#Alex lore drop night
nico-di-genova · 2 months
I have more Rossi lore :)
Lost to James at a cornhole game one time, and proceeded to order professional cornhole gear with the correct dimensions and everything so he could practice properly, and thus ensure he would remain the number one victor at all times for the rest of time. Joked about going pro, but I don’t think it was fully a joke tbh, he probably fully thinks he could.
Was once denied entry to a steakhouse in Detroit, despite the fact he had reservations. Says he “pulled up in an Audi (weird flex but okay) in dark wash jeans and a sweater” and was told he couldn’t come in because he didn’t have a collared shirt. Later, three of his friends sent him photos eating at this same steakhouse. They were t-shirts and sneakers.
Alex “loves to sleep in” according to James. Didn’t want to wake up early to care for his plants so he spent a (assumedly substantial) undisclosed amount of money on an electric controller that takes care of his plants and comes on at 5:30 in the morning. You will not catch him missing out on his beauty sleep apparently.
Doesn’t like when people are bubbly and talkative at restaurants, hostesses and waiters specifically. Being social stresses him out, he doesn’t like it, don’t try to talk to James about ketchup while Alex is trying to order a Diet Coke, he will become annoyed and stressed because he “waited his turn” to speak and things aren’t going right. Clearly he prescribes to rigid social cues and structures and is thus annoyed when these are not followed. Don’t piss him off, don’t be nice apparently, this is a serious problem for him. (He’s so real for this tbh. I too become stressed annoyed and overwhelmed when waiters are overly talkative and I no longer have an established script to follow. Not their fault to be clear, I just don’t know how to process that.)
Went nonverbal once at the start of a podcast episode and was asked by James “is this a no talking day”. Alex was too involved in eating his gold fish to give more than one word answers. (Also relatable.)
Also, this whole interaction between him and Tim:
Tim: I’m over at Alex’s and he’s struggling to open this one package. He stops in the middle of opening the box, and he just looks out the window and goes, “I need to trim my roses”. And then he just- he returns to the- he gets the box open and then doesn’t even take time to put shoes on, goes out in his socks and trims his roses. Like, we were in the middle of a conversation…
Alex: the reason why- I was using my rose scissors to open the package, so it reminded me.
He’s too relatable I fear. Antisocial, frequently nonverbal, easily sidetracked king.
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patito-oward · 2 months
one of my favorite pieces of indycar lore is beadgate, also referred to as tubgate, and it is TRULY not talked about enough. in case any of you don’t know, here’s a deep dive into the lore.
to really get the full effect you have to rewind to may of 2021. for anyone who doesn’t know all of the drivers basically live in a lot together in motorhomes for the month of may. rossi returns to his bus one day to see that his golf cart had been put up on blocks, had the wheels taken off, and the wheels were now on top of his motorhome; see below:
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so alex, because he’s the most predictable human alive, is furious. he’s determined to find out who did this and get revenge on them. eventually he breaks down sweet baby colton, who originally helped conor with the golf cart on blocks, and colton tells him it was conor.
alex had already narrowed it down to conor, but colton confirmed it. alex even overhears a call between conor and colton where conor is panicking thinking alex is onto them. then alex starts a deliberate plan to get him back and make his life hell. despite being very adamant that he had nothing to do with the golf cart conor is very careful because he knows revenge is coming.
throughout the next week and a half-ish alex tries everything to get conor back. conor is being very careful to lock his bus and car whenever he’s away, and he’s also stopped using his golf cart completely and hidden it somewhere at the speedway. alex is so dedicated to doing this that he finds out who conor was going on a date with that night (because conor was a bit of a whore before his girlfriend), dms the girl on instagram, and gets her in on this prank.
he basically asked her to keep an eye out for his motorhome keys in the car or on him, she says she doesn’t see him, but tells him where they went for dinner. rossi goes to this restaurant, convinces the valet to give him the keys to conor’s car and looks for the keys to his bus, they aren’t there. then, not willing to give up, he goes to conor’s house and breaks in, still can’t find the keys.
finally, he heads back to the speedway and decides he’ll fuck with his golf cart instead, but like i said, conor’s golf cart is MIA. rossi starts a search party for this golf cart, he has everyone he knows, including doug boles (president of ims and conor’s step dad), looking for this golf cart and they can not find it. he calls it off for 2021, but promises that he’s not done yet, and now has a whole year to plan his next prank.
a whole year goes by, it’s may 2022, and because conor is who he is he decides an inflatable hot tub is an absolute need for his motorhome.
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he is so proud of himself for this thing and is showing it off to everyone, and the absolutely diabolical alex rossi sits back and laughs maniacally as everything falls into place.
alex does extensive research (as he does on most things) and finds out exactly how many orbeez it would take to fill the hot tub, and on tuesday morning of practice week he sneaks over to conor’s hot tub, and 4 hours later conor goes to show off his hot tub to someone and finds this:
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conor is furious and on the hunt for who would’ve done this, he, wrongly, assumed that it was done monday night and therefore couldn’t be alex because alex was with him. the whole week goes by, and he still doesn’t know who it is, until the night of the victory banquet when alex drops this:
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anyways this is my favorite thing ever hope you all enjoy as much as i do
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thingsthatbleedfic · 2 months
Not sure if I'm supposed to keep this to just asking questions, but I needed to gush and I'm not good at ao3 comment etiquette.
I stumbled across TTB on complete accident after seeing this meme and picked it up just for the heck of it, and BOY WAS I IN FOR A HECK OF A RIDE(R. haha, get it?) OR WHAT? But I felt a little out of place and like an outsider because
I entered the Phandom for the first time exactly 31 days ago and my only knowledge comes from the >5 episodes I watched before I got bored and dropped it years ago (and promptly ejected from my brain), and then fanfiction I have been VIOLENTLY AND CONSISTANTLY CONSUMING LIKE A RABID VACUUM for the last month when I got interested in it again.
I had literally never heard of Alex Rider before this fic.
I like SCP, but all my knowledge comes from a podcast I listen to but they're going numerically and they've only gotten up to SCP-123, oh and and Markiplier.
THAT BEING SAID, I didn't need to worry because this is one of the best fics I've ever read. It has LITERALLY been keeping me up at night staring at the ceiling because I couldn't freaking stop thinking about it.
