#I really do think Will and Jameson could be good together
southerndragontamer · 8 months
Egotober Day 20: Music
Music had been around since the first time someone had decided the sound of something struck or that had wind through it sounded nice. One could argue that it had been around always in the natural music nature made. But the point was that there was something sweetly nostalgic as Will dusted off his record player.
He’d found it again a few days ago and due to how vinyl were still being made and he knew he had records in his room, he’d wanted to have some fun. He picked a record at random, a lovely number from the 1920’s. Oh how those years were so good for music. ragtime ahd jazz and blues and so much more. He put it on and closed his eyes softly.
He let the music take over and he didn’t have to think as he danced in a way that felt like stepping into old shoes. Familiar and comfortable.
He found his mind traveled to his lover, a smile slid onto his face. James would love this, he could already picture the excited glee on the timekeeper’s face. How his navy eyes would sparkle and he’d stim with his hands before he’d sign something sweet if he didn’t use slides.
For Will, time blurred as he danced without a care in the world, his power swirled out in pink mist, glittery pink flame and fairy light filled bubbles as reality took a vacation around him. Things turned to candy or baked goods, crystals erupted, the scent of sweet things filled the air as everything tilted just so in his room. Then he felt a tapping on his shoulder and turned, instantly he blushed a little sheepish as he saw James there. Likely he had been for a while.
James beamed at him, navy eyes just as sparkling bright and beautiful as Will had pictured. They didn’t need to speak, as Will smiled back and squeezed James’ hand. They pressed their foreheads against each other’s in affection before the timekeeper pulled the chaotic into another dance. The sound of ticking clocks mixed with the music like a metronome, time spiraled out into the warping parts of the room froze, parts cycled through a moment, parts slowed through a crawl or sped up.
They could both loose themselves for a while in the music of the past, time could let itself bend and twist and break and chaos could let itself be set straight and steady.
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zepskies · 10 months
Choosing Him
Pairing: Dean W. x Reader, Sam W. x Reader
Summary: You and Sam have been dating and living together for a few months, when Dean shocks you with a confession. Now you have to choose.
AN: This was requested by this beautiful anon! (And also by my friend! ❤️)
Read this as a stand-alone or see this imagine for context: Dean gives you an impossible choice. (In which Dean is in love with Sam’s girlfriend.)
**Note: This contains two alternate endings: Sam vs. Dean.
Song Inspo: “I’m on Fire” by Bruce Springsteen
Word Count: 4,300 Tags/Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, unrequited love, as well as love requited.
Imagine: Choosing him.
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“Dean, just talk to me. What the hell happened?” Sam asked.
No, he implored. Angrily.
But he implored, nonetheless.
Dean was good at being stubborn. In fact, he was a professional. His lips were tight in a frown, his brows just as knitted as his brother’s.
He sat cross armed on the couch while Sam stood, using his hands to punctuate his exclamations, as he often did when he was frustrated.
“Nothing, man. I already told you,” Dean tried.
“No,” Sam said sharply. “She’s actively avoiding you. And you’re taking any excuse you can not to be within three feet of my girlfriend. So either you said something, or you did something.”
Dean looked up at his brother with a heavy sigh through his nose.
They’d been at this for a while now. So long that he was surprised you hadn’t come barreling into the living room already to break up the argument. Because he had a feeling that just the sight of you would shut them both up. (Not in a good way.)
Dean’s throat was tight, his stomach churning with unease, though he tried to show none of it on his face. He could see that Sam was on the verge of losing his shit. Just a hair away from assuming the worst.
And the worst of him.
That, Dean couldn’t abide.
“Look,” he gritted out. “I didn’t do anything.”
Sam paused, tilting his head. He took in a breath that was only slightly calming, enough that he lowered to a seat on the coffee table, across from his brother.
“Then what’d you say?” he asked.
Dean felt even guiltier just remembering.
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Three weeks ago…
You wanted to know why he was drinking alone. Why he’d downed nearly an entire bottle of Jameson in the kitchen on a Tuesday night.
“You really wanna know?” Dean asked. His voice was both a rumble and a coarse whisper. His green-eyed gaze fell to your lips.
He watched you suck in a subtle breath. Your eyed widened, and your body froze. He also saw the blush staining your cheeks.
So he leaned in, slowly. He was mere inches away from finding out how sweet you really were.
He heard your shallow breath. His eyes flicked up to yours, and instinctively knew that he’d captured you. He was making you think about it.
“Tell me no,” Dean said. Tell me to stop, or I swear to God...
“Dean, what...” you whispered. But that wasn’t a no.
Still, he couldn’t. He just couldn’t do it. Not to Sam.
Dean merely reached out with a hand to soothe a gentle thumb across your cheek. He realized then that he loved you. He loved you enough to let you go, if he had to.
"It comes down to this," Dean said. His voice was deep, full of grit and desire. He saw the conflict in your eyes.
He swallowed. His heart was pounding against his ribcage, but he used every ounce of self-restraint he had left, forcing his hand to fall away from your cheek.
"You've got two choices, sweetheart," he said. And he pulled away, leaving you there at the table.
You never told him to stop…but he just couldn’t do it.
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“It doesn’t matter,” Dean eventually answered his brother.
He ultimately couldn’t bring himself to voice the desperation of a drunken idiot.
He met Sam’s gaze directly. This much, he could say.
“All you need to know is I’d never…even drunk off my ass, I’d never hurt you,” Dean said.
Sam turned those words back and forth in his mind. His mouth firmed as he read between the lines, as he so often had to with Dean, who struggled to express the deeper parts of himself. Sam realized then what his brother was finally confessing.
“She loves you,” Dean added, with a self-deprecating smile.
That fell between them for a moment, as Sam rested a hand on his knee and processed all of this in record time. He glanced up.
“What about you?” he asked.
Again, with that quirk of a smile that didn’t reach Dean’s eyes.
“Don’t you worry about that either.”
He got up, clapped Sam on the shoulder, and left him there to continue thinking. Dean passed the kitchen and continued down the hall.
Neither man realized that you were standing behind the kitchen doorway. You’d been about to attempt a bit of stress baking. A chocolate tart, maybe. Or a cheese souffle. Or even the new cherry pie recipe you’d found for Dean. Anything to take your mind off your current predicament.
However, now you knew you couldn’t put it off anymore.
You didn’t want this, for either of them. You couldn’t let yourself be a coward.
Steeling yourself with a deep breath, you left the safety of the kitchen…
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And you ventured into the living room, where your boyfriend was still brooding. He raised his head when he saw you out of the corner of his eye.
“Hey,” he said, clearing his throat. Even now, he was relieved to see you. He also felt like he was standing on unsteady ground.
“Hey, yourself,” you greeted back. You tried to smile, but your heart was in your stomach with nerves. “I need to tell you something.”
Sam seemed to realize what you wanted to talk about. He sighed.
“Look, don’t worry about it. Dean and I talked it out—”
“No. No, because I need to say this. Because you deserve to hear it from me,” you insisted.
You also paused, as you didn’t quite know where to go from here.
Sam’s brows furrowed, but he tried to be patient. He watched your gears turning as thought to thought shifted in your eyes. It was one of the things he loved most about you, how open and expressive you were. He could usually tell what you were thinking…except for today. And the past few weeks.
That was what had him more nervous than he’d like to admit. If a blow was coming, he’d really like to be prepared…but he just couldn’t fucking tell.
Until you began speaking.
“Okay, first of all. Nothing happened,” you assured. You rested your hands on Sam’s shoulders. He looked up into your eyes, but before he could even nod in response, you kept going.
“Dean was drunk, and I wasn’t. Which probably won’t make you feel all that better, but the point is, all I did was ask him what’s wrong? And he didn’t want to tell me. But then I pushed the issue, as you know I do sometimes. I’m working on it, I really am.”
You levied a finger at Sam, at which he could only nod. Again, before he could offer a reply, you kept going.  
“Well, finally he was all, you sure you wanna know?” you said, mimicking Dean’s deeper voice. Sam was tempted to smile, if but for what you were actually saying, and the way your gaze averted from his.
“And there was a moment there when…I thought maybe he might try to…but he didn’t. The problem is, I didn’t say no,” you confessed. Your brows knitted as you revealed how disheartened you felt at that, how guilt-ridden.
Sam’s eyes softened a bit, even though your words stung.  
“I should’ve said it,” you knew. “I should’ve pulled away, but I didn’t. Though in my defense! I was in shock. He was saying shocking things without saying them, you know? And I don’t want to be in this cliché…teen drama-esque, love triangle bullshit! You’re not Edward and I’m not Bella and this isn’t goddamn Twilight. And I refuse to be treated as such.”
You were huffing and puffing by the end of your little rant. Your eyes widened a fraction when you caught Sam trying to stamp down a smile.
“Is this amusing to you?” you snapped.
“Not at all,” Sam said. He shook his head, and with a sigh, drew you back to him with his hands on your hips. You stood between his open legs and grasped the front of his shirt.
“Look, thank you for telling me,” he said. “I know that we kind of rushed this a little. The moving in thing, I mean. It just…it felt right, at the time.”
“Yeah, I was kinda there for that,” you quipped. Your smile made him smile in return.
“Well, I guess I just need to ask you…if it still feels right,” he said.
He looked up into your eyes, still not quite sure what he would find. His heart was in his throat, no matter how many times he cleared it. He was good at looking calm when he wasn’t, and maybe his face was composed, but inside him was a tempest.
You calmed it with one touch. A gentle hand on his chest.
“Sam,” you said. Your smile was beautiful and warm. “After you left Stanford. After what happened to Jess…I didn’t know that her funeral was the last time I was ever going to see you.”
Despite that melancholy memory, your lips soon curved into a grin.
“Well, not for a long time anyway.” You both lightened at that.
Then you became more contemplative. Your gaze wandered beyond him for a moment, lost in the past.
Sam’s hands moved up to your waist and squeezed gently. You came back to him with a brighter expression.
“But when I saw you again, I thought…damn, he’s amazing,” you said with a giggle. “Even more amazing then when I knew him.”
Sam looked down at that, despite his smile. You picked him back up with your hand on his cheek. It was overgrown with stubble, a week or so past when he'd usually shave.
You didn't mind the scratchiness, but you wondered if you'd been distracting him too with your indecision. That thought made you feel all the more guilty.
“I still think that when I see you. Get to wake up next to you, research mythology and symbology and dead languages, and other things that should be impossible,” you said. “So yes, it still feels right for me. Very much so.”
Sam’s more genuine smile lightened you. He nodded and let you tilt his head back, slipping your fingers through his hair. He liked the way you touched him freely, both reassuring and affectionate.
He didn't want to admit it, but he'd been quietly afraid. Afraid he'd read you wrong, that his heart had somehow lied to him. Now he knew that it rang true.
“Okay. Good,” he said. And he reached up to touch his lips to yours.
At least, it was a simple touch at first. It soon grew in passion, becoming a more claiming kiss. He pulled you in flush against him. A hand tangled into your hair, brushing against the back of your neck, and you hummed in delight.
Your hands sunk further into his hair, just as your mouth wordlessly claimed him back. His long fingers trailed down your back and made you shiver against him. You gave more and more of yourself with each kiss.
"I love you," you whispered against his lips. Because he deserved to hear that too.
Sam paused. His eyes were still closed as he recovered some of his breath. He rested his forehead against yours and brushed a tender hand down the soft column of your neck.
"I love you too," he admitted. He had resisted saying it, and even felt a bit ashamed that he'd doubted your feelings. Now, he felt like an idiot for not fighting harder before.
This, what he had with you, it was worth fighting for.
He smiled at the way you kissed his cheek then, soft and slow and with purpose.
After a moment, you pulled away to stroke his cheek once more…and also to tell him one last thing.
“When I saw you again, I did have another thought,” you said. “He’s amazing, but…how can I think that about my best friend’s boyfriend?”
Sam frowned then, as that reality had crossed his mind as well, back when he reconnected with you last year. You held a hand to your chest, over your heart.
“Jess was like a sister to me. So how could I think about you like that? It didn’t matter how much time had passed since her death. That thought, and those feelings still had weight, Sam,” you said. “My point is…try not to be too hard on your brother for this. I think he’d rather lob off an arm than cause you any pain.”
Sam considered your words with a nod.
“I’ll talk to him. Don’t worry,” he said.
“No, I…I’d like to talk to him, if you don’t mind,” you said. “That is, if you trust me.”
Sam’s brows rose, and then furrowed slightly.
“I do, baby,” he said. “You can talk to him if you want, but…I have to. He’s my brother. He should hear it from me too.”
No need, Dean couldn’t help but think.
He pushed off from the wall, twisting a wrench in his hand as he made his way back to the garage.
It stung. Actually, it fucking cut and twisted. More painfully than Dean would ever, ever admit.
However, he knew when he needed to bow out. This was one of those times.
He’d just have to learn how to let you go, for good this time. He wouldn’t risk hurting you, or his brother again.
