rosedere · 3 months
Flames of deception
(Rollo Flamme x Fem! Reader)
CW: implied noncon, implied stalking, Drugging, writer did not play Glomas-
“You aren't at all who you say you are (Name)”
 Facing the antique fireplace, you didn't turn around towards him, merely focusing on the embers shooting to life in the fireplace, illuminating the dark winter sky outside.
“What if I wasn't anyway?” You simply slipped out, rolling your eyes.
"Are you going to tell my parents or what?”
Rollo only watched you, his eyes illuminated by the fiery embers of the coals.
His eyes were on you like a target meets an arrow.
Rollo stayed looking at you with silent judgment. Good, you hated being bossed around by him anyway, only being chosen to be apart of the student council because of your unique lack of ties to twisted wonderland. It seemed they had to pick you for being so unique, as the council put it.
At least you could go back to being invisible.
 “I find it most entertaining,” he chuckled, still sitting firmly in his armchair before him in the cavernous room.
“You (name) the unmagical prefect with a secret,” he grabbed his colored handkerchief promptly moving it in front of his mouth.
“I never kept anything a secret anyway,” 
“You just never asked,” you shrugged, keeping your hands clasped in front of your uniform.
The silence befell the room once more.
 ”Why so much anger (name)”
He leaned in, seeming like he was going to get up from his seat.
But instead of hearing his feet firmly stand up on the ancient mahogany wood beneath him, you felt his hands reach your hips.
stiffening, you only turned to the side to then feel the bottom of your robe lift up abruptly.
”Just as I thought,” he began to tsk; You only tried to pick up your now exposed underwear, only for Rollo to swat your hands away.
”You fucking pervert; get your hands off of me,” you yelled.
You were about to slap his wrist when you felt the smoldering heat radiating from his hands.
Pulling back with haste, your hand closest to the hand using fire magic was convulsing, trying to fan the now-burn blossoming on your tender skin.
Rollo only smiled up towards you, his expression contorting into a sunken darkness.
”So, on top of using foul language, the intel I’ve received might also be true about you,” he shook his head back and forth with a nasty glare of judgment.
”Unless, when I take your very feminine-looking underwear off, I see you told me the truth, then I will only reduce your punishment for doubting you.” His fingers began to curl under the waistband of your underwear.
You mentally cursed yourself for not wearing your boxers today; every damn day you wore those things, but you woke up later than usual.
“Well? Not even trying to fight the allegations before you.”
 He gripped the top of your underwear.
”Maybe you secretly get a thrill thinking about me looking at your bare fruit.”
He only snickered as the blush grew on your face as you tried, in vain, to pull your robe over your thighs.
 ”hoping someone comes in to see you so exposed; the magic-less prefect of Nobel College.”
 "S-stop,” you finally snapped; you didn't care who he was anymore.
You kicked behind you blindly, aiming for his seated knee, causing a blowback between the two of you. 
 Eyes stunned, he looked up at you, but you didn't stay long enough for him to say anything, bolting past him into the hallways, covering yourself once more.
Coming to the barren hallway with the antique decor and brown wooden walls, you finally caught your breath.
He wouldn't be crazy enough to follow you, possibly…
Looking around, you didn't see any student council members in the area at all. You pondered to yourself, assuming he had probably sent them away for the evening since it was the winter break anyway.
Only you and him remained strangely enough.
Shaking your head, you went down the isolated staircase you’d taken many times. The polished wooden steps leading down to a secluded courtyard at the bottom were your destination.
or what should have been where you ended up.
You didn't miss your step; you felt your foot land on the third step to the landing in the chambered staircase.
But the next minute, you felt someone grab you from your side.
It was supposed to be impossible. There was a wall there.
but unbeknownst to you in your time at Nobel Bell College The school council president had extensive knowledge of all the corridors and passageways that had been in the school before Fluer City was founded.
Fighting in desperation, you were no match for the person in the wall as you felt your mouth become covered with a handkerchief. You tried to claw into the thick material draped around his forearm to let go, but this only led to a fiercer fight as he pressed the handkerchief into your face. 
The smell coming off of it was putrid as you tried your best to resist inhaling and taking shallow breaths, but unfortunately you succumbed to the smell.
You just felt a horrible wave of drowsiness overcome your eyes.
Your limbs went weak, and your tongue was numb within your mouth, unable to protest anymore. You only felt yourself being carried back up the horrid stairs you had just come down from below.