It stands out in a crowd, and out of the all MANY crossovers I've read in my time, TTB is one of, like, four fics that I can confidently say feel like their own original fiction, one cohesive world that's well blended, each media and character perfectly meshed and interacting with eachother and the lore like they always belonged together.
Deadass, I sent the fic to my sibling immediately after I finished it because I needed someone to scream about it to even though they understand even less of the source material than I, and we've decided to watch the Alex Rider show together and they told me "I'm going to be sad when we watch this and Danny isn't canon".
Fantastic work, massive kudos for making one of the best feels-like-it's-not-a-crossover crossovers. I was hooked by the first few paragraphs, so suspenseful, on the edge of my seat the entire time, and I lost so much sleep and sanity to this masterpiece. Y'all rock.
This ask is SO kind and amazing we all wanted to reply!!! Hope you don't mind!
KEI: omg!!!! this ask was such a delight to get. Ive read this over and over, youre so SO kind. I'm glad youve been able to enjoy TTB even not knowing things about AR or SCP. That was always our goal--we've even had people that know nothing about any of the fandoms read it and enjoy it! Dude. My MOM reads it and was upset when she caught up. I hope you don't still feel like an outsider bc we are SO happy youre here and clearly, anyone is welcome no matter where they're coming from as far as fandom knowledge goes <3 Thank you for reading and giving our niche as fuck crossover a shot !
KKACHI: i'm so glad chance brought you to our little corner of the internet! we're very proud we managed to conceive a seamless blend of the various canons. being sad that danny isn't canon is definitely an emotion we've also felt. please make sure you get enough sleep and we hope you enjoy the next update!!!
FIN: wahhhh!!! thank you so so much. i gotta ditto what the others have said - i'm so glad you can enjoy the fic no matter what. i'm also glad that it's inspired you to also check out some of this funky media very near and dear to our hearts (because of course it is because why else would we be this crazy if it wasn't)
also, i'm always honored and proud to write the kinda fics people lose sleep over KJDGFKJGS cuz god knows i love losing sleep over fics too <3
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ink-ray · 6 months
I’m working on a “game” project for my art class and my teacher just told us to make something mostly original and that we had to make an ad, cover, and a disk/cartage so here’s what I came up with
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Did I make a marble hornets game and make my OC the main character….. uhm no😁
Better quality pics and game lore below cut
Soooooo the game (if I ever make it ( prolly won’t )) is based on fatal frame and games like Fran Bow, sally face, night in the woods, etc
It would be set in an open forest and you’ll have tasks play through your phone and they’ll be accessible in a drop down menu that looks like a voicemail screen. The first task would just to walk until you find a page😦 then you’ll be tasked to find more. After finding 8 pages you’ll get chased by hoody into an abandoned building. Once I. The building you will “lose” hoody and you will be tasked with looking around, looking in building will be done with a camcorder and you will look through the building until you find the operator in one of the rooms which will kick you off the camera. Before you find the operator you can find items, some useful (med packs, a flashlight, batteries, tapes, etc) and some just there to be there (pages, photos, etc) it is possible to find everything in a building before seeing the operator but if you get too greedy and look tooo hard you’ll get kicked off the camera and take damage.
I dont reallly have anything else to say but I plan to add more to this
I wanna have skully and masky in as enemies aswell and maybe a final battle w/ Alex idk tho
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Half the reason I created this tournament is so I could find new webcomics to read, and I know a bunch of you are following it for the same reason.
So: Here is a directory of every webcomic that was submitted!
Please note that this list is Very Long, so (1) I have not read most of these webcomics and can't vouch for their content, and (2) I have not tested any of these links, but I can fix any errors if you point them out.
Comics are listed in alphabetical order, with the featured couple(s) or poly ship(s) in parentheses. Broken into two parts because Tumblr only allows 100 links per post and there are 140 comics.
180° Angel (Sam and Lilith)
2 Slices (Ruka and Rio)
A Week in Warrigilla (Hazel and Willie)
A&H Club (Adrian and Hildegard)
Alice and the Nightmare (Edith and Quinn)
Alien Heart (Ivy and Rosa)
Always Human (Sunati and Austen)
Balderdash (Georgie and Afia)
Band vs Band (Honey Hart and Turpentine)
Blindsprings (Ember and Irelia)
Boyfriends (Jock, Prep, Nerd, and Goth)
Bugtopia (Arachne and Scarlet)
Burn Away (Abella and Edie)
Charity Case (Sylvia and Jerry)
Circuits and Veins (Ai and Aki)
Console Her (Claudia and Ava)
Cucumber Quest (Almond and Peridot; Piano and Ametrine)
Cursed Princess Club (Nell and Jolie)
Dame Daffodil (Charo and Alesea)
Daughter of the Lilies (Lyra and Margot)
Dead Winter (Lizzie and Alice)
Dicebox (Griffin and Molly)
Dirt Creek Runs Red with Blood (Ines and Sarepia)
Dom&Mor (Dominique and Morgan)
Dresden Codak (Kimiko and Elith)
Drop-Out (Lola and Sugar)
Dumbing of Age (Becky and Dina; Jennifer/Billie and Ruth)
El Goonish Shive (Ellen and Nanase; Catalina and Rhoda; Diane and Lucy)
Eldritch Darling (Ina and CJ)
Encore! (Quinn and Hana)
Ennui Go (Izzy, Darcy, and Tanya)
Errant (Sarin and Jules)
Facing the Sun (Aarya and Liza)
Finding Wonderland (Alex and Lucky)
Flowers For the Arsonist (Lucia and Paige)
Four Leaf (Carla and Lina)
Gals (Croix, Sam, Lux, and Charlotte)
Ghoul Crush (Sison and Laguna)
Girly (Otra and Winter)
Glitterlaced (Goldie and Luck)
Go Get a Roomie (Roomie and Lillian)
Guide to the Land of Monsters (Arnatuk and Tove)
Gunnerkrigg Court (Kat and Paz; Zimmy and Gamma)
Hard Lacquer (Claire and Robin; Claire and Petra)
Heartstopper (Darcy and Tara)
Heir's Game (Sevilia and Ilianna)
Her Tale of Shim Chong (Shim Chong and Madam Jang)
High Class Homos (Sapphia and Odette; Sapphia and Marla)
Homestuck (Rose and Kanaya; Calliope and Roxy; Vriska and Meenah; Vriska and Terezi)
How to Be a Werewolf (Marin and Marisa)
I Love Amy (Amy and Bibi)
I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl (Cheryl and Delilah)
I'm the Villainess but the Heroine's Trying to Capture Me (Nelly and Nancy)
In My Heart (Wantanabe Yuki and Sasaki Mari)
Isadora (Isaline and Theodora)
It's Okay to Like Girls (Sophie and Olivia)
Kidd Commander (Phineas and Agatha)
Kill Six Billion Demons (Allison and Ciocie Cioelle)
Kiss It Goodbye (Aruka and Yukimi)
Lady of the Shard (Radiant Goddess and Acolyte; Radiant Goddess and Old God)
Lesbiampires (Daphne and Veronika)
Lore Olympus (Athena and Hestia)
Mage & Demon Queen (Malori and Velverosa)
Matchmaker (Kimmy and Marlowe)
Missing Monday (Foyle and Monday)
Monsters and Girls (Lili and Sera)
Motherlover (Imogen and Alex)
Moving In (Jackie and Riley)
Muted (Camille, Nyra, and Dendro)
My Dragon Girlfriend (Dani and Christie; Callie and Olive)
My Sweet Archenemy (Mad Spade and Miss Sunshine)
My Wish Is to Fall In Love Until You Die (Shiina and Mimi; Seiran and Ari)
Namesake (Selva and Alice)
Nano List (Chacha and Zavi)
Never Satisfied (Neith and Isra)
Nevermore (Lenore and Annabel Lee)
Night Owls and Summer Skies (Emma and Vivian)
Not So Shoujo Love Story (Rei and Hanna)
Octopus Pie (Jane and Marigold)
Offbeat (Beau and Julie)
On a Sunbeam (Mia and Grace; Alma and Char)
On Borrowed Time (Rune and Dielle)
Osora (Celia and Catalina)
Remaining links in part two!
