#Again on behalf of a friend!
southerndragontamer · 11 months
Egotober Day 20: Music
Music had been around since the first time someone had decided the sound of something struck or that had wind through it sounded nice. One could argue that it had been around always in the natural music nature made. But the point was that there was something sweetly nostalgic as Will dusted off his record player.
He’d found it again a few days ago and due to how vinyl were still being made and he knew he had records in his room, he’d wanted to have some fun. He picked a record at random, a lovely number from the 1920’s. Oh how those years were so good for music. ragtime ahd jazz and blues and so much more. He put it on and closed his eyes softly.
He let the music take over and he didn’t have to think as he danced in a way that felt like stepping into old shoes. Familiar and comfortable.
He found his mind traveled to his lover, a smile slid onto his face. James would love this, he could already picture the excited glee on the timekeeper’s face. How his navy eyes would sparkle and he’d stim with his hands before he’d sign something sweet if he didn’t use slides.
For Will, time blurred as he danced without a care in the world, his power swirled out in pink mist, glittery pink flame and fairy light filled bubbles as reality took a vacation around him. Things turned to candy or baked goods, crystals erupted, the scent of sweet things filled the air as everything tilted just so in his room. Then he felt a tapping on his shoulder and turned, instantly he blushed a little sheepish as he saw James there. Likely he had been for a while.
James beamed at him, navy eyes just as sparkling bright and beautiful as Will had pictured. They didn’t need to speak, as Will smiled back and squeezed James’ hand. They pressed their foreheads against each other’s in affection before the timekeeper pulled the chaotic into another dance. The sound of ticking clocks mixed with the music like a metronome, time spiraled out into the warping parts of the room froze, parts cycled through a moment, parts slowed through a crawl or sped up.
They could both loose themselves for a while in the music of the past, time could let itself bend and twist and break and chaos could let itself be set straight and steady.
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rottingraisins · 8 months
this is a post i would really rather not make because i think the degree of petty drama its caused is in itself symptomatic of how childishly hung up we are on this one fucking character but:
admin bright has actively leveraged the notoriety of their character for grooming as recently as 2020. it is impossible to separate the art from the artist in this case, as the art has been, and might still be used as a tool for luring in victims. the continued prevalence bright both on the wiki itself and in fandom is actively providing a platform to a groomer. creating fanwork of the character is a genuine moral failing at this point.
the scp canon possesses a uniquely immense breadth and variety of ideas and stories. you can find something else to get attached to in there, or if you can't let go of scp-963, engage in a bit of creative writing yourself and create an oc to fill its slot. the world is your oyster here.
i won't ever make anything with bright in it again, and neither should you. and i'd honestly rather you get off my blog if you can't muster up that bit of spine.
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rewatching supernatural i get so intensely angry whenever dean makes a reference to how he’s “supposed” to die, how he’s “meant” to go. especially as the show goes on because in the earlier seasons he talks about going out blaze-of-glory style as if it’s a badge of honour because he actually believes in it. his conditioning and his upbringing shaped his self worth in such a way that the ideal out for him would be on the job—saving people, hunting things. but as the show goes on, every time it comes up there’s an increasing sense of resignation, so especially by the end you know that he doesn’t actually want to go out that way. he wants to make it to the other side, he’s just too afraid to verbalize that because of how easily any hope for escape could be taken away from him, and so what do the writers do? when that hope is more present than ever—he can see the light at the end of the tunnel—they suddenly and brutally take it away from him, his worst fears confirmed in the final moments of his life, dooming him to the narrative he finally accepted he didn’t want to be stuck in. and i know we’ve talked about his ending a lot so i won’t get into it too much, but i just can’t stop thinking about every time he says to sam or cas or another hunter that he’s “supposed” to die a certain way, because what more proof do we need that his story never should have ended like that? fuck’s sake, he deserved better.
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god. god. soulfire is trying to tie. they never hit an egg. if they can’t tie then theyre going to throw. green team are the ones who attacked blue’s egg. watching bad desperately try to get roier away from it again and again was one of the most harrowing things ive watched. etoiles stopped attacking when he realized how outnumbered blue was. blue killed fit and left his stuff behind because green killed tubbo and left his stuff behind. blue is going to save them both or die trying. how am i supposed to be normal about this team
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basu-shokikita · 5 months
so i just found out i'm being cancelled once again XD alright here we go since you guys are addicted to making up rumors about me
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yes i'm into south park, yes i've done zines though if you did the smallest bit of research you'd seen that one of the rules states the characters must be aged up, just like the show aged them up in the post covid special
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that said, i am now checking the carrd for the kyman zine is dead so it's not your fault, you guys just couldn't help assuming the worst about a person right?
moving on...
