#Age of Sigmar: Soulbound
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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Kharadron Wattock by CM - Morin
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owlbear33 · 1 year
what with the new Planescape book coming out, for 5e, me being trepidatious about that, what with recent 5e quality, and me not being the biggest fan of 5e, and not wanting to give money to wizards, what else is available for that sort of planes-hopping weird fantasy
short of going back and getting books from Ad&d:2e for Planescape what are the other options?
I'm fairly sure "Troika" does some plane-hopping type stuff, but I've never really vibed with OSR, also Troika is really really weird
KSBD has an RPG, "Broken Worlds" I think it's called, I love the setting, Throne is similar in some ways to Sigil, kinda (not really but kinda), but it's PbtA, not for me, Moving on
"The Strange" honestly makes the best use of Cypher Systems' strengths, but I'm always going to want a bit more crunch than Cypher has, and I'm never going to be a fan of its xp as metacurrency thing, also its plane-hopping is not quite the same
"Age of Sigmar: Soulbound" looks great, like super cool, mechanically about the right place as far as crunch goes for me, I have my critiques of the setting (it could do more to lean into the planes also sigmarines are Dumb) but we don't need to get into that (it's probably the best option here)
you can do a bit of plane-hopping in Mage: the Awakening, or Exalted, but neither setting is built with that in mind, much as I love both systems
looking for systems with integrated settings or settings for systems that are not PbtA, FitD, or Fate
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kaijusrpgbrainstorm · 2 years
New Year, New Character 2: Day 23
Shevanya Heartseeker, Murder Elf, Age of Sigmar: Soulbound “It's not that I got kicked out for killing too many people. I got kicked out for killing the wrong person. Specifically, the local priestess. Entirely different situation.” - Shevanya Sometimes, it is that simple. Shevanya was a loyal and devout member of the Church of Khaine, God of Murder, recruited into and a part of the the Kraith, a particularly bloodthirsty subsect of the religion. And she was quite happy there. Unfortunately, killing one of the local priestesses in a fit of rage was not the sort of murder the cult approved of. Especially when said priestess was favoured by the High Oracle herself. Not one to casually waste a useful asset (as killing a priestess was no simple feat) Morathi chose to offer Shevanya to become Soulbound, effectively exiling the Witch Aelf from her order, but retaining her loyalty. As well as placing a potentially useful tool in a potentially useful position. Shevanya, meanwhile, is just happy that she gets to keep killing things for Khaine. Species: Aelf Archetype: Witch Aelf Subfaction: The Kraith (Revelry in Carnage) Age: 130 Distinguishing features: Tongue Piercing Eyes: Hard, Jade Hair: Honey Blonde Height: 6' 2”
Body 3
Mind 1
Soul 3
Athletics 1T, 1F
Ballistic Skill
Beast Handling
Devotion 1T
Dexterity 1T
Intimidation 1T
Reflexes 1T, 1F
Stealth 1T, 1F
Weapon Skill 2T, 1F
Talents: Blood Frenzy, Ambidextrous, Combat Ready, Backstab, Graceful Landing,
Melee Good
Accuracy Poor
Defense Average
Initiative 2
Armour 1
Toughness 7
Wounds 4
Mettle 2
Natural Awareness 1
Leather Armour (Light Armour), two sacrificial blades (2x dagger), 1 dose of Venom of Nagendra, three phials of a basic poison, a bottle of acid, 220 drops of Aqua Ghyranis)
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farsight-the-char · 4 months
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Cities of Sigmar (Hammerhal) Barmaid I love you.
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koboldart · 1 year
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Recently we started a Warhammer Soulbound campaign and I just had to draw my badass sylvaneth branchwych, Lhyrann, and her pal, Grubby :)
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nictanova · 1 year
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Kurnothi aelf from the city Lethis
A character for a AOS soulbound party.
