#Aku sings in this one :D
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months ago
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bsd hc: dazai and chuuya like to bother atsushi and akutagawa and sometimes surprise them by showing up unannounced to sing random love songs and whatnot 🤣aku’s so fed up with it and atsushi almost never catches them cuz they have the impeccable timing of bugging them while he’s sleeping
:EREKRKJEKJREKJRKJEJKREJKR HELP I LOVE THAT! Your art never fails to put the biggest smile on my face, Myst! :D I love this so MUCH!
THE DISNEY SONGS HELP JERKJEKJREWKJRJK Chuuya's got every romantic song memorized from Can You Feel The Love Tonight to Kiss The Girl to whatever that one song from Lady and the Tramp was- he even has instrumental versions on hand for whenever he feels like messing with the boys! Dazai is all for it cause any chance to tease his two disciples (is that what they are? Past and present students? Teammates? Children? Nah that last one is too much- though Dazai would absolutely act like such an over the top mom to Atsushi krkjerkjaekj) is one he'll take!
Also Atsushi sleeping away is so CUTE! He probably sleeps through most Disney re watches cause they're so comforting; the second they start singing he's OUT! ajrkjakjrekjrjkae
This is beyond gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!
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qeenanthii · 5 months ago
To all the concert I've been to
Konser musik yang pertama kali aku datangin ituu SMTown 🤏🏻. Tbh aku dateng ke konser SMTown karena at that moment I'm a big NCTzen 💚💚Even tho tujuan ku datang ke konser itu cuma buat liat NCT Dream perform. PULANG PULANG AKU MALAH JADI FANS SEMUA GRUP YANG TAMPIL DI KONSER ITUUU 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ (especially aespa THEY'RE EXTRA PRETTY IRL)
here's a glimpse of SMTown concert thru my camera lens ‼️ 🙌🏻
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Redvelvet cantik cantik seemuuuaAaa!! (Wendy ily 🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️)
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AESPAAA!! they're literally the most beautiful, and prettiest girliesss eveeer 😻😻
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Setelah konsernya selesai ofc aku langsung pulanggg but aku sempet mampir beli bubur dulu AND IT WAS ACTUALLY GUUUOOOFFDD 🔥🔥 (yes, tukang buburnya jualan malam malam BENERAN MANUSIA KOKK).
After SMTown I didn't go to any concert for a couple months BUTTT I did watch Taylor Swift's Eras tour in the cinema with my beloved friend 💞💞. We had soo much fun because everyone danced along with Taylor singing on the hugee cinema screen (truly a moment to remember)
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THIS WAS "Our song" One of the song in tay's debut album.
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about 3 or 4 weeks after watching Eras Tour on the cinema. Me and my concert partner (my lovely auntiee 😻🥰🫂) went to the Fred Ballet show! 🩰 it was one of a kind show
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After I watched their ballet performance, I was soo caught up in the atmosphere there. Every move was truly mesmerizing 🩰✨
Then it was 2024 YOOO 🥳🥳🔥
the year started with me attending the Ed Sheeran Mathematics Tour in JiS (its a love-hate thingy with JIS atp)
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I love my outfit here! *The top ate 🤚🏻
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i went there with my auntie ofc and one of my aunt's friend WE HAD THE MOST FUN THERE 🤩🤩🤩. Ed's performance was wow just WOOW
After all that fun at Ed Sheeran's concert. A couple months later (welp a really really long time) IT'S FINALLY D-DAY OF BRUNO MARS'S CONCERRRRTTTT ‼️‼️🥳🥳🤚🏻🤚🏻
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its rreally a childhood wish come true, fun fact aku udah dengerin lagu lagu Bruno dari umur 3 tahunn guuUuysS. "Marry you" 💍 was obvi an all time favo.
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Heyyo mas Bruno 👋🏻👋🏻
And the most recent concert I went to was City Camp 🤠🤠.
Here's a lil photo dumpp 👉🏻
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Melody crew 🙌🏻🙌🏻 (fyi melody itu nama fandom BToB)
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I had tons of fun (obviously) 🤩 it's truly an unforgettable experience and a really amazing way to live my teenage years ✨✨🤗.
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thanathicca · 1 year ago
Penakluk Kematian
(Thanatologist from Pathologic the Musical: Indonesian version/translation/translyrics)
Click here for my new and improved version of the recording from 2024! :D
Original/English Title: Thanatologist Indonesian Title: Penakluk Kematian (Conqueror of Death) English Lyrics, Music: @pathologic-the-musical Indonesian Lyrics, Vocals, Audio Editing: @thanathicca (me) Version: 3 (may not be final)
Konon, hiduplah sosok melegenda Konon, ajalnya tak menghampiri Jika benar Jika bisa bersua Tujuan hidupku terpenuhi!
Konon, ia tinggal di padang tundra Konon, ia bermukim di stepa Ku 'kan coba, Singkap rahasianya- Hingga 'ku diakui Yang Kuasa!
Penakluk kematian Berawal di ajal Rona darahmu Pelita untuk jiwa yang kekal
Penakluk kematian Capai mimpi luar biasa Kutantang maut Walau nyaris tak mungkin ia senang Ku 'kan menang
Tatapan warga yang menyangsikanku Adalah sambutan yang aku tunggu M'reka tak tahu - ha! Takkan mengerti Visi mulia yang kujunjung tinggi
Dunia sungguh kelam Manusia sungguh naif dan kejam Namun selama aku masih bernyawa Ku takkan sirna Bersama sukma sang legenda
Penakluk kematian Terbiasa dengan kegagalan Tetapi akhirnya 'Kan kucapai yang t'lah lama kudamba!
Demi Thanatica!
Translation notes (including the literal English translation of my lyrics) and recording notes under the cut!
Recording Notes
Boy, oh, boy. I live in an environment that isn't very conducive for singing (BIRDS! DOGS! CATS! PEOPLE! xD). The tempo admittedly needs work, but considering my environment, I can't re-record it again (no other recording is as good as this one, which is fucking wild). So you get this take!
(I use it, they, he, and she pronouns in case you're wondering...)
Also, this is my first time using Audacity. So pardon the... imperfections. //D I had to edit my vocals (mostly removing the horrible inhaling sounds xD)
Not to mention that I'm unsure if I really, truly embodied the Bachelor in my singing. I had so much fun, though!!! <3
Since I'm not much of an audio engineer, I'll be moving on to the...
Translation Notes
"Why 'translyrics'?" It's the lingo in Vocaloid cover circles. "Translations" means "subtitles", and "translyrics" means "translations you can sing to the song"!
Now, the first thing you should know is the fact that Indonesian has a lot more syllables than English. Especially if you don't get creative. For example:
English: dead (adjective) -> death (noun) Indonesian: mati (adjective) -> kematian (noun)
That's long as hell, isn't it? So to make these translyrics, I activated my BIG BACHELOR BRAIN to find alternatives to "kematian", such as "ajal" or "maut". Please be proud of me, Daniil T_T
Also, the Bachelor doesn't just use basic words, no! I make sure this song has the most poetic, pretentious lyrics possible, using uncommon or complicated words or try to evoke some Cool Shit to show his level of education.
Fun fact: "the Bachelor" would be translated into "Sang Sarjana" if we go the literal route.
But also no one calls other people "Sarjana" as a honorific (i.e. "Bachelor Dankovsky") unless they're being tongue-in-cheek trying to cheer up a fresh graduate.
Also my biological sibling said "Daniil Dankovsky, S. Ked." and my life has never been the same since. (S. Ked. = Sarjana Kedokteran = Bachelor of Medicine).
We can translate his title to "Sang Cendekiawan" ("the Intellectual") if need be, but... "Sarjana" also means "intellectual/expert" in a more archaic sense.... I digress. xD
Another thing about Indonesian is that the Indonesian word for "psychologist" is "psikolog". But "thanatolog" sounds kinda silly so I just thought, hmm, Tha-na-to-lo-gist... five (5) syllables... hmm... For a thanatologist... seven (7) syllables... I can't fucking say "untuk seorang thanatolog" (9 syllables)...
"Penakluk kematian" it is. It means "conqueror of death", as if he's already succeeded. The hubris of Sang Sarjana is unparallelled, and I adore him. <3
If we make an Indonesian translation for Pathologic, he can also say Sanskrit phrases, because like English/Russian speakers who want to sound smart(TM) speak Latin, Indonesians use Sanskrit. It's in various organization mottos around the country. You're welcome! ;D
English Translation (so you can see what's lost and what's gained):
Literal English Translation
[My notes]
They say there is a man who never dies, here. They say there is a man who can’t be killed. If this is true, and if I can see him, then finally my purpose is fulfilled!
Konon, hiduplah sosok melegenda Konon, ajalnya tak menghampiri Jika benar Jika bisa bersua Tujuan hidupku terpenuhi!
They say, there lived a legendary man They say, his demise will never approach him If this is true If (we) can meet My life's purpose will (finally) be fulfilled
[I decided to call Simon Kain "a legend(ary man)" because there is no way to say "deathless man" or "man who can't be killed" without being extremely clunky.
Deathless man (3 syllables), man who can't be killed (5 syllables), BUT the Indonesian version, "Pria yang tidak dapat/akan mati" (9 syllables), "pria yang tak bisa/mungkin dibunuh" (9 syllables)... and those are the non-poetic translations. I can't fit all these syllables in it unless you want the Bachelor (or me...) to rap, which sounds like it'd be super unique to Pathologic's somber tone (I'm not averse to it if someone does make a Bachelor rap, though :D)
"Sosok" literally means "figure". Often a larger-than-life or mysterious one.
"Bertemu" is the #basic form of "meet". "bersua" is more like... "rendezvous".]
They tell me that he lives here in the tundra, they tell me that he lives here in the steppe. I will prevail, I will win his secrets- a victory the Powers must accept!
Konon, ia tinggal di padang tundra Konon, ia bermukim di stepa Ku 'kan coba, Singkap rahasianya- Hingga 'ku diakui Yang Kuasa!
They tell me, that he lives (here) in the tundra They tell me, that he lives (here) in the steppe I will attempt to Reveal his secrets Until the Almighty acknowledges me at last
[There isn't really a concept for "the powers that be" in Indonesia. So I invoke the monotheistic God (yes, "Yang Kuasa" literally means "The Almighty") instead.
Indonesia is a deeply religious, monotheistic state (for better or for worse), and my translation for Burakh invokes way more religious vibes than Dankovsky in his word choices, though it's for a different belief altogether.]
For a thanatologist, the ending is the start! The answers I seek are in the lifeblood that leaks from your heart!
Penakluk kematian Berawal di ajal Rona darahmu Pelita untuk jiwa yang kekal
A conqueror of death Begins from the end The fire in your blood Is my (guiding) light towards an immortal soul
["Ajal" just means "death", and "Pelita" means "light", but they're both very poetic, especially the latter. You see the theme.