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silky-silks · 5 months
Minty reminds me of a Minecraft sniffer, just as fluffy and cute :3
Well My Fellow Friend, I have to say
Minty is a Minecraft Sniffer
Well, a rejected one but I wont get too deep in that. Actually scratch that I will. Have a lore dump for you! (get your pen and paper ready because im literally about to spew 100 hours worth of pointless words)
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Minty is a boy, he was part of a group of Sniffers I like to call "Sneezes."
(A group of Sniffers in my opinon is going to be called Sneeze.)
He was originally the smallest of the group until one day after randomly wandering around he finds a hanging hand parasite from oak tree. At first it had no name. Suddenly the hand parasite attached its body to Minty, casuing him to grow to a arrangment of teeth on his back as well as a awful red hue. The hand soon was able to speak, in a rather cheery and very yappy voice. Now its to note these two had no offcial name so Syrup and Minty just really didnt refer to each other as name. Also Minty cannot talk, only can make noises.
When the connection happens. Syrup explains to Minty how he got stuck in that tree. Minty surprisnly doesnt seem to mind Syrup as in his "Sneeze"no one really talked. He was interested so he kept Syrup around.
Syrup as usual is the talker of the duo while Minty is reserved in quiet. The share one thing is common and that is their curiosity. The only difference is Syrup can express his with words while Minty can only say "dum".
One day walking through a village they saw a villager trading with someone. Syrup wanted to try it out but failed miserably as no one wanted their "good" (They didnt understand how worthy emeralds were) and couldnt really get info as the villagers became rather annoyed or scared if Syrup and Minty due to their weird looks. Determined to fit in with the group, they looked everywhere and met with other humans "Steve and Alex" to learn how to trade, along the way they discover mining and archelogy.
Other Lore Spooky Month (Oc Based)
They stay relatively the same in design for Spooky month, and I have shown a bit of then interacting with Nina and Grant
(characters belonging to ericvelseb666)
Their prescese was alarming to everyone there, literally everyone was like "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT".
Syruo became nervous and Minty grew protective of his friend. As he deliver bites and growls they were scared off by Jack and John until Stumbling across a holy site. Starry Night Bakery. Inside Syrup saw all the cool sweets, and with the little money they had at the time (more of stolen as some guy dropped their wallet and ran), they ordered a lot of Turnovers and snacks from Nina and Grant. Not understanding change they left a bit too much money and hurried off with their snacks.
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(old art, this was a redone concept deisgn when I didnt know what I wanted to do with them yet)
It was the first time they felt truly accepted, and they did miss Nina and Grant as they didnt go all "Oh my god what is that?!" on them. Syrup wishes to work there but stays hidden for now. Until they heard she was hiring. And Well you get what happened next. They realize the lacked a proper name, so they gave themselves one. Well Syrup names Minty, "Minty" for his colors and Syrup names himself Syrup after eating pancakes some stranger left for them with the strange liquid on top.
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Minus the Frank torture, Syrup and Minty were a grateful duo. They stuck close to Nina and Grant, and for the first time Minty became more "emotional". Always flapping his ears, sniffing and nose booping, even doing little stomps when he sees Grant. (He mistakes Grant for a sniffer for some god forsaken reason)
Syrup will bring Torchflowers for Nina whenever they can as a sign of "thanks" as they are very very grateful monsters.
Not much content on this one as I am still working on a offical deisng for them. But Minty and Syrup are just trying to understand the universe and what is happening with HOME and the rest of the puppets.
Due to their odd looks, the neighborhood was quite questionable.
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But for the meantime, Minty hates Frank for inspecting Syrup. Poor guy got Mauled.
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Oh and they became uber drivers in the backrooms. Why? Dont know. Currently trying to shove them in Cuphead, so they may end up working for the devil BUT are saved by angels as they are just desperate for some work. Besides they suck at contracts, the devil himself got tired of them.
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Thats Minty and Syrup for ya! I know you didn't ask for all of this but hey i Wanted to treat you with some rather cool lore. So if ya choose to ignore all of this that's fine!
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thatonebirdwrites · 6 months
For this next Act, more interludes from other characters will happen. This one is all about Andrea and Alex. Let's dig into their demons. Also, Kelly gets a fun arc -- she will eventually have an interlude too. Got to weave all the threads in Act 2, so we can see the full tapestry in Act 3. EXCERPT:
Andrea followed Alex up a spiral staircase of a nondescript apartment complex. Andrea sighted at least seven DEO agents in civilian clothes. Most were faces she recognized due to her infiltration of the DEO for them. That knowledge left her uneasy, but she refused to let anyone see it. She kept her expression neural, her armor at its highest. 
