish my love for her.
But the fact is, things like abandonment, and resentment, and anger, and a struggle to see any selfworth... these things do not stop existing just because you refuse to acknowledge them. Actually, refusing to acknowledge them can make them much worse.
So if this was sent by a person who was physically abused but has a similar notion of not letting it be an excuse for anything, i hope they are able to find a more nuanced approach that allows more complete healing, because they are a human being, and deserve peace and wellness.
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7ndipity · 9 months
hey !! i ♡ ur writing, its helping me get away from reality and the hard times it has brought last year 2023, so im hoping that both for u and me and whoever is reading this that 2024 is gonna be a good year, full of joy, blessings, and health, im also hoping for the boys, even tho they'll spend most of the year in the military, that this is gonna be a great year ...♡ idk if the shipping game is still going, but id like to join, if its possible haha....im kind of late but i was afraid at first (im very shy) then i remembered that i can use the anon option!
also u asked which member we'd ship u with, so i'd personally say yoongi! ik u write a lot of fics on him, so maybe its that, but also you seem like a very nice, calm and understanding person, also a very like "warm"? person and i think thats just the type of person yoongi would enjoy being with :) or with jimin too!
well abt me ..for the shipping game.
Im a 00 liner, she/her, im from a slavic country, i have long hair with bangs, dark blonde, brown eyes and some freckles, petite (?) like very short.. omg it seems like a school presentation im sorry, also, im an atheist/agnostic but im very open to religions and spirituality and i personally love talking about such matters, i love having deep talks also, i love reading and rewatching the same few film or animes (like evangelion im obsessed). i talk abt this things over and over.
also, im an introvert and im very insecure both abt my looks and the way i act, but i always try to be sincere abt my feelings even tho its hard since im kind of a people pleased but i!am!working!on!it!! im an optimist, things have gotten better before and they will get better again. im a calm person but sometimes i have silly moments so its either that i talk it out and like talk talk talk talk or idk i just laugh at everything....also, i really like physical affection BUT i dont like pda...like cute but not in public yk.
omg i wanted to make this short for u...im sorry, if ur not doing the shipping game anymore dont worry i might be late for it ig😭help...
also one last thing, im a yoongi stan because i love the kind of person he is, caring, calm, very mature also emotionally intelligent and is not afraid to show vulnerable parts of himself. Also he is very passionate that admirable and he a cutie yk it already like...also! hobi is my wrecker cause he is the sweetest never fails to make us smile :) ok...i said enough now you know abt me😵😦 anyways.....sorry i hope u have a good day🤍 happy new year again, i really wander how u keep it up with writing and daily life seems like a lot to me u always bless us with new amazing stories and ur very sweet and patient when answering, take care🤍🤍
Ok, first off thank you so much for your sweet message! I'm so glad this blog's been a place of comfort for you, and I definitely second your wish that this year be kind to us all!
I’m about to make you so happy, cause I would ship you with Yoongi and Hobi, and also a little bit with Namjoon!
Yoongi and Joon love people that they can have genuine, deep conversations with, so I think they’d really appreciate your openness and sincerity, as well as your optimism. Plus, I think Joon would find you super cute(lowkey think he would be into height differences)
You mentioned a bit about your style in your second message, and I’ve said before that I think Hobi would really love a partner with similar fashion sense/ style to him, so i think he’d really be into your alt/skater style(and as a fellow Aquarius, you two would pair quite well together)! Plus, he and Yoongi have such warm, reassuring personalities, I feel like they would be so comforting for you!
