#Also everybody here is on diet so no snacking!???
koko2unite · 8 months
I'm so mentally ill I can only draw in my cheaply bought pre-owned tablet from 2015 using my computer in my silly little room in my house and not anywhere else
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dduane · 5 months
Of parsnips and parsnip soup
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So the question of parsnips, and particularly parsnip soup, came up secondary to this quote from an interview with Terry Pratchett. (Thanks to @captainfantasticalright for the transcription.)
Terry: “You can usually bet, and I’m sure Neil Gaiman would say the same thing, that, uh, if I go into a bookstore to do a signing and someone presents me with three books, the chances are that one of them is going to be a very battered copy of Good Omens; and it will smell as if it’s been dropped in parsnip soup or something in and it’s gone fluffy and crinkly around the edges and they’ll admit that it’s the fourth copy they’ve bought”.
And when @petermorwood saw this, he immediately reblogged it and added four recipes for parsnip soup.
These kind of surprised some folks, as not everybody knew that parsnips were an actual thing: or if they were, what they looked like or were useful for.
The vegetable may well be better known on this side of the Atlantic. (And I have to confess that as a New Yorker and Manhattanite, with access to both great outdoor food markets and some of the best grocery stores in the world, I don't think that parsnips ever came up on my personal radar while I was living there.) So I thought I'd take a moment to lay out some basics for those who'd like to get to know the vegetable better.
The parsnip's Linnaean/botanical name is Pastinaca sativa, and in the culinary mode it's been around for a long time. It's native to Eurasia, and is a relative to parsley and carrots (with which it's frequently paired in the UK and Ireland). The Romans cultivated it, and it spread all over the place from there. Travelers who passed through our own neck of the woods before the introduction of the potato noted that "the Irish do feed much upon parsnips", and in the local diet it filled a lot of the niches that the potato now occupies.
You can do all kinds of things with parsnips. The Wikipedia article says, correctly, that they can be "baked, boiled, pureed, roasted, fried, grilled, or steamed". But probably the commonest food form in which parsnips turn up around here is steamed or simmered with carrots and then mashed with them: so that you can buy carrot-and-parsnip mash, ready-made, in most of our local grocery chains.
It also has to be mentioned that most Irish kids have had this stuff foisted on them at one point or another, and a lot of them hate it. (@petermorwood would be one.) I find it hard to blame anybody for this opinion, as one of the parsnip's great selling points—its spicy, almost peppery quality—gets almost completely wiped out by the carrot's more dominant flavor and sweetness.
Roasting parsnips, though, is another matter entirely. They roast really well. And parsnip soups are another story entirely, as it's possible to build a soup that will emphasize the parsnip's virtues.
So, to add to Peter's collection, here's one I made earlier—like yesterday afternoon, stopping the cooking sort of halfway and finishing it up today.
I was thinking in a vague medioregnic-food way about a soup with roasted bacon in it, but not with potatoes (as those have been disallowed from the Middle Kingdoms for reasons discussed elsewhere. Tl;dr: it's Sean Astin's fault). And finally I thought, "Okay, if we're going to roast some pork belly or back bacon, then why not save some energy and roast some parsnips too? The browned skins'll help keep them from going to mush in the soup."
So: first find your parsnips. I used four of them. You peel them with a potato peeler...
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...sort of roughly quarter them, the long way...
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...then chop them in half the short way, toss them in a bowl with some oil—olive oil, in this case—spread them on a baking sheet, and season them with pepper, coarse salt, and some chile flakes. (I used ancho and bird's-eye chile flakes here.)
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These then went into the oven for about half an hour, and came out like this.
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While that was going on, I got a block of ready-cooked Polish snack bacon out of the freezer.
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On its home turf, this is the kind of thing that turns up (among other ways) sliced very thin on afternoon-snack plates, with cheeses and breads. But we like to score it and roast it to sweat some of the fat out, and then use it in soups and stews and so forth.
So I scored this chunk on most of its sides, browned it in a skillet, then shoved the skillet into the oven for twenty minutes or so. Here's the bacon after it was done.
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While it was cooking, I made about a liter of soup stock from a couple of stock cubes. If you can get pork stock cubes, they'd be best for this, but beef works fine.
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This then went into the pot and was brought up to just-boiling while the bacon and the parsnips were chopped into more or less bite-sized chunks. After that, the meat and veg were added to the pot and the whole business was left to simmer for a couple of hours while I went off to do some line editing.
Finally I turned it off and left it on the stove overnight (our kitchen is quite cool, it was in no bacteriological danger from being left out this way) and then finished its simmering time around lunchtime today.
And here it is. (...Or was. It was very nice.)
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...Anyway, this is only one of potentially thousands of takes on parsnip soup. Recipes for more robust versions—based on mashed parsnips and more vegetables, or different meats—are all over the place.
Meanwhile, as regards how much damage this soup could do to your copy of Good Omens if you dropped yours in it, I'd rate this at about 5 damage points out of 10. ...Call it 5.5 if you factor in the chiles. Soups along the boiled-and-mashed-parsnip spectrum would probably inflict damage more in the 7.50-8.0 range. But your results may vary: so I'll leave you all to your own experimentation.
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svt-kiki · 2 months
✦ 🐸 ⸝⸝ ⸺ minghao / the 8
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# kiki + minghao / kihao ... 65%
# TAGLINE ... cold outside but soft inside
man they really chill *chef’s kiss*
they got along really well from the beginning, he just knew she’s the reliable person and she be like I WILL PROTECT THIS LIL BROTHER AT ALL COST-
oh the stage presence, and that gaze... ( like mother like son )
it’s funny how they really like that hufflepuff and slytherin besties on the internet
they share the vibes of aesthetics, she loves hanging with him and enjoys tea or meditation or just watching him doing painting
she will buy anything even something suspicious as long as he recommends, i mean he will never do that but that’s just a dinamic of this duo
just like her, he had no friends nor acquaintances in korea when came to pledis, so she rly took good care of him even they don’t know what the other’s talking
he was sorta ‘newbie’ among the boys, so she explained what it is when others were talking about funny episodes during old trainee days
she listened him a lot esp after debut, such as the gap between public image and himself, because she also had similar struggles too
she made sure he and jun can have enough opportunities to speak in radios or music shows and others, always care abt them
and he considers her a lot too, like “have u eaten enough?” “did u sleep well yesterday?”
