#Again just be careful what you do effects others
httpiastri · 3 days
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jack doohan x female reader, ft one lowkey 18+ joke
"don't you trust me?"
the question burns through jack's chest. the playful smile on your lips tells him that it's all just for fun, but still, there's something stinging about it. he wants to answer with an 'of course', or a 'with my entire life and heart', but he settles for something to match the tone of your voice. "do i have a choice?"
your answer comes in the form of a groan and an eye-roll, settling on the edge of the tub. "just lean back, loverboy."
loverboy. of course. how can he not follow your orders when you talk to him like that?
jack leans back against the wall of the bathtub, tipping his head back to rest his neck against the edge. it's much more uncomfortable than he'd thought, he soon realizes, but he hopes what's about to come is worth the pain.
your best friend has been sick for over a week now, with an annoying fever that seemingly just doesn't want to go down no matter what he tries. when you followed him to the doctors, they said everything looked alright and that he should be getting back to normal in just a few days. you're beginning to believe that that was complete bullshit, though.
you're pretty sure you're wishing for jack's fever to disappear as much as he is himself. not only do you not enjoy seeing him in such a bad state, but he also becomes such a baby when he's sick, as you've recently learned. it's not all that easy to take care of a tall australian manbaby, but someone needs to do it, you suppose. and who better than you?
the other day when you stopped by his apartment to refill his fridge with some necessities and cook him some soup, you just couldn't stop yourself from insulting the greasy hair he was sporting. he answered that he's not got enough energy to wash it properly when he showers, and in a moment of weakness, you found yourself offering to do it for him. so, here you are, showerhead in one hand as the other begins to slowly turn on the water.
you wait for the water to reach a good temperature, not icy but cold enough to hopefully soothe his burning scalp, before shifting to pour the water over his forehead and down over his hair. jack's first reaction is to let out a low hum, eyes fluttering closed at the chillness in comparison to his hot skin.
"you really are an angel, did you know that?" his accent has always had a certain effect on you, though you've always tried to deny it, and your heart skips a beat as he speaks again. "truly someone sent from above."
"shush," you say, shaking your head as you lean over to turn the water off, his hair being completely soaked by now. "just doing another part of my best friend duties."
"just as best-friendly as cooking for me for a week, and tucking me in for my naps, and..." he doesn't need to go on; you know how long the list is.
you reach for his bottle of shampoo – thankfully not a 3-in-1 type with body scrub and car wash included, but still a type that scares you a little – and pour some onto your hands, rubbing them together to spread out the liquid. "i'm just doing what i know you would do for me if i were in your position."
jack's eyes open when you start going through his hair, fingertips working their way across his scalp as you try to reach every inch of hair. he watches you with a thoughtful gaze, studying the concentration on your face intently. suddenly, he's reminded of why he's so goddamn smitten with you in the first place.
you're a total opposite of him – you're so soft. small, too. not just in size, but in personality as well. everything about you is warm and gentle; a huge contrast to his hard, rugged edges.
there's a feeling in his chest again. a tightening, fluttering sensation that feels strangely pleasant. one he's very familiar with by now, one that only appears around you.
it never takes much for your cheeks to grow red around him, and today is no exception. you think you've lasted a long time, though, with the way he's goggling up at you, but it's getting too much. "shut your eyes," you tell him. "you know i can't take it when you stare at me. i can't do my job."
he doesn't answer, and your heart flutters again. your fingers stop moving in his hair.
"i'm going to get shampoo in your eyes, they're going to sting."
"i don't mind."
it isn't until you tug on his hair, enough to go from relaxing to painful (though jack instead finds it quite arousing), that he finally obliges, eyes falling closed and a defeated sigh leaving his lips. "much better."
you begin to wash out the shampoo, and other than the sound of the water now dripping from his hair and onto the floor of the tub again, the room fills up with a hollow silence. he wants to speak up, but can't find any words – which are the right ones when the girl you like takes so much time out of her days to take care of you when you're at your lowest?
jack feels almost strangely... loved. the way that you're doing all of this for him, just because you want to make sure he feels good and clean. in reality, it's such a small gesture, yet it means something.
and a hint of anxiety settles into his chest at the realization that he's actually falling for you.
it's not just the silly little crush that's been brewing inside him for the last twelve months; it's something much more. and much scarier.
"are you kidding me? do you not have any conditioner?" your voice breaks his train of thought and he peeks at you with one eye, still slightly afraid of that whole shampoo-in-his-eyes threat. a grin tugs at the corners of his mouth when he sees the expression on your face, mouth slightly agape and eyebrows raised in pure shock.
"i guess you'll have to go shopping with me to buy a bottle, then."
anything to have a reason to spend more time with you.
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ladylovesloki · 2 days
Hi sweetheart!
Congratulations on completing The Fated Apple! The concept was so original, and I loved the flow of events. Even though the series was only 9 parts, the story flowed perfectly and effortlessly!
I have a request for a one shot under this series. What if a few months later, Princess Y/N discovers she’s pregnant?
Loki would obviously be a mother hen about it.
Y/N would be excited about carrying a Jotun child, and when that realization dawns on Loki, he’d be extra careful and extra worried so much so he has a nightmare of Y/N, a mortal Y/N, giving birth and dying from the strain—forgetting completely that his princess is now Asgardian and has more endurance than before.
You are the sweetest💚
Thank you for giving me a reason to continue writing about these two. And thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy it 💚
Painful Possibilities: One Shot (The Fated Apple Universe)
Pairings: Loki X Reader
Warnings: Language, birthing complications (nothing too graphic)
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Your face is currently in the toilet. You’ve been throwing up for the last two days and your feeling off. 
“That’s it. I’m calling for a healer.”
“No Loki. It’s fine. It’s just a stomach bug.”
“A stomach bug? Is that some sort of insect from your realm?”, Loki asks confused. 
You close your eyes and place your forehead on the toilet, “no..it’s what some people call stomach illnesses on Earth.”
He points at you, “Ha! So you admit it! You are ill!”
“Ughh..Loki..fine. Call a healer if it’s going to make you feel better.”
He walks away mumbling to himself, “make me feel better? My head isn’t the one laying on the thing I place my ass on.”
A few moments later, Loki is back and he’s kneeling down next to you with his blue hand on your neck. 
“Mmm..that feels amazing. Thank you.”
“I wish you would’ve let me call for a healer sooner.”
“Prince Loki? Princess y/n?”, you hear from just outside the bath chamber door. 
Eir walks in and looks to you with a sympathetic look, “oh princess…tell me what you are feeling child.”
Loki stands but stays close as Eir moves in closer to treat you.
You look up at her miserably, “I have an upset stomach..”
“She hasn’t been feeling well for the last few days. She is vomiting at random moments of the day. She is exhausted..fatigued..”, Loki interrupts knowing you would downplay your symptoms. 
Eir nods, “alright, let’s go to the healing wing and get you under a soul forge.”
Loki helps you stand, you don’t even bother protesting. He creates a portal straight there and doesn’t let go of your hand until you’re laying down on one of the beds. 
Eir starts her analysis after activating the soul forge and after a few moments she looks down at you and smiles. “Have you had your monthly princess?”
You shake your head, “no..I figured I was late because of my transition. You told me the apple effects beings differently.”
“I did indeed. But that has nothing to do with why you are feeling this way..”
Loki takes your hand in his but continues looking at Eir, “what is it Eir?”
She smiles at the worried prince, “it seems your mother is going to have another celebration feast to plan. Congratulations Majesties, you are to have a child.”
You and Loki look to each other in shock and then you both snap your attention back to Eir. 
“Come again?..”, you ask. Not sure if you heard right. 
“You are pregnant princess.”
You and Loki look at each other again with the same shocked look.
“I shall give you both a moment.”, before she leaves she places two vials on the table next to you. “Take this, it will help you with the nausea. This tonic also carries all of the necessary vitamins and nutrients you will need for a healthy pregnancy. I will have one brought to you every morning with your tea. Good night highnesses.”
Eir leaves you both and you’re still standing there in silence. Loki hasn’t let go of your hand and you’re taking that as a good sign. 
You slowly look down to your stomach and place your free hand on it. “Pregnant?..”
“Pregnant.”, Loki repeats. “This is..darling…this is incredible.”
You look back up to his face and see tears streaming down. “Oh Loki..come here baby.”
He falls into your open arms and starts to cry into your shoulder. You can feel is body shaking. “I take it these are happy tears then?”
He pulls away from your shoulder, “happy? Darling. I’m elated. Terrified certainly. But…this is one of the happiest moments of my existence.” He leans in and kisses you and you can’t stop the giggle that leaves your lips. 
“Some stomach bug huh?..”, you joke. 
Loki’s brow furrows in confusion,“do Midgardians also refer to pregnancies as stomach bugs?”
“Ha! No”
“Ok good because we’re not comparing our child to an insect.”
“Ok dad.”
Loki’s playful smile falls for a moment.
“Uh oh..you ok?” You ask concerned by his changed in mood. 
He looks at you sadly, “will I be able to do this?..I don’t know how to be a good father…what if you’re not fully transitioned in time and your body cannot handle the birth?…my Jotun heritage…what if that alone is too much?!...I cannot lose you..I will not lose you..”
“Whoa whoa…slow down Loki..everything is going to be ok. You are going to be an amazing father. I’m sure of it. And I will be fine. You’re not going to lose me. I promise you. Do you honestly think the Norns are that cruel? To bring us together just to tear us apart in such a horrible way? This is meant to be my love.”, you place his hand on your stomach. 
He nods and lets out a breath, “you’re right. We will tell mother in the morning and Eir will be sure you are completely safe during the entire pregnancy. I will not apologize for how overly protective I am about to become…”
“I expect nothing less.”, you bring his forehead down to yours. “You got this pops.”
He smiles, “we got this.”
The elixir does indeed make you feel better and the following morning you see another one sitting next to your tea. You take it and move along with your day, Loki staring at you the entire time with a goofy smile on his face. 
You find Frigga in her tea room and tell her the news. 
“Truly?…”, she whispers. Eyes locked on you. 
You can’t help it, you start to cry as you nod your head yes. 
Frigga launches herself from her seat and brings you into a hug. Loki stands back and watches the moment between the two most important women in his life. 
Frigga separates herself from you and looks up at Loki, “oh my boy.” She brings him into a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you my darling. I have dreamed of this life for you since the moment Odin brought you to me.”
He looks at his mother, “thank you. For everything….Grandmother…”, he smiles. 
Frigga’s hands fly to her face, flushed from her excitement. She moves her hands to her cheeks, uncovering her eyes. “Oh there’s so much to do…We shall wait a few weeks to announce it..oh the amount of beings from all over the nine that will wish to come and give their blessings... I must inform Idunn…” She looks back to you and Loki. “Forgive me, I have prayed so long for a grandchild.”
She looks back at you, “how are you feeling my dear? I assume you saw Eir?”
You nod, “yes, she confirmed it last night. I wasn’t feeling well…”
“She lost everything she ate that day and then some. I called for Eir and she immediately took her to a soul forge.”
You smile at Frigga, “I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see what they’re going to look like. I hope some of their Jotun features come through.”
You look at Loki, “can you imagine?”
You looked so happy he couldn’t break your heart by telling you that that might be one of his greatest fears about this pregnancy. He was afraid his child will be alienated because of their Jotun genes. He never wants to see his child go through the same struggles he had to endure throughout his youth. 
Also the complications that might arise from her giving birth to a Jotun babe…
But you looked elated. You were proud to carry a Jotun child. Excited at the possibility of them having Jotun features. 
No. He will keep his anxieties to himself. The best he can do for you is keep you happy and safe. You and the baby are the most important things in his life and he will do anything he had to do to protect you both. 
“No shoes this morning darling?”
“My feet are even more swollen today than they were yesterday, I can’t fit in to any shoes this morning.”
“Oh my heart..”, Loki moves back in his seat to push his chair back slightly and then pats his knee.
Already knowing what he is asking, you turn your body as best you can and place your feet on his leg. As soon as you do he starts to massage them. 
You hum out a pleased moan and close your eyes, the feeling of his hands on your feet feeling heavenly. 
You nod and then you can feel the temperature drop in his hands. You open your eyes and see he has shifted completely into his Jotun form. He has been doing this more often in public now. After that one day you overheated on your way walking to the library and Loki decided to just shift right in the middle of the hall. 
Some Asgardians stopped and looked on in shock, no one had ever seen Loki in this form before besides the royal family. Ever since then, whenever you feel the slightest bit of discomfort and need to cool down he shifts into his Jotun form. 
Fuck them. His wife is carrying his child. He will do anything within his power to make sure you are comfortable and happy. 
You’re about 8 months along now and you’re ready for this kid to get here. 
You look at Loki’s but he is heavily concentrated on rubbing your feet just the way you like. You can’t help but get his attention, “hey..”
He looks up at you with his bright red eyes. 
You smile when you see them, “thank you.”
He smiles back sweetly, “you’re welcome darling. Relax.”
“Good morning darlings!”, Frigga arrives at the table. She leans over you and gives you a kiss on the cheek, “how are you y/n? I see your feet are…slightly more swollen than yesterday..”
You laugh, Frigga knows damn well your feet are massive in comparison to yesterday. “Yea..Loki’s on it though. This one is destined to be a Superdad.”
Frigga smiles at the two of you overwhelmed with joy. When she heard the news that you were pregnant not even a year after your marriage to her son she was beyond joyful. She has longed for having babies around the palace again and for them to be her own grandchildren made her even more excited. 
She rubs your shoulders before she sits next to you, “just a few more weeks left and then they will be here. I must say I still find the Earthly tradition odd of not knowing what the gender of the baby until the birth.”
“I want to be surprised, plus it’s not like gender is going to matter to much. Their dad can switch genders whenever he feels the need.”
“Or want darling. You must remember how on occasion you ask me to switch.”
You blush, “you’re lovely in your female form, I can’t help it.”
Frigga smiles, she has been watching your relationship bloom over the past year and she couldn’t be happier that her son had a fated match. The Norns couldn’t have created a more perfect being for her son. 
Frigga takes her seat and shortly after their meals are brought out. Loki releases your feet and switches back to his Asgardian form as he fills your plate. You find your tastes haven’t changed too much but you were hungrier than you have ever been in your life. The healers tell you it’s a combination of your body still transitioning to becoming fully Asgardian and your growing baby. 
After you eat your food, you lean back in your chair and rub your belly with a satisfied look at your face. 
“Happy?”, Loki catches your attention when he sees your content face. 
You nod, “very. Do you think you can help me get to the workshop? I want to paint for a little bit.”
“Of course my love, will you please have one of your ladies with you though? I want to be sure if something were to happen you have someone there with you.”
The workshop usually has a few people at a time in it now but Loki always wants to be sure someone who knows who to call for is there with you if and when you need assistance or an emergency should occur. 
You nod, “are you kidding? I’ve had to have two with me daily just in case I need one of them to bring me a snack or a cooling elixir.”
You’re finding yourself feeling hotter lately. The healers tell you it’s because of the part Jotun baby growing inside of you. You honestly thought it would be the opposite and that you would be feeling the cold from them but that hasn’t been the case. 
It’s something that has been concerning Loki. The massive fear of complications occurring because of the baby’s Jotun heritage is an ever present one. Any discomfort that you experience that he could contribute to the Jotun genes, he would feel a small amount of panic and guilt. All you could do was reassure him that you were ok. 
Once you’re ready Loki helps you stand and he creates a portal to the workshop. He waits there until two of your ladies arrive before he departs for his morning duties. 
