#Aaron Pearl
mlobsters · 1 year
JIMMY Yeah, bits and pieces. I mean, angel inside of you, it's kinda like being chained to a comet.
DEAN Ah, that doesn't sound like much fun.
JIMMY Understatement.
okay, i like jimmy. and no extra raspy gravely castiel voice.
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supernatural s4e20 the rapture (w. jeremy carver)
i get that they needed us to see it was blood but having him consuming it off his hand like this sure was a choice. also maybe just go to the bathroom to do this instead of skulking around outside.
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"was it a refreshing coke?" that made me laugh.
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dude looked like a demon without even needing to flash his eyes.
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the killing s3e4 head shots - aaron pearl as detective taggert
he only has a couple lines but he looked familiar, but i doubt i recognized him from this. i've only watched the killing 3 times all the way through
now sam is giving jimmy the no friends no life speech, but even more violent version of it. withdrawal isn't treating him too nicely looks like.
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oh, sam.
omg his face just reminded me of this little bunny that was eating stuff out of the gutter near an apartment i had in in minneapolis and i don't know what it was eating, but there were cigarette butts and what not in there and it was looking around as it ate and had a cigarette butt stuck to its fur. same face for sure.
oh, gutter bunny sam. we're really in it now.
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awkward car talks after rawdogging demon blood from the jugular of some rando on a dirty factory floor so you can get your fix
i was unsure how they were gonna get cas back into jimmy willingly without wiping out his family in the process, interesting approach having cas go into his daughter and be like nah i'm staying here, she works too.
well this one had a preview for the end of the season, that looks.. miserable. as to be expected.
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Christmas Miracle (2012)
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This movie was much more formulaic than I’m used to for Christmas movies. Like, we had the young recently married couple to foil the miserable couple who constantly fight, we had the guy who lost his wife and infant son in childbirth to foil the guy who hasn’t been appreciating his wife and son and may lose them. We have the adult with dyslexia to foil the child with autism.
So, the premise of the story is that this group of seven (later 8 and eventually 9) people get stuck in a snow storm, so they’re bunking in a church. I know I just went through all the foils, but let me give you the breakdown for each character. James Mason (Aaron Pearl) is a struggling pastor who lost recently lost his wife and his position in his church. Joe Wells (Dan Payne) is trying to get home to spend time with his son Matt (Valin Shinyei) and hopefully also his recently separated wife Mary (Allison Hossack). Is it heavy handed to have the main couple in a Christmas film be named Mary and Joseph if it’s not a nativity story? I would argue yes. Darryl (George Canyon) is too good of a man to be real- former EMT, currently postal worker and musician, aspiring doctor. Also just so nice the whole time. Like he’s the most unrealistic thing here. Drake (David Nykl) and Madeleine (Lori Triolo) are driving home from seeing her parents for Christmas and fighting relentlessly. Nick (Randal Edwards) and Christy (Siobhan Williams) are on their way home from their 3 day long honeymoon.
It’s kind of hard to go through anything that happens because a lot of it is, again, very formulaic. Like it’s one project after the other and they rotate who helps with what and who reveals what about themselves until they’re all besties for life. But specifically Joe, James, and Darryl are besties. I do think that this was a true Christmas movie, and while the attitude towards autism leaves much to be desired, I have no other complaints. But while I’m on that subject, why would you respond, “I’m sorry,” to someone who says their son has autism? And I don’t like that Mary seemed to accept it. Joseph has a much better attitude about it when he says basically quit trying to make him normal and embrace how special he is. I have stated in past reviews that children with autism are my favorite humans so I call out any misrepresentation or mistreatment.
Anyway… while I don’t have many other complaints, I also wasn’t moved terribly or impressed. Like we’ve all been stuck somewhere in a snow storm. My family got stuck at a farmhouse with a 50something stoner woman named Carla who made spaghetti and watched Indiana Jones all night. Overall, I give it 3 stars.
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thena0315 · 5 months
Saying Goodbye to Diamond & Pearl in Zoroark: Master of Illusions
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Sinnoh Elite Four Headcanons (Pt 1)
is the youngest in his family, has an older sister
childhood besties with maylene
his parents don’t approve of him being an Elite.
still sleeps with a burmy doll even though he's eighteen.
his breakfast consists of sugary cereal and heaps of coffee.
even if there are chairs readily available in the room, he will gladly sit on the floor ("the carpet is so comfy, Cynthia!")
is an only child. she sees the resemblance between her and Agatha, but frankly, she cannot stand the old hag.
the name "Terrence" is difficult for her to hear.
she always cooks for her elites, and they cannot get enough of it.