they both prefers healthy diets ( and sharing midnights snacks, too )
minghao knows what her soul is like, warm and deep, and he always respects her humanity
he really turnes to little squishy just for her :)
✦ 🐶 ⸝⸝ ⸺ mingyu
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# kiki + mingyu / kigyu ... 90%
# TAGLINE ... the muse and the guard dog
does he soft launching he's the one who took her 'girlfriend material' photos on instagram? well it's a hard launching so-
he always includes heart emoji in the reply of her post and got teased from other members lol
kiki: *unofficial no.1 mingyu supporter*
no one:
mingyu: don’t come close to her or i’ll bite you *glares*
they look good, cook well, clean well-
ykwim, they’re in charge of grocery shopping and cooking in the group, other boys will just following them around and be like “i trust you guys just leave the carrying task to us” and it’s hilarious
but when they showed up on red carpet or at the same event? they’ll be THE hot topic *wink wonk*
she can’t just leave poor mingyu when he got teased from everybody so she’s the one who always pats his back
and he has soft spot to have her pat him on the head 💆🏻
he loves to dry her hair, and blow-dry is her least favorite task so... yeah she presumes his goodwill a little in here ;)
PDA wasn’t her best speciality at first ( it’s not that she was uncomfortable or anything, just her japanese thing tho ) but from one point kiki just gave up and let it be 🧘🏻 and guess what? he was the main reason-
they have certain intimacy that sometimes strangers got wrong idea as they’re in relationship or smth, well it’s not ( or they really had... uhm, intimate relationship before? ) but boy doesn't come to pLAY
like i don't trying to be suspicious but he basically has an unhealthy obsession with her, i mean, he is okay that she's having affair with other members ( kinda poly idea ) but he will NOT stand the idea of her with the men outside of the group, it's complicated yk
3/3 of the ‘knight line’ - just imagine seungcheol, jun and mingyu surrounding her like a freaking castle wall, people will be terrified lmao
✦ 🍕 ⸝⸝ ⸺ seokmin / dk
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# kiki + seokmin / kiseok ... 65%
# TAGLINE ... overflowing happy virus :)
they are the happy virus, a sunshine, the definition of sweetness
the bright and positive energy they deliver when two are together is just-
well it can’t be said that she is able to keep up with his chaotic side but she loves he’s having fun and enjoying 100% at the moment
dokyeom LOVES her dishes, he’ll eat anything as long as she cooked
and learns how to cook from her willingly, although both knew he be like etrnal beginner lol
usually they cuddle together in the green room when they take a nap
he had a small crush on her when they were trainee, it was kind of feeling a boy would have for the prettiest girl in the classroom
eventually it grew to the sister/brotherhood relationship that literally ✨glowing✨
he often jokes about how his sister and parents love kiki more than himself, telling him to be kind and gentle with her or you’ll see the consequences time to time, since she’s the only female member and his family always worry about her
he’s the type that gets rattled and worried around her when she is sick or tired and tries to help her but have no idea what to do ( it’s sweet tho )
she knows he always wants to support her and wishes her best
he somehow always ends up with cups her cheeks at the end of conversation
did she cried when saw his excalibur with jeonghan? yessss
sometimes she surprised that he’s actually a grown mAN bcs she’s so used to take care of him as a little brother
so grateful to have someone like him ( and same thing goes for dk )
✦ 🍊 ⸝⸝ ⸺ seungkwan
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# kiki + boo seungkwan / kiboo ... 70%
# TAGLINE ... handsome and cutie pie
they are like the princess and the knight... but in this case, seungkwan is the princess and kiki is the knight yk
officially her grandparents’ favorite member
kiki: kwanna guess what my family send you some food again ㅋㅋㅋ
seungkwan: oh my god when i can start the goddamn diet *takes a bite*
it’s just helpless 🤷🏻
the jogging friends
like he sometimes gets angry just because he adores his noona too much and can’t handle the emotion, kind of ‘precious aggression’ but never eVER hurt her fr
he’s the best member at taking care of her when she’s in period, especially in the trainee era besides some boys just cluless and dk what to do at first ( now they all progressed thanks to seungkwan )
in pre debut era, there was a time once he just lost his mind and suddenly having no idea how to interact with her ( hint: adolescent ) so had no choice but to avoid her, and it was his biggest regret
other member: *tries to fight him back*
seungkwan: *immediately hides behind her*
kiki, to other member: HOW DARE U TRYING TO HURT MY CHILD
he once said if he were a carat he would be a kiki stan 100%
kiki in every group trip: *being his no.1 cheer leader*
she being like “that’s my girl baby 😌” towards everything he did, can’t stop smiling
not him watching cheering and promoting on sns every acting works she has done 🥲 ( and sending a coffee track ofc )
✦ 🐻‍❄️ ⸝⸝ ⸺ hansol / vernon
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# kiki + hansol / kisol ... 55%
# TAGLINE ... cream in the coffee
like kihoon, they’re just not loud as others — but hey, it’s strong
they are simply close to each other, she’s fond of him and he looks up and follows around her like a second shadow
she trusts his taste of music, kiki always listens to his reccomends and it helps her to expand her music knowledge a lot
he’s the only one who she can actually be proactive for kissing to ─ like, to cheecks i mean
he regurally compliments her, esp when kiki dressed up for award shows like “wow noona is so beautiful, just breathtaking” and she’s just being ... well, japanese
not he unborthered for the jokes by other groups’ members as “i want her to be our group~” or “can we have her as our noona / eonni too 🥺” and he just goes “no, sorry, she’s our noona” with straight gAZE lmao
movie lovers ! they’ve similar taste and often spend a night watching movie together: studio ghibli, wes anderson, mcu and many more
usually she doesn’t have a pick between cat and dog as she love both but can’t help being a cat person while killing time with him
he’s the only one who can watch her kiss scenes in her works without flinch, he just ... chill ( while other boys freaking out ofc )
she loves his dancing style too much, u can always see in the bts that she’s fangirling over his performances
kiki is like an anchor to him, although vernon has his own rhythm for communication and, well, existing, she always make sure he can be himself yet included within the group
✦ 🦖 ⸝⸝ ⸺ chan / dino
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# kiki + dino / kino ... 65%
# TAGLINE ... different shape, same warmth
oh BOY
he's so whipped for his noona
and you can see she really adores this little maknae
is he wrapped around by her little finger? obviously.
he truly respects her as a dancer, performer, idol and a role model
from most parts, she wrap her mind around him, but the same time there is the part of him that she never knew nor understand about it
lee family is like an supporter team of kiki, from dino’s parents to grandma to brother... they are full of kiki stan
she respects that he’s the first child in the real family as some ( or in many ) times he’s the one who’s more mature
she treats him as a grown man as he deserved and dino appreciate that
but kiki loves when he being a little brother, won’t waste a single moment to express her affection
he couldn’t be more happier when they spend the night in practice room, thinking and practicing dance together
jeonghan revealed once she cried after listened to "zero" for first time and... he saw the consequences for sure haha
she always showers him with full of praise words when he did solo stage or project or danceology basically anything on his own
he has secret affection of her humming in the kitchen while making some dishes, it’ll just comfort him at instant especially when they were trainees ( he even recorded on his phone without telling her one time )
on trainee era, when he couldn’t help himself from homesick or just tired about same old days, couldn’t attend school events, she took him to the night drive and had secret snack just by themselves
dino had envied woozi so much when he found out now she’s doing similar things to his hyung as well, he thought it’s only his privilege but accepts at the end
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(    📁    )   :   NAVI   :  MASTER LIST     
( tag list / open ) : @smh-anon
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
The sixth course
After literally seven hours writing and brainstorming and no sleep, it is supper time my children. Gather round! We now have the shift of everybody's favourite good boy, Dogday! Introducing
MunchyPup is the group foodie, and it isn't hard to deduce for yourself! The candyfloss dog always has something in his mouth, be it a light snack, second breakfast, a ball or just gum. His appetite and metabolism are frankly startling, being able to eat a full seven hobbit meals on a good day and only feel the teensiest bit overstuffed. Some people may think him greedy or that he's putting on an act, and yes, he does sometimes feel he eats too much, but he can't really help how fast his digestion is, so it doesn't bother him too often.
You may think that he ends up as a sort of side character in most of the gang's adventures, feeling more like someone's younger brother tagged along because mum said so, like so many of the pink critters, but Munch actually ends up being one of the focal ones in the group's activities. He, of course, brings the food for the group picnics and camping trips, as well as packed lunches for when some of the others go off on their own separate adventures from the main group, even with little notes saying 'We all love you' or 'I'll still be here, no matter what'. He also sometimes ends up helping Picky's shift (no spoilers!) plan the group's activities and, when necessary, discipline them for misbehaving, acting as her #2 in command.
He has also created diet plans for each of them to help with specific goals or issues. For instance, Conk has been ordered to consume more nuts and chamomile, as well as taking fish oil to help regulate his sleeping schedule. It doesn't help much, but Conk tries to keep it up because it's better than nothing. Leah has spinach, eggs and raw salmon on her plan, both to help with her anxiety and to try to get her to grow more, as she's very short due to years of malnutrition from being bullied. Callum is given chicken to keep his fur silky and smooth. MunchyPup tried to get him into mousing, also for his fur, but Callum couldn't bring himself to finish them off once he'd caught them. Munch then tired just serving the mice, but Callum still felt bad for the mice and didn't like the taste, so just sat there looking sadly and guiltily at his full plate.
All in all, Munch's home life is quite good! He has two younger brothers, one who is two-and-a-half and the other who is now six. His parents used to alternate staying home when they had only to raise him, but when his brother was born they both had to work almost all week to keep the family afloat, leaving MunchyPup at a very young age to care for the house and raise his brother, Darner, feeding, bathing and playing with him. When their third son was born, the family thought things could only get worse. However, Munch yet again took up the mantle and cared for yet another brother, this time with help from Darner. The split workload allowed Munch to get some odd jobs around town and, with three of the family working together and some days with everyone going hungry, they managed to keep the roof over their heads until his mother could find a better job. Sometimes, the two parents regret taking Munch's childhood from him by having Darner and Harper, but to MunchyPup they were some of the best years of his life, and the three brothers have grown only closer because of it.
and now, an after dinner trivia mint:
He can stand on his head for over forty-five minutes without vomiting and once did so for a bet with Eli. Eli conked out at 7 minutes 33 and when he woke up Munch was still upside down.
Once when the gang went to the movie theatre, everyone bought regular snacks except Munch, who brought a large punchbowl of sliced melons. He finished it before the climax of the film as well as at least half a pound of popcorn.
Despite encouraging the others to eat healthily and responsibly, his favourite meal is a tomato and French-fry sandwich with extra mustard.
As a joke, Conk and Dandy got he and Picky's shift (no spoilers) matching mugs for fathers' and mothers' day. They say 'no.1 Mom' and 'the best Dad ever'.
The first words Darner ever said were 'Buvver!' Munch still thinks about it sometimes and feels as warm inside as if he's drunk a bowl of home-cooked soup.