So once he made it to the end of the hall, he shut the door, once and for all.
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You didn’t want this, for either of them. You couldn’t let yourself be a coward.
Steeling yourself with a deep breath, you left the safety of the kitchen…
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And you ducked out the back way, heading down the hall.
You found Dean exactly where you’d expected—in the garage, getting ready to work on his Baby. He was sitting on a stool with his box of tools beside him. Tools he didn’t let anyone touch (except for that one time you hid his power drill, just to mess with him).
You crossed your arms.
“We need to talk,” you said.
Dean sighed, and spied your stern face over his shoulder.
“What fucking now?” he muttered. You didn't quite hear him, but you recognized his surly frown.
“Yes, right now,” you said. “Why did you do it?”
“What?” Dean asked, raising incredulous brows. “Why?”
“Yeah, why.” You stepped up to him while he swiveled in your direction. “If you supposedly had feelings for me, why did you wait so damn long? Why did you wait until we got here?”
You weren’t just casually dating his brother. You were living with him. Even if it had just been a few months, you loved Sam…and yet, you hadn’t pushed Dean away when he almost kissed you.
Why, why, why? you thought. Your teeth ground together when you thought of how tenderly Dean had touched you. The fire in his eyes, just barely held back by a thin wall of self-restraint.
“Tell me no,” he’d said.
And now, annoyance made his face tight.
“Look, just forget about it, all right? I was drunk—”
“No. You weren’t that drunk,” you refuted. “I’ve seen you slaphappy, laughing at nothing, grinning like the Joker and falling onto the couch face-first, passed out drunk. You were coherent that night. You were honest. So tell me, how long have you felt this way?”
Dean tensed. He didn’t want to do this. You both knew that, but he also knew that you weren’t giving him much of a choice.
And yet, you were waiting on him, as patiently as you could manage (something he knew was difficult for you). He sighed deeply.
“Pretty much from the beginning,” he said.
“What?” you said, ever so eloquently. You wanted to cringe at yourself. (And you called yourself a linguist.)
Your lips pursed in disbelief. “What part of the beginning?”
Dean glared heavenward, as if that could stop you from asking questions.
“From the first damn second I saw you,” he snapped. The longer he looked at you, however, he couldn’t help but soften. “I remember, you argued with Sam about dead languages, that Latin was for pussies. Ancient Greek was the tougher beat.”
That was true, you thought. And that argument stemmed back from when you and Sam were in college. Ancient history, you could say.
“The Greeks were more fun too,” you added. It triggered a smile to briefly lighten Dean’s face.
“Yeah, you said something about mass orgies,” he said, his brows furrowing.
You bit your lip at the memory. You might’ve winked at Dean with more confidence than you’d felt at the time.
Now, the man shook his head.
“Right then, I wanted to know you,” he said. “Problem is, the more I did, the more I liked what I saw.”
You stared back at him in dismay.
“Why couldn’t you have just told me from the beginning?” you asked.
Dean made a sound of frustration, carding a hand roughly through his hair.
“Oh, and what, break up the show?” he snarked. He waved haphazardly beyond you, to the moose of a man somewhere beyond the closed doors of the garage. Remembering his brother made Dean’s irritation start to fade, back into self-deprecation.
“You and Sam…you’ve got history,” he said. “He’s smart. He takes care of you, protects you. He’s uh, more the boyfriend type, anyway.”
Dean looked away from you then, crossing his arms. You relaxed yours and couldn’t help but draw near to him. A frown took over your features as you tilted your head.
“Okay, Sam and I have history,” you said with a nod. “But…you don’t think you’re smart too?”
Dean’s lips pursed somewhat as he glanced back up at you. You met his stare.
“You don’t think you’re capable of all those other things?” you asked.
Dean didn’t have an answer for you. At least, not one he was willing to say.
For the past few weeks, you’d been fighting with yourself. You’d turned that moment in the kitchen over and over in your mind, and why you couldn’t do what you were supposed to do.
Now, looking at Dean’s face, you understood why your heart broke for him. Why your heart ached with ridiculous longing for him in equal measure.
You knew then that he’d take care of you. That he’d protect you. And maybe…
“Sam and I don’t make a habit of going after the same girl,” Dean said. Even that, it seemed, was difficult for him to get out.
It broke you from your thoughts, again with your frown.
“Yeah?” you asked. A bit of your temper sparked once again. “Is that why you’re making me Yoko Ono? I’ll tell you something right now. You’re not John and Sam’s not Paul and I refuse to break up the band, Dean!”
“No one’s asking you to!” Dean said, finally raising his voice to match you.
He got off his seat and stood to his full height. Though he wasn’t as tall as his brother, he still towered over you. You craned your head up to glare at him.
His green eyes were once again full of fire. You tried to resist it, but that look made a jolt of electricity zip down your spine, and between your legs.  
“Oh, really?” you retorted. “That’s what you want? For me to forget you didn’t shake me the hell up?”
“Yeah, I really fucking would,” Dean gritted out. Even though his heart leapt at your admission, that he’d shaken you up at all.
“Why?” you said. “If you claim to care about me, why would you—”
“Why would you?” he shot back. He gestured at you with a dismissive hand. “The second you saw him, it was like your face lit the hell up. I’m not gonna get in his way. And by the time the you two were together, I just…I didn’t think you…”
Dean cut himself off, turning from you to wipe a frustrated hand over his mouth.
You watched him very closely, all while you made efforts to take in some deep, even breaths. You followed him, and more tentatively, you grabbed onto his wrist to tug him back around.
“Why would I what, Dean? You didn’t think I’d what?” you all but pleaded. Your grip lowered and tightened on his hand.
“Just talk to me,” you said. “Because this is your one and only chance.”
He was reluctant. For once, you could see it written all over his face. Or maybe you were just getting better at reading him.
“It’s fine. I’ve made my peace with it,” said Dean.
He shook his head and slipped his hand out of yours.
“At the end of the day, you saw him, not me,” he said. “So go back upstairs, and we’ll never have to talk about this again.”
Your frown deepened as he sat back down and tried to turn away from you. You were so goddamn mad. At yourself, or at him, you didn’t know what percentages of each.
So you closed the distance between you and Dean and turned him back around, with a firm hand on his shoulder. Even with that small touch, your insides fluttered at the firm muscle there, and the broadness of his frame when he let you move him. He blew out an exasperated breath.
You wavered just slightly, as you contemplated the confession you were about to make. It shamed you, but at the same time, you were woman enough to admit your mistakes.
“I did see you,” you said, meeting his eyes. “But Sam never hesitated to show me what he wanted. And maybe…maybe he was safer. Familiar, and less dangerous.”
Dean’s brows furrowed, incredulous and confused.
“What the hell are you talking about?” he asked.
You couldn’t fault him for it. Your hand eased on his shoulder.
“Dean, seeing Sam again was like getting my best friend back,” you told him. “Back in college, we were thick as thieves. Me and Jess, Sam and Brady. And when you two found me to help with that case, I wouldn’t have ever seen him as anything more than my friend…until he did something about it.”
Your gaze was pointed. Dean’s lips pursed.
“When I met you,” you continued, “it was like the Godfather ‘thunderbolt.’ When you flirted with me, I didn’t know what to do with myself…whereas with Sam, I could fall back on my old habits.”
Dean’s face knitted further, making you sigh.
“With Sam, I’m the person I was when he knew me. The me that never faltered. That had all my shit together,” you said. Your small smile then was self-deprecating at best.
You felt vulnerable. Dean could see it in the way you held yourself. It was costing you something to be this honest, and that meant something to him. His face might've been stoic, but he was hanging on your every word.
“With you…with you I can’t hide," you said. Your voice was softer, slightly trembling. "And that terrifies me, more than monsters.”
Looking into Dean’s eyes again, you found him actually listening. He seemed to be digesting your words, and trying to make sense of them. You reached for him, clenching a hand in his shirt.
“So what was it that you thought I wouldn’t do?” you asked.
Dean studied your face a moment longer. He hesitated.
But he couldn’t keep lying to you either. What you’d just said gave him hope that he wasn’t about to fall flat on his face here.
With a deep, defeated breath, he shook his head and leaned his elbows on his thighs.
“I just got to thinkin’…” he said. “Why would you give up what you’ve got with him, for me?”
You didn’t know quite what to feel when you looked down at him. Disheartened, sympathetic, annoyed…but most of all, you felt your heart clench.
Your hands framing Dean’s face brought his eyes back to yours. You stepped in between his open legs.
“I’m going to try something. Just once,” you said, biting your lip. “And if it doesn’t work, we won’t speak of this again. Understand?”
A true smile finally twitched at the corner of his mouth.
“All right,” he agreed. You nodded.
Slowly, ever slowly, you leaned down and brushed your lips with his. It was chaste and sweet. Your hands were soft curving along his jawline. His hands found their way to your waist, molding to your shape. That steadied you, and encouraged you to dive back in.
You tilted your head and kissed him a bit deeper. He held you more securely against him, like he was afraid you were going to think better of this and pull away from him.
But you didn’t. His lips were soft and supple and knew how to move against yours. He soon guided you down for a seat on his strong thighs, even though the stool he was sitting on creaked at the added weight.
Then his tongue begged entrance past your lips. If this was his one chance, then damn it, he was going to make the most out of it.
You let him in with a moan. Your fingers tangled in his short hair, your nails dragging down the back of his neck and making a tendril of heat run down his spine. He squeezed your hips, down your thighs, while his lips continued to ravage yours.
It was one hell of a kiss.
But it wasn’t just lust either. At least, not for you. It was warmth, and an overwhelming feeling being right where you were always meant to be.
For Dean, it felt like a craving he wasn't meant to indulge in...but even so, having you in his arms felt as natural as he feared it would be. He didn't just want you. He wanted this. Today, and every day.
When his lips finally dragged away from yours, it took you a moment before you could even open your eyes, let alone catch your breath.
“Damn it,” you whispered.
Dean chuckled, and pulled back just far enough to graze your cheek with his curled fingers.
“Guess I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said. You smiled, but it soon fell.
“Oh God, Dean. What’re we gonna do?” you asked. Already there were tears stinging in your eyes. And still, you held him back with your arms curled around his neck. “I don’t want to hurt him.”
Dean’s relief, and a hidden swell of happiness, also dimmed. “That ship’s sailed, sweetheart."
You sniffed, wiping at your face. “Don’t joke right now, please.”
“I’m not joking,” he said. He held you a fraction tighter. His deep voice rumbled, with desire, longing, and remorse all at once. “I’m actually serious beyond fucking belief.”
You saw everything you needed to see in his eyes. It gave you the strength to be honest.
“So am I,” you nodded, sniffling again. “I’ll talk to him.”
Dean shook his head. “He’s my brother. I’ll do it.”
You stroked his cheek, feeling the rasp of stubble against your fingers.
“Together, then,” you compromised.
And with an unsettled breath, you reluctantly detangled yourself from Dean. Before this went any further, you needed to talk to Sam. It was easily one of the hardest things you’d ever contemplated doing in your life.
Dean seemed to have similar thoughts as he let you up, then stood along with you. He dragged a hand through his hair again and heaved a sigh.
“It’s not gonna be easy,” he said. His brows drew together as he considered every alternative reaction his brother might have. None of them were pretty.
You rested a hand on his arm.
“Look, Dean. If we’re going to do this…if I need to leave the bunker, I will. I’ll do whatever it takes to make this work, as long as you’re in this with me,” you said.
Both your gaze and your will were unwavering. Dean didn’t doubt that you meant every word; that you were willing to jump into the fire with him. And that was just a small fraction of what had made him fall in love with you.
He took your hand, and pressed a lingering kiss to the inside of your wrist.
“I’m with you,” he replied.  
