#Accessibility Conformance
aeldata-usa · 10 months
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tiredyke · 2 months
tumblr doesn’t even have baby feminism it’s all “men deserve rights too” and “feminism means letting women wear makeup and shave and date men”
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fjordfolk · 7 months
i don't even think one has to go as far as to unravel the whole idea of breed, registry and stud books, because i know for a fact that in other animals one has managed to have all of these things without going fckn batshit
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Saying that non-conforming female characters don't face as much misogyny as their "feminine" counterparts is so funny cause literally the misogyny in their treatment is more overt because they aren't staying "in their place" like men think they should. The disdain for women + misogynistic societal ideals are so much more blatant in male characters interacting with these women. Countless times they are, in essence, told they need to sit down, shut up, and know their place but somehow that translates into them having "masculine privilege". I can only assume that people with this take haven't actually read the books and only get their information from second-hand sources.
#Men actually love it when the group they're oppressing doesn't conform with their restrictive measures that's exactly how things work 🙄#George saying that his non-conforming female characters were outcasts was really just overkill cause this is explicitly stated in the books#It's such a stupid take to have or try to argue cause there's literally no basis for it anywhere in the books#the inherit misogyny in othering women for not conforming to a misogynistic and patriarchal society though...I have to laugh#Coming from the so-called feminists in fandom make a career of throwing female characters under the bus to prop up their faves#Brienne literally gets told not to go crying if she gets raped because she's asking for it by /acting like a man/#and her mistreatment by both genders for her looks and behavior is well documented in her POV and those who interact with her#Asha gets denied her claim for being a women and repeatedly treated like an idiot for pushing for it anyways#Arya is an outcast in her own family and her behavior is lamented by her father mother and sister lol#I would just really like to know where this supposed privilege comes in??? where is it actually at??#cause it doesn't get them better treatment...better access to their claims...security from being assaulted...so where exactly is it?#just another fandom idea that can never be backed up but people treat like an absolute fact anways#obligatory this isn't me that feminine female characters don't face misogyny cause people love misinterpreting my points#asoiaf#brienne of tarth#asha greyjoy#arya stark#daenerys targaryen#fandom nonsense
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creekfiend · 2 years
I have deleted every post I've made about My Experience In Dog Show World for the last... like... year
But Fer and I are listening to "My Year In Mensa" and
It's... dog shows. It's fucking dog shows. I got so triggered I had to take a beta blocker
I have also backed off saying this about kennel clubs recently bc of the backlash but you know what if Ms Loftus can make a podcast about her experience I can fucking say it on my damn personal blog
"My year at Mensa" mirrors my experience with dog showing because Mensa and kennel clubs are both majority white semi-closed groups comprised mainly of conservatives who think they have a Special Mission that Regular People cannot comprehend and which were largely formed originally by eugenicists.
There are a lot of nice and progressive people involved in both. And both groups contain multitudes.
But on a FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL. this podcast captures my experience (and PTSD about it) in ways I have NEVER seen
Especially the way that she (and I) came in holding opinions about the legitimacy of the groups ("IQ testing is bullshit and doesn't measure how smart you are; this group was formed by eugenicists and I am skeptical of how far it has come from those origins since" and "I don't believe conformation titles actually provide any meaningful information about whether or not a dog should be bred; this group was formed by eugenicists and I am skeptical of how far it has come from those origins since" respectively lol) and to us these opinions are normal and fine but to the people inside the member group, we have Violently Attacked the Very Foundations of a Key Pillar of their Identity and we MUST be punished.
In fucking credible.
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meistoshi · 5 months
hmmmm.. storm sorcerer & swap monk for a nature domain cleric class.....