Finally, his charm is a sack lunch with picky's charm on the front (see below) and his scent is fresh mango.
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rubykgrant · 3 months
The Reds and Blues (your full group and anyone else you might wanna add) are in a Pride Parade. What is everyone doing? All I know is that Sarge is driving a float and Simmons here is IN CHARGE OF CONFETTI. (This ask is brought to you by me going to my first Pride Parade yesterday)
Hey, first of all, congrats! I hope you had fun~
Sarge is definitely driving his own float, and Lopez helped him build it; the thing looks like a big rainbow version of Red Base, with multiple flags of various gender/sexuality combos (but also, they all have the Red Team insignia in a corner somewhere). Rather than drive it out of sight, Sarge is towing the whole thing in the warthog, and he's wearing a special version of his armor (just this ONCE he will be more than pure RED; he's the sunset lesbian flag, because- "It's got all of us on there!". he fully embraces this, let's go lesbians!)
Simmons is once again the Social Chairman, so he got put in charge of trying to organize everybody's duties and make activity schedules. He had to revise it several times (because he tried to micro-manage EVERY LITTLE THING), but it finally worked out pretty good. Once everything is going good, he can finally just... relax. People can still check in with him for specific things, but he mostly just gets to chill and walk around with Grif (my personal ideas for Grif and Simmons- Simmons is trans and gay, Grif is bi. they've both been in different levels of denial/awkward about this over the years, but now they can finally be themselves and embrace it. Simmons felt the need to wear a binder for years, but for the full effect of feeling accepted and proud, he has a light button-up shirt with the gay rainbow as stripes opened with a loose-fitting binder that has the trans colors underneath. then just some jeans. such minimal clothing! in public no less! Grif's in shorts and his own opened button-up shirt with the bi stripes. they participate in the parade at one point, holding up a banner that reads- "Why Are We Here? Because We're Queer!")
Caboose is the confetti king, with Freckles naturally helping! He's wearing his helmet (just regular clothes instead of full armor), and Church helped him figure out how to make the visor outwardly change to different pride rainbows without messing with his vision
Doc has a booth for anybody who needs any medical attention, and also walks around to help re-fill hydration stations, plus a variety of free snacks for people (with plenty available for people with specific diets/allergies). He has a lot of helpful references for anybody who wants to read and learn about gender/sexuality (so family and friends who want to be more accepting and mindful can get more info, and other people can figure out how to find their own community)
Donut is handing out coupons for places that sell special soaps/candles with various pride color themes. He has his own float in the parade as well, and it is a WHOLE musical number, with some flamboyant special effects and excessive glitter
Tex is just walking around ready to intimidate the absolute heck out of anybody who tries to disrupt the events. No cops or bigots at Pride, just Tex (she WILL throw a car if she needs to). She and Church participate in the parade for a bit, just kinda having fun with casual drag (she's in a masc outfit, he's in a dress. Donut helped make sure he'd be very pretty~ nothing fancy, but they have fun going with a rock-a-billy theme)
Church is handing out different kinds of glow-sticks as the sun goes down (some of them the bracelet/necklace kind that clip together). Once it is really dark, he and the rest of the Fragments put on a light show, with Theta creating the most AMAZING pride color fireworks!
Kai helped get a few different live music things going, and set up booths that have various merch/clothing for people... and once that is done, she took her rightful place in a throne on a float (there are several intersex, bi, and pan designs... but she also has a crown that says "Slut Queen", and the kink flag as her cape~)
Carolina sings some songs, and helps with some of the booths here and there... but she's mostly just enjoying the chance to take this all in, and appreciate everybody all around her
Locus is still awkward with crowds... like Sarge, he's in full armor, but similar to Caboose's visor, his can change to different rainbow combinations. He's actually more comfortable being in the parade, where he doesn't have to TALK, so he does that most of the day
Tucker is helping with the kid-friendly areas (and gives anybody who wants to call this "forcing kids to be gay" MORE than a piece of his mind). There are a lot of games, snacks, free clothes/merch. When Tucker participates in the main parade, he sets off some confetti canons with his sword (on the float, he skips a shirt, and wears leggings with the big community pattern)
Wash has clothes with his ace, trans, and gay colors, and he helps set up different booths/floats. He also passes out free key-chains and bubble bottles for people
My OCs Poppy and Junonia would help as well; Poppy would be on a float that has different flowers arranged in pride color rainbows, tossing out fake flower bouquets to the crowd. Junonia has a booth for disability inclusion (with info for people who want to learn more), and also hosts artists/craft creators who are selling merch
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harrison-abbott · 13 days
Thomas had to get up and go to work down at Aldi. At 7 a.m., for an 8 a.m. start. He felt pretty grim. But he had to do it. His hair seemed to look worse in the mornings, his skin too: there was something toxic about the new daylight through the bathroom window that combined with the mirror reflection. He used to feel decent about his looks, but not so much anymore.
He got the bus and went down the motorway and passed the depressed housing estate that never seemed to have any people walking through it – as if the windows were all blank and had nobody living in them.
Then he got off at Aldi, and this slick of hatred went through him, but it was just what he was doing with his life. He went around the back of the building, and through the staff door, then up to the staff room. When inside the staff room he found Olga who was doing something fantastical with her blonde hair. She was one of the prettiest colleagues he’d ever worked with and there was a sad longing whenever he saw her. Thomas said hello. Olga smiled, falsely, and responded, “See you downstairs,” in her tinny accent.
Thomas changed into his uniform. The label said MADE IN BANGLADESH and he remembered that story in the news about how when 600 people died in the collapse of a factory, making clothes such as this. Thomas didn’t expect Aldi in Scotland to blow up and kill all 50 people inside.
Downstairs he went and his role for the morning was on the checkouts. At eight o’clock people started coming in. They were usual fellows and ladies who lived locally who he saw almost every day and it was weird that he was so familiar with them facially but knew nothing about them. They were polite in a robotic way.
The traffic boomed outside through the huge windows, as this was one of the largest motorways in the city. After 09:30 it died down a bit.
At 10:00 this chap, also a local, came in to buy beer. He often came in in the mornings to buy cheap beer. And Thomas often served him. Thomas understood how addictive alcohol was and he didn’t judge the man, because he was just a man. And Thomas probably drank more than this person did; so there was a mix of sympathy for him, and a sense of warning, that his own health issues might lead to all out disaster one day. The man left with a cheery bye. And it was quiet for a couple of hours in the store.
Until the high school kids, from up the road, came in in their Halloween black outfits. This was when the security guard got all prickly and when the noise levels zoomed up. The kids were high on adrenaline that they’d been let free from school.
Thomas remembered high school and it was no doubt the worst period of his life. It was as if, at that age, everybody attacked you from all sides, when you were at your most vulnerable. When you were a boy, adults treated you in a pleasant way: when you were a teen, adults seemed to have this aggression for you that you never understood. Why was that? Because they recalled being treated by their parents in the same way when they were a similar age?
The diet most of the kids followed was awful. Some of them didn’t even get anything savoury – they only bought gelatine sweets or bars of chocolate.
The girls were brittle thin and the boys thumped each other whilst smiling, as they waited in the queues for Thomas to serve them. At the back of the store was the snacks aisle, where the boys often stole stuff, and so the security guard was stationed around there.
Mo, by the way, was the security guard’s name. Thomas found him a rather sad man, who despised this job, but who put up with it rather well considering he had to stand around all day and be threatening. When Mo wasn’t an aggressive man at all and didn’t want to be here. Mo was maybe twenty years older than Thomas and whenever they spoke Mo talked about his wife in a fond manner. So at least he had a woman he was obviously in love with.
Today, the schoolkids didn’t steal anything and when they all left it was quite the relief in terms of volume.
Then there was another lull for a few hours. Until it got to early evening time, when a whole host of adults came in. Coming home from work. They were miserable and tired. Often they bickered with each other in the queues, because they wanted to buy their stuff and go home. They smelled of cigarettes and sweat and their faces winced under the white overhead lights. Thomas scanned the items as fast as possible because he knew that if he was slow then it would incense the crowd.
But the whole scene passed without incident tonight. And by 7 p.m. or so it’d gotten quiet again.
At 8 p.m., Olga went home. She always took her hairband off when she finished work and it swished around her neck … glorious. And she waved bye with her dainty hands.
Thomas was on duty until 10 p.m., when the shop closed. So only two more hours to go. There was a sense of elation at this time of the night, getting close to the finish line. Around 9 p.m., some customer dropped a carton of milk. By mistake, and the milk spewed all over the floor.