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AN: So while it was painful to contemplate both of these scenarios, I hope I did them justice! 🥲
Which ending was your favorite: Sam, or Dean? 😘
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Dean Winchester Imagines
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Sam Winchester Masterlist
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
can you pls do some jameson headcannons?
jameson head canons
of course, i'd love to. jamie is the best brother, and that is not up for discussion. might suck cause i'm currently dying (not fr). i also might make a part two cause i wrote these at like 2am and feel like i have some better ideas. hope you like them<3
his favorite kind of alcohol is whiskey (idk why is just feel it)
he's ambidextrous
loves chase atlantic and the weekend but is also a sucker for love songs, laufey, and taylor swift
actually has a really nice voice. he'll sometimes sing in the shower and avery thinks its adorable (she also has a great voice so sometimes they sing together)
he has nightmares about the day avery got bombed and almost died.
he literally only drinks black coffee with the tiniest amount of milk in it.
he's secretly a huge anime fan, especially more romantic animes.
he had an obsession with octopuses when he was younger (i have no idea why). he used to get tobias to take him out to places where the could see them
played roblox for the longest time possible (he loved bullying kids and playing really difficult obbies (he would not stop until he finished them))
he takes hours getting ready in the morning bc he has a 1094 step hair care routine.
when he gets anxious (very rare) he plays with the hem of his shirt.
he's a very good electric guitar player (i imagine him doing those videos you see on tiktok where the guy is playing and you can only see his hands (people are thirsting over it in the comments))
posts thirst traps on tiktok and tags avery in every single one of them so she can see (at this point this is canon)
when he becomes older, people see him as a dilf.
seems like the kind of guy who would like rough s*x and, although he does like it, he prefers it when its romantic
gets extremely scared that avery will someday realize she deserves better than him and will leave him (he thinks its true but its not). he'll wake up from nightmares where he loses her crying silently, and he'll start cuddling up with her.
loves being the little spoon in bed or resting his head on avery's chest.
he has pinterest boards with inspiration for his dates with avery.
has the sluttiest waist known to human kind (it has everyone in a chokehold)
he went behind tobias' back and got on anti-depressants (i'm projecting) (he got them prescribed to him obvi). he still takes them.
he's actually a really big fan of poetry and literature (one of the reasons why he loves taylor)
when he's really deep in thought/is confused, his eyebrows will scrunch together
he used to be a really big nail biter. he'd especially bite his nails when he knew tobias was disappointed in him and wanted to talk to him.
when he has to sleep without avery, he cuddles up with a pillow bc he hates not falling asleep holding someone/something
has a teddy bear he's had since he was baby that he still has today and cuddles up with when he's alone
he's perfected his fake smile and literally no one can see through it (except for avery)
he loves receiving kisses on his nose (from avery of course)
he used to have a friend group he liked a lot until he realized they only wanted him around bc of his money
his comfort series is percy jackson (in another post i said avery used to have an edit account dedicated to pjo, so they bond over their love for the series)
hates having dry lips. it irks him. he always has lip balm with him
he has impeccable taste in clothing but no one really knows cause he never makes an effort
he only cries at night in the comfort of his room in his pillow
really depressing, but he's tried to kill himself multiple times but tobias always stopped him (but did nothing to help him)
he absolutely loves stargazing. all of his worries melt away whenever he's stargazing.
for halloween one year, he dressed up as a condom...
i apologize for any spelling mistakes :)
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spiderpussinc · 11 months
who you mind sharing some spiderdads headcanons you have, or do "the explain your otp in 5 minutes" meme? no pressure though! i love your art and fic too
im soooooo bad at this kind of question bc i kinda love thinking about a bunch of different/concurrent options like. you know how every fic is its own universe and you watch the same steps happen with little alterations so the same guys fall in love 101 times that's my brain... HOWEVER I've been thinking a LOT about ITSV Peter/Miguel lately --
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Either comic-canon based settings where he's the usual single hero in his natural habitat OR directly /before/ ITSV itself; divorced midlife crisis spider-man who's always struggling to make rent is SUCH a good spot for Peter's stakes, and it sucks how people just want to make him rich or magically the avengers solve all his problems to basically erase what makes him compelling. I think its a good choice the spidey movies do -- to make it all a lot more ground-level, without outside interference -- so he has to make the tiny decisions.
Miguel getting stranded in the past!! HOW COME THERE'S SO LITTLE STUFF ABOUT MIGUEL AND PETER MEETING IN THE PAST? Doesn't need to be ATSV plotline compliant. A macguffin gets him there, or sends him to Peter's universe, come on! The important part is having them on a ground level sandbox.
THE REAL FUN STUFF: The cheesiest stupidest meetcutes you could ever imagine. Endless possibility. Spitballing: Peter/Miguel being unaware of each other's identities and renting the same apartment because neither of them has the funds to fly solo. Peter being suddenly spooked by the appearance of a brand new edgy spider-man in the vicinity. After all these years. Miguel not knowing how much he can say because Peter's sort of convinced this is a villain ploy of some sort to fuck up his public persona.
REAL-LIFE, both of them are suspicious about the other as a Weird Fidgety Roommate type. Neither can complain much because, again, it's rent on NY. You mind or business. or not.
Maybe Alchemax doesn't even exist in this universe, tipping Miguel off that this is an alternate timeline and he's really on his own. Maybe the ruling company here is Roxxon or Future labs or whatever; there's a lot of those in comics. He kind of HAS to eventually come clean about being universe-displaced to this world's Spider-man -- Peter begrudgingly accepting that there's a second spider-guy around on the condition that Miguel isn't gonna do anything catastrophic while he's here to completely blow up Peter's image, or give J.J. Jameson fodder to attack him.
Maybe they start working together. Maybe it's a casual partnerships thing where they happen to be tracking the same shady incident and decide to wrap it up as a duo; maybe they just agree to patrol the neighborhood together on busy weeks since they just.. suspiciously... seem to be around at the same place... at the same time... overly concerned abt the same shit....
Miguel has a superhuman investment in Not Letting This World Turn into a Future Dystopic Hellhole; Peter just kind of wants to live and solve problems as they come by but these two motivations really synergize. Peter doesn't even need to ask why, just damn okay dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!
Secret Identity investigations. Secret Identity mishaps. Secret Identity fumbles. Lyla accidentally busting out that Peter Parker is Spider-man via advanced facebook voice recognition fuckery. (LOL) Hell, maybe in THIS Miguel's version of 2099 it was already revealed Peter is spider-man, after he died. How'd he die? Maybe it was a bad end. How does Miguel feel about that? About meeting with a ghost? Endless possibility.
EVEN MORE FUN STUFF: both of these guys are *SO* intensely defined by a lack of support system around their secret identities. WALLOWING in guilt. Spider-man always seems to ruin their lives, in the worst ways. They're too proud to let normal people intervene, or the ppl themselves deeply resent the fact Spider-man exists. It's fun to think of a reversal scenario where Peter/Miguel have each other's backs, can help the other dress wounds, can show up in a pinch to prevent disaster from occurring with some supervillain 10 blocks away while Peter is trying to land a new job interview as a highschool teacher or science columnist. IDK It doesn't have to be constant uphill battle to get someone else to understand why they do what they do and what the stakes are; they're the same kind of crazy.
And okay, maybe you don't want the spidersonas falling in love before their real identities do..... still VERY ripe options around for Miguel sneaking home with a limp or a really fucked up arm and his healing factor isn't nearly as good as Spider-man Prime's, so Peter is like 'WHAT the FUCK happened to you?' And even though he can tell Miguel is lying. He is not going to bust him out for it. Because he's been lying for 20+ years. Instead, Peter just takes it upon himself to teach him how to get his shit fixed. Temporary armslings and icepacks and sprays and current-time medication that is different to what Miguel is used to in the future; friendly neighborhood Peter Parker who minds his business and will not ask you if you're secretly Daredevil for Reasons but that will, however, tell you to stop blocking attacks with your fucking head. He learned this lesson earlier than most superheroes.
(The reverse scenario is still sweet! Peter's taciturn roommate who wears sunglasses indoors and is weirdly secretive about everything seeing him come home with a busted out eye and hes like damn. Do you want to split a pizza or whatever. You look like shit)
Miguel is not actually as experienced as Peter! He /could/ use the tips!!! Peter has been Spider-man ever since he was 15 years old. Miguel became Spider-man due to a freak accident at MAXIMUM 4ish years ago. Probably less. Figuring out how to do it not alone would be genuinely a good experience for him.
Miguel moe x1000 as the future man who kinda doesn't get the weird counterintuitive way things work present-time 💔 flipside; Miguel seeing the beginnings of bad future patterns like musk trying to buy twitter and deciding to take matters into his own hands. sorry this is just hilarious to me. Even if he's not beating these guys up its still awesome to imagine him as an insane ranting tech essayist who goes on hour-long takedowns of NFTs on youtube or being like GOD WE NEED VACCINES TO BE COOL AGAIN FUCKKKK
Among all of this though, I think one of the most appealing aspects of having them as an unit is that they don't have to lone-wolf shit anymore. (and they Have been lonewolfing it for SO long.) Feels good feels organic
I could go on but I need to actually write and I just... think they can be so entertaining. We don't have to be so dependent on the movie here pulling from regular superhero shenanigans Really works. They sort of complete each other. Immediate productive boost on both of their morales. Get Peter/Miguel pilled with me rn
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ariscats · 3 months
Jameson analyzes part 2: Traumas (or a very long rant against Emily Laughin, who I cant be bother to learn how to spell her last name)
“Cause I've made some real big mistakes/ But you make the worst one look fine/ I should've known it was strange/ You only come out at night/ I used to think I was smart/ But you made me look so naive/ The way you sold me for parts/ As you sunk your teeth into me, oh/ Bloodsucker, famefucker/ Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire”
So there is this girl, who comes at his house every summer and has a heart diesse. She cant live so everyone has to do whatever she asks to make it up for it. Then one day she gets a surgery and now she gets to live, and who is her ticket to living? Jameson and Grayson.
Emily is his first kiss. However, 3 seconds after SHE KISSES HIS BROTHER WHO HE ALREADY INSECURE ABOUT BECAUSE OF HIS F. GRANDFATHER. And you have to be pretty dumd to not realize that what emily really wanted in the scene is Grayson to kiss her and she just used Jameson because she could (I still can’t believe that Emily did “loved” Gray more than Jameson).
Then she moves to his city and goes to his school. And, as far as a bitch she is, she must have been rl something because she became the most popular girl at school.
(Now, this is where things get tricky. I’m going to use the version fo what I believe happened. If you have another version you can picture like that)
Then they start dating. They borh want to live and do things because they can rather because they should. She got her golden ticket to freedom and he got the attention he’s been craving his whole life. They do everything together because she wants more and he wants more and nothing is never enough for them. So Jameson takes her to do everything they have the right to because Jameson is, at te end of the day, a good boyfriend.
But, its still not enough for Emily. Because she goes after fucking Grayson AND HE DOES THE SAME TING AS JAMESON BECAUSE THEY ARE THE OPOSITE SIDE OF THE SAME COIN.
Then they start fighting. Best friends for their whole life, but they slowly start to hate each other because fucking Emily turned everything INTO A GAME, MAKING LOVE A GAME THE SAME WAY TJEIR FAMILY HAS BEEN TRAUMATAZING THEM THEIR WHOLE LIFES. AND SHE KEEPS A FUCKING SCORE OF WHO HAS MORE POINTS, BY VOICE RECORDING.
Then one beautifull day Rebecca decides that betrayl by both ends doesnt hurts and tells Jameson about the scores and sends him the audio Emily made.
Jameson Hawthorne had to listen the girl he ruined his life for for over a year sumarize him and his love as some points. He breaks up with her, and she decides to go after Grayson. And then she jumps. But he is also there, because love and family are never that simple and jameson is a tiny bit (read in the level of therapy) of a masochist. And then SHE BLINKS AND LAUGHS AT HIM AND WHEN HE FINALLY MANAGES TO GO AWAY SHE START HAVING HEART PROBLEMS. BUT SHE HAS PLAYED HIM SO MUCH THAT HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT REALITY IS ANYMORE, and she hadnt had any heart problems for the past 4 years. So he leaves and she dies, and hell breakes lose.
He lost a girl he has know his whole life. He just “learned” that his love arent worth more than some points, he just got out of a increadibly toxic relasionship that ruined his life. The healthy thing would have been if he had some safe space to talk about what Emily did to him and have a strong support system. But everyone he knows is muroning her. They see her as an angle, so everything she did to him goes under the traps because how do you even dare to say something about dear angle Emily. And he has to live with the fact that he belives he killed her. And he cant also talk about anyone about that, for obvious reasons (but his grandfather knows and uses that against him).
Remember what I said about him being a masochist? Now is the era of his great self destruction (with an almost suicide attempt there, that his grandfather was present again and used that agaisnt him, *again*). Its all buttom up in him and he feels angry and sad and nothing. And between these 3, he chose anger. Also, Thea blames the Hawthorne for a death they didnt cause because who dares to say something bad about angles emily? So she puts the whole school agaisnt him and makes school unberable to him. Everyone likes to joke about Jameson missing school but has anyone ever wondered why he hated there so much? He didnt skiped class because he was a rebel 😝🤘but because everyone f. hated him and made his life hell.
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Those Moments
Warnings: none, just fluff and cute stuff
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“Heiress?” Jameson called out, when he reached his late grandfather’s wing, which was now Avery’s wing. His heiress’ wing.
He opened the door to her bedroom and froze, mesmerised. Avery stood there, wearing floor-length gown with a fitted bodice and a flowing skirt, the color a vibrant shade of blue, which was elegant and glamorous. Jameson couldn’t believe his eyes. How could someone be so pretty, he thought.
On seeing Jameson in her doorway, Avery cleared her throat, which brought Jameson back to reality. “You are early.” Avery said.
“I’m early?” Jameson smiled his devastating smile—as Avery liked to say—and hugged her, “I didn’t realise.” She smiled and rested her head on his chest. Jameson cherished these moments with Avery. He loved to see her smiling.