He walks you through the room as you say your hellos to the people already there and then gives you a kiss once he has you settled in your chair by the window. A canvas is comfortably placed in front of you. “I love you darling, please call for me immediately if you need anything.”
“I will. Have a great day baby.”  
He leans down to give you another kiss and leaves. 
You’ve been dreaming about your baby for a while now and it has been manifesting in your paintings. You never paint anything gender indicating or their face. You’re sure that will all come out when you actually see them. 
You’re secretly hoping it’s a boy. You genuinely don’t care either way but the idea of a little Loki running around makes your heart skip a beat. As you paint, your ladies keep conversation with you and the people around you.
You start feeling a little flushed, “could I possibly have some of that cooling elixir please? I can already feel my body getting warmer.”
“Of course y/n.”, your maid stands and brings you the elixir. Once you drink it you feel immediate relief. 
“Thank you.”
“You are welcome.”, she takes a longer look at you and sees a little discomfort on your face. “Shall I call for Eir or Prince Loki? You are looking rather flushed.”
You shake your head, “no I’m alright. Thank you though.”
The maid sits back down but pays closer attention to you and your body language for any sign of continued discomfort. 
You shift a little in your seat and your maid notices a little sweat on your brow, “princess. I insist on calling for Eir.”
“Ella..really I’m fine.”, you argue. 
“You are still flushed after you have taken your elixir. Allow me to call for Eir..just to be cautious.”
You have mercy on the poor girl and agree to let her call Eir but you knew as soon as she was summoned Loki would be soon to follow. 
Eir arrives quickly and is currently kneeling down in front of you with her hands on your rounded stomach. And just like you predicted Loki comes running through the door. 
“What is happening?! Eir?! Is she alright?!”
You give him an exasperated look, “calm down Loki, she just got here. I got a little warm and Ella called for Eir just to be safe.”
He looks over to Ella, “thank you Ella. Im sure my wife gave you grief about calling for a healer.”
Ella bows, “she only declined me once My Prince.”
He looks back to you in surprise, “oh I see only once for your lady maids but Norns forbid I suggest it more than once.”
You roll your eyes, “oh please you’re being dramat….Ahhh!” You suddenly feel a sharp pain in your abdomen. 
Loki’s face goes pale and he immediately falls to his knees next to Eir, “what’s happening?”
“Her stomach is spasming. The baby is quite active at the moment.” She looks around the room and sees a few Asgardians who were still in the workshop now focusing their situation on you. “Everyone out.”
Not a single soul hesitates, they all stand at once and leave the workshop. Only Eir, Loki and your two maids remain. 
She looks back to you, “sit back princess, Loki help me lift her gown.”
You and Loki do as she instructs and as soon as your skirts are raised up to your waist Eir removes your undergarments. She places her one hand on your belly and the other one between your legs to check for anything concerning. 
She looks up to you, “princess. You are about 5 centimeters dilated.”
“What?!” It’s too soon! I had a few weeks left still.”
“I know princess but it seems the young royal is ready to meet you sooner rather than later. We must get you to the healing wing. Ladies, send for the Queen. Tell her to meet us in the birthing suite.”
Loki hasn’t said a word, he’s just staring at your belly. Your hand clutched in two of his, his face impossibly white. 
“My Prince. Prince Loki. A portal right now would be useful.”
He doesn’t move. 
You take your other hand and grab his face, “hey.”
His eyes shift to you. 
“Snap out of it. It’s time. Whether we are ready or not. I need you Loki.”
He shoots up to his feet and immediately conjures a portal, he reaches for you and picks you up effortlessly out of your chair. Without a word he walks you through the portal into the birthing suite. Eir instructs her healers around them while Loki lays you down. 
“Alright?”, he asks you. 
You nod and then grab his hand, “it’s going to be ok. We’re going to be ok.”
He nods and leans down to give you a kiss. Frigga enters the room in a rush. “I already called for Heimdall to inform Jane, Thor should be in Midgard now to bring her here. How are you faring dear?”
“I’m nervous. It’s too soon.”
“All will be well my darlings. Your baby is just ready to meet their adoring parents.”, she looks to a still pale Loki. 
“My son. Everything will be well.”, she reaches out for him and brings him into a hug. 
He nods and looks back to you, “I’m alright. I’m here. Whatever you need.”
You smile and take a deep breath, preparing yourself for the possibly many hours of labor. 
A couple hours go by, Jane arrived not long after you started to feel contractions. She hasn’t left the other side of the bed. Loki refuses to move from the side he has occupied since they arrived, his hand never leaving yours. Every once in a while he shifts into his Jotun form to help cool you down or conjure you some ice to eat. 
A few short hours after that you feel it’s time to push. Eir gets between your legs and confirms that you can indeed start pushing and starts to coach you through it. Jane is standing at your side, holding one hand. Loki is standing at your other side, holding your other one. Frigga and another healer are standing at your feet holding a leg each. 
“Alright princess. Give me one big push.”, Eir instructs you, seated between your legs. 
You push as hard as you can, squeezing Loki’s and Jane’s hands for the extra leverage. After a few seconds you relax and breathe in. 
“Again.”, Eir instructs you. 
You do as she says and push again as hard as you can. 
“You’re doing so well my darling.”, Loki kisses your forehead. 
You push until you run out of energy. 
“Don’t push again yet princess.”, Eir instructs you. She’s starting to notice a considerable amount of blood but so far she can only see the babies hair. 
She does her best to clear the blood and asks her healers calmly to bring her some potions. Frigga looks down to Eir, recognizing the types of potions she is asking for. They are meant to replenish the body after extreme blood loss. It is mostly used on the battlefield. 
Loki thankfully is so concentrated on you that he does not hear what Eir has been instructing the healers to bring. 
“Eir?..”, Frigga asks a silent question to her most trusted healer. 
Eir looks to Frigga, a quick look of concern in her eyes. “The baby has not moved from their current position. We might have to move on to other methods soon if this does not progress.”
Loki hears them now, “what’s wrong? What’s happening?”
Frigga looks to her panicked son, “the baby is not moving Loki. The healers might need to remove the child.”
You’re starting to shake from the pain and blood loss, “what’s wrong?.. is the baby ok?” You ask weakly. 
Loki turns his attention to you and brushes his hand through your hair, “everything is fine my heart. It seems the baby has unfortunately taken on my stubborn trait.”
You nod and then you’re hit with another contraction, “ahhh!!! I have to push again!”
You bare down and push but still the baby has not moved. Eir looks to Frigga again who nods in understanding. 
“Ladies. Prepare the room, we will be changing course.”
Loki looks to Eir, “changing course? To what? What is happening?!”
Frigga walks over to Loki and takes his hand in hers, “my son, the healers need to get the baby out as soon as possible. I’m afraid your wife cannot take much more blood loss.”
Loki looks down to you and he can already tell that your starting to lose your focus, “darling…darling can you look at me?”
You looked into his eyes, dazed.
He kisses your forehead, “the healers must..remove the baby..you can’t do this yourself any longer. It…I…they…”. His words are starting to become a nonsensical mess. 
You place your hand on his cheek, “hey..it’s ok. It’s gonna be ok..no matter what..I love you.”
He looks at you for a moment, “I love you. More than anything…please..”…tears fall down his face every blink… “please don’t leave me…”
You wipe away his tears, “I will never. Ever leave you.” You place your hands firmly on his face, “let’s have this baby.”
Loki closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, when he opens them they’re full of determination and bravery. He nods and then gives you a firm kiss. Standing he looks to Eir and his mother, “what now?”
While the three of them discuss next steps, Jane leans in and kisses your forehead, “I love you sis. I’m so proud of you.”
“I love you too. Jane..you have to be there for Loki if I don’t..I don’t want him to be alone..”
“Hush. You’re gonna be fine. Focus on your strength.”
“Jane. Please.”
She nods, “I will. I promise. I’ll see you soon.”
She kisses your brow one more time and then moves out of the way so the healers can get ready for the next stage. 
Soon there is a glowing shield in front of your face to block your view of what came next. It was a bright yellow shield that when the next healer was close enough you asked, “is it possible to change the color of that?”. You point weakly at the shield. 
Frigga taps the healer on her shoulder, silently telling her she would take over. Frigga looks down to you, “what color would you like?”
Frigga smiles and wordlessly changes the color of the shield to a soft blue. You close your eyes, comforted by the soft glow from it. 
“Thank you.”, your eyes still closed. 
“You’re welcome. Just a little longer and you will hold your baby in your arms.”
You nod, hoping with everything you had left that she was right. 
Frigga looks to Eir who is stone faced, she needed to be perfect and use all of the knowledge she has in her in order to keep you alive. 
Loki comes into view and takes your hand in his, “ready?”
You nod, “ready.”
He looks to Eir and nods for them to continue, they immediately jump into action. You feel pressure and some pulling. You can’t really hear too much except for hushed orders from Eir. You briefly hear Loki whispering in your ear, you feel touches from his hands on your head and hand. More pressure. More pulling and then your ears start to ring. Underneath the ringing you hear the first cries of your baby. 
You feel a moment of pure joy. And then. Nothing. 
“A boy. My love. It’s a boy.” Loki is in love immediately. His son’s skin was a lovely shade of blue, his Jotun markings on display for everyone to see. But Loki didn’t feel an ounce of revulsion or guilt. His son was beautiful, just as you dreamed he would be. He looks back to your face with an elated smile, only to be met with no response from you..
“Y/n…”, Loki’s heart seizes. 
“Y/n…”, he calls your name a little louder. He places his hand on your shoulder to shake you a little. “Darling?..”
Your eyes are open, but there was nothing behind them. Just a blank stare to the ceiling. 
“Eir! Mother!..”
Frigga runs back from the table where the healers are tending to her new grandson and Eir looks up from where she is currently healing your incisions. 
She looks to the soul forge and sees no movement from your heart. She calls to the healers and they don’t have to be told what to do. They immediately administer various potions and raise their hands to use their healing abilities to enhance their attempts at saving your life. 
Loki’s heart is beating out of his chest, his head is pounding, his rapid breathing quickly turning into hyperventilating. 
“Loki. Loki. My son you need to breathe, let the healers work. Eir is doing everything she can. You need to remain calm for her..”
Loki’s vision starts to blur, the roar of his blood and the sound of his crying son becoming too overwhelming. He closes his eyes tightly to try and steady himself and everything suddenly goes…silent….
And then he hears your voice…
“Loki! Loki! Wake up! Wake up!”
Loki sits up straight, his breathing ragged and sweat covering his body. He’s so soaked his hair is plastered to his forehead. 
“Hey..breathe..”, you sit up slowly behind him and place one hand on his back and the other on his chest. You shift yourself so you can see his face. His eyes are sealed shut tightly again and he is trying to control his breathing. His hands are clutched in his hair at the sides of his head. 
You place your hands over his to try and stop him from pulling his hair too hard, “hey..open your eyes baby. It was just a nightmare. Loki…come on baby..”
He takes a deep breath and then another one. And then another one. When he finally opens his eyes they are full of tears. 
“Y/n?”, he questions pitifully. 
“Yea baby. I’m right here. You’re in our bed...”, you run your fingers through his hair. “You had a bad dream huh?..”, already knowing the answer. 
He nods his head miserably… “you were very pregnant…and you were about to give birth…there were complications…and your…your heart stopped….Eir was trying to bring you back..but…”
He’s starting to spiral again so you get his attention back, “hey..look at me.” You take his hand and place it on your still small baby bump. “We’re ok…I promise you..your mom, Eir, Jane and I have talked over many possibilities and complications. We are more than prepared, and remember I’m almost done with my transition. I’m growing stronger and stronger every day. Eir said during my last check up that my body is showing less and less mortal indicators. I can’t even get papercuts anymore!”  
You give him a bright happy smile hoping that starts taking his mind off of the nightmare. But you can’t help yourself..
“Did you see what it was?”
He looks at you confused?, “what what was?”
“The baby?!..”
He looks down and smiles, “it was a boy…he was beautiful..”
You lean forward and give him a kiss, “well hopefully one thing comes true out of that dream.” You place your hand on your belly and rub where you know the baby is positioned. 
Loki places his hand over yours, “would you like for me to tell you?”
You bite your lip, “you can tell?..”
He nods and smiles, “I can..” 
You think about it a moment and then nod, “yea..yea I wanna know..”
“You’re sure?..”, he asks just in case. 
You smile, “yes…are we having a boy or a girl?..”
You move your hand out of the way so Loki can place his directly on top of your stomach. He closes his eyes and after a small moment he opens them. 
“It’s a girl.”
You’re hit with a jolt of surprise and when you look at Loki’s face you see a bit of relief mixed in with the excitement. 
“One thing already different from that horrible nightmare.”
You kiss him, “there will be plenty of things that will be different from your nightmare…” You rub your nose against his and then look him in the eyes, “a girl? Your mom is gonna lose her mind.”
“Hehe…yes she is going to be quite happy I can imagine. Poor girl has no idea what she’s in for. She’s going to be drowning in dresses before she can walk.”
You giggle and give him another kiss, “I love you. Everything is going to be ok.”
“Yes. Yes I believe you’re right.”
Loki lays back down and places your head on his chest. He reaches his hand out and rubs comfortingly over your swelling belly. Sending love and acceptance through the bond to his daughter. Who he already loves just as much as the woman who is blessing him with her. 
The end…
Tag List:
@mintfrostflower @lotrefcp @mostlymarvelgirl @tekutiger @missingdadneto @rcailleachcola @fire-in-her-veinz @glitterylokislut @yelkmelk @talesofadragon @multifandom-world8 @firedrakegirl @enchanteddreameruniverse @skittslackoffilter @babygirl-panda19 @daydream-believer19 @planets-and-stars @star-maker-rain-dancer @trojanaurora @brokenpoetliz @apologeticd @lovingchoices14
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The Man 13
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: mob!Lloyd Hansen
Summary: a demanding customer complicates more than your work life.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You walk along the halls of the garishly large house. You suppose anything compared to your apartment is huge. Former apartment? You mourn the loss of your previous life as it starts to sink in. No long distracted by the bristly mustache of its delightful effect on you, you can’t help but descend slowly into despair. 
You narrow your eyes at the fabric strained over shoulders blades in front of you. All he had to do was say please and be polite. He couldn’t even give you his order then blamed you for not knowing.
How on earth are you supposed to know who he is? It isn’t your fault no one told you. Now you’re starting to get mad at them too. Bre really put you in it, didn’t she?” 
“Are you growling?” Lloyd asks over his shoulder. 
“Yeah,” you answer honestly. 
“At me?” He snickers. 
“No... I should,” you grumble, “so, did you think about that sweater? Maybe a blanket? My nipples are so hard, they’re starting to hurt.” 
He stops and turns to face you. You walk straight into him and he grabs your shoulders, pushing you back to stand at arm’s length. He looks you up and down with a squint, his mustache slanting with his mouth. 
“I don’t negotiate but if I give you a blanket, do you promise to stay out of the way?” 
“Sir, if you opened the front door at this very moment, you would never see me again.” 
“Noted,” he says grimly, “go in here and stay.” He points to the door next to him as he releases you, turning the handle slowly, “don’t break anything. There should be a blanket, just don’t get too cozy.” 
“If I may, I think we would both be much happier if you let me go. Look at it this way, you got your rocks off, I got mine jangled, and now we both know a lot more about ourselves. You don’t have to ever see me again--” 
“Be quiet,” he reaches to pinch your lips shut, “Christ Almighty, you don’t shut the fuck up.” 
