perabl · 6 months
En intensiv arbetsdag
Har haft ännu en intensiv arbetsdag, som främst kretsat kring E-boksproduktion. Först och främst handlade det om att publicera E-bokutgåvan av Sommaren vid Skärsjön, del två i sviten Det hände vid Skärsjön. Detta samtidigt som jag är mitt uppe i korrekturläsningen av del 3 – Tillbaka till Skärsjön – som förhoppningsvis snart ska vara klar att lämna till tryckeri. Sen har det även handlat om…
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erikrovanpera · 8 months
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A Quick Sunday illustration of Gene!
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techdevsollentuna · 8 hours
🚀 Generativ AI: Framtiden för Kreativitet och Innovation! 🤖
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I en tid där teknik ständigt utvecklas, har Generativ AI blivit en av de mest spännande och kraftfulla innovationerna. Denna teknik revolutionerar hur vi skapar, designar och interagerar med digitala medier. Men vad är egentligen Generativ AI, och hur kan det påverka vår vardag? Låt oss dyka ner i detta fascinerande ämne! 🌟
Vad är Generativ AI? 🧠
Generativ AI syftar på algoritmer som kan skapa nytt innehåll, oavsett om det är text, bilder, musik eller till och med videor. Genom att analysera stora datamängder lär sig dessa modeller att förstå mönster och skapa originalverk som liknar mänskligt skapande.
Exempelvis kan en AI generera en fantastisk bild baserat på en enkel textbeskrivning eller skapa musik som inspirerar och engagerar. 🎨🎶
Tillämpningar av Generativ AI 🌐
Konst och Design: Konstnärer använder Generativ AI för att skapa unika verk. Med hjälp av AI kan de experimentera med stilar och tekniker som tidigare var otänkbara.
Innehållsskapande: Bloggare och företag använder AI för att generera intressant och relevant innehåll snabbare. Detta frigör tid för mer strategiskt arbete. ✍️
Spelutveckling: Spelutvecklare använder AI för att skapa dynamiska spelmiljöer och karaktärer, vilket gör spelupplevelsen mer engagerande och varierad.
Marknadsföring: Företag kan använda AI för att skapa personligt anpassat innehåll som talar direkt till sina kunder, vilket ökar engagemanget och konverteringen. 📈
Fördelar med Generativ AI 💡
Kreativitet: AI kan erbjuda nya perspektiv och idéer som människor kanske inte tänker på.
Effektivitet: Automatisering av skapande processer sparar tid och resurser.
Tillgänglighet: Fler människor får tillgång till avancerade kreativa verktyg, vilket gör det enklare att skapa utan djup teknisk kunskap.
Utmaningar och Etiska Frågor ⚖️
Trots dess många fördelar väcker Generativ AI också viktiga frågor om upphovsrätt, äkthet och etik. Det är viktigt att vi diskuterar hur vi kan använda denna teknik på ett ansvarsfullt sätt för att undvika negativa konsekvenser.
Avslutning 🌈
Generativ AI har potentialen att förändra hur vi ser på kreativitet och innovation. Genom att förstå och använda denna teknik kan vi inte bara förbättra våra egna skapelser utan också öppna dörrar till nya möjligheter och perspektiv.
För mer information om hur AI kan transformera din verksamhet, besök gärna vår webbplats TechDev.se. Låt oss tillsammans utforska framtiden! 🚀
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shannlarsson · 2 years
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Midjourney with Karl Blossfeldt
A little play around on procreate — adding color
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f-rg-tmigej · 2 years
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Vi stannade först till vid skulpturen “Arch”, utav skulptören Ai Weiwei. 13 meter hög var den tydligen. Rätt högt ändå. “Ai Weiwei räknas som en av världens största samtida konstnärer. Han är kinesisk men lever idag i exil, efter att ha gripits och satts i fängelse i Peking 2011. Genom sin konst lyfter han frågor om yttrandefrihet och mänskliga rättigheter och enligt honom har Sverige en särställning i dessa frågor. “ “– Ai Weiweis konst har under lång tid behandlat mänsklighetens kriser och utmanat antaganden om konstens roll i samhället, säger Annastasia Seebohm, VD på Brilliant Minds Foundation.  Konsverket kommer att stå utanför Nationalmuseum under ett års tid. “
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rehnholm · 6 years
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Everything is connected. #everythingisconnected #blackandwhite #photography #ulfrehnholm #rehnholm #photoart #photomontage #art #konst #collage #robot #fox #ai https://www.instagram.com/p/Bug7418nBue/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13fjmj1z3qet3
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shangct · 5 years
Một đầu mối giải thích cho sự kín đáo của người Latvia nằm ở tính chất của quốc gia này, nó đặc biệt có mật dộ dân số thấp và những cánh rừng dày đặc. Theo Evelina Ozola, một kiến trúc sư và nhà quy hoạch đô thị phát biểu: “Đơn giản là người Latvia không quen với việc nhìn thấy nhiều người xung quanh họ. Việc phải chờ đợi bàn trống tại một nhà hàng hay phải ngồi quá gần với một người khác khi ăn là một điều bất thường tại Latvia. Quốc gia này có đủ không gian để người dân có thể giữ khoảng cách với nhau”. Ngay cả những cư dân đô thị ở Latvia cũng thường yêu thiên nhiên, và thường tìm cách về đồng quê. Thứ đặc biệt lãng mạn trong nền văn hóa Latvia là hình ảnh một ngôi nhà nông trại: cô độc, tự chủ, một ngôi nhà thường xây bằng gỗ. Tuy loại hình này đã biến mất dần trong thế kỷ 20, thế nhưng hình ảnh nhà vườn vẫn đóng vai trò quan trọng trong văn hóa của Latvia. Vernena, một dịch giả và nhà báo tự do người Latvia cũng đồng tình rằng, tự túc (tư duy xuất phát từ tình yêu với nhà vườn) vẫn là một phần trong bản sắc của Latvia: “Chúng tôi không tụ tập ở quán cà phê vào ban ngày, chúng tôi không tiếp cận những người lạ trên phố.”
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Tuy nhiên, ngại chuyện phiếm không đồng nghĩa với việc người Lavia lạnh lùng. Dù không phải là những người thích tán gẫu, nhưng họ vẫn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ những du khách gặp khó khăn với việc tìm đường. Trong khi thói quen kín đáo của người Latvia có thể khiến người ngoài khó mà bỏ qua, thì rất nhiều người Latvia nhấn mạnh rằng họ không phải là nền văn hóa duy nhất có khuynh hướng hướng nội. Birzulis tin rằng người Thụy Điển còn đầu tư cho không gian riêng nhiều hơn người Latvia, trong khi đó Konste cho biết người Phần Lan cũng rất hướng nội. Và Evelina Ozola cũng có bình luận: "Về mặt hướng nội, chúng tôi thực ra không khác người Estonia mấy". Đối với du khách và những người mới đến Latvia, Vernera có một số lời khuyên: “Tôi chỉ khuyên bất cứ người nước ngoài nào không nên sợ sự im lặng ban đầu. Một khi họ tìm hiểu người Latvia và sau một khoảng thời gian nhất định, chúng tôi sẽ thực sự là những người bạn tốt. Chúng tôi không phải là một quốc gia giả tạo, nên chúng tôi khá thẳng thắn. Chúng tôi không nói với bất cứ ai rằng chúng tôi thích họ, vì vậy nếu một người Latvia nói rằng anh/cô ấy thích bạn, điều đó là sự thật.” Khi quá căng thẳng với những áp lực cuộc sống, bạn hãy thử đến Latvia để thư giãn nhé. Có lẽ đây sẽ là nơi dừng chân thích hợp cho những cư dân thành phố đang muốn “trốn chạy” khỏi sự nhộn nhịp và phồn hoa. ----- Nguồn: BBC NEWS.
