fastfists · 11 months
i haven't been following for long but you seem to have a very deep understanding of Knuckles and what makes him appealing as a character!!
✧ send me a ✖ if you enjoy my portrayal of my character ✧
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[dying Kia noises] AHHHHHH, THANK YOU. I have lots and lots of feelings for the boy, plus I want to try and do him justice in how I portray him. He's been one of my favs since forever and want to make sure he's given the proper respect and care he deserves. So, makes me happy you think I'm doing him justice, makes me happy...especially when I think I'm making him too OOC or such QwQ
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canisalbus · 11 months
Can we hear more about the gay dogs, or ideally see more of them? They live rent-free in my brain.
Have a little sketch then!
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splinterclan · 25 days
Hey! I just wanted to say that it’s really nice that you’re using healer instead of medicine cat. I’m also a little bit obsessed with this blog and story because I was in a group with a Clan named OakClan which splintered off from CedarClan after they stole kits to try and recover from a TNR program— so this is really fun to see play out!!
Now, a question for Whorlstar— do you ever feel like you’re in over your head? What do you do if you start to feel overwhelmed?
Thank you so much!! It is a really interesting concept to play around with - Small world that two wood named-clans got hit with the same thing u_u Unlucky
I couldn't fit your question in with my whorlstar answer comic but she does feel overwhelmed sometimes, esp lately. She only ever allows herself to confide in/look weak in front of Moorsnow though, and that's really only happened after they finally got together. To the other members of the clan she maintains a cold, solid front at all times
So basically if she's overwhelmed she cuddles her wife ;n;
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that-sunny-pup · 3 months
I want to hug dogday and solar so freakin' bad!
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Dogday is so huggable and solar LOOKS huggable! Either way I want to hug them both sooooo badly!
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[here ya go!! hugs from the boys :D
Solar doesn't look it but he's enjoying the hug I swear-]
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hakusins · 5 months
If male Jordan looks female does female Jordan look like a male? … (let me fuck em both)
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unfortunately anon you'll have to get in line - there's already someone by jordan's side and he ain't the sharing type
but on f!jordan design!! I actually didn't think much when making m!jordan cause i was just thinking of what my oc's type would be (pretty men) HBREHBFJHBERF but if i were to view f!jordan, it would just be m!jordan design but female? so they'd look something like this:
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BUT YOU DID give me the Thought of .... short haired f!jordan so you also get a bonus brainrot doodle from yours truly <3
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but same anon - same, i want to fuck em both
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collophora · 5 months
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come on brain, drawwwwwwxcfljwKS [edit: I finished it ! HERE ]
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unicornpopcorn14 · 9 days
omg so like, Dazai and the shipping container incident with him getting shipped overseas got me thinking... (I am super late to reading it 😭)
Chuuya, unaware of what happened in the moment because he had been sent overseas himself for an international mission, and he had to go out and scout a foreign shipyard for illegal weapon shipments.
AT THE SAME TIME, he conveniently receives a message forward by Mori to be on the lookout for one of their own agents because a Port Mafia member had been taken hostage around the location Chuuya was in.
Chuuya's ??? because why hadn't he been notified that someone was also either on the same mission as him or had managed to be such a bumbling fool that they got caught by foreign enemies. ANYWAY, he keeps an eye out for anything suspicious while still working on his own mission when he sees a particular area of the shipyard had been surrounded by armed foreign criminals, so he's ready to go bust some ass when they all swing the shipping container doors open and barge in to see Dazai there.
Chuuya just facepalms himself in disbelief because he can't believe Dazai followed him all the way to another country (even though it was totally coincidental) but also, he's not even surprised that Dazai managed to get himself caught by the enemy. Again.
They kick some enemy ass and Dazai gets shipped back home on the next plane back to Yokohama, and Chuuya overhears Dazai complaining to Mori on the phone: "What about my home?!"
