#Allen Center
unladyboss · 1 month
The first article about the Bear seems to come out, about a month into the bear being open properly
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Only thing is that Carmy is the only one mentioned.
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Carmy doesn't do this for glory, so he probably doesn't care.
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If he saw it, he probably thinks he's just on his way to getting the star.
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It sucks that there's no mention of Sydney but the journalist probably didn't know.
I don't know if they interviewed Carmy.
If they did, it's odd that he wouldn't talk about Sydney. It seems like they might have interviewed him, because a staff photographer took the photo in the article.
That's really low if Carmy did that. That's awful. WTH?????
He did that?
He didn't mention he wanted to take the pic with Sydney? Give her some shine?
My heart is racing. I'm gonna make an excuse and say it slipped his mind.
This is terrible
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dasenergi-diary · 21 days
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I have been back for a week now, from the silent meditation retreat I went on in August.
As always, you come back from these retreats as a changed person. I am not the same person as I was in July.
Oddly, there is not a lot I want to share about this retreat. But there are a few things I want to say.
First, the things I loved:
I love being in noble silence.
I love being in the mountains.
I love that food was provided for me, and I didn't need to want for anything.
I loved watching and listening to the birds and all of the other animals I saw.
I love hiking in the middle of nowhere and not seeing another soul.
I loved doing yoga every night under the stars, and afterwards just laying there watching the night sky.
I love meditation. My two favorite mediations, the first meditation of the day at 6am and the last meditation of the day at 9pm.
Usually when I come home from these retreats, I try to continue my practice. Meditating every day and eating healthier, etc.
But not this time.
Whereas everything about this retreat was just like every retreat I have ever been on, one thing was distinctly different — the teacher and the type of meditation she taught.
She was born into Buddhism in a Buddhist country. It is all she has known, often living in Buddhist monasteries.
In the United States most people gravitate to Buddhism after experiencing some hardship, looking for freedom from suffering. Most Buddhist practitioners in the United States want actionable teachings. Tangible things we can do, to be free from suffering. Tell us what to do, and we will do it.
Whereas my teacher doesn't teach us to do anything. “Do nothing. Just be aware. Observe what is happening right now. Be curious.”
“If you brush your teeth with your right hand, what is your left hand doing?”
I spent several days just watching my mind thinking…
"The mind is not you, it is a process happening all by itself."
The #1 thing my mind does? It makes plans. It's always planning. It plans things to do. It also plans conversations that I might have some day. It fantasizes about things that might happen, and plans what I would do, how I would react.
As my thinking mind was sensory deprived while on the retreat (no reading, no writing, no talking, etc.) it's favorite activity was counting. It wasn't counting anything in particular. It just likes to count 1-2-3-4-5…
Whenever I caught my mind counting, I stopped and checked all six sense doors:
What can I hear?
What can I see?
What can I smell?
What can I taste?
What can I feel?
How is my mind?
I used the counting as a reminder to be in the present moment and "pay attention to what I can be aware of in the present moment." And then I would usually follow that up with, "And what else?"
Don't meditate. Just be relaxed. Be aware. THAT is meditation.
A lot of people at the retreat had a problem with this style of "meditation". They wanted something to focus on. A mantra. A task to do / perform. Loving-kindness / metta meditation. Forgiveness meditation. Something other than doing nothing.
What dawned on me was that after 20+ years of meditation, this "style of meditation" accurately described my daily practice. I just didn't have a name for it or a way to describe it until now. I don't sit daily anymore, because I am always in a constant state of mindfulness… Being aware.
When I swim I am meditating. When I am fixing dinner I am meditating. When I am mowing the lawn I am meditating. When I am doing the dishes I am meditating. When I fall asleep at night I am meditating.
"Don't meditate with expectations. Let go of goals and simply observe what is happening right now."
"Don't be eager for results. Let things happen naturally."
"If you are tense, the mind cannot see clearly. Be relaxed and aware."
"Be here right now."
"Meditation is not just about sitting. It's about how you live your life."
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applesandbannas747 · 1 year
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There's so much I love about Kyle's flashback and the insight it gives on his character. We see him falling in love with fencing and looking up to his uncle and wanting so badly to be part of that world.
But with Jesse Coste for a cousin, not only does he always fall short, but it's more personal because of that relationship--he'll always be compared to Jesse by virtue of being related to him. And he's aware of it--he's heard it before and probably hears it pretty regularly even now. It would be easy to resent Jesse for always being better--for being the ideal Kyle's always being measured against.
But instead of calling Jesse names or being angry at this boy for approaching him to talk about Jesse, he answers honestly and proudly that Jesse's unbeatable--even before realizing that being related to Jesse labels him as cool too. He genuinely admires Jesse and is proud of him and to be his cousin.