Hope this was okay💜
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veersnz · 1 year
hello my dear i am so late but i have just seen you reblogged this andddd if you'd still like to: 💛 🔐🍌🌝 and if u want~ ⭐️ boop (yes, there's a yellow theme <33 to match ur blog~)
Hellooo!! Don't worry better late than never haha (and also that gives me an opportunity to fill the 💛 asked by that poor anon whom I had completely forgotten, I'm so sorry buddy I promise I was just very busy 😭) How cute and thoughtful ✨ - 💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself? Not to sound like a narcissist, but I love a lot of stuff about myself xD (on good days at least lmao) I'd say my favorite is my hands, everyone compliments them at some point or another haha. They're very long and slender and even though I got shit for them (during the anon hate period for those who remember, they said they looked like a skeleton's hand xD) I still love them a lot~ it's just a struggle to find rings lmao - 🔐 something no one would guess about you That I'm bald !! Well maybe a few people know because of that picrew I posted a while ago but yeah I have no hair left lmao xD well I'm not completely hairless, I just probably have 1 cm left of hair (0,3 inches for our american friends~) I think it's absolutely not something people expect, especially when I'm wearing a cap or a beanie but I've been rocking that haircut for a year now almost and I still love it so much xD (this is the sign you're looking for if you wanna shave your head 😉) - 🍌 what is one talent you wish you had Play the piano ! Or any instrument honestly haha. I used to play the flute but I forgot how to and now I wish I could go back in time. I miss playing music. One day I'll definitely get back to it !!! - 🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone Oh god I have no idea cause I watch so much scary or weird stuff, most of the things I think about have trigger warning lists as long as my arm 💀 Perhaps a tamer one would be Love, Death and Robots ? It's a great show, lots of amazing episodes and while some episodes are a bit forgettable, some of them are mindblowing. Definitely worth a watch ! mention of eating disorder and mental health
- ⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you? Definitely overcoming my eating disorders. I struggled for a long time and after 8 years I'm finally free from this hell. It took a lot of work, dedication and sacrifices and I'm proud of myself for surviving and thriving today. It's important because someone close to me couldn't recover from it, to this day they're still suffering in the throes of an0rex1a like I used to be. We still call each other regularly and seeing me recover and have the life they could never have has made them feel a lot better. They will most likely never get better but at least they didn't see me fall victim to this horrible disease too. My recovery is bringing them the happiness they deserve. It's important for me and for them and in the end that's why this is my biggest accomplishment as it goes beyond my sole experience. I hope to one day share my story and help those beyond my circle of friends and family
Thank you so much Waterfall for all those asks 💖
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calamitydaze · 2 years
hello bella i would like to say 2 things!!!
one, i hope ur day is going as well as it possibly can!!!
and two (sorry, its more serious), have u wanted Ro's video on The Situation? personally, i really really dont think i have the mental or emotional energy to, partially bc its an hour long, partially bc its just...an hour of talking about Not Good Things. idk, i kinda want to know what she says, but also do not want to injest the content directly, for my own mental health.
if anyone else has a tldr for it, i would be greatful!!
thank you!! i’ve had a pretty alright day, went to work and got a haircut and then drove to the mall to get coffee that wasn’t starbucks for a change :P it wasn’t as good as i remembered though sadge
i haven’t watched ro’s video yet, but i was planning on it either tonight or tomorrow! i have a few anons i’m gonna answer once i do to talk about it, so i’d be happy to put in a tldr for you then ^__^
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seiwas · 8 months
HELLOOOO! How are u miss sel!!! Hope everything’s good n im here to wish u a very happy valentine’s day😡🫵
n i saw ur reply to my other ask where u said u might be writing a col fic 👀 Im super excited to read itttt
hope u have a lovely day!! ❤️
zuro anon