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midgardmermaid · 6 years
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"Sightseeing in the Sirius Star System" 👽🖤🌹the locals are really nice once they get to know you. 🎨@mermaid_from_space #art #mermaidfromspace #siruis #siriusb #dogon #gnosis #aliens #ufo #sun #sol #starseed #moonchild #moonmatrix #911wasaninsidejob #despacito #artoftheday #artofvisuals #reptilian #미술 #статья #konst #arte #ai #darkart #scifi #artnerd #abstractexpressionism #abstractart #contemporaryart #iloveart 🦖🐲🦕🐉🐙🖤👽🍎⭐ (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrSsE1tg2Ns/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mrurjpfowczv
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emilykapoor-blog1 · 6 years
Tips för den blivande investeraren och aktiespararen
Att spara pengar i aktier och att göra investeringar i andra företag är i princip samma sak. Om du aldrig har köpt aktier i ett företag tidigare finns det vissa saker som är bra att ha i åtanke. Här kommer några tips som kan hjälpa dig på vägen.
Därför är det bra att investera
Det finns många sätt att spara pengar på. Du kan spara pengar direkt i ditt bankkonto. Där fortsätter de att växa varje gång du gör en insättning. Du kan även spara pengar i ett sparkonto. Då växer pengarna sakta men säkert med några få procent. Ett annat alternativ är att spara pengar genom att investera i fonder och aktier. Detta är i särklass det mest lönsamma sättet att spara på. Denna sätt att spara pengar på kan få pengarna att växa betydligt snabbare.
Vad innebär det att investera?
En investering betyder att du satsar kapital (pengar) som i framtiden kommer att ge dig avkastning. Att investera i företag betyder inte att du garanterat kommer att få avkastning på dina investeringar. Företagens resultat och framgång kan trots allt variera enormt. Vissa företag går det bra för och andra går det inget vidare för. Det går dock att göra bra aktieaffärer oavsett om det går bra eller dåligt för ett företag. Aktiekursen är trots allt baserad på vad köpare vill köpa aktien för och vad säljarna vill sälja aktien för.
Ibland kan olika nyheter eller till och med rykten få en aktiekurs att skjuta i höjden eller sjunka som en sten. Detta kan i sin tur leda till att din investering ökar eller minskar i värde. Att investera i nya företag innebär alltid en viss risk.
Bra företag att investera i
Att hitta bra företag är en konst. Det är omöjligt att ge ett exakt svar på frågan ”Vad ska man investera i”. Det finns många sätt att tänka på. Ett sätt är att tänka på vart utvecklingen är på väg och vilka företag som har positionerat sig på ett smart sätt. Bilbranschen är ett bra exempel på detta. Efter flera dieselskandaler och efter att många länders regeringar valt att införa framtida förbud mot bensin- och dieselbilar kan man med hög sannolikhet räkna med att elbilar och miljövänligare bränslesystem kommer att bli populärt. Även bilarnas säkerhet utvecklas, vilket innebär att självstyrande bilar och AI som ger styrhjälp blir allt mer populärt. Företag som tillverkar eller utvecklar dessa system har goda chanser att bli stora i framtiden.
Tips när du ska investera pengar
Enligt Alexander Gustafsson, investeringscoach på Nordnet, tar det cirka 10 år att få en garanterad positiv avkastning på investeringarna. Naturligtvis kan du få bra avkastning betydligt snabbare än så om du hittar bra företag att satsa på. Gör satsningar på 10 år och lova dig själv att det är först då som du börjar ta ut pengarna.
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lexandecor · 3 years
Luxury Home filled with Sculptures, Paintings and Different Types of Wall Art
As an interior design lover, you should always look for unique accessories when decorating a room or creating a tabletop landscape or vignette. Floor and table sculptures (skulpturer), whether abstract or realistic, bring an artistic weight to your home décor that may also be the key you are looking for. Whether it's for your coffee table, mantel, or bookshelf, place a decorative statue in your home for added style. Decorative statues (Dekorativa statyer) provide a great way to add an artistic touch to your decor. There are many ways to incorporate them into the decoration of a room.
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Whether you are creating a whole mood or around your home, the cherub and angel sculptures reflect tranquility and grace. Meanwhile, contemporary sculptures for home décor (skulpturer för heminredning) infuse a trendy vibe, like living in a modern art museum (museum för modern konst). Lastly, create an outdoor retreat that still feels like home with outdoor garden artwork. Take a look at these amazing examples of home statues (hemstatyer) and learn how to decorate with sculptures (skulpturer), making your home the most sophisticated art exhibit.
Decorative sculptures will provide a dramatic presence to your home décor.
Table and floor sculptures can evoke mythical sights and homey feelings alike with their stunning realistic details.
Many home decor sculptures (heminredningskulpturer) also explore a variety of human subjects. Sculptures (skulpturer) of love and family will remind you of those closest to your heart, while jazz musicians and interlocking dancers make the blood flow with musical figurines, just as cartoons can bring you back to your childhood.
First, look for a tabletop or floor sculpture that reflects your style. The decorative statues (dekorativa statyer) come in a variety of themes, shapes, and sizes.
Build new worlds or honor old ones. Let the decorative statues (dekorativa statyer) bring your home closer to distant places and heartfelt memories with their remarkable attention to detail.
In this austere but luxurious home, a Roy Lichtenstein sculpture sits near the fireplace.
Great art can be hard to come by, as anyone who has tried to fill their residence with lust-worthy works knows, but a room is often not complete until a statement-making piece finds its way inside. No matter how classic or playful, wall-mounted or tabletop, the works of prominent artists like Nick Cave, Roy Lichtenstein, Graham Caldwell, and Ai Weiwei completely steal the show. Here in the entry hall, a cascading lamp from Hudson Furniture hangs over the room, which features an eye-catching sculpture by Lexan Décor (iögonfallande skulptur av Lexan Décor).
Since the dawn of civilization, statues (statyer) have captured the imagination. While they may not serve a tangible function as other decorations do, these decorative designs do something just as important - they inspire. So take a look at your indoor and outdoor spaces. Are there any points that appear to be incomplete? Something that would do you good to cheer up? Decorative sculptures (Dekorativa skulpturer) may be your missing piece.
Designed a space where your imagination could spread its wings and fly over the ceiling. The presence of art furniture and modern sculptures (moderna skulpturer) reigns supreme in this luxury home and Inspiration and Ideas is all about bringing you the entire scoop on this contemporary design.
For the past several decades, the clientele of the designer duo ELLE Decor A-List has consisted primarily of art collectors, including the owners of this Palm Beach vacation home. The Washington, DC-based couple, who had hired the duo to design their home in the city, explained that they were looking for luxurious and timeless interiors in Palm Beach that would not compete with their paintings by Ai Weiwei and modern art sculpture by Jeff Koons.
Our old house was traditional in an old Florida sense, with lots of chintzes. We were ready for something different: a fancy beach house, ”says her wife, who loves hosting cocktails and dinners with her husband, a real estate developer.
Elegant décor, while also susceptible to colorful abstract artwork, mud footprints, and spilled drinks, was a difficult task, but one that the designers happily elevated to for this upscale home. Following the latest interior design ideas, Aman and Meeks employed their unique neutral-oriented, moderate palette throughout the home décor.
An abstract painting by Eddie Martinez is offset by a custom sofa in an Ultrasuede by Holland & Sherry and a 1960s side table by Gaspare Asaro. Custom Sisal Vinyl Carpet, Stark.
A brass Jay Specter chair is upholstered with a Larsen fabric, the lamp is vintage and the painting is by Valerio Adami.
He and Aman began by creating a better flow in the public spaces of the house. You enter a gallery from the hallway that opens onto the spacious living room, with a dining room, kitchen, and family room radiating to the sides. Serenity reigns in this luxury home (lyxigt hem) due to its soft and calming tones, but also because of the artist's side that the designers chose for this luxurious interior. Clients feel at home and want to come back any time they leave.
A Hubert Le Gall mirror hangs on the wall; sink fixtures are from Waterworks. The soap dish is from Tiffany & Co., the wallpaper is from Maya Romanoff, and the beaded crystal pendant originally belonged to Eleanor Roosevelt.
Different Types of Wall Art
Spruce up your home interior by placing wall art (vägg målning) pieces that resonate with your personality or pieces that you have created yourself. We present the different types of wall art (vägg målning) that you can display in your home.
No matter the type, I prefer walls with prominent artwork to bare ones. Today, it is common to find living rooms, dining rooms and other parts of the house with a particular wall art(vägg målning). Some even go as far as choosing a feature or accent wall for a complete accent wall.
