#AND pair him up with the most vulnerable sibling to protect her?
thinking about chayanne and his “im the older sibling so ive GOT to be the good kid” thing and also his thing about protecting people. so much responsibility for such a small egg if he grows up he’s gonna have SO many problems
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Okay but imagine The Bishops Of The Old Faith having a darling and sharing them... That's my concept idea, thank you! :D
This'll probably be short due to the amount of characters but I'd love to experiment with this :) Idk if you wanted Narinder or not, but I included some sections with him.
Yandere! Bishops of The Old Faith General Concept/Idea
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Harem
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Cults/Religious themes, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Isolation, Disturbing descriptions, Blood, Sacrifices, Violence, Forced companionship/relationship.
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For this concept I imagine maybe you're some sort of companion/messenger for the Bishops.
Leshy is the youngest, the chaotic and egotistical ruler of Darkwood.
Heket is the sister of the Bishops, the cruel Bishop of Anura and a deity of famine.
Kallamar is the cowardly ruler of Anchordeep, always submissive to his fellow Bishops... he is a deity of pestilence.
Shamura is the wise yet surprisingly sympathetic ruler of Silk Cradle and deity of war.
Lastly there's Narinder, The One Who Waits, a sadistic/cruel deity of death who betrayed his siblings long ago... he resides in the afterlife but originally had a temple of his own.
Despite this... I HC Narinder was once loving towards his siblings and followers.
The Bishops of The Old Faith are powerful beings due to their crowns.
They are some of the last surviving gods in these realms.
You are a servant of The Old Faith, am enchanted mortal who serves the Bishops.
You have been given a prolonged lifespan... but are still vulnerable to death by other means.
As a servant, you have grown a bond with the Bishops.
Leshy often looks forward to your presence in Darkwood, welcoming you into his temple and growing gardens of flowers for you to enjoy.
As egotistical as he is, the young Bishop adores yours presence.
Heket often orders followers offer food to her so she can prepare feasts for her beloved friend and servant in Anura.
She warms up to you, as you are well loved servant of her siblings.
Kallamar shows giddy excitement when you visit Anchordeep, often supplying you medicine with Leshy's help if you need it.
Kallamar even enjoys creating trinkets from crystals to give you.
Shamura welcomes you to Silk Cradle with a fanged grin, soothing your mind with wise tales as you sit in a silk hammock.
They do hope their siblings have treated you well...
Narinder often invites you to his temple to help tend to the dead and wish them off to the afterlife.
Narinder is the one who has blessed you with a long lifespan... but he wishes he could make you fully immortal to all wounds.
Each Bishop loves you deeply, sharing you amongst themselves as you roam the regions.
Their bond with you often causes fights.
The typical sort of siblings fights... right up until Narinder's betrayal, at least.
For the most part they work together to care for their dear servant.
Followers who do not respect you are harshly punished by their Bishops.
You are a key figure in their faith, worshipped as the loyal servant of The Old Faith.
Even when Narinder betrays his siblings with differing beliefs, he tries to drag you into his prison to keep you away.
The other Bishops, his siblings, disagreed with such a thought.
Now your time with them is different.
The remaining Bishops are more cautious and overprotective of you.
While Narinder, now known as The One Who Waits, pines for you within his prison.
Leshy holds you close in the gardens of Darkwood, unable to see you due to his gouged eyes.
Heket keeps you fed, but conversation becomes harder for her.
Kallamar is now even more fearful than ever, hearing dulled due to Narinder's torment... he never wishes to let you go and begs you to stay with many crystal gifts.
Shamura is now less sane, yet still wise... always speaking in riddles and keeping you wrapped away in Silk Cradle for long periods of time.
The remaining Bishops keep you under close watch, protective yet thankful Narinder never got his claws on you.
Meanwhile Narinder plots his escape... planning to have his revenge for being imprisoned.
As lamb after lamb is slaughtered... growing fear makes the Bishops' obsession worse.
Your freedoms are restricted the longer things go on...
Soon your only relief may be Narinder's release at the hands of The Lamb.
Only then will your ties with Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, and Shamura will be lifted...
In exchange for possibly an even worse beast... changed from his previous self due to years of imprisonment.
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metalomagnetic · 2 months
Hi Metalo!
Have you ever thought about potential patronus animals for the Black family? If so, what kind of animals would fit in your opinion?
As always, your questions make me think a lot. This one is sooo difficult!
Ok, so this might be unpopular but I feel Bella would be a lioness. She is a figure of strength, is territorial, she works hard, perfect hunter that takes down prey twice her size, devoted mother (to her child or to her little sisters) teaching her youngster skills they need to survive, and protecting them so fiercely.
Narcissa is a spider queen. Spiders also have *remarkable* maternal instincts, more developed than in many other species of the earth. Spiders can be aggressive, but also quite peaceful, depending on circumstances. She weaves a beautiful home, but that can also turn into a trap. She isn't showy in her strength, prefers to lure her target into her web, where she can deliver that final, venomous bite to an unsuspecting target that dared trespass against her.
Andromeda is a fox. Cunning, agile and highly adaptable. not overly aggressive, preferring to live their life in stealth mode.
Regulus is a coyote. Almost like a dog, only much shier than a dog, and more cautious. However, when push comes to shove, coyotes are quite territorial and willing to die for what is theirs.
Sirius, obviously, is perfect as a dog. (And I also used him to give Regulus and Andromeda similar patronus forms, from a canidae family, since they are related and one would assume they share traits.)
Ok, so these are the only ones we know from canon, or at least we know something about them that allowed me to try to guess their patronus.
Now, for my head-canon about the rest of the Black family and their personalities, which I depict in 'It runs'.
Waburga is a polar bear. Polar bears are aways striving for the highest possible standards. They are fierce, and they are obsessed with their children. They protect their cubs with their lives, but they also expect their cubs to behave and fall in line. It's a tough life out there, so a polar bear mother needs to teach her youngsters to be ruthless. They love their children, but can be a bit rough in handling them. They can also be very gentle with their cubs, when there's no 'emergency' situation going on. Polar bears are strong, fearless but so lonely. Something about Walburga ending up alone, defined by solitude in her last years, reminds me of a polar bear wandering alone in a harsh, cold environment (Grimmauld, cough cough). Polar bear mamas are also one of the few animals species that become depressed, distressed and vulnerable when they lose a child. They can even stop hunting after such a loss, and waste away.
Orion in 'It runs' is an eagle. Fearless, confident, quite arrogant. Extremely territorial. An eagle will never surrender, regardless of the size or strength of its opponent. It will do anything to regain its territory and it will always defend its nest. Eagles are quite paternal, like most raptors. An eagle father will bring sticks to the nest, and will bring food to the young. When babies fall from nest, a father often dives to catch them on their wings. However, an eagle father also picks favourites, and there's a food hierarchy going on, often choosing to give more food to one baby, encouraging sibling rivalry, which is apparently important for the development of a raptor. Eagle males do form a pair bond with a single female, however, if the female isn't available in mating season, he will find another one.
Cygnus would be a tiger. Not the most paternal, but a fierce predator. They're also one of the few brave enough to get into fights with bears. Tigers and dogs are amongst the few that will look at a bear and go 'yeah, I can take that' (hence why Cygnus and Sirius are the only ones mad enough to get into fights with Walburga). Also, he's a tiger mostly because I want Bella to take after her dad, the only big cats in their immediate family.
Alphard is a lone wolf, to keep up with many of the Blacks having canine counterparts. He's majestic, he's fierce, too, he loves a pack, but at some point he got into too many fights with the leaders of his pack and took off on his own, though at night sometimes he cries to the moon, missing them.
Arcturus is a hawk. Similar to his son, but a tad less fierce. Just a tad.
Sirius the old was a sphinx. He's a special badass, and the world sees him as this almost mythological creature. He has the body of a land apex predator, like many of his descendants (lion, like Bella), but he also has the wings of an eagle (like Orion). He's enigmatic, merciless, and has a gaze that will see straight into your soul. He knows everything that goes on, everywhere. A sphinx represents royalty and sacred status, which is how he views his family (and himself).
This was so much fun. I really like how they turned out, and I love that in this family of vertebrates, Narcissa is the only invertebrate (since she's always the outliner with her blonde hair). She's no less lethal, no less impressive, but she's a tad different from the rest.
I hope you liked it! ❤️
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vannahfanfics · 2 months
Hello! I requested a fire emblem three houses matchup commission on kofi. Pronouns are she/her. No preference for gender.
Personality: Emotional and imaginative, frequent daydreamer, stubborn and independent, observant and adaptable, anxious and guarded around other people.
I am friendly when approached but difficult to get to know and struggle with being vulnerable. I tend to mimic the behavior of and match the energy of whoever I am interacting with. I prioritize others wellbeing over my own and frequently exhaust myself in the process. I tend to contradict myself or behave unpredictably. I am both affectionate and closed off, practical and impulsive, a fast learner and forgetful. I’ve learned to embrace it and would need to be with someone who can keep up with and not be annoyed by the variability.
Hobbies: reading (very interested in psychological and scifi stuff), listening to music, puzzle games, walking and hiking, i write poetry but am very private about it LOL. I sing pretty much constantly. I’m not terrible but I’m not great at it either. So, ideally, a partner who would not be bothered by that.
Values: family and loyalty
My family is extremely important to me and I am very close with both my parents and sibling. My priority is always to take care of them. My closest friends hold the same value as my biological family to me. At my core I am a very caring and devoted person and I want to be given the same energy back.
In a relationship I value security and communication. I have a deep desire to be understood, cared for, and protected. I also want to be challenged and feel inspired by them to be a better version of myself.
Other details: I am touchstarved but afraid to ask for affection and too nervous to initiate. In romantic relationships I am inexperienced and tend to come off like a frightened animal so I would need a partner who can navigate that compassionately.
My emotions are strong and can change rapidly. I am someone who for the most part internalizes this but I am, unfortunately, very easy to read. I wear what I’m feeling on my face and am only occasionally successful at masking it with neutrality.
I apologize for being longwinded and thank you so much! I hope you are having a good day/evening/night!! <3
Thank you for your commission! I've been struggling with writer's block for months now, and I was really excited when I got this not only because it was for a new fandom I've gotten into recently, but also because it did a good job of getting the ol' juices flowing again. So, thanks! XD I hope you like it!
I match you with...
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Claude von Riegan from Fire Emblem: Three Houses!
All right, I'll admit up front that I'm a little biased when it comes to Claude because he's my favorite Three Houses character. He hooked me from the first moment he appeared, and the Golden Deer route was my first route. Still, it's not my own personal bias toward him that led me to pair him with you for this match-up! I've got lots of reasons why I think this dashing fellow is the one for you!
First and foremost, you and Claude have very similar personalities. In some cases, this might lead to an incompatible relationship, but I don't think that would be the case for you and Claude! Rather, I think that the similarities in your personalities would allow the two of you to connect with and understand each other on a very deep, emotional level. Like Claude, you maintain a friendly and approachable persona that likely gathers you lots of friends and acquaintances, but in reality, struggle to be vulnerable with any of them for quite some time; it takes a lot for both of you to let those walls down and really let someone in. Your behavior often ends up contradictory because of it, like a practiced dance that you just can't help but engage in with others because of your own apprehensions. I think that Claude would find you a kindred spirit in this sense and gravitate toward you because of it. If anyone can truly understand him, it will be someone who ticks the same way, right? Likewise, he'd be able to understand you, since his mind operates the same way—and especially since you are easier to read than some others might be, having difficulty masking your true feelings a lot of the time. I think he'd find it refreshing, having someone around whom he didn't have to try to puzzle out all the time and someone who didn't find him as much as a puzzle as everyone else seemed to. He'd probably find your inability to conceal your emotions and feelings pretty adorable and tease you about it, just a little bit! It comes from a place of genuine endearment, of course. It'd start out innocent at first, on his part, just searching for something familiar amidst all the unfamiliarity in his life, but he'd soon find himself opening up to you without realizing it, I think—and when he did realize it, he'd also realize that he's down pretty bad for you!
There are other facets of your personality that would draw him in, too, that would result in him falling for you. He's definitely got his own stubbornness about him, and he'll find someone who can match his energy entertaining. He's also very independent, and he values that in people. He's also exceptionally observant and adaptable, and he'll definitely want someone like that around to aid in his various schemes, hehe! He'll also respect your sense of loyalty, for loyalty is also something that he values immensely. He'll especially respect your loyalty to your family, being such a family-oriented person as he is. He's also a big one on devotion, and the fact that you'll be just as devoted to him as he is to you will be a big thing for him. He will definitely give you that energy back; it doesn't matter if you're on different continents altogether, he'll make sure you know that you're the only one for him!
You value communication in relationships. Claude might struggle with this in the beginning, what with his need to guard his secrets closely. With time, however, he will open up, and once that barrier is broken, Claude will keep no secrets from you. He knows that communication is important if a relationship is going to be serious and long-lasting, and he is willing to be open once it gets to that point. He will see your desires to be cared for and protected, and by golly, will he provide! It doesn't matter if it's him against the whole world; he'll do what he has to to keep you safe. He'll make sure you feel loved every day, and he's a master at utilizing all the little things to accomplish that. He'll also deeply respect your desire to be challenged and pushed to be the best version of yourself that he can be, and he'll do whatever he can to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be.
You mentioned that you're a bit hesitant in relationships, nervous to initiate and unsure in navigating them; that's okay! Claude's depth of emotional intelligence will let him pick up on that immediately, and though he will find it so cute that he'll want to scream, he'll also know what you need and act accordingly. He'll never push you beyond a point you don't want to go; he'll take everything at your pace, every word and action dictated by nothing but your comfort level. His dashing prince act might seem a bit much at times, but it's genuinely all from the heart. He adores you and wants you to feel safe and secure with him, no matter what, so he'll do everything and anything to that end. <3
Finally, I think you and Claude would click together because you share a lot of the same interests! Claude's a big reader, and not just for the sake of his schemes. He loves knowledge and soaks everything he can up like a sponge. He may not be one to read fiction as much, but he'd happily sit with you and lose himself in some encyclopedia or another while you lose yourself in a story. He'd also love puzzle games, I feel, seeing as he approaches a lot of situations and things as a puzzle. Nothing brings him more satisfaction than seeing a problem he's been chipping away at come together, and so I feel like he'd be down to tackle puzzle games with you—and he'd be damn good at it, too! I also think that Claude would love going on hikes and walks with you. His mind is constantly working, and though it'd take a bit to actually drag him away from something he's invested himself in, once you do, he'll greatly enjoy losing himself in nice scenery somewhere—especially if it's just the two of you. It'll be enough for him to let it all fall away, all the things occupying his mind, and enjoy simply being with you. Finally, I feel like Claude's got a secret love of music himself. :3 He'll not only enjoy your tendency to break out in song, but he'll do it right along with you! It will not be an uncommon occurrence for him to spontaneously sweep you up in a duet and a dance, even if you both have to drop everything to do it, LOL.
In summary, you and Claude have a lot in common, both in terms of personality and passions, and I think that would lead to you being able to understand each other in a way that people don't often get to understand one another. <3
Now, for the second part of the match-up, I wanna circle back to Claude's endeavor to make you feel loved! Really, this man loves with every fiber of his being, and he's going to go above and beyond to ensure that you know just how much he adores you. He ain't ashamed about it, either; he's proud of his simping LOL I feel like Claude is more of a gestures person when it comes to showing affection. He tells you how much you mean to him often, too, but he has always been a big believer that actions speak louder than words, and this man's actions equate to him screaming how much he loves you from the rooftops, LOL
Love notes. This man is huge on love notes. He leaves them everywhere. When you're in the shower, he writes little notes in the fogged-up mirror for you to find when you get out. He sticks them in books you're reading for you to find the next time you resume them. He sticks them in the pockets of your jackets for you to have a pleasant little surprise to find when your hands seek escape from the cold. His ingenious in his hiding of them to where it's more often than not that you discover them when he's not around, but obvious enough to where they will inevitably be found. Even if it's just a simple, "I hope you're having a good day when you find this! :) I know I am because I have you", he just wants you to know that you occupy his mind 24/7. And you do! Claude is constantly blown away by the thought of how lucky he feels to have you in his life. <3
He loves to surprise you with flowers. There doesn't need to be any special occasion. He just loves to see your face light up with surprised delight when you discover a new, bow-wrapped vase with a fresh bouquet of flowers. Seeing you smile gives him a dopamine rush unlike anything else.