ZURO ANON HELLLOOO 🥺 i am currently being nursed to health by the bf bc i have terrible cough and colds 😭 BUT!! other than that, i am doing great 🥹 happy valentines day 💗🌷 how are you? i hope you’re doing well too 🥺
AND YES!!!! i may be writing a col fic for the valentines collab i have with augustine 🥹 she’ll also be writing a fushigojos one 🤭
i hope you have the loveliest day!!! 🫶🏻
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fairyhaos · 1 year
aa it's good to hear u've been doing good! i hope u get some rest though! sending u shua hugs rn ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖
i've been ok for the most part,, some life stuff happened n i wanted to take a gap semester but apparently that's not how my uni works Imao so im taking a gap year rn. the change was weird, n i felt like i didn't have anyone to talk to, but im feeling a lot better now !! i no longer feel guilty about "wasting time" n i definitely needed this for my mental health. on the brighter side, 2 of my cousins got married a few weeks ago n it was a great time :) and,, yeah (moral of the story: never ask 🎐 anon how they're doing unless u want to read an essay) hugs i hope you're having a good day so far yena ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
(also i literally just tried to send this but idk if it ever got sent bcs it just kept loading + if it did send the first time and what im saying makes no sense this is so embarrassing and this never happened) also svt comeback soon !! n it's 2 days before my bday too ahahha 'm so happy :))
thanku for the shua hugs my dearest ^^
a gap semester turning into a gap year????? gosh that's a lot longer than you'd expect 😭 but im glad to hear that itll be able to help you! im so glad that they allowed you to do that as well, so you can focus on feeling better <3
two cousins omg!! how did that go? i bet it was fun haha ^^
i love listening to other people and how things r going for them ! dw about rambling, i love getting asks from you :>
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rrxnjun · 2 years
OH NO!! I HOPE U GET THROUGH THEM EVEN THOUGH THEY SUCK !!☹️☹️ well i'm glad that u have time for them then and also wish u the best of luck with them🥳🥳💕 i'm sure its at least similar to that everywhere else as well (judging from what i have heard from vlogs and such🤣), but im only starting uni (hopefully) in september so i don't exactly know how they work 😟
you will never convince me that your writing can be bad🫡/(very much)lh!! but like i also completely understand where u are coming from cuz being happy with ur own creative work is just so hard sometimes(most of the times)☹️
WAHHH U HAVE NO CLUE HOW HAPPY U MADE ME WITH THAT!!🥹🥹🥹(i was actually this emoji🥹) U LITERALLY MADE MY DAY WITH THIS!!!🥹 MENTAL HEALTH WALKS ARE THE BEST VERY THANKFUL FOR THEM!!!! MY GOD!!!!! IM VERY EXCITED ABOUT ALL OF UR UPCOMING FICS WAHH!!!🥹🥹 (liebestraum anon💕💕💕💕like i actually hope u have the greatest year ever with how happy u made me with this!!!!!!!)
AHAHA THANK U ILL TRY 😭😭 uni work is really scary for some reason but im hoping it all goes well💕 good luck w uni!! its a big jump from hs,, or at least it was for me,, and getting used to it takes some time but im rooting for u and i hope u like it! what do u wanna study?
being happy with my creative work is so difficult sometimes you are SO right. especially bc i think i kind of grew into a big perfectionist when it comes to my art, so i just cant post anything thats not close to perfect in my eyes and then when i do i hate the fic so much it makes me want to delete it 😭 thank u for acknowledging the struggle!!
MENTAL HEALTH WALKS ROCK FOR THIS REASON ALONE!!!! idk when ill get to writing it but i think ill finish my outline very very soon and maybe even start with writing it hhh😋 im very excited for it thank god!!
thank u for always being so sweet and for sending these asks, they always make my whole day 🥺❤ have a great day, week, and the whole year AHAHA ily
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dourpeep · 2 years
Ah! So The Day I picked up Dazai was given out as a small bonus to those who came to see the Beast movie early. It's a light novel but unlike the others it hasn't been /officially/ released yet in a longer form (and who knows if and when that will happen). I won't say much more about it but I can only recommend it, it's a quick read. If you're interested, Tumblr user @/popopretty translated it :)
And I'm doing alright! Unfortunately super busy with exams and BSD / Genshin brainworms
-meerkat anon
Yet another thing I will never get for my collection OTL OTL BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WON'T LOOK AT THAT HEHEHE TYTY FOR THE USER!
