#ALTAIR IS ALL LIKE “I have to go babe”
sc4llywag · 5 months
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Drops this here
Hey👁️👅👁️(with gay intent)
Yeah the hood is probably wrong and its smushing against Malik's head so what
Fuck side views but I did decent here eat up foenems
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ackerfics · 3 years
Rory I have more tpt scenerios, but in canon verse
Reader visiting the headquarters, Levi being restless, that poor guy wants to spend his time with his love 🥺. When reader finally finished her meetings with everyone, she enters his office. She didn’t even have a moment, she finds herself between Levi’s chest and the wall. “You don’t know how much I missed you” Levi murmurs. He then kisses her. The kiss becomes really heated you know what I mean . Then the idiot Eren walks in, carrying more paperworks and sees them in this state. You know what the captain will do to him. Eren will have to sign his death certificate
Fast forward in the end chapter, when Eren throws tantrum at Armin, saying that he doesn’t want Mikasa to find another man. Cae and Al’s expression 😕😑
The forest scene: Falco watches Al, Cae and Levi. Suddenly, he remembers the scene where Porco gets attacked by the Ackermanns and he was so afraid. They won’t ever harm the sweet child
Back to where the twins sister exist, Eren, Jean and Reiner have to compet each other to win Elara’s heart. But little did they know, they have to face the three Ackermanns.
1. poor eren dnidje he has to bleach his eyes after that. there't not enough moments where levi has alone moments with reader. when she enters his office that day, he can't help but cherish her and worship her body on his desk. after days of being interrupted by his sons and daughter, levi is frustrated. so, imagine when eren clambers inside his office with piling paperwork. the first thing that levi does is to cover reader with his frame since her blouse became unbuttoned and to prevent the boy to see her in such a messy state. he throws the scariest glare eren has received in his life. after that, altair laughs at eren's traumatized posture during dinner while caelum holds back his giggles since one of them laughing at someone is enough.
2. oh my god, i know people will come for me bc of this but to this day, i laugh when i remember that panel istg. i literally said pathetic before reading armin's panel and when i did read his reaction, i cackled bc same, babe, great minds think alike /j. bc of that panel, i never want to date someone like eren in my life HHHSWIJD and we're the same age omfg.
putting that aside 😮‍💨, altair and caelum stare at him with disgusted faces bc who would've thought that after all the shit eren put them through, he acts like a kid. so, are they going to accept his reaction like he didn't place a death flag above their heads? no <3. altair even crouches in front of him, all for spite but who knows, and says, "do you have any violent reactions if i'm that man? the one who will live happily with her?" the three of them are speechless yet altair continues, "she deserves happiness, ren, and i'm willing to give her that even if i don't see her like how you do. i love her more than that romantic bullshit and i have no qualms of living the rest of my life with her. if there are different soulmates, i know she's one of mine."
it's just a bluff to make eren realize that his thought process regarding mikasa is wrong but he really means it. the bond he has with mikasa is unconditional --- almost every time she goes after eren, he's making sure she's safe a few paces behind. their relationship doesn't even have to be romantic (think of evelyn hugo and harry cameron in the seven husbands of evelyn hugo --- i adore their relationship so much) --- he's mikasa's best friend, equal, brother figure, and keeper of secrets.
oh my god, i never meant to delve deeper into mikasa's and altair's relationship in canonverse aaaaa kill me now T^T take note that i am not promoting incest, it's far from it. an ancestor family can branch out into various family lines through generations. yes, they're distant relatives but getting together doesn't necessarily mean they have to bring a child in the world nor it is bathed entirely in romance. (on a side note; there are people who pair levi and mikasa together soooo.)
3. falco is safe with these three :<< there's no reason for them to hurt him. caelum senses someone intensely watching them and when he finds falco staring at him, he waves with a small smile. falco is surprised that one of the most-feared individuals bear kindness in his smile. because of the horrified reaction on the boy's face, caelum stands up from beside armin and sits next to falco. there, he clarifies that he had a duty to fulfill like everyone else, that's why him and his family went after porco like that. in the end, the boy warms up to him <3
4. these three idiots, they share one brain cell when the twins' little sister comes around. elara doesn't know that there are three foreboding harbingers of discomfort competing for her attention. almost every time eren, reiner, and jean man up to talk to her, the twins would appear in front of them, directing each of them towards the stables bc of a supposed stable duty (there's none :>>). elara then questions why she's always called to her father's office the moment she steps inside the survey corps headquarters. the three stooges choose the wrong girl to impress.
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vancilocs · 2 years
king and queen aaand altair and the gfs?
i shouldve probably bought new butter the block ive had for like 2 years leaves a funky aftertaste
How did they meet? What was their first impression of one another?
Fenrir had to go visit nearby lords and ladies and other nobles after his coronation, Merope's a younger daughter of one of those families. They thought the other one was goodlooking and they had a nice time talking, but it wasn't at first sight or anything
Cressida met Altair when doing odd jobs at the docks at Theam Sur, she thought he was kinda insufferable but them abs to. Met Neferata a bit later when they all went for drinks, thought she was pretty, fun and kind. Neferata thought he was cocky but fun.
What does this OTP have in common with one another?
Both are calm and level-headed, mild-mannered, gentle, fiercely devoted to family and each other
All of them are kinda hedonistic and love to enjoy the fruits of their hard work, all are touchy-feely, outgoing and openly loving and chatty, the talk never stops when they're all home.
What is one thing that one person does that drives the other absolutely crazy?
Merope's chubby so being picked up makes her giddy, he turns into jelly when she preens his feathers
Cressida likes hands in her hair, Neferata likes foot massages, Altair stops functioning when the girls pin him down
How would they describe one another?
Fenrir is the grumpiest grump who ever grumped. He denies this. His wonderful, radiant, enchanting lady wife needs no introduction
Neferata is mushy with them both and calls them cuties and babes, Cressida calls Altair blue bitch and Neferata her honey sweetie, Altair calls Cressida his bitch and Neferata his sweetheart
How did they flirt with one another before they began a relationship?
Merope tossed some compliments and polite questions his way and he accepted them and tried to say something nice back while struggling to come up with flirts that weren't calling her a cunt like he had gotten used to with his previous partners
The girls objectified Altair and she was completely fine with this. He himself went the cheesy route, comparing to flowers and sunsets and ocean waves and whatnot
What moment made each person first realize they were in love with the other?
Having a moment together like the night before their actual wedding and going hey yeah, you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with
Waking up together for like the 4th time like hey actually
Who made the first move?
Fenrir (after being half-strongarmed by his advisors to find a wife quick), Merope had no idea how she could ever approach an actual king romantically
What would they consider the most romantic thing that happened between them?
Not sure yet
Any kisses in the rain or in the mist at the docks or beach when Altair comes home from her long assignments
What was their worst fight about? Who apologized first & how?
Finding out Merope was pregnant with their youngest wasn't really an argument but nobody was happy either. Fenrir apologized for not being super supportive when she really needed the support.
The biggest one has been about Neferata's favorite bowl breaking and neither Altair or Cressida admitting it was their fault (it turned out it was neither's)
Who gets jealous the most?
Merope used to, since Fenrir would visit his old mercenary friends fairly frequently and she was far from home as the new bride/felt like she didn't belong in the court
They have an open dealio going, no jealousy
What do they admire the most about the other?
After Merope got to know Fenrir better and realized how much effort he puts into his work and to keeping his shit together, she admires that about him (and makes sure she can help him decompress and relax), Fenrir admires Merope's ability to see the bright side in situations, act like true royalty and keep the attention when she speaks, her general grace and poise
Wits, hard-working nature, understanding, resourcefulness and openness are all things they enjoy and admire about each other, the girls like Altair's self-confidence also
Who steals the covers the most?
They have their own
They have so many covers
What are their love languages? [if you’re unsure, find out here]
Fenrir values quality time and acts of service, has learned to appreciate words of affirmation. Merope values quality time and words of affirmation, has learned to utilize acts of service. Both have learned to value physical affection, neither is big on gifts.
Quality time as much as they can all three of them, physical touch is included, as well as words of affirmation.
Do they get married? Who proposes & how?
Fenrir proposed after a year or two of courting and increasing pressure from family. He did fight to propose privately, at least.
They're not married nor are they planning to. Altair's pretty much married to Meketre anyways
Are there children in their future? How many? If not, how did the other respond to *not* wanting children?
They have three living children, one who died at birth and multiples that had no chance from the beginning. It's a miracle they even had their third, tbh
They’ve discussed having maybe one or two, at least there’d be two moms at home most of the time but Altair being gone for long stretches of time makes things difficult
How do they comfort one another?
Cuddle in their own peace, make dinner together or leave the castle to sit under a tree somewhere and relax. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they just want to relax and destress
Make/go fetch comfort foods, ask what's up, cuddle a lot
What was the biggest hurdle in their relationship?
A bunch of people offering Fenrir their daughters (and sons, why not) in marriage over her and his advisors suggesting he find someone a bit more noble with more land or more wealth
If anything then Altair being gone for long stretches at a time
What would they do if the other person was hurt?
Fenrir gets more affectionate when Merope's not doing well, he'd cancel all of his appointments to focus on her. Meanwhile she has to strongarm him to get himself looked at if he's not well
The girls would get mad and demand to know what happened, Altair would be ready to kill
How important is sex to their relationship? Would it matter if one didn’t feel a sexual attraction to the other, but felt a deep romantic attraction?
It's an important part but especially at their older age they can go without for a long while, besides they have a 2-year-old so not like they have the time or energy most of the time,
It's very important that you know Altair's not a virgin
What do they find most sexy about the other?
She knows they're inappropriate and whatnot for a king but damn Merope is into the tattoos (and height). Fenrir can't help but appreciate her boobs and extra weight bc nice
Altair's titties and tattoes, Cressida's back and shoulders, Neferata's legs and booty
Who gets horny the most?
Fairly equal, and not often
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Slice of Life
Betelgeuse x Hannibal Fawley
Word Count: 1520
Tag List: @heavenshipped @fangedwife @the-rocknroll-cryptid @cherry-bomb-ships
Summary: Slice of life in my domestic au! :o) Ft. fankids Altair, Crux, and Spider Lily
Warnings: Babies and pregnancy mention, empty ideation of suicide (in an annoyed context, idk how common the phrase “if such and such happens I’d shoot myself” is but I’ve heard it a few times before and decided it fit in this context), a somewhat rude principal, bug mentions.
REBLOGS > COMMENTS > LIKES - Thanks for reading!
The Fawley household was far from average. It consisted of Hannibal Fawley, otherwise known as Bill in less formal settings, his husband, a poltergeist known as Betelgeuse, and their three children; Spider Lily, the adopted, eldest, human daughter, age six, and Crux and Altair, half-geist twins, only a few months old at this time.
Hannibal’s income came from stories he wrote, and Betelgeuse worked as a “bio-exorcist,” an exterminator of the living, for the sanity of the dead. Spider Lily was of course attending elementary school, where Hannibal occasionally volunteered as well. It was never a dull moment in this family and they, mostly, happily made do.
Hannibal was washing dishes, his babes in a sling under his chest, fast asleep as he quietly worked, when his phone rang. He slipped it out of his pocket and quickly answered it, trying his best not to disturb the twins.
“Hey, babes, it’s me. The shuttle’s clogged to the Netherworld and back, I might be a bit late getting home.” Betelgeuse’s pleasantly gravelly voice came through.
Hannibal sighed. He knew he couldn’t exactly control the times souls had to do their afterlife jobs, but tonight really wasn’t the best night to get stuck like this.
“Beej, we have a meeting with Spider’s principal tonight.”
“Shit, tonight??”
“I told you yesterday. And this morning.”
“How about I meet you at the school??”
“5:30. If you’re not there by 5:35 I guess I’m going in by myself.”
“C’mon, Hanni, don’t be like that, y’know I’d be there in two spits of a coroner’s flame if I could!” Betelgeuse paused. “... So the hell are we talking to her principal for again?”
Hannibal shrugged, shifting his phone to the opposite ear. “Not sure. Maybe it’s something to do with grades.”
“She’s in elementary school for JC’s sake, how the fuck are they going to grade coloured-pencil drawings???”
Hannibal glanced at the time. “I don’t know. If you can make it, you’ll find out, now I’ve got to go pick her up. I love you.” Hannibal made a pronounced kiss into the phone, to which Betelgeuse responded with the same.
“Love you, too, sweetcheeks.”
Hannibal hung up and quickly fed Crux and Altair so they wouldn’t get fussy on the car ride, before changing his shirt and setting out to pick up his daughter.
“Gods dammit, Beej,” Hannibal cursed to himself as he waited by his car with his daughter. He had left the twins home with a trusted sitter, and as his watch struck 5:35, Betelgeuse had not yet arrived. He took a breath, smoothed down his hair and clothes, then took his daughter’s hand and walked into the school.
“Ah, Mr. Fawley, I’m delighted you could make it,” Miss Calls, the principal of Spider Lily’s school, greeted and stood as Hannibal entered her office. He nodded and shook her hand.
“And I’m delighted I could find a sitter,” he joked, “should Spider be in for this?”
“If she would like to be.”
“No.” Spider Lily almost immediately stated. Hannibal smiled slightly and got down to her level.
“Alright. Do you want to wait in the main office? I saw some toys and books you can use to entertain yourself for now.”
Spider Lily nodded and Hannibal took her back out of Miss Calls’ office, before returning and taking a seat.
“Is your husband not joining us?”
“He’s just running a bit late is all-”
The door opened and Betelgeuse entered, having put on a human disguise that looked much like his regular self, but with a lively skin tone, a lack of mold and moss, and thicker hair. However, he still dressed like a suspicious cars salesman, and it took all of Hannibal’s willpower not to introduce his palm to his forehead in that moment.
“Sorry I’m late, horrible traffic,” Betelgeuse took Miss Calls’ hand and shook it much more enthusiastically compared to Hannibal.
“Ah, well, I’m just glad you’re here,” Miss Calls smiled as Betelgeuse took a seat beside his husband. “I don’t think I ever got your name…?”
“Beetle… Fawley?”
“My parents were… eccentrics, to say the least,” Betelgeuse chuckled as Hannibal regained his composure. Misses Calls nodded and reclaimed the seat behind her desk.
“Let us discuss why I’ve called you here… your daughter’s teachers are… concerned, about her.”
“She’s very quiet in class, but she seems to like terrorizing other children on the playground with bugs and very strange stories…”
Betelgeuse chuckled again, knowing at least in part the bugs were probably his influence, but stopped when Hannibal cleared his throat.
