#Agere info
sillyagerestuff · 17 days
Regression Block:
Why does it happen?
Regression block is something that happens to a lot of people, right? But why exactly does it happen?
According to something that I had recently read and quite honestly agree with. A regression block happens when you don't need to cope anymore. You're busy coping in other ways, whether it's busying yourself with work or school. Even just keeping yourself occupied with hobbies!
We sometimes forget that regressing isn't the only safe coping mechanism we have. The majority of regressors tend to rely on regression as their main coping mechanism.
Here's a list of other safe coping mechanisms
that you can use instead:
— Listening to music
— Playing an instrument
— Drawing / painting
— Going for a walk
— Reading
— Journaling
— Taking a shower/bath
— Cleaning / organizing your safe space
— Calling a friend
— Watching a comedy movie / show
— Watching funny videos
— Knitting / Crocheting
If you're not a fan of these, your hobby is a coping mechanism !!
posted: Wed. Sept. 4th, 2024 at 1:55 pm
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blissfullybubblez · 1 year
🌸💖 Nurturing the Littlest Part of Us: Self-Care for Age Regression 💖🌸
🍼💫 Dear age regression community, remember to prioritize self-care as we embark on our whimsical journeys. Let's nourish our inner child with love, kindness, and gentle self-care practices. 💫🍼
🌈💕 Take a moment to pause and breathe. Embrace the serenity of a quiet moment, allowing your little self to recharge and find solace in the present. Self-care starts with honoring your own needs. 💕🌈
🌸🌼 Embrace the comfort of a cozy space that nurtures your little side. Surround yourself with soft blankets, favorite plushies, and soothing scents that envelop you in a cocoon of tranquility. 🌼🌸
🍃🌺 Engage in activities that bring you joy and ignite your imagination. Whether it's coloring, crafting, or exploring nature, let your little heart guide you to moments of pure bliss. 🌺🍃
💫🌸 Practice self-compassion and self-love. Remind yourself that you are deserving of care, understanding, and forgiveness. Embrace the journey of growth and celebrate your unique inner magic. 🌸💫
🌈💕 Engage in positive affirmations and self-talk that uplifts your spirits. Speak kindly to your inner child, offering words of encouragement and reminding them of their inherent worth and beauty. 💕🌈
🌼✨ Find solace in connecting with your fellow age regressors. Seek support and engage in nurturing conversations that remind you that you are not alone on this beautiful regression journey. ✨🌼
🌟💤 Prioritize restful sleep, allowing your little self to recharge and dream sweet dreams. Create a bedtime routine that soothes your senses and prepares you for a night of peaceful slumber. 💤🌟
🌸💖 Remember, self-care is a continuous journey of self-discovery and self-love. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and celebrate the small moments of care that bring you comfort. 💖🌸
🌈✨ So, dear age regression community, take a moment today to indulge in the magic of self-care. You deserve every ounce of love and care that you give to yourself. Embrace the beauty of nurturing your littlest part. ✨
💗 please don't remove my tags 💗
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bakeythebee · 2 years
to everyone who sees this:
🪐 drink water
🪐 go potty
🪐 give your stuffies a kiss, it's what keeps them strong!
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kodaswrld · 12 days
can i get a "bill cipher protects this blog, sfw/kid safe interaction only!!" banner/divider set? with nostalgia/weird/kidcore themes? /nf gravity falls has been my SpIn since i was 5ish bio age [my agere age btw!!] -🌈💛Anon
hiii ~ yes you can! hopefully these fit what you were looking for! 💛
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dadzawa-abc · 2 months
Hii, I really hope I'm not bothering you with asking this. But I've gotten to see quite a bit of post about age-regression? Is that how I'm supposed to type it?? Sorry if I typed that wrong, especially if that made you uncomfortable. English is not my first language. Anyway, I was wondering, I guess, what age-regression is? Cause like I said, I saw I lot of it, both recently and in the past. But I've also gotten told in the past, well, not any good things about the people who age-regress? I'm not saying I agree with those things I got told. Those weren't any nice things, so yeah. However, if others aren't hurting me, themselves, or other people, then I usually leave most people alone. But in short, I'm curious and want to know more? Cause, well good sources are good. If that's okay? If not, you can just delete and forget about this. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Have a good day or night!