But also also wahhhh man I hope that they do release it in a longer form! I really like Asagiri's writing style (looking back at that one post I made a while back talking about the development of it over the first few light novels- ehe) but like OSIFHEIH man. I'm on the 6th one right now so I only have 2, technically 1, left to read OTL and while Stormbringer is hefty compared to the length of the others...I'm a fast reader (':
It's okay though it's about the enjoyment ('':
That being said the worst part is is that bsd's fandom isn't very big and what makes that telling is the incomplete/broken fandom wiki pages >> pls update it I beg of u admins
Ah that's great! And I wish you good memory and luck with your exam. Apply your self diligently, and you will come through nodnod. Also make sure to take breaks--it's better to take intermittent breaks rather than study in one go and forego resting. Your brain health is just as important and studies show that you will do better if you are well rested nodnod
Also it's good to take a 'practice' test before you take the actual one. Just like 10 questions, multiple choice is good enough--basically the idea is to get your brain into 'thinking mode' as a warm up! It's what I do before major tests and it tends to get the brain jogging rather quickly!
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gb-patch · 2 years
Birthday Messages
Thank you for all the birthday messages! I answered the non-anon ones privately and I’m putting all the anonymous asks in one big post to keep it all together. I really appreciate the well-wishes 🥰️☺️
Thank you :D
I don't come here often, but I hope you have an happy birthday! I love the games you all make, inspired me to try learning how to do programming myself. :)
That’s really cool! I hope your programming goes well. And thank you ✨
Happy birthday!!! It’s the 16th here 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎂🥳
Thanks 😄!!
Happy (early) Birthday! ! ! 🎂
May your projects come to fruition and don't forget to take care of yourself! ! !
Your health is important first and foremost! ! !
Also, I admire how incredibly expansive/much depth is put to create in your games content.
Hope you have a wonderful week/weekend!
- Anon
Aw, thank you. I hope you have a nice week too!
Happy Birthday!!
Thank you 🥳️
omg i just that one ask, happy birthday!!!!! i hope u have a wonderful day!!<3333
Thanks! I did have a nice day ^^
I've been following/playing your games for a while now and I love them, they make me so happy, so thank you (and your team!) for all your hard work!! Also wanted to say happy birthday, its my birthday today too, so birthday twins! :) Have a wonderful day and make sure to give yourself a break every once in a while!
I’m so glad the games made you happy. And cool, happy birthday to you too 🎉
happy birthday
Thank you! 💖
Happy Birthday!! You absolutely deserve the best birthday imaginable for all that you’ve given out. Cant begin to describe how much Our Life changed me as a person. Thank you and best of wishes!!
Thank you. It’s wonderful that OL was a good experience for you 🥺️
happy birthday!!!!!
Thanks! 💞
Thank you!!
Happy birthday 🥳
Thank you for making the most beautiful games that have kept me sane for the past 2-3 years
Aw, thank you for keeping with our games for so long, and for the nice message, too! 💗
happy birthday!!! I hope you have the most wonderful year, you so deserve it!!!
Thank you! 😭
🎉🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (unless you answer late in which care HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!)
Haha, it was just in time! Thank you ❤️️
Haapppyyy biirrrttyhhhhddaayyyyy toooo yooiuuuuuu!
Thank you very much :D
We had the same birthday, probably just different timezone! Cheers to us🥂🎊🎉 
Nice! Happy birthday to you too
Happy late birthday! I wish you the best of days, and a Great sleep :> 
Thank you 💖. And I did get a good’s nights sleep! Better than I have in a while.
Happy birthday!! I hope you get plenty of rest and relaxation and have the best (and safest) day ever!
Thanks very much. I had a nice day 😊
Thank you! It was great 😄
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
omg i think the first time i sent this ask it didnt send 😞 okayokeyy since at the time of writing this requests r open can i request togami and mondo who think their s/o/reader is dead but its actually just a hyperrealistic doll version of them? like angst then comfort when they find out reader isnt dead,, sorry if its hard to write or i worded it strangely 🙇🏻‍♂️ thank u for your time,,!