You try to talk past his fingers but just make a weird noise between your sealed lips. You shrug and raise your hands in surrender. He lets you go and sighs, waving through the open door. 
“Shutting fuck up,” you lift a hand in a salute and he quickly smacks it down. You shake your fingers out and hiss, “ow.” 
“Stop doing that,” he demands. 
“Fine,” you make a face and turn past him. At this point, you don’t care. This house is too cold and you don’t think he’ll take your advice about his central air bill. Looks like he can afford it, even if the ozone might suffer. “Erm, thanks?” 
“Whatever,” he grabs the door and shuts it behind you with a snap. 
You turn to it as you hear the lock click. His footsteps march off swiftly and you wiggle the handle. Drats. You could try a window but you’re hardly equipped for the descent. 
You face the room and look around. It’s nice. For New Jersey, which this isn’t. Amid the golden lamps, the velvet chaise, and the safari statues, a fluffy leopard print throw calls your name. You bound over to the clamshell chair and swipe it up, wrapping your shivering figure in the faux fur. At least you hope it’s not real. How would Floyd like it if someone skin his lip for, er, well... what could you even do with that? 
You sit and bask in the warmth. Oh, you almost feel human. If you didn’t smell of sweat and sex. What a pervert!  
It’s all so twisted the more you think of it. Worse is how much you enjoy it. Even if he’s a big dodo head, you have to admit, he knows what he’s doing. Well, compared to you, who doesn’t? You’ve seen it all but haven’t done so much. 
You peer around. It’s really tempting to play with that wooden tiger figurine or that metal orby thing with all the rings. You close your eyes and resist. How can he put you in this room and expect you not to go wild. Literally. It’s like being in a jungle. You gave him the benefit of the doubt about the mustache but this room alone assures you he’s living in some 70s exploitation fantasy. 
You curl up on your side in the chair and sigh. You close your eyes and think. This morning, everything was normal. Kind of. You almost long for the beginning of the spiral now that you’re spinning in it.
How long is he going to keep you here? And what happens after? Do you get your money back? Your apartment? Definitely, not your dignity. 
You don’t remember falling asleep but it’s a happy relief until consciousness breaks through like a nail through paper. You wake up with a lurch and nearly fall out of the chair, gaping up at the blue eyes boring down into you. You give Floyd with no F a sheepish smile. 
“Oh, hello, sir,” you sit up cautiously, “I’m happy to report I kept my hands to myself.” 
“You snore. Loud.” 
“Ah, well, I’ve had quite the day. I guess I really needed a nap--” 
“Get up,” he grabs you by the back of the neck and forces you to your feet. 
“Ow, eek,” you pull at his wrist, “did your meeting go okay?” 
“Why the fuck do you care?” He snarls. 
“I don’t, I was being polite,” you try to wriggle free, “judging by the attitude, it didn’t--” 
“What the fuck do you know about my business?” He snips. 
“As much as I wanna know. Nada,” you roll your eyes and manage to break free. “Ouch, bro.” 
“Bro?” He grimaces. 
“Dude, sir, whatever,” you huff and catch the blanket as it slips, “I’ve been nothing but nice, you know, but you’re starting to piss me off.” 
“I’m pissing you off?” He tilts his head and crosses his arms, “you--” 
“Got it. You can’t stand me but it didn’t stop you from diving into my southern hemisphere,” you sniff. 
The air roils with his agitation. You hug yourself defiantly as you cling to blanket and stare him in the face. He looks down at you, bringing a hand up to rub his chin. He sucks his teeth and reaches with his other hand to yank the blanket away. You cry out, hanging onto it as he lurches you.  
The blanket stretches between you in a tug-of-war. He nearly takes you of your feet as he gives it a hefty pull. You hold onto it, planting your feet but he easily keeps hold of his end. You use all your strength to add to the tension and as you see him go to yank again, you let go.
Lloyd staggers back as the blanket drops from his grasp. He flails and hits the chaise, crashing over it as he bounces off the cushion onto the other side. He groans as his feet remain atop the velvet. You inch over to look at him, his shoulders to the floor as his face strains. 
“You stupid little bitch,” he growls. 
“Sir,” you bite down on a smile as you stand over him, “why are you so mad? You won.” 
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Hey junoooo if you ever feel up to it can you maybe do a request for a vox x pet reader with non con being the main thing? If you don’t wanna or too busy you don’t have to ^.^
I spent more time on this than intended and… um. I didn’t write out the entire sex scene. Everything else is there though!!
Dumb Little Kitty (Vox x pet!Reader)
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Word count: 7721
CW: noncon, NSFW, hypnosis, pet play, choking, BDSM, daddy kink, let me know if I missed anything ^^
“Good morning, pet,” Vox said, gently shaking me awake. I groaned and tried to move but quickly found that I couldn’t. My body felt heavy, it was hard to think… “You were being quite a handful at the party last night… Val helped me calm you down.”
With drugs, apparently. I mumbled something incoherent, unable to speak properly either.
“Mmn….” I grumbled and tried to move again, to no avail. “…Vox…?” I asked, squinting my eyes at him.
Vox smiled down at me, amused at my attempts to move. “Yes, it’s me,” he answered. “Looks like you’re feeling a bit… disoriented, huh?” He chuckled, gently moving to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Don’t worry, pet. I can fix that.” He hummed softly, without a care in the world. I felt his hand beneath my chin, tilting my head up so I’d look him in the eye. He was planning on hypnotizing me.
“Mngh! Mmn… no, no…” I whined and moved a bit, trying to get away from him. It was so bright… everything was blue… were we in his office? His room? The meeting room? Where was I? I couldn’t tell if I was sitting or lying down, everything was a blur. I just wanted to get away from him. “No, no…! Stop… stop it…”
“Stop squirming, I’m just going to help you a bit,” he said firmly, gently gripping my chin to keep my head tilted up towards him. His other hand was placed carefully on my forehead, holding me in place.
“Relax. Stay still.” He was using a gentle, commanding voice. I could feel my head growing fuzzy.
“Mmn! Stop it!” I said, squeezing my eyes shut just as the hypnotic red and black spirals appeared in his eye. Just in time to avoid its effects. “Stop it, stop…. Stop!”
“…How…” Vox muttered under his breath, a hint of frustration in his voice at my resistance. Usually, people would be under his spell almost instantaneously. But I had somehow averted it.
He kept me pinned in place, looking down at me with a calculating gaze, like he was trying to figure out what was different this time, why my mind was resisting.
“You’re strong willed. That’s cute.” He chuckled softly, shaking his head in a bemused manner. “But don’t think you can escape that easily, pet.”
He leaned down to speak directly into my ear, so close that I could feel his breath on my skin. “I think I’ll have to use something else.” His voice was low and dangerous, yet somehow still laced with his usual tone of amusement.
He moved his hand away from my forehead, and I felt his fingers trace along my jawline. He was contemplating something. The wheels in his head were turning, trying to figure out how to break my will.
His fingers continued to move across my skin, tracing a path from my chin down to my neck, barely touching me, yet sending shivers down my spine. “Normally, I would hypnotize you. Make you pliable. Complacent.”
His fingers reached the base of my neck, pausing for a moment. “But you’re being stubborn. You’re resisting me.” His tone had shifted again, almost annoyed now.
I let out a small squeak, keeping my eyes firmly shut. If I opened my eyes, if I saw the spirals on his screen, I’d be under his control in an instant.
“Don’t you realize it’s hopeless?” He hummed, his fingers drumming against my skin as he continued to think. “No matter how hard you resist, eventually you’ll give in. You’ll break for me. Everyone does.”
He paused for a moment, before continuing with a dark chuckle. “One way or another, you’re going to do exactly what I say. So why not make this easier on both of us?”
I kept quiet this time, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response.
“How about we change things up a bit,” he whispered, his hand moving to rest on my hip. He began to slowly trace circles on my skin with his fingertip.
“You’re quite stubborn, you know that? Almost…” he trailed off for a moment, thinking. “…almost like a cat.”
“A defiant little cat. One I find incredibly adorable.”
He chuckled softly, continuing to run his fingers along my hip. “Maybe it’s time to use a different approach. You seem to be more stubborn than most, and stubborn cats need to be trained.”
There was a hint of something sinister in his voice. He was up to something.
He carefully placed his index finger on my tongue- he was determined to get me under hypnosis. Even though I’d averted his gaze before, he was persistent this time, slowly pushing his finger in deeper.
I couldn’t- I-
I gagged- and thankfully he removed his finger. I coughed, startled, my eyes wide open now.
“Oh, did I go too fast?” He asked in a mocking tone. He seemed amused, enjoying me struggling against him. “You need to keep your mouth open if you want to learn to behave, pet.”
He grabbed my chin again, opening my mouth and forcing my head up to look at him, red and black spirals dancing hypnotically in his left eye. “Now be a good little cat for me. And keep your mouth open.”
I faltered for a moment, my eyes going wide. Before I could act, he’d already gotten me. I was his, under his control, hypnotized. My thoughts dulled and I opened my mouth without thinking.
“Very good.” He praised, satisfied.
He let out a pleased chuckle, running his index finger against my tongue, moving further in this time. “Much better. You’re being a good little pet for me now, aren’t you?”
He gently pushed his finger in further, watching my reaction. “Look at you, so obedient. So compliant. All it took was a little glance and now you’re completely mine.”
I tried to speak, but since I couldn’t close my mouth at all- and since his finger was in my mouth- I couldn’t. I made a noise that sounded like a soft moan.
Vox smirked at the sound I made, amused. “Does it feel good, pet? Does it feel good to be hypnotized?”
He pushed his finger even deeper into my mouth, enjoying the effect it had on me. “Or to be more accurate, to be completely at my mercy?”
He chuckled softly, watching my face intently. “You’re quite the spectacle like this, you know. Such a compliant little pet for me.”
My eyes were glazed over and I was drooling a little but… “Prrrr….” I’d started purring for him. He’d called me a cat when he first put me in trance, and the title seemed to have stuck in my suggestible mind.
“Now look at you… a little hypno-cat.” He chuckled softly, gently stroking my tongue with his finger.
“It’s adorable really. You’re so utterly hypnotized that your entire mind has changed to fit the command. You’re acting like a cat, you probably don’t even remember your own name.”
He tilted my head to look at him. “Isn’t that right, kitty?”
A shiver when down my spine, I nodded slightly, and shifted a little. Not to try to get away like last time, but in an attempt to get closer. Why did it feel so good when he called me that? I was so responsive to that word. Was that my name? Kitty…
“Good kitty.” He praised, enjoying how eagerly I was responding.
He slowly removed his finger from my mouth, instead running his hand through my hair. “Look at you… so obedient. So eager for my approval.”
He carefully repositioned me, so I was settled in his lap. “And what do little kitties say to their masters?”
“Mrrrw,” I nuzzled against him a little, trying to get closer, to move more- but something held me back. I paused for a moment and glanced around. He had me bound, all tied up… that’s why it’s been hard to move earlier. I’d been on the floor, on my knees for him before he’d brought me into his lap. For some reason, I wasn’t panicked. I just sort of stared at the bindings for a moment, unable to think, and thus, unable to process.
“That’s right, good kitty.” He chuckled, watching me nuzzle against him, then look down at the bindings.
“Do you remember being tied up, pet?” He asked, tilting my head up to look at him. “You were quite the little handful… so I had to do something to stop you.”
He traced a finger along the bindings slowly, watching my expression. “You know, you look so lovely like this. Tied up, helpless, under my control…”
As he made me look at him again, I felt my thoughts dull. Then they disappeared completely, replaced with the pretty spiral. So mesmerizing.
“That’s right. Just focus on the pretty spiral, little kitty…” he hummed softly, watching a look of blank submission wash over my face.
He chuckled, running his fingers through my hair again, holding me in place. “You’re so receptive when you’re under my spell. So eager to do whatever I say, aren’t you pet?”
“Mrrrw,” I meowed lightly, leaning into his touch. Kitty… I nuzzled my head against his hand.
“Aw, you’re so needy, aren’t you? You need my touch, right little kitty?” He chuckled, letting me nuzzle his hand as I pleased, enjoying just how malleable I was under his spells.
“You love how I pet your hair, don’t you? Does it make you feel good?” His tone was a hint condescending, like he knew exactly how much I loved his touch.
He continued running his fingers through my hair for a moment, smiling down at me before pausing, as if he had an idea.
“You know, I could give you something else you’d love, pet… something even better than my hand on your head.”
“Mmrrow?” I paused and looked up at him properly. I tilted my head to the side. Confused. “Hm?”
“You want to know what it is?” He asked, a hint of a smile on his face at my adorable expression of confusion.
He leaned forward a little, so his face was close to mine. “I’m feeling generous today, and you’ve been such a compliant little pet… so I’ll give you something a cat loves. Or a cute hypnotized pet, in your case.”
A smirk crossed his face, one laced with dark excitement. “You’re going to love this, pet.”
He suddenly shifted, repositioning me again, so I was leaning back against his chest, with my back resting against him.
“Just relax, and you’ll see what I’m going to give you.”
He gently gripped my chin again, tilting my head back so I was looking up at him. “And keep your eyes on me, pet. Don’t look away.”
He wanted me to focus on him, on this moment, on the anticipation. He chuckled slightly, enjoying the way I was already leaning into his touch. “Just focus on me… can you do that for me, my pretty kitty?”
I nodded, focusing completely one him. Nothing else. It was like he was the only thing that existed.
A smirk appeared on his face, satisfied that I was obediently obeying his command.
“Good kitty.” He hummed softly, his free hand coming to rest on my waist. “Now, just lean back and relax.”
He made sure his grip on my chin was firm, so I wouldn’t be tempted to look away as he did whatever he had planned.
I did as I was told. I stared at him, at the spiral on his eye. I focused on it and…
I felt him gently shake my shoulder. “Hm?” I said, snapping out of… whatever that was. It seemed like some time had passed- like I’d blanked out.
“There you are, sleepyhead,” he teased, looking down at me with an amused grin. “You completely zoned out for a minute. It was adorable. You just sat there, staring at me with such obedient focus. You didn’t even notice when I put a collar on you.”
“Collar?” I asked- my first real word in a while. I look down and sure enough, it was there. Accompanied by a cute little charm.
He chuckled, watching me notice the collar for the first time. “That’s right, pet. I put a collar on you.” He said with a hint of satisfaction. “And it looks lovely on you. The perfect way to really show you’re mine.”
He gently lifted my chin again, so I was looking at him again. “Just look at you, all trussed up and leashed like a good little cat.”
“Kitty…” I mumbled, relaxing. I leaned into his touch, nuzzling against his hand again, a soft smile on my face.
He chuckled, ruffling my hair and letting me nuzzle his hand. He enjoyed how eager I was for his touch.
“That’s right, you’re my kitty.” He said, a hint of possessiveness in his tone. “And kitties don’t walk on two legs, do they, pet?”
“No,” I said, shaking my head. I paused for a moment, only just then realizing that I’d forgotten his name… I didn’t care that I’d forgotten everything else, too. But his name, that felt important. I faltered, losing focus, trying to figure out what to call him.
He noticed my hesitation from the corner of his eye. He’d been wondering how long it would take me to forget his name.
“Trying to remember something, pet?” He asked, a hint of mockery laced in his tone. “Trying to remember who owns you?”
“You do,” I said immediately, looking up at him again. What was his name? I let out a soft whine and pawed at his shirt without realizing. Out of all the things happening, out of everything I’d forgotten, that was the thing I was worried about most.