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Marley, of the Claw
My first draft at an npc profile for soulbound Ulfenkarn, formatted similarly to the existing npcs in the book! Marley is meant to be an additional hook and narrative for the van Altan Triplets and a Narrative Anchor for Lady Annika. as well as a potential friendly first hand account of the curse of vampirism.
my WIP versions of Marley and Lady Annika
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Names: Magpie Marley, The Knight in Tarnished Brass, The Lion that hunts Wolves
Keywords: Outsider, Melancholy,
Pronouns: She/they Gender/Sexuality:
NB Femme / Asexual (Sex Averse)
Origin: Ghyran/ Greywater Fastness (Outsider)
Affiliations: Jade Lions Mercenary Company, (Former) Annika Gaunt(Former), Independent Renegade
Species: Vampire (Vyrkos Dynasty Bloodline/Unwilling) (Formerly Human)
CW Elements: Body horror, Betrayal/abandonment, Loss of self/corruption, abuse, Diaspora/Xenophobia
Inspirations: Kiryu (Yakuza), Guts(Berserk), Knights/Dancer of the Boreal Valley (Dark souls), Teppu
When thoughts return to the opulence of Mournhold, many think of Lady Annika Gaunt, Master of Ceremonies, flanked by outsider mercenaries in polished brass armor, and many dismissed them as shiny trinkets of the Lady. Those who had the honor to fight along side them knew them as the Jade Lions, mercenaries willing to throw themselves at the most rancid beast of Shyish, without complaint if not howls of elation. Howls that Marley, contentious even in their position of leadership, would never partake in.
Closest to Annika's side was Marley, Captain of the Claw, the postion inherited blade that seemed more at home in the hands of an ogor or a orruk. The tall taciturn form of Captain Marley, however demanded due respect to the wicked blade to even to the most cynical Mourner. Whispers of her low birth in the slums of Greywater Fastness, and Lady Annika's growing fondness for her were traded like knives in the parties and courts.
Werther thought a torn out throat, or Marley's absence from the now ascended Lady Annika's ranks, the rumors grew silent. Instead, Rumors abound of a warrior hunting the Vyrkos bloodborn as they torment the night. The Ulfenkarni don't know what to think yet of hearing the vampire that was cackling and hounding them moments before, plea and beg against the sounds of stone cracking butchery. Yet those lucky survivors whisper now of a greater predator stalking the streets. A Lion who hunts Wolves.
Born to the slums of Greywater Fastness, a young Marley was quickly put to work as a pickpocket. As she grew tall and strong of build, their same caretakers quickly put them to work as an enforcer and bouncer. They learned to load a pistol long before they knew how to read. Dismissed and shoehorned as just muscle in the slums, it was an easy decision to join the Jade Lions as they passed through the city. Their history and reputation followed them however, among the initiates she found herself a pariah. Rarely partaking in more than necessary of the enchanted drink that embolden the spirit and body the company often relied on, and never staying long for the parties after a successful hunt or campaign.
The Jade Lions company was lead by a delegation of four captains, each an inheritor of a gifted artifact to the company. The Captain of the Claw, a person of similar kindred melancholy, themselves took Marley as apprentice. Many spoke their misgivings of her inheritance of the captaincy openly. While inheritors were selected based on temperament, many deemed Marley far too Laconic and estranged from company culture for the position. Regardless of any actions taken, her past reputation earned them the moniker of "Magpie Marley," to accompany "Marley the Claw"
Desiring to prove her worthiness of the position, Marley was the first to support the contract offered by Annika Gaunt; to serve as Auxiliary and Bodyguards within Mournhold. the inevitable Duel to break the tie vote was narrowly won, by a furious drive Marley would come to regret with all their heart. the Jade Lions soon found themselves as outsiders to one of the oldest standing cities in the realms; but this was not a feeling Marley was unused to.