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THINKING YOU'RE DEAD • byakuya, mondo x gn reader
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sure, anon! this was a little specific, but i had a great time writing it. /gen i decided to pump out some requests because there wasn't any homework assigned today, and because my inbox was full for a bit. i hope you like this!
tws/cws: angst, death, implied murder assumption, descriptions of dead bodies & an angry mondo.
|| -> mod taka <3
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this man doesn't panic very easily. given the fact that he's the tycoon of a big family name, he has developed the skill of staying calm under stressful situations.
however, whenever it involves you, he freaks out in the blink of an eye. togami knew about this fact, but he definitely didn't expect the effect to happen to him on what seemed to be a normal day.
when he walked into the library to see your body on the floor, looking extremely cold and lifeless, his breath gets caught in his throat, freezing in place. the tips of his fingers also go cold, as his body immediately starts producing more sweat out of panic.
he stands there for a good minute, wondering what to do. when he finally builds up enough courage to go to your body, he starts moving you and asking you to wake up.
"s/o. s/o! wake up, now. this isn't as humorous as you think it is. i know you enjoy playing jokes on me, but this is too far. i know you're not really dead, so get up."
the first stage of grief truly is denial. while you sit there, still unresponding to all his angry but desperate pleas, he starts to feel a lump develop in his throat.
byakuya starts to yell at your body. this time, with more desperation and sadness in his voice. he refuses the thought of you being dead. you can't die like this. not while he's still stuck here. no, no, no, no. he needs you to stay alive.
when the first tear drops from his eye, is when your group members finally distrupt the depressing scene from behind one of the bookshelves.
you and your classmates were just tasked to make a dead realistic doll for health class. they all decided to go to the library to see if the depiction was accurate. which, if it managed to fool a togami, then it is.
when one of your friends drag you away from behind the book shelf to him, his first reaction is being angry that he was fooled so easily. byakuya rejects the thought of him crying at your "dead body", running out of the library, back to his classroom.
after that situation, your group sort of just... ignores it and goes to turn in the doll. and you got a perfect score! you rush to byakuya's mansion to tell him about it, and you're met with an anxious boyfriend hugging you.
you now have to spend the rest of your night comforting a clingy and depressed byakuya. he needs the reassurance after feeling the intensity of thinking you were actually dead.
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mondo owada, on the other hand, doesn't have any problems with freaking out easily. especially when the problem involves anything surrounding you.
the man just wanted to get something for the teacher in the storage room that was at the back of the school. he really didn't need to see something that resembled you. and that something also seemed like wasn't breathing.
he ran to the strange figure in the distance, and realized that the terrible thoughts in the back of his mind is confirmed. that really is you, and you didn't look so well.
the first reaction is pure panic. he picks you up in his hands and starts checking for a pulse in every area he can, and when he realizes that none of them are beating even slightly and that you feel cold, thats when the next stage starts.
anger and yelling. he's not mad at you, he's mad at whatever hurt you. and, since he doesn't know what has caused it yet, all he can be furious and loud at, is seemingly nothing.
this is also when he starts to cry. he really doesn't like to do that too much, but when someone you love so much might be gone, your body sunconsciously goes to sobbing as one of its first reactions.
despite how angry and mad he is, he still holds you extremely carefully in his hands. he has always treated you like you were made of the most fragile china, and he continues to do so, even if he thinks you've passed.
around this time is when you and tsumugi walk back from the local art shop. you were very confused as you watched mondo cried over the doll you two made, but after you piece the pieces together, you quickly go to tell him you're still alive.
when he sees two versions of you, one alive, one dead, he immediately rushes to go hug the one thats breathing. he seems to be crying, and so you quickly explain the situation to him to clear misunderstandings.
you'll explain that tsumugi needed some help because she was trying to test her body paint for her zombie cosplay, and you offered to be the reference for the model she was painting on.
he's relieved that you're alive, but also feels slightly stupid for crying over a realistic doll that a cosplayer made. he awkwardly drags you away from the blue haired girl to spend some time with you after the rollercoaster of emotions he just went on.
you two skip the last few classes of the day to go to a dog cafe. it always helps to cool down his nerves, but you still owe him a bunch of cuddles afterwards.