The earliest pieces of wall art (vägg målning) have prehistoric origins such as cave paintings (grottmålningar), although it is believed that they served as a means of communication or as a religious device rather than a decorative one. They can be found on every continent except Antarctica and date back 40,000 years with wild animals as a common theme.
We now have cool murals hand painted with airbrushed and digitally printed wall art (vägg målning) as the most affordable alternatives. Murals, as well as graffiti street art, are considered bona fide art forms.
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Sculptures (Skulpturer) are a great way to add visual interest to your wall when you don't want to add a picture or painting (bild eller målning). Because they are three-dimensional, they will appear to come off the wall and can really enhance a room. Look for a sculpture that is large enough to attract the attention of people entering the room, but not so large that it appears to take up the entire wall. This is especially important if your new sculpture (skulpturer) appears to be detaching from the wall, as you don't want it to visually overwhelm the room.
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This is a classic type of wall art (vägg målning) and one that you will generally see in every home you enter. While many people love to fill the walls of their home with photographs they have taken, there are amazing photographs that you can purchase printed on quality paper to use as art. This type of wall art (vägg målning) is much more realistic than other types, as they are real images from around the world and not just an artist's impression of what he is seeing.
Vinyl decals have become very popular recently as people have realized how easy it is to put them on the wall and remove them later when they no longer want them there. With options ranging from soccer players and kitchen art to entire nursery room designs, it's easy to find decals to fit the style of your home. They're less expensive now than in the past, and since they don't require you to drill any holes in the wall, they're a great option for families renting a house or apartment. As with other wall art (vägg målning), they can be used over and over in different places around the house, making them cost-effective too.
Wall Panels
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For large-scale art that spans the length of a room or wall and can actually be hung in a corner, you'll want to go for wall panels. These will make you feel like you are in an art museum as they are very large and can really dominate a space. Look for wall panels that can span an entire wall if you want to make a statement, as they tend to look a bit out of place when surrounded by smaller pieces of art.
Posters are incredibly popular in certain settings, such as bedrooms, first apartments, or home theater. They are made of thin paper and can be easily rolled up and stored when not in use. If you want your poster to last a long time, you will want to mount it on a hard backing or frame it right away, as thin paper can be easily damaged. You can buy posters of all styles. It is very popular with people to have posters of their favorite musicians or to buy prints of famous artists. When it comes to much larger art, posters are very inexpensive and therefore ideal for people who are on a budget but want to outfit their home with wall art (vägg målning).
Prints are incredibly popular and allow anyone to have a copy of their favorite painting (favoritmålning) without having to purchase the original. Of course, when you opt for a print, it is important to understand that it is very possible that you will see the exact same piece of wall art (vägg målning) in someone else's home. If that doesn't bother you, prints can be your best option to decorate your home and fill your walls. They come in all sizes, colors, and themes, and it's usually very easy to find prints to match your home décor.
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While it is not usually considered art, when you buy beautiful mirrors (köp vackra speglar), you can enjoy them for their artistic appearance, as well as their usefulness and function. Find a mirror (Speglar) that is large enough for easy use and has a thick decorative frame as well. This will allow you to make your room appear larger, as the mirror (speglar) will reflect the light and also help bring the colors and design of the room together.
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Made from woven materials, this type of wall art (vägg målning) usually does not come in a frame, but is instead hung loosely from a rod that runs the length of the top. You can opt for tapestries that are woven to show a beautiful design or, if you wish, choose one that shows a landscape or other image. Because they are often very large, you will need an open wall to display them on to make sure they look their best.
Wood is becoming increasingly popular for wall art (vägg målning), although some people want the texture and weight of the wood, but prefer the grain and color of the real wood to be fully painted. If you want to enjoy the warmth of wood in your home, look for options with exposed grain. This can create a beautiful contrast when the wood is painted or printed.
Metal is becoming increasingly popular as a material for wall art (vägg målning) because it makes such a statement. Metal wall art (vägg målning) is generally very large and bold and can give your home an industrial feel if left raw, rough, and exposed. For a more modern or contemporary look, look for metal art that has been finished and is smooth. When integrated with other decor in your home, metal wall art (vägg målning) can bring a room together, keep it from being too drab, and give it a talking point. When opting for metal wall art (vägg målning), you will want to go for large pieces as they will be able to support the greater weight of the metal. Smaller pieces tend to look clunky and not as high-quality as larger pieces.
Art that has been produced on canvas will weigh more and feel of higher quality than art that is printed on thin paper. While you can easily print photos and posters in large sizes, if you want something oversized or particularly eye-catching for your home, you'll want to opt for artwork that has been printed on canvas. Noise details will be muted when you hang a canvas on the wall, and these pieces will allow you to enjoy very large prints without worrying about loss of detail and appearance. Of course, canvas is heavier than regular paper, so make sure you use the right hardware to hang your new canvas so you don't have to worry about it falling off the wall. Also, be careful when handling the canvas because you can puncture it if you drop the canvas or try to catch it by grabbing it by the middle.
Hand Painted
For a very special piece of wall art (vägg målning) that is unique, look for something that is hand painted. Of course, you will have to spend more money on this type of artwork, but the cost will be well worth it, as you can be sure that no one else will have the same artwork in their home as you. When you buy hand-painted wall art (köp handmålad väggkonst), you can know that you are supporting an artist and that you will have an original piece in your home that is sure to spark interest and conversation.
If you don't want to have to worry about finishing your wall art (vägg målning) after purchasing it, you will want to buy wall art (köp vägg målning) that has already been framed. This means that as soon as you receive the wall art (vägg målning) in your home, you can go ahead and hang it up. If you are short on time or really want to finish decorating your home, you will definitely want to purchase framed art as it will speed up how quickly you can hang your artwork.
For art that will not only be different from any type of art you will see in someone else's home, but will also be special to the recipient, opt for something that is personalized. You can easily find personalized wall art (vägg målning) with an initial, a name, or a special date, such as a wedding or birthday. While any gift of wall art (vägg målning) is nice, when you choose something personalized, it really stands out. These pieces offer a great way to commemorate a special event and celebrate it every day.
Sometimes you want wall art (vägg målning) that looks great together, but you don't have the time or inclination to search for individual pieces yourself. If you are on this ship, you can greatly benefit from purchasing a set of works of art. This means that all of the included artwork will not match perfectly, but will have enough of the same elements to make them look great together. This gives you a quick and easy way to decorate your home.
Wall art (vägg målning) should not only be enjoyed indoors. Make sure you can enjoy your favorite art outside too when you opt for pieces that are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. This type of wall art (vägg målning) is created to withstand the elements and is a great way to decorate a porch or deck.
Floral and Plant
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One of the most popular styles of wall art (vägg målning) is natural and floral. Flowers are naturally beautiful, and since they come in so many colors, you can easily choose floral wall art (vägg målning) that will pick up pops of other colors in your decor. Look for artworks that showcase your favorite flowers so you can enjoy viewing them all year long.
Even if you don't live near the beach, you can still enjoy the soft colors and beautiful scenery that are common in coastal life. With coastal art, you will find soft, muted colors like blues and browns, as well as many water scenes. This type of wall art (vägg målning) is very relaxing and looks great in homes that display muted colors; don't expect to find coastal art that is brilliant.
You can easily add a touch of sparkle or glamor to your home when shopping for metallic art. Unlike metal art, which is not always shiny and shiny, metallic wall art (vägg målning) can be a sculpture or a canvas, but the result will be the same. Bright metallic colors will liven up a room and look great in any home.
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If you want to bring nature into your home and you have a favorite animal, buying animal wall art (köpa djur vägg konst) is a great option. You are also not limited to animal paintings (djurmålningar), as 3D sculptures of animals or birds can add a lot of interest to the walls of your home. The best thing about animal art is that it appears alive.
The decoration of a farm looks great in houses located in the countryside and is also appreciated by people who grew up on a farm and want to remember how it felt. Look for graphic prints of animals to really bring the farmhouse feel indoors.
To add a vintage touch to your home without having to make a big commitment to furniture, wall art (vägg målning) is a great option. These pieces will stand out for their muted colors, strong lines and the feeling they evoke.