“That sounds pretty harmless to me. I was a quiet kid, and I certainly had quite the imagination… who’s to say she’s any different?” Hannibal inquired. He was slightly annoyed they had been gathered for this of all things. Spider Lily had a tendency to be obvious when she was unhappy, and she hadn’t shown any of those signs recently.
“Her teachers are just concerned that she doesn’t really have any friends. They see her try, but there’s nobody she’s really connected with.”
“Not her fault. Maybe the little playground br-” Betelgeuse winced as Hannibal subtly and silently dug his heel into his husband’s foot as a warning. “I mean, maybe the little playground tykes ought to get to know her better before being so quick to judge.”
“I suppose you’re not incorrect.”
“So, what’s the plan? Her teachers are concerned, you called us here to talk, what do you propose we do for Spider so she has more opportunities to make friends? I don’t suppose elementary school has clubs.” Hannibal mused, wanting to cut this meeting short.
“We were thinking, and don’t take this the wrong way Mr. Fawley, you could help her with social skills? It’s clear that being around peers is not quite the right approach…”
Hannibal felt himself grow livid from the insinuation he wasn’t trying his absolute goddamn best to raise Spider Lily in the most safe, educational, and loving environment possible, considering the circumstances of her parents. Betelgeuse noticed the aggravated straightening of his husband’s spine and put a soothing hand on his knee. As much as he’d love to watch Hannibal chew the principal out for her careless words, he knew it wouldn’t help the situation much.
“Well, that’s a fine request, Mrs. Calls.” He spoke calmly with a dangerous undertone. “But don’t you think we’re trying our best at home? I don’t think there’s much we can do to help this situation, at least until Spider Lily finds somebody who likes creepy-crawlies as much as she does.”
Betelgeuse stood, taking Hannibal’s hand so he stood as well. “If Spider wasn’t happy, we’d know. And if we found out it was because of your or one of your employee’s negligence, you’d fuckin’ know, too.”
Betelgeuse’s snake eyes flickered through his disguise in his frustration, making the principal’s hair stand on end.
“Have a nice evening,” Hannibal spoke softer than his husband, tired. Betelgeuse led them out of the office, taking his daughter’s hand as well as they all went back to the car.
“Am I in trouble?” Spider Lily asked.
“No, of course not!” Betelgeuse and Hannibal said in near unison.
“Rollie-pollie, you’re not having any trouble making friends at school, right?” Hannibal asked over the back of his seat. Spider shook her head.
“Some of the boys help me look for bugs at recess. I don’t know many kids’ names, but some are nice to me.”
“Are any of ‘em mean?” Betelgeuse’s disguise melted away as he drove his family home.
“No… but they’re scared of me.”
“Well, so long as you’re not unhappy…”
“I’m not.”
Hannibal smiled. “Then you just make friends at your own pace, alright?”
“Who wants ice cream before we get home?” Betelgeuse asked. Hannibal contemplated telling him no, it was a bit late for Spider to be having anything sweet, but instead he caved. They all deserved something sweet tonight, to take the edge off things.
When the trio got home and Spider Lily was set to bed, all Hannibal could do was strip down to his undershirt and boxers and bury himself in Betelgeuse’s side on their bed. He hadn’t undressed yet, but had his shirt unbuttoned and his tie undone.
“Tuckered out?” He growled lowly and sweetly to his partner.
“You have no idea. Gods, I hate the school board. If I have to mingle with another Susan, Debbie, or hell forbid Karen at another fucking bake sale I’ll shoot myself.”
Empty words. Betelgeuse smiled at Hannibal’s venting.
“You wouldn’t trade the kids to be rid of it, would you, though.”
Hannibal allowed himself a short chuckle. “‘Course not. Love them damn kids. The two I birthed myself, with my own manly hoo-ha, and the daughter we adopted because nobody else would.”
Betelgeuse coaxed Hannibal’s head out from under his arm and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
“That’s the Bill I know.”
Hannibal dragged his fingers through Betelgeuse’s tangled hair, already much more relaxed compared to before. “I love you, Beej.”
“I love you, too, darlin’.”
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Drunk Olivia was your first frabble about her! How could you forget about it! It was so short, but so adorable at the same time! But! I was thinking.. How do Olivia, Amara and Mira look? I know more or less, but can you give more details? The more details, the better. It is for science, ofc.
It is not that I don’t like Haytham. I just have mixed emotions about him which makes me more neutral. I am not too excited for him, something is lacking in his character. I don’t know what. The same goes for Arno and Eivor. Maybe because I feel there is a lot of more potential and game developers didn’t do anything more about it.
Buuuut, your latest headcanons. Woooah Babes! They were REALLY imaginative. Connor - I couldn’t imagine different headcanons for him. Edward? After second thought - you are totally right. I can imagine it all. Let’s be honest. THOSE TATTOOS. I live for them. Summing up, we all need shirtless Edward on a daily basis. I am not sure about Shay and Haytham, maybe because I haven’t really thought about it before. They have such a cold aura around themselves, but maybe it’s just me. But on the other side.. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover! Shay is really, really handsome and your smut with him as the main character left some fantasies and imagines. Him being possessive is on point tho. Kinky Haytham? Interesting..
I would love to play Genshin. I really do. But.. After all these years I finally bought The Witcher games. All of them. And well.. Yes, that’s it. I bought them. That’s all. I have no courage to tell my friends about the purchase because they would literally force me to play lol. I loved the books! And since I read them before watching the Netflix series I am quite disappointed. But I am watching to see Eskel. Please, give me my man already. T_T
Thank heavens that you tolerate tattoos on others. I can sleep peacefully knowing that you won’t judge me and think lower of me. My granny didn’t speak to me for a few days because I did it. I am kinda nervous about what she will do after she sees my second one.. It will definitely be more visible.
Have I ever told you that I HATE rain and wind combined together. Because I hate with all my heart. The weather outside is tragic right now. I have no idea how I will make it to the vet tomorrow.
I have some music recommendations!
First of all, have you heard AURORA’s version of Rasputin? Gods, I love it so much!
Manchester Orchestra - The Silence
Paloma Faith - Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Lola Marsh - She’s a rainbow (and every other song by them. I love this band with all my heart)
Ghost - Enter Sandman
AAaaaa, you can laugh but I really don't remember! I even scrolled through my Tumblr and found nothing. I remember writing about Amara. Anyway, you see? Brain worms 😂
As for how they look... Olivia is a ginger, Irish girl. She has average height, a few dots on her nose, rosy cheeks and laughs a lot! She is a happy girl, full of love in her heart, loving nice, fluffy, soft and warm things. Amara is half English, half Arab so she is mixed race. She has darker skin in a similar shade to Altair (he is also mixed after all. I think his mother was also English). She has long black hair, green eyes. She usually wears male clothes. Mira has hair in a shade of a chestnut so it's brown but under the sun it looks golden. She has a typical Slavic look. She is pear-shaped and has bigger breasts and hips, her legs are a bit shorter than those of English women, she has a round face and always wears long braids, sometimes with flowers in them. I get your feeling about Haytham and the rest. Tbh I have mixed feelings about Arno because I hate Elise and I think he deserved so much better. I'm just sad the world kick his ass that hard. Well, you can always get Genshin because it's free! BUt I want to know your opinions of Witcher 1 & 2! Especially 2 and the choice you will make! I'm curious about it! Also, I love my man Zoltan. I love how dwarves swear all the time, they make me laugh so much! I'm sorry about your Granny ;; I hope she will accept your choices because tattoos look amazing. I mean on others. Not on me 😂 And seriously I love tattoos on others, sometimes I even try to gather courage and compliment people on them (I'm a shy bean but sometimes a tattoo is so amazing that I go to strangers only to tell them how epic they look like). I'm sure you will look amazing, incredible and beautiful. Rain and wind? That's a big no no! I hate that! I hate getting wet like that. I hate wind. I hate cold. But I love my blanket ;; Thank you for the music recommendations! I'll listen to the mand tell you what i think 💜 Stay safe and warm KNifey!
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xazz · 4 years
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Moth Wings 2
Pairing: AltMal, Altair+Desmond  Rating: Explicit  Tags: vampires, romance, servant AU, music AU, Insect wings (but no bugs of any sort), fluff, angst, flangst  Status: WIP
And more vampire AU! Malik shows up... next chapter I wanna say? But if you want Malik rn you can subscribe to my patreon. There to can read the full like 17k of this AU I’ve written so far. See my blog page on how to get to my patreon. Patreon also only has two chapters... but they’re long. They’re so long. And next chapter is going to get saucyyyyyyyy
He only woke because his stomach hurt.
He groaned, pushing himself up. His stomach hurt and complained loudly. He was famished. He crawled out of bed and in the dark put on some clean clothes before leaving the closet. He checked behind the heavy drapes over the windows. It was nearly sunset. He’d slept all night and day. He wasn’t surprised.
His growling stomach made him leave the castle. There was no food for him here. They only kept livestock for drinking in the castle. The castle itself sat in the shadow of a mountain and at the bottom of the mountain was a town. They all knew vampires lived up there and it was better than any human lord they’d ever had. The coven didn’t hunt in the valley. All the town had to do was provide them with amusement at night. Festivals, fairies, music, plays, singing and dancing, and, of course, taxes. But Altair had heard about other towns, beyond the valley, that also had to pay taxes, and it was almost all people had. No. The masters might not have always been kind to Altair but it was far better than the alternative. They never actually threatened to eat him. They just scared him telling him about the humans in the cellar. And he wasn’t even sure that was true.
He was from the town at the bottom of the hill. It was called Castlesong. He’d been born there, lived there his entire life. Then a year and a half ago the Matron had come looking for a strong, abled, young man of sound mind and able to follow instructions. He’d been ‘volunteered’, against his will, by his neighbors. He knew it was because he was ‘too pretty’ they always said. Too distracting to their wives, daughters, and even sons.
He hadn’t even done anything. He’d been the son of the town’s violin maker for goodness sake!
It wasn’t so late the pub was closed yet. He went in and sat alone. The maid came and he ordered something to eat for now and a few pies to eat cold later, and a big mug of ale. He waited, picked at stuff under his nails he’d missed from last night, and was happy when the food was brought. He stuffed himself and washed it all down with the light ale until he was tired again. It was still light out. And he had to wait for his pies. He ended up dozing in the booth. The maid woke him, made him pay, and then rather nicely kicked him out with a basket of pies for his trouble.
Yes. Of course they didn’t want the coven’s ‘pet human’ around longer than necessary.
He trudged back up the mountain to the castle. He could hear the coven inside, laughing and talking loudly. He slipped past the dining hall as he went down to the kitchen. The coven was enjoying breakfast of cups of blood. It looked like they were drinking wine.
Altair put his pies into a cool box in the kitchen for when he got hungry later. Then he went back upstairs. Meals were always short for the coven. They all had a cup of blood and then went about their business. The master was always last to leave. He waited until the others except the master and mistress were gone before presenting himself, looking down at the floor. “Master.”
“Ah, Altair. Good good, you’re here. Perfect timing.”
“Is this really so, William dear?” the Matron asked.
“My love, when was the last time you raised a child?”
“And instead a human shall?”
“For a little while. Our other children turned out fine, dove,” Altair heard the master pat the mistress’ hand gently. “But the first years are so tedious. And it’s better this way. You know that. Gets them acclimated to being around humans and they’re less likely to break away.” The mistress made a noise of complaint but said nothing. “Altair, at last the task you were brought here for is upon you.”
“Yes, master,” he said.
“Our new son, Desmond, will need constant care. Day and night. That is now your responsibility. The only task you will not have is his feedings. As our son he will have real blood.”
“And I’m not allowed in the cellar,” Altair said.
“Absolutely not,” the master agreed. “But he should need feeding only one or two more times more than us. If such a time comes I’ve already spoken to the coven they are to assist you without complaint in ensuring my son is fed. If they do not comply you are to come to me immediately and inform me. Understand?”
“Yes, master.”
The child was then thrust at him. “If you mess up, Altair. You will be the first live meal I’ve had in decades,” the mistress hissed.
He swallowed. “I don’t wish to disappoint, mistress,” he said, holding the child to him. “And… Desmond, you said his name was?”
“Yes. Desmond,” the master said.
“I will keep him close, master, mistress,” he bowed.
“See that you do,” the Matron sneered.
“Come, Desmond, let’s go find your room,” he said and left the dining room.
It was easy to find the babe’s room. He had been told of it several times while he was a chrysalis. It was a cheerful room, painted pink and yellow and full of soft things, both fluffy and perfect for biting. They’d all been gifts from the towns in the valley for the lord and lady’s new child. More toys than a little boy could ever want or play with in a lifetime. Though perhaps vampire children lasted longer as children than human children. The chrysalis had been there a fair amount of time before Altair had been brought to the castle.
He put the babe on the floor and got out some toys for him to play with. Brightly colored blocks painted on the side with letters and scenes of the valley. “Blocks, Desmond. See,” and he started stacking them. Desmond watched him but didn’t understand at first. Altair sighed and leaned back on his arm and just kept boredly stacking the blocks into pyramids and towers and knocking them over. Desmond couldn’t stand or walk but he could sit up on his own. And he just sat there watching Altair with wide black eyes, amazed at what he was doing. After a few builds Desmond leaned forward and knocked over the tower Altair had made. “See, you can do it too,” Altair said. He offered Desmond a block. He took it but just dropped it. Altair sighed. Right. That was too much to hope for. He was hatched yesterday. His wings were still against his back, limp and useless along his spine.
Altair spent the rest of the early evening playing with blocks with Desmond and talking to him softly. Around midnight he took Desmond to go for his midnight feed with the rest of the coven. He gave him over to the mistress and retreated down into the kitchen to have his pies. Up in the dining room he heard the vampires cooing and awwing over the baby, laughing and talking loudly about how cute and funny he was.
Altair just ate his pies and thought about what he was going to do. Who knew how long he’d be here taking care of Desmond. He needed to have a plan. At least so he didn’t go crazy. He was expected to care for this child and… teach it? Maybe? He wasn’t quite sure. At the very least probably teach him to talk and walk and run and play.
He put his pie down half eaten and put it back in the cool box. He slunk out of the kitchen and unseen past the dining room where the coven was making a big uproar about something their newest member was doing. He went to his closet of a room and grabbed his sketchbook and pencils and left them in Desmond’s room. He returned to stand outside the dining room until the coven had all otherwise left. The Matron walked out and he looked down. He just wordlessly held out his hands. Desmond was placed into them and she walked away.
“Your mother is a nice lady,” Altair told Desmond sarcastically. Desmond just stared at him. He took Desmond back to his room and they played with the blocks some more before Desmond laid down on the floor to sleep. Altair quickly transferred him to his bed. If one of the others saw him letting the child sleep on the floor he didn’t want to think of what would happen.