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leviiattacks · 4 years
I loved Ceo Levi so can I request Ceo Levi comforting the reader because she’s in financial trouble? Idk the plot it’s up to you but that sort of idea. I hope it’s not too much of a bother!! Also happy birthday ❤️
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author note :: very rushed and not that great at all but i hope it’s enjoyable anon !! also thank u for the birthday wish <333 if you’d like for me to idk expand on this request you can always request again my ask box is open !! <33333 word count :: 1.5k
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levi’s worried about you
like super worried
ultra worried
mega, super, ultra worried?????
all the synonyms for large aren’t enough to explain how distracted he is whilst he stares at you from across the table.
the entire team meeting today you’ve sat down with a glazed expression, you’re clearly out of it and don’t want to be present
on a few occasions he notices you gnaw at your lips anxiously and your eyes shift everywhere showing you’re clearly uncomfortable
team meetings are normally two hours long on a monday to discuss production plans extensively but levi can’t even make it to the thirty minute mark before he’s dismissing everyone
“we’re ending early i don’t feel well.”
mr ackerman letting the team leave early again... it’s the second time he’s done it now but HEY, the employees have no complaints!!
levi knows something’s bothering you when you don’t move an inch from your seat
you probably haven’t even heard what he said about leaving because you’re so zoned out
now,,,,levi’s never really been big on physical contact and he’s not great at comforting or using words either but he still double checks the door is locked so he can speak to you privately
you start sobbing as soon as the sound of the door clicks
“y/n, what’s wrong?” he’s cautious in his approach but places a hand on top of yours gently to test the waters
but you only start crying even more ?!?,!,
which panics him because oh my god what did he do...???,?.
did he do something wrong???
you know what, he’s just going to copy what people do in the movies and hope it goes well
your sobs echo through the room and he thanks himself that the cement walls are definitely thick enough for you to not be heard by your colleagues
slowly but gradually you get a grip and it almost looks like you have to force yourself to a halt midway just to wipe the tears at your eyes
it’s at times like these that levi thanks you for having an expressive face because he would hate to not notice you felt this horrible
“i suggest you carry on if you haven’t got it all out yet. from personal experience it’s better when someone sits with you.”
levi’s warm words embrace you and you look at his arms then his heat pressed suit. he’s in a completely different world compared to you and a feeling of sickness soon overpowers the warm feeling in your chest
why are you sitting here and crying like a pathetic fool in front of your boss??
ok, maybe he’s a little more personal than a boss you aren’t sure what he really is but that doesn’t matter
“y/n, i have something to say.”
FUCK. this is it. you’ll be fired for being unprofessional and improper. this is IT. the end of your professional career.
you want to run out of this room at full speed and hurl yourself out of one of the windows never to be seen again...
but,, you won’t do that, that’s embarrassing
instead you steel yourself and look at him with as much courage as you can muster (which to be clear is not very much)
“if you ever need to take a day off for mental health reasons you’ve always been allowed to so please feel free to take the rest of the day off if you’d like.”
he’s... not firing you?
“but before that, would you like to let me know what’s happened? can i maybe help?”
you purse your lips feeling the premature humiliation
he can help, anyone with as much money as him can but you don’t want him to aid you. the guilt would eat you away
but you do want to confide in him and tell him what’s wrong
you want to tell someone about it at least
“i’ve been evicted from my apartment” your voice is barely above a whisper and levi just looks at you mouth agape
he pays you enough to live comfortably
how could you be getting evicted?
“i have to pay for my mother’s medical expenses so it’s stressful i send most of my earnings hom-”
levi shushes you with his input. “i’ll pay off the debt so you don’t be evicted and i’ll also give you a pay rise.”
at that you’re just pure shocked
is he even thinking right now???
because this isn’t the strong willed strategic business man you know
“no??? i can’t leech off of you??”
