Lucien, about to thrust into Elain’s 🐱: Alright, time to Lucien things up.
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ladyddanger · 2 years
*netflix voice* uhmm…… you might wanna see this. https://youtube.com/shorts/MtTzQVdt1Ok?feature=share
C!Wilbur needs to watch this
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word-wytch · 2 years
I think there's something that needs to be said about encouraging readers to leave feedback.
For me it's not about "tell me my writing is amazing and stroke my ego"
It's more about "please engage with me so that I can experience your joy secondhand and foster a connection with you"
I understand that not everyone wants this in their reading experience, some people are shy and a million other reasons why maybe someone wouldn't want to engage and that's perfectly fine!
But what I'm trying to steer away from is being a passive content creator with passive consumers. What I want to steer toward is fostering a community that is essential to fandom. I want to see your reactions because it makes me feel like I'm a part of something.
On encouraging reblogs —
I understand that not everyone is comfortable reblogging, especially explicit content. This is ok!
But just consider that the only reason you were able to enjoy a fic or fanart is because someone else shared it, and by not sharing it yourself you are potentially robbing someone else of the opportunity to enjoy it as much as you did.
As OPs our reach only goes so far and this website relies on reblogs in order for anything to truly get seen by a wider audience.
So that's really it! That's why I encourage these two things at the end of every story I post. Not because I'm trying to be demanding and "make people feel bad" if they don't do it.
I know most other social media sites encourage mindless content consumption and that's just the way of the world nowadays, but I am from a time when community was at the heart of fandom and I just don't want to lose that.
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rendevok · 6 months
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step into the light
what do you see?
my sun,
my stars
shining on me
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beescake · 5 months
Are you an AraSol enthusiast. If you’re a Sollux fan you must be it’s impossible to enjoy him without also enjoying araSol. It comes with the xbox
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theyre so endgame 4 me
i also think they are the coolest characters in homestuck. nobody else on their level
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miguxadraws · 2 months
Only just realized swap Pomni has a white button up and isn't jjst shirtless under there LOL
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can you imagine lol
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bunnyjesters · 7 months
How would Pomni react if she sees Jax abstracting or having a breakdown from corn? Like if Caine one day puts them in a corn maze as a game and Jax begins breaking down or panicking?
(It’s canon that Jax doesn’t like corn because it reminds him of farms I’m pretty sure)
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part 1
got inspired by a few anons, not gonna clean this up for my own sanity lmfao.
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hornyharpy · 8 months
I love your art! 💞, can you please do more Jax x Ragatha?? 💘
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Damn bro chill-
+ someone asked for Gangle. She's hard to draw...
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toastystroodly · 3 months
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some tadc memes
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yanderemommabean · 4 months
Momma I'm so stressed and over worked. I need a yandere to kidnap me and make me cum until I pass out 🥺
I'd love to send you a few yandere packages in these trying times! Would you prefer a single "easy night in" yandere who just eases you into the orgasms and babies you a bit? or would you prefer a more "drinking on the job" type yandere (who can come with a partner) where you're immediately thrown into the fun and are having your tears swiped up by their tongue as they say how cute you look all helpless and at their mercy?
Another good deal is the "Monster energy" deal! It's when we select one to three of your favorite non-human entities to have their fun with you, or at the very least a human who has inhuman stamina and won't quit until they're sure you're brainless!
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serendippertyy · 1 month
A4 with Abstabbit :3333
they r both scenarios depending on how mad they make eachother that day 😭😭
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writtenbymoonflower · 5 months
smut requests, you say😏
well, how about fem reader with tasm!peter where he's feeling insecure about himself (we rarely get to see our boys insecure) and reader wants to make him feel good about himself and see how amazing he is in a more... physical way
sorry, i don't send in a lot of smut requests, though I love to read them!
aww i love this! Thanks so much hunny! fem!reader x tasm!Peter Parker
cw: smut and suggestive material. mentions of insecurity, scars
673 words
You felt Peter tense under your fingertips as you trailed your hand up his torso. It wasn’t a pleasured shiver, but rather a pained wince, he had exhaled sharply and pulled away. You stopped kissing him, sitting back on his lap and inspecting him. 
“Did I do something?” You asked him, eyes wide and searching. Glossy at the thought of hurting him. 