“Oh, poor kitty. You forgot my name, didn’t you?” He asked, a hint of mock disappointment in his tone. “You just forgot the most important thing, didn’t you?”
I whined again and buried my head against his chest, feeling bad. I didn’t like feeling like a bad kitty.
He chuckled softly at my reaction. “Now don’t worry, pet. I’ll remind you. You’re just a dumb little kitty after all.”
He ran a hand through my hair, then paused, pretending to think. “Although… I could just keep calling you pet… and make you wait for your silly little mind to remember my name on its own.”
“Dumb little kitty,” I repeated thoughtlessly. He’d said it with a certain fondness in his voice, so I report as though it were a good thing, before I could process. “Dumb… mrrrw….”
Vox raised an eyebrow slightly, a hint of surprise crossing his face, before a smirk appeared. “Oh, you repeated that without thinking, didn’t you? That just makes you an even dumber little kitty.”
He chuckled softly, enjoying that I was so compliant that I’d just repeat his words like that without thinking twice about it.
“Dumb little kitty!” I said, with more enthusiasm as he said it again. I smiled up at him stupidly, thinking he’d be proud of me. His tone indicated happiness, I thought I was being a good kitty. I wanted to be a good kitty.
Vox chuckled slightly. “Oh, you little stray. You’re just so eager to please, aren’t you?”
He reached down and ruffled my hair again, satisfied with how eager and obedient I was. “You really will just say whatever I tell you to, won’t you? Dumb little kitties really are so easy to play around with.”
“Dumb little kitty…” I hummed lightly, nuzzling my face against him. I repeated that a few more times before I processed the word play. Now that was a word I liked. “Play… play! Dumb little kitty, play!! Mrrrrw… prrrr…”
He chuckled again, finding my eagerness to please amusing. “Aww, the dumb little kitty wants to play, huh?”
He leaned back a little, shifting me so I was draped across his lap now. “You wanna play so badly, don’t you?”
I purred louder instead of giving a proper response. The bindings were beginning to dig into my skin but I hardly noticed.
“So eager and needy…” He hummed, his hand coming lightly to rest on my shoulder. “But there’s really only one game I want to play right now. And you’ll like it.”
He smirked, a hint of sly excitement creeping into his tone. “Are you ready to play, my dumb little kitty?”
I nodded eagerly, and let out an excited meow. “Mmrrrrw! Mrrrrp!”
His smirk widened at my response to that. “Excellent.”
He hummed softly, lifting my chin so I was looking at him again. “Now, keep your eyes on me. And don’t look away from me for even a second, pet, or I’ll start all over. Got it?”
I nodded lightly, focusing obediently on him. I couldn’t help a small shiver of excitement, wondering what he had planned for me.
“Good pet,” he said, his other hand coming up to cup my face. “Now, look at my eyes. Deep breath in…”
He waited for me to take a deep slow breath in, watching my face carefully as I did.
“And out…” he said, as I breath out. “Slowly. Deep breaths. Focus on the sound of my voice, pet. Deep breath in….”
He repeated himself, the spirals in his eyes pulling my attention as the room around us seemed to disappear.
“Deep breath out…” he said again, as I followed his instructions. “…and in. Slow and steady, pet. You don’t need to think about anything right now. You don’t even need to think at all. Just focus on the sound of my voice, and these spirals in my eyes. They’re drawing you in so deep, pet… so deep… aren’t they?”
I nodded, almost trance-like at this point. Those mesmerizing, spinning spirals were all I could focus on. My breathing was slow and steady, my heartbeat slow and calm. I’d completely let go and allowed him to pull me into deeper hypnosis and it felt so blissfully good.
“All you need to focus on is me, my voice, and those spirals in my eyes. Just let your mind go blank and follow where I lead you, my pet.” He continued. “Such a good pet for me. So obedient and eager to please. That’s exactly how a dumb little kitty should be.”
My mind was completely blank again. Couldn’t think for myself, I could only do what he said. Drool spilled down my chin as I stared at him dumbly.
His smirk widened as he watched me so fully fall into the bliss of hypnosis. “That’s it, pet. Just relax and let my words sink in. You’re not thinking right now, not about anything. You don’t need to. I’m thinking for you now, pet. My words control you, pet. You’re just my dumb little hypno-cat, obedient and brainless, and you love being my brainless kitty.”
He chuckled lightly as a trickle of drool dripped down my chin. “Oh, so cute. Too dumb and brainless to even close your mouth.”
He used his thumb to wipe away the drool. “You don’t need to think for yourself, pet. You’re not really capable of it. You just need to listen to me. My words guide you now. You’re a good kitty. A perfect dumb hypnotized pet.”
“You’re doing so well, pet,” he said, his gaze roaming over my entranced face and the drool dripping down my chin. “So empty and mindless for me. Nothing to think about or worry about right now. Except me. What I say. How I tell you to behave.”
He paused to brush a few strands of hair out of my face, before gripping my chin again to make me look at him properly. “You’re so compliant and obedient, pet. You love following my every instruction, don’t you?”
I nodded softly, without thought. “Instructions…” I mumbled mindlessly, as if I needed them.
“That’s right,” he hummed, enjoying how thoughtless and obedient I was. “You don’t need to think for yourself anymore, pet. You just need to follow my instructions. Whatever I say, you’ll do. Nothing else matters, and you’re too dumb to do anything but agree with what I say or say yes when I ask you something.”
He chuckled again, noticing my mindless response. “You’d even do whatever stupid little thing I make you do, wouldn’t you pet?”
“Mhm…” I mumbled slowly, as if it were hard.
He chuckled again. “That’s my perfect dumb little kitty. So mindlessly obedient and willing to do whatever I say… You’re so hypnotized and blank for me, aren’t you pet? So easy to get into the right state of mind for me. It’s like there’s nothing going on in that pretty little head, except whatever I say. Isn’t that right, dumb little kitty?”
I nodded, then repeated the last part. “Dumb little kitty…” I felt so tired… being in trance felt so nice….
He noticed me starting to get tired. “Oh, you’re getting tired, my dumb little kitty. You’re so mindless and sleepy, aren’t you?”
He hummed thoughtfully, and used his free hand to lightly run his fingers through my hair again. “But you can’t fall asleep yet, pet. Not before I give you a small little present, just for being a good hypnotized kitty.”
“Can you do something for me, pet?” He hummed, continuing to run his fingers through my hair to keep me awake. “I want you to close your eyes. It’s okay, you can look at me in just a minute. Hold still and close your eyes for me.”
I nodded slowly, closing my eyes and remaining still. The sensation of his hand in my hair was keeping me grounded.
He paused for a moment, before speaking again. “Good pet. Just stay still and keep your eyes closed for me. I have another little game I want to play with you, my sweet little mindless kitty. Are you ready?”
I hummed softly, staying as still as he’d asked. I didn’t have a single thought for myself. “Yes…” I mumbled mindlessly.
“Excellent. I want to play a little guessing game, pet. It’s a fun little game. And all you have to do is answer my questions. That’s easy enough for you, isn’t it, my little dumb kitty?”
I nodded again, quicker this time, getting used to being so blissfully brainless.
“Perfect. Just keep your eyes closed. And every time you answer, you’re gonna answer yes, and say the last word of my sentence, okay?”
He gently rubbed his thumb over my chin before wrapping his hand around my neck, his fingers resting over my pulse. “And remember, my pretty little mindless cat. If you ever hesitate to answer, I’m going to squeeze your neck just a little, as a reminder for you to answer quickly. Clear?”
“Yes,” I said quietly.
“Good pet. So obedient.” He hummed. “Now… let’s begin.”
He paused for a moment, his hand resting on my throat, and his fingers feeling my pulse beating against them. “I want to see how well you’re really following my instructions, pet. So I’ll start with a warm-up question, a little bit of a review. Do you like being my dumb little mindless cat, pet?”
“Yes, pet,” I said, a little hesitant, trying to get it right. Trying to think. He’d wanted me to say yes to everything and repeat the last word he’d said…
He chuckled, noticing my hesitation, and his hand lightly squeezed my throat. “Careful, pet. I said for you to answer immediately. Don’t think about it, just say what I want you to say. You don’t need to think, remember? That’s what I’m here for. So answer my question truthfully, without hesitation. You like being my dumb, mindless cat, don’t you, pet?”
“Yes… pet…” I mumbled, quicker this time. I moaned softly at the feeling of his hand around my neck.
“Perfect.” He nodded, pleased with my correct answer. “You caught on quickly. I’m proud of you, pet.”
He chuckled, enjoying the way my breath hitched from the pressure on my throat. “You like having my hand around your throat, don’t you, dumb kitty?”
“Yes, kitty,” I said. “Dumb little kitty!” I said, a moment later, with a smile. not apart of the rules.
He chuckled again and lightly squeezed my throat tighter. “Yes… dumb little kitty.”
He hummed, considering my little mistake. “But you made another mistake, pet. Don’t get too excited. I didn’t ask you to add anything extra, did I? Behaving like an overeager little kitten.”
He paused and chuckled. “But you look so cute when you’re mindless and dumb. So I’ll allow it this time, pet.”
I moaned again, enjoying the increasing pressure. I still had my eyes closed, just as he instructed… I felt nice and warm.
He smirked, taking note of my reaction. “You enjoy this, don’t you? Having my hand around your little neck. You’re so brainless and mindless that being choked in an enjoyable thing. Aren’t you a little masochistic?”
“Yes… masochistic,” I mumbled, sounding a little breathless.
“Good pet.” He hummed. “So mindless and obedient that you’ll enjoy whatever I do to you, including choking you. You’ll even repeat whatever I say, won’t you, dumb little kitty?”
“Yes. Kitty,” I said, quickly following it up with an excited “Dumb little kitty!” Like before.
He chuckled. “So much energy for a mindless little kitty. You really are dumb and brainless, aren’t you? Can’t even follow the simplest instructions without slipping up. I’ll have to punish you for it…
Even if it is so cute.”
“But we’re not at that point yet.” He hummed. “We’re still playing my little game, pet. I still want to see how mindless and obedient you are, my dumb little kitty. Are you ready to continue?”
“Yes, continue!” I said softly.
He chuckled. “Impatient and mindless little thing. Let’s get started.”
He paused for a moment, before speaking again. “Now for the next question, pet. And remember… answer quickly. You don’t need to think. Just answer how I want you to answer, aren’t you a mindless good little kitty for me?”
“Yes, me,” I replied quickly. Just say the word yes and the last word in his sentence… that’s all I had to do, just follow the rules…
“Good pet.”
He chuckled, and squeezed my throat again. “A little too quick on the response that time… But still pretty good for your second attempt, pet. So mindless, you must really enjoy this. You’ll be such an obedient little hypno pet. You’ll listen to everything I say, do whatever I want, and you love every second of it, don’t you?”
I moaned, panting needlessly like a dog. “Mmmm…. Yes, you…”
He smirked, enjoying how mindlessly obedient I was. “You look so cute when you’re mindless and blank, pet. Moaning and panting for me… you don’t even need to think right now, do you? You don’t even want to. You’re so addicted to how it feels to be my mindless little hypnosis cat, aren’t you?”
My breath hitched and I faltered this time. “Addicted…” I mumbled. I shook my head and opened my eyes, staring up at him dumbly for a moment.
He noticed my falter and opened eyes, and he gripped my neck a little tighter. “Ah, no, no, no, pet. We can’t have that. You’re supposed to keep your eyes closed.”
He chuckled and loosened his grip. “That’s why I have to keep this hand on your throat, isn’t it, pet? So you’ll stay in your mindless, dumb, obedient little state.”
“Mmn…” I mumbled as he tightened his grip again. It was hard to breathe… he wouldn’t stop until I answered, but I couldn’t.
“Now you’re getting stuck again, pet.” He chuckled as my breath hitched and I began to struggle a bit. “I know it’s hard. I know it’s so difficult for a mindless dumb little kitty like you to answer the simplest little questions, isn’t it? Your head’s so empty, and you’re so mindless… what an obedient little pet you are, that you’ll let me choke you just because I tell you to.”
I made an odd sort of noise, then a gurgle. The world seemed to dim around me, but I was arching my back slightly towards him.
“Oh? Is my dumb little kitty enjoying this that much?” He chuckled. “You’re arching your back for me, looking like you’re completely mindless and mindless and enjoying this. You really are an obedient thing.”
He kept his hand on my throat, but used his other hand to run through my hair. “Such a dumb kitty, that you’ll enjoy having your air taken away. You like the pretty spots that your world’s getting, don’t you?”
I opened my mouth but nothing came out. He chuckled softly as my expression faded and my body went limp. “Oh, you did go blank again… such a mindless, obedient little thing…��
He paused for a moment, keeping a firm grip on my neck, and used his other hand to lightly smack the side of my face. “Hello, pet? Can you hear me?”
He smirked slightly as my body did nothing to respond to his light smacks. “Seems like you really did black out… let’s see if I can’t bring you back to the mindless, obedient, dumb little kitty you were.”
He paused, and gently shook my shoulders. “Come on, pet. Wake up a bit. I still have a game to play.”
Nothing. No response.
He shook my shoulders again, a bit rougher this time this time. “Come on, pet. Wake up. Just a little, just a bit. I know you can do it for me.”
He paused, and gently smacked my face again, watching to see if I’d respond.
He sighed in annoyance, when I still didn’t move. “Come on, dumb little thing, just wake up a little… you really went and passed out on me. Look at yourself. You’re limp and mindless, completely unconscious. The game’s no fun unless you’re awake enough to participate, pet. Wake up.”
He was getting slightly frustrated. “Wake up, dumbass.” He said, slightly harsher as he shook my shoulders and smacked my face a bit harder.
My eyes snapped open and I sort of flinched away- as best I could, still bound up. I panicked, disoriented, confused, hurt… I tugged at my restraints, trying to undo them.
He immediately grabbed my chin to hold me still. “Ah, ah, no panicking, pet.”
He chuckled, enjoying the look of mindless fear and disorientation on my face. “Looks like you woke up, dumb little kitty.”
“Let me go!” I rasped, my voice hoarse. I squeezed my eyes shut so he couldn’t hypnotize me again, and continued messing with the rope.
He grabbed my arms to stop me struggling, and chuckled at my demand. “Don’t be silly, pet. You’re mine right now. You’re my dumb, mindless little thing to play with. You don’t get to leave.”
He gently grabbed my hair with one hand, tugging my head back to open up my neck. “You’re going to stay here, mindless and dumb and obedient, for me to play with as I please.”
I quickly undid the bindings on my wrists and yanked my arms from his grasp. I froze for a moment, startled by an unfamiliar feeling… I opened my eyes on instinct, staring the blood dripping down into the palm of my hand.
He was surprised when I freed my wrists, his eyes flicking down to the blood on my hand. “Now, now, pet. Where do you think you’re going?”
He chuckled, stepping closer to me and gently gripping my chin, forcing my gaze back to his. “No more panicking. You need to calm down and stop struggling. You’re only going to hurt yourself.”
“You hurt me,” I said softly, letting him touch me but not looking at him. My eyes were downcast, focused on my bleeding wrists, the marks the rope had made.
He chuckled again, using his grip on my chin to force my head up and gently brush his thumb over the bleeding wrist. “Yes. I did hurt you. But it’s for your own good, pet. You need to learn your place, remember?”
He gently caressed the markings on my wrists. “You don’t need to think or decide for yourself. I’ll do all the hard stuff, and you’ll sit there and be a mindless, obedient little kitty for me. It’s much easier that way for you, isn’t it, pet?”