It was Thomas’ duty to go and mop it up. And put up a DANGER, WET FLOOR sign. It was, actually, properly dangerous, because he’d seen people, in this very store, slip up on the wet floors and land quite badly. So he was careful about the task, as if it’d been his fault that the milk was dropped in the first place.
But then it came to ten o’clock, and the night was full and gorgeous outside. Thomas could finally go home.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
In the Zone (3)
Based on the Phic Phight prompts: Danny and co. go sight seeing in the zone and get lost. Maybe they have to navigate weird ghost logic/physics/laws to make their way home (from @ventisettestars). And Sam and Tucker maybe getting Pharaoh + plant powers? ecto contamination for the win ig (from @corvidspectre).
Chapter 3: The Metropolitan Realm
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[no applicable warnings]
The Ghost Zone didn't have mornings or evenings, or even days and nights, but the teens all woke up around the same time. Danny and Tucker snacked on beef jerky for breakfast while Sam munched on some mixed nuts for a protein boost. You know, road trip snacks.
"Yesterday was a mixed bag," Tucker commented with his mouth full, "but there's gonna be much cooler stuff coming along today. I'm sure of it. Like, I feel weirdly confident about this."
"You mean like a massive ghost city?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, sure, or a video game realm, or a wizard tower or something? You never know."
"No, look!" she pointed out the window. "A massive ghost city! Danny do you see it?"
"Adjusting course!" Danny said. He got up and sat in the driver's seat, flipping switches to shift into gear and taking them down toward the glowing green and purple skyscrapers in the distance.
"Woah!" Tucker said, finally catching sight of the city. "That looks kinda... modern, for the Ghost Zone, doesn't it?"
"It doesn't really fit the whole aesthetic," Sam agreed. "It's too sleek and... almost normal looking. Why is something like that in the Ghost Zone, dimension of the weird and slimy?"
"Is that a monorail?" Danny asked as they got closer.
He parked the Specter Speeder on the street. There was no one around, it seemed like. Tucker walked over to an abandoned hot dog cart, thinking he could steal some grub, but once he was standing where the line would be a ghost appeared on the vendor's side.
"What can I get for ya?" he asked.
"Two dogs with ketchup and mustard," Tucker said.
"Do you have veggie-dogs, and are they cooked in the same greasy water as the regular dogs?" Sam asked.
"I do, and they're not," the vendor promised. "I also got ecto-dogs."
"Ooh! I'll have one of those, please!" Danny said. The vendor nodded as they finished ordering and gave them their food, handing Danny his last. Since it was the Ghost Zone, where there was no money, he didn't charge. Ghosts held down jobs because they loved doing them, unlike people.
"Make sure you eat it before it eats you, eh?" Danny laughed and took a bite.
"Mm, even better than Mom makes." His friends looked at him with matching disgust. "What?" he asked, smiling internally. Ever since Danny had given them a common enemy regarding whose diet was right and whose was wrong, they hardly ever argued about the pros and cons of meat versus veggies. At least their food wasn't glowing. Once they left the line, the vendor disappeared again.
"Wait I just thought of something," Tucker said, finishing his second hot-dog before the other two were halfway done with their first. He walked back over to the cart, and the vendor appeared again.
"Back for more already?" he asked, then chuckled heartily.
"Actually, my friends and I are tourists, and I was wondering if you knew of any cool places for us to see while we're here?"
"Oh, sure!" the vendor said. "You're gonna wanna take the monorail to the boardwalk for sure! The best shopping is on Third Avenue, just past Wail Street. Oh, and if you can get a reservation, there's this great club on top of the Metropolitan Building, that's the highest skyscraper in the city. It's got great food, great music, and great views of the Zone, and it rotates, too, so you can see everything."
"Sounds awesome!" Tucker said. "I guess that's our day planned. And hey, where is everybody?"
"Oh, it's generally considered impolite to be visible in public places if you can help it, to preserve the city's picturesque quality, but since you three can't help it, I don't think anyone'll call you on it," the vendor said. "Mostly, they'll do what I did and show themselves when you talk to them. It ain't you're fault you're alive."
"Uh... thanks," Tucker said, then shook off the strange comment and smiled. "Thanks a lot!"
"No problem!"
The vendor vanished again as Tucker walked away to relay the information to his friends. They grabbed the things they might need out of the speeder, made a note of where it was parked, Danny activated its cloaking, since apparently being visible was rude, and they headed up to the nearest monorail station.
The monorail moved super fast, and Danny poked his head out the window to see how it worked. It seemed to be using ghost levitation to follow the tracks without touching them so the friction didn't slow it down. "That's so cool!" Danny said, making a mental note to try and replicate the phenomenon for some of his experiments back home.
The carnival at the boardwalk wasn't really anything they couldn't get at home, except that the Ghost Zone physics made the rides even more nausea inducing, to their credit. The carnival food was also as deliciously greasy and unhealthy as it ever was. Occasionally, ghosts would turn visible to talk to them, ask them if they were having fun, and what they were doing there, and say how they'd never seen a living person in the Zone before.
They asked some of the other locals about cool things in the city and Sam got so enthusiastic when she heard about the botanical gardens that they had to make it their next stop. Tucker and Danny didn't really understand her excitement, but every plant she went to see brightened at her presence, to the point where one of the employees made herself visible to compliment Sam on how attuned she was with nature. Danny gave he a smug smirk when the employee disappeared again.
"I don't have plant powers," Sam told him, despite the obvious way the flora reacted to her presence. "Stop being ridiculous."
After the botanical garden, they got directions to the Metropolitan Building. In the end, they didn't really need them, since it was about a hundred feet taller than any other building in the city and the only one with a huge, round disc on the top. The Metropolitan building, as it turned out, was mostly a tourist destination. It's many floors made up a combined hotel and shopping center, with the Metropolitan Club on top.
"Remember, we might not be able to get in," Tucker said as the elevator bypassed the shopping center to the club at the top. "We didn't know how to make a reservation, so don't get your hopes up." The doors dinged and opened on the top floor.
"Hi!" Danny said, and the host turned visible for them. "We didn't know how to make a reservation, but we were wondering if you might have room for the three of us tonight?"
"As it happens, we had a cancellation for a party of four earlier," the host said. "May I take your names?"
Danny started to answer but Sam cut him off. "You may not, please list us as Sam, Tuck, and Danny."
"Clever girl," the host said, writing down the names. "It's always smart to stay on your toes around here, especially while you still draw breath. Go on in, all three of you. Enjoy the Metropolitan Club." 
The club was fun, and just like the vendor from earlier had said, it had a breathtaking view. Danny convinced his friends to do ectoplasm shots, just to try it, and laughed when they took them and gagged.
"Eugh, Danny how can you eat that stuff?" Tucker demanded. "It's... so gross... so bitter."
"It tastes like how wet socks feel," Sam moaned. "I'm never doing that again as long as I live. I can't believe I let you talk me into that."
Danny took another shot from a passing tray, no-doubt being carried by an invisible waitress, and downed it in one gulp. "Ah, refreshing," he said, grinning at the revulsion on his friends' faces.
Once they recovered from the shots, they decided to dance.
"I gotta say, I really like ghost music," Sam said. "I wonder if I can buy a couple albums around here somewhere."
"We should check out the shopping center downstairs when we're done here," Danny suggested. "They've probably got lots of cool stuff, and there's no money or scarcity here, so everything's free."
"Good idea!" Tucker agreed. "We should totally pick up some souvenirs from this place! It rocks!"
They spent a few hours up at the club, enjoying the view, and the food, and the atmosphere, before heading down for souvenirs. Sam picked up some CDs and a ghostly portable CD played, just in case a normal CD player would get fried or something trying to play ghost music. Tucker got himself a Metropolitan Club souvenir T-shirt, and Danny got a key-chain for the keys to the Specter Speeder.
Finally, the three of them got tired enough to head back to the speeder. Danny pulled out the key to deactivate the cloaking. Nothing happened, not even a sound to indicate the car was there when Danny tried to unlock it. This was definitely the right place. It was the right intersection of streets, next to the right building, with the hot dog cart across the street. The speeder should be there.
"Did we get carjacked?" Danny said, frantically waving the key around and clicking buttons at random, hoping to hear the familiar chirping of the speeder. "It's gone!"
Tucker walked over to the cart, and the vendor appeared again.
"Good to see you again, you hungry?" the vendor asked.
"Actually, we just ate at the club you recommended, and it was great, so thanks, but it seems like our vehicle was stolen at some point while we were seeing the sights. I don't suppose you saw who took it?" 
"Oh, I'm afraid not," the vendor told him. "That's the side effect of most things being invisible. There are never any witnesses."
"Thanks anyway," Tucker said, then headed back to his friends, uselessly feeling around for the stolen speeder. "Give it up, guys. Were stranded in the Ghost Zone with no transportation, and no idea how to get home."
