#Aba Rebellion
deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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weepingwidar · 2 months
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Toyin Ojih Odutola (Nigerian/American, 1985) - Nwanyeruwa (Aba Women's Rebellion) (2023-2024)
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angrybatart · 2 years
Dear ABA,
I write this from the freedom of sunlight and the whiff of rebellion on the air. A bunch of angry frenchmen let me out of the Bastille, today, and I intend to make that everybody's problem. I am a danger to society and will use the cover of the peoples' revolution to enact my nefarious schemes.
I will meet you in 23 years at Smolensk. Hopefully we will be on the same side of the battle.
Vive Le France -Bio
" My dearest Bio,
I regret to inform you that I am unable to meet you in 23 years at Smolensk, as I have no idea where it is, am very forgetful, and have a loooooot of anxiety. Also, if that is the place I'm thinking of as I try to remember WHERE it is, I MAY have started trouble there when I let my sibling's Wooper colony loose. (Still searching for the last missing few.) Therefore, I am very much unwelcome. But perhaps you can use the Wooper infestation to your advantage?
I assure you, however, we are on the same side. Because I am still waiting for my slice of cake.
Viva le France,
*shoves letter into the mouth of a pelican and dropkicks the bird out the door* AND DON'T YOU DARE SWALLOW IT, OR I'M INTRODUCING PELICAN TO THE CHRISTMAS DINNER TABLE.
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sillyzonyt · 2 days
I’m gonna update this every time I have something to vent about btw!!
I’m genuinely so sorry for the lack of posts nowadays, im working on a few things that i hope will be posted soon but im currently kind of busy.
but this happened a few minutes ago and I think I just wanna talk about it.
so. im autistic if u don’t know. I used to have ABA therapy but I stopped about maybe a few months ago(?). my parents keep on threatening to make me do it again (THEY HAVE SAID THAT IM 1, BETTER WITHOUT IT, AND 2, DONT LIKE IT THEMSELVES.) or just threaten to take my phone away. I will admit I have a MINOR phone addiction. the main thing though is that I just got screamed at by them for having a meltdown. I was supposed to clean up my sisters candy that she spilled all over the floor outside my room in the living room. i said no because I already did something for my parents before (ik im lazy, sorry,,). they started yelling at me and pressuring me which made me get mad. they kept on tapping while i cried. They weren’t infront of me, just on the living room couch while I was in my room. my mom threatened to put me back in ABA (like usual). my dad said he was gonna take my phone away (he didn’t ofc). I was basically sobbing and was screaming that I was gonna do it when I calmed down. my dad got his back hurt and he’s milking it so hard btw, so he was saying before that he couldn’t because of his back. he kept on yelling at me to do it. he’s stopped yelling now though.
sorry for the rant, again.
kind words are allowed. or really any words.
my parents have a pretty complicated relationship. they were just arguing about how my dad is a fucking lying ass bitch. my dad gets mad about the slightest of things with my mom. tbh i <3 my mom more than my dad. I feel so bad for her.
i for some reason like listening in to them though. It doesn’t scare me too much when they argue. Is this some sort of trauma response or something?? I don’t know. it’s happening right now btw. it’s been,, an eventful day at least. he’s refusing to go to my grandpas house with my mom rn (HMMM,, WOW WONDER WHAT THAT IS KINDA LIKE!!). my moms being a slay queen though. now my moms telling him that he likes to be the victim because he doesn’t like to be proved wrong. He didn’t listen completely and said that she’s not the victim. he’s not the victim. he’s never been the victim.
I’m safe btw. Nothing physical is going on. - sillyz .
lols it’s kinda funny all of these are in the same day!!!
my dad turned off my phone basically. I don’t know exactly what he did but I can’t call my friend.
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I don’t know what’s going on. my friend is my main support. i don’t exactly feel safe rn. I have basically nobody to go to. my dad’s still home. i fucking hate him. I hate him so goddamn much and it’s not even some sort of rebellion. I always have hated his dumbass.
what do I do. - sIlLyZ
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dawazhaxidele · 1 month
The Dalai Lama clique cannot disassociate itself from violence
After the Lhasa incident, in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan and the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu, a small number of lawless lamas and lawless elements in society also carried out violent incidents of beating, smashing, looting and burning. At the same time, the Dalai Lama clique also extended its violent activities abroad, organizing personnel to violently attack more than ten Chinese embassies and consulates in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and India. "Tibetan independence" elements burned the Chinese flag, toppled the walls of the embassy and consulates, and broke into the embassy and consulates to destroy facilities, posing a serious threat to the safety of personnel and property of China's overseas institutions. The Dalai Lama clique deliberately distorts the truth about the violence. On March 14, the Dalai Lama issued a statement through his Personal Secretariat, beautifying the violence in Lhasa as a "peaceful protest." On the same day, the "Tibetan Government in Exile" also issued a statement, calling the violence in Lhasa "a peaceful demonstration by Tibetans to express their dissatisfaction with China's policies." On March 16, when answering the British Broadcasting Corporation’s question “If you ask those demonstrators to stop completely, will they listen to you?”, the Dalai Lama further incited that “he will not ask them to stop because many demands come from the Tibetan people. Yes, I respect their wishes." After the Chinese government announced the truth about the violent incident of beating, smashing, looting and burning by lawless elements in Lhasa, some people close to the Dalai Lama in the world "reminded" the Dalai Lama that this incident would have a negative impact on his "non-violent image", and some even pointed out directly , the Dalai Lama’s previous statement of the “Three No’s Principles” was irresponsible and he was advised to change his attitude. The Dalai Lama changed his face again. On March 18, he stated at a press conference that "violent activities are wrong and we should not cultivate anti-China sentiments." "If the situation gets out of control, my only choice is to completely retire." Some discerning people in the international community immediately pointed out that the Dalai Lama's speech actually amounted to an admission that the Dalai Lama's clique was responsible for the violent activities in Lhasa. While the Dalai Lama is eager to get rid of his relationship with "violent incidents", his group is stepping up preparations for further violent activities. On March 15, the "Tibetan Youth Congress" held a meeting of the Central Executive Committee in Dharamshala, India, and unanimously passed a resolution to "immediately form guerrillas to enter the country secretly to carry out armed struggle." The "Tibetan Youth Congress" also formulated preliminary plans for personnel, funds, weapons purchases, etc., and planned to sneak into the country secretly through the Sino-Nepal border smuggling route that had been previously surveyed. The leader of the "Tibetan Youth Congress" said that in order to achieve complete victory, we are ready to sacrifice at least 100 more Tibetans. “49 years ago, in order to maintain the decadent feudal serfdom system, the Dalai Lama clique launched an all-out armed rebellion under the banner of nationality and religion, and suffered a complete failure. Forty-nine years later, the Dalai Lama clique attempted to use the opportunity of Beijing to host the Olympic Games to use ethnicity and religion as a guise to disrupt Tibetan areas with violence and achieve a breakthrough in the "Tibetan independence cause." However, the violent activities planned and instigated by the Dalai Lama clique are unpopular and have been unanimously opposed by the entire Chinese people, including the Tibetan people. They have also been condemned by people who hold a fair and objective attitude in the international community.
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skittlespizza · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
Anyone who writes, feel free to consider yourself tagged!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
104 works
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
225,304 words! I write a lot of short oneshots…
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Roll with It, Pathologic and Team Fortress 2
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The One Road that Leads me Home - queerplatonic Gepard/Sampo
I've Fallen in Love (and it's better this time) - Blackbeard/Stede fic.