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Strong lines and themes that are easily identifiable are sure signs that you've chosen a classic work of art. This type of art will look great in almost any home, but it will look especially wonderful in contemporary homes that feature strong lines and solid colors in furniture and bedding.
Modern and Abstract
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When you want art that makes people stop and think, look for something abstract. This type of art does not always have a clearly defined theme and can be open to interpretation by all who see it. Not only can paintings (tavlor) be abstract, but sculptures (skulpturer) can be too.
Kitchen Wall Art Ideas
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Kitchens are one of the most difficult rooms for wall art (vägg målning) because there is often not much space on the wall. Cabinets and backsplash take up much of the wall surface.
Bathroom Wall Art
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You can have fun with wall art (vägg målning) in the bathroom. As in the kitchen, there is usually not much wall space, but with what little you have, you can incorporate quotes, pictures, shelves of ornaments, and more. We have an extensive list of ideas.
Living room wall art
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Probably the most popular room for wall art (vägg målning) is the living room. It is the room with the smallest surface area, making it perfect for all types of wall art (vägg målning).
The good news is that we put together an epic article that features all the various living room wall art ideas (vardagsrum vägg konst idéer).
Primary Bedroom Wall Art
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Above is an example of many master bedroom wall art ideas (master sovrum vägg konst idéer). It can go with a quote, wallpaper, wood, accent wall, and many more ideas.
Outdoor Wall Art
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Above is an example of how to incorporate exterior wall art (vägg målning) into your home. Spruce up the exterior of your house by turning it into a great art canvas and don't forget to use the windows for interesting details.
Dining Room Wall Art
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Don't miss out on adding wall art(vägg målning) to your dining area as well. The dining room is a place where you gather with your family, share a meal, and spend quality time together. It is very important to create a cozy atmosphere in the dining room. Using interesting wall art (vägg målning) is an effective way to create an inviting and inspiring environment.
Office Wall Art
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Wall arts (vägg målning) are not limited to your home, you can also create a more productive workspace by adding creative wall arts (vägg målning) to your office space. We also have a lot of ideas for you.
Staircase Wall Art
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Stair walls are often left blank and overlooked, leaving them empty and boring. Adding a dose of creative wall art (kreativ väggkonst) can work magic on your staircase.
Nursery Wall Art
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If you have a nursery room at home, you may want to add some cute wall arts (vägg målning) to create a happy atmosphere. It is perfect to illuminate the room of your little ones. It also helps promote your baby's visual and brain development.
Hallway Wall Art
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Most of the owners neglect the hallways and leave them empty. In fact, figuring out what to do with a hallway is a challenge. How about starting with wall decoration? You will be amazed at how it will turn your hallway from a boring space to an impressive and welcoming space.
Man Cave Wall Art
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Like any part of the house, a man's cave should look warm and inviting. It can be done by adding a wall art decoration (väggkonst dekoration) that screams his interest and personality. Below are ideas to guide you in decorating your man cave.
Kid’s Bedroom Wall Art
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A child's bedroom is just as important as our bedroom. They should have a room that expresses their personality and something that they feel comfortable with. Be imaginative and explore your creativity with the help of these wall art ideas. Don't forget to involve your children so you know what interests them.
Canvas Wall Art
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Fill any part of your home with a canvas to complete its look. There are several types and designs to choose from that will suit your needs. Whether you want it simple or extravagant or perhaps minimalist or elegant, the options are endless. You just need to know what you want or what will go perfectly with your room.
Laundry Room Wall Art
Most of us overlook laundry as it is for housework and nothing else. But wouldn't it be better to have an updated and well-organized look in your laundry room? It will be more fun to be in a nice space and doing housework will not be as difficult as it used to be. Decorate with wall art (vägg målning) and you'll be amazed at what it can do in your laundry area.
Wood Wall Art
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Do you prefer a rustic style or a cozy cabin? Then wood wall art (trä vägg konst) is for you. It is stylish and durable at the same time. Add warmth and a personal touch to your home. Also, wood goes well with everything. Regardless of the environment or theme you have in your home, it is versatile and can be combined with any piece.
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Heike-Brita Gradeneker geb.:Büchner Wittwer Wir Helfen gerne Ehrenamtlich Setzt uns für die Rechte für Obdachlose Wohnungslose Behinderte Rentner Sozial Benachteiligte Menschen ein die an der Armutsgrenze Leben. Auf Wunsch Begleitung z.B. zu den Ämtern Ärzten Behörden Einkaufen Besorgungen machen usw. möglich. Einkaufen usw möglich für die die es nicht mehr können... *Ansprechpartner Uwe-Siegfried Aschenbrenner *Mühlen-Weg 44a EU-D-78467 Konstanz-Mühlental Telefon-Nr.:07531/3816853 & 07531/9540350 Mobile:0172/6277420 *Ehrenamtliche-Hilfe: AI Arbeitslosen-Initative-Konstanz 1998-2003 AI Arbeitslosen-Initative-Konstanz-Kreutlingen 2003-2008 AI Arbeitslosen-initiative-Bodensee* *Orts-Gruppe-Konstanz-Kreuzlingen 2008-Heute AI Arbeitslosen-Initiative-Bodensee 2008-Heute LAI Landes-Arbeitslosen-Initiative-Baden-Württemberg BAI Bundes-Arbeitslosen-Inituative in Deutschland BAG Bundes-Arbeits-Gemeinschaft-Wohnungsloser-Menschen in Deutschland AG Arbeits-Gemeinschaft-Wohnungsloser-Menschen-Konstanz 2000-2005 AG Arbeits-Gemeinschaft-Wohnungsloser-Menschen-Konstanz-Kreuzlingen 2005-2010 AG Arbeits-Gemeinschaft-Wohnungsloser-Menschen-Bodensee**Orts-Gruppe-Konstanz-Kreuzlingen 2010-Heute AG Arbeits-Gemeinschaft-Wohnungsloser-Menschen-Bodensee 2010-Heute BBI Bundes-Betroffenen-Initiative-Wohnungsloser-Menschen in Deutschland BBI Bundes-Betroffenen-Initative-Wohnungsloser-Menschen in Deutschland-e.V BI Betroffenen-Initiative-Bodensee BI Betroffenen-Initiative-Bodensee** Orts-Konstanz-Kreuzlingen 2007-Heute BI Betroffenen-Initiative-Konstanz-Kreuzlingen 2002-2007 BI Betroffenen-Initiative-Konstanz 1997-2002 BI-SB-Selbst-Hilfe-Sonnenschein BgOuWiLKN Bündnis-gegen-Obdachlosigkeit-und- Wohnungsnot-im-Landkreis-Konstanz BürgerDialog BürgerDialog Bodensee BürgerDialog Bodensee Konszamz-Kreuzlingen BI Konstanz-Kreuzlingen BI Konstanz-Kreuzlingen CM Cafe Mondial Konstanz e.V. CO Cafe Oase Die Linke DKL Demo-Kratische-Linke DKL21 Demo-Kratische-Linke 21 GSH Gemein-Schafts-Hilfe GSH Gwmein-Schafs-Hilfe,,Bodensee" GSH Gemein-Schafts-Hilfe,,Bodensee "Konstanz-Kreuzlingen FS Food-Sharing Bodensee FS Food-Sharing Bodensee Konstanz-Kreuzlingen FZ Fanfaren-Zug La Bambas Konst (hier: Konstanz-Kreuzlingen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIgIIlopTTw/?igshid=1oaxpbj4x30nw
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insertdeepquotehere · 7 years
