Welcome to my world—a digital diary of reflections, resilience, and the raw reality of life. Here, I share my journey through the darkest corners of my past, the lessons learned in the solitude of prison, and the search for self-love and acceptance. It's not just about survival; it's about finding the light in the shadows, the strength in vulnerability, and the courage to keep going. This space is my therapy, my rebellion, my truth. Read on if you're ready to see the world through my eyes—unfiltered, unapologetic, and fiercely human.
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Follow Your Own Advice
Follow your own advice.
Stop looking for validation.
Study. Read. Listen. Observe. Act.
Your reality is the consequence of your own actions.
And if the results don’t match your expectations? If things don’t turn out the way you wanted?
At least you were true to yourself.
At least you lived by your own choices, not someone else’s.
And sometimes—many times—what we want is not what we need.
We must learn to understand that.
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Who Told You?
Who told you that you have to be part of this Matrix?
Who told you that you have to go to school for five hours a day?
Who told you that you need to go to college, find your soulmate, get married, and have kids?
Who told you that you need to work 50, 60, 70 hours a week?
Who told you?
Who told you that you have to pretend to be happy?
When did social media start dictating what you should wear? What you should be?
When did society become so oppressive?
Leaving the Matrix is a gift.
A blessing.
A new way of seeing an infinite universe.
It is also the act of becoming selfless.
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The Fear of Healing
The fear that the healing process will never end, that I’ll be stuck in the same place forever.
But healing isn’t linear.
And I can choose to make this process something beautiful.
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The Root of My Anxiety
My anxiety stems from trauma.
A fear so deep that I try to control the future, just so I won’t relive the past
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Why Do I Care So Much About What Others Think?
What bothers me in others is often what I secretly despise about myself.
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The Poverty of the Soul
True poverty has nothing to do with money.
A person is truly poor when their spirit is empty.
A poor person is someone who needs to constantly prove their worth through material possessions rather than simply existing in their own truth.
In their minds, being rich is about having, not being.
It’s about buying, collecting, showing off.
To them, wealth is measured in price tags, not in experiences, wisdom, or freedom.
They would rather pretend to be than truly become.
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This morning, I woke up reflecting. It wasn’t a choice—it was something my subconscious pulled me into.
I kept asking myself: ‘Why am I always searching for someone?’ ‘Why do I get so attached to people?’
And then, I found my answer.
I was looking for someone because, deep down, I believed I wasn’t enough. That something was always missing. That I wasn’t even enough for myself.
Then, suddenly, I saw it—I am enough.
I don’t need anyone else to make me happy.
I’m already happy with myself. I am enough.
It’s like I finally accepted that. Searching for someone else would only bring frustration.
Yes, I’ve experienced rejection before, and that’s okay. But now, I’m so focused on myself—inside and out—that I no longer feel like I need someone to complete me.
I don’t need someone to fall in love with—I am already in love with myself.
I don’t need someone to admire me—I admire myself.
I don’t need someone to validate me—I validate myself.
Yes, I want passion. I want desire. I want connection.
But beyond that, I am learning to be enough for myself. And that is the most freeing feeling in the world.
#SelfLove#Enough#Healing#SelfDiscovery#Growth#InnerPeace#Confidence#Empowerment#PersonalGrowth#Freedom#Independence#awakening#mindfulness#dear diary#angel#blog#gay#quote
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Learning to Let Go
I keep asking myself—why do these things get to me?
Sometimes, life outside feels just as chaotic as the world I left behind. But when I was in jail, none of this happened. There, I learned to embrace the journey because, strangely enough, I felt safe. There was structure. I knew what each day would bring.
Now, out here, I feel overwhelmed again. Some choices didn’t go as expected, but they went exactly as they needed to.
I’m frustrated because I spent money on things I shouldn’t have. I’m broke. I’m not making money right now. But you know what? I spent some money on myself. And I deserved it.
César, everything will be okay. Take a deep breath. Let it go.
Trust the process. That’s it.
#TrustTheProcess#SelfGrowth#LifeLessons#Healing#Mindset#Change#Transformation#SelfAwareness#Learning#Patience#Acceptance#awakening#mindfulness#selfdiscovery#dear diary#personalgrowth#angel#blog#gay#quote
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A Shift in Perspective
It’s fascinating how self-awareness changes everything.
The more conscious you become, the more you start seeing your life—and the world around you—through an entirely new lens. Suddenly, patterns emerge where before there was only chaos.
What once seemed normal now feels unbearable. What once felt overwhelming now feels like a puzzle you can solve.