Neither of them spoke. Andrea felt unsettled still about the meeting the other day. The way Lena’s sword had effortlessly sliced through a metal table, and how Lena glowed silver-gold while holding it — that had been a terrifying sight. The little vial Lena had given her she had wrapped in cloth in her pocket, but if it truly kept her safe, Andrea didn’t know.
She still couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact Lena had magic. Where had it come from? Had she always had it and just kept it a secret? No one gave her any answers. And as much as Sam had grown to like her — Andrea wished she hadn’t — Sam never answered any of her questions about Lena. Her loyalty was steadfast.
And now she’d broken Sam’s trust. Last night had been painful. Sam aloof and estranged, and Andrea too prideful to beg for forgiveness. Instead, they had a tense silence, only broken when Kelly and Ruby dropped in since Kelly and Alex would now be in the penthouse below them. Andrea wasn’t sure what to think of that, or the fact that Lena owned it all. Where was Lena even staying?
Alex reached the top of the stairs and glanced at Andrea. “You sure you want to go through with this? He said no when we asked if you could see him.” A hint of concern wavered in Alex’s voice. 
Which was weird to hear. It had been a long time since people had been concerned for her. “I must. He is angry, that is the only reason he declined. But he deserves the truth.” Her guilt seared her; she’d lied to him so much to keep him safe. Would he forgive her?
Alex nodded and led her to a door at the end of the hallway. Everything about the place stank of sterility. No colors, the rugs a dull grey, and the doors metal monstrosities. For a safe house, it felt more like a prison than anything else. 
Alex unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Sr. Rojas?” She smiled and waved. “¿Cómo estás?” 
Hearing Alex speak Spanish surprised Andrea. She didn’t know the director knew it. 
“Bien,” came her father’s rich baritone voice. “I take it she is here?” His English was heavily accented; hearing it brought back memories of her youth in Patagonia. Homesickness twisted her stomach. 
She missed their ranch in Argentina. The mountains loomed like sentinels, a harsh dry wind blowing down their crags, while rivers cut deep valleys and followed into the steppe grasslands. Farmhands handled the sheep on the ranch, while her father had spent most of his time teaching her the ways of business.
She recalled the long horse rides across the steppes, over rocky outcroppings and past craggy hills. Her father had pointed out each unique feature, his stories rich and full of fantastical lore. She’d been devastated when he sent her to boarding school; losing her mother had broken him.
She’d hated it at first until she’d met Lena. Lena had helped her recover, to forgive him for sending her away.
Now she was no longer welcome at home or really anywhere. Not after what she’d done.
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evans-gallery · 12 days
OC lore dropped
CW: suicide/death/violence mention
- The family scaffold
When Aiko and Toru were 10 years old, their parents divorced and their father left with Toru for Canada, and Aiko continued to live with her domineering mother.
After graduating from high school, she graduated from police college and joined the army to serve in intelligence, where she lost an eye on one of the missions, after which she was demobilized and returned to life with her mother, having received PTSD.
Aiko was not hired because of her injury, so she remained unemployed and lived at the expense of her mother, who was quite well-off, because she belonged to a famous Chinese clan.
One day, Aiko came home from the store and found her mother with open veins in the bathroom. The woman raised the ears of the entire Kyoto police, but they saw nothing but suicide in this. Then she decided to go to her brother in Canada, having found information about him.
In Canada, she met Torah, who lived in his apartment with his boyfriend Stan, and told him about what had happened. The brother, in turn, told about the recent "suicide" of their father, which led them to suspect that he and Aiko could be next. It looks like their family is being chased by an unknown killer.
Aiko continues to investigate in a rented apartment, which her brother helps her pay for. One day she goes to the police in order to find out at least some details, but the girl is quickly escorted away, Sato leaves very unhappy. She is noticed by journalist Alexander Hill, who also came for information on this case, but he, in turn, received the necessary data, because he had money for a bribe.
Through surveillance, Alexander finds out Aiko's place of residence and visits her through the window at night, Aiko threatened him with a gun, but the journalist offered her a deal: she tells him details about her family, and he shares police data with her. As a result, they begin to conduct their own investigation, simultaneously involving Aiko's brother in it.
It turns out that the father of the family, Masashi Sato, got involved with a criminal organization and owed them a lot of money, but fled to China, where he met with Toru and Aiko's mother when she was 17 and he was 27. Then, when, according to rumors, that organization broke up and everyone was imprisoned, they moved to Japan, where Aiko and Toru were born. However, one of the relatives of the head of the organization harbored a grudge and vowed to destroy the family that destroyed the lives of his relatives at all costs. Thus, he killed first the mother, and then the father of Aiko and Toru.
Alex and Aiko managed to identify the perpetrator, when suddenly it turns out that the killer took Torah hostage. They both head to the named address, where Aiko manages to stop the criminal and call the police, but he commits suicide, unable to withstand the failure of his life's mission.
After that, Aiko deserves recognition from the police and is hired, and Alex writes an article about this story, thanks to which he becomes popular and in demand in publishing houses.
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Aiko Sato
Age: 23 years old
Height: 178 cm
Character: Cold and unapproachable in appearance. He is very worried about his loved ones and tries to protect them. She is a great workaholic and prone to apathy. At first, she is very detached in communication, but gradually she can find a common language with people. Although she considers herself a "loner," in fact, Aiko may be dependent on a certain person, most often an authority, such as her mother or boss. Suffers from nicotine addiction and anxiety.
Brief biography: see the beginning.
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Alexander/Alex Hill
Age : 26 years old
Height: 174 cm
Character: Alex is a rather nervous and completely introverted person. In his heart, he hates people, but carefully hides it for the sake of his work, simply imitating the emotions of others. He often has tantrums and nervous breakdowns.
Brief biography: His parents were successful journalists, but died in a plane crash, which is why his grandmother stayed to raise him. She told him that he should build a career as a journalist so as not to upset his parents. And he had to study to be a journalist, but now the hated profession has turned into an obsession, and he is ready to do anything for the headline and recognition in the newspapers, even if he has to do something against morality.
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Toru Sudo/Sato
Age: 21 years old
Height: 198 cm
Character: Strict and reserved, but very loving. He does not tolerate laziness and selfishness. He tries to be the best in his field of activity. He can be detached from his loved ones, because he often needs space.
Brief biography: after moving to Canada with his father, he began studying to be a doctor and, after going to college after school, met Stan at one of the parties, after which they began dating after a while.