☁️ what is age regression? ☁️
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(long post); a TLDR at the bottom
Hey anon! Thank you so much for stopping by to ask your question. I'll be answering it for you today -🧸 Hawks.
first of all, I'd like to say that yes, you did type it right! English isn't our first language either, so we understand! People also may spell "age regression" as "agere" which is just a shorter version of it. So when someone spells it that way, they're the same thing./information
-Now, what is age regression? What's it used for? :
age regression is, in short, a coping mechanism where people may mentally regress to a younger age than themselves physically. Example, let's say person A is an age regressor. They are 20 years old. But regress to a much younger age. Like 3-6 years old. Age regression is very different with every person who does it, so that doesn't mean a single person has to regress the same age. Someone could regress to be a newborn, another can regress to be a middle (which is around 10-teenager age) if I'm not wrong. Anyone can regress to any age, depending the person. Age regression is a healthy way to cope. Age regression is a professional therapist recommended coping mechanism, and it does not hurt the user who does it, or anyone around them. Age regression can also be for fun. Some, if not, majority regressors do regress due to trauma. To restore their childhood that they never had. Or to relive a childhood they wish they had. Whiles others who may do it for fun, doesn't have to use their regression as a coping mechanism. Hey can age regression because hey, it's fun to do! And so it's isn't something that you can only do if you have trauma. Everyone can do it. Trauma related or not
- is age regression harmful/bad?
⚠️ Tw/CW: ageplay talk ⚠️
Not at all! People whom may tell you that "regression is bad because ___!" Is usually the ones who don't do research. Age regression is a safe-for-work coping mechanism. Which means it's never sexual, or a kink. Alot of people who aren't in the community will assume age regression is just a kink thing, and that is untrue! Many people will get "ageplay/ddlg" mixed with age regression. While age regression is never inappropriate, and is appropriate for all ages to do, ageplay is a kink to.. hopefully just something adults do. Ageplay, is a BDSM kink where someone will pretend to be a younger child while their partner, whom they'd usually call: daddy/mommy/whatever title, they will do inappropriate things with them.
Meanwhile, age regression is a lot different. Like I said, agere is a safe for work coping mechanism. And NO little, (which is whom we call someone who age regresses) will pretend to be a child for sexual reasons. When someone age regresses, they mentally revert back to a much younger age and sometimes can't even do things they'd normally do when big (which is what we call them when they aren't in a regressed state anymore). They physically (mentally physically,) regress to an age of a child. And the difference between that and ageplay, someone who participates in ageplay will never mentally regress to a younger age. They pretend to be, for sexual desires and kinks. They do it on purpose for sexual pleasure, while people who age regress can't consent at all when they're little. Since they actually do regress mentally to mostly 10 and under. (But even if they regressed around being in their teens), they still can't consent.
-some popular titles (that you may want to know)
What is a caregiver?: A caregiver, is someone who will take care of the little when they're regressed. A caregiver can take on a father role, mother role, sister, brother, etc. (Solely depending how the little sees them/and how the cg would like to be called)
What is a little?: A little is someone who age regresses
What is a flip?: A flip, is someone who regresses, AND is a caregiver.
what is a pet?: While I'm not saying pets are the same as age regression, it does exist. An age regressor may regress, but may also be a pet regressor (or) someone isn't a little but be a pet regressor instead. pet regressors has very similar concept with age regression. While age regressors regress to a younger age mentally, pet regressors will regress to an animal. (Ex; cat, dog, bird, deer, dragon, fawn, list goes on) and just like age regression, is SFW
TLDR; Age regression is a SFW coping mechanism that is therapist recommended and is not at all harmful to them, or others. Age regression can also be used for fun and doesn't have to be trauma based to regress. All ages, genders, sexualities, races can regress. Age regress is for everyone and isn't something only feminine, petite or hot pink lovers can enjoy. Everyone can regress no matter what anyone says about it.