And then we see too the way Kyle's identity gets wrapped up in Jesse. Kids are flocking to him excitedly calling him cool for being related to Jesse, and we all know very well how often Kyle talks about Jesse and being related to him from then on. It's clear that Kyle's feelings about Jesse are genuine, but he mentions it too much to be purely gushing--he mentions it because he's learned that people like him better for his relationship to Jesse. There's got to be some self-worth issues all tangled up in there, and I think we see the roots of it all here.
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freshthoughts2020 · 11 months
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qbwr · 10 months
a set of photos from practice that go together
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Josh acting normal with the guys, making his son Dalton laugh, everything's chill and fine
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oh shit there's Stef better start dancing and goofing off so that I get his attention hey dude look at me dancing for you please look at me please give me your attention
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Remember Me (2010, Allen Coulter)
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doublescribble · 8 months
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Kawhi Leonard and Grayson Allen
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reverseflashes · 1 year
i'll be real i really don't like it when half the fandom still thinks eobard hates barry for no reason and he spends his 24/7 just sitting in pure rage and thinking about how much he hates barry
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jrueships · 5 months
this is gonna be Jabari to alpey when he comes back into the lineup and ime tries to take him out
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samaspic31 · 2 years
"Separate the art from the artist" is so insulting to the artists too actually (and totally irrelevant to the question of financial support of said art, in the age of pirating). Have you ever seen as artist say who they are is irrelevant to their work? Why are you implying that what we create is so unspecific to us that you can ignore us. You are trying to extend the capitalistic alienation from our labour to something inherently resistant to commodification, as much as the system forces its monetization for artists to live (and I wish all domains stopped alienating production from its producers, but it's particularly egregious for art imo). It’s something given or sold to the public for them to give the meaning they see fit, and you can decide to discard the initial/intended meaning for yourself, but it was still born from the artist and specific to them, created with their intentions motivating it, their biases colouring each and every choice, it is ludicrous to argue it can be totally dismissed. Trying to erase our role is downright offensive and akin to failing to credit properly. Copyright law has many flaws, in the sense that it is ill-equipped to handle the fact no art is ever 100% original and builds off existing elements, but it exists for a reason, so that artists get their due, you better believe corporations would not compensate us if they could. And minimizing our place in creation is the same mindset
I think it’s also tied to the myth we're born this way, given talent from birth and therefore not really the inventor but merely the executor of our art, negating the amount of training that goes into building skills, and the intellectual labor necessary for any creative work (see: ai bros acting like artists are hoarding drawing skills??), as well as the disregard shown for artistic industry workers anytime there's talks of unionizing (see : caring more about their marvel movies/video games releasing early than making sure crunch is avoided). Some people don’t like to think in depth about neither the context of what they consume nor the breathing bodies that make it come to life (and I understand, cause honestly it makes a lot of stuff depressing, be it food, clothes or art, but it'snecessary sometimes), and seem to think an artist’s relationship to a piece of work is over, all ties severed the moment they publish it, when it is a lifelong and everchanging relationship that takes labour to bear
On another topid so much of art is made of collaboration and merging intellectual properties and building off other people’s work i would like to beat up the myth of the lone genius artist or the mastermind director who deserves all the credit for his big brain, all projects would be nothing without the teams making them happen and an artist with no fellow creative friends literally will shrivel up so pls start putting all the people working in artistic fields on an equal footing, financially speaking too, i am begging society to stop disrespecting craftspeople too btw-
#sam speaks#sorry im mad when non artists go 'but it's not an autobiography so it's not about the artist themselves' shut up you know nothing#i can guarantee whoever the protagonist is the creatives found a path to relate to him and gave them to live their own experiences in a way#also people always use that shit to defend awful people or justify them being rewarded#did you know : you can consume art by terrible people without denying it it's called critical analysis#i had a teacher use it for fucking woody allen. when he literally makes movies where he plays the protagonist grooming a 16yo#never more obvious self insert/confession has existed#*relate to them#also like. the cliché of artists being self obsessed isn't exactly wrong let's be honest. there has to be a little bit of thinking highly o#yourself to believe (rightfully because that's the case for everyone) that your self is worth being expressed#so why would you think artists of the most arrogant self centered demographic in society would be humble enough not to insert themselves?#cishet white men write only about themselves and everybody else in their stories is an accesory; written with no empathy or understanding#something somthing refusal to acknowledge the inteligence of the people different to you#anyways. fuck jk and woody allen and polanski and so on and there are too many names#and support artists if you can so we can share art on our own terms#that said i often dislike art made about artists it's so. uninterestingly self centered
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revoltinglesbians · 2 years
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Idk why this is so blurry but I made a 2022 bingo on New Years and I’m kinda disappointed which ones we ended up getting.
