not me realizing Buddy Boris used clarinets for legs in his collage
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yukipri · 1 month
For curiosity's sake...
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obsob · 5 months
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one small step for. kitties
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baellielurk · 2 months
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conversations between ireena and strahd
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cherbearsz · 9 months
when shadow says to nine that "it was all about power", he says it like he's familiar with that motivation, like it was once shadow's goal as well, that he too had been reprimanded with the same accusation. and we know in the games that shadow has sought power! whether it be a "jewel containing the ultimate power", or destroying the earth, or black doom weaponizing his grief, confusion, and rage for conquest.
shadow's insistence on nine's villainy and his eagerness to be the one responsible for nine's defeat - all directed at a character he barely knows - switches from somewhat disproportionate to entirely justified when you realize shadow does in fact know nine, nearly as well as he knows himself. because nine IS shadow - a shadow without support, a shadow alone and discarded by everyone, a shadow whose maria came back only to dash his own hopes and dreams apart.
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honeydots · 5 months
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commission for @shamisense!! poor baby siegbert doesn't recognize xander in his kingly wear ;A;
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rowrowronnie · 4 months
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i dont even know where this is from but something compelled me to draw this
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izzymalec · 1 year
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Shadowhunters 1x12 Malec
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whollyjoly · 5 months
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hot in the day, hot in the night, hot as the coal coming to tread, light on your bed, here we go oh, listen whistle roll (baby the, the sun is getting low)
the bucktommy cowboy au nobody asked for part two (part one) (part three)
(song insp.)
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puppetmaster13u · 28 days
A hint of a continuation of mershark Eyefestation...
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I am weak to many eyes, and genuinely Eyefestation already has some siren vibes with the whole mimicking voices and talking in your mind and trying to get you to look/come to it.
Words & Extra Info:
Anatomical left side of the face has eyes clustered closer together than the right side
Anatomical right head-fin is torn, though who knows from what
Layers and rows of sharp teeth, enough that more are breaking through the front of the gums
The hands are anatomically more similar to a whale-fin's bone structure than a human's
Fins similar to pectoral fins on a shark have grown on the arms
If you look at the model there are the beginnings of extra dorsal fins compared to a bull shark
There are more eyes in wounds and the gills as well
The pectoral shape on the humanoid half is formed by extra gills (eyes are closed)
The long hair can act similar to whiskers, alongside covering the green glow of eyes for ambush
Not Visible:
Freckle-like markings on the face that are actually spiracles (a shark's electroreception organ)
How fuckin HUGE this dude is, swamps a lot of things in size actually
How torn the fins actually are due to simplication of sketches lol
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gleniferskydays · 2 months
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some of my favourite Callie outfits/personas, been messing about w it for A While lol
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to hunter: genuine question, did… did no one actually tell you what happened to arti’s kids?
actually, side note for arti: have you told anyone what happened to your kids?
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Hunter: Nobody even told me she had kids until like, a week ago!
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Arti: I told Gourmand. 
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lenasai · 3 months
honestly even if blaseball hadn't abruptly ended, one of the most dangerous things you could have done during its runtime was get attached to one of the short circuits guys
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tummietown · 2 months
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two posts in one day ?? more likely than you think !!!
this isn't actually anything new. i drew this a while ago but never posted it bc it's lazy and took me, like, 20 minutes. regardless, i thought maybe yall would appreciate it. hehe. i love foodplay tingz
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mudkipper · 4 months
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Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins in Justified (2010-2015)
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
@telemna-hyelle it took more than an hour (sorry about that) but here it is! The Four/Dot fluff I promised!
I hope it helps you end your day on a good note <33
He isn’t ready for this.
Four moves along the wooded path as if in a trance. He knows every step of this place like the back of his hand. But usually, he is much more attentive than this. Usually, he keeps a watchful eye on the surrounding area, scouting for the stray chu or keese. 
Today, however, he cannot seem to keep his mind on such things. The sunlight dappled earth beneath his feet, the scent of leaves and bark baked in the afternoon warmth, the breeze that caresses his cheeks, and the chittering of the many critters that scamper about within the foliage – they are all lost on him.