Once the boy was asleep Altair pulled out the sketchbook but didn’t draw. Rather he started writing. All the ideas he could think of that wouldn’t make him go insane in the years to come. Things that a little boy of a lord should know. “What am I going to do?” he asked himself, rubbing his forehead. He’d come up with ideas but. He was just the son of a craftsman! What did he know about raising a lord’s son?!
Well at the very least he could teach Desmond to be kind. That’d be a start. Kinder than the rest of the coven. Maybe even give a shit about humans. At least a little. That, if nothing else, seemed like a good place to start. He could manage that.
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incalyscent · 4 years
in 2021 we stan people being proud of their accomplishments! post your five (or more) favorite fics that you've ever written and anonymously pass this on to as many of your fav writers as you want. let's begin this new year by showering ourselves and each other with love and pride and good thoughts, we all deserve it!
i only started writing again like a year and a bit ago but i got u babe.  in no particular order:
stop looking up for heaven, waiting to be buried. (lucifer, rated m, 3k words)
she has eyes like heaven’s blue sky, and everything inside you says oh when you see her.
probably one of my favorite things i’ve written in a good long while.  this feels...authentic in a medium for which i often change my writing style A LOT to be more palatable.  i didn’t think anyone was going to enjoy the formatting.
i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.  (lucifer, rated t, 9.5kwords)
when chloe was in rome, she learned about the good things too.
the first thing i wrote after a period of over five years in which i didn’t write a thing.  it was scary to post especially considering.  y’know.  how i write, but the reception was actually.  real good.  this fandom is amazing to be quite honest.  i’ve learned A LOT since i posted it, and have no idea if it’s held up against the other stuff i’ve written, but it will probably always be close to me just from the fact it got me writing again.
ya’aburnee. (the old guard, rated t, 6k words)
ya'aburnee / arabic origins / literally 'he buries me'; the hope that you will die before your love so you do not have to live without them.
in a shower of blood, nicolò’s adversary falls to his face in the sand.
look i watched this film and my little gay history nerd ass went insane.  why would they do this to me.  anyways my darling sabe asked for this fic very offhand and has since regretted it.  this is full of gay yearning.  hands.  stupidly flowery poetic prose.  i wrote a GHAZAL for this.
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart.  (star wars sequel trilogy, rated t, 12.5k words)
after finn wakes up, there are things about him that poe notices that he didn’t have time to, before he got hurt.
affectionately nicknamed the monster, this is (was) the longest thing i’d ever finished at the time and it is just completely self indulgent.  it has about every fic trope you could want.  sharing a bed.  hand feeding.  mutual pining but they’re both too stupid to figure it out.  accidental AND fake marriage.  bless.
—but that violence, having passed through the fruit, failed to spoil it.  (assassin’s creed, rated t, 5k words)
“here, look -” malik reaches his hand up towards the cloudless sky, and the angle of altair’s face follows effortlessly- “that constellation is aquila, yes?”
“you were always better at this sort of thing than i,” altair says, bemused. malik snorts.
“well, at it's point, that’s altair.”
altair goes quiet, looking up with particular curiosity. malik smiles at him, then looks back up.
“on either side, that’s alshain, and tarazed, and their names together mean -”
“the balance,” altair says quietly. for the first time in a very long time, malik wants to take down that cowl and see what’s splayed true in those eyes.
“yes,” malik says, “and you will bring balance, altair. it is quite literally written in the stars.”
quarantine slapped me back into my very first fandom and boy did she slap hard.  writing these two again was Wild, because like 10 years ago when i first started i didn’t have the skill to get across just how exactly the felt for one another and now i do.  sabe also asked for this one and also regrets it.  this fic was like returning to a childhood home.  it was crazy. 
and now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.  (good omens, rated t, 3.5k words)
“who were you? before you fell? i don’t… i don’t remember you.”
the stars, transcendent, splay across his fingertips. novas borne from his breath. newborn suns suckling at the white of his wings. carving moons from the flesh of the universe. samael, smiling, glittering, his wings big bangs.
“no one important,” crowley mutters.
this was my most popular fic for a very long time and honestly, i made some points.  this fic also made me some friends.  i’m fond of it for that reason specifically.  i don’t really have much to say about it other than that but apparently it made people yearn and i love that for them. 
and obviously 
i’d suffer hell if you’d tell me / what you’d do to me tonight.  (lucifer, rated e, 7k words)
“fuck, lucifer.”
“that is what we’re trying to accomplish here, yes.”
my magnum opus.  the ghost that haunts me.  my achilles heel.  i will never escape this fic.  the question i am most frequently asked in this fandom’s circle is literally ‘hey didn’t you write that pegging fic?’  yes.  i did.  but at what cost.  but seriously this was real fun to write and one of my first explicit fics and i’m glad it’s well enjoyed i just think it’s funny it’s that i’m Known for.
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reddeaddamnation · 5 years
Spending Halloween with them [preference - Assassin’s creed]
A/N: Since I can’t celebrate Halloween, this is my way of showing appreciation for those who do :)
Alexios: He wouldn’t be very impressed by the holiday, but would find your enthusiasm amusing and rather contagious if he had to be honest. For your sake, he would join in on the decorating and if you insist on going trick or treating, he wouldn’t mind going with you. He doesn’t really care about costumes though. He just thinks they’re childish. But if he decides to dress up, he always picks a Greek god kind of costume. Just picture what a snack he is in an Ares outfit.
Kassandra: She’s totally into it. Decorating? Check. Candy? Check. Costumes? Check. Couple costumes? Oh, you know it. Especially the couple costumes. It’s always fun with her because she loves making her own decorations and most of them actually look good, even if the process of making is a bit silly but hey, you have a laugh or two right?
Bayek: He isn’t one for trick or treating. He prefers to stay home and give out candy to the children who come knocking and in fact, all the children in your area know him and never miss your house, because he gives out the most candy. Even if he picks trick, it would be because he wants to have a laugh, but still gives out sweets anyway. Usually he would dress up like an Egyptian god and would love it if you joined him in that style, but wouldn’t mind if you have your own idea. 
Aya: She likes going to the Halloween themed parties, just for a good time and to blow off some steam. She spends a lot of time on her costume and wants everything to be perfect about it. Every year she tries different things - super hero, mythic creature, movie characters, you name it. But what she loves the most is the bonding time she spends with you in decorating and carving pumpkins.
Altair: Um... don’t really expect him to be too enthusiastic. “Babe, it’s Halloween!” “It’s just another day of the year!” Don’t pay him any mind, though. He wouldn’t ruin it for you. The most he would do is carve a pumpkin and is surprisingly talented in it. His carved pumpkins are a real picturesque aesthetic. Usually he lets you deal with trick or treaters, but he secretly loves giving out handfuls of candy to children who knock on the door. Do not bother him with a costume. He thinks they’re ridiculous.
Malik: Well, he isn’t a killjoy that’s what I’ll say... But he has a weird habit of saying unnecessary facts about Halloween to the kids who just went out to have some fun... and not get educated about how Halloween originated from the Celtic people... or how it’s celebrated around the world. He enjoys decorating your home with various things, but don’t expect him to wear a costume...
Ezio: Did someone say Halloween? You know Ezio is gonna go all out! Especially on the costumes. Trust him in picking them out and he will make sure you will have the best ones in probably the entire city. His personal favorite is a sexy vampire and you know he’s gonna nail both the look and the behavior. He’s even up for some roleplay if you’re too later in the night ;) Posts all the aesthetic pictures of the decorations, the pumpkins and especially himself on his social media.
Connor: He celebrates because of you, really. He just loves seeing the smile on your face when you’re having fun. He would love to decorate and carve pumpkins with you, even though he’s a bit bad at it, but it’s the thought that counts! He isn’t one for parties either and would much rather stay home, watch a scary movie and give out candy to the trick or treaters. And yes, he gives a lot of candy. Like, a lot.
Haytham: He doesn’t really care about Halloween and thinks it’s just a children’s holiday. Still, he would make sure your house is the best looking with all the expensive lights and special effects. If you want to dress up, he would be more than willing to buy you a beautiful, good quality costume that will take everyone’s breath away. Is a little cheap about the candy though...
Edward: Let’s be real, he welcomes any day where there’s a reason for drinking. He will most definitely go to any party or even better if the party is in your place. He will also go dressed as a pirate and bonus points for you if you also go as a pirate or as his first mate. Bonus points for when you’re alone, I mean wink wink. 
Shay: The only way you will find him celebrating Halloween is at home with a scary movie. It still counts, right? He just isn’t one for celebrating anything. The most he can do is reluctantly carve a pumpkin or two and that is only if you don’t laugh at what he has created. He wouldn’t turn down trick or treaters, though, but don’t expect much.
Arno: He loves it! He would even start talking about it one month earlier and expect by the middle of October your house to look like one from a horror movie. Also expect to watch scary movies throughout the entire month. Costumes? Yes please. Especially if you’re up for couple costumes. His favorite is either a vampire or an aristocrat and would go all out to make it look legit and perfect. But his favorite part is the little cookies shaped like ghosts or skulls.
Elise: Like Arno, she too would start celebrating early. Pumpkin spice latte? Every. Single. Day. Aesthetic photos for Instagram? All day every day. She loves carving pumpkins with you and watching scary movies. Her favorite costume is Catwoman, because she just adores the outfit and the mask. She also loves giving out handfuls of candy to the children and watch them smile when they see their favorite.
Jacob: We all know he’s absolutely going trick or treating. He would either go as the Joker or Pennywise and Evie would laugh, telling him how he’s already a clown and there’s no need for highlighting it. He has plenty of fun on the holiday and if you watch a scary movie, he would poke your side just when a jumpscare is about to happen just to get a rile out of you. Would probably fight a kid over a candy bar yes or no
Evie: Expect her to buy every type of candy there is at the store and ask each individual child what their favorite candy is so she can give it to them. Would dress up as something that isn’t really tacky or over the top. Maybe a goth or something historical like a shield-maiden. Was not amused when Jacob appeared at the door asking for candy “I take it back, you aren’t a clown. You are the entire circus!” But most of all, she loves having fun with you and decorating the house, making a mess in the kitchen with cookie batter and pumpkin insides.
Desmond: Honey, the best costume he would come up with is a sheet over himself and calling it a ghost. Is so not in the mood, the only thing he’s okay with is a scary movie and all the candy. The candy part is because he doesn’t want to make the children sad or throw eggs at your house. He thinks he’s too grown up to celebrate Halloween.
Clay: Guess who always picks the costume that has the word “sexy” in it. Like, he has to show at least SOME part of his body and not once has he offered you do the same...in the bedroom. When you ask him about Halloween, the first thing that pops in his mind is candy and you in a revealing costume. Jeez Clay. His trademark is singing “I’ll take you to the candy shop” to you.
Daniel: He TRIES okay? He wouldn’t wear anything, but is totally okay with decorating with you, carving pumpkins and tries his BEST. It doesn’t always work but don’t judge. He’s only doing it because he wants to see you smile. If you’re better at carving pumpkins, he would draw on some faces which you can carve out. And later, you can treat the kids with candy and spend the evening cuddling and watching scary movies. So wholesome.
Shaun: This boi is a disaster! He would either spend his time lecturing you about the holiday or attempt to carve a pumpkin, only to fail at it and rage quit. One time he almost fell off a ladder, trying to put up some lights and Rebecca almost choked laughing. Since then, he decided it wasn’t his thing and doesn’t even try anymore.
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The Assassins as Roommates: Christmas 2019
“Shoes? They’re wonderful! Many thanks.” Haytham returned to his seat beside Ziio, who’d gotten comfortable in the giant, quilted blanket she’d gotten. Draping it over them, Haytham held her hand beneath the folds, and Ziio leaned against him.
“They’re dancing shoes.” Edward joked, a twinkle in his eye as he gave Connor a shoulder.
“Since the genes seemed have skipped a generation, Father.” Was his grandson’s response, and they broke out in laughter.
“Burn, mate!” Jacob was clutching his sides, Alexios laughing beside him. They’d begun their game of White Elephant in the backyard. There was a chill in the air, snow on the ground, and a gray sky above them; and god were they happy. Ziio had started a bonfire nearby. There were similar set ups scattered around the backyard thanks to Claudia, Aveline, and Elise. Everyone had arrived. From Bayek to Desmond, from Aveline to Adewale, Assassins and Templars from around the world had joined for this time of year. The game was concluding it’s first round, the round where everyone opened the gifts, and was about to begin it’s second round, where the stealing of gifts began. The gift could be stolen only twice, then it was gone forever. Eyes darted as friends became foes, and enemies made truces.
“I’ll get those daggers if you help me get the cowboy hat.” Arno leaned in to Alexios, and Jacob pulled his boyfriend away.
“Aye, no cheating, mate. Besides, Alexios is helping me get Liam’s ropedarts, aren’t you, babe?” Alexios looked between the two and sunk lower in his seat. “Babe?!”
“I’ll have you know I dance wonderfully.” Haytham declared proudly, and looked to Ziio. “Right, dear?” Ziio’s eyes went wide and she looked at Connor, who’d begun laughing anew, clutching Edward for support.
“You dance wonderfully, dear.” Ziio assured loud enough for the other Kenways to hear and gave Haytham a kiss on the cheek to solidify the fact.
“All these relationships,” Altair voiced to Ezio, “Let’s hope the happy couples don’t take anything out on one another. However, I’d love to see what Claudia does to Yusuf.”
“You and I both.” Ezio laughed but then rose a brow. “Though I don’t like the way Maria is looking at you.”
Altair followed his line of sight and gulped. Maria pointed two fingers at her eyes and then back at her husband’s, and Altair, remembering his tardiness at his birthday, felt himself shrinking. “You and I both.”
“Time to steal!” Malik shouted. Those who loved their gifts tried hiding them behind themselves, behind other people, or making them seem uninteresting. Yusuf took Claudia’s hidden blades under his arms and pulled her near.
“I’ll protect you, Claudia.” He declared dramatically, kissing her cheeks and wrapping his scarf around her to protect her from undeserving eyes.
“Yusuf!” She could barely make out between laughing fits. Ezio eyed them, but said nothing. It appeared their relationship was growing on him.
“This spear? Not that great.” Alexios said with an eye roll.
“I can’t stand these hidden blades, if anyone would like a new set.” Shay said.
“Oh, we all know why you don’t want hidden blades.” Liam said under his breath, making Maria laugh.
“What was that?” Shay asked, and Liam looked around.