Also, using blood as one's guiding light is so metal.]
For a thanatologist, nothing cannot be overcome. I will spit in Death's face, though the odds may be thousands to one! It will be done!
Penakluk kematian Capai mimpi luar biasa Kutantang maut Walau nyaris tak mungkin ia senang Ku 'kan menang
A conqueror of death Achieves the grandest dreams I will challenge Death Even though They will hardly be happy I shall be victorious
["Spit in one's face" is not a phrase with an Indonesian "twin". We have different phrases... like "menantang maut" (challenging death)
Making Death a sentient being ("they won't be happy") is more of a western concept than an Indonesian one, but it's the best I can put it, because "though the odds may be thousands to one" (9 syllables) would be "meski kemungkinannya ribuan banding satu" (14 syllables)... but since "thousands to one" is "it's almost impossible", you get "will hardly be happy"!]
The people staring, hungry, from the shadows, are a fitting welcome for a man like me. Still, they don’t know – ha! They don’t know a thing about the visions only I can see.
Tatapan warga yang menyangsikanku Adalah sambutan yang aku tunggu M'reka tak tahu - ha! Takkan mengerti Visi mulia yang kujunjung tinggi
The stares of those townsfolk that doubt me Is a welcome I've been expecting They don't know They'll never understand The noble vision that I uphold
[The 1st line was lost in translation, which saddened me. but instead of a "fitting welcome", it's an "expected welcome", reiterating that Sang Sarjana is even more arrogant than the Bachelor.
Like the Town on Gorkhon, Indonesia is a very conformist, superstitious society... innovations are often considered arrogant, and defeating death is truly a goal that deserves to be burned in hell.
This vision is noble for Dankovsky, though. I mean, what's the life expectancy in early 1900s Russia? Not 80, for sure. And Indonesia was still colonized by the Dutch at the time. And the plague... is a manifestation (or friend, etc., etc.) of Death, too.]
For the world is dark and cruel, and all of us are cowards and fools. But as long as I’m alive, I will go on, I will thrive! I will win this fight… when I meet this deathless man tonight!
Dunia sungguh kelam Manusia sungguh naif dan kejam Namun selama aku masih bernyawa Ku takkan sirna Bersama sukma sang legenda
The world is truly dark Humans are truly naive and cruel But as long as I'm alive I will not be vanquished With the legend(ary man)'s soul by my side
[With the amount of Indonesian syllables... I had to cut some words out. Again.
The repetition of "sungguh" is my attempt in trying to imitate the anaphora of the next English lines ("I will go on, I will thrive, I will win this fight...")
"Sirna" is a very pretty word. The basic meaning is "disappear without a trace" - it's often used for dramatic, nebulous things like emotions, or grand things like the sun.
"Sukma" is a poetic way to say "soul". No one says this in conversation, unless they're extremely formal.
Also, unrelated to the song, but "Sukma" is a female given name, did you know that? Now you do!]
For a thanatologist, failure’s just the premise of the game. But at last I’m so close to the goal I’d give my life to attain!
Penakluk kematian Terbiasa dengan kegagalan Tetapi akhirnya 'Kan kucapai yang t'lah lama kudamba!
A conqueror of death Is accustomed to failure But at last I will achieve what I've been dreaming for eons
[I can't use the Indonesian word "premis" without sounding like my Introduction to Logic homework from university. :p
"lama" just means "a long time" but for Sang Sarjana I'll give him the best words <3]
In Thanatica's name!
Demi Thanatica!
In Thanatica's name!
["demi" is used to make a vow, and conservatives only allow people to say "demi Tuhan" (in God's name), or for goals, could be "demi Indonesia" (for the country). But Daniil Dankovsky cares not for such limitations!
All in all, it's the most straightforward line. And it's done!!! >:D]
I really appreciate you reading thus far - seriously, thank you! I hope this gave you some insight.
Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa!
(Thank you and goodbye!)
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akutagawasbitch · 4 years ago
Aku, Atsushi, Chuuya, Higuchi, and whoever u want--how do they act when they're black out drunk??? Absolutely shit faced?
Of course my love, I had so much fun writing these. Let the crack commence <3
As we all know he can fly but when he's drunk he'll fly into shit all the fucking time. The side of a building, random walls, the window of his penthouse. You name it he's probably flown into it and face planted it while drunk
He also suffers from short man syndrome and will not hesitate to punch anyone. He has been kicked out of many bars for throwing the bartender when they cut him off
He likes to flirt but when drunk, he turns into a mess. Slurring his words, mixing up pickup lines and or just forgetting how to speak. It's all happened to him before but if dazai is around? He turns into the best womanizer in all of Yokohama for the sake of his pride
His favourite drunk food is ramen, he'll make shitty 99 cent ramen in his penthouse and devour it
His normally refined palette goes out the window
While he can be aggressive, if you're friendly to him, Chuuya will be your friend and be an absolute sweetheart back. He's made many a friend on drinking nights who he never remembers but they remember him
Amazon and drunk Chuuya are his wallet's greatest enemy
He will spend hours scrolling through and buy himself the stupidest shit ever
He once bought a massive playhouse because he wanted one
He'll also buy himself hats
Buys ridiculous shit and has it delivered to Dazai's apartment
One time he had hair removal cream disguised as shampoo order and dazai used it
Loves to dance while drunk
He will fucking get down with any song and is amazing at dancing
Loves going to karaoke bars, gets super into it. He will sing any song and is always surprisingly good at it. 
Passes out super quickly and easily so he never stays out too long 
Doesn’t like drinking too much as it reminds him of when him and Oda would go to Lupin together.
When he’s drunk, he swears he can hear Oda talking to him telling him what an idiot he’s being. 
He’s either an incredibly happy and elated drunk or a horribly suicidal depressed drunk. It depends on how much he has to drink. If he’s tipsy, he laughs a lot and feels a genuine sense of happiness, not the fake happiness he feels most of the time. If he is blackout drunk, he’s depressed and highly suicidal but in a more serious way. No more mushrooms or trying to drown himself, he goes for knives and pills but he always wakes up.
He will trip a lot and be incredibly clumsy when drunk. His bandages come undone which he doesn’t notice causing him to trip on them. This happens regularly 
When drunk he’s more prone to bumping his head on things since he isn’t paying attention. Ceilings, fans, lights, door frames. No matter what drunk dazai is a tall bastard with no spatial awareness
His flirting goes through the roof when drunk. He will flirt with anything that moves, he does not care. 
You know what else goes through the roof when he’s drunk? His d- appetite. This man can rival Kenjii or Atsushi in how much he can eat when drunk. He orders 6 different plates of crab and devours them like he’s never eaten in his life. 
His self restraint goes out the window and he’ll go break into Chuuya’s apartment just to mess with him and steal his hat or something along those lines. Drunk Dazai loves to fuck with people. 
He’s also more relaxed and will happily let Naomi or Yosano do his makeup if they asked nicely enough. He’d brag about how he’s the “prettiest princess of them all” before passing out
You think Akutagawa has no filter? Wait until you meet drunk Akutagawa. This man doesn’t even know what a filter is. 
He deadass looks at Chuuya and stares at him before commenting “You’re short” with a deadpan look. 
He also has a surprisingly high tolerance and enjoys strong alcohol over wine. 
His lack of filter gets him into trouble more often than not and he gets into fights a lot. He actually uses his fists while drunk over using Rashomon mainly because he can barely speak a word without hiccuping 
He has trouble speaking, he either hiccups through every sentence or slurs his words to the point where they are unintelligible 
He is more chatty than normal but don’t expect a Dazai or Chuuya level of chatter. 
He likes to drink spiked teas 
He does enjoy drinking with others and enjoys accompanying Chuuya on nights out
He will devour a massive bowl of curry while drunk. He rarely eats when sober but when drunk? He’ll eat anything put in front of him
He is still pretty quick on his feet and agile but he is prone to falling over
He literally once woke up Gin because he fell over their couch when walking into their apartment and he just lay on the floor cursing out the sofa
He’ll roast the fuck out of Dazai and Atsushi while drunking and make various death threats
Aku ends up being rather protective of others while drunk and has scared of a number of creepy men making advances on uninterested women, he’s like a guard dog in that regard 
He will pass out fairly quickly once he gets home, refuses to pass out anywhere other than his bed 
As we found out in the PM Onsen CD, Higuchi cries when she’s drunk. She’ll cry over a cute puppy or cry over a mission going wrong or she’ll just cry because she got praise from Akutagawa. 
She also will talk for hours on one specific topic. Either its Akutagawa or something completely random. She’ll rarely talk about her sister but when she’s drunk she’ll open up more about her and tell everyone how much she loves her sister. 
She is also a lightweight and will pass out fairly quickly 
She likes sweet things when drunk and will eat something sweet that’s near her. 
She also has to hold Akutagawa back from fighting people or prevent him from getting punched because his no filter talk insulted the wrong person 
She isn’t an aggressive drunk but an emotional one. 
Gin isn’t a big talker, but she’ll talk more if she is drunk drunk and comfortable enough with the people she is drinking with 
She will laugh a lot while drunk and smile but it's hard to tell with her mask on 
Gin as we all  know is insanely fast and agile but when she’s drunk? All her agility goes out the window and she will face plant the floor if she tries any of her tricks.
I think she has a sweet tooth, so I can see her enjoying mochi ice cream while drunk
She also would love to watch people do karaoke, she won't participate since she’s too shy but seeing Chuuya and everyone else do it makes her laugh so hard her sides hurt
She lets out her more soft side and tries to pet all animals she sees
She once stole a duck and brought it home, Akutagawa wasn’t happy 
He will be a mess
100% a giggly drunk, he’ll find everything funny, even Kunkida’s dad jokes.  
He’ll accidently activate his ability and be walking around with a tail and not even notice it. 
Speaking of his tail, when drunk he likes to chase it as he gives into his more cat like tendencies, Dazai has a video of Atsushi chasing his tail for a good 20 minutes  
This boy will devour an entire restaurants worth of chazuke, if he could while drunk 
He likes to climb trees and he’s good at it, Kunida once found him at the top of a tree curled up asleep 
He’s also more blunt and will roast the fuck out of Akutagawa 
He also roasts Dazai a little bit but not as much as Akutagawa
He likes to transform into is tiger form and nap when drunk
He’d probably curse and then say fuck because he cursed and then just spiral into a stream of fucks 
He will try catch cats to cuddle, he once followed a cat two blocks just to pet him
I imagine him enjoying amusement parks so he’d go to once while drunk and have the time of his life until he got nauseous on the rides 
I also imagine he like play video games so when drunk he’ll do that and have the time of his life
Suddenly sweet baby atsushi is cursing and swearing like a sailor
He’ll pass out pretty quick and once he’s passed out, he’s out like a light for the rest of the evening.