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homophyte · 11 months
mmhhgm 2 AM thinking about HRT…………..perhaps my urgency is influenced by the belief that my transness only becomes acceptable after certain parameters are met and that it is in some way inappropriate to present myself as a trans person while being pretransition . something radical about the exposure of the whole process instead of being one of those instagram transes who pop into existence 7 years on T and post top surgery
#i know this is a recent discourse bc of like the attacks on access to transition care#but idk i can’t help but think there is something very radical about#demanding equal treatment and putting the onus on others and not urself#okay yes you can be accepting and respectful of this trans woman who#looks to you like what a woman should look like#but would you have treated her the same 5 years before when she just started E? what about before that if she confided in you#obviously trans medical care is under attack and it is important to protect trans peoples access to it#but so much of the conversation around that seems to revolve around ppl who have access already#and appeals to their acceptability and gender conformity and often capitulation to cis binary standards#what about all the pretransition people being thrown under the bus because#they’re facing barriers to access conflicts or unsafe circumstances#it’s troubling to me to see people who have been on HRT for years claim the only reason some claim to be trans but aren’t on hormones#must just be cowardice in the same breath as they fearfully discuss new barriers to access being put up every day#those things r related actually and if u really want to support access to care u need to acknowledge that#it’s necessary to continue to protect BECAUSE some people don’t have it yet#not to continually try to present those people as some kind of enemy because them not already having it means they’re the enemy of#trans medical care#i suppose my main issue with it is the way pretransition people are really screwed by that kind of talk#just supports the idea that we don’t deserve it that we should have barriers that we don’t belong#as if those are not the very things we are seeking to and need to alleviate#myposts
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caesarandthecity · 13 days
Acceptance in Prison and Understanding the Outside World
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In Portuguese, the word "accept" comes from the Latin acceptāre, meaning “to receive what is given; to conform to; to receive with pleasure; to admit; to approve.” The word “admit” comes from the Latin admittĕre, “to give access; to admit,” which means “to allow entry; to receive; to permit; to believe in; to accept; to hire.” I believe that to accept is to open the door to forgiveness. Acceptance is never easy; it’s painful, it takes time, and it forces us to rethink our beliefs because true forgiveness goes deep into the soul, cleansing everything. Acceptance means looking at the past and asking forgiveness from everyone. I, personally, wrote letters—many letters—but I never sent them. Letters addressed to the past, to my former selves, who did what they did because it was all they knew at the time. I asked myself for forgiveness over and over again.
I remember sitting for hours in prison, writing. That cold bench, the table scribbled with gang names, signatures, debts, day counts. Prison is brutal; it turns you against yourself, against your family, your friends, your lawyers—against everything. Inside, prison messes with your mind, making you believe that no one is doing anything for you, that you are abandoned, forgotten. That’s the feeling. Eating that horrible food every day, three times a day, like an animal. Leaving the cell when they want, returning when they want, waking up when they command, sleeping when they force you. Prison is brutal.
The C.O.s (correctional officers) are both your friends and your enemies. Get close to them for better access, but never too close, so they don’t think you’re a snitch. My greatest fear was being seen that way. Many choose to rebel, to hate the place even more, their egos crushed by the shame of being imprisoned. But I realized something that many don’t: life in prison becomes much more bearable when you accept it.
Accepting the past has a tremendous impact on accepting the present. It may sound confusing, but accepting, as I explained earlier, is opening the door to forgiveness. When we forgive, we free ourselves from past pains and, consequently, learn to accept the present, day by day. Accepting that I was in prison, accepting my guilt in my crime (and that hurts so much), accepting the guilt of the other who never has and never will ask for forgiveness for what happened, was the most necessary and liberating step in making my experience in prison less traumatic.
Accepting that, many times, you won’t hear an apology, accepting that you won’t get what you want but rather what you need, is liberating. Finding this freedom within prison was essential. Through acceptance, I forgave myself, forgave my past, and was able to move on lighter, understanding that I was exactly where I needed to be. Nothing was out of place.
Acceptance gave me freedom because I learned not to complain about being in prison. I learned that everything happens for a reason, and with that, I gained much more free time… Now, how I filled that free time is something I will talk about in another post.