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Stan Keldy
Age: 23
Height: 185 cm
Character: kind and optimistic. Quite sentimental. It can be melancholic at times. He is friendly and naive, charismatic, and can endear himself to people.
Brief biography: Until the age of 10, Stan and his mother Kayla lived with a tyrant father who traumatized them both.Finally, they managed to escape from a small town in Oregon and move to Toronto, where Stan met Toru in the future. Stan's psychological condition began to improve after moving to Toronto, but he still sometimes suffers from problems with his father.
That's all for now, you can ask questions about the story and characters, I'll be happy to answer!
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bix-bom · 1 year
Marble Roomies AU Lore !!
The guys didnt go through everything with The Operator, but they have the feeling that they did.
Let me explain:
So the guys went through everything in a different timeline, they see all of the stuff happen as memories they didnt actually make or as dreams/nightmares that feel too real. They sometimes get flashes of memories in different places or while doing different things, like an extreme sense of deja vu.
Some scenarios where this has happened:
One day, the guys were all over at Alex's place cleaning and packing. They just bought the house they now live in and Alex was the first one to move in after they cleaned and redid the whole place. Tim was grabbing some open boxes and came across the mask. He knew it was probably just from some project Alex had to do for a thesis or something, but as he looked at it he started to have a panic attack. He dropped the box and shakily held the mask, memories he didnt even know he had clouding his brain. He fell to the floor and sat shaking, sobbing,  and hyper ventilating. Jay heard the commotion and ran into the room, the others following not far behind him. Jay grabbed the mask from Tim and grabbed his arms, trying to get him to explain whats happening. After everything calmed down, they all sat in the room together silently. The mask sat on the floor in the middle of the room where Jay threw it. Nobody knew what the mask was from, besides Alex but he just knew it as the mask from a past project for school. They all felt uncontrollable fear, sadness, anger, everything. They all knew what it was, but they didnt actually know, it was their memories but not theirs. Theirs from a different world, different timeline, one thats still linked to them somehow. This left the guys shaken up, and for some reason Jay felt the strong urge to call Jessica and make sure shes ok. Apparently she had a lot of anxiety all of a sudden at the same time that they did, weird coincidence huh? They all agree to take a break and ask Jessica if she wants to go out to eat together and she accepts happily. They go to a small diner that they hang out at pretty regularly and talk, though there are times when everyone got quiet and it was the type of quiet that hung heavy in the air and invaded everyones lungs like a thick smoke. As soon as everyone got back to Alex's place, they threw the mask out. Or at least they swear they did, but it was in the back of Tims trunk somehow. They all threw it away together? So why is it back?
Another instance was when the guys were hanging out late at night in Tims place. His stuff was only half packed up so they decided to stay the night so they could get to work when they woke up. Tim was a little off the whole day and nobody thought anything of it. At some point during the night everyone got pretty open. They all talked about random things, things that frustrated them, things that hurt them, things they love, reminiscing the past.They never did this often, but when it happened it helped them feel more human to eachother and bond. It was especially weird for Brian or Alex to say anything but that night they did. Maybe everyone was feeling emotional because of the house change, the progression of time hitting them harder now than ever. Maybe they'll have these nights more often when they all move in together. Some time during that night, Tim became silent. After a depe conversation between Jay, Alex, and Brian about their fears for the future and how they wish the past was different, they notice how quiet Tim is. Brian asks first whats wrong and Tim hesitates before finally speaking. He tells them about these visions, these memories that he doesnt remember doing, this tall pale monster, the murder and hurt between all of the guys. Everyone sat stunned and silent and Tim poured his heart out. Finally, he told them about his childhood in the hospital, his schizophrenia, and how even with his medication he gets very vivid episodes and sees the Operator. After he finished, the guys slowly agreed that they've also had these visions and they dont think its only Tims schizophrenia. They all told eachother about the things they've been experiencing and all of their theories. Maybe they all had schizophrenia by some freak coincidence? Maybe they all have some sort of shared delusion? Maybe they all shared this experience in a past life? Maybe they are all on the brink of time together, living a life they shouldnt have, they accidentally went in the other direction of the timeline? Who knows. But what they do know is that they all feel a little closer, a little more seen, and are willing to take on whatever they are going through together.
Ill def do more of these in the future but if you guys have any ideas for any, send them in! Doesnt have to be angst it could be literally anything. Also doesnt have to be just my au it could be normal mh, creepypasta, slenderverse, or whatever other arg! Thanksssss <3
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chaosbeanberry · 4 months
OC Lore Timeline: Part 2, "Origins"
2003: Alice and Connor Embus give birth to their unexpected son, Alex. Neither parent have sufficient ways of providing for their child, so they turn to crime. However, they both develop a love of organized crime, and soon drop their 4 month old baby off at Breezy Hills Orphanage to focus on their new passion.
A military engineer named Brendan Harp has a child with his wife, Adrienne Harp, who is a private body guard. The child is named Liza Harp.
Brendan Harp creates the Guardian Chip, a device that controls a swarm of nanobots to repair, replace, or create any piece of technology in its database.
2004: Adrienne Harp is killed by a bombing, while assigned to protect the leader of a country at war discussing a peace treaty. In his grief, Brendan Harp takes his daughter, and his work, and isolates himself. The loss of his wife drives him crazy, and he formulates a plan to force the world under a single rule, his own. He modifies the Guardian Chip, and surgically implants the chip into the head of Liza, and starts training her to become his own war machine.
2009: Signs of Typhon's escape cause the Gods to become worried. Artemis and her huntress army begin their assault on Typhon, but upon entering his prison, are surprised to find an army of various monsters. Despite their best efforts, Artemis and her forces could only kill a handful of monsters before heavy loss on their part makes them retreat.
Artemis gets an idea from one of her remaining huntresses to use Typhon's own power against him. So, gathering samples from the monsters they managed to slay, and one of her magic arrows, she visited Hephaestus, God of Forge, to put them together. The project is a success, and Hephaestus claims that the one destined to defeat Typhon will be given the power and forms of the monsters when struck by the arrow. Artemis fires the arrow, expecting one of her huntresses to be struck, but the arrow flew in a new path, and eventually, in the middle of the night, found its way to the sleeping form of Alex Embus.