He likes his alcohol delivered in baked goods
He will try drunk bake/cook
He will pass out quickly and just cuddle his own sweater
He tries to flirt with women but naomi does not like it
My man will be shirtless trying to make a souffle at 2am
This was so fun to write, I’m sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy this crack <3 
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monkey-network · 4 years ago
Crash Bandicoot the Series Episodes
52 Episodes; To stop N Tropy and Cortex’s Plan Z that puts reality in jeopardy, Crash and Coco must travel between dimensions to gather crystals necessary. Along the way, the duo meets familiar faces and it’s a guess of whether they’re friend or foe. Then again for Crash, an enemy’s just a friend you haven’t made yet.
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Method of the Marsupials: Spelunking down an ancient temple, Coco slowly feels inferior compared to Crash’s spontaneity always lucking out. Then again, Crash has never been one without his sister.
The Titanfields and Mucoltants: A chase after a baby mutant leads to a universe where two different clans have been feuding for generations and it’s up to the Bandicoots to finally put an end to it, or make the fighting feel different.
Crash Cultivation: Our siblings split up momentarily and Crash’s adventure involves helping a farmer confront a curse that prevents anything from growing on his land.
In My Element: Coco’s adventure is a puzzle room, literally a room full of puzzles she has to solve to get out. She’s having a blast, but comes to realize that the joy could be endless.
Breakfasticoot: Taking a break from gathering the crystals, Crash decides to go into the morning wilderness to get his sister breakfast in bed. Needless to say, it isn’t easy for our unbreakable hero.
Tense Theory: In order to get the next crystal, Coco needs to show that she can relax like her brother.
Tales as Old as Tiny: The Bandicoots encounter Tiny Tiger, depressed and very lacking in muscle. Crash wants to help, leading to the two entering the wildcat’s mind.
Minuscule Madness (Part 1): The Bandicoots reach a dimension that has everyone in it out to kill them. The problem is that the “everyone” are too small to be noticeable by the duo.
Minuscule Madness (Part 2): Crash’s body has been invaded by the small people and Coco must figure out how to save her bro before he dies or the small people die first due to Crash’s surprisingly volatile insides.
Jake and the Crashman: Crash is split from Coco and is thrust into a noir story involving wumpa fruit, cars, and a hidden conspiracy.
War the Game: Crash and Coco face off against a supercomputer possessing a crystal where losing will mean the end of that world, the heart and mind of our Bandicoot siblings truly at unity this episode.
Coco Kaijuu: The next dimension our siblings enter have them transformed into giant monsters and while Coco wants to be peaceful towards the civilians, Crash is having fun with his new form which unleashes a force trying to stop them.
Rip Roo Ca-Choo: Ripper Roo is alone after his original defeat from Crash, rejected by Cortex and with no direction. He then sees Crash again and becomes determined to exact his revenge.
Crash the Bachelor: A hopeless romantic Skunk finds love when Crash is the one being that isn’t driven away by his putrid stench. And while Crash enjoys being friends, our bandicoot doesn’t care about getting closer.
Tawna Comes to Tango: Dimension hopping Pirate Tawna shows up to help our Bandicoots win the crystal at a casino but her love of risk soon gets in the way.
Bookbrain: Our new trio visit the library where a crystal’s hidden and the former two decide to get Crash into more advanced reading. Crash loves it at first, but when the three discover the comic book section, it’s a challenge to keep that and Crash separate.
Animal House: Crash, Coco, and Tawna have to strengthen their teamwork to face a chicken, a monkey, and a shiny jellyfish in order to get the crystal.
Ghostdusters: Tawna doesn’t believe in ghosts, but a trek through a haunted house suddenly has her scared sneezing. The three try to make their way in and out, but finding the crystal will mean cleaning things up.
Crashket Ball: A game so complicated for Tawna and Coco leads to Crash helping them understand things his way.
Why Love Him: Tawna is separated from her friends into another dimension and stumbles across a dejected Crash that’s been through what she went through long ago in her dimension. She tries to cheer him up, and comes to realize what she saw in him originally.
The Messiness of Music: Our trio have to confront N Gin in a music contest in three days but instruments aren’t their forte, Crash and Tawna can’t and won’t sing, and Coco is overwhelmed in making the best song. However, music doesn’t have to be flawless to feel good.
Crashcading Fury: Crash wakes up angry and on destructive rampage for the next crystal. A scared Coco and Tawna do what they can, desperately trying to get their more cool, easy-going buddy back. 
Lunchtime: Crash, Coco, and Tawna have the chance to relax and get sandwiches and the Komodo brothers are sent out to kill them.
Ahoy Baby: A young group of aliens claim Tawna as their mom and she joyously comes to teach them how to live her way.
The House of N (Part 1): Knowing the trio’s progress, Cortex comes up with the idea of bringing multiple versions of himself to come up with ideas in stopping them.
The House of N (Part 2): A battle of the one true Neo Cortex ensues, leading to our main scientist at odds with himself of where everything went wrong.
Aku Uka Alone: Uka Uka and Aku Aku mentally link and argue over the faith they have in their hero/villains.
Dream Reaper: In this silent but musical episode, N Tropy sends a villain capable of killing people while they’re dreaming to the trio, only for our villain to underestimate all three’s imaginative capabilities.
Pace and Test: Crash is challenged to a simultaneous physical and academic exam for a crystal which is where his sister and bestie put their all into making him the best of both worlds.
Ferally Feud: Crash and Tawna get into an argument, leading Coco to try moderating and sees why she loves them both.
It Takes a Bandicoot to Save a Village: Former chief Papu Papu asks Crash to help rebuild his village after Cortex’s meddling might force them to leave the island.
Crate Minds Think Alike: Cortex manages to weaken the trio to the point where they can’t bash crates anymore, leading to them pushing each other to get stronger in the real way.
Dial D for Dingo: Meeting up with an old chum at his “established” restaurant, the Bandicoots take a stand when health inspectors have come to shut down the place by ANY means.
Two Times Tropy: While Cortex is out, N Tropy and his female alternate are working on repairs but are ignorantly making things worse with their constant ego stroking.
Crash The Banditoon: The trio reach a blank dimension where things feel different, more animated and that’s saying something. Crash isn’t complaining though.
Juicy Juiced: A special wumpa Crash finds gives the trio enhanced ability but at the cost of sleeping for days. So they keep eating it in order to come up with an antidote to null the effects at the risk of an eternal sleep.
Lab Rat Revolution: The trio arrive at a place populated by a majority of Brio’s rejects and helps them get revenge.
Wayback Brio: An encounter with N. Brio has him and Coco stuck in a cavern. While Crash and Tawna figure out a way to their freedom, the two inside are forced to rewalk their former relationship.
The Skinner (Halloween Special): Crash is possessed by an evil spirit that’s known for desiring the skin of its victim, unbeknownst to Tawna and Coco though, an unstable spirit can’t control an unstable body.
You’re a Bad Man, Dr. Cortex: Cortex arrives in a dimension where he’s the leader of the world, only this version is a good guy. Naturally he replaces the other Cortex and tries to spin the world into his image, but is conflicted that he’ll destroy a utopia he technically made himself.
Nurse Bandicoot: Coco catches a high fever after a trip through the arctic dimension, and the others do what they can for her. Crash surprisingly takes things slow while Tawna is frantic in making things better.
Do Mursupials Dream of Magic Sheep?: Crash suddenly gets nightmares and it affects him while awake. One night, a figure appears in his dream and the two adventure to found out how to resolves these bitter feelings.
Cocomotion: A trip to the future has Coco visit a successful version of herself. As such, it’s the age old case between future versus family. 
Crunched Kindness (1/2 Hour Christmas Special): Infiltrating Cortex’s castle, the trio frees a disheveled Crunch Bandicoot and helps him see the beauty of the world.
High School Bandicoot: The Trio are stuck in a video game dating sim where Crash has to win in one go or get deleted forever.
Fishing for Crystals: A fish eats a crystal, a bigger fish eats the little and so on, forcing our heroes to fish differently in the effort to get it back.
Continue?: Crash finds himself alone in a dreary world where it turns out he's dead. He meets a little possum girl and her big bodyguard as they help him uncover a way back to life.
The Trials of Crash Bandicoot: Crash is framed for multiple interdimensional crimes in space court, all of which are Cortex’s doings, and while Coco and Tawna play defense, everyone he’s encounter over the series comes to either his aid or prosecution, and Cortex has something up his sleeve, Crash himself is seemingly out cold during everything.
The Dimmer of Hope: After the events of the previous episode, Cortex has all the crystals and the trio’s banished to the end of the universe. All feels lost, so all that’s left to do is reminisce of the adventures the three got to have.
The Dimensional Dance (Part 1): Cortex and the N Tropys have everything set for multiversal domination but argue over how they want to do things. Meanwhile the trio get back to reality and figure out a way to destroy the crystals. 
The Dimensional Dance (Part 2): Crash has absorbed all of the power of the reality machine to make a universe in his own image. Tawna, Coco, the N Tropys, and Cortex are aware and find out that this won’t be stable for much longer and have to save Crash to reverse the effects.
The Never Ending Story (Series Finale): Crash is alone again, not dead, this time in a plane outside all existence and, given the chance to speak for the first time, reflects on his life and everything he got to have to a being he’s familiar with.
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a-pirate-my-hearties · 4 years ago
Hello, I noticed you've recently reblogged and liked a lot of my BUCK-TICK related posts. Your tags poured a little ray of sunshine into my desperate days and reminded me of those good old times when I was a new fan full of enthusiasm and motivation to do something useful for the fandom and raise the awareness about one of the most unique and thought-provoking bands in the world. Thank you ♥ May I ask, for how long have you been a fan of them and do you have a favorite song or album that has a special place in your heart? I became a fan in summer 2013, at first I really loved Razzle Dazzle and Yume Miru Uchuu, but the older I get the more I find relatable some songs on Six/Nine.
Hello! :) Oh gosh, I’m so glad I could’ve helped you maybe smile just a little bit. I really am. :) Ohh, I’m a very, VERY new fan. It’s been barely around two months since I’ve discovered them. But I fell hopelessly in love! I agree that they are very unique and thought provoking, I swear I haven’t heard anything like that before. Surely I can hear the influences by other bands in their music, but the way they do their own thing, the writing, the singing, the lyrics... It feels like something so fresh, so new to me I’m in awe.
Some of my favourite albums are: Kurutta Taiyou, Sexy Stream Liner, Six/Nine, Memento Mori, Juusankai Wa Gekkou, No. 0... Darker Than Darkness is also amazing.
About the songs, there are so many... But some of my absolute favourites are Jupiter, Coyote, Gesshoku (I can’t even express how much I adore that song!), Kirameki no Naka De, Brain Whisper Head Hate is Noise, Aku no Hana, Rakuen, Kimi no Vanilla, Thanatos, Doll, Babel, Romance, Sapphire, Muma the Nightmare, Zangai, Gessekai, Misshitsu, Cum uh sol nu, Victims of Love, Memento Mori. That’s a lot, I know. :D
Six/Nine is a great album. I appreciate it more with every listening.