i have not sent people my followers after people who 'express discomfort of my actions', the only time any of my friends spoke to any of these bullies it was @triplefaggot who was already mentioned here, telling someone in one (1) message to stop interacting with their posts because they're my friend and! surprise! when you spread malicious rumors about someone their friends will usually not like you! yeah pretty crazy i know, it's almost like, even the people you hate have people that love them or something.
i have no idea who these people you mention are honestly. if anything i'm impressed anyone was defending me without my knowledge? also, i have never namedropped any of the people who actually did namedrop me in their private server publicly or in this account so uh, no idea how my followers would go after anyone, let alone harass them off the fandom.
but yeah, complete slander aside, @mirrorshards and @triplefaggot are in fact my friends and, even though i don't post the same content they do, if you find them morally reprehensible or whatever, you should probably block me as well. like please just put me in this fandom's blocklist or whatever but do it already instead of obsessing with me and inventing outlandish shit to justify your dislike of me. it's pathetic and honestly kind of embarrassing. i literally have no idea who the op from the 'callout' post is like???????
that's it from my side and if you have any questions my asks are open ✌️ not the anonymous ones, though, duh
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officersnickers · 3 months
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thychesters · 11 months
Re, your post about sanji v absalom, i hope you dont mind a little rant, because I have a lot of feelings about this. Basically, post-timeskip sanji has become a huge frustration for me because it felt like his perviness has been dialed up by 1000 at the expense of not only the rest of his personality for the most part, but also in instances like this where someone he allegedly cares about has been violated and yet instead of really helping, he just makes the situation more unpalatable???? The fight with absalom became all about sanji and how pissed he was about absalom trying to marry Nami and that he has the invisible devil fruit, not about Nami and everything the asshole has been putting nami through. When we first met Sanji, he was still a perv, but it wasnt his like whole personality the way its become these days. It's just really disappointing, because I loved him when we first meet him and the perv stuff was annoying but i could at least roll my eyes and move on because its a stupid trope but at least it wasnt as bad as some manga Ive read, but now it's so much WORSE than most of the manga I've read and I dont like him much at all because of all this shit. He gets a little better in later arcs post-thriller bark, but it's unlikely I'll ever like him like I did before, and that makes me so sad.
one of my friends said he gets worse and and i'm just. beyond so disappointed about that. him being a little pervy was a quick gag in the beginning that was easy to roll your eyes at, if you addressed it all, because you knew there was never any intent behind it. he might faun over nami and robin, but again, they know there's no ill intent behind it. but hearing the perviness becomes his personaility is so disheartening. i want a sanji who cares about his friends and crew, not one who's overtly lecherous.
the fight with absalom really turned into being about him and his feelings when it never should have been that at all. his only feelings should have been anger -- anger over nami and what had been to her and what she'd been through.
frankly i'm really surprised and disappointed no one actually expressed any anger over that? after hearing usopp tell them nami had been spied on and attacked in the bath. (i get it's an action story with a few emotional beats, but you can talk about and show murder but not have someone go "that wasn't okay" about what absalom did?) that also gets me about usopp -- i mean yeah, i might be thrown for a second if i open the door and my friend is completely nude, but that's immediately going to be overshadowed by the fact that she's yelling for help and clearly being restrained. usopp, you can ignore the fact her boobs are out. do something to help her. (having her bathe before they were supposed to leave is also weird writing because they 100% could have been separated some other way.)
the same thing is played off for laughs later on -- sanji bursts in flame and oh man, he's so silly! gonna go save nami!
and when he first showed up in the church and was pissed i was like yes!! yes!! be angry for her and what she was made to endure. be pissed that your friend was spied on, assaulted, drugged, and stripped and forced into this situation. and instead of being pissed on her behalf it feels mostly like it's on his own. when he said absalom stole his dream my heart dropped into my stomach because was it something like dumb to marry nami (which absalom was forcing her into against her will?) or something creepier like he saw her naked when he didn't?
(not to ignore the scene in alabasta where she flashed them, but she was more in control in that situation and was able to make a choice. she was in control of her body! [sidebar, but cobra peeking over the wall was also fuckin weird because his daughter was there. she was also clearly less comfortable with what was happening too.])
nami is his crew mate and more so than anything his friend. she's his friend.
i hope nami's angry after all of this. i hope she stays angry. i hope the crew, her friends, are angry too over her treatment, over what happened to her. at least i will be.
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d20-lesbian · 5 months
Saturngender!! 🪐
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a gender for those that identify with or feel their gender relates to the planet Saturn !!
coined by my friend Elias, req by u/eepyangelx on reddit!
Elias' spacehey!