The Tour would be as much Parade duty as it was fighting but the company, and Marley were more than happy to take out their frustrations out on the most hideous monster's Shyish had to offer. Mistrusted within the Jade Lions, Marley often found council with their employer Lady Annika; who wasn't shy about reciprocating the trust in gifts, attention, and thinly veiled request to accompany her to events as a "bodyguard." Their burgeoning relationship took a darker, possessive turn as Annika ingratiated herself to Radukar's Thirsting Court. As the coup neared, Lady Annika would rely on the Lions increasingly less. Marley would be stuck outside of soundproof doors, matching the hungry gaze of vampires with piercing glares as Annika made wicked, dark deals.
Newly embraced as a vampire on the eve of the coup, Annika offered the Jade Lions gladly as additional Tribute to the newborn Regime, with conditions. She would be allowed to "keep" Marley and a few choice members as her new personal court. Attacked on all sides, Marley watched her comrades torn to pieces, or dragged away one by one into the pitch black night, the air alight with screams throughout the entire city. seeing Annika among the bloodstained beasts, Marley's reason left them and she rushed to her side; only to find herself pinned under her, impaled through the stomach on the newly ensorcelled Blade Proboscan. Anguished pleas drowned in the sounds of carnage and howling, no one who would listen could stop Marley from Receiving the Blood Kiss from Annika. She doesn't remember making her escape; but as she regained awareness in a bloodstained alley, she found the tarnished mask of her fellow captain in her own rigor mortis death grip.
Alone in a city mistrustful of strangers, much less vampires, Marley hides in the day. The artifact of the captain of the Mask has proven essential to their survival; a tool meant to conceal ones presence with life magic has allowed her to unintentionally shroud their own vampiric nature as well.
During the night a guilt ridden, vengeful Marley stalks the night hunting overconfident, overeager Vyrkos Bloodborn, seeking answers on Lady Annika's location. They've morbidly found the most success in interrogating their own former comrades, naturally the ones closes to Annika. Lady Annika herself is not bold enough to announce her failure to keep Marley to the Thirsting Court; and thus receive official support to hunt down Marley. This lack of awareness and attention has worked to Marley's benefit but Annika's personal count aren't above taking matters in their own hands on the traitor they never liked.
While Marley will never forcibly drain or attack the Ulfenkarni, their trauma driven focus, fear of being betrayed to her enemies, and fading sense of empathy keeps her from outright championing them. They will gladly turn their fury upon their vampiric attackers however, before leaving without a word.
Roleplaying as
Even before becoming a vampire, Marley was always a silent, honed tool of brutal violence. while never cruel or sadistic, Marley finds unsettling ease in killing. Despite this Marley maintains their lifelong focus to only match violence to the deserving; but in their current state its only a matter of time before one who's lived a life as a tool and weapon harms the innocent.
Marley speaks in quiet grunts and short matter of fact statements. When they choose to open up they will still rarely speak more than blunt cold humor. Rare moments of soft spoken compassion are offered to children especially if Marley is well fed; and harm directed at a child will face resistance from Marley regardless of hunger level
Questions about the Mask will often be ignored, and attempts to touch it will make her use force. In moments of privacy away from survivors but among the a party she trust Marley might take off the mask to reveal an exhausted face, looking at the mask and touching it tenderly in quiet introspection.
She reacts poorly to the moniker of Magpie, especially when it's used by The Jade Lions or Annika. Often becoming stiff and unresponsive. similarly, she will reacted with uncharacteristic defensiveness if accusations of theft are ever directed at her.
Their behavior will change depending on how often they have been feeding. Well fed, Marley will be more open to working with the party and actively protecting survivors; even making the occasional morbid joke. if Marley goes too long without feeding they grow restless, pacing and growling, often disappearing on their own. they begin snapping more at the party and survivors with cold jabs, eager to return to their hunt for lady Annika.
If a Party Member or NPC offers to feed Marley with their own blood they will accept quietly, with a thanks offered, but with a grateful gentleness. afterwards they will retreat to privacy to sulk, completely unresponsive unless in danger.