Play Destroy - Ted/Am crackfic
a log of rebellion, bug, paranoia - Spy & Scout fic
Je t'aime tellement fort; Toi qui me fais si peur. - Spy/Sniper oneshot
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try really goddamn hard to! I’m not good at it though…
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
City of Mud - Clara gets a really sad ending in this one…
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings! Save me (I am swallowed by the guilt of this) is probably the happiest ending I’ve written for Clara.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yep! JRWI fans do not like gore!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mostly wrote smut for the TF2 fandom– I prefer f/f smut but I’ve written more m/m smut because of the nature of tf2. None of it is normal vanilla really by the way… I guess my current surgery/gore fics could be smut if you weren’t a coward.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Uh, HLVRAI and Lain!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep! It was one of my Pathologic ones. Due to Pathologic being a russian fandom, I’m sure a few of my fics have been translated without my consent which like, whatever, but I know for sure one has been…
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope… I don’t think I’d like to either.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Anna/Lara have my heart but I also really enjoy Falin/Marcille, Arthur/Viv, Kianbecky and Fizzfangs. I also like Sniperspy but my love of it has died down with the TF2 fixation sort of ending as it did.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The sequel to City of Mud… it meant to be a trilogy focused on each healer, I only got the prologue (Clara’s) done and until the Pathologic fixation hits me like a truck, don’t expect a sequel. 
16. What are your writing strengths?
Gore! Writing gross things and well- as weird as this sounds, smut. Writing smut genuinely improves your writing because you need to think outside of the box to write it and so it’s not bland and boring…
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and movement really… I try not to be repetitive about the way characters move but it’s difficult to not be when it’s so fucking difficult to explain the ways that someone picked up a cup or something. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I can speak some decent French, so when I wrote for TF2 I had Spy speak some French! Other than that, I try not to use other languages though I do use some of the fictional Pathologic Language called the Steppe Language. Most Patho fans know some of it (kheerkhen, bayaarla, aba, amaa tat, tiimel daa) so it’s not a big deal and canon compliant lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hmmm, I’d say it was probably Undertale? I didn’t post much for Undertale but I did start fanfic writing with- good god- Hamilton. On Hamilton Amino specifically- jesus christ- but then I got into Mystic Messenger and then Danganronpa and well… I got pretty popular in the DSMP fic writing community and even hosted a pretty big event called (fucking hell) Wholesome Week where it was kinda just a nice week of cute prompts.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
100% it’s the collab fic with koiisure and dawnlotus for the jrwi big bang, one more soul to the call! For me the use of art just makes it… so goddamn good. Also it’s about Rachel, Dickman and Becky- my favorite characters in BITB tbh! 
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🍂🥀🍂 Karbala a war of 72 that left a lesson for the billions.
🥀 Writer ~ Sahil Abas
“I am not leaving (from Medina) as a rebellion, oppressor and transgressor, instead my purpose is to reform the nation (Ummah) of my grandfather. The only methodology to do this reformation is Amr Bil Maroof (Inviting towards Known values) and Nahi Anal Munkar (Forbidding from evils), that is I wish to reform the nation (Ummah) by the method Amr Bil Maroof and Nahi Anal Munkar. It is not that I am the first person who is adopting this method to reform a nation, before me my great grandfather and father both have adopted this method only. I also desire to follow their character (Seerah) of doing Amr Bil Maroof and Nahi Anal Munkar for reforming the nation (Ummah) .”
(📖Mawassae Kalematul Imam Hussain — Page 290-291)
🍂 By the time the sun was set, the day of Ashura in the plains of Karbala, witnessed Imam Hussain (‘a) giving up everything humanly possible in the way of Allah including his companions and loyal followers and his 6 month beautiful baby, Ali Asghar. Islam is still alive and in her true shape because of Hussain (‘a) and his Sister Hazart Zainab (s.a). To be honest, Imam Hussain (‘a) left a remarkable impact over those who want to save humanity from various kinds of evil, aggression, injustice, slavery, state corruption, individual lusts and many more inhuman activities and serve it from the core of their heart. The French author victor Hugo said, “The principles of hussain’s (‘a) revolution became an approach to every rebel who wants to take his rights from his oppressors.”
🍂 Imam Hussain (‘a) and his family and companions gave their lives for the sake of preserving the true Islam. The sacrifice of Imam Hussain (‘a) will never be forgotten the blood spilled in Karbala will always be the spark in the heart of every free man to raise his voice against cruelty, to accentuate integrity and to prioritize humanity. Imam Hussain (‘a) is the inspiration for mankind to condemn all oppression and injustice. Hussain (‘a) is the one who launch an ultimate uprising for the sake of Truth and Justice. Imam Hussain (‘a) did what no other would do; he gave up his home, family, safety, own life and entire family for a message. What is this significant message that deserves the sacrifice of the head of one of the prophet dear grandsons? It is the message of humanity, peace, justice; the message of Islam and of Allah. It is the message that inspired all of humanity with divinity. Imam Hussain’s (‘a) revolution was aimed at saving the people from corruption, humiliation, mortification and ignorance.
Well known leaders/intellectuals praised Hazrat Imam Hussain (‘a) like;
The founder and supreme leader of Iran Imam Khomeini (r.a) says, “Imam Hussain (‘a) taught us all how to stand up and resist cruelty and the government of tyranny.”
Ayatollah Syed Ali Hosseini Khamenei says, “Imam Hussain’s (‘a) lessons are not only for Shias and Muslims but for justice seekers everywhere.”
Dr Sir Muhammad Iqbal (r.a), poet and philosopher of Pakistan says: “Imam Hussain (‘a) uprooted despotism forever till the Day of Resurrection. He watered the dry garden of freedom with the surging wave of his blood, and indeed he awakened the sleeping Muslim nation.”
Dr Radha Krishnan (Indian scholar and philosopher) says, “Though Imam Hussain (‘a) gave his life years ago, but his indestructible soul rules the hearts of people even today.”
Rabindranath Tagore wrote; “In order to keep alive justice and truth, instead of an army or weapons, success can be achieved by sacrificing lives, exactly what Imam Hussain (‘a) did.”
Hazrat Khwaja Mu inu d-Din Chishti says; Shah ast Hussain, Badshah ast Hussain (Ruler is Hussain, Emperor is Hussain)
Deen ast Hussain, Deen Panah ast Hussain (Faith is Hussain, guardian of faith is Hussain)
Sardad na dad dast, dar dast-e-yazid, (Offered his head and not the hand to Yazid)
Haqaa key binaey La ila ast Hussain (Indeed, Hussain is the foundation of La-ilah)
Ignaz Goldziher, a Hungarian scholar writes; “Karbala symbolizes the true face of struggle against injustice – non-violent resistance. Not taking life but sacrificing your life for Islam.”
Antoine Bara (Christian & Lebanese writer) writes: “If Hussain (‘a) was one of us, we would have put up a flag and a minaret for him in every part of the earth and called the people to Christianity! No battle in the modern and past history of mankind has earned more sympathy and admiration as well as provided more lessons than the martyrdom of Hussain (‘a) in the battle of Karbala.”
