pato o’ward’s gf official
103 posts
i write about Pato, requests are open!!
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patito-oward · 2 months ago
Some of my favorite stories, writers you are amazing
Polaroid collection: BOYFRIEND MATERIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 smut Wake up Pato with a handjob you moan my name while being fwb you wanna do this right now? even thought we could get caught? giving pato the cold shoulder and him having to fuck u happy Getting railed in sweater season LONG HUGS filming a promotional video bare feet on linoleum screwy knee PRETTY BOY Pato O’Ward smau wanna be yours 2.0 part one | part two | part three | part four a mariposa and a duck You start to Freeze Brownie Points ANYWHERE BUT HOME Taste Of Home Chains When Love Feels Like Home Blue + Papaya ANNIVERSARY we used to have more part 1 part 2 pt. 3 part 4 Texts wildlife First Win pumpkins long distance still alive sun safety first
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patito-oward · 3 months ago
the house would be spotless, i’d raise as many kids as he wanted, dinner on the table every night, i’d dress how he wanted me to, i’d never talk back, yes sir, no sir
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patito-oward · 4 months ago
okay, for the most part [po5]
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a/n: as we all know I looooove a good driver!reader and I love a bit of angst, so I enjoyed this one immensely, as usual, let me know what you think!! request: pato o'ward x indycar!driver where they're together as a couple, but reader crashes, and it's bad. Bad enough to take them out for the rest of the season from @glitterquadricorn (thank you so much!! :)) formula one/indycar masterlist: HERE general taglist: @namgification @2manytabsopen @lam-ila , @forzalando @fallinallincurls *send me an ask/comment to be added words: 2.3k warnings: second person, driver!reader, READER HAS A BAD CRASH AND IS INJURED, fair bit of swearing, bit of talk of death but not vital
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“Oh fuck,” Pato O’Ward swore as he evaded a spinning flash of black and florescent green tumbling around the St. Louis track at high speed. He managed to keep himself going forward and focused. 
He couldn’t tell but with the amount of debris, he guessed four – maybe five cars were involved in the crash. The yellow flag was called immediately so he knew to slow down now, but it was still a nasty crash to see. 
“Red flag now, into the pits,” Will said over the radio. Pato felt a gnawing in his stomach grow. 
Crashing was a part of the job. It was bound to happen when 27 cars fought for the best position. Crashing was something Pato was used to and prepared for, the best way to crash is the safest way. He hated it. He knew how to avoid it when possible, but he knew just as well that sometimes machines gave out, or someone made a badly timed move, and you were in the wall.
Crashing – even when it wasn’t him – made him a little more nervous these days.
“Is everyone okay?” Pato asked as he drove by again at a considerably slower speed on the way to the pits, where he knew he and the car would be waiting a long time to restart the race.
“We’re checking,” Will responded. 
“Who’s in it?” He asked desperately. He tried to reel in his emotions more while he and the others who were still intact pulled into the pits. 
A quick realization of the flash of black and green tumbling in front of him made his already racing heart jump once.
“It looks like it was Robb, Simpson, Armstrong and (Y/l/n),” He answered the question, “And it looks like they’re all okay, for the most part.”
Okay, for the most part. Pato knew without being told that meant that all the drivers were alive. However ‘okay’ was probably not the correct word Will would use if they were not on the radio. He likely doesn’t know the status exactly but knows Indycar did not lose a driver today.
Pato sat in his car for a moment, collecting himself as much as he could.
(Y/n) was in that crash. (Y/n) was that speeding flash of green and black. (Y/n) was sent tumbling down the entire width of the track.
(Y/n) was okay, for the most part.
Pato took a deep breath before jumping out of the car attempting to appear as normal as possible.
He didn’t want to let anything slip in his face. He was worried for a colleague and a known friend, but nothing else could show how panicked he actually was. 
You were much more than that - a colleague and a friend - to Pato, but no one knew it. No one knew that you were together yet because you hadn't told anyone.
You’d been friends for a while. He’d grown up if not racing alongside you, racing adjacent to you. And people mingle when you’re in a sport like this. Everyone knows everyone. 
He loved watching your ascent from IndyNXT to Indycar this year, being given a full-time opportunity with Juncos Holliger Racing. 
The two of you started spending even more time together because of it. Finally racing against each other but remain friends as Pato tried to do with almost everyone on the track.