The only enemies Marley will feed on are other vampires and Beasts. she will drink greedily and deep in silence after a combat, before again retreating to privacy to sulk in silence. drinking from vampires will have Marley visible shivering, though not to any obvious or spoken discomfort.
The Claw is a large ornate curved blade with many hooked edges. the handle seems just a bit too large for a human, but Marley wields it with ease. it is a brutal tool of harm that reflects Marley's own self perception. Seemingly for that reason she often clutches it close to her chest or leans against it for support, putting it between herself and others.
In moments of Repose, Marley has taken to the Mourner hobby of scrimshaw, quietly shaping small tools and toys. the later often finds their way to the hands of local children, many of them refusing to snitch on who they received it from.
Mentions of Lady Annika are enough to drive her into a cold frenzy; demanding answers and easily threatening violence, especially against another vampire. if outright confronted with lady Annika, a well fed Marley will freeze and be unresponsive unless directed; a hungry Marley will aim immediately for the kill with bestial fervor.
In Combat
Combat Behavior as an NPC will change depending on Blood Hunger Level:
When well fed Marley will delegate to the party, but other wise will focus on maintain defensive position around the most vulnerable elements present. well fed Marley will not feed on enemies and will not benefit from the hunger in combat, a child being in danger will always have Marley guarding them regardless of hunger level or party wishes.
When hungry Marley will focus down the most Dangerous enemy present. Marley will only feed on vampires and beasts and only benefit from the hunger in that way.
CW Elements
Body Horror
Marley's body is no longer just hers and she shares it with a ravening beast eager to make it its own. if Marley goes too long without feeding, or in moments of particularly high distress, she will begin temporarily or permanently transforming into more bestial forms. her hands are already forming claws under that scrape and chafe under her gauntlets. permanent changes are left to narrative weight over an actual encounter. if say Marley defeats the rest of the turned jade lions or Annika herself and underwent a dramatic transformation in the fight, making peace with that form is its own opportunity for roleplay. these elements along with corruption can let a party see and experience the pitfalls of the curse of vampirism indirectly
This element can be avoided with either non transformative super power changes or focusing on the mental distress and changes.
Betrayal/Abandonment The betrayal of Annika and the turning of the remaining Jade Lions has wounded Marley to her core. while it doesn't have to be explicit it can be heavily implied that Annika and Marley were romantically involved, even if their relationship was unhealthy and unbalanced. Marley will have difficulty putting full trust in anyone unless consistently fed and encouraged to assist survivors. If Marley is avoided or kept out of discussions she will respond in kind and make herself scarce, unwilling to open herself to be betrayed again. Marley takes personal responsibility to "free" the Jade Lions from their current vampirism, and if they provoke her she will silently focus all attention on destroying them.
This element can be avoided if you avoid direct ties to the Jade Lions or downplay the relationship with Annika.
Loss of Self/Corruption Vampirism drains the ability to care and empathize from even the kindest soul. While Marley Steadfastly will defend especially children, she is slow to offer succor or comfort. a high blood hunger Marley will often be stuck in deep silent melancholy, mourning feelings she can barely remember.
Members of the Jade lions will be quick to taunt how "Readily" Marley took to vampirism as one who was already so eager for bestial blood-drenched killing. Lady Annika herself will give cooing praise to her "Knight" for her capacity for violence, especially at high blood hunger.
Draining other Vampires to death will begin provoking the beast in Marley, each will satisfy her till after a downtime period but will increase her need for blood after the next downtime period. each one will start making Marley colder and less likely to assist survivors without direction.
This element can be avoided with focusing more on physicals changes.
Abuse The act of betraying and forcibly turning Marley can be easily potentially read as a possessive romantically abusive or even sexually abusive act. these elements can be and are encouraged to be downplayed or avoided in explicit terms as needed.