I flinched. It stung when he touched me. I pulled away, not noticing that I was crying, just undoing the rest of my bindings. It was clear that I wouldn’t run, I knew I had no chance.
He noticed me flinching, and my tears, and chuckled softly as he watched me undo the rest of my bindings. “Oh, such a crybaby. How cute.”
He paused, watching me for a moment, before speaking again. “Stop crying, pet. No more tears. Everything’s going to be okay. You just have to behave for me like a good little kitty, alright?”
“No,” I mumbled, getting the last of the rope off and tossing it aside. I looked over my body… my clothes were torn, the ropes had dug into my skin in most places, rubbing it raw. I shook my head and sat down on the floor, a few feet away from where he sat in his chair.
He tutted and shook his head at my defiant response. “Why are you being like this, pet? You were so good a few minutes ago, letting me choke you until you passed out. Letting yourself go mindless and blank for me. You’re being so disobedient… And disobedient kitties have to be punished.”
He stood up from the chair, taking a few slow steps towards me as I sat on the floor.
I didn’t respond this time, I just slowly brought my hand up to my neck. I brushed my fingers along the sensitive skin and immediately recoiled. It hurt. I hadn’t… realized…
He chuckled softly as he came closer to me, watching me brush my sensitive neck before flinching away. “It’s sore, isn’t it? I squeezed harder than I intended to, pet… I went a little too far with my little game, didn’t I?“
He kneeled down in front of me, gently grabbing my chin and tilting my head up to look at him. He spoke with mock sympathy. “Poor little thing… your neck is probably aching right now…”
I looked at him with wide panicked eyes but didn’t dare move away this time. “Please don’t…” I said quietly, my voice ragged.
He smirked slightly, relishing the look of panicked vulnerability in my eyes. “Please don’t what? Squeeze your poor little neck again? Why not, pet?”
He raised an eyebrow and used his other hand to gently brush my hair out of my face. “What reason do I have not to continue playing with you when you make such an adorable face?”
“Don’t… don’t…” I mumbled, looking away. “I don’t want this… please stop. Just stop…”
He chuckled as I mumbled and looked away, and shook his head gently. “Don’t act so dramatic. You were perfectly enjoying yourself earlier, weren’t you? Letting yourself be mindless and blank, going limp for me, letting me do whatever I wanted…”
He grabbed my chin again, forcing me to look at him. “What’s changed, pet? Why don’t you want to continue?”
“I’m not… not hypnotized,” I said quietly, trying not to look at him. I wrapped my arms around myself. “I never wanted- it was just you. I don’t want this.”
He chuckled. “Of course you’re not hypnotized, pet. You’re quite conscious right now… even if you were being mindless and obedient before.”
He paused, his expression becoming more serious. “If you don’t want this, then why did you listen to me? Why did you let me choke you until you passed out? Why did you go limp when I told you to, and go blank when I said so?”
“You made me! You had me- you tied me up and drugged me up and when I woke up you hypnotized me and made me do all that! I don’t- I don’t want-” I tore away from him and brought my knees up to my chest, burying my head against them and my arms. “I don’t want this! Leave me alone.”
He watched me tear myself away from the grip on my chin, staring with a blank expression as I buried my head against my knees. He chuckled softly. “Ah, so you were paying attention, weren’t you? Even while you were mindless, you still heard my words, I see.“
He gently put a hand on my head, ruffling my hair. “You’re so dramatic, pet. You’re just overreacting. You were perfectly enjoying yourself a few minutes ago, when you didn’t care about anything but my voice…”
“Your voice…” I mumbled, rolling my eyes. I scooted away from him, still refusing to look.
He chuckled. “Yes, my voice. You were so obedient and cooperative whenever you heard my voice. Didn’t matter what I told you to do- you were willing to do it. You couldn’t think about anything but my voice and how good it was to listen to me…”
“Mmm…” I mumbled, my body relaxing a little as I fidgeted with the charm he had on my collar. It made me feel nice.
He slowly shifted closer to me, watching me scoot away. “You’re quite difficult when you’re not mindless and blank, aren’t you, pet?”
“Voice… listen…” I repeated, my thoughts a little hazy now.
He chuckled softly when he saw my body relax a little as I mumbled and repeated words, seeing the charm on my collar. “Oh, my good little kitty is listening again… I see that charm is working quite well, isn’t it?” He’d planned it out. He knew I fidgeted when I got nervous and he knew it was inevitable that the trance would break at one point or another. The charm was a failsafe.
He slowly reached out and gently tugged on the charm, watching my expression. “That charm makes you feel so relaxed, pet… just letting go of all your silly thoughts and becoming mindless and blank again…”
“My voice makes you feel so good, doesn’t it? Makes you feel all warm inside… when you hear my voice, all you can think about is how nice it is…”
He shifted closer to me, gently brushing his fingers through my hair, tugging it slightly to tilt my head back. “Such a mindless, docile little pet… as long as you keep listening to your Master’s voice...”
“Hmm..?” I asked, looking up at him blankly. I wasn’t quite gone yet, more loopy than anything. I let him play with the charm enjoying how it felt. I was practically melting.
He chuckled softly as I looked up at him, completely blank and docile. “Looks like my little kitty’s not quite gone yet, hm? Still a little present… but that’s okay. The charm is working its way into your mind, isn’t it? Making you all warm and fuzzy inside, making you relax…”
He tugged on the charm again, watching my fuzzy expression. “Such a mindless thing… just melting at my touch…”
I wasn’t willing now, not at all… but I was more compliant, to be sure. He could easily hypnotize me again, make me his.
He chuckled again as my eyes shut and my shoulders relaxed. “There we go, pet… the charm worked perfectly, didn’t it?”
He shifted even closer to me, leaning in and gently grabbing my chin. “You feel so much better now, don’t you? So calm and relaxed… that silly, disobedient part of you is completely gone now, and you’re so mindless and compliant…”
I moaned softly, a small twitch the only form of resistance left in me at this point.
“There’s only a small piece of stubbornness left in you… but that’s a good thing. It just means you’re so obedient and compliant for me, pet…”
He gently pushed me onto my back, moving to hover over me. “Such a good kitty for me… so relaxed and compliant, you just don’t care about anything but listening to my voice, huh?”
“Mmm… your voice…” I mumbled, my eyes still closed. I let him have his way with me, my mind too foggy… to even… think…
He chuckled softly, leaning down to speak into my ear. “My voice is the only thing you care about now, isn’t it, pet? You just want to listen to the sound of my voice, it’s all you can think about…”
He shifted his hands to gently caress my body, admiring how compliant and still I was. “You don’t care about anything else… you’re so good for me… Be a good kitty and open your eyes for me. Look at the pretty red and black spirals in my left eye.”
My eyes opened slowly, drifting around until they locked onto his eye. My body was still relaxed and calm, and my mind was as hazy as ever. “Good pet… just keep looking into my eye…”
He spoke slowly and gently, letting his words drift into my mind. “You love listening to my voice, don’t you, pet? You just want to listen to whatever your Master says… you’re so good and obedient…”
“Master? Mmmno… no, Daddy…” I mumbled, moving only a little as he straddled me. And that was to help him, not to resist.
“That’s right, pet… I’m your Daddy, aren’t I?”
He gently placed a hand on my chest, letting his fingers gently brush my skin. “You’re such a good kitty for your Daddy, aren’t you? Just lying still and letting me do whatever I want with you… so obedient and compliant…”
He chuckled softly, continuing to gently run his fingers over my body. “You don’t even care about what’s happening, do you? It just feels good when Daddy is touching you, doesn’t it…? You like submitting to your Daddy, don’t you, pet?”
I moaned softly, still just looking at the spirals. I arched my back slightly at his touch, wishing he’d… he’d…
I lost my train of thought.
It was okay, though. Good kitties didn’t need to think.
“So eager, aren’t you, pet? You just can’t help yourself, can you? It feels so good to just submit completely to your Daddy… to just give in an let him touch you.”
He leaned up to speak directly into my ear, his breath hot against my skin. “You don’t want to think anymore, do you, pet? You just want to be a good little kitty, mindless and blank for Daddy…”
“Mindless…” I repeated. That sent a wave of warmth through me. My hips bucked up against his and I tried to grind against him.
“That’s right, pet. You don’t want to think about anything… it just feels so much better to be mindless and blank…”
He chuckled softly when I suddenly bucked my hips against his, grinding against him. “Well, aren’t you eager, pet…”
He leaned down and gently bit down on my neck, his teeth scraping against my skin. “Naughty kitty… getting all excited so quickly.”
“Mmngh!” I moaned louder, precum leaking through my pants. I whined as I continued to grind against him. It felt so nice, he felt so nice…
“Looks like my little pet has gotten quite needy, huh?” He chuckled again, not moving away from my neck. “You just can’t help yourself, can you? You’re being such a needy… naughty pet…”
He suddenly bit down a bit harder, a hint of punishment in his tone. “Bad kitties need to be punished sometimes, don’t they, pet…?”
“Daddy…” I groaned, a small whimper slipping out.
“That’s right, little pet… it’s Daddy that you need to listen to, isn’t it? You need to be a good little kitty and behave, or else your Daddy will have to punish you…”
He ran his hands over my body, squeezing my hips as I ground against him. He chuckled softly when he heard the whimper, and bit down on my neck again. “Do you need to be punished, pet…?”
I couldn’t even form a coherent response to that one.
He kept me from moving for a little bit and I was too busy whining to notice he’d undressed both of us just enough for-
“Mmmn…” I moaned as he slid his cock into my tight cunt. He thrusted in and out, painstakingly slow. I bucked up against him again, arching my back, impatient.
“Bad kitties get punished,” he growled, taking his sweet time with teasing me.
As he continued, I came more times than I could bother to keep track of. When I opened my eyes, I was crying. The spirals had faded hours ago, but he was still in me.
I took in a ragged breath as he finally pulled out and cleaned himself off. I was shaking, my eyes wide and terrified.
He chuckled seeing my expression, reaching out and gently running his hands over my skin. “Looks like I was a little too rough on my little pet, hm?”
He trailed his fingers down my body, noticing how I was shaking and how terrified I looked. “You were so needy and impatient… it got a bit too much for you, didn’t it, pet?”
“D-don’t… don’t…” I gasped, tears rolling down my cheeks. “Don’t!”
He chuckled again, leaning down and grabbing my chin gently to force me to look at him. “Shh, shh… hush, pet. Calm down.”
He brushed my tears away, a wicked glint in his eye. “You don’t get to tell me what to do… not after how naughty you were. You need to be punished when you get naughty, don’t you, pet?”
“I’m not your pet… I’m not your pet…” I said, struggling to breathe. “I’m not… I’m not…”
He chuckled again when I tried to protest, shifting so that he was hovering over me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them down, holding me in place.
“You are mine. Don’t you remember, kitty?”
He leaned close to my ear, his voice a low growl. “Or do I need to remind you? Remind you how good it feels to be my pet?”
Taglist: @vvzhyxx @your-silly-vox-stan @noodlemaaaan @alexartink @nerdyblog8 @kaleowu @gooseissoepic @triple-moon-rp @superwholatacohunters @rosiethevoxobesser @thenumberonephoenicafleecityfan @pringlesaregoodngl @thyvessel @azullynxx @crazypsychonerdstuff @ell-does-stuff
55 notes · View notes
iamumbra195 · 1 day
The dynamics between the kids and how comfortable they've gotten around each other, especially with how Ashlyn was totally okay with Taylor and Aiden messing with her hair-- which is something I absolutely adore in this chapter she looks amazing and badass. The fact that Logan felt comfortable enough being snarky like that is also everything. Like this kid has been bullied relentlessly and the fact that he knows he can be snarky and mess with Tyler like that without getting hurt because of it shows so much growth. And the little moment of childish delight between Taylor and Aiden at the idea of racing around and the fact that Ashlyn doesn't tell them to focus or be serious but instead tells them they can do it later?? Early Ashlyn would get so annoyed and now she's just chill with it because she knows they all have their own ways to cope and deal with the stress and that's honestly so sweet.
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Also, Ben using sign language and being understood and the others trying to find solutions so he can warn them of danger or something he is about to do is so sweet. They're so accommodating and caring to one another without even having to think twice, it's honestly so sweet.
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Alex helping them with the card without question is really sweet but I have bad feeling it's gonna backfire on him and I don't like it.
And the rules of the phantom dimension are literally so weird. So technically they don't need to sleep or eat but they should because it helps them feel better when they're awake? I knew I was onto something when I made that post about how the fact they're technically living 31 hours a day should effect them more physically.
Also, The fact that the facility has a fucking armory is insane but also works so perfectly for the Mike-centric AU I've been trying to cook up and speaking of Mike, OH MY GOD HE'S IN THE PHANTOM DIMENSION, I REPEAT, HE'S IN THE PHANTOM DIMENSION!!
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Does that mean the other parents are there too? Is it just him? Is Emma with him?
Also, both dad and daughter being certified badasses and having the same instincts??
We also got Mike with facial hair again lol but I'm kinda worried about what the means. Like they probably gave them stuff for basic hygiene right? Did something happen? Is he spiralling? Who was the one that screamed in this moment?
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Oh my god, idk if we're gonna have another hug moment where he's comforting her again or if we're gonna have all the kids hugging their parents but either imma start crying.
Also, if she's crying but she thinks she's the one who dragged her dad into the phantom realm and feels horribly guilty about it again I'm gonna fucking cry.
My thought process is all over the place but if you stayed thanks and here are some of my other favourite panels in this chapter.
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the second one and aiden shooting the guns has some good pfp potential lol
Anyway, the new outfits and Ash's new hair is everything (she looks adorable I wanna squish her cheeks she looks like a chipmunk oml) and I can't wait until next week holy shit.
32 notes · View notes
holyjongs · 8 hours
after school.
professor!san x f!reader
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topics/warnings: professor san, student reader, oral sex, desperate san, dom!san, fem!reader, kinda normal?, both of you are whipped
a/n: hi guys! i’ve been kinda ia just because i haven’t been motivated to write but i’m finally putting another one out! although it’s kinda plain (maybe?) i hope you guys still enjoy~
wc: 1.65k
after what seemed like hours, the dismissal bell finally rang. instead of your usual sorrow that you had to leave your favorite class, of which the professor you were absolutely infatuated with, a pang of nervousness hit you like a bus. you glanced anxiously around the classroom and then slowly down into your hand, reading the small note written in almost cursive neat handwriting which was so obviously written with gentle care.
Please see me after class
you had dreaded this moment ever since he slipped the note face down onto your desk during his lecture. you always made a point to sit front and center in his class so you could see him from the closest angle that the large lecture hall had to offer. whether he was wearing his signature black suit, almost too tight for his structured frame and broad shoulders, or a more relaxed sweater, he almost glistened while he was standing at the front of his class. the way he confidently spoke while addressing the class or when he silently but intently sat at his desk grading papers always made you feel a way you had never before.
although nervous, at the same time you couldn't help but feel... excited? why did he want to see you? after class? the way he gave you the note so nonchalantly made your face heat up. you couldn't help but imagine why in the world he would want to see you of all people.
as your classmates left the room you stood up, your bag thrown over your shoulder, and walked to his desk at the front of the auditorium. you wanted to see me? you asked timidly.
he looked up from the paper he was reading (presumably grading) and smiled softly. as your eyes met, it was as if someone had tied your souls together in that very moment. you tried to hold back the butterflies that were rushing through your stomach.
