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Check out my art blog! @justalilnovice. CHARACTER LIMIT IS 5. SFW only please!  HCs, scenarios, and character asks are open!
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kisstheassassins · 6 months ago
Really looking for someone who can help me with Skyrim mods.
I've downloaded what's required for certain mods I have, but I keep getting error codes despite Vortex saying they're downloaded correctly.
I have the Nemesis engine as well. That's running well for the most part, but when I open Skyrim to my last save, I get this....
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Everything is freshly downloaded so it's up to date, even my graphics card.
There's something I'm not doing right and I really need some help.
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
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Well, I find playing cards affords the opportunity for fresh air and exercise.
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
Assassin's Creed characters react to s/o who knows how to use spears, axes, and archery but can't climb to save her life but she wants to learn how to climb.
If you could give me 5 specific characters then I'd be happy to answer this anon 🙂
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
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Forgive the shitty meme but I'm a big fan of everyone agonizing over maiming themselves meanwhile Eivor is just like "y'all know you can just put the blade on the other side of your arm, right?"
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
I can tell you right now ACR is my least favorite Desmond, he doesn't even represent a bit of his fc.
It's a hard pick between ac2-acb. He's beautiful in those 🥺
which desmond is the ugliest and which is the prettiest
my fave is ac1 and my least fave is ac revelations
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
i was gonna make a joke about desmonds receding hairline at 25 but honestly with the shit he's been through i'm surprised he's not bald
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
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Must be very crowded with ghosts in your mind But I'll find you in there and pull you out I'll take you away with me
Screenshot by @engthoughtofcf
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
reblog with ur height in the tags!!!!! i wanna see how tall/short all my mutuals are
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
You’re getting married to your Tumblr pfp how fucked are u
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
It is my main squeeze Ratonhnhaké:ton's birthday today! So let us celebrate my husband in all his glory on this day!
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
Hi! I would like to request the Assassins (Altair, Ezio, Connor, and Desmond) reacting to a s/o's singing, please! I love your work
Hope this was satisfactory my dear <3
Wasn’t expecting to hear you, as he’s never really had the chance to hear you sing
He stands on the opposite side of the wall so you can’t see him
Altair doesn’t realize until he moves that he’s smiling while listening to you
he is now leaning against the doorway, simply standing still and lovingly watching you while you’re in your own little world
“Don’t let me stop you love,” he’d say. “You sound wonderful.”
his reading is cut short by the sound of your voice, and he immediately investigates
you’re singing to yourself in the mirror while you get ready, and you don’t see to notice him peek in the doorway
his chest feels warm, seeing how at home you are and comfortable enough to let yourself loose and sing in his presence
he doesn’t hear it often, so he tries to stay hidden a few moments before making an appearance
“Beautiful,” he says, “just as you are. Can you sing again? For me?”
A trip back from Boston and Connor ties his horse to the stall to have it brushed. He didn’t expect to hear your sweet voice just in the stall next to him
Not too loud, not too low, but just audible enough to peak his curiosity. You must not have heard him, being in your own little world why you worked on your own horse
He’s the one that doesn’t disturb you, and instead leans again the wall and listens
He realizes he’s smiling to himself, and instead of making an appearance he simply walks off and continues his chores
when you meet up with him, he’ll casually mention it to you
“Perhaps you could perform again. You sounded so happy.”
It’s kind of boring in the hideouts they’ve been in, not having access to most of the internet. Can’t exactly go on youtube or anything like that
so when Des hears you singing his face lights up and he runs to check it out
he’s like a child, smiling widely as he listens and even bobbing his head
you don’t even have to be good at singing - just hearing it lifts his spirits, knowing you’re having a good time 
when you see him, he’ll probably join in for a bit
“Better than the radio,” he’ll laugh
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
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Sleeping Connor :')
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
Please I am in desperate need of fluffy Conner headcanons with his s/o. Love your writing and if you could indulge me I would be grateful.
Hope this is satisfactory, anon <3
If you two find a place to sit while outside, he’ll immediately begin to make you a flower crown while you two talk
And he will happily wear one as well if you make him one
He instinctively offers his arm to you when you’re walking anywhere
Connor likes to lend you a couple of his shirts to bed; you’re very alluring and precious when he sees you in one, and can’t seem to keep his hands off you when you wear one. It’s kind of a way for him to say “you’re mine”
He has a very restless night whenever you can’t stay in the same bed as him
Speaking of - you will be suffocated by his cuddles at night, and you may just melt into the bed from his body heat. Man has a death grip on your with those arms
Forehead kisses whenever he greets you or just before he hugs you
Featherlike touches on your elbow or the small of your back when he’s standing behind you
you wont catch him staring at nothing but your eyes when you’re talking to him. His own and his smile are very soft
He treasures his days off with you as best as he can, because you both know Connor doesn’t get many days off from his occupation. And this means not letting you out of his reach
Lots of soft and sleepy morning pillow talk, sighs, smiles, laughs, eye gazing
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
You deserve an award for your work, just know you are talented and clever and soo creative :)
Bless your heart, anon ❤️ It's nice to hear since my writing mojo has kind of spiraled downhill. I apologize for that
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kisstheassassins · 3 years ago
Hi! Can you do a kassandra x female reader where the readers ex is bothering them and kassandra has to intervene?
“What do you not understand about the word ‘no’?”
Kass side eyes you as she lifts her cup to her lips, and upon seeing you backed up against a wall with a taller figure looming over you she immediately lowers it, body immediately tensing up.
“It was months ago (y/n),” your ex lover says, a hand settling on your arm. “I told you it was-”
Another hand grabs the one on your arm, twisting it violently behind them as they now face a very angry Kassandra, a Spartan. She has a vile smirk on her face as she tightens her grip on them, making them squeal in pain.
“Didn’t she tell you no?” Kass says lowly, “maybe a little push will help you understand.”
Kass then brings her fist up to their mouth, knocking their whole being back against the wall and groaning as the struggle to stay up on their feet. Blood drips from their nose as they bring a hand up to try to stop the blood.
Now there is a hand at their throat.
“Leave,” Kassandra demands, her face inches from theirs, “or my hand isn’t the only thing that’s going to be across your throat.” Her blade is ready.
They begin pleading to her, closing their eyes and holding up their hands to surrender.
“Y-you won’t see me again,” they cry, “I promise!” 
Kass hums and lets them go, watching their figure slump to the floor before they regain their footing and quickly rush for the door. She watches them leave completely before turning to you, holding out her hand for you to hold. 
“Are you alright?” she asks, and she raises a brow when you laugh.
“I’m fine,” you say, “but I don’t think they are. Which isn’t a bad thing, let them suffer.” 
Kass chuckles and pulls you in for a kiss, planting another on your forehead before leading you with her to the bar. Drinks are on her.
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