she never had children, but that doesn't mean she wasn't a mother.
she has given advice to plenty of league members even outside of the region, holding seminars since she's been doing this for thirty years and counting.
it was not her dream to become an elite, but life had other plans.
is a twin. He has a twin sister named Flara whom he does not get along with, and a little brother Buck.
has the most stable family compared to his colleagues - which, he thinks, says an awful lot.
has picked up a bad habit with smoking due to a certain electric-type gym leader.
when he loves, he loves hard - and when he crashes, he crashes hard.
he does well with formal debates and battling with his Pokemon, but likes to throw punches himself instead.
his type of lover only consists of one person in particular ("Your eyes are home to me.")
has a younger brother, Will - yes, that one - by fifteen years. both of them have psychic powers, and their parents do not.
claims to have sworn off sentimental feelings entirely, however, his usual cold tone softens around cynthia, will, and bertha (the list will expand, but more on that later)
people think he doesn't have psychic powers, but he does - he just doesn't wish to show it off like that pesky little brother of his.
books keep him calm, until they don't - suddenly, there's a lamp exploding and his eyes glowing blue behind the tinted shades.
he gets frequent headaches and migraines due to his abilities, the shades help.
"I don't need friends." "Do you have any?" "Cynthia." "Just Cynthia?" "Just Cynthia." (But of course, he would learn he had more)
info dumps about mythology because she absolutely does.
when she first became champion, there were rumors among sinnohnians about her hair clips that they were tails from two umbreon that she massacred herself.
thoroughly enjoys bitter herbs.
likes to go berry picking with her garchomp
as a child she actually wasn't that interested in archaeology until she had reached her teens.
a social butterfree, yes, but sometimes even a social butterfree has to recharge
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fullcaps-ethan · 8 months
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i made a new pokemon OC / self insert ! his name is jet and he is a Poison/Bug/Steel trainer! also he is childhood friends with aaron bc i said so.
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ciciciron · 10 months
Random Gen 4 Character Hcs cuz I'm Too Sick to Write Anything Good
Ya boy's got strep, gonna do every Gym Leader and the E4, some characters will have more cuz I'm autism but I'll write something for everyone
He's the second youngest Gym Leader, like, 18 - 22 at most
That doesn't mean he's inexperienced, no, it's honestly based upon the timeline of whatever I'm writing but I think he's been a Gym Leader for a good few years
I get the vibe that he's just like really nice, like just a good, reliable dude who needs a break and is fortunately likable enough to escape his father's shadow
She's afraid of like everything, beyond just ghosts, my girl is a coward
She's pretty close with every other Gym Leader because of this, got em all on speed dial to come get the Spinarak out of her house and all that
Such a cringe fail lesbian
Honestly I see her as such a Kobeni (csm) type character, she knows what you are
Girl is 9 get her out of here
My reasoning for that age is because in pokespe it's mentioned that she's younger than Platinum, who is like 12
She's not weak but like someone help this poor girl she don't know what's going on
Crasher Wake;
Bros like, really good with kids, great at entertaining them, they just think he's cool af
He's not very helpful but he definitely tries, like if you cried he would recommend petting Quagsire, which would probably help tbh
He just gives the vibe like he's the type of guy you'd call uncle your whole life only to learn later on he's just a friend of your dads and not at all related to you
She isn't actually French- I know, who would willingly act French? She would, her real name is Heather because I came up with all of this when I was going through my musical theatre phase
She's Jupiter's older sister, naturally they don't talk much anymore
She isn't very lucky when it comes to love, swears after the end of every bad relationship that she's going to give up and become a nun, she is not religious nor does she ever stick to her word
Sometimes he just forgets he's a dad, not like- forgets who Roark is, just that if he got called to come bail him out of jail he'd be confused why he was the one getting the call
Himbo energy, not a thought behind those eyes
Wildly irresponsible but on accident
Girl's an influencer, she's the only one of them who knows how to properly work Tiktok, she will send you Tiktoks that remind her of you and you WILL receive those links through Instagram DMs because she forgot to save your phone number or just doesn't have it
Adding onto that- she will post fit checks regardless of what is happening in the background, she doesn't care that that man is drowning, this ain't about him
She is really good at remembering things about her coworkers though, she's in charge of every birthday party, if you forget your birthday don't worry she remembered and she is in your house don't ask how she got in
I don't care if he's canonically just some skinny twink he's big to ME. Like- 6'4", at least 200 pounds, guy is just huge and bulky and built like a brick wall, tons of practical strength because,,,
This is more about his Luxray but his name is Oscar and he's massive, think an Alpha Luxray in Legends Arceus, that cat is huge, Volkner is only even slightly strong just to be able to lift him off of his bed at night when he's trying to sleep
Wildly irresponsible but on purpose, he thinks it's funny to endanger himself, no he won't seek help he doesn't believe in therapy because he wasn't properly helped when he was younger
He does care about Sunyshore though, spent a week fixing that black out that stopped you from visiting the city at first in DPPT, he claims it's Team Galactic's fault but like no one believes him
Sorry to give Volkner 5 I mean what to expect from the guy who named himself Volkner but he's related to like every Electric Type Gym Leader and also whoever I see fit. It's a very large family. He makes frequent trips to Unova to visit his only respected similarly aged cousin Elesa so they can trash talk their not respected similarly aged cousin Colress (Long story). Also yes I do believe Palmer is his dad and Barry is his younger brother and I'm deciding today that they all have a good relationship. (Also I want to elaborate on this all so much like smh I didn't even bring up the Shinx based ceremony but that's gonna have to be a different post)
I don't have biases what are you talking about anyways E4 time.