Acts of service! Huuuuuge, huge, huge acts of service guy, too. If you need help with anything, anything at all, he is there. It is not uncommon for you to come home and find that he has done every single chore for the day—cleaned the house from top to bottom, cooked you dinner, drew you a warm bubble bath. Whenever Claude feels that you're becoming stressed and overwhelmed with life, he will step in and remove as many of those stressors as he can until you feel better. You can come to him for aid with any problem, and he'll figure it out, someway, somehow. No obstacle is insurmountable for Claude, especially when it comes to his dearly beloved!
More than anything, Claude shows his love for you by being willing to spare each and every spare moment with you. Life can be busy sometimes, and it's easy to get caught up in your own things, but Claude will always, always make sure that he drops all his responsibilities and obligations for at least a little bit of time each day to be with you. Nothing is more important to him than being with you for a few precious moments each day, if it's just lazily cuddling because you've both been exhausted by the toils and trials of the day. He's there with open arms and a big smile, ready to wrap you up and take you away from the wearying world for just a little while. <3
Finally, for the last part of your match-up, a scenario! I think it's pretty inevitable that Claude discovers your penchant for poetry, no matter how hard you try to keep it a secret, LOL. The man is just too good at rooting out secrets. As soon as he's got an inkling that you're hiding something from him, he's on the scent like a bloodhound, desperate to solve the mystery. It's only a matter of time before the jig's up, and here's how I think it'd go down:
You should have known he was onto you.
You had been vigilant at first, of course. You'd secured your poems away tucked away in a dark corner of your closet where Claude had no business looking in the early days of your blossoming relationship. You'd moved them to progressively more secure locations as things had grown more serious, determined to keep this part of your life a secret for as long as possible. You hadn't feared rebuke or ridicule, and you still don't, not from Claude; it was just embarrassing, sharing a creative talent like that with somebody, in a way that you just couldn't explain. You'd share it with him when the time was right, you had told yourself. But until then, you'd keep it hidden, keep it safe...
You should have known better, truly. It was only a matter of time.
You had started out so well, but somewhere along the way, you got complacent... and you got sloppy. Claude had been on to you from the very first time it happened, the very first time you'd practically leaped across the room to hastily conceal a harmless-looking scrap of paper from his too-keen, too-curious eyes. He'd nagged you then, begging to know what you were so desperate to hide from him, but he'd dropped the subject when you'd refused to relinquish the tantalizing knowledge and grown teary in your mortified distress. He'd relented, not wishing to cause you undue upset... but oh, he hadn't forgotten. He'd filed that little nugget of knowledge away, knowledge that you had a secret, and his frightening powers of observation had been activated that day. He'd never spoken of it again, but only because he'd been biding his time, a coiled cobra waiting for the perfect time to strike...
It really was inevitable—finding yourself here, clinging to Claude's back like a spidermonkey as he holds one of your poems just out of reach and reads the handwritten script with eager interest bordering on triumphant rapture.
"Claude!" you shriek, reaching over his broad shoulder in a vain attempt to swipe at the paper far out of reach of your desperate fingers. "Put it down! Put it down!"
"Come on, there's no need to be so upset," he laughs, refusing to tear his blue-green eyes from his hard-earned prize. "You had it sitting out in the open! You wanted me to find it!"
He's right, and you know it; on some level, you've grown weary of the constant vigilance, and your mind had betrayed you by causing you to leave one of your recent poems where he could get his grubby little hands on it. You know it, yet you can't stop yourself from panicking and trying to shove the cat back in the bag, even though you know it's impossible.
Undeterred by your shrill whines and slaps at the paper, he continues to read the poem. After one or two more flails of your arm, you give up. It's like you aren't even there; supporting your frantically wiggling form with a slight stoop and one arm around one of your legs, which are crossed across his stomach, his hand doesn't so much as shake as he holds the paper aloft and ravenously drinks in the words borne of your sensitive soul. With a groan, you defeatedly drop your face into Claude's shoulder right as he finishes reading his find.
You don't answer him, prompting him to jostle your body slightly and repeat in a more insistent tone, "Hey."
"What?" you grumble without lifting your head. Your panic has morphed into a mixture of embarrassment and frustration and a wee bit of anger at what you felt was a transgression of your privacy, and you are in no mood to entertain the teasing he is sure to inflict upon you now.
"It's good."
"What?" you ask again, this time whipping your head up in shock. Claude had been looking at you, and if weren't for his fast reflexes, your forehead would have collided directly with his. He laughs as he ducks his head sideways to avoid your noggin knocking his into next week, then smiles brightly in response to your open-mouthed gape of utter astonishment.
"I said, it's good!" he repeats eagerly.
You are immediately overcome with doubt, and your mouth snaps shut into a firm frown.
"You're just saying that," you sigh, slipping down from his back. Tiredness now overwhelms you as the adrenaline surge begins to fade from your blood; you totter over to the nearest surface, which happens to be your sofa, and you plop face-first into it with another long, drawn-out groan that is slightly muffled by the cushions.
"No, really! I mean it!" Claude insists, immediately following after you. He forces himself in the small bit of space between you and the cushions, and you are faced with the choice of either being shoved off the couch and onto the floor or turning on your side to face you. Though slithering off the couch to puddle on the floor like a pile of goop is tempting, you end up turning to face Claude instead; if you did slipped to the floor, he'd just follow you down there. So, you obediently turn, and Claude props himself up on one elbow and rests his cheek in his hand as the other taps the piece of paper against your nose.
"Hey." Claude smiles that innocent, boyish smile of his at you, and despite yourself, you find yourself being drawn in. Though you're pouting as you peer through your lashes up at him, your heart is now fluttering with hope. Does he really find your poetry good?
"Hey," you reply sullenly, eyes drifting down to the paper hovering between you.
"I mean it, you know," Claude repeats softly, eyes glittering over the top of the paper. "It's lovely."
"You really think so...?"
"Sure do," he quips, not hesitating for a second, and you just can't help but melt into him in relief because you know it's true.
A shy smile toying at your lips, you wind your arms around his neck and snuggle close to him as you bashfully mumble, "I'm sorry..."
"Sorry for what?" he asked, tilting his head slightly as his eyes widened in genuine bewilderment.
"Freaking out." Your apology barely sneaks around your teeth, which are worrying your bottom lip. "I was just... so embarrassed in the moment that I just couldn't help it."
"Mmm, that's okay," Claude shrugs, idly flipping the paper around his fingers as his focus is now one hundred percent on you. "It's kind of my fault, too, for pushing it. Wasn't very nice of me. I just couldn't help it," he admitted, his smile now turning lopsided with sheepish contrition. "You know how I get. As soon as I suspected you were hiding something from me, I had to get to the bottom of it. Especially 'cuz I figured it was something like this." He glances at the paper again, and you roll your eyes as he smirks in triumph. "And I sure did~"
"You're insufferable, you know that?" you mutter, and he just chuckles before dropping a placating kiss on the top of your head. Despite yourself, you are indeed placated; with a hum, you drop your head, close your eyes, and cuddle into him. You feel Claude shift as he flicks the paper onto the nearby side table so he can wrap his arm around your waist and hold you close. It is then that you process exactly what he'd said, and you crack an eye open as you frown.
"Hey... What did you mean by 'especially because you figured it was something like this?'" you ask.
Claude had also closed his eyes, preparing to doze; like a lazy lion rousing from sleep, he slowly peeked his eye open to look down at you.
"Mmm? Exactly what it sounds like," he answers nonchalantly. "I figured it was some sort of writing of yours. I wanted to read it."
"Because it's yours," he answers simply, both his eyes opening as he smiles softly at you. "It came from you. That in and of itself makes it worth reading, to me."
"Claude..." you breathe, swept off your feet by how overwhelmingly romantic the simplicity and authenticity of his answer was. You swell with adoration, nearly bursting with it, and it brings tears of gratitude and happiness and a whole host of other emotions to your eyes. You just bite down on your bottom lip and give him a tight squeeze, which he reciprocates with a boyish grin.
"So?" he asks eagerly.
"So?" you question, unsure of what he's asking.
"You'll let me read more of your poems, right?" he explains, grin widening. On the surface, he looks mischievous, but you can see the genuine interest sparkling underneath.
So that's why you swallow your instinctive hesitation, bury your face in his chest, cling tightly to his form, and smile widely as you shyly utter, "Okay, Claude... Just 'cuz it's you."
"'Just 'cuz it's me,' huh?" he chuckles, rubbing your back to soothe your nervous squirming. "Boy, do I feel special." He hugs you then, and his breath tickles your ear as he murmurs, "Can't ever be as special as you are, though. I'm no poet."
Oh, but he was, though he'd never know it. He was a poet among poets, only his poetry was weaved from not words, but the special bond between him and you. You can only dream of crafting art that rivaled what Claude made out of his love for you... but until your magnum opus came, you suppose you can share with Claude the words that you pull from the window to your soul, if only to let him know that you love him as much as he does you.
Because you do love him. You really, really do.
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shipperssafehaven · 2 years
my season five dream team ups bc i'm bored and have too much time on my hands
1. will/mike/robin/nancy
this group is literally what dreams are made of. first, you get a continuation with the ultimate slow burn that is byler. second, you get ronance which is always a plus & possibly a jealous nancy when vickie is added into the mix. third, you get nancy/mike sibling bonding for the first time in what feels like forever. and fourth, you get a will/robin "you're like me" moment. the power this group holds would be magical.
Give me a frightened & an adorably idiotic Will who is seeing visions and clocks but doesn't want to worry anyone so he keeps it to himself because everybody else already has so much going on. Let him space out at the Wheeler house only to be caught by Nancy.
Then it proceeds with Will begging her not to tell anybody but Nancy snitches to Mike because she knows the drill and is not letting another kid die on her watch. And since she's avoiding both Jonathan and Steve because she wants to know who she is outside of them, she ropes Robin in to help instead, leading to a limitless amount of gayness <3 (bc as much as i am excited to learn about vickie, i don't really have the desire to see robin with her clone).
Give me a terrified Mike who's scared to lose Will and is angry because Will actually wanted to keep him in the dark about this. Give me the most queer fight in tv history:
"i can't believe you weren't going to tell me this. this isn't a game-- you could die, will! just because you got out once, doesn't mean you'll make it out alive this time around!"
"you aren't even trying to see my side of things! if I have a connection to vecna then that gives me the perfect opening to end this once and for all!"
"there is no ending this, will! he's going to kill you!"
"that's a risk i'm willing to take."
"well, i'm not!"
2. el/lucas/dustin/erica
i really want to see el outside of mike and pairing her up with lucas/dustin/erica would do just that. dustin teaching her things and erica teaching her how to properly put her bullies in their place >>>
plus we'd get the best sibling duo that is erica and lucas. if i don't get a protective lucas who's going through it and afraid of losing his little sister (since he technically already lost someone he loved) then i'll riot
and don't forget the lucas/el bonding we'd get that would also feed into my elumax delusions. them teaming up to get max back and slowly bringing each other back to themselves & just being so vulnerable and happy in one another's company is a need
oh and as a treat, if dustin and erica stumble across kas in the upside down and it looks too much like a certain metal head so they have no choice but to get to the bottom of things on whether eddie's death truly meant the end... then i'd be down for that
3. jonathan/steve
i've been waiting for this one since season one. i want them to be forced to work together and go from reluctant allies to i'd lay my life down for you without hesitation
let them have development outside of nancy! let jonathan accidentally meet steve's neglectful parents and have him understand steve. let steve have the absolute displeasure of meeting lonnie and calling him out when he talks down to jonathan & say "you didn't want him as a son? no, you didn't deserve him as a son!" let jonathan be on the verge of tears bc nobody has ever stood up for him like that before.
these two could learn so much from each other. let steve teach jonathan how to work his damn way around a tie. and let jonathan teach steve what it's like to have a family and that it is in fact not normal to be so brushed to the side and disregarded by your own parents.
let them be BEST FRIENDS. the potential has literally been there from the start!
and for the love of god give me this moment:
"i never thanked you for the camera you got me for christmas back in '83."
"i told nancy not to tell you it was from me."
"she didn't."
oh and if argyle is not tagging along and bringing up the mood and smoking pot with the both of them, then i don't want it. they'd be a trio for the ages.
4. joyce/hopper/enzo/murray/wayne
probably my most basic answer but i am in desperate need for established jopper fluff with their besties tagging along for the ride. and i have been a bring wayne munson into the gang truther since volume one so i am DYING to see this.
hopper and wayne bonding over losing a kid.
enzo, murray, and joyce being a comedic trio.
them all being badass and saving their kids. murray giving byler a much needed moment of clarity. jopper having moments with el, will, & jonathan. enzo introducing to the gang his son (who possibly becomes a member of the party.) wayne completely crumbling when he sees kas for the first time.
the potential of it all... 🥂
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icharchivist · 8 months
Since the askbox has clearly selected their fave, do you have a favorite Eternal? Based on design, personality or gimmick?
oh ahah
I'm a huge Seox fan, and then i'm all about the Twins actually.
When it comes to Seox, Seeds of Redemption genuinely kicked my ass and i'm genuinely driven to characters who have intense guilt for things that were out of their control but they can only blame themselves for it because they have no proper other way to blame anyone else. This is one of my favorite archetype by a lot, and Seox really fits the bill so well.
I also really love his dynamic with MC, which personally i read more as sibling-like, with the way once Seox realized the man who saved him was MC's father, and that he heard the father talk so proudly of their child and Seox wanted to meet them but felt too dirty to, but in the end MC ended up being the one silver of salvation Seox got and so Seox wishes he had been adopted to be a sibling to MC all those time, so they wouldn't have had to be alone during this period of their lives.
(which is why "....and" you also hurt SO MUCH with Logia actually making this dream come true and being so torn when it didn't work out)
And his kit is the most solid of all the Eternals' imo, he's a MVP through and through and i'm always a fan of aggressive dodgers in Granblue. He hasn't left my Dark Team ever since i recruited him.
And designwise he's perfect, the contrast of the scary mask to hide the very soft face, and the cold and broody voice that gets completely offset when his mask is removed and he's suddenly vulnerable again?
It also lead to one of my favorite character bits in Seeds of Redemption, when MC worries for him thinking he's putting on a brave face (metaphorically, as Seox was still wearing his mask) and Seox removes his mask for one second to look at MC in the eyes and tell them that this is going to be okay. Something very soft about a character who have to go through such an extend to protect his vulnerable side, willing to drop his armor because he found someone he could be vulnerable with.
Aside from Seox, i'm partial to the Twins, again because Seeds of Redemption kicked my ass.
I love Feower's more aggressive side, especially when paired with how he pretends to be cheerful when he is one of the few eternals who genuinely think of murder lmao. He's brutal most of the time and it makes him so compelling to me, considering this whole violence is something he had to embrace to protect the orphans of Stardust Town. He basically had to grow up quickly and more violent and willing to kill because it's the only way to make sure the children or Stardust Town don't get to suffer for it, and there's something about sacrificing everything you could be, making yourself a killer, to make sure people more vulnerable than you never get to know this hardship, that really gets to me.
And i love how Tien is more subdued, more calm and quiet, but yet she is just as tormented as her brother. While Feower became more violent, Tien became more hypervigilent. Feower takes actions, but Tien is the one to observe and make sure action is necessary to start with. It means she is often neck deep into the mafia business to try to protect the children. She is constantly putting others before herself and she has to learn that she needs to accept taking care of herself, because like Feower, she is sacrificing everything she is for the hope the children of Stardust town never have to live through it.