Rollo knew from the start you were a female.
The hesitancy to strip for gym class in front of the others because you were “too embarrassed” by a scar you had on your chest.
The few times he did see you wear your robes tighter, he could see the volumptious form your hips had as you swayed, going back and forth  carrying on with duties in the council room.
He was already quite fond of you, already seemingly docile like he was, keeping to yourself in the side courtyard beyond the statue of the righteous judge.
 And, of course, having no filthy magic in your blood.
It was just a bonus when he found out you were female.
He only knew since he waited patiently behind a statue in the walls of the dressing room for athletics.
He heard you walk in his breath, baited in anticipation, as he saw you look around to be sure no one was around.
After a couple of seconds, you carefully took your hair down from under your hat, followed by unbuttoning and shifting your robes.
The finale, he thought.
He hoped his observations were right; to be wedded to a magicless being would be his dream come true.
Submissive and ready to start a family with him to begin his purification.
his eyes lingering on your chest as you finally reached the last layer of your uniform.
And, of course, a plain binder and laced corset were what he was greeted with.
 Your chest carefully wrapped underneath it, saddened that there wasn't more underneath. He got his wish when he saw you strip your lower robes.
You wore laced underwear, which is only seen in the most famous boutiques in the city.
It seemed you wanted to look cute sometimes, he thought to himself with a smile.
In that moment, he had decided to betray his values.
Why tell everyone the magicless prefect was a girl? They would all salivate over you, and he’d never have a chance to be with the one he knew was the key to purifying the magic from twisted wonderland.
He knew he had until winter break to convince you to be his.
but it was clear you weren't interested in any of that. Yet.
”I'm sorry it had to be this way (Name)”
Rollo stood over your unconscious self as you lay against a wooden pillar in the beloved clock tower.
bounded in scarlet ropes against the worn pillar, he began to undress you as he had when you were in that room all those months ago.
Carefully peeling your numerous layers on top of your torso, finally reaching your tender, exposed chest, he undid your binder and corset.
Your plumb breast being exposed to him; it was unbelievable, he was able to see your symbol of being a woman.
He told himself it wasn't weird to stare, as you would be his bride soon.
but he had to feel you.
He reached for your slowly rising chest as he felt your squishy mound underneath his palm.
It was heaven.
 Too heavenly.
A touch became a squeeze, a squeeze turned into a kiss, and eventually you were completely naked as Rollo began to let his hands wander.
After an hour of coitus together, he realized what he had done.
 laid underneath a blanket he had brought, still bare and unconscious.
He only laid beside you in the cold tower, heaving from the energy it took him.
But it was okay, he told himself he knew you wanted this.
You were just as lonely as him in this world. No one understood you as much as Rollo flamme did.
Suddenly, he heard you mumble.
 It seems someone was awake.
Note: btw I wasnt lying literally only know Rollo is based off my favorite disney movie 😭
Btw Requested by: Sallade on AO3 <3
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rosedere · 3 months
Hi!! Can i request yan azul forcing you to have relationship with him. And the darling is yuu in twisted wonderland world while she's already can't leave to her world. She's sad that she can't go to her world anymore. But still trying to survive there, but she's just not want to be in the relationship with someone.
Anyway, thank you so much if you read and make this request. I really really love your works on ao3 and really happy you active on tumblr too. Have a nice day and keep healthy 🫶
👀👀👀 ooh that’s a juicy request anon! (esp since I just finished book 3 on my main acct im rolling on the floor the yan potential Azol has <3)
Azul was tending to the monstro lounge reports when he felt something... off.
Dropping the intricate fishbone pen, he listened to the normally bustling hallway full of chatter and dishes clanking.
"(Name) darling," he called, still looking down at the current equation for calculating how much inventory he'd need for the upcoming month.
He peeked up to see no one in the VIP room.
You left.
You left him.
He quickly strided out of the lounge towards the kitchen.
The servers and cooks, enslaved by golden contracts, were still diligently working, stressed out, trying to fulfill the orders as they should.
But you weren't there.
His mind was racing as he began his journey to the lounge, where the loud sounds of customers chatting were heard.
The dim, soft, deep violet lights shone down on him as he scanned the restaurant.
But searching amongst the different dorm uniforms and students, you weren't there. His pearl.