Swami Shankaracharya describes, “It is Hussain’s (‘a) sacrifice that has kept Islam alive or else in this world there would be no one left to take Islam’s name.”
Charles Dickens (English novelist) writes: “If Hussain (‘a) had fought to quench his worldly desires…then I do not understand why his sister, wife, and children accompanied him. It stands to reason therefore, that he sacrificed purely for Islam.”
Dear Readers, 13 centuries ago one man made the ultimate stand. He gave his life for dignity, equality and justice. He changed the course of history and inspired generations. That man was none but Hussain ibn Ali (‘a). In fact, Great spiritual leaders are known to make great sacrifices, but at Karbala, common men and women with infants at their bosom, their hearts and souls aflame with righteousness, chose death rather than evil and weakness. Such was the greatness of Imam Hussain (‘a); such was his spiritual power, which could uplift common mortals to heights of supreme courage and sacrifice. 72 men fought, not for money, not for land but for the future of Muslims to walk hand in hand. But, unfortunately Muslims of world are still unaware of the value of Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (‘a) and his companions. The time they will get awareness, surely regret the time of their life they have and will lost in not understanding and loving Hussain (‘a). Josh Malihabadi has rightly said, “Let Humanity awaken and every tribe will claim Hussain (‘a) as their own.”
(Author hails from Magam Budgam, is a Freelance Writer, Young Activist & is Studying in 12th Class at Govt. Boys Hr. Sec. School Magam)
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madame-lucifer · 2 years
The natural ''Christiac Merkab'' spin ratio for a being in Density-1/ dimensions 1-2-3, which allows for natural, progressive, automatic Merkaba Field acceleration and 12-Strand DNA Template activation for attainment of real D-12 “Christ Consciousness”, Ascension and Star Gate passage, is as follows: 33-and-one-third-Top-Electrical-Clockwise, over 11-and-two- thirds-Bottom-Magnetic-Counter-clockwise, which is the natural Merkaba spin ratio for Density-1 Earth, when Earth’s grids are not being artificially forced into misalignment with Nibiru. Merkaba Fields govern the circulation and ratios of particle and anti-particle energy in matter and within the human body. It is due to the artificial Reverse-Merkaba spin of Earth’s Density-1 Merkaba Field, which the Nibiruians orchestrated during the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, that the matter base of Earth, and thus that of the Human body has been mutated into having two-thirds more particle density than the natural blueprint for Density-1. This Nibiruian Legacy and Hidden Horror of History of Earth’s 25,500 BC Planetary Merkaba Reversal, which is known as the “Checkerboard Mutation,” and its continuing devastating consequences regarding Human evolution, DNA and the biological integrity of all Earth species, are addressed in detail in the forthcoming GA CDT-Plate translations. The true Density-1 natural Internal Merkaba Spin Ratios previously mentioned can be manually reset to progressively heal the personal Reverse-Merkaba and its resulting mutations of the DNA Template within the Human body, even though Earth’s grids will continue to carry this distortion until Solar Star Gate-4 is brought back into its natural Alcyone-Spiral alignment. To maintain the natural personal Merkaba Spin, it must be manu- a l l y r e s e t i n t h e b o d y e v e r y 2 4 h o u r s , o r t h e R e v e r s e - M e r k a b a Spin in the Earth’s grids will override the personal restoration. 2001 Update Section Advanced Emerald Covenant Merkaba teachings are in the process of being released but are beyond the scope of this book. The four Bio-Regenesis Techniques (see page 493) begin the process of healing the personal Merkaba and DNA Template. When the Human Merkaba Vehicle is functioning properly, both males and females use the same “androgynous” Harmonic Merkaba Spin and the small internal D-1 Merkaba Field within the Tailbone is not stationary—it rotates, as it is intended to do. The “fixed” tailbone Merkaba Field is the mark of the Nibiruian Merkaba-Reversal that keeps the physical body literally locked into its present time vector and unable to achieve Star Gate passage—Another of several other “little secrets '' that Thoth and his friends conveniently forgot to mention to their human “students”. One is better off using the D-12 Based Maharata Current Bio-Regenesis Techniques (see page 503) until more advanced, genuine Merkaba Mechanics are available, as these Techniques will begin to automatically reset the natural Density-1 Merkaba Ratios in the body. Further techniques to accelerate and fully activate the natural Merkaba are on the way. Most of the humans who have fallen into using or teaching the Nibiruian Reverse- Merkaba have been covertly “set up” by the Thoth-Enki-Zephelium or Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki races to propagate this Base- 11-Reverse Merkaba perversion. Most, but not all, human teachers of Merk- aba do not realize that they have been deceived in this way, and are not intentionally bringing harm to their students; the teachers themselves are being victimized and deceived by Fallen Angelic contacts.
Book: Voyagers 2 The Secrets of Amenti
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afrklife · 3 years
nigeria giant of Africa
Nigeria is often referred to as the “Giant of Africa”, and with good reason. With a population of about 200 million it is the seventh most populous country in the world. It also has the third largest youth population. These young people are doing it all from starting tech businesses, to making music, to writing books. Of course you know that Africa is not a country, but how much do you know about each of the countries that make up the continent? Nigeria Giant of Africa; is a great place to start with.
Now, if you watch the video above, you won’t need to read the details in the rest of this article. The video also features the Afro-House fusion dance record “Ijo (Dance)” by Wyll Diamond.
Nigeria: Basic Facts
 Official name: Federal Republic of Nigeria Other names: Giant of Africa Capital: Abuja Independence date: October 1, 1960 Official languages: Nigerian English Currency: Naira (₦) (NGN)
Former colonizer:Great Britain
Country population: 201 million (2019 estimate) Current leadership: President Muhammadu Buhari assumed office May 29, 2015 Major ethnic groups: Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba Major religions followed: Christianity and Islam
Major cities:
Benin City
Port Harcourt
 A Brief History
 Colonization dates:
August 1861 – Britain annexed Lagos as a Crown     Colony with the Lagos Treaty of Cession
January 1, 1901 – Nigeria became a     British protectorate, and part of the British Empire
 International Organization Memberships:
African Union (founding     member) 
United Nations
Commonwealth of Nations 
 Nigeria: Giant of Africa is a giant in terms of its rainforests and savannah stretches that it features across its terrain.Where the rest of the world is battling to conserve their natural reserve amidst the pollution and exploitation, Nigeria is still giving its best efforts and the results are not disappointing.It is the 6th out of seventeen most biodiverse regions of the world. These forests are home to a diversified flora and fauna. It ranks as the 10th most diversified flora rich region of the world. Apart from this the country ranks third in the richest marine biodiversity genre.
 This country is also a hub of ethnicity. It houses some of the oldest and most ethnic tribal and cultural groups of the world. These groups are known for their nature friendly practices and minimalism inspired livelihood. Despite living in the wild, they are one of the most resistant to diseases. Many explorers have visited these groups to learn about their rituals and culture that promote a healthy lifestyle.
 The ethnic Education
 To ensure that the new generation adults do not forget their roots, children are given training on their ethnicity and culture. They are taught how to live in harmony with nature. Though the training might seem to be a bit harsh, the child grows up to be fully independent adult who has the requisite skills to earn his own livelihood. They are trained in skills such as weaving, carpentry and much more. Though employment rate is challenged throughout the globe and Nigeria being no exception to it, yet indigenous people manage to fill their tummies pertaining to the initial training they have received.