Except with you, he could feel his feelings deep in the pit of his stomach growing each time he saw you. Each time you laughed at one of his jokes. Each time you looked at him with narrowed eyes and a knowing smile.
He knew you felt the same. He could tell. But he knew that you were thinking the same thing.
How could it work? How could they compete against each other and still go home with each other? How could they manoeuvre around the awful media circus and team circus? 
Then, one night in June, just after the Indy 500, you kissed him. And Pato realized he didn’t care so much about the logistics, and only that he wanted you.e
It was still new, still sneaking around on dates and grateful for the three-week Olympic break to get some alone time. They hadn’t told anyone and it was good. It was the happiest Pato had ever been.
Now, Pato stood in a semi-circle with Alex and Nolan, race suits half on to cool down in the August heat when Gavin approached, nodding his hello. 
“All the drivers are okay,” Gavin said to the little group of them. Pato let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding in since the team boss showed up, he shouldn’t have until Gavin continued, “They’re all going to medical, of course, but (Y/n)’s being taken straight to hospital.”
“To the hospital?” Pato asked before he could stop himself. 
“It’s a bit more serious, likely something is broken, could be a concussion, but they’re not sure, she’s okay otherwise.”
“How did-?” Pato started, feeling the panic rise again.
“Not now, restart in 0,” Gavin said and patted Pato on the shoulder before heading over to the strategy team. 
Pato looked over to Alex who made a small slightly sympathetic face before turning around to his own crew. 
He always wondered if Alex had figured them out. He’d have the best opportunity to, being with Pato a lot and knowing his mannerisms. Unlike you, he knew he had no capability of hiding what was on his mind and in his heart. And both things were painted with images of you. Pato was trying. He was keeping the secret and only was friendly in the workplace, so no one was asking questions yet. 
But something about the way Alex never teased him about that particular subject anymore made him wonder if his friend could see what was going on. 
For the first time, Pato didn’t want to race. He wanted to drive towards the hospital and hold your hand. He wasn’t even allowed his phone during race time to send a text.
But you were okay for the most part. Pato kept reminding himself that.
His heart was there, in the ambulance with you, but his mind was on the track, ready to finish what they started. 
You stared at the wall in the hospital room. The television was low and playing Brooklyn 99, but you didn’t feel like watching it. You sent away JHR members to be alone. You weren’t allowed to have a nap, they had already decided you miraculously didn’t have a concussion, despite the whiplashing of your neck and the pain in it, but to be safe, you’d stay awake for a few more hours.  
You weren’t in any considerable pain, the large dose of pain medication doing its job, but you were stuck in your own thoughts. 
Broken collarbone. A bad break too. All thanks to one of the safety straps somehow coming loose due to the forcefulness of the crash sending you flying forward into another one that definitely saved your life. 
You knew something was broken right away, even as you were spinning in the crash, gripping onto the pants of your race suit as though it would be able to save you from the seemingly endless spin. 
It was all luck that you hadn’t been hurt worse. The perfect storm of a nasty crash plus the safety device meant to keep you alive becoming dislodged could have ended much differently. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, you didn’t blame anyone, you'd said that to the team already over and over again. But it was shitty. It was very shitty.
You’d already been told you wouldn’t be doing any racing anymore this season. And it did not come as a surprise to you given the pain you'd felt as your collarbone snapped. You wouldn’t even be able to get inside a car without being in pain for nearly six weeks. Possibly more. The climb back to being in Indycar would be hard, but it was one you were more than willing to make. 
“Fucking hell,” You mumbled to no one.
“Hello?” A voice came from the door not a moment later. You moved your neck slightly, only to wince in response and look straight again. 
You knew that voice. You were beginning to love that voice more than any other you’d ever heard. You absolutely were not expecting to hear that voice right now.
“Hey,” You breathed as Pato came into your vision, he stood at your legs, clearly already able to tell you weren’t able to move your neck much and was smiling sadly. You braved a pitiful laugh, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“I’m not looking at you like anything,” Pato admitted, grabbing a chair and pulling up as close as he could be, one of his hands lying on your legs.
“You are, and it’s okay, I’m fine,” You said, but it came out like a croak. 
Pato – well, Pato was one of the best and most complicated things in your life right now – and for some reason, his being here made it even more real. Everything felt like it was in technicolour again in both a good and a bad way. This was real life. 