“you’re not leeching. i am investing in you.”
you’re a little lost now but choose to hear him out
“you work for me already and i greatly value your work. now you’re in a tough position. correct?”
you nod your head in response
“and for you to still work for me you’ll need a home. correct?”
again you nod
“so allow me to pay off the debts. it’s for both of our benefit.”
that however really isn’t levi’s reasoning at all. he couldn’t care less about that, he just doesn’t want to see you shoulder the pain and stress of it all alone
staring at him teary eyed you sniffle
“would you-” your voice cracks and you cough “really???”
you look so desperate and vulnerable and levi feels frustrated for not spotting the warning signs of your struggle any sooner
you had been coming to the office looking more restless, you had been drinking more coffee and despite the excessive caffeine consumption he still caught you dozing off at your desk at least four times
he places a hand on the centre of your back and pats you three times as if you’re members on the same ship
“yes i mean it, take it easy.”
his simple sentence is enough to cause all of your rational thinking to jump away and you drag him in by the neck into a tight hug
you’re ugly crying and you know you’ll look back on this in embarrassment but your mind works on impulse, you’re unable to stop it
usually levi doesn’t like anyone messing up his suits but he can make an exception for you. he’s sure your tears have left a moist patch but he’s not mad. hell, even if you get snot on his expensive dress shirt he’ll be okay with it
“is there any way i can pay you back mr ackerman?”
he winces at the formality of your tone
“call me levi.”
your brows raise at the request
“that’s what i want in return. for you to call me levi.”
that’s all???
“oh, well thank you levi. i’m grateful...”
his name rolls off your tongue awkwardly the first few times and even he regrets asking you to call him by his first name
but three days later you’re walking in breezily. a pen is tucked behind your ear and you’re double checking levi’s spending sheet with a calculator in your hands.
levi literally STOPS breathing because you look so refreshed today and the colour is back on your face. you look your best when you’re stress free.
and then you say it
“levi, do you think you could spend a bit less on tea bags because OH MY LORD???”
he notices there’s no longer an air of discomfort to his name and his chest swells happily
“y/n, give me ONE good reason to not spend my money that way??”
you notice how he easily he says your first name with an airy chuckle and you could almost... ALMOST... swear the two of you are flirting
to anyone observing with no sound he looks as nonchalant as normal but really the tone of his voice is implying the suggestive nature of conversation
“maybe you should spend your money on other things you like?” your suggestion is thrown back in your face when levi scoffs choking back a laugh
“i already am spending my money on other interests of mine.”
turning to face him and to hand him a file of paperwork you look him right in the eyes
“and what interests would those be?”
levi’s gaze meander down to your lips before shooting back up to your eyes and you swear you feel a tingle in the pit of your stomach
“i’ll let you figure that out on your own. you’re smart enough.”
you’re gaping at that reply because how are you meant to know???
but, the answer to your question is far more obvious than you think.
and it’s only after work whilst you’re eating dinner that you’re able to connect the dots
he was, talking about...you??
gasping you flush bright pink and bury your face into one of your sofa’s pillows
no way, there’s no way that happened
oh no, but there really is a way
and that way is levi ackerman ;-)
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sluttymickey · 2 years
hiii desi anon here, i hope ur having a great day and honestly icb u replied to me ur one of the biggest blogs here im so honored 😭 im from the south and i dont rly speak hindi but i understand most of it! which brings me to my question: WHAT HINDI (or marathi, i rly just want desi songs lol) SONGS REMIND U OF GALLAVICH? if u have a bollywood gallavich playlist PLSS SHARE! i've always wanted a desi gallavich stan to talk to so just a warning that im gonna be spamming ur inbox for a while lol
Hiiiiii!!!!!! Ofc I replied 🥰 and there's no big blogs here we're all just out here clowning together about the boys 😌
Omg I've been waiting all my life for this!!😭 I have SO MANY hindi songs that remind me of them 😭
Don't have a playlist, but here's a little list! Putting it under a cut cause it got too long lol.
Mai Yahan Hun: PRISON REUNION!!! Mickey making his way across the border for Ian inspite of everything!!
Adhoori Saans Thi Dhadkan Adhoori Thi Adhooren Hum // Magar Ab Chaand Poora Hain Falak Pe Aur Ab Pooren Hain Hum
Jaanam dekhlo mit gayi duriyaan, mai yahan hun, yahan hun, yahan hun, yahan // Kaisi sarhadein, kaisi majbooriyan, mai yahan hun, yahan hun, yahan hun, yahan.