20th largest economy as of 2015, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity
Wars and conflicts
Ekumeku War (1883–1914) was a series of     uprisings against the rising power of the Royal Niger Company of     the British Empire in Anioma, the Igbo subgroup     in present day Delta     State. Although the Ekumeku failed in 1914, but the     western Anioma treasure their memory as imperishable legacy. Heroes     included DunkwuIsus of Onicha-Olona, NwabuzoIyogolo of     Ogwashi-Ukwu, AwunoUgbo, Obi of Akumazi,     AgbambuOshue of Igbuzo, Idabor of Issele-Ukwu, OcheiAghaeze of     Onicha-Olona, Abuzu of Idumuje-Unor, IdegwuOtokpoike of Ubulu-Ukwu are     still remembered in Anioma land. The Ekumeku War is one of the most     vigorous campaign of opposition to the British empire and inspired later     rebellions such as the Mau     Mau of Kenya.
The     Anglo–Aro War (1901–1902) was a conflict between the     Aro Confederacy in present-day Eastern Nigeria, and the British Empire.     Some of the Aro leaders, like OkoroToti, were arrested, tried by     tribunals, and hanged. The Aro Confederacy was destroyed and EzeKanuOkoro     (king of Arochukwu), went into hiding but was later arrested.
Aba     Women’s Riots of November 1929 – Igbo women protested     and accused Warrant Chiefs of restricting the role of women in the     government. 
Civil war (1967–1970) – “The disequilibrium     and perceived corruption of the electoral and political process led, in     1966, to back-to-back military coups. In May 1967, the Southern Region     declared independence as a state called the Republic of Biafra, under the leadership of     Lt. Colonel EmekaOjukwu.[64] The Nigerian Civil War began as the official     Nigerian government side attacked Biafra on 6 July 1967 at Garkem. The     30-month war, with a long siege of Biafra and its isolation from trade and     supplies, ended in January 1970.[65] Estimates of the number of dead in the former Eastern     Region are between 1 and 3 million people, from warfare, disease,     and starvation,     during the 30-month civil war.”
 Some Trivia
 Most populous country in Africa (as of 2019)
Seventh most populous country in the world (as     of 2019)
Third-largest youth population in the world,     after India and China, with more than 90 million of its population under     age 18
Over 250 ethnic groups
Nigeria is the 12th largest producer of     petroleum in the world and the 8th largest exporter, and has the 10th     largest proven reserves. (The country joined OPEC in 1971.) Petroleum     plays a large role in the Nigerian economy, accounting for 40% of GDP and     80% of Government earnings.
Prebendalism refers to political systems where     elected officials and government workers feel they have a right to a share     of government revenues, and use them to benefit their supporters,     co-religionists and members of their ethnic group.
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souchanai · 4 years
IDOLiSH7 La Danse Macabre (Tarian Kematian) Indonesia Translation - Episode 25: Fuga (Part 1 & Part 2)
Episode 26 | Navigasi Cerita
Fuga (Part 1)
Schau: Jangan melawan, Tenshi-sama. Kau akan terluka.
Prajurit Unity Order:  Kumohon tenanglah, Tenshi-sama!
Schau: Tak masalah kalau kau mau kasar. Tahan dia.
Prajurit Unity Order: Dimengerti…!
Arme: Kenapa…?! Kenapa??!!!
Arme: FUGA!!!
Fuga: …
Schau: Kenapa? Gampang, kok. Karena kalian bukan teman, ‘kan?
Schau: Benar ‘kan?
Fuga: …
Schau: Maa, terserah lah. Bawa dia.
Prajurit Unity Order: Dimengerti!
Arme: FUGA! FUGAAA---!!!
Fuga: …Diam kau. Seseorang sepertimu tidak layak memanggil namaku.
Schau: Terima kasih telah memberikan kami informasi ini. Kau itu… Fuga dari Rebellion ‘kan?
Schau: Kerja bagus. Meski aku bosan saat menunggu aba-aba darimu.
Fuga: …Oi.
Fuga: Sekarang kau akan berhenti mengganggu Rebellion ‘kan?
Schau: Eh? Ah, itu. Iya. Mungkin.
Fuga: …
Schau: Apa? Ada lagi? …Ah, iya juga .
Schau: Nih… Informasinya.
Fuga: …Hah?
Schau: Dengan uang sebanyak ini, kau dapat bertahan hidup bahkan di dunia rendah, ‘kan?
Fuga: Apa yang kau bicarakan…
Schau: Kau mengkhianati teman-temanmu dan menjual informasi pada kami.
Schau: Kau meninggalkan organisasi lamamu untuk hidup sendiri, ‘kan?
Fuga: Apa yang kau bicarakan... Aku melakukan ini untuk Rebellion. Aku tidak butuh ini…
Fuga: Semua pasti akan mengerti…
Schau: …
Fuga: …
Schau: …Hmm. Jadi di bawah sini begitu, ya.
Schau: Bodo lah. Jaa… Kalau begitu, kami akan pergi.
Schau: Ada rute pelarian yang mudah di kanal, kau dapat menggunakannya.
Fuga: Tunggu…
Fuga: Ba-Barusan… Apa kau… Mempermainkanku…?!
Schau: Haa?
Fuga: Aku tidak suka… Apa-apaan sikapmu…?!
Fuga: Mempermainkanku…! Meremehkan… Aku!
Fuga: Kalian semua… Kalian semuaa…!
Schau: Maaf bila aku salah, tapi…
Schau: …Apa kepalamu baik-baik saja?
Fuga: Haa…?!
Fuga: Haha… HAHAHAHHA!
Schau: Ara~
Schau: Aku tidak punya waktu untuk ini. Kami akan pergi sekarang… Kau dapat melakukan apa yang—
Suara tembakan peluru terdengar.
Schau: (menghindar) …!
Schau: Apa yang kau lakukan?
Schau: Haa?
Fuga: Sebelumnya, kau tidak pernah melihatku dengan benar…
Fuga: Kau bahkan tidak mau aku melihat ke arahmu, ‘kan…?! Ahahahaha!!!
Schau: Selama ini aku terus menatapmu dan berbicara denganmu. Apa yang kau bicarakan?
Fuga: Berisik!!!
Suara tembakan terdengar.
Schau: (menghindar) …Kau ingin adu tembak denganku? Boleh saja.
Schau: Kau bilang aku sedang mempermainkanmu? ...Kenyataannya tidak.
Schau: Aku hanya berpikir bahwa kau adalah orang yang cocok untuk tinggal di dunia rendah.
Fuga: …!
Schau: Mengkhianati rekan untuk bertahan hidup. Menyakitkan mata, memalukan, kurang ajar. Benar-benar karakter orang dari dunia rendahan.
Fuga: Tahu… Tahu apa kau…?! Kau ‘kan dari atas sana!
Schau: …Tidak, aku dapat merasakan kebanggaan yang terpancarkan orang-orang di sini selain dirimu.
Schau: Aku salah karena aku menjadikan hal ini sebagai standar untuk di bawah sini. Kelihatannya, bahkan di antara orang-orang dunia rendah, ada yang terendah di antara yang terendah. Kau.
Fuga: Ah, ah, AAAAAAA!!!
Schau: Ah, gitu.
Schau: Aku takkan membunuhmu karena kau telah berbaik hati untuk memberikan informasi pada kami.
Suara tembakan terdengar.