“You’re okay, I just needed to see it for myself,” Pato’s words came out as more of a sigh. He was rubbing his hands over your knee, soothing the both of you. You hadn't even realized how much you needed his touch the whole time until you had it. 
You hated seeing his face like that, and you hated that it was because of you. Not that you could’ve done anything to prevent it, but the usual brightness that filled his features was filled with worry despite seeing that you were still in mostly one piece – two was more like it. 
“I won’t be able to race the rest of the season,” You sighed.
“I figured that, it sucks, but-” Pato took a deep breath and used his other hand to wipe at one of his eyes, “Holy fuck, I’m so glad you’re okay.”
For some reason, you smiled at the same time as your eyes filled with tears. 
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” You teased.
Pato let out a wet laugh.
“You think that was easy? I watched you spinning around while I was driving, I couldn’t even tell it was you, it happened too fast,” He argued slightly.
“All part of the day job,” You shrugged, but it was the worst part of your day job. The scariest and the most frightened you’d ever been. You had never been more grateful you didn’t flip especially after the break. 
“You are ridiculous,” Pato said, with a hint of those bright eyes coming back, “How is it I came here to cheer you up, and you literally just managed to do it for me?”
“Because you being here cheered me up enough to know I’ll be okay,” You winked.
“God, I love you,” Pato blurted, and then raised his eyebrows in surprise. You almost tilted your head in question but stopped yourself, so instead you just watched his face.
It had been two months or so since you’d kissed him. Two months almost exactly when you both decided you liked each other enough to give it a shot. Two. Glorious. Months. Two months of falling deeper and deeper in love with him.
“Oh shit, I just, watching it all happen and trying to concentrate on the race but keeping one wandering thought in the back of my mind of you the entire time,” Pato rambled quickly staring at the same wall you had memorized in the last two hours, so fast he wasn’t watching the smile creep larger and larger on your face, “And I just knew I loved you, I’ve loved you for longer but it was killing me I hadn’t told you yet, and I know it’s new, we are I mean, but this is the happiest I have ever been, and you don’t need to say it back, but I’m not going to take it back, and just-”
Pato looked back at you from the wall and saw your face for the first time. His face began to glow in happiness but he still finished that last thought.
“And just, god, I love you. I have for a long time, and I am so grateful you’re okay, for the most part,” Pato finished slowly. 
You chuckled and lifted the hand that wasn’t impeded by your collarbone, it still sent another wince of pain but Pato quickly grabbed it so you didn’t have to put pressure on it anymore.
“I love you too, Pato, I have never wanted to spend every moment with another person more than I have with you, and I love you,” You said. Your speech wasn’t as well articulated as it was when you imagined it in your head these past months, but it was all you needed to say between the day, the painkillers, and the man sitting in front of you.
“Ah, that feels so good,” Pato whispered.
“Now, I need you to come here,” You said, squishing your nose together for a second.
“Anything, anything! As much as I can be here, I will be here, and if I’m not here, I will be one video call away-”
“Patoooo,” You cooed for him to stop. You loved him and his way of speaking, like everything he every thought had to come out at once. And more than anything, you believed he would be with you throughout the rehabilitation process, surgery, regaining strength in the arm, if not next to you then in your heart. 
Pato bit his lip and came closer, leaning over your body so you could still read his eyes. 
“Closer,” You whispered, Pato’s eyes showing brighter as he neared your face.
“A little more,” You coaxed him until he was inches from your face. It didn’t take a doctor to know what you’d request first from him, but you still uttered the words. 
“Kiss me.”
“With pleasure.”
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patito-oward · 4 months ago
I recently found your account and I love it!!
Could you write a pato x reader who have been doing long distance and the reader randomly decided to surprise him?
im sorry ive been so MIA i love you all and miss writing for pato. life has been so. crazy. recently.
YN loves a lot of things about Pato. How adventurous he is, his love of animals, how outgoing and funny he is, but she does not love his job. Ok, maybe being able to say your super hot boyfriend is also a super cool race car driver has its perks, but him traveling so often is definitely not a perk.
When they met in October, YN knew she had found her person. She never believed in love at first sight until him. YN is a school teacher in San Antonio, working extra hours after school bartending to pay her bills. She met Pato when he visited the bar, and they instantly clicked.