I don't know alot of resources to direct you to, but I wouldn't really recommend google either. Google is a "trust me bro" and "he said she said" deal. It'll tell you false things and it'll mix age regression with something completely different. But I find # agere resources tag a very helpful place to scroll in. So I'd recommend checking there if anything answers anymore questions you have. Hope this answers your question, anon. Feedback is amazing so if you have any more questions or anything, let me know
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miraculous-icons · 3 months
What are the different agere roles? I keep trying to search it on Google but it just keeps showing weird stuff that's unrelated to agere
age regression roles/terms ───────
age regressor
a person who mentally regresses to a younger age, as a way to cope with trauma, stress, anxiety, and/or as a way to heal their inner child. it can be voluntary or involuntary. often accompanied with little gear. most often referred to as a "little".
pet regressor
a person who mentally regresses to the mindset of an animal, usually a small animal, in the same way one would regress to a younger age.
a person who is both a regressor and a caregiver.
a person who looks after regressors, most often referred to as mama/mommy or dada/daddy. they can however, be called anything that both the little and carer are comfortable with.
pet owner
a person who looks after pet regressors, can also just be referred to as a caregiver.
a person who temporarily babysits and takes care of one or more regressors and/or pets.
a sibling, in age regression terms, is a friend who you share a bond with and regress with. they are often referred to as a big sib/sibby if their regression age is older than your own, and a little sib/sibby if their regression age is younger. can also use gendered terms like sis, sissy, sister, bro, brother, bubby, ect.
little gear
little gear refers to physical items that help someone regress. littles often use items such as stuffed animals, adult-sized pacifiers, sippy cups, large baby bottles with adult-sized nibs, onesies, and childrens shows. pet regressors may use items such as ears and tails of the animal(s) they regress to and pet/chew toys.
hope this answers your question!
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regressionresearcher · 2 months
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•┈┈┈••✦ A Proper Introduction ✦••┈┈┈•
・❥・ How it forms - AgeRegression can form from the following:
*Childhood Trauma*
*Mental Health Disorders* [EX. D.I.D , BPD, PTSD, ECT.]
•┈┈┈••✦ What is it? ✦••┈┈┈•
・❥・Age Regression is the reversion of one's mindset. The person experiencing a regressed state, may mentally revert back to their younger days, typically under 10, but can be early teens the older one gets. This act can be voluntary, or involuntary. However, they share a common trait. It is a nonsexual act. This reversion isn't, and should never be sexual.
[In the cases of which one feels sexual feelings or thoughts in their regression, `Due to Hypersexuality or CSA', The fact remains the same. Those thoughts or feelings shouldn't be acted upon. However, you shouldn't shame anyone experiencing/struggling with them.]
•┈┈┈••✦ Voluntary ✦••┈┈┈•
・❥・ Voluntary is more common, community wise, and is an act done for the following -
*Coping mechanism*
*Reduce Stress*
*Regain lost childhood*
[A voluntary regressor or even dreamer, are still apart of regression. You do not have to be anything other than a regressor to be a 'real regressor', Everyone's regression is different and unique.]
•┈┈┈••✦ Involuntary ✦••┈┈┈•
・❥・ Involuntary occurs for the previous listed reasons, and can also be a trauma response or a response to feeling overwhelmed. This causes two different kinds of regression on top of involuntarily and voluntary.
[In the case of involuntary, one can also regress this way under the influence of a mental health disorder. This does not mean that it is necessarily harmful, but rather a way to protect the body and mind.]
•┈┈┈••✦ Impure ✦••┈┈┈•
・❥・ Impure regression is when one faces negativity during their regression or is experiencing a regression because of a negative trigger.
Impure can consist of -
*Harm to self or others*
•┈┈┈••✦ Pure ✦••┈┈┈•
・❥・ The case in which one regresses safely, and properly. This can be done in therapy, on ones own, or even thanks to the help of ones caretaker/caregiver.
•┈┈┈••✦ Therapy? ✦••┈┈┈•
・❥・Regression can be suggested or even discovered in therapy. As long as it provides healthy results and progress. Regression can even be used to help recover lost memories to heal locked away trauma.
[This act should only be done with the help of a professional if you wish to use it for such reasons.]