He feels Dot’s hand in his, her palm smooth and warm. He smells her perfume – light and sweet like the cotton candy they spin at the yearly festivals. He hears her laughter, bright and unrestrained and free as she tells a tale from her day. He sees her, radiant, hair like strands of gold and eyes the color of the joyful sky.
She looks at him, says something he can’t comprehend. He nods, conjures up a smile. With luck, it won’t be as strained as he feels that it is.
He has faced beasts one hundred times his size, navigated the pain and confusion of being split into four, saved the world twice. But by the golden three, he is not ready for this.
And yet, he is going through with it anyway. He can’t back down now. Not when his best friend is right here beside him, every moment of basking in her presence strengthening the love he feels for her. 
Four squares his shoulders. Yes, this is the right thing to do. The hardest things often are. 
The Minish have done a spectacular job preparing the clearing. That much is evident as soon as it comes into view. Everything is as they had planned. Every detail has been attended to with immaculate care.
Vines drape over tree limbs, their slim strands heavy with layered blossoms. Flower petals drift down in lazy pirouettes to join the coat of vibrant pink already lying on the forest floor. The sun glimmers through slightly parted branches. Not far off a fairy fountain casts its soothing glow. Soft notes of magic drift to Four’s ears as he leads Dot forward.
“Link,” she breathes, gazing upward and all around, eyes wide with adoration, “this is beautiful.”
“Yes, it is,” he agrees with a calm he in no way feels. “The Minish worked very hard on it.”
Dot turns to him now, head cocked in question. “The Minish? What do you…”
She trails off as he drops to one knee.
It feels as though he is kneeling on a bed of silk. But the sensation in his chest as he reaches into his pouch is about as pleasant as the Big Octorok sitting on him.
The ring is in his palm though, a delicate thing melted and shaped and fired by his own two hands. It had taken countless tries to get it right, to meld the corners into the perfect curve, to carve the designs in the way he imagined them to be. Making jewelry is not quite the same as crafting a sword. It requires a different sort of skill.
But he had found that skill within him. And he had created something beautiful. Something he will be proud to see upon her finger.
“Zelda,” he murmurs and curses the way his voice trembles a bit at the end, “Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, my dearest friend…” He raises his head, gazes into those big blue eyes. The ones that had shone with empathy when the pieces of himself had threatened to shatter him anew. The ones that had glowed with mirth and joy at the festivals, brightened when he told a joke, gone sharp with interest when he told a tale.
The eyes he has gotten lost in so many times before, and hopes to many more times in the future.
“Zelda, will you marry me?”
She stares at him for a long, agonizing moment, hand held to her mouth, emotion surging across her face. Then, she laughs. She laughs and the world sings with the noise. And she swoops down and lands a kiss right on his lips.
“Was…” he croaks when his surroundings have swung back into focus and the dizzying mixture of elation and trepidation have abated somewhat, “...was that a yes?”
“Oh, Link, of course, it was! Of course!” Her hands are on his face. The ring shines on one of her fingers, though he can’t remember placing it there. Everything is a haze, a haze of wonder and joy and fear. 
It looks perfect there, though. Almost as though she was born to wear it.
“I’ll marry you, Link!” She cries, visage aglow. “I would like nothing more!” 
A laugh bubbles from his lips now, smaller and more hesitant, but overjoyed nonetheless. He stands and suddenly, his arms are around her and hers around him and they are hugging like the world depends upon it. Like if they let go, this moment, this delicate, beautiful moment will solidify and shatter. 
Perhaps, it will. But Four likes to think that it is stronger than that. Like they are.
He blinks away the tears and smiles.
As a sword is forged to endure the struggles of time, so is their friendship made to withstand the toughest of tribulations. And that makes moments like this one even more precious.
“I love you,” she says and her very soul is in the words.
Four holds her tighter and makes himself a promise that he will never let her go. He will never allow her to fall in harm’s way again, never leave her to face life alone. No, they will stand tall through it all. Together. 
“I love you too,” he whispers. “I love you too.”
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