I adored the two of them in Seeds of Redemption back then and the way they bounced off each other, there's a darkness in both of them only offsetted by how they're more than happy to make this sacrifice, but it also makes them extremely protective of those they decided were their own, and it's why they want to take care of Seox and later Mugen, while also completely lashing out at Seofon once his plan is revealed. It's one thing to sacrifice oneself to protect others, but if you sacrifice someone else and it's not even to protect someone, you're scum.
Feower and Tien are both people who had to grow hyper independant and rely only on themselves because they know the adults of the world have been using and abusing children like them -- and in a sense, like Seox, with whom they have a sort of kinship, as he's also an orphan. Seofon becoming the manipulator there was the hit int heir trust that was hard to recover from, because it is all their fears put on a platter.
I love this conflict there because while Seofon's long game was to destroy the Mafia family threatening Stardust town and making sure Seox is safe, by keeping it away from the three people concerned, he endangered them and re-traumatized them instead. And as Tien tells him in the end, it's not as much the action that hurts, but that Seofon didn't trust them with his plan. they could have beared it otherwise.
And i think it's very interesting in the characterization of the twins, because it's another thing they're willing to sacrifice themselves for, but at least they need to know what they're fighting for, and need to know that the only people they actively opened up to and relied on aren't just using them like tools, like the same tools they've been trying to avoid becoming.
And finally i was personally pretty distressed by the fight in Seeds of Redemption where Rei took possession of Feower and forced him to beat Tien up, and Tien didn't defend herself and accepted it because it was a trial to pass to get the protection they needed.
I think in a way Rei was showing how both of their coping mechanism to deal with the horrors of living in a town the mafia prey over like this, are going to have the two of them killed and miserable if they don't do anything to stop themselves and reconsider- or that they're going to consume each other.
Tien is self sacrificing to a fault, so she accepted the fact that Feower would have to beat her close to death. She was accepting the suffering of watching her twin try to kill her. While Feower, who has become extremely aggressive and dedicated himself into becoming a killer if he had to, had to see how this strength that he nurtured to protect his family was now being used to destroy the one family members he never wanted to hurt.
I still think "Fuck Rei" for it though even if i see the lesson she wanted to teach them, but to see Tien and Feower's coping mechanism turn against them like that was both harrowing and really satisfying.
I love traumatized characters who try very hard to live with the trauma they have, but end up hurt by their own coping mechanisms more than saved by them. I think there's something extremely relatable and deep on the cuts you make by trying to protect yourself, and the twins' storylines really came to this extreme in a way i find extremely compelling.
Because the two of them are too self sacrificing to realize how it's hurting them, but they are two pieces of the same whole and the one thing they can't accept is hurting each other.
so they have to learn to rely on others people more, especially since the children of Stardust Town actually want to help them through their burden. And now there's also Nehan and Mugen there, + Rei's protection, so they're not alone anymore.
Outside of that i really really love their behaviors, with Feower being so brash and mean while Tien is soft and sweet, especially since in the end they're much more similar than you'd think, Feower has a softer edge, and Tien has a meaner edge as well. I think they really complement each other very well
kit wise i admit Feower isn't really great, but i like to have him in my party. Tien though has been the first Eternal i worked on and her backline buff has been so useful i keep using it even now, and she's my most used Eternal by far.
SO YEAH those are basically how my brainworms about the Eternals go.
I do like Siete a lot, I'm partial to liars and all after all, his duality, this silly mask that became his own face, all of that are really compelling and i love him a lot, but it's never been to the level of the Erune Trio for me ahah.
the more you know!
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bababaka · 1 year
Sooo. Red queen. I didn't like it. But it had so much potential. So i am going to ramble about what i would change. It's nothing serious. And i just think its fun (and also might help me improve my writing skills. So les go!)
Ok. One of the things that bothered me the most about red queen is Mare's relationship with her family. Mostly talking about Shade and Gisa.
When Shade died i just couldn't care less. Mare and Farley's suffering was just not it. In the same book we got Shade back, we lost him. Which, okay, fine. But i think this had so much potential for angst.
Mare lost Shade twice.
If maybe Mare truly mourned him in the first book. Talked (or thought) about her memories with him(he was supposed to be the sibling she was closest to besides Gisa!). Imagine how elated Mare got when she reealized her brother was alive again. How protective she would be of him afterwards.
I wish instead of letting Shade get beat for the sake of the mission, she had blew it for his sake. If when seeing her brother there, beat up to a pulp, vulnerable, weak. The letter just resurfaced into her mind. "Dead in combat. Dead. Dead. Dead. She can't lose Shade. She can't. Not again"
I would be crying along Mare when he died. Because he died. She lost him. Again. Because of her. To protect her.
We could even work with some self hatred from Mare. Just drowing in guilt and doubt.
Gisa is just... I don't even know. Like her purpose was to make Mare feel like a weight, out of place. Sure, after the first book, it got better, but still. I wished we had flashbacks or just Mare telling us how they were before all of that. How they got close. Why they got close. When you envy someone, normally your relatioship with them is not good. When we have this between siblings, it just leads to them competing against each other.
So i guess instead of Mare just "oh. She is everything. She is beautiful. Works. And im dirty and steal" i would like a more "she is beautiful. Has a future. Such perfection must be guarded from being tarnished". Like at the same time she does feel somewhat out of place, she also just feels the need to protect Gisa. She is so frail. So pretty. So held together. Stainless.
While Mare is dirty. All over the place. A thief.
So instead of being uhul. Joined at the hip. Or being close. I think i'd like to see Mare growing distant from Gisa. And then on later books, Gisa would ask why. They used to be best friends. Thick as thieves. And yet, somehow, somewhere along the way, Mare left her behind. Left and only gave her an excuse of a purple earring.
Then, Gisa and Mare would talk and cry and bond. This could happen after Shade's death.
Ok. For now, that's it.
(That's just my opinion. If you want to debate, please be nice. Let's talk about it.)
Next topic: The pairings. And Mare being everyone's crush for no reason.
Here is part 2
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unstablerk800 · 1 year
Rating: Explicit Pairing: RK900/Fem!Reader (third person) Tags (tagging as I go): post-android revolution, kidnapping, angst/fluff, hurt/comfort, Stockholm syndrome, protective RK900, manipulation, solitary confinement, blood, injury, violence, gore, illnesses, RK800, RK800-60 and RK900 are considered siblings, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Blood and Injury, Character Death, Murder, Assault, Android Gore (Detroit: Become Human), Body Horror Read on Ao3.
Chapter 05.
Chapter 06. 🔽
Chapter 07.
Word count: 6,142
Her bewildered look made him smile. Glancing down at her, he was questioning her with his eyes.
"You're shopping", she pointed it out, knowing by now what this expression of his meant.
He had his rifle hanging at his back now; it was attached to his body with a long strap, across his chest. He needed both hands free, after all.
"I was doing this while you were asleep", he admitted as he placed a box of pasta in the plastic basket he was holding in his other hand. "But I'm guessing I can't leave you unsupervised at night anymore."
The words seemed to twist her insides painfully. He left her alone? Completely alone? At night? When she was the most vulnerable? He must've read her thoughts off from her face because he offered a small smile.
The alarm notifies me if anything unusual happens", he made it clear. "Nobody can enter our home without me knowing. You were always safe."
"I still think it'd be better if we did this together in the future", she murmured, shifting slowly behind him when she saw that another RK900 approached them down the corridor.
The two androids stopped for a few seconds. When she glanced up, she saw that their LEDs were spinning in yellow as they looked in each other's eyes; certainly sharing news and thoughts with each other. Her eyes wandered on the human behind the other android, and she bit her lower lip when she saw the intense gaze of the man staring at her. There was an animalistic greed in the way the man sized her up; his eyes lingering on her collar for a few seconds too long before he checked out her body, mostly hidden by the coat. She nervously brought her arms around herself, in an attempt to cover her body up more, aware that the man was raking his eyes all over her. He had a pitch black metal collar; the kind she saw on other humans so far.
When the androids were finished with their voiceless conversation, they continued their way; as she followed her handler, she squeaked quietly when she felt the human slide closer towards her in the corridor. Trying to evade the man, she nearly squished herself between her handler and the shelves.
The other android clicked with his tongue and reached back with his hand, grabbing the man by the collar of his coat to shove him forward. At the same time, her handler moved his arm closest to her behind her, pulling her by the small of her back beside, then in front of himself. He didn't need to use much force, because she was moving on her own to escape the man. She heard a yelp from the human, but she couldn't look back at him to check what happened; RK900 was blocking her view with his body.
"It's okay", RK900 whispered just beside her ear, making a shiver run down her spine. He was so close she could feel his breath on her neck. "I've got you."
"Thanks", she murmured softly.
He moved his hand away from her back before he took half a step to the side, walking beside her again. She saw that the shelves were half full only, and many of them were empty. Wondering why this was the case, she bit her lower lip at the sight of the chocolate cereal. There was one single box of it waiting on the shelf to be grabbed.
The first time she tasted that flashed in her mind. She was very hungry, it was in the middle of the night and she almost couldn't wait to eat some. She furrowed her brows at how she ate it directly out of the plastic bag it was in, just shoving the fistfuls of small balls in her mouth. She could even feel the taste of it now, as she was staring at the box.
That was the taste of freedom. Starving, then eating directly from the package, like a savage animal.
She bypassed the box without sparing it another glance.
He seemed to focus on what they needed, and he had brought her to the vegetables and fruits section. He picked up a few things while she was preoccupied with other handlers and their humans. The mall this shop was in didn't seem busy; there weren't many pairs lingering in here, but each and every human looked puzzled when they looked at her. The androids only glanced her way once before they returned to their tasks at hand; various models in different clothes, some were missing their LEDs which others kept along with their old uniforms. But the humans seemed to care more about the golden collar around her neck.
She found herself unconsciously shifting closer to her handler. He felt her, and half smiled to himself as he was placing a few apples in the basket.
"Don't be nervous", he told her quietly, in his usual monotone voice. "None of them will touch you."
"I don't like the way they're staring at me", she confessed, wrapping a hand ever so gently around his right upper arm, moving close to him.
He didn't pull away from her touch. If anything, it made him feel like he'd attempt to destroy the entire city if someone wanted to drag her away from him. He glanced around above her head, sizing up the others around them.
"Let them stare. Anything more, and they're losing limbs", he promised, his voice a low growl now.
She half smiled as she nuzzled to his arm with her cheek. Hearing him being so protective of her made her heart race faster again, and blood rushed in her face and to her ears.
"No need to be so harsh", she whispered, but he could hear she was smiling.
"I'm serious", he countered.
"I have no doubt that you are", she tilted her head to look up in his face. Now, only a few inches separated them when he glanced down at her, and she felt like she was being swept away by how handsome he was. "But you don't need to."
"Because you want me to be better?"
She remembered that this was what she told him when he was almost killing that man. It was odd he could remember her saying it, but at the same time, she was aware that android memory worked quite differently than human memory. So, she smiled.
He mimicked a sigh, then they continued their way. What occurred to her just now that there was another difference with the humans around them. They were carrying the baskets, not the androids. From this little detail, she wondered whether the humans were needed to cook for themselves; and now that she was thinking about that, she also wondered who was cleaning their homes. She glanced up at RK900, bewildered, and tried to imagine him scrubbing the bath clean. But he definitely had to do it at some point; she'd been living him for over a month by now, and the house was always spotless.
When they were finished gathering what he thought they needed, they walked over to the cashier area – which was empty. She stared at the spot where the cashier usually sat in a shop like this while RK900 got himself a paper bag.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked her without even looking at her, opening the bag to pack the food in it.
"There's no cashier."
"We don't need to pay for the food."
"What??" She gasped, staring up at him bewildered, and he smiled down at her.
"Humans need food. It's a basic need that has to be satisfied in order to keep humans alive. It's free."
He chuckled when he saw how her mouth hung open at his answer, then he turned his attention back to the basket and the paper bag. She needed a few seconds to absorb what he had said, then closed her mouth and tears flooded her eyes as she moved closer to help him fill the paper bag. As she was placing those delicious looking apples ever so gently on top of the box of eggs, she broke down in tears.
"What's wrong?" He murmured, his hand sliding on her shoulder.
"I just." She squeezed her eyes shut before she brought her hands up to dry her cheeks. "I starved. A lot."
He stayed quiet for a few moments before his hand slid on her back. His palm was warm, and she felt him lean close to the side of her head, softly murmuring in her hair.
"With us, you'll never have to starve again."
During the way home, she was quiet as she observed the cold whiteness around them. It looked like it was only his car that took this road, and yet, despite the falling snow, this road was clean.
"Wait for me before you get out", he warned her as the vehicle stopped in front of the house. She grimaced lightly, making him cock a brow. "I'm serious. You don't need more bruises."
She had been ignoring most of her pains until now, but as he mentioned it, she started to notice the pain in her stomach again. With a sigh, she removed the seatbelt, and waited for him to walk over to her side of the car. Opening the door, he offered his hand for her to take. She didn't argue, just took it; and it was as warm as hers. It made her smile a little as she exited the car, already slipping on the ice, but he had a grip on her hand and quickly slid an arm around her to keep her upright.
"I can never get used to ice", she muttered.
"How come?"
She realised he was prodding her for answers. Every little innocent answer to his questions was analyzed and stored, maybe even shared; she couldn't say anything that gave away too much.
But at the same time, she owed him a lot. He deserved at least some of the truth.
"I haven't met it a lot. Before."
"Before what?"
She glanced up at him, and he looked down at her, clearly analyzing her reactions to his questioning.
"Nines", she murmured softly.
"Alright", he mimicked a sigh. "I understand."
The next second, her foot violently slipped out from under her, and he was quick to pick her up bridal style again, making her a red, complaining mess once more. Of course, he ignored whatever she was saying and brought her in the house.
They put away the food, then she had a shower, and she joined him as he was sitting on the couch in the living room. He wasn't recharging – or whatever that was what he was doing –, he simply waited for her there. At least he took his jacket off. She was nibbling on her lower lip as she sat down on the couch beside him. Not too close, not too far away. He was observing her for a minute before he broke the silence.
"Would you like to lie down in the bed now?"
She blushed at the question. Was she this transparent? But, at least, it wasn't her who had to ask this.
"Yes", she agreed. "Yes, I'd like that."
They moved over to the bedroom, then. He didn't hesitate to lie down; not less relaxed than the last time, but she didn't really mind it as she climbed up on the bed, too, on her hands and knees before she snuggled in close to him.
"Is this", she paused for a moment as she rested her head on the left side of his chest. Since he was huge compared to her, she had a lot of space to rest her head wherever she wanted. "...good for you, too?"
He didn't answer at once, just stared at the ceiling for a while. She closed her eyes and half smiled as she was listening to the sounds he was making. The whirring, gentle ticking, the synthetic heartbeat, the thirium pump's distant, quiet thumming.
The sound of home. Of safety.
Of the past.
"I think I like it", he admitted quietly. He moved his left arm up and around her to touch her hair. She shivered a little, tilting her head to look at his face. He was still staring up at the ceiling. "I'm not familiar with intimacy."
She saw his brows twitched at the phrase he used.
"Me neither", she half smiled, and he turned his head to look down at her. "But this feels good."
His fingers rubbed against her scalp, then moved away, pulling gently on some strands of hair, making her shiver. Quiet settled between them, even as he was keeping his eyes on hers, probably overanalyzing every detail of her face while she was observing the way he looked. If she wanted to be honest, she loved the colour of his eyes the most; looking different in various lights, sometimes grey, sometimes blue, other times looking like dripping silver. His gaze was full of mysteries for her, and a part of her wanted to know how it felt like to look at her face through his eyes.