"We'll find a solution," Danny said determinedly. Sam nodded, stifling a yawn. "For now, lets head back to the metropolitan building and get some rest. We'll come back tomorrow and attack the problem again with a clear head."
"Shouldn't we call the cops?" Sam asked. "The ghost cops?"
"You think ghost police will be any less corrupt and useless than human police? Tucker retorted with a scoff. "Ghosts with jobs do them out of love for the job, remember, not a sense of duty to the community. If anything, ghost cops will be worse than human cops."
"He's got a point," Danny agreed. "Just think about Walker's goons. They weren't exactly paragons of protect and serve." He began to walk back down the street. "Come on."
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susantaylor01 · 9 days
How to Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat: Useful Tips Contributing to Your Health
The inner thigh can be the single most stubborn place in the body. However, an appropriate approach may lead a person to get toned down and slimmed-up thighs. Be it for great feelings regarding one's overall fitness, gaining more confidence in your favourite pair of jeans, or living a healthier lifestyle, here are a few effective ways to help an individual get rid of inner thigh fat.
1. Include Targeted Exercises
One thing you should know: spot fat reduction just isn't possible; however, with targeted exercises, you are going to focus on the muscles in your inner thighs, and that, in turn, will have them looking better toned. Following are exercises targeting that part of the body:
Sumo Squats: Wide stance, wider than shoulder-width apart, with toes pointed outward; sit into a deep squat, keeping the back straight and the knees in line with the toes. Push through the heels to get back into the starting position. Repeat for 15-20 reps.
Lateral Lunges: Begin by standing, feet hip-width apart. Take one leg and step in that direction, lowering that knee while keeping the other leg straight. Push back to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Repeat for 10-15 times on either side.
Inner Thigh Leg Lift: This exercise involves lying on one's side, keeping the legs straight from the hips. While in this position, you will lift the top leg up and away from yourself, lifting the bottom leg toward the ceiling. Bring it back down in a slow motion. Do 15-20 repetitions on each side.
2. Eating Healthy
Dieting, even in the inner thighs, plays a very important role in fat loss. Some dietary tips of importance to take into consideration while reducing body fat include:
Eat a Balanced Diet: Lay more emphasis on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This evades eating processed foods with sugar snacking, which invites fat deposition.
Count your calories: This means having a calorie deficit-that you take fewer calories than you expend. This will put your body under compulsion to adopt the stored fat including those in the thighs for energy.
Hydrate: Drinking enough water can help reduce bloating and improve your metabolism-meaning, it improves the ease with which the fat would be lost.
3. Cardio Exercises Regularly
Cardio exercises melt away all types of calories to trim fat throughout one's body, including the inner thighs. Do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio each week. Following are a few efficient modalities:
Running or Jogging: Running also works well in generally reducing body fat which may slim your legs.
Cycling: Indoor and outdoor cycling works great to shape your thighs.
Swimming: It is an aerobics-friendly, low-impact sport engaging the whole body thighs included, and hence burns up calories in the process.
4. Add on Some Resistance Training
Resistance training builds muscles that help you firm up your thighs and also boosts metabolic rate for your body to burn more calories even while at rest. Do full-body resistance training exercises targeting the leg exercises such as the following:
Leg Press: Although that was one of those exercises that was to be done on machines, it trains the thighs so well and builds muscles.
Deadlifts: The deadlift, although taken by most as one of the most back-of-the-lower-torso exercises, has the outer thighs highly involved with it-just like the glutes.
Step-ups: Step-ups are where one steps up with one leg and then brings the other up with it onto the bench or step; this simple exercise does much magic for the thighs and glutes.
5. Be Consistent and Patient
This is going to take some time to burn the fat, especially those in certain areas of the body. You have to be very persistent with your workout and dietary practice. You can keep on measuring the progress through pictures or with a measuring tape, instead of a weighing scale. In simple words, everybody is different and the way that particular body would respond to any sort of exercise and dietary change is going to be pretty different. That is why it will need some patience.
6. Overall Health
These are great aesthetic-based goals to have; even better would be paying just as much attention to one's health and wellness. A strong, fit body will pay dividends not just in looks but in many other ways too. Focus on building healthy habits that will last, and enjoy the process of getting stronger and healthier.
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Newly Discovered ‘Mountain Tea’ melts 1lb daily
Certain exercises will shred the fat in your inner thighs, which are to be incorporated with a healthy diet and cardio and strength training. These religiously follow down to slimmer, more toned thighs in due time. Keep in mind that you are trying to be healthier and fitter, so do not overexert yourself or be too hard on yourself little milestones as you go.
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grabgo · 4 months
Smoked Snacks On The Go: Off The Hook's Grab-And-Go Options For Busy foodies
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Ever tried to blend traditional culinary craftsmanship, busy life, and extreme love for food together? Well, with off-the-hook grab-and-go, one can say that busy foodies do not have to compromise on either conveniences or nutrition! 
Off the Hook Grab-and-Go isn’t just an ordinary dining option, rather you can call it a culinary adventure for people whose lives depend upon the ticking of the clock every second! With a wide range selection of smoked snacks, Off the Hook has successfully redefined on-the-go dining for food enthusiasts. They are here to prove that on-the-go food should not be synonymous with discerning palettes, after all. 
Let’s move ahead and discuss how smoked snacks attract your taste buds and how can you access them easily during your busy schedules. 
Smoked Snacks contains mouth-watering flavors
Food enthusiasts can quickly decide whether they want to kill their cravings with savory jerky items, or smoked salmon! Well, it doesn’t matter as each food item Has been carefully crafted to deliver maximum flavors That will instantly satisfy your tastebuds. 
Oh did we yet mention How Off the Hook makes convenience meet quality? The smokey snacks are prepared to keep traditional methods and premium ingredients in mind and are crafted to fit into the grab-and-go format conveniently. The food is packed in portable packaging so that you can enjoy your delicacies wherever your busy schedule takes you! 
Whether you need a quick snack in between meetings, or be it a picnic party in the park, Off the Hook Grab-and-Go has got you covered! The smoky delicacies are everybody’s favorite for a reason. Filled with essential nutrients, Off the Hook only uses grass-fed beef and has a whole other menu for gluten-free options as well. 
The Gluten-free options come as a relief to people who are allergic to Gluten or choosing a gluten-free diet. So people having dietary preferences can also enjoy Guilt-free smokey conveniences at their fingertips. Isn’t this amazing? Hence, if you are still looking for smoothing smoky in your snack time then do try Off the Hook Grab-and-Go. 
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afr0-thunder · 9 months
[Poor Chronicles Pt. 38]
Topics: Weed/Work (Hours)/Cellular Service/Photography/Work (Social)/HORNDAWG/Girls/Mail Services
*$200 of my money. I don’t know how much more of my money he can afford to miss out on. I think I’ll just limit the snacks and smoke more weed. I have an unpaid vacation from work.
I was cut today. Quite early. About an hour and a half. I was also given the day off tomorrow. This is ludicrous. That is $100 or so I could use to be high enough to maintain working at this job.
I have paid my next month’s phone bill already, so it’s not necessary (to work more hours). Unsure if the SIM card will be a recurring issue yet or not, but fuck it. I’m willing to take the chance. I will be halfway on monthly expenses through the 3rd month upon my next pay, regardless. These next few weeks should be interesting.
I hadn’t taken the chance to select my outfit for my next photo shoot, so not being able to have my photo shoot exactly one month from my last was successful. Cheers. I was unfortunately asked to work that day. I have gotten around to it. During one of my showers.
We had two days worth of 30 minute breakfasts for our team meeting. Yesterday was various bagels, McDonald’s sausage biscuits with strawberry, no jelly jam packets (against my diet practices now realizing), cereal, cookie cake, juice and milk. Today was some sort of cinnamon cake. My head coach prepared. During our second meeting, I was asking everybody about the holidays (vacations specifically), making jokes, asking people about their secret Santa gifts, etc… and when my head coach asks everyone what we’re doing for the holiday(s), Horndawg says “Maybe applying for colleges…I was thinking maybe UIUC…in Urbana” and a car accident went off in my head. I thought to myself, “There is no way this bitch is in high school. Bitch could be 17. 16 NIGGA!? I’ve been saying this bitch’s ass is so fat for like 40 weeks. Nigga what the fuck!” (No question mark needed (!?) that fuck was loud). You should’ve saw my face. Also, first of all, no she is not going to college out of town, and if I let her, she’s coming back a lot so we can FUCK. The other bitches don’t listen, so we’ll see about this one. I was wondering what side of the city she may be from, but shit clearly the side where they commit felonies. There was no way I just said this is the bitch I imagined in 2016. Her walk is so cute by the way for a 5’9 girl. It’s almost like she doesn’t know her ass is that fat. A new coworker and I left the meeting early. Our managers lied on the bench. One of them’s ass was so fat laying on her stomach. The new coworker asked Horndawg about her college situation and she was like “Oh, I’m 18!” and I came back to life. I figure she took a gap year or some shit. I also realized she works before 3pm, so there’s no way she could be anyway. I was about to say, what kind of bitch has a fat ass, big titties and looks like this in HIGH SCHOOL. I guessed 18-22. I don’t prefer, but yesterday I was just thinking “Damn, maybe I need me a younger bitch”. She also dyed her hair red like Christmas. Never asked her why. I thought I was seeing things through her hairnet. Maybe she was horny. It seems like all the bitches my age are scared, in a relationship or have been emotionally abused enough to not seek a relationship with anyone who actually likes them. I’m not fixing that shit. I’m not a mechanic bitch. Then I started to believe that sounded crazy as fuck and I might be capping. Well here we are. In conclusion, my manager is out to get me.