“Wouldn’t recommend this shield. I will do everyone a favor by hanging on to it.” Phillip sat on his shield, finally at eye level with Adewale.
“If anyone wants to take this axe, then I guess it’s fine.” Demetri leaned against Aveline, his newest crush. “I’ve seen better.” Both Gerard and Liam eyed it.
“Anyone touches my bow, you’re losing a limb.” Aveline secured it behind her back and Demetri nodded.
“I’ll steal from you, you steal it back?” Demetri winked and, for once, Aveline didn’t roll her eyes at him.
“Deal.” Demetri, who was number one, took her bow. Aveline was number three, so all she had to do was wait.
“Already lost one.” Malik grinned, and walked across the circle of gasping faces as he stole it from Demetri.
“The betrayals begin!” Elise shouted and Arno laughed, hushing her.
“Don’t incite a riot already.” He begged.
“Bet you won’t hit ‘em.” Maria yelled and then hid her face behind Altair’s shoulder.
“No!” Altair pulled her into his chest and held her before Malik. “If you’re going to start a fight, don’t come to me to end it! Take her, Malik! Take her!” Maria’s body shook, her mouth open, unable to draw breath from how hard she was laughing, slapping her hands weakly against his chest. Altair tucked her back into his chest, kissing her head and nestling around her. It was comical the way he had to hunch down to compensate for her smallness.
Malik puffed his chest. “Don’t call me Altair’s right hand man for nothing. Besides, I was quite the archer back in the day.”
“When you both arms, you mean?” Altair called from his place in between Maria and Desmond. Both buried their faces in their hands.
Malik snapped, “No, when my eyesight was bett- yes when I had two arms, you jerk!” Both men threw their heads back in laughter. No one understood their humor like they did.
Aveline sputtered, “Malik!” She handed it to him, and Demetri glared.
“You’re making a grave mistake, mon ami.” He said.
“It’ll be decoration for my study.” Malik chuckled, and bowed low. “We were getting a bit too chummy. The best gift of all, is your distress.”
Aveline was next, and she looked at Alexios’s spear. Alexios lost his spear but took Arno’s hookblades. Yusuf took Gerard’s dinosaur onesie. Gerard was happy to see it go and stole Phillip’s shield. Kassandra stole Adewale’s sweater.
“How will I fight if I’m freezing?” She explained, getting into it. “I’ve never lived anywhere this cold.”
“Kassandra,” Alexios now rethinking his gift groaned, “Switch with me.”
“I told you to bring your jacket!” Jacob removed his own and threw it over Alexios, wrapping him up in his arms.
Evie was fine with her jacket, and Henry took Jacob’s Captain’s hat. “Mate!” Jacob frowned.
“I’m the captain now.” Henry winked, placing it expertly on his head. Evie stuck a tongue at her brother.
Once everything was stolen, the scene looked a little like this. Elise spun nerf guns, Arno tilted a cowboy hat, Connor held the wanted axe. Edward stole the Captain’s hat and left Henry with a scarf. Ezio took the shield, Phillip a giant nerf gun, Demetri shoes, Gerard throwing knives. Alexios ended up with a belt, Maria a coat, Desmond a hood. Altair lost his mind when he saw him wear it, and Ezio cried real tears. Yusuf won a globe, Claudia new hidden blades, Bayek a watch, Aya a helmet. Finally, Shay a book, and Liam dual cutlasses.
The fight began as it did every year, with the frustrations of the past hour pushing them to pick targets. Connor ran after Haytham, per his tradition, and this year was aided with Adewale and Edward. Shay and Maria were mid-duel. Maria span, tricking Shay into loosening the hold on his sword and then elbowed him in the ribcage, straightened her arm, and held him at swordpoint. Scooping at handful of snow, Shay flung it at her face and Maria backed away to clear her vision.
Liam tackled Shay before he could smirk, and the two wrestled in a snowbank. Once vision was returned to Maria, she joined. Shay and Liam rolled into a standing position and were standing in front of one another. Maria ran, leapt, and used her shoulder to plow into Shay. Liam caught her by the waist before she could fall, and Shay, covered in snow, stared up at his laughing friends, giving high fives at their success.
Arno and Phillip were behind trees shooting each other, and whoever passed, with their nerf guns. Arno got Gerard in the face, but Gerard thought it was Phillip and took after him. “Gerard!” Phillip’s cries resounded the backyard. “Why would I hit you?”
Gerard paused, and eyed the tree Arno was hiding behind. “He went for the face, Gerard!” Arno snickered, calling from the tree he’d claimed as his outpost. Elise had joined him.
“The most sacred tenant is broken!” She called and Phillip, running past from Gerard, hurled a shelf of snow at them.
“Stop inciting riots!” He said, and swore to get back at Arno.
Aveline was in a fort with Desmond when Malik joined and she readied a snowball. But before he could receive it, Malik handed her the bow. “Merry Christmas, friend.” He said, and disappeared, leaving her spluttering.
“That Malik,” Desmond commented with a shake of his head. “What a guy.” He peeked over the fort and threw a snowball. Getting Yusuf at the back, Desmond hid behind the snow and laughed. Peeking out again, snickering at Yusuf’s confused face, Desmond threw another. Yusuf spun around, undoing his blades, and made a circle.
“Claudia?!” He called, “Ezio?!”
When his back was to Desmond, he threw another and ducked again. Aveline muffled her laughter in her sleeves, but Desmond couldn’t. Laughing, he looked over the fort wall once again, and found Yusuf was gone.
“Damn it!” Aveline hissed, her eyes darting side to side.
“He’s not by Liam,” Desmond observed, “not with the Kenways either.”
“Did you check behind you?” Yusuf asked, and the pair spun around. Aveline docked an arrow to her bow and shot a snowball destined for her. Desmond was not so lucky. But hey! The hood was awfully warm and took most of the impact. Yusuf danced off before they could retort.
Haytham and Ziio were behind a tree, Ziio peering around to glare at her son before ducking from the snowballs. “Leave me, dear.” Haytham sighed, “It’s me they want.”
“First, I’m not leaving you. Second, I’m not letting Ratonhkhake:ton best me. God! If only I had,” She eyed the branch above them, and smiled as a plan formulated. “Haytham, can you reach that?” Haytham reached his arm up and grabbed hold of the branch. Ziio instructed he bring it down, and piled it with snow.
Connor, Edward, and Adewale were waiting with bated breath and mischevious grins for Haytham’s hat to appear on the other side of the trees when they heard a whip. Snow, a blanket that filled the air white, was heading straight for them. Edward leapt in front of Connor, screaming, “No! Ratonhnhake:ton, no!” before hitting the earth. Snow hit Adewale’s face and got into his clothes, leaving him speachless from cold.
“How bad is it?” Edward croaked, throwing a hand over his forehead. Connor knelt in the snow beside him, and lowered his hood.
“You did not have to.”
Edward took his hand. “Of course I did.”
Connor smiled a sad smile. Then, Edward closed his eyes, his lips moving. “I can not hear you, Grandfather.” Connor frowned, leaning in.
“I said, I’m leaving you.”
“Please, do not, Grandfather.”
“I must, dear boy.” Edward coughed.
“Please, do not leave me.”
“I will always be with you. For now I must go, because....” He coughed and Connor leaned in closer. “It’s fucking cold as hell, and I’ve got snow in my under trousers.” Connor rolled his eyes and helped Edward up. He pat Connor’s back. “Avenge me, grandson. Also, do you take marshmellows in your hot chocolate?” Connor nodded, “There’s a good lad.” Then Edward went inside.
“Dramatic Kenways!” Malik called, and fought off Kassandra who was trying to steal Altair’s Santa hat. He wanted to wear it!
Evie and Henry were mid battle with Jacob and Alexios. “Freaking Kenways!” Jacob yelled from the other side of the backyard before Henry threw a snowball at him and caught him in the face. “Greenie! What the hell? I thought we were in this together?”
“I’m not a Frye, Jacob!”
“Yes, you are!”
Evie interjected, still fighting Alexios. “Jacob! I took his name! Remember? You were at the wedding!”
Jacob rolled past Henry’s guard and clipped him between the shoulders. Training with Elise and Alexios had really improved his swordsmanship, and he looked betrayed. “I thought there was one fake Frye in this backyard. Turns out there’s two.”
“Do you take French Fryes?” Demetri called, leaping over Malik’s shoulders and landing in a somersault bringing their duel to a halt as he ran through. Claudia and Desmond were hot on his trail.
Ziio and Haytham were still high fiving, celebrating their victory. Connor shook his head and threw on his hood. Haytham grinned, and Ziio formed a ‘L’ with her thumb and finger. “It seems I have lost both parents in this battle.” Connor glared, and his mother dropped her smile.
“What was that, Ratonhnhake:ton?”
Connor’s heart fell and he put his hands up. “Mother, I was joking. It was a joke.” Ziio emerged from the trees, and Adewale backed away.
Connor looked between Adewale and Haytham. “Ziio, maybe we should-” But she shot him such a look, Connor understood why he closed his mouth. Connor bolted. Aya, who was wrestling Bayek for his fort, saw this and took after with Ziio. Aveline joined them, always did love beating up on Connor.
“Greenie! After all we’ve been through?” Jacob sparred Henry, but Evie ducked under his arm and came to stop the blow. “Evie!”
Evie circled his sword, causing him to almost drop it, but Alexios took his boyfriend behind him and battled both. “Got your back, baby.”  
“I’m both embarrassed and turned on.” Jacob grinned, and Henry dropped his sword.
“Hand to hand?” He offered, and Jacob tossed his sword, readying his fists.
“This I can do. Love ya, Greenie!”
“Arno, you bastardo!” Ezio yelled, tossing snow over his shoulder but without a good eye on his target, it was just for show.
“Mon ami, admit you were wrong!” Arno yelled back.
“You overseasoned! I will not lie to aid your delusions!” Foam bullets pelted the tree. “Stop hiding, coward! Face me!” Ezio called over his shoulder. Arno was pinning him against the far side of the backyard, and if he didn’t break from this then he’d be taken out by Yusuf and Kassandra who rolling tree to tree and getting closer.
A rustling at his side made him jump, and Maria landed beside him. “Which one do you want?”
“They’ll be expecting you to take him, so I’ll rush Yusuf first, then switch to the Spartan.”
“All well, Maria, but how are we going to get past their shooter?”
Maria smirked then formed a gun with her fingers, and blew on it. “I’ve got shooters of my own.” As if on cue, the shooting stopped as Arno was contending with Phillip. Demetri, you see, had been creating the pretense that he was Phillip poorly shooting at Arno while the real Phillip sneaked to Arno’s side and was now exacting his revenge on him. They didn’t call him the Shadow for nothing. Phillip truly was a ghost, his ability to disappear made him a great asset.
Confused over the sudden stop of their cover, Yusuf and Kassandra readied themselves for anything. Maria and Ezio charged.
Desmond, Claudia, and Elise were fighting Liam, Shay, and Bayek. “Keep you stance open, Desmond.” Bayek coached, and Desmond did as instructed.
“You’re on our side!” Shay tossed snow in the air as a cover for Liam, who ran through and landed in between Elise and Claudia. Not taken by surprise, Claudia circled around him and placed herself between him and Elise. With a swift kick, she pushed him to his side. Elise rolled over her back and landed with a kick of snow, blinding him.
“I’m on everyone’s side!” Bayek laughed, dueling Desmond who jumped and spun, catching him on the forearms. Bayek pushed him back, and congratulated him. “Beautifully done, Desmond. Keep your back low when you land. Don’t want to become a target yourself.”
“Thanks, Bayek.” Desmond smiled.
“Who wants to trade for Bayek? Connor? Altair? Anyone!” Shay called to anyone who would listen. He was trying to get to Liam, but Claudia and Elise were keeping him at bay.
“It’s only a game, Shay.”
“Don’t say that too loudly.” Aya leapt into Bayek’s arms, and he dropped his sword to spin her around. It landed with a tiny crunch in the snow.
“Ready to go inside?” He carried her easily, and she rolled from his hold. “I find myself longing for hot chocolate by the fireplace.”
“After this one battle, promise.” Leaving him with a kiss on his cheek, Bayek fondly watched her run off. “She always says that.” He said dreamily.
Desmond clapped his back. “I wouldn’t mind heading in myself.”
“Would you like me to carry you?” Desmond thought about it a moment, and then nodded. Scooping him up, they went inside.
“What’s wrong with Desmond? Is he hurt?” Altair cried, kicking back Alexios.
“Desmond’s hurt?” Ezio sparred Kassandra, ignoring the snow pelting him.
“He’s just being funny.” Maria sighed, stopping her duel against Yusuf to adjust Altair’s Santa hat. Ezio and Altair nodded, but kept a sharp eye on Desmond.
Tried of his antics, Claudia fell Shay by lowering herself in the snow and kicking a leg at his shin. Liam, seeing his fellow fighters were ended, accepted the snowball to the face.
The battle raged until their fingers, toes, ears, and noses were pink, cold, and running. Edward had hot chocolate ready when they came inside. Connor threw a blanket over his parents, nestling in with his father on one side and Aveline on the other. Aya sat beside Ziio and showed her how to care for her new hidden blades. Elise, Aveline, and Phillip were laughing and giggling, their conversation flowing from English to French and back again. Demetri sat gazing at Aveline. Arno and Ezio were with Desmond, under their own blanket, going back and front on sports. Jacob and Alexios with Altair and Maria were taking pictures under the mistletoe, interchanging couples and striking silly poses. Alexios lifted Altair, and Altair threw a hand to his forehead, swooning. Seeing this, Adewale and Yusuf joined them. He lifted Yusuf in the same manner.
Henry gave a cup to Malik, deep in conversation of the Creed with Evie and Shay. Liam was congratulating Kassandra and Claudia in battle, then asked for lessons.  The sun had fallen and their spirits were never higher. It was a wonderful Christmas indeed.
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moirai-au · 4 years
Timeline: arc 6 - Aftermath, about a week after the Orator is defeated
Warnings: shippy, Davil, vague mentions of alcoholism and self-harm
Taglist: @immabethehero @bupine​ @tabbynerdicat @i-maybe-exist @its-ethan-bro @sandinthetardis @honestlyitsjustkenna @taikeero-lecoredier @idkwheresanti
if any of yall (18+ only for the love of god please) wanna see the ns*w version, it’s over here.
“And you still won’t tell me where we’re going, or what we’re even doing.”
“Nope! That’s the whole concept of a surprise, babe.”
Cecil pursed his lips, unamused. He closed the book he’d been finishing just a moment prior and set it aside, on the growing pile of useless volumes right next to the desk. It wasn’t as big or as comfortable as the one in his own apartment, but it made do. “You do know I still have three other idiots to take care of here, right?”