‘yes.. well i just wanted to ask where you got the idea for your last thesis paper? i read it thoroughly multiple times and i’ve got to say.. i’ve never read anything like it.’ he said with the same smile on his face. you were taken aback by his words. the thought of him going over and over again rereading your paper inevitably made your face heat up. you scanned his face for any kind of acknowledgment of your reaction to no avail.
you tried to form an appropriate response despite your mind being jumbled. after a few attempts at stuttering and apologizing, (even though you were just digging yourself into a deeper hole) you just sighed. he had successfully undone you within a matter of minutes. he chuckled at the sight with a knowing smirk, now fully understanding the effect he had on you.
following your insanely embarrassing stunt, the two of you spent a minute in a comfortable silence just looking at each other. you had no idea what his intentions were. did he feel the same way about you as you did him? there was no way. although wildly inappropriate, you couldn’t help but imagine the two of you in ways that would put the fifty shades series to shame; just as you had done over and over before. in this moment it felt like anything could happen. the tension in the air was so thick it could be cut flawlessly with even the weakest knife.
soon after your eyes locked, your lips followed soon after. he broke the kiss for a split second to quickly pull off his glasses (which you found so hot). until this moment you weren't ever sure if the way he looked at you in class was your imagination or reality. the kiss you shared was passionate and strong. you could tell he's wanted to do this for a very, very long time.
san immediately took the lead, moving you gently to where you were sitting on his desk; surrounded by neat stacks of papers and textbooks that he always had so organized. as the kiss deepened, he moved his large hands from cupping your face slowly trailing down to your shoulders and eventually your breasts, taking them fully in his hands. the way he felt you had you thinking this was his last day on earth. you couldn't help but moan leaning into him from the sensation of him groping you lewdly on top of the now messy kiss.
in a whim he had pulled your shirt completely off, exposing your favorite bra to him (which you only wore on days you had his class; in hopes that one day he'd notice). ‘you have no idea how long i've wanted to do this darling’ he whispered roughly in your ear. if you weren’t completely soaked by then, you definitely were now. he could tell how desperate you were by your shaky breaths and hesitant touches along the back of his shoulders and his chest.
he quickly took this as a sign to move further, humming softly breaking the kiss to move further down your body; peppering kisses from your neck to your stomach and eventually your inner thigh. he looked up at you with big rounded eyes that were almost as desperate looking as you felt. you nodded with urgency knowing what he meant. he followed by slowly hooking his finger into the waistband of your shorts, slowly pulling down and throwing them across the room all while maintaining eye contact with you.
he took the sight that sat in front of his face; you’re nothing but a drenched mess on his desk. something he had been dreaming of for far too long. but of course, you were oblivious to this fact. he was drunk on simply the sight of you coming undone by this simple interaction. of all the women choi san had invested himself in, you were shooting to the top of his list by the second.
before you knew it, he had pulled your panties to the side and buried his face between your legs. he was drinking you up as if he had been parched for the last number of years in his life. ‘fuck baby, you’re so wet for me’ he almost moaned, trying to keep some composure in his voice. between disheveled groans and his hands swarming your body you were definitely as much of a mess as he was. you couldn’t help but let out moans and whimpers of increasing volume. he slapped his hand over your mouth without even looking up. you knew you had to be quiet because of the echos in the large empty room. you had gotten so lost in the moment that his subtle action had brought you back to reality.
he moaned deeply into you as he lapped up all of your juices. ‘fuck i want all of you. i dont care. i want you to be all mine baby, please.’ he quietly said. his voice was so dominant, but every ounce of composure he once tried to keep was long gone. if it wasnt before, it’s now obvious that he wanted you just as bad.
it didn’t take you long to get close to orgasming. he immediately knew with your heavy pants and small whimpers. as he looked up at your messy state, he thought you looked far cuter now than you ever had in his class. you threw your head back and gripped the edge of the desk as you came. he was enjoying this maybe even more than you were. you rode out your orgasm on his face, grabbing his hair with your head still back. this was so many dreams come true for you and him both in this moment.
you slid off the desk and he immediately took you in his arms. his embrace was so comforting; it was what you had been yearning for for far too long. you stayed like that for a moment. your head just right on his chest to where you could perfectly hear his heartbeat. it was in a rhythm to where it exactly soothed any nerves you had previously had.
you laid your hand on his cheek, caressing it softly. by the time you looked up at him, he was already looking at you with an emotion in his eyes you had never seen from him before. the way he could be dominant and comforting at the same time was beyond you. you never wanted this moment to end. you looked at the clock that was sitting above his desk and realized that it was about time for another class to come in.
you both quickly composed yourself and stood at his desk as if you were just talking. a wave of relief washed over you for getting dressed so quickly because students immediately began to walk in. he hastily grabbed his glasses and pushed them onto his face. luckily nobody was really paying attention to the two of you.
as the hall filled, you looked at san with a loving gaze. although it had only been a short amount of time that both your feelings had been revealed to one another, it had felt like the two of you had been interlocked for an eternity. you were relieved that he felt equally as strong towards you and any any doubts that you had ever had in your mind were washed away like serene ocean waves. he looked down at his feet
‘well… i should… uh… i’ll see you tomorrow?’
you smiled at him
‘i’ll see you tomorrow’ you said reassuringly
as you grabbed your bag and turned your back on him, you could feel his gaze staying on you. walking out of his class you smiled to yourself, not knowing what the future held for the two of you. but for now, you were content.
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hees-sweetheart · 1 day
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pairing - academic rival!jake + f!reader
+ in which jake is your academic rival, and when you see him with another girl and avoid him, he seduces you to regain your attention. +
warning - suggestive
(Y/N) stared down at the page of her textbook, her brow furrowed in concentration. She had always prided herself on her academic abilities, but lately there had been one constant thorn in her side - Jake. Jake was the only other person in their class that could match her grades, and his presence at the top of the rankings never failed to rile her up.
One day, in the library, (Y/N) had spotted Jake sitting with a girl. They were laughing and seemed intimately acquainted. A pang of strange jealousy had surged through her.
For the next few weeks, (Y/N) avoided Jake at all costs. She sat at the back of the class and didn't respond to any of his attempts to talk to her. Jake, for his part, seemed unperturbed, but (Y/N) knew that he must be wondering what had happened.
But now, Jake had cornered her in the hallway after class. He blocked her path with his tall frame, his eyes meeting hers.
"Hey," he began, his voice casual. "Why have you been avoiding me?"
(Y/N) kept her expression neutral, refusing to show him that she had been affected at all. "I'm not avoiding you," she said, folding her arms. "I've just been studying."
Jake raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Studying, huh? Since when do you need to study so much?"
(Y/N) bristled at his insinuation but stood her ground. "What do you care? It's none of your business."
Jake leaned in closer, a sly expression in his eyes. "Oh, I think it is my business. You've been giving me the cold shoulder for weeks now. What did I do to deserve such treatment, hm?"
(Y/N) could feel her cheeks heating up under his gaze. She hated that he was having this effect on her. "I just…I don't have time for distractions right now," she said, hating how defensive she sounded.
Jake let out a soft chuckle, clearly amused by her response. "Is that right? And I'm a distraction, am I?"
(Y/N) looked away, not trusting herself to speak. She knew he could easily see through her facade.
Jake took a step forward, closing the remaining space between them. He reached up and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering on her skin. "You know, (Y/N), I've missed our little competitions. I miss how you used to actually talk to me."
(Y/N) felt her heart rate quicken at his touch. She forced herself to look at him, meeting his gaze. "It's pointless," she mumbled. "We're academic rivals. We're supposed to be enemies, right?"
Jake smirked, his hand still resting on her face. "Enemies, huh? Is that what we are? Funny, I thought we had more…chemistry than that."
He moved even closer, so that their bodies were almost touching. (Y/N) could feel his breath on her skin, and it was making her weak in the knees.
She swallowed hard, fighting the urge to lean into him. "Don't be ridiculous," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. "We're too different. We always have been."
Jake chuckled again, his thumb stroking her cheek. "Different, sure. But different isn't always bad, you know."
He leaned in even closer, his lips hovering just millimeters from hers. "In fact, I think being different is what makes us so good together."
(Y/N) felt her resolve weakening. She wanted to push him away, she really did. But the feel of his hand on her face, the heat from his body, it was all so intoxicating.
Jake seemed to sense her surrender. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against him. She let out a small gasp, her hands instinctively gripping onto his shirt.
His mouth moved to her ear, his husky voice sending shivers down her spine. "You know what I think? I think you've secretly missed our little rivalry as much as I have."
(Y/N) wanted to deny it, but the truth was, she had missed it. She had missed the thrill of competing against him, the rush of pushing herself to her limits to beat him. And now, pressed up against him like this, all she could think about was how much she wanted to taste his lips.
Jake pulled back slightly, his eyes searching hers. He could probably see the desire written all over her face.
"You know," he whispered, "I have an idea. How about we make a deal?"
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite herself. "What kind of deal?"
Jake's hand moved to her hip, his grip tightening. "We can keep our little academic rivalry alive," he said, his voice low and seductive. "But we add a little…incentive."
(Y/N) swallowed hard. "What kind of incentive?"
Jake leaned in again, his lips brushing against her neck. "For every exam we take, the loser owes the winner a favor." he murmured.
(Y/N) felt a thrill go through her. She was competitive enough that the idea of losing didn't deter her at all. In fact, knowing she would owe him a favor if she did lose only made it more exciting.
"What kind of favor?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Jake chuckled again, his lips lingering on her skin. "That, my dear, is entirely up to the victor," he whispered, his breath hot on her neck.
(Y/N) shivered, the thought of what he could ask for making her weak in the knees. But she was too stubborn to back down now.
"Alright," she finally said, her voice shaky. "You're on."
"Oh, I know I am." Jake pulled back, a cocky smirk on his face. "And when I win -- and I will win -- I've already got a few ideas of what I want from you."
(Y/N) tried to regain her composure, but the look in his eyes was making it difficult. "Don't be so cocky. I might surprise you."
"I hope you do," Jake replied, his hand still on her hip. "After all, I like a little challenge."
They stood there for a moment, staring at each other, the tension between them almost palpable. Then Jake's gaze flicked downward, taking in her flushed cheeks and swollen lips.
"You know," he said, his voice dropping to a purr, "You look awfully cute when you're flustered."
(Y/N) flushed even more, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red. "I'm not flustered," she protested weakly.
Jake just smirked, his thumb tracing circles on her hip. "Sure you're not," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "That's why you look like you're about to pass out on me right now."
(Y/N) bit her lip, hating that he was right. Her heart was racing in her chest, and she could feel her knees trembling. It was infuriating how easily he seemed to affect her.
"Shut up," she muttered, trying to sound annoyed but failing miserably.
Jake chuckled again, clearly enjoying how flustered he was making her. He took another step closer, so that they were barely inches apart.
"You know," he said lowly, "It's a good thing you're so cute when you're flustered. Otherwise, I might have started to think you don't like me very much."
(Y/N) opened and closed her mouth, desperately trying to think of a witty retort. But she was too distracted by the way he was looking at her, the way he was still holding her against him.
Finally, she managed to find her voice. "I don't like you," she mumbled, the lie obvious in her tone.
Jake raised an eyebrow, his smirk growing wider. "Is that right? You don't like me at all?"
He leaned in closer, his mouth hovering just millimeters from hers. "Then why do you let me get this close to you?" he whispered, his lips brushing against hers.
(Y/N) tried to pull away, but he was holding her too tightly. Her heart was pounding impossibly fast now, and she could feel his own heart beating just as forcefully against hers.
"I…" she started, but her words trailed off as his lips traced a path along her jawline.
"You what?" Jake whispered, his breath hot on her skin. "You still don't like me, right?"
He bit down gently on her earlobe, and she let out a small gasp. He chuckled, his hands roaming lower down her back.
(Y/N) was quickly losing control. She tried to formulate a coherent thought, but it was becoming increasingly difficult with his lips on her neck and his hands on her body.
"I…you…" she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're…annoying."
Jake chuckled again, the sound deep and seductive. "Oh, I'm annoying, am I?" he said, his lips moving to a particularly sensitive spot on her neck. "Is that why you can't seem to concentrate right now?"
(Y/N) let out a soft moan, her eyes closing involuntarily. He was right; she couldn't focus on anything except the feel of his body against hers.
"Yes," she managed to say, her voice little more than a gasp. "You're…distracting me."
"Only because you deserve it." He whispers.
a/n : 100 likes and ill do a part two
for @aee-luv
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lucszli · 8 hours
Having a Dottore segment fall for you –
; crossing paths with an unusual boy, mint colored hair and red eyes. (with such an outlandish personality you weren't sure if he had any experience on human interaction other than you..)
• You were just outside exploring your homeland, despite your parents' warnings that it'd be dangerous to go out alone.
• What would they know? In your opinion, they were just being overprotective and irrational.
• Not until you heard unusual noises. Alone and afraid, you looked around frantically, worried something might jump out at you.
• Something definitely did jump out, or rather, someone...
• You weren't sure how you got in this situation, but you seem to have, befriended the person that happened to come out of nowhere??
• He was definitely unusual. You tried talking to him but so far, all you could manage to get out from him was his name. (Zandik, which you weren't sure originated from Snezhnaya or perhaps somewhere else.)
• Despite his reluctance to reply, it wasn't like he had ran away from you yet, so why not try to befriend him, right?
• And it's totally not because you're lonely. Definitely.
• You don't know how long it's been, minutes or hours? But you both sat on the snow, and eventually, he started replying back to you. At first, it was short and reluctant replies, but eventually, it actually felt like you were having a real conversation!
• And you think to yourself, maybe I can finally make a friend? (Also thinking, maybe you're a little desperate for friends if you just started talking to the first guy that pops out, but whatever.)
• Before you knew it, you had to go your separate ways, and you weren't sure if you'd see him again, but that doesn't stop you from forming a plan in your head to come back the next day.
• When you came back, you weren't really expecting him to be there.
• But he was.
• And so, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and you were sure that your parents were worried about you going out all the time without saying where you were going. Even if they scolded you, you didn't really care much.
• You finally made your first friend, who cares?
“Zandikkk? Are you here yet?” You called out, looking around your usual meet up place. You flinched when you suddenly felt a pair of hands on your shoulders, before calming down and realizing that it was just him.
“Ah!- Can you stop doing that!? It never gets funny, you know!" You complained, turning around to face him. He laughed in your face, and you rolled your eyes. “It is quite funny, you have to admit.” He snickered, sitting down and leaning against the tree you two usually sit at.
Despite being annoyed, you say down next to him and you both started talking. Zandik usually talks about things such as science, experiments, and you didn't really understand much, but that didn't stop you from listening attentively.
With how much you two talk, you found it a bit odd that he's only mentioned his family every now and again. How his father is not really the most loving, and how his siblings were all older than him, so he felt like an outcast in his own family. You didn't want to pry something he might not be comfortable talking about, so you decided not to ask.
You hadn't gotten much sleep last night, and you could feel it's effects from how heavy your eyes felt. Zandik was still talking, and his voice was oddly calming. Before you knew it, your head was drooping and your eyes were closing shut. From how close you two were sitting next to eachother, your head ended up landing against his arm.
Zandik jolted in surprise, abruptly stopping whatever he was talking about to look at you. "[Name]?" He called out. You didn't respond, and it didn't take him long to realize that you fell asleep.
He wasn't sure what to do, so, he stayed as still as he could. Physical touch is not something he's particularly used to. Hell, interacting with others wasn't even something he was used to before you.