A sex worker messaged me, then eventually ended up telling me she sells content. I told her I don’t do that, but if she ever wanted to make some with someone. She knows where to find me (we exchanged locations). She didn’t respond. She doesn’t have a very fat ass, but I noticed in one of her posts she had a very fat pussy and that makes up for it, honestly. She has SUPER big titties, but that is insane.
The MILFs (or cougars, but I prefer MILFs, even if they aren’t) are beginning to be seen as regulars again. I forget that some of these women are only, but human and get just as horny and excited as these other girls and sometimes can’t contain themselves either. I never really considered this more than one of those fun escapades because situationally it’s not very realistic (at least in my situation), but now I see having multiple baby mommas quite older than me rather than just around my age as something I can’t just rule out, altogether. Nothing against it, but having a bad bitches quarter finals is insane, so you can see why considering would be outrageous, but one of these thick grandmas got one more time to come in here looking thick and beautiful and I’m going to strike her with this dick. Shit is so crazy.
Overall, this has been an interesting poor week. I was considering getting a PO Box (as I have been for a while, but see no real purpose, and ordering a new jacket, sweater or gaming system). I think I have tortured my thieving neighbors enough with halting all orders after they went through my package once and stole another entirely… but potentially not, as well. I’m content with this lifestyle.
- MH (2023)
[12/21/2023 - 4:44PM]
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aditi-jagtap-pune · 1 year
Is Coffee Harmful To Your Heart? See What Aditi Jagtap Pune Says
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Great news for coffee lovers! According to some studies, drinking caffeinated coffee won't actually make your heart feel unwell. But wait, there's still a lot about coffee and hearts that we should know otherwise we will have to face heart related issues. We're unsure if coffee can increase blood pressure or can make your heart beat faster. Therefore, if you've been wondering whether coffee affects your blood pressure or heart rate, keep reading. Aditi jagtap pune, is here to provide you with clarification and additional information. 
Can Coffee Make Your Heart Beat Faster?
When you drink coffee, there's something inside it called caffeine. This caffeine goes into your body from your stomach and small intestine. It talks to your central nervous system, like a messenger. Then, it tells your heart cells to speed up a little, making your heartbeat a bit faster. Imagine your heart normally beats like this - "ba-dum, ba-dum." With coffee, it might go "ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum." But the main point to be noted is that not everyone's heart speeds up the same way. It depends on a few things:
1. How Much Coffee You Drink: Your heart may beat more quickly if you drink a lot of coffee.
2. How Often You Drink Coffee: If you drink coffee every day, your heart might get used to it, so it won't speed up as much.
3. Your Size: The size of the person, whether big or small, can also affect the outcome. Hearts of different sizes show different behaviours.
4. How Your Body Works: Everybody's body is unique. So, some people's hearts react more to coffee, and some don't react much at all.
After you drink coffee, these changes can start happening in about fifteen minutes, and they can stick around for hours. But don't worry too much. A faster heartbeat from coffee is typically okay and won't harm your body over time, unless you feel uncomfortable or strange. So, if you like coffee, enjoy it, but don't overdo it. Your heart is capable of handling an occasional extra beat, says Dr. Ranjit Jagtap Daughter. 
Tips For A Healthy Heart While Having A Coffee Daily 
If you can't compensate with coffee than following these tips will help you to keep your heart healthy:
1. Moderate Exercise: Exercise is any movement of the body, such as running or walking. Trying to do something enjoyable that makes you sweat for about 30 minutes each day will result in your heart becoming stronger and healthier. Just enjoy moving; you don't have to be a professional athlete!
2. Managing Stress: Stress is when you feel worried or tense. To manage it, do activities that make you feel calm and happy, like reading a book, talking to a friend, or drawing. Deep breaths can help too. When you relax, your heart stays happy.
3. Keeping Cholesterol Low: Cholesterol is like tiny bits in your blood that can block your heart's pipes. To keep it low, eat foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid too much fatty and oily food like burgers and fries. Healthy food keeps your heart's pipes clear.
4. Avoid Smoking: When you smoke, you breathe in harmful substances that damage your heart and lungs. It is hazardous! Avoid starting to smoke, and if you already do, try to quit. Your heart will appreciate it..
5. Maintain a Healthy Weight: You can maintain a healthy weight by eating wholesome foods and staying active. Find your healthy weight because being too heavy can put additional strain on your heart.
6. Eating a Balanced Diet: A balanced diet means eating different types of food. Fill your plate with colourful fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Don't eat too many sweets or fast food. Balance keeps your heart and body happy.
7. Limit Sugary and Processed Foods: Sugary and processed foods like candy, cookies, and soda have lots of sugar, which isn't good for your heart. It's okay to enjoy them sometimes, but not too much. Choose healthier snacks like fruits or nuts more often.
These simple steps help your heart stay strong and healthy. Remember, a happy heart makes a happy you!
Contact Dr. Ranjit Jagtap For More Heart Related Health 
In the centre of Pune, His name is a byword for superior medical care. Numerous patients looking for excellent medical care look to Dr. Ranjit Jagtap's clinic as a ray of hope. However, a touching story of inspiration lies behind this excellent doctor. The commitment he has to his profession is forever linked to his love for his family, especially his cherished daughter, Aditi Jagtap Pune .
A well-known name in healthcare, He has been in the news for his innovative work. He has established a well-deserved reputation for his unwavering dedication to enhancing healthcare in Pune. The most recent Dr. Ranjit Jagtap news highlights his tireless efforts to introduce modern medical equipment to his clinic so that his patients receive the highest quality care possible.
He stands out as a shining example of balance in a world where medical professionals frequently find themselves immersed in the demands of their profession. His devotion to his clinic and the well-being of his patients is what makes him the best in the market. This is the story of a doctor who is a true hero in both medicine and life.
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grdprotein · 1 year
Nutri Gyan for Regular Travelers
Traveling, whether it is a work related business trip or a vacation to escape the routine life, adds the temptation to eat new food and worse, to eat too much. Being away from home disturbs the schedule of diet and exercise. Also, this lockdown made everybody to sit at home for months. As the unlocking has started, the hidden traveler in us, is already making plans to go to new destination and gorge on outside food.
With so many fast-food chains around mostly serving unhealthy food with large portions, being casual with the diet while traveling, can wind up against you, leaving you bloated and lethargic. This will eventually kill your mood and energy to enjoy your trip. Try to eat healthily and stick to your regular schedule as much as possible.
Traveling does not need to spoil your healthy eating routine. Here are easy and quick ways to maintain a healthy diet while traveling. Whether you are traveling by plane, by road, or dining in a new restaurant to explore cuisine following tips will help you to stick to healthy eating while enjoying your trip.
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Usually, business trips and luxury vacations call for air travel. And the airport is not a great place to expect healthy food. The rush of checking bags and the mundaneness of waiting in line consume all of your energy and time. Soon you realize you are starving and you turn to quick pick options around you, which are obviously not healthy.
Travel is very tiring so plan ahead. Bring some snacks with carry-on luggage to keep up with your regular eating schedule and it will keep your energy intact. Carry dry fruits, homemade trail mix, GRD Bix, dried fruits which will stay fresh and will keep you fresh.
Airport food options are generally full of sugar and preservatives. They will not satisfy your hunger and also will not keep you going actively. Try to find a restaurant providing a wholesome meal. Give a thought before ordering and eat slowly. Do not overeat, it will make you feel heavy and bloated. Consuming a wholesome meal will provide your energy throughout the day and will avoid overeating after reaching your destination.