“They’ll be fine, trust me. Charlie can take care of himself, Mars barely does anything but sleep for now, and Ollie’s watching over him. You can leave for a few hours without the mansion burning to the ground, you know.”
Cecil raised a brow. “...Were you even here for the last month and a half?”
“Painfully present, yeah,” Dave chuckled. “Remember the smell of the oven melting? I still don’t understand how the kid pulled that one off.”
The older man groaned. “For someone who wanted to reassure me, you’re not doing a very good job of it.”
“Oh c’mon! It’s gonna be okay, I’m sure of it. Besides, you really need a break.”
“I do not!” Cecil protested, distractedly scratching at his appearing stubble. Dave peered up at him with a deadpan look, considering his wrinkled clothes, his emaciated face and the dark rings under his eyes. “...Really? You know what, it doesn’t matter,” he shook his head, his blue eyes hardening. “This is me putting my foot down, not a negotiation. I’m not gonna sit here and let you run yourself into the ground like this. You’re coming with me, and that’s final.”
 The doctor stared at the younger man, taken aback- he’d never heard him use this tone before. it was firm, confident, and evidently left no room for complaint. “...Fine.” he heard himself say before he even realized it. Verdammt. Maybe he was more tired than he thought, giving in that easily.
Or maybe Dave just had this natural sense of authority Cecil had never seen before, because he’d never actually needed it. It actually made sense, considering he was a father.
Thinking about it now, it was obvious. Cecil could’ve hit himself.
“Great!” David beamed, his previous sternness gone as fast as it had arrived. “Just lemme grab a few things first, and pack warm clothes. I’ll get my car.”
“I- your car?” the doctor repeated, his confusion growing- just how far was Dave planning to take them? The smaller male only winked in response, an impish grin on his tanned face. “You’ll see.”
 It was an abnormally warm night for mid-december.
Well, warm as in… not freezing. Enough above zero that you could stand outside comfortably with a thick enough sweater kinda warm. When-even-are-seasons-anymore-climate-change-is gonna-kill-us-all kinda warm.
“I don’t get it.” Cecil mumbled as they exited the car, making a valiant effort to tone down his annoyance. “Why have you brought us here?” There truly was nothing here, other than miles and miles of rolling hills, some train tracks a few yards away, and a forest somewhere East.
Dave didn’t respond- he just smiled up at him, a hand holding the strap of the backpack he’d brought along. A giddy smile that made Cecil’s stomach flutter a little. Then he silently pointed upward, looking at him expectantly.
Cecil frowned, nonplussed, reflexively following the other’s movement; what was he-
What… was…
 He was looking up. Up, up into the endless sky. And he kept on looking, jaw growing slack, arms falling to his sides.
Because there was just so many stars so many stars more than he’d ever seen in his entire life, it was like he was ten all over again looking up through the window and babbling about rocket ships and aliens and how he was going to see it all one day-
 “You okay in there, hot stuff?”
Cecil snapped out of his stupor, looking down to see David smirking smugly at him- he was holding a thermos in each of his hands, and there was a blanket laid on the grass, big enough for the two of them. So that’s what he’d packed in his bag. “How-” he cleared his throat, “How did you…”
Dave only winked, tapping a finger against his temple. “...Oh.” the doctor realized. Right. They’d all been in each other’s heads.
“It’s mostly faded by now,” Dave shrugged, setting the warm containers on a corner of the blanket, “Those are your memories, and nobody should snoop through them… but that one stuck with me. And I- I really wanted to surprise you, y’know?”
Cecil nodded, not the slightest trace of anger or annoyance on his features. He just looked up again, silent, pale moonlight lighting up his milky white skin.
Then he looked back at him and Dave was pretty sure he was going to die on the spot.
 Cecil was smiling. Not the cocky, arrogant smirk he sometimes wore. Nor the small, timid one he managed to draw out of him once in a blue moon.
An actual, genuinely happy smile that went up to his grey, dark-rimmed eyes, crinkled up and sparkling with joy. Oh, fuck me, he thought.
 Could one fall for the same person twice?
 “Thank you,” Cecil breathed out, his voice uncharacteristically unsteady. “I… You… I’m sorry. For- for getting annoyed, I know I shouldn’t, you don’t- you deserve better.”
Ah, shit. This tall motherfucker was actually going to make him cry at this rate. “Shit man,” Dave choked, stepping closer to Cecil. “Just- c’m’here.”
He wrapped his arms around the taller man’s middle and pulled him close, tilting his head up to welcome the German’s lips on his own, the older man’s slender hands settling on both sides of his face. The kiss was slow, tender, yet filled with latent intensity and passion. They somehow ended up on the blanket, sitting ever-so close and filling the chilly air with wanton sighs and hums, carried away by the cold breeze.
 They eventually pulled back, catching their breath- they were both flushed, eyes slightly glazed over, as they looked at each other with gentle devotion. “I must say…” the doctor murmured, still a bit lightheaded, “This is… quite the break.”
Dave chuckled fondly, before pecking playfully at his lover’s forehead. “Told you you needed it. You’re running yourself ragged Ceec, no wonder you’re on edge.”
“Still, I shouldn’t keep taking out my frustration on you. It’s not right.”
Dave hummed. “Yeah, I know. But you’ve gotten better at it, really. Just gotta keep going forward, yeah?” He tucked a strand of greying hair behind Cecil’s left ear. “ ‘sides, you know I won’t just stand there and take it if you really start to be an ass.”
Cecil snorted. “So I’ve seen. You’d probably snap me in two.”
“Damn right I could! Look at that scrawny ass, I could kick it into the sun.”
“Mmh, I don’t think so. You like it too much, as you keep telling me.”
“Aw shit, he figured it out,” Dave fake-whispered, before they both broke out into laughter. “Oh, also,” he gasped when the hilarity subsided, “this isn’t just a break. S’also a celebration!”
“A celebration?”
 Dave smiled, holding out a thermos to the older man. He looked proud of himself. “Happy one month clean, handsome.”
It took him a few seconds to understand, but when he did, he reflexively rubbed at his arm, feeling his face warm up significantly as he accepted the offering, taking a sip. Mmh, black coffee, no cream and no sugar. Just how he liked it. “Ah… yes, thank you.”
“And I’m almost three months sober!” the father cheered, wrapping an arm around his partner’s neck to pull him closer. “Man, look at us. We’re doing amazing, sweetie.”
Cecil chuckled, a little smile gracing his lips as he looked up at the inky skies above. “I… guess we are.”
 They laid down next to each other, their shoulders bumping together as they huddled under the extra blanket Dave had brought along. Alone, together on that grassy hill more than an hour away from the city, they tried to find as many constellations as they could while Cecil offered trivia and anecdotes on each of them, like the Earth’s sky map had been burned into his brain at a young age. 
But then again, with the doctor’s photographic memory, it might’ve just been.
 Ursa Major. Altair. Alpha Centauri. Supernovas. Nebulae. His eyes shone with almost feverish enthusiasm as he talked, making him look so much younger, so alive, as Dave listened with rapt attention.
Then, as the older man was going over the specifics of the supermassive black whole at the center of the Milky Way, Dave rolled them over, coming to a stop to stand on all fours above Cecil, smiling lovingly.
The German stopped rambling and blinked up at him- with his hair uncovered and framing his face in auburn curls, his deep blue eyes crinkled up in amusement, and the myriad of stars surrounding him, David looked like he belonged in a Van Gogh painting. Beautiful. Almost ethereal, yet so real, so… tangible. Oh how he wanted to frame the moment so he could keep it forever.
He gulped. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Before he could stop himself, his finger mindlessly started to trace invisible lines between Dave’s freckles, drawing a surprised giggle from the man. 
 His very own milky way. Full of constellations for him alone to name. All within his reach.
 “Shouldn’t you look up? The stars are up there.” he mumbled, thoughts not quite straight. Dave laughed, clear and deep. “Don’t need to. I can see them in your eyes. That’s more than enough for me.”
Silence. Cecil huffed. “That was the corniest thing you’ve said yet.”
“C’mon, you know you like it. You’re blushing.”
“Shut up and kiss me again, you dumm.”
 Dave happily complied.
It would be dawn soon. As they stared at the endless space above them- mostly void, partially stars- sipping hot tea and coffee from their respective thermoses, huddled together under a thick woolen blanket to shield themselves from the chilliness of that winter night… they felt like they’d brushed with eternity.
“Hey.” Dave whispered, breaking the comfortable silence.
A quiet hum of acknowledgement.
“Do you.. regret not going? Up there.”
“Mmh. F’course, a little still. T’was my dream.” the German mumbled, words slurring together. Right. Of course he did, dumb question. “But…”
The father blinked. “But…?”
“Wouldn’t have met… Mars. ‘liver.” A pause, an intake of breath. “Met you.”
 Dave bit his lip, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. He wiped at the wetness at the corner of his eyes, smiling so hard it almost hurt. “Y-Yeah. I guess so.” He squeezed his lover’s hand underneath the blanket. “Ceec…?”
 A quiet, soft snore was his only reply. Dave chuckled quietly and turned his head- Cecil was out like a light, lips slightly parted, his usually sharp features smoothed over and relaxed.
The smaller man gently reached out to cup the other’s sleeping face, his thumb slowly stroking over his cheekbone- just watching. This wasn’t a sight he was graced with often; they might have been sharing a bed for a few weeks now, but the doctor always went to sleep later than he did, and always got up before him, by the pale light of dawn… that is, when he even bothered to sleep at all.
That was the main reason why he’d dragged his partner out on this little trip- Cecil had been working himself to the bone again, going over piles and piles of old books in search for an explanation, for any information on Mars’ abilities and his newfound… condition. To no avail so far, which was driving the older man even more frantic. Between this, trying to cater to everyone’s physical and mental wellness, and the logistical nightmare that was the latest addition to their little group- an honest-to-god time-traveler… well, he looked like the slightest breeze would knock him over.
In short, he’d been in need of a break. Badly. Preferably the kind that would knock some sense into that big brain of his. Since they both had gotten together, Dave had been trying to get Cecil to take better care of himself, to stop skipping meals, to finally sleep a decent amount each night… hell, he’d started to see some actual progress before Mars was kidnapped and everything had gone to shit. 
He couldn’t let his efforts go to waste, especially not now. Not in such a delicate time, when they were all still recovering. And now, looking at Cecil, sleeping deeply and peacefully for the first time since the kid had disappeared almost a month ago… Dave was glad he hadn’t given up.
 And that he’d filled that thermos with decaf, but Ceec didn’t need to know that.
 Dave sighed contentedly as he snuggled closer to the other, burying his face in his chest and drawing the blanket higher over them both, letting himself be lulled into a comfortable drowsiness. Their backs would probably be sore from sleeping on the hard ground... but that was a problem for future them.
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effervescible · 4 years
Trick or Treat 2020 letter
Hi there! Thanks for checking out my letter! First, I want to note that while I hope my likes & prompts are helpful in sparking ideas, optional ideas are optional, and I'd rather you go with a premise that you feel really good about and are jazzed to create rather than something that checks a lot of boxes but you don't feel strongly about.
General likes: adventures, complicated relationships, loyalty/BFFs being rock solid in the face of adversity, canon divergence/"for want of a nail" AUs, time travel, exploring the setting beyond what's shown in canon, outsider point of view, established relationships, found family/unusual family arrangements, in-world texts, amnesia, exploring identity issues, supernatural elements, characters wrangling with past mistakes without demonizing anyone, close friends forced to fight, missing scenes, post-canon events, characters being very competent DNWs: AUs other than canon divergence, omegaverse, cheating/infidelity, non-canon gender identities, major character death, hopeless endings (anst is fine though), excessively saccharine fluff (but general good feelings/happy stuff is fine) If you're interested in writing smut, please no scat, watersports or dubcon/noncon (though bad idea sex that characters might kick themselves for later is absolutely fine). More detailed stuffed regarding my requests: KINGDOM HEARTS I only requested Roxas as a character because I'd really like something where he is either the main character or has a strong role, but feel free to include whatever other characters you like! I adore the sea salt trio to the moon on back, but I also enjoy seeing him interact with characters he had no or few interactions with in canon. His relationship with Sora and how complicated it can be is also endlessly fascinating to me. I also enjoy bouncing him off Riku, Ven, the BBS trio and his former Organization comrades, especially those who only knew him as a dazed clueless kid and not an angry ball of pointy fury. A few canon-specific requests/notes: -If you write something post-KH3, feel free to fast forward slightly and assume Sora's been brought back somehow, you don't even have to explain how. -Please no post-KH3 resurrected/redeemed Vanitas; I felt satisfied with the resolution of his story in KH3. That said, if you wanted to include him in some other way, that's cool! -Also please no dad!Isa. I think their relationship becoming something more positive is interesting and complicated, but I just can't buy that he'd ever have that kind of emotional authority over Roxas. (Using him as a Fake Parent for plot purposes makes me chuckle though.) As far as ship stuff goes, please no Axel/Roxas (nothing against it, it's just not how I see their relationship) or Namine/Roxas (KH2 leaned too hard into the Sora/Kairi parallelism for me to enjoy it romantically.) Platonic friendships with both of them are A+++ though. tbh I'm not super shippy about him with anyone, but if you have an idea that includes a ship, I'm pretty okay with all other characters, male or female. Spooky Scary ideas: -Delving into the nature of Nobodyhood and being half a person and just being different from standard humans has a lot of potential here. And of course Roxas has identity issues ahoy. He might be in a much better place post-KH3 but that doesn't mean everything is 100% great now. -Visiting creepy places. Maybe a missing portion from Days, or something post-KH3 now that he can travel as much as he wants? -Canon divergence AUs/time travel/supernatural stuff where Stuff Goes Wrong is always interesting. Sweet Treat ideas: -Post-KH3 ADVENTURE TIME. Suddenly Roxas has a lot of free time! He and some friends deserve to go exploring. -Roxas meeting and getting to know the Twilight Town kids for real. What was that like? -General trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life now that it's his own. Getting to know the other wielders outside of a crisis situation. -Terra and Aqua dealing with Ven's sudden non-evil twin also has a lot of potential. ASSASSIN'S CREED Similar to Kingdom Hearts, I only listed Altair because I like him so much, but feel free to include most other characters! He became one of my favorite Assassins because I'm really fond of the Huge Jerkass Learns To Not Be a Jerkass and Becomes Kinda Cool Actually trope, as well as his boundless intellectual curiosity and extreme competence (while still being very flawed.) Sweet Treat ideas: -What about some slice of life, even if that life is mainly in an Assassin stronghold? The mundane side of being a mysterious stabby brotherhood is alway fun to explore, along with Altair having to actually run Masyaf once he takes power. Would especially love to see Malik by his side for the latter, because I'm sure there's a lot to mine there. -Maybe a look at younger Altair hitting some milestones as he grew up, before he became an arrogant dick. -I'm pretty fond of dad!Altair because I doubt it would come naturally to him but he'd care so much. Spooky Scary Ideas: -The Pieces of Eden are always really creepy when they activate in-game, so inventing new ancient artifacts that facilitate creepy shit happening would be a lot of fun. -An Assassination gone wrong in some way? I do enjoy angst and whump. Also, not sure which this would fall under (maybe both), but finagling time travel (either real or simulated somehow) so Altair can meet other AC characters is something I enjoy a lot. Caveat - I have not played Oddysey, so please nothing after Origins if you want to give this a try. Character-wise, I love how his relationship with Malik evolved from bitterness to ride or die. Altair and Malik as either best friends or a couple are both excellent, but if you write them as a couple during a time period when Maria Thorpe would be around, I'd prefer you just pretend she doesn't exist rather than finagle a breakup or infidelity. (I also like them as a throuple but please don't feel pressured on this - I'm mainly looking to avoid a 'Altair never really cared about her' scenario.) OVERWATCH NGL, I ship Mercy/Moira like burning, but very much as a complicated thing where their differing ethics present an insurmountable barrier between them yet they're incredibly drawn to one another both personally and intellectually, and a lot of angst ensues (well, for Mercy; I'm not sure Moira actually cares about the ethics division.) They're especially interesting to me when Moira's edges aren't smoothed down - I LIKE that she could take some really dubious actions and still be someone Mercy can't quite get over. That said! If you don't feel them as a ship, pretty much everything I just said also applies to them as professional peers/onetime friends/science rivals, just without the sexual tension. Sweet Treat Ideas: -Pre-Overwatch shutdown/Talon era where they're actually working on a project together or sparking cool new scientific ideas or just smoochin' if you go for a ship. -Likewise earlier in canon - Mercy and Moira both want to woo the other one but have VERY different ideas about how to go about it. (Babe, I did some mad science for you, isn't it romantic?) -Surely Overwatch had at least one obligatory office Halloween event -Epistolary fic feels like it could be really fun. Spooky Scary ideas: -I mean, Moira is the evil/amoral scientist trope, I feel like you could get a ton of creepy stuff just from there. -Bad idea ex sex -General clashing of ideals + angst Also I'm explicitly counting Dr. Junkenstein-verse AU fic as being the exception to my request for only canon divergence AUs. That would be a ton of fun, for either a trick or a treat.