If she had known he lived over a thousand miles away, she probably would have never answered his text. None the less, they made long distance work, Pato stayed most of the off-season in Texas, and by the time the season really picked up, YN was able to travel to many of the races on her summer break.
August has to be the worst month of the year. YN is exhausted, getting back into the rhythm of working two jobs, and she misses her boyfriend. She sounds childish even to herself, like one of her students who doesn’t want to separate from their significant other for chem class, but she can’t help that every night when she lays down she misses his body next to hers.
As the season is wrapping up, YN knows Pato is ready for it to be over. He misses his family and Mexico, and because he’s out of contention for the championship, he’s already focused on next season. YN knows that going into Nashville, Pato is dreading the entire weekend.
YN hates seeing Pato so upset, and wants to do something to cheer him up. After talking with Felix, who told her that all Pato does is mope around and complain that she’s so far (which secretly makes YN happy to hear), she decides to surprise Pato in Nashville.
YN was miraculously able to get time off from both jobs, making her able to take a long weekend to fly out and see him. After planning with Felix, YN was able to secure his schedule. When she arrived at the track, Pato would be in practice one, giving her plenty of time to sneak into his bus.
YN had a spare bus key from the summer when she was often at the track with Pato, and let herself into his bus. She decided to begin making dinner while she waited for him to come back.
As she put the chicken in the oven, she heard a key turn in the door. When Pato walks in and sees her, he drops his belongings on the counter and immediately wraps her into a hug.
“What are you doing here!” His voice is muffled by her hair, and she can’t see his face, but she can tell how excited he is.
“I missed you, and we’ve been apart for way too long, I wanted to come see you.”
Pulling back to look at her face he says, “You have no idea how happy I am to see you, I can’t believe your real.” He jokingly inspects her face, turning her head from side to side.
“You’re ridiculous” She laughs at him pulling his hands away from her face.
“You’re incredible.” He finally kisses her and she feels as if it’s scratching a month long itch. “By the way, if you don’t move to Indiana this year I’m sure to lose my mind.”
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patito-oward · 6 months ago
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Alexander Rossi how I adore you.
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patito-oward · 7 months ago
this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me
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patito-oward · 7 months ago
As soon as YN saw his interview, she knew she was in for it. Pato worships the ground she walked on, and would never do anything to hurt her, but when racing goes bad and he feels as if he’s spiraling, he takes back control in other ways. As gutted as she was for him, YN couldn’t stop the excitement bubbling at what was to come. As soon as she knew he was ok, she went from worried to anticipating his return to the bus.
Texting with him, she knew he was being seen by medical, and his knee was messed up, but that wouldn’t stop him. Just by walking in, she could tell all off her suspicions were correct. He slammed the door behind him as he came in and threw his hat and bus keys on the counter. Walking towards her on the couch, he leans down and weaves a hand into her hair.
Pulling her head back he moves until their lips are barely brushing, “You’re going to do exactly what I ask of you tonight.” YN exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding as he slotted their mouths together. When he pulled back he growled, “be waiting for me when I’m done.”
YN knows what he wants, as she hears the shower start to run, she makes her way to the bedroom. Stripping down she lays back on the bed and waits for him. As she waits she gets more and more restless, she feels as if he’s taking longer just to get to her. When he finally emerges, a towel around his waist, she’s soaked.
Climbing into bed next to her he begins kissing down her neck and across her chest. “Would love to fuck you into this bed tonight, however my knee’s fucked up so you’re going to ride me.” She nodded her head, but that wasn’t enough for him, “What’s your color?”
She’s grinning as she says, “Green.”
Happy with that answer he continued along, taking one of her nipples into his mouth and lightly biting. He switches his attention to her other nipple and brings his hand to her core. “Look at you, desperate for me”
He slaps the inside of her thigh before flipping the two of them over. “C’mon, get on.” She immediately follows his instructions. “Eager.”
YN whines as she begins bouncing on him, “You’re supposed to be nice to me.”
He laughs at her, “I’m plenty nice to you, gave you a nice house and a pretty ring, gonna give you as many kids as you want, who buys you all those pretty shoes of yours?”
She moans as she moves up and down, Pato’s hands on her hips squeezing hard enough to leave marks, and making sure she keeps a pace that’s to his liking. “You do, you’re good to me, the best.”
When they’ve both finished they’re laying together in bed, “I’m sorry you had such a shit day.”