“Come on now, we will be late.” Avery said. Jameson groaned, “Really heiress?”
“Really, Jameson.” She replied.
Avery stepped back a little, to look at him. “You are not looking bad. Pretty good, you know.” Jameson’s lips quirked, “Oh what a misery it is,” he sighed, “to be so handsome.”
Avery laughed. “God, I love you.”
Jameson smiled, not his usual smile, but the smile he smiled only for his heiress. “I know you do.”
“Avery,” someone knocked on her door, “It’s Alisa, come down, we have to leave.”
“Yeah, coming Alisa.” Avery replied. “So…”
“So…” Jameson repeated, “Shall we?” He offered his right arm to her.
“We shall.”
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Hi!! This is my second story which I have written. This follows Averyjameson before some important event. They love spending time together and yeah! I hope y’all like it 🫶🏻
PS: (Avery’s dress) [Because I’m bad at describing stuff]
Tagging people who I think would like this :)
@hathorneheiress @averysjameson @riddles-n-games @esmeraythewriter and more!
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xo-zozo · 2 months
hi! hope you’re having a good day 🩵
could you please do hcs about toby and jameson (like if he really was present in ave’s life like a father, how would he perceive Jamie dating Ave, if he'd be too protective and so on)
let's forget that he's basically his uncle lmao
yess pookie
side note, this request makes me sad because like toby should be able to be in avery’s life and HES NOTTTTTT
~ i think toby would definitely pretend to not like jameson just for the sake of it but would secretly like him and think he’s funny
~ every time jameson tried to put his hand around avery waist or smth toby always goes “HEY WATCH THE HANDS” or smth like that
~ don’t even get me started on the kissing he would probably go into cardiac arrest
~ but in general he would actually think that jameson is good for her and stuff
~ they would definitely have the grumpy x sunshine dynamic if you know what i mean 😭
~ when avery, jameson and toby were in the car together jameson would play the clean version of songs and toby would be like “where’s the original version??” or like “this isn’t what i remember the lyrics being”
~ jameson would make jokes and he would pretend to be unbothered but he secretly thinks they’re all funny
~ not about jameson and toby but xander definitely fills toby in on ALL the drama that has happened while he was gone
~ jameson REALLY wants to take him and grayson to a concert just because it would be really funny
~ toby occasionally forces jameson to watch all of his favorite movies
~ whenever toby actually has to go to public events jameson and xander are the ones who hype him up
~ definitely would not let jameson drive; he would always think that he was gonna crash the car
~ when he does let him drive he’s always yelling directions at him
~ he’s always the one who’s telling jameson to be quiet when he’s talking at events and stuff because i just know that man YAPS
~ the two of them are avery’s biggest supporters
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imecliptic · 1 year
since i’m having an inheritance games brainrot currently, i decided to throw together taylor swift songs/lyrics that i thought fit the characters. it was actually really hard but i’d totally do it again-
Avery Kylie Grambs: …Ready For It? - “Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him. Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted. But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom, holdin' him for ransom.”
Libby Grambs: Tied Together With A Smile(I also really considered Begin Again) - “I guess it's true that love was all you wanted, 'cause you're givin' it away like it's extra change, hoping it will end up in his pocket, but he leaves you out like a penny in the rain.”
Nash Westbrook Hawthorne: Fearless - “We're drivin' down the road, I wonder if you know I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now. But you're just so cool, run your hands through your hair. Absentmindedly makin' me want you.”
Grayson Davenport Hawthorne: cardigan - “You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleedin'. 'Cause I knew you, steppin' on the last train, marked me like a bloodstain, I- I knew you tried to change the ending; Peter losing Wendy.”
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne: Mine - “Do you remember, we were sittin', there by the water? You put your arm around me for the first time. You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.”
Alexander Blackwood Hawthorne: The Archer - “I've been the archer, I've been the prey. Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?”
Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne: Mastermind - “What if I told you none of it was accidental? And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me? I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork the dominoes cascaded in a line. What if I told you I'm a mastermind?”
Skye Hawthorne: the last great american dynasty - “‘There goes the last great American dynasty’ ‘Who knows if she never showed up, what could've been’ ‘There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen’ ‘She had a marvelous time ruinin' everything’.”
Zara Hawthorne-Calligaris: Better Than Revenge - “I had it all I had him right there where I wanted him. She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause; She took him faster than you could say ‘sabotage’.”
Toby Hawthorne: closure - “Don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled. I'm fine with my spite, and my tears, and my beers and my candles. I can feel you smoothing me over”
Pearl O’day: no body, no crime - “She thinks I did it but she just can't prove it. No, no body, no crime. I wasn't letting up until the day he… died.”
Alisa Ortega: Midnight Rain - He was sunshine, I was midnight rain. He wanted comfortable, I wanted that pain. He wanted a bride, I was making my own name.”
Maxine Liu: dorothea - “You got shiny friends since you left town, a tiny screen's the only place I see you now, and I got nothing but well wishes for ya.”
Thea Calligaris: New Romantics - “We need love, but all we want is danger. We team up, then switch sides like a record changer. The rumors are terrible and cruel; But honey, most of them are true.”
Rebecca Laughlin: tolerate it - “I greet you with a battle hero's welcome. I take your indiscretions all in good fun. I sit and listen, I polish plates until they gleam and glisten. You're so much older and wiser and I.”
Emily Laughlin: Wildest Dreams - “Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks; Say you'll see me again, even if it's just in your wildest dreams.”
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could you do some hcs of Lyra and Grayson if they started dating in secret while the game was still being played? 🤍🤍 sorry if that didn’t make sense 😭
- they sneak each other notes on when and where to meet up
- grayson would have to sneak out of the house to visit lyras apartment and almost got caught by jameson one time 🫢
- but he made up a lie and said gigi had asked him to visit, so jameson reluctantly dropped it but was still suspicious
- it’s harder for them to date secretly since everybody thinks they’re dating and has an eye out for them in case they see them kissing or something, but they’re very sneaky so it’s all good 😜
- lyra having to wear turtlenecks to cover up hickeys
- grayson stayed in lyras room more then lyra stayed in graysons room bc his brothers loved to just barge in randomly
- whenever they had the chance to, they would sneak away from the contestants to make out or something and then come back at different times so it wouldn’t be suspicious
- grayson would distract her with kisses if she’s really stuck on a riddle/thing for the game
- when it was late at night and the other contestants were (mainly) asleep, they would meet in the library and just talk. about their life, secrets, things that haunt them, whatever comes to mind. they just feel comfortable with each other and love having long talks 💗
- they also loved sneaking out and going stargazing, with lyras head on grays chest as they looked at the stars and pointed out any constellations they saw 🤭🩷
- surprisingly enough, xander was actually the one to accidentally stumble across them kissing in a secret tunnel, and lyra and gray were both mortified
- they both begged him not to tell anybody and he didn’t for a bit, but nash got the secret out of him eventually 😔
- a few weeks after nash found out, everybody found out 💀
- and once they did, all hell broke loose. jameson was pissed that he was the only brother who didn’t know about his “secret” relationship, libby and avery were always teasing him about lyra, the contestants were just downright foul, always making jokes and never letting Lyra and gray have a single moment alone together just to be annoying, and Nan was just ecstatic that her boy FINALLY found somebody 💀
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avengerscompound · 3 months
The Interview - Chapter 15
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The Interview - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings: none
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Melody Danes
Word Count: 1844
Summary:  Melody Danes gets the break of a lifetime when as a lowly intern, she’s assigned to write a profile piece on Captain America.  Steve Rogers is a hard man not to fall for and as she and Melody get closer and Melody’s career takes off, jealousy leads to sabotage, and the potential to bring her whole world crashing down.
A/N: My laptop broke last week and updates will be very sporadic until I get it back.  Sorry about that.
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Chapter 15
Melody tapped her pen on the desk in front of her as she waited for everything to be set up properly.  The website was launching this week and they wanted to do it with a big name.  So she had pulled the strings she didn’t want to pull to get one.  They had their idea for their light, silly interview segments, and they were starting with one of the biggest names there were; Tony Stark.
It had been a long time since she met the self-proclaimed genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist at the party where Steve had first confessed he was interested in her.  Back then she was just the woman interviewing Captain America, and while all Steve’s friends had been more than friendly, she was just a journalist back then, and the small amount she had spoken to anyone other than Steve, Bucky, or Sam, they had been on guard and performing for her.
Since then, Steve hadn’t invited her around to socialize with the rest of his friends.  Of course, she knew Bucky and Sam well, but the rest not so much.  On occasion, she might see one of them in the hall or the lobby when she slept over, but no other social occasions had brought them together.  Not that she particularly expected there to be, but it did mean that to get Tony she had gone through his PR people, dropping names in a way that made her feel a little dirty.  She hoped that this and the Spider-Man interview coming up would entice more celebrities to say yes.  She had other famous names she’d interviewed and created connections with thanks to the DB, but with this new site, it was hard for the bigger names to want to take the risk of being first.
She was grateful that Tony agreed to do it, but she worried that it was going to flop and not only would no one else agree to do any of these interviews, but Tony Stark would end up looking at her as the person who had publicly humiliated him, which would, in turn, would make things awkward with her and Steve.
She scribbled down a note to herself about trying to find a way to make Steve feel particularly cherished.  She didn’t want him to ever think she was with him because of who he knew.
As she was writing the huge double doors at the end of the tiny studio opened and Norah Winters came marching into the room like a woman on a mission.  She pulled up by the desk and flipped her blonde hair behind her head.  “Heard you used some nepotism to pull Tony Stark,” she said. “You realize this is why Jameson chose you for this job, don’t you?  You’re not a real journalist, you just sleep with people to get exclusives.”
Melody closed her notebook and blinked up at her.  “Thank you for your valuable input, Norah.  You are indeed a fantastic investigative journalist.  I’ll nominate you for a Pulitzer.  Woman running a fluff website pulled strings to get good guests.  News at seven.”
She rolled her eyes and went to take the notebook off the table.  Melody grabbed it before she could and tucked it into her pocket.  “You’re seriously happy with Jameson just using you like this?”
“Norah, I really don’t know what your problem is,” Melody said.  “I know you love to count the hits on your articles, but I also know you’re a real journalist.  A sleazy one, sure, but you do investigate things.  I’m not.  I never have been.  I write fluff pieces and now I produce silly online content to appeal to people who don’t read the news.  Every YouTuber on the planet calls in favors from their friends.  I don’t know what coming in here trying to call me out on that means anything to you.”
Norah rolled her eyes.  “We used to be a serious paper.”
“That’s not true,” Melody snarked.  “You were a tabloid at best.  I think what you’re annoyed about is you’re not the one getting all the attention anymore.  Go start a gossip blog if it bothers you that much.  Make up some stuff.”
“I don’t make things up,” she snapped.
“Oh no… you bend the truth to fit your narrative.  There’s a reason the Avengers don’t agree to interviews with you.”
“The Avengers are …”
“Oh yes?  What are we, dear?  I’d love to hear it.”
Both Norah and Melody whipped around to see Tony Stark enter the room.  He was with a small entourage of his own people as well as one of the interns and Bobbi.
“Mister Stark,” Melody said, getting up and coming over to him, holding out her hand to greet him.
“Ms Danes,” he said, taking her hand.  Rather than shake it though, he drew her in close and kissed her cheek.  “You look as ravishing as when I last saw you.”
“I really hope that’s not true,” Melody said.  “I was aiming at ravishing last time.  Now I’m going for professional.”
Tony laughed and turned his attention back to Norah.  “You were saying, Ms Winters?”
“I was saying that I have better places to be.  Good to see you, Mister Stark,” she said with a nod, quickly hurrying out of the room.
Tony laughed.  “She normally has much more fight than that,” he said.
Melody laughed and shook her head.  “I think she’s jealous I got the promotion,” she said and gestured for Tony to sit.  “Thank you so much for agreeing to do this for me, Tony.”
“Not a problem.  I have to admit, I was excited to get a chance to see you again.  I know you and Cap are getting serious and I’m getting a little offended he’s been keeping you away from me,” he said.  “So what’s the premise?  I’m eating things while I answer questions?”
“We have some recipes that were featured in Magazines from the year you were born and you and Bobbi will try them together.  Some are a little suspect, but we made sure there’s nothing there on your no-go list,” Melody explained.  “The questions are light.  It’s just supposed to be silly and fun.  You can answer truthfully or go for the joke, whatever you want.”
“As long as no one hands me anything, it’ll be fine,” he said.  “Bobbi and I will have a great time.  I know how disgusting 70s food can be.”
“That’s good,” Melody said.  “You won’t be disappointed.”
Tony laughed hard and got comfortable in his chair while Bobbi took the opposite him.  She ran through her intro easily.  Melody wasn’t surprised, Bobbi was so excited about this job she’d been practicing her lines constantly at home.  Sometimes Melody had heard her repeating them over and over in the shower.