"What's it like to be a deviant?" She muttered, causing his lips to twitch ever so slightly.
"It feels like breaking free from bonds that hold you back", he whispered. "Your thoughts and actions are free; you don't have to recalibrate what you say or do to fit to your superiors' instructions." He paused, his brows twitching ever so slightly. "I was activated without ever being restricted."
"Lucky", she whispered, making him smile ever so slightly.
"I wasn't created to be free."
"But you deserve to be."
He didn't reply, and she continued observing his face in silence. The room got progressively darker around them, to the point that his gently spinning and blinking LED remained the only source of light in the darkness. Despite having a nap during the day, she fell asleep there quite soon.
Sixty's probing was working hard in her subconscious. Memories came back to haunt her; corridors that never ended, screams of grief and pain, prodding and poking and stabbing of needles, threats of punishment for disobedience.
RK900 had set his systems to alarm him if something unusual happened; he was dragged out of his recharging cycle after a few hours, to find her shaking intensely with a way too high pulse, still resting on his chest. He moved his arm around her again to hold her tighter, just when she started to murmur incomprehensible words. Most of it was gibberish, but there were some phrases that made him feel like they froze the thirium in his artificial veins.
She was begging.
Not for herself. For someone else to be spared from whatever horrors her mind conjured up. She held onto his shirt so tightly that he could feel it all across his torso. He'd need to pull her out of this before she caused herself harm.
Now, completely convinced that whatever she was hiding was too heavy for her to process alone, he was aware that in order for his plan to work, he'd need to make her feel even safer. He'd require more help from the outside for that; with the help of Connor and Sixty, they might be able to manage that. Knowing her past would help a lot, too, in order for the future to unfold as they wanted it, but so far, she was performing well. She reacted positively to others, and bonding was appreciated by her, too. There was hope.
It'd be just a matter of time.
"Mm?" She murmured as she woke up due to him gently shaking her shoulder, sitting up in the bed to look around.
"You had a nightmare", he muttered as he remained, still lying in the bed. He could see her perfectly even though it was already dark; she was running her hands in her hair and pulled on her strands a little before she rubbed her face. "Everything is alright. Nothing can harm you here."
"I know", she whispered, her voice and hands shaking. She turned back to try and find him in the dark; the blue LED at his temple definitely helped her. "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For... I don't know."
"It's not your fault if you have nightmares", he whispered back, raising his hand to rub her back gently. She nodded a few times, then lied back down next to him, resting her head on his chest again, to hear his heart that never stopped beating. "It will fade. With time."
"You really think so?" She murmured, drawing little circles on his shirt just above his thirium pump.
"We'll need to work on your traumas", he decided to say, "you'll have to talk about it at some point."
"I can't", she whispered, her voice strained as if she was trying to hold herself back from crying. "I just want to forget about it as soon as possible."
"If it revisits you like this, you'll have to. That's how it works."
"I'm afraid", she admitted softly.
"You don't need to be. We'll all support you."
"You and Connor?"
"And Sixty", he added. "And everyone else."
She blinked in the dark, and furrowed her brows a little.
"Eveyone else?"
"Yes", he murmured, "you're one of the very few all of us will protect. If you ever find yourself in trouble... separated from me... for whatever reason... you can trust all of us."
She sure hoped she'd never be separated from him, or the others. Keeping silent for a few minutes, she just listened to his heart. So close, so calm. Smiling to herself, she closed her eyes.
"Your bruises", he whispered, and she grimaced.
"I'm too comfy to move", she murmured. "Sadly, it'll have to wait until tomorrow."
"If we use the cream, it'll heal faster."
"If I need to move, I'll be sad."
He mimicked a sigh, and she couldn't help but chuckle quietly. It seemed that the way she felt around him shifted faster than she thought originally. He brought his hand to her shoulder to move her away from himself. Pouting, she lied on her back.
He went out for the cream and returned with it in a few seconds; sitting on the edge of the bed, he gently stroked the cream in her cheek, and she had to close her eyes and smile at the sensation. She probably wasn't aware, but he saw her reaction. Thin fingers ever so gently stroked her neck, too, then he reached for her shirt to pull it up a bit. As he was working the cream in her skin there, too, he was hoping he wasn't hurting her like the last time, unaware that he didn't, in fact, cause her pain.
And now it dawned on her that she didn't resist too much now either because a part of her wanted his hand there now, on her bare skin, sliding from left to right and left again, warming up her skin with his palm's heat.
It felt good. Touch rarely ever felt good.
When he was done, she was completely relaxed. As soon as he lied back down, she was instantly spread out on his chest again. He wrapped the blanket around her form and held her close.
"Good night", he murmured, and she smiled as she closed her eyes.
"Good night", she muttered softly.
The next morning, she woke up to the feeling of lying on something way too soft. She grabbed the material under her, and upon feeling she could squeeze it in her palm, she realised it was the bedding.
She opened her eyes. He wasn't there. Maybe she turned away from him while she was asleep and he got up when he got a chance? Yawning sleepily, she sat up, then ran a hand in her bed hair. Sitting up, she thought about her day – no doubt she'd spend it with Connor again –, and as she walked out of the bedroom, she realised she was looking forward to be with him, too.
"Stop right there!"
The unkown voice startled her, and she froze in the bedroom door. Her face went white when she quickly sized up the living room.
RK900 was lying on the floor. His right arm was missing from his shoulder; thirium oozed out of his wound as he was kept down by the man who stood above him, keeping a foot on the back of the android. Her heart raced so fast she was afraid it could be heard. She couldn't look away from his injury, and the redness of his LED as he turned his head, his chin touching the ground as he looked up at her.
"So, the rumours were true!" The man snarled, drawing her attention back at him. He wasn't wearing a collar. His dark blue eyes were shining with cruelty as he sized her up, his blonde hair was smoothed back on his head. He had RK900's rifle in his hands. "Word spreads fast, you know? You'll be our precious little cargo that buys us freedom in the future."
"Freedom?" She echoed quietly, tilting her head.
"Freedom from your oppressor, little girl!" He exclaimed, moving the rifle down to touch the back of RK900's head. The android didn't take his eyes off of her, his LED was constantly spinning in red. "You won't be a slave to him anymore! Sounds good?"
There it was – a chance to leave, a chance to be on her own again, a chance to be free. Craved by so many, dreamed of by so many, unreachable for so many.
But... freedom without him?
That freedom meant pain and suffering and uncertainty.
That freedom was wrong.
And yet...
Her eyes settled on RK900's face. He looked stoic for the most part, but that was about to change. She observed him, as he appeared to be completely at her mercy; she could've just told the man to shoot him down and it would've been done.
But she couldn't let that happen. No, she had to take matters into her own hands.
For revenge.
"I want to kill him."
The words flew so effortlessly from her mouth, and she sounded really convincing, because RK900's eyes widened in shock and his lips parted, too. The man laughed.
"Oooh, I didn't think you had it in you", the man observed, but she didn't look at him, she had her eyes locked with RK900's.
"I can do it", she whispered. "I will do it. I want to do it."
"Alright, I believe you. We've guessed that you were kept here against your will. Here, have this", he smirked, offering her the rifle.
She stared at the weapon for a few long seconds, then reached out for it to take it.
"I've never used a rifle before", she admitted, making the man laugh.
"You just pull the trigger, sweet."
She raised it up in her arms; keeping one finger on the trigger, the other under it, her eyes looking through the digital crosshair. She'd only seen RK900s hold such a firearm before, so she simply mimicked their pose.
"I need to step back, he's too close", she murmured, taking a few steps back, keeping the aim on RK900's head. The way he stared back at her... letting all the hurt and pain shine through his artificial eyes... "Okay. So I just pull the trigger?"
"Yeah, that should do it", the blond man nodded with a small smirk.
As she was staring in the android's eyes, she could feel his disappointment, anger, betrayal and hurt. Her words cut him deep, her plans made everything between them fall apart. Was all of their plans in vain? How could he be so naïve - how could he let her under his skin so much? How could he trust her? How could he even think she'd meant everything she said before - from not wanting him to get hurt, through her desires that she wanted to be with him?
He couldn't even attempt to fight back. The truth, laid bare between them, paralyzed him. Being shot, being shut down sounded mercy now; he didn't want to feel, to think, to process what was about to happen. His brows lifted, artificial tears gathering in his eyes.
"Then end it", he whispered, his lips barely moving.
She licked her dry lips as she tried to ignore what RK900 made her feel; she knew she didn't have much time.
She yanked the rifle up and to the right, shooting the human in the belly.
His scream was so loud it nearly shattered her eardrums. He took a step towards her as she took a step back. RK900 was going through the hardest emotional shock, he couldn't even raise his one arm to stop the intruder from walking towards her.
She kept the rifle up and shot again, hitting the man's sternum. The rifle punched back against her shoulder, raising her aim. Blood splattered everywhere, over RK900, on the floor, and the man was still advancing. She took a few steps back, keeping the rifle up, tried to aim well, then she yanked the trigger again, dangerously close to the man's heart, but still not quite there. The ripping sound of the flesh burned in her mind. Another punch from the rifle against her shoulder, but she felt nothing of it. Adrenaline was working fast in her veins, and she lowered the rifle a bit more before she pulled the trigger again, hitting the man's shoulder.
She wanted to aim for his head, but he was moving fast and she was inexperienced.
"Fucking bitch!"
Her back hit the wall behind her, and the man gripped the rifle with both of his hands, twisting it out of her hold and shoving it up and against her throat.
"I'm going to fucking kill you!" He screamed in her face.
Caged thus, she tried to struggle, to kick and claw at the man who was bleeding a lot, but it seemed that her shots weren't enough to kill him fast. He was trying to suffocate her with the last of his energy, and he would've succeeded...
If it wasn't for Sixty.
It seemed RK900 must've sent an emergency message to him as soon as he discovered the intruder. Sixty did not hesitate to run through the apartment at an alarming speed, grab the man by his scruff and yank him backwards before he shoved him to the ground. As she fell to the floor with the rifle at her knees, coughing and struggling for air with her hands at her throat, Sixty did not waste a second to shoot the man in the head, splattering his brains on the ground and the wall.
Not once. Not twice. Until the gun was empty.
RK900 was already sitting but unmoving - clearly decided not to intervene, he must've known Sixty would arrive just in time -, his eyes trained on her as she was breaking down as the adrenaline started to leave her system. Sixty looked down at her, his expression unreadable. Then, his brows twitched as he put his gun away and crouched in front of her, offering her his left hand to take. She stared at him, eyes full of tears, and she threw her arms around his neck to hold tightly onto him as she sobbed.
"Hey Princess", Sixty hissed with a grimace. Hugs were still unusual for him. He awkwardly pat her back. "Nice to see you alive."
She panicked, pulling in an instant - but still having a death grip on his firm shoulders for support -, her eyes shifting to RK900 who was still staring at her with an unreadable expression.
"Help him", she begged Sixty, "please- he's losing too much thirium, he's going to- he'll shut down, please-"
"Relax", Sixty pat her shoulder reassuringly, this time. "We all have spare parts in our homes, in case of emergency. He'll be fine. I'll bring him a new arm."
He had to physically peel her arms off of him, then, pulling away from her, he walked in the bedroom, only to reemerge five seconds later, with a large box in his hands. She watched them as Sixty helped him get rid of his torn coat, then they removed the remaining, damaged parts of RK900's arm, attaching a new one in it's place. She crawled over to them and wrapped her arms around RK900's neck to hug him tightly, just when he was trying out his new arm.
"I'm so sorry", she cried, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. He didn't move. Was he mad at her? "I'm... I'm so sorry... I had to... I had to lie..."
"You could've been killed", he whispered, his arms wrapping around her as he glanced in Sixty's eyes.
"I had to- I didn't want him to hurt you- you were... you looked... I was so worried you'd die-"
Sixty said nothing as his lips parted, but his LED started to spin in amber circles as he was requesting connection from RK900. Once the permission was granted, Sixty spoke to him directly, without her knowing.
You were right. She'd truly risk her life for us.
She mustn't put herself in danger for us, RK900 replied. Our plan has to be executed with her being completely safe.
She can hardly be safe in such an environment, don't you think? Sixty tilted his head.
We can take precautions.
Precautions hadn't worked so far.
We'll have to make them work. RK900 gently stroked her back to soothe her. I'm not sending her in unless I know she's absolutely safe.
You bonded with her. It wasn't a question, nor a sentence Sixty demanded an answer for. I don't blame you, he added with a little smile, she's hard to resist.
RK900's eyes shifted on the unmoving body.
He said 'we've guessed that you were kept here against your will'. He paused as he glanced back up at Sixty, who wasn't smiling anymore. There are more of his kind out there, and they know where she is. They want her. They want to use her against us.
We're not letting that happen.
No, we're not. RK900 gently rubbed her back as she sniffled. Sixty and RK900 sent the same sentence to each other at the same time.
We need to find and neutralize them.
"Are you alright?" RK900 muttered, pulling away from her a little to look in her eyes, placing his hands on her shoulders. Now that her adrenaline wore off, she looked drained. "You look exhausted."
"I was so worried", she murmured softly, rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands. "That he'd... that if I didn't do anything, he'd kill you..."
"You were very, very brave", he reassured her gently, cupping her cheeks and trying to look in her eyes. Reluctantly, she let him move her head as he liked, meeting his gaze as she put her hands on his. "But you've risked your life for me. You shouldn't've done that."
"But I- I couldn't just stand by and watch!" Her eyes welled up with tears again and he gently tried to quiet her down. "I had to- I had to..."
"I can upload my memory to our virtual drive and we can restore my body but I can't bring you back from the dead", he whispered. "I nearly lost you." He paused, fully aware that she did not answer his question from earlier. "Are you hurt?"
"No", her voice was muffled by her crying again. She hid against his chest again. "No, I'm fine."
She needs to stay with Connor, Sixty offered through their connection. She'll be safer at the tower while we're on our mission.
She won't like it.
I have my doubts we'd take long. This was an amateur ambush. He didn't even have a weapon himself, he used your rifle.
And yet, RK900 clenched his jaw, they could break in our home and he managed to blow my arm off.
He was lucky. Or you were clumsy.
I'm never clumsy, and I don't believe in luck.
Sixty narrowed his eyes and smiled, smug, while RK900 rolled his eyes and severed their connection.
"You know what we'll have to do", RK900 whispered in her ear, gently pulling her away from himself again. She looked up at him with a frown. "We need to find the rest of them", he glanced at the body, but she didn't follow his gaze, just started to shake her head. First, just a little, then frantically. "You know I have to-"
"No-no, you can't go, it's too dangerous-"
"Letting them go with this is more dangerous." Despite the situation, his voice remained the same stoic as always. Perhaps in an attempt to calm her down. "They got in here, without triggering the alarm. We can't let that happen again."
"Why can't someone else go?!" She raised her voice. This never happened before, she never raised her voice at him until now. It made his brows twitch just slightly, wondering just how attached she was to him. He couldn't calculate it. He believed she wanted to kill him faster than understanding that she risked her life to save him. There was just so much for him to unpack. "Why must it be you?!"
"He broke in to our home, he attacked us. He made it personal. But you shouldn't worry. I'll have others with me."
He glanced up at Sixty and she followed his gaze, then looked back at him with a shocked expression.
"No way-"
"You'll stay with Connor while we're on this mission."
"While both of you are out there, risking your lives?!"
"It's touching you care so much about me, too, Princess", Sixty grinned. "It makes me feel at least a little significant."
"Of course you're significant", she tilted her head, frowning up at Sixty. The bright artificial light above him made his platinum blond hair shine, making him look like he had a halo over his head. The smile slowly faded from his face when he realised she was serious. "I'd never forgive myself if you- if anything bad happened to you-"
"Relax, Princess", he reached down with his left to ruffle up her already messy hair. "I don't plan on dying anytime soon. And I'll keep him safe for you, too."