He may or may not be distantly related to this fellow green hair and prong having man named Ghetsis but that's more lore to unpack on my end and I don't want to explain my real life friendships that make Ghetsis relevant here.
He can't be in the same room with Gardenia for too long because she gets freaked out just knowing Vespiquen is there, they have to be cycled out intermittently at every League meeting
He's been in the E4 the 3rd longest despite the fact he's only slightly older than Flint and Lucian, everyone who doubts Bug Types is amazed
She's been here before Cynthia was Champion and was actually the Champion before the guy who came before Cynthia, there's no getting rid of her
The hair makes it obvious but she's related to Agatha of the Kanto Elite Four, sometimes they meet for tea and to trash talk every challenger they've faced as well as their coworkers
She's excellent at comforting people without even realizing what she said half the time, you'll thank her for the advice and she'll accept that without knowing what she told you to do, she was completely out of it
He was the Oreburgh Gym Leader before Roark, however many years before depends on the timeline, but he was second choice to join after Volkner declined for reasons I don't actually have outside of my main au
He acts exactly like one of those straight boys pretending to be gay to make fun of gay people expect it isn't acting and everyone can tell aside from him (i.e. jokingly being incredibly affectionate with Volkner)
He's probably the most reliable friend one could have and is like always ready to throw hands, he has too much energy and just wants to punch someone in the face, please ask him to punch someone in the face he will happily do it he's begging you
Guys a fucking ass, like, he's just very rude. That's not because I hate him he just seems kind of stuck up. (I'm mad that he tells me about how much he reads whenever I talk to him in Pokemas because I can't read large paragraphs without my vision blurring and it feels like he's bragging, and also a specific decision I made for my general lore)
He's genuinely psychic, like, telekinesis style, it comes in handy at sorting books and throwing things at people because that guy ain't got an arm on him to save his life
I think that psychic power could be totally nullified by putting a hat on him. Battle tactic.
Her father was Champion before her, she's a nepobaby, she would get upset if you called her that though because she worked real hard for her position and is tired of people devaluing her
Her slug is named Sharon and she hates men, specifically blonde ones. If you are near that Gastrodon as a blonde man you are about to be hydropumped. You can't out run Sharon don't even think about it just accept your fate.
Meanwhile her Garchomp is named Joan and she's just a large scaley puppy.
She definitely needs glasses but she's very stubborn
She also can't drive. Don't let her do it. She is going to hit another mythical Pokemon.
Cynthia is also incredibly shocked whenever she learns someone doesn't care about history as much as her. She's just like- in awe, she forgot people could have other interests and it's throwing her for a loop, she'll just kind of stand there with her mouth agape until you speak again and even then she'll never look at you the same again
Okay that's...everyone for today, I would do Team Galactic but at that point I'd feel like I have to write something for every single character in the game and I'm neglecting my homework too hard for that.
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badmovieihave · 2 months
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Bad movie I have Chain Reaction 1996
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laniusbignaturals · 3 months
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I was gonna suggest this as inspo for House & Jane pre-war but the hairline and tense, unmoving mouth are very much not him, so. Aaron Kimball and his wife. Maybe she’s dead. Maybe she left him. To be hypothetically written about, one day.
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thebowerypresents · 5 months
Ty Segall Shreds the Night Away at Webster Hall
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Ty Segall – Webster Hall – April 29, 2024
The rock and roll polymath Ty Segall and his scintillating band came to Webster Hall Monday night and ran the crowd ragged with a 90-plus-minute workout. They opened with the pairing of “The Bell” and “Void,” just as his latest release, Three Bells, does, nearly 15 minutes of nonstop churning of guitars, organ, bass and drums, Segall singing, “To realize, to be alive” as red lights bathed the stage. That first stretch found them evoking at times Pearl Jam, Metallica, Pink Floyd and Yes, featuring everyone in the band and creating a singular amalgam of rock for the giddy crowd.