He was one of the younger segments. He wasn't sure why he was made if he was just being constantly forgotten or dismissed, treated like some child. He was almost sure that prime had made him out of pure curiosity, or for the sake of an experiment. Since he was forgotten most of the time, he didn't want to stay cooped up in some lab anymore, and started to sneak out and wander around. That's how he met you.
He wasn't quite sure how to feel about you at first. And honestly? Until now, he really isn't sure. He could feel his mind running, as you layed still against him, sleeping without a care in the world. He was making comments in his mind, about how if you had fallen asleep around any of his older versions, you'd probably wake up in a lab or something.. (if you wake up at all.)
He sighed and leaned his head against yours. Snezhnaya is cold as always, but with you so close, he was learning how to appreciate shared body heat.
And a thought crossed his mind that, he wouldn't mind being this close to you all the time.
• After that incident, Zandik realized that his chest felt strangely warm around you, his pulse would quicken, and he'd feel.. nervous? He wasn't sure.
• When he got back to the lab, he sat by himself, trying to make a deduction on what this could possibly mean.
• He somehow came to the conclusion that you were slowly killing him somehow.
• What else could it possibly mean?!
• You came back as always to your meeting spot, but even after waiting for hours, he wouldn't show up.
• It went on like that for almost a week, and you were starting to worry that something had happened to him. (Or maybe he didn't want to be friends anymore..?) You still came back everyday though, in hopes that he'd show.
• You were surprised to see him already there when you came back another day, and you couldn't stop yourself from running over to hug him.
• Saying things like, “Where have you been??" and, “I was so worried about you!”
• He looks troubled, and you were about to ask what was wrong before he went on a long rant about how you made him feel, and how it felt even worse somehow when he avoided you.
• After he was done, he let out a breath of air, and finally looked at you to see your face.
• He did not expect you to be staring back at him with wide eyes, cheeks red, and seemingly not moving.
• He had practically confessed to you, ofcourse you were shocked!
• You took it upon yourself to explain his feelings, because it didn't take a genius to realize that he was completely oblivious to all of it (somehow?)
• You watch him stare off into space after you tell him about "love".
• He wasn't sure how to feel. He wasn't even sure that he could feel in the first place. With how everyone else was, unfeeling, unshaken, he thought he'd grow up to be just like them.
• He considered that he may be a defect, and he actually felt scared thinking about what prime might do if he realizes he was one.
• He was about to shut down this whole love thing completely, until he looked over at you, and he curses all the archons above because why? Why does just looking at you bring all those feelings back?
• When you hold his hand and tell him “it's okay, we can figure it out together!”
• He made the decision of just hiding it from everyone else. What they don't know won't hurt them, right?
• And he also makes up his mind that holding your hand and being close to you is nice, and he wouldn't mind doing it more.
Authors note : This came to me in a dream. The thought of falling for a younger, softer? version of dottore, it's just so cute !!
Yes, canon dottore would never, so that's why we're chucking him out the window and bringing in my headcanon segment. Yay!
Might make part 2 if I feel like it.
side note : this is not proofread, apologies for any mistakes. And thank you for reading!:)
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thalialunacy · 22 hours
[a wee character sketch interlude for the @calaisreno May Prompt Party]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) 26: manipulate
Orchestras always tune to ‘A’ on the oboe, because every string instrument has an ‘A’ string. Oboes can play sharp or flat, just like any other instrument, but modernly every oboist uses a little electronic meter to ensure that their ‘A’ is exactly right.
As a child, his violin instructor had made him start every lesson by vocalising A4 out of thin air. Or, at least, attempting to do so; Sherlock has always had excellent intonation, but perfect pitch -- the ability to name the frequency of sounds one hears and vice versa -- is not on his resume.
So the exercise always felt fruitless, and aggravatingly so, because of course he never actually got the correct pitch. Close, and closer with time, but never close enough.
Years later, watching a tiny human named Rosamund drag herself to her feet just to fall back down time and time again, it finally occurs to him: That was the point.
Baroque: relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that is characterised by ornate detail.
He finds himself in a tiny overcrowded music hall watching a small early music ensemble (3 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 contrabass, 1 recorder, 2 bassoons, 1 trumpet, 1 harpsichord, and 1 very murderous theorbo player) and it takes him far too long to realise why he's uncomfortable. Why there is a little twitch below his left eye.
They are actually using a historically accurate tuning.
Sherlock blinks, feeling around his jaw to see if it could be something else, but no, a part of his overly-trained brain rebels against all the sounds being pitched slightly lower than modern sensibilities. It's like a phantom toothache.
It's like before, when Sherlock would glance up from his microscope and observe John feeling poorly. In those days, Sherlock had nothing to offer, really, so he'd just had to let John's unhappiness bury itself under his skin as something else to ignore.
Now, though. Now he can do something about it.
Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body, but there are no scientific studies that support the hypothesis.
He brings an exhausted John a late night (and therefor unattractively decaf) cup of tea. 'What happened?' he asks quietly, settling in across from him.
John shakes his head vaguely. 'I couldn't… I couldn't convince a mother to respect her child's pronouns.' He coughs. 'I am an old man who is shit at not stumbling over such things, but… She wouldn't even try.'
He meets Sherlock's eyes over the rim of his mug. 'Please remind me of this when Rosie is a teenager and I want to throttle her for reinventing herself every two days.'
Sherlock pauses, then sets his tea down and leans in until he can palm the soft pyjama fabric covering John's knee. It's a small gesture, but it works-- the creases in John's brow lose a little of their severity. 'I have no doubt she'll try our patience and sanity severely. But, John… You are already a far better parent than yours were.'
John stares at him and breathes out heavily. 'Fuck.' His free hand comes down on top of Sherlock's, absently palpating his knuckles one by one. 'But you can't-- There's not exactly scientific evidence, is there, to support that.' 
Sherlock clears his throat. 'Yes, well. I'm confident there will be.' 
John's lips twitch. 'Sherlock Holmes, are you saying you have faith in something?' 
Sherlock tuts, then decides he doesn't care about propriety in this moment. He moves until he's kneeling before John, holding his face in his hands and focusing on the tiny freckle under John's left eyebrow, knowing John will understand.
'Yes,' he says simply. 'Just one thing.' And then he leans in. 
[music to which this was written: Britten's Violin Concerto, Op 15, which I'm certain Sherlock would hate, but he's wrong]
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This may be a controversial opinion on the "judge both others and yourself as harshly as possible" site, but:- extending compassion to yourself when you've hurt someone else is a pragmatic, good and moral thing to do.
because you don't stop deserving compassion just because you've fucked up, that's just not how it works
because literally everybody fucks up sometimes *including the person you've just hurt*, it is alas a side-effect of being a human being
because extending compassion is a skill that takes practise, and getting good at it when it's difficult is a worthy aim, and it'll help you also have compassion for others when *they* are fucking up (which is also a good thing, in case that need saying...)
because while it's entirely possible to have compassion for others but not yourself, it's way way easier to do both
because compassion isn't the same as making excuses, and it is entirely, *entirely* possible to have compassion for yourself and still seeing what you did wrong and being sorry that you did and caring deeply about the effect it had on the other person
because beating yourself up makes you much, much likely to overreact, and to make your negative feelings about yourself the problem of the person you've just hurt (oh, ask me how I know...)
because unless the other person is lost in their angry and hurt feelings (which isn't something you should encourage however badly you fucked up), it's vanishingly unlikely they'll benefit in any way from you suffering
because if you have any kind of trauma history around being disproportionately punished for any wrongdoing, that's a thing you deserve to heal from and extending compassion to yourself at times like this is an excellent step forward
because you don't deserve to make yourself suffer disproportionately now
because once you're at ease with yourself and no longer scared of out-of-control retribution, you can centre the feelings of the person you've hurt and extend whopping amounts of compassion towards them, and focus on whatever it is they need
and once you've done that, again, the more at ease with yourself you are, the easier it's going to be for you to later check in with what went wrong and work at whatever you need to work on to make you less likely to make that mistake again.
TDLR: self-compassion when you've hurt someone else is good because a) you always deserve to give yourself compassion even when you've done something wrong, b) it'll make it much easier for you to handle things well and be really considerate and compassionate and truly apologetic (as opposed to self-hating) towards the person you've just hurt, and then c) it'll also make it much easier for you to work towards doing better.
It's win/win. Remember: suffering is not intrinsically virtuous. Doing right by yourself and others is. <3
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yakkety-yak-art · 3 days
Saw the ghost movie that I was really excited about. Was disappointing. Ultimately it was just really…okay or downright bad in the parts that weren’t concert footage. More specific comments below the cut because spoilers, I guess, but there’s really nothing that happens in this movie that matters enough to count as a spoiler.
First, if this had just been concert footage, it would have been much more enjoyable. The movie parts were not at all interesting and each cutaway made it drag on and on. I hadn’t slept well the night before the showing, so the movie itself wasn’t the reason I was dozing off at some parts…but it also wasn’t helping keep me AWAKE outside of the concert footage. No complaints about that footage (mostly, but I’ll get back to it later).
Story: whoops, Tobias Forge can’t write! Sorry, that’s a bit mean, but…I paid money to watch this, so I’ll be a little bit mean. Seriously, this thing needed at least a couple more passes with the script. Every. single. conversation. as repeating what was already brought up in the OPENING voiceover: Cardi doesn’t wanna die, doesn’t wanna stop fronting for Ghost, but everything ends eventually. Yes, we GET IT. We do not need several scenes of Cardi with his parents saying it over and over again with no additional information added to understand that. After the opening VO, we could’ve just had one scene of Cardi looking a bit forlornly at himself in the mirror, and then Sister Imperator happily telling him that “things are going to be changing in the clergy soon!” or something like that and he looks unhappy.
That’s what I thought we were getting at first, but then it just. Kept happening??? Like oh my god Tobias, I get it, Cardi doesn’t want this to end, I KNOW. The quality of the writing suggests that Tobias is one of three things: incompetent at writing anything longer than a short (maybe, but the other two are a bit more likely), had no real story to tell and this could’ve been one of the shorts so he had to pad it out to an insufferable length (definitely), or so full of himself that he thought “eh, I don’t actually have anything to say, but this way I’ll get to be on screen the whole time and the only writer credited,” (probable). It’s just so offensive considering I know there were so many resources available to make this GOOD: more time, writing assistance or hiring a real writer, etc. and yet they were not taken advantage of. If this was something just put up on YouTube I really couldn't care less about the quality, but if you're charging money for this AND are as big as Ghost is, you can't expect to slide by with mediocrity. Except he will, because apparently everyone else loved this thing. Okay. Also, the humor overall just fell super flat. There were several moments where I was like, "wait, was that a joke? was I meant to laugh there?" because they were just nothing. Also, there was a fart joke. Okay.
Acting: sorry, I’m going to be mean again. The acting in the movie parts was very. Hit or miss is what I’m gonna call it. The voice acting in the voiceovers at the beginning and the end were oddly rushed in several places? They weren’t placing words in very natural ways and it just felt like they needed to do another take for some of the lines. It’s especially noticeable in the beginning voiceover because in most of it he’s speaking at a slower pace and it’s perfect and sounds great, but then he just…speeds up sometimes? And it doesn’t feel intentional and isn’t in places that make it feel like it makes sense to speed up for dramatic effect. In Sister Imp’s voiceover at the end, she is also just speeding through it and it’s incredibly awkward, because in a lot of places it’s noticeably faster than she’s speaking in her other scenes. Like, guys, you know you can shoot more footage right??? You can put some b roll in??? You don’t have to squeeze the whole speech into the shorter shot you have if it’s going to compromise the actor’s delivery.
Tobias' acting was passable for the whole thing, though that might be partially because he's not acting with his face as much as the others, so it's less noticeable when something isn't quite working. Sister Imp did a fine job for the most part, excluding her VO and some awkwardness (and no, not intentional awkwardness) in a couple scenes with Papa Nihil. Papa was also fine; nothing to write home about but nothing terrible stood out to me. Most of the issues probably came from the special effects on him to make him ghostly, which I'm presuming involved him being on a green screen or something (I have no clue. Idk anything about making effects lmao.) I'm NOT going to really review the acting of the stagehands because that's not their main job and they already had a lot of work to do, but it wasn't so bad as to take anything away from the scenes they're in. Basically, the acting overall was okay, but not great, and it adds to how much the scenes drag on for sure.
Tiny section about the animated Mary On A Cross segment: I'm not gonna comment on the bad animation, because it's on purpose and emulating old Hanna-Barbera cartoons. My issue is that it makes zero sense and goes nowhere. Nihil chases Sister Imp around for a while looking forlorn and sad and desperate, and she runs away/beats him up while looking pissed off until they come across a graveyard and she pulls him into a kiss. Then it cuts to Nihil naked in a hotel room in the morning while she storms off angrily....okay? And? What changed her mind? Why is she still angry in the morning? Why does this matter at all? Knowing that Papa IV was the product of a one night stand is a footnote if this is all we get from it. Just weird, and didn't fit the song IMO.
Editing: super frantic and distracting in places, particularly the fast cuts in the concert footage. It's just a lot and can be disorienting. Nothing is really allowed to sit on screen for very long (which is related to another point...) but at the same time, some of the movie shots just linger for no reason. They're just awkward and clunky and repetitive. Some people disliked the crowd shots, but I thought they were fun and cute and used sparingly enough. Shout out to the dude in the nun costume!
Weird lack of concert footage: what they chose to keep and what to cut was just confusing. Most of the footage was just Tobias singing, short shots of the Ghouls rocking out, and crowd footage. Almost none of the Ghoul antics that they're known for, unless Tobias was also in shot and involved. Whenever he went backstage and a Ghoul took the spotlight (I'm sorry, I can never remember who is who, but it was usually White Guitar Ghoul if I recall correctly), it cut to a story moment which, again, were boring, repetitive, and told us nothing. It just felt disrespectful to cut out so much of the Ghouls and their performances, especially because the crowd and the fans love them a lot. They add so much to Ghost's live shows and, in my opinion, are more important to Ghost than Tobias. I don't care if that's a "controversial" Ghost opinion to have, but it really is true. I think anyone could be any of the Papas. But the Ghouls, even when they get changed out, are always so talented, so energetic, so passionate, and make Ghost what it is in a live setting. They were also missing from all but one movie scene, where one of them asks if they're doing an encore, and for a second I thought the line had been spoken by one of the stagehands. That's it.
(Okay, there's also there in the scene where Sister Imp dies, but they're just standing there.)
I can't speak for if the Ghouls themselves felt a bit sidelined or disrespected by this. I can't say for certain if they even wanted a bigger presence outside of the concert footage. But I can definitely say that, from a fan perspective, the lack of the Ghouls compared to how OFTEN Tobias is on screen, backstage, doing NOTHING when we could be watching the Ghouls was GLARINGLY obvious. It felt weird and it felt uneven. I started getting really irritated by about the third time it cut backstage when I could be watching the Ghouls! It just led to the whole thing feeling super vain and self-important considering Tobias wrote the film to be this way. Some people have defended this by saying, "well, they're the Nameless Ghouls!" but that's bullshit. They're part of Ghost canon too, so why don't we get anything from them? We can't even see a little bit about how they might be feeling regarding a Clergy mix up? Whether they care about the current Papa, or anything like that? Involving them would feel so much more interesting than just another Papa, but this one wants to KEEP singing!! Again, maybe the Ghouls didn't want to be more involved...but it felt off.