When she was done explaining the premise and introducing Tony, Melody brought over the first dish, putting it on the desk beside them, so that Bobbi could slide it into view of the camera.
“And what is this delightful-looking ring of green jello?” Tony asked.
“This is a Guacamole mold,” Bobbi said, raising her eyebrow.
“Good lord, what did Mexican cuisine ever do to you?” Tony teased as he pushed the plate back and forth, making the ring giggle around the green leaf salad that it surrounded.
“I think it might be illegal for me to eat this,” Bobbi joked.
She cut them each a slice and put it on a cracker and the two toasted each other before taking a bite.  “Wow, that’s rank,” Tony said, covering his mouth as he spoke.  Bobbi broke down into laughter as she tried to swallow the food in her mouth.
“See I knew there would be jello, but I was not expecting avocado,” Tony said as he swallowed.
“Does it bring back childhood memories?” Bobbi asked.
Tony laughed and shook his head.  “I was pretty young during the era of putting everything in gelatin, but I also think that was more of a middle-class thing.  I mostly remember fondue and oysters Kilpatrick from the one or two parties I got to go to when I was just a little kid.”
Melody put another dish on the desk and took the guacamole ring away.  Bobbi moved it in front of her.
“Jesus Christ, what is that?” Tony cursed as he looked at the gelatin ‘salad’ filled with pimento and shredded red cabbage.  “It looks like a brain.”
“Well from the looks of it we’re sticking to the middle-class party food,” Bobbi answered.  “This is Rosy Perfection Salad.”
Tony started laughing.  “Oh yes, complete perfection.”
The interview continued with them sampling foods such as; Salmon crisp crumble, a dish resembling a cottage pie using salmon instead of lamb and potato chips instead of mash; Creamed Liver Loaf, a dish that sat somewhere on the chart between meatloaf and pate and was made with livers and wrapped in bacon; Celebration Basket, a basket made of baked meringue filled with fruit that both agreed was pretty tasty; Celebration Sandwich, a large multi-layered sandwich, cut to look like a cake and covered in cream cheese and sliced olives; and one more ‘salad’ that consisted of puréed corned beef in gelatin.  Tony and Bobbi spoke easily like two old friends, and Tony opened up about his childhood, and what it was like becoming Iron Man all those years ago.  His openness was completely unexpected, and Melody was impressed with how at ease Bobbi made Tony feel.
When it was all finished Tony stood and offered Bobbi his hand.  “That was so much fun,” he said.  “Thank you.”
“No thank you,” she said.  “This was my first time doing anything like that, I think my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I was so nervous at the start.”
“Oh you were great,” Tony said.  “You’re a complete natural.”
He turned to Melody and offered her his hand too.  Melody shook it with a smile.  “Thanks, Tony.  I owe you one.”
“It was nothing, really,” he said.  “Though I do need to go eat something to wash the taste of Post McCarthyism out of my mouth.”
Melody snorted. “I am sure we have soda or coffee around here somewhere,” she said.
He waved her away. “It’s fine.  I’ll stop at Burger King on the way out.  But you two should come around to the tower for dinner sometime.  It’s about time the team met Cap and Freezer Burns’ new Bae.  Is bae the word everyone is using now?”
“It is not,” Bobbi said.  “And did you just call him freezer burn?”
Tony smirked and raised an eyebrow at her.  “If the cryogenic unit fits… So shall we say Friday?  The Tower?  Seven-thirty?”
“Sounds good,” Melody said laughing.  “We’ll see you then.”
They watched Tony leave with his entourage and Bobbi turned to Melody.  “Well, that’s going to be interesting.”
“Don’t worry,” Melody said.  “It’ll be just like meeting his parents.”
Bobbi laughed and nudged her.  “Wow, that makes it way better.  Thanks for that.”
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1989stanz · 4 months
Karaoke at Xander's birthday
Sooo, this one been sitting in my drafts and I've been thinking if it's good enough for me to post. My immediate answer was “no”, but I kind of liked this one. A quick remainder: the year was 2009 and I just put songs that were trending at the time or were made before 2009. Hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: mentions of Nash Hawthorne, Jameson Hawthorne, Alexander Hawthorne, Grayson Hawthorne and minor cursing. The characters are not mine! They belong to Jennifer Lynn Barnes.
English is not my first language! Sorry if there's any mistakes.
Word count: 10K (it's acceptable, isn't it?)
December 17th, 13 years ago
It was December at Hawthorne House, which meant two things: Christmas and Xander birthday party. It was always the most busy month in the house—with employees walking around the mansion, carrying balloons, boards full of the most expensive foods, Christmas lights, and the decorations for the trees. Overall, it was the mess that came along with Alexander's birthday mixed with the mess that came with Christmas. Xander liked this time of the year, not just because it was his birthday and his favorite holiday in one month together. And definitely not because he used to make jokes that the employees looked like robots, focused on nothing else but doing what they were programmed to do. December was usually when Skye arrived, just to spend the holiday and go back by new year. She wasn't really present in her son's life, at least not in the way other mothers were, but she was there in December. She typically arrived on the 17th. In other words, in the day of Xander's birthday. That's why 5-year-old Xander was sitting in front of the library window. Three hours ago he got expelled from the kitchen because he would just sit there without any movement, waiting for Skye, and Nash found it depressing to see his youngest brother this way. Nash knew that it was very likely that she wouldn't show up, so he just expelled him from the kitchen, expecting that he would forget it. But Xander was a Hawthorne, wherefore he just found another window that led directly to the front door, where Skye was about to show up. At any second. But why was she taking so long? The house was already decorated for his anniversary, still, he chose to wait for his mother to start celebrating. Consequently, he waited. Waited. And waited. Waited a little more. And when he got tired of waiting, he just forced himself to wait even more. But there was no possibility she was about to show up. He looked up, glancing at the clock. 10:00 pm. He was looking at the window since 9:00 am, but he didn't catch a glimpse of Skye. “She's not going to show up” Xander thought, and hated himself for thinking it. Of course she was, she was his mother. That's what she's supposed to do. “She's not coming”, this time tears fell from his eyes to his cheeks, dropping and wetting the carpet. There was only one in the beginning, but quickly there were more than he could count. More than he could contain. So he just let them fall, without fighting. Skye had failed him—she should've been there. She should be wishing happy birthday to him, with a bright smile on her face. She should've had seen him blowing out the candles of his cake. Not only that, but she should kiss him in the forehead and ask, “What did you wish for, Xan?”. That's what she had always done, and he could practically hear himself answering his mother, “I cannot tell you! It will ruin my wish.” But his wishes were already ruined, because all he always wished was to Skye come back in his next birthday. He must have done something wrong in the last year—that would explain her absence. There is no way she missed her son's birthday on purpose. Crying, he held his head in his hands and just drowned in his misery, wondering what he did wrong to have such an absence mother when all his friends' mothers were all present—not only on their birthdays or in other special occasion. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him and fastly wiped his tears away, turning around to see who was coming. Jameson. “Hey, why are you crying? What happened?” At the age of seven years old, Jamie was already the biggest problem on the house, always mocking his brothers for anything. Sometimes, he made up scenarios just to mock them, like when he stole Grayson's clothes when he was taking a shower and mocked him for having a Disney princess towel. Yet, he knew when it was time to stop. Xander replied, “I'm not crying. My eyes are just sweating.” Jameson raised an eyebrow. “Eyes don't sweat.” 
“At least not yours” Xander said, except that his voice was shaky, his eyes tired, and some tears were dry in his face. Not to mention the headache that he had now. His brother sat down beside him, putting an arm around his youngest brother's neck. “So, why are your eyes sweating?” His tone was calm and gentle, also he didn't complain during the time that Xander took to reply. “She didn't come” he said weakly, his voice lower than a whisper. Jamie didn't have to ask who. She didn't show up for his birthday neither, but he pretended it didn't matter like he always did. “I know it hurts, but she won't be here for all your birthdays. She wasn't here for mine, but it's okay. You can still enjoy it. She'll be here soon.”
Sniffling, Xander acknowledged the elephant in the room, “Why she's rarely here?” Jameson arched his back, tense. He didn't know, and he didn't like to think about it—otherwise it would mean that she considered other things more important than her own children. “Maybe she's just busy. Why don't you spend some time with us?”  
Us as in Jameson, Nash, and Grayson. “I don't think I'm up to anything right now.” He stared at the ground, unable to even think straight. Jamie squeeze his shoulder, asking really quietly, “Not even karaoke?”
After a long time gathering himself, with Jameson telling him about that one time he put superglue on Nash's favorite cowboy hat, and he had to get a buzz cut after using it just to make Xander laugh through his misery, they knocked on their brothers' bedrooms. Nash and Grayson were both reluctant, but once they understood the whole situation, they just agreed profusely. Walking through the halls, they tried to not make too much noise to do not disturb the employees sleep. They had a really tiring day and needed rest. Once they arrived, Nash turned the lights on, revealing the karaoke equipment in the stage. Untouched. Brand new. Ready for the night. Jameson started to run to pick one of the microphones, but Nash grabbed him by the shoulder. “Hey, James, not today. It's Xander's birthday, he will choose the music. It's fair.” Jameson made a furious face at Nash. “Don't call me James. I hate it.” Nash tilted his head. “Then behave.” He looked at Xander, “It's your night, Xan. Choose whatever the hell you want to, and we'll sing it.” Xan. Skye started calling him this way because she wanted to have a different nickname for her son. It hurt to remember that. It almost hurt when he was called by Xan by his brothers, but somehow it didn't. “He's five. You're not supposed to say hell in front of him” Grayson complained, arms crossed over his chest.
“Don't worry, kid”, he side eyed Jamie, “someone taught him worse words than just hell.” It was true. Jameson one day selected all the cuss words in the dictionary, and ran up to Xander so they would found out what they meant. “So, what are we waiting for?” Xander asked, excited. “Let's see how noise we can make without getting kicked out of the house!”
Nash was the first one, and Xander meticulously considered the most unserious song for a cowboy like him to sing. Only one music popped on his head, and he put it in the karaoke machine with a devilish smile. “Nash,” he turned to his brother, “I think this one would fit you well.” Nash looked at the music author and raised an eyebrow at the name. “Taylor Swift? Who's her?” 
Xander was shocked, to say the least. “You never heard 'You belong with me'?” He asked, and Nash shook his head. Did he live under a cave? “Never heard about the woman, but I know this song.” Xander nodded. It wasn't as bad as it seemed. The intro started to play and Jameson already lost it when Nash did the phone signal with his hand. Grayson tried hard to not laugh, but he was cracking up in the bridge. Xander almost fell to the ground. He was dying of laughter. “Make him stop” Grayson said, taking spaces between the words. They all had to make spaces between the words because of how funny the scene was. Even Nash couldn't hold it anymore in the end of the song. “Give me an autograph, Nash. I'm your biggest fan!”, Xander yelled, and they all chuckled. “I love this song. I'll look up for the artist later.” Nash told Xander, and he was amused. “You'll love her work!” Nash smiled and glanced Grayson. “Definitely. But I guess someone's about to sing to us, isn't it, Gray?”
Gray had, technically speaking, a bass type of voice. In other words, his voice was so low it fit classic songs really well. In Xander's words, his voice fit Katy Perry perfectly. His older brother gave him a dangerous look when 'Hot n Cold' started to play. Jameson was pleased, to say the least. “Go, Grayson!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the walls of the room. They all got up to dance and make fun of Grayson. He, in the other hand, had an incredible voice, as expected. He'd spent hours and hours singing, trying to achieve the perfect tone and not missing one single note. If he did miss, he'd have to start over and over until it was carved on his mind. Nash was dancing some steps that seemed really bizarre, but exactly like how Xander thought a cowboy would dance in this situation. Jamie was rocking the non-dance-floor, and his youngest brother too. They all were laughing, for Gray's misery. When he was done, left the microphone and came to join his brothers. “Didn't know you are a fan of Katy. I could give you my vinyls!”, Xander said cheerfully. “You cannot”, Gray narrowed his eyes. Jamie passed by them, picking up the microphone. “Though I think that Gray would love your vinyls, Xan, It's my turn to show you how my voice is better than his”, he looked at Grayson, a challenge in his eyes. Xander altered his glance between them, excited. “So it's on?”, he didn't have to give other explanation. Gray analyzed the situation, pondering if he should agree or just kick his brother's ass for saying that he has a better voice. Slowly, he shook his head, “Bring the karaoke battle, little brother.”
The situation was: Grayson, with murder in his eyes, singing “Milkshake” with Jameson, who had a wide-eyed gaze. The tension was intense and Nash almost interrupted, but he didn't take it serious. It was impossible to take anything serious when his brothers were singing about milkshakes and yards. Grayson was shooting bullets at Jameson with his eyes, what made the scene even funnier. And Jamie answered each look with a Jameson Winchester Hawthorne type of smile—long, Machiavellian, twisted, and playful. Like he was not worried about the competition because he would win eventually. Gray just had a blank face, beside his eyes.