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sparrowlucero · 10 months
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Though their initial mutations were the result of long term nuclear war, it's actually an intense culture of propaganda and strictly enforced conformity policies that have kept the Daleks in their current state. Every Dalek undergoes surgery just after birth; not to mitigate the effects of irradiation, but to rid them of whatever is legally considered "imperfections to the Dalek form" (usually throwbacks to a humanoid body plan, such as teeth and hands) and physically ready them for their casing. Additional surgeries must occur throughout a Dalek's life to prevent them from becoming "rooted" - a painful, often fatal scenario in which the Dalek overgrows their own shell and cannot be safely removed. Not only does their homogeneity serve to reinforce their fervent belief in genetic superiority, but the resulting chronic health issues prevent insurrection; a Dalek's fear of losing access to regular healthcare colors much of their judgement, and most attempts at dissent end as soon as their painkillers run dry.
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molsno · 25 days
I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying kids shows as an adult per se, like that's obviously fine by itself. however I think the fact that there are so many Queers™ that almost exclusively watch shows made for children, and that most of those shows were produced by disney, is indicative of a broader trend of reactionary ideologies in mainstream queer society. often they praise these shows for having "queer representation" in some form, such as a gay couple, usually comprised of young children given who these shows are usually about. of course even these meager scraps of representation are often enough to get a show canceled, but the fact is that for them to even be on children's television in the first place, they must be extremely sanitized. disney in particular is notorious for scrubbing any and all content that any hypothetical evangelical conservative might take issue with from their shows, but this is a problem inherent to children's tv.
I say this not to disparage people who like these shows, but to point out that these shows serve to impose heterosexual norms onto queerness, and it concerns me how many queer people seem to be completely fine with this. why should disney channel and cartoon network get to define what an acceptable level of queerness is? the most radical thing you can expect to see is a same-sex couple briefly kissing. they are wholly sexless and sanitized, stripped away of any challenges to heterosexuality, cissexism, monogamy, and patriarchy. Straight People get the idea that they don't have to worry about queerness, as long as it conforms to their sensibilities and doesn't threaten their dominance.
but worst of all is that queer people themselves approve of this sanitization. I suspect the reason that so many queer people's media landscape revolves entirely around these shows is because they seek acceptance into Straight society, and must prove that they won't rock the boat too much. in doing so, they seek out only portrayals of queerness they consider "safe", and eagerly distance themselves from any form of "degeneracy". queer sexuality, for instance, must be a wholly private endeavor, as it is something shameful. any form of kink that isn't acceptable under wider heterosexual norms is something they must vehemently abhor, and engaging in it must be responded to with violence, whether social, physical, or both.
to be clear, I'm not saying that exclusively watching children's shows causes queer people to be reactionary. on the contrary, I think it's the other way around. queer people who already hold reactionary beliefs flock to these shows because it allows them to see themselves in media while still being able to gain temporary, limited access to the heterosexual project and the privileges doled out to its participants. this is deeply disgraceful. not only is the queer project of assimilating into straightness an inherently harmful one given that it necessitates intentionally throwing queer people who can't assimilate due to being trans, black, disabled, poor, etc under the bus and subjecting them to violence; it's also a fool's errand, given that straight people ultimately still hate the queer people that do try to assimilate and will discard them the moment they stop being a useful tool.