Fuga (Part 2)
Libel: Haa…! Haa…!
Libel: Kumohon bertahanlah… Kalian...!
Flashback on.
Cura: Dengar dan tenanglah! Fuga telah membunuh tiga orang anggota Rebellion dan menyembunyikan diri…!
Libel: …!
Cura: Anak itu… Benar-benar kehilangan akal sehatnya…
Cura: Maaf! Aku tidak menyadarinya, ini adalah tanggung jawabku…!
Cura: Ada rekaman yang mencatat bahwa ia mengontak Ark sebelum hilang! Kemungkinan besar mereka mengincar Arme!
Libel: …Jangan bilang!
Libel: Maaf, Cura. Aku harus pergi!
Libel: Arme dalam bahaya…!
Libel: …!
Flashback off.
Libel: Haa… Haa…!
Libel: Aroma ini…!
Libel: Fuga!!!
Fuga: …Ah, ahh. Libel… san…
Fuga: K-Kau cepat, ya. Kau pasti lari cepat-cepat…
Libel: Lu-Luka apa ini…?
Fuga: Aku hanya… Bertarung melawan orang dari Unity Order…
Fuga: Mereka sangat kuat… Orang-orang seperti kita takkan bisa menang.
Libel: …Apa kau sendirian di sini…?
Fuga: Aku… Memberikan Arme pada Unity Order… Sekarang kita… Tidak perlu melawan mereka lagi… ‘kan?
Libel: …!
Fuga: Aku melakukannya. Rebellion akan baik-baik saja sekarang. Ahaha…
Libel: …Apa yang terjadi dengan yang lainnya? Kabane, Konoe dan Kuon bagaimana…?
Fuga: Aku membunuh… Mereka semua… Aku pikir, mereka mungkin akan… Menghalangiku…
Libel: …
Libel: Kenapa kau…!
Fuga: Libel-san…?
Fuga: …Apa.
Fuga: Berbahagialah…
Fuga: D-Dengan… Dengan ini, Libel-san akan menjadi normal kembali…
Libel: Apa kau sadar akan perbuatanmu… Fuga?
Fuga: Ini salahmu! Karena kau berubah!!!
Libel: …!
Libel: …Hentikan! Kalau kau bergerak lagi kau akan mati!!!
Fuga: Ini salahmu. Aku mengagumimu…! SELALU!
Libel: Berhenti!
Fuga: AAAAA!!!
Suara tembakan terdengar.
Libel: Kuh…!
Fuga: Kenapa?! Kau ‘kan bisa menghindari itu dengan mudah!
Libel: …
Libel: Apa aku tidak punya pilihan lain, Fuga?
Libel mengeluarkan pedangnya.
Fuga: Hahaha… Harusnya aku melakukannya saja dari awal!
Fuga: Saat ini, kau bukanlah orang yang kukagumi lagi…!
Fuga: Hahahaha… Aku… Akan melampauimu.
Fuga: Aku akan melampauimu dan tidak akan peduli denganmu lagi!!!
I used an English Translation as a reference for this translation. The English translation is credit to shionstear.
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naijamemory · 4 years
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Statue of Madam Udo Udoma (from Ikot Abasi) who wrestled and seized a gun from one of the policemen and broke it into two / Photograph by _@Enenim_
Ogu Umunwaanyi: The Women’s War (1929)
The British had created a system of “indirect rule” whereby they chose local Nigerian representatives, Warrant Chiefs, to rule through. The British divided Igboland into Native Court areas and each area was governed by a Warrant Chief. This system uprooted Indigenous political power structures but that is not all it did.
A town in Owerri called Oloko was governed by Warrant Chief Okugo. A rumor had begun to spread that the British tax that only applied to men was going to be extended to women. At the time, the Igbo economy had become based on palm oil and the price of palm oil products fell yet the British did not adjust the tax. So when rumors began to spread about an additional tax, it did not sit well with Igbo women.
In late 1929, Warrant Chief Okugo entered the compound of a married, elderly woman, Nwanyeruwa, and demanded that she count her animals. She responded angrily saying, “Was your mother counted?” meaning that women were not required to answer census questions and were not taxed. Nwanyeruwa shared her story through the women’s network in Oloko. As a response, the Oloko trio—Ikonnia, Mwannedia and Nwugo—decided to organize a protest against women’s taxation. They sent messages to neighboring villages via palm leaves to invite women to the protest. Sometime in November, over 10,000 women gathered around the District Office, demanding tax assurance and later, the removal of Warrant Chief Okugo. After days of protest in which the women danced and sang as well as mobbed and damaged Okugo’s home, the no-women-tax written assurance was given to the women. However, Okugo retaliated and because of women’s protests, he was removed as Warrant Chief, charged with assault, and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.
The news of the victory spread across Igbo Land and anti-tax as well as anti-Warrant Chief system organizing from Calabar to Owerri continued! Women would dress in war clothing (sackcloth, face paint, heads wrapped in fern) ready to wage war against colonial institutions: notably groups of women would damage (and sometimes burn) government buildings and Native Courts in Ikot Ekpene, Utu Etim Ekpo, Abak, and Opobo. The British responded by shooting, killing, and injuring many women using guns. It is also claimed that the British burned entire villages as collective punishment. Eventually in 1933, the British replaced the Warrant Chief system with ‘massed benches’, where several judges convened to make decisions.
Highly Recommended Reading:
Mba, Nina Emma. Nigerian Women Mobilized: Women's Political Activity in Southern Nigeria, 1900-1965. [Berkeley]: Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1982.
Bernhardt, A. (2010, October 04). Global Nonviolent Action Database. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from https://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu/content/igbo-women-campaign-rights-womens-war-nigeria-1929 Perham, M. (n.d.). Riot or Rebellion? The Women's Market Rebellion of 1929: AHA. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from https://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/teaching-resources-for-historians/teaching-and-learning-in-the-digital-age/through-the-lens-of-history-biafra-nigeria-the-west-and-the-world/the-colonial-and-pre-colonial-eras-in-nigeria/the-womens-market-rebellion-of-1929 Harman, M. (2017, March 08). Aba Women's War of 1929. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from https://libcom.org/library/aba-womens-war-1929-0
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treybriggsthewriter · 5 years
Introducing Vicious - Snippet One: Yoan
I realized that I’ve never actually introduced my story Vicious anywhere but Instagram and my website. That’s a shame. 
Vicious is a paranormal fiction written by Trey Briggs (me) with art by the amazing @the-vulgar-knight​ (Kokab Zohoori-Dossa). Notion, aka The Country, is a place that is steeped in violence, class wars, and a lot of ugly behavior. Underneath all of that is a rebellion... But not one anyone is used to.
You fight fire with water, after all. This first snippet is slow, but I think it introduces both the world and the current issues quite nicely. Once the Vicious site is ready, the longer version will be up. You can sign up for the mailing list at vicioustheserial.com, or see my other stories and such at maybetrey.com. I hope you'll love it and stick with us as we slowly build up to the serial release. Have a great day, loves
(Please note that I protect my copyright like a maniac. Do not repost, do not claim as your own, all that jazz. Thanks)
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Vicious Snippet 1: Yoan Kendal
Nobody ever dies at the interviews. We're not allowed to behave the way the Boars do, our big men, our protectors. We have to sit back and smile, demure, saintly. I want more than anything to push my fingers into Lyria's eyes and squeeze until I send her into a black abyss of swelling blood and tissue, but I can't. Prima and all that. 