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animepreferences · 5 years ago
P R E F E R E N C E # 2 - H U N G O V E R C A R E
“Good morning!” Dazai chirped as he opened the bedroom curtains, resulting in you to let out an inarticulate groan. Why must he be like this? He knew you were bound to be hungover today; he knew how much you drank the previous night. “Aw, my belladonna, isn’t it such a beautiful day?” He would sing, laughing as you shoved a pillow over your face with clear aggravation. “I hate you.” You would mutter, jumping when you felt him plop on the bed beside you, ripping the pillow away in one swift motion. “No, you don’t. You love me very much because I take extraordinary care of you, my beloved.” Kissing you softly on the lips, you would cringe as the dull ache in your head became more prominent with the newfound exposure to the sunlight. “I drew you a hot bubble bath with all your favorite scents. There’s also some medicine in there for your throbbing headache with a considerable size drink of electrolytes.” His words were kind. You felt guilty for ever being annoyed with him this morning. What did you do to deserve this? This patience? This kindness? You were in awe with how lucky you had gotten in the grand scheme of things. “Dazai...” You started, but were interrupted by his finger pressing gently to your lips. “Say nothing. Let me take care of you,” You squeaked when his arms suddenly curled around your frail body, lifting you with little to no effort in a bridal style manner. “I promise you won’t have to move a single finger for as long as you are feeling poor, I’ll be by your side the whole day Y/N-Chan.” But wasn’t he supposed to be...? “Kunikida will just simply have to deal with my absence today. This is an emergency afterall,” Soft giggles emerged from your lips as your boyfriend set you down gently on your feet once you got to the bathroom. The room was completely dark with an exception of the dozens of candles that were ablaze, the water in the tub lilac and filled with tall bubbles. It was perfect. He was perfect. “Dazai...I’m speechless. What can I ever do to repay you?” You asked sincerely, thankful the room was able to hide the blush that crept to your cheeks. “You could start by undressing?” You shot him a death glare at his suggestion, but he ignored you by chuckling softly as his own joke. “To repay me, all you have to do is feel better for me.” And with that he gave you a chaste kiss on the lips.
You awoke to the delicious aroma of a homemade breakfast. Usually when you were hungover, the mere thought of food would make you want to vomit profusely. In this instant, however, it made your mouth water and your stomach growl. Without even thinking about it, you drug yourself out of bed and sauntered to the kitchen, your hangover far in the back of your head. “Good morning, sleepy head.” Chuuya hummed placing some sunny side up eggs on a plate before turning to you with a knowing grin. God, he was so beautiful first thing in the morning. Hair slightly frazzled, eyes still sleepy yet bright, clothes casual and hugging him in all the right ways. That right there was enough to distract you from breakfast AND your hangover. “How’s your head?” He questioned, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead, zooming past you clearly on the prowl for something. “What’s all this about?” Your inquired, your voice still thick from sleeping. By no means were you complaining, it was just rare to see Chuuya cooking let alone be up before you on one of his days off. “You need to eat a nutritional, high protein breakfast to fight that hangover of yours. I’m not sure if you remember how much you ingested last night, but as your caretaker I do. Here, take this.” Handing you a couple of pills with a tall glass of water, Chuuya smiled proudly at you his eyes sparkling. He seemed almost eager to take care of you, to show you just how much he cared. It was one of the things you loved most about him; he loved to keep you on your toes and surprise you. “It looks delicious.” You smiled, graciously swallowing the pills. “All of your favorites should be there, though I can’t promise they’re going to taste up to par with your standards. We all know how good of a cook I am,” His words were sheepish as he stared down at his shoes, rubbing the nape of his neck. How could he say that? He went to all of this effort to surprise you and help you out and he was now concerned you wouldn’t like it? Surely, he was deranged. “Chuuya, It’s going to taste amazing, you know why? Because you made it for me from the bottom of your heart and let’s face it: there aren’t many things that you aren’t great at.” This made him smile as he took a step towards you, wrapping his arm around your waist, his fingers streaking your face. “Thank you for taking care of me,” You hummed, leaning your cheek into his open palm. “Always.”
“It’s your own fault. I warned you not to be reckless,” Aku would mutter, holding your hair back as another wave of nausea coursed through you, your head lurching forward as you vomited for the third time that morning. You knew you shouldn’t have drank that much, you knew what the repercussions were, you knew your body all too well and yet you still chose to tango with disaster. Aku had every right to reprimand you. “I know. Self control. I struggle with that. Don’t be mad.” You heaved, collapsing back into his chest with obvious fatigue. “I’m not mad at you, just irritated. I hate seeing you so ill over something that could have been easily avoided.” Aku would sigh, lifting you up in his arms, carrying you back to bed. He didn’t want to make you feel bad, you were an adult and you deserved to have fun every now and then. He just didn’t want to see his beloved darling under the weather; you meant way too much to him. “You don’t have to be doing all this if you’re irritated, y’know. I can take care of myself. I don’t want to inconvenience you after all,” Your words were sheepish, your embarrassment colorfully painted across your features. This made your boyfriend frown with guilt. “You never inconvenience me. It’s my job to take care of you when you’re ill. You’re my girl,” His words sent shivers down your spine as he hovered over you, giving you a quick kiss to your nose. Watching his face turn red, you smiled contently knowing that he cared. He may be stubborn, but he will always make a point to show that he will always care for you.
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nightglider124 · 6 years ago
Dickkory Week: Day 3
Okay so I am a day late bc I spent yesterday just basically fixated on Titans trailer and venting/chatting about that. Like, I barely even did any stuff at work bc I was like on tumblr about it lmao.
ANYWAY. Here is Day 3 for yesterday. Today’s prompt will be posted later tonight.
I used 3 of the supposed 5 love languages. I used: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time & Physical Touch. I also just happened to use the literal idea of language as well lmao.
Hope ya like it.
Oh and if you couldn’t guess... I based yet another of these in the DCAU world bc I just really love writing them in their cute lil apartment. 
Love Language 
Laughter bubbled up from the characters on screen, some kind of pun having fallen from the main guy’s mouth at a rather inappropriate time. He grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head as a blush took control over his cheeks. 
Kory and Dick both smiled lazily at the comedy movie they had on the TV as they relaxed in the comfort of their apartment, sat upon their sofa. Dick was sat with one arm leaning against the cushions of the sofa and the other draped across the back of it, behind Kory’s head as she remained huddled in the corner of the sofa.
Her legs were draped over her boyfriend’s lap, crossed at the ankles with a fluffy blanket strewn over their lower halves, protecting them from the slight chill in the air, signalling that Fall would soon be coming to an end if that and the orange leaves that fell from the tree outside were anything to go by.
Kory suddenly shifted, keeping her legs over Dick’s but snuggling into the arm that was just around her shoulders. She deeply inhaled his familiar scent before she rested her head on his chest, her smile widening as Dick played with a few tendrils of her long, auburn locks.
Her fingers found the material of his shirt, playing with it as she idly watched the movie. Dick smirked as he watched her movements, toying with his shirt simply for the want to be in contact with him in some way. 
The thumping beneath the skin of his torso seemed to grow stronger; louder, like her presence alone raised his heart rate in a way akin to if he had just sprinted a marathon. 
He peered down at her, a true swell of contentment inside his chest.
Dick leaned down a little, just enough so that he could press a small kiss to her neck, making her squirm.
Kory giggled and sighed, “Yiv tu daktar…”
He blinked, having grown so accustomed to only hearing her speak English; the random use of her mother tongue had him thrown.
“What?” He chuckled,
Kory inclined her head to look up at him, “Hm?”
“You just said something in Tamaranian.”
Her eyes widened and a blush dripped across her face, like paint spilling down a wall, “Oh? I did not realize… I said ‘you are so sweet’.”
Dick smiled at the compliment but his curious mind and continuous thirst for knowledge had him pause and shuffle away from her a little,
“You know… I don’t think I ever really hear you speak it anymore. The only time really is when we first found you… and sometimes when you sing in the shower or mumble in your sleep.”
Kory raised a brow at him, “I mumble in my sleep?”
“Sometimes and it’s not always in English.”
She shrugged her shoulders and played with a long piece of hair cascading over her shoulder, “I know a selection of languages; some that are of this world and some that are from other planets… English and Tamaranian are the ones I know most… I suppose I cannot help but deviate to my first language every now and then.”
“Seems to be when you aren’t really thinking about it.” Dick surmised,
Kory nodded, “Yes… English is not my first language and… I believe it takes more concentration.”
“I think it’s cool. You’re like some kind of translator.”
His Princess laughed and shook her head, “So, if I get bored of leading the Titans and decide to get a day job like you have… translator is the one I should pursue?”
Dick grinned, “I mean, you could do a lot of things if you wanted to. Modelling would definitely be one for you too.”
Kory rolled her eyes, “Mhm…”
“I mean it. You’ve got the height and the looks. You could do it.”
She smirked and folded her arms over her chest, “Oh? And you wouldn’t mind if I were to model clothes and lingerie and be all over posters and billboards for all men to see?” 
Dick stared at her before he shook his head and waved his hand dismissively, “Okay. Nope. Translator. Do that instead.” 
Kory burst into laughter, letting her hands fall back into her lap, “Do not worry, my love. I think that a translator would be more enjoyable anyway.”
He chewed on his bottom lip, eyeing her with a sense of question riddled on his own face, “Hey, babe?”
“Yes?” She asked, her head rested against the back of the sofa so she could watch him,
“Do you think… you could teach me some Tamaranian?” 
Kory sat up straight, her eyebrows at her hairline in surprise, “Really?”
He lifted his shoulders and rubbed his neck in that sheepish way of his, “Well, yeah… I mean, I’ve always liked learning new languages and… what other humans can say they know a language from another planet that isn’t a fictional one?” He paused and smiled, “Sides… I think it would be nice. We always do things that are influenced by Earth since we live here… I’d like to know more about where you come from too.”
She tilted her head and smiled, one that softened her entire facial expression, “Oh, Dick…” 
He grinned and shuffled to get comfortable as he sat opposite her on the couch, “C’mon… teach me a few things now.”
Kory giggled, mirroring his position, “Like what?”
Dick shrugged, “I don’t know… whatever comes to mind.”
Tapping her fingertips against her chin, Kory considered and mulled over what things she could teach him that were simple enough for him to grasp. With a light bulb going off in her mind, she smiled and focused on him, clearing her throat.
“Gul-tack.” Dick tested, already knowing his pronunciation was off,
“Gultach.” Kory paused, “Tamaranian is more guttural than English… along the lines of German but more. My language is… aggressive sounding. The end sound should come from your throat… like when you are sick.”