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The new record would be featured prominently all night, heavy and heavier, boot-stomp rhythms, but also music to dance to. “I Hear” was drenched in squealer guitar with an extended two-guitar outro. “Hi Dee Dee” was both clean and dirty, serrated-edge melody with Segall’s voice turning almost sweet. And later in the set, “My Best Friend,” with a contrasting sweetness, nearly funky with bubbles of bass floating up into the crowd. 
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Older Segall favorites found their place, fitting right into the setlist. “Love Fuzz,” off 2012’s Twins, was a highlight, the band exploring the limits with an extended section of depths-of-hell guitar dueling. “Looking at You,” off the more recent Hello, Hi album, was Segall at his most noodling, the band stopping on a dime and then restarted, finding a chaotic near-jazz that segued into the set-closing “Denée.” One more banger off the new record, a little more dancing, a spare two-guitar crescendo for those who hadn’t gotten their fill, just another night for Ty Segall. —A. Stein | @Neddyo
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(Ty Segall plays Royale in Boston tomorrow night.)
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Photos courtesy of Edwina Hay | thisisnotaphotograph.com
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Can you Blend Aaron from the Sinnoh elite four (pokemon), he’s my blorbo
Aaron from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl is being blended!!
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You cannot save him.
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hupla222 · 6 months
Bad Future AU - The Ships
Everyone's favorite part of an au, the ships. At least, its always something I look forward to. Time to go over what couples exist in this alternate timeline.
Getting this out of the way first, Lucas is not interested in romantic relationships here. He barely acknowledges Barry and Dawn as his friends half the time. The only thing he cares about is stopping Hood and keeping his brother safe, although Sean keeps subtly encouraging him to make friends.
Dawn and Barry both have feelings for each other although it takes some time for them both to realize. Barry admirers her unwavering optimism despite everything they've gone through. And Dawn knows that Barry is a strong person underneath all of his nerves. Together they bring out the best in each other.
Sean has a huge crush on Felicity (Jupiter). He loves not only her beauty but her cunning and powerful personality. He's liked her ever since he saw an interview of her. For her part, Felicity thinks he's cute, in a dorky way. She often refers to him as "hot shot".
Gardenia and Cheryl are together and are raising Clementine as a couple, as well as running the gym together.
Aaron has a massive crush on Lucian, which was a major factor in why he stuck around. He knows Lucian better than anyone and knows what a gentle, caring person he is. Lucian knows that he cares deeply for Aaron, being his best friend, but hasn't quite figured out if its love yet.
Before anyone asks, Hood and Cynthia's relationship is not romantic in any way. Hood has the mentality of a child half the time and it would be seriously inappropriate to romance him. Cynthia is more like a mother to him.
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bobbie-robron · 1 year
The next time he comes, try not to be such a… Dingle
Chas wants to spend time with Aaron but Louise alerts her Aaron was up and out early morning probably up to mischief (she isn’t buying Chas’s maternal act for a minute). Chas finds Aaron skateboarding who hasn’t much to say about his recently deceased step-grandma, he really didn’t get to know her. Gordon picks Aaron who will return in a week. Chas has no idea how to get through to Aaron. Diane’s suggestion? Be less of a Dingle.
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execk-the-creator · 2 years
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Next up with my Lineless Pixel Icons...
The Sinnoh Elite Four and Champion!
Like the Gym Leader Icons their colors are taken from the official Ken Sugimori artwork (albeit adjusted for style).
The color of the checkered backgrounds correspond to the primary types each trainer uses, except for Cynthia of course.
Cynthia’s color comes from the “???” type colors from early games, as I tend to use the old “???” as a representative of wild-card trainer type specialty.
Two more sets of icons coming soon! (More will come afterwards, these are just the ones I have complete at the moment)
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insectadreamer2 · 2 years
+ self promo+
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(made by watta02614129)
Hello! I am Mod Mackenzie, this is an blog dedicated to our not-so-favorite buggy boy Aaron!
He appears in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, in the Pokemon series of the 4th gen, and the anime Pokemon Pearl, Diamond.
Why does this blog exist you ask? It's because there is a low amount of content for Aaron fans on this site and others, expect for a few japanese fan art websites.
This blog has open submissions, always. But there is some uncomfortable things that may be requested to the submissions, and that's why we have rules.
No stolen artwork. Credit the artist.