•┈┈┈••✦ For further information, check my page for the following in the future!✦••┈┈┈•
・❥・ What's a Caretaker?
・❥・ How to begin caretaking
・❥・ How to begin regressing
・❥・ Creating a safe place
・❥・ Private or Public?
・❥・ Sharing your regression with your partner
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wild-forest-critter · 30 days
hi i'm Minnow or Mini He/It i was wondering what a petre and agere is i don't know and it sounds interesting if you could explain i wanna know but if you don't want to that's okay to
hello Minnow!
agere and petre are are both a bit of a complicated term, so i will insert a google definition as well as my own.
Fin says:
agere, the shortened term for "age regression" is commonly known as a coping mechanism where one reverts back to a younger mindset. one may use "gear" while regressing, sure as a pacifier, teether, a crinkley blanket, etc. people go back to many ages, from 1 year old all the way to even a young adult. It is both voluntary and involuntary. there are also "caregivers" in this community which take care of littles/age regressors. sometimes, people do what we call "age dreaming" which is where you act like a younger person, instead of actually mentally regressing. (thats me!)
Google says:
"Age regression is a mental and emotional state where a person's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors revert to an earlier stage of development. This can include a few years younger than their current age, or even to a child- or infant-like state. Age regression can be voluntary or involuntary, and can present differently for each person."
Fin says:
petre, short for "Pet regression", is connected to age regression but it is not the same. petre is where someone regresses to an animal like or pet like mindset. one may use gear while regressing such as a chew toy, a scratching post, or a collar. people regress to many different animals! like age regressing, pet regression has a dreaming side to it, where one acts like a pet/animal instead of actually regressing mentally.
Google says:
"Pet regression is a coping mechanism where a person regresses to a more animalistic mindset. This can involve adopting animalistic behaviors, such as crawling, barking, or meowing. Pet regressors may also enjoy being petted, scratched, or groomed."
it is very important to note that agere and petre both are not related to any k/nks, fet/shes or N/S/F/W things. age and pet regression is completely sfw.
(requests closed.)
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lemonys-place · 1 year
heyyy gentlest reminder, my friends, that you do not have to disclose your trauma and mental illnesses to justify your age regression. it's perfectly fine to regress/dream "just because" and strangers are not entitled to your sensitive information/past just because they want to validate it FOR you. don't let anyone make you feel like you have to explain yourself just for coping/soothing/self-parenting in a way that feels good + healing for YOU. there is no criteria to meet to be yourself!
but also, it IS sensitive information and there are some people around the community especially predators who will use that information to get closer to you and/or hurt you. so please practice internet safety, be careful who you share your details with, and block ANYONE who doesn't seem right or play nice.
protect your space and be safe everyone! 🙏
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ishtea · 2 months
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Konnishiwa~ haiii :3 my name is
🌸Tsuchinoko Ishtea🌸
Vtuber and Silly Mommy/Little Sister to All :3
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Pronouns: Any/All but It/Its is my favorite💕 you can also call me Mommy, Kiddo, Buggy, lil boy/girl, piggy 💕
Lesbian, Polyamorous, and Genderfluid ^_^
T4T 🏳️‍⚧️ Fem4Fem🏳️‍🌈 (Mascs of any kind this place is not for you)
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My Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/ishteavt
My Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/@IshteaYT
My VOD Channel: https://m.youtube.com/@IshteaVODs
My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Ishtea
My Throne: https://throne.com/ishtea
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I’m an 18+ Vtuber, i stream gaming content Twitch and upload the VODs on Youtube, i also upload edited videos on Youtube (VERY OCCASIONALLY >w<)
my favorite games are RPGs like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Monster Hunter, and Elden Ring! i also really like MMOs like WoW and FFXIV and Rouge Likes such as Risk of Rain 2 :3
sometimes i do Challenge Runs of games i really enjoy ^w^
Model by Nidhom on Fiverr
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Most of my Tumblr posting can be found in the NSFW section below~ but as for SFW posting here:
i announce my all my streams here as i’m going live! i post lil funnies and that sort of thing :3
i post quite frequently about Age Regression which is a pretty important part of my life ^_^ i like to be little and i like to be treated like i’m small~ it makes me happy and is very special to me ^w^, but if that’s not your vibe i understand.