Dick furrowed his brows in concentration and tried it again, “Gultach.”
He peered at her for approval and felt his heart melt when she beamed back at him, looking as though someone had just given her the best gift in the whole world. 
“Was that… better?” 
Kory nodded enthusiastically, “Oh! Much better, Dick. It is a case of grasping the somewhat scratchy roll in your throat.”
He nodded in understanding, “What does it mean?”
Dick grinned, “Cool. What else?”
Kory thought for a moment until she straightened her back again, signalling she had one for him, “Shu kareth Gu’anrei… Dick Grayson.” 
He deadpanned, “Seriously? We’re going from ‘Hello’ to something that sounds… way more advanced?”
She smirked, “I assure you, it is quite simple.”
“Easy for you to say, Miss I know a thousand languages fluently.” He scoffed,
Kory rolled her eyes, “I don’t know a thousand… It is more around a hundred.”
He did a double take and chuckled, “Oh, that’s better.” 
She grinned and tapped his knee, “Try it.”
“Shu… kareth... ” He sounded out, his forehead crinkling in confusion, “Uh… what was the next bit?”
“Gu’anrei.” Kory prompted, “There is a small pause which changes the words. Gu is like goo. Then, anrei is like… and ree but without the ‘D’ sound.”
Dick nodded and cleared his throat, “Shu kareth… Gu’anrei…” 
Kory smile and looked at him expectantly.
“Was… that not it?”
“You must say your name at the end.”
“Oh… Shu kareth Gu’anrei Dick Grayson.”
Kory gave him one of her thousand watt smiled and lightly clapped her hands together in appreciation for his efforts, “Very good, my love.”
He felt a jolt of pride spiral through him, feeling like he had achieved something special to be able to utter even one syllable of her language. 
“I can probably guess what that means in English but…” 
“It means, ‘My name is Dick Grayson.’” Kory elaborated,
Dick smirked and nodded his head, “Anything else you can think of?”
Her emerald gaze befell him and Kory could feel her heart swelling more and more with how much of an interest he was taking in her language and despite living on Earth for such a long time now, it was still nice to be reminded where she came from; for the right reasons.
She let her mind wander over how many times Dick had asked about Tamaran. From how she grew up, to Tamaranian traditions and even extending to learning about her family; Dick had always made sure to ask about her place of birth, rather than simply expecting her to conform to a lifestyle on Earth, with complete disregard to where she initially came from.
It was one of the things she truly adored about him; the level of respect and care he held for her was astounding and she loved him for it.
That’s when another idea popped into her mind of what to teach him next.
“I think I have another.” She murmured, her eyes clouded with warmth for the man sat before her,
“Shoot.” He grinned, oblivious to the inner emotions she was experiencing,
“Aku d’marai.” 
Dick brightened, “That doesn’t sound as difficult as the last one.” 
Her eyes shimmered as she watched him, “It is not commonly used on my world but it is an important statement, nonetheless.”
With a curt nod, Dick went over it multiple times in his head before he lifted his chin, “Aku… d’marai…”
She bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself smiling too much but she did nod to him, “Perfect.”
Dick beamed at her like a kid who had just received the seal of approval from their parents or something, proud of himself for managing to get some of her language right. He was still a long way off being fluent, he knew that but it was definitely a start.
He noticed that in all of his excitement of learning a few foreign phrases, he’d absently shifted closer to her, so much so they were merely inches away from one another. With a slight lean, he could be brushing the tip of his nose against hers.
Suddenly breathless, his eyes searched her heart shaped face, printing everything to memory. The gorgeous haze in her eyes, the soft glow of her skin, the perfect line of her nose before he let his eyes drop to her mouth. Her lips were just flawless; a cupid bow shape that was full and completely kissable.
“So… what did that one mean?” He asked, his blue eyes locked on her solid green ones,
Kory smiled softly and tilted her head, gently raising her fingertips to his face and running them along the angle of his jaw,
“It means… ‘I love you’.”
Dick suddenly matched her expression; every feature softening on his face as he reached a hand to her neck, just cupping her face,
“I’ll need to remember that one.”
“Mhm.” Kory murmured before Dick closed the distance, molding his lips to hers and reveling in the spark sensations that made her whole mouth tingle.
As she continued to kiss her boyfriend, Kory couldn’t help but wonder why she had never thought of teaching him until now. But, she decided, better late than never.
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sonxflight-a2 · 5 years ago
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☯ Gemstone Headcanons ║ @kathexismania​​​​​​​​​​ ☯
Agate: What or who will your muse protect with their life?
Given the fact he’s incredibly self-sacrificing, it can be pretty much anyone (that also can explain why he chose such a spectrum of professions in Modern AU rather than follow the path of his passed father in politics). But his beloved ones and family, either by blood or found one, will obviously be in the first place. This is one of the few matters he considers himself to be selfish about, as he knows he would rather take damage/die in order to save and thus nonetheless hurt them, but be certain they’ll remain alive.
Amazonite: How do they go about comforting or calming down others? Are they good at it?
Jack/Ryou’s way of comforting/calming down is mostly non-verbal, for he considers the words can do more harm than good when it comes to such matters, yet it doesn’t mean he won’t be able to give advice/reassurance once he sees the other is in need or straight out asks for it (his modesty will always demand him to firstly listen and then talk). His acute empathy serves to be a great assistance in it + nurtured wisdom allows him to say the right things, so he can be mostly good at it both in general and when it comes to the people, close to him.
Amethyst: Do they have a good intuition? If so, do they typically heed it or not?
Definitely so, and he’ll always make sure to heed to it rather than doubt it, as his sixth sense appears to be right about the most of matters, especially when it comes to the possible dangers (about which he can be both grateful and jaded with). Still, it doesn’t mean he can’t be an unheeding dumbass at times yet is luckily prone to make the right conclusions from life’s harsh lessons, no matter the verse. 
Apatite: Do they find it easy to communicate with new people, or do they avoid it as much as possible?
Despite Jack/Ryou having an undeniable introvert nature, it doesn’t exactly hard for him but certainly can be very wearisome, especially when he needs to make an effort to maintain his calmness if he feels it's tested (one of the reasons he initially couldn’t stand Hanzo’s impulsive nature in Modern AU as it totally drained him out, till they knew each other better and he grew somewhat adapted to it).
Aquamarine: How insightful are they?
His insightfulness will be related to the way he perceives his intuition + its strength will depend on how well he recognizes the situation or person (for example, when he hid the fake swords all over the desert, thus outwitting Aku while allegedly getting caught into his trap), even though he will nevertheless appear to grow more insightful as he/his mind will age.
Aventurine: Are they the opportunistic sort, or do they typically let chances slip by?
It would all depend on circumstances tbh, as one time Jack/Ryou can be resolute to take the immediate risk and at other will be prone to develop a solid plan, due to possible inability to solve the problem head-on. His both adaptive and steadfast character allows to explore either of such ways.
Blue Topaz: Are they the courageous sort? Do they find they can overcome obstacles in their way with relative ease?
Yes and no. He’s an obviously courageous, at times straight out bold type when it comes to the obstacles (both in actions and words; his pokerfaced ‘I fear no man’ he threw at Scotsman once he claimed him to be a coward + ‘Come get me’ catchphrase is more than enough to be a proof), but is more than aware his path is far from an effortless (he’s just not that kind of the man who’ll look for easy ways, which is both his blessing and the curse tbh).
Cat’s Eye: What sorts of things soothe them when they’re worked up?
Besides the quiet peaceful environment and tea? Anything he can get his hands to be busy with, without him being actually mindful about what he does due to having sufficient skill and motoric memory (for example, he tends to weave to soothe his mind / at times play electric koto in Modern AU once stressed) + quality time with his beloved one if he appears to have such (either sexual or not) as their presence is already enough to somehow soothe him.
Chalcedony: How do they consider their allies in regards to themself? Do they reach out to them, or do they typically keep to themself?
Most definitely keep to themself, not because of his pride but due to his protectiveness and unwillingness to burden/bother them with his own problems/distress (make them feel his pain if you’ll add his empathy here). Although, Jack/Ryou won’t deny the help once persuaded enough / knows the situation and believes it won’t go out from the control once he’ll accept it.
Citrine: How open are they to new ideas or cultures?
He’s very traditional while being rather open-minded as he treasures his culture and nonetheless respects the other ones he was lucky to be introduced to during the years of his training / his family’s journeys across the world in Modern AU when he was young. Moreover, his curiosity towards them allowed him to gain a sufficient amount of knowledge not only in foreign  languages (which he canonically knows over 5, including Greek, Russian, Mongolian and English) but about different traditions and customs in general (which played a significant role during his time as PSIA agent in Modern AU).
Diamond: Do they find themselves getting sick often or do they have a relatively strong immune system?
Absolutely has a strong immune system, while having a rather hard time once he will get sick. He’s either a feverish mess (which is very seldom but still present, especially in verses where his partial divinity is able to act up) or as healthy as a bull, there’s no in-between.
Diopside: Are they a creative person in any way? How so?
He’s musically-inclined regardless of the verse, both in vocal aspect (which demands me to provide an example of how I imagine his full singing voice to possibly sound like) and in relation to the musical instruments (koto & bamboo flute for main verse / electric koto & piano for Modern AU). He’s not a very good artist, however - most of his drawing skills are related to draftsmanship and calligraphy since the prior purpose of his training was to get a decent warrior, able to repel the demon and get back his homeland by oneself.
Emerald: Do they suffer from any sort of mental illness?
Obviously PTSD in relation to 5th season, Post-Aku, Modern and Akira verses + there are definitely some signs of masked depression in Modern AU.
Fluorite: Are they able to concentrate easily no matter where they are or do they need a quiet space with little distracts?
He’s very quick-witted and able to think on his feet, but still needs to get a better focus in some situations, thus enough quietness and detachment. His need for undistracted concentration will mostly relate to the circumstances when he needs to approach and overcome the obstacle/problem that seems to be completely new for him to solve (for example, when he sought the way to reach enchanted well, without being pierced by arrows of guarding it blind archers).
Garnet: What are they most passionate about and who are they most devoted to?
His goal/work/purpose and the ones he’s close with (family, friends, beloved ones, etc.). He’s very dedicated and loyal to either no matter the verse, and, even though his choice between them may appear to be obscure at first, he still tends to favor people over the ambition (there are so many times he sacrificed the chance to go back in time in order to help someone else, g d i  b o i).
Iolite: Are they financially responsible or do they tend to blow their money as soon as they have it?
Despite his family being the high-class individuals, Jack/Ryou isn’t attached to wealth yet not exactly a wasteful type either - that one kind of people who tend to live a rather modest yet at the same time quite an elegant life once circumstances allow it, even though he can manifest some of ‘rich people quirks’ in Modern AU (an example is him having his own special sort of jasmine tea which is cannot be obtained in ordinary supermarkets).