While their romantic feelings were reciprocated the implied relationship with Marley and Annika was one of possessiveness and power imbalance. Marley sought to please, and to keep in favor of the person who ultimately was her employer. Annika meanwhile failed to see Marley's individual personhood and will, long before the betrayal; assuming that she could make every decision for Marley and convince her to join the coup. When Marley becomes distressed at the Moniker of Magpie, Annika attempted to claim it as a pet name for her. This has only worsened her feelings on the moniker since.
Annika's infatuation with Marley is based in the misunderstanding of Marley's character, assuming that the mercenary killer to be Marley's nature as a beast and not her meeting the lifelong expectation that her strength is to be used for others. Where as Marley responded well to someone who was giving her positive attention, but failed to recognize the controlling alienating influence Annika had on her. Ultimately while the two could have strong feelings for each other, they are utterly alien to each other as people. a revelation Marley wished she could have made in time.
These elements can be avoided by not including or downplaying the relationship with Annika. their romantic relationship can also be framed instead as a tragic misunderstanding or star crossed circumstance
Marley can be easily recognized as an outsider by Ulfenkarni for better or worse. she doesn't participate or is unfamiliar in greetings and customs. some will take that well and confide in her anticipating distance from the thirsting court. meanwhile, many others will shun and fear Marley for being another outside element, coming on the dawn of another outside element overthrowing their city. Marley on the outside takes it in stride and will give a wide berth to those who shun her; but the alienation and loneliness of being a stranger in this place weights on her.
Xenophobia can be a sensitive subject that if a group is not ready to address that as a topic, if so then approaching this subject should be avoided and made clear that it will not be a topic.
In the 1st Arc Marley can be encountered near the Spires and can be convinced to assist in taking down the Van Alten Triplets in an attempt to hunt down information on Lady Annika, but will likely not disclose this to the party.
In arc 2 Marley will be stalking near the Spires and will be hesitant to open up to a party she is not close to about Lady Annika but will be glad to help make any headway necessary. unless endeared to the survivors she is unlikely to spend much time lingering in haven.
either arc Marley can be potentially introduced offering to assist the part defeat a vyrkos bloodborn or vargheist in the area. Further adventures allowing getting closer to Marley can be helping hunt down other members of the Jade Lions for information in either arc
Potential bad ends for Marley can involve drinking too many other vampires to death and failing to fight her vampiric nature, potentially joining Annika truly as her Knight. if she fails avoid going hungry for too long and clashes with the party she might devolve into a Vargheist and need to be defeated. Keeping her low blood hunger isn't likely to increase her vampiric powers but could result in defensive/bodyguard buffs.
If Marley Defeats Annika and is at high blood hunger or high vampire corruption she might try to drink Annika to death which may result in transforming into a Vengorian lord like form as another boss immediately or later.
Marley as an OC draws heavily from Kiryu Kazama From the Yakuza/Like a Dragon Franchise. someone born out of time/place, who's personal code and leanings often are a mismatch for the era and place she lives in. As well as someone who believes that their strength warrants service, no matter how much of a burden it becomes. Marley is also a personal reflection of my experiences as Diaspora, so to me she is coded as East Asian/ Chinese.
This version of Marley draws heavily from Guts from Berserk as well with themes of unresolved trauma and abuse. The Elements of Abuse and corruption were inspired by Astarion from Baldurs gate 3. stylistically this version of Marley also draws heavily from the soulsborne franchise, especially the knights and dancer of the boreal valley. appearance wise I personally often imagine a similar Appearance and body type to Natsuo from Teppu.
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lifeattomsdiner · 8 months
Today's Soulbound accomplishment: dispersing a gathering riot by having my vampire lord stand up and say "Wow! Your bloodlust is incredible! I approve!" and making the crowd so uncomfortable that they all left
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theaceofskulls · 3 months
GW put the Callis and Toll Hammer and Bolter episode up for free, so come on and check it out
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lewdcookies · 1 year
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Solança, Branchwych of Clan Xeria, Gnarlroot Glade, and her bittergrub companion Lavor. Protectors of Fafyrd and Liberators of Whitevale.