Mere Haath Mai: like the entire song??? Reminds me of them breaking apart and reuniting every single time. Holding onto each other!! And ofc HANDS 😩💫. Tere haath mai mera hath ho, saari jannatein mere saath ho. That's SO them!! I've got the whole universe if I've got your hand in mine!!!😭
^^ that feeling of being incomplete w/o each other!! But now they're together and they feel whole 🥺 also the last line makes me think of them stargazing and feeling so content 🥺
Mast Magan:
Man Mast magan, man mast magan bas tera naam dohraaye// Chaahe bhi toh bhool na paaye
The part about just thinking about each other, and not being able to forget even if you want to. Like!!! Aaaaaah it's THEM
Duniya zamaana jhoota fasaana // Jeene marne ka waada saancha mera // Ho sheeshmahal na mujhko suhaye // Tujh sang sookhi roti bhaaye
The way the world doesn't matter if they have each other!! Till death do us apart 😭 and the last lines remind me of them bc like. They don't care about the fancy shit or anything, they just want a peaceful domestic life w each other 🥺
Bolna: the entire song actually 🥺 gives me very mickey about ian vibes if that makes sense?
Virah: mickey heartbroken in prison and in mexico </3
Tu Jo Muh Phere Sakhi Deh Pran Tyaage // Pal-Pal Tu Dekh Mujhe Zindagi Guzaar Du
When Ian turned away from him 🥺
Lab Par Aaye: the lyrics fit so well w ian trying to win Mickey back after the courthouse tragedy!!
Kaho na pyaar hai: idk gives me v early s5 vibes. They were lovin' so hard and they were so happy 🥺
Haan tu hai: ian@mickey!!
Jo khwabon khayalon mein socha nahin tha tune mujhe itna pyaar diya // Main jab bhi jahaan bhi kadi dhoop mein tha // Teri zulf ne mujh pe saya kiya
Reminds me of all the times Mickey's been their for Ian when he needed it 🥺
Koi bhi aisa lamha nahi hai // Jismein mere tu hota nahi hai // Main so bhi jaaun mein raaton mein lekin // Tu hai ki mujhmein sota nahi hai
Ian smiling as he dreams about Mickey in s10 🥺
Tum Mile: I feel like this is a very mickey thinking about ian song. About how his life has transformed after Ian came 🥺
Tum mile toh jaadu chaa gaya // Tum mile toh jeena aa gaya 🥺
Kaise Mujhe Tum: I feel like this has the same vibe as above. Mickey thinking about Ian and about how he can't believe he gets to have him. Idk s2 Mickey vibes 🥺
Jaane Kyun: best friends and husbands vibes 🥰 but also s3 best friends and boyfriends vibes 🥺 in the alley chase scene 🥺
Jab koi baat bigad jaaye: reminds me of them saying their vows. Good times bad sickness health that shit 🥺 also ian asking would you take care of me if i was paralysed.
Lag jaa gale: this was the first song I'd connected w gallavich. This is SO s7 ian and mickey when they'r stargazing 🥺 like from Ian's side bc he knows he might not be crossing the border w mickey and this might be the last night he shares w mickey 🥺
Yeh tune kya kiya: early seasons mickey about ian!!!
Tum se hi: I keep saying this avwhwb but mickey about ian!!!
Khabar nai: baby ian falling for mickey 🥰
Bekhayali: Mickey in prison and mexico 🥺
Maahi Ve (Highway): idk this is just a very THEM song and I'm obsessed w it. Oh and also Dhadak (from the movie Dhadak lol).
Roke Na Ruke Naina: s3 ending and s4a mickey 🥺
Kahin toh: s4a gallavich. The guy's part is Mickey and the part about mai kho gyi hun jaane kiski baahon mai is ian 🥺
I love you (Bodyguard): s2 Mickey about ian!! He's falling in loveeeee
Saawali si raat: this makes me think of them staying up late just because. All loving stares and soft smiles and being all cuddled up
Lehrein: s5b and s6 ian 🥺
Aaaand I'm done!!😌 Hope you like these 😌
What songs remind you of them??? I wanna know!!
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