“It’s alright, always got you to make me feel better.” He turns his head, kissing her forehead.
“Always will. I love you, and your screwy knee.”
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
andrettiindy: Inside look at admin’s camera roll from Iowa 🥵
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
like 5 people have reblogged this and said that they don’t follow indycar but love this or are going to start and i love that so much it’s all i could ever want. please start following indycar all of the drivers are so chaotic and fun and 99% all get along so it’s like a frat in the best way.
one of my favorite pieces of indycar lore is beadgate, also referred to as tubgate, and it is TRULY not talked about enough. in case any of you don’t know, here’s a deep dive into the lore.
to really get the full effect you have to rewind to may of 2021. for anyone who doesn’t know all of the drivers basically live in a lot together in motorhomes for the month of may. rossi returns to his bus one day to see that his golf cart had been put up on blocks, had the wheels taken off, and the wheels were now on top of his motorhome; see below:
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so alex, because he’s the most predictable human alive, is furious. he’s determined to find out who did this and get revenge on them. eventually he breaks down sweet baby colton, who originally helped conor with the golf cart on blocks, and colton tells him it was conor.
alex had already narrowed it down to conor, but colton confirmed it. alex even overhears a call between conor and colton where conor is panicking thinking alex is onto them. then alex starts a deliberate plan to get him back and make his life hell. despite being very adamant that he had nothing to do with the golf cart conor is very careful because he knows revenge is coming.
throughout the next week and a half-ish alex tries everything to get conor back. conor is being very careful to lock his bus and car whenever he’s away, and he’s also stopped using his golf cart completely and hidden it somewhere at the speedway. alex is so dedicated to doing this that he finds out who conor was going on a date with that night (because conor was a bit of a whore before his girlfriend), dms the girl on instagram, and gets her in on this prank.
he basically asked her to keep an eye out for his motorhome keys in the car or on him, she says she doesn’t see him, but tells him where they went for dinner. rossi goes to this restaurant, convinces the valet to give him the keys to conor’s car and looks for the keys to his bus, they aren’t there. then, not willing to give up, he goes to conor’s house and breaks in, still can’t find the keys.
finally, he heads back to the speedway and decides he’ll fuck with his golf cart instead, but like i said, conor’s golf cart is MIA. rossi starts a search party for this golf cart, he has everyone he knows, including doug boles (president of ims and conor’s step dad), looking for this golf cart and they can not find it. he calls it off for 2021, but promises that he’s not done yet, and now has a whole year to plan his next prank.
a whole year goes by, it’s may 2022, and because conor is who he is he decides an inflatable hot tub is an absolute need for his motorhome.
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he is so proud of himself for this thing and is showing it off to everyone, and the absolutely diabolical alex rossi sits back and laughs maniacally as everything falls into place.
alex does extensive research (as he does on most things) and finds out exactly how many orbeez it would take to fill the hot tub, and on tuesday morning of practice week he sneaks over to conor’s hot tub, and 4 hours later conor goes to show off his hot tub to someone and finds this:
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conor is furious and on the hunt for who would’ve done this, he, wrongly, assumed that it was done monday night and therefore couldn’t be alex because alex was with him. the whole week goes by, and he still doesn’t know who it is, until the night of the victory banquet when alex drops this:
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anyways this is my favorite thing ever hope you all enjoy as much as i do
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
one of my favorite pieces of indycar lore is beadgate, also referred to as tubgate, and it is TRULY not talked about enough. in case any of you don’t know, here’s a deep dive into the lore.
to really get the full effect you have to rewind to may of 2021. for anyone who doesn’t know all of the drivers basically live in a lot together in motorhomes for the month of may. rossi returns to his bus one day to see that his golf cart had been put up on blocks, had the wheels taken off, and the wheels were now on top of his motorhome; see below:
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so alex, because he’s the most predictable human alive, is furious. he’s determined to find out who did this and get revenge on them. eventually he breaks down sweet baby colton, who originally helped conor with the golf cart on blocks, and colton tells him it was conor.
alex had already narrowed it down to conor, but colton confirmed it. alex even overhears a call between conor and colton where conor is panicking thinking alex is onto them. then alex starts a deliberate plan to get him back and make his life hell. despite being very adamant that he had nothing to do with the golf cart conor is very careful because he knows revenge is coming.