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falseficus · 1 year
I read a physical copy of monstrous regiment soon after listening to the audiobook, and I noticed two tiny discrepancies between the two editions that make an absolute world of difference. when I found out that these discrepancies existed (you’ll find reddit posts backing me up about them), I felt cheated that my first experience of the book had portrayed a less cohesive arc than pratchett intended
if you’re looking to buy or read monstrous regiment, I strongly recommend the doubleday 2003 version or the corgi 2004 version, which iirc contain the original text. The harper collins publications and audiobook both contain these changes, which imo are confusing and severely undercut the themes the book is trying to get across. if anyone knows the status of other editions of the book pls feel free to add on
obviously the audiobooks and ebooks are more accessible than physical books to some people, so if you read one of those just know that the original text is different in some key ways. I still recommend you read the book because it’s crazy good :)
the changes I noticed, beneath the cut to avoid some serious spoilers:
firstly, the last line of Jackrum’s last scene. in the Doubleday version, this line reads:
“Jackrum had turned her chair to the fire, and had settled back. Around him, the kitchen worked.”
in the harpercollins version, the line reads:
“Jackrum had turned her chair the the fire, and had settled back. Around her, the kitchen worked.”
this pronoun change is actually has huge implications. in the scene in question, jackrum, a transgender man, reveals that he joined the army in disguise. he is referred to as “she” throughout his background reveal. however, he then considers where his future will take him, and in the final line of the scene his pronoun reverts back to “he.” jackrum’s pronoun goes from he->she->he, encapsulating the gendery arc of the scene. however, in the altered he->she->she version of the scene, half of that circle is erased. the neat tie-up of jackrum’s journey is left confusingly unresolved, and the importance of his gender to the book’s overarching themes goes underemphasized
the second change I noticed is how maladict appears in the book’s ending:
in the Doubleday version, maladict appears “in full uniform.”
in the harpercollins version, maladict appears “in full female uniform.”
maladict is the last soldier to reveal [their] true gender, keeping up a masc/ambiguous presentation far after all the rest of the squad has come forward as women. “in full uniform” maintains this ambiguity, allowing the reader to decide for themself whether maladict comes forward and presents as fully female or continues to dress masculinely despite the fact that circumstances no longer require it (in fact I believe that the latter is more likely, as maladict says “thought I’d try again,” which could mean dressing in male uniform again). “in full female uniform” removes that ambiguity, and brings maladict’s arc to a somewhat unsatisfying conclusion. it eliminates the possibility of maladict as transgender or gender-non-conforming, and I’m left wondering, “if maladict presents as female so readily, why make such a fuss of it before now?”
both changes undermine the book’s message by eliminating its space for non-cisnormative identity… which is kinda crucial to the whole idea. im honestly really disappointed that these changes were made in any version of the book, because whoever made them clearly didn’t get the point
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botanicalsword · 5 months
House Stellium • Harmonising your energy
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Advices for those with prominent House Stellium
This is relevant for Natal Chart, Progression Chart, Solar Return Chart, and Lunar Return Chart.
1st House Stellium - maintain humility & an open mindset
be open to others' opinions and not be too arrogant
listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition and inner feelings - learn to listen to others' perspectives
gain different angles of thinking and experiences
2nd House Stellium - hard work and savings
avoiding get-rich-quick schemes, seeking luck, or engaging in illegal ways
through diligence and frugality, steadily accumulate wealth and achieve your goals
✧ 3rd House Stellium - talents and interests
leverage your expressive and communication abilities to excel in the field of culture and the arts
showcase your uniqueness in the arts and cultural domains
enhance your expressive and communication skills to engage with others and share your thoughts and creativity
✧ 4th House Stellium - explore unknown territories
explore the world outside and not stay too isolated at home.
actively participate in social activities - step out of your comfort zone
broaden your horizons, enrich your life experiences - interact with different groups of people
✧ 5th House Stellium - the importance of financial knowledge
study investment theories - can better manage and grow our financial assets
engage in moderate entertainment and relaxation outside of work - maintaining a balance
✧ 6th House Stellium - physical health
be attentive, and diligent but overworking
maintain a balance between work and life
Sustaining good physical health - enhance work efficiency and life quality
schedule work and rest time properly
✧ 7th House Stellium - choice of partner
be cautious in choosing partners, whether in relationships or business ventures
Good partnerships - shared success
unsuitable partners - unnecessary troubles and difficulties
✧ 8th House Stellium - unexpected circumstances
leave room for alternatives when dealing with matters - reduce anxiety and stress
have backup plans and maintain being calm / let go
9th House Stellium - knowledge and wisdom
read more books, explore the world
understand different cultures and perspectives, and expand our thinking and cognitive range
Reading - transport us into a colorful world, stimulating our imagination and creativity.