Jade: What are their opinions on luck? Do they believe in it?
He most likely believes it to be one whimsical force and relies on his strengths rather than the fortune intervention, even tho there were definitely the moments he considers to be nothing but its pure manifestation.
Jasper: What do they typically do to relax?
Same that he does in order to soothe oneself + meditation and cooking also seems to relax him once he has a necessary amount of time for either.
Kyanite: What is their temper like?
I often compare him to the ocean, as Jack/Ryou appears to be very patient and not so easy to irate, yet his temper can be incredibly devastating once he’s not able to contain a tsunami which is his repressed emotions, specifically his anger. In general, he’s an epitome of Bruce Lee’s quote about the nature of water ’...Now, water can flow or it can crash’, with addition it can also terribly burn you once boiled (aka he can endure a lot of bs, yet still has his limits and is wise to be mindful).
Lapis Lazuli: How aware are they of others and of their surroundings?
His awareness of the environment is mainly high, both in relation to his empathy and nonetheless acute senses. Jack/Ryou is exactly that kind of person who appears to be very seclusive and quiet, yet sees and hears everything and thus isn’t prone to be caught off-guard (while he also might be paradoxically oblivious when it comes to the other’s evident romantic interest in him lol).
Moonstone: What inspires them? Why?
His mentor and parental figures, either blood parent(s) (especially his father, who he considers to be his role model both in his main verse and Modern AU) or the one(s) he has in particular verse. Even though Jack/Ryou knows he’s his own person, he nevertheless looks up to them and tends to reminisce given by them life lessons once he’s in need of guidance/advice.
Onyx: How do they handle hostility from others, whether verbally or physically?
While he can tolerate verbal hostility more than well (thanks to the Scotsman), he tends to grow disgruntled and taciturn if he has to witness such behavior for too long (not to mention he’ll put the person at their place once it will overcome the limits of his patience) + when it comes to physical hostility, his combat skills are more than enough to cease such treatment. However, he won’t tolerate either of such once it witnessed in relation to his family/beloved ones and is prone to get protective of them no matter the situation (just imagine Ryou hearing as someone talks unfair shiet about Hanzo and straight out roasting them back while being completely unperturbed at the outside, he can and will do such no matter of verse).
Opal: Are they the emotional sort?
Not exactly. Jack/Ryou is obviously not an emotionless automaton (I would even say quite far from such if consider how actually gentle and soft he is), but tends to be very watchful towards his already restained feelings once he’s not comfortable/well-known with the environment, especially in the verses where he appears to be older than the age he found himself in the future (aka 25 years old). Once appearing in the company of the person he completely trusts to, however, there can be seen much more vibrant variety coming from him, even though he still doesn’t like to show his sorrow/anger openly.
Peridot: Are they open to new growth and change in any way, or are they resistant to it?
Certainly open. If he wasn’t able to grow and change in some of his aspects, he would never make this far in the future (for example, his temper was much more impulsive at the start of the series, but he grew to be patient the longer his journey went) and eventually defend Aku, same goes for all of his other verses.
Prehnite: Do they find it easy to recall their dreams or do they hardly remember them?
Dreams or nightmares are easy for him to remember once he has them. Jack/Ryou’s mind and memory are more than vibrant enough for him to have quite vivid visions and he can recall them pretty accurately if the other will ask about it, even tho he tends not to focus on.
Rose Quartz: Do they typically hold grudges? Are they the type to compromise as best they can during a conflict?
It really depends on the relationships Jack/Ryou has with the person and how heavy their fault towards him is. Some light misdeeds he can forgive without the actual confrontation and any grudges; others, heavier ones, may distant him away or even force him to cease any companionship he has with that person. If Jack considers the other his family/beloved one, however, he will always try to find out the actual reason for their misbehavior and at the end forgive them and/or make a compromise, no matter how hard and long it will require for his forgiveness to come (if it will be possible for Jack/Ryou to do this, of course; there are some things he can’t fully forgive even to people, dear for him).
Ruby: Do they typically keep their heart on their sleeve?
Only with his most close and trusted circle as Jack/Ryou knows he may not be afraid to seem vulnerable among them (even though ingrained reticence still can force him to be quite defensive, especially in Modern AU).
Rutile Quartz: Do they have a habit of looking for the source of a problem? Are they the type to attempt to solve it if they’re able, or do they try to avoid it?
He does seek the root of a problem and is persistent to try and solve it, especially when it comes to the important matters of people he treasures, yet nevertheless neglects his own troubles and is prone to avoid them if they’re not so significant.
Sapphire: What makes them happiest? Is there a reason why?
The stable and content wellbeing of his loved ones + the fact he knows he has an actual home where he’s waited and welcomed are sufficient to bring him serenity and peace in any verse, even when it lasts for a rather short while. He strives to reach at least some semblance of stability/be reassured he’ll reach it at one point, for it helps him to maintain the balance and is certain to turn either very restless or numb once there’s none of such reliance in his life (the sword and its significance, as well as its loss e.g.).
Smoky Quartz: How is their physical endurance? Are they the active sort of person or not?
His endurance is high no matter the verse + he’s clearly active sort of person and can’t stay completely immobile for too long, even when he needs his time in peace and quiet (except for the period when he’s asleep, of course, but even this is not so passive due to the fact he’s a fairly light sleeper).
Spinel: Are they a worry-wort or are they carefree?
Oh, definitely a worry-wort due to a number of reasons regardless of the verse, let him try and maintain enviable composure / appear to be unperturbed.
Tanzanite: Do they heal quickly or do bruises and cuts tend to heal slowly?
His regeneration is evidently much more accelerated than it for ordinary human no matter of the verse, even if there are still scars that remain after both relatively deep injuries and shallow cuts (the most evident and agonizingly gained one is located at the right side of his lower abdomen, which he sewed up himself both in 5th season’s verse and in Modern AU).
Tiger’s Eye: Are they self-confident or wracked with doubt?
Oddly enough or not, diffidence is his tragic flaw. The bitter truth is, even tho Jack/Ryou always tries to aid/emotionally support people close to him, he doesn’t actually believe in himself very much (just look what his conscience produced in 5th season  y e e s h) and is full of self-doubts despite him often claiming otherwise. That’s also one of many reasons he priors the others before him (’I believe in myself... because they believe in me’).
Topaz: Are they the type to cheer on others or do they prefer to be center stage?
He actually prefers to play an encouraging/supportive role, but still can accept the leading position and is able to handle it pretty well once necessary, thanks to his responsible solemn character (after all, he’s the prince/heir of the noble clan and had been raised as such).
Tourmaline: Are they the understanding sort or do they have trouble connecting with others?
He’s both, in a way that Jack/Ryou can be incredibly socially awkward (mostly relates to his main verse due to the differences in eras and his solitary tendencies) yet is surprisingly good when it comes to the understanding of others (his politeness and caution can also help when he needs to approach someone).
Turquoise: Do they strive for success or do they typically prefer to go with the flow?
Obviously strives for success in his own ‘watery’ way, cos again ‘water can flow or it can crash’ aka ‘if I can’t destroy the obstacle, I’ll find the other path or mean’ (same goes for his relationships; if he cannot make his beloved one change some of the aspects he’s somehow bothered with, then he’ll eventually accept them rather than remain stubborn and thus harmful).
Zircon: How wise are they?
Jack/Ryou is fairly wise, however, his wisdom manifests itself at its most high point in his Post-Aku verses (where he nevertheless has a sage mind despite remaining in the youthful body), while in Modern AU he claims to lack the necessary amount of such (tho I believe he’ll be prone to gain it over time as he will lean more towards his flexibility rather than obstinacy).
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poetryandnightmaress · 5 years ago
Akumu’s Vacuum adventures #1
I’m so stupid lmfao
Soooo... I decided to clean the house today. With our vacuum. And it’s pretty interesting to go through the rooms, when you live together with awesome characters-
So, let me tell you what happened.
It started in my own room. nothing unusual. I always start in my room. V already left the bed to take a shower. I’d have loved to join him, but since I wanted to clean the house, this had to wait for another day, sadly.
And so, I made my way through the house. And I got into the living room, where I saw two familiar faces: A dragon trainer and a punk star.
Raihan: *smiles* hey cutie!
Piers: *yawns, looks more tired then usual* Ey Aku.
Me: Hey- O Piers!! *looks worried at the rockstar* Is everything alright? you look really tired!
Raihan: Haven’t you heard him yesterday? He singed out loud to some songs and barely got any sleep because of it. He was worried that, since all his concerts got cancelled, he will lose his singing voice. *looks relaxed at Piers* Bro, you really don’t have to worry, I’m certain if you train a lil bit less your voice will be still as epic as always!
Piers: *sips some pitch black coffee* I really hope you’re right. I don’t want my voice to crack when I’m at a concert again.
I thought for a bit, before sitting behind his back and giving him a massage. He really enjoyed it, and I think Raihan made some photos as well to send them later. I went on to clean more, but those dorks didn’t let me go until I gave both of them a kiss.
The next room was the bathroom. Too bad, that a certain poet wasn’t finished in there...
V: *has a towel wrapped around his slender body, looks a bit shocked at me, but catches himself really fast* o- Little wanderer, you couldn’t wait, could you?
Me: *flustered af, tries to continue her cleaning* sjdesisidjes Me need to clean excuse moi-
V: *chuckles sweetly* sorry Little one, I won’t distract your sweet thoughts~
He patted my head before silently leaving the bathroom. I only could hear Griffon in the distance “AHAAHHA Shakespeare, she really caught you off-guard!! Your look was so funny!!” and then I heard V growl “Hush.”
I continued cleaning the bathroom with a tomato face, and after this, I continued in the kitchen, where 3 creatures tried to make something...to eat?
Nanachi: DANTE!! *tries to grab the frying pan* Gosh, the pancakes are burned!!
Dante: *shrugs* I live off fast-food and delivery services, what did you expect? I only wanted to cook something to make Akumu happy!
Kirby: Poyo poyo... (At least he tried his best...)
Then, they realised me cleaning behind them and staring at them.
Kirby: POYO poy po- :D (Akumu! nice to see you! Dante tried to make something for you-)
Nanachi: And failed miserable. But he tried. *smiles innocent*
Dante: Shhh, both of you. *looks a bit embarrassed, but tries to hide it with a smile* Sorry Babe, the pancakes suddenly began to burn and-
Me: *laughs sweetly* Danti, that’s so sweet of you!! Don’t worry about that, we can clean that! besides, you tried your best <3
And so, the 2 of us cleaned the frying pan, while Kirby and Nanachi searched for easier cooking recipies.