His tumblr ! @elias-pluto
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thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
Ngl youtube videos suddenly got me slowly turning into a Justin Russo hater.
#like mainly later seasons him#early seasons him is fine#but like i guess plot wise you could argue he becomes more iffy because you know the competition will be soon#and justin does want to become the family wizard#as for some reason this show still never fully tackled the fucked up shit of the idea that wizard siblings have to grow up studying magic#only for one or two or whatever number siblings to lose it to one sibling in a competition#like stevie was the closest we got to that#but like it still dont make it less bad with how justin was#like the worst example i can name is him literally refusing to save alex whose his sister btw and shes always dropped shit to save him#because he wants to project onto her that she purposely fucked up his chances to get back into the competition via#pushing the students to take the test only for them to be failed because bad guy being bad guy in reality#and basically blames her for the failure and such as a result and acts like its all an act when she is mad on the students behalf and shit#and his students have to drag him kicking and screaming just to save her from the bad guy's shit#and there's also the competition itself where harper and zeke get grabbed by a creature during it#but alex has to convince her brothers to save the two and thats just cold already on justins end with zeke#but cause they took too long they all lose the competition and magic#and both brothers especially justin proceed to treat alex like shit even during work hours meaning#fucking over family business just to get at alex#and when the dad ultimately almost sells the place justin STILL blames alex#like she was the only one working fully max was being max and justin was being a little bitch to her#aka the infamous refusing to make her orders only max's and when he does he throws the sandwich at her#and cause she was holding drinks at the time and didnt see it coming the drinks went on a customer#and also throwing table trash into her already full bin shes carrying around while cleaning tables#and therefore messing it up for her like#and alex's logo...well from sounds of shit thats just justin again being a hateful bitch to his sister with zero consquiences#even one commenter pointing how he sadistically smiled while telling her all her friends hate her#like dear god if the show was doing this to make everyone root for alex its working i hate later season justin#gonna be interesting if hes matured or not as an adult
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burinazar · 5 months
i…………feel bad about………something. the same thing as earlier. ugghh I hate how much this bugs me
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like clint gets such an unsubstantiated amount of hate, not ambivalence which would make more sense as hes a pretty irrelevant side character, but Active Hate because of the false idea hes some sort of incel because hes very insecure and shy and not happy with you if you end up with emily and its like, id be upset too if someone who KNEW i had a crush on someone went and dated that person??? its not an unfair thing for him to feel and its not like hes EVER mean or weird to emily or says ANYTHING about how he deserves her attention or anything that an incel would ACTUALLY think, but again gets labeled as a complete predatory and it is 100000% because hes fat. if he looked like sebastian people would be like oh no my heartbroken ugu baby pleading emoji like i will throw up on all of you
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Got hired at a different program as a whole ass instructor so my professor can suck my dick 😌
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#for how long am i gonna wake up.. and have my first thought be him#and then wish that when i look at my phone i will have messages waiting from him#where he said gm and told me abt his day like i had every day for a while..#and then suddenly get anxiety pain in my whole chest and stomach#bc i know i dont have any messages from him. and that we dont really talk anymore#and now idek if he would want to keep message me every once in a while#am i gonna keep living off of the high from one message from him now and then?#like idk :((( it's just so painful#and it does hurt more now bc... for a long time i still hade hope that like ofc we will talk!!!!! when he's ready to talk#we will talk abt everything and it will all be fine ^-^ i really really had trust and belief in that#like i genuinely thought that would happen. bc to /me/ this is the most real and strong thing i've had#which truly i understand is also naive and unwordly of me and also im very intense and emotional abt things#so truly i cannot get mad abt it only have been the one thing to want and to wanna fight for#bc yeah.. ig it just stings a lot more than just a crush bc to me.. like i sound so silly and naive but i should just vent#bc like yeah... i dont have any friends to talk to or a therapist or anything and i need to talk T-T#it's embarrassing but to me i really felt like i had found my person.. the person who i wanted to be the closest to in the world..#felt the kind of love where i would do anything and fight for it to even have a chance.. and yeah..#ig i was very naive to have the 'certainty' that .. i was just waiting and being patient and giving him space. maybe that wasnt actually#what he needed. but w my avpd i didnt know how to be pushy or.. like how to be enough pushy like he would need#without being too intense to push him too far away from me. bc im intense.. so i know that even if he's right for me#im not right for him bc i could not give him what he needs.. :(((#but yeah.. everyday i wake up w so much sadness bc i know i wont get to talk to him all day#and now the sadness is coupled with intense dread and anxiety#bc honestly i have no idea if he'll ever reply to me again or how much we will talk if we even will at all.#and the thought of life without him and not even have him in it even a little makes me wanna die lol#idk.. idk... bc i wont get to have what i want.. which is to simply be with him. but yeah idk... idk#it pains me sm that ... we never did talk to find out whatever was between us. and regardless of intent on his behalf that does make me fee#*i* am the one who valued and cared abt our 'bond' more than he did... but it is what it is it is what it is#it just hurts... bc i found someone i both thought and wanted it to be real with. but... i never even got a chance to try or talk abt it#which also is life.. if he found someone (twice) that he did like enough to want to try with but not with me.. that's just how he felt..