✧ 10th House Stellium - quality of life
excel in work or entrepreneurship while also giving yourselves some space for personal life
pursue professional success while paying attention to our quality of life
need time to rest, engage in leisure activities
spend time with family and friends
✧ 11th House Stellium - self-acceptance
strong interpersonal skills
avoid relying too much on others' approval
maintain authenticity and independence
not excessively conforming to others' expectations or seeking validation for satisfaction
believe in our value and capabilities
maintain confidence and self-esteem
✧ 12th House Stellium - kindness and empathy 
qualities of tolerance and inclusiveness
sympathize with others' experiences
avoid procrastination
take proactive actions and avoid delaying problem-solving or pursuing our goals
forgiveness towards others and yourselves - release inner tolerance and goodwill
Dear 12th House Stellium
12th House Stellium Part I (Extended)
12th House Dominance Part II (Extended)
Hidden strength of 12th House (Extended)
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dysphoricangell · 24 days
when are people gonna wake up and realize that misogyny isn’t some mystical hypothetical concept, and that it’s actually the deadliest form of oppression that exists? misogyny is the reason women are murdered by their male partners multiple times everyday in femicide, misogyny is the reason female infants are murdered the second they come out of the womb, misogyny is the reason little girls are denied education simply on the basis of being female, misogyny is the reason the female body is able to be commodified by males for sex (as well as for birth, in surrogacy), misogyny is the reason young girls are taught to run a sharp razor against their skin and participate in feminine practices the second they start puberty, misogyny is the reason women are denied autonomy and are brutalized under islamic regime, misogyny is the reason males are responsible for nearly 100% of all sex crimes (rape and sexual assault) committed (as-well as the reasoning for sex crimes being one of if not the most common type of crime done to women & girls, especially when at a young age), misogyny is the reason male health issues have so much more documented research then female health issues, misogyny is the reason young women and girls have their genitalia mutilated for “cultural/religious” purposes, misogyny is the reason males systematically rape and sexually abuse women and girls during conflicts and war, misogyny is the reason menstrual products are costly material items that many homeless women out there don’t have access to & also why women/girls are ostracized in many cultures for starting their periods, misogyny is the reason women are taken less seriously compared to men in literally every profession, misogyny is the reason gender non-conforming lesbians are being chemically castrated and having their breasts cut off by doctors in the name of trans ideology (on the largest scale we’ve ever seen), misogyny is the reason incestuous abuse is one of the most common types of sexual abuse and is nearly always committed by fathers/uncles/grandpas, misogyny is the reason catcalling women and young girls has somehow managed to become a socially acceptable form of sexual harassment, and misogyny is the reason women and girls are blamed by men for half of the issues on this list occurring.
all of these issues are caused by misogyny, and perpetuated by males.
i know it’s a difficult reality for most people to come to terms with, but these are the realities for hundreds of MILLIONS of women and girls around the world.
misogyny can’t being trivialized, it’s evil, and deadly.
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fallenangelkitten · 1 year
Unravel Me
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Synopsis: You have Henry as your personal trainer/gym partner for the day.
Warnings: size kink, age gap, praise kink, cum shot
Note: I used to be fallenangelbb here on the Henry Cavill side of tumblr but deleted my account and have regretted it ever since. So here I am reposting my work :)
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“Where shall we start?” He asked, looking around the gym. I wiped my hands on my leggings; my nerves were getting to me and we hadn’t even started. He seemed comfortable, but I was out of my element. I had only been training for a couple of weeks, so I wasn’t very strong at all. But Henry was ginormous; I had only reached the middle of his chest, and his arms alone seemed overpowering.