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kisstheassassins · 6 years
How would the Assassins handle a significant other who was terrified of heights?
One of the many reasons right here why I would not make a good assassin c’: Mah babes will be disappointed in me …
No big deal to him. Everyone is afraid of something.
Although if you’re an Assassin, this may be troubling.
You will have to tell him up front that you’re afraid of heights, otherwise he’ll just go on his way and not realize.
He invited you to sit up on the rooftops with him, and when you profusely refused he then realized “Oh, you’re afraid of heights.”
Just kinda shrugs and remembers from now on to not take you anywhere too high.
If he thinks there’s some sort of ledge he will check it out first and help you down if needed. He will warn you before making his way down.
Doesn’t find out till last minute. 
“Y/n! Come take a look at this!”
You go closer and realize you’re on the edge of a fckin cliff.
You freak.
As does Ezio.
He’s more careful from then on, checking to make sure there’s no drop and to help you down if needed.
Should you wish to try and get over your fear, he will try his best to help you. It’s gonna be hard keeping up with him, especially since he’s so fast in the trees.
If there’s a route that requires to go a certain height, he will find a new path just for you.
You should probably tell him up front about it, or else he will never figure out.
It doesn’t bother him.
He will hold your hand or stick close so you don’t topple over if you’re on a cliff or something.
Shit, after that big ass jump of the crane on top of the sky scraper even he’s a lil nervous when it comes to big places.
He doesn’t want you on big heights anyways. Nervous boi when you do.
Gives Shaun hell, or anyone for that matter, if they make fun of you for being scared of heights.
Gets your full focus on him as he tries to calm you down, either with a hug or a long kiss.
Usually works.
He’s not afraid of heights, but he doesn’t like them either. He prefers his sea legs.
“Maybe you should stay here, love. It’ll be safer for you.”
Forgets to be gentlemanly at times. Sometimes you don’t get a hand to help you down. 
He prefers the direct approach, or the quickest, but for you’ll he’ll try to find a way around the current path.
That’s fine. He’d prefer you away from heights anyways. He gets nervous just by watching you step on a ladder to get something out of the cupboard.
You could slip and get a broken arm (not likely)
He’ll make sure to check and see if it’s high or not, whatever is in front of you.
If so, he’ll grab your hand and warn you and help you down gently, most likely bridal style just to be dramatic. 
And it’s France. Unless you’re up in the mountains somewhere, why you need to be anywhere up high?
He might chuckle at first but when you have your first panic attack because of some place that you two were standing then he takes it seriously.
Like Arno, why would you be on the rooftops? So he never expects you to be afraid of heights.
But then he takes you on a balcony to sit and drink, and then you freak, and then he apologizes for being an ass about it. 
Doesn’t joke about it at all afterwards.
“I apologize, I didn’t know.” If she happens to take you somewhere and you freak out because of the height because you never told her.
“Thank you for telling me, love. I’ll bare it in mind the next time we go somewhere.” If you tell her beforehand.
If you’re getting nervous of where you are, she’ll catch on quick, and avert your attention to her, blocking your view of whatever scale you’re on.
She’s very good at averting you from your fear.
“Look at this view (y/n)! Why are you standing so far away? Come, come!”
“I can see it well enough from here, thank you.”
Ahhhhh. You’re afraid of heights. 
Never ever ever ever ever brings your anywhere that’s too high. He’ll always check it out before bringing you closer.
“Do you think you can make it down here? If I helped you?”
Even the slightest hint of nervousness he tries to find a better route.
He’s a good boyfriend. 100/10.
Misses multiple signs that you’re afraid.
“What’s wrong? Why are you way back there? We need to keep moving.”
“Alexios, I’m afraid to go down you twat.”
He then immediately comes to your aid. 
He too, is also a worrywart afterwards whenever your up somewhere high. He will try to physically block you from getting to close to a ledge, and will help you wherever, whenever.
All these hills and cliffs, it’s like he’s handcuffed to you. Never too far away in case something happens. 
Notices your nervousness more quickly than her brother does.
Will pick you up bridal style to help you down. 
Tries to find a safer route for you if she can.
“Please, stay here. Do not venture further without me. I will find another way.”
Will always have a hold of you somehow when going downwards, just in case.
Prefers you to stay on the ground anyways.
“Let me go first.”
Gentleman. Always has your hand while scaling heights.
Will not force you. Just be patient until he returns from wherever he went off to.
Will hug you or kiss you if you have a panic attack.
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Buckle your seat belts and get ready for our shit! If you are coming from either my main blog or Admin Ani’s then you would already know us!
But if you’re new, then welcome!! I am Admin Atlas~!! A novice writer that just wants a good hug and some fuckin coffee-
And I'm Admin Ani~! Someone who's too nice for her own good and shall probably give you that hug!
Well, gee! Thanks!! But-
This is just a snippet of what me and Admin Ani plan on doing, a story for our characters. We also plan on making a lot of jokes and messing around on here!
And you guys can ask our characters questions! Doesn’t matter what you ask- it can be literally anything- there aren’t any rules! Or well, not until we find a reason to add them....
But we hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed writing it! And be prepared for more- way more~!
Chapter One - Three New Freaks
“On it, mom!” the young teen ran off to get the door for his aunt.
The family of friends were in an empty cafe, the shop not having been opened for the day yet. It was early, as it was the only time the busy group could really get together anymore, but Nora and Ania were determined to have at least one hour with everyone.
It was normally casual, with Ania bringing some type of breakfast food and Cybele would make everyone their favorite drinks. It was peaceful and each person tended to enjoy the simple get togethers before their busy days.
“Quit smoking in my cafe,” Cybele glared at Castiel as he pulled a cigarette out of his mouth, “And get off the table. Sit like a normal person.”
Altair chuckled as he leaned back in his chair, “Oh, but don’t ya know sis? Gay’s can’t sit like normal people~!”
Cybele rolled her eyes, muttering something under her breath as she set the tray of coffee and other drinks down. She crossed her arms at the two men, “For one moment, can either of you be serious?”
Castiel chuckled as he flicked his cigarette out the window. "I don't think that's possible." He laid his chin in the palm of his hand. "No gays are ever normal, even in the slightest! Especially this gay!" He points to himself with pride.
Nevier shook her head as she poured vodka into her black coffee, “I’ll be dead by lunch…”
Beau came back with a smile as he took a seat by his mom, “Got Aunt Ania!” he said proudly towards Nevier.
“Good job, kid.” Nevier muttered, making Beau even happier.
Ania smiled softly as she sat down at the table Castiel was laying on. "I have pancakes!"
“Oh! Are they the ones filled with chocolates chips and made with-"
"Buttercream?" She chuckles, seeing her friend so excited. "Why yes, yes they are."
The blonde man practically dove for the container. "I call dibs on the biggest one!"
Beau pouted, “B-But I want that one!”
“Eh, just have more than one,” Nevier shrugged as she drank her loaded coffee.
“Right!” Beau smiled, “More than one! HA, beat that Cassie!!”
"... Fuck you, kid."
"What!? He knows curse words! He's a teenager!"
"He's a baby!"
“Don’t fucking curse around my kid,” Nevier glared, “Bitch.”
"But you just-" He stops. "... Fine. Whatever." He pouts, eating his pancake from hand.
“I brought syrup!!” Nora giggled as she came in late with the sweet topping.
"Thank you, darling!" Ania smiled, watching the woman come in.
"... I had sex with a man covered in syrup once."
"Could you keep your sex-life to yourself for one minute?" Ania pleads.
“Yeah, there are innocent souls here,” Altair teased, “But please~ That all you got?! That’s nothin- one time-”
“How am I related to you?” Cybele glared in judgement, “And how the hell do I know you? Oh wait, I don't.” she turned away from Cas and went to the back to clean a bit before she had to open the doors.
“... Because I'm fucking your brother like, twice a week?"
"And ok!" Ania laughs nervously, thankfully covering Beau’s ears the entire time. "Enough of that, thank you Cassie!"
Nevier leaned forward on the table, a small chuckle at her son’s disappointed face as he threw his pancake back on his plate.
“Even with Aunt Ania’s hands covering my ears, I know what they said. They never seem to talk about anything else….”
“Don't worry,” Nora sat down and got a pancake, “I heard some new people are coming to town soon, maybe they will have something more interesting to listen to?”
"Oh! Then I have to get to the bakery right away!" Ania stands, grabbing her bag. "I want to give them a warm welcome!" She gives Beau's head a soft kiss as well as Nevier’s. "I'll see you all later!"
"How come THEY get a kiss and not me!?" Castiel pouts. "I'm the better friend!"
Nevier had smiled at Ania, but nearly snapped her neck to glare at Castiel. Her eyes were dark, “You’re on thin fucking ice, pal.”
“M-Mom, you two are still doing this?” Beau tilted his head with a nervous chuckle.
“You bet your ass they are,” Altair chuckled, “They have been like this since our first year in college! It’s their own little bond… fighting over who is ‘best friend’ to Ania!”
"That's because I'VE known her longer! I took her to homecoming! AND prom!" He boasts. "I deserve best friend kisses!"
Nora shook her head with a chuckle before standing up, “I-I’m gonna head out-”
“And what?” Nevier shrugged, “I helped her through college while you completely disappeared, and what- you dressing up like a little girl is supposed to top that?” she smirked as she took another sip of her alcoholic coffee.
"I've literally told off ALL of her bullies, kindergarten through twelve grade! Do you know how many times she's had to come over to MY house because she was cornered on her way home from school!? And-"
“Oh god, Nevs,” Altair groaned, “Why must you two always do this!?”
“And were you the one that lived with her for nearly four years?~” Nevier muttered proudly as she took a drink.
He opens his mouth to retort back but just sighs and stand up. "Fuck this." He makes his way over to Altairs and kisses him heatedly, this was surprisingly normal for the two. "Don't think this isn't over." He growls out when he pulled away.
Beau looked away with a frustrated glare and Nevier slapped the two, which wasn't new either, “Stop being sluts in front of my kid!!”
"I can’t! It's impossible!" He argued, kissing Altair’s cheek before walking out. "See you during lunch, Babe~!" He purred out, as if nothing happened.
Altair smiled knowingly, about to respond before seeing his sisters’ glares. Cybele had come out when she heard Nevier shout. The man nervously kept his smile as he tried to ignore them and nods at Castiel.
“You’re not having a lunch break.” Nevier growls.
“W-What!?” Altair stood up quickly, “Y-You can’t do that-”
“And you’re going to fight me?” Nevier glared.
-:< Inside Anias Bakery >:-
The tiny woman was already hard at work making cupcakes for the newcomers. They lived in a small town, the kind of town where everyone knew everyone. It was small, peaceful, nothing really exciting ever happened there. And they hardly got any new people, so word got around quickly.
The small bell that hung above Anias door rang, signaling that someone had opened the door. "Oh! Hello! You must the new comers!" She smiled softly, walking over with a tray of cupcakes.
“Hey-” a short woman with dark skin waved casually as her other hand was stuffed into her hoodie pocket.
“Salutations!!” a lanky tall person with dyed red hair smiled wide, their teeth unusually sharp.
The shorter woman glared at the pale person for interrupting her, “Excuse-”
"Bonjour Mademoiselle~!" A loud voice called out.
Ania simply blinked and suddenly a women's lips were on her hand, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Angelique~! It is a pleasure to be in the presence of such beauty~!" The woman, who announced herself as Angelique, continued to kiss Anias hand all the way to her arm.
“O-Oh my." Ania laughs nervously. "Hello?"
Rowen rolled her eyes at the woman, “I’m Rowen-” she looked towards the distracted tall person that was cooing at the nicely decorated cup cakes, “And this idiot is Bell.”
"It’s a pleasure to meet you three!" She takes her hand back, clearing her throat. "Cupcake? They're a family recipe!"
"Thank you, beautiful lady, I shall cherish these delicious confections, knowing that they were made by your delicate hands~!" She announces, holding one hand to her heart and the other holding a cupcake proudly.