throughout the next week and a half-ish alex tries everything to get conor back. conor is being very careful to lock his bus and car whenever he’s away, and he’s also stopped using his golf cart completely and hidden it somewhere at the speedway. alex is so dedicated to doing this that he finds out who conor was going on a date with that night (because conor was a bit of a whore before his girlfriend), dms the girl on instagram, and gets her in on this prank.
he basically asked her to keep an eye out for his motorhome keys in the car or on him, she says she doesn’t see him, but tells him where they went for dinner. rossi goes to this restaurant, convinces the valet to give him the keys to conor’s car and looks for the keys to his bus, they aren’t there. then, not willing to give up, he goes to conor’s house and breaks in, still can’t find the keys.
finally, he heads back to the speedway and decides he’ll fuck with his golf cart instead, but like i said, conor’s golf cart is MIA. rossi starts a search party for this golf cart, he has everyone he knows, including doug boles (president of ims and conor’s step dad), looking for this golf cart and they can not find it. he calls it off for 2021, but promises that he’s not done yet, and now has a whole year to plan his next prank.
a whole year goes by, it’s may 2022, and because conor is who he is he decides an inflatable hot tub is an absolute need for his motorhome.
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he is so proud of himself for this thing and is showing it off to everyone, and the absolutely diabolical alex rossi sits back and laughs maniacally as everything falls into place.
alex does extensive research (as he does on most things) and finds out exactly how many orbeez it would take to fill the hot tub, and on tuesday morning of practice week he sneaks over to conor’s hot tub, and 4 hours later conor goes to show off his hot tub to someone and finds this:
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conor is furious and on the hunt for who would’ve done this, he, wrongly, assumed that it was done monday night and therefore couldn’t be alex because alex was with him. the whole week goes by, and he still doesn’t know who it is, until the night of the victory banquet when alex drops this:
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anyways this is my favorite thing ever hope you all enjoy as much as i do
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
have any of you seen this? my best friend showed it to me randomly like a month ago and i’d never seen it before. top tier pato side quest though.
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
yesterday my best friend and i went and saw niall horan and she took this picture of me before the concert. i had really shitty connection so have yet to watch the race all the way through but had my dad sending me live updates. (look at what he sent me 🥹) when we found out palou hit the wall we went absolutely insane celebrating and hurt ourselves lol.
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
he looks fucking exquisite
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
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pairing ☆ pato o'ward x fem! bff! reader
summary ☆ where pato and you've been bestfriends for a little too long
warnings ☆ cheating (not from pato)
masterlist | letterboxd
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❛ stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love ❜
Y/N had lost count of how many dates she and Pato had been on. Although they weren't dates; neither had ever said to the other, "this is a date." They just met as friends to watch the sunset on the beach while eating pizza or to gaze at the stars in Pato's convertible or countless other get-togethers that always had a romantic tone, but never quite enough.
Y/N met Pato thanks to her sister; Y/N worked at a publishing house and was the one who edited and supported Elba's book project. Soon, they became friends, and Elba's starter pack included him.
Pato and she had been friends for two years, and they had been in love with each other for two years. It was almost love at first sight, although neither of them knew it yet.
In Pato's mind, Y/N only saw him as a friend, someone to have a good time with and laugh a lot, but nothing more. From Y/N's point of view, Pato was the most incredible person in the world, and she couldn't wait to confess her feelings.
At some point, Pato didn't see himself as enough for Y/N; she had a stable job, an amazing apartment, and a future that was not at all uncertain. While he was going from hotel room to hotel room and could be out of work at any moment. He saw himself as chaos for Y/N, almost like a problem.
That feeling worsened when, after returning from a race, they missed their flight, causing Y/N to almost get fired.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll talk to your publishing house, I'll tell them it was all my fault. Forgive me,"
Y/N couldn't believe how much Pato cared about her. She simply smiled at him and grabbed his hands, giving them both chills.
"It's okay, Pato. You don't have to talk to anyone, really. It's all fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely sure."
"You're not mad at me?" Pato was looking at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes imaginable.
"How could I be mad at you, silly."
Y/N let out a light laugh before hugging Pato as they waited for the next plane.
The race celebrations were the worst; hugs, kisses, touches… But everything was justified by euphoria. Y/N thought that his hugs were longer and more heartfelt than the ones he gave to others, but at the same time convinced herself that she was being delusional. Pato prolonged his hugs as much as possible to remember her when he went back home.