Self-awareness is both a gift and a burden. But I’d rather carry this weight than live blind.
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The Journey Back to God
The journey of self-discovery is the path back to God. And though this path is solitary, it unveils hidden truths—even through its darkest passages.
#SelfDiscovery#SpiritualJourney#PathToGod#KnowThyself#Awakening#InnerWisdom#SolitudeAndLight#Mysticism#DeepReflections#HigherSelf#FaithAndGrowth#DarknessAndLight#FindingYourWay#blog#gay#quote#angel#dear diary#healing#personalgrowth#mindfulness
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The Illusion of Wealth
Why do I get so irritated when I see people living in complete disorder? Should I even call that ‘living’? Their house is a mess, their car is a mess, their kids are neglected—no water, no food, no help with homework. They ignore their health, yet dream of making money and chasing women. They spend on expensive brands just to impress others, often without even paying for them.
Why does this bother me so much? Is it because I’ve rejected that kind of life for myself and now I can’t stand being around it?
I live surrounded by people who think they are rich. They brag about their phone models, flaunt their gold—gold that, in reality, is pawned off to a loan shark. They talk about the meat they eat as if it were a symbol of status. They worship brand names as if wearing them somehow elevates their worth as individuals. They boast about their credit card limits, even when they’ve maxed them out. They show off the size of their TV, even if they stopped making payments and the company took it back.
They look for jobs but refuse to put in the effort to be honest employees.
They drive recklessly, get arrested, and yet never change. They continue speeding, ignoring seatbelts, acting as if laws and consequences don’t apply to them.
And then, they turn to me and say, 'Oh, I’ve never seen homophobia in Brazil. Brazil is great. I’ve never seen it.'
Even after everything I’ve been through, after all the suffering I’ve endured, they dismiss my reality because it’s not theirs.
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The Eternal Punishment
The greatest punishment the Creator bestows upon us is the endless cycle of life—being born and dying over and over, unaware that we are gods walking the Earth.
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Growing Up Gay
I was the only gay child in my school. I looked around, and the only gay boy I saw was the one staring back at me in the mirror—me. And the pain I felt didn’t come only from the words of other children, but from the cruelty of adults, from whom I was often a victim.
#LGBTQStories#GrowingUpGay#QueerVisibility#ChildhoodStruggles#OvercomingHate#HealingJourney#BeYourself#QueerStrength#LGBTQVoices#blog#gay#quote#angel#dear diary#selfdiscovery#healing#personalgrowth#mindfulness#awakening
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The Marketplace of Social Media
What are social media platforms if not massive marketplaces where companies push products and services through influencers who do nothing but promote more consumerism? People sell themselves, crafting images that don’t exist, posting lives they don’t actually live. The illusion is more appealing than the raw truth. Beautiful photos? They lack what is real. They lack true beauty. They borrow quotes from authors they’ve never read, words they sometimes can’t even pronounce—all to sell a version of themselves that isn’t rea
#SocialMediaIllusion#ConsumerismCulture#FakeRealities#OnlineFacade#WakeUp#ModernSlavery#DigitalManipulation#TruthOverTrends#FalseInfluence#blog#gay#quote#angel#dear diary#selfdiscovery#healing#personalgrowth#mindfulness#awakening
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Faith for Sale
"This is the real slogan of evangelical churches: 'Come, hurry, and we’ll help you get rich while finding the Kingdom of God.'"
#ReligiousManipulation#ProsperityGospel#FaithAndMoney#BlindFaith#ChurchScandals#QuestionEverything#ReligiousTruth#FalseProphets#MoneyAndFaith#blog#gay#quote#angel#dear diary#selfdiscovery#healing#personalgrowth#mindfulness#awakening
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The Final Judgment
"People believe that on Judgment Day, we stand face to face with God, with the Creator, with the Supreme Source. But I don’t believe that. In the end, I believe we stand face to face with ourselves. We question, we interrogate, we demand explanations. We laugh, we cry. And finally, we understand that life was meant to be lived as we wished, as we desired, with mastery. In that moment, sitting before ourselves, the only question that truly matters is: 'Did you live your life the way you wanted to?'"
#JudgmentDay#LifeReflections#SpiritualAwakening#ConsciousLiving#SelfAccountability#EndOfLifeThoughts#PhilosophyOfLife#LiveFully#DeepReflections#blog#quote#angel#dear diary#gay#selfdiscovery#healing#personalgrowth#mindfulness#awakening
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Too much kindness turns you into a tool, not someone to be valued.
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