A character played by friend in a Soulbound campaign we both play in. Felt it'd be nice to paint her up in model form. At some point I do intend to do the rest of the Binding. If I can find the right models for it.
But did you know that Sylvaneth are pre-eminently drybrushable? They have some great texturing for that, saves on highlights. Once I had figured out what colours to use it went down pretty painlessly. Even if I my Coelia Greenshade has some flow issues I've noticed. The clasp at the base of the braid isn't the best, lost too much detail there by accident. The only real mishap was when the bittergrub tail broke off after painting, must've not glued it properly. But that was only minor annoyance in the end.
Also first time I've used tea leaves for basing. Which went down pretty well.
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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Vampire Hunter by CM - Morin
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"I sometimes wonder if my worry causes my endless woes, or if it is my endless woes that are the reason I so worry." - Khvath Slaveborn, Seneschal of the Gilded Eye
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kaijusrpgbrainstorm · 2 years
New Year, New Character 2: Day 27
Selendti Wayfinder, Emotional Support Mage, Age of Sigmar: Soulbound “Sir, that is my emotional support mage, I'm going to have to ask you put the Aelf back on the ground. Safely.” - Adria Gage Selendti Wayfinder served as one of many Cathallars in the gleaming cities of Zaitrec. It had not been her first calling; insatiable curiosity had prompted her to initially seek purpose as a Loreseeker before it became necessary for her to switch paths. She served loyally, if not with enthusiasm, for many years. Still, never truly at peace with herself and unable to balance desire against duty, she volunteered for Soulbinding. It was, in many ways, a selfish way of avoiding the duties laid out for her. Despite that, she finds she provides much needed balance to the binding. Which, given some of her companions, is quite handy. Species: Aelf Archetype: Scinari Cathallar Subfaction: Zaitrec (Fast Learner) Age: 155 Distinguishing features: Kill count tattooed on forearm Eyes: Haggard, sapphire Hair: Deep Red Height: 6' 4”
Body 1
Mind 4
Soul 3
Arcana 1T
Ballistic Skill
Beast Handling
Channeling 2T, 1F
Determination 1T
Fortitude 1T
Intuition 1T
Weapon Skill
Talents: Emotional Transference, Spellcasting (Light), Soul-scarred, Unbind
Spells: Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, Darkness of the Soul, Healing Glow, Light of Battle, Seeker of Truth
Melee Poor
Accuracy Average
Defense Poor
Initiative 4
Armour 1
Toughness 8
Wounds 3
Mettle 3
Natural Awareness 2
Cathallar robes (light armour), a dagger, cermonial bowl filled with spent aetherquartz, Aqshian coal, 300 drops of Aqua Ghryanis
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farsight-the-char · 5 months
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I have not seen this on Cubicle7's social media but looks real enough.
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mayyosgallery · 10 days
Some Drawings of my Soulbound character from a campaign I've been in.
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She died but its okay she got better.
She only had the one reforging as of collecting her party to get them soulbound and a pretty good idea of what her past looked like. She wasnt sure why some random beastman gets to become a Stormcast but she keeps those self doubts to herself. Wouldn't want to embarrass the party.
She's half party Diplomat, half party Meatgrinder. She and the Slayer make a lot of the encounters we had pretty quick to end.
She's had a fun relationship with our guild Dwarf Durin! She owes him a boat! She promised a Duardin she'd get him a boat!
As of now, she was only just reforged and it was a rush job so her head and memories are kinda jumbled for the time being, but she'll figure it out. Maybe She'll even figure out why she was so anxious about her past before!
And Maybe Durin will even figure out how to get that boat she owes him.
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Her model^ :)
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fromcommorragh · 2 years
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Ossiarch Bonereapers by Cubicle 7 for Soulbound
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