Ready made
1. Vad är ready-made? Ge en konsthistorisk beskrivning där du redogör för viktiga ready-made konstverk.
Ready-made konst består av vanliga massproducerade objekt som en konstnär då valt att förhöja till konst. Det är då “Ready-made” alltså färdiggjorda objekt som konstnärer använder som konst. Termen Ready-made kommer från USA och syftade på objekt som var massproducerade, vilket sedan togs över av Marcel Duchamp som begrepp för att beskriva sin konst bestående av massproducerade objekt. Nu används ofta begreppet ready-made för att beskriva konst gjord av just massproducerade objekt medans Ready-made härstammar från Found object. Found object kan referera till antingen ett objekt tillverkat av naturen eller människan som en konstnär valt att ha med i ett konstverk. Även om det kallas för Found object så kan föremålet vara antingen köpt eller hittat. Det är svårt att sätta ett årtal på när Found object konsten började men runt 1912 så blev det vanligare och vanligare med Found object i konst. År 1913 så producerar Marcel Duchamp Found object konstverket “bicycle wheel” där han kombinerade ett cykelhjul med en pall. År 1915 så börjar Duchamp använda sig av begreppet Ready-made för att beskriva sin konst. 1917 så skapar Duchamp ett av de mest kända Ready-made konstverken någonsin och det konstverk han fortfarande förknippas allra mest med, “Fontän”. Konstverket består av en massproducerad pissoar lagd på rygg med signaturen “R. Mutt” och skulle sedan ställas ut. “Fontänen” väckte stor uppmärksamhet och framförallt känslor, de flesta var förargade över hur detta kunde kallas konst. Det är efter det här som Ready made konsten börjar slå igenom och den sprids till att inte bara beteckna Marcel Duchamps Found object konst. Ready-made börjar få spridning bland andra konstnärer. Ready made är som konstform väldigt diffus, den går in i sub-genrer och konströrelser som blir som egna konstformer. Den Dadaistiska konströrelsen, som Marcel Duchamp själv var aktiv i, var en experimentell konströrelse som kom ur Modernismen under mitten av 1910-talet och höll starkt i sig till tidigt 1920-tal. Dadaismen hade flera rörelser där Duchamp tillhörde en av flera rörelser. Dadaismen var den konströrelse som aktivt började jobba med ifrågasättande av den traditionella, estetiskt tilltalande konsten. Man experimenterar istället med andra typer av uttryckssätt än klassiska målningar och skulpturer, exempel är collage, film, dikter och Ready made verk. Man kallar också sin konst för “antikonst” eftersom man så aktivt jobbade emot den traditionella konsten. Exempel på ett dadaistiskt konstverk av betydelse är Hugo Balls ljuddikter som framfördes på Cabaret Voltaire i förd en cylinderformad dräkt tillverkad i hårt papper. Ljuddikter var vad Ball själv kallade för verser utan ljud, den kanske mest kända är “Karawane”. Det märkliga och icke estetiska är det som förkroppsligar Dadaismen och Ready made konsten. Marcel Duchamp jobbade mycket med att hans Ready made verk inte skulle vara estetiskt tilltalande vilket ofta är återkommande i Ready made konstverk. Dadaismen trappas ner under det tidiga 20-talet men Ready made konsten stannar kvar, även om det är i mindre skala. Men under 60-talet så kommer Fluxus rörelsen ur Dadaismen. Fluxus är som Dadaismen som föds på nytt och återinför det dadaistiska tankesättet och sättet att skapa konst på. Fluxus rörelsen är dock om möjligt än mer diffus än Dadaismen. Fluxus var en väldigt flytande rörelse, utan specifika mål och hade inga officiella medlemskap. I samband med Fluxus rörelsen så skapas konceptkonsten. Konceptuell konst hade Marcel Duchamps Ready made konst som ledstjärna och bygger på att konceptet eller idén är det som spelar roll, inte den estetiska biten och genomförandet. Ett av de mest klassiska koncept konstverken i Sverige är när Dan Wolgers tryckte sitt telefonnummer på telefonkatalogen när han får i uppdrag att designa telefonkatalogen. Detta är år 1992 och Ready made konsten har kommit en lång bit. Marcel Duchamp avled år 1968, men Ready made lever vidare. Den har med hjälp av exempelvis Dadaism, Fluxus och konceptuell konst utvecklats en lång väg men den bygger på samma grund, att använda massproducerade föremål och upphöja till konst. Exempel på det man skulle kunna kalla moderna Ready made konstverk är Tracey Emins “My Bed” från 1998. Där Emin ställer ut sin säng, den är belamrad med och omgiven av blandannat flaskor, nylon strumpbyxor och en gosedjurshund. Det är massproduktion rakt igenom. En annan viktig Ready made konstnär idag är Ai Weiwei. Han jobbar mycket med massproducerade föremål, men också unika och antika föremål. Ett exempel på där Ai Weiwei använder sig av massproducerade föremål är i verket “Forever bicycles” från 2003. Där flera cyklar har monterats ihop till en stor och hög ring.
2. Beskriv dina egna tankar om ditt konstverk och varför det anses vara ett ready-made verk.
Mitt konstverk består av två massproducerade objekt, vilket redan nu uppfyller kravet för vad ett Ready made konstverk är. Ett Ready made konstverk skall bestå av åtminstone ett massproducerat objekt som en konstnär har valt att göra och då “upphöja” till konst. Jag har valt att kombinera två massproducerade objekt och skapar då ett så kallat “assisted ready made”. “Bicycle wheel” av Marcel Duchamp är ett typiskt exempel på ett assisted ready made, där två eller fler fullt fungerande objekt förenas och skapar ett icke-fungerande konstverk. Mitt Ready made kallas för “Asian fusion” och är skapat av “Albin” som var namnet på den jag köpte hamburgaren av och var det pseudonym jag använde för det här projektet. Verket består av en hamburgare med två ätpinnar instuckna i den. Hamburgaren är i sig ett väldigt väl fungerande föremål för att mätta den som är hungrig och ätpinnarna är bra för den som vill äta något men inte äta med händerna. Men kombinationen av hamburgare och ätpinnar är värdelös, att äta en hamburgare med ätpinnar är jättesvårt och hamburgare skall ju ätas med händerna. Att försöka äta en hamburgare med två pinnar i sig är också riktigt dumt. Tillsammans så blir då verket bara riktigt knöligt om man ska försöka använda objekten som deras ursprungs ändamål är. Men nu har jag valt att upphöja dessa föremål till konst och man ska inte äta konst. Som sagt så heter verket “Asian fusion” och syftar på den fusion cuisine som i västvärlden har blivit allt mer populärt på senare år. Asian fusion går ut på att kombinera olika maträtter från olika delar av Asien och göra dessa till en ny maträtt, ett exempel är “Thai roast duck curry”, där kombineras thailändsk curry, kinesisk anka och persiska druvor. Det kan räknas som en typ av kulturell appropriering inom matkultur eftersom man plockar och tar av det som man tycker om och lägger ihop och ignorerar var det kommer ifrån eller någonting sånt. “Spela roll det kommer från Asien” verkar vara den inofficiella filosofin för Asian fusion restauranger som framför allt är populära i Storbritannien och USA. Asian fusion är mat som är väldigt anpassad till västvärlden och bygger mycket på “cherry picking” eftersom man är väldigt noggrann med vad man tar, man är dock mycket mindre noggrann med vad man faktiskt gör, det är gott, det är gott, det är gott, nu lägger vi ihop det. Jag har gjort asian fusion som definitivt passar den västerländska smakerna och som är noggrant framtagen för att locka till västerländska marknaden, med ett par ätpinnar för att få till det där exotiska som man söker.
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3. Redogör för var du önskar att placera ditt konstverk. Den yttre kontexten påverkar alltid hur vi tolkar en bild. I den här uppgiften skall du placera ditt konstverk i två olika sammanhang. Hur påverkar placeringen hur vi tolkar och ser på ditt konstverk. Ändras tolkningen beroende på plats?
Jag placerade mitt konstverk på två platser, en gång på en bänk och en gång på ett konstmuseum. När konstverket ligger på en bänk så ser den riktigt skabbig ut. Det påminner om någons verk på fyllan som sedan glömts bort när något annat fångade uppmärksamheten. Den kommer ur sitt sammanhang och sitter bara där på bänken och ser varken aptitlig eller snygg ut och man skulle verkligen inte kunnat tro att den arma lilla hamburgare med två färgglada pinnar nedstuckna i sig skulle vara konst. När verket kommer in på ett konstmuseum så känns den lite mer hemma, nu ligger den så fint på en pelare och blir beundrad av folk som grubblar över vad detta kan betyda? Kan det verkligen vara en hamburgare där i? Vem är Albin? Nu ser man hur det massproducerade är upphöjt till konst på riktigt. Den placering som verket hade passat allra bäst på hade varit ett modernt konstmuseum. Som man ser på bilden så passar konstverket in, det är ett konstmuseum men omgivningen känns lite föråldrad. Jag tänker verket på en vit, kvadratisk pelare med en enda spotlight som lyser rakt ovanifrån ner på konstverket (MoMa hit me up). Nu blir intrycket istället att det här är det bästa verket som har och kommer skapats under detta århundrade, den har sanningen, den kan visa dig vägen och den är evigheten. Det är på gränsen till absurt hur mycket man då förlitar sig på det här verket. 