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90% of the time i’m an absolute Bottom, and a Sub >w<, but every now and then i like to be Dominant and only a wittle scary about it~
Here on Tumblr you’ll find most of my output revolves around Kink~ My big Kinks include:
-Fauxcest (call me lil sis🥺, or mommy >:3)
-Petplay 🐾
And much more, i’m pretty open minded and okay with experimentation ;3
One day i’d like to do more NSFW streams and the like, probably when i get a fancier Model and better streaming set up <3
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that’s about it :D hope you enjoy your stay and i hope to see you again soon <33
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sillyagerestuff · 16 days
How they're treated nowadays
From what I've noticed and experienced a little myself, caregivers are treated as if they're replaceable.
No, this doesn't mean that everyone does. But a lot of people do.
Caregivers are treated as if they're robots, ai chats, and even just as a backup option in case their current relationship/dynamic doesn't work out
Something to remember is that carers are real people with real emotions, not people you only talk to when it benefits you because you're regressed or something.
When trying to find a new carer, you shouldn't talk to two different people at once, whether they know or not. The whole time, they might be wondering if you're thinking about the other person while texting them. They might expect you to stop showing interest in them, and in the end, you probably don't end up with either of them. You shouldn't "keep your options open" to see if you click or not with the 1st person and keep the 2nd around as a backup.
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cutiecorner · 11 months
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Hi hi! I've been trying out this format, and I'm having fun with it! So I thought I'd lay out some guidelines for requests ♡ if you'd like to request a letter, please include:
The character
A brief description of their personality (especially if I'm not familiar with the fandom)
Your relationship to them (ex. Caregiver, friend, etc)
What the letter should be about (ex. Comforting anxious feelings about a test, birthday wishes, etc) you can leave it up to me if you want!
Your pronouns and any petnames you like (and/or your name)
Free requests will be digital letters like this, and I won't do every request but hopefully I'll do some! Physical letters sent in the mail would be $5. If you're willing to pay for the items, I can also put together a care package! A small anxiety kit, agere items, it depends on your budget. DM me for details on the two!
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bakeythebee · 2 years
fairy's shows
✰ bluey(2-4)
✰ ice age(4-5)
✰ special agent oso(2-4)
✰ sheriff callie(2-4)
✰ doc mcstuffins(2-4)
✰ ever after high(4-5)
✰ pocoyo(0-2)
✰ pokemon(4-5)
✰ octonauts(1-3)
✰ max n ruby(1-3)
✰ backyardigans(1-3)
✰ spongebob(4-5)
✰ dora(1-3)
✰ blue's clues(3-5)
✰ oswald(0-2)
✰ paw patrol(2-4)
✰ grian(3-5)
✰ stampy's lovely world(2-4)
✰ stampy n squid adventure map(3-5)
✰ mumbo jumbo(2-4)
✰ impulsesv(3-5)
✰ my little pony(1-3)
✰ paddington bear(1-3)
✰ berenstain bears(1-3)
✰ molang(0-2)
✰ skip the tutorial(2-4)
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kodaswrld · 12 days
hello mama!! How are you?? Was wondering if I could have jellyfish profile pictures that are beige? Orrrrr bunny pfps that are red? Like um maroon red? Please and thank you!! That other anon inspired me 😋
(ps just really wanted to say that your account is so pretty and love everything you make!)
hiii ~ i’ve been doing pretty rocky recently but still overall happy! thank you for asking🥹
and yes of course i can, here you go!