No stolen fanfics/novels. Credit the author.
This blog is dedicated to an character, but please don't put any not Aaron-centered works on the submissions. this is a blog dedicated to one character only.
No g**re or g**ro. This is triggering for a few people.
No nsfw works. I am very uncomfortable to posting that.
Cosplays are allowed, but I am uncomfy about suggestive cosplays so please don't submit those.
Eyestrain is not good to look at, so don't submit those.
There can be a discussion submission, but hate is not allowed. Fine line between hate and criticism.
Don't act racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and very terrible behaviors here. We don't share your values and extremely ignorant mind.
Lastly, don't act too brash against the author, artist, cosplayer or anyone. It's fine to dislike something, just express it in a proper way. Also this is especially for x reader authors.
Now that I am done, I would like to say there will be a tag for yandere content, but only if its sfw works, its fine to submit yandere content. Just add a tag.
Now that's out of the way, I hope you can submit things into this blog with following the rules in this blog.
Mackenzie, signing out!
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sinnohelitefourlore · 9 months
Since people liked this post, I am back to ranking how well I think the Sinnoh League members could dance:
13. Crasher Wake
My dude has two left feet. He has no sense of rhythm, none at all. He tries to do complicated dance moves and falls on his ass at least once.
12. Bertha
This is mostly an age thing. If Bertha was say, 30 years younger, I'm sure she could probably be a better dancer than half the people on this list. She's higher than Crasher Wake because she doesn't fall on her ass.
11. Cynthia
I think she's really clumsy. She could pick up and understand dance moves and has an okay sense of rhythm, but it would take a while.
10. Byron
This is another case where if Byron was younger, I feel like he would absolutely be able to bust it out on the dance floor. But alas, he is over 40. He gets bonus points because he has better rhythm than Cynthia, but picks up and understands dance moves at the same rate as she does.
9. Volkner
He can dance. He just doesn't want to.
8. Lucian
This might be controversial, but I think Lucian could be a good dancer - but more of a ballroom style, of dancing. He's actually quite good at ballroom dancing, and the reason why he isn't any higher is because he's absolutely garbage at any other style.
7. Roark
So you might be noticing a pattern, in which I have the younger Sinnoh League members in the top 7. Because I think the younger league members would be good dancers. However Roark is the worst of the lot. But I do think he'd be a fairly decent dancer if he got training for it. Things like hip-hop or contemporary. Don't ask him to do a lyrical routine because he will punch you in the face.
6. Maylene
I am keeping in mind the stature of the league members. I think Maylene would do exceptionally well not only because of her size, because she already expresses her body through movement, and I think dance would be hella therapeutic for her considering her dad's a gambling addict.
5. Gardenia
She gives me ballerina vibes. Vibes of someone who's mother forced them to do ballet at age three and when Gardenia turned ten she stopped when she went on her Pokemon journey but seven years of ballet just don't go away. Sometimes she likes dancing in her gardens.
4. Fantina
If Fantina was twenty years younger she would have everyone in this list beat and it wouldn't be even close. I think it would make sense that Fantina was trained in the arts. She is a performer, above all.
3. Flint
Unlike his singing abilities, I think Flint could absolutely be a great dancer. He even looks like one. He could break it down on the dance floor, would make others try to dance with him (cough, cough Volkner) and is the ultimate hype man. I sorta HC that there were a lot of street performers in Sunyshore (the break dancers you see in NYC, and maybe he learned from there. It could explain why Volkner would know a thing or two about dancing too).
2. Candice
Always second best, when it comes to singing and dancing, I believe. She, like Gardenia, also gives off learning dance at age three vibes except she is totally in practice and continues to go to dance class once a week, as a hobby. She looks like someone who would enjoy tap and jazz. She likes the sound of the clicking of the tap shoes the most, and she enjoys swing dances that you'd see in the 40s.
I know this is controversial, but hear. me. out.
This boy has the body of a dancer, flat-out. He has the best physique for a male dancer. It also helps that his mother used to be a dancer. So Aaron's mom put him in a dance class, when he just learned to walk, thinking that he would be into hip-hop or something else usually for boys. But no. While being good at all types of dance, Aaron shines in lyrical routines, like his mom :) I HC that he's a very sensitive person, and I think the emotional ballads of a lyrical routine would fit his character very well. His love for dance only grew once he saw how graceful and beautiful his bug-Pokemon moved, and wants to be just as perfect as them. On days off from the league when he's not in Eterna Forest, Aaron could be found in the basement of the Sinnoh League, and would dance for hours.
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fullcaps-ethan · 6 months
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redraw of this crunchy ass screenshot with jet and aaron eheh
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