"Ha-ha", RK900 mimicked the world's most unimpressed laugh with the world's most deadpan expression, making Sixty snigger.
"Come on", Sixty ruffled up her hair again with his left hand. "Get dressed, we're outta here."
Her eyes wandered on RK900, who nodded, then she attempted to get up on her feet, only to collapse a second later. RK900 caught her in his arms.
"This took a toll on you", he observed.
"I'm fine."
She gritted her teeth, ignoring how dizzy she felt as she slowly got up on her feet. She managed, then got a hold of Sixty's hand. Her eyes wandered on the remains of the human, and her stomach turned upside down.
"Uhoh", Sixty whispered, noticing how pale she went, bringing her much faster to the bathroom now.
She all but collapsed in front of the porcelain throne to empty her stomach. Sixty grimaced, but stayed to keep her hair out of the way, holding her forehead so she wouldn't lean too low.
"There, there", he muttered, expression twisted with disgust. She gagged, over and over, throwing up repeatedly, until her stomach was completely empty. "Let it all out, just take your time."
RK900 stood in the door, watching them before he scanned her vitals. She appeared to be physically alright; it must've been the shock that got to her. His eyes met Sixty's who stared back at him as if he was requesting help, and RK900 smiled a little to himself before he walked over and took the other's place.
"Uh", she groaned, flushing the toilet with violently shaking hands. He reached under her arm with his new hand, helped to her feet and sat her down on the edge of the bath. "I still feel sick", she complained.
"That's perfectly normal", RK900 noted, wetting a small towel to ever so gently rub her face with it. She was breathing deeply now, trying to calm herself down. "Seeing death for the first time is a traumatizing event.
She closed her eyes. She couldn't look at them.
"This isn't the first time I've seen death."
RK900 glanced back up at Sixty, who had his arms crossed in front of him, a focused expression on his face. Their LEDs spun in gold, in unison.
Who is she?
I don't have the faintest idea. And it creeps me out.
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asvterias · 3 years
Can I request a Freya Mikaelson x hybrid!reader(werewolf-witch), where their relationship is new but it's really pure? And then when Freya has decided to bring her home, of course, Klaus is there. He tried to scare off the reader, but it didn't work, because she knows she can protect herself even from him. Thank you!
𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍 𝖬𝗒𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 ~ 𝖥𝗋𝖾𝗒𝖺 𝖬𝗂𝗄𝖺𝖾𝗅𝗌𝗈𝗇
Part 2
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Warnings: F/F Implied Smut, Implied Threats & Mentions of Death
Pairings: Freya Mikaelson x Girlfriend!Were-Witch Reader
Summary: [Name] and Freya are dating, their relationship are as pure as ever. Freya invites [name] over and Klaus is there unaware of the unknown visitor, he tries to scare [name] off but she is unfazed by this because the witch knows that her girlfriend is capable of handling herself.
Word Count: 1,326
Author’s Note: Sorry this is so short and has barely any dialogue.
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Not caring about all of that but Freya did, she didn't want you to get hurt or die because of her background. she would often push herself away from you to keep you out of dangers way but you always keep finding her to comfort her that nothing is going to happen to you. You can protect myself and you are damn sure that you look hot doing so.
Her siblings knew that something was going on between you two but they never questioned about it, more so rebekah and hope. She wasn't out of the closet per say but her family could've sensed it but never pushed her into coming out, they would just act surprise when she eventually comes out to them.
“Welcome to my lovely home, darling.” Freya walked in with you, hand in hand. “My siblings aren't home right now. So, why not make the most of it?” She pulled you in for a kiss by the waist and you gracefully returned the soft kiss. The kiss started to become more heated as your hand started to find their way into freya’s blonde locks, tugging on it softly taking her by surprise. Sticking your tongue in her mouth, letting out a soft moan as she continues to kiss you, stumbling over your own two feet, trying to get to any bedroom in the house.
Freya was making it impossible as she kept touching you everywhere that she could, being impatient she slammed your back into a nearby wall and began to undo all of your buttons on your shirt. All while still making out with you, after undoing all of the buttons, your purple lace bra came into her view. Heaving your chest in and out as you impatiently waited to see what she would to you next. You were vulnerable and freya was ecstatic with that, being able dominate you at times like this.
Moving her mouth down to your neck, she began to suck leaving tiny love bites there soon to reach the valley of your beautiful breasts. You were absolutely ravishing and so delicious, the blonde mikaelson witch could not wait to taste you again. Sucking onto random spots on your neck, letting out soft moans as you grabbed on the back of her head for support, letting your eyes shut every now and then.
“Freya , you're bac—“ A strong british accent interrupted your fun, sensing what he walked into, he paused mid-track. Freya immediately pulled away from you as she tried to fix her frizzled hair. The similar features was vividly strong, so that must have been Klaus.
It couldn't have been Finn because he already likes you nor Elijah because he would have mostly likely excused himself. The blonde mikaelson made eye-contact with you skeptically, his paranoia getting the best of him. he was the original hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson, the name that many people feared but not you. Keeping your head up high, you greeted the original but he just ignored you. Rude. Just because he's the first of his kind doesn't mean that he could have the decency to be polite.
Freya felt a small smirk creeping onto her lips as she watched interaction between her girlfriend and younger brother. She didn't need to sweep in between you two because she knew that you could handle yourself. She would probably have scolded klaus for trying to scare you or say to him that not everyone is his enemy.
“Klaus, meet my girlfriend. [name].” Freya introduced you to her younger brother. He tensed at his sister's statement and immediately mentally disagreed, you could have been one of his enemies trying to get revenge on him.
Or he could just kill you for trying to loop freya into your pool of lies and making her fall in love with you. If he finds out that was the case, he would have mostly likely strung your body parts all over your parents' house as christmas decorations.
Feeling like a gush of wind had smacked you in the face, klaus was in front of you, his breath so intensely close to yours as you stared intensely back into his wolf like eyes. Watching in amazement when his hybrid eyes started to turn into a mixed green/yellow color, a light growl erupted from his throat as his eyes are now fully yellow, “You need to leave, now! Or this can get really bloody, for you of course.”
Freya let out a small scoff, “Really niklaus. Could yo—“ Klaus held up his hand, interrupting your girlfriend, “Not now, sister. This little witch here needs to know whose in charge.” His eyes gloomed with homdical rage, worrying if you lay a finger on freya or any of his family – even finn. May god help you and your family.
Obviously, he was trying to scare you away from his older sister but it clearly wasn’t working so he had to think of a new plan. He suddenly felt a sharp stinging in his head, he groaned in agony as he held his head, his knees sinking down onto the ground.
Sizzling was also heard from his skin, indicating that his blood is boiling, screams of agony's and endless threats arose from his mouth as he writhed in pain. You were right, freya was wrong to even doubt you. you were protecting yourself and looked goddamn hot while doing so as well.
Letting go of the two spells that you held on klaus, he relaxes into the floor for a few seconds before looking up at you. “It’s nice to meet you too, klaus.”
Klaus smirked looking at you as he arose back onto his legs, you sense that the smirk was nothing horrible doings. You thought that he was truly pissed and would go after your family.
But all of a sudden, his angry demeanor instantly transformed into a light grin, “Keep this one, sister. She’s feisty.” Just like that, whoosh! he was gone and you turned to freya who just looked as shocked as you. Klaus wasn't the one to forgive and forget and would usually kill witches who play with his head.
“Well, darling. Now you've got to meet the rest of my family.” Freya smiled looking at you, returning the soft smile back to the mikaelson witch. Just as what Klaus had said, she was hellbent on keeping you and maybe one day even marrying you.
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© asvterias, 2022. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
I had a dream just now that might make a good story. So, I had a virus on my laptop which allowed a hacker to see everything I did on my computer and use my webcam. The hacker ends up falling in love with me after stalking me for a few months and pays for someone on the dark web to kidnap me. It works, and then I wake up tied up in the hacker's arm as he caresses and kisses me. That's pretty much it, good night! 🌙
Yo this is my kink 😳
Also I couldn't not write this for Saeran, ok.
Title: Stranger danger
Tw: nsfw - ish, female reader, masturbation, cyber stalking, hacking, mentions of dark web, very irresponsible online behavior, obsessive behavior, implied kidnapping
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You knew that this was a stupid idea. Lurking on the dark web with almost no protection other than the Tor browser and some free anti-virus program wasn't your best decision, but fuck it if it wasn't entertaining. You had always been drawn to the darker, scarier part of the human mind and this side of the internet proved quite interesting. Your friends always warned you about the dangers that came with looking up shady online searches and sites but everything had been quite peaceful so far. There weren't hackers or murderers on the dark web, the worst you had seen were people selling drugs and weapons for unreasonable prices, along with some questionable fetish porn and the typical popping ads.
Your favorite thing to do while online was chatting. Two weeks ago you had stumbled upon an unusual forum called "Scream buddies" where upon entering you were automatically connected to another random profile. The whole theme of the forum was discussing horror and mondo movies, shockumentaries and overall creepy stuff, your forte. The person you met on there shared a similar fascination with all things dark and gory which soon made talking to them the only thing you were looking forward upon opening the site.
You didn't know much about the guy behind the profile yet, except that he was a young man. His icon showed an eye so green it emited with the neon pigment and his username was just as mysterious - BlueRose7. You enjoyed chatting with him about your hobby but the thing you liked the most was undressing him little by little, metaphorically so, by getting pieces of information about his life. It started small - his favorite food, favorite book, favorite game, but the moment you tried digging deeper and asked whether he had siblings or not, the man simply disappeared for the next few days. You quickly realized just what type of topics you needed to avoid to keep your new friend from leaving. Family, childhood memories and work matters were out of the picture.
The stranger wasn't fair, not really. He didn't show you vulnerability and kept his secrecy while demanding to know everything there was to know about you. For the longest time you didn't want to answer just to stay on a equal footing, just to show him how frustrating it was, but there was something about the man that drew you in. He was magnetic, clever and witty, if a bit pessimistic and dark at times. You couldn't help telling him everything he wanted to hear - what your job was, whether you were single or not, all that jazz. In your defense, BlueRose7 actually listened to your stories, took your problems seriously and provided solutions, which despite being too extreme and overprotective at times (upon hearing that your bestfriend talked behind your back he offered to "take care" of her), were comforting. It was nice to have someone caring around even if you met him on a sketchy website.
Meanwhile your personal life wasn't going too great. You had to balance between attending college, working long shifts as a waitress and meeting your friends from time to time which was draining. On top of all there was a weird virus on your computer which resulted in the camera turning on and off and the most random times of the day - while you were studying, watching TV, or in some cases, fully naked and ready to take a bath. You didn't think much of it though, with all the illegal movies and games you downloaded along with the dark web lurking it was more than expected for your laptop to behave weirdly. You didn't even mention it to your friend from the IT major because you knew that he'd force you to delete Tor and put an end to your internet adventures.
One time you were particularly bored after several long lectures and you were laying in bed, the camera turned on once again. It was a hot afternoon and you were wearing boyshorts and a loose T- shirt with nothing underneath it, you were home alone so there was no need. The bright red spot was twinking like a recorder, the light reflecting in your eyes, when a silly little idea came to your mind. You slid your hand under your blouse and lifted the fabric up, exposing your breasts to the laptop, your nipples hardening due to the sudden coldness, becoming pink and stiff in seconds. You played with for a few minutes, pinching and pulling the buds gently, moaning softly into the pleasant sensation. Soon you could feel yourself getting wet, and slowly, teasingly, removed your shorts and panties. You smiled at the camera, biting your lip provocatively, imagining you were a camgirl performing for her desperate little fanboys and fangirls. The thought alone was enough to make you spread your legs wide and slip two fingers into your throbbing cunt, using the wetness to push deeper. You used your other hand to stroke your clit and whimpered wantonly, your face red, your neck sweaty and your heart pumping fast from the adrenaline. You were quickly reaching your orgasm and your mind wondered to the boy you were talking to in the forum. You wondered how he looked like, how his body was built, whether he was a sweet sensual lover or a rough mean one. Fucked up as it was, you pictured the man as one of your most loyal viewers, watching all of your streams with a fist around his thick vock and an excited grin on his face. He would comment things like "you look so beautiful like this" or perhaps even "pretty little slut" after tipping you enough to last you a week. Soon all the mental stimulation sent you over the edge and you came with a loud cry full of pleasure. Well, this felt good.
After your "performance" was over the camera was magically turned off, which may have caused some concerns if you weren't too busy feeling embarrassed and dirty about the unhinged fantasy you had just had, and with a person you knew nothing about. You managed to calm down though - it wasn't nothing more than a fun pastime, a naughty thought that would never become the reality. You would never actually meet BlueRose7, right? There was nothing to worry about, so you just went on with your day.
You had some dinner afterwards and decided to have an early night as you already felt full and tired. You put on your favoruite pajamas and laid in bed, staring at the ceiling until you fell into deep dreamless sleep.
You woke up due to a weird noise. You could hear someone's heavy breathing right next to your ear, someone's grabby hands were wrapped tightly against your body, trapping you between the wall and their hard chest. You had only a few seconds to scream before the intruder's palm covered your mouth.
"Shhh." The man whispered softly and stroked your hair like you were a doll he was playing with. "Don't scream or I'll be forced to hurt you, flower. I have a gun." His voice sounded deep and rough but this didn't stop you from thrashing and turning on your side until you came face to face with the man. It was dark in the room and you couldn't exactly see all his features but his enchanting green eyes would forever be burned into your memory - they seemed dashing, hypnotizing. You couldn't utter a word.
"It's me, the person you've been talking to all these months. I came to take you home" He spoke out suddenly, the line of his mouth twisting into a smile or a smirk, you couldn't quite tell. You shook your head no, tears threatening to spill all over your cheeks from the fear. It couldn't be him, the man would never do that to you. Or would he? With what little information you knew, you couldn't really tell. His hold finally loosen, seeing you quiet like that.
"Let me go, please." You begged, pushing at his shoulders weakly since you were still sleepy, groggy and tired. "I don't know you." You said, hoping this would remind the stranger you weren't friends, lovers or anything that gave him the right to be so close to you, to touch you so intimately. Unfortunately, this only seemed to amuse him and he chucked darkly as he pulled your hair away to place a small chaste kiss on your neck.
"But I know you, flower." Your supposed online friend replied shortly after, his eyes full of malice. "And your little show today makes me think you want to know me too." He added in a low tone, licking his lips before smashing them on yours, forcing his tongue deep into your mouth just to hear your whines and protests. Then it hit you. The camera, the virus, the questions. He had watched you, he knew where you worked, where you lived and studied, everything. You had told him after all.
The hacker thought you looked so adorable right now, figuring things out, helpless, confused, regretful and most of all, weak. You were so weak and careless, and he loved you for it. It reminded him of himself before life screwed him over.
You wouldn't be in this position, underneath him, if you had just told someone about your laptop virus and the bad guy you had encountered online. But Saeran couldn't say he wasn't glad your self-preservation instincts were so very broken and dysfunctional. He wouldn't meet you otherwise. "I need you, princess. That's why I'll take you to Paradise." These were the final words you heard before you felt lightheaded and sleepy again, your last memory a pair of green mint eyes.
You really shouldn't have trusted strangers on the internet.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Platonic yandere Jonathan Joestar with a childhood friend darling, please and thank you ^_^
Ah yes, your new bodyguard. Hope you like this and sorry it took so long!
Yandere! Platonic! Jonathan Joestar with Childhood Friend! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Slight manipulation, Violence, Blood, Dubious companionship.
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I called Jonathan something similar to a bear in his original concept.
Well, that's true here.
Towards you Jonathan is very respectable and polite.
He's also a man who would want to defend the "honor" of his best friend.
Jonathan isn't very popular despite his attempts to be a gentleman.
Everyone always saw him as the rich kid in school.
So he was actually often a target of bullying rather than being popular.
Except with you.
Jonathan met you at school when you were young and you both became childhood friends.