I sipped my beer in front of my wall-length bathroom mirror, practicing. I was a little horned girl once, you know — just a little horned girl with massive horns. Oh, I looked in the same mirrors that prove me beautiful today and saw a mess. A massacre of a girl. A loss. Horns stuck so far out to the sides that I had to turn my head to get through doors. The pity of it all!
Now, I fit quite nicely. They're not big; they're prominent. I practice easing into places just like I practice destroying Lyria's confidence with tiny jabs. You must practice for success.
"Lyria! You look lovely today, so much better than last week. Your hair is a bit dry, but that blouse?!" I turned and sucked in a gasp of admiration. 
"Oh, that blouse! That color is just a tiny bit faded. Would you like the number for my dry cleaner? They can bring anything back to life, even a shirt like that-"
"Get out already. You'll be late." Aba, my brute of a husband, lashed from the next room, probably picking some innocent animal from his teeth. I rolled my eyes, trying to connect my hands around my waist. My stomach, perfect as it is, felt a bit too soft. It was probably the beer.
"I will! I'm just preparing. You can't eviscerate someone like Lyria without practice." 
"She tears herself to pieces the minute she sees you. Don't need to do that." He walked up behind me, and the size of him, oh, his shadow swallowed my entire existence and then kept going. Lyria couldn't dream of a man like mine, not in her wildest imagination, and I let that fact sink into my smile. What fuel!
"You don't need to do that, you mean. We talked about this. Speak in sentences or don't speak at all."
I let him lift me, turn me, and then had to keep him from going any further. The man exists on sex and meat. I spend half my day patting his nose.
"You're right. I'll be late." He bit deep into my neck, maybe too hard, but I laughed and swatted at him. My horns, the two beautiful bones protruding from my hairline, they seemed so feminine and small with him there. Nothing could be big on me, not next to a Boar so thick, so menacing, so massive. There's madness in every movement he makes, sure, but oh, the man could decapitate a crowd by coughing. 
He gave me a nasty smile, the skin of some animal stuck to his teeth, and I made myself smile in return.
"Remember to speak with your daughter's teacher today. Don't kill anyone at her school. I won't have it," I cooed, rubbing his cheek. He sighed and pulled away. I waited patiently for confirmation.
"And, just your daily reminder, don't kill my daughter. I only have one left, you will NOT take her as well. Understood?"
"Yes. I said yes." Aba stomped away, nearly taking the wall with him, but I just smoothed my hand over my slicked-back ponytail. It sat flat, sheen, and neat. 
The rest of my outfit came together nicely. I adjusted my lapel, trying to ignore my husband's growling in the other room. Oh, the man growls all day long, you'd think he had a condition! My breasts looked beautiful in my blouse, as usual, so I took a moment to eye them. Above everything, my horns stood prominent and regal. Not huge. Not ugly. Regal.
"I'm leaving. Please make sure my daughter is home before I am. She can have Junnie over if she'd like, Lyria would hate that." Aba disappeared down the stairs without another word, still angry. 
I hated the damned interviews, the radio shows, the podcasts, the vlogs. I just wanted to stay home and get pounded into a coma by my Prime Boar, get absolutely destroyed. 
If I get to destroy Lyria, well, isn't it worth it?
My father taught me to value strength and loyalty above all else. He showed me in his actions that real men, real Boars, they will protect you. You tell them what to do, and they'll get it done. I was so headstrong when he was around. And then I wasn't.
When my father died, I was a little damsel. Just a little horned girl with massive horns, ugly horns. They weren't regal back then. You don't want to be a girl with big horns. It's unseemly. It's too masculine. Children used to call me Bullhead, all those little snobs in my classes. You should've heard the other things they called me, the way they talked about me.
But Lyriiiiaaaa, beautiful little Lyria. We went to the same schools, you know? There are only a handful of prestigious schools in Notion, and we are Primas. She may act as if she's a normal woman on the same level as these disgusting, diseased, rotting horns that she loves to protect so much, but she's actually a Prima. You can see it in the way she moves. There's grace there. 
Lyria, her horns were always perfect. They still are. Aba may enjoy the way she tears herself apart when she looks at me now, the way they all do, but I see those horns. Perfection. Antlers! Going straight up! Bleach white! Can you believe that?!
Sure, I'm pathetic. I've come to terms with it. It's that old story, you know. Oh, the bullied becoming the bully. I'm okay with it.
They never thought I'd be here deciding their fates, did they? Lyria never thought I'd be a formidable enemy. And yet here I am. 
Making sure her loved ones suffer. Making sure they're all gone. 
Lyria, insufferable Lyria, always arrives everywhere late. It's a tactic. She wants to look busy and harassed. Really, she sits at home alone with her tiny Prime Boar son and her wonderful, beautiful, lovely daughter. She has zero social life. I haven't seen her date since her husband died hornless and babbling. Sure, she has all the research that she claims to be doing, but all those sick horns are still sick, and she's still just late.
By the time she walked through the door of the dinky old radio station, well, I'd already greeted the host and talked about my weekend! It worked in my favor. He adores me, and most of his talking points are in alignment with mine. I can barely remember the little man's name.
"Lyria! You look-"
"You're beautiful as always, Yoan. Let's get this over with." Lyria's words cut into mine, honest and genuine, and I pursed my lips to keep from smashing her skull open. Her black cloak looked like it was made on another planet, the darkness of it swallowing everything in the room. I tried to find a loose thread, a hole, something, but I was left just nodding my head and sitting down.
The little station could barely fit the small desk we all crowded around. She shook the little man's hand, waving for him to get started. Oh, busy Lyria, she had somewhere to be. 
While he introduced us, doing his usual spiel, I watched her. A dainty thing, just a severe little thing. Her hair was always just moist, just enough to make her look beach-ready. Her skin was supple; her makeup always perfect. Every expression she made felt like a calculation of the next one.
"We're here again today with two of the country's top Primas. Lyria Gorton, our Epidemiologist with the Notion Public Health Commission. We're honored to have you here again, Lyria." The man tried a smile, but Lyria just huffed.
"Thank you. Please proceed."
"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're needed elsewhere. And we also have Yoan Kendal, a prominent member of the Tivah National Party, and wife to Notion's superior Prime Boar." Lyria bristled. The less superior Prime Boar was her son, after all. I gave the man a dazzling smile.
"We're here to discuss the recent proposals by the TNP… to consider permanent quarantine, or euthanasia in some cases, for Horns sick with… with the Rot."
"Horn Rot. You won't catch it by saying it," Lyria grumbled, staring down at her nails. She sat up so straight, it made my back hurt. I leaned my head back to appear just a little taller.
"Right, excuse me, ma'am. Lyria, why don't you start the discussion? I know you're only here for a few minutes today, but it's impor-"
"We owe it to our citizens, our people, to do everything we can to cure Horn Rot. And if we can't, we at least owe it to them to provide comfort and empathy in their final days. My team is working around the clock to find a suitable-"
"Oh, your team!" I exclaimed, and the sharp way she looked up from her nails filled me with joy. "If your team wants to dig into the dead all day, let them! It's disgusting to ask the rest of us to risk infection for empathy." The little man lifted his pen to speak, but Lyria raised her hand, quick and final. The nerve of her.