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
Some of these comments are obviously snide and nasty like hating Abby BUT... The others feel like a onesided conversation reminiscent of talking on Discord. Maybe that's the problem like they're talking to the author like they know them when they don't, they make themselves too comfortable. Tbh I get these type of reviews a lot and it's like stream of consciousness about my OCs and the canon characters. It's a mixture of positive and negative but it's not like a personal attack? I feel like it's an airing of their thoughts and feelings without filter. I'm not really seeing what the issue is beyond a difference in viewpoints or outcomes everyone has for the story. If it's somehow reduced people to tears then maybe they need to turn off reviews or block or delete. I don't really see what the issue is apart from the overtly abusive ones where it's obviously racist or an attack on the OC
We're all different, but I am a bit bothered by the idea that basically an author who wants to share their fic should turn off reviews (then what's the point of posting) vs people should be a little more thoughtful than going 'man I really want laena velaryon to die a terrible death because she married daemon'
That's all I can really say, I strongly suggest reading this, because I feel that @selfproclaimedunicorn lays it out very well. And it's absolutely okay to feel differently, we're all coming at this from a different lens. All I'm saying is 'why would you go into someone's comments and wish death on the characters or decide you hate their plot and they should write it this way'. Nothing about these things feel good, open discussion between characters, etc. I hope that makes more sense.
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hershelwidget · 5 months
I don’t know anymore have a Caleb prepared to Fight for his bestie
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“she asked for no pickles” lookin scene
#his character arc from goofy tall guy to Don’t Talk To Me Or My Friends Ever Again is WILD#hershel’s octonauts au#octonauts gups#in all seriousness this scene is based off of the concept of lars making his way onto the ship#caleb and beast both want him DEAD dead#also to explain emma:#she gained a genuine phobia from the trauma of her experience with lars and has nightmares about him like. 3 times a week#bundle that info with the fact that caleb and emma are quite close and badda bam you have the scene#technically speaking emma did ask for no pickles. she asked to not Be the pickles.#i’m normal about these two specifically i need to study their friendship under a microscope#to ramble about caleb for a second sorry-#he had enough soup before his death for the effects to. well. take effect. and he gained a rather mild form of amnesia but still Amnesia#he doesn’t fully remember darwin but knows in his heart that darwin is important to him so he stays near them when possible#(as a result from the trauma of being murdered) he sometimes has moments where he Shuts Down#but he’ll still try to be close to any of his friends ; though those moments bring him closer to emma because she’s usually the one to#guide him when he does that (she does it too)#he wants lars dead because he’s being angry ‘on behalf’ of darwin and emma his two favourite people in the world#obviously thats not really how it works but that’s what he feels is going on#’if not me then who’ type of situation with this guy yk.#also ALSO one time he absolutely destroyed felix because he found out that he’s been manipulating emma so there’s also that#caleb is VERY protective about emma actually. most of the time it’s unnecessary honestly#it only really becomes useful against the other spirits or against lars#like in the picture !! woah it comes full circle i know right#thats my cue to post the thing . sighs . caleb i love you don’t let lars hurt anyone else
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katyspersonal · 6 months
To be honest I hate how some people don't understand the difference between "curating your experience" and "shunning the nonbeliever". Like, if you block someone over them shipping something that makes you 'uncomfy :c' when this ship is not something illegal, you "shun the nonbeliever" and lose your right to be a spokesperson for how fun and supportive the fandom is and how you respect all headcanons.
Tumblr has a feature to block out specific tags and words, and 99% of the shippers will tag the post. You could have JUST blocked the ship tag to "curate your online experience" and check out everything else this fan posts, but nope. Instead, you decided to cut out the entire fan. You decided to never have a look at their other headcanons and other posts not about that ship, you decided to never give them any support as a fan and preemptively obliterate all chances to know them as a person better all because you could not take the L of them daring to have different taste and perspective on these characters than you do. There was 0 reason to cut off the whole person except for you avoiding the "heretic" over the opinion you think is the only "correct" one. It is personal.
And like, yes, okay, we all have the right to cut off fellow fans for extremely petty reasons. Nobody is perfect. But when after this you have the nerve to transmit how much you love this fandom and how everyone has different interpretations, you are a straight up liar. Full stop.
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