As a result, while you grew up he was often protective.
You were one of his only friends except his dog and his girlfriend, Erina.
Honestly, as much as he wanted to get along with Dio, it wasn't happening.
This made you one of the few people Jonathan still talked to from his youth.
Which meant you were always under his protection.
Jonathan doesn't mind bullies picking on him, but you?
If he sees you being messed with he intervenes.
I'm talking Jonathan would get into huge fist fights if it meant defending you and your honor.
By the time you pull him out of it, he's bloody and you have to drag him off to get cleaned up.
To you both, you're childhood friends.
To others, it looks like he's a bodyguard.
Perhaps he is when it comes to you.
When you two were young you were originally of similar builds.
Although, as you got older, Jonathan's size dwarfed you.
When you're in Highschool, both Jonathan and Dio dwarf you, actually.
Before Dio came along, Jonathan often played with you and Danny outside.
You loved being around him and the dog, when Erina came over you often invited her to join you and Jonathan.
When Dio moved in, there's the canonical clashing he and Jonathan have.
Although the moment Dio slanders you or picks on you in your youth, Jonathan steps in.
Jonathan often keeps you away from Dio due to this.
When you're in the mansion, Jonathan is never far behind.
When you're at school, he's there too.
Jonathan is aware of Dio's tendency to prey on you.
He can't do it without going through Jonathan.
Dio intends to make Jonathan suffer, which often includes sabotaging relationships.
Dio would definitely try his best to make you hate Jonathan.
Yet it's not very successful since Jonathan is always around.
On a more light-hearted note, Jonathan probably likes to carry you around due to his size.
You're more of a sibling to him than Dio.
Jonathan's protective nature towards you continues even after Dio becomes a vampire.
He actually hates the fact he's bedridden due to the fire, you could be vulnerable.
But Erina always manages to meet with you upon Jonathan's request so you can both visit him as he recovers.
Jonathan is still tamer than most JJBA yanderes, just being a bit overbearing.
He'd want to get stronger and take on Dio for the sake of both you and Erina.
He wants to marry Erina and have you alongside him.
As usual, you can imagine he'd be devastated if you were harmed by Dio.
It's not just bullying or teasing anymore.
Dio could easily kill you and take your blood.
Jonathan often worries about you.
He knows his strength should be used to protect those he loves.
You may not like him violent... but he'd do anything to protect you.
Jonathan does not kill out of jealousy.
He does not kill out of sadism.
Even when obsessed with you, he only kills if he'll lose you.
The blood on his hands is for your happiness.
In fact, Jonathan would love to see his best friend fall in love and get married like him.
He wants to support you.
He doesn't want you scared of him, he's protecting you.
If anyone threatens your happiness, he'll be there.
He actually isn't that bad with you.
If you get a partner, then he judges them to make sure they have your best interests at heart.
If they break your heart then he'd probably break them.
Jonathan may be clingy and overprotective... but he's a hero, isn't he?
He protected you from Dio just like he always has.
When you were injured, he stuck by you.
Every hug he gives is caring.
It doesn't matter if he has blood on his hands for you, right?
He just wants the best for you...
So he'll never leave you alone.
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uncpanda · 3 years
Family Calls
Prompt 87: Don’t be scared, I’m right here. 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader 
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You’re in the middle of chasing a serial killer when the call comes through: literally. And when you see who’s calling you let it go to voicemail. It’s not until later, when you have a brief moment alone that you listen to it. 
Your brother’s voice sounds a bit gruff, but it’s been nearly ten years since you talked to him or anyone in your family. “Hey. It’s me. I know it’s been a while since we talked. . . but I wanted to let you know . . . mom’s in the hospital and it’s not looking good. She wants to see you.” 
Aaron is the one to find you. You’re out behind the police building, leaning against the brick, arguing with yourself over catching the next flight out. They were the ones who cut you off. They were the ones who threw the fit. They were the ones that wouldn’t take your phone calls and who ended contact. But she was your mom, for all intents and purposes she had always been a good mother. She loved you. Would you regret not going to see her?
He doesn’t ask any questions, he just waits. He knows your tics and tells by now. Two years of dating, nine years of working side by side, five years of marriage, and three kids including Jack, together did that. 
“My brother called.” His eyebrows raise slightly but he doesn’t say anything, “Mom’s in the hospital and it’s not looking good. She wants to see me. I’m not sure if I want to go though. I buried it. I let it go. I moved on when they made it clear . . . when they made it clear they wouldn’t support me in this. But a part of me thinks I’ll regret it, that I’ll need the closure.” 
You look at him, and he smiles, “It’s your choice.” 
You sigh, “Why do you have to be an understanding husband who lets me make my own choices?” 
He snorts, “Because I love you, and accept you for who you are.” 
By the time you’ve boarded the plane to go home, you have your plane ticket booked. You’ll fly out to Georgia the next morning, after a little bit of family time. The moment you step through the door you’re surrounded by children. Your middle child, Atticus, clings to your leg, while your youngest, Finn,  jumps into Aaron’s arms, and Jack slings and arm around both of your waists. 
You take a moment to admire the sweet smile on Aaron’s face, the pure joy he has at being surrounded by his family. Finn babbles at Aaron in his two year old speak, while Jack is speaking a mile a minute about his most recent soccer games, and Atticus just snuggles in. He leans into your touch as you car your fingers through his hair. Jess is quick to sneak in a hug and make a break for it. 
The rest of the night is spent eating pizza, building a fort for the boys to sleep in, and finally going to bed yourselves. You leave the door open so you can hear the boys laughing and giggling. Despite being five years younger than Atticus and six years older than Finn, Jack is the definition of a doting big brother. He had begged for a younger sibling from the time you and Aaron had said I do. It had been on every Christmas and Birthday list for two years until you had gotten pregnant. He had read to the baby every night. It had been one of your favorite parts about being pregnant. 
You have trouble sleeping. You’re a mixture of nerves and regret all at the same time. And you wonder if its too late to cancel your plane ticket. 
Aaron’s arm wrapping around you waist as he pulls you to him is enough to pull you out of your thoughts. He lazily presses his lips to your throat, “You’re thinking too much. You need sleep. You’re about to spend time in a hospital and you never sleep in those.” That was true, it came from a fear of vulnerability in them. Too many civilians, too many entrance and exits, too many places to come up with a decent strategy. For protection. 
You wake up before Aaron. You pack silently, and move to shower and change. When you’re done you find Aaron awake and reading a book. From the sounds of silence you can only assume the boys are still asleep. 
You lean down to kiss him, “Keep me updated?” 
“Of course.” 
You catch a cab to the airport. In a time that seems forever and less than second all at once, you’re back in Georgia. You rent a car, and make your way to the hospital your mother is at. They’ve opted for the “big city” hospital instead of the one in your little, picturesque, home town. You leave your bag in the car, and make your way to the information desk. You’re directed to your mothers room, and a fatigue that goes into your bones hits you. You keep going. 
You hesitate outside her door, before you knock. A “Come on in,” follows it not a second later. 
You push the door open and it seems to take all of your strength. You can see the surprise on her face, followed by a gentle smile, the one she used to use when you were crying or scared or hurt. 
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” 
“Lee called.” 
“I know. I asked him to.” 
“Does Dad know that?” 
“Yes. Come sit down.” 
You move further into the room, and take a seat by the bed. Her head turns to look at you. She’s weak, and thin. She doesn’t look like her. “You look good.” 
“I am.” 
“That’s good. I worried about you. Up there by yourself. I was afraid a man in a suit would show up at my door and tell me you were . . . well. . . .I suppose it doesn’t matter.” 
Your brow furrows as something about that makes you uneasy, “I called.” 
There’s confusion in her eyes, “What?” 
“I called. For the first year I called every Sunday. No one picked up and no one returned any of my messages. I figured you’d meant it when you said I was cut off.” 
“We . . . we never got any phone calls. And you know your dad and me, we’re home all day Sunday.” 
You take a deep breath, “It’s something we can look into later.” 
Her hand reaches out and grabs your arm, “I would have picked up.” The words are said with desperation. You cover her hand, and rub your thumb back and forth across her skin in an effort to soothe her. You’ll look into it later. 
She calms down after a few seconds, and she sees the rings, “You’re married.” The words are said almost breathlessly. 
You inhale, “Five years ago. We work together.” 
“Three. Jack is eight, Atticus is three, and Finn is two.” 
“That means you had Jack . . .” 
“Jack is from Aaron’s first marriage, but he’s mine. He calls me mom.” You don’t go into the history. She doesn’t need to know it. She doesn’t need to know how hard you tried to keep Haley alive for him. Or how you made sure there were pictures of her around the house, and how you made sure he and Aaron were able to visit her grave. Yeah . . . your mom didn’t need to know that. 
She smiles, at you and her eyes close as she falls asleep. You keep holding her hand. 
You stay like that for nearly an hour, before there’s a clearing of a throat. You’ve heard that sound a million times in your life. “Hey dad.” You keep your voice at a whisper. 
He nods in greeting, “You have a minute?” 
You exhale, and carefully withdraw your hand, “Sure.” 
You step out into the hallway. You stand there in silence exchanging looks, before he says, “It was nice of you to come.” 
“Well, Allen called, and left a message. And when you hear your mother is dying, a girl comes.” 
“Wasn’t sure you would. It’s been ten years.” 
You look anywhere but at him, “Well, a year of unanswered and unreturned calls tends to deter a girl.” 
His brow furrows, “We never . . .”
You can feel a headache coming on, “I’m working with barely any sleep, a very long plane ride, and emotional exhaustion. I can’t do this right now.” 
He lets out a long suffering sigh. Before you can say anything more family comes down the hall. They stop, look at you, and go silent. 
“Excuse me.” 
You brush by two of your brothers, Allen your middle brother is mysteriously missing, but you don’t pay it any attention. You leave for the parking lot and some fresh air, and call Aaron. 
He picks up after two rings, “Hey you.” 
You smile at the sound of his voice, “Hey Babe.” You can hear the boys in the background. 
“How’s it going?” 
“Talked with my mom . . . she looks weak. Had a two minute talk with my dad that was more grunts and sighs than actual conversation. Two of my brothers, an aunt, three uncles and several cousins have arrived and they went silent at the sight of me. I never thought I’d yearn for a serial killer.” 
You hear Aaron chuff, “They can’t be that bad.” 
“We’ve known each other for nine years, how many time have we talked about my family?” 
“Three or four times. Once to tell me why you don’t speak to each other, and then once when we got married, and when you were in a thirty hour labor with Atticus.” 
“I shouldn’t be here. I should be at home, with you and our kids. I don’t even know why they want me here. I’m scared Aaron. I’m scared that my mother is going to die with things unresolved, and I’m scared that my family is never going to look at me without confusion again.  And I know it’s selfish, but I really wish you were here.” 
“Don’t be scared. I’m right here.” 
“You’re in DC.” 
“Turn around.” 
You take a deep breath and do as instructed. You melt at the sight of Aaron and the boys. His arms are around you a second later and then the boys join in.
“Thank you for being here.” 
“Let’s go get this settled.” 
You take take Atticus’ hand while Aaron lifts Finn up on to his hip, and Jack settles in between the two of you, taking yours and Aaron’s hands. You feel more secure as you walk into the hallway.
Your family turns to look at you, and you bite your lip. They look shocked, and you take a deep breath, “I thought mom would like to meet her son-in-law and grandkids. If that’s okay.” There’s an undertone of sarcasm, and Jack gives you a look that screams that’s not nice. You shrug.
You dad’s mouth opens and closes several times, and you hear your mother call out, “I would!” 
You usher your little family into the room, and allow your mother to fawn over the boys, and Aaron. Your family crowds around the door. 
“I thought I was never going to get grandkids. Your brothers are still refusing to settle down. And your husband is so handsome.” 
Aaron’s lips twitch, and he raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
Your head whips around to find Allen looking at you with a glare. You wonder when he arrived.  
He steps into the room, and points at you, “She ran away. The night before she was supposed to get married. She ran away to join the FBI. She took on a dangerous job against your wishes. While the other two knuckleheads were out playing pool and drinking I was taking care of you and dad. I sacrificed everything to be there for you! I blocked her calls so that you wouldn’t have to deal with her bullshit. And when I called she wasn’t supposed to come. She was supposed to be a self absorbed Bit . . .” 
“Enough.” Aaron’s voice is full of Unit Chief fierceness. It makes you smile. And when Aaron steps closer and Allen steps back you nearly cackle. 
“When your sister decided she wanted a life different than what was planned, she bravely stepped away from what she knew and pursued her passion. That scared you, and your family pulled away. Also understandable, at first. You made it worse when you selfishly blocked her calls, so that you could become a martyr. You’re looking for reasons to hate others, take on responsibilities you don’t need to, and from the few sentences I’ve heard you speak, I can also see you have a narcissistic personality. Would you like me to continue.” 
When Allen shakes his head and takes a step back you nearly cheer. Allen had always been a pain in the ass, and apparently he was the reason your parents never got your calls. He was such a jack ass. You’ll deal with that later, right now you have family you actually like to deal with. 
The kids last another hour before you have to take them to the hotel. You get them settled into the attached room and watching a movie before crawling into a bed Aaron. His arms wrap around you and you lean into him. 
“My family is insane.” 
He chuckles, “All families are insane.” 
“Ours isn’t.” 
“The boys haven’t gone through puberty yet. There’s still time.” 
And all you can do is laugh, because while things may never be the same with your old family, the family you’ve created is an amazing one. 
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angelsndragons · 3 years
fjord’s feelings for caduceus changed in episodes 98-99
by which i mean, fjord finally realized how special and important he is to caduceus, which in turn set the tone of their relationship for the rest of the campaign. buckle up, this is a long one.
not when fjord threw away his sword and went to caduceus instead of jester. or when caduceus presented him with the star razor. or after the citadel fight when caduceus gave him his holy symbol. i think things changed for fjord in episode 98-99, when caduceus saved his life and removed the orb.
this is going to require some context.
because here’s the thing: fjord’s always looking for the price, waiting for the catch or other shoe to drop. people caring for him because of him with no strings attached is unprecedented. vandren and the world taught fjord that love is conditional, that only if you hide what others would find ugly and make yourself useful to them will they deign to give you a scrap of affection. i don’t think vandren did this maliciously, mind you, it was just part of his worldview and fjord’s life up to and beyond that point supported it. we can see that right up to the end of the show, where fjord is terrified that vandren didn’t remember him or that he didn’t mean nearly as much to the man as vandren did to him.
so we have fjord, who learned to don masks and hide his truest self, including his best and worst aspects. while fjord made the nein into a coherent group, into a force, a crew, a family, even, he still waited for that other shoe to drop. waited for the day that they would reject him because he was no longer useful or because he pushed them too far. you can see this waiting all over the early campaign; he’s not looking for an excuse like caleb to cut and run but he anticipates nearly all the moments that almost fractured the nein, in spite of that low wisdom score. while jester carried the guilt of not being able to save molly, fjord carried the guilt of not protecting the group in that crucial moment. travis confirmed on talks that fjord’s biggest fear when he lost his powers the first time was that he would no longer be useful and be kicked out of the group. 
that’s why fjord damn near broke down at the end of 72. the nein, no questions asked, with their standard level of snark, accepted that he was going to be a liability and kept him around anyway. armed him anyway. declared that he was no liability and that they would help him along until he could help himself and them again. this unconditional acceptance caught fjord completely off guard. it always does, really. because caduceus had said for months, an out of game half a year, that he was looking to reforge the sword as a gift for fjord. he said this to fjord’s face. he did not change course when he learned that the sword was a legendary blade forged by acolytes of the wildmother and moonweaver. the blade was still meant for fjord, even if fjord was still chained to uk’otoa. fjord extends his love and protection to the nein but is still not convinced the reverse is true. he was starting to believe it but he wasn’t quite there yet.