She had been the one by Pato's side during the Indianapolis 500.
“You go,” Elba had told her, leaving her speechless. “He needs you.”
Even now, she kept thinking about that phrase. Pato needed her. The idea of being so important to him caused all sorts of feelings. He was totally devastated, and when he saw Y/N, the sparkle in his eyes was instant. She hugged him and reassured him that there would be many more opportunities to win and that he had done an amazing race. They gathered enough courage and self-esteem to show up at the gala after the race.
It was no secret that the fans were crazy about them and that no one believed they were just friends. It was obvious for everyone except to them.
In the end, that day wasn’t so horrible for Pato, but only because Y/N was by his side.
The moment when Pato gathered enough courage to confess his feelings to Y/N was terrible. They had arranged to have dinner with their group of friends, and Pato was determined to confess to Y/N. He had spent the entire afternoon preparing his speech with his sister so he wouldn’t mess it up and was anxious for the moment to come.
But all his excitement dissipated when he saw Y/N enter with a man on her arm and introduce him to everyone as her boyfriend, Matt. She seemed to be incredibly happy with him, spending the entire dinner talking about how they had met and how amazing he was and how well he treated her. Pato gradually withdrew from the conversation, under the sympathetic gaze of his sister.
“I’m going outside to get some air,” Pato announced and waited a few moments for Y/N to make the slightest movement towards him, but she didn’t even look at him. She was distracted, laughing at one of Matt’s jokes.
“I’ll go with you,” said Elba, noticing Pato’s discomfort. Again, Y/N didn’t react.
They went outside, and Pato ran his hands over his face and hair, frustrated by it all. “I’m an idiot,” he said, with a saddened and angry expression. “I knew that sooner or later someone would beat me to it, but I didn’t think it would be right now.”
Elba pressed her lips together and put a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “I know. I had no idea she was seeing someone either. I always thought she would wait for you to make a move.”
Pato sighed. This was his fault, after all. He had taken too long to show romantic interest in her, so much so that Y/N hadn’t even noticed.
“Do you want me to talk to her?”
“No,” Pato’s response was immediate. “No, no, no. She seems happy,” he turned his head a little, seeing her through the glass with Matt’s arm around her shoulders. “If she’s happy, I’m happy.”
Elba knew he was lying; she could see it in the bittersweet expression on his face. And it was true, he was lying. If it were up to him, he would get rid of Matt right then and there and kiss her in front of all their friends.
His sister didn't listen to him and talked to Y/N anyway. They were at the former's house, preparing dinner for a movie night with Norbi when Elba brought up the topic.
“How are things with you and Matt?” she asked, while taking iced tea out of the fridge.
She noticed that as soon as she asked, Y/N broke into a wide smile. “Very well, he's on a business trip. But we're great.”
Elba also smiled, trying to conceal her true intentions a bit. “I'm glad to hear that.” She paused briefly, searching for the right words. “You know, I always thought there might be something between you and my brother.”
Y/N stopped what she was doing for a moment, as if recalling a past life. She couldn't find a way to respond to that without it sounding strange or suspicious, and by that point, Elba's comment had lingered in the air for too long.
“Oh really?” she simply said.
“Yes, I guess you two had that connection.”
“That connection.”
She repeated that phrase to herself many times over the next few days, pondering and questioning whether she and Matt had the same connection she had with Pato.
Elba's words lingered in Y/N's mind, but life went on as usual. That was until one fateful night when everything came crashing down.
Y/N sat on her couch, a half-empty bottle of wine next to her, and her eyes red from crying. Her phone, clutched tightly in her hand, showed the last message from Matt: “I’m sorry, but it’s over.”
She dialed a number she knew by heart. The phone rang, and Pato’s groggy voice answered. “Hello?”
“Pato,” Y/N slurred, her voice thick with tears and alcohol. “Can you come get me?”
Pato, instantly awake, sat up in bed. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“Please,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “I need you.”
Without another word, Pato was out of bed, pulling on his clothes. He glanced at his suitcases for tomorrows flight, but Y/N needed him now. Racing could wait.
He found her sitting on the front steps of her apartment building, shivering in the cool night air. Her eyes lit up with a mixture of relief and despair when she saw him.
“Y/N,” he said softly, crouching down beside her. “What happened?”
She fell into his arms, sobbing. “Matt… he cheated on me. I saw him kissing with some woman.”