If you are opting to eat on the plane, look for the food options which are a proper balance of proteins, fibers, and carbohydrates. If the menu is not clear, ask crew members for help or some fresh fruits. Keep yourself hydrated and avoid caffeine.
The hustle-bustle of the city calls for a long drive or road trip, especially in monsoons. On road trip you are mostly seating for a long time and can make it is easy to lose track of what you are eating and how much you are eating. Before leaving for the road keep your snack basket ready. The basket can contain fruits, healthy sandwiches, some healthy snacks (you can go through some healthy recipes provided on the GRD protein website). Snacks with fibers, complex carbohydrates, and protein, will keep you full and active maintain your blood sugar.
After eating, you can stop the car roadside and come out to stretch. Fresh air and little walking can help you with your meals to digest better. You will not be bloated or nauseated this way.
Everyone loves to try new restaurants and new food while traveling. Everyone should!! But you may find it difficult to keep up with your healthy diet plan. Schedule and plan your meal in advance. If you are going out to a fancy restaurant for dinner, eat small portions throughout the day every 2-3 hours so that you don’t end up overeating dinner. Snack on high fiber, high protein, and low calorie food.
Once you arrive at the restaurant go through the menu. Plan for a wholesome meal which will include vegetables and proteins. If the cuisine is new to you ask a waiter to explain what the main ingredients of the dish will be. Control your urge to treat yourself for every meal while traveling. Focus on protein, it will help you to fill full faster.
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Common meal mistakes one should avoid while traveling:
Dehydrating yourself. Not drinking enough water can make you think that you are hungry which can lead to overeating. It is important to drink water throughout the day to prevent uncontrollable snacking.
Skipping the most important meal of the day, breakfast. Work trips can be hectic. You may find it easy not to have breakfast to keep up with your meeting schedule. But make it a point that you must find some time to have breakfast. It does not have to a big deal. Just boiled eggs and fruits, or cereals will do. Breakfast helps your metabolic engine running and control the cravings throughout the day.
Consuming oversized portions. Most restaurants serve you oversized portions. Eating such heavy meals three times a day crosses daily calorie intake for most people. Seek help from a waiter or manager for food portions. Ask them if serving half portion is possible, if not pack the half for the next meal you can enjoy on the go or at the hotel.
Eating and drinking because everyone else is. Parties and reunions can put pressure on you to overeat or drink alcohol. After-party snacking can disturb your meal schedule. Do not give in the moment. Learn to say no.
Some Simple strategies to keep in mind:
Read labels: Before buying any snack item, read the nutritional information and ingredients.
Read the description in restaurant menus: Many restaurants describe their menu item in brief which usually involves how the dish is prepared (fried, grilled, smoked etc.), main ingredients (chicken, fish, etc.) , sides ( smoked veggies, mashed potato, etc.) and sauces and herbs used for dressing. Select the healthy combination of all.
Focus on Protein: Protein helps you fill full faster and longer. It keeps you active throughout the day. Consume protein in every meal. You can keep GRD Bix with you as a high protein snacking option.
Say no to empty calories: Avoid food with no nutritional value such as chips, sodas, alcohol, and most of the packeted goods.
Plan meals: Plan meals at the start of the day according to your schedule of the day. Keep healthy snacks handy, it will prevent you from opting for quick pick fast foods.
Make use of hotel gym: With healthy food, you should go for some workout. It will keep your digestion smooth and your mind fresh. If your hotel does not have a gym, do bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, pushups in your room.
Keep track of calorie in and calorie out: This will help you to maintain numbers on your weighing scale.
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Fit Nutrition: Fuel Your Body Before And After A Gym Session
Proper nutrition is an essential component of a healthy and active lifestyle. When it pertains to physical activity, this is certainly relevant. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or just starting out, fueling your body with the right nutrients before and after a workout can help improve performance, promote recovery, and support overall health and wellness. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of proper nutrition before and after going to a top gym franchise in India and provide some tips for fueling your body for optimal performance.
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Fueling Your Body Before a Gym Session
Before hitting the top gym franchise in India, it is important to fuel your body with the right nutrients to help support energy levels, promote endurance, and enhance performance. Here are some tips for fueling your body before a gym session:
● Hydrate
The best performance and health in general necessitate hydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to help maintain proper hydration levels.
● Eat a Balanced Meal
Eating a balanced meal that includes a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats can help provide sustained energy for your workout at any top gym franchise in India. Some good pre-workout meal options include:
➢ Banana and peanut butter on whole-grain toast
➢ Greek yogurt with berries and granola
➢ Oatmeal with almond milk and fruit
➢ Grilled chicken with sweet potato and vegetables
● Consider a Pre-Workout Supplement
If you need an extra boost of energy before your workout, consider a pre-workout supplement. These supplements typically contain a mix of caffeine, amino acids, and other nutrients to help improve performance and endurance.
Fueling Your Body After a Gym Session
After a vigorous gym session at a top gym franchise in India, your body needs proper nutrition to support recovery and muscle growth. Here are some tips for fueling your body after a gym session:
● Hydrate
Just as with pre-workout nutrition, hydration is essential after a workout. Drink plenty of water to help replenish fluids lost during exercise.
● Eat a High-Protein Meal
Protein is essential for muscle recovery and growth. Eating a high-protein meal after a workout can help promote muscle repair and reduce muscle soreness. Some good post-workout meal options include:
➢ Grilled chicken or fish with quinoa and vegetables
➢ A protein shake made with protein powder, almond milk, and fruit
➢ Scrambled eggs with spinach and whole-grain toast
➢ Greek yogurt with nuts and fruit
● Consider a Post-Workout Supplement
If you have trouble getting enough protein in your diet, consider a post-workout supplement. Protein powder supplements are a convenient and effective way to help meet your daily protein needs and promote muscle recovery.
Other Tips for Fit Nutrition
In addition to pre-and post-workout nutrition, there are some other tips to keep in mind when it comes to fueling your body for optimal performance and health:
● Eat Whole, Nutrient-Dense Foods
Filling your diet with whole, nutrient-dense foods can help provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs to function properly. Aim to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to ensure that you are getting a well-rounded diet.
● Avoid Processed Foods and Sugars
Processed foods and sugary snacks can provide a quick burst of energy, but they can also lead to crashes and sluggishness. Avoid these types of foods and instead opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods that provide sustained energy and support overall health and wellness.
● Listen to Your Body
Everybody is different, so it is important to listen to your body and adjust your nutrition accordingly. Pay attention to how your body responds to different foods and adjust your diet as needed to support your health and fitness goals.
In conclusion, proper nutrition is essential for optimal Proper nutrition is an essential part of achieving fitness goals. Eating a balanced diet of nutrient-rich foods can help support the body and provide the energy needed for physical activity. Eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats will provide the body with the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed for a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Proper nutrition can help fuel the body for exercise, improve recovery, and maintain overall health.
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familygarden25 · 2 years
Ten Ways to Increase Your Use of Leafy Foods in the New Year
Did you know that one apple contains approximately 4.5 cups of spinach? Or, on the other hand, is the only thing you can do to maintain youthful skin, protect your heart, and lower your risk of some common diseases to eat more products of the soil? And everybody is aware of how significant that is!) Here are ten suggestions for eating more fruits and vegetables in 2019 to get you started.
Start with fruits and vegetables:
If at all possible, try to eat one serving of Fruits and vegetables online in Chennai. This is very important because it will help you meet your daily calorie goals, keep a healthy weight, and feel less tired all day. However, as part of your resolution for the new year, you can get started right away. There are a number of immediate advantages to eating fruits and vegetables, such as improved heart health and a lower risk of certain cancers, diabetes, and other diseases. You won't have to worry about overindulging because fruits and vegetables naturally contain low amounts of calories and fat. In addition, they supply your body with numerous vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fiber, and other essential nutrients.
Take a look around the supermarket's perimeter:
At the point when you Purchase new natural products Buy fresh fruits online in Chennai, you can frequently tell how solid the produce segment is in general. Then, check out what else is at the opposite end of the store! Go outside if you typically shop in the middle aisles. Go to the produce section at the very end of the store if you typically shop in the aisles at the end. Try to buy some fresh vegetables and fruits when you go shopping. It can be challenging to consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables because there are so many options. During this shopping excursion, you can also try something new. You might have been doing the same thing all your life, so it's time to try something new. Try a new vegetable to see how you like it before adding it to your diet!
Concentrate on color rather than shape or variety:
Colors that we typically do not associate with fruits and vegetables abound in the produce aisle. Hence, attempt to get some strange produce, regardless of whether it's only one thing! Online vegetable shopping in Chennai come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes in Chennai. Color can reveal a lot about a fruit or vegetable's nutrients. For example, foods with a lot of red or orange color contain beta-carotene, which can prevent cancer. Antioxidants are abundant in blue- and purple-colored foods, and anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties, are abundant in purple- and blue-flowered foods.