I felt myself fidgeting with my fingers. “Erm, we usually start with small weight warm ups, but I’m sure that’s not going to do much for you,” I responded, keeping my eyes down.
He cocked a brow, “Why, so?”
“I-I don’t know. You just seem much more… experienced than me,” I knew my face was as red as a tomato. A sly smirk grew on his face, a chuckle leaving his throat.
“I’m sure you’ll manage, little one.”
“I’m really very new at this, Henry. I should have started ages ago, but I guess now is better than never,” I explained, shrugging my shoulders.
His tongue ran across his bottom lip. “I’m sure we’ll manage to figure something out.”
We had been training for well over two hours and my body was burning. I had just gotten done bench pressing- arms shaking and all. I was unbelievably embarrassed. He was just as sweaty as I was by the end of it, but somehow he looked exquisite.
“I’d call that a success,” he acknowledged, hands resting on his hips and chest heaving with each breath.
I had my hands resting on my knees, just trying hard to not pass out, “Oh, uh, yeah. So, so great,” each word left my mouth in huffs.
He fought to hold back a laugh. “It’s okay, you’ll get better. And it’ll be easier with every time you do it,” he encouraged, a smile on his beautiful lips.
If I hadn’t been for how disastrous I’m sure I looked, and the fact that he seemed so much older, I might have thought he was interested in me. I had been catching little glances throughout the entire regimen, and the way he spoke to me? God. When I would finish a rep he would hold my gaze and praise me; saying things like ‘Good Girl’. I felt a sigh escape from me.
”(Y/n)?” He asked, his eyebrow raised, pulling me out of my racing thoughts. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes, I’m sorry. I’m going to go hit the showers,” I informed him, shifting my gaze and tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear.
“Hmm, good idea. I’m definitely a bit sweaty,” Henry agreed, chuckling.
I had only just gotten my hair completely wet when my shower curtain was yanked open. I grabbed it to shield myself, but kept my head poking out to see the culprit. “H-Henry?”
“I’m sorry!” He said, only kind of shielding his eyes. “I didn’t realize that this shower was taken.” He only had a towel wrapped around his waist in preparation.
“It’s okay,” I ensured him, a blush creeping across my cheeks for the thousandth time today. “I’d, um, better get back to my shower.”
He nodded his head in agreement and began to walk away. I couldn’t help but keep my gaze on him- the way the muscles in his back flexed made me drool. He had only made it a few feet away before he rapidly turned back around. “Fuck it,” he grumbled, cupping my face in his hand and crashing his lips to mine.
I was so stunned, I didn’t even react for a few seconds. But I quickly conformed my lips to his, allowing him access to slip his tongue into my mouth. A groan emerged from his chest as he backed me up against the shower wall, leaving the curtain shielding my body behind.
He snaked one of his arms around my bare waist, making me realize just how exposed I was. I pressed my chest to his in an attempt to cover myself from the man I hardly knew. He trailed sloppy kisses along my damp jaw, “Is this okay?” He asked, eyes flooded with care locking with mine. I nodded, trying desperately to reattach my lips to his, but he resisted. “(Y/N), I need to hear you say it.”
“Please, Henry. Take me,” I pleaded, tangling my hands into his curls. Without hesitation, he hungrily clung to my lips, searching every available area he could.
He brought one of his hands to my breasts, gently tugging on one of my nipples, hardening it immediately. His touch was easily becoming my new favorite addiction, each caress and rough grip causing a low groan to escape my soft, pleading lips.
“Jump,” he ordered, reaching his large hands to grip around my bum. I hadn’t noticed his towel drop, but when my core collided with his hips, the tip of his throbbing cock rubbed against my clit. I cried out, claws gripping into his shoulders. “Good girl, little one,” he praised, continuing to leave kissing against my neck, gently sucking and nibbling.