Pato’s heart ached as he held her close. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. You don’t deserve that.” He could feel the shivers in Y/N's body and how fast her heart was beating.
She pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. “I feel so stupid, Pato. I thought he loved me.”
“He’s an idiot,” Pato said firmly, lifting her chin. “Anyone who can’t see how amazing you are is a fool.”
She laughed bitterly. “You’ve always been too good to me, Pato.”
Pato helped her to her feet and guided her to his car. Once they were settled inside, she spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper. “You know, I always thought there was something between us.”
Pato’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “What do you mean?”
She turned to him, her eyes filled with a vulnerability he’d never seen before. “I’ve had feelings for you for so long, Pato. I just… I was too scared to say anything.”
Pato’s heart pounded in his chest. “Y/N…”
“I thought maybe you felt the same way,” she continued, her voice cracking. “But then I met Matt, and I tried to move on.”
Pato pulled the car over to the side of the road, unable to keep driving. He turned to her, his eyes searching hers. “Y/N, I’ve been in love with you since forever. I was just too afraid to mess things up between us.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “You…you love me?”
He nodded, reaching out to take her hand. “I do. I always have.”
Y/N’s breath hitched, and she leaned in, her lips brushing against his. “I love you too, Pato.”
Their kiss was soft and tentative at first, but quickly deepened, years of unspoken feelings pouring out. When they finally pulled away, they rested their foreheads together, both breathing heavily.
“I know you have a race tomorrow,” Y/N said, her voice tinged with guilt.
Pato smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “Nothing is more important than you, Y/N. Not even racing.”
She smiled, a real smile this time, and snuggled closer to him. “Thank you, Pato. For everything.”
He kissed her forehead, holding her close.
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☆ request by: anon
can i pls request pato o’ward and reader liking each other a lot but for one reason or another they can’t be together? you can choose the reason why they’re not together, just a lot of pining and star-crossed lovers vibes <3
a/n: i hope this is what you wanted <3 maybe it's a bit messy but i wrote this at midnight so don't expect too much
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
this is pure filth read at your own expense
YN couldn’t wait to get her hands on Pato after the race. She’d sent him a message to meet her back at his motorhome ‘ASAP’, only ‘ASAP’ after a race win can be 2-3 hours. To avoid sitting restlessly, she hops in the shower, letting the hot water relax her muscles and clean her body after the hot day.
She knows how much Pato needed a win and to be able to watch him get one, she feels like there’s a weight lifted off the whole team’s shoulders. She couldn’t breathe as she watched the last 15 laps, afraid this would be another almost. When he finally crossed the finish line, YN got so emotional her eyes watered as she hugged the crew.
YN is waiting for him on the couch, wearing one of his shirts. She hops up the second the door opens saying, “Baby, I’m so proud of you.”, and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Pato immediately melts into the hug, his face meeting her neck. “Feels so fucking good to actually win one. I’m exhilarated.”
“You’re a star, you put up such a good fight, that’s some of the best racing you’ve ever done.”
“Yeah? Are you going to show me how proud you are?”
YN turns him around and starts slowly guiding him to the couch, “I’ve got something in mind.”
Sitting down he’s already half hard. “Please, you’re so good to me.”
She wastes no time getting his cock out, quickly pulling down his athletic shorts and briefs. She begins lazily mouthing at his shaft, and he’s fully hard and leaking for her in no time.
His hands are tangled in her hair, “So good, sweetheart.” His hips stutter as she begins to take him down her throat, and he tries to avoid bucking up into her. “Couldn’t wait to get me alone, god you’re such a slut.”
Pulling off him with a pop, YN looks up at him through her lashes and replies, “Only for you, ‘s only ever going to be you for me.” before going back to sucking on his tip.
He can feel himself teetering on the edge, finding it harder to not fuck into YN’s mouth. “I love you so much, can’t believe you’re mine.” His hips stutter as he finishes, releasing into YN’s mouth.
She pulls away and gently tucks him back into his shorts. Then, she pulls herself up to sit across his lap. “I wasn’t kidding when I said that was some of your best racing, you know? I’m so proud of you.”
Pato can act so cocky, but at the end of the day there’s nothing he wants to hear more than that. “You’re my everything, I did it for you.”
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patito-oward · 8 months ago
off track dropping the episode early after seeing all the rossi girlies lose it:
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