Alex is immediately transformed into a monster when struck by the arrow. He is frightened when he wakes up to find he has been turned into a monster. His panic wakes up the other children of the orphanage, who react with shock, fear, and hostility, believing Alex was eaten by the monster in his bed. Alex is chased out of the orphanage, into the nearby woods.
Alex eventually learns to return to his human form, but fear of rejection from society keeps him from returning. He decides to live in the woods, learning to control his new powers, and relying on them to survive.
Artemis finds out that Alex has been struck by the arrow, and decides to bide her time until Alex has better control over his new powers to call him to fight Typhon.
2010: Due to impatience, Brendan Harp deems Liza ready for action. He travels to the nearest city, a place named Copper Mound, and tells Liza to level it. However, Liza freezes up due to fear and guilt. When Brendan sees this, he calls Liza a failed experiment, and abandons her to begin his next plan. Liza is then found by Detective Quincy Batters, who adops the young girl a few months later due to their attachment to each other.
2015: After working with her powers, and being inspired by her adopted father, Liza expresses interests in becoming a superhero. At first, Quincy declines, but after Liza catches many wanted criminals on her own, Quincy eventually agrees to let her help with crime fighting, so long as he is with her. Liza becomes the very first recognized superhero working with the police, under the alias "Artillo".
2019: Artillo is following some car thieves who were reported to have run into a heavily wooded area. While searching for the criminals, she instead runs into Alex in monster form. A fight between the two breaks out, until Alex briefly reveals his human form to Artillo. Upon this discovery, Quincy orders Artillo to take Alex back to headquarters, which she does by tranquilizing Alex.
Alex is offered to be taken in by Quincy as well, and offered the same position as Artillo, so they could work as a team. Alex, upon realizing that Quincy is not afraid of him, and rather asking for his company, agrees. He takes the alias of "Oddity".
During some tests to better understand Alex's powers, a lab rat is given a similar ability to Alex, being able to transform into a more monsterous, powerful form. The rat is then named Dart and taken in as Alex's pet.
Lucas Kim, a prodigious martial arts student, and descendant of the last wielder of the Striker Gear, hears reports of a small team of super-powered individuals. Feeling inspired to bring the Striker Gear out of hiding, he takes the Striker Gear and makes his way toward Copper Mound, hoping to join the team.
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Fairy Names Pt. 2
Fly with you! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Anyway, I’m here for a second part of one of my most popular posts.
The first post listed fairy names that were used in the DS game “Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue” in the create-a-fairy section of the game. While the names provided were feminine, I have pulled all of the masculine fairy names from the original Pixie Hollow game. Some names are repeats from the original post, but I kept them in as I wanted to get this out as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy. Here’s the original post.
~🧚🏻‍♀️🔥 Foxglove 
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nico-di-genova · 3 months
Decreeing it Alexander Rossi lore drop night and bringing my own gathered pieces of info:
He hates tea/warm beverages (other than black coffee or espresso shots in the morning)
He’s a Diet Coke drinker and can tell you exactly why McDonald’s Diet Coke is statistically superior (there was apparently a study conducted on the way McDonald’s Diet Coke is produced and Alex knows the full details of it because of course he does).
Likes his little treats, most often in the form of Diet Coke but will occasionally stop for a Starbucks iced latte (must be iced, because again, he hates hot drinks)
Hates all hot and cold desserts. Get that ice cream with hot fudge the fuck away from him.
If he eats something like warm apple pie he will request they not include cold ice cream with it. It’s his ick, don’t serve it to him, he’s picky and knows what he likes.
Has said, and I quote that he, “likes cold apple pie better,” because he is deranged and insane.
Favorite beer: bud light. Because of course it is. He bleeds red white and blue, his favorite sound is probably a bald eagle screech. He’s painfully American to degrees that Logan Sargeant will unfortunately never be.
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (842): Sun 7th Jul 2024
I was determined to get rid of this blasted acid reflux shit today. The last time I had an extended battle with this shit the thing that ended up fixing it was drinking a colossal amount of water every day until all the horrible yellow bile was gone. I bought a bottle of water from the vending machines and started downing it. Midway through my morning shift I went to the toilet and then took a swig of water as soon as I got back and as I put the bottle down on a table I glanced over at another table about ten feet away where I saw MY water bottle. To my horror I realised that I’d taken a swig from someone else’s fucking water that was presumably left there the night before (possibly even the year before). For the rest of the day I had a sickening feeling in my stomach as nothing makes me feel more repulsed than the idea of getting someone else’s germs by sharing a drink with them. For the rest of the day I was plagued by thoughts of whoever’s bottle that was spitting into the thing which wouldn’t bother me if it turned out to be Nikki Sanderson’s water bottle in fact I would consider that to be the greatest sexual experience of my life, greater even than the actual sex I’ve had. When I got home I stuck my tongue in the toaster to make sure I got rid of any remnants of not Nikki Sanderson’s saliva that may have been left in my mouth. 
Ever since failed radio presenter Alex Belfield got convicted and sent down for stalking a lot of his disciples have been blindly defending him by saying that all he did was “just send hurty emails” to the people he stalked including Jeremy Vine, Bernie Keith and Iain Lee. Today I decided to mess with his deluded cult by asking one of his followers who was insisting Belfield shouldn’t have been hailed because all he did was send hurty emails. I pretended to be another Belfield fan and asked this follower what exactly were the “hurty emails” that Belfield got sent down for and he replied that it was basically just calling Jeremy Vine a liar. I thanked him but then provided him with a screen shot of the judges actual verdict which states that Belfield was being jailed because he told all his followers that Jeremy Vine stole money from taxpayers and used it for a “piss up” before telling all of them Vine’s address which is using a lie to potentially endanger someone and their family which as I’m sure this Belfield disciple is not aware is illegal. Don’t ever lie to me. I WILL KNOW!!!
There’s only one thing that makes me happier than making a troll look like a fuckwit in front of fellow trolls and that’s crossing an item off my bucket list and tonight I unexpectedly got to do that. After I got in from work I saw that the latest OSW Review had dropped where the lads covered TNA Victory Road 2009 featuring the hideous Sharmell vs Jenna Morasca match. Midway through the review the lads did their signature “What Bar?” segment where V1 picks a wrestler wearing a ridiculous outfit and lists fan suggestions of what chocolate bars the outfit resembles. I have been submitting suggestions for this segment for ages and have been desperate to have one featured in the same way I imagine some intellectuals aspire to have their caption featured in the New York Times crossword puzzle. This time they did a “What Beer?” variation to reflect Beer Money Inc’s green and white trunks. I crossed my fingers and gritted my teeth as V1 went through the fan submissions and then leapt out of my seat and punched the air as they read out my name and submission!!!!!!