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4. Vad är konstnärlig kvalitet och på vilket sätt påverkade Marcel Duchamps ready-made vår syn på vad som anses vara god konst? Koppla gärna tankar om konstnärligt kvalitet till ditt egna konstverk.
För att avgöra vad god konstnärlig kvalité är varierar från vilken konstteori man följer. Det finns två teorier som är ganska vanliga, den språkliga konstteorin och den institutionella konstteorin. Enligt den språkliga konstteorin så behövs det bara finnas: en avsändare, ett meddelande och en mottagare. Den språkliga konstteorin tillkom under det sena 1800-talet och tidiga 1900-talet, under Modernismen, och hade bland annat Marcel Duchamp som förespråkare, som därför också gjorde många uttalanden om vad konst är enligt den språkliga teorin. Bland annat så menade han att konstverket inte bara skapas av konstnären själv utan även av betraktaren eftersom att det är betraktaren som kan ge konstverket tyngd och konstverket uppstår i betraktarens öga. Så enligt denna teori så är konstnärlig kvalité vad som helst så länge avsändaren kan få sitt meddelande till mottagaren, men mottagaren är delaktig i vad meddelandet är. Den andra konstteorin, den institutionella konstteorin, brukar sägas tillkom under 1964 då Arthur Danto, som var konstkritiker och filosof, skrev en essä om konstvärlden och konstteori. Danto argumenterade för en ny konstteori som kunde stärka konstens exklusivitet och värde. En annan filosof och konstkritiker, George Dickie, beskriver denna nya konstteori som att “en konstnär är en person som medvetet deltar i skapandet av ett konstverk. Ett konstverk är ett slags artefakt skapad för att presenteras inför en konstvärldspublik.” Dickie beskriver en konstvärldspublik som en grupp människor som skapar alla system och ordning inom konstvärlden, de är också beredda att förstå konstverket som ställs ut. Enligt denna teori så är konstnärlig kvalité ett konstverk som kan, av en grupp som har kunskaper inom området, godkänna att det här är konst. Exempelvis så skulle inte mitt konstverk bli godkänt som konstnärlig kvalité enligt den institutionella konstteorin eftersom att verket exempelvis inte uppfattas som estetiskt tilltalande eller att det inte har något ekonomiskt värde. Enligt den språkliga konstteorin så uppfyller den dock de “krav” som finns, jag var i denna situation avsändaren och jag skickade ut mitt meddelande till ett flertal mottagare som gav respons på vad de trodde verket var och hur de tolkade konstverket. Där har både jag som avsändare och mottagare tillsammans gett konstverket ett meddelande.
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grgedoors02142 · 8 years
Progressives Slam Tom Perez's New DNC Transition Team
WASHINGTON ― Several prominent progressive activists are blasting Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez for shunning leaders of the party’s populist wing for his transition advisory committee.
The newly elected party leader named a large number of longtime party insiders to the committee, activists complained, and relatively few progressive leaders and supporters of Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who was runner-up in the DNC chair race. The activists say the committee appointments show Perez’s DNC is not serious about addressing concerns of the party’s populist wing.
“After looking at that list, it has become abundantly clear that the controlling forces of the Democratic Party want to make the other half of the party suffer,” said Nomiki Konst, a convention delegate for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
“The DNC is not tone-deaf ― it is on a mission to crush the working side of our party,” added Konst, now an investigative reporter for the Young Turks who did not endorse a candidate in the DNC chair race. 
Kait Sweeney, a spokeswoman for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which backed Ellison’s bid, said in a statement that “the initial names on the DNC Transition Advisory Committee include zero leaders of progressive grassroots groups that engage in electoral work and very few movement progressives.” She said the group would recommend names for the DNC to add to the committee.
The DNC is not tone-deaf ― it is on a mission to crush the working side of our party. Nomiki Konst, former Bernie Sanders campaign surrogate
The DNC’s 29-person transition advisory committee, which Perez announced Wednesday, will be co-chaired by Leah Daughtry, a veteran Democratic operative who was CEO of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, and Chris Lu, a former deputy labor secretary who ran the 2008 Obama-Biden transition team.
Other members include former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, former Alaska Sen. Mark Begich, racial justice advocate DeRay McKesson and National Domestic Workers Alliances director Ai-Jen Poo. The group also includes defeated DNC chair candidates: South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Jehmu Greene, and Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director Sally Boynton Brown. (See the names of all 29 members here.)
Just two people on the committee endorsed Ellison in the DNC chair race: Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and Brian Weeks, the political director of AFSCME. Of the two, only Jayapal supported Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the 2016 presidential primary.
“The real absence of Bernie grassroots leadership is unsurprising to me,” Winnie Wong, a founder of the People for Bernie Sanders, said in an email. “What the DNC doesn’t know is that we are both resourceful and well resourced, so we’ll be doing the work: organizing, RECRUITING, knocking on doors, building up our giant email lists and generally running the internet in a way that the Ds could only dream about.”
Perez spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa emphasized in a statement that “the transition advisory committee is just a start to the broader transition efforts.”
“Over the weeks to come, Tom Perez and DNC leadership will continue meeting with key stakeholders in our big tent party, including progressive leaders, labor, and experts in various fields to discuss priorities for the DNC, grassroots organizing, reaching key voters who were left behind this last election, and raising the resources needed to succeed,” Hinojosa said.
Perez selected committee members with input from other DNC officers, including Ellison, Hinojosa noted.
Progressives’ public disagreement with Perez just weeks after the chair election suggests that the party divisions exposed by the contest remain at least partially unresolved.
The normally sleepy contest to run the party’s main body became a brawl for control of the Democratic Party after the November election defeat left partisans scrambling for answers. Many progressive activists who blamed the Democratic establishment for falling out of touch with party’s populist, working-class roots rallied behind Ellison’s candidacy.
Ellison had a virtual lock on prominent liberals and Sanders supporters, but he was also endorsed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and leading labor unions that backed Hillary Clinton.
Many DNC members who voted for Perez said they liked his experience running large organizations, rather than any policy or ideological considerations. Perez earned stellar marks from progressives for his work in the Obama administration as head of the Department of Justice civil rights division and the Department of Labor.
But some Ellison supporters could not shake the feeling that elements of the establishment had conspired to stifle the grassroots once again, arguing that the party had been uniting around Ellison until then-President Barack Obama encouraged Perez to run. Senior Obama aides phoned DNC members on the day of the election to lobby them to vote for Perez.
Perez grasped the importance of reconciling with Ellison supporters immediately after he was elected chair by a close margin in late February, using his victory speech to appoint Ellison as his deputy.
The gesture was welcomed by many Ellison supporters. Later, Perez drew further accolades from Ellison supporters for speaking at a White House rally against Trump’s travel ban.
But some progressives remain unconvinced. 
“You can’t just brand something unity and not have unity. It is unity in name only,” Konst said.
That goes to the crux of my frustration with the DNC ― that traditionally they have ignored the grassroots members, which is half the membership. Yasmine Taeb, Virginia DNC member
Yasmine Taeb, a Virginia Democratic national committeewoman who invited Perez to the White House rally, took issue with only four elected DNC members on the transition team: Rion Ramirez of Washington; Bel Leong-Hong of Maryland; Luis Heredia of Arizona; and Jenny Wilson of Utah. At-large DNC members ― party insiders appointed by the DNC chair ― occupy five seats on the transition committee, Taeb noted.
“That goes to the crux of my frustration with the DNC ― that traditionally they have ignored the grassroots members, which is half the membership,” she said.
Taeb also lamented that a committee so racially diverse did not include a Muslim or person of Middle Eastern heritage, when people from those groups “are under attack by this administration.”