His hair was now soaked from the hot stream of the shower. We were lucky we seemed to be the only two in the wash room, but I had a feeling they would be able to hear me from the gym.
“Are you ready?” He asked, lining himself up with my entrance, slowly stroking himself against the entirety of my slit.
All I could do was nod my head, a breathless moan coming from me as he slowly sheathed himself inside of me. A deep grunt came from him as he bit down on my shoulder, trying desperately to control himself while he allowed time for me to adjust. “This is about you, okay? I want to please you. Especially after I’ve already worked your little body so hard today,” he chuckled.
Involuntarily, I bucked my hips to gain some kind of friction, but his grip on my hips tightened and grounded me to the shower wall. His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth, a smirk spread on his beautiful face. “I thought I said this was about you? Move again and we’ll sit like this until the water runs cold. Understand?” he patronized, rubbing slow circles into the crevice between my hip and thigh.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl,” he praised, and began his ruthless assault on my body. Looking down, I noticed that he didn’t even completely fit inside of me. With each thrust, he buried himself so fully against my cervix that I couldn’t help the little screams escaping me. But even then, the base of his thick length was still exposed.
“Hold on to my neck,” he instructed in between his own moans. He grabbed underneath my knees, pinning my thighs to the shower wall. He was lucky I was flexible, only then making me realize he must have taken notice during our work out.
With my knees at my shoulders and my feet dangling in the air, he took me. He rammed into me with such strong force I was scared the wall would collapse. He tried and tried to shove as much of himself into me as he could, the most guttural groans leaving his plump lips.
The room was filled with the sound of his balls slapping against my bum, and our sweat moans echoing through the acoustics. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take before I came- my legs were already beginning to shake and I’m sure he could feel my dripping cunt squeezing round him, attempting to milk him for all he was worth.
His thrusts were becoming sloppy, his cock swelling and twitching; but he kept his bliss at bay, desperately wanting to make me cum around him. And I did- just two more hits against my bruised little cervix and I was shaking against him. My head was leaned back against the wall, eyes rolled back and mouth hung agape. With my walls clinging around him, he came. His hot liquid filled me and soothed my raw skin. But before he was done, he pulled out, shooting his delicious cum across my body.
After riding out both of our highs, he scooped me into his arms and slid to the floor. My head rested against his chest, the hairs tickling my nose. “You did so good, little one,” he cooed as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
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baeddling · 7 months
One thing I've been seeing a lot is the implication that patriarchy oppresses both men and women and actually only benefits a small minority.
This position is a fundamental misunderstanding both of how capitalism uses social divides to create division among workers and of basic feminist principles. Proletarian men fail to organize with proletarian women specifically because patriarchy gives them a position of power over women.
Men can find their actions constrained by patriarchy as well, which I've seen many people mistake for genuine oppression, but in reality men who can conform to patriarchal norms and standards are making a small sacrifice of emotional vulnerability in order to gain access to power and privilege women will never be able to attain within patriarchy. By contrast when women conform to patriarchal norms we find ourselves ever more severely limited and endangered, often losing basic bodily autonomy by force.
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andreealiz · 2 years
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El nivel de conformidad es el nivel que indica la relación entre el valor y el esfuerzo necesario para cumplir un criterio de éxito. Se dividen en los siguientes niveles:
A: El nivel más básico, es esencial que la mayoria de sitios cuenten con este nivel ya que de no ser asi los lectores tendrsn dificultad al acceder a la pagina.
AA: Este nivel presenta respuestas mas amplia para discapacidades. Por ejemplo brinda orientación sobre contraste e identificación de errores
AAA: Este es el nivel mas alto que puede tener una pagina en cuanto a accesibilidad, El contenido de estas paginas esta dirigido a un grupo muy extenso de personas, pero puede alterar el diseño y sencillez del sitio.
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