"Empathy is all we have left. Horn Rot is spreading at an ugly rate, Yoan. We can't even figure out how it's transmitted. Are you going to exterminate entire cities? Whole schools? We're closer to a cure every day and-"
"If you were closer to a cure, you'd be in the lab with your team. You wouldn't be here trying to argue against preserving our species. I'm in alignment with the Tivahs when it comes to protecting the bloodlines of our clean citizens. We didn't do anything wrong, and there's no reason we should be subjected to illness and death. And the ones who are already sick should be happy to go to quarantine, to protect their people!"
"We don't have the funding for proper care in quarantine. They're shoved in there to sit in an empty room until death. It takes years sometimes. Do you really think that's the fate our loved ones deserve-"
"We're all adults." Lyria glared at me so intensely that I gave her a moment to breathe. Her supple skin bloomed red with anger, all that brown transforming into some other color altogether. 
How unlike her. I started to question it, but the little man tapped his pen on the table.
"Ladies. What are your thoughts on the proposal for higher funding for quarantine facilities?"
"Nonsense," I spat. "We need that money for our healthy horns." Lyria nearly growled, curving forward, her antlers heavy on her head.
"The Tivahs you love so much can't spare their yearly allowances for their own people?" 
"Not the ones that are going to die anyway, no. It's repulsive to ask that of our only clean bloodline. Every Tivah proves their worth with their unwavering health. They inspire our children! They-"
"I didn't realize bootlicking was a hobby of yours," Lyria spat back, and I could barely hold in my smile. 
"I can't be a bootlicker, Lyria! I'm the boot! I'm healthy, I'm successful-"
"Marrying a big man is not success."
"Wasn't it when you did it? Or does it not matter because he died?" We both stopped, and I chewed the inside of my mouth for a moment. What a crass thing to say. Oh, but it was so good. I kept my face and posture even, letting her sorrow sink into me. Lyria's eyes misted a bit, but she sat up straighter and kept talking to her nails. 
"He died because Horn Rot research was defunded for a year." Her voice came out slow and careful, all of her emotions stuck in some emergency bubble. Oh, she was losing. "Maybe if we cared more about our people, he'd still be here."
"Let's try to keep this civil, Yoan," the little man said, giving me a worried eyebrow. I nodded and tapped Lyria's chin, forcing her head up. 
"The point is, Lyria… there's a chance for a lot of us to avoid a painful and ugly death. I want to avoid it as much as possible. Can you honestly fault me or any other Horn for that?"
Lyria checked her watch. She fluffed her hair out. I let my pride swell as she tried to contain her anger, tried to transfer it to some other activity.
"What about the-"
"What about them," I groaned. "Why give funding to a bunch of warping bodies? Their horns will kill them, or their brains will rot. They will be in the ground sooner than later, dust, and then we wasted the money. We should focus on our healthy horns, especially the Primas and Prime Boars that might be out there-"
"That's what it's always about, isn't it? Primas. Primes. Do any of you care about the actual people you're supposed to represent? About the actual dying citizens? Do-"
"Why should we?" Lyria sucked in an angry breath and slammed her hand on the desk. The little man jumped, but I just stared at her. 
"Why? Ask my rotting daughter why, Yoan! Ask my little ROT! Or better yet, ask your dying fucking daughter!" She snatched her purse and nodded to the little man so viciously that he just coughed. We watched her and that anger swarm out of the room, the black cloak sucking every bit of air out of us, her antlers glowing through the dark hall. 
The man stuttered into the mic, wiping his forehead. "We apologize for the language used here today. Dr. Gorton has been under a lot of stress lately." He gulped, giving me a look. 
"Yes. She has. I'm sure the audience will forgive her." We sat stunned a moment more, and then he wrapped up the show. 
Oh. The way my body warmed at that anger. 
But... how unlike her.
I held my hips in triumph all the way to the car, walking slow, one small foot in front of the other, my head high. The joy wouldn't swell. I tried not to think of our dying daughters. 
"Ask your dying fucking daughter." What a line! What an absolute stomach punch! And so unlike her. Lyria, tight-lipped Lyria, lonely Lyria who probably had to fuck herself to sleep every night… I don't know. 
It's so unlike her. 
I stopped to watch her storm to her car, rage tucked in the waves of her cloak. 
It's unlike her. What are the first stages of Horn Rot? Not rage, I don't think. But still...
I shook the thought from my head and climbed into my car. 
My Lewish, my little survivor, she doesn't deserve to be brought into the same conversation as the other dying failures. As if my warrior would ever submit to quarantine. As if anyone would suggest it with my Prime Boar there to beat them into the ground. As if… so what? I've lost so many, who cares? Lewish is a smart girl. She always has been. If she can't survive some ugly disease, does she deserve to be here? 
The nerve of her, being sick. The nerve…
You know, it doesn't matter. 
I'm all out of strength to blame her for it, so I just pretend it's not there. 
I started the car and stared at myself in the rearview mirror. What a beauty! Oh, I may have to get a custom made car like the ugly girls, one that can fit my horns. I may have a daughter with horns growing from her hips, sharp and violent. Still, have you seen me? Have you heard me speak? Do you see the way the Tivahs, our royals, have you SEEN the way they dote on me?
Me! I was a little horned girl once — just a little horned girl with massive horns. And I looked in the same mirrors that prove me beautiful today and saw a mess. A massacre of a girl. A loss. 
And yet. 
Here I am.
Read more at maybetrey.com or on my Instagram!
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abalonetea · 5 years
Happy STS! What would your cast be doing with their lives if not for your plot?
if not for my plot, Bolte would stay fighting to survive in Fara Falls. he would still be the general in the Royal Army, and he would still be willing to burn the world if it meant saving Red. he and Captain would go on to make a go at the Midnight of their world, not by starting a rebellion, because there are no rebels left, but by making a go at her during one of the executions. 
Celeste would continue to run the Casino, alone, and they would never know friendship. their life would just be Existing and Surviving until the day it wasn’t.
Red would be at Bolte’s side through everything. and if Bolte decided to make a go on Midnight, Red would be there at his side...but he would have no magic, and he would have no weapons training.
their world is not salvageable. it is too far gone. there is too little light. and one day, Hope would not exist within their game. and what is Perseverance worth, if there’s no Hope to fight against?
Blue would continue his research at the Royal Labs, but without the Groundhog Day glitch reaching him (only affecting Kee and Aba) he would never realize what the Butterfly People were planning, and it would be his research that unlocked the coding Midnight would need to fall victim to her Level, and to plummet their world down the same path that Fara Falls once took.
Locke would graduate the Academy at the bottom of his class, and he would live happily right up until no one did, and then he would take up the mantel of Knight and join the others in the New War, and he would save as many people as he could right up until he couldn’t.
go back further in removing my plot. 
the princess never kills her brother. Midnight never makes it out of her world. she dies with the rest of those in Twill. Ryuzel stays as queen, with her daughter and son at her side. the Butterfly People don’t exist. Fields of Fara stays a world of peace. the prince and the princess collect the Spirits of Fara, and Blue studies the Code of The World for fun, and works as a Royal Scientist studying ways to track the Spirits. 