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tv-moments · 1 year
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Tulsa King
Season 1, “Center of the Universe”
Director: Allen Coulter
DoP: Cameron Duncan, Jalaludin Trautmann
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ainarosewood · 2 years
FFxivWrite2022 Day 30 Prompt Sorjourn
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Sparrow gave a huge sigh, the Hellsguard pinching her nose in frustration, “How do we keep getting ourselves into these situations?”
Erisha shrugged the Keeper clearly trying to remain calm and collected to be able to properly cast her magics.  But her concern for the other two's safety was evident, as was her exhaustion.
Ahead of them the other two of their band were charging forward, all but looking like they felt it was a competition.  This was supposed to be a simple go in investigate, return and report findings sort of job.  But it became a hell of a lot more complex than that.  And having a Midlander Warrior and an Elezen Dragoon who thought they had to outdo each other at every turn made things worse.
It's not that the pair didn’t get along far from it.  They were good friends who felt battle meant showing the other up and such they would rush headlong into battle sometimes completely ignoring Sparrows plan and resulting in having poor Erisha to all but have a panic attack trying to keep them alive.
After the fourth group of bandits they had encountered and both the Midlander and Elezen barely escaping with their skins intact Sparrow had enough before they could rush off again she strode forward and grabbed the Midlander bodily and lifted her off her feet stating, “Enough!”
“But…” Allene started struggling against the Roegadyn’s grip.
“But nothing girl, ye’ve been running headlong into the maws of death and only escapin thanks te Erisha’s expert heals.  And you,” she added pointing at the Elezen Dragoon, “Ye’ve been doing the same.  We were supposed to do quiet reconnaissance but thanks te the two o ye n yer rivalry we’ve made known our presence te every damn bandit within a hundred malms!”
Aurelle looked like she was going to protest but then she saw Erisha who was overtly worn from her endeavors and realized Sparrow was right. She then  lowered her gaze and murmured, “Sorry, we did get carried away didn’t we.”
The struggling Midlander growled in annoyance then also seeing the tired Miqo’te as well nodded, “Aye I guess we did, thanks Sparrow ye’ve always had my back.  Can ye put me down now?”
“Yer a pain in the arse,” the Hellsgaurd stated then set her down on her feet and the Midlander gave her a dirty look.  She then looked around and drew her axe saying, “We got company girls,”
The group that had gathered let out a hearty laugh, “Awe look they’ve made up. Ye know ye cuties could kiss as well or maybe more, give us all ‘ere a good show and maybe we let it slide that ye’ve been bloodying our mates.” one taunted
Keeping her voice low so the bastards that had gathered couldn’t hear her. Sparrow shifted her eyes toward the White Mage stating, “Ye stay back n catch yer breath. I’ll keep these two idiots on their feet till ye can recover.  Alle ye charge right at that sneering bastard, me buncles got yer back as always.  Aulle take em from the flank with a Doom Spike aye?”
The trio nodded and then without warning, aether burst around the Midlander as she unleashed Infuriate and charged forward slamming into the bandit who had taunted them, her axe cleaving him in two.  His mates fared little better as the Dragoon flanked them and speared them both in the burst of a doom spike.  The remaining bandits had their hands full with the Warrior beginning to swing her axe more and the carbuncles dancing in and striking as they went along with the ruin spells that Sparrow unleashed.
In moments the group of bandits had gone from sneering to screaming and attempting to run as the three continued their assault along with the White Mage once the Miqo’te caught her breath.  Once they were dispatched or fleeing the four of them made their retreat with both Sparrow and all three of her carbuncles guarding their backs for the retreat.
Once they got a safe distance Sparrow cuffed both the Midlander and Elezen in the ear snarling, “Next time we have this sorta thing lets stick to the plan eh?  I’d rather not end up in a sticky end nor do I want ye two fools te be either ye got me?”
Both stumbled at the strike for the Hellsguard didn’t pull her punch on it and then they steadied themselves both stating in unison, “Aye,”
As they made their way back to the city proper Erisha murmured softly, “I think you two should explain to Mother Miounne why things went the way they did,”
Sparrow gave an evil grin and stated, “A fine idea Erisha, ye both are gonna explain te her and the bowlord how ye caused us te botch the job.  Cause most o those fools escaped.”
The Elezen and Midlander both paled at the thought and it was unclear who they were worried about more, Mother Miounne or Bowlord Lewin.
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zoloftpixie · 8 days
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edsonjnovaes · 3 months
Elefanta chamada Tyke
Depois de 12 anos de tortura em um circo no Havaí, esta pobre elefanta chamada Tyke conseguiu escapar. Irada, feriu 6 pessoas até a polícia atirar nela 86 vezes a matando. A expressão nos olhos dela diz tudo. Fotos de Fatos – @FotosDeFatos. 08 jul 2024 Em 20 de agosto de 1994, a elefanta africana Tyke, usada no Circo Internacional de Honolulu, Havaí, atacou e matou seu treinador durante uma…
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