The rest of the cleaning went really calm. I just had to bring Julian to bed, apparently he got too involved into a book and forgot the time and fell asleep on the book skajdnjask-
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ennuitea · 7 years ago
a bunch of fic recs
as a Christmas present(?) to anyone who sees this XD
Note that this will include both BSD and BNHA and multiple ships so yeah
1. Portrait of You by izanyas (BNHA X BSD)
Chuuya and Uraraka’s interactions are so??? awesome??? like gravity buddies? sign me the fuck up man (I fricking live for this fic I can’t even)
I wish this had more to it too T_T
2. The Art Of Saying You’re Sorry by low_commotion (BNHA-bakudeku)
Because we all need some Bakugou trying to apologise to Izuku right? pssst I’m secretly trash for bakugou finally admitting his mistakes p l e a s e
3. He’s So Into You by PastelandCakes (BNHA-bakudeku)
Mmmmm some good flirty!Deku moments is just what we need over some hot chocolate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (okay not just flirty it’s something more than that but I’m not about to spoil it for you here lmao)
4. I love you. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please don’t get married. by InkSpillsNotebook (BNHA-bakudeku)
My heart hurt while reading this ;-; Super angsty but the ending is happy I swear
5. The Hard Easy by dirtbag (BNHA-kiribaku)
I lowkey ship these two especially since kirishima is an adorable dork!!!! spoilers: they make out a lot here ;D
6. one to ten by crunchrapsupreme (BNHA-kiribaku)
I like how kirishima really tries to become closer to bakugou here with a sprinkle of humour ;) a fluffy fic is always good for you :D
7. Evoking Emotions by just_a_couple_of_thoughts (BNHA-multiple pairings)
A multi-pairing fic where basically every couple admit their feelings for each other bc honestly they’re gay for each other but too shy to admit it XD
8. Doing What Feels Right by DaftyPhun (BNHA-Tododeku)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) two words: phone sex.
(I actually have a few more tododeku fic recs here but I don’t want to repeat them)
9. Between Kisses and Laughter by BloodStainedRose (BSD-soukoku)
sometimes we just need some good Dazai x Chuuya fluff aye there’s too much angsty fics for them already I’m crying
10. no by kyasuu (BSD-fukumori)
Guess what I lowkey ship fukumori and I need more fics of them dating
11. The Lap Monster by MeridianGrimm (BSD-ranpoe)
I love this??? Ranpoe??? fluff?????! I’m so shook honestly
12. let me lay against your side by spirallings (BSD-Shin Soukoku)
Ok usually I’m not a fan of bondage but this is so?? well-written??? like one of the best smut fics I’ve read on AO3???? holy
13. The Canary Sings A Cradle Song by hybridempress (BSD-shin soukoku)
In which Atsushi lowkey cares about aku and aku does too:3 fluff is good
14. Steps on How To Propose by Nakahara Chuuya by sodenoshirayuki_23 (BSD-soukoku)
Because I love how Chuuya tries to propose to Dazai and somehow seeming cute while doing it XD
15. Drunk by eunrihae (BSD-soukoku)
this is just super??? cute???? like how even holy shit especially the way Dazai describes Chuuya in the second chapter
aaaaannnndddd that’s all for now! I hope this is a nice little reading list for the holidays while you enjoy Christmas^^ merry Christmas and happy new year!!:D
ps @ all the authors: thank you for writing these great fics!!! keep doing what you do xD
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sadsoundsiren · 7 years ago
Another Side. Another Story. Mask time
“...Go away. I don’t want to tell more to you...” Edward held his arm. “... Fine... If you’ll leave me alone. I’ll talk.”
Edward after watching the fight helped Aku move out of the house to where Edward was gonna possibly live at one day. “...Brother... Thank you.” Edward looked at Aku as they put the last of the furniture in. “No need to thank me little bro.” Aku smiled a bit at him and put his hand on the top of his head. “I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you.” Edward smiled a bit and gave Aku a hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning hopefully.”
The next few weeks went by kinda normally. Aku would come and cook food for the Benson family in the morning and would then go back home to do his own thing. “Edward.” Vincent looked at his son. “Y-Yes father? What is it?” Edward looked back at him. “It’s time to get your own mask and join the sirens.” Vincent looked at him. “...Oh... Alright...” Vincent stood up. “Something wrong with that boy?” Edward then shook his head “...No sir...” Truth be told Edward wanted nothing to do with the companies but Vincent kinda told him he would be one.
The target was simple. A drug dealer who had killed a man who’s family wanted revenge. Edward set himself up in a position near where the man normally did some deals. Edward walked out as the man looked at him. “Hey kid. Want some candy?” The dealer said the Edward approached him. Edward started singing softly. The man started getting wobbly. “W-What are you... D-Doing to ...meee.” Edward continued sing softly until the man was dead. “...Are you proud? Father?”
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fy-soukoku · 8 years ago
I found your tumblr after reading BSD and I love your headcanons, they're amazing and get me through the drudgery of daily work life. ❤ I have a soft spot for Aku too that has been further encouraged by your posts sobs 😍 Can I request ChuuAku and DaAku for your ship meme please? 8, 15, 19, 38, 39, 45 (although honestly I would request alllllll the numbers if I could)
AKU IS SO GOOD, I AM GLAD SOMEONE ELSE IS SOFT FOR HIM :DD I mean, Atsu is my baby boy, and Chuuya is too fabulous, but Aku has wormed a way into my heart with his grumpy kitten face T^T This gets long, so
8. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying?
I’ve mentioned this before, but Chuuya is a very physical person. He’ll pick up Aku, (if he has the man’s permission) and sing softly to him until he calms down. He’ll smooth his hands over Aku’s back, tracing the curves of his spine.
Aku will usually use his ability. Rashoumon can be surprisingly gentle when he puts his mind to it. He’ll wind the big black fabric over both of their forms and curl his body up right behind Chuuya’s. (aku is big spoon when Chuu is sad :D) Sometimes Rashoumon will form and nuzzle Chuuya. It’s weirdly cute, and Chuu loves it.
15. Have they saved each other’s lives before?
They don’t usually go on missions a lot, but once Chuuya did go out of his way to prevent Aku from being a little too reckless. He berated him afterwards, and said, “I don’t care if you want to prove yourself! You can’t prove anything if you’re dead.”
19. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them?
If either of them are, it’s probably Aku. He’s bony and lanky and weird-looking, (in his opinion) but he deals with it. It isn’t his job to dwell on that. Chuuya will mostly just kiss him and murmur about how much he loves his body.
38. Which ones top, bottom, verse?
Chuuya was top the first few times, but then he convinced Aku to try topping, and he loved it so much that they switch regularly.
39. What kinda sex they be having (gentle rough whatever)?
Very gentle at first. Mainly because Chuuya doesn’t want to hurt Aku. But eventually, Aku convinces him to get a little more adventurous, and they’ll sometimes have rougher sex.
45. How would they spend their last moments together?
(I left it ambigious, so you can guess who’s dying, or if they both are *sobs*)
Chuuya would run his fingers through Akutagawa’s hair, press kisses to his head. Aku would returns the favour, playing with Chuu’s hands and braiding sections of his crimson locks. They’d be close to each other, absorbing the others fading body heat.
8. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying?
Dazai has to get over his whole, “Suck it up, you’re a member of the Mafia” thing. But once he does, he’s surprisingly considerate. He’ll run his hands through Aku’s hair and murmur soft words. He’ll kiss his shoulders and trace the freckles that line his cheeks. Aku tends to close off to Dazai when he’s having a hard time, but they both try their best.
Aku will play with Dazai’s hair, wrap him in blankets and mutter little stories about the kids he grew up with on the streets. His favourite is the ten year old his sister had a hero crush on. Even if he didn’t talk to them much, he still remembers some of the stupid discussions they’d have. He tells Dazai about the time he’d gotten chased out of his bed by a dog. Dazai finds that particular story hilarious.
15. Have they saved each other’s lives before?
Dazai has, in canon, saved Aku’s life. So, yeah. :’)
19. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them?
Like I said, if anyone is, it’s Aku. Aku doesn’t like to talk about it, and tends to get irritated when Dazai brings it up.
38. Which ones top, bottom, verse?
Dazai usually tops with some exceptions.
39. What kinda sex they be having (gentle rough whatever)?
Rough at first, kind of an awkward, “neither of us know how to handle this situation” kinda thing. Then, gentle a few more times, soft and slow. And then they decided that rough was really fun. But they still do it soft sometimes.
45. How would they spend their last moments together?
Aku would kiss him, hand shaking as it rested on the brunette’s cheek. He’d smooth his hands over Dazai’s face and shoulders while Dazai ran his hands over Aku’s body, trying to memorize his form.
Send me a ship and a number! :D
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opikpik-blog · 5 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
aah i'm late to share this memory. It was very lit and like my dream was finally come truee.
cerita singkat aja, aku awalnya emang tau Ardhito Pramono ke jember, tapi aku mikir kayaknya aku gak akan dateng soalnya acaranya malem bangett. Tau sendiri yaa nasib numpang di rumah sodaraa. Eh hari ke hari aku langsung mutusin nekat ajaa dan mulai cara tiket. Eh sayangnyaaa lama aku gak dapet tiket, aku sampe nekat untuk join lomba buat dapet free pass acaranya, sampe udah tanya2 segala sama masnya. Luckily, one of myfriend posted a status kaloo dia lagi jual tiket dengan harga 20k. Langsung deh yaa, aku pesen dan alhamdulillah dapet. Aku beli dua tiket karena aku sama temenku, amrin. UUUU awalnya aku gak enak soalnya tujuan doi nonton Fiersa eh mungkin karena gara2 aku ngebet banget, akhirnya dia mengalah untuk nonton Ardhito. Entah deh dia tau apa nggak.
Lanjut, d-day. Aku emang tau banget kalo ada meet n greet eh sayangnya temenku ini gak ngerespon dg baik. Aku mikirnya yaudah deh gpp yg penting bisa sing along sama Ardhito. Eh benerrrr, luckily lagiii aku dateng selagi dia masih meet n greet. Yu know ardhito is in front of mee gaisss. Tampan, putih, senyumnya nagih ahahah. Rasanya gemeter tangan sama kaki nih. Foto juga dapet jepretan yg gerak karena efek gemeteran. Kan udah tuh yaa meet n greet, Ardhito balik dong ke back stage, aku samperin deh biar dapet salaman sama beliau eh unlucky his bodyguard ngehalangi aku. Dan aku hanya "ok" ahaha.
Akhirnyaa, Ardhito muncull. Suaranyaaa is indeed so beautiful. Gak nyangka bisa sing along sama dia. Walau gak apal2 bgt, tapii highlight lagunyaa hafal sih. Duh duh tampan intinyaa.
Love you ardhito, see you lagi kalo ada acara dan kesempatan ❤❤❤❤
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maryannemagnolia-blog · 8 years ago
Report of a trip to Japan, September 2016, Buck-Tick related parts
Conversations with Japanese fans, BT cafe, Climax Together 3rd. I know it’s very late. I just want to post something and practice my English. My memories could be wrong.