Omggg you read my silly shipping container fic hehe *hidesss* /silly
Thank you so much for this omg <333 I genuinely cackled. There really is no end with the shipping container shenanigans huh jknfjew
Lmao Mori telling him to be on the lookout for an agent without specifying that it's DAZAI so Chuuya can take this seriously pffff
I can imagine Chuuya's shocked then angry as heck face when he spots Dazai like,,, he'd probably do a double take at first being like "is that really who I think it is?" and it quickly turns to "Fuck it is who I think it is..."
Dazai would be adamant that that was part of his plan (when it really wasn't) and complain that Chuuya's ruined it and it is somehow Chuuya's fault that he has no home now fjsbfkjebaf
Which will earn him a (justified) kick to the head 😭😭
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stalebagels · 8 months
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sibylsleaves · 3 months
wait are people really saying buck *wouldn’t* do keto? this is the same guy who was obsessively measuring his body fat percentage in the first two seasons, who clearly works out a lot (and you don’t look like that eating ‘poorly’ without monitoring you diet). I know he likes cooking and seems to favour pasta dishes, but come on, buck would absolutely try different diet/workout plans. I’m not saying that’s necessarily a good thing, and maybe I’m just projecting here, but buck having body image issues and trying out fad diets feels very in character to me
lol i think it just kinda goes with the general fandom tendency to make characters perfectly adhere to their own worldview. like WE know keto is for dumb fitness influencers, therefore Buck would NEVER do it.
but in fact buck is the EXACT type of person who would be susceptible to the dumb fitness influencers 😔 and we must accept this about him & love him anyway 😔😔😔
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manderleyfire · 4 months
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kick in the teeth
@thefudge | rpf | walton goggins/ella purnell; mature (2, 744 words)
And he feels the minty coolness of an ice cube melting on his tongue and he shares it with the girl who is twenty-five years his junior, because he wants her to swallow this ice cube, he wants her to feel that yellow shade of summer inside her very throat.
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 3 months
Hi Pinky what if Barbara and Strickler Switch their places. with Barbara being a changeling in Secret While Strickler is Just being the School history teacher.
Ooh this sounds like a great AU! Love a good role swap!
So I think that Barbara would end up being a doctor who works part time at the hospital and reports to Bular at night and also works part time at Arcadia Oaks High school... Because she secretly likes kids and wanted one of her own, but that's impossible because she's a changeling.
Walter is still a history teacher, and single dad to Jim. Instead of being abandoned like Barbara was in Canon, Walt's wife passed away when Jim was only five.
Barbara forms a bond with Jim just after he starts high school, after Jim gets punched up defending Eli from Steve, she patches him up, and Jim sees in her the mother he never got to know. Also since Walt was called in for the fight, Barbara and Walter end up together before Canon, with Barbara not revealing she's a changeling.
Canon events roll up, but instead of Jim being chosen it's Walter. Since in this AU there's no reason for Jim to be chosen when there's a perfectly capable adult who is already somewhat experienced with a sword due to fencing practice in his youth, amoung other things.
Anyway. Barbara is naturally devastated her boyfriend got chosen as the Trollhunter, but she's also aware Bular will kill her if she doesn't retrieve the amulet.
There is some fighting between Walt and Barb for a bit, but they work through it because of Jim. Soon enough Bular is defeated, Angor Rot is never a problem since Nomura and Barbara are BFF's in this AU, being the same age as changelings.
Unfortunately Walt is still dunked with the half troll potion to fight Gunmar, still looking like his canon troll form, but with eyebrows, longer ears, even more human nose and still green eyes. He gets wings too. Barbara naturally loves him even more like that, but refuses to accept he's stuck forever as a troll. Between her, the Akiridions when they arrive, Morgana (she reforms) and Merlin and Douxie they find a way to let Walt be human and troll. Also, Jim gets the shadow staff in this AU.
Oh yeah, and Barbara’s troll form is teal, with brighter red hair than her human form, curling ram horns and the usual yellow and red changeling eyes. She also has cloven hooves like Nomura, but the addition of a tail.
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canisalbus · 10 months
what part of italy are machete and vasco from? not their birthplace since from what i've seen you're still workshopping that. where do they live? i assume rome?