“Can you not…” Rowen complained as she took a cupcake.
“OOOH!” Bell shouted, “Can I have this one?” it was a cupcake decorated as a little shark.
"Of course! Take as many as you'd like!"
"Thank you, mademoiselle~ Your kindness is like a breath of fresh air," She stops and sniffs the air. "... Or fresh Lavender."
Beau came in, “Hey- oh… Hey…” Beau looked at the newcomers, “Umm..?”
"Oh! This is my nephew, Beau. Beau, this is Angelique, Bell, and Rowen. They just moved in." She smiled
“Oh!” Bell gasped, “How cute~!”
Beau deadpanned with a small blush, “I’m 16, damnit.”
Rowen chuckled, “Sorry, did you need something from Ania?”
“Huh, oh yeah, mom wanted to know if you wanted to eat dinner with us?” he asked with a smile as he leaned on the counter, “She wanted to ask before Cassie could.”
Ania laughed softly, knowing her two friends did this all the time. "Of course."
"You have a sister!? Is she as gorgeous as you~?" Angelique asked with a charming smile.
"Oh yes, very pretty." She nodded, she was never one to 'set up' Nevier with anyone, knowing they'd be terrified of her in a second, but she'd also rather Nevier be flirted with than herself. She always felt uncomfortable when it happened.
Beau chuckled, “Are you trying to get someone killed, Aunt?” he whispered nervously.
"No. I just really want her out of my bakery." She whispers back, nervously.
“Let’s go check out the apartment!” Bell slouched to talk to Rowen and Angelique with a smile.
“Don’t- just don’t-” Rowen glared at Bell, “I am not that short…”
The three women leave within a few seconds and Ania sighs a breath of relief.
Beau frowned as they left, feeling as if something wasn’t right. Newcomers were rare to have in the town, but for them to permanently move here was damn near non existent, but he chose not to dwell, “See you at 6?” he smiled at Ania.
"Of course!" She kisses his temple. "Wouldn't miss it for the world!"
-:< Night Time >:-
Nevier, Ania, and Beau all sat around a small table, the three sharing jokes and talking about their day. Nothing was out of the ordinary, but yet Beau could not shake an odd feeling.
“Hey mom,” Beau chuckled a bit after Ania told them about how Mrs. Anderson wouldn't accept a gluten free cake because it wasn't gluten free enough, “Had you met the new people?”
“No, anything notable?” Nevier took a sip of her beer as she leaned on the table.
"You have no idea." Ania laughs softly. "They are nice people, but very loud. Well, the two tallest ones were. Very eccentric, and dramatic. It will be nice to have such outgoing people in our town for once."
“I don't know…” Beau frowned as he played with a few peas left on his plate.
“Don’t be so worried, kid-” Nevier muttered as she stood and grabbed the plates, only for her phone to start ringing, “Shit…” she whispered as she looked at her full hands, “You mind-”
"Not at all!" Ania smiles softly, picking up the woman’s phone. "Hello!" She answered with her usual kind voice.
“Ania-” Altair’s voice sounded confused and worried, “Doesn't matter- have you seen the news?”
"No, why? Did something happen?" What could have happened in their town? Nothing ever happens. It's been the same as it's been for decades.
“J-Just turn the tv on…” Altair was uncharacteristically nervous and worried, “I can’t say it’s anything good…”
Ania, though sceptical, did as her friend said, turning on the small television Nevier had in her kitchen.
“What-?” Nevier looked confused as she dried her hands from cleaning the dishes.
The tv flickered on, the news woman’s forced smile seemed far more forced, “Good evening people of -Town Name-, I am afraid to inform you all of the unfortunate death of Mayor Juneberry. Murdered in her own bed.”
Beau’s eyes widened as his face paled, Nevier’s panicked curse falling on his deaf ears.
“Her cause of death is still unknown,” the newswoman shuffled her papers, “But from reports- it couldn't have been anything natural.”
Ania blinked in shock. "Why… oh my… that poor woman." She held her hand over her mouth. "Everyone loved the mayor, who could have done this?"
Nevier quickly shut the tv off, “Doesn’t matter. Whoever it is, the police will find them.” she glared, “Time to head to bed, bud.” she muttered as she gently pushed Beau towards his room.
Ania sighed. "Good night, darling," she smiled softly to the boy. "Get some sleep, I'm sure this will all be sorted out in the morning."
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amzngphil-rp · 5 years
The Motions of Dealing With People You Hate|| Baby Shower AU
@wishes-in-the--markmark @kristenmcatee-rp @crywastaken-rp @nerdynumme-rp
“But Papa-”
“No buts, Elliot. We have to go to Auntie Ro’s baby shower.”
“But the baby isn’t even there yet...” the boy fussed, folding his arms and turning away from Phil. He sighed and stood up, “Daniel!”
“What?!” screams the man from the other room, rushing in and standing in the doorway, “Phil what’s going on, he’s supposed to be dressed?!”
“Your son’s not getting dressed. He claims that because the baby’s not there, he shouldn’t have to go to the party,” Phil explains.
“Yeah, you guys just like dressing us up to go to parties,” Elliot adds.
Phil and Dan look at each other, concerned, then shrug as the dark haired one stood up and walked towards his husband, kissing his cheek in passing, “Your turn, babe.”
“B-b-b-bah..Phil..PHIL- ah god,” Dan tried to say before Phil was already downstairs.
“Love you, too, honey! I’m gonna get Persi something to eat, so we’ll meet you at the party-”
“But I-”
“I have to talk to my daughter, babe....go talk to your son!” he yelled as the keys jingled and the door opened.
“Bye Dan!” Persephone yelled before the door closed and locked.
“You had a point, Elli, but you get to see Harlan, and I get to drink with Papa, so let’s go get dressed.”
Shawna walked into the house and saw Vega playing with his puppy and smiled, “Hey Alti, how’s it going?”
“I’m Vega,” he looked up and let the dog lick his face.
“Sorry, buddy, I like your outfit...where’s your dad?” she asked, walking up and holding up her hand for him to five. 
He fived back, “He’s in the room with Altair, I think he’s trying to cheer up or get ready to see mommy again...I dunno.”
“He’s still in the room, Vega...He’s not getting up-” said Shawna, expecting it.
“Oh my god! We’re gonna be late...We can’t be late to our baby sister’s baby shower!” Altair stomped down to greet Shawna, also giving her five.
“Uncle Joey will have a conniption,” Vega added, looking at his twin.
“Well yes, but your mom will be very disappointed in your dad,” Shawna said, “So I’m gonna see if I can get him up.” 
“Miss Shawna likes my outfit,” Vega said as he stood up.
“Why can’t he get up himself?” Altair asked.
“Come here,” Shawna said, bringing them in and putting her hands on each of their shoulders, “Boys, your mom and your dad are having some problems agreeing with each other and your dad feels...very very bad about missing your mom.”
“Well, if it’s daddy’s fault then he should fix it,” Vega said folding his arms.
“It’s..welll..like I said, they are disagreeing with each other. It happens, just like you two don’t like things that each of you do all of the time, it still happens when you grow up,” Shawna explained, “So your mommy and daddy put themselves in time out.”
“But they have our baby sister coming,” Altair said, concerned.
“Is that why Reiner and Sylvan are with mommy?” Vega asked.
“More or less, yes...They’re taking care of your mommy and telling daddy that she’s okay and when the baby kicks and stuff when Uncle Joey can’t be there because he’s got kids of his own,” Shawna replied.
“I remember that. He slept over the first couple nights-” said Vega.
“Oh and remember when Uncle Ryan made us shepherds’ pie?” Altair piped up.
“Alright, then why don’t you guys get a bottle of water from the fridge and I’ll meet you guys back out here?” Shawna asked. Both of the boys nodded.
“We have to take Muffins for a walk anyway,” Vega said as they could hear the dog whine and paw at the door.
Shawna was very surprised when Mark called her, but if the boys were any indication that shit had hit the fan, this was all she needed to know. She crept into the room, which was dark and full of trash. She dredged through it and got to the window, turning the shades on and getting some light going, which erupted a roar from the man. “Mark!”
“Shaw...what?!” he sits up, “How’d you get here so fast?”
“I own a car now...And you called me like last night? This morning, all I know is you told me to help you get over to the shower while your car’s getting worked on,” Shawna explained.
“What time is it?” he grumbled, rubbing his face and checking his phone, “OOHH SHHIT!” He begins to rush out of bed and starts throwing his clothes around running around the room, “Th-th-the Boys!..Aw god!”
“They said they’ve been ready to go for a while, they went to go walk the dog,” Shawna said, sitting on his bed, “When’s the last time you showered?”
“Yesterday, I just..I don’t remember after I got home from the gym..” Mark explained, rushing into the bathroom, turning the water on and throwing himself around, grunting as he frantically showered.
“Well you skipped the shower, but you fed the boys. There’s dishes in the sink...This is grad school all over again-”
“I didn’t...Ok, maybe I had to a few times,” Mark said, scrubbing furiously all through his body, “I’m not trying to.. be like that..today..especially.”
“Yeah, I know it’s hard, but you’ve got some good boys there, Mark. I can just let you borrow my car and you can take them-”
“NO..no..well..maybe,” Mark said as he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around himself, “Y-you wouldn’t mind?” he asked, sheepishly, shampoo still in his hair and squinting as he panted.
“Yeah, I could..watch the dog while you’re gone,” Shawna shrugged with a smile.
“But you’re all dressed to go..I wanted you to go with me..I-I need you to go with me...for the boys-”
“The boys will be fine, Mark. They’re older now, and their older brothers will be there..I’d think you just want me to drop you guys off or something..You’re the father, so- go wash your hair back out!” Shawna said, pushing him back into the bathroom, “Come on, don’t skip steps!”
Mark went back into the bathroom and began brushing his teeth and began to feel himself smile. Shawna’s good at keeping him on top, he was alone in doing this before, and who’s to say how many times he’s stopped getting ready because he just would. Grad school made the difference for him because he was doing it for Ro, he was doing it for his babies, but it was all still so hard. He never would have thought he’d befriend the girl who manipulated him and who used to make him uncomfortable if it wasn’t for their class project and that they were assigned as partners for working on their thesis. She really kept him together when he felt the most alone. He just never really said anything to Ro, who had been focusing on her cookbooks and her baking show, all the while being a mom. He knew they would disagree about being apart and doing what they both needed for each other, but he had to do good for himself and not just ride her coattails. 
Shawna always kept in the back of her mind that Mark and she are really lucky they had an opportunity to hit it off in grad school because she at times would look at Mark and see Andrew and his simple air, his caring eyes and his devotion. It reminded her of better times. Now as a wounded woman who grew, Shawna saw something in Mark in grad school that gave her strength not to do anything dumb- his devastation and fear of losing it all. His fear of losing Ro- the only thing that kept him sane, the fear of losing his boys- the things that kept him going, the fear of losing his family- the thing he created that could die in his hands. She wasn’t there to be with him, she was there to be for him, to be a friend when he was alone. Help him keep his routines up.
“Cyr...put that out and help us!” Joey called from across the room.
“Can it, Joey, I can work and smoke,” he said, taking one last drag.
“I’m surprised he’s still smoking actual cigarette,” mutters Cry.
“I’m sorry, but my vape’s in the shop. I’ll chew tobacco next time,” he said back, walking past them.
“Ew,” Cry and Joey said together.
“Aren’t you two just charming? Now..Rosie, dollface,” Cyr said, walking up to her in the kitchen, decorating cupcakes and cookies, “You need me to help you in here?”
“Uhmm..well yeah, can you first off not smoke in my house? Thank you,” Ro said, not looking up from the cookie, “Also there are salads in the fridge that need to come out. Fruit tarts and treats for the little ones and the last of the souffle need to come out of the oven and set, BE CAREFUL-”
“I got it, I got it, I know how souffle works,” Cyr said, closing the refrigerator gently and setting down the trays of treats, “They look great, doll..”
Ro blushed and looked up at Cyr, smiling at him. She felt a pang in her heart because Mark should be here. He should be here: helping with the party, helping with the decorations, helping her with the food setup. She just couldn’t deny herself him, either. She remembered the night. She had just gotten out the shower, they hadn’t even been sep-apart for more than a month. They were still blaming each other. And she had been...not here. She needed to feel, she needed something to get her going- she needed him. She called from a number through an app and couldn’t believe it was still the same. Her voice was croaky and shaky, it stuttered in her step to say it was her. She wanted to lie. She wanted to stop this. On the other hand, it was just a phone call, she could hang up at any time- she could just-
Well if it isn’t ring around the Rosie...How’s life?
Her breath had never caught harder. Toes curling, mouth agape, trying to crumple herself up so he couldn’t see her in her PJs and through her. 9PM turned into 11, and 11 turned into 3AM. 3AM turned into him coming over. He offered her a cigarette in the yard and she refused- she broke the news and loosened her robe. He nodded and pushed his hair back again. Ro felt her lip swollen from biting it so much, he put his hand on her face and stroked her cheek, just hard enough to make her stop biting her lip. He walked past her and went back into the house. She yapped quietly for him to come back and he turned around, confused. She realized then she reached for her wedding ring and her right hand to the necklace he bought her- and the left hand was bare. She covered her mouth and then tightened her robe, walking towards him with her own charm and talked with him about the party with one more cigarette. 
They would get into this routine frequently, for the next couple of months while she planned and didn’t speak to Mark. She’d put her phone on Do Not Disturb just after the last kid put his head on a pillow and he’d be outside. They’d go for a drive, he’d talk to her. He’d barely touch her, and when she did she felt fireworks. She frequently forgot her wedding ring. Lied to Cyr when he asked where her necklace went about the clasp being broken and needing to be cleaned, so it’s away. She’d lie to her friends about talking to Mark and writing him letters. Shawna came by Mark’s every other day or so and there wasn’t a single parcel or note. 
Joey and Cry were seething as they hung decorations and watched those two in the kitchen.
“I thought she was done with him,” Cry muttered, “Wasn’t that what she said?”
“Urgh..I really...really can’t right now, babe,” Joey said, throwing down the excess decorations and stomping towards the group of balloons starting to separate them.
“Babe..you’re upset..come here, take a break,” Cry said, pulling his husband close to him.
“SHE LIED!” Joey yelled, stomping, “She never lies and here she is with the grand master of fucking lies!”
“Alright alright, babe, let it out, come on..come here..I’m right here,” Cry soothed him, walking him to another part of the house.
Ro and Cyr were too busy laughing and having a brief water fight to notice.
The party has just begun and Shawna pulls up with the boys and a clean and put-together Mark. She looked and saw everyone here and all the kids running around and smiled, spotting Kristen and walking over to talk with her and PJ. 