Oh hell yeah! So fucking happy right now. I know this isn’t going to mean much to other but but means the world to me as I love this show. It’s brought me so much comfort and entertainment over the last ten years and I still eagerly await the newest episode dropping. I’m overjoyed that my determination has finally paid off and I’ve actually contributed to OSW lore. 
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🗞️📖 Bookish News - March Edition 📖🗞️
🦇 Extra, extra. Read all about it! 📖 Good evening, bookish bats! A lot happened in the publishing industry last month, but here are a few highlights you may have missed!
Adaptations: 🗞️ Natasha Lyonne and Simon Baker cast for Klara and the Sun 🗞️ There are rumors of John Waters filming an adaptation of his novel Liarmouth (Aubrey Plaza to star) 🗞️ Lionsgate to adapt Stephen King's The Dead Zone 🗞️ Lore - Alexandra Bracken 🗞️ The Parable of the Sower - Octavia E. Butler 🗞️ Exit West - Mohsin Hamid (Riz Ahmed to star) 🗞️ The Broken Earth trilogy - N.K. Jemisin 🗞️ The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern 🗞️ The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V. E. Schwab (screenplay revisions) 🗞️ Project Hail Mary - Andy Weir (Ryan Gosling to star) 🗞️ Babel - RF Kuang 🗞️ Netflix dropped a trailer for Ripley 🗞️ There's a trailer for Butterfly in the Sky, the documentary about Reading Rainbow 🗞️ We Are Liars - Mamie Gummer, Caitlin FitzGerald, and Candice King to star 🗞️ Little White Lies - Jennifer Lynn Barnes optioned for a TV series 🗞️ Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is streaming 🗞️ American Psycho is reportedly getting a remake 🗞️ The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA will be a series 🗞️ William Gibson’s Neuromancer is getting a TV series on Apple TV+ 🗞️ Denzel Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal are starring in a Broadway revival of Othello 🗞️ The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakraborty (series and gaming platform) 🗞️ Whalefall - Daniel Kraus 🗞️ Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot will go directly to streaming (Max) 🗞️ Untamed - Sarah Paulson to play author Glennon Doyle 🗞️ Netflix acquired rights to Laura Dave’s The Night We Lost Him 🗞️ Ian Rankin’s Inspector Rebus series to be adapted by BBC 🗞️ A trailer for The WIld Robot is up 🗞️ The Lincoln Highway - Amor Towles 🗞️ The Sky Blues - Robbie Couch 🗞️ I Wish You All The Best debuted last week at South by Southwest 🗞️ A Teen Titans live-action film is in the works 🗞️ The Summer I Turned Pretty has started to filming season 3 🗞️ Jo Nesbo’s Harry Hole series 🗞️ Karin Slaughter is adapting her novel The Good Daughter, starring Jessica Biel 🗞️ Sony Pictures Television is developing Brad Thor’s Scot Harvath series 🗞️ Bill Hader and Quinta Brunson are starring in an animated adaptation of The Cat in the Hat 🗞️ Kerry Washington and Elisabeth Moss are set to star in Apple TV+’s limited series adaptation of Imperfect Women 🗞️ Prime Video is adapting The Davenports by Krystal Marquis 🗞️ The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave is getting a second season at Apple TV+
Cover Reveals: 📖 When Mimi Went Missing - Suja Sukumar (Debut - Nov) 📖 The Life Impossible - Matt Haig (Sept) 📖 Warrior of Legend - Kendare Blake 📖 Sir Callie and the Witch’s War - Esme Symes-Smith 📖 Vilest Things - Chloe Gong 📖 Good Night Thoughts - Max Greenfield (inspired by the late Leslie Jordan) 📖 Compound Fracture - Andrew Joseph White (Sept 3) 📖 Brothers - Alex Van Halen 📖 The Maid and the Crocodile - Jordan Ifueko 📖 Lesser Ruins - Mark Haber 📖 Full Speed to a Crash Landing - Beth Revis 📖 Death at Morning House - Maureen Johnson (August) 📖 Drown Me With Dreams - Gabi Burton (Aug. 20) 📖 The City in Glass - Nghi Vo (Fall) 📖 A Kids Book About Periods - Jessica Biel 📖 Good Lookin' Cookin' - Dolly Parton & Rachel Parton George 📖 Sonny Boy - Al Pacino (Oct) 📖 Pony Confidential - Christina Lynch 📖 Keep It In the Dark - Justin Arnold (Dec 3) 📖 All the Hearts You Eat - Hailey Piper (Oct 15) 📖 Believe: The Untold Story Behind Ted Lasso, The Show That Kicked Its Way into Our Hearts - Jeremy Egner 📖 Viewfinder - Jon M. Chu (director of Crazy Rich Asians and In the Heights) 📖 The Accomplice - Curtis Jackson 📖 The Teller of Small Fortunes - Julie Leong 📖 The Hollow and the Haunted - Camilla Raines 📖 Such Lovely Skin - Tatian Schlote-Bonne 📖 We Are All Ghosts in the Forest - Lorraine Wilson (Nov 7) 📖 A Wolf Steps in Blood - Tamara Jerée (April 16) 📖 The Most Famous Girl in the World - Iman Hariri-Kia (Sept 17) 📖 Phantom Hearts - Rosie Talbot (Sept)
Upcoming Releases 🗞️ We Live Here Now - Sarah Pinborough (Summer 2025) 🗞️ Richard Osman announced a new crime series 🗞️ Questlove's new book on the history of hip-hop (June 11) 🗞️ Life Form - Jenny Slate (Oct) 🗞️ Stephen Colbert's and Evie McGee Colbert's cookbook (Sept) 🗞️ Heir - Sabaa Tahir (Oct) 🗞️ Did Everyone Have an Imaginary Friend (Or Just Me)? - Jay Ellis (July 9) 🗞️ Intermezzo - Sally Rooney (Sept 24) 🗞️ Dinner for Vampires - Bethany Joy Lenz (Oct. 22) 🗞️ The City and Its Uncertain Walls - Haruki Murakami (first novel in six years) 🗞️ Willow the White House Cat - Jill Biden (June)
Other News: 📖 Libby announced its new book awards (Libbys) and winners 📖 2024 Bram Stoker Awards finalists announced 📖 Anything But You grossed $189 million (second-highest Shakespeare adaptation) 📖 There's a surge in AI-written biographies 📖 Tor Books' imprint Bramble is using AI cover art 📖 BookTuber Cindy Pham wrote a book and signed with an agent 📖 ESPN’s Andscape to launch book imprint with Disney this fall 📖 A teenager has opened a YA bookstore in LA 📖 Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor called out The Color Purple remake for its erasure of Black lesbian romance 📖 30% of Netflix's TV shows are based on novels, toys, video games or other existing works 📖 Atria launched a new bilingual imprint 📖 David Goggins is suing Amazon for fake copies of his book Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds 📖 Jesmyn Ward signed a three-book deal with Scribner 📖 Haruki Murakami revealed his short story “Kaho” 📖 Dakota Johnson announced her new book club, TeaTime Book Club 📖 Finalists for the 59th Annual Nebula Awards were announced 📖 Publishers filed an appeal brief in the Internet Archive copyright suit 📖 Author Lauren Groff is opening a new bookstore 📖 The American Library Association was awarded the Toni Morrison Achievement Award
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the-heat-is-0n · 8 months
Halo AU c!tntduo my beloved <33
Ok so my Halo special interest was revived one fateful night and now I’m brainrotting. Like I’ve been writing down all my ideas in my silly little notebook and now I have an entire dsmp halo AU planned out.