In the 1500's setting Vasco lives and was born in Florence, his family has lived there for centuries. Machete was born in Sicily, was taken to Naples to serve as an apprentice and ended up living and working in Rome (and more specifically today's Vatican city, which as you may know has been an independent country since 1929 but wasn't back then). They first met when they were both studying in Venice in their late teens/early twenties.
I think in the modern au they live together somewhere in Florence.
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cozymochi · 2 months
I’ve always wondered, how did you somehow MASTER the twst style? I see like 50 artists somehow turn into Yana toboso herself AND ITS INCREDIBLE??
I’m not a master at all, but I’m not even kidding when I say I spent some 2 years offline JUST dedicating myself to figuring that out. Or at least try having a basic foundation because I have a toxic habit about studying the art of a thing I like to draw on model (or mostly do so) just. because. Anyone following me for years would know this isn’t news 😭💃
I was into twst for a good while before I even started posting about it 😩 though, there’s still work out there that’s jank. (and if anyone even looks at someone like Tia, you can visibly see a shift anyway where i finally learned to do something- that- given what i am is kinda pathetically late- art twitter tutorial shills/police would kill me)
And even then, I lack something all mad scientists have: ASSISTANTS. 👹 god knows twst looks the way it does thanks to multiple hands touching every image instead of one person (me) handling every stage.
And even then based on tags, people just love pointing out, “oh y’know it’s not QUITE there u can TELL up close it’s fake” like… thanks i guess? I get the sentiment in theory, but I mostly take that as confirmation as still not being good enough. Not to “deceive” really, but for personal reasons. I see it enough to the point that it’s just really really emphasizing how much I’m definitely not accomplishing, even if it’s supposed to be a positive comparison. Something about the phrasing. Though, mind, this is just how my brain is interpreting it. It’s legit 100% just how my brain interprets those comments, I doubt the people are being as cynical as I think.
Now that I think about it, you know how people implicitly think fanfic is inherently lesser than “REAL writing” in published books? That’s how those responses are reading. Fanart is inherently lesser than what’s actually backed or officially shilled out; “so let’s point out what makes this NOT legit.” Probably not the intended route these people are going for, but, there’s something almost smug about it. Like folk relishing in that some code has been cracked even though……. there was no puzzle to begin with.
Actually pointing out what sets it apart in that alleged “positive” light is something I’ve yet to see. While I have seen a few teases that I have a “style” that’s enough of a ring, I don’t know what it is the others are seeing. I’m the one that has to stare at it through all stages. Not like I can tell what I’m doing different beyond [opens my fun list]
still can’t draw hands, colors bleeding constantly, overshooting lighting, undershooting value, incorrect line pen, inconsistent line weight, disengaging posing, FLAT FLAT FLAT, details nonexistent, myriad of subtle things I’m still not doing—
but that’s just me, watch me draw in a stream with a mic and you’d never hear the end of it
TL;DR: I disciplined myself for 2ish years behind closed doors because of a toxic habit for a skill that won’t be utilized.
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i just woke up 20 minutes ago
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caluupin · 6 months
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been catching up on TGAA/DGS !! :D
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rynpie · 10 months
Hello ☺️🌺
Just wanted to say that the way you draw lilia is so so good, my heart races. The way you draw him so…broad shouldered?? If that’s the right terms?? Has me fanning myself. I love all the art thank you for drawing them
sorry i saw this earlier but i was so happy i wanted to draw you something nice.....unfortunately ive had artblock lately so please accept this lilia wip instead
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Honestly I didn't think anyone would notice I like to draw him with broader shoulders😳💖💖💖!!thank you really!!!!
I personally dislike how squished his sprites usually look.... at first I thought it was because he was withering away but even general lilia looks a little smooshed. I have a new hc now tho, what if he just had too many hugs while growing up
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
The way that all of the anons are flirting with one another in my ask box right now is just giving me life. Today has been a bad pain day for my silly arm issue, and it has been an absolutely beautiful distraction from the agony. I am feeling like the third wheel in the absolute best way, I ship you all.
I am also drinking Pinot Noir.
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