But his red herring was seen when he saw the ramshackle prefects annoying talking beast sitting at the bar across from Floyd, who had an extremely annoyed expression as the small gluttonous vermit shoveled desert after desert into his small mouth.
That thing never came to the lounge.
A few seconds later, he saw your other annoying friend with his red hair bouncing up and down as he shook hands with Floyd, having an unheard discussion away from Earshot.
His competition.
He scowled, but he did notice your friend seemed extremely nervous, fidgeting, looking around the packed lounge.
Azul's eyes met your red-haired friend's, causing him to freeze in place.
He only shifted before looking uncomfortablely towards a corner of the room.
Azul followed where he was looking but could only see your hair swaying as you ran on shaky legs towards the exit to the lounge.
Your friend, realizing what he had done, only looked in worry as he ran towards the exit after you, grabbing your direbeast by the neck to its annoyance.
Azul only ran like his life depended on it as he tried to dodge the busy lounge goers in the way.
A few looked up in confusion as Azul passed by.
He suddenly ran into the chest of your tall beastman friend.
"Watch where you're going," Azul spat before trying to bypass him.
He only felt the rough hands of the beastman grab the back of his neck, slightly lifting him up.
"You watch where you're going," he growled before tossing him back towards the floor.
"Get out of my way, or I'll have you escorted out of my establishment," Azul pointed with his cane at the beastman. "I don't allow dogs in this establishment anyway," he sneered.
"Eh might as well; she should be in the mirror by now." Jack smiled down at Azul.
With anger, Azul only pushed past the beastman, causing him to growl as Azul ran down to the hallway of Octavinelle.
It felt like the hallways took forever as he finally reached the exit to Octavinelle.
You weren't anywhere near the exit, causing Azul's heart to sink. You had somehow gotten further than the last time you ran, he recalls, when he caught you late at night trying to use the exit mirror in the hall of mirrors.
He remembered grabbing your seaweed binds and taking you back to the empty dorm room you were being held in.
You were heartbroken as he led you back to your room. He knew it wasn't ideal, but he knew if he left you in his room every day, you'd be found immediately by the nosy friends you had.
It was already hard trying to get you to sign the contract to bind yourself to him; he didn't need anymore problems.
Stepping out of the mirror, he was still met with no sign of you or your annoying friends waiting outside the mirror.
Azul's ears perked up at the sound of your wounded voice.
"Ah, just as I suspected, someone's been lying."
Jade approached from the heartslabyul mirror a few meters away. You dangled defeated in his arms with torn and tattered clothes, your knees, hands, and wrists with small cerated cuts on you.
Your head dangled down in defeat as Jade held your body in his arms.
"What the hell happened to her?" Azul scolded Jade.
"She's not mute; she can tell you herself what she did." Jade smiled, holding you up to present to Azul.
You only quivered, shaking in Jade's grasp, looking down pathetically.
"Where were you (name)?" Azul snarled, hitting you in the ribs with his cane.
You whimpered, only curling yourself into a ball.
"Let me guess you were going to run away with your friends away from me?" He sarcastically joked, "I thought you cried about hating them and wanting to go home."
Still looking down, you only stayed silent as he decided to harshly poke into your sides.
"Answer me (name)"
"I DONT WANT TO BE STUCK WITH YOU" you shouted, pointing at Azul.
"Im sick of being your toy; you just take me out whenever you remember I exist," you sobbed. "Just let me go; I won't tell anyone about what you did to me or be around Octavinelle anymore."
Azul only looked in disbelief, as if you had grown three heads.
"Im serious, you can have Ramshackle; I'll go live in another dorm if I have to," you cried loudly in the echoing hall.
Azul was quiet for a moment; it seemed that he was thinking of your offer.
Even Jade seemed alarmed at your sudden outburst as you cried with tears running down your scratched-up face and the scent of roses coming from your matted hair.
But Azul was only thinking of how sorry he was for not hiding you better.
"Jade, I can take her back." Azul sighed in defeat. "It seems I might need to use my other plan."
You thrashed in Azul's hold as he held you to his chest in a bridal style.
"I'll take you a warm bath and give you some of this," he cooed as he pulled a vial from his breast pocket.
Your eyes widen in horror when you realize what he was threatening you with.
"I just can't have those pesky friends of yours finding you once more, my pearl," he combed his fingers in your hair as he began to walk towards the octavinelle mirror.
"I know you'd be a beautiful attraction to the Monstro Lounge Aquarium."
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