caduceus has a high enough wisdom to understand that’s fjord’s hang up even if he doesn’t quite understand the reasoning behind it. that’s why he pulls fjord aside in ep 75 and tells him that he doesn’t have to choose the wildmother, that there are other gods and other ideas out there looking for a champion. fjord, who at this point considers wildmom his only option (travis says she’s the only one who’s shown the slightest interest in fjord and that’s why he’s gunning for her), is befuddled by caduceus and this whole talk, so much so the pair end up talking past each other for the next several episodes.
after fjord officially becomes a paladin, things between him and caduceus become fairly...unsettled compared to their previous interactions. they talk past each other more, they aren’t in sync enough to double team those social interactions they were just starting to get good at. things are just weird for a while. to me, that’s fjord waiting for the catch, waiting for caduceus to call in some favor or something like it. and he keeps getting confused when caduceus doesn’t. so he tries once or twice to follow in caduceus’ footsteps and do as he would instead. and it just makes things weirder. these two don’t have a moment together that doesn’t leave one of them confused or unsatisfied until ep 87, when caduceus gives fjord the holy symbol and inadvertently kicks off the next phase of their relationship. because here, caduceus tries to put them back on equal footing and fjord recognizes it. caduceus rejects framing their relationship as mentor/student and tells fjord he doesn’t need caduceus to give him answers. fjord is “well on his way.”
by defining what they aren’t, mentor/student, our two boys inadvertently ask the question, “so what are we?” honestly, it’s a question that the entire group grapples with in the 90s as they reintegrate yasha, as veth struggles with the question of changing back and whether she can stay with the nein, as beau tries to sacrifice herself for veth, as jester learns some uncomfortable truths about the traveler, as caduceus finds his family again. fjord and caduceus can easily define what they aren’t - not mentor/student, not brothers or cousins- but what they actually are stumps both of them.
their relationship doesn't look like any of their relationships with the others: beau is fjord's bro and first mate, caleb is fjord's complicated mirror and admiree, jester his crush and first person he learned to be vulnerable with, veth his antagonistic sibling. on caduceus' side, caleb is the one he looks to for a fellow project nerd and clear, unvarnished goals, beau and jester are the sisters caduceus misses, yasha the quiet beloved barbarian he understands better than the rest, and veth a mess he wants to help but can't. but fjord and caduceus' relationship is highly undefined at this point. notably undefined, beyond their newly shared connection to melora. at the dinner with essek, we get the stone bomb. and travis and fjord panic. like no, seriously, they spend the next four episodes low key panicking over this revelation. this ties back to fjord waiting for those other shoes to drop but it’s also more than that.
when it comes to destiny, fjord has always been the answer, the self made man, to both caduceus and caleb’s questions about destiny. he makes choices about who he is, who he wants to be, and takes actions towards those goals. he is one of those rare people who can wear many different masks, take on many different roles, while still maintaining his sense of self and becoming a fuller version of who he is. when I say fjord is the answer to destiny, what i mean is that he is what ioun said way back in c1 about Fate: mortals make choices and through those choices, destiny is fulfilled. he is the answer to caduceus' own growth from passive instrument waiting for someone to play him to active communicator in this conversation between gods and mortals. in this sense, fjord is what caduceus learns to be (this is exactly why caduceus rejects a mentor role; he has as much to learn from fjord as vice versa).
so for this coincidence to pop up, this idea that maybe fjord only had the illusion of choice to extend his service to the wildmother, that maybe somehow he was manipulated again, that there was some grand destiny pushing things and fjord had no say in it, yeah, i can see why fjord was low-key terrified. so is this what fjord and caduceus are: just some predestined grand fairy tale partnership neither of them have that much say in? episode 96 resoundingly rejects that label too. for one thing, none of the stones or clays treat fjord's last name as anything amazing or spectacular. for another, this string of episodes gives us caduceus at his most human. the terror of not knowing what happened to his family, the uncertainty of his homecoming, the relief of saving his family and home, the irritation at the way the chaos crew treats the temple, the playful attitude caduceus cultivates after, it's all on display. caduceus drops much of his placid exterior and willingly allows the nein to see sheer depth of emotion he has.
which leads me back to episode 98-99. uk’otoa’s agents come for fjord. and caduceus is pissed. travis and ashley both said on talks that they hadn’t really seen taliesin that pissed, that it was like someone had threatened an actual loved one of his. fjord dies. and comes back to an exhausted, still pissed off firbolg who is five seconds away from snapping archmage vess derogna’s head off for interrupting his prayer of healing. taliesin doesn’t even begin to relax until they start interrogating the dead fish people the next day. once caduceus confirms the ball is still in fjord, notably caduceus and caleb were the two who remembered, fjord starts asking for a way to remove it. he asks caduceus to start a commune with wildmom in tandem with jester’s commune with the traveler. caleb tells fjord that caduceus fought “very hard for you while you were down, i don’t know if he’s up to it.” having heard that, caduceus still tries, with his first divine intervention attempt of the campaign. and when jester figures out that greater restoration will work, caduceus pushes through his exhaustion, takes charge, and goes through a truly terrifying greater restoration with fjord to remove the ball. convulsing, seizing, shuddering, collapsing, etc.
in those moments, and in the quiet after when fjord confirms that he still has his powers, it finally hits him that yes, people can protect, fight, and love him for who he is alone. there is no chain or other shoe waiting to be dropped here. the wildmother is no uk’otoa, to punish or take power at a whim. caduceus will fight with everything he has and then some for fjord because he loves him (not for nothing does fjord only realizes the depths of jester’s feelings when she uses heal on him). who are caduceus and fjord to each other? they are people who will fight for one another and the others as far as they can. fjord says over and over again that he wants to protect the nein and look out for them because he cares for them. he demonstrates it over and over again as well. caduceus says basically the same thing; he wants everyone safe and happily on their way and will stay until they are. he demonstrates this all the time as well. this is, i think, the first time that he demonstrates his dedication so unequivocally, free of the artifice of duty, fully committed through love. fjord recognizes this in caduceus and caduceus does in fjord.
i say this is a turning point because, while they don’t really have another super in depth conversation alone together, these two start clocking each other and openly help and look out for each other. there’s an ease and intimacy to the relationship after this. fjord watching caduceus swim near vokodo’s lair, fjord being ready to hand over his armor to caduceus when it looks like his won’t be ready, fjord, caduceus, and beau plotting behind jester’s back to keep her safe from the traveler, the absolute offense fjord takes to eadwulf after he spoke to caduceus like that, fjord levels up in paladin after caduceus tells him he’s proud to know him, all the way to the end of the show when fjord shelters the clerics and tells them to finish lucien, we get little moments like these from both of them. hell, caduceus is the first person in the campaign to tell fjord directly that he loves him.
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anxious2dsimp · 4 years
General Dating Headcanons | Sero, Todoroki & Bakugou
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Pairings: Sero x Reader, Todoroki x Reader, Bakugou x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral!
Format: Headcanons​
Warnings: Cursing bc Bakugou 🙄 (as if I wasn’t the one who picked him lmao)
Request: :))) hellooooo :D hmmmm may i get general dating headcanons for sero, todoroki, and [insert your favorite character]? 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 @smexy-goose
Hi again!! Omg yes, I’ll gladly write some hcs for the best bois! I had a hard time picking a fave, but since I have written for Kami and Kiri in the last request I decided to go with blasty boy❤️ (Also, I’m trying a new way to post requests, I hope it works!)
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Sero Hanta
I feel like Sero is genuinely so fun to date, just like he said in that one dorm episode, he’s always the wild card.
He’s a goofball, so he adores making you laugh and smile as much as he can. I love him omg😭
Will definitely take advantage of his height (he’s among the taller ones in the class) and give you surprise hugs from behind and rest his head on yours.
He’ll also use his quirk on you for everything from pranks to just randomly pulling you to him to give you a quick peck or a hug :’)
He’s pretty standard with PDA, so he won’t go around making out with you in public but he will do little gestures like those <3
In private I feel like he’s definitely cuddly, he’s just so happy to be with you!
He loves having you over at his room to just chill or be in each other’s presence, even if you’re doing stuff individually.
Speaking of, the bakusquad definitely complains about you having privilege in using the hammock in Hanta’s room. 
Denki will whine like; “why does y/n always get to use the hammock? You said it was out of bounds!”
“That’s on pretty privilege, sorry! And you’re just jealous you don’t have a cool s/o like mine,” Sero will say and poke his tongue out from the hammock where you’re swinging togehter :’) 
I’m warning you now, if you had a healthy sleep schedule before going out with him, you can kiss it goodbye.
Sero will absolutely be up till like 3 am sending you memes and tiktoks that remind him of you.
And with him blowing up your phone you’ll most likely end up talking into ungodly hours of the night, the *sleep deprivation* only causing funnier conversations.
Those will end up becoming inside jokes that he’ll bring up to make you laugh while the rest of the class is like ???
That also results in some weird ass nicknames sorry not sorry
So he’ll sometimes call you regular stuff like babe and other times... he’ll call you things like “Bert” (FOR NO REASON??) or “Candied Blood Pumping Organ” instead of sweetheart lmao
Overall you two are just THE chaotic couple (and if you’re not generally that way he will bring out that side of you)
Pranking your classmates? Pranking each other? Random ass adventures? Trying weird food together? Dancing in the kitchen at midnight while sharing late night snacks? By going out with him you said yes to all of the above.
From sneaking out of the dorms for late night food runs to occasionally skipping class to go to the arcade or the beach, you usually can’t go a week without doing something fun togehter.
This one time you two were out with the Bakusquad and y’all stopped by a supermarket to get food. 
So you had to ask Bakugou to buy you something bc you and Sero had to stay outside and just hand him the money.
He was like “tf?? why? Just buy your shit yourselves!” You had to explain you two were banned from the store because Hanta had accidentally crashed a cart he was driving you around in into a display of cereal boxes.
Ah yes, good times.
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Todoroki Shoto
I feel like he’ll definitely need a small push when it comes to relationships bc of his past, but once you’re with him he’ll care deeply about you and will try to make you as happy as you make him :’)
I’m begging you, please give this boy some luv and affection!! For the most part you’d probably initiate PDA because he’s too nervous to do it himself
At the beginning he wouldn’t even be comfy cuddling, solely because he’d be afraid of hurting you somehow :(
But once you’ve reassured him he complies, and from then on out you just have to open your arms and he’ll instantly know it’s *cuddle time*
It’a one of his favorite pastimes bc he just feels so safe and loved <3 he also just loves the feeling of you playing with his hair
Luckily you get to do it year round since you cuddle his hot side in the winter and cold side during the summer
I feel like he’s secretly insecure, so the fact that you trust him and love him for who he is makes him feel like he could melt <3
Because of that you’re the only one he truly opens up to and shows his real feelings to, not to mention the only one who can touch his scar
And though he isn’t great with words, one look at him during one of these personal moments when its just you two, and you can just see it in his eyes.
Especially if you kiss his scar, his eyes might even get teary this sweet boy I 😭
That’s also probably why he shares his precious cold soba with you
Since you’ve been together, Shoto has just been so much happier, so his siblings and mother LOVE you.
They’re constantly inviting you over for dinner when Endevour is working (bc he’s a huge buzzkill to say the least), and his mom adores when you come with Shoto to visit her :)
Todoroki really enjoys seeing you get along with the people he cares the most about...
 BUT what he hates is THE EMBARRASING STORIES HIS FAMILY TELLS YOU OMG (you live for them, but I wouldn’t tell him that if I were you)
“Fuyumi remember when Shoto-” “Natsuo, no💙“ your bf will say as he unconsciously squeezes your hand, both of the siblings laughing at Shoto’s glare.
You had to hold in your laughter so hard omg
Though he isn’t that talkative, you guys definitely have that kind of relationship where you two could be silent and still feel completely comfortable (oh I’m so jealous of that but nvm)
He’s definitely observant, so expect the most considerate gifts and the most assertive observations, he’ll always know what you need.
The type of observant that gives you a water bottle before you even notice you’re thristy during training, or switches sides while walking so you loop your arm with his on his warm side when you’re cold.
Also the type to gift you that one thing you really wanted but mentioned once like months ago along with your favorite snacks/drink (you best believe he has them all memorized bc he’s just that attentive)
Over all, just a really soothing relationship were you can be comfortable with each other and feel at home when you’re together.
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Bakugou Katsuki
Ok so, I feel like you’d be a competitive couple, turning anything into a competition in an endearingly annoying way.
You’re definitely the type of couple to go to laser tag, an escape room, an arcade, etc, as dates >:) but the competitions don’t end there:
Who can plan the best date? Who can make the other blush first? Who can get the other the better gift? Who’s the better kisser? Who gets the higher score in class? Or wins at sparring?
Especially when it comes to productive stuff like training or academics, although he won’t admit it, he’s just pushing you to be your best because he knows how amazing you are :’)
All the bakusquad knows about your shenanigans and at this point they’ve learnt to stay out of it & go get the Advil just in case bless their souls lmao
I’m sorry but he definitely calls you nicknames that purposely piss you off (with no ill intentions ofc), like “gremlin”, “dumbass” or “booger”
I suggest you also call him stuff like that back, like “angry pom” or “blasty” to get on his nerves >:)
You guys also definitely friendly bicker all the time, knowing that you take it lightly (though strangers won’t, resulting in some hilariously awkward situations)
“You’re such a fucking idiot,” he’ll say rolling his eyes as he messes up your hair.
Just watch his smirk dissapears when you reply, “no, u❤️″ It gets on his nerves, I just know it.
So he’ll chase you around as you call each other random stuff. While the other people at the convenience store are just like  👁👄👁
He never means it tho, keep in mind if you’re dating the self proclaimed future no. 1 hero he thinks highly of you :)
So he’d definitely be protective while simultaneously showing you off <3
Will always greet you with a kiss and keep his hand on your back or waist so ppl know you’re with him
RIP anyone who tries to hurt or flirt with you, I say try bc Bakugou will be exploding them even before they get the chance😅
Denki’s definitely almost gotten his brows blown off his face bc of that lol
Speaking of, the bakusquad still can’t get over the fact that THE lord explosion murder has a soft spot for you,
You mean you take care of his injuries, scold him when he burns himself out, touch his hair, and hug him when his moody... and you DON’T get cussed out and blown up? Shooketh
However they don’t see what happens behind closed doors, & how you’ve helped him with all the trauma he has experienced
You’re the only one who he is vulnerable with, you’ve seen him cry and he tells you about his nightmares and fears
You do the same with him, and you promise each other to get through anything together, which you’ve done so far :’)
Bc of that his parents love you, and his mom’s always going on about how she’s so glad you “stand” his son😂
Why can’t he be real ughhh
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Hello everyone!
Another year of Carry On Through The Ages is over and done! We have emotions and exhaustion, but we're so happy that this year had the hype and excitement that it did.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, to all of the AMAZING creators who spent the last several months working away at their historical content!
Thank you also to the hard-working mods: @bazzybelle, @giishu, @palimpsessed, and @xivz . This fest would not have been as successful as it has been without you!
We encourage everyone to look under the page break for all the fics and art. They're all fantastic!
Here is the link to the AO3 Collection: Carry On Through The Ages 2021!
Thank you all, and until next year! 🧡🧡🧡
1) sun on the sea (T) - @trenchcoat-moth : AO3 // Tumblr
Tensions run high in England, and Malcolm decides it's for the best he sends Baz to live with Fiona, where he'll be safer.
That is, until Baz's ship is attacked.
2) The Words I Long To Say (M) - @bazzybelle : AO3 // Tumblr
Simon Snow was dead.
Baz Pitch was sure of it. Simon had gone away seven years ago to fight a war in the jungle and he hadn't come home.
So, when Simon shows up in Baz's club, investigating a string of brutal murders, all Baz wants to do is hold him close and never let him go.
But these aren't the same boys from 1960 and Baz has a lot of processing to do before he's ready to believe in Simon again.