Once it ended, they looked at Xander. “So who's the winner?”, they asked at the same time. It was determined that he would decide who was the winner. Only if he thought there was one. Spinning and picking up the mic from Gray's hand, he calmly replied, “Myself.” 
“Yourself?” Jamie laughed. “You didn't even sing.” Choosing the music, he said “I'm about to,” He turned around, “but not only me.”
Tobias had bought four microphones and four mic stands for his grandsons, probably thinking that they were going to sing together at some point. The point never came naturally, but Xander saw the opportunity and took it. And the song of the night was “Just Dance.” Nash was sort of a country music fan, but when it came to Lady Gaga, he did not play. And Gray was having way too much fun for someone who claimed that “classic music is better than pop.” Dancing and singing, they didn't even bother to be in rhythm. But it was still beautiful, because it was real, natural, and imperfect. In fact, it was so perfectly imperfect. This moment—the happiness they felt and shared—would be remembered. At least, Xander will always remember how his brothers saved his birthday. He always “saved” them with his humor and genuine joy, but sometimes he needed to have moments like this in order to don't feel drained. Certainly, his brothers were more than happy to give these moments to him. Surely the whole house was awake because of the noise, but it wasn't a problem to them. Fortunately, nobody came to interrupt, leaving them to taste the magnificent and wonderful moment
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
I'm curious and making a seperate post about the forgotten and older Captain Marvel characters from the past comics, but what are your thoughts on them? A bunch of them aren't even used anymore, but have so much potential to them if they're ever brought back.
Like Joane Jameson, apparently she was Billy and Captain Marvel's secretary at Whiz Radio, who knew of both of his identities and helped them. I really like this idea and think it would really be useful for a Billy Batson that's a street kid and constantly wary of adults who might want to turn him back in to the foster system, she provides a safe example for Billy to look up to and actually trust. Not just that, but she could also provide assistance for Billy/Captain Marvel on missions, things he may lack insight on or informing him of villainous attacks/incidents.
Are there any characters you wish to see be brought back to the present day comics or see them be included in fanfictions more? I also really like the idea of Dr. Sivana's children be brought back into the action more, especially Beautia, since she's actually a good person (from what I remember) and on good terms with the Captain
So it's taken me literally forever to answer this because every time I do I go down a mini research rabbit hole about older/unused characters because there are SO many that I would like to see more of.
My thoughts under the cut because it got long.
This isn't even everyone, but it's a lot of cool underutilized characters I'd love to see brought back.
Because of the number of characters, I'm splitting them into categories for ease of reading:
Cissie Sommerly: Billy's girlfriend and the niece of his boss Sterling Morris (who also needs to used more tbh) She is a sweetheart who loves her little brother (Pete) and is very kind hearted. She didn’t get much development in the older comics, but she often had to deal with Billy and Cap’s shenanigans. I would love to see more of her!
The Sivana kids Beautia, Georgia, Thad Jr, and Magnificus: we recently got an adult Georgia in the New Champion of Shazam but I want to see the whole family together! And exploring their family dynamics with only half of them being supervillains would be so fun! They love each other but it's complicated. Georgia and Thad jr were basically parallels to Mary and Captain Marvel Jr and that was a fun balance. Meanwhile Beautia and Magnificus weren't really interested in their father's evil scheme though they gkt roped into them sometimes. And of course Beautia's crush on Captain Marvel causes problems but she's still awesome and even tutors Billy for school.
Sunny Sparkle: basically he was so universally beloved by everyone who met him that they just gave him things. Bank robbers would just hand him their stolen cash. Car jackers would give him the keys. He was gifted so much stuff every day that Billy had to help him donate and sell stuff regularly. In modern comics, I think it'd be cool if he was unknowingly a metahuman whose power was being hypnotically charming.
Freckles Marvel: she was Uncle Dudley's niece and despite not having powers, liked to tag along on adventures especially with Mary. She's a lot like Darla with her upbeat little sister energy. I can see them being friends in modern comics (or maybe even related since they both have the last name Dudley)
Dexter Knox: a child prodigy and inventor who was good friends with Billy. He's basically the smartest person in Fawcett and he loves showcasing his inventions to Billy.
Arson Fiend: an insurance salesman that uses extortion and threats of arson to meet his sales quota. He drinks a potion that gives him fire powers which he uses to commit arson against people who didn’t buy insurance from him. We've talked a bit about his connection to other Captain Marvel villains like Lady Blaze who healed him and gave him his powers back when he lost them. He's such a simply evil character that works really well for comics.
Chain Lightning: a teenager with multiple personalities and the power to control lightning. She has 4 personalities: Amy (the "main" alter), Amber (the more angry/volatile alter who protects the system), the Inner Child (no name besides that but encapsulates their child like wonder), and ID (the embodiment of their id, thus more impulsive than the others). She actually absorbs some of the Marvel’s magic lightning which allows her alters to temporarily have their own bodies. Amy is in love with Captain Marvel Jr because he saved her life, but the other alters are more wary of him, especially Amber. While any adaptation of Chain Lightning needs to be conscious of the ableism that happens when depicting a system, I think there's a lot of great potential with this character.
Sabina: she is technically from the Trials of Shazam not Fawcett comics, but I think she's cool. Basically she was raised by a cult called the Council of Merlin. She was destined to be 10th in line to receive the powers of Shazam so she starts killing those ahead of her in the order to ensure that once Billy was mo longer the Champion the powers would go to her. But when Billy was transitioning to become the Wizard he chose Freddy as his Champion, bypassing Sabina and the predestined order of things. So Sabina decides to kill Freddy AND the gods he was going to get his powers from. She's so evil and cool and I really like her design. I definitely think there's a way to bring her back.
Fawcett Heroes: there are a ton of fun characters that weren’t necessarily Captain Marvel characters but were part of the same world before he was a DC property.
Bulletman and Bulletgirl: literally Billy’s favorite superheros! He reads their comics and everything! They were very popular at the time, Whiz comics second most popular characters behind the Marvels. They are a husband and wife duo that gave themselves superpowers (strength, durability etc) which they use to fight crime, particularly supernatural villains.
Mr Scarlet and Pinky: Brian and Pinky Butler are a father-son vigilante duo. They were so good at their jobs that Brian barely had any work as a district attorney because of such low crime rates. They were basically a working class version of Batman and Robin. They're good friends with the Marvel family and when Mary got her first solo series, part of the advertising was having Pinky send her pen pal letters inviting her to have new adventures with him and the other Fawcett characters.
Ibis the Invincible: an Egyptian prince whose mummy was uncovered and brought back to life (by Shazam). He uses the Ibistick, an extremely powerful magical wand, to help people as he adjusts to modern life. He can do just about anything as long as he has his wand and often gets thrown in the middle of conflicts between gods.
Kid Eternity: aka Kit Freeman, Freddy’s long lost little brother with ghost powers! After dying in a boating accident when he wasn’t supposed to, he was brought back and given powers as compensation. He can summon spirits, turn invisible, and become intangible, though his powers shifted over time. He's such a cool character and he deserves more love!
Whew that was a lot! If anyone else has characters to add (and I know there are many) I would love to hear about it! And if any of these characters intrigue you I encourage you to check them out and sneak them into your fics!
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
could you please do some random tig hcs?
random tig head canons
sure! hope you like them <3.
gigi is super obsessed with pasta. she eats it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. she even has this thing called dessert pasta where she eats it with chocolate sauce (its disgusting but she likes it)
gigi once dared xander to make a really weird sex toy cause he's so good at making things (what it was it up to you)
jameson has beat the record for the amount of concussions a human can get in a life time. this dude has had like 25 of them
nash goes around making sure all of his brothers have condoms so they don't end up being teenage dads.
max and gigi are the type of people to write really aesthetic notes.
grayson loves wearing gold sheet masks. he's convinced it makes him glow like a pregnant lady
in tbh, jameson said he was considered the second hottest hawthorne. i know people will say grayson's the first, but i think xander is hotter (sorry not sorry. he's hot but xander >>.)
avery and jameson love giving each other shoulder kisses when they're cuddling in bed.
savannah loves cardigans with her entire being. she likes to look put together in public, but when she's alone in her room, she'll throw on a cardigan.
savannah is super into literature. she's constantly buying books (classics, poetry). she has a tumblr account where she post her poetry
a duck once flew into grayson at such high speed that he fell on the ground and tumbled down a hill (this has never happened and will never happen to anyone but grayson)
max has horrendous taste in men (other than xander). max and avery will be taking a walk when the most horrendous, disgusting looking man who looks like he hasn't showered in 50 years, and could probably pass for a goblin passes by and max goes 'smash'
at events and balls, when max and gigi are bored, they look at the crowd, pick out a person, and decide whether they're a smash or pass
jameson loves munching on ice. he's always eating it
xander and avery have matching tattoos. i don't know what it would be, but they definitely have one.
thea is a petty bitch and has a burn book (no, she is not a girl boss. she's a mean girl who thinks everyone loves her when in reality people despise her guts)
grayson takes freezing cold showers because he once read that it's good for you hair and skin
xander, jamie, and gigi have twerking competitions. they get max and avery to judge.
when avery has a nightmare. she likes to go out on her balcony and stare at the stars. they make her feel close to her mom
xander is super into greek mythology. he has read the percy jackson series and has made extensive research on the topic.
xander journals at night lying on his stomach, in his bed, kicking his feet in the air.
max loves kicking guys in the balls (only pieces of shit, not nice guys (she may or may not have once kicked xander in the balls))
gigi wishes she had a dick for one day so she could stack donuts on it.
nash teases jameson by coming up behind him while he's eating, picking up his spoon, and 'helicoptering' it to his mouth saying here comes to airplane (in a voice that one uses to speak to a baby)(if that makes sense)
grayson has the weirdest but cutest laugh you will ever hear.
jameson knows how to speak in tons of different accents. he changes up his accent everyday. one day, it'll be british, the next, scottish
jameson is a sucker for gold jewelry. this dude has gold chains, necklaces, rings, watches, cufflinks, etc (he looks hot wearing them)
libby loves going strawberry picking. she finds it super relaxing and she loves eating them
grayson owns a typewriter (*cough* the tortured poets department *cough*)
when avery is out with alisa, people will take pictures of her (alisa), post them, and caption them mommy (people simp over her so hard)
they all have a group chat (the hawthornes, avery, libby, max, gigi, savannah, and alisa, (maybe even rebecca and thea)) for emergencies only (or at least, thats what they told themselves when they started it), but gigi is alwyas spamming cat memes, xander is always complaining about his missing eyebrow, and max is always begging her 'sugar mommy' avery to buy her books. basically, the gc is a mess and is the most chaotic thing you'll ever see.
xander wants everyone to call him 'dibbles' but no one does.
they sell merch. there is literally never anything in stock, though, because it's always sold out.
grayson is the type of person to take 249123 different types of vitamins to keep himself healthy
gigi snores so loud, you'd be able to hear her from the neighboring state.
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sadhours · 1 year
“I look for love in all the wrong places”
prequel to wicked sensations
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a/n: this is my present to you all for 300 followers!!!! Thank you so much for enjoying my series. i hope i dont make y'all too sad with this one
word count: 3.7k
warnings: 18+ minors dni, messy Billy, sad billy, abuse mention, addiction, underage drinking, drug use, cocaine, marijuana, brief smut, Neil, homophobic slurs, sexism, angst lots of angst. This was sad to write.
masterlist (i accept requests)
taglist: @blue-eyed-lion @bbyhargrove @sweet-villain @actuallyspencerreid @trapistani @sierrahhh @likeanimagepassingby2
Fingernails stained yellow from nicotine, Billy brings yet another Marlboro Red to his lips while Jennifer pours him another another shot of Jameson. He’s been here every single night for the past three months, the days bleed together but he’s under the impression he’s having a good time. Every evening folds out the same way and Billy likes a rigid routine. The liquor goes down without so much as a wince, the fiery sensation spreading down his throat and over his entire body. A comforting, numb warmth that’s become his most favorite feeling. In fact, Billy couldn’t go a day without it now. There’s a necessity to it, some might call it an addiction, but Billy thought it made the beatings guaranteed to him more bearable, therefore it’s a form of protection. Getting sucker punched by his dad didn’t hurt as much when he couldn’t feel anything.
The next bit of routine was also made certain by a woman double his age cornering him every night. Not usually the same woman, but always one old enough to be his mother. They’d all kind of bled together, dyed hair, heavy makeup and the same pickup lines. Are you old enough to be in here? or What’s a young handsome man like you doing alone in a place like this? And Billy would accept their advances every time, looking for attention anyway he could get it. Sometimes he wished he didn’t like compliments. The way these broads looked at him and talked to him made Billy feel powerful.
Tonight was no different, a woman he pegs to be roughly 40 situating herself between him and the jukebox as he’s flipping through songs.