“No, baby. You’re okay, just didn’t expect it. He stroked the back of your head, pulling you close to capture you in a long kiss. You let out a little gasp of surprise that he swallowed readily and braced your hands on his bare thigh, letting your fingers slip under the hem of his boxers. He tensed and shrunk again, pulling your hand up to wrap it around his arm. You stilled, pulling away again and curling your hands into yourself. 
“I did it again, you made that same sound.” 
“You didn’t do anything, I just-” He looked like he didn’t want to admit it. But it seemed like his want to reassure you and his flusteredness won out. “I just don’t like people touching me there.” He reached up to stroke your hair cajolingly again. 
“Why?” You asked, searching and sorrowful.
“I just don’t like people looking or feeling there. I got minced up pretty bad in some fights. Left some parts of me lookin’ kinda weird.” He explained, wincing. 
“It’s not weird, nothing on you is.” You looked so dejected it broke Peter’s heart. “You’re so pretty, Pete.” You muttered. 
“Baby,” He scoffed out a laugh. “It’s nothing, really. You don’t have to try and make me feel better.” 
“But I want to.” You said quickly, leaving no room for argument. “Can I see, please?” It was clear he was somewhat hesitant, but he unfurled himself enough for you to inspect his body. His lack of clothes from your planned activity made it easy to see the roughened and scarred skin covering his body in certain areas. It was varying colors and shapes, but they were all pretty in their own way. Knit skin reflected and shone, flashing and pulling. It was mesmerizing. 
“Pretty gnarly, I know.” He joked. 
“I like them,” You shuffled down his lap, leaning into his inner thigh to kiss the scars there. He inhaled sharply, shivering from the contact. You kept going, gently moving your lips over the healed skin, knowing it was probably extra-sensitive. “They’re pretty.” You looked up at him, all doe-eyed. He could feel himself stiffening, the love and contact and kissing all too much for his body as you gently trailed your fingers over the tent in his boxers, making him shudder. 
“Fuck, babe.” He groaned. “Get up here, I wanna kiss you.” He smoothed his palm over your hair and neck as you kissed up his torso, brushing your lips against the scars on his ribs, moving up his neck until you were facing him. 
“I love you, Peter. So, so much. I love every part of you.” You said earnestly. His eyes crinkled with fondness. Ne was no longer thinking about his scars or skin or whatever else. All he could focus on was how soft your touch was and how sweetly you were looking at him. It made his heart ache and his dick twitch. 
“Love you so much, sweet thing.” He said before grabbing your face and smashing your lips against his. You tried to kiss him sweetly, but he quickly roughened, hot tongue licking into your mouth greedily. A horrible sound was pulled from the back of your throat as he pulled you into his lap, your core dragging over his hard bulge. You pulled away and he whined, trying to grab at you. 
“Peter,” You pleaded. “Let me love on you, please.” He quickly caught your meaning as you slid off the bed onto your knees. He wasn’t about to deny, especially when you were looking at him like that. 
“Fuck, sweetness” He groaned as he tugged off his boxers. “You’re gonna ruin me.”
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bonefall · 22 days
now am very curious to see a terf’s reaction to meewa-gender, as someone who thinks the way that you have conceptualized gender for the clans (and the way you are pushing the boundaries of it within that same framework) is Very Cool. like. did they fully just have a hernia in your inbox? because that seems likely
ok I can't hold onto it anymore I NEED to share this one, I've been laughing for DAYS. They got so mad they made the third gender real
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The TRADITIONAL gender roles: Man, Woman, and Meewa
I make women do less work?? have you seen heartstar she never stops
Like even by TERF logic, I'm making the boys into girls, and then the girls are all just working the meewas like packmules?? we JUST made the gender real and we're putting them to work
Also I'm a guy now! The TERFs have FALLEN for my NEFARIOUS LEFTIST PRONOUNS
THE MENTALLY ILL... my bestie in christ, i am the mentally ill
It's a bad thing I don't talk about cat penis??? Wh?????????
Anyway like and share if you're the mentally ill eating it up ✨
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pinkboxy · 2 months
I just wanna say that the way you draw Ragatha is really cute and beautiful. May I see more of her if that’s okay. Just go wild with drawing her and have fun. But in general your art style is amazing and I love it.
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our FAV doll!❤️‍🔥ꬨ (thankyou;;!)
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Armed Detective Agency, Yokohama
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cheatsykoopa98 · 7 months
Gangle definietly gives the best hugs. I'd imagine if a young child got lost in the circus she'd be like protective big sister.
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Gangle is VERY protective of children
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