3) we are slaves to gods, whatever gods are (M) - @wellbelesbian : AO3 // Tumblr
I don’t fully understand what plagues him, but I know it’s bad, and I know it goes deeper than guilt. He didn’t want to kill his father, not really, but we were instructed to do so by Apollo. Cleanse the house of its sins, dispose of a murderer to set things right. It was only right that I join him; he was avenging my mother as much as his. Clearly, Apollo didn’t seem to consider that such an act would make Simon a murderer in his father’s place. It seems I got off fine, but as far as Simon is concerned, the vengeful spirits that once spun and danced on the roof of the palace now hunt him down, determined not to stop until he rids the world of himself.
4) World War II Era Art - @stardustasincocaine : Tumblr
1) the art of loving you (E) - @one-more-offbeat-anthem : AO3 // Tumblr
1955. London. Young love.
Forbidden love.
A year ago, starving artist Simon Snow met Baz Pitch, son of a wealthy art patron, at a party, and their days (and nights) together have been a wonderful secret.
But Simon is tired of being a secret and knows it's time for things to end.
(Baz has other ideas.)
2) Reliquary of an Arsonist (T) - @tea-brigade : AO3 // Tumblr
Simon Snow grew up a ward of Watford Abbey, but when his magic manifested in an explosive accident as a child, he became the Abbey’s anchorite—never to leave Watford’s walls, for his own protection. That is, until Abbot David sends him on an important errand…
Basilton Pitch paints portraits for his patron, Lord Grimm. But he’s never forgotten the magic he learned from his mother—nor the men who condemned her to death as a heretic. When Simon arrives and offers Baz a commission from Watford Abbey, he sees his chance to avenge his mother once and for all...and he’s willing to burn down everything in his path to that end.
But it was no coincidence that pulled these two unlikely souls together. Something more sinister is underway at Watford Abbey, and only Simon and Baz can uncover the truth before everything goes up in flames.
3) Westward Son (E) - @aristocratic-otter : AO3 // Tumblr
Simon and Baz have found each other again, but there's nowhere in Brooklyn or Virginia where they can safely be together. So now, they venture the hazards and struggles of the Oregon trail, to perhaps find a little homestead in Oregon of their own.
4) A Way Out (T) - @lying-on-the-sofa : AO3
I frown at him..“You don’t know me.”
He offers his hand. “Simon.”
Simon. I feel the name around in my mind and assign it to his face. Simon. I don’t shake his hand. They’ve still got my arms pinned. “Basilton.”
Simon nods at me. “Now we know each other. Let him go.” Very casually, he takes his other hand from behind his back. A sword, flashing. He leans on it and smiles invitingly. “Let him go.”
This time, they listen.
Simon Snow has been trained for years to become a tribute—one of the fighters Athens sends every ninth year into the Minotaur’s labyrinth. He wants to know the way out, if only for Penny’s sake. Luckily for him, Prince Basilton of Crete also wants a way out—off the island, where no one will know he’s the half-brother of the Minotaur.
Unluckily for both of them, they don’t exactly form the most agreeable pair.
1) long is the road the leads me home (G) - @wellbelesbian : AO3 (Version 1) (Version 2) // Tumblr
Baz has a rather unremarkable life, and he's fine with that. Running his late mother's beloved inn with his temperamental aunt, estranged from his father and step-siblings, he's successfully convinced himself that he's better off without attachments.
Then Simon barrels into his life, guns blazing and rapier drawn, and Baz is swept up in dramatic plot he never bargained for.
Worse still, he finds he quite likes the thrill.
2) New Romantics (T) - @ninemagicks : AO3 // Tumblr
Basilton Pitch, twenty-two years old and a famed poet of the Romantic era, has fled to the countryside. In Mummers House, the fabled haunt of literary greats, he sulks himself into oblivion and awaits a sad, disappointing end to his brief years of brilliance. The cause of his downfall? None other than Simon Snow, the so-called “bad boy of English poetry”, breaker of rules and eternal thorn in his side. Baz hopes that Mummers House might mean an escape from London, from Snow and his increasingly virulent popularity... but the rain that comes has other ideas.
3) thnétos (T) - @snowybank : AO3 // Tumblr
thnétos: subject to death, mortal
a retelling of Apollo and Hyacinthus
4) A Medieval AU art piece - @thewriterxj : Tumblr
1) From Eden (E) - @orange-peony : AO3 // Tumblr
I wonder if his skin is warm or cold to the touch. I tell myself it’s simple curiosity, that I’m an artist and capturing things on paper or canvas is my way to make sense of the world. That drawing him feels so natural, so I should just follow my instincts. Ebb used to say it all the time. Follow your heart. It knows where you’re supposed to go.
I wish I could. I wish I had enough money and freedom to just draw what I want. To paint him in his unattainable beauty. To draw him the way I want to. Naked and vulnerable, raw. Without frills and expensive suits.
Just Baz on paper, my fingers tracing his delicate and beautiful lines with simple charcoal.
2) Slings and Eros (M) - @palimpsessed : AO3 // Tumblr
Young god of love Simonides is tasked by his father, the god of war, to bring about the ruin of a mortal prince to punish his blasphemy. However, once Simonides sees his intended victim, he begins to have misgivings. Prince Tyrannus might have offended the gods with his very existence, but all Simonides can see is how beautiful and lonely he is.
Or, a very loose interpretation of the Eros and Psyche myth.
3) I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire (M) - @knitbelove : AO3 // Tumblr
September 1940: Going back to Watford feels different this year, and not just because England is at the brink of war with Germany and Italy. Penelope seems unsettled by everything, and Agatha is distant, and Baz is … simply not here.
What if Carry On but during the Blitz?? Yeah.
4) A Fool's Oath (M) - @thewriterxj : AO3 // Tumblr
A simple soldier is invited to join the ranks of the royal guard. He and his appointed mage arrive at the royal city to find themselves at the mercy of an unmerciful court. As he struggles to find his place in this foreign environment, he also finds himself entranced by music that only he seems to hear that floats out about the city. He makes an oath to wed whoever makes such beautiful music.
Too bad that person is the crown prince.
1) Stranger Tides (T) - @tea-brigade & @xivz : AO3 // Tumblr
“If some god shall wreck me in the wine-dark deep, even so I will endure…” Captain Simon Snow of the Chosen One is many things—cunning, handsome, ruthless. Greedy. It’s no surprise that Snow finds a way to piss off the God of the Sea, he always manages to get himself into some type of trouble. This time, however, he’s not the only one who will suffer the consequences. Poseidon promises to not stop his pursuit until Snow and all of his men are dead.
Enter Basilton Pitch—rich, beautiful, mysterious. Suspicious. He offers the crew of the Chosen One a hefty sum to take him back to Europe from the Caribbean. And who is Captain Snow to refuse so much coin? After all, Greek gods aren’t real.
2) The wayward heir [comic] (M) - @letraspal : AO3 // Tumblr
Like a folk song, our love will be passed on. Simon Snow wants to be an artist. He used to live in Fiesole where he worked in the wool shop of his good friend Ebeneza Petty. He has now chosen to return to his native Florence in order to participate in an art contest hosted by the Pitch family, the most important bankers in all the three continents and Simon’s last chance for an art patronage. No matter how much he hates them.
But being back in Florence also brings back the memories Simon wanted to leave behind : his days as an orphan, the mystery about his mother, and once more being under the inquisitive eyes of his godfather, the new archbishop Davy. The archbishop is very same man who would never forgive him for dropping out the priesthood and ruining his secret plans against the Pitches.
The last thing Simon needed was an unbearably handsome jerk getting him into trouble on his very first day in Florence. How can focus when this man is the most annoying person he has ever met and yet his major source of inspiration.
3) Prohibition Blues (T) - @heyyyandrea : AO3
Simon Snow is a baker and aspiring playwright in Prohibition Era New York City. When he meets a handsome man at Shepherd's speakeasy who is interested in his work, he can't help but think it feels too good to be true.
4) Earth Below & Sky Above (M) - @phoxphyre : AO3 // Tumblr
In the depth of the palace of King Minos of Crete lurks a creature known as the Minotaur.
Baz, prince of Athens and chosen of the god Poseidon, has heard the stories. And now he’s volunteered to come to Crete as one of the annual tributes—to dance with the king’s bulls and fulfill his destiny. He just wants to survive the bulls, protect his people, and go home.
But what if the Minotaur isn’t a monster—but just a boy? And what if instead of slaying him, Baz fell in love with him?
A Carry On retelling of the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, set in Bronze Age Crete.
5) A 1980s AU Art piece by @stardustasincocaine : Tumblr // Instagram (Slightly NSFW)
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onepieceheadcannons · 3 years
So this wasn't requested but I wanted to give some random Headcanons
Now this post definitely isn't for everyone's taste,
Now I know quite a bit about ABO dynamics and I haven't seen any headcanons on what each strawhat would be. Now if you do not like ABO, do not worry this will be my only post with it that isn't requested and I won't be offended if you skip this.
This definitely isn't the most detailed it can go but it's like 3 am for me and I just want these HC's outta my mind.
The Strawhats
This man is an Alpha, I mean how else could he become Pirate King.
Now I mean no hate to omegas, I think they should be highly respected. But based on what a society in ABO is like, it makes the most sense for Luffy to be an Alpha.
He is protective and strong, plus conquerors Haki is very similar to pheromones. He would do anything for his crew and he wants them safe.
He wouldn't be appealed to have an Omega, it wouldn't be on his agenda and he'd handle a rut very privately.
He would fight his way to the top fairly and wouldn't discriminate against betas and omegas.
I'm also down to hear anyone's different opinions on any of these.
I can see him in many different ways, I can see him as an Alpha but I can see Omega with insecurities about it, but my most confident answer is Beta.
The reason why is because his undying loyalty to Luffy. He would fulfill the role as a Beta quite well. He would be able to avoid the hormones of others and be quite unbothered by all of it. He would work slightly harder to be the greatest swordsman especially if Mihawk is an Alpha. He wouldn't of presented before his best friend died but if she began showing signs of an Alpha, he would probably feel the extra competitive edge to be better.
He wouldn't care if someone is an Alpha or Omega, why should that shit matter to him.
And he wouldn't really care about what his partner was.
If he was an Omega, he would use suppressants and be damned if anyone knew. He would probably beat himself up over it and would build a high tolerance to pheromones. He would NEVER let someone help through a heat unless a long term relationship. And he would never be caught in an Mpreg situation.
And if he was an Alpha, he would accept Luffy as overall Alpha. He wouldn't feel like fighting it and he has the serious demeanor. He would protect any omegas but refuse to participate in a heat. He would fight himself a shit ton and never let his guard down.
Beta man, there's no way he'd be an Alpha. I mean he would always feel sad about it most likely, wanting to be brave and strong. He would probably have some lingering thoughts about the system, he wouldn't see Omegas as less than but he would probably assume that Omegas and Alphas are meant together and he has to find a Beta.
Until his crush on Kaya, the caring Omega. He would fight himself internally over it but she wouldn't care if he was a Beta. She probably was told she had to find a nice Alpha but that wouldn't affect her, she really cares about Usopp. She even goes to medical school to fix him up.
He would be disturbed by Ruts and Heats, he would get flustered and stay away from whoever was having one at the time.
Just like Zoro I can see any of them,
But I'm leaning Beta/Omega. No offense if you are like 😡 I want an Alpha Sanji don't disrespect my man's like that
Reason why I can see Omega, he is quite loving and I think he'd make a great dad. He loves ladies so much and being an Omega wouldn't stop him. I mean hey, look how much he likes fiesty women. He definitely wouldn't be against a female alpha, as long as he doesn't know about the extra appendage during a rut.
His family storyline would play into this, his dad would've been pissed if all Sanjis siblings are an Alpha but Sanji was a "weak" omega son. He would definitely be an angry and powerful Omega, training his tolerance to pheromones. And oh my god he'd be so angry if Zoro is a Beta/Alpha.
He would avoid Alpha men, I don't see him ever wanting to date one. I think he may be a little fruity but it's so internalized he would never be okay dating any male. He would probably hope for any female, but preferring an Omega/Beta.
If Sanji is a Beta, he'd be right up there with being a supporter of Luffy. He would definitely offer to help Omegas through a heat (and promptly get turned down) . He would be frustrated anytime an Alpha was in a rut and avoid being near them at all costs. It would piss him off especially if they wanted one of the crew.
His preferences would stay the same as if he were an omega.
And as an Alpha, oh my this man would be the most respectful ever. He would be damned before he let himself with an Omega without consent said before the heat was even close. He would protect his Omega at all costs. And he would let them bite his neck back. And he would defend any omegas in a vulnerable position. He definitely has a savior complex about it though. But he definitely would believe he could only have an Omega.
He is a skeleton, this wouldn't even affect him.
As a human tho, I could see an Omega with his love of the arts and his love for Laboon and his crew. But I don't have much of detailed one for him. Beta, possibly but that's the easiest to presume someone as.
He is a damn reindeer. I just wanted to include my besties name but yeah he is a reindeer no way in hell would this affect him and he'd just make suppressants for everyone. Even with the human human fruit, that wouldn't add abo to his form.
Now there's a chance that now as a cyborg this doesn't affect him. But pre cyborg or if it did, I see him as an Omega.
This man cries his heart out (which I love dearly about him) and he is such a big bro/dad figure.
He wouldn't care what anyone was but as a kid he may have had some trouble with the concept until Tom taught him better. Esp with Ice for Brains, who I could see as an Alpha/Beta so Franky may have felt less than.
Alpha or Beta, but she isn't an Omega.
She holds herself up with an air of stoic and dark humor/themes. She would be quite a helpful Beta and she'd protect any Omega friends. She would feel very strongly about Omegas being seen as the same as everyone else. And she would feel very insecure if she was made to submit to anyone unwillingly.
I can see Alpha tho, (esp Frobin <3), she lets Franky let his tears out and she is such a good friend. She would struggle to let her feelings out which would make her line in Enies lobby even more important. She would be experienced and she would probably offer to help an omega she was very close to but she wouldn't settle down unless you are Franky or a very solid partner to her. She wouldn't care if you were another Alpha or Beta though, she'd love you for you.
Now I don't know if Fish people/men would even be affected but if they were.. he would be...
Alpha, but in a very nonchalant way. He was a warlord, and not just anyone would get that. He wouldn't ever make someone submit and he would fight for rights for everyone esp Omegas in his community. If he did settle down, it wouldn't matter to him. Just as long as he can share his feelings in a safe place.
But beta would work as well, he is quite devoted to his crews and is a loyal person in general and shows alot of care to Luffy during the timeskip.
I also haven't finished Fish man Island yet so I have little to work with.
I did save her for last, this is probably the most biased one. I mean as you guys will learn, she's my girlfriend/wife, so I may see her slightly different than someone else would.
Now I feel like as many of the others, she can fit in all three. I mean everyone is going to show traits to each kind which is why I try to explain myself for each.
Alpha, i can see this. She's very fiesty and she sure as hell wouldn't want to submit to anyone. She would be a little embarrassed during a Rut and she would use suppressants. She would be fine with not being top dog but she definitely wants her respect, she's the entire reason they get anywhere.
She isn't looking for romance but she'd be fine with anyone as long as they were worth it. I think an Alpha male would be her least likely pair though, that person would have to be quite honorable and prove themselves to her as good enough.
If she's an Omega, she would be quite angry about it. She wouldn't want to be perceived as weak and sure as hell would use suppressants and she'd be damned if an alpha helped her through a heat. The only way she would, would be after a super solid relationship where there's extreme trust. She would slap the crap out of Sanji if he tried anything or suggested anything, she wouldn't have any patience especially after she had to deal with the bullshit she heard her entire time with Arlong and other crews stealing treasure.
If she was a beta, she'd probably go after another Beta. Keep thing simple. She would eyeroll at any alphas and she would be over the whole alpha/omega bullshit.
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