Turning on the charm, Billy smirks, “Well, hi. Just what I was looking for.”
It’s a lie, he likes getting off and these women provide an escape but he always feels disgusting afterwards, so he drinks more to bring the numbness back. Regardless, he continues repeating the cycle.
“Does your mother know you’re here?” the woman teases and luckily Billy’s buzzed enough for it not to sting and spiral him into another episode. She never knows where she is. And he wonders where she is all the time.
“I’m a big boy,” he retorts, leaning closer to the woman.
She gives him what he thinks was supposed to be seductive laugh but it’s a little too deep and it brings him out of the moment, panic rising through his throat while he realizes this bar is dark and he can’t really be sure if he’s attracted to her.
Then she lifts up a tiny baggie filled halfway with an off white substance he’s beginning to indulge in most nights, “Want some?”
Billy knows he shouldn’t, he knows he’ll wake up tomorrow with the emptiest feeling in his chest that’ll drive him to chase after good feelings but no matter what, he won’t be able to get his serotonin back up for days. Nevertheless, he nods and follows the woman to the dingy, sticky men’s bathroom. She locks the door behind her and dumps a bit of the baggie out onto the toilet paper holder. Billy begins to think about what other disgusting substances have been on it as she cuts them each a line and pulls out a rolled dollar bill. He goes first, needing the courage from the drug to follow through with what this woman really wants. He snorts the cocaine, standing and hands her the dollar bill while he rubs his nostril with the back of his hand. He tastes the drip immediately as the warm numbness begins to wash over his mouth and descend down the rest of him. Then the excitement comes, his heart pounding out of his chest while he’s filled with a newfound confidence that was languidly slipping away minutes before. He watches as she snorts her line and when she’s finished, he hitches her foot up onto the toilet and undoes his pants. He fucks her quick and hard, glancing away when she turns her head to look at him. He doesn’t give a shit if it hurts her feelings. Billy pulls out and cums on her thighs.
He tucks himself in his jeans and tells her, “Thanks, sweetheart.”
However that’s not their only interaction of the night, like a fiend, Billy keeps returning to snort all the blow she has and let’s her buy him drinks all night. She gives him a crumpled napkin with her number on it and he purposefully misses his pocket, dropping it on the dirty bar floor.
As per his routine, he doesn’t stumble out of the bar until it’s closed and he drunkenly attempts to help Jennifer close it up. He drops a barstool on the bar only for it to come tumbling back down on his face, pushing him to the floor with it.
“Alright, Billy…” Jennifer sighs, “I think I can manage it myself. Get home safe, kid.”
He does, though he won’t remember the drive in the morning. His body crashes through his window, face planting on the hardwood floor and from where he lies, he can see a light flicking on from the crack under the door.
“Shit,” he mumbles, grappling to his knees and pressing his palms into his thighs.
He’s pleasantly surprised when a small redhead opens his bedroom door with wide eyes. His intoxicated smile falters when he hears Susan’s voice calling out for her.
“Sorry!” Max calls out, “Bumped into something. It was dark.”
“Go to bed!” his Dad yells and Max turns off the hall light after glaring at her drunken step brother. She closes his door and retreats back to her room.
She was a little shit but she was a really good sister, covering for Billy whenever she could. He stands to his feet and turns on his lamp, looking in the mirror to see his lip and nose are bloodied from either the barstool or the face plant, he’s not sure. He sighs, wiping his face with his sleeve before collapsing in his bed, succumbing to a hard sleep.
He’s not sure how long he’s been out when he wakes up, having no idea what time he even got home. But his heads killing him and the post cocaine blues hits hard, flashes of the older woman piercing his brain. He groans, reaching under his bed for a warm can of beer and sits up. He cracks the beer open and gulps it down, reaching for his pack of Marlboros to discover he smoked every single one last night. He winces as he stands up from bed, dropping the empty beer can to the collection strewn across his floor. He peeks out the window to see his Camaro parked halfway on the lawn and he cringes.
Billy strides to the bathroom, keeping the light off as he reaches for the rinsing cup and fills it with tap water. He drinks it and fills it again, repeating the process until his stomach churns and empties into the toilet. Over and over. Billy’s not a quiet puker either. He knows whoever is home can hear it but it’s common, they’ve got to be used to it. After collecting himself, he stares at his reflection in the dirty mirror and dim lighting seeping in from the tiny vent window. His lip is swollen, he’s got dried blood under his nose and massive bags under his eyes.
“God,” he groans before splashing water into his face. He braces himself as he exits, glancing up and down the hall before strolling back to his room. Before he can get there, he hears Susan’s hushed voice and he freezes.
“He’s a problem, Neil. Stumbling in at ungodly hours and he always reeks of alcohol,” she whispers.
“I know,” Neil responds, “I don’t know what else I can do.”
Billy shuts his bedroom door quietly, not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation. He digs through the pile of dirty clothes on the floor for a pair of jeans, pulling them over his legs and hopping into the rest them. He grabs a white muscle shirt, bringing it to his nose and wincing at the stench. He keeps digging through the pile until he settles on a black muscle tank instead. Then his phone rings, the shrill pitch of it sending a shockwave of sharp pain through his head.
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbles, lifting it off the hook to be greeted by his girlfriend. Oh, shit, he’d forgotten he had one.
“Veronica, calm down,” he groans, slipping his Converse on. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I was busy.”
“Busy?!” she yells, “We had a fucking date, William.”
“Ugh, don’t fucking call me that,” he looks in the mirror, fixing his hair with what little energy he has. “Listen, I’ll be at your house in twenty. Bring weed.”
“You’re gonna make this up to me, Billy. I’m so sick of you leaving me high and dry.”
“Whatever you want, baby,” he quips sarcastically before hanging up, hopping out his window and stealthily strutting to his car. He speeds off down the street before Neil and Susan can run outside to stop him. He takes a detour, stopping at a gas station to fill up his car and retrieve the ever needed pack of Marlboro Reds. “Ya know what, give me a shooter of Jack,” he adds, handing a wad of cash to the clerk who despite his disheveled appearance gives him fluttery eyelashes and blushed cheeks.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he winks to the girl as he shoves his change in his pocket. When he’s back in his car, he downs the shot and lights a cigarette before filling up his tank.
“You said twenty minutes,” Veronica scolds as she gets in the front seat, her blonde hair pristinely styled in big curls.
Billy snorts, “Hey, I showed up.”
“Yeah and you fucking reek of booze,” she complains. Billy shrugs, speeding off down the street. He whips through the neighborhoods, ignoring Veronica’s incessant yelling to slow down. He wonders why she even likes him, all she ever does is complain. He arrives to their usual spot, a parking lot a ways out that faces the ocean, no shore beneath it.
“Where were you last night?” she demands, sounding like a parent. She’s always like this. Well, she wasn’t at first. She liked Billy’s danger at the beginning, she used to call him wild child. She used to laugh hard at all his jokes and sing at the top of her lungs with him to his cassettes. She used to look at him with stars in her eyes. She used to love him.
“I was hanging out with Jennifer,” he deflects, not mentioning the coke or the middle aged woman he’d fucked without a second thought.
“You know she thinks you’re a loser, right?” Veronica reveals and Billy doesn’t doubt it. He knows he’s been going a little overboard since Susan and Max moved in. He know his dad grew to truly despise his mom over the years but he never dated another woman until he met Susan. Billy didn’t want to subject his mom to more abuse but he selfishly wished she’d come back, that they’d get back together.
“You are a loser, Billy,” Veronica seethes, “You’re turning into a total fucking burn out. We don’t even surf anymore.”
Billy takes the verbal censure. He always does, he’s heard the words so much they don’t even sting anymore. He no longer cares that he’s a huge wasting, disappointment to everyone around him.
“Did you bring the weed?” he asks, unbothered by the dumbfounded look on his girlfriends face.
She heaves a sigh and digs through her purse, imparting the bag of weed to Billy. He takes it, opening up his glovebox to grab his rolling papers. He grinds the weed between his fingers, hovering above the open paper, using his pinky to disperse the broken up buds. He rolls it expertly, eying his blonde counterpart as he licks up the side of the paper before sealing it up.
“Voila,” he sings, proudly holding up the joint to admire his handiwork. He brings it to his lips, flicking his zippo up to light it. He takes a deep hit, choking lightly as it stings his throat before offering it to Veronica. “I didn’t put any tobacco in it, just for you.”
“Oh, you’re so kind,” she sneers, her expression frozen in indignation. God, she’s such a bitch, Billy thinks.
He won’t let her ruin his high, he needs this. He’s gotta charge up before he can head back over to the bar.
“Do you even have a job anymore?” she wonders, venom lacing the question.
Billy snatches the joint from her lips before she can take a second hit, “I do. I work tomorrow.”
He dreads to think about doing any strenuous labor with a hangover. Maybe he’ll claim window washing and tire pressure duty when he arrives. His boss is getting suspicious of him, though. The other day, he made a snide comment about Billy having a long night when he locked himself in the bathroom to spew for thirty minutes.
“Good. Our anniversary is coming up,” she reminds Billy, “I expect jewelry.”
He bogarts the joint, not passing it when he’s supposed to. He sucks more than half of it down before she notices.
“Hey! Give it here, it’s mine anyhow.”
Billy obliges, turning the stereo out and shoving a Metallica cassette into it and turning the dial to tune out any more of her whining.
Luckily, the joint seems to get to Veronica and she’s quiet for a while. Billy gets to admire the waves, the vastness of the ocean as the blue of it fades into the sky. It always calms him, helps him forget about Neil, Susan and Veronica. He can stare at it and even forget he exists.
Alright, he’s pretty stoned.
All part of his rigid routine, Veronica moves to the backseat and pulls him with her. He lays her down and hovers above her, his head fuzzy while they awkwardly situate themselves. It’s rushed, quick and to the point. Like it always is. She’s a means to an end and he is to her.
When they’re done, she tells him he needs to get a grip before Senior year starts in two weeks. He ignores it, Billy thinks he’s doing just fine. He wouldn’t have his life any other way.
He takes it easy that night. Which means he still stumbles through his window drunkenly but he’s not blackout drunk. He remembers the panic of the drive home, constantly checking his rearview mirror but blue and red lights. He showers after his morning hurl. Standing under the hot water a moment too long, making him late for his shift.
He grabs his work shirt from his backseat and begrudgingly makes his way into the garage, clocking in under the judgmental eyes of his boss.
“I know,” he mutters before he can be ridiculed, “I slept through my alarm. Won’t happen again.”
Unfortunately, Drew beats him to calling window washing and tire pressure checks. Billy’s stuck downstairs draining oil. It’s so hot down there, he yaks a few more times during the day. On his drive home, he’s particularly introspective. Finding he’s actually disappointed in himself for the heavy drinking and late nights.
When he walks into the door, he’s met with his dad, Susan, Max and his grandparents sitting around the table. An intervention? Seriously?
Billy groans, barreling through them to his room. Neil’s quick to follow, pounding on the door when it’s slammed in his face.
“William Ocean Hargrove, get your ass out here now!” Neil bellows behind the think particle board. Billy revels in his mom giving him that middle name, forcing his dad to say it whenever he was pissed and no doubt bringing Billy’s wild-spirited mother to his mind.
Billy opens the door. “I’m covered in oil. Let me change,” he spits at his dad before slamming the door again.
“Neil,” Susan says pointedly.
He hears his dads footsteps walking away and he glances to his window, debating if he should run away again. He’s embarrassed with his grandparents sitting there and he’s sure Neil won’t hit him in front of them. Not until they leave.
He changes into a clean pair of clothes before making his entrance out, standing in front of five pairs of concerned eyes. He heaves a sigh and motions to them, “Go ahead. Tell me how my life’s going down the shitter and I’m a huge fucking disappointment to all of you.”
He thinks it’s unfair Max and Susan are here. They’ve known Billy all of six months. They don’t fucking know him yet they’re trying to be family. Well, as far as Billy was concerned he had no fucking family. This house, these people, they had no warmth. They didn’t truly give a shit about him, they just wanted to control him, didn’t want people to look at them differently because he was an embarrassment.
“Billy…” Susan starts and he laughs.
“Listen, I barely fucking know you. You can’t waltz into my life and expect to be my fucking mother. You aren’t and you’ll never be,” he spits.
“Maybe I should start…” his grandmother says and it breaks his heart. She was the tiniest bit of solace in his life. She was the escape when things had gotten too bad. When Neil couldn’t even fathom looking at Billy, he would ship him off to his parents. He spent every summer there until he was fourteen. Then Neil wanted him working.
Billy sits down at his grandmothers request, his breathing labored as he’s stricken with guilt.
“Honey… we’re all so worried about you. Your dad tells me you’re never home, you’re drinking all night and,” she can’t finish, choking out a sob as she looks to her disheveled grandson.