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pixxiecup · 4 months
U ✩ SA ✩ HA ✩ NA
intro post (ó﹏ò。)
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this is a side blog , i follow and like from @xlittlestpet ^__^ requests: open !!! this is a link 2 my guidlines
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my name is ALEX !! boy ,, he/clicks (,,>﹏<,,) big age is 15 !!!! am literally a dog , werewolf , and every other form of canine !!!!!! 🐾
possible perma regressor - i petre 2 a puppy mainly, mayb a kitty. atm, i dont have a cg ! im not a caregiver so please dont ask /nm
i am VERY open 2 making friends ! all interaction is encouraged :3 dms n asks r always open ! i luuuv talking :3
vry sensitive n clingy . delusional /srs !! neurodivergent / mentally ill
hyperfixations :: 3DS and things relating to them .
interests :: supernatural (show), gloomy bear, dragons, tokidoki , kandi/perlers, gravity falls, lps, pokemon, svtfoe, carebears, adventure time, sanrio, romance, zombies, the batman universe, ANYTHING lego, fashion, animal crossing (nl + nh), stardew valley, minecraft, zoo games, slime rancher, cattails ++ way more (bold is special interest)
more info abt me on my main blogs intro ^__^
BLOG DNI :: basic dni (racist, queerphobic, etc.), aam / teleiophile, proship / whatever else, ageplay / ddlg or any of its variants, if your blog is not kid safe, anti diapered little, sh/ed blogs, radqueers, anti-theist (against religion)
i block ppl freely . pls do not reblog my posts with a tw/cw for food !
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i will occasionally go inactive ! i do have a lot of stuff going on irl .
#alex howls - me rambling , text posts
#alex rebarks - reblogs ! these posts are usually queued 2 prevent spam
#alex playdates - posts about my mutuals / friends
#alex creates - moodboards + stimboards (all stimboards are tagged with "gif" , cw/tws are formatted "cw _____")
#alex chew toys - posts about toys :D
#alex pack mates - me replying 2 asks .
(taken anons : 🍥🦝 , 🪷🦊 , crow)
the dni banner on most of my posts is by @/zack-agere
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nostalgicsummers · 15 days
Detailed information post on fictional caregivers/regressors.
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As the title suggests this is an informational post on fictional caregivers and regressors.
While most of this is based on personal experience, I will be basing some information off what I have seen others talking about.
Please note that I have disabilities which do heavily impact how I can personally engage with having a fictional caregiver. Also I am not an expert on anything spoken about on this post, it is mostly personal.
Without further delay let's talk about fictional caregivers and regressors!
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What is a fictional caregiver/regressor.
As the name suggests a fictional caregiver is a caregiver who is fictional! It could be an OC, a fictional character, a concept, an AU version of a character, anything! The only requirement is that that they don't physically exist as your caregiver/regressor in real life.
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Why a fictional caregiver or regressor? Why not find a real life one?
This again is very personal. It could be due to bad past experiences with caregivers or regressors- Or just people in general. It could also be due to internal issues, such as not being able to give and take in a way that would keep a relationship healthy.
Another common reason I've seen is because of mental health reasons. This could be involuntary (ie linking to delusions or maladaptive daydreaming) or voluntary (ie choosing to have one because of loneliness associated with depression).
It could also be for fun and/or imaginary play.
I've also seen people develop caregivers/regressors for spiritual reasons (kin and past life beleifs for example).
Regardless of the exact reason, it's often times a deeply personal thing for everyone!
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How do you choose a fictional caregiver?
Again this is a personal process for a lot of people. For some it could be a character they see as being a good caregiver for them. It could be because part of caregiving that the person didn't have in their own caregiver growing up.
However, if you are spiritual you may get ‘vibes’ or signs from your regressor- Or even memories of being with them.
In some cases it's completely involuntary such as: If you have a fictional caregiver because you have Maladaptive Daydreaming, often times it isn't voluntary and its whomever your daydream focuses on looking after your para.
It may take a while to find whichever version works for you, however finding that out can often help with the next parts.
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What to do if you have a fictional caregiver/regressor?
Some people like only imagine being looked after by (or imagine looking after) their fictional caregiver/regressor. For example someone imagines their fictional regressor babbling to them.
Some people like to imagine that they are physically being with their fictional caregiver/regressor. For example they may pretend that their fictional caregiver has brought them a drink, despite having made it themselves.
Even when you imagine your fictional caregiver/regressor is personal. For some people they are with them constantly, for some people they only imagine them while regressing.
Activities can also change! Some people imagine them only when doing difficult tasks, some have them even when they're doing adult tasks.
Please note that if one version sounds ‘weird’ to you that's fine! Everyone has their own limits and personal tasted. But please be respectful to people who do other types of engaement!
