#fenrir: ok i found this nice young woman from this duchy
vancilocs · 2 years
king and queen aaand altair and the gfs?
i shouldve probably bought new butter the block ive had for like 2 years leaves a funky aftertaste
How did they meet? What was their first impression of one another?
Fenrir had to go visit nearby lords and ladies and other nobles after his coronation, Merope's a younger daughter of one of those families. They thought the other one was goodlooking and they had a nice time talking, but it wasn't at first sight or anything
Cressida met Altair when doing odd jobs at the docks at Theam Sur, she thought he was kinda insufferable but them abs to. Met Neferata a bit later when they all went for drinks, thought she was pretty, fun and kind. Neferata thought he was cocky but fun.
What does this OTP have in common with one another?
Both are calm and level-headed, mild-mannered, gentle, fiercely devoted to family and each other
All of them are kinda hedonistic and love to enjoy the fruits of their hard work, all are touchy-feely, outgoing and openly loving and chatty, the talk never stops when they're all home.
What is one thing that one person does that drives the other absolutely crazy?
Merope's chubby so being picked up makes her giddy, he turns into jelly when she preens his feathers
Cressida likes hands in her hair, Neferata likes foot massages, Altair stops functioning when the girls pin him down
How would they describe one another?
Fenrir is the grumpiest grump who ever grumped. He denies this. His wonderful, radiant, enchanting lady wife needs no introduction
Neferata is mushy with them both and calls them cuties and babes, Cressida calls Altair blue bitch and Neferata her honey sweetie, Altair calls Cressida his bitch and Neferata his sweetheart
How did they flirt with one another before they began a relationship?
Merope tossed some compliments and polite questions his way and he accepted them and tried to say something nice back while struggling to come up with flirts that weren't calling her a cunt like he had gotten used to with his previous partners
The girls objectified Altair and she was completely fine with this. He himself went the cheesy route, comparing to flowers and sunsets and ocean waves and whatnot
What moment made each person first realize they were in love with the other?
Having a moment together like the night before their actual wedding and going hey yeah, you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with
Waking up together for like the 4th time like hey actually
Who made the first move?
Fenrir (after being half-strongarmed by his advisors to find a wife quick), Merope had no idea how she could ever approach an actual king romantically
What would they consider the most romantic thing that happened between them?
Not sure yet
Any kisses in the rain or in the mist at the docks or beach when Altair comes home from her long assignments
What was their worst fight about? Who apologized first & how?
Finding out Merope was pregnant with their youngest wasn't really an argument but nobody was happy either. Fenrir apologized for not being super supportive when she really needed the support.
The biggest one has been about Neferata's favorite bowl breaking and neither Altair or Cressida admitting it was their fault (it turned out it was neither's)
Who gets jealous the most?
Merope used to, since Fenrir would visit his old mercenary friends fairly frequently and she was far from home as the new bride/felt like she didn't belong in the court
They have an open dealio going, no jealousy
What do they admire the most about the other?
After Merope got to know Fenrir better and realized how much effort he puts into his work and to keeping his shit together, she admires that about him (and makes sure she can help him decompress and relax), Fenrir admires Merope's ability to see the bright side in situations, act like true royalty and keep the attention when she speaks, her general grace and poise
Wits, hard-working nature, understanding, resourcefulness and openness are all things they enjoy and admire about each other, the girls like Altair's self-confidence also
Who steals the covers the most?
They have their own
They have so many covers
What are their love languages? [if you’re unsure, find out here]
Fenrir values quality time and acts of service, has learned to appreciate words of affirmation. Merope values quality time and words of affirmation, has learned to utilize acts of service. Both have learned to value physical affection, neither is big on gifts.
Quality time as much as they can all three of them, physical touch is included, as well as words of affirmation.
Do they get married? Who proposes & how?
Fenrir proposed after a year or two of courting and increasing pressure from family. He did fight to propose privately, at least.
They're not married nor are they planning to. Altair's pretty much married to Meketre anyways
Are there children in their future? How many? If not, how did the other respond to *not* wanting children?
They have three living children, one who died at birth and multiples that had no chance from the beginning. It's a miracle they even had their third, tbh
They’ve discussed having maybe one or two, at least there’d be two moms at home most of the time but Altair being gone for long stretches of time makes things difficult
How do they comfort one another?
Cuddle in their own peace, make dinner together or leave the castle to sit under a tree somewhere and relax. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they just want to relax and destress
Make/go fetch comfort foods, ask what's up, cuddle a lot
What was the biggest hurdle in their relationship?
A bunch of people offering Fenrir their daughters (and sons, why not) in marriage over her and his advisors suggesting he find someone a bit more noble with more land or more wealth
If anything then Altair being gone for long stretches at a time
What would they do if the other person was hurt?
Fenrir gets more affectionate when Merope's not doing well, he'd cancel all of his appointments to focus on her. Meanwhile she has to strongarm him to get himself looked at if he's not well
The girls would get mad and demand to know what happened, Altair would be ready to kill
How important is sex to their relationship? Would it matter if one didn’t feel a sexual attraction to the other, but felt a deep romantic attraction?
It's an important part but especially at their older age they can go without for a long while, besides they have a 2-year-old so not like they have the time or energy most of the time,
It's very important that you know Altair's not a virgin
What do they find most sexy about the other?
She knows they're inappropriate and whatnot for a king but damn Merope is into the tattoos (and height). Fenrir can't help but appreciate her boobs and extra weight bc nice
Altair's titties and tattoes, Cressida's back and shoulders, Neferata's legs and booty
Who gets horny the most?
Fairly equal, and not often
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