This would follow the storyline of Halo games 2 and 3, and would closely mirror the events of both games.
c!Quackity would be Master Chief (AU name= Alex-125 Master Chief Petty Officer) and obviously would be on the UNSC side. His AI would be Tubbo and yes I understand that canon master chief’s and Cortana’s relationship has romantic undertones but this is silly, obviously platonic cabinetduo we’re talking about (also this AU is ENTIRELY platonic I’m just putting that out there, I can’t stand writing romance in Halo fics soz that’s not how I work lol)
Here’s my character list:
- Master chief = Quackity/Alex-125
- The Arbiter = Wilbur/Kur ‘Konomee (the -ee suffix basically says that he’s part of the Covenant army, nothing too specific. However, like Thel ‘Vadam [the canonical Arbiter], he drops the -ee after the Sangheili are forced to separate from the Covenant and end up making an alliance with the humans)
- Tartarus = Eret/Fersyreus
- Sergeant Johnson = Foolish; his name would straight up just be Sergeant Foolish, I’m not using real names unless I have to cause it’s weird
- Fleet Master = Technoblade/Rel ‘Nar Zudomai (I LOVE NAME LORE so the “‘Nar” in his name denotes a high rank in the Covenant army, usually means that the Sangheili with that honorific controls a portion of the Covenant’s Navy. And the -ai suffix in Techno’s surname denotes “blade master” cause get it ha funny)
- Miranda Keyes = Niki
- Lord Hood = Sam
- Prophet of Truth = Dream (I fucking hate how I have to write this motherfucker but he’s the big bad so I can’t think of anyone else. Also his death in this AU is going to be so satisfying trust me); prophet name = Prophet of Liberty
- Prophet of Regret = Schlatt; prophet name = Prophet of Benevolence
- Prophet of Mercy = BBH or George (prophet of Mercy does fuck all in the story so he basically dies off-screen); prophet name = Prophet of Grace OR Prophet of Harmony, I can’t decide
- The Gravemind would just be the Gravemind tbh, that shit’s staying the same; I’m too lazy and also my spin. on Halo would throw a FIT for changing the canon like that
Tbh I can’t remember any other super notable names, if/when I do though I will update this list probably in my notebook or something idk lol
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mrfandomgage · 2 years
Gage: four foot six bunny man with nostalgic clothes for our creator, also owns his middle name
Lynn: You're just listing out traits? That's why we're standing in a line?
Gage: five foot six, FemGoat, a truly creative expression.
FemGoat: ... Is that a remark on my nickname or..?
Gage: five foot eight, Alex, the female me, who couldn't beat me at pingpong.
Alex: ... we never played?
Gage: five foot eleven, Goat, our creator but fluffy, sorta
Goat: Why are you listing out our heights?
Gage: Six foot flat, Gage, burnt out creativity trying to come up with ideas
Gage: ...
Alex: are you ok?
Lynn: are you that limited on what you can do? We can fill the fireplace and just rest by it
FemGoat: I can get some marshmallows if we go with a fire
Goat: I'll get the matches
Alex, watching them go to get stuff for a fire: ... ok, they're out, what's wrong?
Gage: I'm disappointed in myself
Alex: ...
Gage: nothing?
Alex: well... I want to hear it
Gage: ... I've wanted to do more. Make a full on Undertale AU and not just a lingering dream... actually, that sounds like a good name for Night Terror's story... not the point. I wanna talk more about Omori, make a stupid joke AU with sincerity of Among Us x Omori, or a 4yrs later AU. Talk about FNAF. I love FNAF, I love the goofy ass lore of that franchise. Homestuck, one of my favorite writings by a bastard lunatic, I haven't even mentioned it before. The moment I've started adding myself, I was actually extremely desperate for any ideas at all. And with the days gone by, I'm just burned, and attempting anything hurts.
Alex: ... does that include?
Gage: no, I actually really wanted to start writing us. Correction, all of us, not just you and I.
Alex: ah
Gage: I think I'm burning up inside just because I'm stressed with all my responsibilities
Alex: ?
Gage: you and I both know this is a separate universe to our own worlds. I'm jumping through hoops just to be in the little worlds I create, just to see how they are, while balancing my life in several other worlds, hopping in where I left, appearing here and there and maintaining the friends I've made, with the only moments of peace being the void my mind drops into to forget where I am and what I look like.
Alex: I'm also pretty stressed, we do the same thing, remember?
Gage, silently crying: ... why do I have to be a god? Why did whatever happen just happen? I don't even fully remember how but I just remember being this way and now I can't stop. I want to do so much but what's the point of it all if I can't do anything?
Alex, also crying: I don't know
Gage: ... I'm going to stick to my promise to myself though. To never alter how my brain works. I still worry if I just remove it, then I'll never feel like me
Alex, giggling: mental masochist
Gage: I need something to feel...
Alex: how about a fire? Ranting won't stop the burning
Gage: burning out the burn out by burning myself out
Alex: don't lie in the fire, again.
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