Osaka, Yousukou Ramen
That small restaurant The Mortal members have been to in 2015. It’s hidden deeply in the streets of Umeda, difficult to find even with the help of Google Map, it was smaller than I thought it to be, there were only about 10 seats, and I wouldn’t say it was very clean inside.
The Ramen was very delicious, I was satisfied with its taste, but one bowl was not enough to fill my stomach at 3pm. Due to nervousness, I didn’t say Acchan-chan’s name.
(On that morning, I had much trouble finding a store called Umeda Loft, then the next day I had much trouble finding the live house Umeda Club Quattro, I guess the Feng Shui of that place does not suit my birth time.)
Tokyo, a hotel
I talked to the staffs of the hotel I lived in. One 20 or 30-something staff knew BT, when another staff who looked around the same age as him asked “What’s that?”, he answered “Old Visual Kei”, then praised my taste in music, “very good, very good. It’s rare (to see girls like me coming to Japan for bands like BT, I guess that’s his meaning)”
Tower Records Kinshicho
The Tower Records famous for a whole shelf of BT stuffs. It’s one the 4th floor (or maybe 3th or 5th I don’t quite remember) of a shopping center which is not faraway from the JR line station. If you want to buy BT’s CDs in Tokyo, I suggest you either go there or Tower Records Shibuya.
At the shrine of Morioka Ken, the boards had not been as full as they were in Cayce’s photos.
Sadly I didn’t have enough money to buy everything, I already bought many records in Osaka and Kyoto, so I only bought Mona Lisa Overdrive, Sabbat, Minus(-)’s D and the only one Togawa Jun album there (in the J-pop section).
Tower Records Cafe in Harajuku
On September 10th, I went to the Tower Records Cafe. I know there would be many people since the next day we shall Climax Together, but I didn’t realize I had to wait for two hours out on the street, but thank for the line of ladies dressed in black I didn’t get lost, okay several gentlemen were there, too, there were 40+ year old ladies in Visual Kei style outfits, 30-something ladies with elegant make up, in normal clothes, there were also JKs younger than me and 30-year-old men who looked just like any Japanese salarymen.
I talked to the nice looking lady behind me. She asked about the official translation of Buck-Tick in Chinese, it’s “花火師”, which means “pyrotechnist, it made her laugh so hard, and no, we rarely use that name.
I introduced her to Tumblr. She laughed again when I searched “Buck-Tick” on Tumblr, photos came out were Acchan, Acchan, and Acchan, “Nothing but Acchan!” Then she introduced Tumblr to her friends on LINE as a place to find many beautiful Acchan pictures.
She started another topic: “Do your parents love Japanese music, too?”
“My mom is Sakamoto Ryuichi-san’s fan.”
“She likes YMO?”
“She hates YMO.”
“Oh, then does she like Buck-Tick?”
“Not really, the only BT songs she likes are Jupiter, Dress and Flame.”
“Anyway,” she said, “I’m glad BT’s songs are liked by Sakamoto-san’s fan.”
It seems Sakamoto Ryuichi and YMO are one rank higher in dignity than all those rock bands.
When I finally got into the Cafe, it’s long past lunch time, I was very hungry. Climax Together 1992 was played on the screen, I felt very difficult to eat my pasta which was not spicy at all despite what was written on their websites while the man I love was singing about despair, pain, madness and desire to die.
Later, friends reported that they waited for 4 whole hours outside the cafe on September 12th, so I’m the lucky one!
Bar Teranga in Ebisu
It’s the bar Imai mentioned in his blog, owned by his wife’s sister Akane, who is also an indie musician. It’s hidden in the streets of Ebisu, on the third floor of a building, with only one tiny signboard outside.
I went there for the evil purpose of examining whether she looked as cute as she was in photos, or it’s photoshop’s doing (I’m not evil enough to think about meeting or stalking BT members, I swear), but I didn’t see her, that night only the male staff Takizawa Ryo was there, he is an indie musician, in 2012, some fans got extremely angry (I’m not sure why) after they found that the BT charity bags were sold at his concerts...but it has already passed, Imai has explained in his blog, Cayce has posted on her blog, so I’ll stop here.
The bar was small, gothic style, there was a wall full of Jrockers’ signatures, including all members of BT, Aki from Sid, Motokatsu, someone from D’erlanger, someone from Merry, Sakurai Ao maybe, and so on, I said “someone” and “maybe” because I couldn’t decipher their signatures which were all so artistically written. Only Shirosaki Jin, the big fanboy and former NO.1 host wrote readable kanjis. I heard there was also one written by Die, of dir en grey, but failed to find it. Aside from signatures, they also used Jrock magazines and BT tour goods as decoration, you can find BT stuffs even in the toilet. The Sakurai Drops box is surprisingly small.
There were three customers when I entered the door, all about 40 years old, two ladies, one gentlemen. I sat down, ordered curry rice and beer in English, the two ladies said “Oh, foreigner?” Then, one of them said:
“But why this bar... Bakuchiku fan?”
“...Yes.” I answered.
They gave me a very warm welcome by screaming and shouting.
“Do you speak Japanese?”
“Only a little.”
“Yokohama Arena?” She tried to speak very slow.
“Yes, but my seat is terrible.”
“Whoo, you come to Japan for a concert!”
“Uh...I came for sightseeing.”
“But your main purpose is the concert, isn’t it?”
And yes.
We talked about BT, Visual Kei and Jpop. “It’s amazing that Japanese music has influence on other countries’ people.” they said. Later, they began talking about baseball, Johnny’s idol groups, and the coming Visual Japan Summit (finally I remember that name).
The curry rice was nice. One of the ladies drank so much High-ball but her face didn’t change a bit, I envy people like her.
I left before all three of them, “Good night! See you tomorrow in Yokohama.” The Japanese fans said.
(Small information:
There is a bar in Minatoku, Tokyo, owned by NAO (BY-SEXUAL) and BT’s former manager Kojima, the name is “Azabu Kyuuban”, or “Azabu NO.9” in English. Many Jrockers had been there, including members of BT, Glay, Plastic Tree, Golden Bomber, Kishidan, Nocturnal Bloodlust and so on. Some BT fans love to go there after the Budoukan show, so if you want to go there that day, too, remember to pre-order.)
Yokohama Arena
There are big “横浜アリーナ” and “Yokohama Arena” words written above an exit of the station, you can follow the ladies in black as well.
I arrived at Yokohama Arena at about 12:30 pm, there was a long, long goods line in the rain, even there were many staffs selling the goods and they were quick, I think I still waited for more than 1.5 hours outside, and when I finally got into the venue, I found there were still many people waiting in front of me. Aku no Hana 2015 remix was played, when Kiss Me Good-bye was over, National Media Boys came, so they must played it for more than once, friends who came later than me reported they heard another album there. I heard almost one Aku no Hana inside the venue, than my turn of buying goods finally came.
It was reported by Japanese fans if you came at 3 pm, you did not need to wait, so I guess at concerts if you don’t want the most popular goods such as Sakurai Drops or Acchan eye masks, it will be better if you don’t come very early.
After buying the goods, same with many fans, I walked to a nearby shopping center, spent two hours there. One oddity was that, when I went to the toilet in the shopping center, everyone waited there was BT fans, I can tell they were fans because all of them wore either BT T-shirts, or typical bangya clothes such as black lace dress and black high heel boots, one of them wore a Mr. Matsumoto guitar print scarf, that famous one with red hearts.
Then back to the venue, people had already lined up for entering. Passersby looked at us curiously.
Since everyone has already watched the WOWOW video, I’d better not say too much about the concert itself, so just a few things:
1. Chandeliers were beautiful.
2. Beside me was a middle aged man, he cried during Jupiter.
3. People clapped their hands during the intro of Dokudanjo, it’s a bit hard to learn.
4. I didn’t realize Imai played Passing Mountain then, feel ashamed.
5. Imai’s guitar was so loud (noisy) that I could barely hear Acchan talking, and it was because Imai’s guitar, not my poor Japanese, Japanese fans have reported same problem.
6. I think you already know that, but the spoken words in Dress are “早く、行かなくちゃ” (I have to go, now).
7. Acchan said: “It must be difficult to see from there, I’m sorry”, then turned the stage light to the stage side and 2nd floor seats, fans who were lit up all waved their hands, screamed in happiness to him. He is a very gentle person indeed.
This year I plan to visit Japan again.
I will go to Fujioka, Gunma to see Imai Shouten. But before that I need to learn more Japanese.
Oh, actually this Gunma-chan (with serious bear) is not the first Gunma-chan.
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The original Gunma-chan is this:
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makinomariasama · 6 years ago
Translation: Blog Post: April 11th, 2019
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
<3 Tanaka Reina-san <3
* Musical "Aku no Musume" *
I went to watch it yesterday, April 10th Thank you very much ♪
Tanaka Reina is a super cute princess <3 Being a princess really suits her <3 Tanaka-san
There were fun scenes, too - and so on.
I thought, I want to become friends with Riliane :)
The feelings Riliane had of (I'm alone), Maria understands that.
Tanaka-san is good at singing ♪ It was Tanaka-san, but Riliane was singing MN Today too, I thought many times that I always want to listen to Tanaka-san singing. I love her *
In the first scene, I thought, (?? what does this mean?) but, at the last scene, I understood it, and I was sad because I understood the meaning of the words.
The after-talk was really funny :D I heard stories that I didn't know at all when I was watching "Aku no Musume"... Maria felt like I had returned to reality.
Marian also loves sweets
After the play "Aku no Musume" was over, I went to greet Tanaka Reina-san. I was able to talk to Tanaka-san about her cute parts :) Tanaka-san was kind <3 She's super cute
I completely forgot to talk about Dragonball...I did. * Tanaka-san plays the same Dragonball app as Maria - that's the story.
Maria showed off my puns in front of Tanaka-san
Maria was super happy that I was able to watch the musical "Aku no Musume" <3 :) Truly, thank you very much *
Maria asked Tanaka Reina-san for a photo and she gave me one * A cute Tanaka-san photo -> It's the top of today's blog.
<3 Tanaka Reina-san <3 I'll come see you again * From Makino Maria
Pitching today Darvish Yuu Maeda Kenta Kikuchi Yuusei
"I think I'll be devoted to my work" by Kikuchi Yuusei
MLB on BS1
April 11th at 9:05am MLB American Big Leages * "Mariners" vs "Royals"
April 11th 11pm-11:50pm * World Sports x MLB *
April 11th at 6pm Pro baseball "Softbank" vs "Nippon Ham"
Kato Takayuki is starting Do your best, do your best, Kato x3 Let's definitely win, Fighters x3 LOVE <3 Nakata From Maria
I hope there's lots of fun and happiness tomorrow too
* Makino Maria *
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