Ro saw the whole thing from their bedroom window, she seethed. How dare she touch him? How dare she bring him here? How dare she touch their children, their dog? She shouldn’t be here. She ripped up a letter she had written to Mark and headed downstairs.
Mark was reacquainting himself with his house that he bought for his family, walking through the halls and touching everything. He never felt more together. He rushed upstairs, skipping steps, “RoBoat?!” He went faster as he approached the other flight and ascended some more, “RoBoat?!” He ran past the second landing and froze at the steps to their bedroom. He panted, enraged, YOU.
Cyr looked down and was raised his eyebrows, “Uh...Rosie?” he called back into the room before he was thrown against the wall.
“What are doing here...HUH?!..What are doing here?! Speak, you fuck! You bothering my wife again?! You can’t take a fucking message?! Even after all these years you goddamned snake!” Mark was tightening his grip and slamming the lanky man against his wall, pictures further down the hall falling, “I swear to GOD you laid one fucking filthy hand on her or my fucking children you’re a stain, you hear me?! A STAIN! FINISHED! OBLITERATED!”
“MARK?!” Shawna came running up the steps with Joey, Cry, Kristen, and Leda not far behind.
Hearing the ruckus being caused in the house, PJ acted quick and closed the door, turning to the concerned people who had gathered.
“Alright everybody, grab your kids and grab a seat! Uncle PJ is gonna put on a magic show!”
While Shawna and Cry were attempting to pull Cyr and Mark off of each other. Leda was standing still in shock that Cyr was here. He was actually here. She knew he was in Cali, but she hadn’t..it just hadn’t crossed her mind. She only kicked into gear when she heard a resounding slap from where Shawna was standing,  “Woah what the fuck?!” she exclaimed.
“Don’t you touch my HUSBAND!” Ro screamed when she slapped Shawna and wrapped her hair around her hand and wrist, dragging her back, “You don’t think I SAW you with him, you whore! Why can’t you leave us alone?! Putting your dirty..fucking..fingers all over OUR CHILDREN!” She was blind with rage, slamming the girl into the ground, pulling her up to kick her in the face and then slamming her into the opposing wall and knocking down the other frames hanging on the wall. 
Kristen and Leda ran up to the other women and got Ro to let go, and Shawna lay motionless on the floor. Ro was still in a state of rage and hysterics until she exclaimed from pain, and she clutched her stomach. Both girls ran her up to her room and the men stopped fighting as they looked at Ro clearly in discomfort. Mark sprung up and sprinted towards their bedroom with Joey and Cry behind him. Cyr sat up against the wall, panting using his sleeve to wipe the blood off. Kristen came back into the hallway and helped Shawna up, who was regaining consciousness, “You alright?...Holy fuck she did a number on you!”
“Y-yea..” Shawna said, panting as well, holding her head, “She’s got a helluva hurt for a pregnant lady..And look at you..am I seeing a ghost?” They both giggled as she started to clean herself up and asses her injuries, collecting the hair that got pulled out in the thrashing.
“I’m gonna go get some ice,” Kristen said, getting up then stopping to look at Cyr, “I’ve heard about you..hate to meet ya like this, brother.”
“Vincent Cyr...pleasure’s all mine, you woulda met me like this anyway..and just make that ice a double sweetie,” he said weakly with a bloody grin.
Scoffing Kristen rushed off with a slight blush on her cheeks. 
Leda came rushing back down and looked at her friends who looked back at her- as if to ask if Ro’s okay, “She’s just too excited, and her and Mark need to talk anyway..but god you two look like shit.” They all chuckled a little then Shawna groaned.
“I think she broke my rib,” Shawna said.
“I think he broke my nose,” Cyr said.
Leda sat in the hall next to Shawna and Cyr crawled over to sit next to them, “What am I gonna do about you two?” she sighed, putting a hand on both of their knees.
“An ambulance is a place to start,” Shawna said, smiling and looking down at the both of them, “And she musta knocked me hard cus I swear I’m seeing ghosts.”
“You?! Shit, I got this woman here pregnant and hadn’t seen her since,” Cyr said.
“Not funny,” Leda said, texting Matt downstairs to call an ambulance, “And I’m sorry. But..I’m definitely doing better now.”
“That’s good to hear, Leeds. ANd Shawna Howson is talking now?! Crazy,” Cyr said, looking at her, “How in the hell did you get involved with Mark to the point that you brought him here and Ro fucked you up like that? I’ve never seen her like that.”
“I always could, but it was just hard before,” Shawna began, “And neither have I. When they weren’t together and Mark was going through it, he had to clean the art room as punishment for some destruction he did to the Theta house and I had to supervise...His meds were fucked up and I told him that if we played a little game of Simon Says I’ll do him a solid and say he was here the whole day and he could go to his dorm and edit.”
“Oh MY GOD! SHawna! What’d you make him do?!” Leda asked, looking at her incredulously, “Cus I knew it musta been bad if I’ve never seen her like that either.”
“Did you fuck’em?” Cyr asked.
“Nah, we got a little handsy and we made out..Nothing deep. I forgot who, but someone went back and told her and she went off and warned me then to stay away from her and him or else,” Shawna explained, “I had no idea miss sugar sweet would be so rotten.”
“So you must have done something right if you’re cool with him to bring him and his kids to his wife’s baby shower while they’re separated,” Cyr said.
“Yeah well, I don’t think that was it. Cus see, something like this happened in grad school. She was pregnant again and him and her were really struggling. So they separated for a while, and his friends had all moved away so he was stuck on grad campus with me for six months before he could move back in with Ro, who was running around doing her book tour...And I didn’t do anything, obviously...he had just gotten married! But! He needed a friend. So I’d moved in with him to save on room and board costs and kept him alive and well while we finished our thesis. I just assumed he just never told Ro because he was only getting taken care of and wasn’t fucking me, and now today is a fact that I know he didn’t. So, you know, same thing four years later, he called me up and him and the twins have been sharing my house with me for the past couple months,” she explained, “And I’m guessing she called you up, Cyr?”
“Wait, wait! Cyr you were fucking her?!” Leda interrupted.
“No, no, nah..She’s married. If I wanted to ruin a marriage I’d go home and watch my ex-girlfriend text me behind my ex-roommates back- who’s now her husband, but that’s another story for another time,” he began, “Cus Ro likes the idea of being intimate with me and it soaks her panties that she can’t. So, I was a good friend and listened to her talk and took her on late night drives after her kids went to bed. She told me the first night we met up again two months ago she was pregnant with the baby because she refused to sneak cigs with me or drink- and when she did, she wanted wine. So you know, nice talk here, gentle platonic touch there, just anything to get her out of her head a little and stop biting her fucking lip. I’m surprised it never bled.”
“Wow...what card,” Shawna scoffed, “PJ did that for a while but then he realized I’m dependent on it, so he essentially put me in rehab to stop and I’ve been trying to find that someone since. Also, he couldn’t have his house vice a mess.”
“Cyr, come on, you’re telling me you were that clean? That doesn’t seem like you,” Leda challenged, “You didn’t finger her or eat her out or anything?”
“If I told you, I wouldn’t say it upstairs with them in the next room,” Cyr chuckled, “But I will say that some things happened but I’d stop because it’s...it’s just not right, you know? They gotta work their issues out by themselves and she can’t run off to live in her fantasies and lie to her husband about it. We’re adults now, we coulda gotten killed. Also, she’s got a fifth child to think about, and that means she’s not taking birth control and I’m absolutely not even touching that with my dick or a fifty-foot pole.”
Just then the ambulance pulled up and Kristen came upstairs with bags of ice.
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theonceoverthinker · 4 years
429. Tonight’s Fair Game HC will fill you with lotterGLEE!
Tonight’s HC is not as much an HC, but a ‘what if,’ and that is HCs about what Clover and Qrow would do if they won the lottery. I don’t think they actually would ever win in the lottery, but the concept would be interesting, and that’s precisely what I’m not paid to tell you about, so here we go!
-Of course, it’s Clover who buys the winning ticket. A convenience store clerk persuades him to buy two tickets to one of those Powerball drawings for himself and Qrow, so he decides to go for it. 
-Qrow and Clover doubt they’re gonna win (”Even you’re not that lucky, babe.”), but decide to watch it for a laugh anyway (Besides, it’s right after Remnant’s version of Jeopardy). When Clover realizes he’s won, he practically freezes, mentally trying to make sure he’s seeing this correctly. He tells Qrow, and Qrow at first just figures he’s teasing him (As they are oft to do with each other), so Clover silently shoves the ticket into Qrow’s face, allowing Qrow to finally understand the truth. They flub around like the hopeless dorks they are trying to find out who to contact that they won, each checking the ticket and their scrolls with a listing of the winning numbers again and again just to make sure that this is beyond a shadow of a doubt real -- it’s real (At least in the context of this HC)
-If any of their loved ones were struggling to pay off a loan or bills or school, they no longer will be. Clover and Qrow are pretty generous when it comes to those they love so they would absolutely throw a bit of money their way so it doesn’t hound over them. Only one or two of their friends taken them up on it, but they all really appreciate it as a long-standing gesture that they know they’re welcome to take at any time.
-Obviously, Clover and Qrow put a nice part of it away in their savings. As Qrow says, “we don’t want to be fighting Goliaths and Nevermores during our golden years” (After an age joke, Clover agrees with the sentiment, and then the kids proceed to make fun of the both of them). They take at least 60-70% of the money and put it into their savings, content that when they want to retire, it’ll be there for them.
-Now of course, Qrow and Clover are nice, smart men, but they aren’t boring, so of course they have some fun with the money, too! Qrow and Clover take an awesome vacation with their money, any they go all out -- first class on the plane, room service in the hotel, all sorts of fun activities wherever they go (Ex. Zip lining, snorkeling, swimming with dolphins or sharks, snowboarding), and amazing restaurants. It’s practically a second honeymoon and is one of the best times Qrow and Clover even have in their lives! Every two or so years, they take a trip like that and just love it so much. 
-Whenever they board a plane from now on (Apart from their vacations), they don’t do first class, but they do business class since they can afford to spoil themselves with it.
-Unless Qrow and Clover just really don’t like their current home (Which I think they do love it), I don’t think they’d buy a house with the money. The Ebi-Branwen residence is just home to them and they’re so comfortable and well located -- I think where they ultimately settle down in Remnant is where they’d spend their lives, no matter what. I do think they’d buy some new appliances and electronics, though -- A new stove if they need one, a stand-up mixer, some laundry room enhancements, a new TV.
Tags under the cut!
Tagging @skybird13 @whipped4qrow @mooksie01 @luck-of-the-caw @xwildangel @solitude-of-stars @vastnessofthespiral @o0nashipear0o @unfairgamey @doctorrwby @clover-and-co @megan-atthedisco @wash-my-brain @bisexualdisasterqrow @thursdayseraph @doubledexterity @rwby-things-i-guess @atlas-heartthrob @the-answer-was-bi-klance @compoterie @thuskindlyiboop @oceansquid @transdemion @deltastream21 @mimiori @xya-hunter @delta-altair @genderqueer-turtle @roman-torchtwink @subatomictealeaves @drbtinglecannon @saphiralunaris @pretentiouskneecaps @amxngsthxmans @ayomez13 @carbonated-table-spices @darkestsiren @chaosgameingkoi @collectingsparechangemadeeasy @michaels-daughter2005 @youmaywanttoduck @lovethewitchofendor @victorious1956 @kendalllwayland @madamoisellesica
Want to be tagged in future Fair Game HC’s (Or untagged, I understand) and be the first to catch all of the romance, fluff, drama, and puns (Sometimes all at the same time)? Send me a reply, PM, or ask, and it shall be done!
Would you also like to check out my old Fair Game HC’s? Who wouldn’t? Well, here’s a link to my Fair Game HC archives!!!!
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Guess who's back!
Sorry for not responding earlier, I really wanted to but my life is a mess at the moment. I had plan to drop message yesterday but I literally closed my eyes for a second around 8pm and woke up today morning. X.x
How are you doing Babe? Everything good?
I know you are about to graduate but don't push yourself to much and remember to make breaks. Like.. real breaks! Don't fell any pressure because of requests! Take as much time as you need!
Talking about request - latest headcanons were funny to read. I mean, AC characters in your perception are quite similar to my close male friends. My best friend is a mix of Altair and Malik. And after I read them I was like wooooah, but after Ezio part. WELL. I got Kamasutra as well lol 😂 Edward's headcanon also reminds me of my other friend. Drinks a lot and definitely could break a bottle on someone's head in my defence.
I think my excitement over AC weakened lately, but those headcanons made my day.! Thank you for finding time to write and post them! Maybe I should re-read books..
Also! I almost forgot about that 'first impression' thing! I wanted to participate earlier, but since I couldn't I am going to share my thoughts rn.
When I started following your blog I wasn't an active follower. I was just reading so the very first thing I was thinking was that you are incredibly talented! The fact I read your smut for Shay and actually enjoyed it is the best proof! But then I saw your interactions with followers, I become more active and actually started talking to you and I think you are impossibly sweet and easy-going person! 💕 Did I mention that you are talented? Because YOU ARE.
First of all dont be sorry for not responding. Realy life always comes first! Remember to stay hydrated, rest and take it easy. And also spoil yourself from time to time because you deserve it! 💜
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About my thesis - 3 days ago i finished the last chapter so now i only have to write the end and those little stuff like transcription and dictionary. I will have my defence either on 1 or 8 July 🥰🥰
Im so happy you like those little headcanons!
Honestly I had fun writing them, i may based them a little on how i see some of people i know. Its always fun to write for those boys.
Honestly I havent read the books yet because yeah, uni comes first and I really wanted to read them in English. But I got secret crusade and it made my cry like 3 times and I only reached the moment when Malik come back from Solomon Temple.
About losing some interes - its all fine. Honestly I love ac but its still kind if new for me and rn, when I have a little time, im either playing Genshin Impact (its amazing and free) or trying to finish building Kenway Mansion in Sims (rip)
About first impression. Knifey you made me blush and made weird sounds and my heart is MELTING.
Yesterday i saw your ask and honestly I was in a bad mood as I felt so bad about my writing. And then i saw your message and I felt so incredibly happy, you know? Knifey you are such a light in my life and amazing treasure 🥺 all your asks literally fuel me to keep going and keep writing.
Thank you, dear, from the bottom of my heart.
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Honestly I will finish this thesis, pass my finals (which will be nightmare i know) and km on writing all your requests 🥰💜
Have an amazing day, Knifey. And thank you for everything.
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