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I now have a character I'd like to be my fictional caregiver/regressor, how do I engage with them? What do I do?
You can do anything that helps you with your caregiving or regression!
Personally we started with minimal interactioms with engaging with our fictional caregivers. And would only imagine them praising us for basic tasks, nice words when going to bed, even singing when trying to take a nap.
We've always struggled with picturing ourselves with fictional caregivers though, in our daydreams we either are a fictional character or watching as 3rd person entity that doesn't exist. However, I now realize that it helps to imagine the fictional caregiver looking after the fictional regressor (me?) and acting that out with out directly engaging with the caregiver as ‘real world me’.
Different alters now also have their own imagined versions of their own caregivers and the characters they're imagined as.
In the real world we do minimal regression activities (because it's unsafe irl to do so) however in my imagination the fictional caregiver is doing a lot and caring for the fictional caregiver in many ways.
I really hope this makes sense, but this is how we personally engage with ours.
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Safety and mental health when engaing with a fictional caregiver/regressor?
This is not something I see talked about a lot (if at all) but as someone with psychosis, immersive daydreaming and a dissociative disorder, I think it's very important to watch out for ‘red flags’ in regards to mental health.
Obviously everyone is different and most people have no issues with having a fictional caregiver/regressor, however from experience I am aware that red flags can be overlooked (especially if they aren't talked about)
Here are some things I would personally look out for:
1. If the fictional caregiver/regressor starts acting outside of your control.
Because of their status as being fictional, if you notice that your thoughts start to go against what you have planned (ie, you want your regressor to say “thank you” and they say ‘don't like it’) then this could be an indication of them being an alter or hallucination.
2. If the day dreams become so intense you loose time (ie half and hour, hours, even days) with out intending to or to your knowledge
Having daydreams/an imagination should not be this intense. This is dissociation, common with a lot of conditions, but if you are imagining the whole time and ‘wake up’ hours later, it will start to negatively impact your life.
3. If your caregiver/regressor makes you feel bad.
This could be in many ways, if they start acting mean, or even if you start to associate them with a traumatic event, it may be time to look at finding a replacement or alternative character to focus on.
4. Becoming upset or depressed when leaving a daydream scenario.
I want to clarify that some people feel bad when they can't regress or day dream, this is normal. However, if you find yourself spending all day at work only surviving to regress and see your fictional caregiver/regressor, is not a normal or safe thing.
This could indicate maladapting daydreaming or big real world issues you need to confront.
5. Being aware around doing tasks your regressed self is too young to be doing.
I want to make it clear that regression is different for everyone and some people do not experience this.
However sometimes while regressed, we loose some of our motor functions and find it very hard to to hand eye coordination, so things like cutting up food with a sharp knife should be avoided- Even with a fictional caregiver with you.
I want to make it clear that I am not a therapist or an expert on mental health- There are many reasons these things could happen, and it may be a one time thing. However if they keep happening I would recommend taking a step back or talking to a therapist or a professional with knowledge on mental health.
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What does it mean when people say they have a fictional caregiver/regressor?
This can mean many things.
For some people it is what it says, a character they enjoy imagining looking after them.
However, in other cases it could mean:
The person is a system and their caregiver/syskid alter is a fictive (an alter who is based off a fictional character) and they class them as a fictional caregiver due to the fact they're based off a fictional character.
The person has MaDD and the caregiver/regressor looks after or gets looked after by their paraself
The person has a psychotic disorder and has delusions that the character is in real life with them to look after/be looked after by
The person is kin and was in that dynamic with their caregiver/regressor in a past life (or someone they with they were with in that dynamic during their past life)
The persons fictional caregiver/regressor is one of their fictional others/FO (a fictional character the person ships themselves with- not always romantically)
Again, it can mean many things. If you know the person then it may be fine to ask, but always check before asking because for some people it is a very personal topic.
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If anyone has anything to add onto this post feel free to! Both questions and information are welcomed.
Again, I am not an expert or the creator of fictional caregivers/regressors. If anything on this post is glaringly ‘wrong’ feel free to correct me!
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