I've never seen Ghost live, so I had no frame of reference for how much was cut from the concert footage aside from the lack of Ghoul antics, which is what they're known for, but apparently several people who were at the concerts filmed for this noticed a ton of footage that was cut (again, mostly Ghouls) that they thought would have been more fun to see compared to so many backstage shots. And yet we got the sequence of him in a boxing outfit, walking through the crowd, which ended with...nothing? He just...does that? Waste of time. (AND YES, I KNOW that it is a reference. That doesn't make it good. It didn't need to be there. Replace it with something relevant.) It just exemplifies how much time is wasted in this movie.
Special effects: oh my god did anyone even look at this movie before sending it out Jesus Christ. The special effects are so bad I was genuinely shocked. When Papa IV and Papa Nihil are talking while IV is in a box (for some reason?? I actually don't know why) Nihil is weirdly sized and not lined up properly. It was odd. The greenscreen was so godawful I was honestly amazed. It's YouTuber comedy sketch levels of greenscreen quality. What the fuck? Especially compared to the amazing performance and how much work is put into their live shows, the horrid effects stood out starkly. Another comment on Nihil: his face is hard to see in some scenes. His ghostly effects make his features kind of blur together sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't, so it clearly wasn't intentional. Just another odd thing. The effect of him getting sucked into his body for his sax performance was very, very bad. I know you had the option to put more time and/or money into the effects, Tobias. Why did you not. What is your problem. Why the fuck would you put out a product of this quality for money and act like it's okay, especially considering the fact that this was marketed as a lore-heavy MOVIE and not just a concert film? If this was a smaller production I would not rag on the effects, but I know for a fact that Tobias has the resources for this to be better, and he chose to not use them. Honestly, it feels disrespectful.
That's the crux of my issues with this movie, really. It was teased as a real movie with real lore and serious effects on the canon of Ghost, and it was none of those things. The lore amounted to Sister Imp dying, which means nothing, because ghosts, and Cardi becoming Frater Imperator at the very end and then the movie ending. It's NOTHING. There's also an end credit scene apparently, which I did not stay to view, because I didn't care and I had been sitting for long enough. Basically, there are ghosts (including Sister Imp, obvi) and then another cliffhanger about meeting the new Papa, and an implication that Cardi has a twin who might be the new Papa. People are freaking out about this possibility. I have no idea why. It really doesn't seem like a big deal at this point when all the Papas have a crazy family situation. A secret twin doesn't even feel like a twist, and it's certainly not enough to count as an addition to the lore when it hasn't even been confirmed. At the risk of sounding rude, fellow Ghost fans, raise your standards. You deserve better.
And that's the crux of my issues with this whole thing. It's mediocre, it's boring, it's absolutely nothing outside of some fun concert footage, and yet it was billed as a must-see film and cost real, actual money to view. If they had been honest about it being a concert movie, I'd have been fine with that! I think they're fun, especially for those of us who can't go to live shows. But we were told it would be more than that, and it wasn't. It feels disrespectful, like Tobias knew he could just put out some slop and people would be okay with it, and it feels even worse because in a way, he was right. Tons of Ghost fans loved this movie, but the more positive reviews I see, the clearer it becomes that they just loved the chance to see the concerts, and love Ghost. Loving Ghost didn't make me love this movie. It just made me disappointed and sad. We could have gotten a great film, but we got something that was low effort because it's obvious that you can take advantage of the fans of something by throwing them crumbs and dressing it up to seem nicer than it is.
I appreciate that individual people on this production put tons of effort into this; the crew, the actors (excluding Tobias) who were clearly doing their best with what they had, and yes, I'm sure even the effects people did what they could with what they had. But all of the parts that were clearly Tobias' call were not high enough quality to be in a movie.
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koolades-world · 2 days
Hi hi! Just wanted to start off by saying I love your work ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Anyways I was wondering if you could do some comfort hcs for an mc that has IBD? You’re fine if you don’t want to write for this since it’s pretty uncommon from my understanding.
Note: I felt it important to say since there’s lots of misconceptions floating around (cough cough TikTok-)that IBD has lots to do with diet. Either it playing a role in the cause or for treating it. Which all the specialists I’ve seen have said diet is neither the leading cause nor is it the solution. All it is that some foods irritate for no particular reason and should generally be avoided.
Sorry if I overshared lol I’ve just had people tell on multiple occasions that it’s a diet thing when it’s not- it’s an autoimmune disease.
Thanks so much for reading my little impromptu rant. Again you don’t have to write for it if don’t wish to due to it being a very niche topic. Anyways hope you’re well stay safe.
hi!!! of course I can! no worries about oversharing or anything, i actually didn't know that was a misconception and help me out :)
i'm almost certain i have ibs (long story short i couldn't get diagnosed but it runs a very clear path in my family and all of my symptoms match up exactly the same it's like it was copy and pasted) and of course so i could properly write this i did a little research, and based on what you said and what i read, it sounds like people are getting the two mixed up which is something that could be fixed by a simple google search :( i'm so sorry you have to deal with people like that
i hope i did you justice and this could be a little respite in your day. enjoy <3
Mc with IBD
he tries his best to make your days better in little ways!
gift baskets will randomly appear in your room filled with things you'd only mentioned in passing that you wanted or needed to him
if you're feeling up for it, he'll take you out for a meal at least once a week to make you feel special. it might not be fancy every time, but you can still feel the love
if you're not though, no worries! he'll do something equally as nice at home for you with food he made himself
if you need surgery, he's becoming your personal nurse while you heal!
every moment he can be, he's by your side
lots of cute little forehead kisses and magically producing your favorite candies from behind his back for you
you won't even have to lift a finger to change what you're watching on tv, let mammon take care of it <3
he's the king of staying in, so if you don't feel like going out, his room is always open to you!
you don't even need a password to get in, because it's you
if you're ever feeling down or unwell because of your ibd, he always lets you have full control over what you do
if you play a game like minecraft together, he'll always have surprises ready for you so next time you play, you'll find it <3
he's curious about your medication and does extensive research into it
he always makes sure any painkillers or other meds you might take won't interfere with your ibd meds!
he will recommend the over the counter painkillers if you want them that have the least amount of bad side effects, such as tylenol because he hates to see you in pain
he's got lots of connections and will use them in any way possible if it could possible help you
he's the best at making sure you take good care of yourself!
if you're bad about taking your meds, he'll get you a cute little pill divider
will also get a matching equally cute water bottle that you can use to help take the pills
he ensure everything can be done while being fashionable, because he finds that it makes things more bearable for him, so why not his favorite person too?
he knows quite a lot about supplements and vitamins, so if you take them, he's asking you questions about them because he just wants to get to know you better
he is always there for you if you need someone to talk to, or just want to rant/vent
provides the best comfort and warm hugs :)
like his twin, he also gives great hugs
he's your number one fan of course! he's always with you even if you're not in your bed
it may take all of his energy, but if you want to go out, he's going with you no matter what
he'll even share his signature cow pillow with you 🥺
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
How absolutely wild must it have been for Nightmare to have like, minimum-to-no contact with mortals for hundreds of years and then the first two he has any regular close interactions with are Killer and Dust.
Like he must have a book in his castle somewhere of all the observations he kept like he was studying a new species
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cluescorner · 2 months
Arlecchino's whole deal is unbelievable
Arlecchino: Huh I wonder what's causing my weird powers? I can't really worry about that right now tho, I've gotta become King and then kill my "Mother".
*Kills Clervie and "Mother"*
Arlecchino: Huh I wonder why I was able to defeat a Fatui Harbinger when I'm like 17 or so? I can't really worry about that right now tho, I've gotta be in jail and become a Harbinger.
*Is in jail for a while and becomes a Harbinger*
Arlecchino: Huh I wonder why I am-
Pierro: Hey what's up hello, anyways you're descended from the Crimson Moon Dynasty of Khaenri'ah. I'm sure that this is a lot for you to take in so-
Arlecchino: Ok.
Pierro: ...You're just cool with that?
Arlecchino: IDK maybe? I can't really worry about that at the moment, I'm a father now. This orphanage full of children I love (who also are child soldiers and are not allowed to leave or else I'll execute them except maybe now I'm just gonna wipe their memories IDK I'm morally complex) isn't gonna run itself.
*Runs the orphanage/spy recruitment initiative*
Arlecchino, talking to me through my phone: I honestly don't know why you care, I'm too busy to give a shit. Anyways, I'm gonna go fight fate itself I guess. I'm sure that I don't share any thematic parallels with any other Khaenri'an characters (particularly as it relates to acting and family angst) and that I haven't made the idea of 'curses' on Khaenri'ans and what they entail even more complicated than they already were. See ya.
#arlecchino#genshin impact#pierro#WHY IS THE GAME FUCKING GLOSSING OVER THE FACT THAT SHE IS KHAENRI'AN?!#Not only that but she is the first Khaenri'an we've met (that we know of) who's from the Crimson Moon Dynasty#I'm so fucking confused#Did Celestia place a DIFFERENT curse on members of the Crimson Moon Dynasty?? Or is this stuff all of them can do???#HELP#She also seems almost...uninterested in the fact that she's descended from Khaenri'ah. Which honestly I think is interesting.#I don't know if I like it yet but when every other Khaenri'ah character has one of their major traits being that they super fucking#care that they are Khaenri'an (whether that be Kaeya with his paranoia/destiny/duty or Dain with his guilt over his failure/desire to#prevent our sibling from fucking with anything too much or whatever the fuck is going on with Pierro)#having a character who is Khaenri'an but doesn't seem to particularly be invested in that part of themself is different#she cares more about the curse and its effects on her then she ever really cares about the Crimson Moon Dynasty or the cataclysm#IDK I think it's neat from a character writing angle. or at least it has the potential to be if the writers do a good job.#But from a 'I like maybe 3 things in this game and one of them is Khaenri'ah' perspective it SUCKSSSSS#That part of the plot is already suffering from chronic live-service storytelling disease where people just straight up don't tell you#shit that they logically SHOULD BE TELLING YOU because the game needs to save plot points to build hype around#so for one of like 4-ish (depending on how much we count Albedo) Khaenri'an major characters to give us literally 1 and 1/2 voicelines#kinda sucks ngl. but again it's also interesting and realistic for Arlecchino and from that angle I like it#she doesn't care about what fate says her place in the world is. she's gonna carve her own and being Khaenri'an isn't relevant to#the life and identity she has built for herself. she isn't the type to look for answers she doesn't need. she's practical and efficient.#at the very least it's better than when Albedo 'I want to find all the world's truths' Kreideprinz doesn't let the audience in on his stuff
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fr0gg13b413 · 7 months
growing up in a generation where a random text message of love causes an instinctive knee-jerk reaction of 'they are not okay right now, they are dying, they need help'. is a truly horrifying thought.
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hellofears · 1 month
having issues with men, the associations the instant distrust, which i dont like i dont want it i want things to be different, just all of it so much just the dynamic i have the relationship all of it the way the world is atleast online and having a younger brother. I wouldn't trade him for the world, I try and talk to him where I can and will continue to do so i adore him but i fear. i believe in him i want joy for him. I fear that his peers will feed him fckn brainrot and it scares me. not even just that he'll fall into that thinking that his fuckn upstanding that his unwillingness to follow ppl will hurt him. crazy shit at schools, like why tf r ppl dying kids young teens killing eaachother with knives? ??I don't want to loose him i don't want to see him loose who he is and the heart that he has i don't and i hope he rises above it all and will continue to. i feel like im stating what he has to be or smth but all i could ask for is his wellbeing, respect, humanity, that he treats himself well know what he deserves and has some sense of self, some gravity. I feel like shit sometimes for this aspect that i'm concerned that i just idk, i dont like the whole 'dont disappoint me' thing he owes nothing to me other than basic human decency and respect, hes a reason why i live but to i just that intrusive thought of there is no different the hell u think of is real about men to someone i hold so fckn dear to in a way show me their fckn fuckery its idk, like another? it'd hurt me, it'd hurt me bad.
i've never understood men or boys, amab, who go on about their connection or like protectiveness of their sisters of their mother but treat other women like shit like their familiars aren't women? you don't want to fuck them so its different? what is it like just whats the difference why does it have to pertain to you for you to care? do you care or do you see them as an extension? is it a personality trait for you? a 'lover boy' thing? a signal to women, women u imagine u want and is going to be 'ur woman' but u cant even like visualize them in a way that doesnt pertain to your sexual interests? a signal so people can say oh he loves his mother so hes good to go and prime? a 'mummys boy' ? are they not real women just because u dont feel that sort of way? talking about women that way with your friends? do i have to bring up the fact those same people could date your sister etc for you to care? those people could make the kids that surround your kids, your daughter. idk.
its like okay u want sex so u respect them less? did no one hear dont bite the hand that feeds you? what the fuck is going on. you cant fuck them so its all good? the demeaning-ness? lack of gravity, venom is just rapid, vapid
#*txt🗣️#real world issues#i instantly think of counter points before i say anything especially online and i hate it because its like im accustomed to ppl being accus#atory. at being contrary. shitting on vulnerability. shitting on emotions. shitting on hhumanity. shitting on the ability to care.#women can be pieces of shit men can queer folk can i can be you can be to me theres an ability just as people and the world of choice that#-e have. im not saying everyones on the brink of doing the worst and makes a choice not to either if ur going through that u need to seek#help or some sort of sincere dialogue well and truly. but the world around me has made me who i am just as much as my reaction. not all etc#is a no brainer. ppl dont have a neon sign on their forehead. its understandable why the caution has been fckn drilled into so many afab so#many women in the hearts of many and thats hurt fear and absolute rage simmering anger for bs. i understand proventitive cautions to ppl#especially those who tend to be the direct target demographic but to drill in fear to woman to afab not even just on a personal level imsur#everyones experience is different on that front and their thoughts but on a society level and then take no action to then be like atleast t#my knowledge or its just not fckn working bitch its crickets. men should be able to feel safe enough to share their fears and worries to be#vulnerable but that isn't coddling bs and pointing the fingers at women at afab. theres weight in the way both sexes have been socialized#its cause and effect i refuse that it can't be helped. i refuse it. i reject it. thats not me discrediting or trying to come at gender(s)#at ppls gender identity etc. i mean everything makes us who we are. its all part of a journey. ones sex doesn't invalidate such a thing.#humans are so complex to say someones just pulling shit out their ass for the giggles is wild. no matter what it rings true for people#its not for us to choose for eachother we don't choose what others want to share we can't decide how someone else feels we can't read them-#back a book they feel like they've never heard or is bs and give them the finger. u can't tell someone they're the authour and they didn't#write the book or they didn't hire you or agree and want u to write it for them? ur not a ghostwriter bitch ur writing perception#i mean the way we're brought up the way society has become accustomed it effects results its a world in of itself made#to no fruitful benefit atleast to me for any party. when desire grips you at the throat when you allow your will you allow your every whim#the desire isnt even desire anymore. now you're creating a loop you're creating a possibility for a life with no balance#if men are so upstanding they aren't like one another they aren't the bad ones why is the refusal to move forward and write past men up#write them wrong feel so heavy or resound so heavily atleast to me. write for better because you're better. know you're better.#excitement as it once was turns into not enough then again and again. and the core issue even thbere i care for other parties responsibilit#relationships are a back and forth dont choose for others what they want dont decide for others. ask them.#u shouldn't have to constantly prove ur different but heres the thing if in ur life those who know you atleast if u have walked the road#u speak of the valiant road you've trecked supposedly there'd be nothing to prove. you've walked it. if a new person comes along you dont#need effort to show you have basic respect for another. and if u dont have that respect dont get mad at those who dont want u in their live#u took yourself out their market. life is a in moment custom experience. buckle up. not me talking about love like a business worker or smt
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