Konst singled out the transition committee co-chair Leah Daughtry as an example of the type of entrenched DNC official from whom the party needs to distance itself. As CEO of the Democratic National Convention, Daughtry oversaw the expulsion of restive Sanders supporters from the convention hall, according to Konst. 
Even Perez’s selection of DeRay McKesson, a former Baltimore school district worker known for criminal justice reform work, has drawn criticism. Activists have derided McKesson’s ties to controversial causes and corporations, including his participation in a panel discussion sponsored by Wells Fargo.
It’s solely a personal list for Tom’s advice so he obviously named people who he was close to. Larry Cohen, Our Revolution
Some Ellison backers acknowledged Perez has discretion to name the committee picks and said there were more substantive fights for activists.
“It’s solely a personal list for Tom’s advice so he obviously named people who he was close to,” said Larry Cohen, a DNC member from Washington, D.C., and chairman of Our Revolution, the successor organization to Sanders’ campaign.
Nebraska Democratic Party chair Jane Kleeb, who serves on the Our Revolution board with Cohen, took a similar view. She added: “If I was in Perez’s shoes, I probably would have appointed a couple more obvious Bernie people just for the sake of keeping the peace.”
Another major test of the party’s commitment to reform will be in the power it gives to the forthcoming Unity Reform Commission, according to Kleeb and Cohen. The 21-member panel ― the product of a last-minute compromise to mollify Sanders supporters prior to the Democratic National Convention ― is charged with studying ways to increase party accountability and reform the presidential nominating process through measures like abolishing the super-delegates. 
Kleeb and Konst are among the seven commissioners appointed by Sanders, who also named Cohen a co-chair. Clinton gets to name nine members of the panel, plus a co-chair. Perez will name the remaining three. Aside from Clinton’s appointment of the commission chair, Jen O’Malley Dillon, neither Clinton nor Perez has announced their nominees. 
“The unity reform commission is the statutory body of the party to look at structural reform. Having met with Tom about that, I’m confident that he fully supports his role,” Cohen said.
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2m7p5wU
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chpatdoorsl3z0a1 · 8 years
Progressives Slam Tom Perez's New DNC Transition Team
WASHINGTON ― Several prominent progressive activists are blasting Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez for shunning leaders of the party’s populist wing for his transition advisory committee.
The newly elected party leader named a large number of longtime party insiders to the committee, activists complained, and relatively few progressive leaders and supporters of Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who was runner-up in the DNC chair race. The activists say the committee appointments show Perez’s DNC is not serious about addressing concerns of the party’s populist wing.
“After looking at that list, it has become abundantly clear that the controlling forces of the Democratic Party want to make the other half of the party suffer,” said Nomiki Konst, a convention delegate for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
“The DNC is not tone-deaf ― it is on a mission to crush the working side of our party,” added Konst, now an investigative reporter for the Young Turks who did not endorse a candidate in the DNC chair race. 
Kait Sweeney, a spokeswoman for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which backed Ellison’s bid, said in a statement that “the initial names on the DNC Transition Advisory Committee include zero leaders of progressive grassroots groups that engage in electoral work and very few movement progressives.” She said the group would recommend names for the DNC to add to the committee.
The DNC is not tone-deaf ― it is on a mission to crush the working side of our party. Nomiki Konst, former Bernie Sanders campaign surrogate
The DNC’s 29-person transition advisory committee, which Perez announced Wednesday, will be co-chaired by Leah Daughtry, a veteran Democratic operative who was CEO of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, and Chris Lu, a former deputy labor secretary who ran the 2008 Obama-Biden transition team.
Other members include former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, former Alaska Sen. Mark Begich, racial justice advocate DeRay McKesson and National Domestic Workers Alliances director Ai-Jen Poo. The group also includes defeated DNC chair candidates: South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Jehmu Greene, and Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director Sally Boynton Brown. (See the names of all 29 members here.)
Just two people on the committee endorsed Ellison in the DNC chair race: Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and Brian Weeks, the political director of AFSCME. Of the two, only Jayapal supported Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the 2016 presidential primary.
“The real absence of Bernie grassroots leadership is unsurprising to me,” Winnie Wong, a founder of the People for Bernie Sanders, said in an email. “What the DNC doesn’t know is that we are both resourceful and well resourced, so we’ll be doing the work: organizing, RECRUITING, knocking on doors, building up our giant email lists and generally running the internet in a way that the Ds could only dream about.”
Perez spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa emphasized in a statement that “the transition advisory committee is just a start to the broader transition efforts.”
“Over the weeks to come, Tom Perez and DNC leadership will continue meeting with key stakeholders in our big tent party, including progressive leaders, labor, and experts in various fields to discuss priorities for the DNC, grassroots organizing, reaching key voters who were left behind this last election, and raising the resources needed to succeed,” Hinojosa said.
Perez selected committee members with input from other DNC officers, including Ellison, Hinojosa noted.
Progressives’ public disagreement with Perez just weeks after the chair election suggests that the party divisions exposed by the contest remain at least partially unresolved.
The normally sleepy contest to run the party’s main body became a brawl for control of the Democratic Party after the November election defeat left partisans scrambling for answers. Many progressive activists who blamed the Democratic establishment for falling out of touch with party’s populist, working-class roots rallied behind Ellison’s candidacy.
Ellison had a virtual lock on prominent liberals and Sanders supporters, but he was also endorsed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and leading labor unions that backed Hillary Clinton.
Many DNC members who voted for Perez said they liked his experience running large organizations, rather than any policy or ideological considerations. Perez earned stellar marks from progressives for his work in the Obama administration as head of the Department of Justice civil rights division and the Department of Labor.
But some Ellison supporters could not shake the feeling that elements of the establishment had conspired to stifle the grassroots once again, arguing that the party had been uniting around Ellison until then-President Barack Obama encouraged Perez to run. Senior Obama aides phoned DNC members on the day of the election to lobby them to vote for Perez.
Perez grasped the importance of reconciling with Ellison supporters immediately after he was elected chair by a close margin in late February, using his victory speech to appoint Ellison as his deputy.
The gesture was welcomed by many Ellison supporters. Later, Perez drew further accolades from Ellison supporters for speaking at a White House rally against Trump’s travel ban.
But some progressives remain unconvinced. 
“You can’t just brand something unity and not have unity. It is unity in name only,” Konst said.
That goes to the crux of my frustration with the DNC ― that traditionally they have ignored the grassroots members, which is half the membership. Yasmine Taeb, Virginia DNC member
Yasmine Taeb, a Virginia Democratic national committeewoman who invited Perez to the White House rally, took issue with only four elected DNC members on the transition team: Rion Ramirez of Washington; Bel Leong-Hong of Maryland; Luis Heredia of Arizona; and Jenny Wilson of Utah. At-large DNC members ― party insiders appointed by the DNC chair ― occupy five seats on the transition committee, Taeb noted.
��That goes to the crux of my frustration with the DNC ― that traditionally they have ignored the grassroots members, which is half the membership,” she said.
Taeb also lamented that a committee so racially diverse did not include a Muslim or person of Middle Eastern heritage, when people from those groups “are under attack by this administration.”
Taeb and Konst both singled out the transition committee co-chair Leah Daughtry as an example of the type of entrenched DNC official from whom the party needs to distance itself. As CEO of the Democratic National Convention, Daughtry oversaw the expulsion of restive Sanders supporters from the convention hall, according to Konst. 
Even Perez’s selection of DeRay McKesson, a former Baltimore school district worker known for criminal justice reform work, has drawn criticism. Activists have derided McKesson’s ties to controversial causes and corporations, including his participation in a panel discussion sponsored by Wells Fargo.
It’s solely a personal list for Tom’s advice so he obviously named people who he was close to. Larry Cohen, Our Revolution
Some Ellison backers acknowledged Perez has discretion to name the committee picks and said there were more substantive fights for activists.
“It’s solely a personal list for Tom’s advice so he obviously named people who he was close to,” said Larry Cohen, a DNC member from Washington, D.C., and chairman of Our Revolution, the successor organization to Sanders’ campaign.