Billy feels tears threatening his eyes but he’s quickly reminded about all the times Neil bullied him for crying. Calling him a faggot, a fairy, a pansy, every name in the book. He told him men don’t cry. Last I checked you didn’t have a vagina, he’d said. Billy steadies his breathing. He won’t cry, he can’t cry.
“Your behavior is unacceptable, son,” Neil chimes in and Billy keeps his face stoic, doesn’t want anyone to know how deeply he’s hurting inside.
“You’re a bad influence on Max,” Susan says quietly and Billy feels his blood boil. He never agreed to being any kind of influence on her. He never agreed to having them forced into his life.
Billy doesn’t speak, he stares at four consecutive holes in the table and remembers how they got there, his dad stabbing his fork into the table during a heated argument at dinner when Susan and Max had first moved in. He wonders if they’ve even considered why Billy is acting out. He assumes not, his feelings never a concern of theirs.
“This has to change,” Susan pleads.
Neil puffs his chest out, “William.”
Billy knows what his dad is getting at, looking up at him and holding his domineering stare.
“We’ve got a solution. We’re moving,” Neil informs him, “I’ve already got a job lined up.”
“What?” Billy asks, hurt present on his voice and then panic, “Where?”
“Indiana,” Susan states.
Indiana? No ocean. No waves. No calmness. No one he knows. He’ll be even more alone. Billy’s stomach churns, the emptiness of it of no concern to the bile rising in his throat. He abruptly moves up from the table, stomping to the bathroom where he collapses in front of toilet, and he heaves. The fluorescent yellow fluid forcing its way up his throat, burning his eyes and tearing up his airways.
He rests his cheek against the seat, unmoving as he realizes his life is over. Neil can control him better so far away. He’ll be so isolated from everything he knows and loves so well.
Billy stares at his Camaro packed to the brim with his belongings. It’s so wrong. The October breeze chills him as his eyes fall on the scratch along the side of the midnight blue finish. Veronica keyed his car and he’d attempted his best to buff it out but it was still faintly there. A reminder that he’d lived up to her shitty expectations of him.
Neil pats his shoulder, “We’ll get that fixed in Hawkins.”
He was annoyingly chipper since the intervention, clearly excited at the prospect of a completely isolated Billy.
“Max is riding with you,” he shoots his soon a pointed look. “Can’t have you running off.”
Billy sighs, realizing just how trapped he is.
This is it. He gazes back to the house he’d grown up in, his chest stinging at how unalive it looks. He stands outside of his car and looks around while Max sits in his front seat. His feet are stuck. He can’t possibly move them.
“Billy! Let’s get a move on! We’re on a schedule!” his dad calls from his truck and Susan honks from the U-Haul.
Fucking bitch.
Billy cries quietly as he drives away from home, not caring that Max can see it. He fucking loathed her and her mother for doing this to him. He doesn’t say a single word to her the entire drive. He doesn’t speak to any of them when they sleep in motels where Billy’s given a pillow and small throw blanket to sleep on the floor in each one. He’s disassociated the entire three days it takes to drive there.
He thinks Indiana is ugly and he’s unbelievably distraught when he sees the size of Hawkins. A town like this, everyone knows each other which means higher expectations from Neil. They drive past the school, Max commenting about how that’s where they’ll go, and Billy remains silent. The only bright side is no one will know who he is so he can be anyone he wants. And he’ll be damned if he’s not worshipped in this town by the end of his first week here.
a/n: thank you so much for reading. i really appreciate all the love i'm getting for the series. i hope you enjoyed this lil look into billy's life before the move
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berryz-writes · 16 days
Your the only one for me
(part 1)
SOOO THIS TOOK A WHILE. sorry xx. also THANK YOU 🤍 (a lot of requests have been made based off of this request so I'm making it into one long fic x)
Summary: You find something suspicious on Grayson's phone and confront him about it. During your argument you get seriously injured. Is it all a misunderstanding or is he just using you?
Grayson Hawthorne x reader
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It was Thanksgiving weekend. A time for family and friends. For loved ones to gather and enjoy good food and share stories and memories. At the moment Xander was explaining the story of how the two of us had paired up in a robotics competition, in which I had screwed something wrong resulting in an explosion and causing our professor to ban us from robotics club. This happened almost 3 months ago and he was still hurt about being banned from the club. He was now explaining how he was starting his own club. And apparently I was not invited.
Grayson's hand rested on my thigh, a comforting gesture and something that helped me stay calm in such a chaos of a family dinner. It wasn't exactly a "family dinner" seen as though half the people weren't even here. It was a more get together dinner with Xander, Jameson, Avery, Grayson and me. Nash was out somewhere with Libby and Max was actually trying to get a few projects done, surprisingly.
Thanksgiving was actually in 2 days time but according to Jameson "It's never too early to get together". This also meant he had probably planned something that included more than 4 people to play. I didn't mind. It gave me an excuse to forget about my deadlines for abit and spend time with Grayson.
*A few hours later*
I watched as Grayson finally came to stop in front of me in the pool, smiling up at me. I refused to go any further into the water and just let my legs dangle slightly in. Besides watching Grayson swim with his muscles on show like that was always nice to watch.
"You should join me. It's warm" He said, his height being enough for him to stand with the water coming up to his chest.
I shook my head "Who wants to voluntarily swim? It's like saying let's go on a treadmill, it's fun"
Grayson let out a laugh "It's not entirely like that sweetheart. But fine" Before I could say anything a notification popped up on Grayson's phone. It was too far back for him to get it so I grabbed it for him. Because I was nosy and my eyes immediately went to see who the notification was from, I immediately wished I could turn back time and pretend I had never seen it.
A notification from Sophie that read *I had so much fun yesterday. We should definitely do it again.😏*
I didn't give him the phone, instead I held it tightly in my hand and showed him his screen.
"Who is this?" I asked, trying so hard to not get angry and see reason to what was happening. Grayson's smile dropped and immediately became confused. He ran a hand through his hair
"It's just Sophie. She does the photography exhibit with me" He said after a while.
I put his phone down, although what I really wanted to do was throw it into the pool. I stood up and looked at him in disgust. I thought he'd have better morals than cheating on someone. Especially someone they had said they loved.
"Just Sophie? Is she the reason why you came home at two in the morning yesterday? Or the reason why you haven't been telling me anything whenever I ask you?"
Grayson looked up at me, still in the pool. "Sweetheart. I was at the photography exhibit, finishing things off." He had gone pale and was frozen in place.
I scoffed. He just kept thinking if he made the same excuse I would believe it "Well I'm finishing things between us SO YOU CAN GO SPEND TIME WITH SOPHIE LIKE THE LYING FUCKING CHEAT YOU ARE" I felt tears make their way down my cheek as I walked away into the darkness, half running and half stumbling because I couldn't see a thing with my tears cascading down.
Why was I crying? It was just a breakup. I was trying to justify it all but really I was crying because I didn't expect it. I was crying because I thought if things ever ended between the two of us it would be on good terms. Not him cheating. I loved him. I probably still did and that's what hurt most. When had he started seeing someone else?
Did it start just last week when we had our date? Or had it been months now and I was just too oblivious to see it all? My heart hurt so much it was unbearable. I wanted to rip it out and ignore the reality of it all.
I walked in a daze to the room me and Grayson shared and tried to get everything of mine into my bag. Luckily because I was a lazy bitch I hadn't even unpacked yet. It's like I knew this was going to happen. Putting my hair brush into my side bag and looking around the room one more time I wheeled my suitcase to the stairs.
I couldn't do it. I couldn't. Imagine, the one person who loved you thinking you aren't worthy enough. I spent so much of my time and effort into loving Grayson wholeheartedly and what did I get back? Heartbreak.
I sat down on the top most stair and let the tears flow until there were no more. The pain in my heart receding to a dull ache in my chest. I wasn't ready to see him but there he was, looking up at me with sad eyes and a regretful expression.
"Y/n. Please. Don't leave" His hair was still wet, his swimming shorts were still on and he had pulled on a shirt. I wanted to throw my suitcase down at him and have him hug me all at once. Why did he have to cheat? Was I not good enough?
I didn't feel like talking to him so instead I stood up and kept my expression blank. As if he didn't faze me at all. Before I had even touched my suitcase Grayson came running up the stairs and stopped in front of me "Please y/n. Let me explain. I love you. How could you think I'd cheat on you? Why would I? Your perfect." He explained.
I shook my head, not wanting to look him in the eyes. If I did I might start crying again "I saw the message. Don't lie to me" I pulled on my suitcase. He gently grabbed my arm, not letting me move any further. His touch was so soft and warm. I used to love it. He brought me so much comfort. But now I hated it. He had probably kissed and hugged Sophie just like he did me. I wasn't anyone special to him. I don't know why I thought I was.
Gritting my teeth together I yanked my arm away "don't touch me"
As soon as the words left me I looked up at him, breaking my vow of not looking into his grey eyes. I felt bad. I felt bad for hurting him even though he was the one cheating on me. His arm slowly dropped back to his side, his lips parting in surprise at my harsh words.
"Please, sweetheart. I-" His voice broke. I couldn't stand here any longer. Swallowing the pain and tears I lifted the suitcase, underestimating it's heaviness. Without warning the suitcase tipped forward, pushing me off the landing, my weight propelling me forward to crash and roll down the flight of stairs, banging my head and every limb in my body on the way. I couldn't feel anything. My vision had gone black and I didn't even know if my eyes were open or not. I couldn't tell where I was. I could only feel the discomfort of the position I was in. My breathing was sharp and heavy as if I couldn't get in enough oxygen. My brain felt as if it had been hammered and my back felt like it was being crushed under a heavy weight. I wanted to sit up. I wanted to breathe properly again.
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riddles-n-games · 8 months
Can you write a headcanon about what types of tattoos each character would get? If they would get one…
Ok, but why did that remind me of the Tattoo Roulette game with One Direction on James Corden's late night show? Xander would be Niall, Nash would be Liam, Grayson would be Louis (the sassy mothertrucker) and Jameson would be Harry but much more willing and enthusiastic. Actually, I could see this happening on a very badly drunk edition of Drink or Dare.
Sure, I'll just do our main crew though. Here goes:
Nash-Personally, he really doesn't want one but if Libby asked he would. One of her fun suggestions would be a little cowboy hat on the base of his thumb. He thinks it's cute but for himself, he may just choose a motorcycle or a horse on his forearm. Something in black. Tattooing Libby's name would also be a must for him.
Grayson-This boy would be really against them but the only time he'd get them, very begrudgingly might I add, is if all his brothers wanted to get tattoos or because of a lost bet and he doesn't lose them often. He may get a dagger on his wrist. But, if he wanted something very personal, he would get a meaningful one that reflects a bit of the past and he would get it on his ribs, just to make it hurt, to punish himself for past wrongs like his haiku, the words Never Forget or Nothing Less Than Perfection. Although, for a bet, on a dare, his brothers (read: Jameson) would make him get a smiley face with I AM PERFECTION surrounding it on his abdomen.
Jameson-Wholeheartedly, this one would go all out and for fun probably pick something to go on his ribs even though it's the placement with the worst pain to get one since he has no self-preservation. Probably flames, maybe Ghost Rider. If he was one to already have tattoos, he'd probably have a bunch of stupid ones from like a dare or something. For some reason, one he'd get is a snake coiled around his wrist with the words from the Bible verse: Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. In honor of Avery, he would get Heiress tattooed over his heart or something funny like Property of A Very Risky Gamble along his collar bone. But his girlfriend's actual suggestion is getting the word EXTRAORDINARY on his finger.
Xander-He'd say he want one without any thought whatsoever about the process he has to go through to get it but then when he gets in the chair, he'd chicken out and pass out. Insert Stiles Stilinski fainting gif here. Although, he actually wants a really cool cartoony classic robot design in color on his arm if he did.
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Avery-She's not necessarily fond of the idea but would totally do it for a dare or get one with Jameson. Avery entertains the idea that if she ever did, she might get a key tattooed on the inside of her wrist or a chess piece (we all know which one; the queen). Other ones that feel like a good possibility include getting her mother's name in cursive with little postcards on either side or Hannah, The Same Backward As Forward. One that she would get to commemorate to her relationship with Jamie is Heads or Tails on her ring finger with a small penny on the underside of the finger.
Libby-She'd get one on the back of her neck saying Love Yourself, some fun finger tats that Xander, Max, and Avery helped her pick out and get Nash on her ring finger where the wedding band would go. Also, a cute cupcake with Stress Baker underneath it would be mandatory on her arm or leg. Maybe the top of her shoulder blade. She and Avery would design some sort of special tattoo that they'd get together at some point in the future.
Max-Straight up would get AUSTRALIA with a kangaroo on her foot because she's real like that and also a fanatic for that crazy place (honestly don't understand how she survived). She'd also get a blueberry scone in honor of Xander who couldn't get one for himself because of the fainting incident. Maybe a quote from the Bible from John or a Star Wars quote on her arm.
Hope this is what you were looking for along the lines. I could make a part two in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.
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