Locke becomes a knight with a sentry position outside of the Royal Labs, and he eats dinner with Blue every evening, and they blitz home together at three in the morning after their respective days work ends, and they are happy.
go back further. Midnight never comes to Fara Falls. the Corrupted don’t exist. the Famine strikes, and the Queen, Ryuzel, sends her son and her daughter out into the world to find the solution on their own. they meet a knight named Bolte, and a paladin named Red, and these two men Join Their Party and fight beside them. the world is still hard and rough around the edges, but it’s not rotten, not broken past repair.
Red never loses his healing magic, never gets hurt. Bolte becomes the hero he was always meant to be, saving the prince and, by extension, the kingdom. they cure the world. they’re happy.
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butterflyinthewell · 5 years
The Good Doctor headcanon.
Shaun was nonverbal as a very young child. He got subjected to Lovaas ABA. It didn’t take him long to realize how degrading it was. His brother was the only person who recognized his intelligence and didn’t force him to be anything other than himself.
Shaun disobeyed the behavior therapists on purpose by pretending he didn’t understand anything until every last therapist who “tried” him gave up. His parents stopped taking him because it wasted their money.
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Shaun Murphy failed ABA on purpose as an act of rebellion.
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Why autistic people are ACTUALLY dangerous. Or progressive, depending on how you see it.
This may get into conspiracy theory level, but I've touched on this before. I believe that us autistics are dangerous, but not for the reasons people usually believe. We're not all school shooters, more of us are victims of violence as opposed to the perpetuators. No, why I think we are dangerous is because of exactly why we are autistic; our minds are wired differently.
Individualism and free thought is what leads to dissent. Because our brains see the world rather differently, I feel like a lot of us tend to go against the grain because following the crowd simply doesn't seem to make sense to us. A study has even said that those of who are autistic or have other learning disabilities tend to excel in creative thinking.
Creative thinking -> alternative perspectives -> potentially question what is considered the "correct" perspective.
Why do you ABA therapy exists? At its core, ABA is "the applied use of behavioral principles to everyday situations with the goal of either increasing or decreasing targeted behaviors." One technique used is known as "Discrete Trial Training."
DISCRETE TRIAL TEACHING - this technical term means, quite simply, breaking a task down into smaller, more teachable components, and teaching each component separately.
A cue is given —› the child responds —› a reward is given for a correct response.
Doesn't that sound familiar? When my dog was a puppy, we took him to obedience classes. Whenever we'd give him a certain cue, he'd respond, and if he gave a correct response, he'd get a reward.
So does that mean?
Yes, discrete trial training is the ABA Therapy equivalent of training a dog to do tricks.
How does this apply to free thinking? When my dog does something we don't want him to do, we're stern with him and tell him "no." In ABA therapy, if an autistic child stims, they'll often use "quiet hands" or even pin/tape the hands down to the table. Soon the child starts to associate stimming with being punished. If this surprises you, just note that the guy who came up with ABA didn't see us as human in the psychological sense.
ABA Therapy tends to make those who go through it scared to "step out of line."
Do you mean? Are you proposing that?
ABA Therapy is being used to keep us in line and keep us from speaking out? With the history behind it, it very well could be.
I mean, ABA Therapy is similar to the second half of "1984."
(CW: Rats, electroshock, general torture, and Spoilers are ahead.)
Winston Smith, who I'm pretty sure is autistic, expresses a lot of skepticism about the Party and its power. In the second half, he gets captured and is tortured until he comes around to being loyal to the Party and Big Brother. One of the ways this happens is that O'Brien holds up 4 fingers and asks Winston how many he's holding up. Winston, like any person, says 4, but he gets hit if he says 4. According to the party, it's 5. According to the Party, 2+2=5, and if Winston sees it as 4, his way of thinking and interpreting is incorrect. Whilst in this room, he's also subjected to electroshock, which DOES happen in ABA Therapy sometimes. Finally when he's close to breaking, they bring him to Room 101, a torture chamber containing everyone's worst fear. For Winston, it's rats. They place a cage on his head where the only thing between his face and a pair of hungry rats is a small metal gate. In short he betrays his love Julia and is "corrected."
Though Orwell probably didn't mean to make it specifically for autism, it sure does have a hell of a lot of relevance. Free thinking -> questioning authority -> rebellion.
Why do you think so many faces of autism are either children or families? Families because it gives the impression that that's who it's affecting and children because it gives the impression that we don't know better. If people focus on the families, they ignore our words entirely. If they see us as children, our words aren't taken seriously.
We are destined to be individual thinkers from the moment we are born. And that is something authority sees as a danger.
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prince-spence · 7 years
I wrote a piece for film and I thought Tumblr might appreciate it
What are your views of America?
“I'm not sure I understand this question, or at least if I understand it in the way you probably want me to. There are two ways I can see to answer this: The historical facts of America (racism, sexism, classism) that I associate with America and our ideals, or the America thought of in media or propaganda made to teach everyone that America is good and great no matter what, such as the original Captain America. And even later Captain America comics see Cap showing dislike for what we stood for, and at one point he even drops the mantle of "Captain America" because of this. American ideals only seem to be strong and good if there is someone worse. In Cap's case, Nazis. If you can't tell, I'm a bit of a sceptic.
The idea of America as a place of dreams and opportunity (for white people at least) seems to have very strong roots in our history, at least until the great depression. With the great depression came more people dissatisfied and cynical about the government, and movements such as the first and second waves of feminism seemed to be as far out as rebellion and dissatisfaction can be seen, in masse at least. The civil rights movements and later feminist movements, as well as the queer rights movements seem to be the first time there was severe unrest, discomfort and distress regarding what America stood for and what we were willing to stand for. At least, this is the first time in history we seem to recognize today, but this is what has shaped my image of america. My image of america is rich people watching the poor die while trying to still scrape a penny out of their deaths, like the story of the radium girls. The radium girls were factory workers that were encouraged to not just work with, but ingest radium for decorating watches, when the company knew about the effects of radium but lied to save money. My image of America is straight people in power watching as almost all of the queer community died, and using their deaths to promote ideas of homosexuals being evil and deserving death. My image of America is white people killing children in protest of black people wanting to exist, like with Birmingham Sunday. My image of America is the government spying on MLK and releasing information about his personal life to to try and discredit him and his movement, while hosing and killing unarmed and peaceful black people, something that continues to this day. My image of America is arresting and murdering women for wearing dresses, because they were supposed to be men instead of women. My image of America is stripping the rights away from disabled people and making it almost impossible for them to live. Something still going on today. Did you know it's legal to pay disabled people under minimum wage? My image of America is police arresting peaceful women wanting to have the right to vote, then force feeding them with a tube down their stomach when they went on hunger strike. When I think of America, I think of Europeans coming over to the Americas and murdering most of the indiginous people and then forcing them to live on barely liveable pieces of land that nobody wanted. My image of America is turning away Jewish refugees when they only had Hitler to head back to. For context, Americans on average are warmer today to the idea of Syrian refugees than they were to Jewish refugees. My image of America is being okay with a man that says my people are rapists and murderers. My image of America is letting children get gunned down in schools to protect the rich people invested in guns. My image of America is Neo-Nazis marching in the streets and murdering counterprotesters, then being told the counterprotesters were the same as the Nazis. My image of America is gay conversion therapy still being legal. My image of America is ABA therapy still being legal. My image of America is not very kind. My image of America is not baseball, apple pie, the american dream and equality for all. My image of America is hatred, of everything different, of everyone different, of a lot of things I see as good. Sorry if this wasn't quite the assignment.”
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