Are you aware that you may be consuming too many fruits and vegetables?
If you don't believe me, you can buy vegetables online in Chennai. Some people eat a lot of good food. Always eat your daily serving size, make it a habit. If you typically have a bowl of fruit for breakfast, for instance, you should eat half of your daily fruit intake throughout the day. You should still consume enough vegetables throughout the day to meet your recommended daily intake, even if you enjoy vegetables at dinner. Although it may appear to be a lot of work, even a little goes a long way. You can also keep track of your serving size with portion-control plates to make sure you're getting the right amount.
Eat more whole foods rather than processed ones:
Fresh fruits and vegetables are delicious, but they are not the only food you should eat. Whole, unprocessed foods are also excellent sources of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Any food that has been altered in any way, such as being fried, baked, or made into a snack, is considered "processed food." They should only make up 10% of your meals each day. Unprocessed foods, on the other hand, are whole foods that have not been altered in any way. Whole grains, fruits, lean protein, and healthy fats such as nuts, oils, avocados, and even olives are all included. You can achieve your weight loss and heart health goals by consuming these foods.
Eat your vegetables and fruits with a meal:
A healthy diet includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, but you should also eat other foods. Try to include whole grains, a legume, and a serving of fruit or vegetables with each meal. This will help ensure that you get enough fiber and supplements, in addition to maintaining constant glucose and insulin levels.
Go Dutch with a salad in the lunchroom or during the workday:
When fruits and vegetables are served with dinner, it is simple to consume more of them. Pack your own salad for lunch instead of eating at a fast food restaurant or ordering a sandwich or other takeout item. You don't have to eat fruits and vegetables to get protein and fiber! At first, it might seem like more work, but eventually, it will become part of your normal routine. In addition, you'll find that you look forward to it much more than you do to every day fast food dining.
One of the simplest ways to improve your health is to eat more fruits and vegetables. It is beneficial to your brain, bones, and heart as well. In addition, it might be the most cost-effective thing you can do for yourself. In addition, there are no particular recipes or foods that are required for the diet. Simply increase the amount of leafy fruits and vegetables you eat each day. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, including shopping around the grocery store's perimeter, serving fruits and vegetables frequently, and eating a meal that includes fruits and vegetables.
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Entry No. 26
So one of the things I've been trying to start doing at the same time of this writing project is start focusing more on what I eat. My actual diet really hasn't changed much; I've mainly just focused on portions. Trying to watch how much of something I take in a sitting, no matter if it's a meal or a snack.
The one thing that has changed is I've started watching the quality of what I eat. I've cut out a lot of options I used to fall back on, fast food being one of the big ones. There are times where I've had to fall back on it a little bit, but I'm very selective about the fast food I choose. I've practically dropped McDonald's, Taco Bell, all that shit.
The main place I go if I have to choose fast food now is Culver's. I realize not everybody is gonna know what that is, because it's not global, and to my knowledge, it's not even national in the US.
Culver's is essentially this burger joint around the Midwest that actually makes their burgers fresh. Like actually fresh, not the McDonald's, Burger King bullshit that everybody is used to. It's good shit, but again, I try to be selective about what I get. Like I've practically dropped their signature cheese curds and concrete mixers (their form of malt ice cream) entirely, because I know that shit is gonna fill up my stomach way too much.
But I'm also not falling back on it all the time. If and when I have Culver's, it's usually every other week now. Before I started being observant of my intake, that was like a once a week, sometimes even twice a week ordeal.
My point is it is easy to get unhealthily attached to simple things, especially when they're easily appetizing. And I'm not gonna sit here like I've cut down all my weight. Truth be told, I'm a bit chubby still. I've tried doing some cardio to run it off, but my appearance really hasn't changed much over the years.
But outward appearance comes second to the inner body, and if you're not treating your stomach right, no matter if you're skinny, fat, whatever, you're only hurting yourself.
Food, in a lot of ways, connects people too, both in good and bad ways. Some people only eat when they're high. Some people are social eaters, others can't eat around people at all.
But one thing is a universal; fake food will get you nowhere. Think of it like fake people. You ever have a "friend" that anytime you're around them, they make every problem in the world revolve around them exclusively?
That's what fake food does to you. You take one piece of it, and all one a sudden, all the other food takes second place, because there's a significant acquirability to something made fast and ready in seconds and minutes, rather than larger increments of time.
We are all also like food in that we all have shelf lives. It's important to keep ourselves clean, in order to let that life last longer. There's always time to be a better person and go out with a bang, rather than limping through life on Easy Street. That shit will make you sick at some point.
Of course, you can't tell anybody how to live, and everybody's body is different. So at the end of the day, if you're healthy in the relative sense, that's all that matters.
As for me, I plan to stick to my routine for a long time. Let's hope my efforts pull through.
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susantaylor01 · 9 days
How to Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat: Useful Tips Contributing to Your Health
The inner thigh can be the single most stubborn place in the body. However, an appropriate approach may lead a person to get toned down and slimmed-up thighs. Be it for great feelings regarding one's overall fitness, gaining more confidence in your favourite pair of jeans, or living a healthier lifestyle, here are a few effective ways to help an individual get rid of inner thigh fat.
1. Include Targeted Exercises
One thing you should know: spot fat reduction just isn't possible; however, with targeted exercises, you are going to focus on the muscles in your inner thighs, and that, in turn, will have them looking better toned. Following are exercises targeting that part of the body:
Sumo Squats: Wide stance, wider than shoulder-width apart, with toes pointed outward; sit into a deep squat, keeping the back straight and the knees in line with the toes. Push through the heels to get back into the starting position. Repeat for 15-20 reps.
Lateral Lunges: Begin by standing, feet hip-width apart. Take one leg and step in that direction, lowering that knee while keeping the other leg straight. Push back to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Repeat for 10-15 times on either side.
Inner Thigh Leg Lift: This exercise involves lying on one's side, keeping the legs straight from the hips. While in this position, you will lift the top leg up and away from yourself, lifting the bottom leg toward the ceiling. Bring it back down in a slow motion. Do 15-20 repetitions on each side.
2. Eating Healthy
Dieting, even in the inner thighs, plays a very important role in fat loss. Some dietary tips of importance to take into consideration while reducing body fat include:
Eat a Balanced Diet: Lay more emphasis on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This evades eating processed foods with sugar snacking, which invites fat deposition.
Count your calories: This means having a calorie deficit-that you take fewer calories than you expend. This will put your body under compulsion to adopt the stored fat including those in the thighs for energy.
Hydrate: Drinking enough water can help reduce bloating and improve your metabolism-meaning, it improves the ease with which the fat would be lost.
3. Cardio Exercises Regularly
Cardio exercises melt away all types of calories to trim fat throughout one's body, including the inner thighs. Do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio each week. Following are a few efficient modalities:
Running or Jogging: Running also works well in generally reducing body fat which may slim your legs.
Cycling: Indoor and outdoor cycling works great to shape your thighs.
Swimming: It is an aerobics-friendly, low-impact sport engaging the whole body thighs included, and hence burns up calories in the process.
4. Add on Some Resistance Training
Resistance training builds muscles that help you firm up your thighs and also boosts metabolic rate for your body to burn more calories even while at rest. Do full-body resistance training exercises targeting the leg exercises such as the following:
Leg Press: Although that was one of those exercises that was to be done on machines, it trains the thighs so well and builds muscles.
Deadlifts: The deadlift, although taken by most as one of the most back-of-the-lower-torso exercises, has the outer thighs highly involved with it-just like the glutes.
Step-ups: Step-ups are where one steps up with one leg and then brings the other up with it onto the bench or step; this simple exercise does much magic for the thighs and glutes.
5. Be Consistent and Patient
This is going to take some time to burn the fat, especially those in certain areas of the body. You have to be very persistent with your workout and dietary practice. You can keep on measuring the progress through pictures or with a measuring tape, instead of a weighing scale. In simple words, everybody is different and the way that particular body would respond to any sort of exercise and dietary change is going to be pretty different. That is why it will need some patience.
6. Overall Health
These are great aesthetic-based goals to have; even better would be paying just as much attention to one's health and wellness. A strong, fit body will pay dividends not just in looks but in many other ways too. Focus on building healthy habits that will last, and enjoy the process of getting stronger and healthier.
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Certain exercises will shred the fat in your inner thighs, which are to be incorporated with a healthy diet and cardio and strength training. These religiously follow down to slimmer, more toned thighs in due time. Keep in mind that you are trying to be healthier and fitter, so do not overexert yourself or be too hard on yourself little milestones as you go.
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