Nebraska Democratic Party chair Jane Kleeb, who serves on the Our Revolution board with Cohen, took a similar view. She added: “If I was in Perez’s shoes, I probably would have appointed a couple more obvious Bernie people just for the sake of keeping the peace.”
Another major test of the party’s commitment to reform will be in the power it gives to the forthcoming Unity Reform Commission, according to Kleeb and Cohen. The 21-member panel ― the product of a last-minute compromise to mollify Sanders supporters prior to the Democratic National Convention ― is charged with studying ways to increase party accountability and reform the presidential nominating process through measures like abolishing the super-delegates. 
Kleeb and Konst are among the seven commissioners appointed by Sanders, who also named Cohen a co-chair. Clinton gets to name nine members of the panel, plus a co-chair. Perez will name the remaining three. Aside from Clinton’s appointment of the commission chair, Jen O’Malley Dillon, neither Clinton nor Perez has announced their nominees. 
“The unity reform commission is the statutory body of the party to look at structural reform. Having met with Tom about that, I’m confident that he fully supports his role,” Cohen said.
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2m7p5wU
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shannlarsson · 2 years
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rtawngs20815 · 8 years
Progressives Slam Tom Perez's New DNC Transition Team
WASHINGTON ― Several prominent progressive activists are blasting Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez for shunning leaders of the party’s populist wing for his transition advisory committee.
The newly elected party leader named a large number of longtime party insiders to the committee, activists complained, and relatively few progressive leaders and supporters of Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who was runner-up in the DNC chair race. The activists say the committee appointments show Perez’s DNC is not serious about addressing concerns of the party’s populist wing.
“After looking at that list, it has become abundantly clear that the controlling forces of the Democratic Party want to make the other half of the party suffer,” said Nomiki Konst, a convention delegate for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
“The DNC is not tone-deaf ― it is on a mission to crush the working side of our party,” added Konst, now an investigative reporter for the Young Turks who did not endorse a candidate in the DNC chair race. 
Kait Sweeney, a spokeswoman for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which backed Ellison’s bid, said in a statement that “the initial names on the DNC Transition Advisory Committee include zero leaders of progressive grassroots groups that engage in electoral work and very few movement progressives.” She said the group would recommend names for the DNC to add to the committee.
The DNC is not tone-deaf ― it is on a mission to crush the working side of our party. Nomiki Konst, former Bernie Sanders campaign surrogate
The DNC’s 29-person transition advisory committee, which Perez announced Wednesday, will be co-chaired by Leah Daughtry, a veteran Democratic operative who was CEO of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, and Chris Lu, a former deputy labor secretary who ran the 2008 Obama-Biden transition team.
Other members include former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, former Alaska Sen. Mark Begich, racial justice advocate DeRay McKesson and National Domestic Workers Alliances director Ai-Jen Poo. The group also includes defeated DNC chair candidates: South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Jehmu Greene, and Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director Sally Boynton Brown. (See the names of all 29 members here.)
Just two people on the committee endorsed Ellison in the DNC chair race: Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and Brian Weeks, the political director of AFSCME. Of the two, only Jayapal supported Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the 2016 presidential primary.
“The real absence of Bernie grassroots leadership is unsurprising to me,” Winnie Wong, a founder of the People for Bernie Sanders, said in an email. “What the DNC doesn’t know is that we are both resourceful and well resourced, so we’ll be doing the work: organizing, RECRUITING, knocking on doors, building up our giant email lists and generally running the internet in a way that the Ds could only dream about.”
Perez spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa emphasized in a statement that “the transition advisory committee is just a start to the broader transition efforts.”
“Over the weeks to come, Tom Perez and DNC leadership will continue meeting with key stakeholders in our big tent party, including progressive leaders, labor, and experts in various fields to discuss priorities for the DNC, grassroots organizing, reaching key voters who were left behind this last election, and raising the resources needed to succeed,” Hinojosa said.
Perez selected committee members with input from other DNC officers, including Ellison, Hinojosa noted.
Progressives’ public disagreement with Perez just weeks after the chair election suggests that the party divisions exposed by the contest remain at least partially unresolved.
The normally sleepy contest to run the party’s main body became a brawl for control of the Democratic Party after the November election defeat left partisans scrambling for answers. Many progressive activists who blamed the Democratic establishment for falling out of touch with party’s populist, working-class roots rallied behind Ellison’s candidacy.
Ellison had a virtual lock on prominent liberals and Sanders supporters, but he was also endorsed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and leading labor unions that backed Hillary Clinton.
Many DNC members who voted for Perez said they liked his experience running large organizations, rather than any policy or ideological considerations. Perez earned stellar marks from progressives for his work in the Obama administration as head of the Department of Justice civil rights division and the Department of Labor.
But some Ellison supporters could not shake the feeling that elements of the establishment had conspired to stifle the grassroots once again, arguing that the party had been uniting around Ellison until then-President Barack Obama encouraged Perez to run. Senior Obama aides phoned DNC members on the day of the election to lobby them to vote for Perez.
Perez grasped the importance of reconciling with Ellison supporters immediately after he was elected chair by a close margin in late February, using his victory speech to appoint Ellison as his deputy.
The gesture was welcomed by many Ellison supporters. Later, Perez drew further accolades from Ellison supporters for speaking at a White House rally against Trump’s travel ban.
But some progressives remain unconvinced. 
“You can’t just brand something unity and not have unity. It is unity in name only,” Konst said.
That goes to the crux of my frustration with the DNC ― that traditionally they have ignored the grassroots members, which is half the membership. Yasmine Taeb, Virginia DNC member
Yasmine Taeb, a Virginia Democratic national committeewoman who invited Perez to the White House rally, took issue with only four elected DNC members on the transition team: Rion Ramirez of Washington; Bel Leong-Hong of Maryland; Luis Heredia of Arizona; and Jenny Wilson of Utah. At-large DNC members ― party insiders appointed by the DNC chair ― occupy five seats on the transition committee, Taeb noted.
“That goes to the crux of my frustration with the DNC ― that traditionally they have ignored the grassroots members, which is half the membership,” she said.
Taeb also lamented that a committee so racially diverse did not include a Muslim or person of Middle Eastern heritage, when people from those groups “are under attack by this administration.”
Taeb and Konst both singled out the transition committee co-chair Leah Daughtry as an example of the type of entrenched DNC official from whom the party needs to distance itself. As CEO of the Democratic National Convention, Daughtry oversaw the expulsion of restive Sanders supporters from the convention hall, according to Konst. 
Even Perez’s selection of DeRay McKesson, a former Baltimore school district worker known for criminal justice reform work, has drawn criticism. Activists have derided McKesson’s ties to controversial causes and corporations, including his participation in a panel discussion sponsored by Wells Fargo.
It’s solely a personal list for Tom’s advice so he obviously named people who he was close to. Larry Cohen, Our Revolution
Some Ellison backers acknowledged Perez has discretion to name the committee picks and said there were more substantive fights for activists.
“It’s solely a personal list for Tom’s advice so he obviously named people who he was close to,” said Larry Cohen, a DNC member from Washington, D.C., and chairman of Our Revolution, the successor organization to Sanders’ campaign.
Nebraska Democratic Party chair Jane Kleeb, who serves on the Our Revolution board with Cohen, took a similar view. She added: “If I was in Perez’s shoes, I probably would have appointed a couple more obvious Bernie people just for the sake of keeping the peace.”
Another major test of the party’s commitment to reform will be in the power it gives to the forthcoming Unity Reform Commission, according to Kleeb and Cohen. The 21-member panel ― the product of a last-minute compromise to mollify Sanders supporters prior to the Democratic National Convention ― is charged with studying ways to increase party accountability and reform the presidential nominating process through measures like abolishing the super-delegates. 
Kleeb and Konst are among the seven commissioners appointed by Sanders, who also named Cohen a co-chair. Clinton gets to name nine members of the panel, plus a co-chair. Perez will name the remaining three. Aside from Clinton’s appointment of the commission chair, Jen O’Malley Dillon, neither Clinton nor Perez has announced their nominees. 
“The unity reform commission is the statutory body of the party to look at structural reform. Having met with Tom about that, I’m confident that he fully supports his role,” Cohen said.
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2m7p5wU
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